Aionsp i Csa . ..,,io. The York ^ Star say*, thu stage of water is nchaans for several weeks pas n push as to afford opportamty to the fish to ascend the river, and should no obstacles be placed in the stream, as has been heretofore done by fishermen below this place for the purpose of stopping the fish, we are in hopes that in the course of a fort nlgbt, we may be permitted to regale ownsetves upon one of those most superior fisb,--Susquehanna .had, than v. bleb, in better has a name and a place in the watery world. ___ WA grandson of Hubert Barns, liessiog the same name as his illustrious grandfather, in now living in the town of Dumfries, where the poet died. tie earns his scanty subsistence by teach ing a few children. He is very poor, itn4,though the town of Dumfries cele brated the centennary anniversary of the poet with dinners and processions, this neglected relative and descendant of him whom all delighted to honor was not invited to juin in any of the festivi ties. Sir Patrick was a baggage master on thoGeorgut Railroad, and always at tentive to his business. A few even ings since, while at his post, he was ac costed by an excited passenger, who, in a rude and boisterous wanner, de manded repeatedly to know the where abouts of his trunk. Pat, after several times replying to the interrogatory, at length lost patience, and thus put an cod to the stranger's troublesome ques tioning i ' 4 Och, misthor, I wish in my soar you wore ar. elephant instead of a jackass, for thin you '(.l have your trunk always under yes eye." Important European _feud.—Wo have important news from Europe, by the arrival at Xew York of the steamship Europa. The reports are that the in tentions of the Emperor of the French are again decidedly warlike. Ile wilj soon form a camp of 100,000 troops at Toulon. Tho l'aris and Vumha cor reispoudenee of the London papers abound in rumors of warlike prows tions. On the other hand, the Eng Alb *my estimates show a reduction of 7500 mon in the home and colonial forges. 'Them are rumors of a minis terial change, including the retirement of the I.foril Chancellor, Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, and General Peel. notrible _Murder and Suicide.—At Monticello, Indiana, a horrible murder sod suicide was comm;tted on the 29th ult. Arthur Burns, an old farmor,who had been divorced from his wife, but WWI again married to the same woman titter a separation of several rears, de liberately loaded his gun w;th heavy slags, and shot her through the head as she sat knitting before the fire. Re loading the gun, ho placed the muzzle to his mouth, and pulling the trigger with his toe, blew his brains out. He wits instantly killed. Tho unfortunate woman, though shot through tho brain, lingered _for a whole day, wlAce she diod in great agony. Shocking Affair—Roc Children Burn hits Death.—i most distressing casual ty occurred in Forsyth county, Ga., on Friday night week. Elks Waldrop and his wife, about nine o'clock at night, left their four children, two girls and two boys, the oldest twelve years old, and walked to a neighbor's house, a quarter of a mile off, to see a sick per. son. They loft their children allasleop. On returning home, they discovered their house in flames, and were not able to reach the scene of the awful calami- Tuntil utter the buildinghad fallen in. he children all Perished in the flames —every one they had in the world. Death from Hoop Skirts.—Miss Mar. glint Marshall, of Fauquier county-, p., came to a most terrible death by firtreebout a fortnight ago. The Flag Isaye:Ahe present tashion of hoop dres ses, in this, as in many other instances, was the cause of the Bad event. She hageredforforty-eight houra--olcourse, in the most intense pain. Igirßy an act of Congress of 1318, it waa provided that one new star shall be added to the National Flag on the 4th of July, next succeeding the admission of-anew State. So that the number will remain 32 until next 4th of July, altar which it will be 33. The :Next Presidency.—The Philadel phia Evening Journal, heretofore neu ixtil as regards party polities, has come out in a strong article in favor of -the lion. James Guthrie, of Kentucky, for the next Presidency. A German ilorphy.—They have a German Morphy in the University, city of Bonn, In Prussia. His name is Bert hold Stable, and his age is twenty-one Ave: lie recently played eight games ai-lunas blindfolded, without losing a W O one. 1111eihe Mike do Roqulaure was ono dajkloki that two ladies of the court had quarreled, and very much abused each other. "Have they called each other ugly?" asked tho Duke. 6i N 0 . ,/ " Very well," answered hc, " then I will undertake to reconcile them." Slirlt has been said that a merchant who does not advertise, is like a man who has a lantern but is too stingy to buy a candle liar it. • serA cargo of wbeat, from Frames, 18 expected at New York, orders hav ing been sent some time sints3 in noose- Ammo of high domestic prices. Mir Th e present railroads in Franco cost four hundred inilhoui of dollars Their annual rtx,vipta are about tivo Mil ion& • fir Suffering, almost amounting to starvation, i3216(.8 in Itontealm county, i=ts. Two hundred f'amilie's are lit . wantof provisions. peen. Walker, who has sailed for " R0M0172,b3. jes,o***ii-intende, it 15 said, to organ-- nrirrE undersigned, being the authorized person *OH* tioa then against Nil:Wu-1 I . to make removals into /tyres Often Ceme p' 4ie1 10411 , tery, hopes that such as contessplate the removal lot the remains of deceased relatives or fries*, .... -.., -: ' . , -41illintion travel* is took--1 11 7_ 11 ! 1 , thcaliciTes_of_tti l 4 l • olo Je2f,* 4 l•4!le ;s :. • Olisschchip;Soo crooked fer . 0 :=1-7 0 41 : liam jam no 0 7 6 ,:in to ia ii =aela ~ --,, ,. ., - ...4-..,1•4, - ' , ..6r honesty, too . datic . . -- - ;,;,......' - 4 --,----- , ' -M . tame, I , -. . Feb. -14,1859. KifFir iilfit aerstogt. '''': . ~- mr , .. 40•.. , .. •.. Inipp.ola grovematiogi • - Isaias ....saese .,, -*- siasst somas _ ALL THINUS At!RIIDY!—The un. 'NO* liter—ifritiloods.. 1. 4°1 4 1 0 villi • 4 ) . %. 1% 0: 1 :ssiviri, " dersigned has the !ileum of announo. • T H E andersibied hare entered int 6 ran i lug to teie old coast% friensiewelarsoirs aad i D•rti s ),in ih•• Ittßiii3dv It d• GRO NO ,t. O OW wore well eithesus nrestkva.loEßr tness. at • stand of D anner c* Aor • .vm" .- t burg, "the rest if utattlind." that Me II Ziegler, in Ultimo. street, tinder the - . new eantatodions Warelionse is now i name, ot,Tle sad arm or Danner 4 fe Ziefiiert °Pen old the. hir is receiving GRAIN 1' 1,•r., sea ask sod will elldestrur to deserve, Hosrard Associati on, Pr.obUCE of all kinds, fur which he is pay• a continuance of the patronage of the old I lug the 'highest market prices; and while the firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. TV3ILADELPIII.I.—A Bensynilist Institution 1 public can dispose of their produce to t'. a They have just returned from the cities with' .. 0 establi.hed by :•zpeLid Endowment for the Lest advantage, they can be supplied in re- an I,,Lnease stock of Goods—consisting in 1 Relief of the Sick and Ilstressed, afflicted Illstdi turn with groceries. of every description, part of Virulent and Epidtink Dl.YeaYel. consisting of Salt. Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, , Budding Materials, such as nails, screws , In times of Epidemics, it is the object of this Teas. Rice, ,k e. , , Guano, Plaster, hinges, bolt., locks, glass, .k. e . i Institution to e:tabli-le IlcoipitaLs. to provide 0 Is, Ce iarlicare,toriusand other thintva Tools, including edge tools of every de- i Nurses, Physicians. Clothing, Food, Xe'dicines , ac.. for the sick and tle.titute to take charge o nit here tiientiuned. Wholesale. Retail arid scriptiiin, snws, planes, chisels, gouges, bra- ' c. , ..ant! ‘ hitts, augers, squares, guattes hunt- '' i r cli-an as the cheapest 14 our nt,ittc). If the n , the orphans of deed parents, and to minister - • consult their own iptemAts, and act mere, at:. . I in story possible way to tise relief of the afflicted P e a4 e , they will nut fir g et the undersigned. 'lac/amities will find anvil., vices, r as ps, and the health of the pul,lie at large. It is th e w duty of the Directors. at times, to %Nit per- (loping the familiar faces of nil my olden,- files, horse shoes, horse-shoe nails, &c., with sonally the iuli.ited d,trAts. and to pru i ide and tumors will meet me a rain, and with them them, very cheap. execute means of relief. Numerous phriieiane, many new ulii.a, 1 shall endeavor to please Colci I:',,,dings, such sus cloth, canvass, nut acting members of the As s ociation, usually thew- JOHN HOKE. damask. fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth,' enrol their names on it, books, sublet tto be calf. ' Gettysburg, Nov. 2.2, 1458. springs, nulls. hobo, spokes, fellues, bola, ed upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. pules, shafts, a.c. le the absence of Epidemics, the DiretAtu-s Moe. k'.md&ngs, Tampioo, brush and french hate authorized the Cuniulting Surgeon to give morocco, linings, bindings, pegs. lasts, boot athiLe and tuedii.iil aid to persons sufft nog un- trees, it :., with a geueral assor L/1300 t of *hue der CHRONIC DI:Ill:A:1 1 ES of a virulent charat..- maker's tool.. C=lllC=ll ter. arising from atu,e of the physical powers tual-treattut.l4. the effete of drugs,!c. Various HEPUHTS and TRACTS or. the nn- tare mud trentmeut of (Ironic Disett,e.. by the Coutoßing Surgeon, Lave been published fur gratuitous distribution, and wit be sent FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted. Address. for reports or treatment, Dr. GEORGE 4. CALHOUN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard As sociation, Nu. 2 South Ninth Street, Phi Lucre, 1 . 3 order of the Direitorß. EZRA It. HEARTIVELL, Pres . t. G ILO. FAIRCHILD, Sec . y. Sept. *du, lasB. ly " Hard Times NO MORE,"—Any perion (Lady or Gentle. man.) in the United States, possessing a mall capital of from $.l to $7, can enter into an easy and respectable business, by which from S 5 to *lO per day can be realized. For partirulure, address, (with stamp,) W. R. ACTON & CU., 41 North Sixth St., Philadelphia. March 7, 1859. 3m Great Reduction IN THE PRICE OF THE I. M. SINGER k CO.'S SEWING MACHINES.—B. —R.NDALL, pro prietor of the State of Pennsylvania, the counties of Philadelphia, Erie and Allegheny excepted. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of York, Adams,-Cumberland and Lan caster counties, that be will sell Singer'. Sewing Nathises red uced, priors, - Persons desirotis of purchasing a good Sewing Machine should by all means purchase one of Singer's, for they are the only machines that will do the work that is required of a Sewing Machine. Call and examine and see fur yourselves before purchasing else where. For beauty they cannot be surpassed, and for durability cannot be beat—there being now in use over 15,000 of Singer's Machined, which recommends them to be far superior to any other in use. All I ask is an examination of the Machine, and if you have any notion of one you will be certain to buy. Machines of every variety of Singer's on band. Every family should have one of the Family Machiues, for they are certainly a handsome and useful piece of furniture. They are not liable to get out of re pair, mid will last, you a life time. Machine Silk, Meddles, Thread, Bobbins. Oil. &c., ke., at all times on hand. All orders at. tended to with dispatch. W. F. REISINGER. Agent, 42 Market street, York, Pa. Jan. 3, 1859. 6m .X 1 Fresh Fruits, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c.— FRUlTS.—Fruits of every description, as follows: Layer Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts o tc. GROCERIES.—Agood assortment of Sugars: Loaf, Brown, Powdered an s i Crushed, Coffee, N. 0. Molasses, Syrups of the be't Rice, Soda, Starch, Teas. Cinnamon, (ground and unground,) Clore., Mustard, ite. PEMF CSlERY.—Perfumery of every descrip tion, which wilt be sold low for Cash. LE4ON SYRUP.—A large lot-jest received. Any one deOrlzur • cheap,pleasait and healthy drink will de well by purchasing this Syrup. TOBACO.J.—AII the various kinds of Tobac co, agars and Snuff, for sale by Wsn. Boyer & Son. VINEGAR.—We have a good quality, as all will say who have tried it. FLOUR h FEED.—We have made arrange ments to have constautly on hand Flour and Feed. which we will insure to be of superior quality, uud at such prioes as onunot fail to please. W.ll. BOY El: & SUS. April 26,1858. Earnest and Final Notice. BE undersigned having sold his Store in T Arendtsvilla to Mr. Jacob Shank, and be. ing now under the necessity of closing up his old business, earnestly requests his old friends and customers to come forward and settle up and adjust their respe.tive accounts. It must be apparent to every one that this business will not admit of delay, and ,unwilling to be too strenuous in enforcing his claims, be would urgently request all those indebted not to make any delay, as his time and attendance in the Store is now very limited, and those who neglect this notice will, after the 15th day of March next, find the Notes and Accounts given into other hands. JACOB F. LOWER. Arendtarille, Jan. 10, 1859. Wall Paper. RF. IIcILIIENNY respectfully - Invites the . attention of the public to hi large stock of Wall Paper, and announces tt nis friends and customers, that be has made atzangements to have on hand a full and complete line of samples from S cents up to 50 cents a roll—so that persons failing to be suited with his large stock on hand, can select from his sample book and be furnished with paper at any price and in any quantity on two or three days notice. Jan. 24, '59. Wm. B. McClellan, ATTORNEY AT LAW.— Office on the south side of the public square, 2 doors'west of tue Sentinel office. Gettysburg, August 22, '53. D. MoConaughy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (o ffi ce one door west of 13uehler's drug and book store, Chant bersbarg street.) Arroasrr AND SOLICITOR roa PATENTS PENSIONS. Bounty Land War rants, Back-pay suspended Claims, and all other claiiis against the Government at Wash ington, D. C.; also American Claims in England. Laud Warrants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given. Agents engaged in lo cating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other western States. ges/r.Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Noy. 21, Edward B. Buehler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to a'l business entrusted to bun. He speaks the German language.— Office at the same place, in South Baltimore street., near Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite Danner ,k Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. J:Lawrence Hill, M. D. "DI - AS his office one I:l 4::jzif or door west of the Lutheran church in Charnbersburg street, and opposite Picking's store, where these wishing to have any Dental Operation performed are respectfully Invited to call. Rarsaxxoss: Drs. Horner, lies% C. P. Krasdh, D. D., Rev. 11. L. laugher, D. D., Rev. Prot it. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Steever. Gettysburg, April 11, '.5".1. Chas. IL Doran, X D. O FFICE on Baltimore street, one dour south of the Presbyterian Church, and opposite David McCreary's saddling establishment, Gettysburg. [Oct. 4, pm& cm Notice to Farmers dt Merchants. wE .race now opened our large and con:i -ll modious Warehouse, on the corner of Stratton and Railroad streets, near the Depot of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and arc prepared to revel% e produce of all kinds, viz: Flour, Wheat, Rye, Corn. Oats, Also, on hand and for sale, Salt, Guanos, Piaster, Fish, ,S: c. A large stock of Groce ries just received, consisting of Sugars, Cof fees. Syrups, Molasses, Oils, Rice, Tens, Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, &c., Which we do nut hesitate to say, we will sell as low es can be bought elsewhere, wholesale and retail. Merchants will do well by calling to see and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as our triAto will he "quick sales and small profits." We would ..lso call the att,ention of all in terested in the thrifty and healthful condi tion of th..iir Cattle, Horses, flogs, &e.. to the fact that we have fur sale Breinig, Proaefield tf: Cu.'s Celebrated Vegetable Cat tle Puasfes, of whioh.vre have sold from 1500 to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeepers. KLINEFELTF,R; SEITZ & 00. Gettysburg. Nov. IS, 1848. Valuable Farm FOR SALE.—The subscriber, Assignee of Hamar S. Mistituu and WIFE, fur the benefit of creditors. offers at Private Sale THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY, in Oumberland township, Adams county, Pa., lying about 1/ miles west of Gettysburg, and north of the Charnberaburg turnpike, adjoining lands of James J. Wills, Esq., Heirs it Jon. Hartzell, deceased, Samuel Hartzell, Frederick Herr, Abraham Spang• ler, and others, and containing 155 ACHES, more or less. The improvements are a Two-story Double Stone ,7 . 111 i HOUSE, with Two-story Back- . in] building, having a bc.sement _ itchen above ground, a Stone Link Carriage Mime, Stone Sprint, House with a neverfailing Spring, Pump o f' neverfailing water near the kitchen dour, and three 01- char.'s, 2 of which are new, the latter con taining about WM Peach trees, 100 Apple. with a variety of other fruit trees on the premises. There is running water in almost all the fields. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and fencing. About 15 acres ars in Timber and there is a full proportion of Meadow. lerPersons desiring to view the property eln be shown the route by calling on the fumily residing thereon. or on the subscriber. J. B. DANNER, As,ignee. Nov. 15, IFSB. "At Home Again !" --nt r SA:StSpN . -- .t+- - A L , would au • it , .....t 1". . - . nouiiee to his friends -- 4:4.4- -.- . ..,- and the public. that ft.; a 7 „:' ~,C4, -..- ; he has just returned ... 1 4 . 'oe r,„, , ,,4. , „ : from New York with ii i ) 4 "`" e..,. , - - a larger assortment 7 vl:'• '• Kw - s 3l ' . .---1 ..„\, ... t c-,• : :, than ever of new . 4 , 4 - - - • - i. - Goods, comprising e v c ry variety of MEN'S and BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING, of the latest styles and ungurpassed in quality and cheapness, viz: Over Coats from $3 up to $l4; Pants from $1 to $1; Dress Coats from 52 50 to $l4; Vests from 374 cents to $9; Cu dershirts and Drawers; Buckskin, Fur and Cot ton Gloves; Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Lc.. at all prices. Also the largest and best lot of Fine and Heavy BOOTS and SHOES ever offered in this market, and will be sold at prices to suit the times—Boots from $1 25 to $4 50; Shoes from $1 to $1 75; and a very fine assortment of Patent Leather and Calf skin Gaiters from $1 50 to $3; HATS of vari ous styles, Silk, Fur and Wool, from 371 cents to $3; also a new lot of Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Watches, ('locks, Guitars, Violins, Flutes, kc.; And last but not least, a lot of that fine Chewing TUBACCO i known by all who have tried It as very superior. Haring been in Nev York far the last three months, these goods hare all been bought at auction for CASH, and as the season has ad vanced and money scarce, 1 em induced to of fer them at such prices as must be satisfactory to all. An who want the worth of their money and a littlemore should call soon. No trouble to show our Goods. Jan. 1O 18Z.8 What ! Again P VEq, 'TIS EVEN SO, that Franklin B. Picking has just received another large cargo of WINTER CLOTHING, which is now being °paned at his Clothing Emporium, in Cliambermburg street,opposite the English Lutheran Church. It Is the most complete assortment of Winter Clothing, of every va riety, ever opened in Adams county, and what is better, having been f"rtunate in making; his purchases, he is enabled to offer bargains truly surprising. His stock of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Socks, Gloves, Ilankerehie* Comforts and a thousani other things, are worth calling to see. Without further particularizing, we say unto all come and see. Dee. 10, '5l Adams County MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.— Incorporated Mirth 18, 1851. OYFICELL President—George Swope. Vice President m. R. Russell Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Treastrrer—David M'Creary. Executive Commute•-•—ltobert McCurdy, Jacob King, Audrew lieintzelman. Managers—George Swope, D. A. Buebler,Ja, cob King, A. Heintz,lame, R. M'Curdy, nos : A. Marshall, S. Fahnestock, Wm. R. McClellan, cm. R. Wilson, M. Eichclberger, Abdiel John Wullord, U. A. Picking, J. Aughinbangh, John Horner, R. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell, D. Nl'Creart, Andrew Pulley, Jobu Picking, J. R. Hersh. ste - This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It Las been in successful operation for more than six years, and in drat period has paid all losses and ex penses, without any assessment, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com pany employs DO Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers for further information. sir The Executive Committee meeu at the office of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 3, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. Spouting. GEORGE k HILVELY WAMPLER will make House Spouting and pal up the same low, fur cash or country produce. Farmers and all others wishing tneir houses., barns, kc., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. April IR, '53. tf G. & H. WAMPUM RECOLLECT, that SCHICK'S is the place. l to parchase. cheep, all Dress Goods, for pntlemen and children, as *ell as everything in the Domestic Goods line.— /Loney is saved by calling at Sehiek's Woo pereeshing elsewhere. Nov. 8.: ior OVER'S WRITING FLUID.—Thie eels bested Ink—proven to be the beet in ste--Tor isle by • EXYDEIrk, BENNER Caiind Atzker's That, a general assort ment—nlqu varnish, knobs, &c. Ifouiteleepent will also tintl a largo assort- men t ofkui;res andforks,brittannin, silver-plated table and tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad iron., enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, churns, carpeting, ka Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds; cast, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as thuseiteapest. Groceries, a full and general assortment. such as crushed, pulverised, clarified and brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and suns house molasses and syrups, coffee, spices, chowelate,-Ilse. coarse and dairy salt; linseed, fish and: "perm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, kc.; a full assortment of Lead and Zino, dry and in oil; aler Fireproof Paints; in fact, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding, Shoe Finding, llnusekeeping„ Black smith. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which• they are do. termined to sell as low fur CASIi as any house out of the city. HENRY B. FANNER. WAY BRIG lIT ZIEU LER. Gettysburg, May 24,.1558. Co. Partnership NOTICE.—The undersigned have associn teal with them in the Lumber business, E. C. BENDER. They would therefore giro no tice that the business hereafter will he elm ducted under the firm of SEND ER k, Cu., and they hope, by strict attention to business and an earnest desire to picnic. to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. KILLIAN SMALL & CO. Lumber Yard, ON Yorth George Street, near the Raitronel, YORK, PA. We mold invite the attention of Mechan ics. Builders, and others. to our largo and well stilectoil stock of L. f!.VBEIi!, consisting of every description of White Pima B birds and Nook, Jeist,Sc.tntling ant Fouciug. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, Picktts, IVarkr(l Flooring and iresslitorlykirding, t Siding itc. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDEt any size; quantity and quality of WHITE PINE (tit 0.4 K .1;11.1111F,'11, at the shortest notice, and hate it delivered to any l • t accessible by lietilr I. We also usanufacturs and keep ou hued a goue ral assortment of Shutters, Blinds, Windom Fruases awl Door Ite...or,lers for any sizes not on hand ailed witt , dispatch. our ~lock m ad assortment is equal to any others, an l we are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. p3r.111 orders and communications ad dressed to the undersigned, at York, Pa., will receive prompt attention. SMALL. BENDER do CO. York, May 24, DIU. ly OF THE E!—Jones' Patent Kt REE OSN or COAL -OIL LAIL'S, unrivalled in Beauty, Simplicity, Safety or Economy...— I.:tory person desiring w obtain the very Lest and &ave."( porta/de light within their rash, should call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, for the reason, Ist. Tina accileast can occur by ex plosion. 24. That they emit No Offensive o.lor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they burn entirely free front smoke. 6th. That thelight is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than any other light now in conituon use. . Thine Llmpa are admirably adapted for the use of Students, Mechanise, Seamst ress es, 114115, Churches, Stores, ilotels,aud are high ly recommended for Family Use. Fur sale by GILLESPIE .TIIO3IAS. June 14, 1858. - S OFA AND FdRNITURE WAREROOMS, Nos- 25 and t 7 N. Gay street, Baltimore, (near Fayette at..) extending ,from Gay to Frederick st.--the largest esteblishmeut of the kind in the Union. Always on hand a large assortment of every variety of HOUSE. HOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing.— Bureaus, Bedsteads. Washstands, Wardrobes, Matresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds, Sofro, fete-a-Tertes, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chain, Etageres, Marble Tables, Settees, Reception and Upholstered @hairs, Assorted Colors of Collars Furniture Wood Chairs Office CtUtiv, Barber Chairs, Cribs. and Cradles, Hat Backe, Hall Furniture, Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Sideboards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchave are invited to call and give our stock en examination, which for variety and quality of workman ship is not equalled by any establishment in tho country. A. MATUIOT A. SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1858. to E. B. PICKING Removal. ►rIIF, subscrit)er has removed his Plough and Machin, Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, opposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, where he is bettor prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on band and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, 'Reapers, Le., repaired. Also he will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks. May 10. D.IVID WARREN. CIOACHNIAN.LKG AND BLACKSIIITEDIG. —Tbe undersigned respectfully informs hul friends and the public that be continues the Coachmaking and Blacksmithing foulness in every branch at his establishment in Chant bersburg -strong. lie his on band and will manufacture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SIEIGIIS, Spring Wagons, kc., of the best matealal, stud fwd. by RoPerior work men. lir RAPALZLIICI and BLACIUXITIIING of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satbfastion of customers. Constar Premium taken in • enduing. for work at market prices. birPersoet desiring articles or work in the Coach:lusting ci Bisoluiniithing line, are rl speetfelly invited to call on JOIEN L. LIOLTZWORTIL Sitttysbarr i ,Taa. 14, Ike. SASH, 1)00118, Fru uses Greatest Improvement A. listhiot & Son's Still at Work ! , - , . • - 'llt -dirlONAllirr.etOre. ' ... OF every Titt-intetc' ' . .7cßw rum AN NEW 000D3.—SNY- deseriptiou , now unhand and for 4 - 1 DER 4 BANNER have Just received at! sale by Goo. X. Buehler, in Chambers their New Store, is Sultimore street, a few 1 1 : 4 110 1 "eL doers above David IfeCreary'si Saddlery o a. I, s ,uv. PIP! of all sizes, constantly on tabliahumtv kho Wien and mbet complete ' tad or nuttle to order, at Buehler's, in assortment of Groceries brought to Get. 1 • beriberi street. tiaborg fora long time, consisting of Coffee, ! AN LARD CSof nll sizes now ready and for (Tour kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds.) Molasses, sale at Buebler's Tin-ware Establishment. Syrup, Shad, Mackerel. Fresh Flour, Corn, ! Tlt -11 N EII Milk Buckets fur sale at GEO. Oats, Butter, Eggs. Bacon, Salt, i n s h ort ''-' E BUEHLER'S, in Chawlsersburg it. every thing usually kept in a first-class I Nu`' 1. • _______ ____________ Grocery Store. Millinery Removed. serThe bizbest market price paid forclun• c - t try st /A : lnce or taken in exchange f,r Goods. 13 C . C HOWiall would respectfully inform S, the Ladles of Gettysburg and its vicinity, ive us a mill. Buy your Groceries that they will find her in Chambersburg where you will be sure to get them good and ' cheap. I street, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Herbst, Illiirllovex's celebrated writing Ink for' °Pfosite Mr. Tate's Hotel. . a se. [Nov 1,185 S. 1 d ies can be accommodated with ready almade BONNETS; also a variety of Straw Leghorn, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies will du well to call and see fur themselves. April 5, 18113. New Grocery. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—The sub scriber respectfully informs the citizens of town and country, that hq, has opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors east of St. James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand e, general assortment of goods in his line—such as: Syrup, from 40 to 70 :ants per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds; Coffees, dif ferent kinds/ Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch liorring, gfound and unground Pep. per, Alspice, Closes, Cinnamon, Mustard, Nods, Ginger. Starch, Rice, Teas, Candles, Eztraot Coffee Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; Broo-ns, lockets, Candies, all kinds : Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts. Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, Fan ay Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, dre., &c. Butler and Eggs bought and sold. He in vites the calls of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and price. Ho is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. albata and WM. E. BITTLE Gettysburg, Dee.lo, '5B. Now is the Time! T"Esnbsoriber would inform the public that he has opened • MACHINE SHOP, in Chamber/burg street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he will have various kinds of Machines on hand at any time hereafter, such as 7'hr-taking Machines, Corsi Shelters, Cornfodder Cutlers, Cioeerseeci Hullers, Straw Cutters, and Horse Powers of different kinds, —two, four or six -horse, to suit purchasers ; —indeed all such as can be had at Ilanover or Littlestown. Also, Mortising Machines, fur house carpenters, put up in the very best and moat substantial manner. Cuffing ti,-retts or long Bolts, any kind or else Ices than eleven feet in length, always attended to, as well as Turning ih true, casting or wood. Also all kinds of Ititismailvo on Mii• chinery, dressing-up 11111 Spindles, itc., duhe on the shortest notice. I hope that all in want of anything in lily line will call at my Shop before going else where I will Warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers. March 20, 1858. 1; The Mighty Healer ! World Kaoten and World Tried. Holowers Ointment. THE free admissions of all Nations, as well as the verdict of the leading Ilovitals of the Old as well as the New World, stamp this powerful remedial Agent as the greatest healing preparation ever made known to suf fering man. Its PENETRATIVE. QUALITIES are more than lIARYILIZUS, through the external orifices of the skin, invisible to the naked eye, it reaches the seat of the internal dis ease; and in all external affections its anti inflammatory and healing virtues surpass anything else on record, and is Nature's great ally. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT - RIIEUM are two of the most common and virulent dis orders prevalent on this continent, to these the Ointment is especially autagonistie, its '• modus operandi ' is first to eradicate the venom and then complete the cure. BAD LEGS, OLD SORES AND l; LCE RS —Cases of many years standing that hare pertinaciously refused to yield to any other remedy or treatment, have invariably sue combed to a few applications of this power ful unguent. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN, 'trim inifrom a bad state of the blood or chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear tnd transparent sur face regained by the restorative action of this Ointment. It surpasses many of the cosme tits; mud other toilet appliances in its power to dispel rashes and other disfigurements of the face. PILES AND FISTULA.—Every form and feature of these prevalent and stubborn dis orders is eradicated locally and entirely by the use of this emolient ; warm fume:nations shoUid precede its application. Its healing qualities will be found ty be thorough an invariable. Both the Ointment and Pins should be used in the ralloveiNg case.: Reetions, Ilflesootatim, Sore notate. Beres. lltlesprona, forte of all Mots, Clopped Made, Balt AM.., ectrofot. Chilblalas. Beata, Rid .19Iota, Betels, Mae Ittleatoes, Totter, boot, Moeller! Meads, Ulcers. Laois*. bore Lep, Velem& Sends, Iltecorial gnaptlolee,Bore Breads, Wounds of ell kilt.* riles, Bore Reads. Bar Caution !—None are irennine unless the words' s' Holloway, New Tvrk and don," arediseernible as a trakr-noork in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the same 4 may be plainly seen by holdiag the leaf to the light. A handsome re ward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and Mall respectable Druggists and Dealers in dicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots a t 25 wi t s . 63 cents, and $1 each. A. D. Buehler...Nils burg. -There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. [June 14, 1841 i. eowly. COFFEE POT.—A desirable improvement in making coffee, by which one-fourth less coffee is required and a stronger and morehighly flavored beveragi is made. You can boil ooffee in it fur any length of time without one particle of the strength or a rui one escaping. Those fond of a go..xi cup of coffee sad at the same time wishing to save one fourth the expense should call at once and buy an Old Dominion Coffee Pot at the cheap store of F.IIINESTOCK BROS'. Nov. 29. Call at Reininger's FOR BARGAINS:—The sAbscriber Pas just returned from the city with another large assortment of goods for Gentlemen's Wear, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Tweeds, all kinds of Vesting, ho., which he will dispose.uf at the lowest living prices. ISllhoteer has been selected with great oars, smsl cannot but please the tastes of this community Don't'forgetl Call at the Merchant Tailor ing establishment of JACOB REININGER, Oct. 4,1839. • Carlisle street. VATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES.—The inbecriber has just returned from Phila delphia where he selected, with much care, a very large aad superior stock of Boots, Shoes, Hate and Cape, and flatters hintoolf that he is now prepared to exhibit to the citizens of Getty* and vicinity, the larg est and Sheet sleek Goods in his line that kaa ever been aired to their 'dee. nay baj.parehased oar pods at the lowest ash we are prepared to offer greater in tte *sot pros. Copes lad see. We gild* plissorsiin showing our goods whet you wbh to hem or not. Oct. DAVID STERNER Old Dominion New Arrival ! Lime ! Lime ! T HE undersigned have made arrangements, by which they will be ready to supply LIME in any quautities y ,at the lowest prices, as anon as the Railroad is completed. They are ready to receive orders. SIIRADS, BUEHLER & KURTZ. Nov. W., 1558. - Cattle Powder. BREINIG. FILONEFIELD & CO'S CAT TLE MEDICINES have been thorough ly tested and pronounced unsurpassed and unsurpassable. None other as useful have been introduced during the century. Whilst farmers are using every effort, and investing large amounts of money in the improvement of their soils, too little atten tion is generally paid to the health and th velopment of farm Stock, Breinig, Pronetield ix Ousjastly claim be ing Ms first, in this ociantry, who devoted their attention to this important subject-- Their Vactzvxm.: CATTLA POWDER was the result of several years' study and experi menting—which experiments have actually shown that, by feeding this Powder, a Cow will yield from 1 to 2. pounds butter per week snore then when she does not get the Powder; all other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produced in the fattening of cattle or swine. It is used with equal profit for Horses, Cattle and Hogs. No fervour, or Iboder of any kind, should be without it - s day. Fur sale of the new Warehouse, corner of Stratton street and the Railroad. by KLINEFELTER, SEITZ & CO. Nov. 15,1858. Gin The Liver invigorator, PREPA RED by Dr.SANFOßD,compounded entirely from GUMS, is one of the best Purgutive and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as aValhartie, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Lioer remedy, acting first on the Liter to eject its morbid matter, then un the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposeiteffectually, with mt any of the painful feelings experienced ill the operations of most CuMarlies. It strengthens the system at the saute time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Lives is one., : of the principal regu lators of the Immano body ; and when it performs it functiunsE- 4 well, the powers cf the system aro fully. 4 developed. The stunt ark is almost entireo-, ly deOctident on the healthy action of theo Liver fur the proi•er performaceof its func-Z lions; when the stom ach is at fault, theme bowels ere at, fault, and the whole systetur uu ff ers inconsequence of one organ—th e mvsg—having ceas ed to do its duty.— Fur the diseases of that organ, °peel the,s proprietors hss made *this study,in a prite-r,"l tice of more tbatt years, to find euruet..7 remedy wherewith to counteract the many;-1 der en gemen ts to which it is liaule. To prove that this remedy is at last found, any . persouCP troubled with Liven Court.mtsv. in any its forms, has but to try a bottle, and= conviction is certain. These Gums re-0 , move all morbid or bad ,matter from theEzs system, supplying ip their 'place a flow of bile, invigorating the stomub,causing food's t. 4 digest well, PURI. rum; TUE BLOOD, giv- 7 . 1 ing tono and health ut the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease—effecting a radical cure. BILIOUS ATTACKS are cured, AND, WHAT Is REITZ'S-. Pita VENTED, by the uecwsiunal Übe of the Livia IsrwintATuse. One dose aftereating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising and souring. Oaly one dose taken before retiring, pre :ents Niouritsar.. Only one dote taken at night, loosens the bowel:4 gently, apd cures COSTIVENESS. One dose taken after each weal will cure DrsrErst.t. ►`One dame of two teampoonfuls will al. TM relieve SICK IIZADACI/E. One dose taken fur female elotruction re moves the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Cuotac, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for enotsa.t hiosaus, and a preventive of Cliotatta. sa-Only ono bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after a hint s►okneis. sarOne bottle taken for Jsasmat removes all sallowness or unnatural color front the skin. - One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di gest well. - One dose often repeated eaves CANONIC DuasuccA in its worst forms, while SILIIIIER find Bowzi complaints yield almost to the arst dose. One or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in Children; there is•na surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. ipirA few battles cureDaorsr, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Fawn and Aces. Oulu. Pavan, and all Favax of a BILIOe2 Trim. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use 11 are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. adrAliz water in the mouth with the In vigorator, and swallow both together. Tuz Li vEn IN v IGORATOI is a scientific med ical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, eren Me first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of LIVER complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a commoe Headache, all of which are the result of n DISEASED LIVER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. DR. SANFOH,D, Proprietor, 34.3 Broad way, New York. A. D. Dozntas, Agent, Gettysburg May 17,185.9. ly Notice. undersigned having retired from the 1 - Mercantile business, the same will here after be continued at the old stand, in -Balti more street, by their sons, Henry B. Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner and Zieglor, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patro nage from old customers, and of the public in general. Having retired from the Mercantile busi ness, it is necessary that oar old business should be setting up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to as caber by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle tho same without delay. The books will be !band at the old third; .1. B. DANNER, 2110.4. Vi bi'py 24,1855. TIEWELIM limp #1 ratiood itoortotoot, u to be 6104111 • if OPHleltel. r 7 lo a iamodtadand dlosioa r the blood, by width tide Auld beetilintiftfitted, weak. end pore. in the eireitledeir, Crthe whole body, and may bun oat s it ilmw g on any part of it. No arms is bee f rom Its attacks. nor is there one which it may not destroy. The weraduloste Waist earlemily caused by mercurial disease, low Wring, diee, ordered or unhealthy food. impure ate, gbh and filthy habits, the ep d vices, end. above all, by the venereal infection. -Mime. ever be its origin. it-is hereditary in the eon. stitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed. it seems to be the rod of him who says, " I will -visit the iniquiders of the fathers apes their children.' Its effects commence by deposition fitia47l;ii blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, the lungs, liver, and internalGm is termed tubercles ; in the glands , swe ; and as the surface, eruptions or eons. cur. ruption, which genders in the blood. dorainea ' the energies of life, so that scrofuknis eonetitgt lions not only suffer from scrofakrna cam. plaints, but they have far lee power . to with. / stand the attacks of other d ise ase • come. qtiently, vast numbers wish bar &meal which, although not scrofulous in their natum,. are still rendered fatal by this Mini in din system. Most of the consumption which de. • ermines the human family has its origin directly in thii scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain. and. indeed, of -ell the organs. arise from m are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous I their persons are invaded by this lurking in. foction, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and ezanise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the *tidied skill of o mer times can devise fur this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active reinedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood. and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Rime it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but Os* those other affec tions which arise from it, such A Eatrrnvn and Bium DISRASPA, Sr. ANTHONY'S Fuse, Rosa, or ERYSTPRLAS, Pumas, Porrimss, BLOTCRIM. BLAINS and Boim,.Texons, TITTER and SALT RHEUM, SCALD lIrAD, RINGWORM., EURIIMATISM, SYPHILITIC and JlsacralLL Dn. RASES, DROPSY. DISPLIMIA, DLLILITT, and,, Indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA.. TED OR IMPURI BLOOD. The popular belief in " iarpthrity of the blomi" is fotuided in truth. for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. T3*e. particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid„ without which sound health is impossible its contaminated. constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic: Pills, FOR AU. THE PURPOSES If A FAMILY PHYSIC,, are so composed that disease within the range of .their action can rarely mithstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse. and invigorate emery portion of the human organ lam, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a ennseqiienee of them. properties, the invalid who Di bowaul dawn with pain or physical debility is astonished to dud his health or energy restored by a remedy IL oboe so simple and inviting. Mt only du they cure the every-day eompjuintei of every body, but also snap) , formidable anal dangerous diseases. Tlm egeiit below nemed is pleased to furnish gratis ruy American ishumnic h , containing certificates of their cures aid directions for their use in the following complaints: C'estire vest, Heat thirrnahoiltrehe urieieg, from diserrkeeit orh, Nausea, ludic otles, I'ent its awl diartid lesactivis of the Loweis, Itututatey, Lau of Are. tile, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints., ari s ing from a low state of the body or obstruction' of is functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, YCIR TYIR RAPID 'CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Pros:chills, Incipient Consuls*. fon, and fur the relief of ConsanspUrts Pat'cult in advanced stages Of tlio SO wide is the field nt Sts itsefttbsests and so Tomo inerous are site cases of its cures, that almost every seetkan of country abounds in pintoes rib lbzly known. who hare Lem restored front alatnung and cren desperate diseases of the lungs Ly its use. When once triad, its superiority user every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to essape observation, and where its sirtues are known, the public no longer hesitate *hat antidote In inuploy fur the diAressing rnd dancerous alfeeticots al the palmonhry organs that are tneiJout to our climate. pile runny inferior reutulies thrust upon the etuninunitv have failed and if en discarded. tkis has enined friends by creel trist,eonfeeristi keueets on the aglicted they can nes, r forgo, abd pro duced cures too numerous and too resturkaLle to be furgottirn. PREPARED BY D. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASK. Der .seld by A. D. Buehler, (lettynlitirF- 7 - T. J. Cooper, near Cash to* n—rultun & Co. Fairliehl—and all Briggibt.s. Oet. 18.18.;8. cowls ELlitic Cement Roofing. TIIE subscriber is prepared to contract wok put on at, the shortest notice, W. E.-Coilit Cu's. Patent Fire and 'ruler Prot!) Elastic. Cruatut Rogfing. It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and. in poin of durability is equal, if nut superiur, to any ?Eleatic Roofing. It can he pot on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, Lowest'r flat or steep they may be. In paint of resisting the elements of tires and water, nothing has yet beau discovered. equal to the Elastic Cement. Those - who have used it, have testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that there is no further room for improvenieut.— No one will now think of putting on s when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four sfiiugle roofs. This - Roofing is warranted as represented: The Elastic Cement is the cheapesf and, -best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground,. It is also the hest paint fur iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per. fectly excludes dampness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantities to suit. Fur further information. apply to GEORGE A. COLE, Frederick City...lld, ,Specimens of the Roofing maj be seen at the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg. April, 5 1858. • Cheap ! Cheap ! - If, ORE NEW 000DS!--JACOISS & BRO. - 1 u• have just returned from the city, .with very large assortment of Cloths. Cassitneres, Vesting', Winter Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They alee-offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cot ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, ke. Haying bought unusually low, for the sash, £bey are enabled to sell CIIISPIra TVAs sysa—stwaatesi lent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3, forin stance. Give them seal], at their newastab lishment, in Chambersburgetreet i a-fewdeor& west of the Outirt-house, before ,urehasing elsewhere. " Oet;ll.' Who will Retuae r[IHE worth' of 'their money and the' right •L change baekt NORBECK it. MARTIN'S' is the pisee to. get it, where they sell eli kinds of Confectionaries, and Fancy Atlieles.—in a wow', everything belonging to a Illnibichisit Grocery. Molasses of sevea diffelins from 41.) cents up to 75 r,er gallon ; six different kinds, from 8, cents= npla . lb.; Coffee, fire kinds ; Teas, Crackers,Tea. Cakes,Bottl 4 l l4l4t ie4litalt. Cheese, ish, Pickles,isk4Ailknialia Lead, May 24, 1858. = • = ==, = . = ALEX. PRAM, Wstidt kCI maker. . xemomi qblJ l ß l l 4 lo l bliii I l ir ee t° Pr all it• th Lstiteron ant, Yokes willl4o &tyrant ,bir hipii itteo 4 ll4l 4* tags of sostoiseuti.:, Tbookrol fotlattiovaro. . 114 bOleire kretittemseirtiosi to losokompos sad *attitai , top e, to nioitgAnikoderloj• patrol" asi , atrttrAlMoty *trek•l6 Itrak " 4 4. = • '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers