The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 16, 1859, Image 2

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    itidike Priparation ca England.
juitNs, N. F. May 9.
•• 7 11alskleausar Galway, with
%Waste the :Ahh uir., arrived this afteriwun.
illj auk is statist important. T. has
to diselsrafkut of' wiz, but hostilities
stst dont to . pounnenoe. The Austrian
troop% 123,00 strung, hat, pessed the
- amoebas' conflict had yet taken place.
I The French army was pouring into the
.Piedoestese territory.
The Grand )eke of Tuscany has joined
litotwei and Piedmont against the 4ustrians.
!be report of the French kiwis:, ellianee
hiii-tmasi denied, hot as an offset the Loathe,
ilmse publishes the provisions of the trea , ',e s
*bleb are said to base been entered by
dame pro Governments. The beneficir.l effect
*deb was produced by the denial, 'on funds,
- 'WA lajared by this publication, end a great
=us on the ndun Vtuttige wail the result.
Wag one time were quoted as low as tB.
;ppwince of these Ilue", ua tione and haz
pi da
. a speculations ) tti:Jut forty failures
twang pe stock brokers are announced.
241 War Crieis.—lt had been telegraphed
{Beal sari us aourves, that during the night
of Ike siGth of Ar ril. 100,004) Austrians un
ite' 00110igrosred the Ticino, in three corps,
gek4 web the *road towards Nevarn—also that
fussy eitomards blew up the bridge of 13uf-
Agi t
over which they had cros.ed.
p WWI reported that Austria had accepted
propatal mediation of Ziifiland and post.
M id Me declaration of tear.
The London Timu proposes to give the
ions the Treaty between Prance and
is, a
regarding the alliance as p menace
,to ;tusked, inasmuch as Russia guarantees
iitiatestarrioes of her fleet in the 510diterrancan
pied Baltic, in addition tz, the army of übser
gallop on the Austrian frontiers.
The King of Sardinia has issued an inspir
rs proclamation tothe army. saying that
regarded the ultimatum of ,Austria as an
swealt '
and rejoined to it with disdain.
The French troops were landing at Genoa
large numbers, stud ogre enthusiastically
Victor Emanuel has gone to join the army
At Aleassodria.
The Tuscan army called on the Grand Duks
4o join France apd piedmont, and declare war
,sit Austria, Ile declined and t3ed,
`lseepou the iginy 44;larea a pilicary pic
Warlike preparations wore going on in
--38Z1!14 and grestvtivity provpileil at Wool,
Tbe Government has chartered the Cun
ard gamer Euin ft n d other vessels to con
vey troops And m gnitiun to the Medite
Rumors prevail of Ft proclamation being
about to be issued calling out twenty thous
..and men for the nary.
There are active militerf movements
414Oughosit France. 80,000 `French troops
Irate expeeted to be in Italy by the day the
*miner sailed.
. The Austrian official journals contain an
, imperial manifesto, explaining the necessity
Alfa war with Sardinia. and authoritatively de
•f3se the existence of a secret treaty between
Itaesiaand France.
The ship Pomona, from Liverpool to New
York, was wrecked off Wexford on the 17th.
The Grew and three of her nassengers (names
unknown) were saved. She had over 400
wads on board. The lues of life had nut been
PAlttg, Saturday, f
The Austrian troops hare crossed the Ticiuo
and eastmenred hostilities. This intelligence
he aScially received.
LtirsarooL, April 20.—Breadstuffs---The
Aillisrliet — eLses with an advancing tendency,
and_snotations for all qualities are kigher.
The Cause of the War.—Austria claims
that she rightly owns and controls Lombardy' ,
And Venice; that she has a right to control
theistsa ahe sees fit ; that in order to do this
Adie must maintain with the several neighbor
ing Italian States such an influence as will
tender her Lombardo Venitian sovereignty
'safe. Therefore, she keeps up a partial mill
' tart' occupancy of the central Italian States,
stet virtually rules in all Italy. Sardinia is
the Only large Italian province which is an
azoeption. There Austria has no power, and
the policy of Sardinia, which is favorable to
the establishment of constitutional govern-
Ments in Italy, is hostile to that of Austria,
which tends to the maintenance of the strict
setisillilary despotism. Sardinia, and France
nyeapsithising with her, ca the contrary claim
that the Austrian occupation of Italy is in
jurious in its e!ecta on the Italian - States,
prevents the development of that country,
and is virtually in violation of the treaties
sad compacts of 1815. They demand the
abandonment of the Austrian occupation of
„Italy and the Sardinian frontier, and that
Austria shall cease to exereise any more con
trol in Italian affairs than the other great
powers. These demands Austria refuses to
„amply with, alleging that her policy in Italy
is necessary to her own protection in her own
dependencies of Venice and Lombardy. These
=attars have been in controversy for three
years. France and Sardinia proposed in 18 . 54
the consideration of this subject by the Con
gress :of the European powers. Austria
. - -eronld'not consent to this. . Diplumatie-nego
elation/ were carried on, however, between
Prance and Austria, but the difference has
grown wider and wider the longer the dis
cussion has continued, until now they pro
pose to settle the whole affair by a resort to
Kyr Yoax, Mn, 11th.—The Persia's ad
vioes dc not confirm the actual outbreak of
hostilities, but an official dispatch of Friday
announces it formal declaration of war by
Jutstria against Sardinia.
The following is an abstract of a letter per
the steamer Persia, dated Liverpool, April
'l9th:—" The papers of this morning contain
a dispatch from Vienna, dated Friday, in
which it appears that the official papers there
-hare announced the declaration of war by
!- 'Austria against Sardinia.
"Revolutions have occurred in Tnscanv
' and the Italian duchies, and all Italy will
soon be in a blaze, in consequence of the an
aortnosment of Sardinia, that on her banner
is inscribed 'The Independence of Italy.'
The fact that France was about to prohibit
the export of grain, had caused an excitement
in the Liverpool market, and flour, fur the
'week, had advanced 3s. and corn 40., the mar
ket closing firm.
Private letters say that the Persia has
out heavy orders to this country for
_lntiffs and provisions.
Wag. B. Reed.—This gentleman, our
3rdec "sinister to China, arrived in Pbiladel
-: p_iihs cm Wednesday. On landing front the
7fintft, at New York, he was met by a eem
: able felknr-townsman, and Asoorted
=The leading citizens of Philadelphia;
t respect to party, design to give him a
newaidhnentary dinner. Just as lir. R. was
bating Leaden. be received intelligence, from
lama authentic) worm, that Lord hialmes
' lad declared that woos negotiations
_lva at au end, sod that a- scathes *weft
kWTutees on tit Coatisist was
uml= ing e
'IA' " -- : aietnnsistp iforfality —There has recently
_,...,,.. an ancumal atfttaft in She family of
4% - i •
4 , :lipt • Joshua B. Selby. at Madeashorg, bid.-
- ..t . - . Mb alL:liis son, aged No pare, died;
his flanthter, aged Melees years,
`eat ea 'ibsrearimi day his .wife, all of scathe
* tetLima ita fitte Mamas day Mr. Satbi
'fittat etanataplyn. .
.4 ;s
'l4 ' 11 / 4 14 144 7 4 " 1
.ni. edllekaida
~.. 1. ,- . - . taiti 11 1 101Sysastired at New
~ loy Mosateeznor Persia,
-p - ', - 11.-vitk ir . Vow yse woken:id
-...-by Ishorsdfien -- to of the Ne wy ork and Union
' eielll dabs. Is is the intention of Mr. Mor
pby to remain a few weeks in New Yurk, and
Ikea return to Now Orleans.
J. ITLILi, SINTOR ntormyrog
ClRTTYlistrlia, ?As
MONDAY O ;ioRNING. MAY 16, 1859
trwurratir stittr Cirkrt
For Artchior Grund,
T AICILXRDSON L. WRjQHT, pf Philadelphia
FN Surveyor Gentral,
JOHN ROWE. of Frenklin county
?Jews ? eta.
i The work of re-laying the frinklia 14il
road is progressing finely.
Eli Beatty, Esq.,the v enerable cashier of the
Hagerstown. (Md.) Bank, has resigned that
office, which he has held for 53 years. Win.
' M. Marshall, Esq., was elected to fill the re
cency. Mr. M. has been teller of the bank
fur many years,
The Fresident has appointed John Heart,
.Esq,, formerly etlitair of the Charleston Mer
cury, superintendent of pul.,tie printing, vice
Gen, Bowman, resigned.
The California Gold Mines are producing
unusually well this season. Nearly $;2,000,-
000 are en the way to New yurk.
large number of rowdies attacked Lent's
1 ' Circus at Frederick on Monday night, whilst
performing, and sot fire to the side canvass,
which was burnt. Several persons were hurt.
The cause is said to have been the price of
' tickets, which bras 50 cents.
A southern paper suggests the propriety
of sending those persons who art, caught
while engaged i❑ the slave trade, to the
north to be tried, and sending south for
trial those who disolley the fugitive slave
A general convention of the colored voters
of New England has been callod to meet in
Boston pn the Ist of August, to take action
in reference to the presidential campaign of
1860. What next in the pregreas oft Black
Some of the Southern "American" papers
are opposed to forming an "Opposition" par
ty to the Democracy in the South. The Tus
! caloosa (Ala.) lonizer, one of the ablest
En.. Nothing papers in the Suite, repadi
i • .8 the movement in the South to form an
"Opposition" party agaiust the Democracy,
to give aid and comfort to the Abolitionists
lof the North, which is headed by Seward,
Greeley, Giddings & Co.
The Oregon Legislature, at its last session,
divorced thirty•four couple, and fifty more
! were released by the Courts daring the pre-
Iceeding year.
Guy. Wise, of Va., in out in a letter on
politics, which is said to make thirty/solemn'
of the Richmond Enquirer.
An English jury, in a criminal caae.‘,is
I said to have brought in the following verdict
some years ago: "Guilty, with some little
doubt as to whether be is the man."
An exchange paper, announcing the death
of a gentleman out west, says that, ►' the de
ceased, though a bank director, it is generally
believed, died a Christian, and universally
" Wife," said a tyrannical husband to his
mach abused consort, "I wish you to make
me a pair of false bosoms." "I should
think," replied she, " that one bosom as false
as yours is, would be sufficient." Exit hus
band in a brown study.
At a ranch near Sacramento a young wo
man went to buy some traps fur her wedding,
which was to take place the next day. While
there she met an old flame, promised him ill aud
took him. The disappointed groom was so
generous that he joined in the merry-making,
and volunteered to du the fiddling.
The man who did not think it respectable
to bring up his children to do work, has just
heard from his three sons. One of them was
a driver on a canal ; another had been taken
up as a vagrant ; and the other had gone to a
public institution to loam the shoe.making
business under a keeper.
The English champion, Tom Sayers, has
accepted the challenge of the Benicia Boy to
a fight for the championship of the world.—
The wager is £2OO a side, and in addition,
Sayers offers a bet of £5OO or .£l,OOO that he
will win. The time for the fight may be fixed
fur any period after the settlement of three
affairs that the English champion has now on
Democratic Victories in the West.
As the telegraph records nothing but Op
position victories, we Lave to wait fur our ex
changes to learn the Democratic triumphs, of ilea, whoever he may be. It will go, it states,
which there are not a few occurring all over
For President Buchanan. if he is re-nominated
the country. We ante: a few from the West,i at Charleston upon the old Democratic plat
which are quite cheering : I form of non-intervention.
The Democrat' of Freeport, Illinois, have __ i ...0w .0--
elected their Mayor and City officers by a i Sound Doctrine.
majority of about *se hundred. I The Democracy of Callaway county, Mis-
In Tiffin, Ohio, the Democratic Mayor, Mr. , souri, at a recent meeting, adopted, among
Johnson, is elected by majority. 1 other resolutions, the following, which all
In Rock Island, 111., the entire Democratic true Democrats will reoogniae as sound puliti
ticket was chosen at the late town election by' cal doctrine.:
60 majority. neroiroi, That every right protected by the
The entire Democratic ticket was sleeted in Constitution should be faithfully accorded to
Fremont, Ohio ; ditto in Defiance, Ohio, by l er / el wit i l a w o ut f me teg n a t :d w to ho t m he its
Plion, isbioinrAeuxr
majorities from 20 to 50. Last year the op-rdigion of the partied entitled to such rights;
position majority was from 5 to 15. I and that loyalty to the government, honesty,
The Democrate of Perrysburg, Ohio, elected 'i and capacity are the tree tests of the eligibil i
i 1 tut of the franchises of
Irwin B. Norton, mayor, ands large ina t itn,a i r t i eu ru i r t° en
- o - °I
on the town ticket. .
