The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 24, 1859, Image 2

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~:4412141g ' ittapt. Brown, of KM/61111 tinter! wb 9
this name as Anderson to Gond r , , m on i seiner
sled hilllP
.igt 0,4 9 , iii.e tir,..l4.dipli e nr tlmit . reilellt elv. gi b,. .. i r r istree ,,
bo t r t !
. ,r • r . e netion.:' -7 iv ;ins!
, 1
.4 - * -- i •- - - ' 1 They numbered originally IV? Ito I .. file of astir; werodien tietr_ed .lermightluflirs . and tprp moat a 'liii
_ s. .
hto 8 40,3 T xi bash ladder. - .11.4)r00f all fort" ' le plot as beintgadual- ,
-Yetis men and fi ve negroes, but wereirein
:during the day. ~. . liew poldfful =efforts tattered the strong rly trtte4r t. rtieonf *outs on lifteleselt, :
• , - 410111 Y-, , Allen Erann , one of the ininitApits, a white ofpnre oIV big antbouse'of the
. invernment. nod ace Jo ao by hound", had Kai. t o th e 1
; msn, is lying here dying., ^haTell through . wirtett leitti llbstir whir fire engine.. nnd not ternmearresrm 9roreit of-others of IiIP implies-,
11114698 D BY ABOLITIONISTS. his breast. n, is i'vorn Connecticut, h u t has they yielded to the fore: nf this hittering ram ten parties, and for the purpose of recapt ur in g
. 1L".,.. . -
i been in Kansas. Ile says the whole scheme and flew in pieces, an extra ;limit went up a ny p a rties of slaves that might be found ma-
Mint" Wren illagilili SEIZED.
was got up by Captain Brown. wh o re p r o, from the multitude. The moment the ripper king their any-into the free States.
' , en t ai l th at the nagroes would rise by thous. part of the &lino weal down. Lista. Green The Governor is Aldo.' in his investliptions 1
intifell Stage Troops Orderred 0111. ' ands, and Maryland and Viaginia would be and his mnrinenaermla, yolley-int o the ;near- by District Attorney, Ould, ut Washington, I
. . . ,
made free Maids. gents with deadly aim. 'Mnj. Iliansaill then who has prepared the papers necessinry for the,
LIB;' of FlE : hip AS D WOUNDED, &C., &C. (Jo` loriel Sbricer , of Frederick , has just ] tad spring upon the huider an d p r eceded them.—' commitment to jail of tlenie of the insurgents '
—:- !tut ,tatarriew vrith Capt. Drown, in the ar- , The conflict was terminated in a few minutes. capture!. The following is the only correct !
liiii.vineinr, Oct. 18, 18;i9. 1,,,,i,.. Ile asked to be allowed to march out ' One of the nierlises, p r iv a t e Q u i nn , was borne? lint cif the insurgent" killed andeapinied, both
Oar Witisens-warp startled yesterday wont with his tnen. rind avowed his intention to off fotolly worn - ides] hr a shot in the andinnen. ' black and ‘vhite, with their nativity and lilac-
4ligellett OM' and ten o'clock,
/i pi
lithe Gillowin it telegraphic dispatch : .
by the re' ; defend himself to the lam. They are very and another private , Rupert, receive! a flesh es of residence.
!Rtrongly posted in theengine house , and eau- wound in the upper lip and hid one or wore it i,n(4.—General John Drown, Oliver
nouccOes 17..—Inforimition Las been '
. non cannot be used against them for fear of of his upper teeth kn.,cked out. ' Brown and IValter Brown, of Sew York :
roomed bore this morning of a formidable injuring the prisoners whom they still hold. The impriscined citizens, whose names have, Aaron C. Stevens, Cnonecticut ; Edwin Cop
mien lionsmstiun at Harper's Ferry. Ana Some metzteen rename are ki s on ii to he killed,' been mentioned, then rushed nut, and leaving, pee, lowa : Albert llaslett, Pennsylvania :
oppoi liand of abplitionists have full P as " - , Fountain Bruktism, the Railroad agent. was the enclosure were greet e d most N 1 firmly by iVilliart 11. lAma a n,. m l u nine a ;3 l , o ; r li . o,onec
John D. Cfs t , i.
finthilitilataer • s Fete, and the United States I shot dead from the armory windows. Three their friends, . Rite of them havir.g been con- (not nrresteil)
s el Ty
41.nolual. • • eof the Railroad hands, a negro, , rioters are lying dead under the bridge, ehot fine I since Sunday evening Last. cut ; Charles P. :':'id, Maine; William Thom-
Wad whilst trying to get the train ttari; b y l the s beph
_. a.
ham sno r ted two men who came in , But several of the insurgents had been kid, eon and Dolph Tlionipann, New York ;John
1 on i the bridge , led 14.4146 in the
chnrge led in the assault by the marines, and the KA.gie, Ohio, (brought up in Yirlginin i) Jer'
, Ihe eintory Ina taken pnssession of by the most palitful and exciting act in the tragedy ry Anderson, Indiana.
it lewd of Wheat. and took their wagon ri o t e rs about 9 o:Pinclt on Fiundey night lasts ; was the hrintivig out of the dead bodies.—' Neiroes.-10.ttigerford Newbry, Ohio—tor
ingsiondud it with rifler, and sent them tote , ~n 4„ Was IF , v i e d ' drone th a t the eltiaens Five of them .y upon the grass, one na t inerl merly of Vireinin; 0. P. Anderson, Pentinyl- '
- IL The y are led by about two h e n' knew nothing of at until the train was J. C. Anderson in the last rtgenie, of dissnlu- , xania ; 'Emp'ercir, New Turk—formerly
. aad fifty whites, with n gang of negroes ' stoped.
, tion, another, the leader, the older Brown, of S mill Carolina ; Lewis Leary and
Agbehag for their fneedoen. They gave Con -1 C aptain Brown h a d been about here and' with a heavy gash ilium his forehead. and Copeland, Oberlin, 011io—f urtn erry of Virgi
dgetoe Phelps notice that they would sot al" l ranted a farm tour miles off, which was the three other wounds upon his body, supposed Il i a ,
IoWI/47 more trains to pass. !rendevnua of the ri ot er s, C a pt. C oo k h ss e l- ,t o be mortal, hat still cairn and e,ill...etel, and 1 01.1 (;en. Ossewattonvie Brown and Aaron 1
The telegrap h wires are cut emit and west so 'ice lin the v i c inity. and at r u ne t i me taught' conversing intelligently, wittn•mit an indict- C. Ste% Nig fl.rd 1.611 alive. They lie in their
of Super's 'erry.. Ihi
--•s ,inte lli gence w " , heel here. All the other white men are Lio n or emo ti on ~r p .,, n , an d answe r i ng all the' bed., ;twirled, and none but the surgeons and
broaght by the trisin from the west. g reat ' attendants ere allowed to enter the room•.—
but are supposed to be men who questions of t h e er „ i‘ d 0 . , ,„ t L i nn.
