gird like Dma. Maw The New Turk Tribune is credibly inform ed from veneer sonnies that the Ron. Daniel It,Welsh has bemuse entirely reconciled with his wife, and is now living with her in mari tal relations ae before the death of the late Philip Marton Hey. The Tribune says : We arS assayed that in taking this remarka ble step, Mr. Sickles has alienated himself from meet it not nil of those personal and political Mends who devotedly adhered to Lim during his recent imprisonment and trial.— The reconciliation between Mr. and Mrs. Sickles was consummated, as we are informed, while Mr. S. was residing at the house of a friend ou the Bloomingdale road, about half a mile from the former house of Mr. S., which for sometime past Mrs. Sickles has occupied. either alone or with some of the members of her own family. The suspicions of his host were excited by the repeated absence of Mr. S. at unusual hours : and when he came in very early one morning be was interrogated by the host and another friend who was pres ent, and on hiedpositively denying their right to question him, and refusing to give an ex planation, they shook hands with him for the last time and he withdrew. It is said that he bas since addressed letters to his former intimate associates, notifying them formally of the resumption of conjugal relations be tween himself and Mrs. Sickles. The New York Sun confirms the statement of the Tribune, and states that Mr. Sickles a few days ago took Mrs. Sickles out sailing on the Hudson. The Sun remarks : Perhaps the Christian influence of the clergyman, who manifested such a deep in terest in Daniel's weld during his incar ceration in Washington, and his trial for the murder of Philip Barton Key, has kindled in his breast the spirit of charity. Or the music of the young juryman's violin may have rea wakened those earlier sentiments of aTection which had been temporarily paralyzed by the supposed " dishonoring of his Led." The only regret the public will have is that his vengeance proved so fatal, and that Mr. Key is nut alive to witness Mr. Sickles' restoration to sanity, and his full condonation of his wife's " indiscretions." She confessed all, and her husband, it appears, has forgiven nil. Would that he had earlier learned the prayer, " Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive thew that trespass against us." Sliii"One of the humanitarian movements of the times, although little known as such, can hardly be over estimated in its importance upon the well being of our widely scattered communities. The population of the Ameri can States is in many sections so spasm that skilful Physicians are hardly available to them. Vast numbers of our people are obliged to employ in sickness, such medical relief as they can hear of from each other, or indeed any they can get from any quarter. Hence arises the great consumption of Patent Medicines among us, greater by far than in any of the old countries, where skilful phy sicians are accessible to all classes. Un principled men have long availed themselves of this necessity, to palm off the worthless nos trums, until the word has become synonymous wi!li imposition and cheat. One of our lead ing CI emistg in the East, Dr. Aver, is pursu ing a course which defeats this iniquity. lfe brings not only his own but the best skill of our times to bear, for the production of the best remedies which can be made. These me supplied to the world, in a convenient form, at low prices, and the people will nu snore buy poor medicines instead of good, at tho same cost, than they will bran instead of flour. The inevitable consequence of this is, that the vile compounds that flood our coun try are discarded for those which honestly ac complish the end in view—which cure. Do we over estimate its importance, in believing that this prospect of supplanting the by-word medicines, with those of actual worth and virtue, is fraught with immense consequence fur good, to the masses of our people.—G'azdts and Chronicle, Peru, la. flarAt a hotel table the other day, a board er remarked to his neighbor : "This must be a very healthy place for chickens."— '• Why r asked the other. ." Because I never see any dead ones about." tar The experiment of growing tobacco in Minnesota has proved quite successful, a Lr.avy crop being anticipated this year. Ws—ln Schuylkill county, Pa., there are tour hundred and twenty steam engines em ployed in raising coal, draining mines, man ulacturing, and other purposes. 111S.Enough of the Chinese sugar cane has been raised in lowa, this season, to make a million gallons of syrup. has bee decided, lately, in Court. that the word ''Claildreu" in a will, includes grand-children. ItM..Poverty 11 often hid under, splendor. Married_ On Monday, July 11, 1859, at Wild Wood. by Rev. Henry G. Dill, Rev. 11:1.11f1N L. DRUM. of the ram Baltimore Conference. to Miss SELMA JA_NE, eldest daughter of David McMillan, Esq. Died... On the Ist inst., in Hamilton township, Adams county. Mr. FREDERICK KLINEPETER, Sr., aged SO years 10 months and 2 days. On the 2d instant, Mrs. RACHEL SMITH, widow of Anthony B. Smith, Lite of Mount pleasant township, aged about 51 year's. On the Ist inst., at his 'residence near Emmits burg, Capt. MICHAEL SU:SS, in about the 75th year of his age. At Chambersbnrg, on the Ist inst., Mr. SAM rEL BLOOD, mani yiars ago a teadmr in this place, aged about 70 years. On the 2d inst., in Hamilton township, Mr. ANDREW SHASEBROUGH, avid 23 years 9 months and 17 days. In Arendtswille, Adams-county, on the 12th of July, Mrs. MA.RIA ELIZABETH, wife of Peter Byster, Esq., aged 59 years 7 months and 16 days. The Ma,rime-ts_ GETTYSBURG—Se:mm.Ia &AST floperfine Flour.. vA FICSur .... f reAr keat..--...—.— , (he eu te . is ' Bockwheat ........... • .e.••• •••••• ••...... Buckwheat .........». Clover Seed•••••••••••• •••••• ...... a••••• Timothy Seed Thu ...... 8ar1ey......•••—• ...... ..... Pkoter of Paris ...... ....««««....... Praetor ground, per BiLLTLlOltg—Faint LAST. 5 75 to 6 13 1 25 to 1 55 ...... 70 to 82 83 to 86 30 to 38 .. 5 25 to 6 , 75 3 00 tot 25 • 00 tolo 00 • 00 to 8 75 Hy 12 00 tolB 00 Witiakey 27 to 28 Gaaao, Peruvian, per ton 42 00 Flour Wheat 0at5...... Glover Seed • Timothy Seed Beef Cottle, per hand., Hop, per hund HANOVER—TarrasDAT Lis?. Plow, from troves ...... 5 50 Do. from stores-- ...... .....„. II 50 g r boet sem.. •N a • M.* •••••••• 1 10 to 1 2b TVs -. ........... _ .... ..... - TO IP. • •••• • Corn ........ . ... ...-.....—„ 48 Oats-- ..... . •••••• •••••••••• 00 •IN • •.• ••• • 35 Clover fiestl........—__ 4 Tb floothy Sod —.......—. 1 50 • ••••••• ••• 11 .11. • P 51111611:•••••• ....,....................•••• ••• • p ' . II 50 YORK—, ' - • 2 , 14114 MAI tragitas.„... . Dr. 11e5ui5tife55..ii........4,... 6 4 5 00 0 Inglaa r rims •••• •• O. 46. ;N. •• a. woo«. ire .... . i 11 1 0 1 n Ri0...•......... a ••• • •mr...•........ • .......... 'fb Owe .54.•....4.411.6••••...•••• .. • • ......• • ' 1 II 084144;••••• • ear.. v. a* nips •••••.....• • 32 =„1150ft1..•••... • v 0... ...mow ...• • ' Illkidmi.•••••• ...b..* . V1 . P100.011 1 11.. Ite. errir;.•••••••••• ••••01.00064, A Cond Day's Nisethag.—?lie Teri (Pi.) Protectionist an: On Tuesday last two of our townsmen, Dr. C. M. Nes sad George Karg, killed on the dpriegVerge grenade, is this county, forty-sit sosodecw4. This is un doubtedly a "big day's hunt" when we take into consideration the scarcity of these birds in this neighborhood. star The lady who knit her brows ham com menced a pair of sock'. !O`A severe storm •isited New York on Wednesday night last. Special Notices_ OXYGENATID DITTIES —A Query. Why will yea and' Dyspet•la Is a brief but comprehend.' term for the numerotis diseases which &fleet the stomach, liver, and In fact the whole human system. Until Dr. tire•a disecrrened the Oxylremated !titters medical science was at fault tad had exhausted lteelf In fruitless efforts to ears this disease. The Dyspeptic noel suffer no looter with • disease that Is always painfal, ••d frequently a fatal af t iction. This unique and peculiar compound will se certainly cure the d,sesee sa the (llamas exist'. Had It not this power inch testimony as follow• would Dot be given In Its favor : VALUABLE TIF3TrkIONF FAVOR OF TII OXT.• ( . 1 0 NATIO./ —Washington, D. C., law 10 Raving made use acne Oxygenated Bitters, premixed b 7 Dr tie. , gll 0 (Freest. of Windsor. Vt., and from It POW ledge obtained iir tbtur of In other cases, we cheerfully re commend them to the public, believing they will fully sus tain the recommendation of ibis proprietor VII • bops that Ibis valuable remedy may be accessible to all the af. dicted. Sa w ' i g il n ia a m l S up l s ha m i LU. S. Senator' from Vermont. UMW' Y Simmons . Senator from Rhode J T Morehead, U. 8. Senator, and formerly (Wren:war of Kentucky L. II Arnold, formerly Governor of Rhode liihuod. Wm VI onibri Igo, late Governor of Ifiehizan Its success in severe cams of DYSPEPSIA. ASTHMA, ANDG ESERA L 1 / 1 :111 LIT Y or T ltB bYSCEIt, places it among the most wonderful discoveries in medical science, and bait given it a reputation far beyond any remedy known for these oomplsonts, iu all their •armas f o rma Beware of 'lle and wortplea couutorfeita ! The only (leonine, Pure, and Iledicoal Bals.ain has the name of 441. BUTTS written with a n, and the printed name of the proprietor*, S W. 7ObbLE A C 0.," un the outer wrapper Prepared hr Peth W Fowls ACo Boston, and for sale by A D Buehler Gett•sburg, Jacob Pularviler, Mummer.- , 'if , :suster. ,ew Orford, D E Abbotts town , Nsllum Wolf, rut , Ltoblita, Ramp ton, Wm. 6 Iletcalf, York Spring., James A Elder, Em ccuLetrurg. and by all dealers m u.ethclues. (D aly 11. 4w EPILEPSY. Olt 7ALLIICO PITS —We believe we can not do our reader, a i..iore Impertsatmoryiee than by again calling their attent.oa to that most remarkable prepara tion, discovered by Dr Seth S Hanoi, of Daitimiore, 114 , which poariessein the power of alleviating and curing that horrid visitation of man—Epilepsy, or li•lireg Fits la recommeseellur this preparation to our readers, we do so with a conviction that we are m t degrading our color:nu to puff a nominee patent medicine, but are piecing before them a discovery, whets, ,t • faite known, wool] probably do more to allevlata human scrtier,opr, thin say inetntion of modern ton. Dr flume, in net mg as to Dot.* lila repetition ferorehly to nee taltoral department, has sent go fur pe rain • clamber or letters (mai parsons who lave used his Pills, ani have been cu ref thereby All of them speak in the most grateful tat eulogistic terms Lee gri at advantage tole medicine p.ttea.teil is the fact, Coot it can be transported th-ough the roa.le, thereby af every one an opportunity of datilcry directly with the inientor, 101 also prec lu ling a:1 I r....1.1Lty of being iia by ac, untvrfea nr rrur., , Lis I.rhtation Dr 11.,nce p.” tire r.aostagie on hi. 1.0 lay part of the miiitry aol wi i forward them to of mill, on the receipt of i remittance. Him prices 5-0 as follows • One to t, $ll 1..., to .twelve du ,ea All orders for the rme,fie,na should be .I.lrea•ed to Styli S. 11 iNCIt, 108 Balt/name street, Paltimore, bid [July 11. Im PERSONS ADVANCED IN LIFE, ant feelln: the hand of Tniso yre..ztnn..! heavily up-n them with all Its atten. C.usit We. will Cod in the use nt tiermatt Bitters, au Elixir that will instil new lite Into their reins, nature, In a oleayura, the en•r.,:y and atlor ,re r mattifal day•; hull up thei r ahrtanken forma, and pre health and energy to their renouning yea re. Asa for liootlaisi's Dorman Bitten. prepared by Dr. C. M. Jacluon, 41S Arch Street. Ph::aJalphu, Pa , and•ars I.ld at 75 cente per bottle. by drag...late and storekeepers iu every town an/ /In Ow L'oited States, Canada* mutt giotith A rhencit tree that the signature of C. Y. Jackson a oo the wrapi er of each, bottle.. For eale by , A D. 131ebler. Agent, Gettyebarg —and dealers generally thrunghout the eouuty. [July 11. 1m Parrs Lands for sale IL miles from 1'1111%60.141a by Railroad in the Slate of !tee Jersey. Soil aims,: the beat fur Agricultural purpooes, being a good loam soil, with clay loottom The land ia a large tract. di• Ida! Into small !arms, and latindrvds.frpcn all put.' of the country owe now settling and building. The crops produced are huge sad can be seen groeio; The climate is delight/al, and rears from frusta. Terms from $l6 to it'a7 per acre, payable within rune year* by instalments. To •felt the place.— Laaro Vine street lurf, at l'lulahrlphia, at 7g; A M., by Itarlroad for llama:memo. or addrems It .7 Byroes, by letter, Itamiramtun l'ost Offire, Atlantic county, Nor Jer sey. 'See full ad•ertiacrneut in another column. THE rtAmmox-roN FARMER—A newspaper drorotad to Litansture and AKrv-ulture, 1.1.1 settle:, forth fait ac• counts of the new pottleulent ufll,untontnn, In New Jar- NT, can be subscribed for at "nly c,rat per tuatara. Inclose postage •titurpe for toe amount. Address to Zd- Ito. of the firmer, Llantmout.oo P 0., Atlantic manly, New Jar,: y Those Irl.hitlg cheap lanl of the best want,- ty. in cum of the health/as; awl most delightful climates he the VlllOlll. and where crop, ere never cat down by frosts, the terribi• scourge of the north, see advertisement of Llanazoontura Lands TIIR °DRAT ENGIASIE RENIXDY !