In Sanduaky, Ohio, the Democratic majori
ty yam aiiont 50. •
In Elyria, Ohio, the &Tabßeane ran Phile
mon Bliu, their member of Congress, for liar .
or. Ile was beaten by Paul W. Summer,
Democrat. His rote in Congress against the
admission of Free Oregon. it is said, lost Bliss
his election. •
Thal:Numerate of CirelenllL , Ohio,sleetei
Weir entire town ticket and a triejority of
the city pannoiL
The Democrats of St. Cloud. Maltese*
have elected their candidates hyped majori
ties. Wino& has also been carried by the
Democracy, and bap guise are reported fur
the Dense' orals throagtiosßtbe Sege: Minease
ta is preparing to elect taro beamentlia rem
seatatives toCeagrees aeattall.—Coisstiltatiess.
Canada testitihnassee.—Joe Berber. the
fittebnreis been conviesed• of
beings ' . alba , s trial before .
• inT7- •
Arno 'resident hasiftfielsesd-Williant
D. Bishop, of Connecticut, Contwisidocor of
. 'Ow 40 14 mollies" Viwurt 7.
Ai r . ekrispos.sw is +ll dsaidS4 fee wile
lilto Aar ssanagsrs, l They soo bleated wie
a gsturiag 0 banter*" after the " fodder"
or ogee, and es ha tree seeesasful last fall,
1 they hope, by.bold bumbuggery, to succeed
. with him again. The declaration that they
l i do not know whether. be is a eandidate for
re -nomination or not. is mere gamine's.—
Tbey know all about it. They have willed it
to be so. and that $2OO donation is a part of
idie game they us pletyleg to forestall all
others in their party who might be ambitious
'in that direction. That is very well under-
I stood by everybody, and all their '' virtuous
indignation " on the piut will not convince a
I single rater to the contrary. They may
think their game a deep orie—btl,;sr the
resoh of public suspicion—but we can assure
them that it will be entirely played out be-
Ore the electiou day arrive*.
Already the managers are disco:ariag that
Mr. Pugunasw's $• extra pay " record may
"tell" against him. They know, and begin
to fear that. ate people will know ere lang, that
he voted against a reduction of the members'
pay to $1 50 per diem and travelling ex
pensem--and hence their exceeding sensitive
ness in regard to it. In their effort to justi
fy this vote, they even gu so for as to falsify
a plain record by asserting t h Judge Nill
voted with Mr. Durboraw throughout on this
propesition. This is not so. It is true that
QII Mr. Ilamersly's motion to amend Mr.
Iluttenstein's ainaudment, Mr. la voted in
the negative, with Mr. Purboraw. But after
the first vote, and when the amendment came
up as amended—after the proposition had as
sumed a definite form—Mr. Durboraw still
voted NO, whilst Judge NiU voted YES !
Tue. ;menet) here em%iete the Slur managers
of " inescusaide ignorance " " or a purposed
But suppose Judge Nill had voted as the
' Star falsely says ho did • would that place
Mr. Durhoraw in any other position ? lle
was elected on the " extra pay " question,
and was understood to ho in favor of reduc
ing the pay in every shape and form. We
proved, in our List, that in one instance at
least he failed tl come up to what was ex
pected of him. It won't do fur the Star to
say that Mr. Ilimersly's amendment was a
" rider," or anything of that sort. It was a
plain proposition, and demanded an unequi
'peal yea or nay. Mr. Durboraw chose the
negative, and he is answerable for it, especial
ly to those who were deceived into his sup
port on this very question last fall.
The field of our investigations may widen
when the proper time arrives.
r . -. _.iiiv . gr . .4lll,. • . .•
The voters or Massachusetts adopted, on
Monday bud, the proposed amendment to the
Constitution of the State, which was sub
mittal by the Legislature, in the fullowing
"No person of foreign birth shall be enti
tled to vote. or shall be eligible to office, un
less he shall have resided within the jurisdie-
Con of the United States for two years subse
quent to his naturalization, and shall be
otherwise qualified according to the Consti
tution and Laws of the Commonwealth : Pro
vided, that this amendment shall not affect
the rights which any person of foreign birth
possessed at the time of the adoption thereof:
Provided furtdcr, that it shall not affect the
rights of any child of" a citizen of the
United States burn during the temporary ab
sence of the parent therefrom."
The amendment has been carried by over
sin thousand majority. Massachusetts is a
Republican State, and this is a Republican
vote. Notwithstanding the earnest reason
'trances of the German Republicans of the
Northwestern States, and the fears of the
New York Tribune that the adoption of the
amendment would drive off Vas class of vo
ters, and possibly affect the Presidential elec
tion, Republican Massachusetts has not been
deberred from giving expression to its hatrbd
towards citizens of foreign birth, by engraft,
tog Ipon her Genstitutioa an odious and pro
scriptive feature, unknown to other States of
the Union. By this amendment a foreigner
may be a citizen of the United States quali
fied to rote and hold office, and yet be ex
cluded from the same privileges in liberty
loving Massachusetts. That State exhausts
all its. liberality upon the negro, who is al_
lowed to vote, when the citizen of foreign
birth is excluded. Such is Black Republi
canism—such is Know Nothingism—osa
Union and Harmony.
The Douglas and Anti-Douglas Democratic
journals of Illinois are growing fraternal.—
The Chicago Herald, the leadiug Anti-Doug
lar paper in dip State, declares that if Mr.
Douglas is nominated fur President at Charles
ton, it will support him with all its might.
It adds that "no true Democrat 'will bolt the
nominations,' whoever is nominated." On
the other hand, the Springfield Register, the
central Douglas organ, pledges itself to sup•
port the nominee of the Charleston Conven-
ifirThe Carroll County Democrat, speak
ing of the'reoent Democratic victory at West
minster, says:-.-:tis is the first time with.
in our recollecti end certainly the first
time times the advent of Know Nuthingisai.
that the Democrats have succeeded at a mufti
eipalelemisa in this place." A good day's
work. Indy.
firTiso -Amerimmos " of this
State bayaeolled a separato Convention, to
assemble at Ihmisburg on the 25th of May
imam. The °pronto& camp is anything
bus builuenions, and a rich funny fight may
be looked Mr
. among them.
State Biectiews.—With the. exception of
Virginia, Withaltrill heM its election on the
of Map there will be no more State aft*
time held.eatil Aegeet,- whin the Sept of
Alstamt; Ailteiesse, -Xescelty, Missouri,
liar* 9traiitri andlims will oho.. •
- pirwisrr+ ratillal la Dilatable I. slats
that its Asa. ReaottrAPiouts.
Aloft* alibis Jaalsistigissket. his so Cu re
covered from his late attack of scarlet fever
as to be able t.> wall out.
* ••;44404.4.44,-
A Se Least.
A Oiled si Petwebaili (Yak Spiny) ht.
forms 111 *so Dr. - &limns?, of that place, is
in possession of in original letter from Gen.
%Vault:4mm, of which the following is a copy.
It w as promoted
him by Mt. Tnoams COX-
L ir, Who in kis path was an intimate of the
Dr's. ftmily, but now resides in Parkersburg,
Virginia. Mc. Cooley obtained it from a son
of Gen. Pottar: while on a surveying explor
ation in Mr. Potter's neighb or h oo d, Th .
Dr. has a handsome frame enclosing it. de.
fended by glass on both sides. It is certain
ly an interesting relic:
atm) tatrAITIZS, Valley Forge, 21st No. 1717.
Dear Sir--
Major Clark has wrote to we several
times about some provisions that s Mr Trum
bull was about sending to Philada. by his
wversetu procure intelligence.
ized by Cvi. Rankin,
and has been einue detained by him. I de
sire you will give orders to bare it delivered,
T Pe h r i m s i
p si r i ) u r n i'sron s was
for unless we now and then make use of such
means to get admittance to the city we can
not expect to obtain intelligence-
I think is of the greatest, co n sequence 4 ,
have what flay remains upon the Islands
above the mouth of Derby Creek destroyed,
especiallyit w h a t you have beard of the form
er magazine of hay being spoiled is true, At
any rate as we c.tunut remove it, I think it
should be done as speedily as possible, e
shall probably oblige them to come out into
the country to forage, which will perhaps
give us an opportunity of cutting off a party.
The mode Heave entirely to C.,1. :Sturs:tul
and yourself. lam informed that there are
parties cutting wood et ery day on this side
the SeltuylkilL Ido not d ou bt t h ey m i ght
be drove in, but I think destroying the hay
should first be atter.ded to.
Please acimivledge
the nee t of this.
Gen. potter
The Chassis of Zion, Ger. Ref. Church,
comm enced its annual session in the Cer
am; Beformad Church, of this place, on Fri
day evening inst.
The opening sermon, in the absence of the
President of Chisels. was preached by Rev.
T. P. Boone, of Landisburg. Ps. Rev. S.
Ruing, of likrandkdd, was chosen President
pro tern.; Roy. L U. Heerecltta, Secretary.
On Saturday gowning. the President; Rev.
J. 0. Mitaia, of Yost, took his seat. After
the culling ef , the rull z _Rev. -Jame StCULER !
of Littlestown, wes - geotact,peimanent Presi
dent. The parochial reports were heard,
presenting an interesting state of religion
throughout the bounds of the Classii. There
seems to be a pretty cull attendance of minis
ters and laity.
On Saturday afternoon, no,. T. P. Riegel.
of Landisharg, preached the sermon pre
palter, to sacrament in the Ger. Ref.Cbureb;
on Sabbath (yesterday) morning. Rev. A. 11.
Kamm*, of Carlisle, preached the sacramen
tal sermon, in the same 'house ; Rev. L. W.
Wotr, of Danville, occupied the Presbyterian
pulpit ; Rev, D. &sous, of York, the Si. Jas'.
Lutheran ; Rev. T. P. Bootee, of Lendisburg,
the Christ's Lutheran, and Roy. W. C. Bag
xrrr, of Cumberland county, the Methodist.
In the evening Rev. J. 0. Mutsu, of York,
preached in the Gar. Ref. Church, and Rev.
J. Arty, of Cumberland county, in St.
James'. Mr. Auk also occupied the Ger.
Ref. pulpit on Saturday evening. The sex ,
rims were all well attended—Amine drawing
crowded houses.
Classis will probably remain in session un
til to-morrow evening.
Ater. JACOB Sonoma removed with his
family from Hanover to Littlestown on Tues
day last. Mr. S. had charge of the German
Reformed Congregation at Hanover since the
20th of Jane, 1837, during which time he ad
mitted into the church• by continuation 996
persons, exclusive of a numlor by certificate
—baptized 1407--married 671 couples—and
attended the burial of 780 persons. In this
period he preached 4 1. 1 6 a) sermons, and leo-
tured to one or two classes of catechumens
twice or three times a week for the space of
about three months in each year. Mr. 8.
has been a most useful Minister, and will
oontinue to be so.
Oa Monday last the Passenger Car was
run into Ilbe ,Pmeengai Depot - here for the
first tikets.;Althie it a great eonvenienoe,
and it is accordingly appreciated.
The Station is completed, and beside its
many praiseworthy arrangements, the build
ing makes a fine appearance. A bell of fair
size and excellent tone has been placed in
the cupda, which is rang fifteen miuutes be
fore and at the leaving of trains.
The Traok is now in good condition, but
the repair hands are still making it better.
and will soon have it in iip-!onorder---among
the best in the country. The iron is heavy
and wears well, and the road-bed is made of
the very best material.
Mummer aretath 'Railroad.
On Monday last the election fur President
and Managers of the Llanover Branch Rail
road Company was held, and resulted in the
choice of the following gentlemen :—For
President, rapt. A. W. Eiehelberger ; Man
agers, John Nyman, Peter Flickinger, George
Young; Daniel Geiselman,tainuel Schwartz,
Joseph Althoof.
Front the annual report submitted to the
Stockholders by the President and Managers,
covering the operations of the 'toad fur the
put year, (up to April 1, 1859,) we Own
the following : -
From Freight, $16,354 18
" Passengers, 8,877 80
" Mails and Express, 713 84
" Working Gettysburg Railroad, 3,535 80
is " Littleslow•n " 1,050 90
" sale of Old Iron, • 1,258 58
" " other materials, 113 02
" Stock Subscription" 856 16
" Rant, 45 00
Materials oa hand ar per last report, 3,0/2 36
Balance in Treasury as per last report, 1,158 58
Motive Power, - -
RePtillot Road,
General llarasaa,
Renewal I:menses,
Ettraordiaier "
Ito Hies Stook
914 Clatien,
Leaving It haWee la doil Trasiniet d:1,942
33—aaltik 1s MOW a* bast
addlitta a large aseast at wart 4 00019
with a imil - pano Waste, sheet. • .•
All tto date tans of Court. oa motion
; It. Iketau.sir; Dn., A. H. ®gm..
was stbatteia. 'Mr i oreditabloaxiintatiniet
to practice law in the Courie of tliia county.
Ilia coed will be found in ano.ber column.
I am, Dear Sir,
rr most obit ser't,
Go. W.tsuitono.v.
liiikava Chisels.
The Beitread.
$37,T04 TS
$2,951 77
7,847 41
3,749 23
924 44
- 40p0 -141.
07 '0
4,500 01
?be Mai; Illeaseas e
Wait oa the dessolltimi of if* old Ciart
home progressed finely hest week. The brick
walls have beim taksna down, and little else
time the removal oithe materials remains to
be done. Already a decided change in the
appearance of the Diamond is observable. I I
A funny scene was witnessed there the
other day. A long rope was attached to a
corner-wall, to pall it down. A. number o f
the workmen were tugging away at it to no
purpose, when the by-standers generously
volunteered to assist, and upon the word
" Now I" being given, a strong pull alto;;eth
or was made, the rope slipped over the wall.
and down went the party—a number of them i
on thcir,backs. Nobody was hurt, end every
laughed, to the serious hazard of their
waistcoat buttons.
S•rioas .tetident.
My. &tem. Purses, in the employ of
Messrs. Sheads, Buehler and Kurtz, met with
a severe accident on Friday last. IN Mist in
the net of driving a one-horse wagon iutu the
lumber yard, being seated on the coupling
pule, the horse soddenly wheeled in the wrong
direction, throwing Mr. Peters upon the
wheel, breaking his jaw bone and severely
bruising him. It was feared he was iuter
nuly injured.
Property Sales.
MOWS. SuIYoCL k hfcCor•oouY sold, a
few days ago, a tract of land of about 6 acres,
s•wth of town, for $125 per acre. JACOB
BENNER purchases.
Mr. Joan Bout sold about four sires of
ground near the College, to Mr. A. Scam
(merchant,) for $3OO cub.
The Military Companies composing the
21 Brigade. 15th Division. of the Uniformed
Militia of the State, are ordered to encamp at
Chatuhersharg, for four days. commencing
on the 31st of May inst. The "Independent
Blues," of this- place, and " Independent
Riflemen," of Arendtaville, have been in
vited to be present. The Spirit says it will
be more of a State Encampment than-any
thing else—Companies from all puts of the
State express a willingness to attend. A
grand affair is anticipated.
Plass C.,..
. See that an abundance is planted, and that
the crops are well attended to. The indica
tions-are that " a good time" will soon be at
hand fur the farmer, and that there will be a
brisk demand for all hoe= Tales Referring
to the matter, the New York nanine gives
the following advice to the farmers through
out the eonntry
" Plitnt and sow freely, persistently, for
grain and meat are likely to be in demand
next fall. The war Which now threatens is
unlikely to be a short and cannot be a little
one. Is is likely to array a million men in
arms against each other, subtracting many
times that number from productive industry,
to employ them in casting cannon, making
powder. charging shells. ete. Alttheeenoist
eat, and battle fields are not well adapted tl
the growth of food. We shall be disappointed
if Europe does not aford us a large markeefor
bread:nu& before the end of the current
Clean Up.
This is the time to white-wash and clean
up your premises, clean out your cellars and
yards. and cart off the dirt. Whitewash tho
walls and throw chloride• of lime about the
sinks. Make things smell sweet, fur the
summer is neon you. An enterprising farm
er who has tested its dismay with entire sat
isfaction. says that one 4111601 of white vitriol,
(sulphate of sine) and three ounces of com
mon salt, mingled with every three or fbur
pounds of good fresh lime will render the
white-wash durable when applied to barns,
fences, or other outbuildings.
Willeagbkryft rebebented GUMMI Spring Grain
This celebrated Grain Drill, manufactured
by F. GARDNIII 1 , Co., of Carlisle, who are
the anthorisol Agents for the counties of
Cumberland, York and Perry, may be seen
by farmers at the Agricultural Implement
Warehouse of Messrs. Susan, Et:sll[Al(
Kearz, where several of them have been
placed for sale. No farmer should neglect to
examine them. The Willoughby Drill htte
not yet been brought into use in Adams
county, but in Cumberland and Perry coun
ties a large number were sold last season,
and we learn excited a perfect enthusiasm
among the farmers who used or saw them
working. Such in fact are the merits of the
Willoughby Drill that at the carious State
and County Fairs of 1858 it took orcr di ply
first premiums / At the great National Fair,
held at Richmond, Virginia, it was awarded
the silver medal, being the highest prize.—
At the Cumberland, York and Perry county
Agricultural Fairs, it also won the first
premium. Wherever it has been exhibited
it has won the high reputation of being the
most perfect Drill ever invented.
The shovels or teeth of tho Willoughby
Drill are so constructed with gum springs
that when they come in contact with a rock,
root or stump, or any other obstruction not
over eighteen inches high, they spring back,
pass over and immediately regain their former
position, without stopping or causing any in
jury to the Drill, thus avoiding the necessity
of stopping to put in wooden pins as in other
Drills. Newly cleared land can as well be
seeded with this Drill as en old field. The
arrangement for distributing the seed is oum
posed of two vulcanised India-rubber rollers,
revolving together, which discharge the seed,
not intermittingly, but in a constant stream,
withotit choking, breaking or bunching the
grain. The Drill has several other new and
valuable improvements over ether Drills, but
we have not space to particularize them.—
Nvery farmer will be struck with the superior
advantages Of the Willoughby Drill who gives
it an 'Lamination, which we hope they will
sot omit to do.
pager. Mr. If tcxtir has taken charge
of the magregation at Upper Strasburg,
Franklin etruaty, recently under the care et
Rev. J. Ranaabery.
WIN Tossisy last, the colored man who
has chugs of the Suess ikon, io this
pima, eadertook to jump eras At Locomo
tive while is settee, sod fell to the &mow.
medic sad betides his hos in - s shotddag
mritiftroife, Dotastor vans parsons
who onispiled to bandlo bad* noses, riot
to nit their *mike while mooting dui bills.
It rmastin *oinks thumb comas la *outset
with. I>te taws JOAN kindling sinots from
the podia& driitaa infasted trials tin small
pox, Om tam** is as seri to bike afoot an
tha inoosialiaa of a AU.
- - •441104ignis!* afoot. to Inking
91111111010“400/4 iViviIIIVNIFVf.
- : •
' • ;sits stela crop throughout this coun
ty looks Ter, promising—nerer more so.
:Art,. - Shear*, of Ohidi tln Slleomplishiii
Villarisary Satgeon, delivered tdreirl idtari
Ong Lectures in the Public) Square, id this
place, last week. He evinced a thorough
knowledge of the anatomy and diseases of the
Horse, and enlarged upon the variety of
treatments to which thatcuilmal is subjected.
lie also performed some wonderful cures.—
We commend him to favornble consideration
wherever he may go.
aerWe call the attention of our readers to
the advertisement of Messrs. A. Scorn & Sox,
who have opened a Dry Goods and Grocery
Store in Chambersburg street. They have
laid in a large and handsome stock, and offer
the best of Bargains.
gerThe authorities of Hanover have given
the Gettysburg Railroad Company notice not
to " trespass" on the public common in that
place. What bettor use could that ground
be put to to Railroad purposes?
•Judge Strickland announced his con
nection with the Pcnrifylranian, as editor,
on Monday last. 11c is a firm, old-fashioned
Democrat, who has battled for Democratic
principles un many a hard fought field, and
we trust that the responsible position tie has
assumed will prose as pleasant to him as
we are sure it will be profitable to the Demo
cratic party.
ae'Miss Bunkley. who wrote the " Esoap.
ed Nun," a few years ago, which su delight
ed tho Know Nothings, has recanted her
Couldn't Resist the Timptation.--Mrs. An
derson, an accomplished lady of London, C.
W., insured her life for five thousand dollars,
fur the benefit of her son, who last week ad
ministered strychnine to the mother, from the
effects of which she died.
siiirGreeley, of the Tribune. announces in
his paper this week that he is about to per-
Corm a pilgrimage "through Kansas and the
alleged gold region at the eastern base of the
R ee ky Mountains, thence through Utah and
the great basin, to Culifurnia , returning
across the Continent or by the Isthmus as
circumstances shall dictate." Horace is evi
dently bound to see the Mormons. Raving
tried bran-bread, Fourierism, Water Cure,
Spiritualism, and all the other isms outside of
the Mormon Church, he is now going to look
in on Brigham Young and see how the plur
ality wife system works. What if he should
become a convert—would the great Republi
can party of din- North follow snit and blot
out that anti-polygamy plank in their plat.
form of '56? But perhaps Horse. has an eye
on larger game. Fremont was made the
candidate of the Republicans because he had
crossed the Ricky Mountains, feasted on dog
cutlets fur breakfast, mule beef Lc diuuor,
,June -bugs fur dassert—anewhy should
not this "noblest Roman of them all' fit him
self for a similar race by adopting the same
regimen.—Erie Observer.
barin the lut contest for the U. S. Sena
torship in Pennsylvania Simon Cameron beat
John W. Forney. although the Democracy
had a clear majority on joint ballot. Two or
throe disorganizing Democrats voted fur Cam
-et inti — thus securing his election. The first
ebulitions of Forney's wrath were hardly over
before we find him in the same boat with the
disaffected spirits who defeated him, and now
he is the mouth piece of all the disorgruiire
ers. A great many Republican papers and
politicians are urging Cameron's claims fur
the Opposition Presidential nomination in
1860. In case he is nominated wo suppose
Forney and others of his ilk will all join in
his support in order to carry out their pro
gramme of sworn revenge upon the Demo
cratic party fur nut recog,biziem their claims,
or submitting to their dictatorship. We shall
see.—Erie Oimeraer.
'Scorbutic diseases are the parent stock
from which arises a large proportion of the
fatal maladies that afflict markintl. They are
as it were a species of potato rot in the human
constitution, which undermines and corrupts
all the sources of its vitality and hastens its
decay. They aro the germ from which
springs Consumption, Itheutnatistu, lleart
Disease. Liver Complaints, and Eruptive Dis
eases which will be recognized as among those
most fatal and destructive to the races of men.
So dreadful are its consequences to human
life, that it is hardly possible to over estimate
the importance of an actual, reliable remedy,
that can sweep nut this Scrofulous contamina
tion. We know then we shall proclaim wel
come news to our renters, of one front such
a quarter as will little doubt of its effica
cy--and still more welcome, when we tell
theta that it surely does accomplish the end
desired. We mean AVER'S SARSAPARILLA, and
it is certainly worthy the attention of those
who are afflicted with Sr, Vida or Scrofulous
complaints.--llegi.ster, Allstay. N. Y.
At the Parsonage, in Arendtorille, by the
Rer. L. J. Bell, on the 10th inst., Mr. ADAM
MYER.S. of Berlin, to Miss SAVILLA WEIGEL,
of Bendel-grille.
On the sth inst., by Rev. John S. Foulk,
JAMES H. lIOMRICH. of Martinsburg, Va., to
Miss ELIZABETH B. MARKS, of Baßtu:tore.
On Tuesday night last, in New Oxford,
WILLIAM WHITE, aged 45 years 7 months
and 29 days. His remains were brought to
Gettysburg on Thursday, and interred in Byer
Green Cemetery, followed by,the members of
the old Beneficial Association, to which Society
he belonged.
At Lewisburg, Frederick connty, Md.. on the
sth inst., CHARLES CALVIN, sun of Erskine
E. F. and Jane A. Taylor.
On the 6th inst., in Mountpleasant township,
Adams county, JAMES . AUG[STITS, infautson
of Mr. Jacob Noel, aged 1 year al months and 2
He suffered long and lingered
For three long months and past,
But now our darling little one
Ls gone to heaven at last.
Jimmie is gone to the grave,
And yet it is given
For us to know be still lives
In Heaven.
Ile faded like the summer rose,
But did not dissolve our love;
Millions of infant souls compose
The heavenly home Above.
ror The Coaapilar.
Lines OM doe Dead& of34rillame Mrs •ells.
Sy LILY Lirliorrox
"Jeans said, Salter little children, and forbid
them not, to come unto me: for of each is the
kingdom of heaven."
Yon miss your darling's gladd'uing yoke--
Her sparkling .yes—her sunny smile ;
You miss her welcome, bounding step,
Her winning ways, so free from ire.
You sew her eyes grow dim in death—
lbw rosy cheek lose ail its boom ;
And, by the grist daler's breath,
Laid early in the silent tomb.
And when yen looked open her fare,
So cold IN death, so pain, and still,
You felt that she bed left a place,
That asugh4 oa earth eaa ever 1111.
But, dery bayood you arch of blue,
There Is a land ot)oy and love;
And God has ogled your little Pet,
To gala that better hone above.
There, in that holy happy land,
Redeemed Vietnam' precious blood,
ah, harp argold within her hand,
m a mba, the Sternal God.
Then moors not that your child has let aa
Your loving hearts and tender Care;
Weep not that you haw, Insen t a rs. '
Of one sweet Urn tits!. bound ` •
Sat vribM gteettlreitsf life
And alt Ohaallalig iff,111111 , 14110Ntr0....
May you your Pet with fuser, t rot , •
Where you shall soy PPaseree/lf no mere
Gettysburg, May 19,1853.
been oltrivini ty ta pro - Volts' Amelia inte si* - 11
bet of bond ; ;Tim objets% is to deft!-Uig
Austrians mit df They/ *dui, portimseefwhielt
were omsfirmed td by ties evesey of
Vienna in 1815, and °Ober lobrtimte of whish
their troops occupy by dotisekit of the kcal
governments. This desire of lfi•itcniiimid Sitri
dinia to disposses the Atavism" idl g: t. 'is
not an unselfi liiti
sh one. Sardlois, ea ,
is actuated by a desire to enlarge basAstonvi.
daries at the expense of Austria; sod IWO
Emperor of Franoe,oonosal it as he will.wiebta
to a now Kingdom in Italy-awl plamilla
its throne his cocain Juane.
rirJahn G. Campbell, Ewe" a Prilthent
lawyer at York. died on Monday lees, " •
- -
Superfine Flour
Rye Flour
Buckwheat Neal
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
Flax Seed
Barley .....
PlaAter of Paris
I taster ground, per bag
Clover Seed ..
Timothy 5eed........ ...
Beef Cattle, per hunt".
Hogs, per hund
Hay ..........
GIPIIIO p Peruvian, per t0n....
Flour, from Wagons
Do. from atoms..
Oats ••••
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
Flour, from wagons.-- ........ ... CI 50
Do. from stores 7 25
Wheat 1 43 to 1 In
Rye 99
Curti Ht
Data ...-
Clover Seed
Timothy Seal
Plaster ' ...
TUX OXTUMATED SITTEItS —Natoli, la her great
laltratory. Ira atom mos macly alapto.l to *roil
IMO "Well " MIA' la heir to." Ilat It maim the lavosil •
'taloa sad research of the ptillocopher to .lteece v r ar I •p.
ply MIA namely. Rods re earth aol iuttothyalloatm
seeded la discovering a reuttaly fur that root alrettre
pcattatilla, the DYSPECIII.t, with all RA larer sal Rumor
ona evils ; as I It may be Wily &mortal Wtt until awl apt
plifirlDell of tita Os.yeasbal Hitters • !WY of nyiper t
eared, was a rare experkeitea la loelloal practice. low
nodal tie latlasasv of Wait Bitters tlot role is to care,
thu rare esseptlua, Ulan to cure.
Awed the fallerlud.leh the ousbeeriber repeats es la
paLlsolt for the booent uf the anhoted
AA obitinito mai Inveterate CVM: n 1 Baspepale Carol by
the Oxyganate..l thtte s —tte relhmiug treat a gvetle nap
well known in the revoo la vritlal: Imo lints wtjht to nAt..ty
all thine of little faith :
Warsirraws. N Y , July VI. PISS.
a W. /MIMI k, Co , Beetan,—Sire :—N 1111,1 ye ire
SU attacks! by Mit cane of all tiesessea, Dyee,cpsi4,
which se altected me a. to cameo great oppesee'cus, fyll us.,
awl Wasting at the bowels inatasilately attar !stied, ac.
esuipauled with ternble Dakar la the atnnuek. also ucc.3.
skean wawa, sou!ltirtg. acidity. sal heal eche, taeetla.r
writ general debility awl odgeriag, allagetlarr rvalerisy
IHS a barthea.
After 6.. lug trial entry known Ninety without effe , t,
unit deapeirion or ever regaining my beans, I wag. in.
duced to make tear of the !litters the rid ef..
Leta of wieett nene i iiiimsliataly • taible ou usy an 1
eyetern, iternie going a who i• not Ca l Ir.m • nil ro ly ogre I,
sol I feel a ple,ure in in in•inz all Ilk* eallerers se
self to make use of tads resuarkanie
n zr . Be,r,,T. of rile and worthies esianearteite
Genuine. Pure. and %h./1 , 111111 Ralwset ho. Use time of .• I.
BCTTS " written with a pan, an I this prtabed na.ns or the
proprietors, ••6 W. lid A, C 0.," us
_qui wt.,.
Prepared by Seth W Tent, k Ue . %sa cs. and for lisle
ILI A. D Buehler, tiattralsarg ; Jacob Valweiter. Main n'°.
Wry; M. I:Master. Usfonl, U B Ilialower. Abbott..
town; Wiilhan Wolf, F. ..t Rolm. Pete: 110.
too; Wm. B. Matollf, Tort Sprist,ge; Jamie A Elder.
Mitgagirt ; and by all dealers us aswilicioae. (11sy .6. lir
—The critterion by whirls to teat tit* gitataitteneas of toe
preparationa, it the w•tar•tatrk. otinufacturtuti Ltl We p'.
per of witteb Use book.. of abrvc..ion. are cannptrarl. Iron
each leaf. when b.i•l up to tit* light, the word. "
way. New York and Lam Ion." sr. ewru i t ruc, th e xr ti c i d
I. the ••real :Fitt/013 I•ure " If thlu truly-In-ark I. wantinr.
Use AGM is perlllCl , lll4 itllit..tiiol3 Mr • Rell it in &stoutly'
by the •• Lanatou khalicsal Review "awl •• TA/ I. lu-et
(hag the Utututrut b. nu:rutty pro.lus el twat oul.aska I.
fur reaulta (unlooked for by tip profusion at lama.). In
caws' of pitur). parab aka, ettlljoiat, rh•uou.
(ism, aud Deuralgui.
Cauca of &Wein 6Tititan. Pltit.ststayso
Molistaisturera of White Lead. Zinc, Putty. Vareaslssii,
Wholesale dealers in Druz.. W 1 .lulu WACO, AC
URI awl tb,untry Merublutt luau dewily to pUrcioitue front
Walla iIIt•PCIE ant at acceptable prices are nispectlellY rs•
quested to hispect our gouda Our bt lilt. Load, Ltuu
Putty, and Varoislies, are old by more them cue tlxitissaij
Whelsrul• Jobbing HOUAtltttlattugthout Ulu Utmost aid Pa.
universal utiaractittil frr Not one °neoplasia has .ter
reached es a Lii email your unless direct.
Neb. 7, isSu. - ly
CONSISTENCY IN DRES.I.—A slasbel doublet •ilb a
stove pipe List ral tork Nulwl I.w.gats. sthuld be a ralicuthst
aombination of dress, Just as a tweed suit worth! be with a
bed bonnet and feathers. We like consiateeey in
as .ti everything else, and with the µreseal swats to tab
'ray of beavers. we prefer tease au eleyaat *nit of coat,
pants sad vet, Linde in the latest Wt., by itockhill Jr;',
Nua 6th wed 6US tikeitnut steel above nittli.
Philadelphia. lt &W. have evsryWiyt desirable In the
way of spring wear ; ter gent/ewes and youth& Ap. 20.
NOTIIINO !LSE DOES ME ANY 0001).—Latc stria
C. It ,S. C. May, ISYS.—Dr. C. M. Jacksee, Phitedelpo,..
Dear Sir ; hay* brae aftlicts4 with Dyspepsia foe • lam.
*mkt Sol
her of yaw; oaf until three years slime
within rebirth would afford me relief. Portesattity fur me.
I beard of Dr. lloottand'e Usrmaa Hitters "sad thoughtwouldtry them; sot, however, with we a k faith that I
should he henedted by their au.
To my =rectos, 1 foiled that, ob toiklag a few dotes. I
wee relieved of the palls in my side and else', my apatite
became good, I gained streserth, sad Di feat felt Mesas..
std is hotter health than I had for • I do not
allow myself to be out of the Bitten lf atatio thew,
for noticing *Lee does me any past. L am willies at all.
times sod toady to state ray cam to Ley one who way •ists
to knew tbe frill particulars, tad shall with pleasant re.
eummleist them to Wet. May be afflicted with Dyspepsia
or Liver Complalat, for I believe if sottish% will give
them naiad, they will be relieved by Uoulasirs (Verona
Sitters. Many parsons la this district hare sod tit. Sit
ters with busefleial melts, sot I hart se eight you could
pt a number of oortideates, were you tweak for them, for
to My serials knowledge quits a number bias ban very
meek beeedsed by the am of your troodiaise.
I almost knot to ineutioa that my diastase, lama tit
=of s, wee cured of handles by Hoodarcil's tieruamt
think. beat to mediae LW. as w
ksesw - af6 need le shy other case of the tail •
DespeeffetlY yours, A. IIALLS,
Wltates—J. D. Wean. Silversmith
These Mien are prepared by indinno , 418
Arab Street PMWdpWa, Ys , eat ere add at IS cents
per kettle,lsi a and stonoke fa every Lowe
lull Tillage the Vaned States, Gems and South
las lab .Isy 4. D. Deoltler, Spot, Got trdosti—ooki
dodire pawkily dreagbasr want). stay V. Iso
PITS! SITS! FITS I—Artesse telenti r rdonlidbio
will hod Dr. sense's X la Mlle to
11= 1 =1 Mier Ihearmeel
ter ear Serlepty or
Wide dUe. Thaw rite ressorm wails ennee oo the
MiteSeS eyttieel sad 01/2••••ed=iimisily fear um
nese deeded Sid, 114' den f ester b.a.-
5$ all plow allieset or whose mire
didtardete kr lemma Itt from aay
Win ednerntor. tetme dieden
has M ibssoPseicifos fasmitairorad lets a uft
dennordented, liumdimp4.4 siukski•essialtaap extra.
mills* mu flo gedefs Sok ISt reheat
s ods, and tin Web indriemet =o It bad sad •
forasii to the was
perripmell end elf, loserned Atede; M r hi rr ilis keissuo.•
rendedelt =kis Men ernent, sl.o,lrded dreagtb,
eittokY, end
Seed OW gen Otis
mallinit S.
" " 4 "7 4 1 15 V ag e tr .si Vi r Ml 4 •Igatbuurs
Common lestod
grtaltilltin MAL= UMW i-411 JAitge
011.411310111r0m a
M il. * illaW- ta R f
lfghV : a. to:
Wks MPS sat alb aely 11fammia Eallkaltias
art r =Viwasy yam ilsorma; NO !Munk
a . Oaf aratala lOW le th•
ifialaila Liana it monad.
if - illrglaeOP, ' auk
'' ' - ' imitalosap the
I: l = ase f ********
pore afla=
. - 01111amd * emir
' spie; ins , wen a , ' ro la pine
; P li l astitiali,VtiaessibrAkiNiti, iiiirsophia...
A, D. ter, Apat, Chairibarg.
14717, /SW 17
7 at to 7 50
1 95 Is 00
00 to . l 05
83 to Jr)
68 to 58
—.. 5 25 to 5 75
......... 2 00 to 2 25
8 00 tol3 tw
•..•.•-.. 7 SO to 783
.......le 00 tot! 00
30 to 31
02 WV
I 35 10 1 45
T 5
2 GO
6 50
S3pezpola,l INTc4ticee.
6 75
3 25
...1 45 to 1 55
3 00
4 50
/ 20
4 3h
6 51)