'nehmen' here. The leader told Conductor : unk ' w ' wn '
h a v e bee n c on h e cted with Captain Brown in' Another son of the 1 , "der, mimed Brown,' Brown has nine wounds, and Steve ns three'
'Phelps, of the Baltunnre and Ohio li a tilrond Kan ,,,,,. 1 was taken wit stark and t 5,1.1, I,c Ii ,iing been %A I.llllllift on his person. Edward Cllppee is '
irons, that "they were cht , ,rptenetl to Aare: liber- : Oniciall:er,,,rt r.f Colone: Lee.—Licata Cum- killed the day precious. S'ee art Taylor, unhurt, and with the negr o Copeland was
fyrrw die in the ale/apt."
. lmanding Lee transmitted yesterday morning also killed insmon tly hy n hall throutzl, lii+ v,..terday taken to the jail rut Chnelestown.
Their object in stopping further trains was the fullowin h•• nie,w g e to the Secretary of head and one through his 1...1y. and Albert l'a. Emperor, also negro, is in chains at o 1
mare bioodibed by pretesting th e arrival , W ar: ! Ileslitt, killed instantly. The wounds wore' Ilsrper's Perry.
hoops. who ' shocking to behold and all were weltering in : These five are the miserable remnant of the
I At 7A.M , 1 summoned t h e rioters,
, The Pre6a ._ , 14 , 1 e 4 ', zfri t i ,. ',f t !" °rg ari ' 244 , ; " l ,' , had taken refuge ID the armory building, to blood, l'he writer had a conversation with fanatical band.
I.ns sermon muter et t h e ansergents, 'toiler- i
• surrender. nrmissing to h o ld them iu securi- ' the dying man, Anderson, lie said that the 1 me Gorertiorl'haerieic willtOld Brown.—
posh it is stetted, Wade his appearance in liar. 'tv until tic pleasure o f the p res id en t o f t h e e ld er Brown had been their leader, and he' Yesterda . y morning Gov. Wise, accompanied
per's yerry about the first of last week, and United states ens known. They declined.— h a d always linked up to liiin as a great man.' by District Attorney Ould and several others,
oglit with him a trunk tilled and henry.: Th e s to rm i ng T. I .LrtL., under Lieut. Green, ! A letter was found in his pocket from his visited this remarkable Man in his hemProorn.
Ifs had been observed going alsiut the town, . w hi c h h a d L„, e ,,, prev i, ms ly p o st e d near tlie ' brother, J. J. Anderson, of Chilieothe, stating 1 Brows was propped op in his bed, evidently
pad in frequent consultations with other on• I,llil,ling, fin d had c once rted p.ignals, broke' that the contents of his last letter upon the, suffering great pain from his numerous
known persons, but inisuspiofun was attached i
question of slerery were " dei mired with Pin: wounds, but with his Mind colleeted, and
' down the door and capturedthe party.
to his movements, ! T,-, , , mar i ne s were wounded, one severely g "mess." Upon the body of llaslitt we , 1 , looking mainly about hint, now mid then gie-
The pnrticipaturs in the insurrection are . and the other slightly. Tire of the rioters ! found a locktif his wife's hair and a piece of; ing vent is a groan, The Governor after white and black. Everybody entering were killed and two wounded. One white ' her dress. rqueetioning him several times, got him into
the twin was being arrested and confined un- I pers ,-, a was ta k en an d h ie s l at cs said to be' Upon the person, of the leader, the notorious' a talkative inthel, and he)
vmulituriliy made
der guard. and _the w 's
nr_nieu iu the . 6i.iior..- • i
from their owners. 1" Oseawintainie Drown," of Kansas, was following important disclosures;
meat shops wore seised or. going to their wor k Mr. D e w:, Wa s hington, Mr. Dangerfield, found by one of the volunteer surgeons oft "I rented the 'Kennedy Farm' from Dr.
yesterday, All penman. supposed to be in clerk ; Mr. gall, master m ac hi n ist at 11 tr - ! the division, Pr. David 51'litughlin, the sum , Kennedy. of Sharptiburg, IVashingtnn county.
authority were under surveillance, ur ulusely
Per's Ferry ; Mr. Mills, master armorer ; Dr. 'of $305 in gold, whi c h w a s h a nded by him I Md., and named it after him. Ilere I nrde
oonfined under guard, Murphy, tmvumater ; Mr. Kittmiller, super-; over to Major Russell, of the marine corps.— red ti, be sent from the East all things requis
Visited States 2rcmjus Ordere.l froiA 01,1 interdetit's Mont ; Mr. Donahue. railroad' In a con v ersa ti on with the writer as he icy red for my undertaking. The boxes were
POW.—The president of the Baltimore and clerk, captured by the rioters and hold as hoe-1 weherieg in his blood, .lic stated that be double, so no one could Inspect the contents
Ohio Railroad telegraphed to the President ta es, 'sere released unhurt. I had figured in Kansas, and was known as of them, even the carters engaged in linuting
fifths United States that ears would be placed il inurn's Itnnv, Oct. 18-9 A. M,—.The' 4 " fixsavrottamie Brown" or "Old Brown."— them up from the ghat'. All boxes and
upon the road to convey the government work is &me. 'fire marines, after the out- lie had a Ron killed in Kansas Dui well as two 1 packages were erected to J. Smith ifi Snn.—
tecmpit. the Marine Corps from NVaeltington l two refuse,' to submit, broke into their re- , here.) Ile hated slavery, and he desired to I never had more than 22 men about the
to the meat of the disturbance. 'ln e following treat with she Iges and heavy ladders used as ; avenge his eon's ()math. His confoderntee tie- i place, but I had it en arranged that I could
7ly w ei in a short tune received by John haltering rams, amid Leavy fi ring on both sired . to surrender when they were summoned : arm, at any time, 1.500 men with the follows
tiarrett, Feld; sides, some five awn hiein g killed and others ; by Colonel Lee; but he re - fuse ar m
•: because Lel ing aru: 200 Strarps'a rifles, 200 Nlnynard's
. —..
YasniticTos, Oct. IT, 1559. I wounded. They to,ik the survivors
Yoer dispatch has been received and shall : prisoners and released their pr isoners at the
be promptly atteudesi to. Orders have al- same tape, among wham Will oar late agent's
ready been valued fur three companies of tar-' clerk end a4si--t int, Ilinahoe. Maj. Russell,
Ciliary from Old Point °mama, and l' have •of the Marine Corp, headed hi, men, in Der
already accepted the services Of C-ipt. Ititela ' it,in unarmed.—The scene was thrilling. The
lee company at Frederick. You will Lew' 1 insurgents are all fanatical, white livered
farther tram the Secretary of War, or Ja) . :: looking scamps. The Pennsylvania railroad
self. ' 144 " I t l . C"ANIh'• Idirectors will leave Martiusburg fur Bahl-
To J. W. Garrett, Esq., president of the , more on mail time.
Baltimore and Ohiu Railroad. ! Gov. Triie all Cie .Seat of Disturbance.---fwv.
Arilitary Murements.-IYashington, Oct. 1;. , }Vise, of Virginia, after consulting with the
--The marines. about 95 in number, with two , t're'ident, same down to the Raley llouar in
twelve pound howitzers and a full supply of i the early Washington train, accompanied by
tustassmition, left iu the three o'clock train thin; ninety Virginia solunteers. At the Relay
aternooo. his reported that they are under House he was joined li , Gen. George Steuart,
orders to force the bridge to-night at all haz- mi d b o th proeee,led. gether. Our. \Vise
seeds. Col. Faulkner accomneinte-I them. i a ill remain at Harper's Ferry several days.
It is re t ried on good authority that some • and will, meanwhile, institute a most rigid
weeks ago'Secretary Floyd reeci‘od un coo- in‘estign4ion of the origin and all the facts
nymoas epistle stating that about the 24tb of ounnected with the in•urrectioo. -
"thzzber the atsaitionists and riegroes , with I Licidelitl of 13,11f1e-t.—The first attack'
other disaffected porsods, would make an at- was made by a detimhment of the Charles;
tempt to seise the arson}, and hold the place. town (Va) guards, They crossed the Pao-
This statement, however, appeared so indeti- mac river above Harper's Ferry, and reached ,
nits, improbable and. ridiculous as to he re- ; t h e b u il.ii ng where the insurgents were poet.'
girded as not worthy of ntte.ition. led, by the canal, on the Maryland side. A
An official dispatch from Richmond, at 2} smart firing occurred, and the rioters were
P. M., on 41pliday, to John W. Garrett, pees- , driven front the brid4e. One man was kill
iitliat of ttiF lialtimure and Railroad,' ed here and an aller arrested.
conveying a request from G iv. Wise that lie ; A man ran nut nf the buolilbig and tried to
wsuld send the following order to Col. Gib-', escape Lv swimming the river. A dozen
111011. was promptly complied with shts were fired afterand he partial's*,
• IticuaoNa, Oet. 17, 2.40 P. M. I ml, but rose nain, titrew his gun away arid
Ca J, Thee. Lithsuci• littPtittn itoAime" i drew his pist,?hi s ,. Both snapped, and he drew
"' harle '' Ww "" je t rers 'm ea', Va. , a bowie knife, e'at his heavy accoutrements
Sir: The commander-in-chief calls your at- , off, and plunged into the river. One of the
teatime - to the provisions of the Ist section of , so ldi ers wa s about ten feet behind, the man
=29 of the code, and directs that you . turns 1 around,•threw up hit hand.., and said,
all out immediately a sufficient force ', „ don ., „1,u,„." The sillier fire] and the
.„Year regiment to put down the rioters i man fell into the water with his face blown
4811 1 eper'slerry. 'The commander-in-chief I-away. Hi, coat skirts were cut. from his per
k httarinedmat the arsenal and governme nt , ' sun, and in the pockets were found a Captain's
y at that place are in possession o f a ! commission to C.Lptain E. IL Leematf, from Land .
. 1 3t sisters. You will actpromptly end ; t h e pr,iei..dorialGoreri nn oht. The commission
•tt this emergency,
sar i
called out in person. By
N. H. It. IitCIisRDSON,
and eetunt"nd the ' was dated October 13, l'''')9. and signed by A.
General. ; W. Br two, Commander-in-Chief of the army
of the Provisional Govetarucut of the United
Mr. Garrett authorized .5.1 r. i.,tuinn, the agent , ~..,„,.
et•lthe road at Frederick, to employ a trusty , A party of five of the 'insurgent++ armed
etas, with a swift horse, to deliver the above ' with Minnie rifles, and posted in the rifle
order at the earliest moment.
. i armory, were expelled by the Charlestown
lissrza'a leiter, Oct. is.-1 A. M.—Tram ' Guards. Toev all ran fur the ricer, and one
Agived and halted below town, where runners , 4 who was unable to swim, was drowned. Tile
43414111111,__Itaimted the . state , of, affairs. The 4 el . ' ' other four swam to the rocks iu the middle of
-eisfsHou county regiment nag entered the town
' the Sh.inan
froesthe bridge. There had been a good deallinah and find upon the citizens
and troops upon both banks. This drew up
g and some nine persona were killed, on them the musks of between 2 _o'l and 3 , ..h) '
411 trileekbam, agent of Railroad Company, men, and not less glan 400 shots were fired
- was *hot through, and his murderer tell
rifle yards distant. Ode was fillyshot dead\.
bell from a friend of Beekman. The second, a negro, attempted to jump
1,-Isa troops have !glided and are in the over the dam, hut fell shot, and was nut seen
*ewe. ' The insurgents are willing to surrend-aftorwards. The third was badly wounded,
wes bat on terms of safe conduct out oUrtfi- 'and the remaining one was taken unharmed.
otherwise they threaten to salnfice
Tel of Lewis Washington and Cot. Dan- , Aaron D. Stevens, a captain of the rioters,
shut at tlfe bridge, w„La taken Into :he Carroll
mod, whom they now hold as prisoners. !H ote l, where his dreadful wounds were dres.-
- -ZVI. Aaron Stephens, of N'n"vieh , C""• , ;ed by Dr. McGarrity. heavy bullets passed
Jaime dying of his wounds, and makes tLe through his breast, head and one arm. Ile
ifoilombig statement. *aid to those around him that as he expected
• She plan has been concocting for a year or '''t.o die before morning, he wanted somebal . y .
snore`; the parties rendezvoused at a farm a Ito telegraph to his father, at Norwich, Conn.,
Sew miles from here, rented for the purposeto say to him that his son died at Ilarper's
by Oapt. Brown, of Kansas notoriety, under ,
411 e, name of Smith. I Ferry, in an attempt at high treason against
the State of Virginia . lie was alive at four ,
-*moan the insurgents are Ka g, of Ohio, o'clock yesterday morning.
J l iei dlis
of Shine, Wue. Se/ 2 " and Drown, of Ile is represented as a remarkably fi se le .k
-ing man, six feet six incites high, and pus-
The First -Batik by Tonnage Men.—llar- 1 sesoed of great nerve. While lying in bed a
- peel Ferry, Gletober I.Bth-3.10 A. id.—The' number of the outraged citizens crowded into
-.that battle was mainly ft.ught by the railroad i t h e room an & attempted to dispatch him,
- 10tialga men from Martinsburg, who came pointing cooked muskets at his head, but Ste
in' great force, led by Capt. Alburtis.— vans, as lie lay helpless, folded ins arms, and
ree - Y attacked the rioters snigte'handen and looked them calmly in the eye, without utter-,
fewest in ist valiantly. One of the freighti n g a word.
