C=l 1= Clllll l 4he Sara of lir., Michael Reek, In York comer, • rowans* from fissioror, wits destroy ed. kw Are, about, 1 o'clock on Wednesday week. Avianltem/ implecaents, hay, grain, straw, two valuable horses aid a mule, were also consum ed. Logs s2,ooo—parily insured. 1111W•Tbe barn belonging to Joshua Smith, in Carroll county, Md., and occupied by Hen ry Maker, was destroyed by fire a few days ago, with all his corn. Two colts also per ished in the flames. sir On Sunday night week, one half of the city of Aberdeen, Mass., was destroyed by a hurricane. The scene was awful, the howling winds blowing down the Presbyterian ehureh. and many large store buildings and private Louses. 'Greeley claims John Hickman, 11 C. of this State, as a Black Republican. Problems. There was a certain man had three sons, whom he sent to three different market.. To A. he gave 10 eggs; to 13. 3U ; and to C. 50. lie then told them that they were to sell their egos alike; and were to have equal sums of money. Bow must they sell their eggs ? G. w. a. Muuntjoy twp., March 15, 180. A■ Acrostics] Enigma. I am rompwsed of 17 letters. My 1 16 17 is an island south of Scotland. 2 14 15 is what people often arc. 3 6 12 14 2 1:3 is a nickname for a girl. 4 13 14 15 13 is what the auctioneers do at sales. 5 13 7 10 13 7 is a county in Pennsyl- G 17 17 16 is a girl's name, 7 8 13 is a kind of grain. 8 13 3 is an adverb. 0 13 14 lv is what Indians do. 10 16 17 3 are very useful. 11 is the third letter of the alphabet. 12. 8 1:3 is used fur soup. 13 6 7 1 tho organ of hoaxing. • 14 6 is an exclamation. LS 13,6 7 17 is what every person should try and do. 16 IT 17 is a girl's name. 17 is th&fuurteenth letter of the alphabet. My whole is the name of one of the teachers of the Gettysburg Public School.. L. c. V. itstisms. I Am composed of 23 letters. Hy 1 16 20 8 12 is what we can hear, but cannot see. 2 19 16 1 is the most valuable of metals for use. 3 13 4 23 19 is a species of madness. 4 G 12 23 17 is the must agreeable of colors. 5 11 11 is a venomous serpent. tt 3 11 20 12 G is a short. word. 7 19 2 12 8 is a sign in the Zodiac. 8 9 11 23 6 2 14 6 is ezecllent. 9 14 3 22 12 is custom. 10 23 6 15 12 16 is succession. 11 19 2 11 23 is very coalmen and rl - 12 3 8 12 is exemption from labor. 13 16 8 '25 is a part of the face. 11 17 21 is a gravelly earth. 15 10 5 1:i 17 is a figure whose sides are equ.d. 16 11. 20 13 2 16 17 is a sentiment. 17 12 22 6 16 is an African. Is 3 6 13 is what every •nrmer needs. 19 23 5 8 1G 17 is a faculty of the soul. 20 4 9 3 13 7 is a species of lizard. 2t 6 3 22 16 17 is a winged serpent. 2..," 5 8 is inflaminablzfair. 23 13 8 15 22 13 is an officer. My . whole is a stupendous work of art and trium • of human skill.. b. W. a. iiiirAniswor to Enigma in last %reek's' paper —"ibaeitopyfhattor;etis." /kirThe world is at great tread-mill, which turns all the and LAJVL:ti ro choice but to sink or climb. karA pound,of core will out pay an ounce of debt. ST)ocia,l HOLLOWAY'S PiLLS.—Conghs, pa ticulmiy thorn of • herd, dry character, frequently vrneret. primarily, from a disarmed coalition of the stalest+ ani the liver, and inky ones be rim:nov.4 by • single . dose o' these extra ordinary Pills. Dyspepala is sontelliines aecompanled with • /sacking otsagb, and a cuegS Ia aln,a symptom of coo remptioo of the User. Ie mach coma, physician' general ly give mercury, a practice es uoarsowary as It to danger- ous. einna few damm, or at any rate i full corm of the • wrier fable to remove both the cause of the didleelty turd the difficulty their. The invigorating Woe:mot the remedy epos; the weak and debilitated Is Wily marrelosa. • BING CUM INCH:tit:CC—at a sale of old faro Ham aperunly, there was accidentally discovered. In one of the articles mild, *small motet drawer. la • Web was found a • 111, duly drawn, signed, and witnessed, which wm not presented for probate at the Comm' the testators dank. The legatee named in the will was the // heir aile Law, tmt, curiously anotigh, he was only to enjoy4lts estate on moat flue that he procured all his gArtuenta at the Breve BUMP Clothin /Mil of Itorlhill ltllr,a, Nut. 1103 and ON lasetimat *treat above Eitth, Philadelphia. liar. SEL las ZIELILEEL & 23311.21 J, .0111.11111 or SESJSD a%.) ti,L4.11 S . Pam Locums, Ilenitracturers act wwc. Lead, Zinc, Putty, Varnish's, le. Wholesale dealers in Dro,;s. Win lor Masa, ke.— City and Country Ilarchante who desire to purchase from a select stock ant at accaitable prices are reepectlelly re v:meted to Inspect ear goods. Our Wilda Lead, Zinc. Putty, and Tarnisher, are sold by more than one thousand WheLeaele dobbin: Rouse 4 tbrusglicirit Ole Union. and give universal satisfaction. j;Lr . Not ono complaint bas elver reached us Seal your ordors direct. lob. 7,1859. ly 11,7*TIIIL UREA? RNOLLSJI REMEDY !—..9.1R JAMBS ctdonws CaLßaalTaJ Vt./CALI PILLS, prepared from a ~preeaription by air J Clarke, D Physician 'Estrum d,ruiry to the Qasee. Tuts wall known tnedieme is a* Ws position, bat a sere an I safe reaseiy fur Vemale Diliculttes and Obstructions, from any cruse whsterer, and although ♦ powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the eaer4ltatkia. To Xiamen Laois,' It la peculiarly salted. It will, la a short tints, tiring on the isoattily period wide rignlnrity. Visas Pills have aster been known to (sal whore the alrentions on le page of pamphlet are well otmarred. Per Author parhealars get a sipeupalet free of the agent. N. IL—gland 6 postage 'tamps eoctoeed to any aatteor- Wel want, trill imam a bottle, teutaiatog OT SZ 60 pills, by ritturn 1. W. Areal k Son, Wltoleente Phtladelphia,... •. D. Beselet, Agent, Oetty &burg . Say 17, 1868. ly Triaamosg the many restoratives whieli eater* has sup plied te relieve the aftlietioas of hiunealty Wan Ls no mom fammide am fora certain dam of diseases than the "me - Ablest gam" of the Wild °homy Tree ; bat however baleable It la, lb power to heal, to soothe, to relieve, and 44 sem, ia msbenced ten fold by smentide and jadscioes msmileation with other ingredients, In themselves of equal arodb. It la Poppy nainkag exults an that . 4 Closebizatiou aad • form 'Wood " 4 oat 411104 eth• known as D.B. WISTAB'S BALSAM OF WILD Cellthlir, Wm* raise in wring Coaghs, Colds, Bros oYttirr Conti, Croup, Aztluna, Pulmonary Af- ImMmom, mad Locipthot Coomaption is theatiatable. isqlthrtesth letter tram Bar. Jacob Bechler, well knows, aalb zompected throughont the State of P•magirmxils. Mazorss, PA., Pet, IVA. MU. W. Towle Co., Boston—Dear 16, Uarlag 1118111 " It sq fill imps/teal boomflum from the sae of your ralualio pr•marrakko—Wistmea Baths= of Wild Cher -14•111111r0 to recomul It to tlis gab! ie. Mims *WA mu soto on. of my daeghters seemed to two rat • isediest, NA MIL hopes of her recorery were entertain. &IL A Ass proud W. bottle of year aseralmat Ilearam, 0 01,__Miore mimo had Wren the whole ofth e eastente of th e 0 . 8,1 *,__ Most ems • peat lisrprormarmst in Met heal th . am% is ill indlridnal case, male trequest rtes of your ustheithr thenWhaa, sad Yams atwara been Lm aa b It. Muth, however ensilme th e peblie anima l bS airis Uwe le a good deal et sperlom Withar's Daiwa of WIN OMmery offset throughout the country. JACOB mina& IrraMlore K mil* mat vorthles enenteclette i Shos Daly Mr=„ll4 li Wlfktetami Maw* hal the us seal. W . luv iwi ts Is asd tbk oo.," en the 'a tfs soll,iWd miss' Welefle• irtrdS (gat W. Arrim A Co.,ates w to We l ai ti r. eiftiparg; 'soot: Paloretler, Mammas. bow fillasibreew *died; D. 111. Sionimirmr, Abbott. lro/ai mos. Ire borlia; POW SUM, UMW eta IL lark 804412_1 ?emu A. Mar, lab. toe tr a il hi imumai. illor.llL Mr ' )oMr : ; ---."'" M'r --- M~. BUT 12111, 4 wither sobs a. ' ope • Xle It) a Flour . A.) c. 1% beat Corn, Rye Oats Buckwheat........-.. Buckwheat Clover Seed Timothy Seed Flax Seed Barley ...... Plaster of Paris! Pork Floor.. ...... ....... 625t0 6 37 Wheat 1 30 to 1 85 Bye 80 to 97 Coro 16 to 85 Oats 50 to 56 Clover Seed ...... . Tiplothy Seed Beef Cattle, per hand....... Hop, per Lund Any lot The Compiler Whiskey ......... 28 to 19 Guano, Peruvian, per ton 63 bo Floor, from wagons Do. from stores.. Wheat Rye ....... Coro Oats Clover Timothy Seed Plaster /or TM Comp(ler YORK—Panay tam Fiala, from wagons—. ....... 5 et Do. from stores.. ............. 6 25 Wheat 1 40 to 1 150 Rye 85 Corn Oats 65 Clover Seed 15 75 Timothy Seed 2 00 Plaster 6 50 On the 24th inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. JOIIN W. CLARK to Misi CATHARINE LAUVER, both of Franklin township. On the 10th nit., by the Rev. B. Short), Mr. JACOB A. SMALL to Miss CATIIARINE L. ECKENRODE, both of this county. On the 22d inst., at the residence of Mr. Ben jamin Johnson, on Marsh creek, by Rev. J. R. Keiser, Mr. NICHOLAS RfEDEL, of Chambers burg, to Miss AMELIA ARENDT, of Franklin township. On the 17th inst., by the Rev. E. H. Hoff heins, Mr. CYRUS THRUM. of Union township, to Miss SARAH EMLET, of Ber7iick township, Adams county. On the Bth inst., at the residenceof the bride's mother, by the Rey. John Ulrich, pastor of the Ev. Luth. Church, Shippensburg, Cumberland county, Pa., Capt. E. J. HULL, of York county, (formerly of Frederick county, Md.,) to Miss LYDIA, daughter of the late Maj. Jacob Kyner, of Culberson's Row, Franklin county. For The Compiler On Friday evening last, lira. MATILDA HUN TER, widow IA Samuel Hunter, at an advanLud age. . On the 11th inst., Mrs. AMELIA C. MUSSEL MAN, consort of Mr. Jacob Musselnotn, of Ham iltonban township, aged n years 6 months and 20 days. Near Fountaindale, Mrs. CATHARINE STO VER, consort of Mr. Jacob Sty% er, aged 73 y ears 11 months and 27 drys. - On Friday last, in this Borough, ERNEST, son of Mr. S. P... Tipton, aged 11 months and darn. DAVM A.. RUEHLER, Anornry at Lair, HAS ItENIOVEI) his °thee to his Iteeillenee, on I.aitiniore Street, opposite the Ne' Court house. listre Is 28, 1839. 3t, AT PUBLIC SALE.—WiII he offered at Pub lic Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the Iti.!A daft , of April nezi, the OLD COURT-HOUSE, situated in the centre of the l'ublic Diamond, Getty6burg, and the "COUNTY BUILDING," close by, iu which the offices of the Prothonotary, Register, Clerk of the Courts, &c., are kept ith TIIE GROUND upon which the laittr building standl. Star Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOSIAH BENNER, JACOB RA FFENSPERGER, DANIEL GELSELMAN, Commissimfers of Adams county. Attest—J. M. WALTER, Clerk. March 28, 1859. is TILE following applications to keep public houses of entertainment, have been filed in my office, with the requisite number of signers, and will be presented at the Court of Quarter Sesitions, on Monday, ate 18th day of Apra Aar . a : George W. McClellan, Bor. of Gettysburg. Harvey D. Wattles, Do. John L. Tate, Do. Benjamin Sehriver, Do. Francis J. Wilson, of Berwick. Henry Kohler Do. John A. B. R ather, Butler township. John Bushey, Sr., Conowago " Francis Bream, Cumberland " David Goodyear, Franklin " Liesekiak Latshaw, ‘• " Henry Moonsbower " " Jacob Shane?, &A " Daniel Bitner, " is . „Martin Boyer, 44 " George Bear, ll " Joseph Barker, Germany " Peter Lingettkiter, " " Levi Creha, " " John Miller," u ir /leery Henon, Hamilton " Peter Schively, liamiltonban " Reuben Stem, " -" Mary Hildebrand, Huntington " John D. Becker," " Conrad Motil, L atimore " Charles Myers, Menallen " Mary Brough, Mountpleasant " J. L. Smith, 14 George F. Becker, Oxford 41 Jacob Martin, 61 " Oeorge Shane, II " Robert M. Dicks, Reading IA Jacob L. Grass, Strabaa " Jacob Sanders, " " John EckenrWe, Tyrone a Allen 31. Cook, " II Abraham Sell, talon 13 Peter Long, " " STOLLE LICEIRLI. Belly d Sneeringer, Cunowago township . John H. Spaulding, Germany " John Hebert, liountjoy John Yost, St John L. Smith, Oxford St lIESIIY G. WOLF, Clerk. March 2811859 THE undersigned having given a Note to Isamu. E. Simm, for three hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty - four cents, ($333 84,) payable on the Ist of October, 1859, and having receiyed no value therefor they here by warn all persons against purchas ing or tak ing a transfer of said Note, as they will not pay it unless compelled to do so by due course of law. JOHN MOTTER, Mar. 28, '54 CHARLES LAFFEKTV'S EST ATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Charles Lafferty, law of Huntington township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said_ estate to make Immediate payment, and ehogn,kating claims against the same to present then' properly authenticated f o r settlement. JONAS JOHNS, Ad/Wt.. March 28, 1859. It 11111111 nadersignod informs the citizens of Get -IYablirg • that he will call *a their doors every laentiat(Baadays at present excep t ed,) with MILK and - CRUA and will sell at prices as kw as the times wai afford. Hs asks a share 4:4=Pargoalfe. • 43110863 WOLF. 28, 1859. St* 7ZZIZZ2 The 3heLw3T..eta- GETTYSBURG—tikeciamr wnr IMMI .- 1 .1 30 to I *0 • ON. le 65 60 ~.... 50 2 00 5 00 to 5 25 .....1 75 to 2 00 1 20 '"ill TO ~.... 7 .50 n ALTIIIORE—FaiDAT LAZY C 00 to 8 25 2 12 to 3 37 8 00 tolo 50 il AS 0 lig 11,.-T it USSDAT LAST ....... ....-...b 17 0 25 1 30 to 1 60 110 TO ...... 60 5 60 ...--.. 2 00 --....-...-.. 0 25 Married_ ID Dad_ Removed. County Buildings Licenses. Notice. MICHAEL HOFFMAN Notice. Dairy. Vatestae Farm Register's Notice. NTEAR REISTERSTOWN FOR SALE.—At MI is hereby given to all legatees and 1 . 11 the requost of the owner. and by virtue of 11 other persons cose,erned that the Admin i a decree of tbe Circuit Court for Baltimore Intratiou accounts hetalnallitr wentiotted will county, the uniilersizned. Trustee. will offer at be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams ,utolie talc. TrESl).ll' .I.FTERNtiON. the l9tb county for confirmation and 'nowise*, on I day of April, 18,9, at one o clock, at the Ex. Monday, the DNA of Apra next, at 10 <eclat*, A ' change S.Lle4 Rooms, No. I',) South Gay street, M., viz 1131timar, The VALUABLE F ABM of Da) id t; rei , situate about twenty from Baltimore. and about fo-ir miles north of Iteister,town, within one mile of the Hallo% er turnpike, and two miles of the Western Maryland Railroad, and anjointn7 the land 4 of Me4srs. Franklin Ander son, John Jones. Jackson bond, Benjamin Bond and ..tmon Ltichards. cont.:am about two linndrea sere?. Of these frool sixty are in wood, from thirty to forty are in meadow, anctlie rest, ex ! eluding the Orchards, consist of arable land in good alit% ation sOO 3 15 'There arc two large APPLE ORCHARDS of very sup. rior quality, in good bearing order. and the pl.iec 13 well blocked M ith Peaches and other Fruits. The soil is naturally good, and has recently been improved with lime and manure. The buildings are a good substantial ly built Frame DWELLING and Kitchen, 911::: aged Barn, Stable. Corn House, Con house. !!snare, Smoke House, etc. A Nell of eu client Water is within twenty feet of the dwelling house. A beautiful stream flows entirely through the farm, and good springs are in every field. The situation is high and healthy. Mr. David Groves, on the premise'', will show the farm to persons wishing to examine it for theinvelt es, and gibe may other information that may be dosired. Terlad of sale—One-third cash on the day of sale, and the residue in equal installments in six and twelve months therefrom; the credit pay ments to bear interest from the day of sale, end to he secured with notes satisfactory to the trustee. 7 50 to 9 25 12 00 tole 00 CHARLES W. IIIDGELY, Trustee, 34 St. NW street, Baltimore March 23, 1859. is . OF A VAIXABLR IRON AND CRASS FOUNDRY. —On Tuesday, the 19th day of April, at 2 o'clock, I'. Al., the undersigned, Als signee under a deed of voluntary assignment, fur the benefit of creditors, by TUOMAS WARM & Wass, a ill sell at public sale, on the premise*, in Gettysburg, the following valuable property, viz: TwO Lots of Ground, fronting on Railroad street, on a Lich is erected a valuable Iron and Brass Foundry, known as the " GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY," with all the necessary apparatus, Steam Engine, Flasks, Patterns, Tools, AC.— The Foundry is uuw in running order and doing a good business. L t-Attendance will be given and terms made kilo% n by SAMUEL WEAVER, Assignee. March 28, 1859. ts WOOLLEN FACTORY.—The subscriber re spectfully informs his old customers and the public generally, that he has pnrchased Good Intent Factory, two and a half miles west of Peter,burg, where he continues the Manufac turing Ilu4iness, in all its various branches.— He has re-fitted up his machinery, to do the most complete work. Wool will be manufac tured iato all kinds of WOOLLEN GOODS, such as Cloth 3, Cassimeres, Satinetts, Flannels, (barred and plain,) lierseys, Linseys, Jeans, lll•unketing, Coverlets, Carpeting, Shawls, and Stocking Yarn. Wool will be carded into Rolls. Also, Fulling and Dyeing, done in the best man ner. A large stock of the above-named Goods, particularly Stocking Yarn, kept constantly on hand, and will be sold low for Cash, or exchang ed for Wool, Lard, !lard Soap, and Country Produce of all kind:. te,•F'or the convenfence of customers, nil kinds of work, with particular directions on, will be taken in at Henry Myers's mill ; the store of Gillespie & Thomas, Gettysburg; J. & E. Miller's store,2 miles below Hunterstown; Jacob King's store, Hunterstown; E. Staley's store, Centre )!ills ; Abel Wright's store, Bendersrille; Jacob Schriver's shop, Hampton ; Sidle's store, 'Midtown ; and Shrirelei store, Ceram Square. Wool for Carding will be taken away from the stands and returned iu rolls every two weeks. Customers rill please send their Wool early, before the season sets in. y6 - Any information may be had concerning work, by addressing the subscriber, at York Springs, Adams county; and all orders for Stocking Yarn promptly attended to. March 28, 1839. 3t T'rillE subscriber, intending to remove West, will sell off at Auction, to commence on dgy, the 25th, and continue on Monday, ruea day, Mainelnlay and Thursday, the 281 k, 29th, 30!A and 31st of March inst., the entire stock of goods in his Hampton Store, consisting of CLOTII2, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Alpacas, Helaine', Can mere', Silks, Satins, Blanket, Thibit, and Cash mere Shawls, White Goods, Linens, Embroide ries, Laces, Linen Cambrics, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons, Carpeting, Oil Blinds, Linen, Cotton and Oil Table Cloths, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Ten-plate and Parlor Stoves, with pipe, all new, Queeosware, Clocks, &c., ke., Ite. Come with a rush! Great bargains may be anticipated. _JACOB AULARACGLI. March 28, 1859. Adams county, Pa., nod to me directed, will be exposed to Public Bale, at the Court-house, in Gettysburg, 'on Setarclag, Lae OA day of April next, at 1 o'clock., P. M., the following de scribed Real Estate, viz : A TRACT OF LAND, containing 23 Acres, more or less, situate in Butler township, Adams county, Pa., adjoining lands of Samuel Diehl, Noah Miller, John Mcllheny, and others, on which are erected a new two-story Frame Weatherhossd IIOrSE, a new one- Ffil story Frame Wes therboarded Back-b nil d- Ow attacked, with out-house and fruit trees.— Reined sad taken in execution as the property of lilling A. k 01101.01 ALBERT. • ISAAC LIGHTNER, /Thai/ Elberftrs Office, Gettysburg, Mar. 14, '59. gar Ten pee cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over im osedffitety after the property is struck down, and an failure to comply therewith, the property will spin be put up for sale. Notioe. TlEsecond and final account of JOSII,II sJLLY,Assignee of Gat:max W. LILLY, has been filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Adana, county, and will be confirmed by the said Court on the 18th day of April next, unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Prot ley: March 21, 1859. 4t* QllOlOll P. /ABET Abbey 8c Neff, N 0.30 8 North Third Street, (three doors above Vine,) Philadelphia. THE OLD HARDWARE STAND—(established 24 years.) Every degeription of Building. Mechanical, Farm ing and Household HARDWARE, is now in store, and will be offered at the lowest market prices, to Cash and prompt Six Months Buyers. Nails at Manufacturers' prices for cash. Orders from new customers will receive strict and accurate attention, and all goods sent from this house will be as represented. . . Mar Country Merchants on their next visit to our city to make their Spring purchases are cordially invited to call and examine our stock and prices before purchasing. March 14, 1834. 3m DRY GOODS HOUSR.--RYRE& LANDRLL, Fourth & Arch Streets, Philadelphia, are now opening a full assortment of NSW GOODS FOR SPRING OF 1859. Spring Silks of New Styles. Fashionable Double Skirt Robes. Shawls of the New Spring Styles. De Laines and Fancy Dress Goods. Summer Poplins and Valencia. Travelling Drees Goods hill variety. illaakes, 8 heetiag Housekeeping Goods. N. B. Storikeepers are respectfully requested to examine oar stock of Black Bilks and Shawls, before purchasing. P. 8. New Goods received daily, and good burritos from the Auctions of New York and this Qtr. garTstma Nett Cash and prices low. Marche 14, 1839. 3m Assignee's Sale Good Intent IVILLI.LW SIEGARI Auction ! Sheriff's Sale. JOll3 ♦. ItIFF Nett Cash 92. The account of Daniel I'. Rice, Adaninic tratur of the est.ite of Juhn Rice, deceased. 93. First and final account of Samuel Krise, Executor of the la.st will and testament of Johu H. t . let Laugh. de( eased. V 4 The first and final account of Michael Her ring. Adruinktrator of the e4tate of Jacob Metz, late of liamiltonban township. deceased. 95. The first account of Noah Miller and John Fixecuturs of the last will and testament of John Miller, deceased. 96. The second Recoil& of Frederick Nilotic, surviving Executor of Julia Dellone, deceased. 97. The first alai final account of L. F.. Hart zell. acting Admini , tratur of the estate of George J. Hartzel, decea.seil. .98. The first and final account of Joseph L. Shorh, Esq.. Administrator de bonis non a ith the will annexed of William Lightner, deceased. 99. The first and final account of Eve Nea - comer, Eezecntrix of the last will and testament of George Newcomer, deoeased, 100. The first acc (mut of Frederick lToltz, one of the Executors of the last will and testament of Abraham Snyder, deceased. 101. The first account of Jolen Snyder, one eif the Executors of the last AI ill sad testament a .Ibraham Snyder, deceased. 102. The first act ount of Jacnh ('hronister and David Chronister and John Chronister, Executors of John Chronister, deceased. 103. The first and final account of Valentine Warner, Administrator of the estate of Valentine Warner. Sr., late of the Borough of Gettysburg, deceased. ZACIIAnt.ui wricus, Beyister. Register's Office, Getty.- burg, Mar. 21, 1859. f Notice. TistHE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Adams county, to make ribution of the, balance remaining in the hands of JoBllPlt Tartos, Administrator d. b. N. c. t. a. of the estate of PZTIIIIS3TDI,L, deceased, late of Huntington township, Adams county, to and amongst the parties. intertasted, will attend to the duties of said appointiiieit at his office, in 4Artysborg, oa Tuesday, ties 1244 day of April it ill o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at attic Lad Idaoe all persons interested may shad. E. B. BUMMER., _ludator. Starch 14, 1839. at Stoves ! Stoves 1 SHEADS, BUEHLER k KTRTZ, in their new three-story building, corner of Carlisle street and the Railroad, have just received a large supply of new and beautify') Parlor, Saloon and Shop STOVES, of the latest and most im proved styles. Also, all the latest styles of COOK STOVES, embracing the "Noble Cook," " Royal Cook," " Wm. Penn," " Sea "Morning Star," "Philadelphia Sunrise," "Fre donia," (Baltimore Air-Tight, Improved)" Jewel," and "Charm "—all fur wood or coaL March 14, 1850 Gettysburg FEll ALE SEUL': ARY.—The Summer Session of • this Institution will commence on the second Monday of April, (April 11th.) For par ticulars enquire at the residence of Her. D. Eva- Tan, Baltimore street, Gettysburg. March 14, 1833. 3t Fresh Arrival! STILL COMING !—Just received at the Store of CORKAN it Cute, a large supply of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS S SHOES. Millie latest Spring and Summer styles of Hats and Cups in the market just opened. Call and lee them. They have never been excelled in quality and price in Gettysburg beto.ro. Al4O, havisg been fortunate in laying in n new s tovk 0f Boots and Shoes we are enabled to olfer each bargains as will as tonish the patilic. $J' We lime a. 140 act•bil to one stock of WAIL PAI'ER another supply of the Mott beautiful patterns. COML.' & CULP. IdArch 21, 1859. ti Marble Yard litemoved. TIIE subscriber having rumored his place Of business to East York street, a short dis tance below St. James' Church, would announce to the public that he is still prepared to furnish all kinds of work in his line. such as Monu urnents, Headstones, kc., kc., of every variety of st 3 le sod finish, with and without bases and sockets, to suit purchasers, and at prices to suit the times. Persons desiring anything in his tine will find it a decided advantage to examine his stool: and prices before purchasing elsewhere. WK. B. MEALS Gettysburg, March 21, 1859. Call and See Ia celebrated New Jersey REAPER k MOWER, at the new Ware-room of SIIEADS, BUEHLER k KURTZ. March 14, 1859. New Lumber Yard. THE undersigned have opened a Lumber Yard, at their Warehouse, corner of Strat ton street and the Railroad, Gettysburg, where they now have Lumber on hand and will con stantly keep a large assortment, to which they ask the attention of buyers. 'Their prices are as low as the lowest, and no efforts spared to ac commodate. IiLLNEFELTER, bBITZ & CO. March 31, 1853. 3m Caution. THE public are hereby a:Honed agaltug per chasing or taking a transfer of a Promis sory Note. for One Hundred Dollars, given by the undersigned, with Emanuel Golden, to 4ona WAIMIL, on the 14th of March, 1859, and pay able on the 14th of January next- As the un- . dersigned has not received value therefor, he will not pay said Note unless compelled to do so by a due course of law. CORNELIUS S. GOLDEN. llonntpleasant twp., March 21,'t9. 3t4 What the Press Say. "COSTAR'S" Rxterminators are invaluable remedies for clearing houses of all sorts of ver min. With all contklesce we recommend them. Y. Daily Stele Rayner. "Costar's" remedies for all domestic pests, such as Rats, Roaches, Bed-Rugs, ♦ lnts, Fleas, ke., are invaluable; we can speak from actual knowledge of their merits. Druggists and Deal ers should send their orders early, if they would secure a trade in them.—New lark Jetwaul. "I shall write something &bust your Extermi nators, as I can do so with propriety. They are selling here and destroying all vermin.—Editor Bomer, Fayette, Mo. "Death to all Vermin." As Spring approaches, Ants and Roaches, From their boles come out, And Mice and Rats, In spite of Cats, Gaily skip about. Bed-bugs bite You, in the night., As on the bed you slumber, While Insects crawl Thro' chamber and hall, 4n squads without number. It is truly wonderful with what certainty, Rats, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Ground Mice, Bed-bugs, Ants, Moths, Mostfuitoes, Fleas, Insects or AA. mats, in short every species of Vermin, are utter ly destroyed and exterminated by "Costar's" Rat, Roach, kc., Ext'esinat,or, "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator, "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects. Supplied direct, by mail, to any address in the United States, as follows : On receipt of $l,OO, a box of the Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminator. On receipt of $2,00, a 'box each of the Rat, Roach, kc., Exterminator and Electric Powder, (sent postage paid,) sufficient to destroy the ver min on any premises. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. "Costar's" PrincipalDetiot, 420 Broadway,N.Y. P. S.--Circttlipre, terms, lc., sent by mail on application. Wholesale Agents for Pennsylvania: COSTAR'S BRANCH DEPOT, Northeast corner Fifth and Arch Streets, And Wholesale Dealers generally. March 21, 1859. 6t CATTLE POWDER.-4treialg, Pronefield I Co's Cottle Medieitte•—• first rata or ti e k fur Horses, Coati*, tied Hogs —oda 1i had at • SNYDBBA BICNN39II. 3Slait:Ma:ore; .4Cd.,:rnes.. 11441.1111 4. WUITL /01115 A. SWOP& White & Swope, WIIIinESALE Dealers in BOOTS, CAPS, k STRAW GOOD S; , in leshionable Moleskin, Silk, Felt and TS, K. W..Cer. Baltimore and Hoscard streets, Balti more, 31d. (Nor. 29,1858. George M. Bokee, IMPORTER and De der iu CHIN.t, GLASS, guk:EsswAßE. No. 41 North Ilm‘ard between Leziug - tuu and Fayette St rt.c. , , more, .11d. ac. 1..:;5. I.y J. S. McClellan, DEALER in THAT CAPS and f 'IIILDREN'S FANCY (001)."3, No :14.3 West Baltimore Street, near the Etitatv House, Baltimore, on hand all goods of tic lie+t make and = li t, style to be found in a fir+t i I tss retail liat store. A call from persons visiting the City is solicited. Dec. 2U, lS d, Cm* First Premium 1 4 NA3IELLED COTTAGE FURNITURE._ r R. W. HEYWOOD, No. 101 North Charles street, Riißimore, having been engaged for the last 17 years in the manufacture and sale of the above desirable Furniture, suited to country rtvidenees, has on hand a large variety, manufac tured expressly for retail sales._ Also, Oak and Walnut Chamber Sets, Oak aid Wit/nut Extension Tables, Dining Room and Fancy ('hairs, Sideboards, Hair and Busk Yi tresses, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, Arc., kn.. March 21, 18:4. ly J. A. Ruthraufr, WITII MASSIE, BELL & GOODLOE, whole sale dealers in Soots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., No. 324 Baltimore street. Baltimore, Md. N. 13.-1„ beg leave to inform my friends and cnstomers,,that we have on hand a large and complete stock of Boots, Shoes and tints, among which is a large asaortment of Ladies' and Gen tlemen's City made work, with a variety of Northern work, which has been selected with great care from the stocks of some of the best Manuf4etnters In the Country. rOrders from Country Merchants and ex elusive Shoe Dedlns revectfully solicited and executed with devat,h. Address J. A. Rl7lirllrFF, ('are of Massie, Bell k Gocallue, March 21, 1859. Baltimore, Md. House Furnishing ODDS, No. 11 North Howard sired ; two Ur doors North of the Howard House.—The undersigned, having made large additions to his stock, is prepared to furnish Housekeepers, Country Merchants and others, with such artjirles as they want, on the very best terms. Baum's: Whitewiteb, Sweeping,,Anusting, Paint, flair, Tooth, Nail, Silver, •Sboe, Scrub and florae Brushes. WOODEN-WAILS : Moth as Tubs, Buckets, Measures, Tar Buckets, Churns, Mauls, Rolling Pins, Butter Prints, is Brooms, Baskets, Mats and Cordage. Masser's 5 micinte Ice Cream Freezers. Refrigerators, ng,right and chest—the most approved kinds. Water Coolers, In Wood or Metal. Tin and Wire Safes. Arthur's and other most approved Fruit and Vegetable Pre serving Cans, plain Tin-ware, Japanned, Block Tia, Britannia and Plated Ware. Albata Forks and Spoons, nits, Coffee and Tea Pots, Egg Boilers, Waiters, Chaffing Di.hes, Knives and Forks, Waffle Irons, Sauce Pans, Scales and Weights, Coffee 31 ills, Talkie ('asters, Old Domin ion Coffee Pots, Shovel and Tongs, Nurse Lamps, Toilet Sets, Foot Tubs, Bath Tubs, Knife Cleaners, Wire Dish Covers, Table Mitts, together with a variety of articles useful and necessary to Housekeepers. Rohr k Dark' Patent Excelsior Washing Machines. Plain Tin and Skeet Iron Ware and Brushes of every description, manu factured to order. GEO. A. MILLS, No. 11 North !Toward st., Baltimore, aid MArch 14, 1R59. ly Carpets, IL CLOTHS and Matting', wholcanle and retail. Constantly on hand an assortment Carpets at low prices,- consisting of Velvet, Brussets, Three-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Car pets, ()revery style and price. Oil Cloths from 1 to e ya.sids wide.. Alaa r .litti,gs, Mats, Sil' xis Buda, Canton and Cocoa Matting'. Rag Carpets of our own make, by the piece or yard, at luw rates. JOSEPH VICTORY, 145 Lexington Rt., one door west of Howard. March 14, 1859. 3m Baltimore, Ma Charles Dunlap, WsOLESALE and Rani! GROCER & TEA DEALER, L:ortier of Ilutvaril nut Laxingtun Streeti, XD. Has s on hand n rneral assortment of Groceries, Teas, Wiues, Liquors, Cigars, kc. Feb. 7, 1859. ly Susquehanna House, O PPOSITE Calvert Station, ' BALTIMORE, MD ‘ litro reduced to $1,25 per dal-. JOHN A. SLAbE, Proprietor /Amory 17. em Peter Zell & Son, COMMISSION MERCHANTS sad Dealers in CORN, Coro Weal, Guanotts, OATS, Rye Chop, Bone Dust, MILL FEED, Hay, Straw, Phos. Lime, FLOUR, Field Seeds, & Ground Plaster Nos. 147 k 149 NORTH 1101FARD Srasir, Jan. 17, '59. ly* BALTIMORE, MD. Divorce. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ADAMS COUNTY. E. Rider, by No. -. 4, August Term, her next friend, John 1858. The original 'mil Edward Plank, is. alias Subpoena*, issued is John Rider. - the above case, having been returned it, e. i. and due proof having been made that the defendant could not be found within the county of Adams, now to wit: Jan uary 17, 1859, upon motion of M. k W. McClean, Attorneys for the plaintiff, the Sheriff of Adams county is directed to cause notice to be publish ed in "The Compiler." a newspaper published in said county, for four weeks successively prior to the third Monday of Aprirnext, A. D. 1859, being the first day of Mist term, requiring the said de fendant to appear on the said third Monday of April, to answer the complaint of the libellant. By the Court, Attest—JACOß 131;811EY, I%th'y To the defendant. John ,Rlder, abort named: In pursuance of the above order, you are hereby notified to he and appear at a Court of Common Pleas, to be holden for Adams county,, at Gettys burg, on the third Monday of April next, A. D. 1859, to answer the complaint of the saidplalntlf. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sherif. And now, to wit : January 17, 1819, on motion, the Court appoint John It. Orr, Esq., of Chain bersburg, Commissioner to take the depositions of witnesses istChamhersburg, Franklin county, Ps:, and Zechariah Myers, Esq., Commissioner to take the depositions of witnesses in Adams county, hi.; notice of the time and place of taking said depositions to he given to the defendant by publication in "The Compiler for four weeks prior to the time of taking the said depositions respectively. From the Record. By the Court, Attest—JACOß BUSHE', Protiey. The undersigned will attend to the duties of the above appointment, at the office of Rowe k Orr, in Chambersburg, Pa., on the 11th day of April, 1839, at to o'clock, A. it., where the above respondent may attend. JOHN R. ORR, Commissiosser. The undersigned will attend to the duties of the shore appointment, at the office of M. k W. McClean, in Gettysburg, Pa., on the 13th day of April, 1859, at 10 o'clock, A. M., where the above respondent mastrand. Z AC y MYERS, Cerimissioiser. March 7, 1859. 4t Lumber. ANY variety of LUMBER can be had at the Coal and Lumber Yard of BREADS, BUEHLER k KURTZ. March 14, 1859. WY. J. ,SAILOI.. Wm. L Taylor & Co., efOlOl,lBB.lON- NifIRCHANTS and wholesale 1 . , dealers hi Fish. Cheese and Provisioas, No. 138 Sooth Wharves, between Chestnut sad Waled Streets, Philadelphia. • airAlole Apals tor geary's Calebrsted Viacgair. (Mara 14, 1059. 3es 33a,lt s asxxckre.e.civ'to.. Hodges Brothers, c)c) ippwygn. STREET, BALTIMVILif, MD. ( What Iron Field Werchow.) lusNrters of 110S1ELLY, 011,01/F.S, Sirsnomentss, 11" 11 1 r 0 DS , tinioikerchiefs, f.l Vi LS. CRAPES, /,.t (' K S , 111 n nuincroto variety of other articles, nod WholvsAle Denlers in A 11 ERWAY FANCY.GOODS and NOTIONS. Our wart once, which we ,ullt exiveisly for our cm n i , e, condtins six floors, eat h '0 x 1 o fLet, and the large tot k and ektensice assort mil* which we keep, require 'sentire occupancy. Nobouse n any of the Northern Cities, ;ohhing goods to the country, ..me combined advantages to the Country merchant. 119 our stock is not only large, but obtained upon conditions which will defy competition. We contract with the Mannfiteturers for all the American articles we sell, and send a buyer to Europe regularly twice a year, to select our Foreign goods.. We are enabled thereby to offer great advantages in prices, as well as to get up a stock at all times replete with the newcst and most desirable goods. Merchants in good credit are invited to examine our stock when they next visit Baltimore, and they will promote their own interest by doing so. Orders by mail carefully 'executed when ac companied by satisfactory references. Feb. 14, '5O. ,itn TEWELRY. SILVER WARE, SILVER PLAT ED WARE, kc.—A. E. WARNER, Gold and Silversmith, No. 10 Noaru GAY STILES, BAL TIMORE, MD., has in store a beautiful assort ment of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY, suitable for presents, embracing a great variety of {'lain Gold and Sett Broaches, Mosaics, Car hankies, kc., Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings set with Diamond, Ruby, Pesti, Opal, Emerald, &c., Ladies' Gold Chains, Vest 4k Guard Chains, Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins; Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils elld Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, Gold *ail Jet CAVlkes, Jet Bracelets, Pius a Eris Rings, ke. A variety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Butter and Salt Stands, Pearl Hadle nzsert Knives, Spoons, Forks, Ladles, Fancy Articles, Le., all of which is revectfully offered Oil the lowest Onto 1 lIM.The Country Trade and Dealers generally are invited to give me a call, and examine Goods and Prices, being satisfied thist my SILVER WARE cannot be surpassed either far fineness or quality, or the latest and most beautiful patterns. January 17, 1859. ly WITHOUT MONEY, Gifts and Books can be obtained at H. E. HOYT k CO.'S Great Southern GIFT BOOK STORE, BALTIMORE, Md. Send to them foes Catalogue. Greater in dacementa then ever before offered to Agents I Persons sending-to H. E. Hoyt & Co. are sure of a Gift worth not less than 'fifty cents, and in many instances worth ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS! Our list of Prizes embraces a great va riety of Gold and Silver Watches, Lockets,Cheins, Ladies' Broaches, Bracelets, Parlor Time Pieces, Sewing Machine/, Silk Dresses. Pictures, ike. kc. In a new Catalogue of Books may be found Histories, Biographies, Travels, Adventures, Sto ries, Anecdotes, Tales, Narratives, Ruminces, Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religious, Biblical, Theological, Classical, Philosophical, Geograph ical, Botanical and Agricultural Works. Dictionaries, Lexicons, Albums, Annuals and Presentation ooks. Bibles, Hymn sad Prayer Books, in every style of binding.. Together with all the newest Works of the day, all of which are handsomely bound and GUARANTEED me- FECT in EVERY respect. Pentanes tering et a dimness wilt, by stating title of books wanted, be treated with`the same liberality as 14at our Store themselves. TAKE NOTICE.—AII orders will be answered it two days from the time they are received. We can guarantee the best actual per centage (including books and presents,) ever yet offered Ly any Book selling firm or agency in the Uni t,il States, and are confident that all who give it+ a trial will he sure to buy again. Persons wishing to act ea Agents for n 4, will hive (on application) Catalogues ands spendid Show Card, establishing our Agency, forwarded free of expense. All orders should be addressed to IL E. HOYT k CO., No. 41 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. Jan. 17. 3m NOS. 1,3, 5 and 7 ,North Eutaw Street,— SALESROOM NO. 207 Baltimore Street, between Charles and Light—BALTIMORE. Md., Manufacturers of Gold Medal Premium GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Wm. Knabe k Co. would respectfully Invite the attention of the public, and especially those in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to their as sorted stock of instruments, which, for power and sweetness of tone, easy and agreeable touch, and beauty of finish, have, by the best of judges, been pronounced unrivaled by any In the coun try. As to the relative merits of our Pianos, we would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in our possession, from TIIALIIF.IIG, STRAKOSH, G. SATTER and 11. VIEUXTEMPS, as also from some of the most distinguished professors and amateurs In the country; also to the following HIGHEST PREMIUMS, received within the last three years: GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland Institute, 1855, 1856, 1857. SILVER MEDALS at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 1857; also, MEDAL at the Franklin Institute. Philadel phia, 1856; FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics' Institute, Richmond, 1855, 1850 .111 instru ments of our manufacture have the full iron frame, and are guaranteed fur FIVE YEARS. 110 ..Particular attention p.iid to the selection of Instruments for distant orders, and a privilege of exchange granted at any time within six mos., if the instruments should not prove entirely satis factory. A liberal discount to Clergymen, Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal. Wholesale dealers will find it to their advan tage to give ns a call, as by gre illy increased facilities, we are enabled to fill all orders with dispatch. 'Constantly on hand, a large assortment of MELODEONS, from the best Factories. SECOND-HAND PIANOS at Great Bargains, at prices from $3O to $l3O. Pianos Exchanged, Hired and Tuned. A call is respertfull7,- KNABE k CO January 17, 1859. ly Light, Light! iIYK.FIOLESALE AGENCY FOR JONES'S FATENT LAMPS, superior to all others market. Also dealers in COAL OIL and LAMPS of every description. Constantly on hand COAL OIL of the Tery best quality, wh;ch we will sell at the lowest market price. All orders promptly filled. AMMIDON • No. I S. Liberty at., (aeAr Baltimore,) Jan. 17. Gm Baltimore, Md. = Maeller & Prick, T i ILOUR At PRODUCE C,omtaission and For warding Merchants. Nora strut, opposite N. C. R. R. Depot, BALTIMORE. January 17, 1859. ly C. W. Slagle & Co., COI iisms & PRoDUCK MRR CHANTS, Nos, 118 and 133 Nortita . street, Bathasare.—Being established in the Commission business fora number of years, they solicit consignments, and pay particular attention to the sale or GRAIN of all kinds, Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro duce generally. We remit proceeds promptly. Trucks from the Northern Central Railroad rue into our Warehouses. Refer to &B. Buehler, Req., Geelysburg. [June 21 $ 18. ly WY. Z. 811/111.110RJ1111 Howard HOlll5B, CIORNYS Howard and Baltimore Streets, BALTIMORE, ltd. New troprletors. Fare redact to $1.50 per day. Call fee the Howard House Coach at th• )depots. A. SHIPS, °revision. L N. BUCK, } • Tammy 14, 1 59i1 ly New & Rich ALSO, Gifts! Gifts ! Gifts 1 Wm. Knabe & Co., B. A. F*l aa4sllore..loi.e9.. I.44..ittsocif . The Largest, Most Elegantly APtimalftr rommervha College in 8 1 1MeIN DESIGNED EMI:ES:44Y } YOUNG MEN Dc.iriug thorough Practical Dudjut's. E , ltn ation Every You'll , Mrin has n Cotintivez ilt.xk to his oielf, and is n►paratdy instructed. STUDENTS II ATTOIDANVE Skold NEARLY Knuth' STATE 15 THE n.u.N. The most Comprehensive and Thorough Course of Study, and the only PRACTICAL METHOD OF INSTRUCTRIS , Are here introduced. No Copying from Printed or Manuscript Panne it LEAUNING BOOK-KIXPINO AT Trig BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL coLLEar This method of instruction is nowhere else intro. duced in this country. FA cry Young Alen should write lmmedlMAly for one of those large and beautiful °maintain/4 Oisculars, representing the exterior and Interior view of the College, Penmanship, &c., which will be sent by retnru until, free of Moro i 1 , 4 ith Cots logue containing list of students, terms of lattice, opinions of the Press on our new system o(llook. Keeping, etc. 121933 M E. K. Lomita, Principal--Leettirer on the Seim* of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc. • J. M. PHILLIPS . , Professor of Book-KeepLng 'aad Commercial 'Calculations. 11. IL DArtliii, A.ftsociato Prof. of Dook-Keeping, N. C. .14,nxsog'Profes3or of Penmanship. S. T. WILLIAMI, Esq., Mercantile Law. Roy. E. Y. Ratss, D. a, Commercial Ethics., TACIITI:KB : lion. John P. Kennedy, lion. Joshua Vansant, lion. Thomas Salina, Wm. H. Kelgbler, Jacob Trust, Esq., William Ktinbe, N t im. The time usually required to complete tbe tell course, from 8 to 12 weeks. A Discona Is awas (1611 to all Grads/dm Large Clamlass and Catalogues stating toes% kc., sent nty mail frw u 7 charge. Address_ r. K, IkSIER, DulthnortySllL Feb. 7. IRIS 9. ly Dr. Baakee TREATS ALL DISEASES FREE ;OP CIIAROE.—Dr. Baakee will also give special attention to the following awns— Uutighs, Col4-Consumption, Croni,lnfintnza, Manna, Bronchitis and other diseases, of the Throat and Lungs. Ile will devote particular attention to the treatment of all skin diseases —Lnmhage,Scrolula, Rheumatism (heat and chronic,) Neuralgia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Ibe l , pepsin, Piles, and all derangement .of !the Stomach, Liver and Dowels, and Bio to all dhronic female diseases. B,peCig attention will be given to the treat- • f ) meat of the % = u n t il E t A h ß e , • - - use of the Knife .or Nee- - die, and he has constantly on band an excellent assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either sex and all ages—inserted in five minutes. Dr. Baakee has made a new discovery of a Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of the Unman; and restore perfect-vision to the Eye without the use of the knife. Dr. Bashes can produce one thousand certificates of his perfect success in curing Cancers, old Bores or Ulcers, Fistula, Swellings or Tumors of every description and without the use of the knife.— Special arrangements must be made %hit Dr. Baakee for the treatment of the last named diseases, as they will require his constant ad vice and attention. Dr. Baakee is one of the most skillful and celebrated Surgeons and Physicians now living. His fame is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letteesdirected to Dr. Banker, (en- closing ten cents,) from any distance, correct ly stating the nature of the disease, shall be promptly answered, and patients treated by correspondence FREE OF CHARGE. Office boars tree 8 A. IL, to 5 P. N. DOCTOR BAARER, No. 74 Lexington St., bet Ween Charles k Liberty Jaa. 3/, '59. Baltimore, Md. T] To Merchants & Farmers. [T CHEAP AND CHOWN • GROCERIES, ATUOOK k BALDWiTS, B. W. corner Lexington t Gress S'freets, lIALTIMURE, MD. We would respectfully invite the attention of buyers to our large and well selected stook of prime family Groceries, comprising every article usually kept in a first-class Grocery, which we offer at - priees as low as (if nut lower than) any house in the city. We name in part: Prime New Crop Orleans Sugar. Do. do. Molasses. Porto Rico and low grade do.—very cheap. Rio, Laguayra, Porto Rico, Cape Java, Maricabe, and other Coffees. Excellent Imperial, Young Hymen, and Gaa powder Teas, at 50 cents por pound. Choice Oolong do. at 50 cents. MP Imperial Tea at 7S ets. per paid 'vii!• This Tea we warrant equal, if not superior, to any Tea sold at ether places fee $1 per A. name, mu, BACON, at prices to suit the tities Fine old BRANDY, Old Rye WTTISKRY, Old Bourbon "Gn i ems:, MAD ARIA, and MALAGA MEWL Rectified Whiskey and Domestic Brandy AT IfTT TRICIA. BErAll Goods delivered to Boats and Rail: roads/rev of drayage . and 10 CRAIG' TOM PACKAGE! Satisfaction guarantied in all cases or Ma goods returned at our expense. A liberal dis count allowed to country merchants. HOOK k BALDWIN. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Southwest cor. Green k Lexington sta., Jan. 24, '59. tf Baltimore, Md. Burr Mill WATIRANTED.-P STARR & CO. of North and Centre opposite N. C. IL IL Si B.►Lsiames, Mo. Mai turers of FRENCH BJ Importers and Dealers i Blocks, Bolting Cloth. Hier and Gum Beßinge, LAl eined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Quas. ity. Also, Colone, Cocalimscand gauntlet Milt Stones or.all sizes. [Feb. 7, '&9. ly B. T. Hynson, TTPITOLSTELIER, PAPER DANGER, AND t . ) VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER, No. 52 North Reward Street, one door above Lelantolll, BALmitowt. Paper //naginge.--Conatantly in store, Paper Hangings of every• description, and of the latest and moat approved patterns. Also, Borders, Fire Board Prints, &e. reattien Muids.—Keeps on hand, and mass factures to order, Venetian Blinds of all colors, sizes and qualities, which will eompare divan bly with any offered to the public.. harTsper Hanging done in the beat style, Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or ezehangtl',, /larch 7, 1858. ly Y. E. maims. *oleo t. CAIMALL., Harding & Carroll, (10111/18SION MERCHANTS, ki Fire Proof Warehouse and R. R. Depot, No. 126 Norte Howard Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Feb, 14, '6l. 17 Jamas H. Bosley, COMILSSIEL'I MtgeDANT, Nos. 124 awl 12G Arai DALT/YOU, MD. , I ant prepared it/remise aed adt Vostisiti stow all kinds of COUISITILY P as osperimes of ten rots business, (sod wishlag to alone,) I Samos onyostf dust sbollbe able to 101 itNris mtr 10, gill vilso4avor toolrigt ta. Will also Masud to NW . •-•-••• . Gosoo,llo.ll.khols,OF • Feb. 14 ,' 69. - , j PRI 5 BALT, &O.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers