The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 05, 1859, Image 3
Mlii E fie intim sad the Frost.—Oor exchanxes prom Silo UM sad from the West, from points as (air north at Toronto, as far west as Cincin ,ata and Lpurville, contain more or less glow sag dos . crapitons of the aurora borealis, or stag storm, of Sunday night. The rarie tz of copse s, rapidity of movement, and dors tat:lthm display appear to have been even to the west of us than here. The few York Tribune says: At all points the change in the temperature appears to have been noticed. In Toronto was so cold on Sunday and as to necessitate winter el ,thing, and forcibly to attest frost. At Littleton. N. H., there was * heavy frost ; the earth froze and ice formed. There was a slight frost in the neighborhood f Manchester, N. 11. Frost was noticed in Berkshire, Mass., and in some parts of Nor thern NeW York of Connecticut—little damage seems, however, to have been done. An Extraordinary Swindle—Fifteen Tawny Ladoo Itolibed.—One of the moot remarkable eases of swindling which has Leenperpetrat ed for along time came to light in New Yor k •on Wedneettay evening, in which it appears *bat, as alleged, fifteen young ladies of Phila •delphis were duped by a person named John son, alien Williams, who, under the pretence of hieing them se teachers oT music in South ern families, managed to get them to New Yet*, sad then decamped with about one hut cited end fifty idollsxg Of their money and much of their baggage. amounting in value to be tween four and five t h ousand dollars. are man named Leslie has since been ar rested at Washington as the swindler. The Marlets_ GETTYSBURG—Sarcuoey tier Superfine Flour Rye Flour Wheat Corn, Aye .oata Buckwheat ...... . ..... Mea1......... Clover Meed....—.—.—.... Citaethr Flax Plaster of hater greanii,per bag BALTIMORE-FRIDAY LAB? Flour... Wheat .nye Coro [Juts- Clover Seed Timothy Seed Beef Cattle, pei hued Vogl, per kaad..—.... ...... 'N'hiskey Guano, Peruvian, per ton... 5 11 to 5 25 1 09 tot 43 70 to 73 ...... 78 to 86 ....... 33 to 36 5 25 to 5 75 __.--- 2 00 to 2 25 —.-- . 6 00 to 8 50 7 08 to 8 5) 14 00 tolB 00 27 to 18 62 00 HANI3VER-.-THUI DAY LAJT. iFloar, from wagons ....... Ho. from stores Wheat Rye .. Corn .... 0at5.......: ... ......... Clover Seed-- - Timothy Seed_ Plaster. YORK—FatoAT CAST Flour, from wagoos...—. Do. from stores... Wheat ...... C0rn...... JJats Clover Seed Timothy Seed fleeter Ma,rriedL. .On the 30th ult., by the Rev. B. A. Shorh, NVM. F. RAKER to 3ii3s KATE E. BIDER : all of Mountjoy township. ifir-For the delicione slice of wedding cake which accompanied the abase notice, the hap aiy couple will accept our thanks. lief the cunshine of happiness ever .14;1;sec up their ,pathwaf, and may sorrow's shadow never darken the door of their home. On the-28th ult., at the residence of Mr. Ilenry Bishop. in this place, by Rev. J. Ft. Keiser, Mr. HENRY M. 111>IIt1P to Miss MATIL DA, daughter of Jacob Rinehart, all of Straban tau - ankh). On the Ist inst., by the Rey. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. JOIMIF SHE LO,SSEIi to Miss LUCY ANN BEAM t le l both of Franklin township. On 3th ult., in PettrAburg. (Y. 5.,) by -the Rey. .W. Seibert, Mr. tilt itGg DAY to Iliss LYDIA ANN DAY, both of Huntington .township, Adam:. wont.). At the re.,idence of the bride's father, on Thursday_ the Ist of September. by the Rey. L. .J. Bell, Mr. NA:.-4/ GI:U.1'111f CAMP, of Mid illeton-n. A LIRLU CO(Ulty, P.t..., to Miss JULIA ANN AMELIA. eldest daughter ofJoku Hoover; ,Esq., of BeecherFville, Pa. On the 2sd ult., by Rev. Mr. McKeon, Mr, CHARLES SECHRISr to Miss MARY FISIIER, ;both of this place. 70 lesci_ f Sunday night week, near Nummasburg, Marna county, „Mrs. ELIZABETH 'BUCHER, ,widow of Adam Bucher, dec d., aged 93 years .3 months and 20 days. On the 22d ult.. in Ifountpleasant township, CHARLES GEORGE, son of Nathaniel and Su san Hagarmaa, aged / year and 0 months. In New Oxford, Adams county, on the 22nd aster a short but painful illness, Misa LOUISA ELIZ-kBETII SHOWALTER, aged 16 years 8 months and 0 days. Near ArendUlville, on the 19th of August, ;LEVIA,.: of Abraham and jJarbars Kuue, aged; mouths and 2U days. On Thursday morning last. in .11ountplea:saut township, 11r. PHILIP A.AIZON (21101:SE, aged 17 years. The youth po•sebsell many amiable qualities, and was desert edly esteemed by those who knew him. Farewell to you, my dearest mother— Farewell to you, my kind twin brother— Farewtll to you all I say— J hope to meet you all one day. My time is past, my years tire sown, My joys in he.tren are now unknown. Free from care, and free from pain, I now with saints and angels reign. X. A. J. Cover, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will promptly attend to Collections and all other business en trusted to him. Office between Fahnestocks' and Danner I Ziegler's Stores, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, Pa. [Sept. 5, 1853. Wood Lots FOB SALE.—I will sell at Public Sale, on Friday, the 301 A day of Sepumber ;text, on the premises, the followingVooil Lots, situate in Cumberland township, on the banks of Marsh Creek, near Bream's Mill : No. 1. Clear land, containing 14 acres A 14 per "2. Wood-land, " 2 " 17 " 1. 4. it I, 6. LSE The above Wood Lots are all heavily timber ed. Sale to conunence at 12 o'clock, M. Terms accommodating. GEO. ARNOLD. Sept 5, 1859. td Teacher Wanted, MO take charge of a Public School in Free dom township, Adams county, about the lit./ October 111431. liirNone need apply unleaa competent:— Enquire of ABRAHAM KEISS, Sept. 5, '59. 3t JOHN McOLS.A.R.Y. Notice. GSORGE WALTER, SRN'S. ESTATE.— Letters testamentary on the estate of G eorg* waiter, Sen., late of filettyebarg, .Adams county; deceased, baiing been grant ed to the itlidertigned, (the tam named r e aiding in Hampton, and the tut tamed in Gettysburg,) they hereby give- nodes to all persoas - hidebted to said estate to make ha 2:mediats payment, sad those hawing - claims natant the same to present them properly an. tbentiesded for setthsiest. - gispacY PitIICINCk, JAL WA.LTKEt, - .Ezentiors. Sept. 5 1850. or. 5 00 3 50 1 00 to 1 15 70 . 70 . 30 . 50 2 00 4 50 . 1 76 1 20 70 . • 700 96 5 12 5 62 1 05 to 1 15 . 70 6.5 33 4 50 1 50 8 50 5,13 II 75 ...... 1 00 / 15 70 68 SO 4 50 1 75 6 50 Cow louvaestaL Ji 4 II 38 " 9 " 104 " " 7 46 " L. 4 5 st 1 5 7 is 54 g, 6 it . , ~ - En Fairview Farm A T PRIVATE: BALE —A Very Dtainabla Property.—This Farm is 'Untied on the A T Turnpike, adjoins the Borough of Gettysburg, and is in sight of the Railroad De pot containing or lees, 12 A cres of which is covered with Timber and about 2 0 Acres of Meadow. The improvements are a Two-story Weatherboarded Dwelling HOC SR, A 4. 11 l t . with a One-stor3 Back-budding, a ' good Barn, Mechanic a Ship , and other Out-buildir gs—all it good order.r rum the Piazza Of the IT,iiisc von have a fill, view of the town, and ciri bee the i at., rri nfr an 1 de parting The land 14 MO Us red ,oil is ig, mi quality, and sc.sccpt hie of a high State of cuiti ration. Lime arts ael on it, and can alwar • be had at the Railroad Depot, one mile distant . at 12} ern:„ per bushel There is a young .tp pie anL Peach tirtharl and a great variety of fruit in the yard. Auel of wat e r at the t' ~ and a nett r-fai.in4 , priug at the barn. TI.I. property, ‘tith ter} little eipenle Lan be made a very desirable and must' beautiful country residence,welt calculated for a vineyard and vegetable farm . Dar J Ni,Eil sell cheap and on the most accom modating litrms. It will be shown either by Ur. Slentz living on the premises, or mrseli, residing in town. GEORGE Alt-NOLL) Gett‘sburg Pa., Sept.s , 1859 . For Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale the FARM. late of Col. Campbell, deed.. situate mile+ east of Gettysburg. on the publik ro ad leading to East Berlin. containing 188 ACRES and 77 PERCHES. The Farmaswell calculated fur di% ision into two separate farms, having erected ther,on TWO SETTS OF BUILDINGS— s I I I is handsomely located and very conveniently laid out. Access is had to each field from a lane which passes through the tract. dividi:o; it in equal parts There is au abundant and nes erfail:ng supply of water to each set of iinpros emcnts : a s ttiL ien cy of meadow, o bards of choice fruit and in great variety. There arc about 4 , ) acres of good and thriving timber, lying in sight of town, and there is not an acre of waste land on theentire premiles. I will sell the farm entire or will dit ide it to suit the wi..hcs of those desiring to purchase. Persons desiring, to recoren pleasant home eon obtain a bargain by calling soon, as I have de termined to part with the property. The premises will be shown to such as want to he suited with homes by calling ou the subscriber, residing in Gettysburg. WM. KING. Sept. 5, 18.59. 3t Grain and Produce House, CILXIIBERSISURG STREET.—The un dersigned, having purchased the large building in the rear of his store oc Chambers ' bursburg street, known as "Camp's Brewery," has converted it into a Produce Warehouse, sad is now prepared to receive all kinds of Grain and Produce, to wit: FLOUR, WIJILAT, KYR, CORN, OATS, Seeds, kc., for which the highest market price will Le given. ar-To accommodate those who may prefer it, I will also receive on COMMISSION and ' forward Produce as!' kinds, having made ar rangements for that purpose with a responsible house in the city. I also coasinue my Grocery and Variety Stare, and keep on hand GROCERIRS of all kinds, Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Teas, Rice, Oils, Spices, Fish, Cedar-w , ke. Having just received a very large supply, purchased on remarkably favorable terms, L am prepared LO furnish Country. Dealers very cheaply, and will sell at all times, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The public are invited to call before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, on the principle of " Quick Sales end Small Profits." JOHN SCOTT: Gettysburg, Sept. 5, ISG9. The Eureka '0 IIrTTLE SEWING MACHINE, price Fifty Dollars, the most perfect Sewing Machine ever made, combining the baprocements of Ten Patents. They will Stitch, Hem, Fell, Bind and thither, and will sewirom the taut eamh is to the coarsest end thickest fabric, including leather, using glazed or unglazed cotton, Hams thread, skein silk, or twist, making a neat lock stitch both sides alike, which cannot be raMed ; and regularly licensed under E. How, Jr.'s Patent. Send for a circular and samples of sewing. Address, E. NICHOLLS, Corner of Pratt and llowatd, Baltimore, Md Sept. 5, ',49. De. 13. ly] Notice TS hereby given to tny creditors that I intend to appear before the Honorable the Judges of the-Court of Common Pleas for the county of Adams, oa nada', tht 20th day of &VowsAtr vent, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at the Court then to be held at Gettysburg, in said county, and upon the written consent of a ma jority, in number and value, of my creditors, to apply to saidlqdges to make and order that the estate add effects which I shall acquire after my discharge as au insolvent debtor, on the 21st day of Detember last, A. D., 1858, shall be exempted for the term of seven years there after from execution for any debt contracted, or any rause of 'action existing previously to such discharge. JAMES C. HASWELL. Sept. 5, 1859 . td _ A Farm, AT PrBLIC SALE.--Will be offered al public sale, on Saturday, the 24c day of bcp..aaber next. on the premises, A VALL'ABLE FARM, situate in Germany township, Adams county, 3 miles from Littlestown, on the Em mitsburg road, adjoining lands of Samuel Rei gle, Widow Biehl, and others, containing about 13'i ACRES, having Autficieut portions of good Woodland and Meadow. The farm has been limed, and is und.r good cultivation. The im provements consist ut a one and a half 1 — story LUG lICWSE, Double Log Barn, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, a new Shop, and d other out-buildings; also a Two Story Frame Weatherboarded tiozse, nearly new. formerly occupied as a Sfore, and is a desirable location for that business. There are two Orchard.: of choice fruit on the premises, and two wells of never-Ltiling water. The property will be of fered in one tract, or in two, as may best suit purchasers. sir Persons wishing to view the property can call on either of those residing on it. or un the undersigned, residing in Union township. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by AMOS I,KFEVER, Agent for George Houck, Sr. Aug. 29, 1859. ie. A Rare Chance FOR A DRUGGIST.—Dr. L. R. SrossTrea, in conseqnenee of declining health, will dis pose of his DREG STORE, in Littlestown, and asks early offers. The Store is doing a profita ble business, which will increase. It is the only one in the place. Littlestown Aug. 22., 1859, tf $l5 Reward! yrORSES STOLEN !—Two Bay Mares were stolen from the undersigned, in Wake- Lew, Carroll county, Md., on Thursday night last, with two blind bridles. One of the Mares is a chesnut bay, with ft white stripe on the forehead, and about 6 years old ; the other is a light bay, with a small spot on the forehead, a large lump in the left Hank, and about 5 years old. The above reward will be paid for the re turn of said Mares, or for information that will lead to their recovery. JACOB SULLIVfi. Aug. 29, 1859. 3t4 Pennßylvania State GRICULTCRAL The Ninth Annual Exhibition of the i t ai l asylranis. State Agricultuthl Society, will be held at Powelton, Philadelphia, on Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Vriday, the ; ; 27th, 28th, 39th and 20th, days of September; next. On the lit of September, the Secretary ; will remove to the Rooms of the Philadephia Society for the prostionott of Agriculture, No. 62€1 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, where Books of Entry for the Exhibition will be opened. Letters add:wood to the Secretary, at Hat- riabarg, ,lohn Net:lows, Philadelphia, or; Charles B. Eagle, Battleuin, will meet with 'Melaka WI let September. DAVID TAGGART, President. I A. 0. iIItISTSA Seaveculf• illirGoods for Behlidttori carried on all the, Re roads la the State, to abed fro, free of ' aI I . 1 1. 7 S -t n 1144 JARS, Pitcfiera, Jogs, de., at A- SCOTT A BON'S. MMN=EM AT PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will be offered at Public Sale. on 'he premises, OR Saturday, Gds Ist day of October sari, the following deecribed Real Estate of the late Meswit.t. Batumi, deceased, as follows, to wit : No. I.—THE MANSION TRACT, situate in Liberty township, Adams county. containing 275 ACRES. more or less, adjoining lands of the lic , rs of Hon. James MoDirit, deceased. heir of WilliaM Flohr. deceased, John None maker, and others. on the Turnpike lending from the Maryland Line to Waynesboro', and within tau miles of the former place. The improre- Li rnent.. are a large to o-,.', -, - Roughcast --- 4 , D WELLING 11UUSE. Log Burn, Wag- on Shed. Corn Crah, Stone Spring . 4 House, with a Food •prin,- there are - - upon the farm two Orrhsir,l<uon of a hich i. not I :relied Iry any in that distrirt of i wi ntrt- Frieods and Toms Creeks both pass throi.gli the farm. The ftrin has a large quantity of t Luite Timber. and aiso of good Meadow. The farm will be sold entire or in parcels, as may best suit porches , rs. No. 2.—A1l the interest of said deceased. be ing three-eighti o , in A TRACT OP LAND, situate in the same township, adjoining lands of ()verb°lzer, Joseph Zimmerman, Petrirtk Savage, and othere, containing 100 ACRES. more or less. The improvements area LO DOUSE, one and a half story ; Log Bern. Log Sgring House, with a quantity of good Timber. :lilt Run pastes through the farm The sale wi.!! commence upon the lust de senbed property, Ht 100 dock, A. M.. of said day, and be contmued :tithe Mansion property as soon as the first is diap()%ed or. Attendance given and terms made known Sr JAMES H. MA fiSii J011:1 MUSS} Llf dainunretratort. By the f'o'rt—ft. G. Wolf, Clerk. Aug. 20, 1a39. Mar The subscribers, owners of the remain ing interests in the last described property, will offer the same fur sale at the above time and place. N.\THANIEL GRAYSON, ELIZ.tHETII GItAYBON, JANE HUNTER. OF ALPABLE REAL ESTATE.—The sub scribers, AP!igneen of DAT - ID MONFORT, will offer at public sale. opt Saturday, hie 17th day of Septendmo heal, that desirable FARM in Sint ban township, Ming about one mile from New Chester and about two miles from New Oxford, adjoining lauds of Isaac Monfort, and others, containing 11411 Aelig.S. more or less. The im- Movements are a good two story . Duelling 119 USE, a good Frame • Barn, Wagon Shed, and other out- • 1111 buildings ; a stream of water runs through the Farm and there is a never-failing well spring near the door; there is • young Orchard of select fruit on the premises, and a large proportion of the lead is excellent meadow, with a sufficient quantity of good Timber. This trtlet will suit seri well to dl ride, and will be offered in one 61ffarro tracts to snit purchasers. • Sale to commence at I o 'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JACOB MONFORT, JOHN F. FELTY, Aug. 15, 1859. ts Assignees - First-rate Farm AT PRIVATE tiALE.—The undersigned, de ?irons of reducing his landed property, of fers at private sale, one of his FARMS, situate on Harsh creek, in Franklin township, Adams county, adjoining the property be resides on and containing 108 Acres, more or less. The improvements are a STONE DWEL LING HOPSE, Bank Barn, Wagon 111 Shed, Corn Crib, a well and . a spring of excellent water near th . buildings. an Orchard of good fruit, c. The farm is convenient to churches, school-hoaxes, and mills, with good society and a pleasant neighborhood. Persons wishing to view it are requested to call on the undersigned, adjoining. The farm offered Is 4 miles from Gettysburg, within a quarter of a mile of the Chambersburg Turnpike, and possesses more than usual ad vantages. Jtdy 25, 1859. 3m* AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned of feat et Private Sale, his ‘IANSION FARM . , situate on the Chambersburg Turnpike, 1} miles frum Gettysburg, Adana county, Pa. It is a most desirable property, and has been for many years occupied as a Tavern Stand, for which it is well adapted, having every convenience. The Farm coatains about 150 Acres, more or loss, about 40 area of which are Timber-land, well covered ; the fencing is mostly of cheanut rails and locust stakes, and in good condition. The improvements consist of a large Double Two-Story BRICK HOUSE, II ( 1 a large new Bank Barn, (with three . • floors,) a large Stone Stable, Wag-. - on Shed and Corn Crib; Stone Tenant Douse and Blacksmith Shop ; two wells of water, one in (rota and the other In the rear of the large dwelling; three Apple Orchards, with a variety of other fruit, such as peaches, pears, plutus, cherries, ke. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call on the undersigned, residing thereon. Aug.'', 1859 -.1-OTIICE is hereby given to all the heirs and legal representatives of NICIIOLLD CNSHOWSR, late of Cumberland township, Adains oenty, Pa., deceased, to wit :—Joseph Miiiishower, living in Carroll - co., Md.; Nicholas Muushower, residence in California; Catharine, intermarried with William Roberts, residence Frederick county, Md.; Sarah, intermarried with Jacob Starner, residence Adams cu., Pa.; Henry Muushower, residence Adams co., Ps.; l) il,Muuslioa er, since deceased intestate, un mnrriird and w ithout issue; Elizabeth, since deceitie4jeating a natural child. Sarah Elisa beth Munshox er, a minbr, having for her guardian John Munshovier ; John Munshower, petitioner, residence Adams co. ; SaNilla Mun shower, residence Union Bridge, Frederick county, 111.,—that an Inquest will be held on the following property, viz : A Tract of Land, situate in Cumberland townsitip, Adams coun ty, adjoining lands of Henry Myers, Henry Linn, Peter Hoofnagle, and others, containing 32 Acres, more or less, with a one and a half story Log House, Log Barn and Log Cooper shop thereon—on Friday. the 16th day of &vein ber next, at 1 o'clock, P.M., on said premises, to make partition thereof, to and amongst the heirs and legal representatives of said deceas ed, if the same will admit of partition without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereot ; but if the same will not admit of each partition, to inquire how many of said heirs it will conve niently accommodate; and part and divide the same among as many of them as the same will accommodate; but it the same will not admit of division at all without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the same, whole and undivided— whereof all persons interested are hereby no tified. ISISC LIGHTNER, SSerif. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, 1 Aug. 22,1859. ti - VOR SALE.—WiII be exposed to public sale, ors Saterday, de 17 th of September next, on the premises, the Reel Estate late of NANCY Bovsa, deceased, consisting of A LOT OF GROUND, tone-third of an Acre,) situate in Nummasbarg, Franklin township, Adams co., fronting on the Turnpike, and adjoining lot of Henry Hershey, and boneded south and west by public alleys. The improve ments are a Two-Story BRICK HOUSE, with • Log Shop, and a variety of Fruit Prees. air - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN BOYER, A try is fan for the Drowses of Nancy Boyer, deed. Aug. 2.2, 1859. ta rITHR School Directors of Union township I . will meet at No. S School House, near Ad ana 3bildt's, ew Sabinkry, the 17th day of Byte's ber sum, at 1 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing !feathers to Pike charge of the Pub lic Schools of said township for the fall term. Applicants are deeiredto hare their certificates from the County Hafiesintendent. • • - - By orier-ot: the Board, MICHAZIAL ICITZNILLER, Aug. 29, 1859. t 4 Bote*try mor • ay.: 7:e" Valuable Real Estate, Assignees' Sale B.tIUBL LOllll. A Valuable Property FREDERICK HERR. Notice of Inquest. House and Lot 5 -Teaohera Wanted. Valuable Farm, T PUBLIC SALE—The subscriber, As signee of thaws 8. Emma and, Wm, or the benefit of creditors will offer at public sale, on the premises, as The ad//, Ur 135 h day Septem'xer *ex!, th it desirable FARM, situate in Cumberland twp Adams county, l'a , lying about 11 miles west of Gettysbithg, and north of the Charni ersbur a ; turnpikt, al inning lauds of James J 1114 h Heirs of John Hartzell, decd stmucl Hartzell . Frederick Herr, Abra ham Spangler, an] others, containing 155 ACItES. more nr less. The N- I rot, tut nts are • a Two Story atone Hoti.e with. Two " LUlStore k El itldingdia inga base r' kit en above nd , me Bank Barn ( irrit e House Stone Spring Ifuse, with a ni huhu,- Spring. Pimp of net er=6uLng water near the I thou door, and three Orchards, 2 of a lin li are net.,the latter co it lining about 1,00, Teach Trccs 100 Ap ple, with a variety of other frnit trees on the rcmises There is running water in almost all the fields. The Farm 13 in a good state of cultivation and fencing About l i acres are in Timber and there 1/I a full proportion of Meadow. Persons desiring to view the property Can be shown the same by calling on the family re siding thereon, or on the subscriber. S.,le to commence at 1 o'clock, P. It., on said day, 7.... en attendance will be given and terms made known by , J. D. 'DANNER, Assysee. Aug. 15, 1859. Desirable Property AT PUBLIC SALE.--In pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's court of Adams county, the subscriber, Administrator of the estate of J•cou Ctess.. deceased, will offer at public sale on the premises, on Thursday, the 22nd dam of Sert(ne , r next, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 3R ACRE:4, neat measure, Si 4 /Rte in lei‘sant toerusliip, Adams county, adjoining lands of Mocies Scull. John Sneeritijer, and others. About 3 acres are Woodland, orith a sufficient portion of Meadow. The Land is in a high state of cultivation. it haring beeo ('onowago (reek runs along part of one line. The intro% emeriti are a One and a hail' .story' 'Stone DWRI.I.INO :10CSI: with Kite ten. : good double Log ft:trn, and Shedg, Corn Crib and Wagon Shed, a Smoke and Spring House, with a • - never-failing spring and a well of water neat the door; an excellent young Apple Orchard, with other choice fruit, such as apples, pears, plains, lie. The fences are in good reptir. The property lies about one fourth of a mile from Seuft's Mill. Persons desiring to view it are requested to call on Joseph Clunk, Jr., who resides near the premises. A clear title and possession will be given on the first of April next. 031 P-Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by PETER SMITH, Adner By the Court—H. G . , Vrot.r, Clerk. Aisg. 22, :859. ts Valuable Farms F'AROR SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale, on very accommodating terms, TWO MS, the first situate •in Strahan town ship, Adams county, about three miles east of Gettysburg, and one mile , from the Railroad, euntainingillo Acres, more or less. The , improvements are a STONE HOUSE, 111 R,: ' good Bask Barn, and other out-build ''''' - • g 4. About 15 acres are In first rate Meadow; and there is running spring e water in every field, which never fails. There is a large ORCHARD of choice grafted fruit, about 4 acres. AboOt 2,700 or 2,800 bushels of time have been put upon the Farm, and its convenience to the Railroad renders lime very accessible. There is a due propbrtion of Timber. The second FARM is situated in Cumberland township, on the Rmmltsburg road, a mile and half from Gettysburg, containing 145 Arras, inure or le. a. The improvements are . a new Frame RIVALLING ROUSH, large IfF Brick Barn. 50 other out-buildings; a UU well of water al the barn, and one at the ouse. About 22 acres are in Meadow, with a doe pro portion of Timber. ' About 3,000 bushels of Lime have been put upon the Farm. The above properties will be at private sale until the 19th and 20th days of September, when, if not sold, the first named Farm will be offered at public sale, on the premises, on Monday, the I:4th, at 1 o'clock ; and the second on Tuesday, the 20th, at 1 o'clock; when terms will be made known by PETER TROSTLE. Aug. 22, 18.50. Valuable Baal Estate AerT PUBLIC SALE, on Saturday, the 241 A day of &pitiether t lea9.—la pursuance of an or of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of FILIDBRICII KLINIPICTER, Late of Hamilton town ship, Adams county, decoct, will sell at public sale, ea the premises, the following valuable Real Estate, to wit; A FARM OR TRACT OF lip LAND, situate In amilton township, Aflame count, contain! 1 ACRES, More or less, adjoining lands amnel Hollinger, Daniel Becker, David Becker, and others, and &cos the Hanover and Abbottstown turnpike, within a mile of Abbottstoten, 3 miles from East Ber lin, and within a quarter of a mile of Holling er's Mill, on which are erected a Two Stoty Stone DWELLING HOUSE, with a two story Back Building attached, a all , large Bank Barn, two Wagon Sheds, Cooper Shop, end other necessaryout-buildings. There is ea the premise* a first-rate Orchard of choice fruit trees. There are three wells of water near the dwelling, and a never-failing spring of water which is conducted Into the barn-yard. About 18 acres of the above tract. are Meadow land. The above property is well c.tictrlated for, and has been kept for many years as a tavern. stand. About 40 acres of the above described property are covered with HEAVX.OAK AND HICKORY TIMBER. Abort 13 acres of the above named Woodland is cut 1 off by the Brough road, and will be sold sep- ! crate if desired. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold. A TRACT OF FIRST-RATE CIIE.").NUT TIMBER LAND, situate in Jackson township, York county, cont-lining 4 Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Brinkman, Michael Fishel, A. Noel and a public road. "Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOAN KLINEPETER. FREDERICK KLINEPETER, Aug. 29, 1859. A daunts tra tort Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons concerned that the .I.dnezt• istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adanis county for confirmation and allowance, on Tuesday, t.4e2otA of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz: 138. Account of Charles nebert, Adminis trator of the estate of Jacob Hildebrand, de ceased. 139. First and final acconnt of Frederick Quigle. Administrator of Samuel lloff, deed. 140. First account of Levi Golden and Jacob Althoff, Executors of the last will and testa ment of Wm. Golden, dec'd. 141. First and final accooste of Philip Cot shall, Admini st rator of John Walter, dec'd. 142. The first account of Valentine Frock, Executor of George Plank, dec'd• 143. The first and final account of Conrad Slaybasgh, Administrator of the estate of Henry Becker, dec'd. 144. The second account of Jacob Group, acting Executor of the last will and testament of Ulry Peter, late of lienallen township, Ad ams co., dec'd., as settled by James Davis, Ad• miulstrator of Jacob Group, dec'd. ZACHARIALI 111 - ERS,Rvisfer. Register's Offiee, Gettys burg, Aug. 33, 1859. Farm for Sale. AIFIE subscriber will sell his FARM, situated Adams Franklin townshi Adams county, 2 miles west, of Casittown, on the Millecalowil road. The Farm contains 75 ACRES-50 acres clear. The land is in a, good state of cultivation, haring been limed. There are all kinds of frail--e thriring young Orchard of choice grafted fruit ; also peaches, pears and plants of the best kinds. The buildings are a one and a half story STONE ROUSE, 6 large new Bank Barn, a Cooper Shop, du. 4: ~ The Farm is in goOd order, and can- fI! ' notlso beat for raising potatoes. I cal4alate on ralidng eight hundred bus'" Ala yeir. A never-lidnii=ng of water at the door. IL BINGAXA.N. Aug. 22,1849. tf a w F'l ... s , «+P+.~aPs •ice: ~~~-4, s MEW Valuable Town Property AT PUBLIC BALB.—WIII be offend at public sale, ea Saunter, ths ESA des of Oe suctt, on the premises, that DESIRABLE PROPERTY, Waste on Baltimore street, one door south of the Post Offire. in Gettysburg, with alleys on the north and east, and adjoin ing Prof. Nuhlenbarg on the south. It consists of a I 3 ELF LOT OF GROUND, with a two story Roughcast DWELLLNG HOUSE, and a large two-story Brick Back- - building, thereon; also lief water a in front and a (partne well in the rear of the dwelling. BiarThlk property was for many years occu pied as a Tavern Stand. and is one the most desirable in the town for business of any kind. A chance to purchase property so central is rarely offered, and capitalists v.ill find it to their interest to attent the sale. Sitle to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M.. on said day, when attemiscite will be given and tams Inside known by JOSIAII BENNER, Aug. 2.1.1, IdSy. Aic* fur the Owners. Private Sale. iAR undersigned offers nt private sale, a Valuable TR \CT OF LAND, situate in ountpleasant township , about six milts from Gettysburg, pn the Ilitnove- ma! and one mile from the turnpike leading from Gettrshurg to, York, containing 40 iiCR.F..9 adjoining lands of John Cashman. John tiliultz and Peter Mil ler. The lan! 14 well limed , with from SO to 100 bushel, to the acre. It is all now in a good suite of cultivation. There is on the prermb- CS a one-story Weather-hoarded DOI SE, and kiti lien a net tr-f ill mwater ..4 li ii g well of ne tr the house, a 4 1 good barn and other necessary ' out-buildings, and a gond Orchard of all kinds of fruit. The Gettysburg Railroad runs neat the batk end of the Farm, and the buildings fit in the Hanover road, n4ke it very desirable and onvenient Any person ni.-hing to view the place ran do co by calling on the undersigned, who will be found at all times on the premifma and will give all satisfaction required. A good deed will be given to the purchaser, clear of all demands. Aug. 22, 1809. U• Seed Wheat. re undersigned has secured a new variety of Medi ternuwan SEED WHEAT, (bawdy re -chaff.) whichlokproven itself a highly su p *riot article, s hich he is selling at $2 per ,sushel. It ha een grown in Lancaster an d cn t , 'ter counties during tit., last two years, with great ;nccess. It is to be seen and had at Iloke's Wart:Li:NV, in Gettysburg. DANIEL BEITLEE. Aug. 15, 1859. 4t* Cook and Parlor Stoves. A NDREW PULLEY would respectfully in- Corm the public that he now has a lot of CUOS. and PARLOR STOVES, which he offers at prices ttisuit the times. Gettysbag, Aug. 29, 1859. BELltialia.core• ALL AND BRASS WORKS, 63 Holliday street, Baltimore, Md. KEOSSTER ts B, the Proprietors„are prepared to furnish BELLS of all descriptions, from 10 to 10,000 pounds, which are warranted equal in finality of tone, prolongation of sound and durability, to say made in the United States. Our Bells are made of the heat materials, warranted to give entire satisfaction ; also, against breakage. Farm Bella, ranging from 10 to 100 pounds, always on hand at northern prices. For Certificates with full particulars, steadier one of our Circulars. Aug. 29, 1859. ly Wines, Brandies, IttllS, BLACK TEAS, he. P. TIERNAN k ON, offer fur sale the following articles, their own importation, Particularly for fami ly use; 81111311' Wises.—Psiourtine's finest pale, gold and brown Sherries, hi wood and In frinfig. Poe? Viso—Ssodeniaa's eonspetilitni red and white Port, in woad and in glass. MAMMA WIXII--JOhft 13oward blotch's fine Madeira, in wood ant in glass; also, Grape hare. • . Hocr Wort s—Jahattnesbergar, Sta;nberger, Varcobrunner, Cabinet, Lieb-fran-inilch, Brea neberg, of 1846. Camsransa Wixsa—Yost and Chandon'a fin est, in quarts and pieta. RAF Di Llll—Otard and Lleuneasy's fine old pale and dark ltnindiea. Reua--Old apd fine Jamaica, Antigua, Gren ada, and ftom the I lands, Imported direct from London. Ilottaxo Gm—The best quality—Tiernan brand—and no mixture of aromatic poison in it. 200 half chests of the finest Soccnoso TEL. Baltimore, Aug. 28,1859. ly J. Weatherby & Co., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in CHIT, SON'S FURNACES, brick and portable; COOKING STOVES, of every dercription for wood and coal: Also, Church, Wall, Store and Office Stoves : Franklin, Air-tight, Bar-room and Cannon stoves; Freuour 66u-burning and Latrobe Stotes. Orders from the country re spectfully solicited. Merchants supplied on the most reasunabie terms. • J. WEATHERBY k CO., 40 and 42 Light st., one door from Lombard, Aug. 12, 1e59. tJan 1 Money Saved BY BUYING GROCERIES from 1100 K 4- BALDWIN, S. W. corner of Lexington and Green streets, BALTIMORE, MD You save 25 cts. per pound You rave 50 cta. per barrel You save 50 eta, per barrel In buying INA You save from 3 to 3 dollars per 100 pounds in buying Bon You save from 1 to 4 cts. per pound in buying Sugars Yon save frog 2 to 6 cts. per pound in buying Coffee Yon say* from 3 to 10 cts. per gallon in buying Molasses In short yon can sane money In the Grocery line by buying of HOuK k BALDWIN, S. W. corner of Lexington end Green etc, If any body double it let.them give us 01111 TRIAL, And if they are not satisfied that they shall bay somewhere else We warrant every article we sell. We pack all goods securely, and charge nothing for packing Audit the Goods are not as repreeeated, Their pia be retained at our expense. Persons finding it - isontrialeet. to visit Baltimore, Caa order of es through the Mail sad may rely upon ljitbeit their orders Promptly and eMatiAl ge * tt r e ol yeillemied to. rSO Attocla • How JI4I4,DWIDI, Wholesale 0411 RelIQ Grocers, 8. W. corner otLexiliton. add GPM its., June 27, 1829. Dan. 24. ly.] GASS SELF-SEALING s new articli, - A. Wm' SON'S Kerr • ACCBMITII COAL—bost • Bia3o lot Elnuas, anikuuno k CUM EZEI 31 ATTU!. W TULAND Baltimore B•LTINORR in buying Tea la buying Flour on most every artiele Baltimore we will be content e 4" Public Sale OTALITABLI UAL ESTATE.—Ths sub scriber, leer-aka of the last will and testa ment of Artmose Serie, deceased, will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Tocado, 20M dry of E4yressober next, the following highly valuable Real Estate if slid decervied, viz: No. 1 —A FARM, ititnate in"Slountpleasitit towneltip, Adams eourity, adjoining lands of Ja cob E. Miller, r•iarrinel floffirtan, Henry J. Hens ler, and other, cnntaining, 10! Arms and 10 Perches, neat measure, about 40 aires of which are first rate Timberland, with a proper-pro portion of Meadow. The improvements are a large two-story BRICK DWELL, • ING HOUSE. Bank Barn. Wagon ..tail Shri and Corn Crib, Carriage House, Spring House. with a never- failing ping in it, and well of ex- cellent water near the door of the choke Apple Orchard, with a vareh of cAll^r fruit, such as pears, peache.•, cherries. plums. kc. No. 2. A TRACI' OF L t\ U, adjom;ng No. 1, containing 79 Acres and 142 Perche.., neat measure,—about 30 acres of the tract being Woodland. The _improvements consist of a large two-story Weatherhosnled IiOrSE, entirely new. Rnk Barn. 11 also new, with a well of water at :• I the door, and some fruit. - • No. 3.—A TRACT OF LAND, nlso adjoining No I, containing 19 Acres and 95 Perrhes,— about 8 acres of the tract being Woodland of the very best quality. The three traits have been well limed. and are in a high state of cultivation and under good fencing. The land is well NI atnred. with never-failing stream running along one line. The road leading from numeratorr n to Mt Suter rystow•n separates Nos. I and 3. and the road from Bunanghtown to Kohler's mill passes through Nos. 1 and 2. The neighborhood is a pleasant one, with churches, school house, stores, Wills and mechanic shops, CUM enient The opportunity to purchase property so de-ir ithle is rarel:, offered, and the attention of those wishing to invest is called to it. Persons desiring to tiewbthe properties are requested to call on the Heir:, residing thereon. A clear title and possession will be given on the first of April next. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by PETER SMITH, Essenlor. harif not sold on said day, the property will be offered for Rent at public outcry. • Aug. 8, 1859. to Valuable Mills & Farm, AT ASSIGNEE SALE.—The subscriber, As signee of Moats STCYBACOR and Wire, will offer at public sale , on the premises, on Friday, Me 23e1 day -of liepseshor nest, that coins ble Mill and Farm property situate in Straban township, Adams county, about half a mile from New (theater, th e Farm containing 48 ACRES, more or iess. The im provements are two good Dwelling 4-1) 1 11011SES. Frame Barn, an excel -1,-nt GRIST AND IIkitCRANT with gao Water Power; a - ••• • good S_YW MILL; fine Orchard, well of water, and other L'lsproremente. This property is sit uated on g,. Conowaws, and supposed to be the Best Mill See on that stream. The Bills are in good order, t:ving been thoroughly re paired within the last t'eW years, with metal' gearing, Ac. These Milts Cave as K. off a run of custom as any other in the county, being able to run when other Mills cannel, in time of drought. Sale to commence at 1 o f eiu..k. P. M., on said day, when attendance will bu given and terms made known by JOHN F. FELTY, disig.iee Aig. 15, 1859 Mrr i !MT?-5NV7771 AT PUBLIC 13 ALE.—The subscribers, Ex ecutors of AIIItARAII %visas, deceased, will offer at public sale, ee Satttrday, Gtr let day of October sett, on the premises, that desirable FARM. on which decedent resided upwards of twenty years, situate in Tyrone township, Ad ams county, Pa., adjoining lands of George Meekley, Peter Miller. Anthony Deardorff, Sam ael Deardorff and David Hoover, containing 202 ACRES, more or less, with good propor tions of Timber and Meadow. The improve ments consist ors two.story Wen th erboarded DWELLING • HOC SK, . Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and Coru Crib, Cooper Shop, and other ou • buildings; two never-failing wells of water, one at the boast,. and the other at the barn ; an excellent apple Orchard, with a variety of other choke - fruit. Conowago Creek ran• through the Farm, and there nre also two springs en the property. The fences, mostly of chestnut ratite, are good, end the land is in a good state of cultivation, two-thirds of it. hay ing been limed. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on either of the Executors, the first named residing in Hamilton township, and the last named in Straban town ship, near New Cheater. • air Sale to commence at I o'clock. P. M., on said day, when attendance will Ise given and terms made known by JblIN SNYDER, FILEDEILIcK lIOLTZ, Eixamtori. Aug. 22, 18'59 Orphan's Court Sale. BY virtue of en Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams Minty, the subscriber. Admin istrates' of Petur Cots, deceased, will offer at public sale, on, the promises, on Thurany, the 22nd day of September Atext, the Real Estate of said decedent, Yis : A FAIN. situate in Liberty township, Adams euunty, 3 miles west of Eel mitsburg, adjoining lands of heirs of Hon. James McDivit, heirs of Maxwell Shields, and others, containing 184 ACRES, more or less, about 80 acres of which are cleared and in n good Mate of cultivation, and much of the bal ance is well covered with thriving Chesnut and Rock Oak Timber. The improvements ars a 0110 and a half story LOG HOUSE, Leg Barn, a -3:oting Orchard of choice fruit, ♦c. There are two good Springs near the dwelling. The road from MeDivit'i Mill to Babillaaville passes through this property. The property will be offered undivied, or in five parts, containing from 14 to 65 acres, as may suit purchasers. l'crsons desirous Hof dewing it are requested to call on the subscri ber, residing near Mt. St. Mary's College. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by A. CULL. Aug. 22, 1859. A dnwusinsior. Notice. AT an Orphan's Court bell at Gettysburg, io and fur the county of Adams, on Mon day, the 15th day of August. A. D.. 1859, the petition of JOAN H. A CLA BA VOkl. E4q.. P.XeClitOr of the last will and teatameut of tiEO. CLARK, Bag., late of Emit Berlin, in said county, dec'd., war presented. pining fur rt Decree of Court, for the sale of the Real Estate of said deceased. Whereupon the Court appoint Tuesday, the 201 A day of September rterl, for the parties, (legatees, Ate.) to appear, and grant a citctiou directed to all the parties who have not voluntarily ap peared, warning them to appear on said day, for hearing in the matter of said application. By the Court—H. G. WOLF, Clerk. Aug. 22, 1839. Notice. TSS Partnership heretofore ex 'stitween KLIXIIICLTER. SLIT! k CO., ha rp *lived by the death of Mr. Seitz. E. Boy. use's' has been taken into the Plrm, and here after the business will be conddcted by KLI3II. maws, Floittxdra & Co. The continued pat ronage of the public to the house is solicited. KLIMSPELTSII, HOLLINGER t CO. . August 11, 1859. - Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Arr, stock for fall planting at reasormble Yates.ra Our ',resent stock includes all the varieties cultivated sod that are known to do- ell in this latitude. Special attentien is paiiLlo the !twin of trees. We are confident that attbasess will do better by buying from as.*ss to send to distant Nurseries that .tisey 3iere of, and for varieties not well estab- Rot e to Hon. J. B. Danner, Col. ,Trio. IZ Tete and D. IleCoaanghy, Ri, of Gettysbarg. THOS. E. COOK It SONS, nt Ridgeturseries, Readentrille, Pa. Jul 18, 1859. 3m • ___ CCEDARWAIIII.—A, D ew empty o f c e d ar are, Tuba, Morns, Bee also 6 sad' 10 salon Kegs, jest received sad lbr sale at the lowest rstecat FAtiSrliarOCK BROW. Lairtl—la qmsotities gnat or moon at the lowest market price. en • JOIN SCOTT. Excelsior Sky-Light Gallery,: NORTH -BAST Cornet itr OM-Dishiest, (is the upper" stet?, ot the Obi County build ing, recently probated by Celeflemson,) Get tyabnrg, Pitllut.,stedersignetl,,knving fitted up the *bare named with tittintention of locating* Fa Cillfit el* Lb .chm "It, are now prepared to furnisb lb* beet Antbrotype and Photographic Lticenessee in the lawrioes, mew and improved processes. iiiwfsig Lad several years' experience in PirtiltdettblEitlici feel confident of glting entire sotinfitetion all who may favor them with their patronage". Tiley have constructed one of the heat, Sky lights in the rountry, whi h , with thi best in+triimeuts and materials, cannot fail to pro. 'lure, at .all times, superior work. Ambro- I‘p Sphercotypes, Melninotypes, And Patent L. all,cr pictures, on the most reasonable terms" •t,es or frames, of the latest patterns and ue.t. quality. Paoronateus.—This style of picture hes become the favorite in cities, on account of its life-like appearance and perfect darebilit:v hying put up in neat gilded frames of various sires, are more acceptable as family portraits than the smaller pictures. They tiara not been generally Introduced until receutb its consequence of the difficulty of their piratic tion, and the necessity of long rind tedious sit tings, which have been overcome by F. J. Evans' new improved process, the entire right for the use of which we hold for Adams conn. ty. The time cf sitting hes now been reduced' from minutes to a few seconds, and greater beauty and perfection given to the likeness. They possess this important advantage over the other pictures. viz: from one sitting any number of Photographs can be supplied with out any further trouble to the Fitter, and nit its • perfect as the first impression. These pictures are furnished Plain, finished in India Ink, Wa ter or Oil Colors. Life Size Photogrsphs, finished in Oil, snpe dor' to oil paintings. ENLARGED PIIOTOC:RAPITS —Per.ons haying small dagucrreot pea of decert,ed triendß, min hare them enlarged by thirprocess, and finish ed superior to the original, anti thereby ren dered more life-like and durable. Pictures set in LockVts, Rings, he., he. All pictures warranted to give satlsfuetion, ur re-taken. Open trom 7 o'clock. A. IT., until R. P. 31. TYSON & Aug. 15, 1139. J'Aorographers. The Cheap Book Store, IN Philadelphia, is at No. 224 North BcCond street, (between Race and Vine streets,)— ESTASLISHIM NRAITLY a QUARTER OF A CENTURY Au° (—and still continues business on the prin— ciple of the "enable strpear," ke. Constantly on hand, and sold to Country Merchants, Booksellers, Store Keepers, Pmlaic and Private School., Colleges, A:endemic*, Teachers, ke., at Wholesale, and to everybody at Retail: All kinds of School Books, latcq editions, Fools Cap, Le'.ter and Note Papers, Slates and Slate Pencils, Carmine, Red, Black and Blue inks. Letter and Note Envelopes, in great varicfr,,, Copy Books, Cyphering and Composition, Books, Blank Account and Memorandum Books,. many sizes, different qualities and l itrioits prices, Steel Pens and Pen Holders. Wrapping Papers and Bonnet Bennis, Almanacs, Diaries, Lend Pencils, Writing Sand, School Rewardrand cvertliing else—be sides Family , School and Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, together with a large Stook-of Books in every department of Litera ture, and suited to every taste. ifirau at the very lowest Nett Cub Pri ces. "Oil LEARY. GET 7, & CO., • PC111.14H16E4 AND Ik:OICSICI.LNISIt y No. 224 North Second street, Phil, drlpais. lifirParticular attention paid to ull ors by tpatil. kug. 22, 1839. 8m Something New N GET7'YSBURG.—The undersigned Inform' the citizens of the town and county, that he as commenced the BAKING - (usiness, on s large scale, in York street, Gettysburg, nearly opposite Wattles's Hotel, where he will try to deserve, and hopes to receive. a Wien(' patron age. BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, CRACKERS, PRETZELS, kr., kr., baked every day, (Sun days excepted.) all of the,best quality, and sold at the lowest living profits. Cracker-baking in all its branches is largely carried on, and order* to any amount, from this and adjoining coun ties, supplied at the shortest notice. Having', erected a large and commodious bake-house and secured the best workman and the most ap proved machinery, he is prepared to do • heavy business , VALENTINE SALTER July 25, 1859 Sugar Cane Mills, SEGAR EVAPORATORS. Ketties, Citnltirons, Clarifying Pans, Steam Cull Kettles, Skim mer', Dippers, Moulds, !strainers, Filters; Sac. charometers, Thermometers, etc., with informa tion upon the subject of making Sugar, etc., from Chinese Cane. Having arranged with Hodges, Free it Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, for liven. c to manufacture their improved Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar Kettles, and having procured patterns from the above named manuf.tcturerz,l pan furnish on short notice any article in the line of Sugar king Apparatus, all well tried and of the most reliable kind. Also, Scott's Little Giant, Mills, for grinding corn in the cob. For Catalogue and Treatise on Sugar Cane, etc., inclose three Posta , ze Stamps. addressed J A XES NE .LL, Spring Gorden Iron WorA-r, Corner of 17th 4- Croaks Street., i'istlaleytia. Aug. 1, 1859. 3m - - What Everybody Wants. YAHE FAMILY DOCTOR: containing in plain language, free from medical terms, the , USP.S, SYMPTOMS and CURE of disease in every form, with Important ROLES FOR PRE SERVING THE HEALTH, and Directions for the Sick Chamber, and the Proper Treatment of the Sick.—This book is written in a plain, easy and familiar style, adapted etpressly to family and individual use. It advocates no particular theory of medicine. but draws alike from the Flowers of the Field, the Plants of the Garden,. or the Minerals of Earth, for such Remedies all have proved the most simple, safe,and effeetuabs. believing that wherever disease has found a tmthold, there the Giver of all Good has, Rs .meform.mercifully placed litieeific. Neither does it profess to supercede the physician, but only to avoid the necessity and expense of call ing him in except in dangerous eases. It is in fact a physician itself. always at bawl ands ready to serve you, while its simple receilitmar soon save you twiny times its cost. It contains 308 pages, in a clear and open type, is Mu/rated by appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded to your address, postage paid awl neatly bound, on receipts of the price $1 00. Everybody should have it. Agents wanted everywhere, who will thid it vary popular, and with whom liberal arrange meats will be made Address, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Benson] St , Philadelphia, Pa. July 4, 1859. Cm Notice. RA CITEL SMITH'S ESTATE.— mini/O.:v.110a 011 the estate of ansill . late of ilountpleasaut township,,attaganiemetip. ty, deceased, having been signed, residing in the same tartish* he bere.. by gives notice to all persona Indebted walla estate to make immediate payment, sad theses haring claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to , PETEIIIBIIIIII, Aug. 1, 1859. et .141sensisereter.. Notice. _,_. AerreANNAR FERRIT'S ESTATE.—Lettere testamentary On th e estate of liasteth e, tate of Tyrone townsbip,Adatas eneettr,l 1 dec'd, haring hesemented to the te lmma residing lathe t*Gettysbe ls = :by gives notice.* - *deleted -Omar" estate to . Attgateitt, sail Wise' -` _ , B,'bo: St: - RAWLEI.--96eilb, iiiineev, - ♦ aad Delgthiel3saiiriii*Orp; _ • A. 190671 1 4 Mt, ,0 Opiosite the Apia CIEDAR WARE.—A lame ass ortneat at re. dttead prices TAIINF.STOOKIN. C=3 Et 1 ES lEEE