The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 16, 1859, Image 3
salting with the a dministration. fhe matter has been kept thus far a profound secret.— They desire the aid of the Government in carrying out this praise-worthy undertaking, and His highly probable that the government tend them all the aid in its power. If it memos be dratted in any other way, the sub ject will be laid before Congress at ita nett blotting. Destructive Are eti Ohio, M 12.—A very destructive fire broke out In Brennan's warehouse, in this place, at 6 o'clock this evening. Upwards of RO buildings la the besiness part of the city ere in fishes, bat the fire Is now under con trol,. )lettera from Quito report the number of deaths by the earthquake at ten. They *ere at first estimated at 3,000. A liberal seduction that. List of Letters EMAINISG in the Post Office, Gettysburg, May It, 1899. leers of John Bonner Kimble Thomas 11. Heirs of Capt. ify Black Mickley Criah A. .11aslissaa Mrs. CarolineMcllhenny Miss.S4rahJ. sisily Miss Eliza Miller Martin tL 2. Jinlburn Mrs. 1 widow) Marsh Mrs. Julia% Crones Miss Ellizahuth Myers Abraham 4..7ronce.Einauel 4 il.celcrre tint id It. Cromer Henry fl. Owens Wm. 11. Crassman Peter G. Belly Valentine .Crutey A. B. Rittner Daniel oraskey Miss Ann Richardson F. G. ark,. th John Rawn John W. Ilfuagason Samuel *Rahn Philip, or Heirs Fiddler Miss ifttr,y Rodkey John Fr4ar Mamas 4andolik Valhatiel G'elkoift James Ilt.ez Daniel, orSierrs Eiarvey James Sheads Sertri Lionyez L.izzie N.. Shone Mr. Mawr Sara! Fctinnrrer Otto flarmaa Elijah .Swartc Jacob Ilaffmaa. P. C. liturrie Miss Margaret Johnson Alexander M. Smith Peter Johnson William Walter John • Kahn Susannah 'Walker Juba Kunce Miss Maggie liVhite .11b-s P. 3. Krasa Jacob Wittmore Miss Rosana GEORGE OTTER, I'. MI jer-Persons calling for letters in the above fiat will please say they are adrectiAe4l.. New Store ! TZW FIRM! NEW GOODS!—A. SCOTT k SON take pleasure in announcing to the public that they have just opened a new sand complete Dry Goods and Gioccry Store on the In of Chambersburg and WasLington eareets, in thv Busougl of Getty sburg, opposite the "Eagle Hotel," n bete they are - now and will be . prepared at dtl times to offer bargains to buFt& he purse and ,please the people. Brr atontlucting our burin, st on the CASH :SYSTEM., with *tee motet, -' Quack Salts and IStuall Profits," and by pursuing a strictly bon <warier ourse,we hope torettive the encourage tuent, not only of the citizens of Gettysburg sad Adams county, but the rest of mankind. We hate just returned from ghe cities with hand s,uute assorusent of SPRING k SUMMER ito-thefDS, embracing all manner of Ladies' Dress tloods, of the most beautiful styles. 'teary Ar ticle., Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, Cloths, Casa - mere«, Vestings, &e. Also, a large assortment of VEENSWARE. Our stock of GROCELIEki, ie also large and scumplet, We will not take time to I,articliss "sze. but in% ite all to call and see—no trouble to show goods. SCOTT & SON. Alny li, 1859. Willoughby's CELEBRA TED G'CM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, manufactured and for sale in the counties of Czniberland. Adams, York and Perry, by P. itI!tRICZEIt k CO., Carlisle, sole agents fur the Above counties. Orders for these Drills will be .receiNed at the Agricultural .115 - 4anelionse of Messrs. Sheath?, Raehrser /Kurtz., Gettysburg, ar t hey may be purchased of our Travellitag.lgents. )rilcri, addressed to us, at Carlisle, will receive prompt attention. Farmers are invited to el m/line the Willoughby Drill, which teak the Eirht the v.uisius State Fairs las% 4. it. *et garai odtt tkem stay now be seen at the nbot e Agricultural WarelkUlkat. Price $74) or .157:i on six months' time. i Yuy 16, 1859. 3m Election. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders in the Gettysburg Wither Venus:La. that nu Election for Five Managers of said Company will be held at the house of Geo. W. McClellan, in Gettysburg. on Saturdag, the ,Ith of Jim, nest, Letween the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock. P.M. By order of the Board. S. R. RUSSELL, Sec'y. AM:if Id , 189. to Notice. Tnotes and book accounts of Jour Wen mar hire been placed in the hands of tive undersigned for collection—to whom those is- Alebted are requested to =ale payment- All persons failing to pay dir_ir + - cadge abtes when due, be tharged interest from date. E. IL BUEHLER, Attorney at Law, Getty burg. May 16,1559. 3t _ Notice. oTUE " leneficial Temperance Association" will meet on Saturday Evoang next, at 71 ock, in the hall of the Young Men's Chris tian Association," on Vastmhersburg street, (above Geo. Arnold's Clothing Store.) .4.s busi ness of importance will claim attention, a full Auteuil/wee is desired. D. A. BrEiILEIL, Pres' L. -May IQ, 1859. it Notice. FAMANUEL WERLER'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Emanuel 1 enler,lataufliamilton township, Adams-coun ty., slecessed, Laving been granted to the under signed, residing in Reading township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to salt estate so make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly attheitticated fur settlement. HENRI' A. FICSING, .Ithe'r. itay 16, 1859. 6t Wood-land arch creek, near Bream's )till, 40 Acres of which is heavily timbered. If not sold prior to tke trst day of July it will then be laid out in lots to suit purchasers and sold at public sale. May 18, 1859. GEO. ARNOLD. Look at This! NTICARILUGA., contains mines of.the precio us IN metals before which the gold of California sinks to insignificance. A few seiltkii of well directed effort among them is ample to secure a fortune. She has a beautiful climate, and &soil admirably adapted to the growth of Cotton, To ba,coo,Bngar -or Coffee. As the key to our Pa arie Possessions, and with her Coziyerament in * state of dissolution, Manifest-Destiny clearly isdiattes another der to be added to our banner. For all the details, with a histo.of the Filli busters, the Cass-Yrisarii treaty,View and im proved map albs country appropriately color ed, aad other matters of Interest, read Nina-AA /MA; PUT, PIIIIIIN7 ASS FUTVILT, by Pinta F. Elroy; ssq., "late United States Tice Consul." It, is a baadscuste 12nto. volume, and will be sent to your address post-paid, on receipt of the Price ($1 25.) Ascots will end it very 1 0 •P041. Rend to JOHN E. KITE lt, Pabligher , No. 617- Benson St., Philad's, PO. . 4„ .*aar An, 111.58. 2m $lllllllB. --Stella Mantles, Priated Cashmere sad Detain Shawls, cheap, at the seer stove „ A. SCOTT k SON, ' - 1; Opposite the Back Hotel. jrl4lni noVrers• %Owls* tor - ado s$ its orar clasp store a . , SOOT! a SON. wail of ploac feytha 1 11kM ahadiro 011ikwyeallte_ yearpurchaser du sew cheap stars err. SCOTT k SON,* May 16. Opposite the 11E:=MEN loroign Att~ehmeat If VIM P s .kIfgESTOCK, No. 13, A agnett” es. 1669. Foreist .111,12 W. HOFFMAN. Attachment. ADAMS COCSTY. BP, The Commonwealth of Pennsyl- Tanta to the Sheriff of said county - 1.1. greeting: / We command you, that you at. tech Charles W. Hoffman, late of your county. by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in whose hands or possession soeser the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Gettysburg, in and for said county,ha the 15th day of August next, (18590 then to answer Samuel Fahne stock, of a plea in debt not exceeding' $5OO, an also that you summon all persons in w hose h ands or possession the said goods or chattels, lands and tenementt, or any of them. may be attached. to that they and eTery of them, be and appear before our said Court at the (ray and place afore mentioned, to answer what shall be objected against them or him, and abide the judgment of the Court therein, and have you then and there tin.; writ. Witness the Hon. Robert J. Fisher, President Judge of said Court. at Gettysburg, the nth day of April. A. D. 1859. JACOB BUSHEY, l'rot¬erry. F shilest " r " k Sons. 1 ) Sn 14, Aug. T., 1R59. saw c hutes vv. Hoffman, f Foreign Attachment. A.aasss couary, sa. a se The Commonwealth of Pcnnsyl- seeds to the :-lieriff of said county— . greeting: We command you. that you attach Charles W., latc of your county, by all and siege's:kis gouda and chattels, lands and tenement+. is whose hands or pos.ession 13JON er the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Com mon Fleas, to be holden at Gettysburg. in and for said county, as thelsth day et Anna' seal, (18.7>9.) then to answer Samuel Fahnesksck, James F. Fahnestock and Henry J. Fahneatock, late partners doing busiueis under the name, stile and firm of S. Fahnestock k Sons, of a plea in debt on note under seal out exceeding 15.421, and also that you summon all persons in whose hands or possession the said goods and eliattles, lands and tenements, or any of them, may be attached, so that they aid erery al them, be and appear before ear said Court, oa the day and plAce aforementioned, to answer what shall be objected against them or him, and aside the judgment .of the Court thereon, and have yen Utz and theaeshis writ.. Witness the lion. Robert J. Fisher, President Jad e of oar said Court, at Gettysburg, this 29th day of April, A. D., 1859. .LICUB BUSIIEY, Prothooolary. IFihnestoelc 'Brothers, No. 15, Aug. T., 1A59 • es. Foreign Attachment. Charles R.. Hoffman. ADAMS COUXTY ' as. The Commonweal& of Peoissej • , Irani& to the alleluia of said comity— greeting: We command you, that you attach Charles W. Hoffman, late of Adams con nty, all and singular his goods land 'ltattels, lands and tesessesta, in whose hands or possession soarer the same may be, so that he be AI! appear before our Court of Om mon Pleas, to be ZolAlea at Gettysburg, is aril for said county, on the 13th day of August sem, (1839,) then to answer iiintes F. Fahnestock, Hairy J. Fahuestock and Et:ward G. Patine sleek, partners, doing business utklez the name, style sud firm of Fahnestock Brothers, of a plea in debt on note under seal, not exceeding ; 1 900, and also that you summon all persons in whose Luria rr pessessicua the said goods and chattels, lands and tenements. or any of them, may ic attached, so that they and ovary of them be and appear before our said Court, at the day and place aforementioned, to answer what shall be objected against them or him, and abide the judgment of.the Court thereon, sad hare you then and there this writ. Witness the MOIL Robert ir..Tiiktf, President Judge of said Conn, es Gettysburg, the 29th day of April, A. D., 1831. JACOB B CSHE Y, Produmoktry. David Middlecolf, So. 16, Aug. T 1859 • Foreign Attachment. Charles W. Hoffman. Alums courry, sa. The Commonwealth of Perinsyl _... Tallit to the Sheriff of said county— : greeting : commandon,2 t hatyon attach Ceallea W. Huffman ' late of your county, by all and singular his goods and chattels, lands and te.••••••••sts, is whose hands or pOOdeasion soever the same may be, selhtt he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be hoiden at Gettysburg, in and for said connty, on the 11t2i day of August next, (1859.) then to answer David Middlecolf, of a plea in assumpsit, and also that you sum mon all persons, in whose bands or possession the said goods and chattels, lands and tene ments, or any of them be attached, so that they and every of them he and appear before our sa id Court, at the day and plate aforementioned, to answer what shall be objected against them or him, and abide the judgment of the Court there on, and have you then and there this writ.— Witness the Hun. Robert . Fisher, President Judge of said Court, at ttysburg, the 29th dal - of April, A 8.,185p. JACOB BUSEIgY, .Prottawaary. By virtue of the above Writs, I hare attached the following described Real Estate of Charles W. Roffman, the defendant therein, viz : No 1. A LOT OF GROUND, situated in the borough of Gettysburg, on the north side of ('hambersbarg street, and fronting thereon 2* feet, with a double Brick Dwelling House, Smith Shop and other improvements. No. 2. A LOT OF GROUND, &owing's' said Chambersbnrg street. adjoining lot of Abmhasn Scott, with a two-story Brick Dwelling Busse and other improvements thereon. No. Z.. A LUT OF IiC,OUND, adjoining No. 2 of the east. fronting on :said Chatabersburg 'street '2D feet, with a Stable thereon. No. 4. A.-LQT OF RO U.NI), adjoining N 0.3 on the east. and No. 1 on ale Welk-tilitou .aid street 25 feet. with a large Coachtnaker Shop and ether improvements thereon. No. 5. A LUT OF GROUND, lying west of the Foundry, on the corner of the Railroad and Franklin street, in said borough, with a Stearn Grist and Saw Mill thereon. No. 6. A LOT OF GROUND, adjoining No. 5 on the containing 3 acres, more or less. No. 7. THREE LOTS OF GROUND, each fronting 30 feet on the north side of said Chan"- bersburg street, adjoining lots of H. Jerome Walter on the east. No. 8. A LOT OF GROUND. on said Cham bersburg street, adjoining & public alley on the north, with a stone Basement fur a House thereon erected. The said Lots, from No. 2 to No. 8 inclusive, being unoccupied. ISAAC LIGHTER, Sherri. Sheriff's OMce, Gettysburg, I May 16, 1859. 6t Military Election. BRIGADI INSPICTOICII OPTICS, Gettysburg, May 13, 1858. AGRREABLY to the Fifth Section of the new Militia Law, approved April 21, A. D., 18:16, the organized Volunteer Companies of the 2d Brigade, 4th Division, of Pennsylvania, in cluding all the regniarly organized companies in the county of Adams, are hereby ordered to meet at their respective Armories, Oil Mooday, 61.4 of June next, for the purpose of electing one Brigadier General and one Brigade Inspec tor, for the said Brigade ; also, all the Commis sioned Officers to ',kith each of the above com panies are respectively eatitied. JOHN SCOTT, Brigade Inspector. May 16, 1852. to Brigade Inspector. rthe Military of Adams county :--The ai dersigned would respeetffially announce himself to the officers and members of the Mil itary Companies in Adams county, as a candi date for the office of Brigade Inspector, at the election to be held In Jule next. Shenld he be elected, he pledges himself to a procipt and faithful discharge of the duties of the post. H. G. CARR. fiettyabtirg, May 16, 1839. to itdSliaw ClimeraL FPO the )(Oozy of Adsais winaty ;The mself so candidate for us e-re-elect ion to tbo oaks of Brigodler Gourd, at e eleetlos talons oat* If ruccesotal, he will coatiss•So disebsrgb time duties of di. otstioo faitbfop7 sod efiefeatly. WM. F. WALTER. Strabaniwp., Way 16,1859'- to . List-of Iltaroluin ts W _.‘„, New Boot & Shoe - Clall-This ~.. ic that ITHIN ef tle eosnty Adams, returned and F A NTANIANIIIIIIIN4 is 9t. HE s scriber would inform the pub l ic classified by Ow endersismed. A PP rabl i er I arum of the Diamond, Oldkys- ub !! Isis' 'twill lles hie,JIiACIIING NHOP, , in t of Mereentile Tait', in accordance with the are- ars, Pa--The place to buy in or- , mbaselzurg,:street, Gettysburg, near the eral acts of Assembly, for the year 1859-60, of der to saws esoary?-11e subscriber u oul4 most , ;sundry, when he has, various kinds -of Mac, Goods, Wares and llerchaedise : ' respectfully inform the citizens of tlettgabarg I elkines on hant‘ such as Threshing Machines, ! Berova of Gettysisere• and eurrousding country. that be has lrs loped a ' Corn Shellers, Gornfodder Cutlets, Cloreeed Cam. balks. Ote• Large Boot and Shoe Establishment, In the 1 Hullers, Strew Cutters, and Horse Powers ofd 9 25 00 : northwest corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg. ; different kinds,—two, four or six -horse, to suit 13 10 0 0 in the rooms recently occupied by D. Wills, Esq., purchasers,—indeed all such as can be had at 13 10 0 Q; as a Law Office, where he has now on hand, and Hanover or Littiestown . Also, Mortisin7 Ma-, 13 10 " ' will continue to keep fur sale, an extensive va- / chines, for house carpenters, put up in the very 13 if 17 ° riety of work, of his own manufacture. The , blast and most substantial manner. Cutting 14 700 work is made up in the best and most durable ! Screws or long Bolts, any kind or size less than 14 7 00 I manner, including all the newest styles, and ' eleven feet iu length, always attended o. as well 14 77 00' embraces BOOTS k SHOES. Men's, Women's is Turning in iron, casting or wood. Also all 14 700 I sad Children's GAITERS, In short, every artiele t kinds of ILEPAIRING on Machinery, dressiag-up 14 .. °° , usually to be found in a first class establish- ' Mill Spindles, kc., dune on the shortest notice. 14 1 ., " ' meat of the kind . He has now sad will continue! The undersigned manufactures MustuAx's 14 ' e° ,to have employed a number of workmen, "hard Paves? HORSE ItAh:E, which he offers at the 14 7 00 to beat," to make up customer work. That he ' lowest living profit. He is likewise agent for 14 700 ;will sell CHEAP, is easily proven. Give him a the REAPER k MOWER manufactured by 14 7 00 I call, examine his Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and Joseph Shiresnan, at East Berlin. 14 7°° I get his prices. With unexceptionable work and I I hope that all, in want of anything in my line' 14 ' 00 I low rates, he hopes for and expects a fair share i will call et my Shop before going elsewhere. I 14 7 001 pu bli c ' s of the patronage. 14 7 001 will warrant all my work to gig e sntisfnction to ~,., Mar Shoemakers are informed that he al- 1 purchasers. DAVID :STERNER. 1 , 4 / ways keeps on hand -UPPERS," far Shoes and 1 April 11, 185.9. ly* ° 4 . 7 Q° Gaiters, ready for bottoming. which he disposes 1 14 ' oo lof on pleasing terms. JOHN BALLWEG. I A Word to the Wise! 700 I April 4,1849. ly ) TI L ON'T FAIL to call and see SAMSON'S New 14 740 lif Goods— a large and splendid assortment 14 744 Brick ! Brick ! or MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING and Furnish -14 709 . ' ing Goods—ar. extensive lot of all kinds of 14 7 00 ! HATS, BOOTS, SHOES aid GAITER-S-4n un -14 7 00 rivalled assortment of TRUNKS and CARPET 14 790 I SACKS, some very handsome and new styles.- 9 25 00 ! Also, a Large and splendid variety of Setts, 9 35 00 Breast l'ine and Ear Rings , WATCHES, 111.61- 9 23 00 !CAL INSTRUMENTS. kc., kr. A iery hand some and new style RAILROAD TRAVELLING 'BAG. In short, everything in his line_ I After all said and done, SAMSON'S IS TILE Sl'OT to buy your goods at the right prices. A word to the wise is sufficient. Those who wish to buy to sell again will de well by calling, as I eau sod will sell them goods cheaper than they can buy them in the city. April 18, 1859. Fahnestock Brothers, Danner k Ziegler, Jr.., J. L. Schick, John Scott, A. Scott k Son, Guinn k Brother, George Arnold, M. Samson, F. B. Picking, Jacobs and Brother, Brenner Jr Brother, I. Beininger, A. D. Buehler, S. S. Forney, Agent, It. F. Mcliberty, Cohean t Culp, Gillespie & Thous; Norbeek & Martin, George Little, Boyer * Soa, Mrs. Norbeek., Miss McCreary, Philip Winter, Daniel Plank, W. E E. H. Minni', Benner k Snyder, Andrew Polley, Thomas Warren, Re., Sheads. Buehler k Kurtz, John Hoke, „. Klinefelter, Seits'ik Co., Cumberland Amsehip. . _ A. Harper, John Weigle. mill, Francis Bream, " J. Mcllheny. " Renato. Tinnisskir nigh p Nam P. A. Myers., 14 i 00 Jacob King, 14. 700 Hugh King, 14 7 00 King A ILeCartly, !l 15 00 Daniel °wades, it i 5 00 rrulte limnuilliya. Peter Yeatts, Samuel Stoke; Jacob S. Bollinger, 10 2 00 Ltlaily ratoweVio. G. 71. (Inquiet a Brother, 14 11 Of Lotion Towaskr. Geary B. Smith, 44 7 00 Jacob A. Diller, 14 7 00 Adam Lerew, 141 fi 041 Charles Eldeo,jl6l4lr. Trweakta., 14 1 00 klarid Diviney, . - 44 700 Burkbolder k Witiou,‘ 04 s*o Abel T. Wright, 14 7 00 George Minnigh, 14 7 00 Wm. Overdeer., Jacob Pktzer, G. B. Mouse, Nwin#Qg Iraim•Aj. John Yogi, John Rebert, 14 7 00 Bidkr Toarouutip. Henry Beltler, Noeth Miller, Edward Staley, Y. t IC Camp, Jelin Hoover, Samuel Foliar, !gest, ilendivis Twain ly. 4.'4:Ser.& Breaker, 34 7 00 Wis. Wulf, la 7 60 Henry L. Miller, 14 700 J. Carson, 14 ' 700 Win. Breiteber, 14 7 00 Hildebrand k Stough, 14 7 00 Frederick Ileidler, 14 7 00 George Mundorlf, 14 700 Henry Kline, 14 7 , 01 Miss Kreuter, 14 1 SO Berrie* Tvenship. D. E. Hollinger, 14 700 Win. Davis . 14 700 Lewis BunAhal, 14 if 00 Joseph Haeffer, 14 7 00 freaktie TorinsAlp. Jacob Shank, 14 7 00 Israel Shank., . l4 7 00 James Mickley, 14 7 00 Jacob Fed weikr, 14 7 00 Peter Mickley. of fl., 14 7 00 Martin 1.. Miller, 14 7 00 John Chamberlain, /4 7 00 In. Ana Rolhanis, ' 14 7 00 C. IL Csufssan, 14 7 00 W. W. Witmer* 14 2 00 IlliAtaskon row* Jacob A. Gardner, 12 12 50 Ephraim Heitsehesr, 11 12 50 James Megary, 14 7 00 John Gardner, . 14 700 Amos Gneet, 14 7 00 Orford roirstAip. W. D. k A. S. Ilinses, 12 11 04 Bastress A Winters, 10 20 00 F. Hersh, 10 20 00 Aaronlleagy, 14 ' 700 A. Staub, 14 r 00 J. Wert, 12 10 00 W. Stauter, 14 7 00 E. Weigle, 14 7 00 _ Kerapleasenf rmossAip. I. k E. Miller, 14 PateroTeall, 14 . Jacob Gossman, 14 Emanuel Smith, 14 itnesdAy TownsAip. Spangler A Brother, 13 Peter Battik:in 14 I. 8.. Shipley, 14 Jacob Wolf, 14 Mica Ilinstulapt. Peter Long, 14 7 00 Abraham Sell, 14 7 00 Abraham Sheely, 14 7 00 Ilexasealoas Township. SaMean t Rbiae►art, 13 10 00 Paxton t McCreary, 13 10 00 Jacob HeilEgli, 14 7 00 John C. Schatser, 14 7 00 Germany TomsAi, Study k Stonelifer, J.A. Shorb, -- .7 Siraidoling, Le;: 4 ggulcsifer,,... G. W. Rowe, - John Miller, Myer Nusbaum, Henry IPrsert, - ", ._~ Brant, 14 700 Ilyers k Shorb, 13 10 00 Dattera k Weikert, 13 10 00 Swope, Landis k Koskaa, 13 10 00 Cookomwo Tortuksjo. John Bu . bey, 14 7 00 Iteily k Sneeringer, 14 7 00 Distiller's Limier. David Rhodes, Freedom township, 8 15 00 Wm. S. Jenkins, Conowigo " 8 15 00 APPEAL Notice Is hereby given to all personsinterested in the above return of classification, that I will bold an Appeal, at the Commissioners' Office, in Gettysburg, on Tuesday, the 7th day of Juae nest, between the hours of 9 o'clock, A. W., and 3 P. M., when and where all persons that may con sider themselves aggrieved by said classification may attend. J. M. WALTER, Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes for Adams co. May 16, 1859. 4t Notice. S first account of 111113aT LLIVT. Committee j gr ia of the pers.= and estate of Jacon LADY, of acob, a Lunatic, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, ea the 24th day of Nay eat, 1/11110111 Cattle be show* to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Getty-- 1 . burg, April 25, 1859. 4t* f Notice. rlfirst and final &Conant of Joan Assighes of thous R. Crtrwr, has been a the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, ea the 24M iv if Xelp nett, nudes' cause be shown to the eentesry. JACOB DUMMY, -Matey. Prothonotary's Odice burg, April 25 114 , .431 - • Wanted IDiATILY, *reheats, Hotel-keepers, and private Rusin* to know that OOVHR MI are selling at:their Wholesale and Re tell Liquor Store on Railroad Street, a superior article of Liquors of all kinds for less money thee was seer alered to the people of Adams - 01111 end mean' ear stook. Fine Ligwes for lledirdael purposes. llay a, latli. 1131 IT rewired s lot 01 Se yilesoliaderistbsoit t y the sew Store of A. SCOTT YOIIITE undersigned would most respeetfolly In form the public that they have rented Ur. 11 Lures BRICK YARD, on Rock creek, in the borough of Gettysburg. where they will continue the Brick-making busiuims. The first kiln will be ready for sale by the latter part of May. They will insure their Brick for all pur poses, paving or building. They aJso make a Brit rate Pressed Brick. Haring much expe rience .in the business, they know that they will give satisfaction. MICHAEL ItgllM, MICHAEL BU HELL May 2, 1859. 3t 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 14 T 00 New Lumber Yard. THE undersigned have opened a Lumber Yard, at their Warehouse, corner of Strat tou street and the Railroad, Gettysburg, where they now have Lumber on hand and will con stantly keep a large assortment, to which they sia the attention of buyers. Their prices are as low as the lowest„and no efforts spared to ac commodsee. KLINEFELTER, SEITZ k CO. Manch 11, Ins. NI 14 7 00 14 7 00 Spring Xi Inner"; MISS McCHEART is now opening a large as sortment of BONNETS suitable for the season, eensistitg of Straw, Neapolitan, Linen braid, and Fancy sonnets (with extra sizes for old Ladies)—all of the latest styles, and which for beauty and cheapness cannot be surpassed ; with new style !ribbons, Roches, Flowers, Cords and Tassels, Allusions, MaHnes, Chip, Tarletwa, and Lace for Trimming. Also, Mantillas, Para sols, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries of every kind, Caps and Fancy Head-dresses, Dress Trim mings, and Fancy Goods of every ilescriplinsa, which the Ladies are invited to cal And examine. Milliners will be supplied with patterns, free of change, by collie; for rheas. 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 r 4. li 1 00 Air Miss IL win wake Rennets to onto lit the shortest notice, mid in *e best sad most fashionable manner. [April 2'5, 1850. 6w 14 7 00 14 700 14 7 00 14 'I GO MISS ISABELLA BUSHEY would inform the Ladies of Gettysburg and surrounding country, that she has commenced the Mil!leery isusiaess, is its different branches, at the resi dence of her father, in West Middle street, op peek. M. George Little's store. She will en deavor to deserve a liberal share of patronage. April 18, 1859. 14 7 00 ."-lpaimy Nara it a igemsy sarned."—Fae.mtLts WE, the undersigned, respectfully wish to isSsr the public that we have taken Stan k Sus, S. E. Lerner Centre Square, Wbere we always intend to keep en hand a laige, well selected and cheap stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING k GINTIMISS . II Fre.II.ISUING GOODS, which cannot be surpassed. We aro very par tiodar in nianufeeturing and selecting our goods, and we would therefore invite the public to call am: examine oar stock of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHANG end Furnishing Goods, beforwpur cluising elsewhere. BRENNER k BRO. N. E. Corner Centre Square, Gettysburg. April 18, 1859. tf • VE I° 00FING.—The subscribers are orepared to contract and put oa at the shortebt =dice, . . Child h Co..' PATENT FIRS ANII ,WA TER PROOF ELASTIC CEMENT ROOFM;. It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in point of durability Is equal, if not saperiur, to any MetaLk goofing. It caw be put on over tin, tar, Iran, or shingle roofs, however gat or steep they may be. In point of resisting the elements of are and water, usthiag has yet been discovered equal to the Elastic Cement. Those who have used it, nave testilled that it is the very perfection of Hoofing, and that there is no further room for improvement. !In one will now think of putting es shingles, when this Cement cam be had far mach lass money and will outwear four shingle routs. This Roofing Is warranted as represented. The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampnesss of the round. It is also the best paint for Irortoellteeteelly preventing rest; end steno - re applied 'midway exelndes dampness. I oe 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 The subscribers have thin Cement for sale, in quantities to suit. For further ialormation, ap ply to P. .1. k C.. AL. TATE, E•gle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa April 25, 1859. tf A. R. Dill, A TTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly to collections and all business entrusted to Office between Fabaestocks' and Danner A Zlegier's Stores, Baltimore st., Gettysburg, Pa. May 9, 1859. Got 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 . 111 SO /4 7 00 13 10 00 irk -14 7 oo 14 7 00 Wool! Wool ! Wool ! 1 - 1 77,1111 Good Intent Woolen Factory, (tor Springs, • ..eqr .... Which the subscriber will pay the highest price it:l - C . 294,4r in exchange for Woolen Goods. May 9, 1839. 4t WILLIAM MEGARY. JOHN IfcGREW'S ESTATE.—Letters of ad ministration on the estate ofJohn McGrew, late of Menallen toiniship, Adams county, de ceased, haring been granted to the undersigned, residing in Franklin township, he hereby giros notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the tame to present them pruper ly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE THRONE, Ada'r. April 11, 1859. 6t Assignee's Notice. THE undersigned, Assignee of Jo s s Rorer- ROD/ & Wire, of lieidlersburg, Tyrone township, Adams county, under deed of volun tary assignment, in trust for the benefit of credi tors, hereby gives notice to all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the said John Eckenrode, to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the sense to present them properly authenticated for settlement, to LIEU. F. ECKENItODE, Astipsee, at Ileidlersburg, or to his Attorni es, IL & W. McClean, Gettysburg. May 2, 14151). et TAX-PAYEitS.—Notice is hereby given that the County Otimmissioners will make an abatement ofiure payee. upon all State and County taus assessed ter the year 1859 that shall be paid to Collectors co or before Riley, the let of .141 y. Collector' will be required to call on tax-payers on or before the above date, and make each abatement to all persons paying on or before said day, and poly the same to the County Treasurer, otherwiee no abatement will be made. By order of the Commissioners, Y. WALTER, Clef*. May .2 4 1859. td NOTICII is hereby given to all la. dated to the late Asa of 8. Alurarroef oirs., that all accounts unpaid seer the fief fig, sr Aseir eseanslll be seed oat, inimpoisivirir pestles. These itecoants havabesnin vow* formats time.lorloOditiod)ibeiko haptiesa &ea —and they sew mast be -closed up. *ay 1,1633. 31 D. A. BIIFELIta ;; " Millinery. Cheap Clothing. finuerly occupied by 11. 8. Mix- Elastic Cemni.t LBS. WOOL wanted at the Notice. Notice Last Notioe. Mange of Hours N TILE GETTYSBURG ILIII,ROAD O Summer Arrangrotent.—On and after Thurs day, April 21st, the MORNLNII TRAIN will leave Gettysburg tt 6.30 o'clock A. M., connecting At Hanorer /unction with Express train to Balti more at 9.32, and Nell train frost Baltimore at 9.32, returning to Gettysburg at #12.30 noon, with passengers from Baltimore, York, Harris burg, Philadelphia; and the North and West. The ArrStISOON TrAIN will leave Gattys. Margot 1 o'clock, P.':., connecting at Hanover Junetioa with Mail train to Baltimore at 3.37, re turniag to Gettysburg about 6.30 P. U., with passengers from York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and'the North sad West. On Tuesday sad Saturday evenings or every week, the Evening trnin will wait at the Junc tion until 3.30, on the Evening Express train from Baltimore, which leaves Calvert Station at 3, P. M., thus enabling passengers to leave Get tysburg on those dale at 6.34, A. M., reach Balti more at 12:I5, P. IL, attend to business there until 3, P. M., and return to Gettysburg the same swaging. glir By the above arrangement passengers can go either North or South on the Northern Central Railway both morning and attersous. lL M'CULDI", President. • April 35, 1859. Dividend. Beam or Garresscao, May 3, 1859. TR presides& and Directors of this Instite aloa bars this day declared a semi-annual videos' adirOUlt PER C&NiT., payable on and idler Monday, the 9th inst. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. May 9, I. 3t Morrison's Patent STOI THAI VAMP MILL ISOM/ AI 11.-.... r*tooRTABLE FENCE.—Tu. eite MU' A 111.11 execs ted June 9, 11157.—The undersigned ban purchased the Right Air Adams reentry of 1 Morrison's Patent PortablePenee, a ample Ira no e Ito connect the panels of ft-ace. 1- 1 which the I use of poets Is dispensed with, sioi at *boat one ' third the usual cost. This frame is held together by means of a ample bolt connecting the pea nets, and keeping them in an oprieht polities' ; then, by driving two pins into the'groond,thro' the ends of the sins, the fence is made perms peat, as well as portable. It requires but little skill I. its construction, and takes but half the 1 time required to make a common board fence; the trusses Are made without a single mortice, the parasols arc nailed up with strips on each side, and can be set up in a few moments. It will be readily seen that one hundred pannels of this_feace are worth two hundred punnets of I stationary fence. as it is easily and readilynsoved ieun place to place, thnsrenakoHng the farmer to dispense with half the feneerelnired when sta tionary ! , 1 used--and from the'faet that middle fences can Lo entirely dispensed with lisv, merely using portable' fence for as using alone. By this process. - lie - third ofthe grass is saved that Is generally over. - nn in pastorinT„ by mere ly fencing the quantity 1 , - , ui!efl, besides paring at least Ave acres of land to ."e hundred that is necessarily taken op with fence v. hen stationary fence is used for inside fencing, all t.. 1 land be ing fanned alternately, it gives no• chaa le for, briers and other rubbage that usnpily grow ..7 1 along fences. This fence can be used to groat i advantage on low or wet land, where it is CIA- i oult to set posts, merely requiring longer pins than for dry ground. The advantage also, ofl moving the fence, when streams overflow, that ; are likely to bolt it off, and the convenience it stares, in fencing pastiere and ot)ter lota, foe stock, enclosing grain stacks, be., Ye., an high ly recommend its practical use to the farmer. The first premium was awarded to this fence at the Pennsylvania State Fair held at Phila delphia, 1857. Farm Rights will be disposed of on moderate terms oa application to JONATHAN PITTENTCRP, licidlersburg, Adams co., Pa. April 25, 1850. 3m* Dr. larLame's , CIELERRATED VERMIFCGE k LIVER Lzo PILLS.—We beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Sig Physicians of the country, to two of the most popnlarrentedies now before the public.. We zass refer to DR. CHAS. NI LANE'S CELEBRATED 4 " 17 ..? j VERIIIFCGE AND LIVER PILLS. We do t 1 ' not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, to but simply for what their name purports, viz- ;;;,. ; The VERLIWCGE, for expelling Worms from I= • mars system. It has also been adminis tered wittlisitzuost, satisfactory results to va riot's Animals subjeCl4s-Worms. The LIVER In 7 PILLS, fur the cure of Lies' ToltK+lxrs, ally BiIdOI:IIDERANCIIIIIENTS. SKI( HELD-ACHICre - := i In cases of level LND Aucs, preparatory to Wg or after taking Qaininc, they almost invaria !hly malts a speed," aad permanent cure. m" As specifics for the above mentioned die- 'MI eases, they are unrivaled, and never known= to fail when administered in accordance with = the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has in- g da cod the Proprletors,FLEMlNG BROTHERS, so PITTSBURG, PA., to dispose of their Drug "a business,in which they have been successfully engaged for the last 20 years, and they will Ie now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being determined that Dr. li'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time aor expense La procuring the Best and Purest materials, and compound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROTHERS, Pittsburg, Pa. P. B.—Dealen and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and talreasone bet Dr. It Law' s, piparid 4gltanisg Bros., Pittsburg, Pit. To those wishiag to give them a trial, we will forward per nail post paid, to any part of the Vetted States, one: box of Pills for twelve threaeeal 1 0 ~ 1 41 9 94 are one vial of Ter mirage for touriben three-vent !tamps. All or daub= Canada west be accompanied by twen ty mute extra. For sale by,A...D. 4Diales, Agent, Gettysburg, and - by dodger ram* through° at the comfy. May 2, 1859. ly Goode fht the Beason! rr•enbeeriber •liiiime reurrued from the sity• wits A WO sePPIY 0 ( NSW GOODS, he caws to sal cheaper Mae ever. ' (Xv• 0 1 1 0. nell, arri tor persame. Me ee sostirea IllibrArais Camiumwit, Ireetbmpe, ferf lf IlDraripir -' a ,G rg i . lee sal - is _ . —' ' ..- 1401011401111DIGIrr a • ' bleralliett., 4 emelireemOirtre ikuire. Oetlysberg, April 4,441,1111 i f . =2 ,witlirt 6 tr ()minim RRAPCIO k MOW ! MACIBINE acre WOOD'S IMPROVE , . oil=litellidersigned, Agent for the Sale of Maanyie Colibined Reaping and Mowing Ma ! chine with Wood's Improvement. for Adams county, offers them to the public. kaowing them Ito be the best Deathbed machine in use. It has been successfully introduced into different parte of our State, sad I have thus far sold aszty-afar in Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.— The rtinchinp received a,silver medal at the State Fair--also, the first Fremium at York, Cumber land, Centre, Fluntingdon, and other county Fairs. a here it was exhibited. Farmers need ing a Reaping Machine, will please cull upon the undersigned, before pnrchasing, as he al ways takes great pleasure in showing the Ma chines and aurreais them to do good is uric.— Early orders arc solicited, as the number re ceived from the manufacturer wiU be in propor tion to the demand. SAMUEL HERBST. .15.711, Opposite the Engle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa April 11, 1859. 3m YOH THE SHOOTING OF KEY, and the r. x - cc utien of Four Murderers in Raltimere, as created the greatest excitement. The pa pers are filled with details ofillese shocking af fairs. The people talk about it en the streets and in their houses, and look noon these trage dies as being unparalleled in history. So it is with PICKING'S CLOTHlNG—having just open ed the largest and most complete, as well as the cheapest and best assortment of RIAI)Y-M &DE CLOTHING, of every description and style, ever offered in this place, the people talk about it 00 the highways and is their houses, urging each other to go at once to Picking's aid purchase a new suit of clothes. But joking aside, we as sure the public In all candor that our stock cannot be surpassed—consisting in part, of Black Cloth Coats, Cassimere Frock and Sack Coats, Tweed and Linea Coats, and in fact every kind that the market can produce. Vests of ' , eery description. Pants to suit all classes and conditions. Shirt'', Collars, Stockings, Gloves. fingpentient, be., hr... Alio, Carpet Bags, I'm brellar, Trunks, Aocordeons, Violins, in short everything usually found in hisline. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of the awe. Call and examine our stodk.---no trouble to show goods. Remember the place, in Chasm bersburg street. opposite the Lutheran church. April 18, 1853. F. B. PICKING. GGEORGE ARNOLD, at his C',.othing Em porium, has now got his stock of Sprint and Sumner Clothing—full and well assorted: all of one own make, and warranted well made. We haveinst received from the city, a large stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, Drillings, Jeans, Italian Cloth, Parametta Cloth, Tweeds, Summer Caasi meree, Linens, Vestingq, kc., all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times. We have bands constantly cutting and making up, and if we cannot please you in a garment ready made, we can take your measure and nmke ynn np garment upon short notice. As usual Mr. Culp is always on the spot with shears and measure in hand, at your service. Please call. as we will net be undersold by any other establishment is tows. [April 11, 4859. 13a,ltir3ac)reA_ci - v'ts_ Charles Dunlap, WHOLESALE and Retail _ GROCER A TEA DEALER, Corner of Howard and Lesirroua Streutß, BALTIMOIti t YD. Has on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Sc. Feb. 7, 1859. ly Susquehanna House, n PPOSITE Calvert Station, BALTIMORE, MD ‘ "farr reduced to $1,25 per day. JOHN A. SL.I.M, Proprietor Jessup Li. Gat Z. I. 1111.111D1Itg Harding & Carroll, nOMMISSLON MERCHANTS, C Fire Free( Warehouse and R. R. Depot, di. 126 North Hersrd Sirre(, BALTIMORE, MIL Feb. 14, '59. ly • • - alma 0. IC7IMIL/111. ‘ Kulaller & Prick, LOUR k PRODUCE Conaraisaioa and Far warding Ifewchanto, :Forth aced : iwpoillie X. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly COMMISSION & PRODUCF. MER CHANTS, Sag. 118 and 133 North Ala siren!, Ltottimsore.—Being established in the Commission business fora number of years, they solicit consignments, and pay particular attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds, Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Con nt ry Pro duce griter.ilty. We remit procrel , promptly. Tracks trots tbe Northern CectrsJ E..u/zolo) rue into our Warehouses. Refer to R. U. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg. [Julie 21, ly Carpets, oQtr. CLOTHS and ilatungq, wholesale and Wail. Constantly- or hand no assortment Carpet/ Al low prices. conoisting of vtiv..a, Brussels. TL'ee-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car peta,of every at 'a and price. oil Cloths from 1 to G yards 'bide. Rugs, Mats. Stair Rod., Clanton and Cocoa Afatti . ngs. Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or low rates. JOSEPH "!..ICTO111", 145 Lexington st., one door west or Howard, March 14, 1859. 3m Baltiolore, Md. - - James H. Bosley, Com,ussiux MERCHANT, No.r. 124 and 128 North &reef, BALTIMORE, MD. TIM prepared to receive and sell on Commis sion all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Haring as experience of ten years in the Commission business, (and wishing to continue that alone.) I flatter myself that I shall be able to give SATIN. FACTION t o all who favor me with consignments Will also attend to filling orders for Groceries Grano, and all kinds of Fertilizers. Feb. 14, 'S9. ly SOFA AND FURNITURE WAREROUMS. Nos. 23 and 27 N. Gay street, I:lnltimore. (near Fayette st..) extending from Gay to Frederick st.—tbe largest establishment of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large assortment of -HOUSEHOLD ANU OFFICE FURNITURE, em- War,t robes, Mattresses o er Spring Beds, Sofas , Tete-e-Tetes, Itoe Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Set tees, Reception and Upholstered Chairs, .A.S "SORTED COLORS OF COTTAGE FURN IT UHF., Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Side boards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to parehase are invited to call end give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workmanship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. A. MATHIOT k SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug, 2, 1858. ly TO Southern & Western MERCHANTS k DEALERS.—L4ATHER, SHOE-FINDINGS, LASTINGS, /tc.— Aitesale Agency for Shoe Pegs, best Tanner's Oil, Patna Kips, Bark Mills, Tanner's and Cur rier's Tools, Depot for OU, Tan'-lace, Leather Pickers; largest and cheapest assortment of Leather, Shoe-findings, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, to be found In Baltimore, and by far the 1 cheapest. Call and look at my goods and paces before purchasing, is all I ask, and then compare prices, rola", fagot* and I feel satisfied that my house will be pronounced "the house," filit the South dad West -- whets New York and Boo tee prices are duplicated, and shall be kept so. New on band sad to arrive, 5000 bushels of SHOE PEGS, at 5 per cast. to 10 per cant. Lou than New York sad Boston prices. ipartiseali for Catalogues and Priem and read for yourself. Win/somas 42 Booth Calvert mad ZS Great Sitei4, Baltimore, Md. P. H. GRIMY. and ebelillibt esstwtitieett Gent's,' Bore sad Ladies' Gaiter Uppers and One Up pers. Ifiglmet Comb prices patter Sidon, green sad eon Elbeepskim, Wool, Tallow, 'Beeswax, UMW Is mak be. 'A ways mi band and, Om eale, spleadld Pains gla s t s er e wlensterli o ll= r asid salted' milt on Pod C • =hesestadi es lame. Apellfd, 7430. Su . • To the Farmers. The Sickles' Trial Cheap Clothing. II D W'D r. cAaatom. C. W. Slagle & Co., A. Mathiot & Son's 19aittanu:sx.. inismum COTIMPATEXIIVInks—. W. BEY wow}, ow". street. Baldasore, hasilass beef :saliptged fop dri but 17 yeas in the inaashictarts and atilt of the above dodroble ?onshore, suited to cc osalejr residences, has on band a large variety, timed expressly for retail sales.. Also flak sad Walnut Chamber lebirliak mid Walnut Extension Tables Diniaglitsoirood Fancy Chairs, Sideboards, Hair and Nash NM tresees, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, ke4 Mardi 2.1, ly . J. 8. McClellan, inEA LER to HATS, CAPS and CHILDREN% FANCY GOODS, No. 343 West Mildews t, near the Eutaw Meuse, Dattletore t beeps on hitud all goods of the best make and Wan style to be found in a Bret s st Sat gore. .1 call from persons visiting the )1: solicited. Dee. 20, 1858. Gm* George X. Bokee, MPORTER and Dealer la CHINA, GLASS, k i QUEENSWAHH, No. 41 North Howard Elt, between Lexingios and Fayette Streets, ROl uuDre. NI [Dec. 20, Is3l. /y UPHOLSTE'REiI, PAPER HANGES, AND VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTUILEIL, No. 52 North Howard Street., one door above Lexington, Paper Hatkiingr.—Constantly in store, rapar Hangings of every description, and of the bass and most approved patterns. Also, Borders Fire 1142:yid l'rints, Blighelt.—Keeps on hand, and mann fartnrcs to order, Venetian Blinds of all eoltSts, sizes and qualities, which will compare favora bly with any offered to the public. We-Paper Hanging done in the test atyle.— Old Minds repainted and trimmed, er ‘ esieksagtd. Nlnree 7, OF House Purnisbhig ri 001 R, So. 11 North Howard ahmett, two J doors North of the Howard Ihnuet.—Th e undersigned, hitting made large additioss to his gtock, iv prepared to furnish Nousekesprs, Country \terc•hnnta and others, with such snicks as they want, on the very best terms. WhitewnAlt, Sweeping, Dusting, Pnint, Heir, Tooth, Nnil, Silver, Shoe,Scrub iad Bruslic;. Woonrx-m ant: : Such rt. Tubs, Tinekells, Ilelqires, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Beißorg Pins, Batter Ptriteq, ,ke. Brooms, Baskets, Mike and Cordage. Maq-Ter's 5 minute Ice Cream Fs-nevem kefrirrnttors, ngright and eltest..-4be most apprlved kind.. Water Coolers, In Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthitr's mid other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving Cans. plain Tin-ware, Japamted, Mark Tin, Britannia and Plated Ware. Albeit*. Forks and Spoon., Crns, Coffee and Tes Pots, t Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing Dishes, Knives nada Forks, Waffle Irnns, Sauce Pans, Bodes sali Weighti, Cotree Mills, Table Casters, Old Domin ion ('ofTee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, Norse Lamp, Toilet Sets, Foot Tnhs, Bath Tabs, Knife Cleaner+, Wire Dish C'cu er3, Table llate,togetier with n varittc of articles useful and necessary to lfrisek-eepers. Rohr k Davis' Patent Ktrelsior 11 - walling Mng hines. Plain Tin and Sheet; Iran Ware and Brushes of every description, manu factured to order. GEO. A. MILLS, No. 11 North Howard at., BattinaottleMll. March 14, 1859. ly Win. Knabe & Co., XTOS. L 3, 5 and 7 Ninth %taw threetr -11 SALESROOM No. 207 Balthaoye Stmt, between Charles and Light—BALTUMI4, Manufacturers of Gold Medal Premien GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES.. Wm. Knabe k Go. would respectfully !smite the attention of the public, and especially those in want of a FIRST cr,Ass PIANO, tatindr as sorted stock of Insti uments,. which, for power and sweetness of tone, easy win d agreeable touch, nod beauty of finish, have, bjr the beat ofjudges, bees pronounced unrivaled by any In the Imo try. As to the rebstiTe merits of oar Maw, we would refer to the Certificates or•Ngeolliesee in our possession, from THALBICRO, G. BATTER and 11. VI Eux minks. sbo from some of the most distinguished per:OllMMsnd amateurs in the country; also to 44* Illidota4ng lIHNIEST PREMIUMS, received tllfMTs the last three ;rears : GOLD MEDALS at thellissydand Institute, 1835, 1854, 1857. SILVER ItEDALM at the Metropolitan institute, Washington, 1867; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, PhihWleil phis, 1854; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, flicibtisoad, 1855, ml 6 All lattru merits of taw manufacture have the full iron 'frame, and arc guaranteed for FIVE TRAM a„Particelar attention paid to the speotiers of Instrurnents for distant *tilers, awl a privilege of exchange granted at any time within "sir if the instruments should not prove entirely nails factory. A liberal discount to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. IM!!E:201 Wholesale dealers will find it to theft advan tage to give us a call, ite by greatly iaerease.l facilitieß, we are enabled to till all orders witis dispestell. Bar Constantly on hand, a large assortment of MELODEONS, from the best Factories. , SECOND-HAND PIANOS at Great nt prices from $3O to $l5O. Pianos Elekangad, Hired and Taaed. A call is respectfully solicited. January 17. 1859. ly To Merchants & Farmers. [T HEAP AND CHOICE . _ GROCERIES, . ...—._ Ai HOOK k BALDWIN'S, tf. W. corner Lexalyton Green &rests, 14ALT131011/1 4 MD. We would respectfully invite the atioulloa of buyers to our large sad well selected stack of prime family Groceries, souspe every article usually kept /a a fhat-eland which we offer at prices its lew as (if autisures than) any house in the city. We name in part : / Prime New Crop Orleans Sugar. Do. do. Molasses. Porto Rico and low grade do.—very efitiap. Rio, Lag nayra, Porto Rico, Cape Java, llaricato, and other C.,ffees. Excellent Imperial, Young Upon, wad Goss. powder Teas, at 50 cents per pound. Choice Oolong do. at 50 cents. lair Imperial Tea at 73 eta. per p. H! SA This Tea we warrant equal, if sot murkier, to any Tea sold at other places for Vett lb. PLOVR, .rfau, DACON, ~.m "p, at prices taw ani• 45- " "I'Cr Pt", cm .*vq o lgbpvta nq aq 4/ ‘Pa9ll°lll , 143 15, •aw fps )1 saw/sauna ins qodva^mui( . 7n, "- ic 4r. en.y other - • ed deadly weapon,' post, -- auo- of. a _ fine not eieeedhigt IMO Rectified Whiskey sad Domestic Brandy Goods delivered to Boats and Rail roads fret of drayage Satisfaction guarantied in all cases ar the goods returned at ourl2pensa. 'A "1641 es count allowed to F.ouit2' a1e40 6 .1 . . 800 * I Wholesale anditetall Green'. Southwest car. Green k Gesiagtoa its., Jan. 24, '59. tf Baltimore, Md.. New Is Blob J'EWEILRT, SLYER WARIVEILYII PLAT ED WANE, hc.—A. L WARNIIB, , OoId awl Silversmith, No. Io Nom GAY Illmurer, BAL TIMORE, ID., hes hi-store a beaulgid assort twat Of styles sad Pattinti of PM *WPM, .unable for preemie, embrachti a ftiety of Plain Gold egad Ball Breathes, - Mukha, Ice., )Zar-lllag6 set with Dlsmaa4lll4 l l hc., Ladles' Gold Qmlosr : Miniature Lockets, Gold 111Mebles, CMF ph is ; Signet, Chased WA Plan:Gold _• Peach sad Peas Sleeve Eultojie soil 'SSW Ghat sad Jet C/914:111, Jet Braeollts Phm Nei* Re. 4: 2 4 1 5 ; a." A varleo apt Mar Son= e tiaiton, Oaks Baskaukiraildirs, 5541 Salt fka=lllll4lis Emillmr,lipoons, Forks, • ' ' Idela 11111111 ft e= 144 scaßOMer.alll elsol • l ig i tiluitworfitoliA;ast Inds eml . P4oo4,lllftallOWAisal VIA eiimiememloseilt t.") H. T. Hynson, WHA.1.1.11 KNIBE k CO AT CITY PiIICTS and NO CNASOR FOR PACE/lONS =IV