Alieeductore, named Evan Dorsey, was shot in I Th e m ilit ar companies of the ilt joining ,
the abdomen, and two other conductors, 1 towns and the Baltimore companies presented
named Bowman and liolberi, were also seri- lan imposing military display. The scene was'
*Only woended. Mr. Richardson was killed. 1 exeiti hg in the extreme. The most breathless ;
Ne ditatalPs has been done to the the rait- I suspense existed for the half hour which pre-
Islitterilii.this bcfdge, and little or none to the ' ceeded the attack. Death was anticipate],
1 11 4 14111111 0 111 r,ahe'lewn• The purpose of the in. ; and the reckless daring of the fey/ bold and ,
41DITODUODiDif seems to have heat to hold the i foolish f.triaties who set at defiance the au- ;
W WI ualif several ahpularni slaves could he I thority if the general government and the j
Asolleetedoritlilhea make a stampede through I whole military hope in their view, created an i
lithille - letmed serves the Peurisylvailia line. ' iuteuse indignation and a desire fur their
. " 141 1 461414 hi5t have started wtAI he itataridi - summary chastisement. The apprehensions
~....ed. for the safety of the gentlemen held in the
Battle.--liarper's Perry, 4 3 A• custody of the insurgents were also painful. I
. 11 -. Oc t" / B * — The troops invested tee town I The marines in the yard commenced manceu
-au all aides. and entered it about :4 o'clock raring towards a close proximity to the build-,
*406 Positing- Serena' time were 1E111414, a ing. At length Col. Lee appeared in front of
atindbee of boat-Maas and whites were rap-' the ender - kite with Lieut. Stewart, who, with
- tom
bet miler e s caped the meow/des.— a citizen, iris deputed to bear a Bag of mice
41 1 1 11 1 " 4 . 4114111 ""
ender, and one to the insurgents. Every eye was urou the
to yore bah sho la is dead, and, two latter as they Approached the duur.uf the'
' 14 ‘' - ikalitffht tag. 2 t man aisle- 1 building. 'Thecuntorencewaill eepeeial
,tedekl.t.'"Ande also shot , lie wee ity between the - insurgents and e citizen,
leldhli. -
10e e 'lead body or a man 1 aid cite patient* of all present was nearly ex-
BMW hut night • brought in tins mune ! haunted. At length they retired.
It willi understood that Col. Lee, in sum
' '
he the eibere feats io Kangas It
thine to surrender , - Merin!: these 'pro
. ~
V k ola,
,oheasited. such a wide muscle- cachou till the pleasure of the resident of I
' s t I' — WOO' bib - 110mM chime waste tree The Bei* States *should-be made known; and
ostrollow lookacetilimqtkie 4 1 4%tulue; dimicree he that amt. - , laid' the insert/ants were in far 1
of the iii;Vererltitu% to
r oc oMperttiag them otoldit4one,' but the
- .'.liS '- ad_ri,, kare me ' taL li e seJs- powerful 'Mal et the leader Brown overruled,
Wilrit,iO4:ellegOd the l pier. but Owes their wishes, and they refused to serrender. ,
" ilie. "' " - • - ' - •
--• Al ''or Bissell then tordwed Lieut. Omen. with '
. biffeletefase - - - • .., ter a Ile of marines, to forte ttte large double
, 4 - 441 1_____.
_, -14 1 --*--°-.*--'- .-. I A. doom. _Thy miabedlw Warde them, and at
- - '"'''''• ''''' - 'sainat'''*-- d. .- "telt Inset *Oa te.fores ahem epee.
1"111411) ----
- ' - - 4 . " • but itilvaikatt
~...... -.-
et/ abe
iiiilleM Mr. ‘ t t" , • , i ‘i-...y. . Az slur dim a from rein•
fiellele pioneer& -- - --, ::,-,. - '', . . 464 -incitement 40f the epeetesere. •••
Ide aDIDI Metal) Dlitt iliiiileglitMOdOd hY .. 11111111" flow tried to twee the doors
4 - *tor
-- - .
did not believe that the general gorernmentl
would slaughter his companions fm• the sake!
of kklling him. Ile had alwajs treated his
prisoners with courtesy. lie hoped that his
niterragators small not put words in his
mouth, but permit him to make his own de
clarations. lie hoped Major Russell would
permit him to die in peace, and would *eat
him humanely. Major It uvsell suesreeted that
lie bad better not make any
. declarations
culated to comprorai!c hits to law, and also
requested the gentlemen present to withdraw
from the rotor in ardor that he might not be,
disturbed. It has been eared subsequently
that his wounds nre nut mortal, unfortunately
perhaps for himself. •
The marine curve remain at Harper's Ferry
with their prisoners in custody, awaiting the
instructions of the general government as to
their present disposition and trial.
About the middle orate stream of the broad ,
Potomac Beattie body of one of the insurgents'
named Wm. 11. 1.-semen, who was shat on!
Monday, while attempting to make his escape !
from the town. lie was honored with thei
commission of captain from Mr. Brown, the
following being a true copy of the document I
found in his pneket :
iieud-Qiusrters War Prprutment.
Near Harrier's Ferry, lill.
Whereas, W. 11. Leeman ha: teen nomina•
ted a captain in the army established neaterl
the Prorisional Canstitatio t ; now, therelLire,i
in pursuance of theauthurity'reeted in me by
Raid constitution, we do hereby enpoint and
commission the said Wm. IT. Leeman captain.
Given at the Ace of the S ierettiry of War,'
this day, 15th of October, 1859. Jima Itanwa,
• Cinumanderdn Chief.
H. Rei r s,'Seeretary Wise.
There was taken Bann the person of Stevens!
a printed pamphlet of twenty-tire nages,son
taming the constitution, &e.. of Mr. BrAn's
provisional government. The work is in the
p ,ssession of Col Lee, and would be reasona
hie were it not Mo ridiculous.
This extraordinary movement nt ITarper's
Ferry on the part of the abolitionist Brown,
characterized by such audacity and folly, is
fertile of comment. It appears that he was a
monomaniac, possessing a strong will, mire
tier 4cnneut and resources of mind, and that
his followers possessed a weakness of mind
' and character which enabled him to obtain
that ascendency ()ter them which Idl them to
their destructhin.
Killed and !loan-! , •d.—The following are
am mg the killed and wounded in the recent
cJilflicts at II Lraer's Ferry:
Kille I
Beckham, railroad
agent, on Sunday, by a single shot ; Nayarit
Sheppard, col ,r,.rd porter at the railroad sta
tion, killed Sunday night in working at the
train ; Thos. Boerly, grocer, of Harper's Fer
ry, killed in Monday's as.nult ; 1% in. Rich
ardson, of Martinshurg, killed in wine as
suit ; George Vi. Timer, of Charlestown
Truht a ry, killed on Monday also ;
Brown, son of •• Old Brown ;" Stewart Tay
lor, insurgent : J. C. Anderson, insurgent ;
E. 11. Leeman, insurgent ; Albert Illuslitt,
, insurgent, and several colored men.
