The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 25, 1859, Image 3

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It is hared that there hes bean Rosh km. of
file co the plains among the emigrants, and
eettelal,Y a great deal of entering at the least.
We shall Look with anxiety for full details of
this show and wind storm,
Bad Matcher—A man tiring near Nash
ville, who had been absent in California sone
three years, on coming home recently, found
a baby only three months old lying in the cra
dle. With a cruelty unaptly diabolical, he at
ARM oat of the Infant's ears to avenge his
"woutsdad honor." The screams of the little
seism 429/led in the family, when the infuri
ated man learned that the child belonged to s
neighbor who was visiting his wife. Ile had
to lea to escape a lynching.
Area j( ea Alkjed Murderer.—Rev. Ja•
cob S. Harlin. atiared with causing the
death of his wife with poison, at Brlri
dere. Now Jersey, has been arrested at Fair
;mount. lie was identified by means of a
46 $ 6 arrowtype. The Governor of New Jer
sey had ofered $5OO reward fur his apprchen-
Quentin Durward, by sir WniterScott.
Peterson & Brothers have given us, in the
above named volume, the fifth number of
their cheap edition of the works of Sir Wal
ter Scott, and a popular edition it is too, and
we are glad to find they have made a tre
mendous bit with this cheap edition of the
Waverley Novels. Thera Is a constant de
nims& for these immortal productions of the
Scottie!' Bbakapeare, and here, ut last. we
NM am edition fur the million—each volume
costing but twenty•live cents, and the whole
aeries comprised in twenty six volumes being
furnished for the small surn'tsf five dollars,
and sent posit.paid to any part Lf the Unite.'
Woes. ••Quentic Durward "—which teems
with romantic incidents and fine potraitures
of character--bas just been issued. Such an
opportunity to obtain these glorious actions
has never before been presented to the messes
of this country, In no other shape can these
works be obtained in so desirable a shape for
Anything like the price. Address all orders
to'F. B. Peterson k Brothers, 306 Chestnut
Street, Philadelphia.
The Markets.
lityperais F10ur..,... ..,.
Rya flour
Vheat ......
Bye _ ...... ..... 85
Lite ...AO 50
Buckwheat 50
Buckwheat Neal ...... *seer.. ••••••••••• 2 00
Clover good. ..... .... . ...... 4 2 to 4 75
Timothy ................. 1 75
Piss Seed 1 20
Bari*, 70
Plaster of ........ i 00
1 Laster ground, per bag.— • 95
612 to 825
148 to 183
80 to - 96
Wbeat •
( 'aro
0414 45 to 54
Clover Seed... 5 25 to 5 75
Timothy — Bea 2 00 to 3 25
Beet Cattle, per band. 8 00 tol3 O.
Buys, per hued... ..... 8 be 1011;5
Hay ' 14 00 toll 00
Whiskey 25 to 26
Guano, Pererian, per t0e.......... G 2 00
Flour, from wagons 5 V:
Do. from itoros .. 6 25
Whist ..-- 110 to 150
Dye 80
A'unt ...... ... ...... " ...... epos.. 68
hit. 50
Clover Seed....- 5 00
'Timothy &e¢... 2 00
Fluter 8 00
YORK-4410AT ►.AST.
Flonr, from wagons.-- ........ ...
Do. from 5t0rea.........
qover Selig
ljasothy Brea
Mager ...... ....... .......
p.9l:NDoia.l Noticez.
4: , 91t4 or SECOND AID thits Orafters. PlactsimmatA,
Ilsaeleeterers of White Leet. Zinc, P•uf. iarosobesi,
ape Wbeivraole dealers a Drar. Melee Mass. kr
City an/ Couto , 33ereb sats who den,. to putrefies, from
• ',tort atm* •sl ',aeptebt• privets are respeeeelly no.
Quieted to inspect en r ireuda. Oar White Lead, Coe,
rutty, and raraishes, are *ski by more than one tionesnd
Wholesale Jabbing airasee tbsoegbast the rains. and tiro
naorstatt astisfactloi. Ur:Cot Gee complaint has ever
reaeled en j kaaL lair orders direst.
Neb. 7,184 Y. V
1301.LOVAT'S rf LLlB.—Preinatare dew . "%elixir the
sash of ogspLication to basis...a. tryst Ilftse, at
gay West exhanstire mad, may he elsorket. gad the OP
wad mutat eeergies restored to their swishes! rigor,
,by a persevering as. of this asegoalled restorative. Tha
atoopiag frame may be straightoseed, the Instability agrees
vatted. sod the whole toisealar syvtena brained by a
goitres of the Pale. They rose aM eely to ;ergo the in.
dorsal awes of all iispentsea. b to lease tato every
#brs a are priaciple of vitality. Let sot the skit say
that their easstitatiosie are broken down. 13E011 they hone
posted the remoratang propertes of llulloway'a srocOrtn I
gest grata re
CONSISTISCY IN siaxirwi 4003103 vlth
otooo pips $ and cost agog bocsta, naiad he I 4,,tazaloya
4:020 of ti e•, Si a ta Nod mat 5v0314 e. ssath
!anal &wet sued (palbers. 16 4 , Lt. coashotency fa garb,
as as averytibing able, and iiibb this Preoult 3 PO 4 *
arty of Wows, vs ;motor to moo in stageat suit at coat,
pull+ cal yeti, mole to tioo Waal gy le, by Botkhill &
Waaset, Nes. 00 His 605 Chestnut west above bisth.
Ilalladallatia. 8. &W. hare everything dourable IC t-04 1
WIT sst Wing wooz, for gentleman and yuattta Ag. lea
0114/4, arm& Ma, *Mhz/a, Croup, Wimp.
lag Closigik giramot of the 'Moat aod Loop, sad Tut ,
mown 4110kofs at tba altrariot tppa, an It nick! y eared
by thst law triad sod Unita! ',molly,
Da. WISTOVIIII4I.B.ehr or wUrp Cgitii4T ...tiars
wea.haerao *We rats is traly a Salaam w s Wm.
Jog talearandha dt aenhaps the ptre Marie prisimple at
Wild Caporip, tai labieode properties at ter assi of Pao—.
minciret attar the Mot principle
at elsarrarkry, aro etl Wow* espl tNeraG.ra it lade ma<
pore im West. Neese, Coils, Comaarreptierie Ilroimbibi
%radar" disapsar solar its %Maeda indaeme e. QOM*
owing Mg rrehably so reorkieirie has ee or wailed
Pso samerd • slit it asoosapilabod sr meal pod am tail
.." CLINVIIJA, GA., Nib. 11 1 1 Iltil.
WW II 2. BMW W. 'oak & Oa, Moodos, Moda.--4Oaaalo.
riff& :—.641 of paw Travail's' Argot, Ipm
Cia L la l boom sf s r
If: 4.'174 itl;."4`;
~... ii, w hiez, fp, Como aid Oimigit, mod More Mond
" i tt• 1 . 4. : 11 1 ..1
"g iMt i." I "' s " Il f t: f ro 4 Oa Islam ma
e a ts = flia le r r :o= l. osfriftt i f
. VT. l otikf
RIM fial MfAkfiffhl Afoul, boo Qs mow i • t ..1.
vitiffi vitt s
sad Ow prima& woo of Ur
"g• w. TORUS & 0a.," or sa• moor
l'ifiri a l iiipr Oisili II row*. 4 Qa, bollas. mad ha dais
kr a.• • Aga* Pa radar. liaimao•
*AIL Matt
fla= a ,
ii 7flo•
*NIL Maga Oarlia I *Or Illomp
*Wonolol &ow 4. , Sm.
meirisigalogiir all foo *oar & rapait 111. lift
'WOW —mit Jpip
06 4 21 011110massaiss Maws fires, proms* from s
rendsibs* wilt a. Oise* IL D. PlUSisiwa
Irian Ss Issibissa. Two mitt kerns infesis 10 1101 OW
sus wit of moody Dm Psis*
vbsassee; ,'
4 111 •4116161 .4". I.lllhigig 1ied144 14111d 4
* 0 10
the - nate. A short thus after the Sot:Vil(r.
Ladd fit sick and started for home. After
arriving there he was taken with cramps,
frothing at the month and other evidences of
poison, and died shortly after in gross agony.
The other boy started for home at the same time
across lots, and was found in a field an hour
afterwards. Ile probably became weak from
the Allots of the poison and fall where he sou
afterwards found, The ground near him was
considerably torn and rooted up. the result
of his struggles during the spasms. lie was
taken home and died moos afterwards. Both
boys ware buried on Saturday the 9th.— Oy.
desulnirg (N. T•) .10trrnal.
Toro Per:ow Kilted by Lisoltiositv,—On
Saturday afternoon last, iu Martin Webber
and his wife, of the town of Germantown,
Wisoonsin, were working in a sugar bush,
near the line of the La Crosse Railroad, they
were both struck by lightning and instantly
killed. They leave a large family of chil
dren, to mourn the sudden and fatal stroke.
Ac intoxieated Oyster.—The editor of the
Rappahannock Southerner has recently seen
a curiosity fished up by Mr. Alex. Leland,
out of Carter's Creek. It consists of a por
tion of is common junk bottle, to which seve
ral oysters had grown, and one, the largest
nod probably the moat dissipated of the par
ty, had grown partly into the neck of the bot
tle, completely tilling it up. Whether the
oyster went into the bottle to get a dritik, got
tight, and could not g et out, is nut known,
btit certain it is that himself and his compan
ions seem "very mach attached to the bottle."
IliiirA dancing master was taken up at
Natchez, lately, for robbing a new boarder.—
Ile said he commenced by cheating& printer.
and after that everything rascally same easy
to him.
In York, on the 12th inst., by the Rec. J. C.
Smith, Mr. JACOB BUCHER to Miss MARY
CATHARME FIELTZEL, both of Adams county.
On the 12th hut., by Elder D. P. Saylor, near
Double Pipe Creek, Mr. ISRAEL BROWN, of
this county, to Miss ELIZABETH WAYBRIGHT,
of Carroll county, Md.
On the 17th last, In Iteedersetile, by John
Burkholder, Esq., Mr. PETER PENNER, of But
ler township, to Miss SARAH McKINNEY, of
the same township.
On the 18th inst., at York, by the Rey. A. W.
Lilly, Mr. JAMES A. COOK, lately of Cumber
land county, Pa., to Miss SALLIE WOLYUItD,
daughter of Peter Wolford,
.. 5 75
3 25
.........1 30 to 1 40
On the 15th Inst.. in York, NARY ELIZABETH.
youngest daughter of Hon. Robert J. Fisher,
aged about 3 years.
On the 12th inst., in Littlestown, Adams
county, JOHN RIGHTS, aged 2 years
and 28 days.
On the 21st inst., Is Lancaster. J ICOR 'HEN
RY, son of Jacob U. and Louimt Norbeck, aged 9
weeks aud 1 day.
Qs th• 10th Wit., at his father's residence,
near bewisberry. York county, KLI B. GARRWT
SON,'In the 29th year of his age. ' •
Z 8 to 83
At his residence, in Westminster, on Friday
week, afters protracted illness, Mr. JOHN F.
REFASE, in the 524 year of his age.
CM Saturday lust, in this place, FRANK. L..
son of Mr. Henry J. Fahnestock, aged 1 year
and 4 months.
Oa Thursday last, Mrs. SrBAN, wife of Mr.
Jacob Musser, of Maliatplasioaut township, aged
about 38 years.
puR public are hereby cautioned ugUlt ne
t gotiating two now of land purporting to ,
have been drawn by Darn) Maus., dac r eaned,
late of Hanover, York county, namely: One
dated the Ist of April, 18:.0, fur Five Hundred
Dollars, and the other dated the Ist of April,
1t152, for Four hundred Dollars. Paymeht of
either of the above mentioned notes la declined
under existing circumstances.
Executor of David Diehl, deceased.
Flasovar, April 1859. St
.... 8 25
..... 1 20 to 1 SO
F 5
..... II 56
II 100
..... 6 64
ir rb
fret servant of Beene Lane, Committee
of the person and estate of Jecoe Lane, of
aeob. a Lunatic., has been filed lu the Court of
Cowman Pious of Adepts county. and will be
coofilined by the said Court, we the 34th du of
Nay eau, 111liRU clause be sboirn to the contrary,
JACOB BUSI/EY, I'iro44'y.
Prtithonotarfe °Mee, Getty's- I
be . A , ril 25, L. atil j
YHE first and Anal amount of Joint Do'nur,
Assignee off Oceims H. Crania; has been
fed la the Court of Common Pleas of Adams
county, and will be confirmed by the sold Court,
on the 24tH Ayr of May next. oakum cause be shown
to the contrary. JACOB BL HEY, Prate's/.
Prothonotary's Office, Gettyi- I
burg, April 25, 185 e. 4t* f
Public Sale.
N pursuance of an order of tie Orpkaa's
Court of Adams county, the subscriber, Ad
uunistraLor of the estate of MAINIARET RAIL;
deceased, will offer at Public Sale, ou the
ites, es lbarday, Mr 174 day of Mow, 1554, •
certain LOT OF GROUND, situate in )(aunt
pleasant township. Adams county, adjoining
lands of the heirs of Henry Reily, Esq., deceased,
Jeremiah °aster, and Capt. Thoiras Brady, and
containing I Aces, more or less, having
thereon erected • Log and Weather
boardtri Dwelling HOUSE, with an Atilt
wry "Ind other improvements.
Srde ti ternurence at I o'clock. P. X., of said
day, when terms will be made known lad atten
dance given by MICHAEL KELLY, Asher.
By the Court—Hexer G. Wor,e, Clerk.
April 25, 1559. at
J. A. GARrfI;E
'e.s l reinoriii go itis new and splendid Ewa Front
lore, end be" "et/tired from Philadelphia and
Baltimore one of tbriargeo, choicest and cheap
est stocks of
' , Avers k OILS,
STOVES, kc., Sc.,
to be bread is the warty,
TM improvements I have male, sal eke facil
ities I a OW
szkloy, enable me to compete is
fkalgiiir 1 0 0aq aaii Pied. with say toisiklisb
meat La soasty,
AA is mixt of barsine sN hirited tout! at
my Cheap Store, whereto/. &sissy, do* goods,
sad ioarierre, is the principle of doiag business,
Petersbarg, (Y. 8.,) April 25,'59. 3t
Spring XiMum%
- Li" 140411AUY is now opening a law as.
_al aorta:omit of BONPIETti esititile for the
sawn, (assisting of threw, Neopoilian, Linen
braid, and Fancy Bommeu (with emirs t aw fer
old ladies)—ail of the latest sty*, sod whiea
for beast' sad cheapness esanot i s osopasood
with am/ styli Mimes, Rickas, Ilavers. Cords
sad Taps* Allmskins, Chilh TWeisthlt,
sad Late for Trimming, Also, Umatilla", Para
sols, Gloves, Hosiery, Essbrolderriss of every
kind, Caps sad nary Head-dresses, Dross Tries.
Lap, sad irsacy (Moots of every description,
wbicb the Ladies are invited to cell sod szsaine,
will be *applied with psneros, boa
cheri n kfiesiltan tbses.
4%X. lOU Inns Batiste to order at
04 sallies, snit is tbe beet sad wet
taddismilie arauspr. April 11, 111 N, *sr
Goo4s Sp WI! lisommal
r....esta bap_ elite *so the
si4h * boo feenhtertallr GOOK
is An se ea casopt Nos rye. Wee
his a eel, aid aer Eh N.
edelllemet Veefilp,
MI him* itheamor
.IhADI awl& kipalmorik
Nile fa allADT=A p r
elsi, Wyo. - JAOOII
~ OW* *, 4 wee hes ONO. %MO.
uenireeeirs, April 4, less.
i i a : 11 " 1144
_e a aua
gar*, title
• aosainealy
tha rag
Change of Hours
Seamy Arrtuyeasasso.—Ga sad after Thus.
, April :lat. tLe NORING TRAIN winless*
Gettysburg at 6 o'clock. A. N., connecting at
Lianoser Junction with Szpraas train to Balti
more at a :%7 and Mail train frogs Baltimore at
9 4:4, returning to Getty burg at 12.30 noon,
drlth pa.3engert from klahicuore, York, liarria
burg, l'hilndalphia, and the North and Wait.
The AFTER.XOOSI TRAM will leave (leuys.
burg at 1 o',luck, P. N., connecting at Hanover
Junction with ]tall trxisi to Baltimore at 3.37, tb
turning to Gett),burg &boat 6.30 P. M., waif
passengers from York, IbirriAburg, Philadelphia
and the Sorth and West.
On TUC ;day and Saturday evenings of every
week, the Evening 'train will wait aj the Juno
tion until 5.30, on the Evening Express train
goes Baltimore, which leaves Calvert Station at
3, P. if., thus enabling passengers to leave Get
tysburg on those day-s at 6. A. W.. reach Balti
more at 11.15, A. M., attend to business there
until 3, P. M., and return to Gettysburg the same
Her ily the above amngetnent passengers
can go either Sorth or South on the Northers
Central Itatlway both morning and afternoon.
ICCURDY, President.
April 25, 1859.
Register's Notice.
"NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees sod
other persons contented that the Admin
istration accounts hereinafter mentlased will
be presested at the Orphan's Court of Adams
county for confirmation and allowance, as
nesetsy, do 24i.i of Map sari, at 10 o'clock, A.
U., viz :
104, The Arqt and flnal account of Simnel
Herbst and John Herbst, Itsecutors of the last
will and testament of Jacob Herbst, deceased.
102. The first account of Samuel Metsgar,
Executor of the lag' will and testament of Hama.
ret Drab. late of A bbottstown, deceased.
106. The second /waist of Michael Trestle,
Executor oldie Last will and testameat of Henry
Trost* deceased.
LOT. The first end final account of Jacob
Georg*, Admisoistrator of the estate of John
Knopp, deceased.
I us. The first and Moil account of Jacob
Ditzler, Administrator of the radiate of David
Ditsler, deceased.
we. The first and final account of Col. David
Y. Byers. Administrator of the estate of Esther
flyers, deceased.
110. The first and final account of Jacob
Byers, Esq.. Executor of the last will and testa
ment of J. K. R. Herrigan, deceased.
111. The first and Moll account of George
Smith, Administrator of the estate of Joe/ph
Smith, deceased.
112. The first account of Burkhart Wert, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Henry Kichinger,
113. The first sad final account of Abel T.
Wright. Administrator of Mary Hewitt, deceased.
114. The first sad Mal account of Abraham
Krise, Adatlaistrator of the estate of Jacob See
gable, deceased.
111. The account of Col. John Wolford, Ad
mlnistiatoe e. i, a. on the estate of Peter Snyder,
of Joshua. deceased.
/IG. The first aad anal account of Rufus C.
Swope, Guardian of Lydia Stonesifer, deceased,
a minor child of Isaac Stonesifer, deceased.
117. The Account of Moses McClean, Testa
mentary Trustee under the will of Letitia Mc-
Neely, deceased, for the care of a special fund.
118. The second account of John Korner, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Junco X. McGanghy,
119. First account of - John Chamberlin, Exe
cutor of David Chamberlin, damaged.
Register's 011ie., Gettys
burg, April 25, 1859. ' f
Grand Jury Report
MO the Honorable the Judges of the Courts of
Adams county:--We, the undersigned,
members of the Greed Jury, baring visited the
County Prition and examined it carefully, bud
parts of it in rather a dilapidated condition, and
many of the Cello insualeient for the safe-keep
leg of prisoners. We would. therefore, respect
fully recommend that the Commissioners, as
soon as practicable, put the building in proper
repair and make such alterations in the cells as
will render them altogether secure.
P. Shively, R. McCort*, Jeremiah Diehl, A.
fleeter, Samuel Lehr, Isaac F. Brinkerhoff, Sam
uel 8. Miller, Isaac Deardorff, John McCleary,
John Bigham, Benjamin Shelly, John L. Bolts
worth, Sebastian Stitsel, Samuel Bucher, Daniel
Mickley, John Themes, Samuel 0. - Cook, Francis
litiehten. Jacob G. Ilasehoar, Michael Carl,
David Wiater. [April?s, 1859. 3t
Elastic Cement
ItOOFING.—The subscribers are prepared to
contract and put urn laths shortest notice,
. Child h Co.', PATENT FLEE AND WA
It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and In
point of durability as equal, if not superior, to
any Yetalie liooftsur: _lt can be pat on over tin,
tar, iron, or shingle goofs, however liat or steep
they may be.
In point of resisting tits eleensets of tire and
water, nothing has yet been discovered equal to
the Elastic Cement.
Those who hare used it, bare testified that it
is the Ivry perfection of Roan", sad that there
is se farther room for huprorement. No one
will now think of patting on shingles, whim this
Cement can be hail for math less money and will
outwear bur shingle roofs. This Rooting is
warranted as represented.
The Mastic Cement is the cheapest sod best
protection from decay fir wood exposed to the
weather or dainpneAs of the ground. It is also
the best paint for iron, effectually preveating
rust ; and wherever applied perfectly excl udes
The subscribers have this Cement ibr sale, in
quantities to suit. For farther hibernation, up-
Pk/ to P. J. k, C. IL TATE,
Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Be.
