The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 20, 1859, Image 3
'no *mak d PaUstro. INlC . t hui ft=safrien ihanbers and 8 iktivialing Across the pia m. likontetisat, Juts 1gt.....Th0 sternum Bofors halt at MAUL with Liverpool bates to lit 4th Wt. 1141111,1,1111 AN titLtT? r. Tbstx, bray 81.—A fresh victory has been gained by are troops. At soon o'clock this ntorniiv e , ,, a force of 26,000 Austrians endeavored to retake Pales tro. The King (of Sardinia) commanding the Fourth division, in perwm, and General Ciald• ,at the hoed of the Third itegiment of anOwes,iienseed the attack for a .xnisidcrable time, mid then, having successfully assumed the admire . pursued the enemy, taking a thousand prisoners, and capturing eight Rasa, ire of which were obtained by the 6311Wfall. Five hundred Austrians were drowned in a canal during the fight. Another II t took place at Cenfrenta ,in the province ofSoprelline, in which the enemy were repulsed by the division under Gencril Furey. of the first corps of the French army, after tam hours co:millet. The Austrians have evacuated Taro, in the province of Rabbi°. TURIN, Juno l.—A second victorious con flict occurred at 6 o'clock last evening at Palette°. The enemy endeavored to re-enter, but wore repulsed by the division under Gen. Cia!dial, composed of the ZOIM/ CS uud Pied moutess cavalry. The King pressed forward where the fight was most furious, the Zona% es Vainly trying to restrain him. On Tuesday the Austrians attacked the Sardinian vanguard at Sesto-Calende and, after a fight of two hours, our troops pursued the enemy across the Ticino. The Sardinians are Lelieved to have been terribly cut up at the variojs Con 11 i et 4 Moult Palestro, but the number of their 104 s is not mentioned in the despatches re, eis ed. TCRIN, June 3.--General has surprised and defeated the Austrians at Varese, and that town is again free of the enemy. Qanerai Garibaldi et-entered Como on the night of the 2d. Kos=th't lbsiii‘ot.—Koßsuth, in a note to the London Tibial correcting mhgrepresenta don R, SSTS "The purport of my argument is this: England abstains from taking 3 part in this! war, the war will remain restricted to the Austrian dominions and to the Italian pen insula; if, on the contlnly, }:nplatai terra. the war will become a general Europealk one, because Germany will not plunge into'', the war if told that she will not be supported , by England; and in this rase !111 % , 113, tin), will remain neutral ; but if England t.hould either directly support Austria nr Germany in supporting her, then Itussi.L. t(NI, will step in, but on theoproite will support Fronne So that if the present war It-Ames' general European Ilroporti.wQ, it will be eir tirely the work of Lagland's intent:ll6cm." A Bay's Head CO)ji by a Locornaire.— Au extra train containing sereral of the lead ins,otrn. ials :ma it Goa ht•lderrl of the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad, wis approaching Graf ton, cowing towards the city, at a rapid rate. ..(14 'before the engine reached the Black River bridge, a Finall boy ran up the lank of the river and stood upon the !limit - nein. Ile was a foot or so frpm the nil, and evidently laneied himself stittire from all danger. The engineer, Mr. Hurt, saw him, and shouted to him to get out of the way. Thu I.fy heard Inns, but did not stir from his perilons posi tion. He was laughing and indulging in all sorts of grimaces, when the engine t-truek him, taking his heal entirely off ! The engineer did not see the Loy until lie Was almost upon him, and of course it Was impossible to step the locomotive in time to bare hits.—Cleoeland Died from the Bite o ) a 'oil.— Eli...bla TA 1 1 . eld, one of the wealthiest and best farmers Alechanieville, Sarat,gn coon fy, :L.,;tli about 0 years, was bitten by a ear, hi th e fl h, on the Ist ini.t. On the Sunday following the thumb commenced swelling, am' qui i c kfy extended to the arm. Mortification set in, nod on Tuebday resulted iu de-JAIL—Troy W4ii. The Soto of Marie L in lk- ..4n , trian Serriete.—Among the cumman , lers in the Aus trian army, Count Neuper;.;, the ,ant of Marie Louise, and half hr, ther to the Due tle Reich statit.the eon of Napoleon I, sleuths foremost. A rencontre Leta hTm and the Emperor of the French would be mingular enough,. Ilarrtsl.—The farmers of 'ower Virginia me now engaged in elating their wlu at. In wane localities it has lam injured ky fly, rust, joint worm.wearikete., Lut generally the crop in regkrtied as a good one. ar- A gaol rule, touch followed in Eu rope, is never to go out of the house without first taking at least a cup of coffee. It is very injurious to health to exercise before break fast without at least this precaution. Take soiatiiiisg, at all eeents, before going out." So says as exchange; but in this country we have always noticed that those fellows who get up early to take a walk, always " take something" after they get out—say at the -first corner grocery. 110... The Indianapolis Journal says that !qr. Frederick Busch, of that city. a well known and prosperous produce dealer who went to Europe some six or eight weeks sine() on a. visit to his old home and friends, imme diately an his arrival in Pru-sia was claimed as a conscript, forced into the army, and is now held there to servo oat Lis three years as a Prussian soldier. terThe recent verdict of :3100.000 given by a jury in St. Louis for Miss Carstung, against Mr. Shaw, elicits considerable com ment fro, the press. It is currently report ed that the'tefendant is not divosed to pass over thumatter. quietly, but will endeavor to obtain a reversal or racdification of the judgment, and that, for this purpose, he Las sent an agent eastward to collect testi mony in relation to the character of his late affianced. /f/iirA telegraphic dispatch from New Or leans, on Saturday week, says: "The news per steamship North Briton, which WAS sent to the agent of the Associated Press in New Orleans, by the N4tional Telegraph linc,(from New York,) at ten minutes before ten o'clock this morning, got to New Orleans at nine o'clock. As the difference of time between New York and New Orleans is fifty-five min utes, the dispatch was but five minutes in go o mg seventeen hundred miles." '• They may rail, at this life—from the hour I began it I've found it a life fall of kindness and bliss; And, until they can show me some happler planet, More social and Wight, I'll euntent me with this," s. n „y ola ta' ue to get my Job Printing done " he Compiler" office, Baltimore street, Gettysburg. Jzixs. em. The very last curiosity spoken of in the papers, is a wheel off a dog's tail when it was a wasifire. The man who sent it in has retired front public lifo, to liyo on Ain 110 owes. a ir, sonny, dear,•" said a food mother, o' you have a dirty face." "Can't help it, me, dad's a Mae - Rapablicaa." leLlPsa: hoterer sesSisho*.sad keep your Winds opsa ;this Is Mips for pas sing iimagt Ms dog days cosillutialy. A free Carried Scant Naree.--111re lean from the Council Bluffs Bugle of the 7th inst., t h a t, Mr. C. Durham and company, of Marion county, lowa, recently net with a terrible disaster on the Plains about twenty miles above Fort Kearny. Just as the company had encamped for the night a terrible tornado blew up, accompani ed by torrents of hail stones. Three wagons were literally maslied to atoms. Mr. Dur ham's trunk WWI carried off and never found, one ox was carried over the creek, the ox yokes were carried two and a half miles from camp, and the entire company were carried from fifty to one hundred and fifty,yards— their outfit was destroyed, and a tree ten inches in diameter was uprooted and carried seven miles. Fortunately no lives were lost. Two of the eutupany purchased a wagon and went on across the Plains to the mines, while Mr. Charles Durham patched np a wa gon out of the three broken ones, and passed through Council Bluffs on Tuesday last en routo for home, perfectly satisfied with his adventures on the Plains. pa" Mrs. Ratite, of Morgan County, Illi nois, on the day of " the v,hirlwitid," write a letter to her husband, who was in ('hicago. Before placing it in the envelope the wirl wind's fury attracted her attention, and she opened the window to leok and listen. In a second the paper was torn from her hands anti carried off ; she was killed and her house demolished. Next day the letter was found on the farm of Henry Morgan. in ',tidal:Lid Precinct, just five and Ihirl) utiles away frt the place whore it was first plucked up by the wild breeze. The Davenport (lows) Democrat says that an °facial letter from Kossuth to a Hungarian exile at that place lois been received, reques ting him to take immediate steps towards em barking fur Hungary. From the tenor of the letter it would appear that Kossuth was engaged in raising an army. 10.—The Boston 2'ranseripf estimates that the whulo quantity of gold which has beta extutvated from the bowels of the earth, since the earliest day, at nine thousand millions of dollars. Iligt..A premium sale of pews in a new M. E. Church, in l'efersburg Va., on Tuesday, brought the hamlimume , sum of $6,500. VS-Three cities, Chimp), Roston, cell New York, hate been the !cellos of forty-four mur ders since the ist of Janunrytuit. many woolen, going to church is little Letter than looking Tutu a butiuct shop. la'The man who "took a walk" the other day, brought it bad: stguin. Special Netice~_ 11"fitmoor, the many restoratirea which aster. has toPPileal to relieve the alllictionl of humanity there to Lao new° favorite one for a certain ease of diseases than the '• medicinal gum " of the tt•tld Cherry ?roe; bet how ever valuable It is, its /mover to heal. 114 soothe, to re lieve, aid to care, is eoltalleed ten fold by scieutille and ,indieloaa combizettiee with ether themselves °tarsal worth. This happy mingilieg sates It that Cosubiaation sad a form isslool " of modiciodi Laowo as DU. WItITAWS DAL A3l OF WILD CHERRY, grlosse rale@ in curing Coughs, Colds, Deno chills. N nnopilw Cowes, Croup, Asthma. Pulmonary Af fections, and isse:lmmt Coirompsion Is Inestimalils. OVAIa; 111:=TIIIONT. Iluernrii, April 19, 1S:! Uoka St. me Seth B. Pmto—Deer Sir: —l'.er taralwable naafi. c.a., 1 r-ws truly arr. has Maralll matched sewl front the r a‘ e. label JO if I lie atteeltel br a ma 44.0 cod, which reawned In a very aerereCetesh, with sonnet Palos I . Um eide Anl I becalm, +atoned* related, that my (resod* (rankly tollit in* that I maid die. At tit s .1411i1, beard of IA igat's Bakal* 1.4 Wibilt:berry, and Immediately sent fora boi tie. The repel enelueed was heleed wander. al. Mr phystei•ri. eae or the tang reamatabbe la who bat areal...may tell me that a cure was came stet t lefortne4 hunt oust I hail taken. H. etaisciued the liatkilll, wlviaed into to cont.iont 1.114111,e of It, gee* which Um L bore eiintloaed to lini.r..e• daily; aiad tie manse ph:raki,* who had r,‘ MO up, told we, • few days Zilbee, llama 1 tnight het Inc.. ...nay years. MARS 1101 X R. We ems eller, fill iv testily to the troth of tbft above state meat., /Ire. toe t hal I LIS been so iou.ste of our family. h (1.1.1 41 tic \ sirrr, )/ tRTitA IIIs.NNKTIf Iletrare of rile an 1 .rn-thle. eounte.efeita ! Thema, (teuuhee. rune, and thrherual 1.1“ the MAUe fiLITTZ4 w. Mon watt • 1... a, and the printed name of the propretor; S. W. It UWLX k Co," on the outer Prepared by Seth Y Petrie & Co • Denton. and for sate by A. U. Ltrehler. Urttt aletr.:: Jacob Yulwether. Ateuusee burr; M. pouter. New ()stunt, D. K Ilnlhngwq Al..butts tor n ; V. tlism Woir, Voter Mkt.'s, !lamp toe; Won. It Urtellr, York Sprimr.: James A Elder. Etet hotatorg; And by all dealers iu teedirinci (June L. fir THE GREAT R)IIIRDT I—SIR JAMES Cf,tl:li}rrt U.t.hrttren FFIIII a PI LLII. prepared from a liresvription by fir J Cl trite. d 11 nary tu the Quern Thr. •ell known inedtelne I. no i (XI • pieition, but a nure remedy for Veioale IHdealtfra and Obstruction.. front auk sans whatever, sad ‘lthno‘h a powerful rentedr, they cunt-tun nothing hurtful to the con.litutton. To M It to I. I, DI Y.S 11 is taseuliariyAruiled It mortll, in a .hurt tinte, bong uu ttaz tounthly per with regularity These Pitt. have never peen known to boll where the 1•13 ?Al l . re of plot plilet are evil olnerthol. Icor further partien tar. get n tvtrophlet free of the agent. N ft —k.l and ti pir.tsze litmus ea-1it...el to any author isvd *gent, • .11 insure a WW2, Cv111111,11.: over .50 pills by rettarti of nutt, T W & Fon, Wholoalle Agentg, Pbfladelp6lt A. D. Luel,:er, A c ;eu:. (h. tt j [June 1.3,*:.0.0. Jy AN ANCIENT lION , Tyrt —The people of:loath Jersey hare rereutiv eviluiiovil (iota a marl bet the alebibid of an annul. which iouvt Lire liiern of the kva,tarivo aneeiev, of (nun. It. lure! lezt 1 , 4 `veien aevirn fret lout , the entire tenth the 1111:114. tail tort oiled. at least treble five fret The Lev( nal viaall end ita neck thin ; itt teeth about ten :ret long, url r, arran.viet an to form the '• nu) your chilling of Saauvis, tipvoeile the (Vett; ahu r,;." • monx VENTIO e know limo level of modern t. t hat eR Or 4, .I,ttoe.lllancenpy bt,&er niche in the temple .•f fame. than the dl,lllery or levee- Von of the Vegetable Epileptic Pill+ far co nog. Epilepsy, or , Hog. Fa.; spasms. Cramps, ant all the vorions haohg catioh+ of Nem one Di=eme, Dr. Seth 3, !lance, of 11P1 Lattimore .treet, 11.1 , the inventor, la eertz.n ly entitled to the Ixat wodic+ot all the berterolent portion of mankind. who experience a plemsure by the allmiatioa of human ..ntfoi lug. 11 heti Maitre nest prepared then Prllti he intended them solely for Fits. Cramp+ mod Spanaii; hat soh.equertt experience rutisfleturily proved U. litre, that In a ll taunt to their retnarkable m 0.1,1 e pro.. parties in than clam of thaeatowt, they exerted a perfect emntaml over the nervous ms stew. lie sax theft in duced to try them in cages of fX . eunlgis, Tic.boloreux, !Nervous Ilearlache, l'AlpitAtelo of the Ineipieut Paralyma, hysteria. litu-nLar Debility. and a bout of moor diermaa, oprio-trag (mita a Lack of nervous energy, in of whacks hi* &allegation+ were crowned with the incest san guine .sceess. Penner, at a duetatece. by writinf am! send ing a remittance to Dr. Ilene.. can have the medicine for warded by mast to their pool online add not be paying the F. - .rtage The prices an for a ...ale Lox, IRS. tee boxee. *3. or per dx&en, haw* given hie address ahoy.. June 6. .Izu IMPORTANT. YOU IBM DFRILITAT ED. Vol; ARKCaVoI73. lOU AUK Woititlyo ABOUT' irlarLits. oU uAN SOT MURK WLTit EN LW; y. YOU DO NOT YMEL LIKK WINO ANYTIOING. YOU RAVI. NO APPETITK YOU CANNOT ALCM' AT Hl/. YOU /KKL WEAK. YOU /NEL DIZZY. Ureilootterrirsaerusaa Bitters; the, will ears yoga with out fail. • Those Bitters are prepared by Dr. C. M. Jerkins, 41S Arab Street, Philadelphig., Pa,and are sold at TS rents Tor bottle, by dragnets and s torekeepers la *very town sal Tillage le tire L7iiited Stables. Cathodes sod South America. Dv thst the signature of C. M. Jackson is es the wrapper of cacti bottle. foe halo by A. D. ikteblitt, Agent, Gattylbarg—and dation generally throurimost the toasty. (hum 0. ZIVILItt. & antra, Comm of lsoosa •ro tiaras friles-re, Part trortrai I, JiLasafociarwro of Waite Lead. 'Sloe, Putty. Varubdies, Wholesale Moslem la Draw., Workday WI" &c City Lod Coaary Menolomoto wbo Evan to perebase from a I.o4eCt stock and at acceptable prlem ars reepactfelly re oleaelled to haven oar meets. Oar Mate Lead, Zinc, Putt), and Tanoisbes, an sped by more thaa Moe theesaud W bolrak Jabblais !lassos. througheat the Gatos, and s ir. astresset settsfactioa. Lf:Tblot ea mosoptaint bag over readmit as. _Mr Boad roar osiers alreat. lab. 7, 007 ir 002tANM TON MI na IL DIM MI —4l Pula wa it Tr a m . An u s viol *atm ye bal4l—ali 4lplanallate, an Ina seamy all *a araaran et tag tbaa traa, an Oa album d tba anal, all Oa salon, an *a all aallara of Ma* all *a amart alepo s t marwasa d Paris art or Mt% ata -L e MAW. llabbana basaublir Inn OP or Pow er. 0,1,1 7 ar wlle MU* lad fa diem agya, *Wm Wlekr Ban la Or lillabi4lBll4oansary.'• Si *la saaaavi *a Wei blaalla aaaoymeatabat by mous saramla pro. =M * lbe al Prows Maw Clatlakai Hall at nailabln lb vane. am. sea Not see Phistasi Arian, &ma *tins row. sirelevelaad. Ohio, papers state that aP. pies M large M maiming were frozen to tha core in that vicinity, on Saturday, the 4th instant. Some of the farmer. of Frederiek cow*. Md., whore wheat was destroyed by hail lately, are sowing buckwheat in ite steal. piiirlf there is anything that will make s woman swear, it is looking for her bight, cap after the light in blown out. On the I2th inst., by the Rev. P. Sehenrer, Mr. INOLINO, ot Carroll county, )Id., to Mrs. ELIZABETH SELLER, of ASALI34 CO. On the 16th inst., by the Rev. J. R. Keiser, Mr. ADAM M. HENDRICKS, of Shippensburg, to MARY J ANE of Adams co. im Sunda) wet 1... at the Conowa.go tliapti, by the Ile% . Mr. Catarina, Mr. ALFI:EI)IIeKINNEV to Miss SA IZA II N. M daughter of George My ern, dee'd.. both of Hanoi cr. Uu the 13th iust., by the Rec. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. cilAnus 11. 11. t I'REI to Miss LAVINIA M. 14.:GROVT, both of Gettysburg. On the 1 ith inst., by the same. Mr. G. M. PATTER.SuN to Miss ANN M. L. 1% ULFuILD, both of Freedom tun while. Tuesd.o. the 7th at the residence of the bride's f Mier, near Centre Square. Pa., by the Rey. Thos. Street, of Philadelphia, her. JNU. Pa-tor or the Lutheran !lurch. at Centre Squire, Montgomery county, Pa., to Miss AMBIK, daughter of Aaron. P. kdsq., formerly of Philadelphia. On Sunday night, I tti inst., in this idnre, ANNIE EI.I7:ARETII, daughter of Juhu and Margaret White, detcused, aged 15 Ceara 1 month and 2 days. On the :tlgt of May, in Plearfield county, Pa., Mr. TH A OHM'S FRANKLIN ItEX, son of ►'apt. Wm. Rex, formerly of Adams county. On the /tith of April, near Lancaster eity, Pa, Mr. MATTHIAS McCAMSEY, ron-in-law of ►'apt. Wm. Rex, formerly of :►dams eonnty. Oa Monday week, at the residence of Wm. Mctilierry, Esq., in Litneptown, Mrs. GRACE SMITH, in the /nth year of her age. Oa the 14th inst., JOSEPH CLINTON, son of Mr. Abraham Tnwney, of Oett)sburg, aged 13 ears 4 months end 25 days. On the ►sth inst., JACOB WESLEY, too of Mr. Wm.' Eichinger, of Butler township, aged 3 months and 24 dnrs. Near Franklin Ilrure, Lee county, Illinois, on the 2:14 of .Ipril, Mr. 11)1HAS IS. 1101:F. only son of .Andrew and Elizabeth Hoff, late of Adams county, Pa., in the 28th year of his age. Vow TM Compiler. Lines ea tie Death of Mos Amite Z. White. SY LILT LIVIICIIITUN. Dear Annie has gone to her home on high, To that beautiful country above the bright sky, Where free from all sorrow, encore from all pain. Furerer nith JCSII.4 and God she shall reign. We mourn that she left us in girlhood's fair That our LOVED and our GUTTED one sleeps in the tomb; Hut we know she has gone to that region of rest, To th.t home of the ran.souted, that land of the We gaze.l on her fare, and We wept that so soon sh e Laded nu:ty, that her son set at noon, That the bright hopes she cherished arc all blaqted now, And that (lentil hos impressed his cold seal on her brow. Dear Annie, we miss thee, when morn's rosy light Tints the eastern skies with her radiance bright ; We miss thee when night throws her mantle around, And we sigh when we think thou art under the ground. And oft when at sunset we visit thy tomb, We rejoice that 'tis rubbed of its terror and gloom one who bath triumphed o'er death and the grab, t...? Our Cod, and OUT Savior, ALIIIUUTY to Save. Fame ell then, dear Annie, till Cudfrom the skies Shalt bid thee in glory, triumphant to rise Tu that heavenly home, where thy spirit shall dwell While eternity lasts—fare thee well, fare thee well. Gettysburg. June 11,1R59. Superfine Flour ............ —.......—. C 07 Rye Flour. .......»........ 3 25 W heat ... t 40 tol 60 Corn, 75 Rye 85 huts ..........» 40 Buckvilitat - 60 Buckwheat heal ..........» 2 00 Clover Seed 4 60 Timothy Seed-- 1 75 Flax. Seed 1 20 ...... 70 Plaster or Paris Y 00 taster ground, per 93 LlALTl.llolM—lntoar Lane. Flour- ........„..«....«...... 7 00 to 7 12 Wheat 1 55 to 1 05 Rye Corn 843 to 85 Oata 40 to 47 Clover Seed 5 25 to 5 76 T' by Seed 200 to 2. 25 Ike( ('attic, per hand 7 00 tol2 09 Hop, per hued 8 50 to 9 (.0 Hay 12 00 told 00 Whiqlicy 26 to 27 Guano ' Peruvian, per ton 62 00 HANOVER-THURSDAY LAST. Flour, from wagons 6 75 Do. from stores... Wheat Bye Corn ....... Oats ('lover Seed Timothy Seed Plaster YORK—FRIDAY LAST Flnnr, from wagons......— : Do. from stores _Wheat , Rye Corn ' Oats ',Clover Heed Timothy Seed I'l2-stet ALA RRG lot of full-brand new HERRING just received. and 1% ill be sold low for C.lslll. NORBECK * MARTIN'S. June 20, 1850. MITE Levi. quality of ICE can now be had of I the undersi4v3ed, which he will deliver every morning. Orders can be leg at the resi dence of his father, in York street. DAVID TROXEL, JR. Jnne 20, 1859. 3t TlG:Commissioned Officers within the bounds of the 20 Brigade, 4th Division, of the Penn.ylvania Militia, are hereby notified that the Election for Major General of the 4th Di ision will be held in Gettysburg, at the Eagle Hotel, on Monday, the 4th day of Ady, between the hours of 5 A. M. and 4 P. M., of said day. WM. F. WALTER., Brig. Gen . l. June 20; 1839. td A N Election for a President and Seven Man agen of Ever Green Cemetery Association, to serve for the ensuing year will be held at MoConttughy's Hall, on Multi", ths 20(11 day of Joe lost., between the boars of 13 o'clock, M., and 4 o'clock, F. IL, of said day. D. McCONAUGHT, H. J. STAIILK, June 13, 1859. to l: subscriber re eettelly Invites the et teatioo of the to ku fell and coa assort:lmM of LAMM * MONS sad GAL UHL+, of almost every style sod color. Celt sod ewe's)* foryourself—ao trouble tOelevor goods IL IicIIAIONYII. Marrleci_ Diecl_ " Lovely babe, how brief thy stay, short and hairy was thy. day, Ending soon thy sojoun2 here, Pain or grierno more to bear." Ma,rimet.s. C XTT YSlill liG--SAT ave. r 7 00 „ 1 40 to 1 60 ..... ....„. 85 77 „ 60 5 00 2 00 ..- 8 50 Ice ! Ice! Ice ! Military Election. Ever Green Cemetery. • • .II 4• IL WfTERIAS the Bon. Rosen? I. rtilkinn, President of the several l.k•cirte of Com mon Pleas hi the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Tertuiner, and Genera/ Jail Delivery, for the trial of ail capital and other offs nders In the said district. and DA TID Zt RRRRR and Isaac K. Wien -1.11, Erg s., Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail ()cheery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in r the County of Adanta—hate issued their precept, 1v...tri0,. date the _oth day of April, in the )ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred LH) -nine, and to we duet led, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Poser, and General Jail Delis er, - and Court of ( h er and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on I 0ra.,.11, Sty of .111 . 11(1, IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the Justices of th e PeAce, the Coroner and Con tables within the ssid County of Adams, that they he then and there in their prop .r persons, with their 1(011 ,, , Itecords, Ingutidtions, Examinations. and other Rernenibrances, to do those thimr,s a hich to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall he in the Jail of the said County of AdAttlq, are to lie then and there to prosecute against them as shall be in i t. ISA.IC LIGHTNER., NAeriy. Sheriff's ()Mee. Gettpburg, t June .20, tc WILLIAM D. GOBRECHTS ESTATE.— Leiters of adminktration on the est.ite of K rn. D. lolirech late or Franklin town ship, Adams county, deceased, haling been granted the under4ignedieboth re4iding in Co dorus township, York county, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said elate to make immediate payment, and tlifrAe baring cLaim4 against the Came to pri , ent them proper ly authenticated fur settlement, to BENJAMIN LEESF; GEO. T. BARE, A dathosslnsloft. or to their Attorneys, IL k W. Neet•Ktx, Get tysburg. [June 30, 1859. Gt Up with the Times! - r&roiss k BRO. have just received pp city a very large ax:ortment Cassimere3, Vestings, Summer floe everything else in the men's wear also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Cot and cotton Handkerchiefs, Suspender Having bought unusually low, for the are enabletl to sell SANER IRAN an excellent full cloth snit, made up, for instance. Give them a call, at I establishment. in eltamhersbarg sure 4 doors west of the Diamond, before idg elsewhere. (June 1 $3O Dollar Sewing Mach_ 1 ikro Mt PILE SITTINC: UV AT N MILT. STI IT, N STITCH, STITCIIIXW—Six days' crrk done in one tiny, by Hubbard's Double Th end Family Sewing Machine, haring 'A tensio ell. rerior to any in nee. Sewing done by them ill not rip. Et ery family in the !anti ough to bare one at the 'seduced price of Thirty Ihrl rs, with a handsome Stand. The work the) do nilt pay for one in a single month. lastrue ion sent with em h Machine. Send in jour orders. Address E. Nifil Corner of Pratt and Howard, ltaltim where Machines and samples of Sewin; seen. ' [June 13, Is 7 Notice. )7 4 4mAxrF:T, AA - RULER'S ESTATE.—T,etters _ 4l of adminictratiob on the eqtate of Etnaancl 1 elder, late of Ilamil ton town4hip. A dams c,. u n ty, decea.o,l, hal iug heel' granted to the under signed, residing lu Reading townAhip, he 4 i t hereby give.' police to nil petNons indebte to said estate td make immediate payment. nd those having claims ngninst the same to pre*ent them properly authenticated for settlement HEN Rl' A. PICKIXO, Adm . . . May 18, 18:59. 6t. Notice. TIF:TP.II CROSTA'S ESTATE.—Letters tamentary on the estate of Peter rrt, late or Getty..hurg.,limi county, ileceoi having been granted to the ander4gtie.t, re ing in the situ° 'plare, he hereby Rites to all persons imlelited to said estate make immediate payment, and claims against the same to pre•: ly authenticated fur settlement.. DAN' May 30 2 1859. Gt Notice TTAX-P.tY}:ll:3.—Notice I that the County Commissioi au abatement of file per cent. spot County taxes assessed for the j shall be paid to Collectors on or Me let of Illy. Collectors wilt' call on tax-payers cm or before and make such abatement to all persons pang on or before said - day, and pay the same to the County Treasurer, otherwise olosthatentent ill be made. By order of the Commissioners. J. M. WALTER, Ckrk. flay, 1859. ltd Notice.' • s re arn ti e wil f i ro h m the TH M Eerucanndterlei l g. :nett e h s a s, t i t n h g e ter be continnerbat the old stand, in BAH re street, br their sons, Henry 11. H-inner and N y bright iiegler, under the name and styl of Danner k Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recomm nd to, and fur whom we would bespeak ali I share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Haring retired from the Mercantile bnsintss, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore notify nil thaFe 'in debted to us either by Judgment . , Note or liGok Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found nt the old stand. J. U. DANNER. May 25,1858. " DAVID ZIEGLER.. Now Lumber Yard. /PIM undersigned hate opened n Lnmber Yard, at their AVarehonse, corner of Strut too street and the Railroad. Gettysburg.. where they mow hare Litniher on hand and will eon stantly 'keep a large aguirtment, to whit li they ask the attention of I)ncrs. Their price. , are us low as the lowest, and no effort: apared to ac commodate. KLINEFELTEIL SEITZ k CO, r( IA L k LIME at the lowest prices. Narvh 21, 1859. 3m 6 25 7 25 1 GO to 1 65 90 80 54 4 50 2 00 6 50 FOR enle by BASTRESS A WINTER, New Oxford; GROCERIES, MILT. FEED, kr., kr., For sale Wholesale and Retail by BASTIIESS k WINTRR, New tword. fifir The highest Cash prices paid fur Graia )lap 30, 1853. 6m* County Treasurer. nre requeßteil to ennonnee JACOB of Gett)Murg, n. n candidate for County Treasurer. subject to the decision'of the next Democratic County Convention. June C, 1859. tc Dissolution of Partnership. T"'partnership heretofore existing' between the subscribers, under the name of GILLES- Tuomss, in the Flour and Gromry busi ness, is dissolved by mutual eon.wnt this day.— All persons indebted to said firm will ple:tse come and settle. The books will be lett at the old stand. WILLIAM GILLESPIE, HENRY TIIOSLIS. Gettysburg. June 6, 1859. 3t TIISTATILISIIXENT REMOVEI).—The under r) signed would Inform his customers sad the public generally, that he has removed his BOOT k SHOE STORE, to the Stone Building on Chambersburg street, opposite Buehler's Drug Store, and a few doors from the Diamond, where he will continue the business on an en larged scale, and hopes that his old customers, as well as many new ones, will be able to Bad him. None but experienced workmen employ ed to put up all kinds of work to order at the shortest notice. DAVID KE'NDLIDIART. May 30, 1859. CICRICK has)ud recei red another heavy stock of GOODS, which for quality and cbeapness cannot be surpassed hi the county. He Invites everybody to call and, see for themselves.— Small profits end quick sales," is his snottik. Gettysburg, May 30, 1059. Notice. Lumber & Coal, Boat and Shoe Still They Come! ForelVl MOugu:=lt. A rang JUJUS'S and Ate-1 NO. 28 , FRED JENKIN:4, doing I T., 185'./. 6 k utiness under the name and firm Foreign At, of Edward Jenkins & Bons, vs- tachsoent. Charles W. Hoffman. Moue eucitrtr, ~ The Commonwealth of Pennsyl vanis to the Sheriff of said count) 1 . , greeting : , • - We command yon that you attach . 4 : Charles W. Ifolrman, Lite of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in a hose hawk or posses.mion goner the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas to be holden at (let t, s burg., in and for said county, on the 15th 41.9 of Angust next, 1859, there to anchor Jenkins mud Alfred Jenkins, doing busitie.s un der the name and firm of Edward Jenkins & Sous, of a plea in debt not exceeding. $1.100; and a6o that you summon all persons in xv hose hand+ or pos:es:ion the said goods and chat tels, binds and tenement , , or any of 0, to, may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before our said Court at the tiny and place nforementionea, to answer ',bat shall be objected lignißA, them ur him, and abide the judgment of the Court thereon, and have you then and there this writ. Witness the lion. Hubert J. Fi-her, Pre,itlent Judge of said ('unit, at Gettysburg, this fir.( day of June. A. D. 185 u. . JACOB BUSHEY, ProA'y. llr virtue of the above Writ, I have attach ed the following de,rrihed Iteal E'tate of Charter the defendant therein, s No. 1. A Lot of Ground, pititated in the borough of Ceti% nliurg, on the north Chatuber;hurg street, and fronting thereon 29 feet, with n double ',trick Dwelling House, Smith Shop and other improvement,. No. 1. A Lot of (;runnel, fronting on Said Chalnberld/Urg gtre, , t, adjoining lot of .thrnhairn Scott, nit?' a two--tore Brick Disclling fluune and other itniworetnent4 thereon. No. :I. A Lot of Ground. adjoining No. 2on the east, frontinn , on a.ti,l Chnutberaborg street 29 feet, with a Stahl,. thereon. No. 4. A Lot of Ground, adjoining No. 3on the east and Nu. I on the %est, fronting on said street 25 feet, N% ith a large Coachntaker shop and other improvements thereon. No. 5. A Lot of Ground, lying west of the Foundry, on the corner of the Railroad and Franklin street, in slid borough, with a Stearn Grist and Saw Mill thereon. No. 4. A Lot of tiroputi, adjoining No. 5 on the west, contsholog 3 acres, more orJess. No. 7. Three liet4 of emend, each fronting 30 f.•et oa the north !Me of said elnumbersburg stre,t, adjoining lots at IL /create . Walter on the east. No. 8. A Lot of Cmund. on svld rhamberrq- Vitt street, adjoining a publJc alley on the Wirth, with IF Stone aserneut fur a House thereon erected. The said Lots, bons No. 3 to No. 8 inclusive, being unoccupied. ISA AC LIGHTSER, &miff. Sherifri Mice, Gettysburg, June 8,1859. et Wiliollgabrg F.I.ROR ATIWCU II SPRING GRAIN DRILL, manufactured and fm sale is the conntle* o Cumberlaud. Adanti, York and Perry, by P. GARLINEtt k CO., Carlisle. Pole :went.* fur the above comities. Orders for these Drills will be received at the Agricultoral Warehouse of liessrs. Shoada, Buehler 1 Kqrtz, Get tram rg, or they may be purchased of ourTravelling Agents. Orders addressed to Its. at Carlisle, will receive prompt attention. Farthera are invited to ex amine the IFilloughby Drill; which took the First Premium at the carious State Fairs lasi fall. Several of them may now be seen at the above Agricultural Warehouse. Price $7O cash, or $73 on air mouths' time. 113 y In, 1859 A ND MILLINERY CoODSI.—A large an/ foghionable lot of Itounet.t. closing out at reduced prices. A fre.4 arrival of Itioiches. Flowers. Ribbons and all kinilA of Millinery Trimmings which be sold cheap. roll at once at FAIISE.STOCKS' Cheap Store. NF"' Flag NP.ll* (10( f—A. SCOTT k SON take pleasure in announcing to the patine that they hire ju , t opened a new and complete Dry Good , . and Groc-ry Store on the corner of Chambersbarr nut Washington streets, in the Dorough of Gettysburg. opposite the " Eagle Hold," where they are now and will be prcp.ire,l at all times to offer bArgtetoil to suit the purse and please the people. Ry conducting our busine“ on the CAM SYSTEM, with the motto g , Quick Sales and Small Profits," and by parsuing a strictly hon orable course,we hope to receive the encourage ment, not only of the citizens of Gettysburg sod Adams county, but the rest of mankind. Ws have Just returned from the cities with a hand some assortment of SPRING k SIMMER GOODS, embracing all manner of Ladies' Dress Goods, of the most beautiful styles, Money Ar ticle*. Bonnets and 'Sonnet Trimmings, Cloths', Casslmeres, Vesting', ke. Also, a large assortment of QUERNSWARE. Our clock of GROCEIDES is also large and complete. We will not mice time to particular ize, but invite all to call and lice—no trouble to show goods. A. SCOTT k SON. May 16, 1839. Hero We Are Again ! UST from the city with the hest and cheap tit assortment ofSVItCPS and MOLASSES that we have yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices: SCO A itS, e very• large stock, low: et/Ft:F.:KS, TKAS. Choco late, Rice, Cheese, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Calte,t. Vinegar, Fickler, Sugar-cured II I. lfB and SID r I.OEitS, Lard. Shad. Mackerel and llerritqz.i. SAIL Cedar-a nre,Tubs, Itn 4; lgets, ke.; ltt.kvt.=, Flour Seivex. Broom:. Brushes, kc.: all kind; of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extrx and Superfine V 1,0 1 .1:, nil kiwis of Feed; Potatoes, Butter and Egg= constantly on hand ; Fancy Good 4. run feet ionaries and Fruit. (live us • call. It *trunk nu pleasure to show our large and jut king stork. N();:".F.OK Sr MARTIN Gettysburg. May 34), Statement OF THE BANK I)F' GETTYSBURG. ASSETS. Loans and discountss2l47,o3 77 Specie , 32.64.5 29 Otte by other Ronk• 34,889 71 Notesof other Rank• 3,376 11 Stocks • 966 00 Judgments.. Bonds Heal Estate. Total Circulation Deposits Due to other Banks... Total $205.390 15 The above statement is correct, tothe best of my knowlegde and belief. T. D. CARSON, Catkirr. Affirmed and subscribed before me. June 13, IPt . Giro. A nsoco. J. P. MANTILLAS. AO.—Another new arrival purchased at Auction at reduced prices, and which will be sold at rates that defy compe tition. Our stock of Caps and Mantillas is the largest ever kept in the conaty, and for styles, and cheapness, it only requires an examination to induce those wishing the article to purchase. A large and general assortment of all kiuds of Ladies' Dress floods always on hand, to which we are constantly making additions. FAILN &STOCK BROTHERS, June 13. Sign of the Bell Front. Lumber. ANY variety of LUMBER tan be had at the Coel sad Limber Yard et BREADS, BIJERL/LE * /KURTZ. March 14, 1859. Second Arrival. ASCOTT A SON hare just reeeired a new , and choice 'election of seasonable tillubil:, nth am Masi mod Lawn Robes, De cals, he. Also, • varlet otIKANTILLAS vary <Asap ; Soweto and BMWS Flare, kat he. Call soon at the aserstore at Jane 11, 109. A. goorr 4 4011- , 1 VST rtteeived a tat of &Oar sad flondsliat 0 the sew store of A. WOW S SON: Bonnets New Store ! .... 21,323 24 6,678 11 6,400 00 . ....... $394.114 23 -- 11.1ABILITIM .$165,650 00 .. 35.562 50 .. 4,183 6:5 Lace Cape, To the Farmers. ivi " ANN Y'S OUMBINED REA k MoW. atrit \WOOD'S I‘IPItOVE MENT.—The undersigned, Agent for the sale of ilanny's Combined Reaping and Mowing Ma chine with Wood's Improvement, for _Wants county, offers tbetn to the public. knowing theta to be the hest combined machine in use. It has been successfully introduced into different parts of our State, and I have thus far sold trisiy,raiire in' Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.-- The machine received a 64% er medal at the State Fair—also, the first Fremiurn at York, Cumber land, Centre, Ilantingdon, and other count) !Fairs, where it was ezhibited. Farmers need ing a Ile.tping Machine, will plca.,e call upon the undersigned, before purchasing, a.. 1 he a1n.,%3 n.,%3 takes great pleasure in sh acing tho blues and trarranis them to do good vt trtli.— Karly orders are solicited, us e the number re reke.l from the tuauttfiteturer will be in propor tion to the demand. B.IIII'EL HERBST, Agent, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, Gettybburg, Pn April 11, 187,9. 31u The Sickles' Trial TOR THE SHOo O OFTIN KEY, and the Ex ecution of Four Murderers in Bnltimore, hat created the greatest excitement, The pi pers are filled with details of these shocking The people talk about it on the streets and in their houses, and look upon these trage dies as being unparalleled in history. So it is with PICK ING'SCIAITIIING-11.ivin;dust open ed the largest and most complete, Ils well as the cheapest cud hest assortment of READY-NI ABE CIA /TIIINtI, of every 111.:+erIption :111,1 style. ever offered in this place, the people talk about it on the highways and in their houtte., urging each other to go at once to Picking's anti purch ise new suit of clothe.. But joking a tide,. we as sure the public in all candor that our 4toek cannot be surpassed—consisting in part of Black Cloth Coats, eassimere Frock and Ssek Coats, Tweed and Linen Coat 4, anti in Mitt every kind that the market can prodare, gists of every description. Pants to -nit 311 dat , att. and conditions, Shirt., Collar:, Stocking+, Gloves, Suspenders, iv., ke. Also, C.trpet lags, Um brellas, 'Trunks, Accorileons, Violins, in short everythinensually found in his line. Tit ulkfnl for past favors, he solicits a cuntinusinee 7 tof the same.. Call and examine our stuck—no trouble to show goods. Remember the pi tee, in Chan/- hamburg street, opposite the Lutheran church. April 18, 18:.1l. I". B. PICI:ISC,, - - - New Boot & Shoe FSTARE,IBIIMENT, in the N. W. A corner of the Diamond, Cetty,- urg, Pw.—The place to buy In or dia. to save Pawary.—The subscriber u uuld tinc,t, respectfully informs the eltisea, of I.:eat-61mm and surrounding country. that he bas opened .a large Hoot and Moe Establishment, in the northwest corner of Centre Square. (tett t ..1) a rg, lo the rooms recently occupied by H. Wills, Eqi... as a Law Office, where he lies now on band, and will continue to keep fur sale, an extensive ta. rigty of work, of his visa mnntattetttre. The work is wade up in the hest and Inn , t durable manner, inelnding all the newest styles, to.d embraces I.IO4STS At Slllll . lien's, Women's ammiCloadrosis l',.llTiillS. in rhort. every article USW* la he Wand in a tir-tt chits snantellthis kind. He has now and will continue to havemployed a number of workmen, "hard to beat," to wake up en...quitter work.' That he will gull CHEAP, i, ca=ily proven. (live hint at call. ealituine his it.rot.. Shoei and Caller:. and get his prices. With unexceptionable work and low rates, he hopes fur and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. sr Shoeusal,ers are informed that he al ways keeps on hand - L'l'l'EllS." for Shoes and Gaiters, ready fur bottenting. Nl 11101 he .1 1 41) , <C,.; of on pleasing terms. JUAN 1-1.11,L1V EU,. April-I,lBn. ty --- - -- - - - ---- - - A. Mathiot 8z Son's OVA AND Ill: WAItEiLinIMS.NO4. 25 nud 27 N. liay torect. Baltimore, (near Fayette st..) extendlo.,! from I 'my t., FrOle.i k at.—Litt largest establi Isabela or the kind in th s , Alwar on hand a Urge aq , sorttomst of 11(111fgli(►LD AN I)1 WE it Ff . !Tt bracing Itareang, lictl,Watl4. t -It - ttard rub.-R, .11attre.stei of 1111:k, and Spring Bode, Surat'. Ts to-e-T. t.• •. .1 tut 'ker., Rocking Chaim Ode , . $ - tee*, Beceptiou and I'pli.,l.o , .red SllirrEil COLORS WI (OTT HA:NI rt wood Choirs, Office Chair:, It stir ('hairs. Crihs anti Cradles, liat 11111 Furnit aro, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Gla.; , es, Side boards, Exten.ion ?Able:, of" try length. l'ensons diapoiscd to purchase are invited to call and gibe our stork un exmaination, w hick for variety and quality of workm p 1,4 n o t equalled by nay e.tahlkionent in the enuntry. k SON. Nos. 27, and 21 N. Gay street. Avg. 2, IASR. ly Dr. IR'T..ane's ArfELEZRATED VERMIVEGE LIVRIPZ 11, PILLS.—We beg lea re to rail the atten tins of the Trade, anti more espeeinlly the _ „,`Ji Phrielans of the country, to two of the most popular remedien now before the pablle. We :ite refer to DR. VITAS. NUI,A E'S ELRBIt ATE I "SI VERIIIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS. We do c " . mot recommend them as universal Cure-alk, bat similar for what their name purport. I iz: Thu VER.iIIFIXF,, for ects•llimr Worm; front = the human system. It has tercel with the most satisfActory re. ult , : to va riot's Animals subject to Worm 4. The LIVER= PILLS, for the cure of It VCR COMPLAINTe. It II ;: s t BILIOC6 DeKAWIRMENTS, SICK Ile it - C. SO In cases of Fara& AND .11,,,t . E. preparatory to hd or After taking Quinine. they almth.t invaria bly make a .speedy and permanent cure. ea Its specifics Cir the above mentioned dis." 2 eases, they are unrivaled. And never known to fail when admini.tered in accordance with 1 = the directions. r—• Their unpreeedented pormlaritv ha; in- p",.; duced the Proprietors,Fl.F.All !tor, Ell:4, mu PITTSBURG, PA., to ili: po4e of their Drug -es huFines., in which they h.rve heen sit r,e.ulti ity engaged for the la:t 20,, and they will 500 now givelheir undivided tint: , and attention to their mrtnufactnre„ttol iming determined that Dr. M*Lone's Celebrated Verminige and Li. er Pill• shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedic3 of the day, they will continue to spare neither Lime nor expeuqe In procuring the Lie4t. and Pareat material:, and compound them in the most thorough manner. .I(l,!rmnt all order: to FLEMING BROTIIERS, Pitt-burg, Pa. P. B.—Dealers and Physichtns ordering from others,. than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly. and take none Ihmi Dr. Jr . prparea by Remaly Brat., Pemben-g, Fa. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail post paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve three-Mt po.tage stamps. or one tial of Ver mifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. All or ders from Canada must be accompanied by twen ty cents extra. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg, and by dealers generally throughout the county. Nay 2. 1859. ly Wantad WEDIATELY, .Verehantg, Hotel-keepers, I and private families, to know that Cot Eit & KUHN are sellin% at their Wholesale and Re tail (Afoot- Store (111 Railroad Street, a anperior article of Liquors of all kiosk for less money than was ever offered to the people of Adams county. Call and examine our stock. Fine Liquors for Medicinal purposes. May 2,1859. Notice. TAqort WEIRICH's EST ATE.—Letters tests. stenuuy on the estate of Jacob Weirich. late of Germany township, Adams rounty. deceased, haring been grunted Lathe undersigned, residing in the same township, he.herehy girc3 notice to all persons indebted to said reale to cunke im mediate payment. and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. PETER WHIILICII, May 23,'39. 6I Exertslor. Hanover a Railroad. grisMONG= Trains on the Hanover Brikaeh Railroad now run as follows: Trala km, Hanover at 11:16 A. U., with Passengers for Baltimore, York, Harzio burg, Clointubla sad Philadelphia. Blaload Train kora. lisaorerat 3 P. N.. with Passengers for HaMaori and intermediate points. Rain Train on every Tuesday and ihttardrry 14100 ilawover at 4.ltfi P. IL, with Pureeing/era hr York liamittherg, Pm., Warning with Pao teasersfrom 3 1 61111 4. 1 1 5. ItON 11, Tielet Agent. honorer, hay - aO, 1359. B Altlm C3~'Al };" Charles Dutilap; — 'ITTHOLaBALE and OROOIIII-* TRA innv„ Corner of Ikeintrit lad bist*Stimilfurt4 sAmtaresa, MM. Has on hand a general Assortnernt ISlFOVeries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, ClSate,aE. Feb. 7, )87,9. if Sesquehanna House, OPPOSITE; Calvert Station, - Jt iLTIMORE, WO. FAre reduced to $1,25 per tioy. Jtrii,i A. fiLADIS, Proprietor Jauuary 17. Gin It. HAUDINV Harding & Carroll, CIOIT1118$10)1 11V.1LC14.1 NTS Fire Proof Warehostse omit R. R. Depot, No. 126 North ffoworvi &red, BALTIMORE ; MD. Feh. 14, '59. 1y JOlll C. ILIKILLLEIL Kneller & Frick, Louß k PRODUCE Cemendasien and Per unniing 3ferelmnta, Nivea street, iqpresite i. R. R. Depra, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly James H. Boaloy, COM MI6SION MERCHANT, Nom. 121 and 12G Sorth &reft BALTIMORE, MD. I am prrpared to receive and sell on Commis sion nil l.iudy of COUNTRY Plltli)Litvl+:, llsriug an eN.perience of ten years in the Commis-4ms inn iness, (and wishing to continue that alone,) 1 nutter my self that I Mall he able to give P 111 P. rwriox to all oho favor me with conrig kkkkkk Will also attend to tilling ordcr4 for cruceries (Nano, and all lands of Fertilizers. Frio, 11, '59. ty I= White & Swope, NVIIOLES ALP: [Maki% in RI RITS, CAPS, & STRAW MODS; also, is fahltionalile Molegkin. Fett and Fur 11, VT . Sa N. W. ('or. Baltimore Lind Ilownr4 street*, NW. more, NI(1. [Nor. 29,0:4. Howard Houso, consEtt Howard and Baltimore Street., BALTIMORE, lit Sew Proprietors. Fare reduced to $1.58 per day. Cell for the Howard Haase Coach at the Depots. J. N B . l B i t r u g h '. , i Propriaturi. January !4, '59. ly Peter Zell & Son, noVNIISSION MRRVIT.I NTS nod Demenrie u Clot' Meal, Guftnneis, O.\ TS, Tice et tot,, LSorc DOA!, . MILI. FEED, tiny. Strittr., 'Plm Lime, FLOL'It, Field Seedi,& Cromnirlastor N.R. 147 & NORTII iItIIVARI) STREKT, Jac 17, '59. 16,0 1 11.V.I.TIMOILIC, Light, Light! froL 1.: A O DIAI.ENC FOR JONOPS Wl' \ TF.NT LAM soperior to all other‘ in On. market. Also de:Ber.t in et) a L OIL tuot I„.‘mit z ; of every description. Constantly on hand COAL OIL of the Very best quality, which we 1%111 sell et the loot* market prier. All orders promptly Fillet!. k No. I S. Liberty it., (near Baltimore, Jan. 17. Gm Baltimore. Md. Burr Mil Stones NAT.% RANTED.-11. V STARR k CO., er,r ("ea, e rret: opi»4ite N. C. it. ft. Sultinv %LT' vORF. M. Mminfte lart.TA of FItENCII m•racs. Importer. and De nten; in Burr Illru k 4, Lea ther niol linen Beltings, C,LI• tined 11.1ster, an,l Mill trim, of Warrantell Qunl it 1.,. Colone, Coealico. 311. i EmiptleS Mill Ito le, of all , iz , “!. [Fib. 7, .59. ly 1832. Chartered 1851. Located r COIL OF BALTINORE do CHARLES ST3 4 , ilatsumung. The Lame Elegantlylorzsished k Poplins., r.,inutterria! Colle , ye in the ruited States, DESII :NED EXPRESSLY F 444 minl • Desiring to obtain a thorough Practical Business ._ Education. Every Young %lan has a Camel ;rig Desk to him self, vind is separately:Last:meted. STUDENTS IS ATTENDANcT. 1c114131 NgIIALY KM!, STATIC IN TUX Usios. The most Comprehensive anti Thorough Cows* of Study, and the only PRACTICAL ItIETIIOkI OF INSTRUCTION Are here Introduced. - No Copying from Printed or liannscript remain BOOK-KSISPIS“ AT TIM It LTI11010; COMMERCI.II COLI.RON.. This method of instruction is nos here else intro duced in this country. Every Young Man should write immediate/ for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental eirvulars, representing the exterior and interior iew of the College, Penmanship, Lc., - which will be sent by return mail, free of eherge, with Cata logue containing, list of students. terms of tuition, opinion 3 of the Press on our nest' system of Buoit lieeping, etc. EZICEII E. K. Losten, Principal—Leetnrer nn the Science of Actonnte, Itaxinees, Cot4)ms, Mc. J. ►i. PondArs, Professor of BookniCeeping and l'ommercial Cake!allow!. If. 11. I).tvote, Migociate Prof. of Book-Keeping' (!. Jomsos, Protexmor of l'eumnttahip. S. T. Witta_txx. Keq., Mercantile Lave. Iter. E. Y. !Utile, H. I)., Commercial Ethic& T2174'1119 : lion. John P. Kennedy, Hon. Joshua Vnusant, lion. Thomas Svraon, Wm. H. Keighler, Jacob TrUAL Fem., William Knabe, Ksq. The time usually required to complete the fa course, frogs 8 to I:1 weeks. A Dtrt.oNA 13 awarded to all Oredontes. Lame Circulars and Cots!ogees stating tereely ke., sent my mall fee of °lame. Address E. K. LAURI; Baltimore, Md.. Feb. 7, 1859. Jy = Dr. ,13askes T Aid. EATS AL DISSASEB.-1.11 will give special atteation le the hell/swim ases : Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Camp, lathiest*, Asthma, Bronchitis and nil diseases of the Nose, Month, Thrust and Lungs. ,Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin disesses---Imns bag°, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Bleats*. tiara, Neuralgia, Ptualysla, Epilepsy, Dyspepsie, Piles, and all diseases of the t•ttonutck, Liver and Dowels; else ail chronic pertaining to Women and Children. Dr. Basket can pts; - dace one thousand certificates of hie perhat success is curing Caucers, Old Sores or Uccle, Filttlift, Scald Heads, Wens Swellings lid ?st ators of every description sad without tits ass of the knife. These last named 'diseases mu not be treated by correspondence, therefore cis patients mast plats themselves under the ties. , tor's personal supervisies.' DK. BA MOM has trades new discovery ofit Fluid that will p rod ace perfect almaptiou alba C arid moor* perfoci tido* la the B ye without tits use of the knife sr sessile, sad Ms cures all dimapse of 110 • rill AND without the use offise asedie,'aad has constantly . on hand aft sweellent as beffatifill Artificial Eyes, nod tftnias waftslW IS Lin% . I ) r. cAkeui.s...., 41. A. PRICE .10111 A. SWUM