' Woutpted.—Olsowattarnie Brown,
Watson Brown, aseeend son; Esans Dorsny,
mortally ; Allen Evaas, mortally ; Private
Quinn, U. S. Marines, Imo-tally ; another
Marine, name unknown, slightly ; Alexander
Kelly : Geo. Murphy, State's Attorney, of
taken Peisqnere..--E.lwin Copper!, of Iowa;
Shields Green, colored, of Harrisburg ; Wat
son Brown, a son of old Brown.
.7 he Conspiracy—Vie letter of th , Secreary
of War.—The anonymous letter heretofore
sp)ken of as having Leen received by Gov.
Fhyd, the Secretary of War, reached him
while at Old Point, lately. It stated that
insurrections would occur simultaneously at
Wheeling, Harper'e Ferry and Washington,
fur the purpose of freeing slaves. It is un
derstood that about 400 slaves have lately
escaped from Virginia and Marylandarnder
the agency in the emissaries. Toe people of
the adjacent country in Maryland 116.1 Virgi
nia will be on the look out fur these runaway
before reaching Pennaylyitiiiia.
Pop/alio/I of the Disturbed Distriet.—The
district of country . intended to he affected by
eouthreak contains a large slave population.
The following was the relative population at
the last census :
Whiter. Slaves
Leudoun county. Va., - 16.428 5.641
Jellersun •• " - 11,016 4,341
Berkeley " " - .0,815 1,956
Frederick ' 4 " 2,294
50,930 14.332
Freaerick county, - 37,074 3.913
Wasltiostaa " 28,75.4 '1,090
65.830 0.003
From this It-appears. that viltAtio twenty
witecolliacpeer Feraptitart are nailer than
1.1000 slaves. of whom probably 3,400 ate
jj,srpousiaiihrrip 4 4ot. Igo 10 P. 31.—The
rumor that a large amount of U. S. govern
tuesil mosey had been stolen by the insur
gents jetsam's. It is all safe.
Dr. Mur by, die psyniaster, has i* his pos
session -MO 0111300 of'tbi stoney
of 01 4 1.1sta Iktravartansaa notoriety, who
is anioviitbe Whinged. -
The Mtn. Usury A. Ifisei•Ooteentie of
Tirginis, has established hisquarters In the
betel at liariessis Form
sad is extendiat his
revoker., .1.000 spears and ,
tornelniwks, I
would have armed the whites with the rifles
and pistols, and the blacks with the spear',
they not being sufficiently fin:oiler with the
other arms.
"I had plenty of fixed ammunition and
enough provisions, and had a plod right to
expect the aid of frau, 2,0110 to 5,000 men ht I
any trine I wanted. Help was prettified me'
from Maryland. Kentucky ' North end South
ear - Oink Virginia and r-ia mutt. The 'blow
was struck a little too stern . The pawing of!
the train (Phelps, on Seedier night), did than
work against us—that killed us. I should!
not bare let it pass. But I only regret I have I
failed in tiny deNigus, but I have no apo.logies
to'make or concessions to ask now. lied we
succeeded, when rit.r arms and fund,' were ex
hausted by an increseing army, contributions,
would here be;enievied on the slaveholdersi
and their oroprt3i appropriated to defray ex- I
',lenses and . earryn the war of freedom-1
H rn
Had I known gore nent money was in the
safe here I would are appropriated it."
Old Brown here appenred quite exlinniteal.
and leaned back in his hod. looking calmly
around. flay. Wise told him lie had better
be preparing for death, to which Brown re-!
'Tended that he (the Onvenior) though he !
might live fifteen year.,
would haven snot!!
deal to answer 1:4. at List, and had ',Attie be
preparing now ton.
Coptare of Me Ineurgenis' Armor.--0n
Tneaday the Independent Oraye, under the
command of Lient. • Simßsou, and Lieut.'
Kerchner, made a scout on the )I.ifyland side,
and marched direCtly for the ochool house.
where it was thought Capt. Conk had fortified
himself. The mare% was elonz the tense of
the mountain, and the m 1 W, hitenee anxiety
was manifested for the su.iess of the expedi
tion. When they reached the Rehm)) house,
two miles distant from Harper's Ferry, they
found that it was the aline-house for the ,
arma. They recovered 'event hundred
Sharp's rifles, several bides of revolvers, and
eighteen hundred pike.. AU of them Are
foriaidable weapons. The revolvers are six- I
shouters with ten ir.oh barrels. and fire with
the fulminated powder instead of percussion,
ceps. The pikes are two edged, blade about
eight inches low!. and protected where it en-!
ters the staff by a strong guard and Ileacy
iron fertile. The staff is of hickory and
about six feet long, the whole forming a most
formidable javelin.
There was no person near the school house !
, at the time. and after is gourd was placed it er
I it, the remainder of the company passed on
for the house of Capt. Brown, 4 tildes farther
nn the road. shortly before they reached it
they were rner by two females, who nske.l if
' they were in se,trclt ~f Conk, and haring I
been answered in the affirmative, informed 1
'Leo_ Simpson that he had only a few min-
utes before gone off at a galloping speed on i
,horseback. ..
C Ilk is represented in he a most notorilua
and 111001-thirsty indi‘ Muni. Possessin; a
is rge amount of brute c,nurage, he is reckless !
of his conduct, and hesitates not to shout an
adversary. His nat i vit y is lint known. li e
is said to be a man of fair education, butt is re- '
girded by all who know him as a designing
and dangerous man. Cook married several
years ago in the neighborhood of Harper's
Perry, lost it is said that be left on Monday ;
afternoon with his family., but what direcciun
I he took could not be ascertained.
1 I suera's FERRY, Oct. l 9.—C/or. Wise has
offered $l,OOO reward for the arrest of Capt. !
Cook, who is suppused to be in tile moult-1
taints with a number of negroes. The moon.;
tains are being scoured to-day by nrmed men
in search of the fugitive. lie is supposed t.. I
be concealed in a cave in the mountains, about
I five miles from the Ferry.
, After the train left yesterday afternoon, a
detachment of marines, with a number of
fulanteers, were sent to the farm house of
Capt. Brown to search it. They returned
about six o'clock in the evening with a wa,;on
' loaded with several hundred pikes or spears,
two boxes of Sharp's rides, tents, blankets.
boots and shoes, clothing, &c., and other"
equipments for the enterprise. The articles i
previously brought in' by the Independent
Grays were from .the school-house, and not'
from the farm of Captain Brown, as at first
fhe most valuable article brought in by
the marines, however, was a carpet bag filled
with documents and letters, - connected with
the expedition. They Were taken possession
of by thy. Wise and many of them read•in
public last night. Among the moist import
ant are:
A letter from Gerrit Smith, the Abolition
Presidential candidate. containing some fi
nancial statements. and aaelosing a draft for
ELVA, endorsed by the cashier of a New York
A letter pann 1P rederi all Donets., en dosing
a Sl° mate con t'. ted by ,it Lady for the good
Of Matinee.
Several letters irons Ileiry &Mtn-and Jae.
Smith. prominent northern abolitioniets.
A numbed of letters from different porta of
Priated pamphlets of ' the eimidlastion Cif
the provisional guverptitent to be established"
.by Capt. Brown.
' j„t trip said these Tetteri 'would lorplieete a
, ninnies , ' of
_proiniment lltroildddles at -the
' , North and West, no being isognisahl if and
ramm Tlis in4 Dao lil par Prtfrit ey the Zarerrectionisit-27/ei;
-- _
i rakistiam to hoe SeisilirlalLitbosed litri
, Treader': of Me trailed46/aim—The moiler
of ThaSun yosterday aselnieg acsiemftd irttli 1 1
n ! man of remelts% diraetflioto Harpers i
Fe Ile stated that "' nil Breath" atxrilis
i oil crate, wet e or= in their ravilqics
,nrs ''Fues4.l.v night p . ciiting vest to.
thei& overcharged brains. Their ejeculntiens
were overheard from the quarters where
Brown and Stevens were confined. Brown
1 was heard Is gay that, in the etent of their
sim4o4,juisargests contempted the cup.
tura of Washington, theSeisurc of the federal
' government, and the imprisonment of the i
! Pre.sitient and his cabinet. The schemes of
i the revolution was iq time confidence of filo
uf the revolutionary spirits of the southern
lard eight of the northern States.
It is a fact worthy of notice that all the
spears captured by the United States ore one
' foot longer than the musket and bayonet of
the weeny, and their use, is is evident, wai to
I be mainly employed in keeping the United
States soldiers at bay.
TI IEI 0::::101‘21 : " LIM' Imt._
Startling News I
The intelligence of the insurrection at Hai
per's Ferry hits startled the entire country,
end ii flutt waking up the people to a sense of
the danger which Abolition agitation and Re?
publican bluster are leading to.
We have no space for comment, the petite
ulars of the nffair occupying all our available'
Wince. Nest week we shall give more, ineltids,
ing the constitution of Brown's " prtrvisional
government," ,to. Letllle people read and
Eutaor Contradicted.
The rumor that Mr. ilucuissast bad notified
FonNvv of his intention to prosecute him for
ting in the Prose that Senator BIIODIMICK,
who full recently in a duel withdudge Timer,
in California, was the victim of a conspiracy
against his' life. at the heed of which stood
the ilresiant. is coettadicted by authority.
The rumor dualities, had ita origin in the
feeling, which Inuat•bave animated every hon.
Grable breast when the fiendish charge was
made, that the editor ;Atha Press ought to be
consigned to the penitentiary for the balance
of Isis lifer
reethe means employed by the Oppiseri,earry this county are, now that the
election is over, gradually coming to light.
\ION HY was the leading Instrument—the all
in sli upon which the enemies of the Demo
dratio party countsd so oontinently for 1113 C.
coss. In quite a number of the distriots, men
who before were known to hare hardly a pair
of dimes to chink against each other, were
" dash " about election time, and dispensed
"lbw needful " as freely as though they bad a
mint tot ack them. Nuns of such instances
have been related to as, and to this means
mainly acre the Opposition indebted for the
vote they palled un Tuesday week. It becomes
the people of the ',minty sir the very next Ir.
portunity, to place the seal of Condemnatton
upon so base and despicable a resort.
*Last 3londay's &alinel. in speaking of
Mr. IllossEt.a.ter's election to the Directorship
of the Your, says :
" We feel that his entriknee to the Board
will, unless he be paralysed by his colletigoes.
issue in the correction of the abuser which
exist in. the msnagemout of the Poor-lionise
%Wit ►buses' lot us ask in the name of all
that'S fair 'and candid. The high character
sustained by the gentlemen who have the
present management of that institution de.
mands that the Ssnartei makes good its grave
though Ply -put charges, and we therefore ask
fur the authority upon. which that journal
bases them. It has gone quite tar enough in
its base assaults upon conscientious, efficient
and, economical Democratic officers, who have
the public interests alone at heart in all their
public acts, and we are resolved to bring it
square up to the mark. The establishment,
the farm, and all colenected with it, have been
mann.,;el with singular success for the serend
past years, and those having them in hand
deserts the thanks of the tax-payers, rather
than the recklerspage of the Sentinel. Let
ns hate the specifications of "abuse," Mr.
Sentinel, or forever hold your peace.
4 4 4.
" Samuel Durnoraw is sustained and
SE2S 4 A year ng ,,, Mr. Dorboraw was elected
to the Legislature by a mejerity of 144 ! On
Tuesday a-week, after almost unheard-of per
sonal effort, day and night. on his own part
and that of the leaders--after getting aside
two hundred dollars for electioneering" thun
der —.titer the turning of all the heaviest
of the Opposition batteries upon hie opponent,
from the stump and in their presses--Sainuel
Durboraw escaped defeat by barely eleven
vowel This may be a "re-endorsement,"
but it certainly is not a complimentary one—
not one At to be boasted of.
tart he Sentinel has for weeks been trying
to out•lie the Star, and it has certainly `•come
up siren," if not gone a trifle ahead.
In the last issue the falsehood is persisted
in that the Compiler " vindictively " libelled
Samuel Durboraw. The °barge comes with
an iU grace from a journal which pursued
Mr. rhirWraw'"PPctnent with lmind-like
eennese, especially when it is known to the
editor of that journal and s the deep-dyed
Know Nothings who hare become his con
stant adviser*, that every vote we gave of Mr.
Durboraw's is to be found recorded in the
Journal of the House of Representalimm, THE
We still offer to wager one hundred dollars
upon the eorrectness of our statement of every
vote of . Mr. Detboraw, and will give the fres
use dour - copy of the Journal to make the
decision from. So sonident are we of the
entire truth of wary position we took in re
gard to him.
lerl'belastatiated saystkattbepeeple of
ibis rosary hies been "fees e tobarstisled?
Sloes prescriptive mid 'Know
bratbianiain storied hero, tits county boa pa
to:lly elected Dennueratio °leen, titoodefeat.
log the 'o pitepoess. aim. sad Ind seta." of that,
dark ardor—and in doipg thus lbtaßettibtel dt-
Jane eke_ people- elkered theatselree to 1
Nresiekci." Sty car. Reatiod i mkt
clean breast of jour faidioree i for mi
Senelni, if it doss bare mss, PJ
yeall feel seals:.
The !Ulm*bon 'Nees on the Intnr
. • reoUen.
'tie not sorpOsingihat such fanatics as
Daoffiv. the leaidir of the Harper's Ferry in•
surveetion, should undertake to incite civil
ear, tgheti the lailtding Republican newspapers
betray so much sympathy with the cattle in
which be These newspapers present
him more in the light of a martyr than a
The New York Tri/nraeorlille it pretcrirls
to " regret this outbreak," says of the insur
gents :
But remembering that, if their faitit wee
grievous, grievously Wive they answered it.
vr e will not, by one reproachful word, disturb
the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and
his compatriots are sleeping. s They dared
and died for what they irlt to right, though
in a manner which seems tons fatally wrong.
Let their epitaphs remain unwritten until the
not distant day whew() slave shall chink his
chains in the ehadee'rof Monticello or by the
graves of Mount Vernon."
The only difference between the Tribune and
Rimy"! appears to be in point of courage--
the Ti ibu at preaches doctrines which Baowst
undertook to apply practically, That paper
would have the epitaphs of men who contem
plated the wholesale murder of men, woman,
awl children, unwritten until the alnlition of
s l avery, w h en , we auppose, it anticipates the
erection of a -monument to i,:nao glorious
martyrs to the sacred cause of liberty. " Not
one reproachful word" for men who engaged
in the most atrocious enterprise that civilised
beings could undertake. .here is encourge
ment fol. others to embark in the same cause,
with the asaurante that if they fall their
names are sure of Republican canonisation.
Suppose that SZWLILD, with his intense
Abolition-Republican views, had filled the
Presidency last week, what would ha ye been
the ..retsulti lo the language. of the Wash
ington Constitution, "he must either have been
false to all his own professions, or false to the
constitution and laws of the !wed. With such
a man in the Presidential eltait to stimulate
by his example and teachings the spirit of
tebellion and treason, and to withhold from
the *import of the law the strong arm of the
militory,what would there be left but anarchy,
blood and revolution 2"
• I
B ''
. t
• .
sarriees ha r .."
Cartialis Barracka—Caffisie,
large aeitt stable attached to the
barn a., at was 411414) 7ed
Ye last night, with Mean horses - sad a
•• tity of feed.
airi f say Franklin ha. spent all he tan ,
tuna In Aretits resaarana She is is the mil
of Fianna, is ill healtb. ,
And yet with sueh dangers menacing the
peace of the Union, there are men here who
cannot roe the imminent risk 'of elevating a
sectional party to power or the poesibility of
goading into retaliation our fellow countrymen
mimes the lino, who have been thus outraged.
•dour or sae years ago, when the Com
piler expose* tibe, existence and objects of
Know Nethingista, the Star managers booted
at nil see said, and pronounoeteur " stories "
as ridiculous as false. But the " truth of
history" sustained us. Now a new organi
sadon of secret Know Nothingism is spring
ing up, the "Johnny Cross"ordor—we give the
public warning of it—and the Star a;,►ain,at ii i
old ganre, "don't know anytheag about" it!
Of course, not—because the managers 'are
sumrn not to ‘. know anything about" it pub
licly! The people will believe awthey please,
however, just as they did in 'regard to the
Rar's " don't knows " of four or five years
ago. .„
giiirThe boldness of the &salad almost ex
ceeds belief: Now it professes greet sympa
thy for Kees . , 'but 'before the election it
'pared no effort to contriblitie to his defeat.
Immediately upon his -neenination by the
Demoeratinunrention, that journal refisrred
to him as in old Hne Whig aod a Catholic,"
although in referring to other of the Demo
cratic candidates theillieligiort - was not nape
mentioned. Why singe him out fur a thrust
because of his mode of worship? *For no
other purpose than to give the eve to the
Know Nothings, that they should defeat
him at all hazards, as the Opposition were
swan to dn. Aud yet the Sentinel has the
"stop thief" intim:ldea-Me to-attempt to tiaddh,
Col. Kuhn's defeat upon **Democratic lead;
° ars." A mtweawd or unprincipled dodge has
not been heard of since the days of logo
bar The &or managers have been bronOtt
to their knees. Conscious of the entire false
hood of their assertion, previtms to the elec
tion, that Capt. Dttur, had given 150 towards
the building eta church to "bribe" voters, they
still gave currency to lie; but now. when
&rood to the test, they "presume" their state
ment "INCORIlf:C1'!" Were ever p rlitital
tricksters more humiliatingly caught! Here
after when the Star managers charge others
with falsehood, we ask an honest public to re
member the admission they now make, that
they astmo Capt. Diehl.
bireunfident politicians have never been
more sorely disappointed than are the Oppo
sition managers with the result in this coun
ty. We discover now, that they had given it
oat, before the election, at Philadelphia and
other points over the State, that they would
eerlainly—"WlTlJOUT FA I f. " --carry their whole
ticket by from 200 to 300 majority !—that
there wee nothing to prevent it!—they had n'
erythisig fired !—Clie wires were laid, and the
men stationed to pull them—and so on—and
soon! And yet, the Democracy have the popu
lar role, and FOUR of me seven county otli-
Democratic Meeting in Enunitiftnirg.
A large and enthusiastic Dentotirsitie meet
ing took plac et Et - 11=4401.g WTI 'Saturday
evening las he spaci9etschnol.liouse was
crowded utmostiSepeCity• by the true
men Of e district,' .7CMIPM P. 31CD1 VIT.
E sq. , ided, assisted by a large numbit of
and teerstavies. Ex-Gov.
L ow Ajot Fredeilekonads'a speech of nearly
two 'tours' length, Atifflingy4Soquent and
po .erfal,- frequently
sar•The death of Hon. Job Y. Mason, our
minister to the Court of St. Cloud, is an- tp most vllPLeveue_PlesolL We have lie
flounced. Mr. Maack, it appears, died 'ned so few orate eltdaligli it anywhere. - 7
soddenly of apoplexy, an affection of whi The l?innocnitie Band of thiltyabutx watt-pre
be had a serious visitation a year or so Kb sent, io. their new and mainitleint
b ut had so far recovered as i n the mew ohe and attracted much attention. The,Ausio
to give full attention to the duties of ipe izo- i and "the wagon" were of coarse phi* ad
portant mission. Ile was a native ofilven"t mired,
is, in which State he had held hi" tveste.
end was appointed Minister to Hence by
President Pierce, which post h held ever
since. lie had previously, u ' e adminis
tration of President Pont, Secretary of
the Navy, succeeding t n. George Boo
croft, in September, 1 whoa that distin
guished gentleman the Plat. Dim
ing Mr. Mason's iia Franco, where he
had been l tiy his bunny.. all
Aateriesna t heXaPital have testified
to hie , trteaies, while Ithrdiplosnatie
malty been regarded as abfe
s representative of the United
Is it in rod taste for the Opposition to
" illuminate " ocer such a result! But with
them be it—if they can stand it, the uncon
quered and unpurchasable Democracy can,
laocal ..elifra.inis..