—JIR JANIS CFLI CR I.T/I , I , ', 11 It,. PILLS prepared from preeenption by bir J Clarke. M D Physician Itatabortliii nary to the tiueen TL.a shell known medicine la no lin. posatiuni but w .re and Kara remedy fur Female Difficulties and Otutructiiins (ruin any cause whateYer:•o.l although a. powerful reale le, they ciintiin nothing hurtful L. the cui,itltution tsKieb L‘rote.4 11 a peculiarly salted. It will, in a abort time, bring un the isiontbly periud with ret-ularity. TI elie 'Villa have never been kriqwn to fall whore the d.recti,,n• On 24 p‘ze of piniphlet 17.! well otieereed. For further part:cul•r•grt • r•iiiphlet free of the agent. N and st.unpe erlCltaed to any author ized agent, will Insure a bottle, eontcalug over SO pills by return of mail T µ 1.)) , .tt k Son. Whole...ile Agents. A. D. Buelaler, Agent, (lett./ aLurg [June 13,'59. ly AN ANCIENT MONSTER —The people ofSoath Jeremy have recently exhumed Nom a marl bed the skeleton of as animal. which most have been of the kangaroo species, of monstroas cite. Ita hicsl legs mu•t have helm seven feet Ian;; the entire length of the animal. tail socluded, at leant twenty five feet The heal was antali and It. neck thin ; ita teeth about two feat long. and so arrange as to form the words, " Luy your clothing of Sinews, oppualte the bank, Gettysburg t.,Peraonsandlinz to chance their businima to a rapid. Iy morn:urn; country, a new aetthoment where linalrarde are going—whore the climate is cold and dalightiol--ren adv. of the I.l.alatooaton Settlement In aootbar colamn. ui- Person. wild:tine to estnblieh kfanefsetories In seer mad turiving place where bumoees is good, see advertise ment of the lia.utoonten eattlewent. Irrfbee tosidesess Leol Ifactorle• tube carried on profit ably et Ilauunooton. See oar. of lialnawatoo 1.0 it tErGrape growers CACI tarry oo their boohoo Moat sueosadelly at liannoutati. free from frusta. &nue forty Ttoepulla set out the past MA/POO. BN sollertiaeolest of llanuoootoo Lads io sootier eolnas. C9aaza or ISlCasu Axe gam' eraacn, PIitILADNLPEtI, Meteufattarers of White Lead, Zioe, Patty, Tarnishes, tn. Wholesale dealers In Drogs, Window Glass, At...— City and Coantry Iderebiata who desire to parental§ how • select stock Lod at acceptable pneas sn respeettally re v:mated to impost oar gnosis. Our White Lead, Zinc, Putt), sad Tarnishes, are sold by more thaa nee thousand Wbolsaale Jobbing Houses throughout the Union. and rite universal satataction. Not one complaint has ewer reached as J) Send your orders direct. /eh. 7,166 x. 17 ta=r 41.11 sating Tams in a deiiighttul ctlinntn, rich soil, sad were !row frog, See advents/meat of Hammon ton Lands in another nollunan. 5 50 3 23 ....1 10to 1 20 .70 70 35 30 2 00 4 50 1 75 1 20 70 700 03 COMPORT YOH Tint BA LDNEADS.—A Paris letter writer es " All the great bankers are bald—all the dip's:.nrtiats, all the ed!tors, all the managers of the thea tres, all the Misters of the army, all the muttons, all the deputies, all the counsellors of t3tate, all the magistrates. The most elent men of Paris are bald ; the writers are all bald. boldness is boom:alas the sign of power, for every man who %hicks bard ia these day*, thinks Mg his hair Hall to the Bahl-Head ocracy." Is this country all the hard thinkers are distinguished by *oaring garments pro spered at the Brown atone Clothing Hall of Boethlil Wilson, Nos. eon and WS Chestnut stew% ahoy. blath, Philadelphia. tzr Per/lone wanting change of climate for Wank eee adv. of Elanuoontoo Lands In anothar Wants. 117. To all wanting I mouton Lands. iiIbETTERS testamentary on the estate grant ed and conveyed in trust by ANTHONY B. TH, late of Mouutpleasant township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, to RACHEL SMITH, his widow, now also deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in the township and county aforesaid—notice is hereby given to such as are indebted to said. estate to make payment without delay, and those having claims are requested to present the same properly au thenticated for settlement. .Ixly Is, 1859, 01 =num SLIMIPETRIVS BEITATL— Letters of adudaintridion on the agate of ilittepalos, late Hamilton tows- Ildp, Adams eowety damem of id, Wing been S*she gned,.(ths *set named as tn said township, mad dm last le the borough of York, Tot* eo.;) they iwilabY gin miles persona indebtod to saki MI MI to make immediate payment, and those elaWnit egainat the same to present them properly authmatiealed matisonent. • 3011/I•KLIWAMIY:4 dal7lti, 11119. Atheiniseinten. 4 50 2 -00 0 50 ZIZOLER k SMITH, adr ertiasmant of ILO- Notice. PETER SMITH, dbxestor. Notice. • ' ItegistertirNotine. INPOTIOII Is handy Siren to all legatees and other persoas concerned that the Adutio &trillion accounts hereinefSr mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county for confirmation and allowaace, os ileadiag, tie 154 f dyad sat, at 10 o'clock, A. Y., vis: . 120. The second and finataccount ofJohn T. Williams mod William T, Willuuus, Executors of the last will and testament of Ezekiel Wil liams, of Hamilton township. 121. The first account of David Roarbaugh, Executor of Henry Schnhier, deceased. 122. The first and final account of James Da- Atholnistrator of the estate of Peter Fanes, 123. The account of Jacob Sponseler, Admin istrator of the estate of !fester Spouseler, late of IfountpLessant township, Adams county, Pa. 124. The second account of Col. John Wol ford, one of the Executors of the last will and testament of John E. Albert, deceased. 115. The second account of Josiah C. Albert, one of the Executors of the last will and testa meat of Rev. John E. Albert, deceased. 126. The first and final account of Moses Mc- Clean, Administrator of the estate of Thomas Dull, deceased. 127. The account of Eli Horner, Guardian of Mary C. Weikert, late Mar:. Catharine Schriver. 128. The second account of Elisabeth Agnew and Moses McClean, Executors of the last will and testament of Da% id .►gnus. 129. The first and final account of William B. Smyers, Admini.trator of Jacob B. Smyera, late of Huntington township, deceased. 130. The third and final account of John C. McCalion, Administrator of the estate of Corne lius McCalion, late of Liberty tor, whip, Adams county, deceased. 131. First account of David Hollinger, Exe cutor of Elizabeth Diehl, deceased. 132. The second account of Hannah F. Neely, Execntrix of the last will and testament of John Seely, deceased. 133. The first account of David McConsughT i Esq., Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of Sarah Armstrong, late of Gettysburg, deceased. 134. The first account of Adam Brown, Ex ecutot of the last will and testament of Mary Deardorff, deceitioed. 135. First and final account of James Linn and Abraham Fluter, Executors of Daniel Day- 136. The first and final account of Plus B. Smith, Adrninlstratur of the estate of Anthony Foller, deceased. 137. The SI-At account of Ceo. Thomas and Mary Vano rsd el, Executors of the last will and testament of Wm. Vanurstlel, late of Streams% township. Z ACII ARIAL! MYERS, Regristes. Register's Office, Cettys burg, July 18,1659. f Fruit and Ornamental Trees. AFINE stock fur fall planting at reasonable rates. Our present stock includes all the choicest varieties cultivated and that are known to do well in this latitude. Special attention Is paid to the rearing of trees. We are confident that purchasers will do better by buying from us than to send to distant Nurseries that they know little of, and for varieties not well estab lished here. stir- Refe r to Hon. J. B. Danner, Col. Jno. L. Tate and D. llceonmighy, Esq., of Gettysburg. THOS. R. COOK 4 SONS, Pleasant Ridge Nurseries, Bendersville, Pa. July 1.8, 1869. tit Teachers Wanted. THE School Directors of Gettysburg District I wish to employ a Principal Ad several assistant Teachers fur the term commencing the first of September next. Der.application can be made to any of the Directors on or before the first day of August next. An examination of Teachers by the County Superintendent will be held In the School Building. on Thursday, the 28th of July inst., at 10 o'clock, when an opportunity will be offered for procuring certificates. By order of the Board, it G. ItcCRSARY, July 18, 1859. 3t Notice. r(second Recount ofJaCOI LADY, COITIMIt• e of the person and estate of HENRY ADY, a lunatic,) has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the 1511 day of An aced, unless cause be shown to the con trary. JACOB BPSHEY, Fraley. ' Prothonotary's Office, Getty*. I burg, July 18, 1839. 41* f --- -- - - Notice. VGAY UP !—All persons-knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of BRINGMAN k A lIINBAUGII are requested to make pay ment to 1). A. Brumes, Esq., in whose hands the Hooks.have been placed for collection. All persons disregarding this Notice must look out fur COSTS. G. E. 111t1NilMAN, 11. ACGIIINDAUGH. July 18, 1859. 6t Statement OF THE BANK OF GETTYSBURG ASSETS. Loans and discounts. Specie Due by other Banks. Notes of other Banks Stocks Judgments Bonds Real Estate Total LIABILITIES Circulation $140,025 00 Deposits 48,039 31 Doe to other Banks 11,452 82 Total 4 $199 517 13 The shore sta te et is correct, to the Lot of my kisowlerle babe T. D. CARSON, Cashier Affirmed ■nd subscribed before me. July 8, 1859. (ho. ARZOLD, J. P A Homestead for 810 ; AHOMESTEAD for $lOO ; also, Homesteads for $lOOO and over, situated on, and near ~)iiithannock River, above and below FRED ERICKSBURG, IN VIRGINIA. A new Town, called RAPPAHANNOCK, has recently been laid out, in CULPEPER coryry. in the midst of the GOLD REGION OF VIRGINIA, sur rounded by Mines and Mining Companies ; and Farms and Town Lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now he had for a "Mere Song," sim ply to induce settlement in this desirable region. $25.1,900 worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as an inducement to come on and make improvements, and the land is of the most improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coming. Good farming land, in tracts of any site to suit purchasers, can also be had at from $lO to $2O per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly install ments. USQL'ENTIONABLI TITLES WILL IN ALL CASES as GILTS. -AGENTS ARE WANTED everywhere to sell these lands ; liberal inducements will be given. E. BALDER, Land Agent, July 18, 1859. $lO. Port Royal, Vs. Private Bale. MHZ subscriber offers at Private Sale, his HOUSE AND LOT, on High [fn. street, adjoining Solomon Powers. The House is a two-story Brick, nearly new, with a Back-building, and • well of water. Terms easy. DAN'L. F. PITTENTUBF. July 11, 11159. if Auditor's Notice. Intundersigned, Auditor appointed by the phiut's Court of Adams county, to dis ute the balance in the hands of Anal. T. Watawr, Administrator of the estate of Many Hawn's, late of Menalien township, Adams county, Pa., deceased, to and among the col lateral heirs and legal•representatives of the soli deceased, will attend to the ditties of his appel.atatent at his °Moe, in Gettysburg, es /rider, tke kik day of ilsorset toed, st 10 o'clock, A. M., when sad where all persons interested are vegetated to be proses. July iI, 'N. at J. C. NEMLY, Auditor. Lumber. A NY _ variety LUMBER aka be kad at *a Coal sad Lumbar Yard of ULU* aliaW4 l l a MTh. liank 1 lan. 4, Ipursuanee of sundry writs of /Teri Ferias and Veadiniersi Atcpcomo, Issuing out of the urt of Common Pleas of Adams county, Pe., and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court-house, in Gettysburg, on Saturday, the &A day of Avignon wan, at 1 o'clock, P. 11., the knowing described Reel Rotate, via : A TRACT OP LAND, situate in Rausiltonban township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of John Valentine, Peter - Smith, and others, containing 97 acres, more or less, on which arc erected a one-story Dwelling fIOrSE, part stone and part log, and a Log Stable, with an Orchard of good fruit and a spring of water. Also, A TRACT OF WOODLAND, situate In the same township, adjoining lands of Jac - oh Siwely, Isaac Lightner, and others, containing 77 acres, more or less —Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of Boalian Dzvors. TRACT OF MOUNTAIN-LAND, situate in Franklin township, Adams county, Pa., adjoin ing lands of Valentine Oyler, Victor 11c1lheny, John Roll, and others, containing 6 acres, more or less.--Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wx. F. WAt.raa. ALao, No. 1. A TRACT OF NfOrNTAIN-LAND, situate in Franklin township, Adams county, Pa.. adjoining lands of Thaddeus Stevens, Levi Irwin, and others, containing 418 acres, more or less. No. 2. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN-LAND, adjoining No. I and Franklin county line, con taining 437 acres. more or less. No. 5. A TRACT OF MOPNTAIN.LAND, adjoining No. 4, lands of Andrew McKenrick and the Franklin county line, containing 434 acres, more or lc; No. 6. A TRACT OF 1101 — STAIN-LAND, adjoining No. 5, lands of Andrew McKenrick and the Franklin county line, containing 411 acres, more or less. No. 7. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN.LAND, adjoining No. 6, lands of Andrew IkKenrick and the Franklin county line, containing 412 acres, more or less. No. 10. A TRACT OF MOrNTAIN-LAND, situate in said township of Franklin, adjoining lands of Andrew IdeKeuriek, Levi Irwin, Thomas Stevens, and others, containing 445 acres, more or less. No. 12. A TRACT OF .11101 - NTA IN-LAND. situate in said township of Franklin, adjoining lands of Thomas Stevens, Andrew NlcKenriek and others, containing 466 acres, more or less. No. 13. A TRACT OF .1101*NTAIN-LAND, adjoining 1 4 1o:,12,funds of Thaddeus Stevens, and others, contai ning 450 acres, more or less. Seised and taken in execution as the property ofJAYSS liastiLron, deceased. ALso, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Butler town ship, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of Jesse Bucher, Henry Witmor, and others, con taining 34 acres, more or less, improved with a two-story Log HOUSE, Log Baru, with Sheds attached, Smoke House, Spring House and spring of water, and two Orchards of fruit trees. Also, A HALF LOT OF GROUND, situate in the borough of Gettysburg, adjoining lot of Dr. John Runkel on the south, lot of Robert Paxton on the north, fronting on Baltimore street and running back to an alley, improved with a two story Frame Weatberboarded HOUSE, having a two-story Brick Back-building, and a well of water. Also, A HALF ACRE OF LAND, more or less, situate in said borough of Gettysburg, tid joining lots of Peter Frey and Peter Weikert, and bounded by an alley on the north and west. Seised and taken in execution as the property Of JOHN ADILLB, Sr. Azso, On Friday, as anti day of Aorta mat, at: I o'clock, P. M., on the premises, a LOT OF GROUND, situate in East Berlin, Adam/ coun ty, Pa., adjoining land of Wm. Wolf and bounded on the south by an alley, containing 16 perches, more or less, with Foundry Build ings thereon erected, viz : A two-story Frame Work Shop, a one-story Moulding House and Smith Shop, Engine House, with a Steam En gine, and the necessary fixtures to drive a Foundry and Machine Shop. —Seized and taken in execution as the property of Sozonox Boa ass and Joatan ROSS. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, July 11, 1859. to )•Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over im mediately after the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put up for sale. Farmers, Take Notice. AarfLL persons residing in York, Cumberlan4, Franklin, or Adams county. Pennsylvania; ord, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick. Howard, or Montgomery county, Maryland, are hereby cautioned not to purchase of A. Smith, in Han over, York county, Penr.sylvania, or any of his Agents, the Slide Drill manufactured by said A. Smith k Co., which is en infringement on Hunt's Slide Drill, the Patent of which I am sole owner for the above counties. Any person in any of the above n.tmed counties purl luting (after this notice,) the above named Drill, man ufactured by said A. Smith & Co., will be dealt with according to law. And said A. Smith k Co., are dim hereby cautioned not to mannfitcture or sell the above named Drill in the above named counties, or he will be likewise dealkwith. JNO. WINSAUGH. York, June 27,1859. 3m . 5273,682 90 . 35,191 81 . 35,050 03 . 10,298 86 . 988 00 . 20,355 05 . 6,676 11 . 8,400 00 Timber Lots. THE subscriber has a few more . • LOCUST and CHESNUT TIM- a.t I'.;}•/. . R. LOTS, in Hamiltonban town-J.. '. ship, Adams county, for sale. J. D. I'AiTON. Gettysburg, July 4, 1859. tf ....$387,620 76 MITI? subscriber offers at Private S•Ile, one and a half LOTS OF GRI It NI), on York street, Gettysburg, adjoining lot of Mrs. Culp on the e'st, and nn allay on the EB1:1; west. improved with n two-story Weath hboarded House, a one-story Weatberboarded House, a good well of water. kr. 16`Ail necessary information can be had by calling on NICHOLAS Coooat, Sr., in Gettysbarg. June 27, 1859. 3t Fresh Fruits, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, kc.— FRClTS.—Fruits of every description, as follows: Layer Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, kc. GIWCERIF.S.—A good assortment of Sugars: Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crashed, Coffee, N. 0. Molasses, Syrups of the best quality, Rice, Soda, Starch, Teas, Cinnamon, (ground and anground,) Cloves, Mustard, Sm. PERFUMERY.—Perfumery of every descrip• tion, which will be sold low for Cash. LEMON SYRUP.—A large lot just receive& Any one desiring a cbeap,pleasant and healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. TOBACCO.—AII the various kinds of Tobac co, Cigars and Snuff, for sale by Wm. Boyer k Son. VIMEGAR.—We have a good quality, as all will say who have tried it. FLOUR & FEED.—We have made arrange ments to bare constantly on band Flour and Feed, which we will insure to be et superior quality, and at such prices as cannot fail to please. WM. BOYER SON. July 11,1859. hT COBEAN I CULP'S.—AII the new styles of HATS and SHOES—Trunks, Carpet irii, Umbrellas, Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Saddles, Bridles, Fly-nets, Buggy Harness, M., ch•ap for easA, at the sign of the ihir Boot. Jane 27, 1859. rPAMPHLET LAWS of the &ate have iten :sauteed at this USlee, sad are nom ready for distribution among those entitled to moire them. JACOB BUSHEY, ProstAlly., Prothonotares Wise, Gettys- ) burg, July 4, Me. St f Ts: Natio& ALL preemie Gettirsberg arrom ber t State lied Oeuety Uses for 107, are eoillted that they will ears costa by amble; papsest on or bribe* the let et' A eat, ea after that dale mar will b• 1 aka be found at toy bases every erotism alter the arrival of the ears. - _ B. G. Vliasiorfor 1867.. My 11, 1819. td JOB . &lot sniquuisi tits amp inere - g( - A. SOOT? kIOP. 813ariffis Sale. ALSO, Private Sale. GEORGE W. CRONTS More New Goode, Pamphlet Laws. Jurors ilm August Court. OILAND JULY. Strabaa—Flaming Jacob Bucher, Wm. !Slanting* Jeremiah Shriner. Presidia—Wm. Toot, Samuel Swope. Camberland—Bear) Eyler, Jno. F. Current. Keuutpleasent--Geo. Reisman, David Kiehl. Huntington—Philip Byers, Jno. D. Becker, Frederick Bowers. Conowagn—Ambrose Eline, Jacob M. Worts. Ronntjoy—Watson Barr. Henalien—Jesse A. Hutton. Fnion—Peter Long, Edward Robert. Gettyshurg--Jarnes A. Thompson. Freedom—W. floss White, John li. Moritt. ilamiltonban—Jesse P. Tapper, Moses Sea brook'. GESZBAL JURY. Mountjny—Michael Trostle. Berwick tp.—Abraham Myers. Huntington--Joseph Bream, Daniel Menges. Gettysburg—Joseph H. Little, Jeese Culp, Rob ert Cobean, Robert D. Armor { II enry J. Stable. Latimore—Nathaniel Smith, Amos Myers. Union—Michael Kitzmiller. Concusagso.—Jacob Berwick bor.—Michael Hoffman, Sam'l. Metzger. Menalien--Charles Wright, Solomon Hartman, Jonas Routzong. Germany—George Gonder, y eary Spalding, George Stonesifer. Strsban—Cornelius Lott, Henry Herbst. Franklin—James Hassell, Peter Kctteman, Frederick Diehl, Joseph Hebert. Mountpleasant--Alexander Shorb, Sam'l.Shoris. Butler—George Rex, John Hanes, John Bream, Jacob Appleman. Hamilton—Josetsh Woods, Daniel Baker. Liberty—John Mnsseltuan, Joseph Creager: liamiltonban—Robert Watson, Isaac Robinson. Oxford—Elias Slagle, Joseph J. Smith. Tyrone—Henry .1. XI; era, Conral Bream, Abra- • ham (uipe. Reading—llenry A. Picking, Samuel Orudorft. Cumberland—lnac Shrivcr. Berwick tp.—Juhn Elder. New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.----SNY DER k BENNER have,just received at their New Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es tabiishmeot, the largest and most complete assortment of Grocerieg brought to Get tysburz for a long time, consisting of Coffee, (four kind 4,) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molasses, Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short every thing usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. akebtlielliglicqt market price paid forenan try produce or taken in exelpinge for Goode. -Give ue a call. Buy your Grooeries where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. gairlioreee celebrated writing Ink for sale. (Nov. 1, 1858. Proclamatibn. WHEREAS the Hon. Rasa, J. FIBRIIR, President of the severdl Courts of Com mon Pleas in the Counties co osing the 19th District, and Justice of the C rts Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail De very, the trial of all capital and other offe den s in the said district, and DAVID Lacuna and Is cE. Wise- MAN, Esqs., Judges of the Cahn - to of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Helivery, for the trial of all capital and other; offenders in the County of Adams—have issued their precept, bearing data the 20th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred fifty-nine, and to me directed, fur holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and CSurt of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Nome*, tAe 151 A day of :throe oterf—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner ando'Contstables within the said County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions. Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that ardor then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adana, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sherif. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, June 20, 1859. tc Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR STORE.—The undersigned respect fully announce to the citisens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that 'Abu have opened a new Ll QCOR STORE on Railroad street, south side, and midway between the Passenger and Freight Depot, and hare made arrangements to keep constantly bn hand a fullqllupply of all kinds of Liquors, Foreign and Domestic, such as Bran dies, Wines, Holland and Domestic Gins, Old Rye and Rectified Whiakey, Champagne, Ginger Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Cordials, Kimmel , Attlee, and Wines of every grade. The above Liquors will be' furnished at the most reasonable rates and warranted good. By strict attention to business and an effort to please, we hope to merit the patronage of the public. t t irAll orders Vomptly attended to. Feb. 21, '59. CON'ER k KUHN. Notice'. TITE undersigned having !retired from the Mercantile business, the lame will hereaf ter be continued at the old stead, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry ll.illanner and Way bright Ziegler, under the name and style of Dauner k Ziegler,Jrs., w hum wewill recommend to, and fur whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old Customers, and of the public .in general. Having retired from the Mercantile business, it is necessary thut our old tipsiness should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. B. DANN Ell, May 25,1858. D 21 . 411) ZIEGLER. Hanover B. Railroad. IDASSENORR Trains on 04 Hanover Branch 1: Railroad now run as follows: First Train leaves Llano% el. at 8.12 A. M., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Train leaves lianoverat 2 P. M., with Passengers for Baltimore and intermediate points. Extra Train on every Tuesday and Saturday leaves Hanover at 4.35 P. M., with Passengers for York, Harrisburg, ke., returning with Pas sengers from Baltimore. D. E. TitONE, Ticket Agent. Hanover, May 30, IB3tl. Up with the Times I JACOBS & BRO. bare just received from the city a very large assortment of Cloths, Cassimcres, Vestings, Summer Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, etc.— Having bought unusually low. for the cash, they are enabled to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER—. an excellent hill cloth suit, made up, for $l3, for instance. Give them a tall, at their new establishment, in Chambershurg street, a few doors west of the Diamond, before purchas ing elsewhere. [June 13, 1859. Notice. WILLIAM D. GOBREMIT'S ESTATE.— Letters of administration on the estate of Wm. D. Gobrecht, Esq., late of Franklin town ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted the undersigned, both residing in Co dortuo township, York county, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those basing daiwa against the same to present them proper ly satheaticated for settlemeic to BE AMU LUSH, ORO. T. BARE, Admissigratort. or to User Attorneys, Y. k W. Noes's.; Get tysburg. June 20, 1859. 6t Apprentice Wanted. Al ui t r Appreatioe to the 1111ouldiag breach wanted by the liaderdped, at tie “ Get .* Good tutus will be allowed ewe toads% t reeenumwdel. Batty appllea. dos desired. zonlituun, BLOAT it CO. June 27, 1859. 3t . get "the worth of yoarokoaey and the aright change beak," 1114 F your inureitiois Dam cheap store of Al 8001 T• 80X, Nay 16. ()ppm* that Eagle Hata LA11(111 lot of fell-beeiul new =MN° jest received, sad wild be sold law fee at NOILBSCK * MARTIN'S. 'use 2s, 11152. 1 Now Spring Goods. L. CHICK, dealer in - Silks, Domi•gtlc , Goode, Cloths, Cassimeres, Embroideries, intuit, Jewelry, Notions, etc., has returned from -the Earlier!' markets with one of the largest as sortments of DRY GOODS ever brought to this place, annsistlng of all the newest designs and fabrics of the present spring importations.— LADIES' DRUB, GOODS, plain and figured black Silks, very heavy and flue lustre, cheap; plain and colored figured Silks, a very fine as sortment, at all prices ; Bareges, Grenadines, Poll de Chene, Satin de Chene, Poplins, Lamina, Paris Organdies, Jaconet Lawns, French Chints, plain and colored Brilliants, 6inglinms, Spring Moulins, English Calicoes, and many other novelties. MOURNING GOODS in great varie ty, Shawls and Scarfs, beautiful stock; Rihhons and Parasols, new styles, very handsome; Em broideries and WHITE GOODS, very handsome; largest and cheapest stock we have ever received. MEN'S AND BOYS WEAR, complete stock, Gloves. hosiery, Mite and Gauntlets, of all kind.; Domestic Goods. at Factory prices. JEVt ELRY, new stock for Spring., sales, consisting of the most equisite styles ever offered iu this market. We would say to our customers and the pub lic generally, that we have opened one of the most elegant and largest assortments of gootli ever brought to this market, allot which have been elected with great care and upon the most advantageous terms. We are determined not to be undersold by any. Our motto—" Fair dealing and small profits." J. L. SCHICK, S. W. Corner of Centre Square April 4, 1859. The Cara are Here! A LL THINGS ARE READY !—The under signed has the pleasure of announcing to is old country friends—farmers and merchants —as well as the citizens of Gettysburg, and "the rest of mankind," that his new and com modious Warehouse is now open. and that he is receiving GRAIN k PRODUCE of all kinks, for which he is paying the highest market prices and while the public .can dispose of their pro duce to the best advantage, they can be supplied in return with Groceries, of every de,cription, consisting of Salt, Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, Teas, Rice, kc., kc., also, Guano, i'laAer, Oils, l'edat ware, and a thousand other things nut here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and cheap as the cheapest is our motto. If the people consult their own interests, and act wisely, they will not forget the undersigned. sloping the famihar faces of all my old customers will meet me again, and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor to please them. JOHN BORE Gettysburg, Nov. 22,1858. New Goods. c r EORGE ARNOLD L has just received and Is now opening the largest and most beauti fu assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS that has been offered to the public at any time Al so, a, lot of beautiful Fancy Bonnets, Bonnet Trimmings, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, ke., kc.— A large stock of Gentlemen's Dress Goods, READY-MADE CLOTHING, kc., all of which have been bought low for cash and will he sold cheap. All persons are invited to call—the ladies' attention is particularly invited to my stock of Dress Goods, which for beauty of style cannot be beat. [April 4, 1859. Here We Are Again ! UST from the city with the best and cheap est assortment of SYRUPS and MOLASSES t at we hale yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices ; SUGARS, a very large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS. Choco late, Rice, Cheese, Spices, (all kinds.) Crackers and Tea. Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured HAMS and SHOULDERS, Lard, Shad. Mackerel and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-a-are, Tubs, Buckets, &c.; Baskets, Flour Selves, Brooms. Brushes, !Sc.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Butter and Eggs coustantly on hand ; Fancy Goods, Confectionaries and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords us pleasure to show our large and inviting stork. NORBECK k MARTIN. Gettysburg. May 30, 1859. . . Lace Caps, anNANTILLAS, ke.—Another new arrival purchased at Auction at reduced prices, which will be sold nt rates that defy compe tition. Our stock of Caps and Mantill.,s is the largest ever kept in the county, and for styles, and cheapness, it only reqnires an examination to induce those wishing the article to purchase. A large and general assortment of all kinds of Ladies' Dress Goods always on hand, to which we are constantly making additions. F-AHSESTOCK ItItOTiIF,RS, June 13. Sign of the Red Front. Stoves ! Stoves ! SITEADS, IIFEHLER & KURTZ, in their new three-story buiidinl, corner of Carlisle street and the Railroad, have just received a large supply of new and beautiful Parlor. Saloon and Shop STOVES, of the lateal, and most im proved styles. Also, all the htteAt Rtyle3 of COOK STOVES, embrachur the "Noble Vook.", "Royal Cook," "Wm. Penn," " Sea Shell," "Morning Star," "Philadelphia Sunrise,'' Fre donia," (Baltimore A ir-Tight, improved) "Jewel," aed "Charm "—all for wood or coal. March 14, 1859. County Treasurer. WE are requested to announce JACOB BHEADS, of Gettysburg, as a candidate for County Treneurer. subject to the decision of the next Democratic County Convention. June 6, 1859. tc Wanted TMIOEDIATELY, Merchants, Hotel-keepers, and private families, to know that COVER k. KUHN are selling at their Wholesale and Re tail Liquor Store on Railroad Street, a superior article of Liquors of all kinds for less money than wai ever otf,:red to the people of Adams county. Call and examine our stock. Fine Liquors for Medicinal purposes. May 2, 1859. - - Baltimore Money Saved BY BUYING GROCERIES from 1100 K 4- BALDWIN, S.W. corner of Lexington and Green streets, BALTIMORE, MD. You NM 25 cis. per pound Ton tare 50 eta. per barrel • in buying Flour. Yon rare 50 eta. per barrel in buying Flab. You save from 3 to 3 dollars per 100 pounds is buying Bacon. You save from 1 to 4 cta. per pound in buying Sugars. Yon save from 2 to 8 cis. per pound in !Owing Coffee. You save from 2 to 10 cts. per ration in baying Molasses. In short you can save money on most every article In the Grocery line by buying of HOOK k ITALDWV, S. W. corner of Lexington and Green stn., If say body doubts It let them give us OMB 71111•&, And if they are not satisfied we will be content that they shall buy somewhere elm. We warrant every article we sell. We pack all goods securely, and charge nothing for peeking. dud if the Goods are not as represented, They tan be returned at oar expense. Person.. finding it inconvenient to visit Baltimore, Can order of us through the Nail and may rely upon having their orders Promptly and satisfactorily attended to. aril° MAROS .01 DIL&TAGILIin • HOOK k BALDWIN, • Wholesale and Retail Grocers, S. R. corner of Lexington and Green its., has 1859. jjaa.24. Baltimore. Light, Light! lIIVROLSBALII AOINCY FOB JONES'S PATENT LAMPS, mope:kir to ill others is the MAW. Also dealers in COAL OIL and LAMPS of every deessapilen. Oonetnady on bond COAL. OIL of the very INK 1 1 101. ?1 , whack ins wilt eon at the lowest seesiun pries. AlLediess prompt 4 filled. CU, Ne„ 18. Uherty st., = Rom lialtisnore, lan. It Gin " ILL New ApitaktursilettWoont", rrtO ALL WANTINO FANNIN, a' mit 41444. tunity in a delightful and healthy climate, 25 miles southeast of Phils.delphla; on tbeCasn den and Atlantic Railroad, New Jersey.—An old estate, consisting of several thousands of acres of productive soil, has beta divided into Farms of carious sites to suit the purchaser.— A population of some fifteen hundred, from various parts of the middle States and New Eng land, have settled there the past year, Improved their places. and raised excellent crops. The price of the land is at the low slim of from $l5 t o $2O per acre; the soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat, Clover, Corn, Peache', Gr..pcs and Vegetables. IT 1$ CON SIDERED TIDE DEST FRUIT SOIL IN TIM UNION. The place is perfectly secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer.— Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now growing and can be seen. By esamining the place it self, a correct jmiq•mant can be formed of the product ivenc , s of the land. The terms eremitic e tsy to secure the rapid improvement of the land, which is only st,bl for actual imprortnient. The re.tilt has been, that within the past year, some three hundred houses have been erected. two mills , one wean , : four stores, sonic forty Ninyarda and peach orchards planted, and large number of other improvements, making it a de=irable and active place of business. THE. MARKET, As the reader may perceive from its location, is the BEST IN THE UNION, Produce bringing double the price than lit locations away from the city, and more than double the price than the Nest. It is known that the earliest and hest frults and vegetahles4 in this latitude come trom New Jersey, and are l l annually exported to the exten' of millions. ' In locating here, the settler has many advan tages. Ile is within a few hours' ride of the great cities of New England and Middle State., he is near his old iliends and a asociationa, he is in it settled t wintry wh, -very improvement of comfort and (ivilizatlou .a at hand. He can buy every artitle he w - tits at the cheapest price. and sell prcduce for the highest. (in the West this rut creed.) he has schools for his children, lii ine service, and will enjoy an open winter, and delightful climate, where fevers arc utterly unknown. The result of the chan,c upon those from the north, has generally been to mitt,' e - them to an excellent state of health. In the way of building and improving, limber can be obtained at the mills at the rate of $lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from the ,brick yard opened in the place, every article can bo procured in the place, good carpenters are - at hand. end there is no place in the Union where buildinrs and improvements can be made cheaper. The reader will at ones be struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before.— The reason is, it was never thrown in the mar ket i and unless these statements were correct, no spne a ould be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see Ilnd under cultivation, and such is the extcnt'of the Rettlement that they will no doubt, inti•i. 1 , , 4 - 'l3 :ran their own neighbor hood ; th, Cie improvements and can ju , :g ri r ;r: , r of the population. If th e y e‘ m , t ,: t ls) a N.r.w to settle, they should conic prey .roi (,),1 is i day or two and be reedy to purvh.l,e, as locations cannot be held ou re- There are two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers who improve, the Railroad Company !lives (1 free ticket for air mouths, and a half-price tidy! for three ream, TUN TOWN OF HAMMONTON.—In cermet tion with the agricultural settlement,s new and thriving town has naturally arisen, which pre sents-inducements for any kind of business,par. ticalarly stores and manufactories. The Shoe husiae,3 could be carried on in this place and market to good nth antage, also cottoabusiness, and manufactories of agricultural implements or fourtrieries for casting small articles. The improvement has been so rapid as to insure a constant amillermanent increase of business, Town lots of a good size, we do not sell small ones, as it would affect the improvement of the place, can be had at from $(00 and upwards. The Ilagunwitoil Farmer, a monthly literary and agricultural sheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 21 cents per annum. Title indisputahle--warrantee deeds given, clear of all inrumberance when money is paid. Ratite to the land: leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, fur Hammonton by Railroad, at 71 A. :M., or 41 P. M. Fare 00 cents. When there inquire Ibr Mr. Byrnes. Boarding con eniences on hand. Parties had better stop with Mr. Byrnes. a principal, until they have decided as to purchasing, as he will ~bow them over the land in his carriage, free of expense. Let ters end applications can be addressed Ityrnes. Hammonton P. 0. , Atlantie:Win tV, New Jer.ey, or S. 11. Coughlin, 202 &tali Filth street, Philadelphia. Maps and Informa ti,,n cheerfully furnished. July 4, What Everybody Wants.: clillE FAMILY DOCTOR: containing in plain langauge. free fr , du medical terror., the APSES, SYMPTOMS and CURE of disease in every firm, with important RULES FUR PRE SERVING TIIF, HEALTH, and Directions ba. the Sick Chamber, and the Proper Treatment of the Sick.—This book-is written Ina plain, en=y and familiar style, adapted expressly to family and individual uze. It advocate; no p.irticular theory of medie:ae, but draws alike from the Flowers of the Fl-1.1, the Plants of the Garden. or the Minerals of Earth, for such Remedies as have proved the most simple, safe, and effectual, believing that wherever disease has folugLa foothold, there the Giver of all Good hatrin some form, mercifully placed a Specific. Neither does it profess to supers •do the physician, but only to avoid the necessity and expense of call ing him in except in dangerous cases. It is in fact a physician itself, always at hand and ready to serve you, while its simple receiptmax soon sa%e you many times Its cost. It contains 3uB pages, in a clear and open type, is illustrated by appropriate engraviimv, and will be forwarded to . , or addres, postage paid and neatly bound, cal r_,.. Ida of tho price St UO. Everybody slic•od have it. Agents wanted every A her-. who will 11n4 it very popular, end with who: liberal arrange ments will be mule Address, JOHN E. PUTTER, Publisher, No. 917 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. July 4, 1859. Cm In buying Tea XTEW FIRM I NEW GOODS !—A. SCOTT k SUN take pleasure in announcing to the public that they have just opened a new and complete Dry Goods and Grocery Store on the corner of Chambersburg and Washlngtoa streets. in the Borough of Gettysburg, opposite the "Eagle Hotel," where they are now and will be prepared at all times to offer bargains to suit the purse and please the people. By conducting our business on the CASII SYSTEM, with the motto "Quick Sales and Small Profits," and by pnriming a strictly hon orable course, we hope to receive the encourage ment, not only of the citizens of Gettysburg cud Adams county, but the rest of mankind. We have t ust returned•frum the cities with a hand some assortment of SPRING . 1 / 4 SUMNER GOODS, emi,reciag all moiner of Ladies' Dress Goods, of the molt lv-Antlrui s tyles, Fancy Ar ticles, Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Cloths, Caashsteres, Vesting, Also, a large assortment of QUEENBWAIIII Our stock of GROCERIES is also largo and coraplete. We will not take time to particular ise, but invite all to call and see—no trouble to raltimore. Show goods. Noy IG, ISO. LIIBRATRD Glllf BYRUM GRA Pi DRILL, Cumberland, sad fQe isle la the counties Cumberland, Allsine,' lark- sad Pam W by Y. GA-RORER Jt MI Millinth 1 47 10 - f shave antaelsa. Ostlers Ihr these MAI ion! the be Made* at the Agricultural Warehouse of bralutetOlutads, Buehler * Surfs, Gettysburg, or Wi s ay be purchased of OUTTrsvelling.kents. addressed to us, id"Carliele, wilt receive primpt stteathat. Farmer* sre Invited le *r amble the Willoughby Drift, which teak the Ana ?meals= at the ~loss IMMO Telts — lsst le. &meal damn nay howloaduips — mt the shove Agricultural WarthouSe.- bIWPI,MI, or $l5 oa six mouths' time. . " : __4 . ir gerThe above Drills sus" Mit4Liw z Adeves am a st musty by ROBIIRT S. PAX -- ' , for Maio' &rock, II Ili maithielherei ' Get tysberg, Tablieltslid elliiik~i - y. , Nay 10, Me. An - - ---1 -- - - - 4t - .. ai J i - - .--- "1 - - --- 6 , 1 11 4 11 15 41 ; :4---- .- -, New Store ! A. SCUTT & 80N. WillmWdwos •err 'tore
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers