swift srtrAn• • - to VT. 8. ROL,IIID,r4q., Secretary of the York County Agricultural Society, far Complimentary Tickets to the Annual Exhibition of said Society, which takes place at York on the 4th, sth, 6th and Tth of October, and to Sancti, SAans, Esq., Secretary of the Maryland State Agricultural Society, for a Complimentary Ticket to the State Fair of said Society, which will be held in Frederick front the 25th to the 28th of Oc• toiler) also to DATID TAGGART, President of the Pammytrania State Agricultural Society, for Tickets to the State Fair, to be held in Philadelphia from the 27th to the 30th of this month. The. Mar .I.eta iik gli GIiTTYSBUILG—SArcauAtIAM Superfine Flour. ..... ..... r , Rye Flour Corn,. Rye Outs Buckwheat Meal— Clover Seed.... Timothy Seed., Flex 80*d,—. ..... —..—.... itarley--4 Master of raria Plaster grouud, per bag nALTIMOIM—FaIDAT LAE? Flour 'Wheat Rye Corn Ciata [lover Seed z. Timothy ..... ........ Beef (....attle, per hunct. Rocs, per hand Hay Vhiekey Guano, Peruvian, per ton FIANOVER—TH CIVIDAY LAST Flour, from wagons Do. from stores IVAteat Rye Core Oats etover Seed Timothy Seed Plaster YORK—Fs DAY LAY'? Flour; fPosi wagons ..... . ...... ...... Do. from mores Corn .....-- --- 0 as —...— .. ..... Clover Eked... Timothy Seed. T1e5ter.,......... Jury List. OCTOBER SI'LrIAL TERM F. Bair, Jacob Lola. Tyrrine-13e:orire Jlittnilton—Levi Guise, „inc.. C. F4Mo. If untirrgtan—Ernanucl Smith. Philip Nyeri. Latitnore—John C. 110-Pht, George ehrontster. 3lrodlen—Jacob 11. Ilerits, John Burkholder, John McKnight. 'Gettysburg—John Gilbert. Charles X. Martin. 1 4 trabstn—George Ehrehart. dl ri,t liyerq, Jo eph Hershey. 31.,uukioy—Al.ner .‘111'.4, Levi Golden. i‘ford—Ddiaiel el[Len. Franklin Leading—llenry 1: , ]coioell. John Brough, Esq Liberty—Gregory P. T..pper, 1 tne flamer. Eckert Butler--Jacob Pet.'r, Jolva NV. Dull. Cumber_Lautl--Jacuti Su klier, Curuelius Daugh- Frauilin—lasuel Mickley , Dauiel Kuhn, John Shank, liarn.Lba, , I)L,rdul fr. 13erwiti: tp.—Jertuliala Lieu(ler. Sept. 24•, 18:1Lt. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby giten to tli legatees and other persons concerned that the icimitc• entristion accounts herLinatter mentioned will te presented at the Orphan's C.Jurt of Adams couoty for confirmation and allowance, on Wrdoesdaq, the 2 tlth tu:Qber aczt , at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 145. Tho eripplentental Recount of Dr. T. dialler, Administrator of the estate of Robert llellvain. late of Hamilton tow nship, deceased. 146. The third and final account of George Slagle. one of the Executors of George Slagle, .deceased_ 147. The third and final account of Elias Ingle, one of the Execntors of George Slagle, tici-e teed. 148. The first neconnt of Ernnnuel ',rough And Andrew BrouTh, trot Imenory Trugtees of Ahrthant Brongh, under the wilTufJuka Drones, deceased. 140. The first account of Jereminh Slay baugh sad Jacob Sandoe, Executors of Raltzer Cmiater, dereAsed. 150. The first and final account of Wm. Me (leas, Administrator of the estate of Sather S. race, deceased. Z ACIIARIA.II MYERS, &gutter. Register's Office, Gettys-1 bhrrg, Sept. 2G, 1859. f Notice. ADAMS COTNTY. 55. 4 an Orphan's Court. held at Gettysburg. for saul county, on the 20th dog of September, l 8 1, present Ole lion. Robert J. Fisher, l`'j President, and Rona. David Ziegler and Isaac E. Wiertitan. Esqs., Asso ciate Judges. on nrotion of M. k W. McClean, Esqs. a Rule was granted upon ail the heirs .and Legal representatives. and all persons in terested in the estate. of NICHOLAR late of Cumberland township, is said county, _eceased, iequiring them to Inc and appear at an Orphan's Court, to be held at the Court bonne, in Gettysburg, in said county, on the third -Wang of (21s1) Surember next, then and there to accept or refuse the estate of the said de cedent at the valuation thereof. and to case the heirs and legal representatives dad ail per sons iitterested in the estate of the said decedent, aegloet olexefuse to take the same, then to show cause, if any they have, by smile hoald not be Bold according to lqw. Be the Court, Sopi.. 96, 1859. 11. G. WOLF, Clerk. Notice to Assessors. rCAssessors , eleeted at the List Spring Etissiiisa 11113 hereby uplifted to attend at t a essndesicnutn' Office, in the borough of Gettysburg, to reteire blank assessment Dupli cate/laid libe necessary instructions, as follows: The Astessors of Union, Conogo, Berwick tp., Beririet bor., Oxford, Be a'ing, Hamilton, Yo t, Germany, Straban ' and Mount joy, -attend on Weelaeoday, the 19th of October siert t and the Assessors for Gettysburg. Cum berland, Freedom, Liberty, Hamiltontma, Frank lin,Bstlei, Ilenallen, Tyrone,Huntington, and Lainsora, :ill attend on TAertelay, the 20th of Oefeber, 181$9. By order of the Commissioners, J. M. WALTER, Clerk. Eiltit...ll6, law, td . . Postponed Sale. BTDse bf an Order of the Orphan'. flwaraef Adams county, the antmeriber, Adniiiiatealar of Pirtle Cott, deceased, will offerat pabile salmon the premises, on Saber day, the Mk day of October nazi, .lbe Real Estate (Amid deoedent, via : A FARM. sit uate in Litiertar township, Adams county & miles "mot of Nromitsberg, adjoining lands of heirs artLonJames ideDivd, heirs of Maxwell Shields. and others, itontainiog 164 ACM. axon ea les, about 80 sores of which '`,Viend in s geed state elf anitiv.stiow• and a the Wanes Is well eovered , with .. 141 4.4.annt and noel Oat istmetaents are • one and a haltstory LOOKLog lion s , y ou " Orebilskot'ehotee• frost, fa... 4, Thek ittnpt:r_,,good Springs' f I 7 near Ike fig. The road f rom Morlteit's Dog 40 &Ulla. . T s 0 m anffirldlliii in in from 44 is dS acres, aL Peewee desiromit Mr call en the ea , .unbar 4 a411111: 4 Ws Whs.. Sfahtia, As t en said dWithit im give* sad teemellmeikelbeild.."; - A. 4131; COLI• Adasinistestor. • c r itEAT SHOW !—Superb Equr.trirtn Cotn prmy and Zoolog:tal Entertainments!— ? e great Show a ill giNe Two Grand Exhibi tions, Afternoon and EN ening, at GETTYS BURG, TUESDAY. (PCT. 4th. Performance at half-past 2, and half-past 7, I'. M. Admission only 25 cents. No half-pri"e. This reduction, less than it has hitherto been, is made uniform in order to afford the public the only opportunity they will et er have of see ing the greatest of Living Humorists ! this be ing DAN RICE. FAREWELL TOUR! Those who never saw him, should see him now, Before he makes his last and fare% ell bow ! ?his establishment returns thanks for the generous patronage which has already been so frequently bestowed while under its previous management, and is gratified to sac, th a t w hil e the aeries of entertainments are multiplied to almost an incredible number, its new resources of Artistd and Appointments tare undo.:btedly of the best and tno.t judicious selettion--each artist being himself a Star—the whole forming A BRILLIANT UoN:ifi:I,I,ATION 6 00 ... 3 60 ...1 00 to 1 16 ••« 70 .... 70 .... 30 .... 60 sOO 4 50146 00 1 75 1 20 CO 6 50 85 ...: 5 00 to 5 12 ..... 1 08 to 1 45 78 to 90 ..... BO to B 3 ..... 32 to 30 5 50 to 5 82 .... 2 50 to 2 75 .... 4 50 to 8 25 .... 7 00 to 9 5) 14 00 to/8 00 17 to 28 C 2 00 Every attracts% e feature known to the palmy dots of the Great Shutt. xiL tit still sharacterDe its existence. Tle di tinct,i.hei humorist, PAN RICE, will positir elyni,pc ir itt every per formance, and to nth: to the effect of emir he will lecture and Fite nil.rupriate commentaries upon the turns of the d To illustrate the grasefal and rapid stridt sof the new sulosid of Istrily Equestrinnorna. MRS. DAN RICE will appear on I.cr far owe Is‘Clett, DAYIKL WEBYTPR Pll.l the 11/LE WHIT): STLXII, iirtiay. Another interesting ienturc of Dr" e-:- hihtion the remarkable TRAINED A SIIIAL-4, reduced front their nett% e Mildness to the dusii ity characteruing domestic far orites of their species. The lIONIAN BR-OTHER: 4, ssrs. Jolty Mt7kftAY and GeollOg 11OLLA%D, hale JU-I retained front their fureigu tour crowned with laurels, and will appear in their classic and striking grouping, po, , ei. and tableaux. The irresi.tilde Jr t its heel will present his farcical interludes, and psculitir oddities. Minx Earretta Ram-tax, the mush admired juvenile equestrienue rind ritarming vocalist. Tuowsa CANUAY, le tiler of the lei stone Baud—unequal ed us Chief d'Orsiteztra—eince the dejoin of Julian and Musard. G 00 5 50 1 10 to 1 20 75 35 5 00 1 75 6 50 5 (10 5 75 1 05 lo 1 20 75 75 The Animal Wonders and ZoologicAl Curios ities consist of the RHINOCEROS, "GEN. PUTNAM'," or, Unicorn of the Bible, which, in all times, " has been considered untamable " Dr. Livingstone, the great African Explorer, endorses this opinion. But this animal will be turned louse into the arena, and perform in ercelible feats : proving, by ils„tame submission, that what could not be done i n the past, II tie complished. The Dancing Elepbant, LALLA ROOKIT, another intauer of animal sagacity, rendered graceful by training; she will positively WALK TfIE TIGHT Itol'E. The GOAT OF SYRIA, in his various feats. The various Breeds of Horses will excite special attention. The per formance will opca with a cavalcade, entitled 4Q u tn.( ri of the Globe. The Talking horse who is nut Amid, the carious re.. ports to the contrary not% ithstauding, will per form those wonderful acts, uhieh, to believe ,nut be seen. The American Mustang, Eureka, or the Wild Denizen of the rancho. Lady Mar garet, whose superior beauty and muscular de velopment, and imposing action are exhibited' by the expert Kentuckian, Charles Reed. Six Dapple Greys together In the Arena, under the control of John 11. Murray. Rebecca and Ra- ' chel, guided by the skilful youth, Mast. Fred. Barclay. TILE EDUCATED sirLEs, Pete and Barney I Duffy, are the only animals of the kind that can perform all that .is claimed for them. ft has rust Mr. Rice years of training, arid a rigid course of discipline, to bring them to their I present condition. They are the Great Comical of the age. THE GRAND CAVALCADE, consisting of the entire retinue of the -Establishment, and the Animals' GREAT DEN, drawn by twenty black Pennsylvania Horses, will enter town about 10, A. M.. accompanied by lie KEY STON BRASS . BAND, led by their quisite bugler, Prof. Canham. 0.11. CASTLE, Agent. ; 5 04) 1 75 6 40 Sept. 26, 1859 OP VALUABLE. REA!, ESTATE.—The sub scribers, Assignees of DAVID Maros?, will offer at Pubic Sale, on Friday. the 30th day of &Maher lie., that desirable FAILM,in Strabsn township, lying about one mile from New Chester and about tau miles from New Oxford adjoining lands of Monfort, and others. oontuining 182 ACRES, more or less. The hn procetnent.s are a good Two-story •,„ Dwelling DOUSE, a good Frame Barn, Wagon Shed. and other out buildings; a stream of water runs • . through the- Farm and there is is never-failing well spring near the du r : there is a young Orchard of , elect fruit on t remises, and a large proportion of the lend 1 excellent meadow, R ith a guff', ient quantity of good Timber. Thi4 hart will suit very aOl to di vide, and will he uffered in one or two tracts to suit purchasers. Sale to commence nt 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day. when attendance Mill he given nod terms made known by Ang. 26, 15.9. to lIE subscribers, Administrators of the es tate of DaNict. FICKKS, deceased, bill sell at 'ublic Sale, at the late residence of said de ceased, in Huntington township. Adams county, about 1 mile from Petersburg, (Y. 5..) on Thurs do7y, tAe Wit. dust of OeNtkar ntr.l, the following valuable Personal Property, via: HORSES, Cows and Young Cattle, 1 Fat Bull, Fat and Stock hogs, 2 Wagons. Threshing Mio hiue, Ploughs, Harrows, Winnowing Mill, Cultivators, Sled and Sleighs, Horse Gears, Hales, Forks, te.; 1 Carriage, 1 Rockaway Buggy, nearly new ; 1 sett of Blacksmith Tools, a large lot of new Cultivators; Wheat, nye, Corn. Oats and Cloverseed by the bushel ; about 40 tons of Ila; , with Household and Kitchen furniture. lir Si%le to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ISAAC E. WIEP.MAN, JOSIAH FICKES, Sept. 26, 1859. to Adm'rs. GOOD FARMS IN MARIaT.—I will sell from 50 to 200 Acres, in tracts to suit purchs. sets. They are well supplied with wood, a ater. frail trees and good meadows. Any quantity of hay can be made. These properties lie from 11 to 2 miles east of Gettysburg. For terms call on the subscriber. JUSii:PH WHILE. Sept. 26, 1832. O. 230 Dock Street, Philadelphis.—Estab lished in 1831.—The subscribers respect ully call the attention of the summons Sheriffs, Prothonotary', Lawyers, Magistrates and others, to their large stock of Law Blanks, forms, which en experience of nearly 30 years enables them to present with great accuracy of form and neat. nets of style. Orders solicited. A printed list of our Manki will be (*mulled, on application, free of charge. JOHN CLARK it 'MN, 230 Dock street, Philadelphia. Sept. 26, 1850. los M-T8. 8. HOWARD would respectfully W ors the ladies of Gettysbarg aact *eon try, that they will Ind her in ChambleeAnn street, opposite Beshler's Drug Stare, at the resideuee of Mr. Hcksurode. She inteads Moir to Plillattelphla far the Whims an the 28th of this month. She will have.on hand a large as *ortateat of Resdracachl BOXICHTS and MS- Hoary Goods. Ladies will do well to call aid see - HU: theuurehuti. [Sept. 26, • . . 1 1 ,0 r Sale. rGoawin g s roam s Sa Retail At4r, A -00.0Q011111111° at illittlir d empire, il telitedgeletet- et the 4 Cleknillo Oakto: laept. it, IFIk Dan Rice's Postponed Sale JACOB MONFORT, JOHN F. FELTY, Assignirs Public Sale. Still a Few More Law Blank Store, Millinery Removed. --„ i _..-: to r - ~. .. Beal RUM gale. Valuabb'ittial Matey- ,I. N p ur om ice of i lp order of the Orphan's .4 ..r, PUBLIC BALE.--Ia paresance of an:. Court, of Adam/ county, will be offered at iIV Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams' lic Sake, on the premises, an Saturday, the 22di county, will be offered at Public Role, on tkie , ulaJ of October arse, the real estate of Brant Slew- I premises, au Sanarday, Ida In doe of October Net, Illlalt, deceased, conaisting of A TRACT OF i the following described Real E•itate of the late PATi.:NTRD LAND, situate in Hamilton town- . Maxwm.a. Sulataiis. (let-mood. 116 follows. to wit : ship, Adams county, containing C 2 A ens, snore' No. I.—THE MANSION TRACT, situate In or less, adjoiaiitg Lind, of John Hotfheins, John Liberty town,hip. Adams county, containing Mummert, George Jacobs, John Klunk, and , 2:5 AI'II.E.'S, more ur less, adjoining lands of others, on which are erected a • 1 the heirs of Hon. Jame.McDia it, deceased, Frame Tao-story Weatherboarded .it ii h eirs of William Flour , deceased. John Ntine- ID a - ss and Kitchen, Frame Baru, !, maker,and othera , ou the Turnpike leading from Carpenter:Shop,and other improve- ' the Meryl end Line to Wajne•lioro . , and within ments. with a pump of good water --''' two miles of the former pl i.e. The improve near the house, and one in the harn-yard, and a ments arc a large two-story Roughcast thriving Orchard of all kinds of fruit. There is DWELLING 111 V-1.:, Log Baru. Wag- - a sufficient proportion of Meadow and Timber- on Shi.cl, Coru Crih, :atone Sprolg ' , I . ' ; Lind. The farm is in a good state of cultic scion. House. trail a good spring; there are - Part Grit has Leen limed The property lies tin upon the larm two orclird.., one of 'a loch is the Turnpike between Abliottetown and East not excelled by any in that distric t of country. Berlin, about inida-IN. and to COLII elllCCit to Friends. and Tunis Creels both pia through i Churches and School-bowies. . the farm. The farm has a large quantity of stir Sale to c o m mence a t I o'clock, P. M., on choice Timber, and also of good Meadow. The said day, when attendance will he given and farm will be sold entire or in parole, as may terms made known by best suit purchasers. BRSBY multioniT, No. 2.—A1l the interest of said deceased, be- SOl.o.llfi HUMBERT, fog three-eightb-i, in A TRACT OF L.IND, Adm'rs of the estate at Henry Nurnmert, dm:A. j situate in the same township, adjoining lands By the Court—ll. G. Rots, Clerk. of Christian Os crholzer, Joseph Zirninermiun, Sept. 26, IIS:.!), Ls Patrick Savage, and others. containing lot) ACRES, more or lees: The improvements are a LOG HOUSE, one and a half story ; Lug Barn, Log Spring House, with a quantity of good Timber. Flat Run pas-es through the !arm The sale will commence upon the last de scribed property, at lu o'clock, A. 11., of said day, and be continued at the Mansion property as soon as the first is disposed of. Attendance given and tenni mode known by JAMES 11. MARSHALL, JOHN MUSSELMAN, ...4dasusistruistre. Public Sale riF REAL FASTATE.—In liurscuture of an kf order of the Orphan s Court of Adams county, the subscriber. Executor of the last and testament of (.; moms CLARK. Esq.,'deceased, u ill off, rat Public :sale, on the premises. on Thursd,ty, Me 20:h day of (looter next, the real e,tate of said decelleut, as follows : No 1. .t LOT A%l) A HALF OF GROVND, :itnate ill Elia Berlin, Adamr county - , ad- T— jo.nin,:lots of Geo Niangler, frontinzon King litreet and hounded by an alloy, N a - ,111 n TN o..litury Frame 1101"Sii, Log Stable, and other intproseinet.to. No. 2. A LOT OF (.I:tiFND, in the addition }:iott Iteritu, b.undvd ht tote of Michael St tn. su tli, Soeniirl mtreet, lot of Geo. Biker, 1:101 had An alley. 3. A LOT OF CIIOVND, situate in Ham iltun town hip. Adinrn county. near the second deQcribed lot, N.4ljmnin g lotA of Catharine Reeser, Jobti Hartley and Win. Wolf. The firiit ileiieribed property is its a central locstion and Derr de,irable fora residence or tiaginis. There is a variety of Gearing fruit trees on the same, and a pump of good water n(nr the kitchen dour. ZarS.Lie to rouuurncr rtt 10 o'clock, A. N., 111 liqu atteilditece n ill be given and uvula made Ituov.n by JOHN 11. .11:1....18AU,GL1, itYr. Hy the Court-11. 11. WOLF, Clerk. Sept. VI, 1859. 3t :.7 Something New. GIFT ENTERPRISE CONDUCTED UPON A LIBERAL k IMPARTIAL ir- rLAN I—(kifts to suit Everybody I 2 4 (lifts of Great Value ! 0 E, Gifts of a Better Quality! •Q '" And More of Them 1 so The moat liberal, pane - Wel and reliable w ~., 01ff'ff WAGE ENTERPRISE in existence. U tr.: = The best evidence of this is the fact of its .t . ... Wag the only one that stands endorsed by ..4 g the Press of the City in which It is located. Va 1-. HEADQUARTERS FOR. SOCTIIERN AND ..1 • WESTERN ORDERS! Mstrisioaa, Me. M Write fur a Catalogue. It embraces a , thousand varieties of publications in every c' departsnent of Literature, together with the ?.. LARGEST LIST' of useful, (weenie/1W sad I-. ,_i t ,., valuable tlifta ever published. 21100 di ff er- "" :3' eat vorictiesi—none of which are of less ~',3 ' .., value than to cts., and from that to $lOO 00. 0 :71REAL/ I ItEAD--$186,900 distributed so F. amongour PauM during the past year. o 0VE,114150,000 IN GIFTS to be distributed 4 4 :.... during the present year! oonsisting of Gold and Silver W,atchas, Chains,Charms, L00k .... .., eta, Silk Dress Patterns, Fine Crape Shawls, d Rich Lace Cullars, Sewing Machines, Masi- et ~ cal Instruments, and in tact, Bourret/1;o to I '''' aver 1411111'100Y I AGENTS WANTED so OEVE'RYWHERE. Catalogues giving full 5, - ; E ..• particular. mailed free to any address.-1 wDon't forget, direcell orders to -, :0: 11. . lIUYT k CO., A No. 41 Baltimore st., ____;- / Baltimore, Yd. G app-I.2ICIPZCT SATIIII74I.CTIOX OCAJIASTiZU i z Sept. 26, 1859. 3m Special Announcement FROM THE QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING HOUSE l-100,00i) Catalogues, new, en arged sad revised—now ready fur distribution. Superior inducements to the public.—A new and sure plan for obtaining COLD and SILVER WATCHES, and other valuable Prises. Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon application. Valuable Gifts, worth from SO eta. to $lOO, GrAltANTElill to each purchaser. $lOO,OOO in Gitts have been distributed to my patrons within the Asst six months—slso,ooo to be die tributed during the next six months. The inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. 11.tving been in the Publishing and %abseil ing business fur the last eight years, my ex pt•rience enables me to conduct the Gift Enter prize % tat the greatest euttisfaction to all. geiV-.tGENTS WANTED in every town and county. Fur fall particalan address DUANE nuusoN, Quaker City Publishing Bane, 33 South Third Street, Sept. 26, 1859. 4m Philadelphia, Pa. Real Estate Agency. MITE undersigned has made arrangements to I open in Gettysburg an ,AGENCY fur the g.tle of I&EAL ESTATE to a hich he invite.; the attention of persons a tailing to sell or purchase Farms or Real Est tte. I bate pro% ided a Book in which will be registered (for a reasonable ;ntrim a genenil description of :ucli properties as parties wish to dispose of at pri; ate sale.— This Register n ill be open toigoise desirous of purchasing properties, free oMiarge. Secrecy as to ownership, terms, &c., will be invariably observed, when desired. Properties 'A If also be extensivelyadt raised under slim ial I 'Attract. Dorif"All necessary information can lie olititin ed upon application to the undersigned at his resident e in Gettysburg. 19, '5O. tf DANIEL PLANK.. Just in Season! GIVE VS A CALL !—The undersigned have just received from the cities an immense stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, CASSIN EL'S, VEz4TINGS in all varieties, !cc-, suitable for the season, which they offer to the public at entire cedentedlv low rates. " They ask a call, To convince all -- of the truth of this assertion. No trouble to show goods and give prices. A large lot of II.SADY-MADE CLOTHING also selling cheaper than ever. Garments made np for men and boys, as 11/1- I tom an froduce of all kinds, having malfe ar ual, in the very best manner, and according t rangements for that purpose a ith a responsible r boom: in the city. any style desired. The work being dune in I also continue my Grocery and Variety their owa establishment, they are always en , Store, and keep on •hand GIiOCEIHES of all aided to warrant it. Remember, their place o. business is the large and commodious room ad kiuds, Salt. Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. Teas, Rice, , this, Spices, Fish, Cedar-ware, ite. Having joining Cobean & Culp's, on Chambersburg street. JACOBS BRO., received a very large supply, purchased ou k Sept. 19, 1859. Merchant Tailors. emarkably ()rabic terms, lam prepared to lir furnish Country Deniers very cheaply, and will sell at all times, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of "Quick Sales and Small Profits." JOliN SCOTT. Gettysburg, Sept. 5, 1859. Fruit and Ornamental Trees. A FINE, stock for fall planting at re/atonable rates. Oar present stock includes all the choicest varieties cultivated and that are known to do well in this latitude. Special attention is paid to the rearing of trees. We are confident that purchasers will do better by buying front us than to send to distant Nurseries that they know little of, and for varieties not well estab lished here. sir Refer to Hon. J. B. Diaper, Col. Jas. L.Tate and D. liciloasinschy,Seq.,ofGettysbnrg THOS. N. COOK 4 8088, Pleasant Ridge Narserioi r ßenderarilli, Pa July 10, 1559. Sin rta74 46. }--TAICTII--PANTS—of miry quali y, from ingiiirano Cassiniasos, down to To menaiikiosgsbul call at P/CIiZINGI3. NY quantity Of Vi1,034t D d V d elvet., Silk, Italian Ckttit, , an is feet every ieseglanble kiwi to be had cheap er than ever ea picKnicev NCY BONNSTI9 sad trimming., very f u liamiscoso—eall and muskets et the dare . MO. ARNOLD. QOATSVCOAIII I of Ciatif Caseiatere, Cue& at Trots, Duck /ohms, 414:, et- km prima t e& • 1:11=11X8.( OMR f litaila tilt taut PICKIXOII4... By the Court-11. G. Wolf, Clerk. Aug. 29, 1859. OW The subscribers, owners of the remain ing interests in the last described property, will offer the same fur sale at the above time and place. NATHANIEL GRAYSON, ELIZABETH GRAYSON, JANE HLNTER. A Valuable Farm T PRIVATE SALE.—The subscribers, Ev ecutore of the last a( and testament ALLIAM Gozuse, dec'd., offer at Private Saki, the following Real Estate of said decedent, viz: A valuable FARM, containing 192 Acres, more or less, in Germany township, Adams county, Pa., within 2 miles of Littlestown, adjoining lands of Jacob Munk, John Rider, Edmund Long, Fleury Schwarts, John Sheely,,and others —about GO acres being first-rate Woodland, well covered, the balance in good farming con dition. About 35 acres are Meadow, and more cue easily be made. The improve ments are a new Two-story Stone HOUSE. Log Barn, Wagon Hbed, • ;. IEII a Well of good water near the door of the dwelling, a thriving yours Apple Orchard and other fruit. The Farm ha been limed over once, and part of it a second time. - Beaver and Alloways Creeks pass thro' the Farm, as well as a public road. The Farm Is susceptible of division. Persops wishing to iewl he property are requested td call on either of the Executors, the Orst-asuned residing In klountioy township, and the lusit-smated oa the premises. PoseePsion and 'a clear title will bogiven on the first day of April next. LEVI GfILDIEC, JACOB ALTHOFF, Sept. 12, 1859. tf Brenaora. Town Propertt AT PUBLIC be offered at Pub lic Sale, an Tiusn4ay, the Oth of arduloar sett, on the premises, a LOT OF GROrND, situate on Tork street, iu the Borough of Get - - tyrburg, adjoining property of non. 8. R. Rus sell on the west, J. Cooper on the east, and en alley on the north-33 feet of which is im •r -ed with a new Two-story Double Brick 1101:8B, having two new Brick Rack- ' buildings, with roomy Balconies attach ed, and Cellar under the whole house. There is on the property an excellent well of water, with a pump in it, a number of thriving young Fruit Trees, Vines, kc. ball-Twenty-seven feet of the Lot are vacant. iforThe property will be sold whole or divid ed, as may beat snit purchasers. 'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. Y., on said day, when attendance, will be given and terms made known by 11ARGAIIST Sept. 12, 1859. tf Removal. subscriber informs his hands and the public that be removed his large Boot and Shoe Establishment, to the southeast corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, where be has now on band, and will coatinne to keep fol. sale, an ex tensive variety of work,. of his own manufacture. The work is made up in the best and most durable Manner, including all the newest styles, and embraces BOOTS I SHOES, Men's, Women's and Children's GAITERS, ia short, every article usually to be found in a first class esdllblish ment of the kind. Ile has now and will continue to have employed a number of workmen. "hard to beat," to make up customer work. That he will sell CHEAP, is easily proven. Give him a call, examine his Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and get his prices. With unexceptionable work and low rates, he hopes for and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. par Shoemakers are informed that he al ways keeps on hand -UPPERS," for Shoes and Gaiters, ready foir bottoming, s hicla ho disposes of on pleasing terms. doliN BALLWIEG. Sept. 12, 1859. ly '59. Dry . Goods for Autumn. '69: - EV' T. STOCK OF SILK GOODS, E Full Stock of STAPLE GOODS, Fall Stock of FANCY GOODS, Fashionable FAL!. 811 AWLS, CLOTFIN, CASSIIMSDISS AND VBRTINOS, BLANOSTS, QUILTS, TAILLE LINICTS, •C., ac. EYRE .t LASDHLL, Fourth k. Arch streets, Philadelphia. N. B.—l:lack Silks. Wholesale, at low rates. Bargains daily from New Yurk Auctions. Sept. 12, 1819. 3m Grain and Produce House, CHAIILIEItSftrIiG STREET.—The un dersigned h Lying mirch'ised the large building in the rear of his store on Chtwhers bursburg street, known as •' Camp's Brea ery," has colt N cried it into n Produce Warrhottle, and is now prepared to receive all kinds of Ur. iu and Produ, e. to wit : FLOC It. WHEAT. RYE, CORN, OATS, Seeds, kc., for %Ilia the highest market price wiU be given. Stir To accommodate those who may prefer it, I will also receive on CONIMISSIO 4 I and f-d Prod. .7re Fall Millinery. mISS McCREARY will open to-moarow large assortment of BONN TS AND A. GOODS, editable for the season, and invites the ladies to call and examine her assort ment, which Is composed of the latest and most fashionable styles of the season, and which she is prepiredtofell at the very lowest cash prices. Sept IP, 1859. Im Notice. DANIEL ?ICKES'S ISTATlL—Letters of administratlealm the estate of Daniel ickes r late of II natlngton township, Adams 4., deadesed, having bees granted the under.; sled, (the first named residing in the same township, and the lait named ht Laren town ship, Franklin torah Pa.,) they herithy give maim 4 all persons. indebted to Bald estate 4 mote Immediate paynientoind those haring claims agates' the same to wawa the* proper ly' anthraticateid fbe settlement. - 'BALM/ 3.11111118.1fA1f, ), • MIAS 11 1 101118, Beft.4lP; Mr. St isintito re. Vadat%le Iteai r g .41` PIXBLIC BALL—Thi li s 3 2 : oculars of Aotaitaw docesosol l w °for at public oak, oo Ler Ist iffy of (Wolter oca, on the preadols. that dedhlthir FARM, on which decedent resided upward' of twenty years, situate is Tyrone toweship. Ad am county, Pa., od)otalos jib& of looorge Peter Miller, Airthoey Deardorff. Sam uel Deardorff aad DIVA Hooter, containing 202 I.CIINB, more or teas, with good propor tions of Timber and Meadow. The 1171prote- MCUIs cbseist of a two-story Weath erboarded DWELLING IitASE " Ai Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and ('urn _ 4l !Crib• Cooper Shop, and other out, leueldeugsc, two nes er-fteleng wells of water, one at the hou e and the ether nt the learn an excellent apple Orchard, with a Nariet of other cleeocc fruit ( emovr ego Creek runs through the Farm and there arc nl-0 two spriug• on the_ propertc. The fencer., tuo•ol of chesuut roil., are good, and the bind is in a good state of cull:anon o-thirdc of it hat ing been ltmed ercons wishing to view the property are requested to e nll on either of the Lite. utorc, the first manic(' reanleng in Hamilton love !setup, and the last named in Straban town ship, near New• Chester lee-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., on said dly, when attendance will be giren and terms made known by JOHN SNYDER, FREDERICK Ht)LTZ, Executors Aug. 22, 1859 Valuable Town Property A T ITRLIC SALE..—WiII he offered at 1 - 1 public sale, on &vim/ay, the ath din, of I/e -lob& next, on the premise., th It DESIRABLE PROPERTY, situate on Baltimore Street, one door south of the Post otm. e . i n Crtt,sbtug, with alleys on the north and east, and adjoin ing Prof. Nluhletiberg on the south. It con.iimts of a- HALF LOT OF GROUND, with a two story Roughcast ONN ELLING ID iI•SE, and a large two-story ]trick Back- - • building, thereon ; also a well of water a „ ia front and a (partnernhip) well in the rear of the dwelling. bar This property was for many years occu pied as a Tavern Sin& and is oue of the most desirable in the town for bu•iness of any kind. A chance to purchase property Ito CCIIITK, is rtrely offered, aud Lopitalibts M ill find it to their Interest to anent the side. • Sale to cetureence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by , JOSIAH BENNER; Aug. 29, iorg). Agent fur the Owners. Fairview Farm ' 1 AT PRIVATE SALE —A r-ey Desirahlk Proper/ff.—This Paint is situated on the utumasburg Turnpike, adjoins the Borough of Gettysburg, and is in sight of the Railroad De pot, containing 11 1 Acres and 70 Perches, more or less, 12 Acres of which is covered with Timber and about 20 Acres of Meadow. The improvements are a Tw o-storT..-. Wentherboimiled Dwelling 110L'SL, 1111 with a Use-story Back-building, a '. good Barn, Mechanic's Shop, an _,,,,,, other Out-buildings—itil in good order. crow the Piazza of the House you have a full view of the town, sod can see the Cars arriving nod de parting. The land is mostly red soil, is of good quality, sad ausee,plible of a high state of culti vation. Lime acts well on it, and can always he had at the Railroad Depot, one mile distant, at 12/ cents per busbql. There is a yoninr Ap ple and Peach*Orchard, and a great variety of fruit in the yard. A well of water at the door, and a never-failing Spring at the barn. This property, a ith rosy little expense, Can be made u very desirable sad most beautiful country residence, well calculated M. a vineyard and vegetable farm. airl will sell cheap and on the most accom modating terms. It will be Amara either by Ilr. Sleets, living on the rimmisei or myself, residing iu town. GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. 5, 18842. rrtn T PUBLIC SALE. on &Nerdy, the 34tA day ofSeptember, 111.18.-1 a perineum of awor er of the Orphau'e Court of Adams wonky, the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of FRIUMA/CX Kwiaruraa, late of liandllon town ship, Adams county, dee'd., will tell at phldle. sale, on the premises, the following valaable Real Estate, to wit: A FARM OR TOCT 010 LAND, situate in Hamilton township, Adams County, containing 101 ACRES, more or lent adjoining lands of Samuel Hollisiger, Daniel Recker, David Becker, and other., and *nee the Hanover and Abbottatown turnpike, within a mile of Abboltstown, 3 miles from East Ber lin, and within a quarter of a mile of Holling er's Mill, on which are erected a Two story Stone DWELLING HOUSE, with a two story Back Building attached, large Bank Barn, two Wagon Sheds, Cooper Shop, and other nxcessrity out-builEings. There is on the premiscilli first-rate Orchard of choice fruit trees. There are three wells of water near the dwelling, and a never failing spring of water which is conducted into the barn-yard. About IS acres of the above tract are Meadow laud. The above property is wel' calculated for, and has been kept for many years as a tavern stand. About 40 aorta of the above described property are covered with DEANY OAK AND HICKORY" TIIII3EII. About 13 acres of the above named Woodland is cut off by the Brough road, and will be sold sep unto if desired. Also, at the same time and place, will ho sold, A TRACT OF FIItST-UATE CHESNUT TIIIBIM LAND, situate in Jackson township, York county, containing 4 Acres, more or less, adjoining Linda of John Brinkman, Minion! Tishri, A. Noel and a public rusil. abilp•Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, n hen attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN KLINEPETELL, , FREDERICK KLLNIiPETETI, Aug. 29, P 359. Azhakistratars. A First-rate Farm AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned, de sirous of reducing his landed property, of tt re at private sale, one of his FARMS, situate on Marsh creek, in Franklin township, Adams county, adjoining the property he resides on and containing 108 Acres, more or loss. The itn pro vements are a STUN E DWEL- ma y .; LING 1101 . 6 E, !tank Barn, Wagon ;41111 Shed ! Corn Crili, a a ell and a spring ' of excellent water near tl o buildings. an GreLard of good fruit, Ye. the farm is eon ennut to churches, school-houses, and mills, with good society and a pleasant neighborhood. Persons wishing to i ieiv it are requested to call on the undersigned, adjoining. The farm offered is I miles from Gettysburg, within a quarter of it mile of the Chamliersburg Turnpike, and possesses more than usual, ad %outages. July *1.8.7•9. 3m• A Valuable Property ATPRIVATE SALE.— The undersigned of fers at Private Sale, his MANSION FARM, situate on the Charnhersiburg Turnpike, 14 miles from Geuysburg, Adams county, Pa. Ii is most desirable property, add has been for many years occupied as a Tavern Stand, for which it is well adapted, bating every% convenience . The }arm contelog about 1,30. Acres, more or lyres less, about 40 of which are ThAer-land, well covered , the fencing is mostly of chew:int rails and locust stakes, end in good condition. The improvements consist of a large - Double Ta o-Story BareK HOUSE, a large new Bank Barn, (with three floors,) a large Stone Stable, Wag on Shed and Corn Crib; Stone Tenant , • um , and Blacksmith Shop ; two wells of water, one in front and the other in the rear of the large dwelling; three Apple Orchards, with a varietj' of other fruit, tech as peaches, pears, plums, cherries, ke. Persona wishing to purchase, will please call on the undersigned, residing thereon. 1912D11111C/E BIM Aug. 1, 1839. J. Ps titer & Co., Nancsr MUMIi tAAF , PHILMY.L. dealers is FISH, C1111.28X PRO. OM; have eenstientle ea tend an assort. blest of Dried and Pickled Fish, he, vis:-- Mackerel, abed, Salmis, Dino Fisk, iiescrieepso Codfish, Beef, Park, Lard, &madam, Haw; Wee. Cheese', Bouts, like, he. Reit Wolk See 4 ) fit tirs. 0118111TH tlOAL—losst Broad Top $ Ebss4ishiossmon &Us'. 811111.21-414,1111alhatlits,rristod casbneta Dsliditeramilic Imewqlllo hew itors Opposite tbs Eagle Hotel. Ballz01:Lore, OAK wl4-Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. French, German,and American Calf Skins. Wrench, German, sad American V.alf Skins. French, Oenns.a, and American Calf Skins. Morocco, Rid and Patent Lumber. Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather. • Morocco, Hid and Patent Leather. Mindiugs. Linings Lastings, Lc. Bindings, Linings, Listings, Bindings, Linings, Lastings, &c. We invite Country Merchants anti Mannfac- Wren' to examine our stock of Leather, Shoe findings, Trimmitm, &c., which we offer at holesale or Retail for cash or good paper at the lowest prices. All orders faithfully executed. MAYNAD, ELY & HOSE, So. 44 Suath Calvert at., Baltituore, 31d. Sept. 19, 1859. $4 OIL CLOT'IIS AND DITUGGETS, wholesale and retail. Constantly on band an assort ment of Carpets at low prices, consisting of Velvet, Brussels, Three-pty, Ingrain sad Vene tian Carpets, of every style and price. Oil Cloths from 1 to 6 lards wide. Also, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods. Canton and Cocoa Matting.. Ilag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or aril, at low rates. JOSEPH . \ ICTOItY, 145 Lexington st.. one door west of Howard, Sept. 12, 1859. 3m lialiiniore, Md. SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, price Fifty Dollar., the moat perfect Sew tag Machine cr made, combining the impiovements 01 Ten Patents. They will Stitch, Hem, Fell, Bind and Gather. and will sew from the finest canibic to the coarsest and thickest fabric, Includine leather, n.ing ghtzed or unglazed cotton, linen thread, i.kein silk,'or t wist, making a neat lock stitch both sides alike, which cannot he raveled; and regularly liven=ed tinder E. How, Jr.'s Patent. Send for a circular and samples of sewing. Address.. E. NICHOLLS, Comer of Pratt OR Howard, Baltimore, Md. Sept. ti ; '39. De. 13. IA tr.PELL AND BRASS WORKS, 53 Holliday street, Baltimore, Md. REGESTER itt, 811, the Proprietors, are prepared to fm-nish - BELLS of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, which are warrant:est equal iu quality of tone, prolongation of wood and durability, to any made in the United States, Our Bells are made of the best materials, warranted to giro entire satisfaction; also, against breakage. , Farm Bells, ranging from 10 to 100 pounds, always on hand at northern prices. For Certificates with fall particulars, sand for one of our Circulars. • Aug. 29, 1859. ly 13J S, BLACK TEAS, kc. 4 3 . TIERNAN k SON, offer for sale the following articles, of their uwa importation, perticuLaziy for fami ly use : 811ZISIT Witma--Pernartire's inert pale, gold and brown Sherries, in wood and in glees. Pont Wags—Sandentem's competition red and white Port, in wood and in glass. MADIUItL WINE—John Howard' Mareb's fitte Madeira, in wood and in glass ; &Leo, Urepe Juice. • Boca Wittsa—Jahannesberger, Steinberiter, Marcebruaner, Cabinet, Lieb-frau-tuilch, Brom neberg, of 1846. CuAstrAoss Wtsse—Koet and abandon's fin est, in quarts and pints. • Bassett's-00'rd and lleanessy a fine old pale and dark Brandies. Ruus—Old and line Jamaica, Antigun, Gren adn, d from the I Wide, imported direct from Londo . -•,,._ Hot Aso `qtx—The best quality—Tiernan bran —and no mixture of armee* poison in it. 200\6alf chests of the finest SOCCIWEG Tea. lisittwLe(Atig. 29,1859, ly .a. Weatherby & Co., WHOLE:3ILE aud Retail Dealers in SON'S FURNACIiS, brick and portable CUUKINU STOVES, of every dercriptkin for wood and coal. Also, Uhunb, Ihll , Store and Office Stores; -Franklin, Air-tight,. Bar-room and Cannon Stoves; Flenour Gas-barningband Latrobe Stoves. Orders front the chunt''' . re spectflilly solicited. Merchants supplied on the mist reasonable terms. J. WRATHERBY k CO., 40 and 41 Light R., one door from Lopibard, Aug. 11,1859. Want BALTIMORE. REnuita and Refurnished, earner of Howard and ibundlhe sired*, a few Esquares west of the Northern Centred ILtilway Depot, HALTI— Terms $1 per day. LEIS! NRtNG, Proielair, Prow &Sus Grope, retudolmeidt. Aug. 1, 1850. 6in COMMISSION MER('IRNTS sail Deniers In CUSP, Coru Mesa, Guntiovs, OATS, It, e Chop, Bono bugt, MILL FEED, 11:iy, Itraw, Thos. LL s, FLOUR, Field Seeds, k Ground Pln.stsr Non. 147 Jt 149 Nokia 11014" A 111) STRIXT, Jan. 17, '59. ly* 13ALTIIIORN, MD. CORNER. Howard and Baltimore Streets, BA LTI.IIOIIE, Ml. New Proprietors. Fare rttlaceS to $1.50 per day. Call for the Howard House Coach at the Depots. A. SNIPE, J. N. BUCK, ) pro pr iet o rs . January 24,'59. ly • I=l rIONINIDiSION .11KIICHANTS, Fire Proof Warehouse nail R. R. Depot, Na. 126 Nora Howard Sired, BALTIMORE, MU. Feb. 14, '59. /y TIIE FAMILY DOC fOR.: containing in plain language, free from medical terms, Om CS ES, SYMPTOMS aii4l . CritE of disease in every form, vi ith important itt. LES FOR PRE SERVING THE lix.yurif, and Directions for the Sick Chamber. and the Proper Treatmeut of the Sick.—This book is written in a plain, easy and familiar style, adapted expressly to family and individual use. it advocates no particular theory of medicine, but draws alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the Garden, or the Minerals of Earth, for such Remedies as have proved the most simple, safe,and effectuala believing that wherever disease has found a fuothold, there the Giver of sll Good has, in some form, mercifully placed a Specific. Neither dues it profess to supersede the physician, hot, only to avoid the necessity and expense of ceil ing him in except in dangerous cases. it is in fact a physician itself, always kit hand and ready to serve you, while its simple receipt may soon save you many times its cost. It contains 308 pages, in a clear and open type, is illustrated by appropriate eugratings, nd will be forwarded to your address, postage I paid and neatly bound, ou receipts of the price $1 00. Everybody should have it,. • Agents wanted everywhere, who will find it very popular, and with who' liberal arrange ments will be made Address, 10131( E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 817 &nem St., Philadelphia, Pa. July 4, 1859. Gm SAMUEL LOIIR iTIBOaI3B WALTER., SEN'& ESTATE.— Air Letters teetatatentary on the estate of 'l3soluge Waiter, Res. late of Gettysburg, Adams cool l y , laasou;ad f having been great.. ed to the sadersignea, (the lint lamed_ re siding is as the Asst . named In Gettysburg,) they hereby glue italics.* all perinea imisisted as said estate to make ha maim* p a yment, sad those hasi4i r e v ialatit against the same to. present them p 111 t theaticated for settlement. Sept. 6, 1649. 61 Leatior! Leather! Carpets, The Eureka Baltimore Wines, Biandies, Franklin. House, Peter Zell & Son, Howard House, = M I:=3 Harding & Carroll, What EverytxxiyAVants. Notice:, RIMY A. Pxcroro, J. IL •WALTZIL, fin. Hal* and Lot 11,111111 A-4 Noma Dire* LOT, on Ciumn , Acid t snivel awczy WIIERUB in and hi ate 1144 of the Gen. the eral rtothry of Ma altituceittitlel, An act to regulate the Genteel ghettoes of this Commonwealth," enacted On tho 3d of July, le:to, it la enjoined on om to give Public Notica %.f* s rh glectioa to be held: ant fo enumerate in such notice what °Nowa are to be alerted: I, ISA.% I 7 LIGRTNRit, Sheriff of the Costity of Adams, do, therefore, hereby givo.thie pablie notice to te Electors of the said Vona, of Adatna, that a GEE ICHAL I.:0(4;MM will be teld In Raid l'onnty, on the titeo..ti Trtsnitv or ICTOBKI4 NICCT, (the 11th,) in the oeverni tried composed of the following Townships, ris: In the First district, composed of the Borough of Gettysburg and the township of Camber- - land, at the eourt-horse, in Gettysburg. in the Second district, composed ureic town ship of Germany, al the house now occupied by Pcter Lingenfeltrr. in the town of Lit:lento% n, in the to nship of lienuasny. In the Third district, composes' or Site town- *hip I . +l' tWNfortl, at the house of G. F. blearier, ia the town of New Oxford In the Fourth district,com4x)sed of the town -8111144 of Letiniorc and Huntington, at the honse of Unlch 11. Hildebrand, in the township of II unti ng-ton. In the Fifth district, composed of the tow*. ships of !Ininiltonban and Liberty, at the Pith lic School-house in Millerstown. In the Sixth district, composed of the town chip of Hamilton, at the honse.now occupied by Henry Holtman. in the town of Root Heflin. In the SO enth district, composed of the tuwa- , liip of 31enallen, in the Pul>lic4School lion.‘e in the town of Benderst Me. In the Eighth di.trict, composed of the town ship of Strait:in, at the house of Jacob L. tira.-3., in liunterstow•n • In the Ninth district, composed of the town-, ship of Franklin, (including that part recount'. stricken off from Venallen,) at the house nu* occupied by Joseph Bennett, in said township. In the Tenth district, composed of the tuw4o , —_ ship of Conowago, at the houseofJohn Bushey, iu licShern ~ t ou n. In the 1::le% enth district, composed wf the township of Tyroue, at the house "Viten C. Co(.1, in liehliersbury. In the Tu eittit dioxict, composed of the town ship of llountivy, at the house of Victor Iluus, in said township. In the Thirteenth district, composed of the township of SI on tit pleasau t, at the poblie School innme in bald township, situate lit the cros4 roads, the one leading Irvin Oxford to the 'rime Taverns, the other from II on terr.to n n to flannrer. In the Fourteenth district, composed of the tort nship of Reading, at the public School-Au/Wm in Hampton. In 06 Fifteenth district, cOmporeil . of = 44 Borough and town.hip of lien; ick, at the vitals School-Mouse in Abbottstown. In the `Sixteenth district, composed of the township of Freedom, at the house of Nicholas Moritz, in said tom nship. In the Seventeenth district, compo4eil or the township of Union, at the house of Enoch Le fever, in said township. In the Eighteenth district, composed of the township of Butler, at the public Si.hool-house iu Middletown, in said township. At which time and placer will be elected One Auditor Glneral of the Commonwealth; One Surveyor General ; One Member of the State Senate, to repretoot the Counties of Adsnis, Franklin dud Fultutt - One Member of Asseinbly ; One County Commissioner; Oue County Anditor ; _ tJne Direttegthif the Poor; One Cott4terreesurer One Comity Surveyor; One District Attorney Particular attention is directed to the Act of Assembly, passed the 27th day of February, 1849, entitled '• An act relative to voting ats elections in Adams, Dauphin, York, Lancaster, Cumberland, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and Erie," viz : fizerios I. Be it enacted by the Senate -and Rouse of Representatia es of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly nut; and It is hereby enacted by the authority of the same—that it shall be lawful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lancaster, Dauphin, York, Franklin, Cumberland, Brad ford, Centre, Greene, and Erie, from and after the passage of this act, to vote fur nil candi dates for the various offices to he filled at an election on one slip or ticket :—Pros ided, That the office fur which every candidate Li voted for, shall be designated. as required by the existing laws of this Commonwealth. Sscrios 2. That any fraud committed by any person voting in the manner above prevribed, shall he punished by the existing laws of this Conn nwealth. At o-1n and by-virtue of the 14th section of the et aforesaid, every person, excepting Jus t sof the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the Gov ernment of the rnited States. or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State, or of the United States. or of any city or incorporated district. and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legisla ture, and of the Select or •Common Council of any City. or Commissioner of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of bolding or exit excising at the same time, the office or appoint ment of.lndge, Inspector, or Clerk of any elec tion of this Commonwenlth. a nd th.it no-Judge, lispectnr, or other officer of any such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then Toted for. Auto—That in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly entitled " An Act relating to exam- Lions, and for other purposes," approved April 18th, 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid piths section "shell not be construed, as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer, from sera. ing as judge, inspector or clerk, at any general or special election in this Commonwealth." And in and by an Act of the General Assem bly of this State, passed the 2d day of July. 1839, it is directed that the Inspectors and Judges be at the places of their districts anther day of the General Election aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, to do and perform the several duties required and enjoined on them in and by the same act. And be it further directed, in and by the Act of the General Assembly of this State, aforesaid, that one of the Judges of each of the different. ' . districts aforesaid, who shall have the charier, of the certificates of the number of votes whiele - --1 shall have been given for each -candidate roe ~ the different offices then and there voted for at their respective districts, shalt meet the third• day after the election, nbidi shall be on Par.: niv, rug 14ra or Ocrioisit aforesaid, at tbe' Court-house, in the Borough of Gettysburg, then and there to make a fair statement and , 'certificate of the number of votes, which..sitall -. have been given at the different districts it county of Adams for any persons for the Meant • s aforesaid. ISAAC IA GWM ER, Sheriff. • , Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Sept. 13,'60. . _ ._-_. Valuable Town Property ~ A ` • : a T PRIVATE SALE.---I will sell of - Private hale, the property on an - bersburg street, known as the • "TEMPERANCEAOCSE." Terms accomme.; dating. GEt). ARNOLD, Ages& -- ,s - Gettysburg, Sept. 19, 1839. 3t - 11, Wood Lots - von SALE.-1 will sell at Public Bisia;Mok, • Friday, At .30th day of Sepumbernotl, ofttlie t premises, the following Wood Lots, eitoote „ish Cumberland tdwnsbip, on the benks-stiliamits Creek, near Bream'a Mill : No. 1. Clear land - , oentaining 14 sereih lit per. .. "2. Wood-Land, " 2 -". it "- . t s i a. ,i " 4 " Sti• w' "4. " u 9 41 104 dar “ 5. II gt 7 P ' a .-, u... u 6. u . -* • -_is ." t -47 7 13.7 66 4, 7 , g ir• -;- 'rile The above. Wood Lots is sit lwa ed. Oak to eammets at 11 o'clock*. 030. ARNOLD .t: Ls 6 td A Awe Mabee 0 V ; AIIISOOIt3T--Dr:b.B. OrM101111:2- 410011.00011 a deelizang heal* .viAtetin.. poor afbisalFWG. STOKE, in Liitiestogra, - as k i r esz ly arm The Store's 4aiarapraior,. _t bis business; which will increase. Its MA: only one is t itre pines. „., 4. 00;‘" Litatestown, Aug. 1.11, 18w ,, tt . ~ it - ' . 8 4 1 . 1 Y0d0 ... ° • . 1. TRATllo 4 lrwayleastAink in 0 leitailli 4WD ;. 4 4 neat abialet, • '4llllolol*--i ' 4 !.... 4 . eePt- Igo 195& ~...'-•` 4' .te . .-,.. • .- ''' Y u 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers