The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 30, 1859, Image 3
'Atha if stair from • eow . lough ag to Captain •Jeha Oapo, . of this eity, beats the same nitric apes is ears which bad been branded upon its inothet. We hare ourselves witnessed the phentonenon, and are ensured that • former calf from the same mother was born similarly marked.—. St. Au gustine (Fiorida) inantiner. ' Married.. On the I9th inst., at Petersburg. Y. S.. by the Re% S. W. Seibert, Mr. ELIJAII KRONE to Miss ANN PROWELL, both of Pinctown, York `county. On the inst.. by the Rev. J. C Smith, Mr. 'WILLIAM H. ROFFMAN to Miss SUSAN M. STEALY, both of Straban township. At the Parsonage of St. James' Church, or the 2flth inst.. by the Rer. J. ft. Keiser, Mr. FRANCIS BRKSLER, of York county, to Miss LYDIA SNYDER, of Germany township, Adams county. On Metcalrs Bridge. across the lowa River, 'llion the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. Phillips, Mr. JAS. IL KURTZ, (formerly of this place,) to Miss T. J. ALLEN, both of lowa city. on the lath inst... by the Rev. M. J. Alleman, Mr. HERMAN BERKB ART to Miss CHARLOTTE MA.TILDA RAMER, both of Hanover. On the 2t;th inst., by the same, Mr. SYLVES TER HARMER to Miss ELLEN WEIKERT, both of Adams county. On the 17th inst., by the Rev. L. Gerlinrd, Mr. ISRAEL KING to Miss ANNE BAKER, 1, of the vicinity of Abbottstown. On the 21ti inst., by the same. Mr. SAMTEL Cll'k to Miss SARAH TRUSTLE, both of the wily of East Berlin. Duel_ On S trtirday last, in this place, Mrs. EVE, war. of Mr. Henry Welty, aged 51 years :3 months und G days. Her rem/tins w ill be interred in er (lrven Cemetery ; this (Monday) morning, at 9 eictock. Or the 25th jest., nt the residence of Mr S.tmnel Fahnestock, in this place. Mrs. A. M GEIGER. nge'l 76 years G months and 24 days (In Friday evening week, after a protracted Mr 4. MARY WILSON, wife of the lion. Wllon. of Fairfield, Adanis county, in thy e I scar of her age, and the Clst of her worried life. On the inst.. 11.31111.1.R.1. F.T.LEN. infant rlauglitt:r of 3lr. Samuel llannitn, of Sumbau ton whip, aged 3 months and 25 days. IPll the nth inst.. in Littlestown. HENRY MN ERS, on of Dr. Lewis R. and Lizzie Stone slier, aged 4 years 1 month and '2O days. Died, near New Chester. Adams county, Pa., nu the 24th of May. Mr.. ELIZABETH f'.1511- )I.h\. widow of the late William Cashman, in th .:4th year of her age. She was a consistent and worthy member of the Pines Ev. Luth. Church. She lived a christian and died in peare. lamented by all who knew her: Her tnneral sermon was preached to a large number of mourning friends by the Rev. J. Martin, Irmo I Thess. 1. 13. 14. Dearest mother. thou bast left us, Here the 10, , s we deeply feel: Hut 'Oa God that hath bereft us, Ile can all our sorrows heal." Special "i\Totices. liol.LOW,trti OINTMENT AND. PlLlA.—Dperines Trepan t,onr —CouriterfettA of those tete:tinted remedies n instantly detected. Unless the sunlit '• Iloilo sy, Nes, lurk and Loudon.' are doitinguishable es • 4ter-coArk on each leaf of the book of directions wood:p -p Iu gi the preparatiot., the articles are frsuldnieut /in meta., or 9t, Anthony's Era, salt rheum, neuralgia., on i acute or throttle rheumatism. are sowing the •rtirroal dhresses F.r which the Ointment is sit aispolute utilitarian% and Indigestion, eith all Its painful concomitants. Is eßec- Lually of by the use of the kJ OA They are at disirdectent. alterative, ant reeturatire• FOB TIIF. —% Peril letter arra., .• MI the great blokera are ball—all the .hido;nat , ,t4. all the ed. tors all the tomotgero of the thee all the ,t'lieern of the annr. all the or ;w o re all the t!,put.,. nll the crtheel!o, nr.".txte. ail the maglatrates. Toe n , ott elezant wen of Perla are bald: the writers are all bald. 11.1d0e..1 in beroo.iog the align or power. for entry mon ahn tb ult. hard in ar. da3 tlttolica off hia heir 11.11 to the Bald-11,W ocraey " In Una euentry all the thodters are 4/atm.:none,' by iretriug garturnto pro , 4,..1 .t the Annan rtorae Clothing- Hall of Itneetnil 1; n Nno (lull and GUS Clienstnut street, oboes btath, 0;4.. NOTHING 'ELSE DOKR 11E ANY' Gnon —tor,‘"Tica C. C . shy. —D r. C. St Juk.on. ))eaf r lave been stlbcte.l aitS .11„,vvrp.a, f u r . .eu.o.. 10 Irv, $ll.l ‘311:11 three rears .Iwe I could II ud (4 ail 4/<ll ir...1.12.1 . 0rJ uje re ,et Vurtno Itel• rot me. 1 he..- , I •d • Df 11,yi Lod Gersulu 14t4r..”•n51 tisouglat I try th bovet et, in,t/1 luusis LILL ti•lit 1 • 4 , .‘ 514 try 'Jets- fite.l W•ar use to my Aurpn-e. 1 found that no takibc A feet dowa I •t , pale, an my .ode awl ciar‘t, my appetite I actia I rt-tn.;1.4, ant in fact felt atroater letter health than L had for a 1006 t•nwa. tdo not toe ont of We 11.ttere If I Colt obtain them, 1. n ./; el.e dies me any grsla I a.. ar:lling at ail I. ne. an! ready to state my [-lA* to any woo may 1,1,42 t. know toe lull part-col and oath pheaeure re c.,m:neol thew in all , a !want, he sal tete I art. Dy•pepaka Loaer Complamt, for ibehere if aneth,nt will it me t , tit+7 Nrl/: bo Mlle% 04 by //aao:lnoLl'a Merman lt..ter• M or, pe-um. m too do.trict bare useLl the Bat ter, nth beneScial l[+. and I hare ht you could ' , I a ' ,4110 11 . " o r ettrialeatee. were you to ask for them tot t., mr cartall koo.ted.• Maier a number hate Wen very 'wro•Gtel be the one or your medicine at forgot to mentron that toy d.,Cbter. About lit ar. of WA. , cured of JAL!) i're not, /a 0 4.4Franan -* 1 Om/ ben to mentmn tire. an I hare outer Loyal, :be u U.nd A.nj other ea./ of We kind • Reikettfully yuuni, Glenn aro prepared by Dr. C. 31. Jackson, 419 A , :`:rest. PoollAdr:phoot. i'A , and are eilid at T cent., by otroa.moscot and storekeepers is erery Wen r otiAza Mao Cuite4 Mates, Cauadas wad South A .leNca h 05.0... e tor A %. Dueb'er. Avnt. Gettysbarg—thd dr.t. o, gruer3.l, Chromittout the eouoty. f May 3. Sus FITS! FITS' /ITS:—Person Isboriet *trier this di.:re..;n; malady will dad Dr Hance* Itri.lept!e Pill, to be the trot v remedy ever discover, I for enrol:. Kpilepry or FatllnS I.t, Theft 'die °mess s spectre action the nen role ay<tero; and at/pouch pretrtref eepertsity for the pairprit.e cur.•i Fite, they will be fount of e,pecial ben.- t o all afflreted with weak nerve-, or Willa! oar• rime system has been prostrute.l or chattered from any uaae altatever. The dy.peptie patient, whose etouvech r• lost tae power of duty convertiiht food into a life sus t.i ini ng element, i• relieved by &single nurse of the extra ordiciar-y Pills. The gastric' said re-arquires its solvent ',Aker, and the read,e nutriment whith was a toad and a Ia 4:lleLt L., the so dere r, while L.s J,;ec.l%e Urptllkiit.ll.l tat p.L..alysei and uustrunz. become. un ter the whole*otue revulatlon created In the systegl, toe basis ut strength, art,rlty, and Lealth :.'est to any part of Ulla eountry Dy 11101. free of pesetiage. A 11-e%s TII Cit. /OS ' , treat. Baltimore, hnt rre7e—one box, '1 , 3; tyre. erg,: %wet, e, e 54. r 3" Trig GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY [R JAMES CLARKE'S Cat aaaaaa D Fax 41.14 LLs. prepared frnm a priefterlptaow by Sur J. elute, M. D. l'braman Y.xtranr .ry w tUe t.itleerl. ID! Well known tor,l/CiDit 14 anus. position, buts sure sad seta ninety fur Female UdFcuiti es eel Obstruc nowt, from any cease ',hetes er; and al tbough a powerful remely, they contain nothing, hurtful to the constitution Tu Mitt/ISL Loom CS It IA pecolisrly It will. in a short tube, bring on the monthly period with rsgulaigy. 'fn... Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on 2G page blpanipb7et are well observed. For fui the r particulars get a pamphlet free of the agent 8.--i1 and 8 issetage stamps 'adored to any suttior toed agent, will insure a bottle, containing over SO pub by return T. %C. Itjatt k. Sot, Wholesale kgenti, Phil% elptae,-- A . D. Sutler, Agent, Getty ebnrg. gay 17, 1843. ly ZUGLSR I Elflift Cossun Or flacon, 12D Ganes et eaCte. illAusufachzrere of White Lead, Zlor.„ Petty. Varnuabew, ie. Wholemeal.* dealers in Ortega, Window Maas, kr,— City and Country Merchants who desire to pared:we from a aelact stack and at acceptable pncea are respectfally re novated to Inspect oar goods. Our White Lead, 'Line, Patty, *ad Varnish/an, are sold by more than oar thommod Wnoiesale Jobbing Rouses throciehout the Cabe, and gine Universal satistactann. 1 7 Yot or complaint has ever reaebed •e. 431 Bend your orders direct. lab. T,111550. 1,, TaR ONTGEN.S.SID BlTl24l3.—Natare, in istr great labratory, has stand eons* remedy adapted to every dia. ease which Bath is heir to." Data maitre the lareati gstioa sod research of the philosopher to &adorer and ap ply this remedy. Poets nweareh and invortigstion bee wise needed la darowering a remedy for that most afflictive dils pesseation, the DYStittllA, with all its teeser awl numer ous wefts ; end it may be safely averted tit Datil the ap parent* of the Orygmattart Bitters a 'case of Dyspepsia pared, was is rare 'speciosa la mwdieel practise. Now "'der tins lallsenele d *me 111tters the rule is to mum, rue . lialbine to Mrs. had the hetlealeie, tettlett the eateerlbst ma este es to pettish ter the beeillt of *be ethlieted as Ole to awl levetitite Owsi of Pulpiest* Cared by the Ometeitied Sitteca.-404 alluvia[ from a pertlsco se will Loewe le the region la wigeh he litres auks to Betide all than eflPile *tut Wantsietri, N. Y., /sly IS, LssB. 1 ,0 1 . 1 6 = it Co. asstoa r yllinu..-14144 pan dace I mai *if sem of ill diesses_ Dyspepsia, ailleted vie et le owe greet Crepreettee, felletee, attli hipetheg PK *vets itaeritiately anew as tier, sr aiewhiteil - with time pales le the stoma* • Its° mai. leskag rasa weatitheg, allithy,reed heedetbe, higether • witht Ittebillty set whiPtirity, allsigether realities that eery ippeew einteit sagdiet. K wee wielithee q kat `teas,wet le dead tir nab Mk et thelexhpieese Sheete„ the east eiC Pwa at OW P*rm taltiellstehr es ay health *el I , 7*tele. Ihilese rift * *Wm hie* t vie emelt* is essuot; tehrtit sift ISO W Prima • 1 1, / :=ll Me es me- V* , ittUntiej,„ The MaritetEL GETTYBBILTBA—Banmirst Wart, SoperSue Eye Flour Wheat Corn, Sys (hits Buckwheat gnekwheat idea) .... (lover Seed .......... Timothy Seed Flax Seed Barley Plaster of Paris Haster ground, per bait Flour 7 00 to 7 12 Wheat 16610105 Rye 1 00 to 1 12 Corn 84 to DO Oats ...... 52 to 59 Clover Seed .. 5 25 to 5 75 Timothy 2 00 to 2 25 Beef Cattle, per hand 10 00 let! 50 Hogs, per hand 8 80 to 9 (.0 11 00 toll 00 Whiskey 27 to 28 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 62 00 Flour, from wagons. Do. from stores.. Wheat Rye Corn Oats Closer seed Timothy Seed Plaster YORK—FRIDAY LAST Floor, from ...... Do. from stores Wheat Rye Cora lAts Clover Seed Timothy Seed ......................... « Plaster FOR sale by DASTRESS k WINTER, New Oxford. GROCERIES, MILL FEED. kc., Ic., For sale Wholesale and Retail by DASTRESS k WINTER, New Oxford. lerThe highest Cash prices paid for Gratin Nay 30, Ina. sm• ✓ Com trio nteated Here We Are Again! 4ac l ST from the city with the best and cheap est assortment °ISTRIA'S and MOLASSES t twe have yet offered, calculated to please all persons in quality and prices; SUGARS, a very large stock, low; COFFEES, TEAS, Choco late, Rice, Cheese, Spices, (all kinds,) Crackers and Tea Cakes, Vinegar, Pickles, Sugar-cured RAMS and SIIOULDEIti, Lard, Shad, Mackerel and Herrings, Salt, Cedar-wara,lttbs, Buckets, kc.; Baskets, Flour Seises ' Brooms, Brushes, kc.; all kinds of Cordage, Concentrated Lye; Extra and Superfine FLOUR, all kinds of Feed; Potatoes, Fresh Batter and Eggs constantly ou hand ; Fancy Goods, Confectionaries and Fruit. Give us a call. It affords us pleasure to show our large and Inviting stuck. NOiIRECK 41r 11A11TDI. Gettysburg. May 30, 1859. - Boot and Shoe ESTABLISIIIIENI REMOVED.—The under signed would inform his customers and the public generally. tftat W• has removed his BOOT k SHOE STORE, to the Stone Building on Chambersburg 'street, opposite Buehler's Drug Store, and a fest . doors from the Diamond, where he will continue the business on an en larged scale, and lives that his old customers, as well as many new ones, will be able to find him. None 'fiat experienced workmen employ ed to put up all kinds of work to order at the shortei.t notice. DAVID KENDLIWAILT. Ilay 30, 1859. SCHICK has just recei red another henry stock of GOODS. which for quality and cheapness cannot be surpassed in the county. He invites everybody to call and see fur themselves.— " Small profits and quick sales," is i bis motto. Gettysburg, May 30, 1859. PETER CWSTA'S ESTATS.—Letters tes tamentary on the estate of Peter Crosta, , Isle of Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased, baying been granted to the undersigned, resid ing iu the same place, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them proper ', ly authenticated for settlement. JOEL Lt. DANNER, Bret-tar. May 30,7£39. Gt A Ti kLE4. rerimith Hanover B. Railroad. T')ASSENGER Trains on the Hanover Branch _u Railroad now run as follows: First Train leaves Hanover at SJS A. M., with Pas=eugers for Baltimore, York, Harris burg. Columbia and Philadelphia. Second Tr.iin leaves Ilanoverat 2 P. M., with Poo.sengers fur Baltimore. and intermediate pointc. Extra Train on every Tuesday and Saturday leaves nano% er at 4.35 P. 11., with Passengers for York, liarri , burg. kc., returning with Pas tengera from Baltimore. I). E. TROVE, Ticket Agent. llanover, May 30, 1859. NTF.Ir FIRM! NEW GOODS!—A. SCOTT & SON take pleasure in announcing to the public that they have just opened a new and complete Dry Goods and Grocery Store on the corner of Chambersbarg and Washington streets in the Borough of Gettysburg, opposite the Eagle Hotel," where they are now and ill be prepared at all times to offer bargains to suit the purse and please the people. By conducting our business on the CASH SYSTEM, with the motto Quick Sales and Small Profits." and by pursuing a strictly hon orable course, we hope to receive the encourage meat, not only of the citizens of Gettysburg and Adams county. but the rest of mankind. We have just returned from the cities with a hand some assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, embracing all manner of Ladies' Dress Goods, of the most beautiful styles, Fancy Ar ticles, Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Cloths, Cassirneres, Vestings, kc. Also, a large assortment of QrF:ENSWAIIE. Onr stock of GROCERIES is also large and complete. We will not take time to particular ize, but invite all to call and see—no trouble to show goods. May 18, 1859 ITIITE subscriber would respectfully announce 1 . to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally, that he has provided 'himself with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGHT AM BROTYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Mid dle street, one Square west of Fahnestock's Store, where he isprepared to furnish Ambro, Melaino, Enamel a d Photograph Pictures in every style of the art, which he will warrant to give entire satisfaction, and is prepared to ac commodate all with good pictures. tither single or in groups. He also has a number of speci mens at his room in Chambereburg street, a few doors West of Cobean k Cuip's Shoe Store, where he still continues as formerly to take pictares. All who desire a correct likeness of themselves and friends, will do well to givi me a call, as I have reduced my,prices to mit the present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds; also, inserted iaLoekets, Breast. Pins, Finger Rings, Ate. The .shherriber being thankful to his friends and the public in general for past patronage, wish*: tooth to confine* it, and osiers, thew, that as heretofore, they shall not be disastistied. Ili-Charges from to rents to 110. lieurelor Itperatitig trout 8A.M.t04 P. Y. • Gobi lockets, Bresavhie, suitable, for miniatures, always on hand, at the very lowest prices. sip•Okildrest will not be taken tar less than tl MirAlabratypis takes for NV mite add a* wards, sad in the beet style. _ BLUR WitAVIEL, April .14, 11168. tf amid Cashmere amid Dalai** Shawls, chow* the sew stars AL SOOTT 4 80N, Opposite tits We RoteL G 50 3 25 1 40 Ts 1 50 75 , 85 1 45 ..... iso ..... 2 00 4 50 , 1 75 1 TO' To 7 Oo 95 BALTIMOIig-y,.AT u.&t. ITANOVER.--TlicksoAT war. Lumber & Coal, Still They Come ! Notice. New Store ! A. SCOTT h SON Sunbeam Gallery. Xilitary► Election. • FA/I.WADE Imarscroa's Orrics,l Gettysburg. May 13,1869. AttSitCIRISABLY to the Fifth Bection of the new Militia Law ' approved April 21, A. D., , the Argasized Volunteer Companies of the td Brigade, 4th Division, of - Pennsylvania, In ciding all the regularly organised companies la die musty of Adams, are hereby ordered to meet at their respective Armories, on .lifoeeley; the 61.6 of .114er 'Jeri, for the purpose of electing one Brigadier General and one Brigade Inspec tor, for the said Brigade ; also, all the Commis sioned Officers to which each of the above com panies are respectively entitled. JOHN SCOTT, Brigade Inspector. May 16, 18..9. to Brigadier General. TO the Military of Adams county:—The nn derszgned offers himself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Brigadier General, at the election in June next. If succmsful, he will continue to discharge the duties of the station faithfully and efficiently. WM. F. WALTER Straban twp., May 14.1833. to Brigade Inspector. TO the Military of Adams county:—Tbe un dersigned would respectfully announce himself to the officers and members of the Mil itary Companies In Adams county, as a candi date for the office of itrigade Inspector, at the election to be held in June next. Should he be elected, be pledges himself to a prompt and faithful discharge of the duties of the poet. • 8 87 7 00 160 to 1 70 98 77 58 5 00 2 00 6 50 a. G. CARR Gettysburg, liny IC, 18.50. to Goods for the Season ! wTIIII subscriber has just returned from the city, with a large supply of NEW GOODS, ich he offers to sell cheaper than ever. Give him a call, and judge fur yourselves. His as sortment enibrat•ep Clottss.Cassimeres, Vesting., all kinds orSumraer Goods. and a large assort ment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, for men and boys. JACOB REININGER, 6 63 7 23 1 45 to 1 65 93 80 06 4 50 2 00 6 50 Carlisle st.. 4 doors from Ceutre Square Gettysburg. April 4, Itiz,D. . - - Notice TO TAX-PAVERS.—Notice is hereby given that the County Commissioners will make an abatement of fire per resit. upon all State and County taxes assessed for the year 1859 that shall be paid to Collectors on or before Friday, the Ist of July. Collectors will be required to call on tax-payers on or before the above date, and make inch abatement to all persons paying on or before said day, and pay the eatee to the County Treasurer, otherwise no abatement will be made. By order of the Commissioners, J. M. WALTER, Clerk. May 3, 1859. td JACOB WEIRICIPS ESTATE—Letters testa mentary on the estate of Jacob Weirich, late of fain-many township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing In the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them property authenticated for settlement. PETER WEIRICH, May 23, '59. 6t' Executor. .. Notice. Fe MANrEL WERLER ESTATE.—Letters 'S of administration on the estate of Emanuel Cr,' late of Hamilton township. A dams coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in Reading township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. HENRY A. PICKING, Adair. Hay 16, 1859. 6t Assignee's Notice. TU Assignee of Jona Emai -110011 A Wies, of Heidlersburg, Tyrone township, Adams county, under deed of volun tary assignment, idtrust for the benefit of credi tors, hereby gives notice to all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the said John Eekenrode, to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to CEO. F. ECK/ERODE, Assistme, at Heidlersburg, or to his A ttondes. K. £ W. McClean, Gettysburg. May 2, 1.859. GC THE undersigned, Committee appointed by the Commissioners named in the Act in corporating the East Berlin Railroad Company, hereby give notice that they will open Rooks and receive Subscriptions to the Stock of said Company'at the following times and places, at 10 o'clock, A. 11., of each of said days, to wit: At the public house of Henry Hoßman, is East Berlin, on Noaday, the Bth day of June, 1859 ; at the public house of 0. D. Wattles, in Gettya_ burg, on Wednesday, the Bth day of June, 1859; and at the public house of David Maish, in York, on Saturday, the 11th day of June, 1859. Samuel Neisenbelter, J. J. Kuhn, , J.U. Shireman, .1. B. Baughman, Thos. E. Coehrau, David Wills, George King, • Wm. Wolf, Ilenry J. Stable MUM undersigned haring retired from the Mercantile business, the same will hereaf ter be continued at the old stand, in Baltimore street, by their sons, Henry 13. Danner aid Way bright Ziegler, under the name and sty le of Danner k Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patrouage from old customers, and of the public in general. Having retired from the Mercantile business, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those in debted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call sod settle the same without delay. The books will be found nt the old stand. J. B DANNER, May 35,1858 New Lumber Yard. THE underzi,ved hale opened a Lumber Yard, At their Warehouse, corner of Strat ton street and the Railroad, Gettysburg, where they now have Lumber on hand and will con stantly keep a large aaaortmeut, to which they ask the attention of buyers. Their prices are as low as the lowest., and no efforts spared to ac commodate. KLINEFELTER, SEITZ k CO. irs'Also. COAL k LIME at the lowest prices. March 21, 185.3. 3m CELEBRA TED GUM SPRING GRAD: DRILL, manufactured and foi sale in the counties of Cumberland, Adams. York and Perry, by F. G.IIIDNER k CO.. Carlisle, sole agents for the above counties. Orders for these Drills will be received at the Agricultural Warehouse of Messrs. Sheads, Buehler k Kurtz. Gettysburg, or they may be purchased of our Travelling Agents. Orders addressed to us, at Carlisle, will receive prompt attention. Farmers are invited to e„t ramine the Willoughby Drill, which took the First Premium at the various State Fairs last fall. Several of there may now be seen. at the above Agricultural Warehouse. Price $ . lO cash, or $75 on six months' time. May 16, 18:19. 3m MISS IicCREA BY is now opening s large as sortment of BONNETS imitable for the season, consisting of Straw, Neapolitan,-Linen braid, and Fancy Bonnets (with extra sixes for old ladies)---411 of the !stint styles, and which for beauty and cheapneis cannot be surpassed; with new style Ribbons, Ruches, Flowers, Cords and Tassels, Allusions, Malines, chip s , Torieton, and Lace for Trimming. Also, Mantil/as, Para- Lob, Gloves, ilosiery, Esakrzolderies of every kind, Caps and Fancy Read-dreseeo, Deena Ulm zings, and Fancy Goode of to descriptip. :which the Lathes aro Invited to call and examine. Milliners Will be supplied with patterns, free of charge, by calling for them. sarilies M. will make Bonnet's to order at the shortest notice, and in the best and most fashionable manner. I.kpril 35,,18140. sw . Woodland •• Isr PRIVATE 84112.-1 will sell at prime - ok 52 ACS OP 1.411:1 on the beaks creek, Geer Bream', JOU, 40 Acres or Which is heavily timbered. If net - sold prior to the fist day or July it will then I)*t laid out in lets to soil perehesieritostd,solit at public sele 4 /10y,14,_ la& . •. , Gra APSOLD. SEKnr 2l -46; POSTS HOSS.4—A large lot jail received at the Dow sad tamp store of AL scorns sox. Notice. Notice. illity 23, 1839. td Notice. VID Willoughby's Spring Millinery. :1. :IK ~~ /N mammas of a writ of /Teri Amiss, issuing oat of the Coati of Coannon Pleas of dams coanty, Pa., sad to me directed, will be exposed to f 4 ablic &de, at thi Prothonotary's Ogler, in Gettysburg, ON SANIO•day. at !adder of, Just next, at 1 o'clock, P. IL, the following de scribed Real Estate, rig : No. 1. A TRACT OF LAND, situated in the borough of Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa.. ly ing on the west side of Long Lane, adjoining lands of David McMillan, George Little and others, containing 32 acres. more or less. No. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, lying south of No. 1, and adjoining it on the north. David McMillan on the west, and Long Lane on the, east, containing 9} acres, more or less. No 3. A TRACT OF LAND, lying south of No. 2, and adjoining it, and also adjoining lands of David McMillan. Sarni R. Russell and others, containing 7/ acres, more or less. N 0.4. A TRACT OF LAND, lying east of No. 3, and adjoining lands of David Ziegler, , Andrew Woods, and others, containing 9 acres, more or leis. No. 5. A TRACT OF LAND, sitnate in the .aid borough of Gettysburg, lying on the cost side of Stony Ridge, adjoining lands of George ('odori, Ephraim Ilanaway and others, contain ing 9} acres, more or less. N. G. A TRACT OF NIF.ADOW-LAND, fronting on North Washington street. situate in Gettysburg, and adjoining lands of John Gil bert. Dr. D. Gilbert and others. containing 3 acres and 100 perch.•a. more or less. No. 7. A LOT OF GROUND, fronting on the east side of Stratton street. in Gettysburg. near the German Reformed Church, adjoining lands of Henry Culp, containing 1 acre and 57 perches, more or less. No. 8. All the interest of Robert Smith in a Brick Two-story Dwelling 110T'SE, and Lot. situate on the south side of W. Middle street, with a shop, stable and otherimprorements thereon. adjoining lot of Robert Sbeads on the east and an alley on the south. No, 9. All the interest of Robert Smith in THREE LOTS OP GROUND, fronting on the Railroad on the north, extending back to a pub lic alley on the south, adjoining Gettysburg Foundry on the west and Presbyterian Church lot on the east. No. 10. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, known u Nos. 24 and 25, in Triael's Addition to Get tysbirrg, fronting on nigh street, adjoining lots of Amelia McGee and others. No. 11. A LOT OF GROUND, fronting on the Gettysburg Railroad on the north, extend ing back to a public alley on the south, adjoin ing lot of Ephraim Martin on the west and Horner* McConaught on the east. N 0.12. THREE LOTS OFOROUND, situated on the corner of Railroad and Washington streets, known as lots Nos. 46, 4T and 48 on the plan of said borough—No. 48 being 60 by 120 feet, and Nos. 47 and 48 each 80 by 130 feet, with a brick barn and shop on No. 48, and a frame shop on No. 46. No. 13. The interest of Robert Smith in 'a LOT OF GROUND, fronting on Chambersburg street, with a Two-story Brick Dwelling Honer, brick back-building and other improvements thereon erected, and bounded by a public alley on the south. No. 14. A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining. No. 13 on the east, James A. Thompson on the west, fronting on Chambersborg street, and extending back to a public alley, with it good well of water and other improvements thereon. No. 15. A LOT OP GROPND, fronting ow Chambersburg street, adjoining No. 13 on the west, the heirs of Holtsworth on the east, a public alley on the south, with a Two-story Brick Dwelling House, Stable sad other im provements thereon. No. 18. The interest of Hobert Smith ht LOT OF GROVND, situate at the intersection of Carlisle street and the Harrisburg road, in Gettysburg, with shriek Carpenter Shop thereon. No. It The interest of Robert Smith in is LOT OF GROUND, situate ip the borough of Gettysburg, bounded on the north by the Ha gerstown road, on the south by Waddle stmt. on the east by lot of Robert Smith, and on the west by lot of Fahnestoeks, containing 1 acre, more or less. No. 18. A TRACT OF MOrNTAIN LAND, situate in Ilamiltonban township, Adams cotte r ty, adjoining lands of T.. Stevens and other*, containing 38 acres, more or less. No. 19. A TRACT q., WOODLAND, situate in Slountjoy township, Adams county, adjoining ands of Henry Noqj, Christian Benner and others, containing Mres, more or less. No. 20. A TRACT OF LAND, situate ti ilamiltonban township, Adams county, adjoin ing lands of John Orr, John Katt:, and others, containing 207 acres, more or leas, with • one and a half story Log Dwelling House, a double Log Barn, • spring with spring house, a good Orchard of fruit and other improvements. No. 21. A TRACT OF MOUNTAIN LAND; adjoining No. 20, and lands of Win. Bigbasni . John Knox and others. This tract is situated in Hamiltonban township, Adams county, and contains 62 acres, more or less. Seized and taken in eieention an the property of Bosu? SInTS. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Shen/ SheriU's Mice, Gettysburg, May 23, '59. Nijr-Ten per cent. a the purchase money upou all sales by the Sheri/ must be paid over ins-i inediately after the property is struck dbwn, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will Apia be put up for sale. Dr. M'Lane's CELEBRATED VERNIFT6I3 & LIVER ....= Pll.l.B.—We beg leave to call the Alton- r"' tion of the Trade, and more especially the W Physicians of the eoentry, to two of the most r: popular remedies now before the public. We lat refer to DRAMAS. N'I.ASK'S CELEBRATED 139 VERMIFEGE AND LIVER PILLS. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alts, but simply for what their name purports, viz: t r 4 The VERNIFI'IIE, for expelling Worm+ front to the hnmitn liptem. It hns alb° been adminis- r tered with the nin4t sari facture reQtt It 4 to Vel— rious Anima ig sw bjt•et. to Wormq. The LI VER 6 PILLS, fur the cure of Livrit Comet %try , . all "' . - . . BILIOCS DER t \ GRIIENTe. SILK. }it kr) , - In cages of Fr.vt.a AND AGne,,ry to °rafter taking Quinine, they almogLint aria- ' 7 ;l lily make s qpeedy and permanent cure. As specifies for the above mentioned dig- I" atey are linrivalcd, and never known 7,tr e to fail when stintim:Aered in accordance with ' l = l the directions. Their unprecedented prima trity liac in- g d 'lced the Proprietors,F LEM IN G BROTHERS. pa PITTSBURG, PA., to dispose of their Drug 'my hu.sinei:, in which they have been succes4fully r— engaged for the bun 20 years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. ('Lane's Celebrated Verinifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day. they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest materials. and compound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROTHER-S, Pittsburg, Pa. P. —Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take none but Tlr. if Lam'a, prepared by Fleming Brno., Pillsbury, Pi. To those wishing to give them a trial, we will forward per mail poet paid, to any part of the United States, one box of Pills for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Ver snifuge for fourteen three-cent stamps. AM or ders from Canada must be accompanied by twen ty cents extra. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Agent, Gettysburg, and by dealers generally throughout the county. May 2, 1858. ly F7l l rM I:MIDIATELY, Merchants, Hotel-keepers, and private families, to know that COVER trhDi are selling at their Wholende and Liqaor Store on Railroad Street, a sepsis* article of Liquors of all kinds for less moan, than was ever offered to the people of Adages entity. Call and examine our, stock. ruts Liquors for Medicinal purposes. May 2,1859. Last Notion: /arms is hereby Oren .to aft Petlebo ha t\ to the late Srotof 8. Fume:eau .s:oirc that en aceolsots unpaid after the fi rst d l ow qf Atm west, will be nett net, irroirletheet parties. Thee a isharebeia ha iv hands for some ti notice isabeat gittilt --sad they sow meat be eloped op. , , ' May 9,18 N.. 41 IX Al. BUNKUM ? Lumber, rorit.a s _ , had et do 4 Coal aid Linage 114r4 131111411118, 21711111.1111 s EMT& Kiosk 14, 14.59. ,f, IZEZEI New Boat & Shoe gITABLIMENZItT, la doe N. 'W, comer dale Dlaascuid t gettys. ug, Pa.--The *see to buy In or der to NMI may:—The subeeriber would greet dully inform the citisens of Gettysburg :7,3trroundin g country, that be has opened a large Boot and Shoe Establishmeat, In the northwest corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, in the rooms recently occupied by D. Wills, Esq., as a Law Office, where he has now on hand. and will continue to keep fur sale, an intensive va riety of work, of his own manufacture. The work, is made up In the best and most durable manner, including all the newest styles, and embraces BOOTS k SHOES, lien's, Women's and Children's GAITERS, in short, every article usually to be found in a first class establish ment of the kind. He has now and will continue to have employed a number of workmen, "hard to beat," to make up customer a ork. That he will tell CHEAP, is easily proven. Give him call, examine his Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and get his prices. With unexceptionable work and low rata'. be hopes for and expects a fair share of the public's patronage. ifkir'Shoemakers are informed that be al ways keeps on hand nrPPERS." for Shoes and Gaiters, ready for bottoming, which he disposes of on pleasing terms. JOHN lIALLWKG. April 4,1849. ly List of Merchants WITITIN the county of Adams, returned and classified by the undersigned, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes, in accordance with the sev eral acts of Assembly. for the year 1859-60, of Goods, Wares and Merchandise : Borough of Geltysborq. Clam. Deus. cm Fah nestock Brothers, 9 25 00 Danner & Ziegler, Jrv., 13 10 00 .1. L. Schick, 13 10 00 John Scott, 13 10 00 A. Scott &Son. 13 10 , 00 Guinn k Brother, 14 V 00 George Arnold, 14 7 00 IL Samson, 14 7 00 F. B. Picking,l4 ' 7 00 Jacobs and Brother, 14 T 00 Brenner k Brother, 14 1 00 J. Reinlnger, 14 1, 00 A I). Buehler, 14 t 00 S. H. Forney, Agent,. 14 I 00 R. F. llcllheny, 14 7 00 Cobean k Culp, 14 7 00 Gillespie k Thomas, 14 7 00 ' tiorheck k Martin, 14 7 00 George Little, 14 - 700 Boyer k Son,• ' 14 700 Mrs. Norbeek 14 700 Miss McCreary, .... 14 7 00 Philip Winter, ' ' 14 7 , ' Daniel Plank, 14 7 00 W. IL Bittle, ' 14 is 100 E. 11. Ninnies, . 14 700 Benner k Snyder, 14 7 00 Andrew Polley, 14 7 00 Thomas Warms, Sr., 14 5 00 mzier ...i4 LN Sheada, Iltsables k IL • 9 25 00 John }lake, 9 25 00 Kliaafelter, Belts Co g 9 25 00 11sassalsis. A. IT , 14 700 John I eigle, mlll, 14 ' 700 Francis Bream, " 14 7 00 J. Nellbeny, u 14 • '1 00 &name Tasvaskip. Philip Hang, . 14 700 P. A. Myers, 14 7 00 Jacob King, 14 7 00 Hugh King, ~ 14 7 00 King k `McCurdy, • 11 15 00 Daniel Goaltlen 11 15 00 hiresse Themaiip. Peter Teat* 14 7 00 Samuel Stoke, 14 7 00 Jacob S. Hollinger , . 14 700 14411 y Townsiship. G. N. Grayson N Brother, 14 7 00 katimert Itgaimhip. Henry math, 14 7 00 Jacob iller, 34 7 00 Adam' w, 14 700 linrallas Talevatip. Charles Video, l4 7 00 David Diriney, 14 7 00 Burkholder k Wilson, , 14 7 00 Abel T. Wright, 14 7 00 George It!neigh, 14 7 00 Wm. Overdeer, ' 14 7 00 Jacob Vitzer, 14 7 00 O. P. House, , 14 7 00 R. H. k R. Hoopes, 14 7 00 H. Penrose, 14 7 00 31rowigAy ItiosiAip. Job n Yost, 14 7 00 Job. Hebert, a . ' 14 7 00 Henry Balder, ' . 14. . 700 Buller ?mull,. Noah Miller, 14 7 00 Edward Staley, 14 7 00 B. k N. Camp, 14 7 00 John Hoover, 14 7 00 Samuel Faber, Agent, 14 7 00 liewatow rosiethip. Spangler & Brother, 14 7 00 Wm. Wolf, 14 7 00 Henry L. Miller, 14 7 00 J. Carson 14 700 Win. Breficher, 14 700 Hildebrand & Stough, 14 .7 00 Frederick liaidlor„ ~. 4 , 14 7 00 George Mundotli;. 14 7 00 Henry Kline, 14 7 00 Miss Kranter, ' l4 7 rib Bowie* floregski JP . D. R. Hollinger, - 14 7 00 Win. Dada, •I 4 7 00 Len-is ilumthal, - 14 700 Joseph Hastier, 14 7 00 Franklin florgeship. Jacob Shank, Ili 14 7 00 Israel Shank, 14 7 00 James Mickley, 14 7 00 Jacob Fulweiler, 24 7 00 Peter Mickley, of D., 14 ' 700 Martin L. Miller, 14 7 00 John Chamberlain, ' " 14 700 Mrs. Ann R.olimite, 14 7.80 - C. 11. Curfman, 14 710 . W. W. Witriore , 14 7 00 linatington Theiship, Jacob A. Gardner, 12 12 50 Ephraim Heitaettear, 12 12 60 James Magary, 14 7 00 John Gardner, 14 7 00 Amos Griest, 14 7 00 Orford firma*. W. B. &A. S. !limes, 13 ,10 00 Bastress & Winters, 10 .20 00 F. Hersh, 10 '2O 00 Aaron Hesigy, 11l 7 00 A. Staub, J. Wert, W. Staater, E. Weigle, ifouxiidesaust foosillAr. , J. k E. Miller, 14 7 00 Peter O'Neal, 14 ' 700 Jacob Gossman, 14 7 00 Emanuel Smith. 14 7 00 4.6.0 Spangler k Brother, 19 10 d 0 Peter Hoblit', 14 •7 00 I. R. Shipley, 14 , 700 Jacob Wolf, 14 7 00 tropesi Temsehip. _ _ Peter Long, 14 7 00 Abraham Sell, 14 7 00 Abraham Shenly 14 7 00 Jrairaltaellan Towaskip. Soli iran k Hhinehart, 13 10 00 Paxton k McCreary, 13 10 00 Jacob Heinle', 14 7 00 1 John C. Sehatset,- • , ' 14 7 001 1 Genies" Torroallo.. i Study k Stonesifer, 4 13 10 00 1 J. A. Sborb, John Spaulding, 13 10 00 Lewis Stonealfet, 14 7 00 G. W. Rowe, j' 13 10 00 John Millar, ' ' .14 700 Myer !Nahann i ' ' .: 14 700 Heart D'Perti 14 ,T 00 t‘. Brant, " 14 700 kers A Short, : ' 13 10 00 Naos It lk 13 10 00 oLaa We clis rioneyo4 ) f 3 10 00 . 14 , 790 Cbsavalgo T. AA," Ilasber. l4l 7 00 05117 A Bsearia .14 'too aldepae. , David Ueda% lllNO*Ctirpriuldp, , 8 15 .00 Wu. B. Jesidas i Cliptempik " , q '5 00 1 • *Was Is, 4nigittfliitikall polooslatorestad b sbe abOta ciao* totithil Will P. sag. Usti Voisdr,AA: „awl *, wh4 l / 4 1404kitaa.. 444fic=*/. . 11 71104 iliallg— rippreigic of licrOuittlao Taoseier Mow co. Kay 11, 11139. 41 WM 1345Llt:b="orev.A.c51. - vP'•UES. A. Itstbiot, & Son's §OFA AND PURIM USE WAIVEROOMS, Net. 25 and 2? N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near •etta at.,) extending from Gay to Frederick st.--the largest establishment of the kind in the Talon. Always on hand a large assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ward robes, Mattresses of Husk, Cotton anti • Bair, Spring Beds, Sofas, Tete-e-Tetes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs. AS SORTED COLOIL9 OF COTTAGE FURNITURE, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hill Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, whit kir variety and quality of workmanship is nut equalled by any establishment in the country. A. NAT'HIOT k SON, Nos. 25 and 31 N. Gay strvet Aug. 2, 185E1. I y • To Southern & Western YhIERMA-NTS & DEALERS.—LEATHER, SHOE-FINDINGS, LASTINGS. &e.— 'o esale Agency for Shoe Pegs, beet Tanner's Oil, Patna laps, Hark Mills, Tanner's and Cur rier's Tools. Depot for Dil, Tan'-lace, Leather Pickers; largest and- Aeape4 as,orttnent of' Leather, Shoe-findings. Hemlock and Sparil-h Sc,ol t o b e f ou nd in Baltimore, and by fur the cheapest. Call and look at my good: and prices before purchasing. k all I a.k, and then conwrire peed, Twill/Yr. quantity, and I feel satisfied that my house will he pronounced " the house, - for the South and West—where New York and Hoe ton prices are duplicated, and c' h all be kept so. Now on band and to arrive, :mon buAlndA of SHOE PEGS, at .1 per cent, to 10 per cent. lep; than New York and Boston price 4. Sife•Send for Cntaloguea and Pri.:el4 and read for yourself. Warehouses 42 South C.thert and 2:1 (;rut Street, Baltimore, Md. F. B. GltFl V. gfi'Largest and chertpeat assortment Gent's, Boy's and Ladies' Gaiter l'ppers and Shoe rp pen. Highest Cash prices paid for Hides, greell and dry; Sheepskins, Wool, Tallow, Beeswax, Leather in rough, kc. . per lways on hand and for sale, splendid Patna Kips, pure Tanner's Oil, dry tind salted Hyde'. Leather sold on Commission and Oust* advances made on sane. April 4, 1859. 2m It W. Slagle & Co., • CC OMMISSIONk PRODPCE MElt- CHANTS,Noa. 118 aid 133 North street, Baltimore.—Being established iar the Commigsion busloess for a number of years, they WWI consignments, and pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds, Floor, Clover Seed. Whiskey and Country Pro duce generally. We remit proceeds ,promptly. Tracks from the Northern Central Railroad run Into our Warehouses. Refer to E. B. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg. [June 21, ':,9. ly Carpets, o9IL CLOTHS and Xattiug,x, wholesale And retail. Constantly on band an assortment Carpets at low. prices, consisting of Velvet, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrain and. Venetian Car pets, of every style and price. Oil Cloths from I to 6 yards wide. Also, Bogs, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting& Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or yard, at low rates. JOSEPH VICTORY, 145 Lexington st., 111 he door west of 'Howard, March 14, 1859. 3m la, H. Bosley, COMMISSION RCHANT, Nos. 124 and 126 NorM Street, BALTIMORN, 2W. I am prepared to receive and sell on COMlllis -111OR all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. lln'cing an experience of ten reari in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone.) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give SATIF PACTIOII to ail who favor me with consignments, Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries. Guano, and all kinds of Fertilisers. Feb. 14, '69. 17 Charles Dunlap, wnowtstru and Retail GROCER k TEA _DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lexington Streets, savrtnoss, no. Has on band a general assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, tc. Feb. 7, 1859. ly Susquehanna House, CIPPOSITIt (Advert Srstioie, BALTIMORE; are reduced to $1,25 per day. JOHN A. SLADE, Proprietor January 19.• ern 1:101=1111 Harding & Carroll, COIIIIII3BION MERCHANTS, Fire Proof Warehouse and U. R. Depot, No. 126 NorM Howard Sired, BALTIMORE, MD. Feb. 14, '69. ly =11ME323:13 Hueller & Frick, rR.r. k PRODUCE . Commission and For warding Merchants, North street, opposite S. . R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January IT, 1859. ly YANNT'S COMBINED REAPING k MOW ING MACHINE wyrn WOOIYS IMPROVE NT.—The undersigned, Agent for the sale of Nanny's Combined Reaping and Mowing Ma chine with Wood's Improvement, for Adams county, offers them to the public, knowing thew to be the best combined machine in use. It has been successfully introduced into different parts of our State, and I have thus fur sold 'ivy-nine in Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.—_ The machine received a silver medal at the State Fair—also, the first Fremium nt York, Cumber land, Centre, Huntingdon, and other county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Farmers need ing a Reaping Machine, -will plea.., call upon the undersigned, before purchasing. as he al ways takes great pleasure in showing the Ma-: chines and warrants them to do good work.— Early orders are solicited, as the number re ceived from the manufacturer will be in propor tion to the demand. 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 /3. 1 1.1117E1, TTERBST, Agomf, Opposite the Eagle liutel, Uettysburg. April 11, 1859. 3to The Biokles' Trial yasoß TUB SHOOTING OF KEY, and the Ex ecution of Four Ilurderers in Baltimore, created the greatest, excitement. The pa pers are filled with detail's of these shocking af fairs. 'The people talk about It on the streets and in their houses, and look upon these trage dies as being unparalleled In history. So it is with PICNING'SCLOTHING—Isavingjust open ed the largest and most complete. as well as the cheapest and best assortment of READY-11ADE CLOTHING, of every description and style, ever offered in this place, the people talk about it on the highways and in their houses, urging each other to go at once to Picking's and purchase a new suit of clothes. But Joking aside, we as sure the public In all candor that onr stock cannot be surpassed--consisting in part of Black Cloth Coats, Cassia/ere Frock and Sack Coats, Tweed and Linen Coats, and in fact every kind that the market can produce. Vests of every description. Pants to snit ail classes and conditions. Shirts, Collars, Stockings, Gloves, Sespeaders, he., he. Also, Citrpet.Begs; Cok brelLu, Trunks, heeordeons, Violins, in short everything usually found In Illative.. Theallnl for peat favors, be solicits a contingence of the same. Cali and examine rose stock—no trouble to show goods. Remember the piece, in Muni bersbarg street, opposite the Lutheran chercb. April 18,1859. _ F. P., PICKING. • - Cheap Clothing. • 11071438 ARNOLD, s bb Cloihing portant, has now got Ida 'Stook of Spring, andllliinster Clothing—fall sad well ansorted, all Of oar own make, Mid warranted well made. We Issie recalled !Min ehedti , dark stock of Cloths, Cassimetss, Dratings, Ssans, ' Cloth, Parnmetta Cloth, Twerds,Sansinerr Curd mem, Limes, Vostings, AS., all. of *Web wUI sidd it prices to salt the links. We hare hss4s enantsatly mating sad nuddng np, aside weaminst please poss Isf s spannantroady asalt;tl we tam taw palm lasemans mad stabs pow spa! ETwon shunt sating. As issnailtm Cep . 0 1: 8 = 1 1 ~asissall masens . to is ad Tsar ass: Masi as in will eat INK gramObber in town. fAel 11, 131.50, Baltimore, ild soseo r. CARROLL I=ii3 To the Farmers. maitiracirti Aixt-v.nok„. HodgeS si agibers,' • g 9 FIA.NOVER • )' 1111 k kfte Fro "rot I Of 4111 . 1 grirn. Itandkerebbilk,_ UAW LS. CAAPNB: I, ACES', it numerals valet; al ether irticiell. and 'holesele Dealers ALSINNICAN FANCY GOOD* • and • NOTIONS. it warritouve, which re expressly for our awn 'not/tins six floors, each '6O feet, and the large and extensive assort which we keep, require :ire occupancy. lloholuie iyof the Northern Cities, , ombined advantages to the country men hunt, as our stock is not only large. lint obtained upon conditions whivb will ' 1 dery competition. We contract u ith the Manufacturers for all tits American articles we sell, and send a - buyer to Europe regolarly twice a rear. to select out Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to offer great lid vntitageß in prices, 'is well as to get up a stork :it all dimes replete with the newest and most desirable goods. MertiOtuts in good credit are invited to examine our stock *lieu they next visit Baltimore, and them - , will promote their own interest by doinvo. Orderi by until carefully executed when so-. conyamie•l by satisfgetury references. Feb 14 ' '39. 4u4 Burr Mill Stories liV A M TI T TI A A R N I2 TK Ic II C - 0 13. Cor, of North and (mire opposite N. C. it. R. Statim 13.turtmoits. Mo. M.intifut toren of FREW(' BURR: Importers and Dealers in Bu Blocks, itoltiug 1,e 3 tiler mid Gum Iteitints. tined Piaster, nod Mill Irons, neWarranted Quid ity. colone, Cocalico. nod Esophagi Mill Stones of nil sizes. (Feb. 7, '59. IT ►~: WM OUNnEn f 47,2. Chnitered 1 8 54. TAcitte ki J COIL OF BALTINIORE k CIIARLFA ST'S., IllLTtXunv, Mn. The Large;t, Mo=t glegnntly Furnished k Poput*r . . ('onnercial College - in the United States, DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR YOUNG MEN Deairink to obtain a thorough Practical Burbles/ Education Every Young Man has a Counting Desk to him self. aoti is separately instructed. STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE ►ROY NEARLY EMT STATE IN Tilt UNION The most Cnolprehensive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL 'METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Are here introduced No Copying front Printed or Mnnuscript Formi LIARNLX6 BOOK-KPMPING AT Tile BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. This method of instrnction is nowhere else ieseo du.ced in this country. Every Young Man should 'write immediately for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental Circulars. repre:enting the exterior and interior view of the College, Penmanship, kc., which will be sent by return mail, fres gr Marge, with Cata logue containing list of students, terms of tuition, opinions of the Press on our new system of Book- Keeping, etc. PACTL TT E. K. Losrsit, Principal—Lecturer on the Science of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. J. M. Acumen, Professoeof Book-Keeping and Commercial Calculations. IL ii. Davies, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping. Y. C. Jouason, Professor of Penmanship. S. T. WILLIAVA, Esq., liferitantile Law. • Rev. E. Y. REESE, It D., Commercial Ethics. TRVIITREII : Hon. John P. Kennedy., lion. Joshua Valiant, Jinn Thomas Swann, Win. H. if eighler, Jacob Trust, Esq., William Knahe, Ellg. • The time usually required to curnplete Ott kali: course, tram 8 to 12 weeks. A DieLowa is awarded to all Gritduates. ' • Large Circulars and Catalogues stating testal o. kc., sent my mail free of charge. Address E. K. LOSIER, Balt.imore,Md. 1 y Feb. 7, /859 J .~ `* ` ` J``~~~ Dr. Baakee IIEATS ALL DISEASES.—DR. tIAAKER will give special attention to the followiair creases : Coughs. Colds, Consumption, Croup, Influenza. Asthma, 'Bronchitis and all disease' - of the Nose, Mouth, Throat and Lungs. Atten tion to the treatment of all Skin CiilieSPOS—Lorat hag°, Lumbar Abscesses, Scrofula, Mukluk: - ti gin, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, thyspepeile.. Piles. and all diseases of the stomach, frivera*4 Bowels; also ail chronic diseases perish:der to' Women and Children. Dr. Daakee CB4 -pro duce one thousand certificates of his *Abet success in curing Cancers, Old Sores or Magi, Fistula. Scald Heads, Wens, Swellings and 'pp. murg of every description and without the nee of the knife. These last named diseases can not he treated by correspondence, thereforetbs patients must place themselves under the Doc tor's personal supervision. Dit. BAAKEE has made a new discovery 04 Fluid that will produce perfect absorption altos Courauscr, and restore perfect vision to tbelgyn without the use of the knife or needle, mad ha cures all diseases of this EYE AND EAR,- without the use of the knife or needle, and 110 5 , has constantly on band an excellent assa of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympannta l % Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages —inserted in five minutes. Dr. Oakes is one of the most 'celebrated - sad. skilfil Physicians and Burgeons now liras.— His Nine if known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters dinesist to Dr. intakes, (enclosing too cents,) askistgassy questions pertaining to any disease, shall be promptly answered, and all Chronic diseases - as be treated by correspondence, °Emit Ikea mentioned. that will rectal-tibia personal snper. vision. Unice hours front 9A. M., to 4P. IL. DOCTOR }MARV, No. 74 Lexington St., between Charles k Laxity, April 11,'59. [jan.3l. ly] Baltimore,344 DANIS'. WIIITIL JOU' A. MOM White & Swope, NVIIOTASALE Dasterg in BOOTS, MOW CAPS, k STRAW GOODS;„ 'WO* fast ionsble Moleskin, Silk. Felt add tar VATS, N. W. Cor: Baltimore and Howard strents, NNW more, Md. VW. 211, UMW lioiraril litqusei CORM Daltrthare IikLYIND*III. New Proprietor'. Pare minced per day. Cali 11yr the Howard lionsopeo4ll ths Depots. A. SHIPS 1 p J. K. BCCit, • rgl i mum r"' January 24,'59. ly -- -Zell & son, ' •,.. , CMUNION MBRINIANTO sat DeaLsrli lie r .21, tom Meal, , ammo% - :61* Rye Chop, lois Ve - 111111,1=p, Hay, Steele, Pkise, ' a llot 'LOU, Field Seeds, 4 - ' '''" !lbs. 141 k 14aNdoeine iloweno , •-- --- 4 • ..-;.t-,z.4 * • iss..l7, 19. .I,l*_ 1121.1, . „ , . ng goods to the country,