The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 08, 1859, Image 4

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__„.....Aisswoesoliesdaislietilastai.4 , 4l4Nrigokmitarktsidueriscata ,„„
II 8
t- ' 4 "" Ts H r t4lbithiat ski S O la s s mV ALL WANTING FARMS, • ray oppore
orit faNDFUILNITURE WABEIttX)4B, No.. tunic] 14 ile li ihkirtg** 4ll l'oathrclianste. l
sad 27 N. (iv
„ tract, sedittnore. (avir 25 miles southeast of Philadelphia, on the cittn.
den and Atiattic Railroad, New Jersey.+An
glifslol at. s ),ostaadiug front Gay to Frederick
ota •
wpm, atiaabb,htnent of the kind in the estate, consisting an
of several thousands at
acres of productave roil. has been dlrided into
Unto'. Always tsa b„aod • large orsortcucnt of
Perms of c artons files to suit the parehaser.-1
:21.01:18/1,801,0 AND OFIPINI FURNITURE , e:rn
aireamaaottadetaae, weahstand w.ttd. A population of some fifteen hundred, from
parts of the middle Stati.s and New Env- r
Argbilk of Husk, Cotton and Bair, h
1111t.11ofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, lund. " re se"kd [bare "' a p ast i s "r• it n Pru'e'l
their }alto's. And nil-ea excellent crops. Ihe
' : Chairs, Etageres, Usrble Tablet , . Set
40.0meir, I;,;: iteces4.loo , ated d . phoieteeed price of the }and at the low sum of from $l5
to $1 acre the soil is of the hest quality
for the prod°, lion of Wheat. Clo,er,
Witati - 1311048, °ee Chat rs, Iltrbef
cad Cradles, Bat Rita:sib urn ' uitPeaches. And VeTetaliles. IT IS CON
#1.114 !Valeta Frame Looking Glasses,
This place is perfectly secure (rum
bee' 4
Extension Tables, Or iri length,
frosts—the destructive enc mv of the farmer.—
call Peraega disposed to purchase Are 'totted to
mid give our stock cep ex.stininuttou. whit h Crops of ttrain to tae and fruit are now grow
for irsriety and quality
of workmato bi p not and ran lie seen. By examining the ptrice it
s if. A court t jUdir/1”1/1 tau he fOrCINI 0/ the
Orilillaallk l y Key establishment the country,
A. lIATIIIGT b soN, producto en. 1,,f the snit. The terms itreasadt
l`ol, 23 and 27 N. Guy street, easy to se, lit , the r
Jig. 2, iBLe. l y fond. which Is onl% ,:old !or u improreomo.
1 The result hits been that within the past year,
' some three hundred houses h beon erected,
two twill', one st,,nn, todr .t.11.5.. , :nt1ie fort%
vi n vard- nut pe telt itreliftrd4 plAnted, riti I i
large number of other immoventeats, ntai ci.; it
a desirable and lo ti‘ e place of bus Hess.
IstAlIgET, is the re 'der time perceive
from i 1.9 location, is the BEST IN THE UNION.;
Produce bringing. double the price than in I t
locations ati ay (rum the city. acid in ire than
double the prii e than the Ifuet it is ILIIO//1/
that the e tidiest and hest fruits and vegetables
in this I itituile cony. from Nes der-e%, 311.1 are
annually exported to the tit ten' sit rondo ii ,
Ju lite.itirw tiers. the srttler toy ad%an
tnrres. lie 1. , %%Wu a few 11.,0r, ride of the
gri nt cities of Neat England Anil Middle St ay.',
lie 'riffs old I r, r, :1:1 I t•-, lAti,dt- , . he is
ft s.111 , •fl 01,Utry %.hire ii,r% itopr•i%, meat
of and (tit ilirutioa Ie at haw). Ile r act
luir criers. snide he NI aut. , at the cirri apt
price, and sell his prod nei fur the highest, flu
the West 01/6 is ri.%cs•cd.) he has schools tor
his children, di% hie der%iee, nod trill enjoy an
open itinter, and delightful climlte, where
luvent are utterly unli.uoan. The result of (het
thitage upon those frous the north, has generally
been to restore them to as excellent state of
In the way of building and improving, lumber
can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO
to $l3 per thousand. Bricks (cons the brick
yard opened in the pliace, every article can be
procured in the place, good carpenters are at
band, and these is no place in the Union where
buildings Auld improvements cast be mails
The reader will at once be struck with the ad
vantages here presented, owl ask himself why
the property has not been taken up before.—
The reason is, it was never thrown in the mar
ket ; and unless these atetemeata were correct,
no one would he inetted to examine the laud
before purchasing. This all are expected to do.
They will see laud under cultivation, and such
is the extent of the settlement that thee will no
doubt, meet persons fl9.n their own neighbor
hood; they will witness the iraprovethents and
can judge the character of the population. If
they come with a view to settle, they should
come prepared to stay a day or two and be ready
to purchase, as locations cannot be issld up re
There are two daily trains to PhiledelPilin,
and to all settlers uho hiIIKOVV, the Bas/r , rid
Company glees a fuse aeket fur sij swaths, ask( a
kW-price timed fur does years,
tion with the agricultural. settlement, a new and
thriving town huts naturally arisen, which pre
sents inducements for any kind of business,par
tieularly stores and manufactories. The Shoe
baldness could be carried on in this place and
market to good advantage, also cotton businesi,
and manufactories of agricultural implements
or foutideries for casting small articles. The
improvement has beep so rapid as to insure a
coestant and permanent Increase of business,
Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small
macs, as it would affect the itnprorement of the
place, can be had at froth $lOO and upwards.
The Mammon:on Army, a monthly literary
and agricultural sheet, containing full informa-1
thin of Ilanatnonton, can be obtained at 25 cents
per tunum.
Title indispatabia--warrantee deeds given,
clear of ail ineumberance when money is paid.
Route to the land: leave Vise street wharf,
Pkiiiadelphia,•faas lbanomontqa by Railroad, at
Sr 41 P. W. Pare 911 cents. When
there Inquire for Kr. Byrnes. Boarding con
ey:deluxe on hand. Parties had better stop with
Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they have decided
as to purchasing, as he will show them over
the laud in Lis carriage, free of expense. Let
ters and applications can be addressed to Lan
dis St Byrnes, Hammonton I'. G., Atlantic coun
ty, New Jersey, or 8. B. Coughlin, 202 1 South
Fifth street, Philadelphia, daps and Informa
tion cheerfully furnished.
July 4, tdsu. Stu
/081 C. Vci.Lut
. _
Extoller & Frick,
Y.tus h PRODUCE C011111111,43i41) and For.
wabili Merchants, North skeet, opposite N.
January 17, 1850. 1y
New & Blob
firgWEI,RY, 8114VELL WARP. S'.'..,Vgl PLAT
ED WARE, kc.—A. E. WATINFA, G;l ^.r.Al
' rionnatth, Nu. LO Nuirru GAr STROM?, 13.11,-
I'IXORE, itn., toil fa atom a lieautt*al a..ort -
want of style., snd patterns of RICII J 1:1%' EL RI%
Imitable fur pr0..3 , •u1q, en 4 lirartag a great %artet
of Plata Gal and Sett Brom hes, .11.3aics. Car
buskin, kr.,, Eracelet , : flag, r 1:111.r.;
Mt with Dlamon.l, nuli:. Pea: I. oi,al, Eta-T Lid,
ikc,, bulled Gobi l'llfilii 4. I",,it. k G,i tri CI, ~,,
Ilitisiatare "Lucka , . G.,1.1 Thlini,li.s. Cuff Pui , ;
eliiraer., Chased null Plain %.;01,1 11u.,,:, : l',ll, 11,
and Pens, Sleeve Buttous and :,:lit,,, 601,1 :111,1
Jet Grosso,, Jei.l.tracelets, Jar 4; Ear i:ui,.;=, Sc.
