The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 07, 1859, Image 4
• _... ..____. _ , _ _ _.. t • Independent Riflem I en. The Cara are Coming! 1 --- OU will meet for parade at the house of , A LL TCHNOS ARE HEADY I—The lin esmen , - Aimee Hme, in Areeiltsvillepon Saler- dersignel toss tbe pleasure if announc e" 7 ; - e • -• grkirt=ettkag.. Stir into ni.daYs'L‘e'o l444 liteAurt fielftottslOo'ckrelt, big to his old wientiy feitinsis-esdarmers end A. M. with swine and aecoutrecienltsin eem- ' monk/intik—se wall as Hateitisensof Geese's- Oat,. . dr 11 i: ,:4) re° eggs, beaten li e ht ; elete e . rdesteelty isle f thent. ; burg, and " the rest of issetkind o " that his mild *en I +portion. of sal t,' and half a • DA L' S' I D ra ll Alt'iM AN D , b. & i new and commteliolis Warehouse is now et Iglieitt lb& butler , eh th enough totted Feb. ny, i„,-,..3. I open, and that be is receiving GR.UN .1. urns Carets te (flick hatter. 'Drop the -- ------ -- ---- /sieWfireitli ti' large spoon upon butter- . Caution. i tri g ; the hiehest ma.rket prices; and while the ed tbmastatiibake the cake* in t quirk T"E puldie are hereby cautioned against public cm ili.puse of their produce to t'-e 4.) .ven. Whwhilifer also of a light brown piir,ilia,ing or taking a transfer of /1 best tots-antis :e, they can be supplied in re- Greeeries, of every description, eciletest WAIT. dotte etiougii. , Pruinirg •ry Nate-, for Fifty Il ! tars, given by ' i t b e or , 1 . .. r ., - ,... ,,,t „ .t ija h u ta,t, the 11th of' s , t -, u in rn sis ir tin it o h of Salt, C.,ffee, Sa•rar Molasseq, hi ii pAt 4iiecitil.,--To • two pounds of ) ,' , e Tete, ltiie, ie , ha.. tilso, G uano, Planter, flower arld one tenwpoonful of better , ,Anted ii ::' ' ,, L x .: ;,: 1 . . : t 3 . - :' t i a , l e un r L y „ d i b , l i c. , t i i n h t a h s e 2..,, t r 5;: 0.1-, CedarwarC, and a thousand other thingn one tea-Too :110 of eeetm, (elielitly ~,,„d value therefor, he out pay sta id. r o t here mend ,ne 1. Wh ilfeele, Er tail and sour,) :mi t osis: • untell teopoont el pear- Ste uidess c. so ht a due ' c heap as the el , eape-t is nor m , tto. If the lash. Sl. 7 .)ke'the dough as soft as less- , SOUrNe of law. IVILLI.OI SNI.DEIt. t people consult their own interests, and act sibl lit out very Li i m, cat oat the 't .11ouirri •y twp., Feb. ;:l, .SO. its wisely, they wilt not f .rest the undersigned. e . 11 let them hake five nunutee. : -- I !loping the familiar f,eis of all my old ens- Time tinkers ore far sn Notice. turners will meet Inc azain, • I with them peri r to toe' o i TOSEPII CLUNK, :sli'S., ESTATE .— Let- many new ones, I shall nI. or to please eeltirstry kind of light biscuit. (I tern i,l administration on the estate of them. J•ill.N HOKE. Mee Cake.—Mix together half a Julep(' Chink, Sr., lat f M c o ountpleasant twp., i Gettyabarg, Nov. '.r-'. 1-'e e potend of boiled rice, one qr.:trier of a Abdul co., ileoenned, having been granted to; ' I)t)allattbf butter, one quart of milk, six the underaii:r.iNl, residing; in the same ' Call at Reininger's egoefewel flour enough to make a thin cmsm.hip, he !:etch(- Evros notice to all per, Fog BARGAINS:—I:',3 Noble:Tiber has battdr. • Bake them on a griddle. sons indebted to said estate to make im-' just returned fr,,m the city sill' another pirnitor,7 , h ailt . trill nut rub bf _m ix mediate payment, and these having claims: large assortment of goods fee Gentlemen's the same ti present them properly I t 1 ear, consisting of Cloths, Cassinteres, Up half a pail of limo and water ready ' i l l'u • cheinticated fur ettlement. to plot on the wall ; t l een ntlic one dill of PETEIt SMITE!, Ad m'r. which he will dispose of at the lowest living pour end mix it. with r water ; t heir .Tio. 7.1. 11 - -irl. llt I prices. Hie seek tins been seleoted with pollir -041 it b'u'lling* s;itrif 'loot, 1. - - -.- thicken 4 p4ilit' it while 11 , ,t iirto th • Notice. lof Clip. coulinniiitv. ; stir it well together, and li ir .11:1' t.'.1.1_ .) a S E.el.lT Fe—Letters of; Due't foreet ! Call at the Merchant Tailor it it ready for us,. ..,_it. 01,1,14H-4r:ll.ton on the estate of Mary ' tea establishment ~r JACOB ItEININGEB., ',. ..w......-------- Uliiiik, Iwo .1 M nintplaasaiat imp.. `DeputyAdams! "zputy Marshals. , c sooty. tete ;ssed, easing been granted tote° Oet. 4, ISSR. Carlisle street. Then Li in many kedureenod, resider(; en the same township. quartcrs, we nn I, nil heronry gives cloth; tel ail pertness indebt steed, some anxiety to know when the' el to said escalate make immediate paymeat, upreattnent . of Deputy Marshals will, arid those having claims against the same to be made. To all our friends who may !present theta pmpeel• lauthentieated for set be interested in knowing, we would clement. - TRIER SMITH, Adner. e Jan. 31; 1959. J.... • - et • L--........: That the taking of the Census will l' Valuable Farm not'be commenced before the first pft L I OR .ILE.—The suLsoriber, Assignee of J unp,,1860. It is usual for Congress to. 1 , i tr f 11 . 11‘kr S. (Rectos and Wire, fur the pas Jaws providing fur ' or relating to, e ene e t ~,e „ e n ter . , „ fen , at p rivate _ sad . the et:IISLIS, before each decennial porisj TII kT DESIRABLE PROPERTY , od of tsyi rig it. , in Cenberlend township, Adams county. , the bppointments of Deputies are not Pe elyineedputt I,jeuitenwast, of teatireeng, nasally mace, cannot indeed well be and 1 noiiliiirrie - Utenebeisburg tilfepike. reljoiniee eauds of Jemes J. Wills, Esq., mule, until it, is -ecu whether Congress Heirs .1" leo. Hairtzell, deceased. Samuel will make any neve provision :1P refer .. Hartzell. heideriuk Herr, Abraham Spang. ere° to it. it is very probable Congttas ' ller, anJ weers, and containing 155 ACRES, wAl.not - take_ try) tti auhjeet till next more or less. The improvements • • EterOidn. I are a Two-st. ry Double Stoneecitu krret n ie'vie. of the ease, it is not at TIOUSE to , with Two-story Back- -. 4 all likely any Deputies will be appoin.!imit.ling, having a beseruent Eq.:lieu above ground, a Stolid Run{( Bare, ted before the Spring of 18f0. Bader: herald. . - . • i Carriage House, Stone Sprieg 11.eise with a .1,1111.1.- Every WordeTrue. I is-ritar near the kitchen door. and three Ot t chards, 2 of which are new, the latter con- The Tfunterdon Democrat vent , per- ' seining istieurDete Peach er'eea, 100 Apple, tine;atfy,nAiA, "have not the Torfes ofi with a variety of ot'ler fruit trees on .the this country always taken side's with . 1 rireini-e.. There is running water in 'tiniest old . E'eglaii.l ?" The garlic p•trty that ; all the .ti dde. 'rho farm is in n gnod state of cultisationald fencint. Ahntit 15 roses ars opposee 01.2. Democrutte party now is the same party that OPIXIStd dieTeVoiti- in Ti m ber a n d there is a full proportion of tiorary war, the same party that oN)o- : // ar.,,l e . . i Tsai. desir ing to view tire property tied the war of 1.812, and the saute par- ! el . l be shown the sale by calling on the ty date hoped that tiio " boneo% of ' the. family residing thereon, or en the nuhseriber. Ames can soldiers might lay and hleneh e J. B. DANNER, Assignee. upba-the pinin•i of MeKieo ;" and that! N rv„11, 1418. • the *. " Mexicans would welcome oar I ' -_-3 -- Tir , Grnt Wolid3r Soldier' %%hilt blo,9Jil , hands and *odd i - ' F A the Nineteenth Centtire.—PßOPESiOß graces." , 1 -1 10001)' S II %TR RESTORA LIVE —Says The sans t arty ihat oppotted the ad- ' , ihe St. Leitie, (Mo.) Del:noel-et : Belo w we of Tuxes ; the purchase of - 1,1-11 -1 1 0 C. 116 a letter te Or. 11'0)1. of tees city. ishifill.,. now opposes the acquisition ot:lorri a lent letn in• in 'Maine, which speaks Calm.. The same arguments, or rather ~sl, ...„; , 'i t eet seee•ria • tuarits of his hair the same ridicule and abuse, nre used ; tonic. gut' evidenced miast tiara its effect, now that were so freely indulged in; whet c Hni 3 -: 6-.11 a reliable source. Ife,r tinintes, are g ittrAlltee4of truth, the Dr. needs then. Names chanee but it is old fed- e t erellotyisne in principle still. Can any: le) enemniums, nor useless pulfery from the wess : inan, %%lip ever'professed to be a Demo- j r - - crat act with such a party. chtgan.—Tho Democratic State! Cobiention of Michigan pa.ssed thu fol. lott;ing resolution with reference to the acquisition of Cuba: Resolved, That we deem the posses- • sinrcyby this Government of the Island Virba desirable for the proper defbnce nn ,prot.cctio - ii of our great and rapid-: Iy-um teasing- commercial interests; that its acquisition would not only greatly i belbefit the agvicnltural, mechanical 'and coffilnercial interests of the whole coon-' tri, but would put an end to the impor- 1 tation of slaves from Africa, who now , find their market on her shore*: and, Vita humanity and interest, therefore, Tiling*: upon the General Government the duty olobwining possession ofCuba, whenever it can lie done conAislutilly with national honor and justice. ter - There' ma-:t ho some " Merry Dfintiesott wire,,," if tL^ following, be trop : "The 31endota "'cosi says that twn citizens of that town have recently tort their wives by elopement, andlthat th!k,,,c l astomary salutation in the streets, it4en4l of 'Row do you do, sirr has become, - 6 14 your wife safe, this morn- .1 7 ),ortinny of Lrlytrlp'.--The Rmnll litiantit . )" of language that a min can do ritiiiiiiuss with, is really stirpr;-sing. A friend (lours at the isthmus says that for four' weeks after he arrived, he only kraiw' seven words of Spanish and vet, eirenplietn, he managed in less than R week to cpti.rrel Lth washer man,-slick his landlord, and run away withowsuw heiress! 'lo the latter, he-isars it, wits only neet.ssary to nse ftlx wards, " fall, in my arm a, my love," an alto fell in. &rev and &rvant.—A. 1:113 - the ot r day meeting a girl who had late ly-left her service, inquired : V v " e t 1, Mary,whnrc do on I;ve now r" "Please, mai'am, I don't, live nowhere now," re joined the'girl ; "I am marriefl." 1 . 00. A lady who began to weary of thteriticisms all party of gentlemen on crinoline exclaimed, "Su long as lioroped skirts keep fuolkh people at a coltvenient distance, just ao lung will tbq 4 9 tolerated." Philanthropy, Wag said by that reverend joker, Sidney Smith, to be the nrikemitsentiment of thehuman heart, fof,sitittpsver A. sees B. in trouble, he Ilatitytt Itante C. to relieve him. Ivt air'erhe •ngiioat trades," said Jer ro ,-. 4 4tikve their moments of plyastire. rwure a grave digger, 5r even a &RD, there aro sonio people I 1 oidt fur with s great deal of on- joyageet." ars_A. fOrt' grent- n za ries.,as Pat tried to build ' persons undertake! o iticem4 of Gettysbury and vicinity, the larg tioArdl eat and finest stuck of Gods in his line that eli!l ever bn offered tk) ateir notice. ay bilisfigaleoy. They begin at the top , mg as purcha ee sed Our goods . at-ttin lowest c H ash andSimild dawn. paces, ea - are prepared to offer greater in !OW!'" —as, 1 ducepialbLathan ever. Coma and see. We /111PWhen we are alone we have our I williikagreatTleasure in showing our goods is td watch- , -in oar families, oar' wheeler joa wish to buy or not. • *'nd in society, our Ironguos. I CS. Z. 44 6.4 1., S' ' R. F. MeILTIEN_NY. ' w a ' * A a - SEGins of varied brands e woman who never interfered , a I ' ill I direct from the imperten luigl i a l l% 114' " . - .441lheilww4maleandloyatfainvarrived in., ktr ~„i e !",' - _ ~ wholesale and retail. Don't *rink thawather I day.; She is ___ ._.• an 'old forget to call at the cheap store of ll N : ; ; ' ''':‘ - 1 J an . at . FAIINBEITOOK BROS'. cierrLE POWDEB..-Altednig. y r o ne g a id r .!, Yankee doctor has got IP a I ki I Co's Cattle Medialoolfr-a first raid res l ifkr .. for bard times. -It normista or, tiole fur horses , Cattlirtad Me- be tie Noon' labor, well tyorkixl in. , had asSNYDZIL & BENNER'S, . __ . • &int, Niatxs. Jan. 20, 185 d. Prot:- O. J. ;V.A. , ' & tlemen :— Ruringaring my at•ention called a few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair I wart induced to make ap plica ion of it upon my own hair, which had become quite gray. probably one-third white; my whiskelt a - ete of the swine character.— Sum: OITA , nrmihs since I proznred a bottle of vuur ha'r re-tomtits. and used it. I soon found it was proving what I ha b wished. I u.ed it about twice a week. 1 hays time procured •tiather bottle. of which I hare used some. I can now certify to the world mat the_grsy or white hsir has totally ti:sappear- LA, both en my bell and fa , e. and my hair has rarturti-d its newel oolor. and I believe nn e soft and gine4y th in it has been before for twenty-lire years. lam now silty years old t my good wife at the age of tit ty-two, has i used it with the %sum effect. lThe Above notice I deem dul to you for ynur valuable diicovery. lam assured that whoever will rightly use. as per direction. ' here occasion toeoutradict my state ment a citizen of this 6ty and a reside* here for 411 e last &S teen years. and am tstrown to nearly every one here and ad. • joining towns.. Any use you may make of the at»ve. with my name sua,ched, . ;t your service, as I tOadt to pleat:rye the beaut ies of nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly, yours, A. C. RAYMOND. Ba.t.rutosa. Jan. 28. 1858. - _ WOOD'S HAIR Re'STtAtA LIVE. _ _ Professor Wood—Dear Sir: flaring had the tuisfortane to lays the hest portion of my 'noir. from the effects of the yellow lever. in New Orleans in 18:31. I wsit induced to risk a trial of your preparAtion. and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick nod glossy, and no words can exprc•s my obliga•inns to rot in to the afflicted such a trxisiiiire. FINLEY JOUNSON The undersigned. Rev. J. K. Bragg. is a minister In regular standing. and castor of the Prthodor Church at Brookfield. Mats.— lie is a gentleman of great influence and uni verbally beloved. WM. Dyg4, B J 1 12, ISM. Professor Wood—Dear Sir: Ilaving wade trial of your Hair Reston% pre. it gives me pleasure to say. that its effect has been excel lent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled front my childhood: sad has also restored ray hair, which vas becom ing gray, to its original color. I have used, no other article with anything like the same pleasure ur ploat. Yours truly, J. K. BRAGG. The flesto-alive k put up in bottles of 3 azes, viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds > t a pint. and retails for 81 per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. Toore in proportion than Lb* small, re tails for two dollars per bottle ; the large bolds a quart. 40 per cent. more in propor tion, and retails for 83. 0. J. Wood ik Co., Proprietors. 312 Broad way. New York. (in the great N. Y. Wire ' Railing t.;atablishtnent,) and 114 Market St., 'SL LotOa. Mo. And sold by all good Drog -I,l,nsta and Fancy Goods Dealers. L'cc. 15, 1856. 3m New Arrival! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS Ih SHOES.—Thu suhAcriher has just returned from Phila. delp . titt w:tare he selected, with much care, a very large and superior stock of Boots, Shoes, flats and Caps, and Slaitit.s himself that he if now prep trod to titbit& to the Valuable Real Estate A T PRIVATE SAGE.—The endersiined -r-A. offers at Private Sale, all big Real Estate as follows : . N. I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting3o feet on Chambergburg street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and ether improve ments. No. 2.-1..4 ailjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet mistreat, with Stable, Lc. No. 3.—Le,t adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on sato° street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvement.. No. 4.—Lot 3, fronting 29 fret, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith Shop, &e. No. s.—lfit wrgt of the Foundry, with Stearn Saw and Grit Mill. No. 6.—Lot adjoininst No. 5, containing about 3 Acre,.. Nn. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet Chatubersburg street. No. 9.—Tract of Land in Ilamiltonban township, lying can Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. Nn. 10.—Conch Establishment in Shep herdstown, Va., with good will. &e. The - ca ti on i s on t omnr o tde one (r business, and improvements in ;pond order. 1 Dalir•fitles good and terat4 to suit pureha ' berg. Enquire of 1). A. fleritun. Esq., Get tysburg, or the uadersiAncol re4iding in Shop herd‘t iwn, Va. C. W. HOFFMAN. March 15, 1358. Co-Partnership NOTICE.—The undsersigne I have itssocia , teL with them in the Lumber bumineee, E. C. BENDICR. Toe! would therefore give no nee that the business hereafter will be eon ; darted under the fi:on of Si .LL. BENDER kt anal th holw. hy .tviot attention to buliness and an earnest le+ire to please, to merit a e•mtirmition of Vie liberal patronage herewfure bestowe.l upon them. KILLIAN SMALL CO. Lttro b9r Yar nrli 03orgt S'r-el, -sr the Railroad, YORK, PA. IVr! n• lull invite tha .v.ttemtion of Mechan ics. Builders, and ot'ters. to oar large and xall aolected stuck of f.C.VBER, consisting of every de:eription or Winitc Pine Bards and P!ank, dJist,S:ontlin • all Fencing. Also, Pine C leant ; L tths, Pickets, Tr4rnsltl F:oo,•;, 1 ao I Ireatitcrbourding. li Sid;nz. Sr.:. We a:c prepared to CUT TO OiIUER n 4 six% qoantity and quality of 11 7 171 TE O.IK LUMBER, at the shortest notice. and have it delivered to any pint an mslible by Railroad. We Also manufacture and keen on hand a gene r.ll assortment ”r• SASII. DOORS, Antlers, Irindt, lotr ;runic: and Door I',-a m-1 fe'"):•lcra for any sizes not on hand filled arid. .li -pat .11. ,10" qt Or, tvll actiartment is equal to Ray ,titer.. wal we are tletatruaineil to sell at the I.w...sit market price.. Ear• All or ler , . tiapl com:nonicltions ad dre.sel to the tri.lorstigna, at York, Pa., will receive prompt attontion. SMALL, BENDER I CO. York. May '2 4 , 1858. lit Millinery Removed. C. nowAro• would respectfully inform ". the Ladies of Gettyaburg and its vicinity, that they will find her in Chambersburg street. nt the cc.i.lence of Mr. Samuel Herbst. opposite 31r. Tate's floicl. Ladies can tic accommodated with ready made BONNETS: also n variety of Straw Leghorn, and all of Millinery Goods of the lato4 L ulies a ill du well to call and see for themselt es 4.nril b. ISIS. • •• Removal. A LEX.-FRAZER. Watch t Clack Maker, has 'femora , ' his shop to Chatnbersburg street, opposite the - Lather:in Church, whore he will always be happy to attend to the celiac& customers. riankful fur pit favors, be hopes, by stri•Aattention to business and a desire to please, to murk and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysbutg, March 8. 1858. Lime ! Lime I TL 3E undersignaid have made arrangements, by which" they will be ready to supply LIMS in any quantitim at the lowest prices, Iti soon as the Railroad is completed. They are ready to receive Irv. SIIEADS, )31; IDLER & KURTZ. Nov. 22, 1858. Tin-ware, Or every de.eription, now unhand and for eale by Geo. E. Buehler, in Chambers burg etroet. STOVE PIPE of all sizes, constantly on band or made to order, at Buehler's, in Chamhershurz, street. L ARD CANS of all sizes now ready and for outlast Buehler's Tin-ware Estahliahment. STII Eft Milk Buckets for sale at GEO. " E in Chambersburg No' . 1. Notice. I ARY STOS Etc'S ESTATE.—Letters J. of edministration on the estate of Mary Stoner, late of Franklin township, Adams county, deceased, basing Leen ornted to the undersigned, residing in Butler townsik . he hereby feres notice to all persons incieLte to said estate to make immediate payment, and those baying claims against the same to preseot them properly_ authenticated for set tdemeat. JOSEPII FLECK, Adser. J 31. 1859. Os Vie--The 11104111 complete assortment of , of every +misty and gee, ever brought to Gettysburg. just receireeM PICKING'S. Notice to 71'spownt newas asts , Ws lave nor opened overlarge anti oort-1 vl madisaq Warebeetke, en the mew of Stratton setd Railroad streets, near the Depot of the Gettyebtull I t aiirciad (3611 Palf , and are p to remits produce or all kind.„ Viz: 7t al oV, Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats. &e:— Also, on hand sad for sole, Salt, Guanos, Plaster, rush, 4c. A large stock of Grate ries just received, consisting of Sugars, Cof fees, Syrups, Molasses, Otbi, Rice Teas, I Spices of all kinds, Cedar-ware, AC., d c , I which wed ) not hesitate to say, we will sell as low as can be bought elsewhere, wholesale awl retail. ALrelants will do well by calling to see and examine our stock bet , r. , purchasing el,cwhere, as our motto will be "quick sales an i small profits." die would also call the attention of all in terested in the thrifty and healthful condi tion of th:ir Cattle. Horses, lion, &c., to the fact that we have for sale Breinig, Fronefield 4' Co.'s Celebrated Vegetable Cat tle P:neler, of which we have sold from 1500 to 20fr0 pounds per annum to Farmers and Storekeer ere. KLINEFELTEP., SEITZ & CO. Gettysburg, Nov. 1.5, 1658. What I Again ? yES, 'TIS EVEN SO, that Franklin B. Pickin' , has lust another large cargo of WINTER. CLOTHING. which is now being opened at his Clothing Emporium, hi Chamlier+hurg street,upposite the English Lutheran Chun-h. It is the most complete a4.4ortment of Winter Clothing, of every va riety, ever opened in Adams county, and what is better, having been fortunate in m tkinz hie purchases, he is enabled to offer bargains truly surprising. Ilia stock of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Gloves, Hankerphlets, Comforts and a thousan 1 other things, are worth calling to see. Without farther particularising, we say unto all oome and see. B. B. PICKING. Dr. X W. Dorsey, VORMERLY of Carroll county, 51d., having I: permanently located in Geuyeburg, offers his professional services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the practice ot* the various branches of kis profession. Office and residence, Baltimore street, next! door to The Compiler oldie. where he may be, found at all times lbw not professionally engagesl. IRIPCRINTES. Prof. Nathan R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. Rey. Angustus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Md. Dr. J. L. Warfield;:Westminster, Md. Dr. W. A. Mathias, " ss Jacob Reese, Esq., 11 is John K. Longwell, Esq., " Geo. E. Warn!,ler, Eeq., " 11 Rey. Thomas Bowen, Gettysburg. Oet. 25, 1858. Gm Who will Refuse MITE worth of their money and the right - 1 - change back, i NORBECK & MARTIN'S is the place to get it. where they sell all kinds of Groceries, Confectionaries, and Fancy Articles—in a word, everything belonging to a first-class Grocery. M 'lasses of seven different kinds, from cents up to 73. per gallon ; Sugars, six different kinds, from 8 cents up to 14 per lb.: Coffee, fire kinds ; Te.ts, Chocolate. Rice, Crackers, Tea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit, Cheese, Fish. Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. May 24, 187)S. The Liver Invigorator, PREPARED by Dr. SA N FOlLD,compotinded entirely from GUMS, is one of theLbest Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier., milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter. then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with ..iut any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of must Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Lt VER is one,: of:the principal regu lators of the hcimanB body ; and when it p.'rforms it Nnetiontir„. 4 well. the powers Gf, the system are fully. developed. The stom ach is almost entire-40 ly dependent on the healthy action of they Liver for the proper performaceot it. rune- z., tions; whin the stom- I nob is at fault, the.-4 bowels are at fault, and the whole system> taiffersinconsequence of aim organ-04 Livia—having cam- . ed to Ala its duty.— For the diseases of that organ, one of the..., proprietors has made it his study,in a prat +7l tice of more than 20 years. to find some remedy wherewith to counteract the many,-1 de rang em en tis to which it is lianle. To prove that this remedy is at last found, any personCP troubled with lavri CommAtsv. in any of its forms, has but to try a bottle, andg conviction is certain. These Gums re-0 move all morbid or bad matter from these system, supplying in their place a flow of •,/ bile, invigorating the stomach,canqing food:1 to digest well, rUßl rriva vngnt.oon, giv-4 ing tone and health nt the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease—effecting a radical cure. BILIOUS ATIADIILS =Soured, AND. TrUAT Is BETTIS., PILLYZNTeD, by the occasional use of the LISEN 4 INTIOORATOR. 6 One dine after eating ts suffteient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising and souring. Only one ante taken before retiritif, pre. vend NIOUTNASS. Oaly one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently. and cure. COSTIVIINILISS. One dose taken after each meal will cure Drsrersi A. pirOne dose of two teaspoonfuls will &I -RS )II relieve Stmt Ils& DAC!! . One dose taken for female obstruction re moves the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect ears. Only one dose immediately relieves Cumac, while One dose often reputed is a sure cure fur CHOLERA HORSES, and a preventive of CHOLERA., sir Only one bottle is nestled to throw out of the system the effects of medicine after a lone sickness. -One bottle taken for JAUNDICE removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di. gest well. One dose often repeated cures CIIRONIC DlAitanmA in its worst forms, while SCNNER find Bovril, complaints yield almost to the ate dose. One or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in Children; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it acres fti•A few bottles cureDsorsr, by exciting the aboorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Faraa and Anon, Cum, FRYER, nod all FIVIR of a BILIOL't TYPE. It operates with certainty, and thou• iiand* are willing to testify to its wonderful tirtucti. All trio use it are galling astir unanimous testimony to its favor. eirNfii water in the mouth Witt the In vigorator, and swallow both together. Tax Liven Isnooaeroa is a scion med ieal discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by even the first dose giving benvil, and seldom more than one bottle is required to nitre any kind of Livsa complaint, from tha worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a oommoe ,liescladte, all of which ere the result of DivoksEls LITT*. PaIOS ONZ DOLLat Pall 111111.1. Proprietor, Brook way, New York. A: D. HulaLmr., Agea4 t Gettytbarg May 11.111134. /y la Ikt rIIOB,AOOO, Began aid Bair, a large .ortment, at • •./ibrbsat & Martial's. . A. lilisti*t 4O Son's ROY.I4,AIitD FURNITU4 WAREROOHB,I " Nes. 2.5 and 27 N. Qay Street. Baltimore, (near Fayette st..) extending from Gay Frederick st.—the largest establishment of the Ithid in the Union. Always on hand la large assortment of every variety of HOU9II,- HOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE, em bracing-- • Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Wardrobes, Matresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair, Spring Beds. Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Arm Malts, ILs Chairs, Etageres, Marble Tables, Settees. Reception and Upholstered Chairs, AssorteJ Colori of Cottage run:store Woud Chairs, Offnie Chairs, Barber Chairs* Cribs and Cradles, Hat Racks, , Han Furniture. Gilt and Walnut Frame Looking Glasses, Sideboards, Extension Tables, of every length . , Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workman ship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. A. 1 3r.t . rrno . r & SON. Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay su•eot. Aug. 2, ISSR. ly Elastic Cement Roofing. T ui. subscri is prepared to contract and put os at o , shortest notice, IV. E. Cisild -L Co's. .Pire sad Water Awe./ Elastic caan er Cement . It ip perfect l y Fire and Water proof, and in polls of durability ii equal, if not superior, to any llfetalie Roofing. It can be put on over tin, tar, irons or shingle roofs, however flat er steep they may be. In point of resisting the elements of fire and water, nothing has yet been discovered sqlal to the Slash° Cement. Those who have used it, have testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that there is no further room fur iniprovrinent.— Nn one will now think of putting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This R .oting is warranted as represented. The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay for wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also the beat paint for iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per fectly excludes dampness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantitips to suit. Per' further information, apply to GEORGE A. COLE, Frederick City, Md. *Specimens of the Roofing may be seen at the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg. April. 5 1858. Chaa. IL Doran, M. D. OFFICE on Baltimore street, one door south of the Presbyterian Church, and opposite David McCreary'• saddling estnblishment, Gettysburg,. [Oct. 4, 1818. Gm New Goods ! fl..isiOßOE ARNOLD has again replenished his stock of Goods. 1118 assortment ie now full, among which ie a great variety of Ladies' Dress. Weds, and fancy goads gen erally. The Ladies will please call for Bar gains. Also, cheap CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Vestings, Ready-mule Clothing, Blankets, Shawli, Flannels, Coatings, 11., siery, Gloves. &a. &AL; also, a largo stock of Domestics, Fresh Orooeries, etc. READY-MADE CLOVIINCI.—If you want the cheapest and hest Ready-made Clothing in town, call and see Geo. ARNOLD. We make our own Clothing, hate hands con stantly employed cutting out and making up. Our stunk of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Canting* Vestings, &C., is large and full.— Call and see us, and if we cannot fit you in a garment ready made, we will take your measure, and make you up a garment just as you may desire to have it made, on the short est notice. , Mr. Culp is always on hand at the Clothing Etnporturti, bright, polite, and always ready to wait upon friends thnt call. Try him. prove him. and see if there be ay u error in htm. Gettysburg, Oct. 4. 1858. Cattle Powder. BRETNIO. FRONEFIELD & CO'S CIT 'ME MEDICINES have been thorough ly tested and pronounced unsurpassed and tinsurpitssable. None other as useful have been introduced during the century. Whilst faruters are using every etrort. and investing large amounts of money in the improvement of their soils, too little atten tion is generally paid to the health and de velopment of farnt Stool. Breinig, Fronetield & Cu. justly claim be ing tote first, in this onantry. who devoted their attbntion t thin important subject.— Their IiEUETABLE CATTLE POWDER, was the result of several yearn' study and 'experi menting—which experiments tiara actually shown that, by fo ling this' Powder. a Cow will . y:01,1 from I lo 2 pnrituir t ter week more than when she doen not get the Powder; nil other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produce-I in the fatierting of ctille or swine. It is U4e I vri;l l equal profit f)r II ~rrei, Cattle and II )gs. Nu farmer, or feeder of any kind, should be without it a }',,r sAle at the new Warehectic, corner of Stratton street nnfi the it tilrtind. hs" 1,1 N k.:FE LTEit, SL•'I rL & CO. Nor. 15, IssB. Gin New •Grocery. T IIIS WAY FOR BAR'S Al NS.—The snh scriber respectfully informs the citizens of town and country, that he has opened a Grocery, Confectionary and Notion Store, on York street, two doors east of St. -James' Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general assortment of goods - in his line—such an: Syrup, from 40 to 70 tents per gallon; Sugars, all kinds; Coffees, dif ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Scotch H wing, ground and unground Pep per, Alspice, Cloves, Cinnamm, Mustard, Soda, Ginger, Starch. Rine, Teas, Candles, Extract Cotree, Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; Broo-ns, Buckets, Candies, all kinds : Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, Fan. fly 'Cakes, Crackers of all kiwis, &c.. &e. Butter and Eggs bought and sold. He in vites the calls of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and price.- 110 is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. IY)I. E. BITTLE. Gettyslirg, Dec.lo, '5B. New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS.—SNY DER do BENNEI have just received at their New Store, in Baltimore street, a few doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es tablishment, the largest and most complete assortment of Groceries brought to Get tysbur4.for a long time, consisting of Coffee, (four kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds.) Molasses, Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Fresh Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short every thing usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. Sir The highest market price paid forcoun try produce or taken in exchange fur Goode. re-Give us a call. Buy your Groceries where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. stirllorer'm oalekrated writing Ink for sale. [Nov. 1, 1858. Stoves! Stoics f JOH RADS, sl3llllLglit /V KURTZ base just remised a tarp supply of sew and tastie tifol Parlor. Sabres sad Shop STOVES, of the latest sal most improved styles. Also. all the latest style's( COOKSTOVES.matotse• eg the '• Ilobla Omar," **Ural Cook." "Wm. Parn,""Ssa adelpbia Samba," "Fratowrs . ." (Baltimore A i al rilgbita roved) "Jewel," ond “Chava "Chavez" —1 for can • iu Wed Midas attest. twidos itesteo,l4asts Ceert- hoe st., Sept. 21, 1t 8, Greatest Improvement TUS .11(3111:-.—Joises T PotenriEROSE., or, COAL OLL LAMPS, unrivalled Beauty, Simplicity, Safety or ilesnomy Every arsondesiring to obtain the very t. and apelt portable light within tilt reach, should call and examine these Lampe Wore purchasing elsewhere, for the reason, Ist. That no acrident can occur by ex• plosion. 2.1. That they emit No Offonsive Odor while burning. 31. That titey are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less li,Tht. Stk. That they burn entirely fret from smoke. •" 6tb.' That the light is at least 50 per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common use. These Limps are admirably adapted for the use of Students, Mechanics, Seamstresses, Halls, Churches, Stores, Hotels, and are high ly Asommended for Family Use. For 61%1e by GILLESPIE THOMAS. June 14. IRSB. Notice. T ILE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile businesq, the same will here after be continued at the old stand, in Balti more street, by their sons, Henry B. Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the nameand style of Danner and Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, hod of the public in general. Havipis retired from the Mercantile busi ness, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. J. R. DANNER, r DAVID ZIEGLER. May 24,185 g. The Great Ambassador of Health to all .Alankind. Hollowa Sl y's Pills. A.. BOON TO Tlf ESICK T—The want of a aterlieg medicinal to' meet the ills and necessities of the suffering portion of human ity, and one entirely free from mineral and other deleterious particles, was severely felt till this all powerful medicine wits ushered into the world ; HOLLOW AP's INVALUABLE, PILLS have become the 110I;SLUOLD REIIRDY of all nations. Their attribute is to PRESENT RS well as to cuss; they attack the RADIX or Roar of the complaint, and thus by removing' the hidden cause of disease reinvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system. assisting .nature in hor task of VITAL and FUNCTIONARY REFORMATION. DYSPEPSIA.—The great scourge of this continent yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills, and the digestive organs are restored to their proper tone ; notrnatter in what hidous shape this hytria of disease ex hibits itself, this searching and unerring remedy disperses it from the patient's system. GENEIUL DEIIILITY AND \PTAK NESS.—From whatever cause, lowness of spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver, and other disorganizations of the system' viin6h under the eradicating influence of this all trowerful antisc•pt;c and detergent remedy. BI Llol' I PISORDE lt3.—The proper quan tum anti riz,lit audition of the bile is of mo mentous ins rtance to the health of the hu man frame. this anti-bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, and ren 4lers all the fluids and secretions pare and fluent, cleansing an l rasuseitating the vital functions of the body. SIOLY FEMALES—SIiouId lone no time in trying a few doses of thin regulating and renovating remedy, whatever may. Le their complaint, it can be taken with safety in all periodical and other disorganizations. Its effect is all but miraculous. UNILEFUTEI/ l'llooF.—The testimony of Nations is unanimously borne t.) the health giving 'virtues .1 his noble remedy, and cer tificates in every living language berr wit ness to the ualeuiableuess of their intrinsic worth. Holloway's Pale are the best rowdy known in' the world for the following disenmes : Asthma, • Draper, I alear:i Weakness Bowel Complalata, Liver Complaints, Cone's, /ever an ATne. Lowness or dinrits, Female Complaints, Chest Di4ollllloll, Headaches, Swag sad Green!, Cosilvesame, Inlige.tion, Secondary Symptoms, 1./swords, in:Wei/41. Venereal Affeetmos lharrtara, I altammatton, Norma e' all Ueda war emu( ion!—Nune are genuine unless the words *. Holloway, New li.rk and Lon don," are Jiseernible as a ierter-markin every leaf of the book of directions arcunil each pot or box ; the same may be plainly peen by k Wing the leaf to the light. A handsome re ward will be given to any one rendering such infurination as may lead to the detection of any p arty or parties counterfeiting the medi cines. or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sold at the 1 tnu factories of Professor llolloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in dlo li c i n a throughout the United States and the civilised world, in boxes at 25 cents, G 3 cents, and $1 eaah. A. D. Busatzs, Agent Gettvsharg. j"There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes, N. B.—Directions f.r the guidance of' pa tient& in every dicer ier are affixed to each box. [Juno 7, 1858. eowly. RomovaL THE subscriber has removed his Plough and Iletthine Shop from the Foundry building to Railroad street, onposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the ' Eagle Hotel, where he is better prepared than ever to at tend to customecs. Ploughs always on baud and made to order at tho shortest notice, and Machines, Reapers, &c., repaired. Also be will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks. May 10. DAVID WARREN. Now is the Time! TE vabscriber would inform thepuhlir that he has opened a MACHINE SHOP, in Chambersburg sired, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he will have various kinds of Machines on hand at any time hereafter, such as Threshing Machines, Corn Etellers, Corn fodder Cutters, Clorerseed Hullers, Straw Cullers, and horse Powers of different kinds, —two, four or six-horse, to suit purchasers ; —indeed all such as can he had at Hanover or Littleetown. Also, 3f,rtising _ifaehines, for house carpenters, put up in the very best and most substantial manner. Cutting &retes or long Bolts, any kind or size less than eleven feat in length, always attended to, as well as Turning in iron, casting or wood. Also all kinds of RLPAIRING on Ma. chinery, dressing-up Mill Spindled, ctc., done on the shortest notice. I hope that all in want of anything in my line will call at my Shop before going else where I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers. DAVID STERNER. March 29,1858. ly Old Dominion COFFEE POT.—A desirable improvement in making coffee, by which one-fourth less ooffoe is required and a Ftronger and more highly flavored heverag9 is made. You tan boil coffee in it for any length of time without one particle of the strength or armona escaping. Those fond of a good cup of coffee an d a t the same time wishing to save one fourth the expense should call at once and buy an Old Dominion Coffee Put at the cheap store of FAIINESTOCK, BROS'. Nov. A Store Room,' SUITABLE for tho Dry Goods !minima, for Rent. Esquire at Ts: Commis Office. • • • Nov. 29. tacarrxer, that SCHICK'S is the place 4-" to pastimes. cheap, all Dress Goods, or. /1104, spotkunea sod children, as wan as everythmg ia t i the -Dioteatio G ood. 40e.— Money As eared by calliag as s o hielea b e r m , poresalking alsewbera. - Noy. Li.. 1111:117.1t'S WRITIN9 FLUID.—This A- 1 " brae! tak - PVStfOR ' krWtkv_ ben* ine—Abr isle by MR"vill, ao,Walar ton handkerchiefs Suspenders, itcte l f . lllarbte bought unusually ;ow, for the cads, thy-am enabled to sell enures TIAN rrti—ita skeet: lent full cloth suit, made up, for $lB, feuitha. stance. Give them a call, at their new elitab.. lishment, in Chambersburg street,a few doors west of the Court-house, before vur4lasiag elsewhere. Oet, This Way' - • L A DIES AND GENTLEMEN.—J.C.Ghtsfies- Bnornstt hive just returned from OW East with a large and well selected stock of Goods ever offered in this market, all of whir& will be sold cheap, such as Delaines, Dahlias Robes, Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths. Alapitos t Debaises, Ginghams, square and long Blankets and Domestic Goods of all priees.— Men's Wear in great variety, Oassitneres. Cassiners, Jeans, blue, black. brown, and green Cloths ; a large assortment of Vesting& Also, Groceries and Spices of every descrip tion, which gill be a Id cheaper than the cheapest. Give us n call. All we ask is to show the goods and we will be satisfied with . the result. No trouble to show goods. J. C. GUINN.4 BRO. • Oct. 11, 1858 Howard Association, pHILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent Instito, tion eshblished by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, af, flicted with Virulent and Epidemic maws. In times of Epidemics, it is the object or this Tnititution to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food,' Medicines, &c., for the sick and destitute, 19 take charge of the orphans of deceased pa. rents, and to minister in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and this health of the public at large. It is the duty of the D rectors.' t such times, to visit personally the nfected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians, not acting members of the Association, usually. enrol their names on its books, subject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Director. have authorized the Consniting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid to persons suffer ing under CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent character, arising from abuse of the physical powers, mal•treattnent, the effects of drugs, &c., & Various REPORTS and TRACTS on the nature and treatment of Chronic Diseases, br .the Consulting Surgeon, hare been puNietted for pretoitons. distribution, and will be sent FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted. Address, for Reports or treatment, pr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTW,ELL, Pres% GED. FAIRCHILD, ?Rey. _ &pt. 20, 1858. ly yer s A compound remedy, in which we him Is. bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a caneentrated enact of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with t h e substances of still greater alterative power Si to afford an effective antidote far the diseases Sumparills is reputed to ours. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those. whq s:itf^r from Summons an plaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of iamens. , service to this large class of oar afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by expos. intent on ninny pf IhC worst easel to be found of the following complaints : Sca /FULA AND SCROFULOUS OOKPLIallie. Eatrrnocts A.ND Eaurnvi Dowser. ljtouts. Pnuue, Bur:ruts, Timms, &yr Resen t SCALD MUD, STTHILiS AND &MIMIC Aft FECTIONS, 3IXRCUILIAL Disuse, DROPSY'. Neu- T.,c t oft 'Plc Do"to oaeu . x. DasitutT, Dia -17.1•51A azn, Lunn Eurucv,ERTSIPII7.4II. Rosa OR Sr. INTIOPIT'S Finn, arid indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Ixruirrx us TH? 'keno. This compound will be found a great pro, meter of health,. when taken in the spring, tq expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many tinkling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves front the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerates sores through which the system will strive tq rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the cultural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Clem° out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities turning through the akin in pimples. eruptioas, or sorts ; cleanse it when you And it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ;- cleanse it whenever it is foul. and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is Mt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy ? and all is wall; but with this pabulum of We disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery ‘f life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the - reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed fur it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else.; During late years the public have been mis- led by large bottles, pretending, to give a quart,. of Extract of Sar,apatill a for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative pmpertics whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, unfit the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which 'testa upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their ccmplete eradication from the system, the :en:4y should be judiciously taken according to directions 04 the bottle. PREPARED DY DR. J. C. AYER & LOWELL, MASS. Pries, Si per Bottle Six 'potties for SB Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itvelf such a renown for the cure of every vartety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues wherever it has been em ployed, Aa it has long been in constant me throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has beeri, and that It may be relied oa to do fin their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, POE. T CV= or - Costinmert, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Isifostios. Dysodery, Foul Stomach, Beysrpelas, Headtuata, Pill, Rheumatism, Reupiio9ll and SkinDiseares. Liver - emorplaint, Dropsy, Taffin nowt and Sal! Rheims, Worms, Gowe• NMl** 08 a Dinner Pill, and for Pe rffyiny the' Eked. They are svintreosbad, so that the ilea etllll‘.. tire can take them pleasently. most they are alt best aperient in the world for all the Rippe* (1 7 family PhY s ic• Prier 15 aunts pet Dos 11•1011 lb/ id" Great numbers of Clergymen, PhyMetans,f3tate n. men, and eminent personages, are lent Ilifeir• names to certify the unparalleled mailman' lofthiese remedies, bat our space here JO' not Waft the inmsticm of them. The Avow Was named far. -Nth l oads oar Mumma* awar hrwhich that, are girm ; with alsoluli desettptimut of Abe abase raatvilktato, attti,the treattsma, tAsc amok! be fol. lowest for Weir cure. Do not b t att off by urrineiyled dealers widt • ether ' Wm , wry 'make mere iiradt ** Demand- Wits & tam no otter. • 2ie dab , wait the imitate. thorfrilipt th" 4111444411 / 411 " 1 4 21 4' our"Ttermalles' am for Mao , b 1 j lieSol+ll4 . A: if. Buehler, trelfitilarg& .. 140, Oct. 18,1558. sow 7 t • arsaparilla