On Saturday last arum fell here atn rapid'
rate, and gave "ell outqloors" a decidedly
Wintery appearance. it melted, however. as
it fell, end the "tinkling bells " were allow
ed le remain in their summer's hiding places.
flattery Maphit ft 44 114.14 -- iirSi.
Arrangements nre being made int a grand'
military display to come off ctt Hanover in
about firm , weeks. The arrangementa con
template the presence of n number of mili
tary celebritits, and the companies front York
and thin place ara expected to partici trate. It
is proposed to have a IMitalion Tirade , l m d
in the evening a grand civil nmf
soiree and festival.
loun 1401.7, rtf A•r of Mlionnt
pleasant township, place I err oar taile; the'
other day, a mammoth lied, weighing: sir
pounds and three quarters, end deterwrini
one foot eleven inches in eircumfelrelthe—*
Who can beat it !
air-We are requested to annodnee Mae
'Messrs' CUTER & Kew( will still sdpvljr ifielf
customers with all Yladsof Licrtorr.whols,,,
eale and retail,
116reaug, one of the leaders in the Har
per's Ferry insurrection, is reported to hove
L e ed !-t Cluok,ersbnrg on Friday last. Ile
got safely away, however. Parties are now
in pursuit of hint.
Dom" The Eastern Synod of the Der. Reformed
church in the United States, opened its en--
nual session on Tuesday, in llarrisbarg, Pa.
A large number of 'delegates are in attend
ance,4tod business of special impo4ance sill
claim the attention of this body.
• eutrimwthelate,l,
" Grand Illumination!"
Ma. Enrroa :—We nre soon to whiles; im
our immediate neighborhood n grata' illumi
nation and hearken to the pseudo-Nash pre
pared, lay the intelligent pil,..mios and giants .4 .
Gettysburg, mixed and mingled as the seeth
ing cauldron in Macbeth, with
Toe of niggers. wool of same,
Head of Irish. Dutchman's cane ;
Blood from H trper's Ferry, fresh--
For Banner district, what a died'?
Why all these fanatical detnonstriatitins of
horleitqued patriotism? Oh, sirs, the Aineri-
I co-Republican party has aullioved a victor'''.
I They are brim-full of money at the result.—
; There most he nn nut-let, or en explosion
I may result. Then, in the name of the Com-
I monwealth, lot it be so. But, a few plain
hints to sensible people may not hi aini s s.—
Where has the victory been, which malls birth
this anticipated "Grata Illumination?"
I - in Adauut county. The Deana:natio party
elected four of their candidates for county
I officers out of. seten. In the State? Why
there has been'a deduction of the combined
Opposition majnrity since last fall of from
8,000 to 10,000. The placards enumarsife
Ohio, Indiana. lowa and 3litinesota. The
Opposition majority- in Ohio is /tamely de
creased, end where-Is there a parallel of suelt
1 , supreme folly and'-fanatical nothing, as to
I celebrate in n district of a small county of
I Pennsylvania the triumph of the rank Repul.•
' lican party in lowa, or Minnesolw=rank, I
write, with evil tendencies and pernicious re
stilt'. lowa is near to Kansas. In Kansas
the Abolition and Republican parties are
Identified. Iternicinus result:4.l tin to aw
-1 per's „Ferry, and there sympathize with your
. foul-hardylwethren—prunoonce funeral opt
! thins over their untimely decease. and make
1 melancholy, with your wailing's and Inlaid:a
-" thins at the 'lnsurgents' defeated dialailical
schemes, the rinnantie hills there. Clo there,
and celebrate that saturnalia of blood; or, if
yo the proudly pie-eminent leaders, taut
I mi, tit*,ti.: you hive the negro, have the refugee
(insurgent, Capt. Cook. there to participate
with you on time auspicious 'mansion, andno
I doubt your majority next
. year *Ph he 3111 1 .
Furthermore, it seems to me, that to say the
least of it, the "grand illumination " is' ill
timed and ill-advised. The welkin ringing
with the victorious shoals of the .Imericata
isoldiery at Yorktown, souniV4l au harsher All
the tympana of the Britons' ears, than the
I mus ic ilf the " People's.„l.3llinl",sulAtiZy lease
1 Gettysburg for the IT:waxer district, *will trt
the ears of their defeated county e fi e eri.—
Shame. gentlemen of the Opp..isitiqp. ta„„mocic.
their feelings—to re-opens their wounds. You,
the ilt-ouit biers of this unmanning "gran.) il.
lumination," arc objects of shame, and have
about. as much discretion as you eau extract
nut of a cucumber. That Ossawobun.o
Brawn, in consequence of wounds received at
I Harper's Ferry and an inaarednation at
Charlestown, 1 a.. will nut be present to give
life and ndd dignity to the " grand illumine
' thin" is a source of painful regret.
'When fool-hardy vii IlitileidEll andlowl-snuiid
ing Bravadu celebrate "resent victories 10 A
! grand illumination," in•alest Prudence blushes
at their action.
Illuminate—do.' and may the light shed by
the transparencies and fag .ts light up the
minds of the honest, conservative portion of
the party, and may. with the horroreuf the'
recent murderous Insurrection, e n sue the cuts
-1 vietion of the disastrous tendonmers. of the
I Republican party. BASNICK ,Derticr.
The State Electioh.
The official returns of 01l the counties in
the State except Venting.), have bee, received
at Harrisburg. Cochran's majority is 17,016
—Keins'a 18,134. The Opposiy,jtsb majority
last year was about 27,000.
The Legislature will stassl---Sanseit. , 11
Democrats and 21 opposition-l-thiuseAlreds
ocratieuiti G OppOsition. ; '
Fiendish Outrage.—ltecentlya Huts girl.
nine years of age, daughter of Mr. Philip
Getter, who nitrides near Newrille, while on
her way to sChool, was seised by a strange
van and carried into a /roods, where her per
son was outraged by the wretch. Oo her
return home, the little girl informed hewpa
rents of the matter, and immediate steps ware
taken to capture the cdfonder.
who had been reen in the neirdlorimod-wia
aubrequently *Fretted' and placed is
The little girl, on Wag. taken Imalukipriiii,
al once reeds:kind the man-uralleroatness as
the guilty one. Ile rtill be-tried
at the next term of Op,* :144autusent is
too mild a panislaamaidllet.aq4 an infamous
- 110111 4 PILtesPeak its oPPINkr -
JACOtvilteligliirrirtlMA Semi awe
dellitf-trers.l4l dtil! 1 !“ them"
40611-11101lilikte glitittti-
Tugs N. T., tit!~ Moir OWL