Al, `i ,
A Variety of Silver Mounted k Pitted Castors,
Cake ilaskogs, I Kuiter-, Cnondle,tii kg, Cutter and
Sat &Wad** Pearl , !Je Itea rt Knit e
Forks, Ladles, Pant Arti, S. ,all ijt u Liclu
10 rereperlfully offered on the 10%; e.t term, !
1.1,.The Couatry Trade and Ite.tters generally
Ate inirita4 to giv4 nue a call. and e uluine Goods
fold Pirko, being tL it tuy SILVER
WAN; slorioi lie ,urea- o ,1 either for fineness or
quality, or the late At. and neat Licata/fill palt.2rtis.
Jacuisry 17, Id;i9. 1 y
B, T. Elynson,
Ito. 5; North llowird 51rrut, oe.e dour above
besingtott, BALTlmuttc
Paper //anyeapr.—constant/y in attire, Paper
Ilariginp of es try deiCrlptiOu, and of the 141.11
and wort approved patterns. Also, Bunters
Fire Board Prints, kc.
Yeerasee Blues.--. Beeps on band, and manu
factures to order, Venetian Blinds of all colors,
sires and qualities, which will compare faviaai
bly with any offered to the public.
Wi`Paper flanging done in the best style.—
Old Blinds repel lilted and trimmed, or essibangc3.
March I, 1552. ly
I pArial, I. WrlT■
White & Swope,
CAPS, dr STRAW GOODS; also, fa
fashionable Moleskin, Silk, Felt and Fur HATS,
N. W. Cor. Baltimore and Howard streets, Balti
snore, Id. [Nov. 29, 1838.
Rouse Furnishing
GOODS, No. I t North "bran' street, two
re North of the Howard lionse.—The
stud baring wade large additious to his
stock, prepared to furnish Housekeepers,
Colintry Nerchanta and others, with such articles
am they weak, on the very best terns.
bitewasb 'Sweeping,
Paint, Hair, Tooth, Sail, Silver, Shoe, Scrub and
Ilorso Brushes.
Wooorsr-watix : Such es Tubs, Beckets,
Measures, Tar Buckets, Churns, 'Mauls, Rolling
Pins, Butter Prints, &c. Brooms, Baskets, Wets
And Cordage. Masser's 5 minute ice Cream
Freesers, -Refrigerators, ugright and chest—the
moat approved kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood
or Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthnes aad
other most approved Fruit sod Vegetable Pre
serving Ciro, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block
Tin Britannia aad Plated Ware, Albata Forks
and Spoons, Criss, Coffee and Tea Pots, Egg
Boners, Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Knives and
Forks; Wail* Irons, Sauce Pans, Scales and
Weights, Coffee Mills, Table Castors, Old Domin
ion Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, Nurse Lamps,
Toilet Bets, Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Kuife
Maulers, Wire Dish Covers, Table Mats, together
.swilli aentriety of articles useful and necessark to
Boneekeepars. Bohr / Davis' Patent Excelsior
Washing Machines. I'laia Tin and Sheet Iron
Ware and Brushes of e‘ ere description, mane
factared to order. GEt). A. MILLS,
No. 11 North I - Toward st., Baltimore, /Id.
March 14,1859, ly
George M. Bokee,
retirPOWPER stud Denier in CHINA, GLASS, &
- qtrEINSWARE, No. 41 North Howard St.,
ees Leslagtoa aad Psyette Street., Bata_
reor*, Md. (Dec. 20, 1859. ly
Artists', Painters'
11_ subscriber has congthotly on hand a full
assortment of materials fur the use of Artists,
AsistersissdPkolographsrs, Also on band a large
and-beautiful assortment of Bare/cope /a:fru
meal tout linos, entbrating orary variety of
Foreign and Americas Lautkreares, Sbitporv,
Parlor awl Bagel Groups. The beauty and
interest of the Sterescopic Views upon the par.
/or table furnish a never ending source of en
tertainment boll to vi,:ituri and the Lowe circle.
COUNT/LY NERCHANT6 supplied un the
most Liberal terms.
No. 2 N. Liberty ,St., naittimore, 31d
Jdne 27,1859. ly
Wm. Knabe & Co.,
‘14..05. 1, 3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw Street.—
SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street,
etweea Charles and Light—BALTIMOI:F., Md.,
'Manufacturers of Gold Vidal Premium GRAND
.4 1 011)SQUARE PINS° FORTE:-t.
Wm. Itnabe 41; Co. would re , pertfully invite'
the attention of the public. and ezTecially those!
In want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO. to their as.-;
sorted stock of instninseats, which. for power;
and sweetness of tone, easy and ar,:reeahle t.ouch,.
sad beauty of finish, hare, by the best of judges,
been proseanoed unrivaled b y any in the coun
t/7s Aa to the relative merits, of our Pianos, avel
would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in
our possession, from TIIALREP.G, STRAKOSIL 1
G. BATTER end IL VIEUXTF.NIPS, as also from
nose of the most distinguished professors and I
anitiran in the country ; also to the following ,
ITIGELEST PREMIUMS, received withiu the last i
Arse yews: GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland'
InatStitle, /855, 1856, 1857. SILVER MEDALS
Si the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 183,;'
also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philatiel
=Bs6 ; FIRST PRENLIL'II at the Mechanics'
to, Richison.d. 1855, 1856 AU instru
ment of our manufacture rase Lisa full iron
frame, sad are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS.
Illebararticular attention pail to the selection
4:11' Insirunsenu for distant orders, and a privilege
of exchsage granted at any Lima within six mos.,
4f Ike Instruments should not prove entirely satis
factory. A liberal discount to Clergymen,
'Teachers aid Schools. Terms liberal.
Wholesale dealers will lad It to their advan
tage to give as a call, as by greatly increased
fizillties, we are enabled to fill all orders with
Atispateb. .
ailigetantly on hand, a large assortment
we iNLODEONS, from the best Factories,
IMMIOND-HAND PI3 NOS at Great Bargaias,
atpes from $3O to 150. Pikrios Exchanged,
and Turted.,
' A pelt rsionjoirnlly solicited.
''-- ' WILL/A.ll KNABE & CO.
Javan" t?, 111118. ty
- - ilia Premium E'lL AXELLICD COTTAGN ruit.nrreu.—
, W. HEYWOOD, Na. lei North Charles
Saltimme, baling been engaged for the
Wit 'yews la the manufacture and sale of
=tbe above desirable Furniture, suited to country
Itsildiestddlcitas on hand a large variety, manatee
liodillerpreedy fer mail tabu. -- '
, 1 "/%1111) libiar tad. Wahort iChamberßete,o4
VpgaatExterution Tables, Dinineltemgrand
Oahu, Sideboards, Hair aad - ffueir Hat , -
I;h t lferaravrifiowe and Bps; ta. La,
, r
- 1 ISt I, • .
. .
A. Yt
/OffE 4.- SWOPE
PlLLS.—We'begjeave to call the atten-': — •
tloe of the Trade, and more especially tlef ,
Physicians of the country, to two of them ai
popular remedies now before the public. We'
refer to DR. CIIAS. It'LAN V.'S CELEBRATED v. 1 . 1.
not recommend them as universal Cure-alts, mn
but simply for what their name purports, viz: fa;
The VEILILIFCGE, for expeltlag Worms from
the human system. It has also been adminis-;7.
tered with the most satisfattory results to za-
Huns Animals subjeetto Worms, The LIVER tmt
PILLS, for the cure of Livia COMPLAINTS ' 414 r o
BILIOrS NC KX/NTS, Sic( IlicAD-Aces o te, pep
la eases of FEV ea so Aocz, preparatory to
or after taking Quinine, they almost inverts, 4 74
Lly make a speedy and permanent cure.
. .
As specifies tor the above iventioned dis-
C.13C3, they nre unrivaled, and never known
to fail when adatini,dered iu accordance with =s
the directioog.
Their 'unprecedented poptilariti has in- ; ;1 1
duced the Proprietors.FLEMlNG IiciOTIMR4 Ps
PITTS111 . 11(3, PA.. to dispose of their Pr " , s1
business, in which they hat e been successfully tr:
enraged for the last 20 years, and they will 7 ;:e
now give their unditided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being determined that
lir. ll'Lane's CrlebrAted Vertuiciige an I Liter
Fills hall continue to occupy the high position
they ms - bold 3tuong the great reanedies of the
Lity, they will continne• to spare t neither time
nor erpense in procuring the Best and Psi* t
materials, and compound them in the adist
thorough msuner„ Address all orders to
P. S.—Dealers and Physicians ordering from
others than Fleming Eros., will do well to
write their orders distinctly. and take none Gut fir.
Jr Lane's, prepared by Flaniag Drue., l'atebtery,
l'a. To those wishing to give them a trlak f e
will forward per mail post ptid, to any p4,71.4,f
the United State 3, one box of Pills for twelve
three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Ver
rniftige for fourteen three-cent stamps. All or
ders from Caruida must be accompanied by twen
ty. cents extra,
For ~ale by A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettyshnrg
and by dealerzi generally throughout the county
May 2, 1859. ly
New Grocery.
901319 WAY FOR BABGAINS.—The sob
scriber respectfully informs the citizens
of town and country, that he has opened
Grocery, Cinfectionary and Notion Store, on
York street. two doors east of St. James'
Lutheran Church. where he has now on
hand a general 11$15ortalent of Goode in his
line—such as: Syrup, from .-111 to 70 seats
per gallon : Sugars, all kinds ; Coffees, dif
ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese,
Scotch Ifirring, ground and enground . Pep-
Rer, Alspice. Cleves, Cinnamon, Mustard,
Soda. Ginger. Starch. , Rice, Teas. Candlse,
Eatraet Coffee, Chocolate. Concentrated
Lye: Broo•ns, Buckets, Candies, all kinds :
Figs, Walnuts. Palm Nuts. Almonds, Ground
Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, Fan.
cy Oakes, Crackers of all kinds, kc &.c.
Baiter and Eggs bought and mild. Ile in
vites the calls of the public, convinced that
hie assortment will please, both in quality
and prise. Ile is determined to sell cheaper
' than the cheapest.
WM. E. Br
Gettysburg, Dea.lo,
Timber Lots..
1:1; sabsetiber hue few more -
LOTS, is Flamileosbaa town.
ship, Alidsms county, for sale.
.7:1);*P ON,
Gettysburg, Jul, 4,18¢p. ,
Dr. M'Lane's
• Pitt-burg, P
Dr. Barbee
riII:EATS ALL I. l l:4J:AziE:i —DJ:. IllAfir%
vt go.e special atter Win to Om tellowmg
dtia•Aiti . Copy t hs, Cul.ii . Cousumpt,ou, Croup.
Intl n 1'43, Brouchata mud dis.noes
01 the So4e. Mouth, Throat awl Lu
Li an to Ole treatment of all Shot (111•i.,,_...1,1,rn.
1,4 4 u, Lurnhar AI it rises,
ton, Neur.ll.6 a, l',1:1e1:1 , :y, ttj Ina ;•- , u,
:ari 111 , to LIU. r.,41t.:
(rowel_; ukat chroni. (i14. --tee+ I.,rt.,:ronz to
11 ' unu , u and C oldreu. Or I: L.thee ut pro
dn«e our (holds to i turtlll, - Itel of Lid le . rtet 1
IlaTa . l.l 111 a ta11 , ,. I, (11.1 ;urea or [II el,
1 . ,-(u1.1., ZS( ald lie id+, Wens, :itvellm,r , nts , l Ta
-111,,r. of CI if) alta, ./7“) %llllitallt the nee
of the hn.fe. The-e Last u one 1 (1: •e.t.:ea c.tll
- Lu LT& tt-d orreapdoll, a. thurvitoe the
tal(A. then( under the Doc
tor fienaoall 1,,,n.
Itl 1(.1. ',HEE 11.ta mole a nen illecot ~ r y of at
Fluid :lilt ti ill prmlu. r perk( t al).-orption of the
CATIIt t('T, and restore prrieCt t lasioll to the fae
ithont the use of the knife or nuAle, uutl he
cureJ .(11 di.ense 4 of the
EIS A\L F, All,
ithout the use of the lenile or nee Ile, and he
has eon , tantly on hood an cx , , !lent assL , rtaicrit
ut I , cautiful Artificial Eyes, and Ty nip 1111111/.. err
Ear Drums. suitable for either ses wad all ages
—,iiiserteel 14 fee 111144143,
Dr. Ha:dere is one of the most celebrated and
011•11f1/1 l'hy.llCl.lllll and Sargeous now tug.-
111+ t imer is loiou I,• , r.ottally in nearly et ery
principal uty 411 Cite world. All latter', fl • reeted
to Dr 1;.1.11,1'1°. 41:11C10.:111g 1111 teut,,) a: Lint :toy
questions ptrtatining to any disease, shall he
promptly faisWlred, and all Chronic di3e ises can
be tr,:,led Ly curre+pond , mce, etc. lot tli
meut - ioueil, tb tt %ill require his perboti tl 'super
°Mee bound front 9 A. M., to 4 P. M.
DOCrou 11A A K IE,
So. t 4 Lexinzton St., between Cbrirl..,i it Liberty,
April [jan.3l. ly]
Howard House,
CIrINER llonard.tnd Lattimore Streets,
Now Proprietors. Yore reduced to $1 So
per thy. C.tll fur the 11‘,.vattl ie Coach at
tho Depots.
A 111 P Proprieton.
J. N B . 11C
January 21.'59. ly
x. x. U4.C.U140.'
'larding & Carroll,
mmissiox mpatcllANTs
CFire Proof" W.+ reliou.te nll4l R. R. Depot,
So. 1 •24; ,forth /Inward Si, re!,
1.3.11,T MORE, 149.
Feb. 14, '59. I y
Burr Mill Stones
WARTZANTED.-11. F. , , \.7 ,-
r „ .
STARR k CO. C.r. 17. •::
of Sorbi and Centre .3 '. .re , t , , ....A '„,
opposite N. C. R. R. St ttio,i, ...*.
BALT/MUHL M:). 31.1nufic- 11 6- ---*•••••
tows of FRENCH ItraftS.
Importers nill)ellers iii Ilurr '•-, ,
Illuck3, Bolting tioths, 10. - ..4 , ,,,- 1 00'
ther and (.; uw Beltinlzs, Cal- '-
cined Plitster, and Mill tromp, Of WArrAnted Q. 131-
ity. Alan, Culotte, Coealieo, no• 1 F4oplies Mill
Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 7. -.-,.). ly
James H. Bosley,
Nos. 1:24 owl I t; Surth Sired,
I am prepared to receive and sell nn Commis
sion all kinds of 1 . 4 tt'STRY PRO PIXEL Having
an experience of ten years in the rommiLsion
hnsiness, (and wishing to continue that alone.)
1 flatter myself that I shall he able to give MAT4b
?ACTIUM to all who favor me with consignments
Will also attend to filling orders fur Groceries
Guano, and all kinds of Fertilizers.
Feb. 14, '59. ly
L. H. Miller's
Hank Locks, ►' n ult Doors, itc., mannfu•-
tured in B tltintore.—Permns in want of these
articles will find it much to their advantage to
purchase from the manufteturer, where they
can find a large stuck, and have any they desire
built to order at n low price.
Miller's Safes and Rank Securities hare long
been mannfartnredin New Ragland, where they
are considered indispensable to those who want
perfect protection nom fire and thleve4.
For prices, sizes, fie., send fur a circular.—
Parties ordering safes are requested to return
them at my expense if not perfectly satisfactory.
L. 11. 1111.1,E1t,
159 North st., opposite Cairert Station,
June 27, 1839. ly Ku!tin ore, Md.
$3O Dollar Sewing Machines!
dune In one day, by Hubbard's Donhle Thre ul
Family Sewing Machine, having it tension su
perior to any in use. Sewing done he them will
not,rip. Every family in the land ought to
have one at the reduced price of Thirty Dollars,
with a handsome Stand. The work they du
will pay for one in n single mouth. Instruction
sent with each Machine.
Send In your orders. Address
E. sTrnoLLS:
Corner of Pratt and now:it'd, Baltimore, .11d.,
where Ifachinea and samples of Sewing can be
seen. [June 13,1839. ly
1,4V 02 .4•0 0 . 67:0101"6.
rIOUNDED Itrs2. Chartered - 183-4. Lecateil
COIL OF BA 111/401111 k CHARLES STS.,
ILmeixass, ND. s
The Largest, Yost Elegantly Furnished & Popignr
Cowmen- . College in the United States:
Desiring fain a thorough Practical Business
Every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him
self, and is separately instructed.
The most Com,_urehensiy,a itml Thorough Course
of Stucky, ne.l the only
Are here introduced.
No Copying from Printe,l or Manuscript Forms in
LsAn'rw. Boolt-KkirrlNO AT THE
This method of instruction is nowhere else intro
duced in this country.
Every Young Min sh,wld write immediately
for one of those large and beautiful (Ornamental
Circulars, representing the t tenor and interior
view of the College, Perini.lnship, , a hick v, 111
he sent by return w. 141. tryr charge, u ith
logne einitaining tint orstnflents, terms of tuition,
opinions of the Press on our new system of ilk-
Eevping, etc.
B. K. Losing, Prineipstl—Lectorce on the Science
of Aceonne., fin,ines+, Custoni+, etc.
J. M. PHILLIPti, Profrigutr of Book-Keeping and
ClPlninerel:ll CGlCulationg.
H. H. DA% lES, A SSoChlte Prof. of Rook-limping
N. C. Joimzos, Profriior of Penmanship.
S. T. WiLt.i.t.v , ‘, 3,lvreantile Law.
PAT. E. Y, Li. 1"., Commercial Ethics.
lion. John P. Kennt.l), Bun. Joshua Vensail
Hon. Thomas Swann, Wen. 11. Keighler, ,
Jamb Trust, E.sq„ A illian, livabe, Esq.
The time usually required to complete the full
conrs,e from A to 12 weeks.
A ThrtiLY• is awarded to all Gra/luites.
.Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms,
&c., sent my mail free of charge. Address
E. C. I/OSIER, * Baltimore, Rd.
Feb. 7, 1850. ly
• Susquehanna House,
Q PPOSITSCatrirt &diem,
r ft , nniaced 10E145 per day.
JOHI A. SLADE, Proprietor.
January IT. Sm
Peter Zell & Son,
CORN, Corn Meal, (It:mu l ctl i t
OA?S, - • Rye Chop, Hone Nu
)4,7LLTERD, Say, Straw, Plias. Lime
FLOUR, Field Seeds,* Orotsseirtaiter
Joe. 147 1 1 49Xortis Howlla Stager,•
' I+ 01 ISALTINOMI, li
. _
rPau* ~,,,x4.4wpwcTs.—*! OR sale by BAR T -*
4 *l.* -- in,
ha% e ttei ellera#4 .tiew
aratottee, be the roet{erof StroiShn'ilultl 11.4i1.1• OktIf•IFRIF.4, MILT. FRUT, ke.,
rosAstrretailllNPAT the 110epert of the lieturatirg r- Fur Ba le Wh v i efo oe A n t i fe e l ja ntyy •
Itssilleo t i thwayake, lied ure prepared to receive DASTIRICEN4 k W INTER,
prodore• of all kuruia, viz: New f4iferd.
KIT, 1f:14.0AT: 4 ..te. Al , O. on hand and f , r hitheffCash prices puiil for Urain
4111 e. Snit. (Snide's. i'lmot•r. Fisk. A large May :?0, ls. 1. 6Arn*
stork of (;r cues Just re. erred, consisdn% of
:soy irs. Syrups, N 101113501, Oils. thee,
Tr.ts. apices of nil kindi, eed tr-ware. kc.. ite ,
which we do net hesitate to soy, we will sell as
1.,w ns r.lO tie tiouzht elsewhere, cela”le4ale
int. will do vi ell by railing , to see
and NTllllllle our ~tut k fore parellsoinc, elhe•
is her , „1( onr Mu.tto sill h :• quick to
suLtil pr of) t
Wt . lt .111 , 111140 (iti! the attention of nil inter
(-red to the thr:tiy un.l he •tilliot condition of
their (Atilt 110 , z( ~ to the L o a th I t,
we have kr sole F r o l eii e w k
Oviebested Vetrtal , le PitWlrElt, of
Which Ire IJIVC sold trout 1.100 10 21)01 pOtaldS
per annum to rimier.: and Storekeepers.
EFEI.TEIL, sixf z k co
(;ettyo.urrr, Nov. 15, 1458
r . :1:TA111,1:411 IIENT. in the
ri corner of thy Diainonil Gettys
burg,. l'a.—The place to tiny in or
der to e meg,/ '—The subscriber would nut
respei (fully inlurni the citizens of Gettysburg
and surrounding country, that he has opened : t
large Hint and Shoe Est üblistunent, in ti n s
northwest corner of Centre Ssi wire, Gettysburg,
in the rooms re, etitl. os up,e Iho I) Wills, ,
as a Law (Mice, whine be 1) is non on !idiot, a.ol
will continue to keep for sale, an exten sic e va
riety of work, of his own mine ftrture. The
ork is mide tip in the hest, and moat (lutist , Il•
manner. including, all tl a newest stiles, and
embraces 1:00T$ k SHOE 4 , MeiCH, Women's
nut tltildreteq tt AITRHN, io short, every article
Imo lily to be (*onto! in a first class est 'bush
ment ofthe kind. lie has now and will tontinue
to have employed a number of workmen. "bard
to beat," to mike up customer work. That he
will sell is easily proven. Give hint n
call, examine his Hoots, Shoes and Gaiters, and
get his prices. With unexceptionable work nod
low rates, he hopes for and expeota a fair share
of the public's patronage.
skers are infArmel that be nl
ways keeps on It c • o t " Shoe= and
G rtaiters. ady f bottoming , whit* igitli4po,,es
Of on pleasing ter . JOHN BA LLWEtIy,
prrl 4, 18.0. I y
TEE subscriber lots just returned from the
city. with n large supply of NEW l/001171,
which lie ()MT. to sell cheaper than ever. (live
him a call, and judge for yourselves. His as
sortment embrace+ Cloths,t'w-simeres, Ve.ting,q,
all kind+ of Simmer (hoods, and a large nssort
meat of REAL/V.-MADE CIJONIING, for men
and bop. J REIN INt :ER,
Carlisle st., 4 door. from Centre Square.
Gettysburg, April 4, 1859.
TITS rub;criber would respectfully annonnee'
to the eiticeas of Gettysburg and the pub
lo• generally, that he has pros bled him:elf with
on entire new and splendid SKY-1.14:11T AM- !
Piton' Pl.: SUM, at his residence in West Mist
dle street, one Square west of Fahnestock's
Store, where he is prepared to filrniell Airtime,
McMinn, Enamel nnd •Phot,iv.aph Picture+ in
every St.s le of the art, which he will warrant to
give entire satisfaction, and is prepared to al'.
ommodate all with good l'irtutes.klither single
or in groups. lie also his trutimber of speci
mens nt his room in ('hamhersburg street, all f ew
doors West of COIrI2-111 & Culp's Shoe Store,
where he still continues as formerly to take
pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of
themselves and friends, w ill do well to give me
a call, as I have reduced my prices to suit the
present bond time'. Pictures copied from old
specimens of all kinds; also, inserted in Lockets,
Breast Pins. Finger Ititrzis, ike.
The subscriber being thankful to his friends'
and the public in general for past !patronage,
wishes them to continue it, and ass u re; them
that as heretofore. they shall not he dissatisfied
SWIM urges from 50 ccuts to slu. Hours for
openttiagfkoni nA.M. to t I'. M. Gold Locket?,
Breast!llas; suitslile for miniatures, always un
ihaad r itit the very lowest prices.
liar Children will nut be taken for less than
$1 00.
bi t ty-Ambrotypes taken fur fifty cents and rip
wards, and in the heat 841 e.
No. I.—FEVRII PILLS—Fur Fever, Conges
tion, and Inflammation of all kinds.
No. 2.—11 Oltll PILLS—Fur Worm-Fever,
Worm-Colie, and Wetting the Bed.
No. 3.-11A111 - 8 PILLS—For Colic. Crying,
Teething, and Wakefuluees, and Net . % ousneas of
No. 4.—DIITCRIIIZA Tharrheo,
Cholera lufontunt,atid Simmer Complaint.
No. 5.--DYtiENTIDLY PlLLS—Forlie,
Griping, Dysentery, or Bloody
No. 6.--CHOLEII.A. I'ILLS--For Cholera,
Cholera Ilorbu A, Vomiting.
No, 7.—001.7011 I'lLLs.-..-For Coughs, Colds,
Iloarsovess, Influenza, and Sore Throat.
No.; 8,4-TOOTHACHE PILLS—For T,4%th
*chg., le i pettkche, and Neurnlgis.
41EADACHE PILLS--For Headache,
Vertigo. Heat and Fullness of the Ile id.
Deranged Stomachs, Constipation, and Liver
—Scanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods.
No. 12.—F EM ALE PILL .S—For Lencorrhmn,
Profuse Menses and Bearing Down.
No. 13.--CROCP PILLS—Fur Croup, Hoarse
Cough, , Bad Breathing.
No. I 4.—NALT 1111 El;31 PILLS—For Erysip
eks, Eruptio ie. rillllllo,l on the Free.
No. 15.—gu61a1sno ?Fits—For Puin,
Lameness or Soreness in the Chest, lista,
Loins, or Limbs.
A.—For Fever and Arnie, Cbill ever, rttunlt
Ague, and mismanaged Agues. •
P.—Par Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal or
0.--For Sore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and
Eyelids ; Failing, Weak, or Blurred Sight.
C.--For Catarrh, of lung standing or reccut,
either with obstruction or profuse disk barge.
W. C.--For Whooping Cough, abating its
rioleace and shortening Its cour,e.
In all ACUTE DiSF.7t.SES, such as Fevers,
Inflammations, Diarrheas, Dysentery, Croup,
Rheumatism, and such eruptive diseases as
Scarlet Fever, Measles, and F:rysipelas—the ad
vantage of git, ing the proper remedies prompt
ly is obvious, and in all such cases the specific s
act like a charm. The entire disease is often
arreste I at once, and in all cases the violence
of the attack is moderated, the disease shorten
ed and rendered less ,Itingeron.:. Ev en should
a physician afterwards have to he called. he
hill take the case at decided ad% ant-age from
the previous treatment.
COUGIIS AN!) COLDS, which arc of such
frequent occurrence. and which so often lay
the foundation of diseased lungs, bronelliti. , ,
and consumption, may all be at once cured by
the Fever and rough - Fills.
In all CLIILONIU DISF,ASES, such its Dys
pepsia, Weak Stomach, Corrstipation, Liver
Complaint, Piles, Female Debility and irrib
larities, old Headache, Sore or Weak Eyes, Ulu
tarrh, Salt Rhenm, and other old eruptions, the
case has specifics whose proper appileation will
afford a cure in almost every lust/trice. Often
the cure of a single chronic difficulty . , such as
Dyspepsia, Piles, or Catarrh, Pielulacne, or Fe
male Weakness, hits more than paid for the case
ten times over.
Full let, 20 large vials in Morocco Casa
and Book ..-$5 00
Full set, 20 Lirte vialeinPlainCitsek Book, 4 00
Case of 15 numbered boXers l o mdik": 11 "71-. l o go
Case of any 6 nunibered boxes and Book. 0
Single numbered boles, with directions ... 25
Single lettered boxes, with directions 50,
Large plantation or physician's case, 1
and 2 os. sisla
• ova asusoiss CT MAIL.
Look over the lint; wake up s case o
kind you choose, aid judose the eatotist
current note or Maori, by watt, to oar ad
at No. 5e3 Broadway, New York, sad are I"-
eine will be drily Teton:et by wall or express,
rrne Of Pbsirgr, r. 11 4 d
rx r tnns er a a
• xi. be? 11rolutriii:New Yost,
Bold in Gettysburg by ,Bgtirtals; Sk4
by all drogglits.
I 3 ast • • ":"
• .
New Boot & Shoe
Goods for the Season I
Sunbeam Gallery.
April NI, ISSB. tf
Humphrey's Specific
Hanover B. Railroad.
1r),,V 4- zENGER Train, on the Hanover Branch
1:ailro id now run a 3 follow; •
Fir.t Timm leaves Hanover at. 8.15 A. M.,
with i`ti“enxer3 for Baltimore. York, Barri: ,
and Philadelphia.
Sound Tr,in iP n•et Betioserat 2 P. P. with
P.t.iseiwerg fur Baltimore and intermediate
Extra Thin nn every Tne•dav and Sattirri , y
le ire= !lino ot 1 P. M., with Pas'im=" 3
for York. 11.irri.liore. ac , returning with P.L
sengers trnin Bnititnore.
I). E. TROSE, Ticket Agent
Hanover, \I :o.
Now Firm—New Goods,
TUE nuder.hzat d ha, e entered into partner
,hip in the II IILDIVARE k "GRocEin"
theold tan4 . 9l . d2llgner4
in ItTli.ito .
stn.( t. tinder the unine, style and
Jinn of I).k \ NEIL. k ZIEGLER, JIIS., and ask,
and %All code is or to defers e, a continuance of
tho p itronage of the old lirm, as well all ally
ytatit,iy of newt nitwit, They have just return
ed fi,ou the,then gtth nn insuiense stock of
Good---..0n0-top:, in part id - Building;3laterials,
I, .t+ Rolla, Locks,
:,s+. including Edge Tools of every
de.( ription. S.lll .4, Planes, Chisscls, Gouges,
Braces and Diu:, Augers, Squares, (lunges,
Haltom ,e‘• 1:1 oksunths u ill find
Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe
Nails, le., Nlllll them, cry cheap. Coach Find- Call This Way!
such a- Cloth, Canal, Damask, Fringes,
I Oil Cloth, Springs, Axles, Hobbs, Tim subscriber would inform the public that
Spokes, Fe110(.4, 800 s, p o les, shafts, kc. Sho e 1 he continues his M-keIIINE SHOP, in
Brush and French Morocco, I Chambersburg street, Gettysburg, near the
( I ,l4lpgi a ßindittgi, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, kn., I Foundry, where he has various kinds of-Ma-
with a general :issorunent of Shoemaker's tools. I chines 4:11/ hand,such as Threshing Machines,
y+, Cornfudder Cutters, Cloverseed
Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assortment—
Corn Shelle
/11.0 Varnish. Knobs, Lc. HOUSEKEEPERS 'Niters , Straw Cutters, and Horse Powers of
will alio find a large assortment of Knives and , dilretent kinds,—two, four or siz-borse p to suit
Forks, Brittannia. Allottn and Silver-plated Purchasers;—indeed all such its eau be had at
Hanoi er or Littlestown. Also, Mortising M
ille and Tea,Spoons, Candle-sticks, Waiters, :
Shovel and Tongs, Sad Irons, Enamelled and earnest for 'anise carpenters, put up in the very
Brass Kettles, Pans, Tubs, Churns Carpeting, best and most snllstantial manner. Cutting
ke. A a general assoriatent of ? forged and Screws or long Bolts, any kind of site less than
I eleven feet in length, always attaded well
iqd oeCik Nof all sizes and kinds; Cast, Shear,
la Steel, which they will sell as cheap
as Turning in iron, casting or wood. Also all
at. GRIIC6RIF3, a full and gen _ kinds O f REPAIRING on Machinery, dressing-up
Mill Spindles, Ste., done on the shortest motive.
. ttlsor ent, such as Crushed, Pulverised , Mill
nod Brown Sugars; New Orleans, The undersigned manufartnres Moun A s's
West Indi t tint! Sugar House Molasses and Parrzr HOILSE RAKE, which he offers at the
lowest living profit. Ile is likewise agent for
Syrups. Coffee, Spices, Chocolate, Fine, Coarse
and Bliry Stilt: Linseed, Fish and Sperm Jobcpb :Airman, nt East Berlin. OIL. , the REAPER & 110 W ER. manufactuted by
'Turpentine, Fkli, kc.; a full assortment of Lead 1
I hope that all in want of anything in my line
and Zinc, dry and in oil; also hire-proof Paints; 1
in fret, almost every - article in the Hardware, I will call at my Shop before going elsewhere. I
Conch Finding shoe Find i ng, l i onge k m ,i,, g, will warrant all my work to gi‘e satisfaction to
otek , 1/I , tl).l • :thinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's,, purchasers. DAVID BrEttsEit,
and Orneerp I ine. ill of which they are determin- 1— 11 , 1859. y*
ed to sell as low for CASH as any house out of
the city. HENRY B. BANNER,
Cettploirg, M ty 21, 1P59
Ay - er's Sarsaparilla,
A compound remedy, in which we have la
bored to pnxluee the mist effectual alterative
that Can he inside. It is a concentrated extract
of l'ara tismapariLla, so combined with other
sulAtanees of still greater alterative power se
to ufford an etibctive antidote for the diseases
Saralpstrilla is reputed to cure. It is believed
that such a remedy is wanted b' those who
suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure must prove
of immense service' to this halm clams of our
afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exPet!'..
inwnt on many of the worst Mel to he imam
of the following
S.:morel-I AND Besortrunrs COXPLAYSTS.
Env rneece cen Esurnrs DUISASES, Uusaa,
PECTIO\s, 3I inner alit. ihslaint, Dnieper, lieu
• LUG! Tie Ihnneuzex, Dimmers, DTs.
emote_ AND letitosurtos EarernmAs, Ross
oa 81..stAntoNe's ram :Ind indeed elm whole
Ittgomplaints arising from Lirenrer 07
r etre peaks.
This compound will be founds greet pres
meta. of hean.h. when taken in the spring, to
expel the foul humors which fester in the
blood at that swoon of the year. By the time
ly expulsiOn of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. lilishitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of eruptions and ulcerous
segue through which the system will strive to
rid inset at corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through the natural channels at the body
by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated htuud whenever you And its impmedes
bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,
or soros ; cleanse it whim you find it is ots
rtrueted awl sluggish in the veins • cleanse it
whenever it is foul. and your feeli ngs will tell
yon when. Even where no particular disorder
is felt, people enjoy better health, and live
tontree,, for cleaning the blood. Keep pat
blood healthy, tied all is well; but with Oil
pabaluin of life digordered, there can bo no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and the great machinery of
Life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But
the world has been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone has npt all the virtue that is claimed
for it. but more because many preparations,
pretending• to be concentrated extracts of 't,
contain hut little of the virtue of
or any thing else.
])wring late years the public have been miss
led by f o rge bottles, pretending to give a q uart
. _
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Moat
of thew have been frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has follow ed the use of the various extracts of
Rargsporilla which flood the market, until the
itself is justly diepised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
e cal! this compound Sersapesilla, and intend
to supply ouch a remedy as tdiall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which rttal
upon it. And we think we hare ground for
believing it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the disease; it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eratheatit,n from the system, the remedy should
be jut& iously tam according to directions on
the bottle.
Die. .1. C. AVER & CO.
Price, $1 per Bettie ; Mix Bettie• ter SS.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
hos wort for itself•aneb a Arnow kir the tore of
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, the
it is entirely tumoreesary for us to rocounCtlia
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em
ployed. As it has long been in constont um
throughout this section, we need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept op to the best
it crer has been, and that it may be retied on to
do for their relief all it has sm boa found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
70K MN Mat OP
Ciatirrnela ' Jaundice. Dyippii. , indifx-Aamt,
ny.d,r x .,llKa ktoro.c,A. Exyalpelas, Ih-odor:he,
lineirderittesitfrespliont and Stirs Diseases
Liver (tnitplaaa. Dropsy, ?Wier. Tamers
Mott Ehnen, )N orms, Gout, Neuralgia, as
Dine r r,14 and for Purifying the 13Aiod.
They are segar-ens tell, so that the most arowl
tire ea* take them plaisastir. and *bey are tie ,
hest, aperient in the world fee all the foltleacs e`
family physic.
Prise 25 cents p Bea I row fir tf- 00 .
Greet ntntibits of Clergymen. Physicians, States
men, an& eminent personage'. -have lent their
names to certify thei t paralleisd usefulness of these
remedies, but our will not permit the
qrsiusolf ohm. ALeskas wow namedt
grads our Atlnabsat waje tc In whieb
ati ghee ; with abs fbf deettiptions of the a
eneoplaists, sad tba treelsneat tbatebenrid tst fel
isveli for their sane. -
. Do net be pot off try paprineipled dealer" with
other preparations they make anon profit an.
Demand Aran's. and tabs no coaxes. The sick
the best aid thaw is *a 9114 and Slay should
— TR
net Readies sew far sate by ,
by A., D. Buehler, Gettysburg—
'''. - 06effer, nikez Caablowu--routtoo 4 Po.
OA 111,18.5 f. !owl, •. •
to l • • - .!I •
13tnui),Rtsbu1a.—A Benevolent Institution
estabtistied by !.. 4 perial Endowment for the
ltelief of the :Sick and Distressed, *lllicted with
,Virulent and Epidemic Diseases.
In tones 01 Hpidernics. it is the object of this
livtitution to establish Ho:Timis, to prut ide
Nurses, Physicians, Clothing., Food, Medicines,
&c., for - the si, k and 00 ,, titute, to take charge of
the orphan, of let ea.ed parent., and to ininista r
in et er) possible %ay to the relict - of the afflicted
and the health of the public at I.wr:zr, It ii the
duty of the Directors, ut such tomes, to vi , it per
sou lily the infected ili.tricts, and to pros hie .ind
execute means of relief. Numerous
not Acting members nt the A I 3OCIYItiOII, ti U . ll
cc rut their n 311104 01 it+ booli+, , nlj+ , (l
el upon to attend its hospitslF tn.o of cliqr , ze.
in the nlizeni e of Epalrmieis. the Direetors
have nothorizeil the (2 , 11 , a/1C:1n - 4 Surgnion to gii e
Itult ice and in, yid to pi_rsonit suturing un
der CHRONIC Dl:sir—V. 4 ES. of a i inilvnt i It 'rat.-
her s atising front of the phi.-ic.ll putters,
lit it-tretttieut, the el . ..t.ts Of tlrtw...
Various liElhtlf.Tri tool TRACTS on the na
ture and treatment of Chronic Di:en.e.. I , y the
Con •ultingi Surzeon, hare Leon publiThed for
gratuitous di,tribotlon. and will he sent FREE
of erfArtos to the tittiktett.
.AiLirt•eg, rnr ropnrt. treatment,Dr.GEOßßE
R. CAL.IIOITN, Sur:reuti, Howard A , -
sociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phil:urn, Pa,
By order or the Directora,
(ho. FAIR , OTI.O. Seey.'
}; o pt. 20, 157 04 . lc
Ifouse Spouting and put up the same low,
for cash or country produce. Fanneraand all
others wishing their houses, barns, ke.,, spout
lid, would do well to give them o cull.
April 18,'53. tf G. k 11. %YAMMER.
i'AUTDOVE!--eonie to the Store nt Green
mount for ltsir.miititit-The Undersigned
would most re:pectfully inform the politic that i
he has pureha.ed the Store of John Weikert, at
Greentnuttut, .Idains county, half-way on the
road from (fetteborg to Eturnitshurg, where he
expect:, by attenoion and small profits, to re
tain all the old tjistom and secure lota of new
His stock of DRY GOODS, of every description,
Groceries, Confectionaries, Qneenswam, Wood,m
ware, Crockery-ware, liardwak, ke., is large
an d l ade I--equal to that of any other lirst cla , s
store—and he will sell at prices astonishingly
low. lie only ft.:Li a trial, to prove the pith of
this ftitBertiuti.
The undersigned also carries on the CAR
RIAGE-MAKING business at the same place, and
offers rare inducemoitt - to purchasers. lle will
warrant his work Kuril, w hilst his charges are
among the Most moderate. Repairing done on
short notice. J. ALEX. HARPER.
AI.F.X.I,NDEII FRAZER, Clock and Watch
maker, has removed his shop to the room
ou the West side of the Public Square, lately
occupied by David A. Buehler, &N., as a Law
(Vie; where he will always be happy to attend
to the calls of customers. Thankful for past
favors, he hopes. by strict attention to ba,iness,
and n desire to please, to merit stud receive the
patronage of the pahlie.
Gettysburg, Apri; 11, I$5P
have just received a large and choice as
sortment of Spring Goods, to which they invite
the attention of buyers. Oar stock comprises
many new and beautiful styles of Ladies' Dress
Co As, such as are rarely seen, and we are con
fident that those examining them will acknow
ledge that they have seldom been offered better
goods or as pretty styles.
We have also increase.l our stock of staple
goads, such as lieu's and Boys' Wear, Calicoes,
Muslins, Delains, Chintz, &c., in quantity, style
and price, unsurpassed. - We need not enumer
ate, but caa assure oar customers and friends
that we are prepared to furnish them with ouch
goods as they may want chesper than they: can
be bought elsewhere in the county. Call study
and select from our large and varied as.ortment.
April 4, l8:9. Red Front.
J. W. Slcitt,
(tale of Lk, Arm of Irdacke4er (t. Scott.)
Nu. 814 CUZIAN V? STINXT, (uearly opposite the
J. W. S(OTT would respectfully call the at
tention of his former patrons and friends to his
new Store, and is prepared to fill orders for
Sill 1a..; at ;short nutiee. A perfect tit guarantied.
COUNTRY TRADE supplied with Ft:in SHIRT/3
and Cott/ins. [Oct. 4, 185:f. ly
ipliguiviersi g ned have mule arrangements,
11 by which they will be re.vly to supply
LIME lir any quantitie4, at the loa-e4t prices,
a 4 sum as the Railroad is cumplottxl. They
aro reasty.ta.
Nov: 22, 18.58.
(1 to Tipton's—go to Tipton's--
Ur Go to :Tipton's in the corner—
In the corner in the Diamond—
In the Diamond near McClellan's,
If you want your hair dressed finely—
If you want bttr face shaved smoothly.
Bachelors who never knew it—
Tip's the fellow that can do it—
Du it in the latest fashion—
Do it quick and do it neatly,
And improve your fine looks greatly,
Make you look so young aMd sprightly,
Make you feel more young and brightly,
Make you feel like going nightly
To call *pop some pretty damsel
Who before would not look at you,
At you as you passed her daily,
D.roly on the public street.
And young meat who wear moustaches,
Who want some one to sew patches— -
Patches where your breeches tear—
Tip's the boy to make up matches—
Matches with some lady fair.
Then repair to Tipton's shop s
Dandy, Fogy, Flirt and Fop.
- Jan, 11, 1858.
rrtTHE undersigned having retired from the
Nerwintfie business, the same will itereaf
ter be continued at the old stand; in Haiti More
street, by their sons, Henry B:Danner and Way
bright Ziegler, under the name and style of
Danner k Ziegler, Jr.., whom we will recommend
and for whom we would bespeak • liberel
share of patripage ricim old customers ; erl.of
the public. in general:
Having retired hour the liereastile business,
it is necessary that our aid bluditem @koala be
settled up. We, therefore t .natily All thomdu
debtrok to no either by Jtu*meals NOUS °UMW*
Account, to call and settle the soma whisk'
delay. The books will. be .fortad ol.tkor-.014
staod. J. B.D.A.NM ,t„ti
'Noy 25, 1858, .DAVID M„;:)
• Frazer River
Country produce taken in exchange for gnoti3
Feb. 14, 1859. IT
Spring Goods !
Girard douse,)
Limo! Lime !
John W. Tipton.
TBE undersigned would istiOntibis friends
It nd.the publte`genetanyittlist he continents
the CAUSIAGR.MAKING 86111X11138, lb ail
its branches, at his establishment, in Rest Mid
dle Street, (near the east end,)GettysbUrg,
where Lie has on hand a first-rate lotolf work,
and is prepared to put up to order whatever
may be desired in his line, viz:—Rockaway
and Boat-body Carriages, Fulling.
Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug.
giea, Jersey Wagons, Jtc. With ictiaiSJ
good workmen anti good materials, be con
pledge his work to be of the best quallty—and
his prices are among the lowest.
giarltepairiug dune at short notice, and nt
reasonable rates. Country produce taken in
exchange for work. Call I
June 15, '57. JACOB TROXEL.
Still at Work
—The undersigned respectfully informs
hit trienis an I the public that be -continues
the Coftehruaking sad Blselomitbing business
in ^very hraneh at his establishment to Chem- 4
herghtlrg Street. He has on hnnd and , will
in.tnulneture to order all kinds of CA 11111AGEr4,
111 GGIR~, SIS.I[IIIB, Spring Wagons, he., of
the best material, end made by superior work -
mon• and BLAeirollltTllll4ll nt
all kinds dune at reasonable rates, promptly
and to the satiAaction of customers.
COVNTAT Pumices taken in exchange for
work at market prices.
go- Persons desiring. articles or work in the
Coachtnaking or 131ackstuithing line, are re
spectfully invited to tall on
Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59.
The Sickles' Trial
ecution of Four Murderers in Baltimore,
has created the greatest excitement. The pa
pers arc tilled with details of Omie shocking af
fairs. The people talk about it on the streets
and in their houses, and look upon these trage
dies as being unparalleled la, history. So it is
with PICK iNG'S CLOTHlNG—having just open
ed the largest and most complete, as well as the
cheapest and best assortment of HEADY-MADE
CLOTHING, of every description and style, ever
offered in this place, the - people talk about It on
the highways and in their houses, urging each
other to go at once topicking's and purchase a
new suit of clothelli But joking aside, we as
sure the public in all candor that our stock
cannot be surpassed—consisting in part of
Black Cloth Coats, Cassimere Frock and Sack
Coats, Tweed and Linen Coats, and in fact every
kind that the market stn prINIUCe. Vests of
every description. 'Pants to suit nil classes and
conditions. Shirts, Collars, Stockings, Gloves, •
Suspenders, &c., &c. Also, Carpet Bags, Um
brellas, Trunks, Accordeons, Violins, in short
m'erything usually found in his line. Thankful
for past favors, he solicits a continuance of idle
saute. Call and examine our stuck—no trouble
to showsoods. Remember the place, in Chaui
bershurg street, opposite the Lutheran church.
Apt it. U. PICKING.
Adams County
NTUTUALYInE romp,kNy._
lucorporaled March 18, 1851.
rice l'eeahlrnt—S. R. R.n3selt.
Serrrtary—r). Buehler,
Trewntrer—David Mllreary.
Kneutire (.'omrnitter—Robert. McVardy, Jacob
Kind, Audrew Ileintzehnun.
Aroaiy , po--George Swope, IL A. Tineltler,ln- -
Cob him:, A. Heintz.lmnn, R. Seenriiy, Thos.
A. Mnrshall, S. Fahnestock, WID. It. Mr n,
Win. B. Wilson, I. Eichelherger, Aluliel V.O iti,
John Wolford, H. A. Picking, J. A ugliinho ugh,
John llurner, P.. G. Mt-err:try. 8. It. ltuarell. l).
Mlleitory, Andrew Pulley, John. Pick ing, J. R.
ittV`This Company is, limited in its open. -
ti ms to the county of .dame. It has been 'n
successful operation for more then six yens,-
and in that period has paid all ad ex
penses, without any asseument, having also a large
surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com
pany employe no Agents—all business being.
done by the Managers, who are annually elect
ed by the Stockholders. Any person liCAlrin
an Insurance can apply to any of the abort,
named Nlanager:q for further information..
ter The Exectitira Committee meetq•at the
olive of the Company on the last Wednesday
in every month, at 2, P. M. •
Sept. 27, 1858.
Fine Old Brandies.
AE subscribers Importers and Dealers in
WINES k would most respect
fully call the attention Of pnrchiuters to their
Old Establishment, Nil. 6 Sort& • bland Nfrert,
Pkiladelplum, where they have a large assort
ment ut Wines and Liquors of the elmicv.t
brands and qualities. 'laving -made Are' lige
meats with some of the fiat houses in Cognac
and RoAtelle, enables theta to furnish to their
customers, upon the most liberal terms,. the
following brands of Cognac and Rochelle:
LIRANDIES: — Ward, Hennesy, relletsion,
Pinet, Castilliun; J. J. Dew k Co., T. limes,
' .L.Serguette Martel, .Ilatett, kc., &c., of various
brands and qualities.
WINES: Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old
Oporto, Tencriffe, liargundy,, Huck, Iluscut,
Claret. Sherry; and Malaga Wines.
Holland Gin, &In:Want Schnapps, Jamaica
Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap
ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Itisspherty
Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam
Bitters, &c.
Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old
wheat Whiskey. Constantly on hand :an ex,-
tensive stork of tine old Moulin...P.:theta, Rye awl
Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of
which are guaranteed to be superior to nay in
the country, all of which are highly improved
by age. •
From our long experience in the Inisirwss,
and a thorough know ledge of the tastes of the
community, we flatter ourselves to be able to
till all orders that may be entrusted to us. •
Orders from the country ( n bleb are most re
spectfully solicited) will he promptly attended
to. Great care taken in packing and shipping.
Ber All goods sent from our establishment
are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with go
privilege of being returned.
No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia.
Feb. 7, 1859. ly
Cheap Clothing.
GE.OR.GE ARSOLD, at his Clothing Em
pm-ium. has now got his stock of Spring
and Summer Clothing—full and well assorte.l,
all of our own make, and warranted well wadi,
We have just received from the city, a large stock
of Cloths, Cassimeres, Drilliugv, Jeans, Italian
Cloth, Paramett.t Cloth, Tweeds, Summer Casgi
meres. Linens, Vestings, &c., all *or which will
he sold at prices to suit the times. We have
hands constantly cutting and Making up, and if
we cannot please you in a gnrinent ready made,
we can take your measure and make you np
garment upon short notice. As usual ilr. Culp
is always on the spot with shears and measure in
hand, 4t your service. Please call, as we
will not be - undersold by any other establament
In town. [April 11, lino.
Elastic Cement
i . t
OM/NO.—The suboeribers ek re prepared to
' . eontraoland put on at the gloried notice,
,It perfectly Fire. and Wattrr proof, and in
point. of durability is equal, if not sopsrior, to
Ur, i l r d e e ' l o ic r
sßnf ignlg.
oolfts ,c a h m o w b e e peur tg o a n t
or e s t eep
they Day. be., .- .
In Pernt of resisting the elements of Are sad
miter, nothing has yet been discovered equal to
the Elastic Cement.
''Poore who hire used it, nave testified that It
s the very perfeetionotitoofing, and tlial there
is no bother--room for : improvement:. No one
_wig so w, thioic of plaUskato,r4higitstleZ AAP
gfflefit Call b.fia 4 _, L
.‘" 2 4 1 §44 4 . 0, - WOW Min
shingle- outwear four mple paefs m , Taos jts t glog 0
4 mstrrantedtts revesgated. , ~ ....,, c, ,,,,,,
,yit rFP
el t
tat Elastic Casio .
~ , J.:A mt
protectoa hilt ilicilf,..., it .. . ~ •.. , t0,3,h,,,
wes.ther or damps -.5 4 , .. ~. . ,' Wil l a,
the best .int,": i , r'4 , , " l f *.Taising
rust; tat ilitratii In. it rte , Oadis
-axe. . c... . .Z. . -
ttiaßtteii. ' l ' '' ' -
iiiir A th
'The inttsclibeis Witt Is Cement for l eile, In
Rai:kW:6 to :ult. " C hef ititoritaufan, qt
1 11 71 0 "' . ;110-C:ll.`t.tlE,* '
~ :r , . 0 ..., ", ' - gh a t 143 ,, tpc, Pa.:
0 1•406i5'.ismr 7 -111 • . 1 - 1 . -..' •'_
QKMEtkiWkbow,lli P 04 446048 -fgr
saki- st toe new vibes. p store of -
r 1 - . SCOTT AVM