ItOuse Furnishing NorrA Koren/ sired, two down North of the Howard How.—The umiarsigwed, tutting made large midltiows to his stock he revised to tarnish Housekeepers, Country ilorehalots - mad others, with such articles as Hop *sat, on the very best terms. 800 fru : Whitewash. Sweeping, Dusting, Pent, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Hiker, Shoe, Scrub and Mono Brushes. Wooots-worr! Such as Tubs, B lie l o .t,s, Measure*, Tar Rickets, Churns, SUM'. Molting Pins, Butter Print., ke. Brounas. Baskets, Mats and Cordage. liasser's r, minute lee Cream Freezers. Refrigerators. ngrigh t soil sliest—the $lO4 approved kinds. %Voter Coolers. in Wood or distal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's and other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving Oxus. plain Tin-wirc, Jalfanned. Block Tin, Britannii and Plated 11 are. Alliota Furls and Spoons, Urns, Coffee and Te.i Egg Boilers, Waiters, Chading Dvdies. unites mid Forks, Millie troop. dunce Pans, :trades and Weights, Coffee Mills, Table Castors. Old ton Coffee Pots, Shot eland Tongs, N urea. L,i nlo. Toilet Sets. Foot Tubs, Bath Tuhs. Knite Cleassen, Wire Cut eri, Table Mat., to with a variety of Articles useful and necessary to lionaekeepers. Ruhr it Bolts' Patent I.: xeelsior Washing Mai blocs. Ham Tin unit Sheet Iron Ware and Brushes of el cry description, manu factored to order. A. 1111.1.2 i, No. 11 North Ifoward at. , Baltitnure, March 14, 1839. ly George M. Bokeo, SWOT:TER and Denier in CHINA, 1;1,A141 . 4, k I tjUSENSIVAIIii, No. 41 North Howard fit, between Lexington and Fn rite Streets, Balti more, Md. [Dec. 20, 1058. ly New & Rich lEWIMEY, SILVER WARE 3'Llrni PLAT ED wARE. ke.—A. E. WARNER, Gaid and eemowith, No. 10 NORTH LAY .! . ,It AI,- TIMIDEX, MD., has in store a beautiful agsort meat of styles and patternv of RICII JEWELRY, suitable for 'eats, enihr.Leing a great variety of Plain Gold and Sett Broach,.., Iliasies, Car l:ankles, ke., Bar-Itingq, BroceletA, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, 01414, Emerald, ke., Ladies' Gold Chain, Ve-d &. Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Cold Thimbles, Coif l'lll.. ; Signet, L'hased and Plain Gold Kings: Peneils and Pens, Sim-re Buttons sod Stub., Gold and Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelet , . Pins & Ear Iling3, ke. A LNo A ♦artety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castor., Cake Baskets. Waiters, rindle.tiek. lintter and PaltStasn.d., Pearl ILw Ile I le.ert KIIINe., Spoon., Yorks, Ladles, Fancy Article.. kr.. all of which is respectfully offered on the low•el, terms ! imull.,The Country Trade and Dealer, generally are invited to giro me a call, and extunine Good's and `Prices, being satisfied that my SILVER WARN cannot be burpas.ell either for fineness or quality, or the latest and most beautiful patterns. January 17, 1ar..9. ly A. itathiot & Son's SOFA AND FURNITURE WA ER(NIMS, Not. 23 and 27 N. Gay street. Baltimore. (near fayette st.,) extending from Gay to Frederick et.—the large.4t e.tablishment of the . kind in the Union. Alw.tys on Imnik n large nstortinent of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE Ft RNITURE, em bracing Bureau", Bed,teadt, Washstand., Ward robe', Matur.res of Ho4k, Colton and !lair, Spring Beds, Sofat, Tetc-e-Tetes, Arm Clinic", Hocking Chairs, Etat:it-et, Marble Tableg, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered CliairA, AS SORTED COLI BLS OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Othce Chairs. Barber Chair', 4.1ri40 and CrAdlet.. Hitt Ito k+, 11311 furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glatites, Side boards, Extension Tables, of et cry length. Persons disvoted to imp-ha:se are invited to call and give oilr stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workumnship is not equalled by any etitabllshmunt in the country. • A. 11A71111)T it SON, No". 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 1, 18.19. ly I= Speller & Prick, LB k PRODUCE Commission and For warding Merchants, Nocfh 'Ord, opposite N. C. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly Artists', 'Painters' AND PHOTOGRAPHERS' DEPOT.—The subscriber has constantly on hand a full aiomuctmeut, of materials for the use of AI i Jana[era and Piot ogra Also on hand a large nod beautiful assortment of Strrescopat !marr ows& and Viers, embracing every ariety of Foreign and American L.miiiicapcx, Statuary, Perrier aid llural Grumps. 4.e. The beauty and interest of the StereSCOltiC 11".W9 upon the par lor table furnish n never ending source of en tertainment both to iSi tors and the home circle, °DUSTILY SIEILCHANTS supplied vu the mast liberal terms. Every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self, and is separately instructed. STUDENTS 1.11 •TTIENDANCE Tilton NEARLT Event BTATIE IX Tlll Cstns. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Etude, and the only Wm. Knabe & Co, 1 PRACTICAL EET1101.) OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced.. OS. 1,3, 5 and l'‘ North Eutaw Street,— l SALIWROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street, No Copying. froni Printed or Manuscript Forms in LEARNING ROOK-ICKEPINC: AT THE woos Charles sad Light—BALTIMORE, MiL, R ALTIMORE Coll MERCI AI, COLLEGE. Manefactweers of Gold Medal Premium GRANt) This method of instruction is nowhere else intro- AN I D 'SQUARE PIANO FORTES. dared in this country. Wm. Kaabe k Co. would respectfully invite Every Young Man should write immediately the atesetioa of the public, and especially those I ll for one of those large and beautiful Onuiniental Is want of a FIRST CLASS PLVSO. to their as- Circulars. representing the exterior and int , rior sorted stork of insErilmenES, which, for power view of the College, Penmanship, it., which will similimmieness o f tone, easy and agreeable totte-11% be sent by return mail, free of diary', with Cala,- Mal beauty of finish. have, by the best of judges, logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, beeistreseuneed unrivaled by any in the coon- 1 opinions of the l'ress on our new system of lks.ok atry. As to the relative merits of our Pianos, we keep i ng, e t c. would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in I TACTLTT : T eer ponsessioe, Irvin THALBERG, STRAKOSH, E. K. Loma, Principal—Lecturer on the Science 13.2:SATTER and H. NIEL . XTEMPS, ag also from of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. some of the most distinguished