Pfr. AL I. trourks, PINTOS AMP raoriunva. eIIrIPIMISVEIG, PA ! lAY *ORKIN°, APRIL 25, 1859 lautratir Aar Mit JlPig dinditor Genera/. 1 13011 0 140 N L. WRIGHT, Piiiladelphit. fir iloraryor Gestrol, Oa NOWA rif Franklin mint!. ifilill• et4:3. lieimpiammts to the License and Exemp liM UM* ali 0 4 r int per. Theis. bridp still holds at Quebec, but it iiiliplibltio give way in a few days. . 41014111484 of the Nansylvania Supreme .Cheft, beetleoided that 1 ' an orphan is a fath- SAM *W." This is in opposition to the "PMlop of the Gintrd College, who bad re ieiteiasiop their institution of a boy ipissoo soother was tiring. '11111•1140ll Messner has been appointed 'll l lll6olololr ot the Ilanorer Junction, in Ono* .oathilltrd Snodgrass, resigned. Vie divorced if. of Thomas Washington who played such a prominent part in ghstrapdy which resulted in the shooting of ighllbsell Carter, by Smith, at Oa St. Law. rum hotel, in Philadelphia, was married am* titres months since to the oditur of county paper, ilimpey Maher, Public Gardener at Vaal). APS* rime 1833, died on Saturday week, at pm shamed ago. lio was first appointed by Oss. Jacinto*. Pifrarausa lately attempted to deliver * Where= etoney-making at Oxford, England, god the enderiouinatee plotted to put him *lsm He was greeted with groan. and itimite, kit with an orange and peppered with 1111601101, end after a hard e.fort was nbliged $111461110/10s the attempt, MO In Pensacola, madly aud devotedly Whirs with a Mr. Mayer of that place, tried sullist his wife, of whom she was jealous.— Milhaed a pistol at, hut fortunately missed Ur. Oho Shea drew a knife, and, before as 0101thse !bed attire, inflicted a slightwound $ Mn, Mayer. She was put into the 1011 . 11010 0 21 hr her papa, to avoid a prese t/Wes. Jobe amilPbeli, convicted in Philadelphia Of relibkog nit unknown man of nine cents. b 111020141 sat to the panitantiery for given NM Mary Reese has been appointed Poet Mahar at Weitminster, in place ot John V. z_ dimmed. tits anal settlement of the affairs of the lowtoarter ilarinp Institution, eredite to am* oisinuat twelve end a half cents on the i s o m mit OW Maury D. Foster, of IVestmoroland. 6 laronsbly mentioned by a number of West saa papas as the next Demoeutio undulate /be Governor. The London Illustrated New recently paid three handred guineas, 01,5004 for a six esegoon advertiement in tee lrmdon Times. Viterea Bogner now? Old England any yet getabead of Young America, A * sad son, the latter aged three ran, while walking for plouure, fell off a plank over a creek, in Clarion county, Penn sylnnia, and were drowned, Their bodies 'were reoovered a few hours afterwards, Tits fildliaktwn /?e,94:415r says :w-We nod& el a young mail on Thursday afternoon last, this a rural district, very patriotically on peoed in carrying out of town an ocer-load 'Let whiskey. Ile had on about one hundred sad llity thousand. "Oar Advertisements have MAN nearly Ii bees placed in small type, and in a few Utak' several columns of standing Meer Idesmats will run out, when that depart. WM of The Cestpilar will present in entire ly Inlikont appearance. It will be aeon, in MOW, that all unnecessary 4' display „ is avoided, by which considerable space is essisseisoil. Clatterling matter is likewise given in type ausailat body—but making a clear and bcpression, that iu this blab* *a router will also observe a canal& arable improveatatit. These changes involve as UAW additional expenm end labor, but OM an cheerfully incurred, and will doubt- WS be appreciated by our numerous patrons. airic ar c r ez advicsa are very warlike aM threataning, The latest advice' from Ifahsta state that a crisis is at hand. Brat bodies of Austrian troo • are on the pm. *re Italy. There is also great activity is as Preach military preparations. TIN Paris Boum was much depressed, IE4 gm sates bad declined nearly one per apt, is two days. The *neigh ministry wore about to &s -poke the Parliament, so as to pi one more Worst* to its measures, in view of the pros oat Mats of akin on the Continent, A awroposa war is thought to bo births• bis. Atr dialculties with Pa:ape bare bs hdly and finally settled, ea oontlislotte partway honorable to our cottstry. The lAA, notion should be grad/lid via this teak aird ena the mot inveterat4 of ate enendes amid eve him credit it Lie sopsisy and suocese iu thisdstliet k te ildedes. glirthe Carlisle Dereacrat, in speaking at time ifistrantent of the Legislature, with en. thre kith TOM*, that " the haul prom ha et Worn white were made by the w*o it wee asearteined that de* would bees °patrol of Us. UOVA. by • a i•sad pa e rtieBastBer ly in their inse OWN at do ambers. skald be caroled, ha usamalhd.s• 1101/0,11111161r dm, Cesaberiaad T ai. Ivy Lamed Compsey declared a eseti.ssiti sal 40604, 00 60 giros timbal, of 4 par omit. 0 111 4041011P/4. soil 3 per oat. us the sew I r ll - 1 illikaPhaVainPahy, WM. ono** b4cg t►bum Daniel iR *ft tied ter alp *alder of L the, flso T. Sir 447 CM ail' Ai, les bun Ammo -0406017,11,4", vs4sty, ip spiltst **slim* 1041,10 P" . . Übortar." _ lgoviotimisilothitos 18 p4os Of OW / that Oils esisheate-1 **Mho hi I ntik* Jarrsseest. IS shield lio 4041147 *DWI so* Peaderef are bi well 1s off* *spot& me Latitudes, es the rms. tiato t itotr the* the .eats et dissisuaisa 404 41000111iPaimlits are sows twoodeset all MVP the Nonkima Sotto of eIP &. W lAion. Somid as is the Pesseentde roes, had Pon " It" the doctrines taught, they will pen diciest