The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 02, 1859, Image 4

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    b,cd obpsinyid fpou cos dit:ons c hich will
defy competition.
We contract with the Manufacturers for all the
America; articles we sell, and send a buyer to
Europe regularly twice a year, to select our
Foreign goods. We arc enabled thereby to offer
groat advantages in prices, as well as to get up a
stock at all times replete with the newest and
most desiralge goods.
Merchants in good credit are invited to examine
oar stock wham they next visit Baltimore, and
they will promote their own interest by dotal so
Orders by mail carefai:y executes when 14-
gtimpaniedby satisfactory rel.rc4k:es.
Yob. 14, '59. 4m
. ~f~' •.
Dr. Baakeo
will give special attention to the following
chateau: Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Group,
Ininenza, Asthma, Brunch:Z.lJ ant all diseases
of the Nose, Youth, Throat and I.unv. Attett
tign th the treatment of all Sulu diseases—Lum
bar, Lumbar Abscesi , s,
tiara, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dyspepsia,
Pilea,and all diseases of the stomach, Elver and
Bowels; also al/ chronic diseases to
Women and Children. Dr. Baditee can pro
/loco one thousand c ertiEcl:ci of had per:ek:t
sueeeta4, curing Cancers, tild Sure: or Liners,
Fisted*, Scald "leads, Wens, swell:l;4s and Tu
mors of ;very description and withJat, the t use
of the knife. These last nain7.l diseases
not be treated by correspondence, therefore the
patients htuat place theaLiek cs under the Dot:-
tor'. personal supervision.
DR. BAAKEE has made a AN. discovery of a
fluid that Gill produce perfect ahsorptio.l of tae
CAJAJLICT, and restore perfect vision to*tbe Eye
without the use of the kuje , or needle, and Le
.cures all diseases of the
EYE AND E.lll,
without the use of the knife or needle, and he
has constantly on hand au excellent assortment
of beautiful Artificial Eyes. and Tympanums, or
Ear Drums, suitable for either sea and all ages
— 1 11 1 40• 1 1 in eiva*uutes.
Dr. Bnakee Is one of the most celebrated and
skilful Physicist's astd Surgeons now living.—
his &Me is known personally in nearly every
prigcipalcity in the world. All letters directed
to Dr. liaakee, (enclosin t ; ten ce , ,ts,) asking any
quaatioms pertaining to any disease, shall be
promptly tl4isfored, and all Caroni,: discuses can
be treated by correspondence, except those
mentioned, that will require his personal super-
Offiv.e hours from 9 A. 51 to 4 I'.
No. 74 Lexington St , between CLurlcs A; Liberty,
April 11,'53. [sa t. 31. ly] Baltimore, Std.
Burr Mill Stones
stian & co , Col%
r/A tUki Centre Sfretts,
oppoaite N. O. R. R. St..lti
taws of FRENCH BURRS.'
Importers and Dealers in Burr
Blocks, Bolting Cloths, Lea
ther and Gum Beltiwzi, Cal
cined Plaster, and Mill Iron 3, of Warranted Qual
,Also, Colone, Cocahco, and E..3ophes 11.11
titones of all sizes. [Feb. 7, 53. Iy
iejspaia lOr
0 y,
EWTh rt)F.D 1d32. Chartered 1354. Located
The Largest, Host Elegantly Furnisher! ir Popular
-Commercial College io the United States,
Peaking to obtain a thorough Practical Business
tray Young 31an Las a Counting Desk to higt
- self, stud is separatey instructed.
arinowsta 1 arrasuAscs Pilot Ne.AiILY graalt
The most Conaprehensiva and Thorough Course
of Study, and the only
Are here introduced.
)io Copying from Printed or Maunseript Forms in
1100K-ICESPLNG 4 1.. T THI
This method of instruction is nowhere else intro
duced in this country.
Every Young Ilan should write immedii‘taly
for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental
Circulate, representing the exterior and interior
view of the College, Penmanship, &c., which will
be sent by return =ail, free of charge, with Cata
logue containing list of students. terms of tuition,
opinions of the Press on our new system of Book-
Keeping, etc.
E. K. Losttg, Principal—Lecturer on the Science
of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc.
J. M. PHILLIPS, Professor of Book-Keeping and
Commercial Calculations.
IL U. Davits, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping.
C. Joaxsos, Professor of Penmanship.
S. T. WILLIAMS, Esq., Mercantile L.
Rev, g. 4SZSZ, D. D., Commercial Ethics.
soil. Jots P. Kennedy, lion. Josbna Taaseult,
Hon. Thozae SWAIM, Wm. H. Keighler, Esq.,
Jac. isk Trust, Esq., William Knabe, Esq.
The time usually required to complete the full
Comae, from 8 to 12 weeks.
A DIPLOYA is awarded to all Graduates,
Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms,
*c, Sent my mail fres of Address
E. K. ',OSTER, Baltimore, .lld.
Peb. 7, 1859. ly
Peter Zell & Son,
CORN, Corn Steal, Guannes,
OATS, Rye Chop, Bone Dust,
'KILL FED, Hay, Straw, nos. Lime,
FLOLTR, Field Seeds, & Ground Fluster
Nos. 147 & 149 NORtil UPWARD STIMET,
Jan. 7, ' 59, ly. Avraortr, UD.
Light, Light I
PATENT IMO'S. superior to all others
1; ale SIAM. Also-dialers io COAL ItIlL sod
LAMS of eirea7 description.
Constantly on hand COAL OIL of the Tery
but quill% which We will sem at the loweat
puke& price. AII orders rt .,it r il li m) ni:Ar Cad,
N h 00.,
8. Liberty et, (near Bltintors, )
-raw IL Me • - Eatimmer Yd
.JD&UI aosessen. - • JO= 4. 111/OPI
White ai Swope,.
_ssT LW Seo4,l¢S also, i
fashisiable xasitilz , Baks tllVid PDX LAI'S
fifiVer.laltintere and Howard streets, Baltic-
IntiesAid. [Nov. 28,11138.'q
go wit d.w, palt!more Streets,
Pro , FM; tedaoed
a g , 4 14) A l l invi R . IsserapAIS!sitisac.'s
• -Z. st, s oar, } FM'lts° l46
bailor 'VA
W. Dorsa, ~ Notice
i..ltsroll county... Ad., - Ai/ARM AND MlERliMill,--ire
located In Clarberg, s Pave tow oa cipeul °G ar r %up s :
n o moillo Bal u i !
airices to the ettleans • i 1 n tips
t corn
tows and surrounding country in die praelias of , of the Gettysburg
the Various branches of his profession. °peeßailroad ComPlaWand are retailed to receive
stud lossidence, Baltimore street, neat door to , produce a all kinds, via: FLOCS, WIIKAT,
The Compiler office. where he may be found at RYE, CORN. OATS, te. Also, ou hand and fur
all times when not profesaionaity engaged. t sal*. Salt, thiseitts, Plaster. Fish, kc. A large
I stock of Groceries just received, consisting. of
Prof.Natban B. Smith, Baltimore, Md. 1 Sugars, CoMees, Syrups, Molasses, pHs, Rice,
Rev. Augustus Webster, D. D , Baltimore Md. ! Teas, Spices of all kinds, Gaiter-ware, to., he-,
Dr. J. L. War6eld, Westminster, Md. I which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell as
Dr. W. A. Mathias, "
Jacob Reese, Esq„
John K. Longwell,Esq., "
Ciro. E. Wamyler, Esq,
Rev. Tbocuaa Bowen, Gettysburg
Uct 25, 1858. tim
D. leteConaughy,
4 TTOTINEY AT LAW, (office one door west
of Binhler's drug and book store, Charn
bersburg street.) ATTVI7rr A.M.) SOLICITOIL lUra
PATZITS •ND Pirestoss, Bounty Land War
ranti, Back-pay stipended Claims, and all
other claims against the Gorernmeut at Wasb
ington, D. C.; also American Claims in England.
Land Warrants located and sold, or bought, and
highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo
cating warrants in lowa. Illinois and other
western :7; Li4e/I, Be„„„I - Apply to Lin,' personally
or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21,
noIiNEY AT LAW, will ttitlifuliy and
. 0 1, promptly attend to all business entrusted
to aiw, lie speaks the German language.—
Orrice at the s.tcur place, in South Baltimore
street, near Forney's drug st.ore, and nearly
opposite DAnner t Zleg ter's stork..
Gettysburg. MarLh
Wm. B. McClellan,
TTOKNEY AT LAW.—Otrice on tbe south
aids of the public square, Z duurs if tat of
toe Sentinel oft:A. e.
Gettysburg, August 22, '53.
J. Lawrence Hill, PI, D.
TI-A,i6,,!:rivelsit.coef°tabee— "IrrIST.
LuinLran church in
Chainbersburg street, and opposite Picking's
store, VI lit re those wishing to have any Dental
Operati,nl perklnued are respectfully invited to
call. lisreuvrtis : Drs. Horner, Rev. C. P.
Krautii, 1). D , Rev. H. L. Bauglier, D. D., Rev.
Prof. 11. Jacob?, Prof. Y. L. Stturcr.
Gettysbur,;, April 11, '53.
11 - ) F. 11,1LHLSNY re.pectfull- 'lnvites the
n e attention of the public to bl largestock
01 I) all Paper, and annuunces tt nis friends
and customers, that Le has made st..angensents
to have ou Land a full and complete line of
samples from 8 cents up to bo cents a roll—so
that persons failing to tre suited with his Largo
stoLk on hen l, can select from his sargple book
and be eurnisbrd with ['nor at any Trice and
ia any quant:ty on tuo or three days notice.
J Lu.
TIIWIAS respectfully inform the people
udtt) sburg an the public generally, that
they have just returned from the city with a
general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVIS
IONS and VEGETABLES. which they are pre
pared to sell as low as the lowest. FLOUR and
FEED ulwayi on hand, a ndsold at small profit•.
Store on For;: st;eut, one door east ul \Vat
tics Hotel.
Gettysburg, Aug. 3, '7,7.
Win. J. Taylor & Co.,
riONl.lll.z.n.-.3IUS MER4:II.IICTS and wholesale
de lers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, No.
South Whanes, hetweeu Chestnut and
Walnut strecti,
ileirr. 4 uh; Agents t r Henry's Celebrated
Vinegar. [March 14. 1859. 3m
1.1. THING-) ARK READY!—TLae under
haA the ple't3ure of Lonouucing to
Lta c)tilltiV frteatis—: . . tlLLlCTS and merchants
r o,t of rnaniiiii I," that his new and com
a/0,1:0ns Warehouse is now open, and that he is
re-eivin GRAIN it. PRODUCE of all kinks, for
winch he is paying the highest market prices;
and while the public can dispose of their pro
duce to tLe best iris - ant:ll4e, they can be supplied
to return with Groceries, of every description,
cons: iting of Salt, Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Teas,
Rice, &c., 6:c., al3o, Guano, Plaster, Oils. Cedar
ware, and a thousand other things not here
mentioned. Wholesale. Retail and ebe.sp as the
cheartest is our motto. If the people consult
thur own Mterests, and act wisely, they will not
forget the- underiigned. Hoping the familiar
faces of all my old customers will 'lna me again,
and with them many new ones, I shall endeavor
to please them. JOHN UOKE
Gettysburg, Nov. 22, 1858.
—lle reason why, is that by Nature's own pro
cess it restores the natural color permanently af.
ter the hair becomes gray : cipplias the natural
fluids, and thus makes it grow on held heads. re
moves all dandruff, itching, and heat front the
scalp, quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus
cures all nervous hes.O.ache, and may be relied
upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair;
it will stop and keep it from falling off. makes a
plouy. healthy and bc..;a:;ful. and ii used by
the young two or three times a week, it will never
fall or become gray , then, readers, read the 1 . 01,
low lug and judge for yourselves:
NEW YORK, Jac. S. 1558.
Mesas. 0. J. WOOD Si Co.: Geut.!amen:—
Having heard a good deal about Professor Wood a
Hair Restorative, and my hair being quite grey,
I made up my mind to lay aside the prejudices
which I, in common with a great many persons,
had against all manner of patent medicines, and
a short time ago I commenced your &ruck,
to test it for myself.
The result has been so very satisfactory that I
am very glad I did so, and in justice to you, as
well as fur the encouragernegt of others who may
be as grey as I was, but %%bp having my preju
dice without my reasons for setting it aside, sre
unwilling to give your Restorative a trial till
they have further proof, and the best proof being
occular demoustratton..._J,....ircita,you.titis latter,
which you may show to any such, and also di
rect them to me for further proof, who am man/
out of the N. Y. Wire Railing Establ,stiment
every day.
fly hair is now its natu-al color and ranch im
proved in appearance et zry way, being glossier
and thicker and much more healthy looking, I
am, yours respectfully, HENRI JENKINS.
Cor. Columbia and Carroll sta., Brooklyn.
L/VIDG67OY, Ala., Feb. 14, 1839.
Paor. WOOD: Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restora
tive has done couch good in this part of the
country. My hair been slightly diminishing
for several years, caused, I suppose, from &slight
burn when I was quite an infant. I have been
using your Hair Restorative for Isis weeks and I
And that I haven fine bead of hair now growing,
after having used all other remedies known, to
no erect. I think it the most valuable remedy
now extant., and advise all Who are afflicted that
way to use your remedy- You can publish this
if you think proper. Yours..kc.,
PatIADIIVIIIA, Sept. 9, 1851.
Pus. Woon : Dearßir ;—Your Hair iteetora
tive is provingHAW benorKial to me. The
out, and also thEback pip of My bawl almoei
lost its covering—ores in raifbald. I have used
bat 2 half Pin Lottlas of your Restorative, and
now the top of my head le well Madded with a
promising crop of spun; hair, and the front is
also recOving its benefit. I have tried other
preparations without any benefit whatever. I
think from my owq personal recommendation, I
can induce many others to try it. Tours, re.
spectrally, D. IL THOMAS, Y. D„
The Restorative is put up In bottles of three
sizes, viz ; large, medium and ; the snail
holds a pint, and retails for Os duller per
bottle; the medium holds at leant testacy per
more In proporikat than the wall, retails
tiu two dates per bottle; tho- iargai holds a
quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, anti re,
wi s t oo eta bottle.
0, J. Wood I Co, ProPritnant, Stnadtrah
Now Test (In tho peat N T. Wire &lbw lat
tablishinspia and Ll 4 IX f-mik o .lin.
And sold by 41 good Druggists &ad fonv - afow*s
Nora 14,11160, f
Edward B. Buehler,
Wall Paper.
Family Grocery
The Cars are Here !
teed .1.3 citlzool of Gettysburg, and
The Only Article
No. 464 Vine street.
low as can be bougbt elsewheie. wholesale end
blerckatita willcto well bi calling tote.!
sad assmise our stock before purchasing ehe
where, 44 our 'owl.) will be -quick sales aLd
small profits."
We woulJ alto call the attention of all inter-
ested in the thrifty and healthful condition of
their Cattle, Horses. Hogs, ke., co the fact that
we hare for sale Breinig, Frunetleld I Co.'s
Celebrated Vegetable CATTLE POWDER, of
which we hare sold from 1500 to 2uth.i pound&
per annum to Fanners and Sturekesipers.
Gettysburg, Sciv. IS, Itsr,S.
Great Reduction
SEWING MACHINE-1 —B. Rs-toss -L., pro
prietor of the State of Pennsv Ivanis. the counties
of Philadelphia, Erie and Allegheny excepted.
The undersigned would respectfully inlorni the
citizens of York Adani•. Cumberland and Lan
caster counties. that he will sell Satpera Se , rti9
MC1CA47344 at reduced pewee Persons desirous of
uprchasing a good tt-icwin4 .hould by
all 11,1C3111 , pan liaise oce of Stniz^ra. fur they are
the only machines that will du the work that is
required of Sew tug Mat'hitie Call and esatnins
and see fur yoursel‘ es before purchasing else
when. For beauty they cannot be sorpa,sed,
and for durability i..annot be bast—there being
now in use oter 15 oo .) of Sii i gee's 1f lrlunas.
which recommends them to be far superior to
any other in use. All I ask is an examination
of the Machine, and if you hale acv notica of
one run will he certam to buy. Machines of
every variety of Singer's on han I. Every family
should have one of the Faintly Makhines, for they
are certainly a hand,otne and useful piece of
furniture. They are nut liable to get out of re
pair, and will last you a life time.
Machine Seedles, Thread, Bobbins, Oil,
&c., &c., at all times ou hand. All order,' at
tended to with dispatch.
42 Market street, York, Pa.
Jan. 3. 1859. 6m
Fresh Fruits,
FRUlTS.—Fruits of every description,
as follows: Layer Raisins, Figs, Oranges,
Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, bard and
paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts,kc.
GROCERIES.—A good assortment of Sugars:
Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Co:fee,
N. 0. But:asses, Syrups of the best quality,
Ries, Soda, SIAN), P . 4 .10.;) ugyag o (ground
and uugron ed.) Cloves, Sruslard, be.l:
PERFUMNRY.—Perfutneug of every descrip
tioo, which will be sold low for Cash.
LEIREC SYRUP.—A large lot jnst received.
Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy
drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup.
TOBACCO.—AII the various kinds of Toner
co, Cigars and Snuff, fur sale by Wm. Boyer*
VINEGAR.—We hare a good quality, as all
will av who hare tried it.
FLOUR k FRRO.—We hare mule arrange.
meets to hare constantly on hand Flour and
Feed, which we will insure to be of superior
quality, and at such prices as cannot fail to
please: WIL BOYER, k, SOX
April 28,1858.
Wholesale and Retail
T4IQUOR STORE.—The undersigned respect
fully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg
and the public generally, that they have opened
a new LIQUOR STORE an Railroad street, south
side, and midway between the Passenger and
Freight Depot, and have made arrangements to
keep constantly ou band a full supply of all kinds
of Lig non, Foreign and Domestic, inch as Bntn
dies, Wines, Holland and Domestic Gins, Old
Rye and Rectified Whiskey. Champagne. Ginger
Brandy, Cherry Brandy. Cordials, laimtael, Juice,
and Wines of every grade.
The above Liquors will be furnished at the
most reasonable rates and warranted good. By
strict attention to business and an effort to please,
we hope to merit the patronage of the public.
a&-.111 orders promptly attended to.
Fub. 21, ':+9. COVER k KUHN.
Sunbeam Gallery.
rrlIE subscriber would respectfully announce
to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub
lic generally, that ho has provided himself with
an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGHT AL
IlitOTY PE ROOM. at his residence in West Mid
dle street, ono Square west of Pahnestoak's
Store, whore he is prepared to furnish Ambro,
Afelaino, Enamel and Photograph Pictures in
every style of the art, which he will warrant to
give entire satisfaction, and is prepared to ac
commodate all with good pictures. either single
or in groups. He also has a number of speci
mens at his room in Chattibersbarg street, a few
doors West of Cobeau k. Culp's Silos Store,
where he still continues as formerly to take
pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of
themselves and friends, will do well to give me
a call. as I hal e reduced my prices to suit the
present hard times. Pictures copied from old
epectmeus ofall kinds; also, Inserted is Lockets,
Breast Pins, Finger Rings, kc.
The subscriber being thankful to bis friends
end the public in general for past patronage,
wishes them to continue it, and asinres them,
that as heretofore. they shall nut ba dissatisfied.
pa-Char 0.• from 50 cents to.slo. flours fur
operatin; frurn 9A.M. to 4 I'. M. Gold Lockets,
Breas:pais, suitable for rniniisturus, always on
i band, at the rery lowest prices.
`Children will not be taken for less than
! $1 00.
lone-Ambrotypes taken for fifty cents and up
; wards, and in the best sQ, le.
April 28, 1858. tf
The Farmers' & Mechanics'
receives money on deposit daily, from 9
A. M. until 3 o'clock, P. 31., and on Saturday
from 9 o'Llock, A M , until 6 o'clock, I'. M.—
In tere,t on deposits from 2to 5 per cent. Special
deposits paid agreeably to notice, and transient
deposits paid on demand with interest.
Interest on special deposits, when made fur 10
months and upwards, 4 per cent.; for 3 miuths
and upwards, 3 per cent. on transient deposits
for 30 days and upwards, 2 per cent., and on
regular weekly deposits 5 per cent.
The popularity of this Institution with all
classes of the community, both In town arid
country, and its consequent success, may be as
cribed in part to the following reasons:
It offers a convenient, responsible and profita
ble depository to farmers and mechanics, to ex
ecutors, administrators, assignees, collector.,
agents sad all public officers, to attorneys,
trustees, societies and associations, incorporated
or otherwise, to married or single ladies, to
students, merchants, clerks, and business men
generally, to minors and all who have foods,
much or little, to deposit with a return of interest,
Depositors receive books in which arc entered
their deposits, which books serve as vouchers.
They may designate in case of alekness, death or
absence, who shall receive their deposits, with
out the intervention of executors or akiniinktra
tore. [Gettysburg, Feb. 28, 1833.
House Spoatiug and pot op the same low.
for,exab Oe couutr7 produce. Farmera and all
others Wishing tnelr begitses,barits, kr., spott
ed, would do well to give Mtn a call.
April 18, 453. tf 0. k W.1.11P1,1{13.
Globe Inn,
N e ina.
NICSTOWN, Frederic% ociat,Y, IR—.
naming been reilionted aet4 re-thrstisbed,
proprietor assures the public that a call is
only needed, as he gnaranteei 11:11 satisfaction In
erery case. Charges moderate.
1113NRY HERB, Proprietor,
Feb. 14, 1839, tf
4 LREANDER FRAZER, °look d Watch
maker, bas routoroothis shot to 1130 room
. • o Nat ride 'or tillikroblic 'Num 11 1 447'
, • pied' 07 David AfniMlor, Bog, so a taw
r mog,ierbere he will *lova be happy to -
• the 00110 of sootomenr. ThooMi ti V i g
orkhooitopee,lor olototattentiolt OA
, sod adismios to please, to moseit sad nod** tile
• 011ie pablie. • - - ,
A e - •. April Il i 1130
:7- ' ' ~ a illaM . R. ....0. 1 , 3 . ..; -4- • 7 . , .:. _i f ~ , ,,a,„*. -, ,5e.... -4 , - , . immws.--,....4.6,..,4411.044 , mmiczi0 .:;fir- re•
A A. .
o Urty !Pine 01 Greatest, Ipproveznent
MIOIIRAL n 1 • lli IXIIIO,ILNI,_ FP subscribers, Imposters trealeit ,il . 114.1 AOC —ha& &test tE: It OS FI NI N"
isnot-pore Mese , Mi. - tiIYINES .k islQUOitti, world moons, -i V COAL OIL LA PS,
r un E rivalled
conom .in i
their D i t
!veneer i y eall the attencion of purchasers to thillgo al _ y, Si mp li c i ty. S . ,
Prinidel—M ea*. SW 014. Old altablithaapt, Ni. :i Norai Frees Sinai, 1.4„....5.
nos person desiring to lain the very beseldoors a,
Vies Pasiedeat--8. 13. Itass ell , PAstadeiptes, where they have a large assirgt
meat of Wiaes and Liquors of the choliaist t aukoeise.spext. portable fight within their , WWI&
mints, shouliteall and examine these Lltln nir '''' vriei " It ilittL
Secretary—D. 4- Buehler.
Da i aim Ma. -- --.
7reaa seer —Dar id 3.PCreary. , brands and qualities , liaving mod* arrange.
purchasing elsewhere,for the reason,
E xecu a ce (~, , ,,„a a ia...—Robert, McC ur dy, J aco b ingots with CALM Of the first Wiese: ILI Ut)iirUaC i ~,,,,.. ~
lAlfo ro • tvsburg for a lees time, ilkinisisiderof Onfhle,
4t. 1113. ii/ ceril../JI can occur by ex• ( four kinds. Mikt 11116bilileir
Kluft'. -tudrew Seintzelmen. and lto : belle , enables them to furcisli to their '
Asiseestre—George Swope, U. A. Buehler, J,... k cuetomers, upon the most liberal terms, the ,
.., .. That 1 plosion. ' Syrup, Shtvlp3hohprithsarerniii Flour, aora,
ecak xi ag, A . ll i g ut s c h ima , R. ]!'Curdy , T o os. l hallowing brands of Copse and Roehelfe: !
i That they emit No Offensive Odor Oats, Butter, Eggs , paean. Salt , in short
( every thing usually kern iu a tirst-olass
A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock, Wm. It, SlcCistlao, eIIANINES: Otard, fiennesy, Pellet-ties', while burning,
regulated to give ' * . .
Win. B. Wilson, U. Eichclberger, Abdial F.Gitt, Pleat, Castilllon; J. .1. Dopey k, Co., T. filmes, 31. That they are very easily trimmed. IGrocery Store.
John Wulturd, H. A. Picking , J. Aughtntisugh, A.Sergnette, Martel, Matett, to., kc., uf varioua 4th. That they are easily
John 'turner, It. U. McCreary, S. it. R it ss e m,D, brand, and qualities. more or less light. ' try produce ur taken in exchange for Goedia•
guirqbehigh set market pr lea paid for coma-
Nl'Creory, Andrew Polley, John Picking, J. It. WINES: Champagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old! sth. That they burn entirely free fromfiferGive us te.otill. /July your Groeerieit
Hersh. , Oporto, Tenerife , Burgundy, Huck, Muscat, ' smoke. where you iellllitrltzta tete them good kilt'
Da -This Company is limited in its opera- Claret, Sherry, and liaises Wines. Gtli. That the light is at least 50 per cent. i cheap.
lions to the county of Adania. It bas been in Holland Gin, Scheidain Schnapps, Jamaica cheaper thus fin' OthOr light now in 00114111011 i SCira iver's celebrated writintilnk for
Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, .
successful alteration for more than sis years, SPlriu,
pie, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry
4- use. axle. 1 [Nov. , 1858.
and in that period has paid all losses and ex
pease., wiz/iota any assestasent, having also a large Brindle;; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam These Limps are Admirably adapted fur , - ---- - ----J-------..
Co-Partnership ..-.
surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com- Bitters, dc. the use ofStudents,3lechanics,Seautstresses, l
•employs no Agents—ell business being!
pan, Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old 1
• Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on band au ex- , !Lis. Chun:hos. Skiree. Uotel.e.aud are Ligh,- 1 mOTIOE.—The undersigned have moot*.
y recummended for Family Vse.
1 E tfc . e C il li ta g t N DtlEtilli.b.l'ulslienYesweohueldretahrteerer therefore
e ll
.A.l led with them in the Lumber begrime s
done by the Managers, who are annually elect
teusive stock °thee old Monongahela, Rye and
giro air
ed by the Stnclitioldiri. Any person desiring
Bourbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of Fur sale by GILLESPIE ct TIIO3IAS.
June 14, 1838. -
au Insurance can apply to any of the above ducted under the tire! of SMALL, Boman 6
named Hanairers for further information. , which are guaranteed to be superior to any in
, the country, all of which are highly improved Cattle Powder. Co., and they hope, by strict attention to
'Ernie Erei..iitivs Committee meets at the
office of the Company en the last Wednesday , by "Re• business and an earnest desire to plea... W
in e‘ cry month, at 2, P. 11. , Prom our long experience in the business, merit a continuation of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon then,.
Sept. 27 1..7.1ie1.
and a thorough knowledge of the utiles or the
community, we Batter ourselves to be able to
till all orders that may be entrusted to us.
Orders from the country (which are most re
spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended
to. Greet care taken in packing and shipping.
Sci"-All goods sent from our establishment
are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the
privilege of being returned.
E. P. MIDDLETON & into.,
No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia.'
Feb. 7, 1859. ly
OVTDONP---Come to the Store at Green
mount for Bargains !—The undersigned
would must respectfully inform the public. that
he has pur , hased the more of John Weikert, at
Greenraount, Adams county, half-way ou the
road from Gettysburg to EuautitAturg, where he
el p e ,ts, b;• attention and small profits, to re
tain all the old custom and secure lots of new
liis stuck of DRY GOODS, of every description,
Groceries, Con fectionaries, Queensware, Wooden
ware, Crockery-ware, Hardware, 3 / 4 c., is Large
dad varied—equal to that of any other first class
store—and he will sell at prices astonishingly
lie only asks a trial, to prove the truth of
tlus assertion.
Country produce taken in ezehenge tor god
J. 4LEX.
The undersigned also carrier •on the Cikß;
RI AGO-11A KING business et the Mine place, and
offers rare inducements to purchneers. He will
warrant his work good, whilst his charges are
&molt the most moderate. Repairing doue on
short notice. 1 J. ALRX. HARPER.
Feb. 14, 1859. ly
Howard Association,
HILADELPIII.A.—A Benevolent Institution
established by Special Endowment for tho •
tclief of the Sick and Distressed, aftlicted with
Virulent and Epidemic Diseases.
In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this
Institution to establish Hospitals, to provide
Nurses, Physicians, Crothing, Food, Medicines, 1 ,
hc., for the sick and destitute, to take charge of
the•orpluns of decoseett4tarents, and to zalaister
in every possible way to the relief of thollictal
and the health of the public at large. It is the
duty of the Directors, at such times, to visit per- '
soually the infected districts, and to proYlde and ,
azecute means of relief. linincroui physiciaus, '
not acting members of the Association, usually
enrol their names on its books, subjea to be call
uiion to attend its hospital+, free of charge.
In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors
have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to give ,
advice and medical aid to persons suffering un- ,
der CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent charac
ter,arising from abuse of the physical powers,
ma-ttreatment, the effects of drugs, kc.
Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the na
ture and treatment of Chronic Diseases, by the
Coniul:ing Surgeon, have been published for
gratuitous distribution, and will bu scut FREE
of CHARGE to the afflicted.
Address, for reports or treatment, Dr. GBOEIG fi
11. CALLIOL7N, Consulting Surgeon, Bowled As
sociation, No. 2 South Niuth Street, Philad'a, Pa.
By order of the Directors,
Gito. PAIRCISILD, See.y.
Sept, 20, 1858. ly •
The Great Ambassador of .Llealth to all
Holloway's Pills. Stoves! Stoves!
BOON TO TUE SICK ?—The want of a CfIIEADS, BUEULEK lc KURTZ, in their
-` l4 . sterling medicinal to meet the ills and ~J new three-story building, corner of Carlisle
neceJsities of the Buttering portion of hinan- street and the Railroad, have jest received a
ity, and ono entirely free from mineral and large supply of new and beautiful Parlor, Saloon
other deleterious particle+. was severely lelt!and Shop STOVES, of the latest and nawit im
till this all powerful medicine was ushered Prnred styles. Also, all the buret styles of
into the world; lIOLww tY'SIX TATA:MILE Puts 1 . COOK STOVES, embracing the 4. Noble Cook."
have berootne the 110178E110LS . REMIWY of all " Royal Cook," " Wm. Penn," 4. Sat,
nations. Their attribute is to rnavaxt as I "linrniug Star," "Pi/116'1401e Sunrise," "
welt as to cues; they attack the RADII or donia," (Baltimore Air-Tight, improredy..Jewel,"
Roos the omnplaint, and thus by removing , sad Charm"—all for wood or coal,
the hidden cause of disease reinvivrate and Starch 14, 1859
restore the drooping energies of the system,
assisting nature in her task of VITAL and
1/YSPEPSIA.—The great scourge of this
continent yields qlickly to a course of these
antiseptic Yells, mid the digestive organs ern
restored to their proper tune ; nu wetter in
what hideous shape this hydra of disease es
bibits itself, this searching and unerring
remedy disperses at from the patient's system,
DEBILITY AN) lirliAli-
NESS.—From whatever casts, lwauuss of
sprits, and all other signs of A diseased liver,
sod other disorganir-ations of the system'
vanish under the eradicating influence of this
all powerful antiseptic and detergeht remedy.
BILIOUSDISORUkItS.—The proper quau
turn and right condition of the bile is of mo
mentous importance to the health of the hu
man frame, this anti-bilious medicine expels
the hidden seeds of the complaint, and ren
ders all the fluids and secretions pure. and
fluent, cleansing sad resuscitating the vital
functions of the body.
SICKLY FESIA LES—Should lose no
time iu trying a few doses of this regulating
and renovating remedy, whatever may be
their complaint, it can be taken with safety
in all periodical and other disorganitattas.
Its effect 1.1 all l,ut miraculous.
UNItEFuTED PROOF.—The testimony of
Nations is unanimously- borne to the health
giving Virtues of his noble remedy, 11114 cer
tificates in every living language bear wit
ness to the undeniableness of their intrinsic
Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known iii
the world for, the followiny diseaser : -
Asthma, Dropsy, I 0 ward Wradadadi
Dowel Cow,plitUttil. DeWitt!. Lida! Compidjuta.
Gowits, Yoder and Agile, Lowness of zlpirita,
C 011.., /image Ootaplatata, Piled,
Ch.t Oissasse, AssJscLu, Sums and Gran',
CostAverts's, ledige.tten, 8 etoodery ,
llyApepwa, laueoca, VeDorsal AQ.stlons.
plat rilaca„ luillaaltsbation, 'A orals is: all kia4s
istratutinn!—None are genuine unless
the words Ifulloway, New York and Loll
doe," are discernible as a touter-mark in every
leaf of the book of directions around each
put or box ; the same may be plainly seen by
h01di4,9 the leaf to the light. A hand•uute re
ward will be given to any one rendering such
information 44 may lend to the deter ton of
any party or parties counterfeiting the medi
cines or vending the same, knowing them to
be spurious.
•„'Sold at the Mtnufnetories of Professor
Holloway, 8U Maiden Lune, New York, and
by all respectable Druggists and Deniers in
Jledicina throughout the United States and
the civilized world, in bozos nt 2 centi,
cants, and $1 each. A. D. BUZLILER, Agent
Dar rhero is considerablesaving by taking
the larger sizes. • ,
N. B.—Directinns for tote guidance or pa•
tienta in every disorder are &fixed to ;acts
'bur: [J,.tpe Z, 4.658. - envrly. .
W. tlicott' i • 1- -
rile of the Pim Q. Wingicater iircob,)
ENT LatEli'd anSLUNG STOBI, sad
to, 6/4 Cower Slims, (nearly opposite the
Girard Roane,)
J. W. SCOTT would respectfully call the at
tention of Ms former patrons and friends to his
Dew OW*, and is prepared to till orders for
BLURTS at short notice. A perfect At guarantied.
COUNTRY T$ _ .4D$ supplied with Bus amts
sad CoULAII4, (Oct. 4, ISSIMS4r
PtrILDLNO MATEEJALS..—.Paints, Oil 4 kn„
alwala oa band and will be fornishad,st
rates*" • , FAH.NEStOCKO.
a edit; b;titl • . •
flooda--airW 'will be • •
Cheap at F. It ' A
Frazer River
Still at Work !
—The undersigned respectfully informs
his friends and the public that he continues
the Coachmaking and SlAcksmithing business
Li every branch at his establishment In Cham
beraburg street. lie has on hand and will
Inas ufActure to order all kinds of CARRIAGES,
BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, &c., of
the best material, and made by superior work
all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly
and to the satisfaction of eistomere.
COUNTRY Psooctos taken in exchane for
work at -market prices.
10!Persons desiring articles or work in the
Coschmaking or Blacksmithing line, are re
spectfully invited to call on
Gettysburg, Jan. 24, '59.
New Grocery.
guns WAY FOR. BARGAINS.—The sub
scriber. respectfully informs the citizens
of town aml country, that be has openeda
Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on
York weer, WO door" east of St. James'
Lutheran Church. where be has now on
hand a general assortment of good+ in his
line--such as: Syrup, from 40 to 7U rents
per gallon ••Sugare, all kinds Coffees, (U
-tensil' kisass Vinegar. Salt, Fish, Cheese.
Scotch If wring, ground and tinground Pep
per. Alvin, Cloves, Cinnamon, Musniird,
Soda, Ginger. Starch. Rine, Teas,.Canele4,
Extract Coffee, Chooolate, Concentrated
Lye; Broo-ns, Rickets, Candies, 'all kinds :
Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts. Almonds, ()rota nd
Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemnos. Oranges, Fan.
cv Cakes, Crackers of all kinds. Lc.. Le.
Bailer and Eggs bought and sold. Ho in
vites the calls of the public, oonvinced that
his assortment will please, both in quality
and prico. Ho is determined to sell cheaper
than die cheapest.
Gwttphor,g, Deo.lo, '5B.
A NY varlet)* of
c.ta be had at the Mal and Lumber Yard of
March fl, 1859.
Good and Cheap !
/TM undersigned would inform his friends
and the public generally. that he continues
its branches, at his establishment, in E.tst Mid
dle Street, (near thfi east end,) Gettysburg, PA.,
where he has on hand a first-rate tot of work,
and is prepared to put up to order whatever
maybe desired in his line, 'cis :—Rockaway
and Boat-body Carriages, Falling-
Top, Rockaway and Trotting Bug
gies, Jersey Wagons, Ate. With
good workmen and good materials,' be can
pledge his work to be of the best quality—and
his prices are among the lowest.
SW - Repairing dose at abort notice, and at
reasonable rates. Country produce taken in
exchange for work. Call!
June 15,'57. JACOB TIIOXEL.
To the Country,
GOOD NEWS —I have ented the Foundry
for the ensuing yea , and am prepared
tia make the different kind of Castings usually
made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on
hand the different kinds ofPLOCGIIS, Points,
Shares, Cutters, itc.• ' Pots,Kettles, Pans, Wash
ing Ifichiaes, Ac.; Stoves and ILiellinery ; Por
ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made
and put up with dispatch.
All orders will be attended to promptly; but
being without capital, and mousy being neces
sary to carry on the business, I will be com
pelled to sell for cash, but on all country work
5 per cent. will be deducted, Suitable trade
will be taken, if delivered at the time of par.
chasing. Givens a call. E. M. WARREN.
Gettysburg, June 1, '57.
Lime! Lime !
fr fiE undersigned have made arrangements,
br which they will be ready to supply
LIME in any quantities, at the lowest prices,
as soon as the Railroad is completed. They
are ready to receive order*.
Nov, 22, 1858.
John W. Tipton.
GO to Tipton's—go to Tipton's—
Go to Tipton's in the corner—
In the corner in the Diamond—
In the Diamond near McClellan's.
If you want your hair dressed finely—
If you want your face shaved smoothly.
Bachelors who never knew it—
Tip's the feiloW that can do it—
Do It In the latest foshion—
Do It quickand do it neatly,
And improve your fine looks greatly,
Maks you look so young and sprightly,
Make you feel more young and brightly,'
Make you feel like going nightly
To otal ;pot some pretty damsel
Who before would not Look at you,
At you as you passed her dolly,
Daily on the public street.
.And7ottng am who wear moastaubes,
Who want some one to sew patches—
Pataltea where your breeches tear—
Tlp's the boy to make op matchall—
,. Watches with some bidy Asir.
Then repair to Tipton'. shop,
Dandy, Fogy, flirt and Pop.
/an. 11, 1858,
"Hard Times
MORL"—.Any person (Lady or Gentle
man,) in the United Suttee, ,poseessing
small capital of from $3 to $7, can enter into an
easy and respectable business, by 'which front ;5
to 1110 per day can be realized. For particulars,
qt . Wrzez, (filth atern),l W. I. ACTOS k CO.,
41 North Sixth St., Philadelphia.
• tr , / 8 4•• o .ant • . ,
1110 Nave to WWI tbe t ettitein of
ibeitirwwwww e bio viptitan tolass
1101 MOW OWO 11.110tabeilis..=
Awn, xen i allt ,
TLE JIED/CLVES have been thorough
ly tested and pronounoed unsurpassed and
uusurpAssal,le. Sono other as useful have
heel' introduced during the i2or.tury.
Whilst farmers aro using every effort, and
investing large amounts of money in the
itoproveuient of their soils, too little atten•
tion is generally paid to tile health and de
velopment of farm Stock.
Dreinig, Fronefield Co. justly claim be
ing the
. first, in this country, who devoted
their attention to this important subject.—
result of stover:ll years' study and experi
menting--which experiments have actually
shown that,_by feeding this Powder, a Cow
will yield from I to 2 poundi butter per week
awe than when she does nut get the Powder;
all other conditions alike. The oauto in
crease is proportionably produced in the
lattetsing of cattle or swine,
It, is used with equal profit fur Horses,
C a ttle and !logs. No farmer, or feeder of
auv kind, should be without it a (14y.
fur sale tit the new Warehouse, corner of
Stratton street and the Railroad, by '
Nun. 15, 11358. 6u3
The Liver Invigorator,
PREPA RED by Dr.SANFOßD,compounded
entirely from GUMS, is one of the best
Purgative and Liver Medicines now before
the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier.
milder, and more effectual than any other
medicine known. It is nut only a Cathartic,
but u Liver remedy, acting first on the Liccr
to eject its morbid Matter • then un the $
itch atirbilivels tu carry otr that matter, titer
accomplishing two purposes effectually,
cat any of the painful feelings experienced
iu the operatiuns of most Cathartics. It
strengtheds the system at the same time that
it purges it; and when taken daily in mud
unite doses, will strengthen and build up
with unusual rapidity.
The Livita is one ;14 : of the prinolpufrogu
lators of the human body ; and when it
performs it functions E-i wdtl, the powers of
the System are ft/Ny.4 developed. Thor/wo
ods is almost entire- ly deueutleut on the
lie.tlthy action of then Liver for the proper
perfarmaceut its func-o tiuns; when the stom
ach is at fault. the;- 4 bowels ere at fault,
and the whole system; ? ' buffers inconsequen t %)
of uuo organ—thaftl urea—having ceasi I
ed to do its duty.— For the diseases yr
that organ, one of the proprietors has nude
it his study,in a prac, j tice of more than 20
years. to find some remedy wherewith to
counteract the manyP4 der auge men ts to
which it is liable. F-4
To prove that this remedy is at last
found, any . persona/ troubled with Livia
Coirt.AlNl. in :my uta its forms, has but
to try a bottle, and and' co,ivictiou is escudo.
These Gums re-0 move all morbid or
bad matter from theme systetu, Impitlyir.g in
their place a flow of Z bile, invigorating the
stomaeli,causing fuod'vei to digest well, rum ,.
r y iN u Tug BLOOD. giv-M sag tone end health
of the whole maabinery, remosing the-cause
of the disease—effecting a radical cure.
turrrsa, riteresTiu, by the occasional use of
the Lawrie Isivicoastus.
0 le &Ise after eating is sufficient to relieve
the stomach and prevent the food Isom rising
and souring.
Oily one LI )se taken before retiring, pre
vent* NIGHTMARE. :
Only one dose taken at night. loosens tho
bowels gently. and qures CUIIT IVI N 14.33.
One chose taken after eaLls JULIA will cure
Dirsrarsi A. ,
attirOas (lose of two teaspoonfuls will al
w.sys relieve Sim liesnacas.
One dune taken for female obstruction re
moves the cause of the disease, and makes a
perfect cure.
Only elm dose immediately relieves CHOLIC,
Quo dose often ropeated is a sure cure for Slkutous, and a prosamivo of
Commits. •
skrOuly one hottle is needed to throw out
of the system the etfeuts of medicine after
a long sickness.
wair - One ht.ittle taken for JAUNDICE removes
all sulluwnese ur unnatural color from the
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes fund di
gest well.
One dose often repeated Cures CHRONIC
DIARAUCCt in its worst turms, while Sunless
find Sowat, complaints yield almost to Ole
arst dose.
One or two doses cure attacks caused by
Worms in Children; there is no surer, safer,
or speedier remedy iu the world, as it never
sitir A few bottles cureDuorsx, by exciting
the absorbents. .
We take pleasure in recommending thie
medicine as a preventive for Fives and -tune.
Calm. FLYER, and all Isrla of a Itltsoce
Irre. It operates with certainty, and thou
sands are waling to testify to its wonderful
All who ure it are gtving their unanimous
testimony in its favor.
avirMix water in the mouth with the In
vi-orator, and swallow both together.
Tux Li rut INVIGORATOR is a scientific med
ical discovery, and is daily working cures,
almost tockgreat to believe. It cures as if by
magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and
seldom wore thsn one bottle is required to
care any kind of Livia complaint, from tha
worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a cotentoe
Headache, all of which are the result of n
Disitasso Livia.
DR. SA.NeURD, Proprietur, 344 Broad
way, New York. A. D. Duzuzast, Agent,
Gettysburg .
May IT. 1858. ly
Cheap I Cheap I
have just returned from the city, with a
very large assortment oreloths, Csastmeres,
Vesting', Winter Goods, and everything
else in the men's wear line. They also offer
plain and fancy Starts, Collars,, int stAti,cotr..
tog ifimdlgachiefs, SuspendersAo; flaying
boa ht unusually low, fir am cad. a k a, a r e
enabled to sell CUSAPICIL TAANIIIOI4-11141 aunt
lent full cli)th suit, made up, Sbl $l3, !lir in
stank/. Give them a mat, at , their now outgo ,
tishmeat, in Ohautheribukgstraega. few doors
west of the oJurl , llnue. before relating
elsewti ere. Oct. 1 1.
Wig : oubsoriber box remand hla Plough
and bloobtrie..abop *ow Om Youndu
building to itailsilittvotront, Tats'. '
BlaebnuitWohnp,•bilok 4 if v
whore he it butuka- --
tend to -
Lumber Yard
O Yort.i George sreet, near the Railroad,
We would invite the attention of Mechan
ics. Builders, and others, to our large and
well selected stock of oonriatingur
every description r.t* White Pine !Lards and
Plank, Joist, Sounding and Fencing. Aisos
Pine and Cliesnat Shingles, Laths, Pieketai
WlNed Flooring and Weatherboarding, f
Siding.k.c. We are prepared to cur To
oRDER any size, quantity and quality of
11'11 ITE PINE a., 0.1 K LUMBER,
at the shortest notice, and have it delivered
to any point acceqsible by Railroad. We
also iminufleture and keep un baud a ;tia
ral assortment of
Shutters, Blinds, Window hranies and Door
Fromm -
Stir Orders for any suns not on hand tilled
with di.patch.
Vie'Our stock and assortment in equal to
any others, and wu nro determined to MI at
the lowa,t market prieco,
ortlerp, and comn►unications ail,
dressed to the undersigned, at Yurk, Pa., will
receive prompt attention.
York, May 24, IY.iB. iv
Hanover B. Railroad.
TRAINS over the 11.tuuver Dr. Ilailrotul
now run Re fidlowe
First Train leaves llanover at 0 A. W.Witit
paqqengers f r Yurk, ifirrjsburg, Culumbi4
and Kiladelpiiiu.
Sep )n.l Train leaves Hanover at 1 P.
with pasgengers ro Itultintore and interme
diate pints.
DANIEL 'CRONE, Tiiket Agent.
Scrofula, or King's
is a constitutional disfase, eorrup.fon of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated.
weak, and poor. being in the circulation, ij
pervades the whole body, ibid may burst ant
m &ewe on any part of it, :Co organ is free
from its attacks, nor is Ouse one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous tnint is vaioualy
caused by mercurial di..cruie, low living, clis.
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, flltit
and filthy habits, the de awing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What.
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending " from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed.
it seems to be the rod of Him who says, .•
will visit the iniquities of the tethers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood,of corrupt or utceroutartattcr, which, iii
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, io`lennetl
tubercles ; in the glands. swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sures. Thu foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blind, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu.
Lions not only suffer from scrofulous earn.
plaints, but they have far less power to with.
stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not Yerditlong in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
erten]. Most of the consumption which dc
mutates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arse from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous ;
their persons aro Invaded by this larking iris
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the sy-tein we must n1,411 . 41'0
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in.
vigorate it by healthy food and emir 'taw.
Such a ;medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the moot effectual remedy which the medical
Will of our times ran devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remedials that hays,
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
, tern front its dostructive consequences,
Hence it should he employed for the cure of
not wily scrofula, but also those other &Rec. •-•
dons which arise horn it, such as Euerrnvn
and Sxtsr Maass:Es, Sr. Axraoxy'a Pine,
Durrenes, I3LAI:11.1 and Brims, Tumour+, Tarrant
and SALT RII "I'M, SCALD, Ritrowoax,
Ruses:Army, Syriittrrte and IltheenraLbni.
indeed, ALL COXITLAINTS mon Vms.
van of Imerun Bteon. 'l'ho popular belief
in impurity of au , blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarnia.
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is in4lXAgbill
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
FOR At THE Pt OUS OF tfititaillalt;
are so composed that disease within the ran 6, of
their action can rarely withstand or erode them
Their penetrating properties search, and eleinse, -
and invigorate every portion of the human organs
ism, eorrecting its diseased action, and sectoring
its healthy litalities. Asa consequence of thesis
properties, the invalid who is. bowed down will;
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored bye remedy or owe* so
simple and invitmg.
Not only do they care the ersq-day corttp . ,
of every body, but also many formidable mild
dangerous disease,. The agent lielow.smaurta 111
pleased to tarnish gratis my Aperitifs' Almanac
coo taini ng certificates of their cares and dire/dons
for their use lathe following eemplainta netiro.
ors, Ifreu-tburs, Ileadacks arstiiim rem diarrkemi
tifinnaeit, Nevem .Imtiretime. Parnhomseiitooddof
Inaction of the Bevele, Fialmtesey, Lose,a
Cite, Jasmeline, and miter, kindmd is,
arising from a low state of the body or
of lts functions.
Ayer's' Pectoral,-
nisi.. .a
Coulitsit Cold*, Won** Ifeeirsinsess,
CroeNßteilehitils, Imetpleat ICtkasurios
tins, etiad for the relief occeasoisptiss .
Patients to . it4ittfeeir ~di . !4 . :as
-4itssews. 46- • .••
15. Wit is the UN figi:ol44•lo4 art slim- . ii
zsasnus are ebe
. cues el shg .
sem section of country Moat jn
Hai k who We bash thseleit=sisr"
sad gran &vend* dfiteskiles the hAg14110:-
use. What ones Ws& to tope erii; ttositr eelpt ets. mg. • •
nth,: sedieiss-stits ihmt last°
obsseletios e ssid shove its ate. - • •
Tar uu dist+essitli awl daisiteroZr a rs
r arm
- • dist= Beast 6:
thesils by
1 9k MOW •thstesis, *Me; "di"'
Nisad tiht romarkibU se