professors nod' J. M. Pututars, Professor of Book-Keeping and amateurs is the country ; also to the following , c ommerc i a l c elee m i i ims. MOUS! PREMIUMS, received within the last H. 11. Darius, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. three years: GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland N. C. J„„„60,4. Professor of Penmanship. Institute, 1855, 18:,ti, 18:47. SILVER MEDALS S. T. WILLLANIS, Esq., Mercantile Law. at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 18.37; Rev. E. Y. Rums, 1). D., Commercial Ethics. also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philadel- TIKSTICIA : Ph* / 456 ; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mcvhanics' Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Joshua Yansant, Institate, Richmond, 1835, 183 d All instru- lion. Thomas Swann, Win. 11. Keighler , Esq., mete of our manufacture have the full iron Jacob Trust, Esq., William Knabe, sq. Mulli l le, sad are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS. I The time usually required to complete the full 11$11..Particulsr attention paid to the selection I course. from 8 to 12 weeks. of lastrousests for distant orders, and a Privilege I A Die LOMA is awarded to a ll Graduates. of ezehaelle granted at any unto within *is mos ., Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms, If the instneweete should not prove entirely satin - le sent my mail free of dbargr. Addres s belay. A liberal discount to Clergymen, l l .7 , E. K. LOSIER, Baltimore, Md. Towbars sad Schools. Terms liberal. 1 Feb. 7, 18.19. ly Wholseake / dealers will find it to iheir adran tag* to give as a call, as by greatly increased hellitiss, we are enabled to fin all orders with Aimee& . IllerClonstalitly on hand, a large assortment ref MELOWNE, from the best Factories. 811Mbill-HAND PIANOS at Great Bargains, at prices from $3O to $l5O. Plasm" Exchanged, Hired sod Tuned. • all is reverently solicited. WILLIAM 1041BZ h CO. JO/Mal rf7 - 4 119 - /7 W. A. WISONG, No. 2 N. Liberty SL, Baltimore, Ltd Jane 22, 18Y.o. 1y Premium VrEAXELLED COTTAGE it:RNM.3O2. .10 4 1 R. W. HEYWOOD, No. 101 North Charles Baltimore, baring been engaged for the bat 11 years in the aeutufaetare sad side a lbarabove aleatTsble Furniture, suited to country misiikuess, has unbind a s ales ,ety, maaufue tool exprealty tor mail • - Abps t Oak sad Waluat Member Sets, Oak iad Walnut listeweion Tables, Dialog He and ?awry Mails, didistioarla, Bair sad Husk Mat trams, !maw Pillows sad 21, lEs. ly Bolsters, ire., le. Wry* *atom a. warm was A. MOM White & Swope, . Design is SOOTS, SUM, taint, STRAW UOOLIS ; also, Is hilt mad Ywr SATS, X.V.Balliamare sad Seward mess, Isls- Wi4 fli pow. b,1664. a T. Was" TrMILIMOUR, PAM ' 1L)111111A11 , t Aft Waft Nowaird allo•Vis g i e rr BANnuals. I ra..! brieliste ral, Bll 111111 0. 1 . flr elneY timmairekto, awl se the Was spit mot Approved poises& Aksy 11110 sew rlßete, ka. ilemik--trompr se Wad, -' maw *NM *Oh Vagina Albs& of as NOM WHillea via istajwa Sprolos 411111111 ,11164114ankitfloitAiii - 01*••• _ad tellissillogrileassipsi. Nardi '~L~.l.'~b"''~_ I Burr in ! wARRANTIIII).-41. STARR k CO., Ow. of .lu-.1 cad Centre &rats 'opposite N. C. R. R. Stattiot klatciwoas, Mo. .11,addlitilc. I tueers of FRENCH Blink Importers and Dealers in But Blocks. Bolting Cloths. Lei : thee and Gum Belting's, Cat- Lined Claster. and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual ity. A 1.43, Colone, Cocalico, and Esophes Mill Stones of all .izes. [Feb. 7, L 9. ly COOl Ills 1201/11. -, - L. H. Miller's i Cook and Parlor Stoves. I Asi,sEw POLLEY would r r. pectfully ring AND RUROL kit PROOF SAFES, i in- Corm the pal,lii that he now has a lot of r Bank 1.....ick5, Vault Door.. tc., manafac '4. 440 h: a nd I' 11.1.01: S'l OWES, «loch be tillers turgid in Baltimore —Persons in want of the-se at prices to siiit the lime+. artadel wilr find it 'mob to their advantage to ettii -liar:: Aug' 214, lC,i). 4; i porches from the manufacturer where they _ _ can !Ind a large stock, and hat e any they desire' Watches, Jewelry, loath to order at a low price. A Miller's Safe 3 and Bank Secnrities have lon ND SILVER W. 1141.: —We would respect g ! fain, inform our fneuils, ilitrons and the been manufactured in N e w E ng l an d, where they public generall, that a e hove just opened our are considered indispensable to those who want New W.itili, Jevrelrj, Silver and Plated Ware perfect protection nom fire and tbieres. listablisZiineut, at \o 622 Market street, where For prices, sixes, kc., send fur a circular.—, we offer Wliolc-ale and Retail, at the lowest Parties ordering safes are reque4ted to return 1 Cash Prices, a large and very choice stork of, them at my expense if not perfectly satisfactory. 1 every ilesKriptiou of goods usually kept in a! L. H. MILLER, I first-class Watch and Jewelry Store. 159 North still,PositeCalvcrt Station. ~ l We hope by untiring e ff orts to accommodate June 17, 1859. ly Rgit ' im ' rl ! , ] 1 " . ' and please not, only to retain all our farmer pa _ Iron.. hot merit and secure a large accession WI the same. ISSION MERCHANT, L!4 and 1711 Nora' Sire t, I am prepaired to receive and nell on COMMII AOO all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Haring an experience of ten years in the Commission tinniness, (and wiThing to continue that alone,) 1 flatter myself that I .hall be able to gho liATllS rArrios to all who favor me N lib consagnnients Will also attend to tilling orders fur Groceries, (Juan.). and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, '59. ly TREATS ALL DISEASES.—DR. BAAKE will pie tlpecinl attention to the following diseases : Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, influenza, Asthma, Bronchitis and all diseases of the Node, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin diseasea—Lnni bag°, Lumbar Abscesse., Scrofula, RIIPRMA• tisin, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Di spepeia, Piles, and all diseases of the Stomach, er and Bowels; also all chronic diseases pertaining-to Women and Children. Dr. liadtkee can pro duce one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Ulcers, Fistula. ;scald Bead.. Wens. Swellings and Tu morc of every. description and without the use of the knife. These last named diseases can not be treated by rorrespondenee, therefore the patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's personal snpervision. • DR. BA AKE); has made a new discovery ofa Fluid that is ill produce perfect absorption of the CATARACT. and restore perfect iision to the Nye without the tin of the kuife or needle, and he cures all diseallll.-of the EYE AND EAR, without the use of the knife or needle, ftnA be has constantly on hand an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either ..ex and all ages —iii+erted in five minutes. Dr. Itaakee is one of the most celebrated and skilful Physicians and Surgeons now living.--' His fame is known per.onally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters directed to Dr. tiaakee, (enclosing ten cents.) asking any questions pertaining to any disease, shall be promptly answered, and all Chronic disease+ can be treated by correspondence. except those mentioned, that will require his personal super tision. Office hours from 9A. M., to 4P. M. DEEZIEEI DOCTOR BAAK No. 74 Lexington St.,. between Charles k Liberty, April 1I , [Jan. :11. ly] Balliwure, NM /Wd I 4IO IF , adOrs. UNDEI) 1852. Chartenl.l 1854. Located COIL. OF IiALTINIORE A CHARLES STS., I.i.LLTIXORE, MD. The Largest*Most Elegantly Furnished k Popular Commercial College in the United States, DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOIL YOUNG MEN Dcsiring to obtain a thorough Practical Business Education. Money Saved By BUYING GROCERIES from HOOK t BA LDWIN, corner of Lexington end Green streets, BM:1140RK, ND. You save 25 cis. per pound You save 50 eta. per barrel Too sem, 50 el& per barrel in baying Fhb. Yon save from 2 to 3 4olkus per 100 pounds boring Bacon. You save from 1 to 4. cts. per pomd in buying Sugars. You save from 2 to 6 els. per pound in buying Coffee. You ears ban 2 to 10 els. per imam In buying Molasses. Is short you ens save nosey • outmost 'ray article la the Grocery Bas BALDWIII, 8. W. gorses of Lexington sod Grim sts., If say body doubts it let them rive us 0111 TRIAL, AM if they •re Doi 'Wiggled we wili be cwt hot they boy saaarrhara We waresatwary authels atEL Ira pack all psi satamply, - awl *hasp mashie it padig. /lad V the Choi are sot as nyissaid, tea Ivriasmal - at alp—. Parma; Wing h hoommiest to vivit Baltissono, Coo order et so novo. lb. Nail sod Nosy My ipso - loviss their grim pHuttor sad imildistology msawki. is. Ofillfto sotaass mit • AMOK k -4 - , waidsmar boa moor olirmitoo .7.M 27, 1j05.21. la • • oreLA.etvetml. James H. Bosley, BALTIMORE. MD • I Dr. Baakeo Nvery deaeription of Diamond Work and other Jewelry made to order nt short notice. All goods warranted to be as represented. Particular attention go en to the repairing of Watches and Jett elry of every description. STAUFFEI: /Va. .iferket street, S.&A Sae, kJ/dile/Ohs. N. 11.—We will continue our Old Store, No. 14H North Second street, for a abort time only. Aug. I, 1.3.1t4. 3m iII ' IRCHANICSTIMN, Frederick connty,lld. 1 . list ing been renot Rica awl re-rural-hid, r proprietor a,snres the public that n esti is til) needd, as he g,narantees full satisfaction In e 1 el) case. Charge. , mod erate. HENRY HEAR, Proprietor. Feb. 14, 1S:19. 1.1 New Agricultural Settlement. T' 4 ILL WANTING FAMIS, a rare oppor tunity in a delightful and healthy climate, mil e s ot Philadelphia, on the Cam den and Atlantic It silroad, \ea Jersey.—An old estate, consisting of lies end thousands of acrei of productise soil, hes been divided into Farms of serious sizes to suit the purchaser.— A population of some fifteen hundred, from various parts of the middle States end New Eng land, base settled there the past year, improved their places, and raised excellent crops. The price of the land is :it the low sum of from $l5 per acre; the soil is of the best quality for the production of W heat, Clover. Coru, Peaches, Grapes and Ve4etatiles. IT IS CON SIDEItEO THE RES I' FRUIT SOIL IN THE U tON. The place is perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive eueniv of the farmer.— Crops of grain, grass and trait are now growing and can be seen. Ity examining the place it self, a correct judgment can be formed of the piodoctiveness of the land. The terms are made easy to secure the rapid improvement of the Land, which is only s ad fur actual improvement. The result has been, that within the past year, some three hundred houses base been erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty tiny - arils and peach orchards planted, and a large number of other imp-use:orals, making it a desirable and active place of business. THE MARKET, as the reader met perceive from its location, is the BEST IS THE UNION. Produce bringing double the price than in locations away from the city, and more than double the price than the W est. It is known that the earliest and best fruits and vegetables in this latitude come from New Jersey, and are annually exported to the eaten of millions. In locating here, the settler has many advan tages. He is within a few hours' ride of the great cities of sew England and Middle States, he Is near his old Mewls and associations, he is in a settled country where every improvement of comfort and cis iliaatiou is at bard. Lie cria tiny escry article he wants at the cheapest price, and sell his produce for the highest, (in the West this is reverted.) be has schools for his children, divine service., and will enjoy au open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers are utterly unknown. The result of the change upon those from the north, has generally been to restore them to an excellent state of health. In the way of building and improving, lumber can be obtained at the nulls at the rate 011110 to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the brick yard opened In the place, every article can be proctmain the place, good carpenters are at hand, adU there is no pluir in the I'nion where buildings and itnproveifents can he made cheaper. The reader will at once be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask him ielf why the property has not been taken tgp before.— The reason is, it was never thrown in the let ; and unless these statements were correct, no one would he invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see land under cultivation, and such is the extent of the settlement that they 'A ill no doubt, meet persons from their own neighbor hood: they will N itness the improvements and can judge the character of the population. If they come with a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay a day or too and h.:ready to purchase, as locations cannot be held on re fusal. There are two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers is ho Improve, the Railroad Compote, pews a free 6401 fur six .aowt!•s, and a Aalf-Price ticket for three ,gears. Tflti TOWN OF II.‘IIMONTON.—In connec tion with the agricultural settlement, a new and thriving town has naturally arisen, which pre sents inducements for any kind of business. par_ titularlygores and manufactories. The Shoe hosiness could he carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton businc-s, unit manufactories of agricultural implements or fonntleries for casting small articles. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase of budness Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small ones, as it would affect the improvement of the place, can be had at from and upwards. The Ilamiffmion irdrAarr, a monthly literary and agricultural sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable—warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumberance when money is paid. Route to the land: leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton by Railroad, at 71 A. 311.„ or 41 P. M. Fare !Po cents. When there inquire for Mr. Byrnes. Boarding con on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byraes, a principal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will show them over the laud in his carriage, free of expense. Let ters and applications can be addressed to Lan dis k Byrnes, lieu:mouton P. 0., Atlantic coun ty, New Jersey. or S. B. Coogblio, 202 South Fifth street, Philadelphia. Maps and informs tion cheerfully furnished. July 4, 1858. Writ is buying Tea. rN7mn - I'M CI CGAR EVAPORATORS, Kettles, Cauldrons, S Clerifyiag Pass, Steam Coil Kettles, Skim mers, Dippers, Moulds, Straleers, Filters, Sae eharoaestows, Titanium!lreton, etc., with Latoriae, ties upon the subject of making Sugar, etc., fro; Cliessis. Ea arranged with Tree Co, of Ohio, for Ecorse to asaisefsetrue their lbsproved Sager Came Kills mad Sugar Kettles, sad having procured patterns films the shore umed mussafortunws, I am famish so short svelte say article in the Use of Seger Mak* Apparatus, all well tried sad of lb e most reliable idled. Also, dleett's Little Ward for igriadiug cum la the tota l/rot Catalogue sad Treatise es Sew Cone, etc., bickers three Postage Mumps, addressed JAMES St /ILL, 4priv Goias Jaw Wyrits, Owner of 11E1 1 amiss Alm 114askirlia dam. I, 11611. an , a, TO TRAVELERS -A Ens ommimmt of TRlTMEBatemnyimadmium,Cl== 'Re, Err sole at Tladibies, lin . Mug stmt. kWPIKII m4 —A WE* momispeM ark* Wear *riao ram laaiber, atirrary imallikr, as .at tat e ariremm ar. r . . .. ilk UM. theillosor amikal . , rili amp sad bemboom Epos* et . PICKIESIL Globe Inn, Sugar Cane Rills, COMOUt p.9OPINCI-TM subeir ibers are prepared to contract sad put on en the shortie, notice, Child A Co.'s PATENT Fin AND WA PROD SLASTIC CENDINT *O0?! U. It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and In point of durability is equal, if not superior, to Metalic Roofing. It can be pat on over tin, tar. iron. or Shingle roofs, however tat or seep tiler mny br. lit point of reaigting the elements of fire zed weer, nothing has yet been discorered equal to the Elnitic Cement. Those who hat e used it., nave testified that it s the sery perfection of Rooting, and that there is no further room for iniproleineut. No one will now think of putting on shingly, when this Consist can he had for much less Wley and will outwear four shingle roofs. This Rooting ii warranted as repreAenteit. The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and hest protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or (Limpness of the ground. It is also the hest paint for iron, effectually presenting rust and wherever applied perfectly excludes dampness The .übscribers have this Cement for tale, in quantities to suit. Fur farther information, lip id) to P. J. a C. IL TATS, ' - "\ffsicle liotel, Gettysburg, Pa. Anril "15. 1859. tf Change of Hours ON TIM GrTTY8111. 1 11(i RAILROAD ? Summer Arrum,emmu —4on and after Thurs da,. April 2141, the MORNING TRAIN will leave Gettyilmrit it 11.31/ o'clock A. M., corrnecting At Mono% er Junction IR ith Express train to Balti- Inure at 9.12, and Mail train from Baltimore at 9.32, returning to liettysburg at l'J.3i) noon, with pt's-eugcni from Baltimore, York, Harris burg., Philadelphia, and the North and 11 e.t. The AFTF:ItStION TRAIN will leave lieu" s burg at I o i lock. I'. M., connecting' at Hanoi er Junction with Mail train to Baltimore at 3 37, re turning to tiett sburg about P. M., with passengers from York, II arrisb u rg, Philadelphia, and the North and M est. airily the above arrangement passesgeer can go either North or south on the Northeru Central ltailway both nothing and afternoon. R. 11 CURDY, President. April TS, 1859. Adams County AIUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.- IU. Incorporated March 18,1851. °snorts. Pruidret—deorge Swope. rovsi4kwi--S. R. Russell Reentiary—ll. A. Buehler. Treanuvr— Lhiv id leCreary. Erse/mire Cauunitue--Robert McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Heintz,iman. Maaapers—George Swope, D. A. Buebler,Ja cob King, A. Heintz.'man, R. M'Curdy, Thos. A. Marshall, S. Fahuestock, Win. B. McClellan, Win. B. Wilson, K. Bicheiberger, Abdiel V.Olll, John Woiford, H. A. Picking, AbelT. Wright, Joha Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell, D. M'Creary, Andrew Pulley, John Picking, J. Al. llersh. ligg-This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six years, and in tbat period has paid all losses and ex penses, witAuiss mry assessment, baring also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs no Agents—all business beiug done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. 'The Execntive Committee meets at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday In every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1818. Notice T*O FARMERS AND lIIERCIIANTS.—We T 0 now opened our large and commodious rehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Rail road streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and are prepared to receive produce of all kinds, viz: IPLOCR, WIISAT, ityg, CORN, OATS, kc. -Also, on hand and for sale, 401 t., Guantis, Meter, Fish, ke. .t large stork of Groceries just received, consisting of Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, Oils. Rice, Teas. Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, ke.. kc., which we do not hesitate to say. we will sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calliug to see and examine our stock before purchasing else where, as our motto will be "quick sales and small profits." We would also call the attention of all Inter ested In the thrifty and healthful condition of their Cattle, Horses, !logs, &c., to the fact that we have for sale Ilreinig, Fronefield k Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable CATTLI POW ItER. of which we have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Fanners and Storekeepers. KLINEVELTEII, BOLLINUKR k CO. Oettyaburg, ept. 5, lass. Farmers' & Ifechardes' AMINOS INSTITUTIoN OF corry_ 0 TY.— Wrath A rowel &q ariposi.-11epo%ite )our surplus funds is this Institution and rr ceire interest at the rate of from two to four per eenll4.„ Tbi. institution offers a safe. convenient and protiktlile depository to all elastics of people. July 47.59. A Word to the Wise! DT FAIL to ran and see SAVISON'S New Goods—a large and splendid assortment of MEWS AND BOY'S CLOTHING and Furnish ing Goods—ar. extensive lot of all kinds or HATS, BOoTS. SHOES and (LA ITEBS—an nn rivalled assortment of TRUNKS and CARPET SAVES, some ery hand.oine and new styles.— Also, a large and splendid variety of Sett 4; Brrkslrins and Rings ; WATJ'II ES, :MUSI CAL TISTIWMF:NTS. kc., he.. A very hand some aid new etc le B.1.11,B.0.11) TRAVELLING -hart, et errhing in his line. .kfter all said and done. SAMSON'S IS THE SPOT to buy mit goods at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Those who wish to buy to sell again will do well by calling, as I can and will sell them goods cheap'mr than they tau buy them iu the city. April 18, INSII Marble Yard Removed. TIIE subscriber haring removed his place of business to East York Street, a short dis tance below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line, such as Noun stnents, Headstones, lc., kc., of et ery variety of st)le and finish, with and without bases and so. kets, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit the times. Persons desiring anything in his hue will find it a decided advantage to examine his stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. W.ll. B. MKALS Gettysburg, March 21, 1859. - • MM I Tni THE subscriber has removed his Plough A and , • Machise Shop from the Foundry buildirlf to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Yogis Hotel, where he is better prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Moughs always on band and made to order at the shortest tootles, and Machines, Reapers. £c., repaired. Also he will attend to diameg and repairing Clocks. Ma 10. DAVID WAHRIIN. Something New X GETTYSBURG.,—TIie undersigned Worms the chinas et the tows sad county, that be as ccoanuerscril the BAKING business, on a large wale. In York street, Gettysburg, swot, opposite Wattles's Betel, where be will try to deserve, and hopes to receive, a liberal poxes age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, pugTzus, se., de., baked every day, (Bea -4,1y, cuiptak) all of the hula 11101111ity, aid said at the lowest Briny prolits. Cracker- hs all its breaches is largely canted ea, and to way ansosat, has this and awlisiaair sow ties, .'lid at the ehdirteet intim Mavis. erected is large sad commerlissug Isabo-bersee end secured the best aritamsu and the awes tp- Wavy hewiases proved serchiser w y, be is imppesod 11. 416 • . TA.unarnm BAUM. July Li, DEM _ . Privets Woe rtu=rastr* of Ewa 'eat idler Ihretakmaikih ‘ 7l;?= wit *ter. ihrm issi orti rr i ; : i t rN 1. PiMainntr; T, maim flu= wAsiitik_..v i ; =abut Thaber N eiit di e - 11 1 =4= it OUTDOIri 1-410111er V UM. Store at Orem sienuttt anderillfard marakl most rtm ly Messrs um• pith*. that he has porehrieed 11m flbiera of John Welker; et Ortenmeonnt, Adams comity, half-way on the road from Oettysbarg be ilinassitaburg, when he expects, by attention and small profita, to re tain all the old engem and ware lots of new His stock of DRY 0001)8, of every description, Groceries, Confecticrnatiee, Queensw arc, W &ides ware, Grockery-ware, Hardware, kc., Is large and varied—equal to that .of any other first class sture—eind he will sell at prices astonishingly low. He only asks a trial, to prove the truth ut this assertion. Country produce taken in exchange for goods J. ALEX. HARPZR. The undersigned also carries on the CAR -11 I AG E-ItAKING business at the came place, and offers rare inducements to purchalers. He will warrnnt his work good, whilst his charges are among the most moderate. Repairing done on short notice. J. ALEX. HARPER. Feb. 14, 1859. ty Railroad Store. JC MINN & BRO. have just received and a are opening at their new store on the North-west corner of Centre Square, Getty sburg, a large and complete assortment of Spring and Summer Goods and Groceries. The I idles par tkularly are invited to call and examine our su perior styles of Dress Goods and Fancy articles, embracing everything coming properly under this head at prices not heretofore equalled, and in quality surpassed by none. GENTLEMEN'S W E.tlt, of every description, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Casinetts, Coatings, Vestzt4%. kc., which cannot be surpassed out of the Lily in quality and price. our stook of Groceries is also complete, while ether article generally found in a Dry Goods store can be had at the "Railroad Store" of J. C. Quinn & Bro. Believing that the pub lic can suit themselves better here than else where, we invite them to give us a call. For he proof of our assertion, call and examine our stock, even if you don't boy. [April 4, 1859. Humphrey's Specific ITOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. I.—FEVER PILLS—For Fever, Conges tion, and Inflammation of all kindt. No. 2.—WOR3f PILLB—For Worm-Feuer, Worm-Colic, and Wetting the Red. No. 3.-11AtirS PILLS—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and Wakefulness, and Nervousness of Adults. No. 4.—DIARRHEA PILLS—For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantutn,and Summer Complaint. No. S.—DYSIOITERY PILLS—For Colic, Griping, Dysentery, or Bloody Flax. No. U.—CHOLERA PILLS—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No. T.—COUGH PILLS--For Coughp, Colds, Hoarseness, Influenza, and Sore Thrust. Nu. s.—TOOTLIACIIE PILLS—For T-ieith. ache, Feceache, and Neuralgia. No. U.—HEADACHE PILLS—For lleadache, Vertigo, Heat and Fullnees of the Head,. No. 10.—DYSPEIPSIA PILLS—Fur Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation, and Lir. r Complaint. No. 11.—FOR FEMALE IRREGULARITIES —Scanty, Painful, or Suppmsed Periods. No. I•2.—FEMALE PILLS—For Lencorrhura, l'rofuse Menses and Bearing Down. No. 13.—CROUP PILLS—For Croup, Roars' Cough, Bad Breathing. No. 14.--SALT RHEUM PILLS—For Erysip elas", Eruptions Pimples on the Face. No. 15.-11F.CMATIC PILLS—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness in the Chest, Back Loins, or Limbs A.—For Fever and Ague, AIM Fever, Dumb tgue, and mismanaged Agnelli' P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or ExternaL o.—For Sore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes sad Eyelids ; Failing. Weak, or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or reeent, either with obstimetion or profuse discharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. .tCCTE DISEASI L S, such as Fevers, Indanimations, Diarrheas,eDysentery, Croup, itheuniati,m, and such eruptive diseases as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Erysipelas—the ad vantage of giving the proper remedies prompt ly I, obvious, and in all such cases the specifies act like a charm. The entire disease is often arrestad at once, and in all cases the violence of the attack is moderated, the disease shorten ed and rendered less dangerous. Even should a physician afterwards hare to be called, he will take the case at decided advantage from the pre% ious treatment. COUGHS AND COLDS, which are of such frequent occurrence, and which so often lay the. foundation of diseased Dings, bronchitis, and consumption, may all be at once cured by he Frier and Cough Pills. In all CHRONIC DISEASES, such as Dys pepsia, Weak Stomach, Constipation. Liver Complaint, Piles. Female Debility and Irregu larities, old headache, Sore or Weak Eyes; Ca-1 ,tarrh, Salt Rheum, and other old eruptions. the case has specifics whose proper application wil afford a cure in almost et cry instance. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, Piles, or Catarrh, Headache, or Fe male Weakness, has more than paid fur the case ten times over. PRICES Full set, 20 large mink in Morocco Case and Book $5 00 Full set, 20 large vials in Plain Clue k Book, 4 00 ('ace of 15 numbered boss and Book 2 00 Case of any 6 numbered boxes and Rook. 1 00 Single numbered boxes, with directions... 25 Single lettered boxes, with directions 60 Large plantation or physician's cape, 1 and 3 os. vials.... 15 00 I= Look ()Ter the list; make up a case of what kind you choose, and inclose the amount in a current note or stamps, by mail, to our address, at No. 1:42 Broadway, New York, and the medi cine will be duly returned by mail or express, free of charge. m e t ddresP UMPEIREVS k CO., No. 662 Broadway, New York. Sold is Gettysburg by A. D. Butnt.sis;.and by all druggists. • July 4, 1859. 3m New Store! NEW FIRM I NEW GOODS I—A, SCOTT & SON take pleasure in announcing to the public that they have just opened a new and complete Dry Goods and Grocery Store on the corner of Chambersbnrg and Washington streets, in the Borough of Gettysburg, opposite the " Nagle Hotel," where they are'now and it ill be prepared at all times to offer bargains to snit the purse and please the people. By conducting OUT business on the CASH SYSTY.III, with the motto "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and by panning a strictly hon orable coarse, we bops to receive the encourage meet, not only Of the citisests of Gettysburg and Adams county, but the rest of mankind. II • have jut returned front the cities with • hand some aseortment of SPRIN(I k SUNNER GOODS, embracing all season of Ladies' Dross Goods, of lb. mast beautiful styles, Fancy Ar ticles, llemets sad Boson Trimmings, Cloths, Omissive, Irtistisses, &c. Also, a large assortment of QUKILNSWARE. gar steels of GROCIRIES is also large and complete. We will sot take time to particular lu, but larits all to call sod see--no trouble to show roods. A. SoC OTT & SON. Nay 16, 1660. Spring Goods t itß ARRIVAL t—TAIUMB7OCW BRO:13 • jars melte( • Urge and Omits . j untarna of Bpetar Goods, sa abiab Om kale time aitaatise of barna Oar meek reasprisas may saw and basaiNal Myles of Larliail Drew Gael, sea us rarely, sad wt. an sea feat that lbws asembeee *bs will Vampi, her tied day born Mem bees oared baiter pelt u weiW styles. , ir e b us la w rompil war Soak af MB* goade, ere! air Nees awl Bays' Wear, Celbeetw, Maallar, liketbas, Mat!,gentety, mos la d pale% We mai en aosit als, bet tea ammo ear vionssitts 4WI Mande aai we era pragerett faralsb ewe willb sate robs es tipsy my met absafrar than Bey an Olid=Oketbarwria earsety, zi l iz e =y ihni buy eel 'NW • ' tUnallirrOCK 1140=1:1111, • Apti 4, Isoo. 114d1 71444. ALAMO Lt se Ihileast. 1111101411 1 6 ; ted col. sod wall bit NU kg at . SOMIOUX • - . oil at 'aim . elleser won WI 'lt • /LAMM SOIL UNIT 11:: 1111131111111. liknr Pism—Now Goods. ondmakeeld Imre entered into partner ship the HARDWARE k GROO' business, stag old stand of Danner k Ziegler, in Baltimore street, asides the name, style and inn of DANNER k MIXER, .111.8., mid ask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firth, as well as any / quantity of new custom. They have just return ed from the cities with an Immense stock of; Goods--consisting in part of Be Lidl pg Materials, such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass. kc. Toole , including Edge Tools oferery description. Saws, Planes, Chisscls. Gouges,' Braces and Bitts, Augers, Squares, Ganges, l Ilainmers, itc. Blacksmiths will find Anvils, I Vices, Rasps, Files, Horse Shoes, Ilorse-shoe I Nails, kc., with them, very cheap Coach Find logs, such as Cloth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes, I Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, , Spokes. Felloes, Bows, Poles, h hats. kc. Shoe Findings, Tampico, Brush and French Ilorocco, Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kc., with a general assortment of Shoemaker's tools. Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment— also Varnish, Knobs, kc. HOUSEKEEPERS will also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Brittantila, Allman and Silver-plated Ta ble and Tea Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Churns, Carpeting, kc. Also, a general assortment of forged nod rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; Cast, Shear, and Blister Steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. GROCKIdES, a full and gen eral assortment, such as Crushed, Pulverised,' Clarified and Brown Sugars, New Orleans, West India and Sugar House Molasses and Syrups, Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse and Dairy Salt • Linseed. Fish and Sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish. .kc.: a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, llonekeeping, ksmith,Calinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are determin ed to sell as low fur CASII as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYIUUGIIT ZIEGLER Gettysburg, Xv 24, 1858. Howard Association, TIIIILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this Institution to establish Hospitals, to prom ide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food, Medicines, Ac., for the dick and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased parents, and to minkter in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of the Directors, at shy times, to visit per sonally the infected districti, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usually enrol their names on its books, subject to be call ed upon to attend its hospitals. free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give 'advice and medical aid to persons suffering un der CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent charac ter, arising from abuse of the physical powers, mal-treatment. the effects of drug.. Lc. Various REPOIIT'S and TRACTS on the na ture and treatment of Chronic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon, have been published for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent FREE of CHARCE to the afflicted. Address, fur reports or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard As sociation, No. 2 south Ninth Street, Philad'a, Pa. By order of the Directors, • EZRA D. MIA RTWELL, Pres't. Gito. FAIRCHILD, Seey. Sept. 2u, 1858. ly Lumber & Coal, FoR sale by BASTRESS k WINTER, New Oxford GROCERIES, MILL FEED, kc., Ac., For ode Wholesale and Retail by IIASTRESL k WLXTER, New Oxford. •The highest-CA*sh prices paid for Grain May 30, 1859. Gm* Call This Way ! ripnx subscriber would inform the public that he continues his MACHINE SBOP, lluembersburg street, Gettysburg. near the Foundry, where he has various kinds of Ma china., on hand. such as Threshing Machines, Corn Shelters, Cornfodder Cutters, Cloy ersced Hullers, Straw Cutters, and llorse Powers of different kinds,—two, four or six -horse, to suit purchasete-indeed all such as can be had at Hanover or Littlestown. Also, Mortising* Ma chines, for house carpenters. put up in - the very best and most substantial manner. Cutting Screws or long Bolts, ant kind or size less than eleven fees in length, atm ays attended to, as well as Turning in iron, casting or wood. Also all kinds of REPAIRING on Machinery, dressing-up Mill Spindles. he., done on the shortest notice. The under signed manufactures MORGAI . 6 PATJT HORSE RAKE. which he offers at the lowest living profit. Ile is likewise agent fur the REAPER k MOWER. l lmanufactured by Joseph Shireman, at East Berlin. I hope that all in want of anything in my line will call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I will warrant all my murk to give satisfaction to DAVID STERNER. April 11, 1859. ly* and Cheap I THE on signed would inform his friends and the public generilly,tbat he continues tue CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSENESS, in all its broaches, at his establishment, in East rid dle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., where ne has on hand a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put op to order whaterer may be desired in Lis line, TiZ :--Rockaway and Boat-body Carriages, Falling- is Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug gies, Jersey ).Vagons, ic. With •stiums63 . o good workmen and good materials, be can pledge his work to be of the best quality—and his prices are among the lowest. s c ir Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call! June 15, '67. JACOB TROXEL. Still at Work ! . COACIIMAKISG AND BLICKSIIITHING. —The undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public that he continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmithing business in every branch at his establishment In Chain bersbarg street. Ile has on hand and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, &c., of the best material, and made by superior work- Men. aldirftlLPAlßlig and BLAMES/11171111G of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. Corstar F'stoorca taken in exchange for work at :market prices. -Persons desiring articles or work In the Coadonaking or iflackmithing line, an re spectfully lashed to call on JOU,I HOLTZWOWfIi. Gettysburg, Jan. 24, 'bP. Remo /1. A LIXANDER MAIER, Clock sod Watch maker, hos resiored kis rbop to the room usa tho West side of the Pablic tiernars, !alai; oevspied by David A. Baader, Esq., as *Law Nike, Where he will always be irppy to attend the calls of customers. TboWal for poet heroes, be hopes, by strict attention to bus:tarns ; and a design so please, to sent and metre the paternaa !of ibe public. 11, 1111, gds, lor il Notice. rilnogoiroiesed bevies retired ben the liturestile Nam, u. .... wet heed ter be eestissed et the *id Mad, in Ilsehnen Arm,leses, Henry IL Dea W ner and ay woo , ands the sane sad mg** Ibraser Jim, when setae intesseseed is, mid fee we would bespeak a Mend draw ef paseeert ben eid easkerese, and rd the public is peseng. Barbi Mimi bee the Illeresstar enefseek it le neeessary list our mid bandana shaidd be melded gr. _ illendmee, unity MI theme is &bud to us Mabee by Jeolgeopot, gams or gook geessat, to can and set* ilis soil • achy. The boobs eel be emend at the Sid remsd. J. JIL DAMES, Soy 1 DAVID =OWL, if Sol* Calk Am/ = 4 : 11 :** 024 7 111 4 12 Z . mioo 4 114: -44" 4 14"31 4 4411.or*okiimi • alsimtlirsawisebimi: A HomisiteedlletSlo l4 :' . 4HomicenceD for s`lool situ, : • • for $lOOO and over, &Wed on, trerionf pahansock River, above and below IMP* ERICKIEIBURG, IN VIRGINIA. A sow Town, called RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently hem laid out, in CULPEPER COUNTY, he the mitten of the GOLD - REGION OF VIRGINIA s aro rounded by Hines and Mining Companies ; and Farms and Town Lots itt alternate divisions or shares, can now be had for a "Pere Song,) , shn. ply to induce settlement in this desirable region. $254,200 worth of land is to be divided amongst pnrchascrs or given away as an inducement to come on and make improvements, and the land is of the most improvable qualltko. Nosy have already settled and scores of others aresonting. Good farming land, in tracts of any aim to suit purchasers, can also be bed at frottfslo4olll2o per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly install.. merit,. rxgrzeriOn•nit Tril,,lS WILL IC ALL CASEr4 D k 'I% EN. 0:33'" 'NT ;3 ARE WANTED everywhere to i sell the lands : liberal inducements will be' l given. E. BAC :, a)ER, Laisd Agent, July It, 187,9. sin: Port Ho I Vs. lIATWII4III I MOLAR Sunbeam Gallery. • THE subscriber would respectfully 1111111111Sef to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally, that he has provided himself with an entire new and splendid SKY -LIGHT sialt- BRUME ROOM, at his residence in West Mid dle street, one Square west of Fahnesteek's Store, w here he is prepared to furnish Ambro, 31clahao. Enamel and Photograph Pictures In every style of the art, which be 'sill warrant to give entire satisfaction, and is prepared to ae commodatc all with good pictures, either single or in group=. lie also has a number of speci mens at his room in Chambersburg street, a fete doors West of Cobenn k Culp's Shoe Store, where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of themselves and friend's, will do well to give me s call, as I have reduced my prices to suit the Present hard times. Pictures copied how old specimens of all kiwi;. also inserted in Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, kc. The subscriber being thankful to his friends and the public in general fur past patrundge, ishes them to continue it, and assures them that as heretofore, they shall nut be dissatisfied "Charge; from lu cents toSIO. Roomier operating front BA. 31. to 4F. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on hand, at the very lowest prices. SW - Children will nut be taken for less than 51 00. jerAmbrotypes taken for fifty cents and up wards, and In the best style. WEAVSII. April 26, 1858 MITE subscriber has just returned from the city, with a large supply of NEW GOODS, which he offers to sell cheaper than ever. Give him a call, and judge for yourselves. His as sortment embraces Cloths, Cassimeres, Testingly, all kinds of Summer Goods, and a large-assart meat of READI-MADE CLOTHING, for men and boys. JACOB REININGER, Carlisle at., 4 doors from Centre lignite. Gettysburg, April 4, 1859. Scrofula, or King's Evil; is a constitutional disesee, a camip.ion of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak. and poor. Being in the circulation, is pervades the whole body, and may burst out m disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low Bring. dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing rifts. and. above all, by the venereal infection. VMS. error be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution. descending from parents to child: ft unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers up" their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal mans, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; said on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul ear rnption, which genders in the blood. depraves the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with. stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature. are still rendered fatal by this taint in the srtena. ktost of the ionsumptkm which de cimates the human family bas its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination: and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, bream and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cense. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in. faction, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the sy.tem we mustrenovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Eitraet of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medial skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal m %fly. It is com bined from the most active remedial, that have been discovered for the expurgation of this bed disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the =from its distractive consequent*. it should be employed for the elm of not only scrofula, but also those other affm tions which arise from it, such as Emma and Baser thassans, Sr. Arrrnarir's Fru, Room or EsverrmAs, Pepsins:B, Prams, Burman, B LAMS and Bons, Tomas, Timm and fists Baran; Scam lILn, Rawson's, linransras, Svraturic and lel RIMIVXIeII Dts suass. DILOPST, DTITIOILk, D1X11277. mid. indeed, ALL CONTLLTAIII seizure rear Von,.. SID on Isamu BLOOD. The popular belief in ./ impurity retAi blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particularlasso and virtue of this fianapie. AIM is to and to this vital fluid, without sr sound health is .impomilils in ecataminatad mostitationa. Ayers cathartic Pills, RN AU. TIN PURIM IF A FAINT PI $$A, are so essapeetil that disease within die rsw id their adios can rarely whipsawed or evade dem Their penetnalwi properties sear* and ilsease, and lervigorste every patios of the lba mew isms, wanting lea diseased soils, as* apsianwp its Ift/thy eitagtira .de a essewpmese• of tltsr popertles, the bleak, Ate is lowed dews with psis _fif phydral della, is wissished SW his -,Mt or messed by a suswely at sew as aildr at eseerir i lie sily s e hr, asasy .""4" Swailt= dasigsress dare* The mass bass sewed is plowed to Mn rade pay Aspirins Ahem" easksidas militates at Gamins awl diverting dwir Ise he Ow bileveiss desioe. MEW N 11111.1014 Hesiselis!trissarnmdfmenkra Iftratik.etam.lsdipreherwwrivo /wallas V lle Dowas„ listi=two ose e= arinAwastram, wed caw isi=leir state se ass body shsisenoiss at its Ayer's Cherry Petted, aux as swap eval etalgillp CON* 11.1110111* ,sem0 11 elft Creoppikeitibildsolleopfiniemealere Ws, ma Or Ss wider ef Palle. .area of Ow- lb wile iv Se lei et lb Essfidliam 1111111111011111• Illimins an die area iir Sis mosll. *el abillb we friks w ilL= l l o = i ti=m l ~ 11 2Thmaitig ibissiiWkit bmpt "T - gm. weaves. wise, • risitrap we . . - elm mambo dig Wit .._ i ii iii i i k awl wkiirstill.llll_ r earswum* agook4ol.ll - -„, - 44= dee • a new Milleir listae) al biter 4l =l: ' kii lo* all - air eir ItIVV II =rviroilalsfelAss4 iN__,,_ _ I!' *l,4Adciirij r Cw-AVC I II 4I I II. •. .- :. -11114kiebil.111. ,; t a.a.ia.„..a . aAhdpirowar. - _. . . , fill 77WF---11,1116L 'IS "'" 0 " ,4 4 1 t * St , Vti kr illi.42l7lll ' A; :2 Goods for the Season 1 0 =EU
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