April U, 185 g. tt
New Firm—New Goods.
mHg undersigned have entered into partner
business, at the old stand of Danner A Ziegler,
Is, Baltimore street, under the name, style and
Ann of DANIIER t ZIEGLER, iRS., and ask,
and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of
the patronage of the old firm, as well as any
quantity of new custom. They hare just return
ed from the cities with an immense stock of
Goods—consisting in part of Building Materials,
such as Nails, Screws Hinges, Bolts, Locks,
Glass, he. Tools. including Edge Tools of every
OsAripSiot, Saws, Planes, Chissels, Gouges,
Braces anrl Bitts, Augers, Squares, Guagcs,
Hammers Rs, Blacksmiths will find Anvils,
Viers, R asps, Files, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe
Nails, he.. with those, very cheap. Coach Find
legs, inch as Cloth. Canvass, Damask, Fringes,
Cotton, Moss, Oil Cloth. Springs, Axles, Hobbs,
Sl:takes, Fillers, Hors, Pyles, blnkfti, te. Shoe
Findings. Tampico, Brush ant Fneseh Morocco,
Linings, Bindings, Pegs, Lasts, Boot Trees, ke.,
with a general assorelneal of Shoimasher's tools.
Cabling Maker's Teo* a general wortineat—
lase Varnish, Knobs, it. 11OUSEILIMpu3
till also hod • Large assortment Of Kaires sad
Forks, Brittannia, Alhota and Silramtlagod
ale and Tea Spoons, Candle-fads, Walters,
Sborel and Tosga, Sad irons, Enamelled nod
Beam Pass, Tubs, Maras, Camotiag,
he. Also, a sigma assortment of forged sad
rolled MOS of all alms and kinds ; Ca 4 Shaw,
sad Blister Snook which they will sell as cheap
am Ike elegagenst. 411110CERWA a fell sad gen
eral assammeatt, such as Crushed, Palralood,
MAW mod Emirs PAW" New
West hulls sad Sages Hoses Soh=
Syrups, Otellha, Spiess, Ch000laM„ Fine, Comae
and Dairy &at; Linseed, Fisk and Sperm OIL •
Darpeatiao, Fish, to.; &fill assortment of Lead
and Zia*. dry smells ad; aloe Firosproof Paints;
is tam, &latest every artiale in the Ha ware,
Coach Nadia & Shoe rindilligt Hg
ma t trs e e ft4goeitloksol, Pantos% Oleaklest
and Grocery lig*, idirlitek the, imps dionermisfr
ed to as be
Las im haw oat of
eAr. NR V s t x
PORlstogril HIV $4, ISA
kk MITIM 11AUL—Tbia who
+- 1 1. Wool k— be the UM is
mordir oohs by MUM IMMILS
CIIO haft *a Won% Os iiftbis of 0.11410-
.1114 Oft* quit UM, Is* immipt
will agoikiir Whim aw4B
with Bub sad Mosso 01~ mailliamok
April IS. j. r. *mimic
illarriaoies Paton . I .. ~
- =
The Illoklea' Trial 33taltinatoreAct -vr'ti.
ABLE FENCE.—Tae ogee rostagtal
a Ten iIIiOOTING OF KEY, and the Es- . --
Pricy rut WILL Mew Tea ereast.--.1 immillida of Tear Mbersitreve is illnitinsore,
4 s. A. ruck.
=Jess I, 1110 .- 114 sadosislio bas l crested tae greatest excitement. lbw pe-
, irskaller it Pric k s
the 114114 he Adams toasty of ;pen ate lied with details of thew &heckle; af-j FLOM* PMODUCE Commission and For
ifSc-fisse-, 1 - iPtsteeet Portable Itseee,a ample frau ' Ilan. The people talk &beet it ea the streets I wattle( Merchants, North wrist, opposite N .
to easseet Ike pannsh of fence, by which a.; and la their hassles, and look epos them trap- 1 t... IL IL Dipet, BALTIMORE.
am of posts is dispensed with, and at sheet one- ' dies es being aa is history. So it is I Jaaaary 17, 185. ly
third the weal cut. This Alkali is held together with MEOWS !LOTITTNG—bav intim open
by means of a simple bolt connective; the pea- / ed the largest and most complete, as well u the
ads, sad keeping these is an upright position ; cheapest d best aaeortment of READY-MADE
thee, by driving two pies into the ground, thro' ' CLOTLLING, of every description and style, ever
the ends of the sills, the &gee is made perms- i offered in this place, the people talk about lion
neat, as wallas portable. It requires bat little I the highways and is their bosses, arcing each
skill is Its construction, sad takes hat half the J ether to go et twos to Picking's and purchase a
time reqaired to make a common board &see ; t se* snit of clothes. Bat joking aside, ars Li
the frames are made without a single mortice, ' sure the IntbUc la all candor that oar stack
the patinas are nailed up with strips on each :cannot be sarpeased—consisting in part of
side, and tan be set up in a fee momenta. It i Black Cloth Coats, Caasimare Frock and Sack
will be readily seen that one hundred pseuds j Coats, Tweed and Linen Coati, acid in fact every
of this fence are worth two hundred patinas of : kind that the market can produce. Vsits of
stationary fence, as it is easily and readily Rioted ' every description. Pants to suit all chases and
from place to place ,
thus enabling the farmer to , condition's. Shirts Collars, Stockings, Gloves,
dispense with half the fence reqiiked when eta- , Suspenders, /re., ki-. Also, Carpet Bags, Um-
Memory Lo 140•41—sad from the Mt that middle brellas, Trunks, Accordeons, Violins, in short]
fences can be entirely dispensed with by merely ' everything usually found in his line. Thankful
using portable fuse for pasture lots alone. , for past favors, he solicits a continuance of the
By this process one-third of the grass is saved ' same. Call sod examine our stock—no trouble
that is generally overran in pestering, by mere- to show goods. Remember the place, in Cbam
ly fencing the quantity required, besides savingl bersberg strict, opposite the Lutheran church.
at least five acres of land to the hundred that is I April it, 1859. F. 13. PICKING.
necessarily taken up with fence when stationary —
&ace Is used for inside testing, all the land be- To the Farmers.
lag farmed alternately, it gives no chance for , ANNrs COMBINED REAPING A MOW
briers aad other rubbage that usually grow up i ING MACHINE WITH WOOD'S IMPROVE
aIong fences. This fence can be used to great AT.—The undersigned, Agent for the sale of
advantage on low or wet land, where it is difii- Manny s Combined Ileapiag and Mowing Ma
rgit to set posts, merely requiring longer pins c hi ne w ith Wood's I m p ro v emen t, ( or Ad a p t ,
than for dry ground. The advantage also, of 1 county, offers them to the public, knowing them
moving the fence, when streams overflow. that t o be the best combined machine in use. Lau
are likely to float it off and the convenience it been successfully introduced into differeat parts
affords, in fencing pasture and other lots, for of our State, and I have thus far sold seeto-wine
stock, enclosing grain stacks, LT... Ac., all high- , in Adams county. all rendering satisfaction.—
ly recommend Its practical use to the farmer. The machine received a silver medal at the State
The first premium was awarded to this fence Fair—also, the first Premium at York, Camber
al the Pennsylvania Stoic Fair held at Fhili- land. Centre, Huntingdon, and other county
delpkia, 1857. Farm Rights will be disposed of Fairs, where it was exhibited. Farmers seed
on moderate terms on application to lug a Reaping Machine, will please call apoo
JONATHAN PITTENTrEP, the undersigned, before purchasing, as be al-
Heidlersburg, Adams co., Pa. a aye takes great pleasant In showing the Ma.
April 25, 181;9. 3ais anises and marrows them to do good work.-
- Early orders are solicited, as the number re
ceived from, the manufacturer will be in propor
tion to the demand.
undersigned, baring dLscontissed
sad intending to remove to the West,
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
him, either by sole or book account, to call and
settle the mate oa or before the Ist day of May
next, se after that date they will be placed in the
hands of Jso. 0. Ewe, Zee., for collection.
Mir The undersigned will be found at New
Oxford, and bib brother, Pam At:Lassoes, at
Hampton, with either of whom millesimal. may
be made previous to the Ist of May. Prompt
payment is earnestly urged, as costs may there
by be saved.
April 15, 1859! JACOB AULABACGII.
TOM( Me:MEWS ESTATE.—Letter of ad
ministration on the estate of Jobs McGrew,
Ist* of Woollen township, Adams county, de
ceased, having been granted to the underalgned,
residing in Franklin township, he hereby gives
notice to all persons indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment, and those baring
deltas against the same to present them proper
ly authenticated lbr settlement.
April 11, 1859. et
J. C. Neely,
TTORNEY AT LAW, will attend to collec
tions sad all other badness intrusted to
s care with promptness. Glace nearly opposite
Fahnestock's Store, Baltimore street.
Gettysburg, April 11, 1859.5 tf
the Ladies of Gettysburg and surrounding
coantry, that she has commenced the Millinery
business, in its different branches, at the resi
dence of her father, in West Middle street, op
posite lir. George Little's store. • She will en
dearor to deserve a liberal share of patronage.
April 18, 18.59.
menced the Millinery Dominus, in its dif
ot branches, at Daniel fialtzgiver's, one door
from Peter Frey's corner, on Baltimore street,
Gettysburg, and hopes the Ladies will girl her a
fair share of their patronage.
April la, 1859. 3t
-AYA TER having opened a Millinery Establish
meat, at the residence of her father, Dr. Carpen
ter, 2 miles east of Cashtown, on the Chambers
burg turnpike, would respectfully invite the
attention of the public who may wish anything
dons in the above line. afirTrimainip kept
on hand. (April 11, 11159. 301
$5 Reward.
Ir. 4 OST, several weeks ago, by the under.
sigma, a POCKET BOOK, eoatalaing sue.
ye Sale Notes, Due Bills, Receipt; to The
papers will be of no ass to the ander, bat their
loss may pat the subscriber to inconvenience,
who will the:T(1111y pay the above reward for
the recant of the Pocket Book and papers, either
to himself, or by leaving them at the Cavils,
"arm" persons owing the subscriber on Sale
Notes : Das Bills, kc., are hereby uotiked not to
pay the same to any person bat myself.
Apcil 18, 1859. at* JOSEPH WIBLR.
"A pm, semi is a pm" scud"--Faistur
SITE, the undersigned, respeetfally wish to
inform the public that we have taken
the store-room formerly occupied by H. S. Mu
th■ k Sot, S. S. corner Centre Square, where
we always intend to keep oa head a large, well
selected and cheap stock of BEADY-LADE
CLOTHING k Clnartastss's Funausiure Goons,
which cannot be surpassed. We are very par.
dollar la manalbcturiag and selecting our
goods, and we would therefore invite the public
tocall and examine our stock of IM'S A BOY'S
CLOTHING sad Furnishing Goods, before pur
chasliielsewhere. BRSNNICR I BRO.
. I. Corner Centre Square, Gettysburg.
April IS, 1859. tf
DON'T FAIL to call and see SAMSON'S New
1 . 1 Goods—a large and splendid assortment
ing Goods—an extensive lot of all kinds of
rivalled usoriment of TRUNKS and CARPET
SACKS, some very handsome and new styles.—
Also, a large and splendid variety of Setts,
Breast Pins and Ear Rings ; WATCHES,
CAL INSTRUMENTS. kc., ke. A very hand
some and new style RAILROAD TRAVELLDiG
BAG. In abort, everything in his line.
After all said and done, SAMSON'S 18 THE
SPOT to boy your goods at the right prices. A
word to the wise is suißcient.
Those who wish to buy to sell again will do
well by calling, as I can and will sell them goods
cheaper than they can buy them in the city.
April 18, 1859.
rrlathe news, in which all are interested,
i: the arrival of a verylarge and superior
stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOT k SHO ES,
the champ and fashionable store of R. F. Mal,
HEM at the N. B. Corner of Centre Square,
Hottrabarg. His stock of Hats isettulgstss
soutprisiag all the various style.. Silk
Hats, Osst's black tad colored Soft Dress Hats,
sees Bunn* Hpts, (broad-rine,) and all kinds
of ilea's and 15y's Sloaeb Hats and CAW, of
this 'lost flisidiseable styles--all of which are
nmarpassed for hsaisV of style and elegance of
Isiah, BOOTS Age NIOSS.—He has aim so
solemn a eery lasts nissortioseit of Snots sad
Shoes, consisting sf Men', Preach Oalf
Hetes Preach Cae Conran Cialtess, Palest
Leather (haws and Poops, Oxford Ties and all
kisds of Yea's sod Bost Dress sod Comae
Shoes, Ladies sag ChildreWs Shoos and allgiOn
of Mai itoB. The paws is vral g = 0 0 101 Y
larited to sail and ciaska• these Whirs
P urchasing obstriters, 11l it win =be kb
April It , lifll.
subseribor soopoinfallr WON Illba 114.
tanitioa et the Learn Wi MI awl tow
imissetnest of LAWNY MOM and 04,1-
1141, et about gm strisasi soda, CoLand
0311 1 111011110 t asi kU r gils
—at L T.
car Wier pesibis
iradsts earl% sad lkors 11.101 sir
Neods—el of 'Aids will ls• odd "err
cbesp st R. F. SelLifirfre.
New and Fashionable
Cheap Clothing.
A Word to the Wise!
The Latest News!
Opposite the ILA& hotel, Utttyrturg, Pa
April 11, 1859. 3m
Call This Way!
lIIE subscriber would inform the public that
be continues kis MACIHNIC SHP, in
mbersburg street, Gettysburg. near the
Foundry, where he has various kin,.; of Ma
chines on hand, such as Threshing Machine..
Cora Shelia* Corofbdder Cotters, Cloverseell
Hullers, Strtiw Cotton, and Horse Powers of
different kinds,—two, four or six-horse, to suit
pureltasers;--4adeed aH such as ran be had at
Hanover or Litt'esteem Also, Mortising Ma
chines, for house carpenters, pub up in the very
best and most substantial manner. Cutting
Strews or long Bolts, any kind or size less than
eleven feet in length, always attended texas well
as Turning is iron, casting or woo& Also all
kinds of REPAIRING on Machinery, dressing-up
Mill Spindles, he., done on the shortest notice.
The undersigned manufactures Mustosx's
Psyssit HORSE RAKE, which he alien at the
lowest living profit. He is likewise agent for
the REAPER A MOWER manufactured by
Joseph Shirentan, at East Berlin.
I hope that all in want of anything in my line
will tall at my Shop before going elsewhere. I
will warrant all my work to give satisfiletion to
purchasers. DAVID STERNER.
April 11, 11158. lye
NeW Spring Goods.
L. SCHICK, dealer in Silks. Domestic Embroideries .• Goods, Cloths, Cusimeres Embroiderie s. u rns, Jewelry, Notions, etc., has returned from
the Eastern markets with one of the largest *g
eode:teats of DRY GOODS ever brought to this
place, consisting of all the newest designs and
fabrics of the present spring Importations.—
I. AMES' DRESS GOODS, plain and figured
black Silks, very heavy and fine Wore, cheap;
plain and coated figured Silks, a very fine *s
entiment, at an prices: Bareges, 'Grenadines,
Poil de Chen*, Satin de Chene, Poplins, Laraine
Paris Organdies, Jaconet Lawns, French thints.
plain and colored Brilliants, ((isthmus, Spring
Boodles, E nglish Calicoes, and many other
novelties. MOCRNING GOODS in groat varie
ty, Shawls and Scarfs, beautiful stork; Ribbons
and Parasols, new styles, very handsome; Em
broideries and WHITE GOODS, very handsome;
largest and cheapest stock we bare ever received.
MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, maggot* suck,
Gloves, Hosiery. nits and Gauntlets, of all kinds;
Domestic Goode, at Factory prices. JEWELRY,
new stock for - Spring Miff, consisting of the
most equielte styles ever offered in this market.
We would my to our customers and the pub
lic Kennelly, that we have opened one of the
most elegant and largest assortments of goods
ever brought to this market, allot' which have
been selected with great cue and upon the
most advantageous tents. We ire determined
not to be midweek! by say. Oar motto—" Fair
dealing and small profits."
.1. I t . SCHICK,
15. V. Gorier of Centre Square.
April 4, 18*.
New Boot at Shoe
STABLISMIEXT, lathe 11.W.12 11h.
COMA' of the Diamond, Getty,-
P.—Tlie plate to hay is or
der to seas mousy!--The sabseriber would most
respectfully intone the citizens of Gettysburg
surroundisg country, that he has opened a
large Boot sad Shoe Establishment, is the
southwest comer of Centre Square, Gettysburg,
in the roams recently occupied by D. Wills. Esq.
as a Law Office, whgpre he has now on hand, and
will continue to keep for sale, an extensive va
riety of work, of his ewe manufacture. The
work is made up in the best and most durable
manner, including all the newest styles, and
embracesHOOTS k SHOES, lieu's, Wonfen's
and Children's GAITERS, in thort, every ankle
nsuelly to be found in a first class establish
met of the kind. He has now and will continue
to have employed* number of workmen. "hard
to best," to make up customer work. That he
will sell CHEAP, is easily proven. Give him a
call, examine his Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, and
get his prices. With unexceptionable work and
low rates, he hopes for and expects a falr mbar*
of the public's patronage.
iiiiT'Shoemakers are tntwined that he al
ways keeps on hand " UPPERS. - for Shoes and
Gaiteri, ready for bottoming. which be disposes
of on pleasing terms. JOLLY BALLWEG.
April 4, 1849. ly
Cheap Clothing
GEORGE ARNOLD, at his Clothing Em
porium, has now got his stock of spring
and Summer Clothing—full and well assorted,
all of oar own make, and warranted well made,
We hare Just reeeired from the city, a large stock
of Cloths, Cashmeres. Drillings, Jeans, Italian
Cloth, Parametta Cloth, Tweeds, Summer Camel
meres, Linens , Vestinge, kc., all of which will
be sold at prices to suit the times. We have
hands coustandrbutting sad making tis„ and if
we caaaot please you In a garment ready made,
we can take your measure sad Make you up a
garment upon short notice. As usual Mr. Culp
is always on the spot with shears sad measure in
hand, at your service. Plass* call, as we
will not be undersold by say other establishment
In town. [April 11, 1859.
: Store.
T C. GUINN i BRO. have just received and
„, are °peals( at their new store oa ;be
I" orth-w est comae of Coors Square, Gettysburg,
a large and templets assortment of Sprigs sod
litammar Goods aid Groceries. The ladies par , .
ticularteses Weed to sal Ned aiming oar su
perior styles of Dress Goods sad Posey *Older,
esdesealsqg sverribisi swami property
-this bead at prices act immature squa/bW, and
in quality osepassed by none. "GINTLISEIPS
WRAR, of every itassetption, coestedng
Gesameres, Gastailits, Coatings, Teasley,
vehicle sanest be ssepained oat of the sty la
quality see pries.
Gum Moho( Grosseto' is also mosplets, while
every Mims artists ipossrally !bead la a Dry
Goolsibirs ems be MAIM the "Railroad Stars"
of J. C. Quinn 1 Rem ashortag eat the
osa rah "mules Weer biers than etas
titan, ire beetia ibis ts Stirs an Per
taxa at es* treestes, ma and ommulao sir
imucifiesdeiebbeir. Phipsil4lll.ll..
A x =lc
GoOquaisio, Tok wow mot quo.
paoloirlis, or Imoni, igkOil,
agigiestise is inbred. MUSLIMS&
April 18, lel. 3$
• Carpets,
EL CLOTHS and &unzip, wholesale sod
retail. Constantly ea hand an assortment
Carpets at low prices, adulating et Yearet,
Brownie, Three-ply, Ingrain and Yagoda. Car
pets, of every wtrle and price. Oil Cloths ions 1
M a yards wide. Also, Rap, Mats, *sir Rost.,
Canto, and Cool* M.t%lais. lßag Carpets of
oar *fa make, bj• *be pleas et Ard. at lerwrates.
145 Lexington st., one door Irma at Howard.
/Larch 14, 11s14. 3m Baltisourt, Md.
Charles Dunlap,
WHOLESALE and Retail
Comes ai Howard and Lexington %recta,
li.LTllltOlit, YD.
Hu on hand a Renee sj assortment of Groceries
Tads, Wines. Liquors, Cigars, /sc.
Feb. 7_, 1859. ly
Susquehanna House,
(IPPOSITE UdWeltrt &arum,
I lan reduced to $13 5 per da T.
JOHN A. SLAM, Proprietor
Jecuary 17. 6m
Harding & Carroll,
Fire Proof Warehotue and R. R. Depot,
No. 126 Nerd Rimearti Sirege t
Feb. 14. 'sg. ly
James H. Bosley,
Nos. 134 and 126 /Vora Steer,
I peapared to moire wad soil ad COMail , -
got all kiwis of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Raring
an swims of tan years in the Commission
Iranians, (and wishing to continue that alone.)
li flatter myself that I shall be able to gire aatis
►acrtotr to all who favor me with consignments
Will also attend to filling orders fur Groceries
Guano, and all kinds of Fertilii.tr3.
Feb. 14, 'rm. 17
C. W. Slagle & Co.,
U CHANTS, Nor. ID3 and 133 Nadi ilia
street, Baltimore.—Being established In
this Commission businers for a Dumber of years,
they solicit consignments, soil Pay particular
attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds,
Flour, Closer Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro
duee generally. We remit proceeds promptly.
Tracks from the Northern Cecil's' Railroad run
into our Warehouses. Refer to N. IL Buehler,
Sig., Gettysburg. [June 21,'58. iy
——— -
To Southern & Western
Aolesale Agency Shoe Pegs, best Tanner's
Oil, Patna Kips, BUD, Tanner's and Cur
rier's Tools, Depot for Oil. Tan'-late, Leather
Pickers; largest and cheapest assortment of
Leather, Slioe-fladimp, hemlock and Spanish
Sole. to be found in Baltimore, and by far the
cheapest. Call and look at my goods and prices
before purchasing, Is all I ask, and then compare
prim, paddy, pawky, end 1 feel satisfied that
my house will be pronounced " the house," for
the South and West—where New York and Bos
ton prices are duplicated, and shall be kept so.
Now on hand and to arrive, 5000 bushels of
SHOE PKOS. at 5 per cent. to 10 per cent, less
than New York and Boston prices. may -Send
for Catalogues and Prises and read for yourself.
Warehouses 42 South Calvert and 23 Grant
Street, Baltimore, Md. F. IL GRUM%
gaj•Lar g est and cheapest assortment Gent's,
Boy's and Ladies' Gaiter Uppers and Shoe Up
pers. Highest Cash prices paid for Hides, green
and dry; Sheepskins, Wool, Tallow, Beeswax,
Leather is rough, ke.
'Always on hood sad for sale. splendid
Patna Kips. pure Tanner's OIL dry and salted
llydes. Leather sold on Commission and Cash
&draw*, mad* on same.
April 4. laS9. 2m
Abbey ac Neff,
piAto. 308 North Third Street, (three doors
others Vise,) Philadelphia. THE OLD
DWARF STAND-4eatablished 24 years.)
Every description of Banding, Mechanical, Farm
ing and Household HARDWARE, is now in
store, and will be offered at the lowest market
prices, to Cash and prompt Six Months Buyers.
Nails at Hanufacturers' prices for east.
Orders from new customer' will receive strict
and accusal, attention, and all goods seat from
this lianas will b• as represented;
liarCountay Merchants oa their seat visit to
our city to make their Spring ptiruhases are
cordially invited to call and examine our stock
and priests Wore porchasing..
March 14, 1849. • 3m
Spring Goals 1
r have jest feeei►ed a large and choice as
sortment of Spring Goods, to which they invite
the attention of buyers. Our stock comprises
many new and beautiful styles of Ladies' Dress
Goods, such as are rarely seen, and we are cook
'ideal that those examining them will acknow
ledge that they have seldom been offered better
goods or se pretty styles.
We have also increased our stock of staple
roods, such as Yen's and Boys' lrs,.tr, Calicoes.
NI tubas, Delains, Chintz, kc., in quantity, style
and price, unsurpassed. We need not enumer
ate, but can assure our custoiners and friends
that we are prepared to furnish thew with such
goods as they may want cheaper than they can
be bought elsewhere in the county. Cull early
and select from our large and varied assortment.
FA ILNES fOCK ItltoTllE ltS.
April 4, 1859. Red Front.
Xarble Yard Removed.
TIME subscriber haring removed his place of
business to List lurk street. A short dis
tance below St. James' Church, would announce
to the public that he is still prtpurvil to furnish
all kinds of work in his line, su,:ti as Monti
uments, Headstones, &c., 4.c., or every iariety of
style and finish, with and without bases and
sockets. to snit purchasers. and at prices to suit
the times. Persons desiring anything in his line
will find it a decided advantage to examine his
stock and prices before purchasing ekes-here.
NV NI. B .E. ALM .
Gettysburg, March 21, 1e.9.
Cancer Cared,
LOSS OF BLOOD.—Cabeers, Tensors,
Wens, Scrofula, Ulcer., kc., cured la a abort
time, without the knife, by Dr. MacKamm.,
(Colleague of the late Dr. Lunnsberry, dee'd.,)
No. 50,Nortli Fifth Street, below Arch, Philad'a.
The remarkable success which has aneaded
the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, .tc., by Dr.
Mac Nichol, for a number of years past, has at•
craned the attention, and im many lusts/ices
has secured the hearty approval of many emi
nent Pliyalciars la Philadelphia, who are no
longer willing to risk the dangen tad itocer-
Landes of cutting.
° Canons east is enamel—if properly treated
sad promptly. A greet majority of the eases
of Csacer, wbe sallstamily mired. pie an
mores( patioate, from every section of the
coestry, wbobeeribeis vend seder this method
of treatment hi b giametee of its superiority
over Array ether knows system.
Those who may be 111Usted with these dis
eases, and doeircharther information or ad v ice,
will please address Dr. HaeNiehol, whet they
will receive prompt attention and a Copy of
Pamphlet, on the treatment of Cancers—Doe
of charge.
Whim Swain, Hip Disease, &minimum/ad
lifillpmat Ulcers, Diseases of the Youth and
Moat, lilsereidees of the beam, Teeter, areit
Head, sad Mt diseasimmf tits Skis, peromemi.
ly oared, sad proper temediet seat—earefeny
peeked—by %pea to say part of *imamate,.
In every err a pleat descriptioe glebe dm
ems is required., Address Dr. HeeNicitol, No.
110Sorth itb Mem% titihtdtiphia, Proprietor
sad Ifemehiellanme ft Jr. imeneloorry
Dolobeetsive, the lest sad
Oasis", fir the epee if all Ammo, mightstile
is hiplidlisi et*. blood.
he. fiVIL 3at
MetWARIL-4. tarp msortisest st re
prices at FAMSTOCIS'.
IM USTIL 1 / 1 111 PLAT
1111,1141111, . Si, &Sias
rsilveselaiih;lllA.ll/ Totairi MIT Aragon, SAL.
TIAOIIII, - 110., - assort.
'sent of styles sad patterns of MOT .11111111LItY,
suitable for presenta r esolatalag a great variety
of Ma tioU aad Sett Bresehae, isaides,
beak's', Sar-Skags Bre
sat with Raiff, Pea ( rt *Te Nsd, rb =
he, Ladies' Geld Vast Gairhl Cbaiss,
Mlissiatere Lockout, Mu Orldf Pim ;
&gait, pureed aad Pieta 161ohI hl%
Slap; Parefie
and Peas, Sleeve Bottom and Shahs, Gold sad
Jet Crosses, Jet Ifirseelata, Pins Itlaz kegs, ke.
A variety of Silver Taunted It Mud Cu,,tor
Cake Beasts, Vahan, Candintialts, Satter and
salt Stands, Petri Saadi* Desert Igaine,flpeoes,
Yorks, Ladles, nag Ankriee, Sc., all of which
is respecatelly ofheed ea the lowan tonne I
fiek.The Cowan Trade Trade sad Deans" geserally
are invited to give ma a estil, and easuatmearrilla
And Prices, being satisfied that ay
WARP. cannot be surpassed eltberfor Sawn or
quality, or the latest and stoat banntittloaiterns.
January 17, 1859. 17
Wan. Krusbe is Co.,
OS. 1,3, i and 1 North Kotaw i 11,.:.
HOON No. 207 Bohamar, irt,
peNw . sen Charles and Light--BALTIIOIIII, SI.,
Manatactarars of Gold Modal Premiums GRANO
Knabe k Ca. would respectfully Invite
the attention of the public, and especially those
In want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to tiler as
sorted stock of instruments, which, for power
sad sweetness of tone, easy and agreeable touch,
and beauty of finish, bare, by the best of Judges,
been pronounced unrivaled by any in the coon
try. As to the relative merits of our Pitooll, wn
would refer to the Certificates of *teams in
our posses.iion, from THALBERO STRAEQ3II,
G. SATTER and 11. VIEUXTEMPS, as also from
some of the most distinguished protium» soil
amateurs in the country; also to the fallowing
HIGHEST PREMIUMS, received within the hot
three years; GOLD MEDALS at the ILiryleiiii
Institute. ISM, 1856, 1857. SILVER MEDALS
at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 11151;
also. MEDAL at the Franklin Institute, Philadel
phia, i.nt;; FIRST PREMIUM at tbe
institute, Richmond, 1855, 1856 All instru
ments of our manufacture have the MI Ron
frame, and arc guaranteed for FIVE YEARS.
IF .Particular attention paid to the selection
of Instruments far distant orders, and a privile.,;a
of exchange granted at any time widths six mOF.,
if the instruments should not prove-alatirely satis
factory. A liberal discount to Clergymen,
Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal.
Wholesale dealers will find it to their advan
tage to give us a all, as by greatly tousled
facilities, we arc enabled to fill all orders with
Sig-Coustantly icia hand, a large assortment
of RELODFAMS, tons the beat Factories.
SECONIT-ILVIF PIANOS sit Great Bargalas,
at prices from $3O to $l5O. Plaice giebilard,
Hired and Tuned.
now'', r. cAsiaocs,
A call Is respectfully solicited,
January 17, 18,19. ly
OOA9, No. 11 NertA Hewers( OW, tern
Ur doors North of the Howard House.—The
undersigned, haring male large additions to his
stock, is prepared to furniah Housel= s e,
Country Slerclututs and others, with such
as they want, on the ray best terms.
Hatrouna : Whitewash, Sweeping, Dusting,
Paint, Hale, Tooth, Nail, Silver, Shoe, Scrub aid
Horse Brushes.
Wm:mu-uses : Such as Tubs, Buckets,
Measures, Par Buckets, Churns, Mauls,-Rolling
Pins, Butter Prints, &c. Brooms, Baskets, 11,42
and Cordage. Nasser's 5 minute Ice Cream
Freezer.. Refrigerators. eigright sod chest—the
most approved kinds. Water Coolers, in Wood
or Meta The and Wire Safes. Arthur's sad
other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre
serving Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, mock
Tin, Britain& and Plated Ware. Alban' Forks
and Spoons, Urns, Coffee and Teo Pots, Ng(
Boilers, Waiters, Chafing Dishes, Rehm and
Forks, Waffle Iron, Sauce Pans, Scales and
Weights, Coffee Milts, Table Castors, Old Domin
ion Coffee Pots. Shovel and Tongs, None Lamps,
Toilet Sets, Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knife
Cleaners, Wire Dish Coven, Table Mats, together
Kith a variety of articles useful and necessary to
Housekeepers. Rohr & Davis' Patent Recalslor
Washing Machines. Plain Tin and Sheet boa
Ware and Brushes of every description, manu
factured to order. GEO. A. BILLS,
Jon ♦. utrr
No. 11 North Howard st., Bsltimors, Nd
MAKI' 14, 18:19. ly
TdTo lierohants it Farmers. (T
S. W. corner Lexington 4 Green Street
13ALTIMUlU, dll.
We would respeetfulll invite the attention
of borers to our large and well selected stock
of prime temily Groceries, comprising every
article nasally kept in a first-class lirocety,
which woofer at prices as low a. (data lowa,
than) any house in the city.
We n.tuse in part:
Print, New Crop Orleans Sugar.
Do. do. lioLtsses.
Porto Rico and low grade do.—very cheap.
Rio, Lagnayra, Porto Rico, Cape Java, Marlealse s
and other Coffees.
Excellent Imperial, Young trysouotal
powder alai, at 80 cents per pound.
Choice Corong do. at 50 cents.
siir Imperial Yet at 71 ets. per pond !
This Tea we warrant equal, if sot dewier.
to any Tea sold at other places for $1 p., lb.
SALT, iO, ,
at prices to suit thy times
Floe old BRANDY,
Old By• WE KEY,
dourboa vaistir
11401111 I ii YI
Itectihdgisy Ana Does•sils linued,y
XiirAll Goods delivered to Boats so4Solls
roads/roe of drayage
Satisfaction guarantied la nil eases et Go
goods returned at oar expense. A ÜbareAttiet
count allowed to country serehaats.
Wholesale and Retail Greet"
Southwest ear. Green k Lexington Sta.;
Jan. 24, 'SO. tf Baltimore,
QUHIMSW',III.2, Xo. 41 Nord, Bovar4k,
wiles Larlattos and /capital Btreeta. HOW
mere, I4d. [Dee. 20, MIL is
No. 52 North Howard &rat, ate doer 84.1111
Lexington, Bxtrinoas.
?VW Banrigtsto—Ceeelpaily ba otara f ylert
ilsagiage of every deseriptios, and Odes *Mt
sad most approved patterns. Ana, Bordeen-
Piro Board Priati, he.
Pomba Bakod..--Noopt ao lout, owl mow
'bomb to order, Vomitlei Bilbao of ait stow.
olses sad qualities, widcb .in empire
My wialt say oillowt to the piddle.
'Paper Roasts( dose is dm bootillpio...„
Old nods ropoiabott sad triotasi,orbbilmostal !
Matte 2, 11130. ly
Pint Premium
Jej W. IIiFTWOOD, 10i Xsestis OWN
woes, 12sIllsoors, having beaklalrla „ 41 3
last 17 years in the issasusesctors mum
Ow above desirable Foraitura, Wind to cooitrj
rwidoooes, has osa bassi a large
tared expressly for retail isles.
Also, Ott sad Wainat Chamber ease,
sad walnut Extension Tablas,
Fancy Cbabt, Sideboards, assie l tillhssit B.ll. =
trews, Feather Pillows and Dalaioni,
March 21, izik ly
ZIAISIL la nit Oars said 0111011111 1 /1.
nkIICTAIODSI, No. 34a West IS
our the Veto* 'loose, Doldioora
so W dresois of the best Rao s _
style to behoad la
wi s bat alio, soft
Dec 20, Pittittisw.
A call Deno weals e
io.ltlog Ilk a 111, t 04111161.
. 1838. t
House Furnishing
Georip3 AL .dokse,
B. T. Hynson,
L t Its • eta