The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 14, 1859, Image 4

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at Seeds.
liilkkibellOtirt, a British tumulus
*Wiiiiponstoeilt %Wen Castle, by Mr.
liasihnin. who 'bend therein a human
shallow, sod a portion of the contents
nftishstonwh, containing a small mass
&sends, which neither the operation of
the gastric juice nor the lapse or proba•
bly Mikity centuries had sufficed to du.
Many of these seeds wore sub
jected to *aliens nareful Axperimen to to
ascertain - whether the vital principle
melisitinct; and Professor Lindley
0 14110011igi in raising fristifrom several
of Thema; and in consegaßio• ascertain
intoilisisni to be seeds of the tommon
_ltam Manure for Indian Corn.
On cpping out my hen-house last
mks ad bad more than a wagon load
ntiahair ben manure. I drew this into
'attending to drop it on the
hi , re-tort RS soon as the Corn made
it,!frppearunte. I planted one acre on
th.:,Erst of May, but after that the
weather wait so unfavorable that it was
ilitsnd of May and beginning of June
beffirti i-Agot through planting. Long
beflfrefiftla the manure began to heat al,
aus* Cmte that I had to unload it on
to OW tarn door, and on going into the
is & few days after, the effluvia
from-0o eaeuping ammoiiia wail no
powerful that I was glad to escape from
the barn. Having Rome plaster on
listal J mixed it thoroughly with the
manure,spreading the latter thinly over
the guar and bruising and chopping it
f t
very; no. It was then thrown into a
bun nd remained on the fluor until
the corn was 'ready for it, and there
r _
IVO tio further perceptible escape of
*ammonia. With this I top dru,scd all
say eorn, eleven acres, and had a barrel
left over for other purposes. So well
antisfled nm I with the result that tCr
Ow future I intend to prepare my hen
manure in the same way and apply it to
the same crop. I mixed enough piaster
with it to make it dry and quite inof
fensive to handle. I can speak of this
from experience, as I dropped it over
four acres myself. Now hero is a ma
nure equal in value, I doubt not, to the
nvornge of imported guano, which every
!twiner can manufacture for himself,
for every farmer keeps fowls. But he
most have a suitable building for them,
and not allow them to roost all about
his premises and even on trees, wasting
that valuable nianure,.as is too often
the case. So highly do I esteem this
manure that I make it my business
_night to see that all my fowls arc
the:r proper—C,►untry
Trimming Grape Vines.—For many
years we have raised grapes by the
bushel from a single vine, and our trim
ming is done in the following manner.
The first week in July we commence
and cut back to the second loaf or bud
of the present season's growth. Have
a sharp knife and trim a porting every
day (a little nt a time) until the whole
vitto-has been gone over. Autumn,
winter and spring pruning are avoided;
but, we have large, nice, smooth grapes
In abendante.—C. G. L., .North Moven
field, N. Y.
A Gambler's Mife.—One night of last
week a married lady of Detroit, who
had long suspected that her husband
mse a regular attendant of a certain
gambling room, and was there spending
the money which she and her children
were in pressing need of, visited the
room. Seated at a rough table eho de
scried her husband in company with
throe companions in iniquity, who were
struck dumb with astonishment at the
apparition. Taking advantage of their
trepidation, she seized two or three piles
of bank notes lying upon the table,
which she hastily examined. as if deter
mining thoprobable amount of the
Ppilo," and deliberately made her exit,
without saying a word.
-The Hanging Spirit.—Jarvis Dailey,
farmer in good circumstances, resid
ing st Tyrone, Steuben county, N. Y.,
AN:101y respectable man and a member
QC the Baptist Church, having settled
his grehily affairs to his satisfaction.
deliberately hang himself in his barn - on
Friday week. A neighbor of Bailey's,
named Williams, hearing of tho circum
utuuue, went through a simila: opera
tion, and was found the next day (Sat
urday) suspended by the ucek iu his
crwu barn.
LaUtast& Bank Note) r. —We learn from
the Lancaster E.rpres.‘ that a large num
becof the broken Lancaster Bank notes
aro still in Circulation, ;Lntl that the
pronpuot for their ultimate redemption is
vety'elim indeed. We can iiiteim the
e a that we know of several parties
endorsed Lancaster Bank notes
rasa will positively preseente not only
the *Seers and directors of the institu
tion, bat will hold the stockholders to
strict account for the respective a
inoosts of notes they have on hand.—
linswiday Telegraph.
Womeas of Nerve.—Wo find the fol
io matrimonial announcement in
sta ekthange :
In Granville county, N. C., on the
brat day of January likat, By Rev. Eli
jah Heater, Mr. Jainbs Brogdcn, the
-father of eighteen children, to Aide
MUT Cash, all of Granville.
a ltijaferious Vault.—A eorrespondent
Or 1441Cittrinnati Enquirer at Jackson, : I
Okiabgives an account ofa subterranean
voile diecxwered there, in which the air
woos') impure that it was impossible
fee . soy ono to go down into it. By
-medal of a rake, human bones of gi
gantio.niae have been raised. and a small
- Aikido of silver, with coins, though much
siedireediwAime, having the appearance
ettimmin use among the Itoroana in
the days of Cicero Africanus, though
VeNtitirste evident traces of hicrogly
-1001.444Dal that cannot bo deciphered.
elimfge . Tasey.—Tlic rumor which has
Wee going the monde of the ppm; that
Chisf - Jataeo Taney contemplated re
cut:4V' hjs judgeship in the Supremo
lit the United States, the Star
iiiinsi,lfrom tho best authority, is whot.
wittiest foundation. Chief Justice
doss not, and has never 4:macul
ae& a step.
wrongs the printer oat of
pd at can flavor export to
.wolbrte of this world, *ad
Imo doubituf *dog hap*
• -
met imassedViifiteshftrui
bidolkiller; be is al ways in a IPCSAPE
• "At Home Again!". • -
Valuable !arm
. ...
BA lifß 0 N poß BALL—The subscriber. Assignee of
-, c womb! as- (1 Hamar S. Mistrial and Wissa.for the
s 21: ~ ..,
is - :oussestehistriends bestedla of creditors. niers at Private Sale
Sad the public, tbaj
be bal i tutretan2 "` in Camberlaad Sownibip. Adams county
*...,,, 44, or :. from New York with I p a, lybic
•.7-4„ , .... • es
a larger aasortment
?.' . 74 • t....i 1l ... q ..... than ever of new about li miles west of Gettysburg,
and no of the Chamberatotrig turnpike.
:4 ..i .• 4 ad; oinin g lands of Janses J. Wills, Esq.,
Goods, comprisin g ' d
.''''.*.s.s--- every ' variety o f g . Hein of Jnn. Hartsell, detenetd, Samuel
lIEN'S and IIIOYS• WINTER CLOTHING, of Hartsell, Frederick Herr, Abraham Stang.
the latest styles and unstupassed in quality . ler, and others, and conta ining 155 ACM.
and cheapness, TiZ : Over Coau from $3 up to more or less. The improvements
$l4; Pants from $1 to SG; Dress Coats from are a 7sero-story Double Stone 'lv
$2 so to $l4; Vests from 374 cents to $3; CD- HOUSE, with 'Pwo- story Back- ,
dersbirts and Drawers; Backekin, Far and Cot- ; bedding. having a hi-seroes
ton Gloves; Ilsnoterchiefs, Cravats, StOrts, 1 Kitchen above ground, a Stone tank Maras,
Collars, kc.. at all prices. Also the largest and Carriage Ilouse,Stone Spring It.,use with a
best lot of Fins and Heavy BOOTS and SHOE. 4. neverfailing Spring, Pomp of neverfniling
ever offered In Ibis market, and will be sold at t water near the kitchen dowr, and three Ot
prices to suit the times—Boots from $1 25 to chards, 4 of which are new, the latter con
.s4 7,0; Shoes from $I to $1 75 : an d a very, taining about 1000 Peach trees, 14)41 Apple,
tine assortment of •Patent Leather and Calf- 1 with a variety of other fruit trees on the
skin Gaiters from $1 50 to $3; HATS of vari- premises. There is running water in almost
ous styles, Silk, Far and Woo:. from 374 Cent° all the fields. Tho farm is in a good state of
to $3: also a new lot of Fancy Goods. Jewelry, cultivation and fencing. Abut 15 acres ars
W3t " eg ' Cb " k° ' GuitArs • Vi°Tin "' Flutes' dc.; in Timber and there is a full proportion of
and I ist but not lea.t, a lot of that fine Chewing
TOBACco,k:;,..wu by all uiro hate tried it ad ser Persons desiring to view the prorrty
very superior.
~ peen in Vew York for the last three
arint,. cln be shown the same by calling on the
months, these goods hate all b.en bought at family residing thert4in. or on tile subscriber.
auction fur CASH, and as the season has ad-
J. B. DANNER, Assignee.
vanced and money scarce, lem induced to of-1 '.for. 13, 1'458.
fer them At such prices a. must b •atiahetory
to All. All who want the worth of their money
rind ft littieTZlOre should cull soon. No troub:•
to show nil 0044
J t n . 10. 'FISH
Adams County
t 7 1 Y r ! I t t e ß a f I h tA l N s T E I
8 93 1 MP ANL-7
Presedent—George Swnpie
I",re res , ,/ , 11 f R.*ell
Sxretnry—l). A. Buehler.
Treuurer—linvid ream
&WUlire C 411 , 1111fre—Robert McCurdy, Jacob
Kitt, Andrew Heintzeltnan.
Manayere—George Swope, D. A. nimbler, Ja
cob King, A. lle:nterlman, R. M'Curdy, Thos.
t. M,r.h,411, S. Faltnestock, Wm. B. McClellan,
Vk i n . Wilgon. M. Eichelberger, Abdiel F.Gitt,
John Wol lord, 11. A. PieLlag, J. Aughinbaugb,
John Horner, It. G. McCreary, S. R. Russell. D.
M'Creary, Audrey Pulley, John Picking, J. IL
woe—This Company is limited in its opera
tions to the county of Adams. It has been In
successful operation for more than six years,
and in that period has paid all losses and ex
penses, srukota say atiCUOVIIII, having also a urge
surplus capital in the Treasury. The Com
pany employs PO Agents—ell business being
done by the Managers, who are annually elect
ed by tit* Stockholders. Anr person desiring
an Insurance can apply to any of the above
named. Managers for turther information.
jitirThe Executive Committee meets at the
office of the Company on the last Wednesday
in every month, at 2, I'. M.
Sept. 27, 18A.
FRUlTS.—Fruits of every description,
as follows : Laycr Raisins, Figs, Oranges,
Lemons,.Dates, l'alm Nuts, Filberts, hard and
paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, kc.
GROCERIES.—A good assortment °Muriel:
Loaf, Brown, Isowdered and Crushed, Coffee,
N. 0. Molasses, Syrups of the• best quality,
Rice, Soda, Starch, Teas, Cinnamon, (ground
and unground,) Cloves, Mustard, kc.
PERFUMNRY.--Perfumery of every descrip
tion, which will be acid low for Cash.
dersigned has the pleasure of announc
ing to his old country friends—formers and
merchants—as well as the citizens of Gettys
burg, and "the root of mankind, " that his
new and commodious Warehouse is now
open, and that he is receiving GRAIN &
PRODUCE of all kinds, for which he is pay
ing the highest market prices; and while the
public eima dispose of their produce to ti , e
beet advantage, they can be supplied in re
turn with Groceries, of every description,
c' hafing of Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses.
Rice, &0., &e., also, Guano, Plaster,
Oils,Ceilarware, and a thousand other things
not here mentioned. Wholesale, Retail and
cheap as the cheapest is our motto. If the
people consult their own interests, and act
wisely, they will not forget the undersigned.
Hoping the familiar faces of all my old cus
tomers will meet me again, and with them
many new ones, I shall endeavor to please
them. JOHN lIOKE.
Earnest and Final Notice. f Gettysburg, Nov. 22.1858.
LEMON SYRUP.—A large lot Nit received.
Any one desiring a cheap,plaasant and healthy
drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup.
TOE A C 0.4-411 the various kinds of Tobac
co, Cigars anglianlf, for sale by Wm. Bogert
Vi? ECGAR.--We hares good quality, as all
will say who have tried it.
FLOUR A FEED.—We have made arrange
ments to hare constantly on hand Flour and
Feed, which we will insure to be of superior
quality, and at such prices as cannot foil to
please. W.ll. BOYER I SON.
April 2S, 1858.
IIE undersigned having sold his Store in
Arendtatille to Mr. Jacob Shank, and be
ing now undee-the necessity of closing up his
old business. earnestly requests his old friends
and customers to come forward and settle up
and adjust their respe• tive accounts. It must
be apparent to every one that this business
will nut admit of delay, and unwilling to be
too strenuous in enforcing his claims, he would
urgently request all those indebted not to make
any delay. as his time and attendance in -the
Store is now very limited, and those who
neglect this notice will, after the lbth flay of
March next, find the Notes and Accounts given
into other hands. JACOB F. LOWER.
Arrndt.ville, Jan. 10, 185111.
Still at Work !
—The uuderzigned respectfully Informs
his friends and the public that he eontlnnes
the:Coat:hi:asking and Blacksmitbing business
In every branch at his establishment iu Chem
bersburz street. Ile has on ham' and will
manufacture to n.der all kiuda of CARRIAGES,
BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, Spring Wagons, ke., of
the beat materiaL and made by superior work
men. earilsratatso and BLACICSMITHING of
all kinds duns at reasonable rates, promptly
and to the sati.fAction of customers.
COCNTUV Paourcs taken in exchange for
work at market prices.
gnirl'crsons desiring artiel.s or work in the
Coachmakin_ or filackunithing line, are re
spectfully united to call on _ _
Gettr.bnrz. lin. 24, '39.
k_X Houle :Spouting and put up the same low,
fur cash or country produce. Farmers and all
others wishing weir hou.,es, barns, ,ke., spout
ed, would do well to give them a call.
April 18, '53. a G. k 11. WAIIPLEIL
- 1D F. McILIIENNY respectfully - 'nvites the
• attention of the public to hi large stock
ut N•ail Paper, and announces tt nis friends
and customers, that he has made at ..angetnents
to bare on hand a full and complete line of
samples from $ tents up to 50 cents a roll—so
that persons failing to • be slatted with his large
stock on band, can select from his sanipie book
and be furnished with paper at any price and
In any quantity on two or three days notice.
• Jan. 24, '59.
Fall and Winter Goods,
FOR 18.;8.—J. L. SCHICK would avail
himself of this medium of announcing to
the community an! pablio in general, that
he has received from the cities the largest
and must complete stock of DRY GOODS,
that it has ever been your pleasure to ex-,
amine in this place, all of which has been
iteleLtod with time. the utmost care. and with
particular reference to the tas_es and wants
of the people of this locality, and which for
) beauty of style and clie trines& he challenges
competition. In the LADIES' DEPART
MENT, he has all styles, qualities, shades,
and culore CLitiil . s, suitable for the season.
'lle int hes the Ladies to call and take a look
through his selections at their earliest con
-1 venience. FOR Tag GENTLEMEN, he bas
I a chub.* stock of Cloths. Cassimeres, Vest
ings. Le .. Le., all good and cheap.
Don't pass by Seltiok's—he will always be
found reedy to show Goods and sell cheap
among the very cheapest.
Gott star Nov. A. ts5R.
Talinestocks' Advertisements.
aßAKlllatliki.—Stsgar, Coffee, Rice and
every description of Groceries. to be had
st % tike lowest rootlet rates, wholesale or re
tad, st - Fahnestooks'.
MEAT CUTTERS—AII slime at reduced
J.O prioes fahnestocks'.
FUG—The ladies/ can Rad the cheapest
and best aasorunent of Vietorines and
Calk in every Yakutat4oks'.
RlLLT..—Greend Alen. rammed /Wry Salk
&Jiro be had at the lowest setts, iribekosle
Via Man, at Ranisetnekte.
- _
ADLISSi CLgh Maks, or Masaillea, .ta - be
_rtisSoo,M Fabooloalurt.
00411rietk ilone /Ababa*
. 0 every variety, And ffin► tie
cheapest, at FA lINMOCKEr.
Fresh Fruits,
Wall Paper.
Valuable Real Estate,
A T PRIVATE. ILE.—Thn •tubacribem
14Etkottors of A/IR/LIAM SiVDER, deceased,
offer at Private SAN that
l oti magi deocideat, resided upwards of twenty
yew, arilwite in Tyrone township. Adams
cunt), adjoining lands of George )feckley,
Heirs of Jacob Wolf, Anthony Dear
doer, Samuel Deardorff, and David Hoover
containing 202 ACRES, in pre or less
with good proportions of rimber and Meadow
The improvements conmist of a .., .
two-story Westberboarded Dwell- . 4' :
1 gin .
ing 110 USE. Bank Barn, Wagon . •4
IShed and Coru Crib attached. ' -,,,-
; Cooper Skop, and other out-buildings ;
I never-failing wells of at the house,
the other at the barn ; anii an excellent Ap
pIeORCUARD, with a variety ()father choice
fruit. Conowago Creek runs through the
Farm, and there are also two springs on the
property. The fences, mostly of cheanut
rails, are good, and the land is in a good
state of cultivation, two-thirds of it having
Ibeen limed. The :sroperty will be shown by
Samuel Bollinxter. residing thereon.
I containing 7 acres, more or less, situate in
Menallen township. Adams minis, adjoining
i lambda ef George Meekley. Jacob olden, and
others. JOAN SNYD It.
Sept.°, 185 q. Executors.
Marne sale notes given for personal
property of said deceased are now due, and
immediate payment is re aired . The notes
are in the hands of F. Hats.
The Cars aro Coming !
New Arrival !
subseriber has just returned from Phan
delphis where he selected, with much care,
a very bulls and superior stock of Boon,
Shoes, Hate and Caps, and flatters himself
that he is now prepared to exhibit to the
citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, the larg
est and finest stock of Good* in his line that
has ever been offered to their notice. Hay
ing purchased our goods at the lowest cash
prices, we are prepared to offer greater in
ducements than erer. Come and see. We
will take great pleasure in showing our goods
whether you . wish to buy or not.
Oct. 24. R. P. McILITENNY.
New Firm—New Goode.
TPIIE undersigned have entered into part
-11 the HARDWARE & GRO
CERrbusmess, at the old stand of Danner
Ats Ziegler, in Baltimore Street, under the
name, style and firm of D miser & Ziegler,
ire., and ask. and will endeavor to deserve,
continuance of the patronage of the old
firm, as well as any qusatity of new custom.
They have just returned from the cities with
an immense stuck of oouds--consisting in
part of
Building Miterinis. such as nails, screws,
hinges, holt., locks, glass, ke.
Tools, including cd;.;e tools of every de
scription, saws, planes, chisels, gouges, bra
ces and bine, augets, squares, gouges, ham
mers, &c.
, Blech2i4ilit4 will find an vi Ip, vices, rasps,
files, horse shoes, hurse-shoe sails, ote., with
them, very cheap.
Coaek tiwditsys, filch as cloth, canvass,
damo-sk, fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth,
springs, axle. , h,,bs, spokes, folioes, Lows,
poles, shafts, &e.
Abe Fineliagr, Tampico, brush and french
morocco, linings, bindings, pegs, tuts, boot
trees, &e., with a general assortment of shoe
maker's tools.
Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assort
ment--also raruiyh, knobs, Ate.
Housekeepers will also find a large assort
ment of kn i yes and forks,brittannia,albata and
silver-plated table and tea spoons, eandie
sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad irons,
enamelled and brass kettles, liens, tubs,
churns, earisiting,
• Also a general iissortment of forged and
rolled IRON of all mites and kinds ; cast,
shear and blister steel, which they will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.
Groceries, a fall aiyilgeneral assortment,
such as crushed, pulverised, clarified and
brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and
sugar house molfilses and ayruric, coffee,
sp le en, chocolate, fine, coarse and dairy salt;
linseed, fish and sperm OIL: Turpentine,
Fish, it.. 1.; a fall assortment of Lead and Zinc,
dry and in oils also Tire-proof Paints; in fact,
almost every artiole in the Hardware, Coach
Finding, Shoe Finding, Uousekeoping. Black
smith. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glasier's,
sad Grocery line, all of which they are de
termined to sell as low for CASs as any house
out of the city.
Gettysburg, May 201,
THE subscriber has removed his Plough
sad Maohine Shop fro* the Tawdry ,
building to Railroad street, opposite Tate's
Blacksasith shop, bask of the Nagle lintel,
where he is hatter prepared thins ever to at
tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand
and made to order at the shortest nodes, and
Mushiness. Reapers. &a, repaired. Also he
wilt attend to cleaning sad repairing Clocks.
pIiCOLLECT, that EICILIOK'S the plaoe
'Lb to purchase. sheep, all Dress Goods. for
soutlemes- sad well u
eturythlag tb Doucette Goods Hue.—
Money ie coed by tab% st lholdtles Were
ellevitrom - atJliorta
IPOIN I 4I**4 _ode
i teteol 4 11 b — Prveig b i l l ars
ase—tor aale by MY It 11
NOTlClL—Thkanderaseed hare amnia
ted.with them la the Leintberlittehieee,
E. 0. Iliftmea. They would therefor* give no
dee that the basieess hereafter will be coo
• acted adder the inn of.lirAt.c., BUMS &
Co.. and they hope. -bt strict attention to
tinsimees and an *amen desire to please, to
merit a continuation of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed moo them.
Lumber Yard,
ON' -Vora Gist:wire Sired, ;tear the Railroad,
We sr )uld invite she attention of Meehan
ics, Builders, and others, to our large and
well selected stock of LUMBEII, consisting of
every description or White Pine Boards and
Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also,
Pine:and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, Pickets,
Worked Flooring gnei Weatherboarding,
&e. We are prepared to CUT TO
ORDER any size, quantity and quality of
at the shortest notice. and have it delivered
to any pint accessible by Railroad. We
also manufacture and keep on hand a gene
ral assortment of
S' utter:, Mind:, Win low frames and Door
par 9rders for any sizes not on hand filled
with dispatch.
ser.Our stock and assortment is equal to
nny others, and we are determined to sell at
the lowest market prices.
ear .111 orders and communications ad
dressed to the undersigned, at York, Pa., will
receive prompt attention.
York, May 24, 1858. ly ,
OF TILE AGl4!—Jortes' Patent KEROSENE
or COAL OIL LA,YI'S, unrivalled in
Beauty, Simplicity, Safety or Economy.—
Every persqn desiring to obtain the very best
and cheapest portable light within their
reach, should call and examine these Lampe
bel - ure purchasing elsewhere, for the reason.
Ist. List no accident can occur by ex•
2d. That they emit No Offensive Odor
while horning.
3d. That they are very easily trimmed.
4th. That they aro easily regulated to give
more or less light.
sth. That they burn entirely free from
6th. That the light ig at least 50 per cent.
cheaper than any other light now in common
Thole 'Amps are admirably adapted for
the use of Students. Mechanics, Seamstresses,
11a1te, ()hurdles, SerefeitMotels, ae• ors high
ly reuommended for Family Use.
J toe 11, 1858.
" Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street, Baltimore,
(near Fayette et..) extending from Gay to
Frederick st.—the largest establishment of
the kind in the Union. Always on hand a
large assortment of every variety of HOUSE
Bureaus. Bedsteads.
Washstands, Wardrobes,
Matresses of Husk, Cotton and hair,
Spring Beds, Sofas,
Tete-a-Totes, Arm Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, Etageres,
Marble Tables. Settees,
Reception and Upholstered ehairs,
Assorted Color* of Cottage Foresters
Wood Chairs,
Office Chairs,
Barber Chairs,
Crib. and Cradles,
Hat Racks,
Hati Fdrnituro,
Gilt nod Walhut Frame
Looking Glasses, Sideboard;
Extension Tables, of every length.
Persons disposed to purchase are invited to
call and give our stock an examination,
which for variety and quality of workman
ship is not equalled by any establishment in
the country. A. MATIIIOTit SON,
Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street.
Aug. 2, 1858. Iy
The Mighty Healer 1 World Kisoum
Holoway's Ointment.
THE free admissions of all Nations, ut well
us the verdict of the leading Llospitals of
the Old as well as the New World. stamp this
p)werful remedial Agent as the greatest
healing preparation ever made known•to suf
fering man. Its PIN 111 AM' uust.rrias are
more than 11 avatLons, through the extertusl
orifices of the skin, invisible to the naked
eye, it reaches the seat of the interne; dis
ease; and in all external affections its anti
inflammatory and hauling virtues surpass
anything else on record, and is Nature's
great ally.
two of the most romnoen and virulent die*
orders prevalent on this cont;nent, to these
the Ointment is especially antagonistic. its
" StOdtts operand& " is first to eradicate th e
venom and then complete the cure.
—Cases of many years standing that have
pertinaciously refused to yield to any other
remedy or treatment, have invariably sue
combed to a few applications of this power
ful tinFuent.
ERUPT lONS ON THE SKIN. arising from
a had state of the blood or chronic disease are
eradicated, and a clear and transparent sur
face regained by the restorative action of this
Ointment. It surpasses many of the cosme
tics and other toilet appliances in its power
to dispel rushes and other disfigurements of
the face.
PILES AND FISTC4A.—Every form and
feature of these prevalent and stubborn dis
orders is eradicated locally and entirely by
the use of this emolient ; warm fomentation.
should precede it. application. Its healing
qualities will be found to be thorough an
Ruth the Oin linent and Pills shnuld be used in
the 141lowilig cases:
Buloklas, alloonistlam, ewe firnimilliii
Barn, /timeworn!, Sores of all kiwis,
Chapped Hacks, gait Rheum, Ppralas,
Chilt,lafer, Elealds, etill /slots,
Ir.taLt, Skin Diaisses, Totter.
float, li welled ti lands, Ulcers,
Lumbago, Mors Lep, real Sor.a
14•CUrili Cruptloos,Sore &whits, Monads of all kinds,
Tiles, Soft Heads.
BarCattlion !—None ere gennine unless
the words "//01/oray, New York and Lon
don," are discernible as a water-otark in every
loaf of the book of directions around each pot
or box; the same may ho plainly seen by
Adding the leaf to the /4ht. A handsome re
ward will be given to any one rendering such
information as may lead to the detection of
any party or parties counterfeiting the medi
cines or vending the same, knowing them to
be spurious.
* * *Sold at the Manufactories of Professor
Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York. and
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine throughout the United States and
the civilised world, in pots at 25 csitl‘ 63
cents, and $1 each. A; D. Buehler, Getty,-
Beg-There is a considerable saving by
taking the larger sizes.
N. 8.--Di:44ol4ler the saidianee of pa
tients in every &eerier are eased to gosh
pot. Rune 14, 1858. eowir:
Chia. R. Doran, M. D.
ol►OlQE' on Ilkihheeteetreet, soh tioothonih
of the Preebythrian Church, etbd opposite
David Met:hoary% saddling establishment.
Osttyeburg. • - [Oes. 4,1868. Clee
'A: irtore 'ROOM,
QU1T4111414 fairetiltPqr Gelada
+-I for Ram . Alcoa* at Tit 411i:rli
•a •
f1r013 1143 1 tO NU, Jost C
F, Lime'
Greatest Improvement
A. Mathiot & Son's
and IVorld Tried
rr- , -.,.• ,~ j p...
Call at Itabitagart
FOR It ARGAINBI=The sebeeribee has
larreturned from the city with another
assortment of goods for Gentlemen's
WM*, oeasiiting of Cloths. Cassimeres,
Csiiittets, Tweeds, all kinds ofliresting,
which he will dispose of at the lowatt living
prices. ilia stock lies been selected with
great care, and cannot bat please the tastes
of this community.
Don't forget t all &tithe Merchant Tailor
ing eillablishment of
Oct. 4, 1858. Carlisle street.
New Goods
GEORGE ARNOLD has'again replenished
his stock of Goods. His assortment ii
now fell, among which is a great variety of
Ladies' Dress Goods, and fancy goods gen
erally. The Ladies will please call fur Bar
gains. Also, cheap CLOTHS, Cassimeres,
Cassinetts, Vestings, ReadllLtnade Clothing,
Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Coatings, Ho
siery, Gloves, &c. itc.; also, a large stock of
Domestics, Fresh Groceries, etc.
want the cheapest and best Ready-made
Clothing in town, call and see Gco. Avioto.
We make our own Clothing, hare hands con
stantly employed cutting out and making up.
Our stock it Clotll4, Cassimeres, Casainetta,
Coatings, Vestiugs, is large and full.—
Call and see us, and if we cannot fit you in a
garment ready made, we will take your
measure, and make you up a garment just as
you may desire to have it made, on the short
eat notice. Mr. Culr is always on hand at
the Clothing Emporium, bright, polite, and
always ready to wait upon friends that call.
Try him, prove him, and see if there be syn
error in him.
Gettysburg, Oct. 4, 1858.
Notice to Farmers dr Merchants.
lIIE hare now opened our large and com
modious Warehouse, on the corner of
Stratton and Railroad streets, near the Dopot
of the Gettysburg Railroad Company, and
are prepared to receive produce of all kinds,
viz: Floir, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oat.. &c.—
Also, on hand and for sale, Solt, 'Ounnos,
Plaster, Fish, &c. A large stock of Grocer
rite just received. consisting of Sagan. Cof
fees, Syrup., Molasses, Oils, Rice, Teas,
Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, &0., 4c.,
which we do not hesitate to say, we will sell
is lot as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale
and retail.
Merchants will do well by calling to see
and examine our stock before purchasing
elsewhere, as our motto will be "quick sales
and small profits."
Wo would I.lso call the attention of in
terested in the thrifty and healthful c4hdi
tion of thsir Cattle. Gorses, Hogs, to
the fact that we hare far sale Breinig,
Prowfield & Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable Cat
tle Ptirefler, of which we hare *old from 1500
to 2000 pounds per annum to Farmers and
Gettysburg. Nor. 15, 1838.
What ! Again P
YES, 'TIS EVEN SO, that Franklin B.
Picking has just received another largo
cargo of IVINTEII, cLortnNo, which is
now being opened at his Clothing Emporium.
in Cltambersburg street,opposite the English
Lutheran Church. It is the moot complete
assortment of Winter Clothing, of every va
riety, ever opened in Adams county, and
what is better, having been fortunate in
msking his purchases, he is enabled to offer
bargains truly surprising. Ilia stock of
Coats, Pants. ire*tx,S:airts, Collars, Drawers.
Socks, Gloves. llankerchiets, Comforts and
a thumps! other things, are worth calling
to see. Without further particularizing, we
say unto all and see.
Doc. 10. '53.
N3W Grocery.
scriber respectfully informs the citizens
of town and coentry. that he has opened a
Grocery, Confeetionary and N dion Store, on
York street, too doors east of St. James'
Lutheran Church, where he has now on
hand a general; assortment of ' c , iNrls in his
line—such as: Syrup, from 40 to TO :tents
per gallon ; Sugars, all kinds; Coffees, dif
ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese.
Scotch wring; ground and ungroundPep-
Alspice, Cloves. Cinnamon, Ilustard,
Soda, Ginger. Starch. Rice, Teas. Candles,
Extract Coffee. Chocolate, Concentrated
Lye; Brocrus, Sockets, Candies. all kinds :
Figs, Walnuts, I?slin Nuts. Almonds, Ground
Nuts, Layer Raisins. Lemons. Oranges, Fans
cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds. &e.. &c.
Butter and Egos bought and sold. He in.
cites the calls of the public, enucinced that
his assortment will please, both in quality
and price. : Ibis determined to sell cheaper
than the cheapest.
• Gettysbarg. beo.lo.
New Grocery Store.
-411 DER st BENNER have just reeeived at
their Now Store, in Baltimore street, a few
doors above David MoCreary's Saddlery es
tablishment, the largest and must complete
assortment of Groceries brought to Get
tvsbu rs for a long time, consisting of Coffee,
(four Sugar, (tour kinds,) Molasses,
Syrup, Shad, Mackerel. Fresh Flour, Corn.
Oats, Butter, Eggs, Baoan, Suit, in short
every thing usually kept in a first-clase
Grocery Store.
11/o"the highest market price paid foreman
try produce or taken in exchauge f td.wds.
start: ve ns n call. Buy your Groceries
where you will be sure to get thew brood and
star-11)ror's colobrated writing Ink fur
male. [Nut 1, 1558.-
Who will Reftse
fr 11 E north nt their nosey and the right
11 change bark!
NOItBECK dt MARTIN'S is the place to
get it. where they sell nil kinds of Groceries,
Confectionaries, and Fancy Articles—in a
word. everything belonging to a first-class
Grocery. M daises of seven different kinds,
from 40 cents up to 73 per gallon ; Sugarr,
six different kinds, frem 8 cents np to 14 per
lb.; Coffee, five kinds ; Talus Chocolate, Rice,
Crackers. Tea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit,
Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard.
May 24, 1838.
Now is the Time!
THE Anbscriber would inform thepublicthat
he has opened a fACIIINE SHOP, in
Clamberiburg street, Gettysburg, near the
roundry, where he will have various kinds of
Machines on band at any time hereafter,
suck as l'Aresking ildelanes, Corn Sirikrs,
°erg/Odder Gaiters, Cioverreed Hullers, Straw
Nacre, and gorse Powers of different kinds,
—two, four or six-horse, to suit purchasers
—indeed all each as can be had at Hanover
or Littlestown; Also. Mortising Machines,
for house carpenters. pat up in the very best
and most substantial manner. Callusg
Screw *riot's Bolts, any kind or size less
than eleven feet in length. always attended
to, at well as Thrsing in iron, casting or
wood. Also all kinds of UIPLIRIPIO on Mn.
chinery;dressfrtg-np Mill Spindle+, &c., don.
otethe 'hottest notate.
I helm that ill in want of anything in my
line will call at. my Shop before going else
where. I will warrant *ll my work to giro
satietketion to purchasers.
March 29.1558. ly
. . Old Dominion
Ogren POT .-. A deeirsl:Je improvement
N./ in myna woe, by vriaiole oairfoarth
lees coffee is required sad.* stronger awl
more bigbly flavored beverage is mode. Yoa
sa g
can boil-oofree ia 4 fee any I of thaw
eaten. partials ca. caresaaaa
eeeephig. . Ibiblie, *ad el a ate,*
NA at the same thee. leis h . io.savii)onfo/
a 40.0 • J ' ' • ' ' -'
4 . .". Lux • - , •.• BOW. -
Cattle Powder.
TLIC MEDICIATS have been thorough
ly tested and pronounced unsurpassed and
unsayaasable. None other as useful hare
been introduced during the century.
Whibit farmers are using every effort, and
investing large amounts of money in the
improvement of their soils, too little atten
tion is generally paid,to the health 'Lad de
velopment of farm Stock.
Breintg, Fronefteld & Co. justly claim be-
ing (he first, in this country, who devoted ;
their attention to this important subject.--. 1
Their Vitorranta CATTLE Powort was the
result of several yean' study and esperi
mooting—which experiments have actually
shown that, by feeling this Powder, a Cow
will yield from 1 to 2/ pounds butter per reek
more than when she does not get the Powder;
all other oonclitions alike. The same in
crease is proportionably produced in the;
faltening of male or :wine.
It is used with equal profit for liorseal
Cattle and Hogs. No farmer, or feeder of ,
any kind, should be without it a day.
Pur sale at the new Warehouse, corner of
Stratton street and the Railroad, by
Nov. 15, 1858. Gm
Tin -war%
O F every description, now on hand and for
gala by Cleo. E. Buehler, in Chambers
burg street.
S TOVE PIPE of all sixes, constantly on
hand or made to order, at Buehler's, in
Chamberaburg street.
L ARD CANB of all Nisei now ready and for
sale at Buehler's Tin.ware Establishment.
TR 4.1 N ER Milk Buckets fur sale at GEO.
E BUELILER'S, in Chamberaburg it.
Nov. 1.
SC. HOWARD would respectfully inform
. the Ladies of Gettysburg and
that they will And her in Charitbersburg
street. at the residenceof Mr. Samuel Herbst,
opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel.
Ladies can be accommodated with ready.
made BONNETS; also a variety of Straw
Leghorn. and all kinds of Millinery Goods of
the latest styles. Ladies will do well to call
and see for themselves.
April 5. 1858.
rr lIE undersigned have made arrangements,
11 by which they will be ready to supply
LIM in any quantities, artbe lowest prices,
as soon as the Railroad is completed. They
are ready to receive orders. •
Nov. 22, 1858.
PREPARED by Dr.SA.NFOßD,eosspounded
entirely from GUMS, re one of the best
Purgative and Liver Medicines now before
the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier,
milder, antemure effectual than any other
medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic,
but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver
to eject its morbid matter, thou on the stom
ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus
accomplishing two purposes effectually, with.
•mit any of the painful feelings experienced
it the operatiuus of most Cathartics. It
strengthens the system at the same time that
it purges it; sad, when taken daily in mod
erate doses, trill strengthen and build up
with unusual rapidity.
The Lives is one,: of the principal regu
lators of the haman5 4 body ; and ,when it
performs it functiours o well, the powers cf
the system are fullyel developed. The stom
ach is almost entiretv4 ly dependent on the
healthy action of thee Liner for the proper
performaceof its func-z tions; when the stom
ach is at fault, the -4 bowels cre at fault,
and the whole system-' auffersinconsequence
of one organ—thrc4 Liven—having ceas
ed to do its duty.— For the diseases of
that organ, one of the,, proprietors has made
it his a proc-E T I !bee of more than 20
years, to find some>. remedy wherewith to
counteract the tnant--1 leruugemouts to
which it is liable. 1.4
To prove that this remedy is at last
found, any person?Q troubled with !arta
Cos PLAINT, in any ot. ita forms, has but
to try a bottle, and conviction is certain.
These Gums re-Q move all morbid or
bail matter from thetr-4 stem, sgpl i ring in
their place a flow of bile, invi king the
stomach,eausing food 'l to digest well, nit'.
rasa Till BLOOD. giT 3O iug tone and • health
of the whole machinery. removing the cause
of the disease—effecting a radical care.
serrsa, PICVENTtD, by the occasional use of
the Lives ltyvicoarrou.
One dose after eatingis Built:tient to relieve
the stomach and prevent the food from rising
and souring.
Only one dose taken before retirityg, pre
vents Stuuresea.
Only one dose taken it night, loosene the
bowels gently. and cure* Cosnyzease.
One dose take* after each weal will care
Overarm!. -
*dro n e do'le of two tea.poonfols will al-
Wa'ril relieve SICK ULADACIII. •
One dose taken fur fellatio Ostruetion re
moves the caass, of she disease, eat makes a
perfect mire.
Only ono does immediately relieves Caitlin,
One dose often repeated is s sure care for Mosaus, and a preventive of
ellirOnly one bottle is needed to throw out
of the system the effects of medicine after
a ides g stekneea.
pfi`One bottle taken Ayr JACNDICN removes
all sanuwness or unnatural culur from the
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di
gest well.
One dose often repeated cares ensoNtc
Di*ziwz in its worst forms, while &mess
find Flown. complaints yisld alMost to the
arst dose. -
One or two doses cure attacks, caused by
Worms in Children; there is no surer, safer,
or speedier remedy in the world, as it never
few bottles curet) aorsy, by exciting
the absorbents.
We take plcrivure in recommending this
mediolne as spreventivefor Faysa and AGUE.
CHILL Favaa, and all FirEit of a BlLtour
Tin/. It operates with certainty, and thou.
sands are willing to testify to its wonderful
AU w`to use it are gtring their unanimous
testimony in its lam..
oirMix water in the mouth with the In
vigorator, and swallow both together.
Tntdkaria lrvtaoaaToa is a ecientifio med
ical discovery, and ie daily workiog cares,
almost too great to believe. It if by
magic. even the first dose giving benefit. and
seldom more than one bottle is required to
cure any kind of complaint, from tha
worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a oommoe
Headache, all of which are the fißatit of n
DR. SA.NFOKU, Proprietor, 34.5 Broad
way, New Yort. A. D. BUIIILZII, .heat,
. May 17, 1858.
Twi. undersigned having retired from the
11 Mercantile business, the same will here.
after be cootinued at the old stand. In /3tati.
more street, by their ulna, Henry B. riannei
sad WaybrigLl Ziegler, ander tin name sad
style of Danner *ma r . Ziekr. he., whom we
will recommend to, ind fie . whose we would
bespeak a liberal share of patronage from
old customers . and of the public in
Sarin; retired from the Mercantile We
asel. it la necessary that oar old business
should be settled op. We. there/on!, notify
alljhosa_4o4.4&_to its either byludgment,
Note or Book Amount, to call and. 'edge the
'awns withoot -- 4gtby. The book' will be
foand at the obl stead:
ef.; B.; 1134NWICF*.
DAVID 11101141111 ;
1. • •
rpozAoco, Sere and
IVbrbab 4* Antal 41.1
Millinery Removed.
Lime ! Lime !
The Liver' Invigorator,
°hasp! Cbsapt
0 A bare just returned from the city,. with a
very large assortment of Cloths, Cessimeses,
Vegan" Winter Goods, and everything
else in the men's wear line. also eger
plain and fancy' Shirts, Colin:re v eals end vet,
ton Handkerchiefs, Suspendeis,ao.. wing
boug_ht unusually km, for the cash, t hey are
enablekto saline Ural %WAX inillP.-Psa i ssook
lent full cloth suit, made up, for sf 3; for, fn.
stenos. (lire them a eall, at their - new Web .
lishment, in Chambersburg street ' s few doors
west of the Court-house, before • ; relissiag
elsewhere: Oct. 11. •
Elastic Cement' Roofing.
T HE subscriber is prepared to contract ant' ,
put on at the shortest notice, It. E. Child
.4 Co's. Patent Fire and Water PrOeY..ctaitie-
Cement Roofing.
It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, aid
in poin of durability is equal, if not supariery
to any Metall° Roofing. It can be' pm
over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however
flat or steep they may be.
In paint of resisting the elements of fire
and water, nothing has yet been discovered
equal to the Elastic Cement.
Those whh have ip.ed it, have testified that
it is the very perfection of Roofing. and that
there is no further room for improvement.-
No one will now think of putting on shingles,
when this Cement can be had for much less
money and will outirear four shingle roofs.
This ° Roofing is warranted as represented.
The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and
hest protection from decay for wood exposed
to the weather or dampness of the muted.
It is also the best paint for iron, stffeetelenj7
preventing rust; and wherever applied Pezr,
fectly excludes dampness.
The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in'
quantities to suit. Fur. further infsmation,
apply to GEORGE A. CE.
Frederick City, Md.
mar Specimens of the Roofing may be seen
at the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg ;
April. 5 1858.
Scroflula, or King's Evil;
is a constitutional disease, a corrap.lon of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated.
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may bunt out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
end filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the eon
siltation, descending from parents to children
onto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed.
it seems to be the rod of Bird who says, ...I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
Its effbets commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the ene rgies of life, so that scrofulous eonstitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far lies power to with
stand the attacks of other dames ; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in thdr astute.
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which do- •
mutates the human foully has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise Mrs sr •
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people areserefitkomy •
their persons are invaded by this lurking in.
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate •
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and cassias.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remedial. that hero
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
from its destructive consequences.
it should be employed for the cure of
not only scrofula , but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as lizerriva
and Sirs Diseases, Sr. Armor?. Pler.
Roes or ERTRIPILAS. Ptmse, Pommes.
Burros's, BLAIN! and Botts, Talons, Tarns
STPUTUTIC and liaactratax Ds-.
ran oa bertrea Brom). The popular belief
is " imeintrity of the blood" is founded in truth..
fOT scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.-Ibir
particular purpose end virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid.
without which sound licalth is impossible Ira
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
art so composed that disease within the ran. of.
their action can rarely withstand or evade
Their penetrating properties search, and damask"
and invigorate every portion of the human moms.
ism, eansedng its diseased action, and restoring
its betaltby 'notifies. As a consequence of these
properties, the iriralid who is bowed down with
pun or physical debility is astonished to Sad his
health or energy restored by a remedy at ones so
simple and inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day ecurrplatats
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The- agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Alms:lse,
=minim; certificates of their cures andlireetiona
for their use in the following complaints: Caters.
ants, Heartburn, Headache ariainyfrdm &ordered
SlosnacA„ Nausea, Indigestion, Pont is and Morbid
inetegion of the Bowels, Flotodeney, Loss of Appo
rite, Jawidies, and other kindred enetplalubs,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
.f its &nations.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consusup
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its web:does and so no.
merons are the cases of its cures, that almost
every section of countri abounds is peewee pub.
tidy known. wiso have boss metarifirre alartuitilt
and even desperate diseases of t elongs by its
use. 'When Once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of tea kind is too apparent td
observation; 'and where its virtues eve known, e
no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affectioa of the
pulmonary organs_that are incident to our climate.
While gamy inferior remedies thrust on the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits ,
on the afflicted they can never forget, ll _ l7 4 Prot
duced Cu M too mammon' and too remar k
be forgotten.
DU. J. C. ATIER dc CO.'
Parma by A. D. Buehler., Gettyaburß--
T. J.• Cooper. near Cashtown—Paxton & - Co.
Fafield—and all 'Druggists..
Oct. 18.1858. eowly
:•. at
AUX. -Ztjl iblimul faker.
street, opptmrp!tikepitfibh4. where
he 1411 .2 1 4M1 1 051. ' to the
oallabfat***i• ' : fetara '
he a l a t e r %T. IWO - • i; a "
•tar-b-A etwia
• 7 i tMtis 5"1.1