fat pod auly se far as the people tiwisesolree are vigilootasd satiriel is the discharge of their ditty. Tb. Dosooratio party of tits North io Dow poostog *rough as midst which will ultimately moo to its booollt if all its mow bees awry art their protessioes is active practice. In giaceing at the coaditiom of parties In Pennsylvania, the vantage ground of the De. morsel , stands oat in bold relief. Never, with entire truth remarks the lameaster telligenoer, in the history of the State, have the true men at our party presented a more united front. Purged of the corrupt and die. honest material/ which for year , here brought a stain and a diacrit i cs upon our escutcheon, having sloughed off the rigged army of on, scrupulous politleittne who hers ever been ready to du the dirty work of their corrupt find designing leaders. we can go before the reople now without fear or reproseb, and with the almost eertuin oonfidence of a triumphant victory. The ;,arty is at length purified, and will continue to grow stronger end stronger every day, provided all do their duty, but whet is the condition of the Opposi tion ?.---for we do not expect to walk over the field and win this prize without a struggle.-- Up= what terms are the different factions at gar with the Democracy to unite? Hower* they to adjust their common platform? That the Black Republicans and Bolters from the Demoeratie party will unite, is more than probable.-'s either, aloise,,woald make bat a mom fight against the malted Demosemey.w. Will it be under the flag of s general oppo. anion, or the ;dratted WWI of SIVIINID and the abolition of slavery in ON ODOM 4.1411 of the South f No one who has seed Joao Ilincamt's spcesb at the Hanialateg pulsars' Cloarention can hesitate so believe that be, et least, wolld prefes the latter kind of fight. He there exhibits the deepest root ed hatred to Southern men and their ;twain lions ; and from the number in which heves ar+landed, bonne can doubt that he bad the 'sympathy of* large majority of those pre- sent. Whether be can induce them to stake their all twine a Black Republican venture. is ti question which time only can solve. They must do that same thing. or have a Wake no where. They bare voluntarily cot them selves loose from the Deetotwatie party, and are too feeble to set up fig tbstoselves , The Black Ilepablleao *oil*. being by all odds the strongest, will, of sparse. maws Re identity and organiention [steak and will not eonsent to be merged, lost sad swallowed op in any insignificant 'quad of bolters from the Democratic ranks. Then where, we again ' ask, are these Disorganisers to go ? The utt erer will readily aver to every intelligent mind, They meet, of necessity, become part and parcel of the Black Republican party,Or return to the Democratic bid. The latter course will doubtless be adopted by the hon est portion of the rank and Ile who have been misled and deceived—the lenders will havito march, either from necessity or choice, right into the ranks of the Abolitionists. In autclesioe, we repeat that the Democracy of Pennsylvania ars in a . soared and healthy eondifion. and have nothing to fear from the emabined efforts of a corrupt and embittered (volition. Let us all do oar duty fearlessly, and the old flag. that hen carried as angel so many contests. will again !Lost in triumph over the Democratic legions. The Connecticut Basult. The Connecticut Democrats deserve the thanks of their brethren of the Colon for their energy, seal and noble vote, even though they did not win, in the late election. Their tri umph in Hartford may be the forerunner of more general success, and warrants the hope that this noble revolutionary \ State is by no means mortgaged to sectionalism, But the figures, no less than the Ilartford sign indicate as much as this---for they show Republicanism on the decline and Democracy on the increase. Nor can the sectionslists ascribe to general apathy the Democratic net gain of une ibuurand in the majority ; or the Democratic increase Of nearly flre thousand in their rote; or the net gainof fifty Democratic Representatives; fur the ruts' at the last election was Lager by thousands than was ever east at a State election, and was within about seventeen hundred cf the vote cast at the last Presidential election, Then the to tal rote was 80,500, and the total rote at the last election was 78,750; then the sectional party had between seven and eight thousand majority—now it has about EMMA idell bap dred, Let this ratio of Demooratto increase go on and where will the sectional petty be in Connecticut in 1860 ! Them figures 'peal. well fee the Conneeti cut Democrats. Their rota wee polled just after they sloughed into the seotiorud ranks a little host of precisely sot& Democrats as ; Banks was in Massed) matte just before he went throogb the "dark carers" in the sec. tional rash. Thins diagram wield do mis chief as plotters and sappers in Democratic orpniaations, but row, fully tartmeaked, by the side of their elder renegades, and co. workers with Giddings and kindred Aboli flotillas, they are harmless. The Gooneotieut wing of the National Democracy is a lire party, united, end ooni dent that they will soon aserm the eeetle of their enemies. This melt shwa hew gross ly the eneseies of the Demeerney deceive themselves when they say that the gnat end only national party is desacreliaed or deed. The party is this illtaM, tad in the other New Zagjand &Mee, are rarsag is the strength of their pined*s asd to *air dear. misses' to stead hy she piths* Outs Car Wanks sad the Daioa.—dean hot "7I Cautiestite."4.We hires remised a oopy of this now and maim paper. which tams the place of the Washington Chiefs, make the editorial metro' of ow 44 Mind, G. W. Boma. We hare no doubt of the seems' of Gut. /Woman is hie sew astir pelts. and are ridoieed that so true sad loyal a Destoorat should at this time be cessocted with the publication at the Iswitisalostoora• tie pew st the slot et ear Nadas& Goers. neut. If ensrp, labetry sod esterprioe will do auy this& 'thee sauce Viiimegiadillit is bolPtli to rearm. pahlishai iii - she fudew. islt aloe. Iltr wit : per the Deity *AI per Nessier-1 1 3.00 for ail, 104,01/,-Weehly. 15.00. MI fob Conned's st Ilawrioburig. "my en" of lb" opeakts"—mithostorn bast", a ma 1e77 esseptim---sppossi the Dessometio ISO Ticket sad Ohs Mbar mashies, ei the party Mat y'mr, mid are at preseet only ear- tying out the work el diesigssizatkei which they thou eyotemilleally berme. The D0..1 isocracy of the State will *sr know where to' place than, if they did not know it before.— They ban unsinshod theemelvaa, and will hereafter be identified se pert esti panel of the Black Republiana party. Some good so MB were doubtless inveigled into the eomorn. from their friendly feelings to Governor PActzu ; but them seen did not anticipate the Imagoes to which they were invited, nod now that, the dorm foot of Abolitionism islll pas. ed. they will set be slow in retracing their steps into the Detsoorstio fold fruat 'Web they were echoed. In *Reding to the so-called Convention, the Harrisburg Petriot 4 Union, amoapt other things, remarks A clarions, but not unexpected, feature of the performances was the satire rats which the Republicans played—Repo),begins filled the loWties;R•publlo.tna tried to fill the 'louse with roc.lfervos applause distinguiabod Re publican lenders seemed to direct the pro ce•dirlVt; Republicans. of the Seward stump, grinned with delight when the "galls/It Hickman " frankly declared hi. ultra aboli tionism In such signitcant wurds as the fol- Liwing: " Let this truth 1)e made prominent—that therein an sternal antagonism between free. dom Arid Placer,. The conatituti:n of the human mind and the human heart makes it inevitable t and the one or the other must eventually gain the anoendaney, The strug le between them has just begun, is now go inf on in our midst, and he is hut p super- Antal observer who does not d isoocer it." It was truly a Republican draws. and we would respectfully inquire of CAonel Forney whether he had consulted with Senator Sew ard previous to doteriulning upon the pro. gramme. ednrendon it wits not mass tomt its' it was not ; but an amusing little play it was, for whisk vs are quite curious to know .bathe Seward orGniedey gave out the parts. Skies Bright ! atirTbe repudiation of the Democratic tietust by t►e late Logue Convention, and the Wend to nominate • new one, has crested a new lane, which mutt confines the few Democratic newspapers in the State who were Ot first disposed to look upon the Convention Ai harmless, that its real object was to defeat and destroy the Democratic party. The Pitts burg Post bee Risen no ■sill degree of ski and onrofort to the disorganisers, but we are glad to note that it baa determined not to ()Ley the mandate to defeat the Democratic State ticket, Tf endorsee and promises support to that ticket in the following explicit deck ration. ' 1 The Not that the name. of Measrs. Wright and liowe, the regular Democratic State mini wee, are not kept at the bead of our editorial column, bun, j; aims, attracted the attention of sow ofour imuntry friends. We beg them is understand, ones for all. that the regular Demueratie deka' nominated by the Conven tion of Marsh 10th , will receive our warm and hearty support, as we hope it will that of every Deatoerst in tbe state. " We do not publish the ticket now for the simple reason that It Is inounvenient for os to vie the space in our paper for *nee meads for this purpose. We *ball run up the muses in good time, and now and hereaf ter give our earnest adiocacy so the election of Wright and Bowe." J The &verse( Pampered and the Perry Counly Democrat, heretofore looked upon as countenancing the Forney moterneut, sow "PM" the regular atomerstic nominees with great earnestness, and wash their bands of the Bogus Convention. Forney is thus left almost without a moatluploos in the in terior of the State, except among the out-and- Out Flopulaliefin Kuow Nqthitig Opposition.— DIXOCIATS, 1111 or COOP XX SKID All nesaarraa ono ! • The We/ it Works. The Pionwrlvanian says:—Many of those Rho believed that the !molar Democratic Cermet:stirs erred to refusing an endorsement Of (Inc. Packer's State policy, and favored the bogus Whoring on Wednesday last, at Har risburg. bate bete► surprised and disgusted bv the open eforta of Hickman, !Altman, Yorney, Knox 4 Co., at the meeting, in favor of Seward Abolitionism. All arennd us awl front all quarters, we already hear of such publicly disclaiming the action of those lead ing schosoers and traitors, and avowing their intention to have no farther connection with them The following note in the Harrisburg Patriot, from A. U. Kerr, of Pittsburgh, who was a member of • the Forney Convention, is an indication of the feeling which must per- Male all honest Democratic winds, in relation to its doings arid actors : n the Editors ofthe Patriot and GINTLt —The published proceedings in your paper do me injustice. The temporary Chairman I consider honest enough to select officers, but in uo instance, or in nu way, have I ever acted or sanctioned opposition to the regularly nominated candidates. I regard it the duty of all Ikm:operate to support the nuns inees of the Idarch Convention. I was willing that Governor Packer's ad ministration should be ?idly endorsed. But farther than that I could net Net with the diie isnot-ire spirits who met to spit oat their ve nom ois the President. The address and resolution. are ofsetc.h a nature that I could not sanction. Had the President... Mr. McKinney—not ruled ism out of order, at the bidding of Mr. Forney, I would hare shown that their aim was the des truction of the party. Men who are drifting into the Torte: of our enemies cannot teach me lessen*. There was nothing kit for me to du but rote against their prcesedings and withdraw my mama (rum t h eir Conrenuon. Det wbo bare not been disappoin ted, will set with their aerial integrity by sustaining the tie/tat of the regular Couvan &atm. I will bus remark that I am ander no per. Ronal obliptinse to President Beekuman or Goversor fteisr. I have enstained Wen be cause the Democracy placed them is poser petty malice Irmo isterverted liootrats. y,Ake, R. U. KERR. Suns Ilumm, April 14th. 'ft* Kole Nil/ Grown to be a Xottn- The most massing thing, next to the actu al procealinp of the disappointed oilleahon tors' Commotion, ie the systematic attempt to pet that ridiculous tzab into the titajestic propordose al a great outpooring dike pim ple. life grant that 1411prodelleap oa paper, are Whited sad maipt swig* for the most imposing ansambisgw hat most tieelip s =ti o u the Convention was warp and as she iniapieMion of iie W. rises. The hi, that it was as mom mien. rshle and disgramtal failure. The managers of the moment saw and Alt this kaiaks— They reany *spatted the people to osid to the call. sad to istsormts an irmdMlie moreamst. Their aiseathie and ohagria was lemma, when instead of the theasemods they anticipated would look to Harrisburg for the patriotic pupae of restoring the name. Woe, and principle' et the Democratic party. ruder the direction' sr *am and I,4vitst, but a handful of aelfellemed &de spises obeyed the seas rime. V. speak estitely triable beeere whet we alinwilmt the sum ber erpsetlapette is this Caerunise did net awed twitimadred. The WI et the Obese of Herreleigatltte win met bow Moto then dip bendied re' whoa crowded mitt et- V: .MPRla rrev tea a. 1 ‘. 161 . Isies4lll., Debi% smeA, it mit id mew Sow gad uil ieg. a na l 1, 4 04, 4 la sh , asismiaa Thos oa hn itsd eboir e t ess i lig4b. . end wiry elbow pima of «yaw nom ha , priaa tag is ease s n sapaymspiptimi as papa, by, a era' ed Dieneerstie Akers. dash of Femmes Imultel pew Wears mow i Beverly, N. .7.. Nis 411610 told. with emestameate amkpeity, that drile racket is eisteett"-by a large majority. Last !were present from mart Q piss a km was decoct tri . the ittate.mtd that Woo tb , relive 'Fr this IMlllihawaYt iiselarstioe is midi almost width" sight of In New limmetriek, New Jersey, it is said that sleet band orSoahnrY tad Zee onntrao - ' the Demme& ticket is elected. Let nu tors, and with the patriotic proportions of no miskissey. Games Lemur* in view. 'There something so majestically timpotemt in tlt's In Penniegtoe, Oto Republican ticket was sublime 4164104 that it alinuat disarms cri• badly beam. deism, The " nut" of Knew Nothing Block En. Nearly ""Z 14 V lima who I °a Pan pithiklaelem premises es be over wooer Than in this tragic arum self.iptpoolacioo 4 , was a disappointed ollicebunter. from Jam W. " 0 run& Wilatied• Tho people are te nant% the groat tinappraoiabol, to the low- deg their ere open le die deagerons charso est tactual" who Isereed to desoenee and deter of that preseriptive and sectional organi- Woe the Chief iisciatrata of the Nation I. reties. The " good old mass "of tits ooun the parrotlike expletives which base inaligni. i. ism , um suss. mid will oo3,ibustrissi, ty lam invented. Add to them a number of " . y office-holders ander Ociv. Nome, and then Poaui• plaits in the background some half hundred of Sunbury and Erie engineers and contractors. and you have the sum total of this magnificent Convention of political regenerators. &Ara,- lv one of the pure, unsullied Decooorgtip l ea d, ers of the State was present to take r an in the pmeeecline. Scarcely a man, whose po litical reputation is worth preserving, showed his faoe as the associate of these bankrupt dealers in political merchnndite.-14Pro berg Patriot. Nothing but s Pitale The straggling company of political refu gees hare met, talked their treason pad (fide parsed with sorrow fu I countenance awl a mid s t the biasing and laughter pf the people,- The toseetiag at Harrisburg warms a must ridicu lous cad coutesuptiblefisilure, as was antitapated --only more evisplstsly a Jessie thaw Its had supposed it would be. All the begging and coaxing sad falsehoods that the unutagers amid use, brought together only a few dozen persons. tied those the oast-ads of all partie s —Know-Nothings, Black Itepubliesurs - itnJ "Boos Democrats." We all know, now, that Lamaism, Pinney, Knox and Hickman consti tute the Wad and tail and nearly the, rank and Ile of this sew Pennsylvania refuge "Party." Indeed. we understand the "Con vention" *sally passed a resolution soaking the gallant Calms' Varney the whole •• Party" —en that, at lest, Purvey does own a party. If be have a chasms, and the concern ever hare any value, Man consolation to know that be will be ready to sell his "party" at the highest Agars. Biel t4ere was sot a sta ple person present ad this meeting whose poli- Heal reputation steads even apssulerately fair with the Dersoerafie party, either is the /State at large, or in his particular hscality—nia one. Juiging from the proceedings, the politi cal refugees appear to desire to lead a kind of roving. vagabond life, between the Demo cratic army and Sewsrd's Rochester estopp— el! except Hickman, who seemed anxious to lead them at once to - the Seward disunion po. rition. The fearless lliektiostn, after Palling himself to the Opposition, and being paid for deserting his Democratic coustitnetocy. by a re-election, mainly secured by Black Repub. limn votes, took ground in his speech bo)dl for Seward, and ignored the "little giant's nice little Territunal invention," by which he makes a Legislature of a Territory of the Uni ted States infinitely superior, in our system of gi /verb mint. to Congress and the Constitution and the Illesteethemseless, the real setael own. era of the Territory in question. The bold and virtuous Hickman also assailed the Presi dent, Jame' Buchanan, fur his unfaithfulness to the Democratic party, because Mr. Buchan an is not sow, like Aimee If: coselemeedly om &ir on!' s Rochester plat) ors' Speaker of Lin Sensate. The election of Hon. Jaenb Turney, of IVestmorelsod, Speaker of the State. during the mem, is a mark of just respect and con fidence from the Democrat.. of that body toi worthy man. an able, efficient and honest legislator, and a Democrat who does not per a difference of opinion, on local and mere temporary issues to estrotnge him from the organization of the party. The Harrisburg listriot, noticing his election. well and truly says: "It is worthy of remark that Mr. Tur ney is a most loyal and incorruptible Demo crat. At the lust session. when every Dem ocratic Senator was in favor oTanstaieing the Kansas policy-of the President. Mr. Torrey differed, and ezpreeaed that difference with a boldness that marked his candor and sinceri ty. Bet for this reason, lie did not feel cel led upon to desert — the Detnocrejic organiza tion, and no Democrat ewer lifted op his hand to drive him oat. Ilia case is a noble refuta tion of the wholesale and unrelenting pros cription which has been falsely char upon the Democratic party by those who sa%e de serted it. Mr. Turney remained in the par ty, a firm and loyal Democrat; and he has now been elevated by that party ko the poreitiou be is so well fitted to grace and adorn." • Arc reeley's Tribune appears to be mach delighted with the action of the Bops Con vention and Uiokman's speesh, and to think that they "will do good" fur the cause of sec tin9gil Abolitionism "in other free States u wens in Pennsylvania." We have no doubt they will do much good, by ridding the Dem ocracy of a set of ambitious, disappointxl. corrupt and reckless politicians, who ars play ing a game towards President Buchanan and his Administration, similar to that tried by men of the same stamp against General Jack son and his Administration.—Penarylaanian. Mir-The renegades from the Democratic party now resemble those who deserted Gen. Jaokson's Administration daring the U. S. Bank controversy. They only defeated them selves, not the party ; and the traitors of the present day will the victims, not those they have left. serorb• Forney-Conrention mew meet haring prated a killing failure, the Opposi tion are beginning to tremble in their boots. They see that he moo ot bring a motrolliag force to their side, and yet he may want a high price for his treachery. Like the ele phant the fellow drew in the lottery. now that they hare him they don't know what to do with him. afir We are in receipt of the Philadelphia Daily National Argue, now published as & morning paper by C9l. Jo. &num 1 Co.— It is one of the most spirited and reliable Deeseceatie jourtuJe in the State, and we re prd ea a treat to hare it ca oar table every day. Beside, Jo. and hie corps are meow the cleverest fellows breathiag. These quail.. ties should Jammers the ateahlieltiolot a Ihr , taaeciteklag pdreasia Miens &US • at Wgiagtssii. esalissid last soak. Whams" fir few liars tistilled to the mop et sine to shish tiks7 fooad. W. %Mai diet es dais of tile sastarrsaos. piss is Ass dmitle 141 "" oldor rreT teaeisO ktwow • isissity, at Kay ths ft r. * that M wi a ter 4 tastal fran this Sow 11.7 es‘ Mrs. SW lee oat. alai shot Ms kit lessod i Its" pesitsi iot Sod it sorsiski. !rid will sup glair a eas et 11111 P- iiiiSsf* it me. 00" lately snivel Silk" Nu l aiss; heet hes meld., es etteeileatius, st be OW4 baryon** r. Deasy if irsaw Nothiligiist.—.The ITagers town Mail mays:--Thu avenge majority of the Know Notbisp in this town, a year ago, was 132 votes. 4t the election on Monday their average majority was 5-..-a Democratic gain of 127 votes. This result, and the hand some vote in Williamsport, a short time ago, for the Demooracy, render certain the com plete overthrow of Sam neat fall. Wishi et. ton county is all right. The Democracy arc aroused. The Case V William Q. Ford.—Wm. G. Ford, who had been tried for murder, coo victed cud seoteneed to be hong by the Crim inal Court of italtimore city. bot whose ease was taken to the 000 of Appeals, ens writ of error, which was attatained, and the party granted a newrtriel, remains in the Baltimore city jail. beo4lo, Judge ikunsp refuses to obey the 4 0 44 0 41 Of raid Court. A magpie tion fur reams! of th• sea to Baltimore County Circuit Court has been Sled by the State's At of city, but Judge Stump has t• pass the order. Now, what? ; Ott in aetisptioed 1p Iba Meath! oaf Judge Douglas, at Washington. that be will resale firmly by the national Diamooratie party, and that seceders Nun the regular party organi sation will moire no sympathy or support from him. i . ---- DVOmt sabingtoa. Wtentsincit, A il 20.—1 n relation to , Nicaraguan afaire. many speeelathms are indulged, and anon the statements **cern- I ing them are doabtl unintention ally erro neous. The t rues eof the question is mi -1 certained In be th the treaty recently re , turned it, with'one oepiion, entirely weep , table toads go t,whieh has heretofore assented to its pro - . The exception is to the amendment blob in salistanee pro vides that the Vol Mater shall engage is tt use due vigilant* to all lawful means to pre vent the organisation hostile parties in this • oountry Ismail faiths invasion of Nicer.- ' gut , This is not muddled iniptietant, bat if ultimately riqeeted by the President. who has it under consuleintioa, no doubt is entertain i ed that the treaty wii be modified by Nicara gee, in accordance shill' the wishes of this i government. fly this treaty Nicaragua en gages to use the necessary force to keep the transit route open, but if at any time she should fail to do so, the United States bare the right to land troops to protect the persons and property of American °Wiens. The in. formation Dom MOWS/US 111111100 no doubt that the Delilah are "Ming in good faith and are meting arrangement* fur snrrendsidert the a llay Islands and the Mosquito vroteotur ate. Duch at least is the present aspect of affairs as ascertained form authentic sources. The Prqieetted Cuban livrolution. New Oti.aAmi. April 19.... The aecounta from New York rorpeoting the departure lro that city of an expedition of native CaLana, fur the purpose t.f raising a revolt In the island, is Sally credited is wellieforiat quar ters here. The .project was originated in this city sev eral months since by a deputation of the Co hens in New York and the leaders in New Orleans ; hut the failure of Slidell'A " thirty million bill " put a stop to the expedition fitr the time being, much to the di..giist of the Cuban patriots here. The expedition, holt- Pver, is more fully revived. The party from New York will land on an out-of-the-way place on the Island, and their landing will be the signal fur a rising. Arms in shumlauce were sent to the island long ;ince, Dreadful Xeseeere of Three Hundred sad Thirty lien. The Cownier des Elate Z eiv containsin air• count of the loseof the ship St. Paul of Hay. re, and the massacre of three hundred and thirty rosn 7 .part of them sailors and thereat Chinese emigrants—by the savages of the Louisiade/a, a group of islands in the South Pacific, between the parallels of 1U deg. and 11 deg. south latitude, and 151 degrees and 154 deg. east longitude. The St. Paul, Captain Pinard, a fine ship of 620 tons, belonged to the housed V. Mur sion Co., of Havre, and was making a voy age from China lo Australis. On the night of the 11th of September last, she was wrecked on a ream the extremity of the is land of Adela, of the Louisiade'. ..t.ll on board were @eyed, and camped on the island. The natives, who were at drat friendly, af. terwards attacked them. The captain and eleven men and a cabin boy escaped ; but it is believed that seven men including the se cond °facer. were massaort:d. The Chinese, several of whom were wounded, escaped to a neighboring island. The captain, with his twelve companions, sailed in a boat lbr Australis, landing near Cape Flattery. On the 4th of October, the boat vas misted by some native Australians: the apish' sad crew were tads prisoners ; all suftvd, %sr died, and the captain, with eight rota. eeetriled to get on hoard a little !Alma vullid, by which they were taken to Pat de4rause s baring !sand terribly, and lost rarythiwg they had. It was e ! • - thirwarls seilertained that tithe 1130 memos left as the Leandadas, only one Chiamean carped, ail Ike rest hating been sasgaad by thettativas. with ineemosimible basbankr TM, sesame, Styx went to take the sklArrested also elf the island, but all had bees illesi=emspt this sue man, who saitirrelloisly Sirna atittrusth /111 aotises that ladies p sassflopift, la that sky, is Sarno, at sow SW *Ow Mg* bawd *I ami ty sift stolpitpipavesass.l with AIM sad sossomeili as so arapito waft et italtiAL • AP& Wkink/M. soidifor from lbe 001101 Carliel% AI" Syr.M e V C Z WNW* 1.101111114 100111111119eissead 1.11011111111 is aims so as sist sew - Chg . tbs alkolaitt of the Mimes of_Judge est a 4saiii is his busily, be failed se be is ablesidaaa• w Caen lest week. All the Cisil sod Cristisal were oistiased lentil the seat term. The usual Orphan's Court boobies. was disposed of. The Oesee. al Jury was dismissed OU Monday, sad the Grand Jury, after having passed o n a number of bills, were dismissed on Tuesday. The Associate Judges then adjourned the Court sub! Saturday, for the grouting of Lionises, the satios of which, by the rules of Court. is Axed for Ssturday of each April Term. Oa Saturday the Court *gala optimal. for the coasaiorstiost ci APPliolktimul for Li's.' and an were paaatd but than of Allen M. Cook and Daniel Bible,. which arm &Warred until the Orphan's Court, to be hold oa the 24th of May next. $ l l'W• Ire rejoiced to learn that Judge Fumes is now considered out of danger by his PhTgician- His disipase Is said to be scarlet fever, The Commissioners have concluded to giro the Messrs. W posaasslon a the old Court house on Thursday next—the conditions of sale having been complied with—when Its demoli tion will be commenced. Then will be no dif. Acuity in procuring another place in which to hold the May Orphan's Court. Mr. TC/Ngill reels confident that be will Lacs the new Court-house entirely completed by the first of July. TM attention of the travelling public is directed to the advertisement of Om (lefty,. burg Railroad Omnpany, itl another column, Itsrill be seen ttutt.two oonaeotions are now wade 4611 Y, et the Hanover Saltation, fur Itintore, and for York, Harrisburg, j'hila. delphia, Lc.—a mach desired arrangement, The Winter &salon of Pennsylvania Col lege slated au Tuesday. There will be am aths* of six weeks, and the Stadente hare poerelly left for their houses, to speed the tine as beet say suit their totes. Agreeably to public nodes, the jointeww. mitts. of Teachers and Diuletore on Test Gooks, for ass in the Common Schools of the county. met in MeOonaughy's flail, lie this Owe) on Tuesday last. Tonneau districts were represented. The following series of Test Book. were almost unanimmuly adopt ted. viz: Osgood's series of Residers and Spellers; Oreenlesrs series of Arithmetic.; T. K. White's system of Penmaostilp ; Mon, tieth:s and McNally's Geographies, Nos. 1, 3. and 4; Bartt's Englieh Gretaciar and Web hter's Dictionary. The action of this aim mitt.. is not %Audit% upon the different town ships, aukss ratified by the different %awls of Director.. . A Cow belonging to Mr. Cu. ims Sr ixc. Lra, residing near Littlestown,, recently sate birth to a Calf, dead. with /we hear...having two distinct nasetlis, fear eyes and three ears. The back parts of the heads were joined. so that both mouths had het one gullet. The bends hats been sent Our railroad, as " dead bead'," of aciorse,) to thintedical ageisuni c.f the Uairemlty of Maryland, at Ilaltiaiore, where they can be seen by the curious. A letter free the West states, that Mr, {fix. Haarmu. formerly of -this . county, but now a resident of Illinois, and whn hail recently been on a visit to his friend* in this county, lust or had stolen his pocket book, containing about slloo.While passing through Harrisburg one day week before last on his rewire how. We uncieretited dug Nir.eseisTorass Rica, of this mossy, lost s tow silos erk a fine Mare. valued At Mk. r4up► she symptoms of the disease there is but-little doubt that tbe staimal was poisoned. Mr. Rice WI a numb. of other horses sJected is Ike same way s mai it iefeareti they will go blind. Kr. It. drove one of the finest six-horse teams in the eounty. Mr. WATIMIGINT Zututsa is about basing erected a large two-story brick residence. on West Middle street% *ear Wuhington. Mr. Ilvtar .1. PAnartrroca will also bare built on the adjoining turner-lot. a large two. story brick dwelling. Mr. W. R. flints is baring quite a sizable addition put up to ids storeroom, on York street, Mears. sfrOolcscour & Houma ere hay ing part of the basement of the house par etitused from the McPherson witate,w their Hotel, on Carlisle street, fitted up fur a stove o► business room, and the other part opened for a passage way for ♦chicle., &a., to the Hotel stable. WeIL-3lesars. Snssne, Buitutsa it Kress have been appointed agents in this place for the sale of Willoughby's Grain Drill. with guneelastio tubes, manufactured by F. B. Caszurss, at Carlisle, This machine is said to be one of the best of the kind now ofered, and farmers are invited to examine It. me. S A acas, Hales? has reeeived a lot of Manny's Reaping and Mowing Machines, some a) or ?A, and will take pleasure in show ing them to all who may call. Mears. Plltir J. and CITA& M. TAT" have purchased the right for 'Adams county of W. T. Child's & OA. Patent Water and Fire Proof Mastic Cement Roofing, and are pre. pared to put it en, in the best 1114/1141f, at reasonable retest. sad on short notice. Mrlb. J. A. G•wxcß, et poagerg. (Y. 8.4 has removed into kis new iron.front store building. where be (Aro s larva sr ournsout of Goods ties Amu before,'" sorThe parade adrertieal to thaw of at Another' al the dist Saturday el May bac tee* pothpused to the wend Saktrlay, olio 'Won 004,0eDi of imeassaise swim ad dm LathIMINI 0116/16is 1611t4 MAU thate4 Nalloststion Wimp. the et thig pew* swabs* posebliell 4106 Anne *NW Ittesc *Am lot*. Is will diabase le* Beefoei tepterseue, Arlie prositsi waft M w. LOW ea Ober* 04 lhiw Ott bol• se OM** amok ow en sake ap instill few ipos. • 4k idiftealrieso earseva Yaitga chieb Oh* le OIN8•4 4 92# 04 ,0*.i 410.8140i 141010)004/6/11W6MmisMallibilt1"- 1101- • • Wow now...stog**oo JlO/ 1411 7 Iheuri. Tbe Cow 111.111101110011. gawp of Illoors. Treadsus. 7 . 1 “ Vassvi. Dembie-lhesiell Calf. Wavy Immo. llesmos ti■wwt: Mew 111ai111lpa. ~' saes is seta Alps . the Coseerage Mikes dis untie Ned at Took eon whites Imo ishethited tied rids for the lest astitth er two. ft k al i y regat ir loses me OW* is the neighborhood , **Church, Mae oited Sun.!' In Washing. tan township, by persons residing in that 10. eality, The animal Is described by those who saw it as being about three 60 in length and about eighteen blabss in height, end is of s reddish or yellowish color, with variegated spots oe itr bask, sad its tail is eases tea or twelve Inches in leagth. It is said to be ex tremely noisy in the night time—.lte cries be. hill frequently heard for metro Wand the neighborhood. Some eighteen or twenty persons, residents of Washington township, have lateleferund Ithessmilveo into boating parties, and silth guns, dogs, 40.. searched the places that it wee supposed to frequent with a view of trkputring the monster, but it appears that el their grunts proved fruitless, sod She "Pat's hug, when they c a me to put th e i r anger upon it, it we.ent there," It is probably a 44 catamount." es,lohn M., son of Jacob Haffesepergcr, Esq., one of 001. Coenty Commissiesion, shot, monster Fish Hawk, on Canowszo, no Fri. any last. The bird measured eve feet ten inches from tip to tip of th o !rings. So forge is ono of the species is rarely sm. 11011. Another attorupt war recently made to arrost SAN rat r Loa, whet broke jail immoral mouths ago. The Puliceof this placeNevars. Roves*, Sue tov, and TAYLOR, with Constable &max, of }Dirt eh), visited the house of his mother-in-law, in the neighborhood of the last mentioned place, with a view to search the premises. The men and women it . tho house threatened to resist, with elides in their heads, but after a parley, Sefton was permit , tad to go tip stairs and examine the rooms. He 410 not find his nun, however-tbough it is now suspected that Saylor was eimetale4 in bed by the side of his wife, who pretended to be sick at the Nam. He seems to be eery bud en take." fire The Slur publishes a Gate; um. Dritaossw. Esq.. to Gen . . MINIMA. Nog.. Treasurer of the Savings Institution, direct ing him to pee $2OO to the County Treaserer, out of his salary ass 'member of no L u t e Lsigislaturo. This is of course intended au • lugs 100 t 4 catch Tutee furs melee don, but the counsellors of ammo's may yet find tiletusehes caught in • trap of their own setting. larTite Fouudry of T. Waste ws NH Iv the Apaignos, Stumm Wawa's, on Tom, day last, at public: sale, for $11059, Sotamoo Zusaivau, of Wrightsvi pi; rollout el. This includea'patterns, 4e. _ Xtragr. &UPC& /11S10:51 Nola a tract 44 mountain land, 16 acres, to Mr. 80t.4111, uq Thursday week, for s~►p, birSonutors Wvour awl !limit's,* titre our thanks fur Legislative f.arors, near tit* close of the session, liff-The newspepers of other plosaeg era ounplaining that the pang ladies of their respective town , ' are taking arsenic foe d purp9se of beautifying their onwpiexiatus.-••• In Gettysburg the girls ve pretty, enoagit without poison ; and the ( .nly •ludirldu n t.o hers to whom it is fed am...the rats ; qu l tu auuh Terrain it should be left, ler Louis Sphieutinger. the gums perA pen individual, has been found guilty: on charge of falae pretenee4, in Trumbull, o,tio, Thin is the 'maw ilniirithutl. we belies. who lig , ,orwliso extensiveay in the c Tiftta pervh4 rig laziness iu thin *minty, 1110.Y.ndortioy 4.44 Kaoter. Tile 01 , 1-eluo bassutr of •• .44 Eau r has alasist Jiud •444% Fir The Cestrass. agiscrUillaMole Risierssis. I am a m apusiz e l of It letters. 1. One beg of the fill#lll of a noted poet. 2. The sixth eti4..lllth Letter of We " W C t 't it newspaper. 3. The first person of a tease of the verb "tu be. ,, 4. One AM; are Isny's name. IL One toned% of the um, of 0 giant wilful Until•. O. The last two !atm of the nom. of $ part of a tree. 7. Ooe half of the Imo of a Aldo of the wen, titer. 8. The ark and last latter* of the mate of one wilts should be devised. These lectors combined will giro the name of a noted historian. GIANATA. Oriental Wanderings. Arab Gratitack.—lke Light of the arrest. —Poring a SOCCUSfUt d tw,reer of more than twenty years, in the team , o of which ha has visited every quarter of the globe, it may well be /opposed that Professor Holloway has been the recipient of assay distinguished marks of honor and confidence. As the origi "%star of a system of between which has swept over the world with a force sad rapid ity that, in this enlightened age, are the pre rogatives of Truth, his fame everywhere pre coded him. Even in traversing Arabia, some years ego, he found that his name sod dis coveries were well known to the Sheiks eitbo various tribes, and depntatio' seat Arabs met him at various points on his ontway, stanch. :ug the grails " Hakim," (thc, • name fur phy sician} to Tait their teat* at 1 schniaiiter to the sick, .4t every encsiltPolleal hs was Ple eeived with most profound respect which deepened into sheolutereverenee es the sleet of his wonderful remedies was witeeveed by these obilkirea of the wilderness. Posen of his adventures emeug_them were quite of a romsotie met. One %inked, ehieks am* tie old Iledouin, who favorite daughter had hem for Teen elected with s seorholio dis ease was so carried sway with rapture at her recovery wt.: Professor it othrwlllN hut*, that , in a tars& of gnaw*, booliere4 bite half his Seth slid limas, if Its'oultlia remain with t h e tribe end c = a gnest fit life. While visiting his return koala, he hed as MidiesteVir a ss Sal end weit requested to lecieribe fur "1"141" to the imperial hewn. who had been prepense," insurable by the Turkish &Moss. She was a Ciremeien he skis* VLF ei"tAji and i; N "11l aPi is Lelle WWI Arppermil4 paramild, dos% 117 ••••i. essomil os t • regeeetetyl am ph. • imsabbi•jitellat i = with =NI impV4 ll = -1600111 * 4 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers