- i . " . " , 1 r 'T • ''', ''' i'" . " ' I t , . ' - ' ilte • . 4, 11 . , • • ,46P:**Pti ST - ! - L` ? • • Sec Ocetrw-Ai ovary Swim speopkw k , by *atm 1. Erransat, K lb par 411 11 1 1 1 11. POW: ntrielAy Set AttrAscp-42 00 par 4411 14141ig 8 :44 4 1.4 in advance. So subscription ANsptittied,,unle l is at the option of the puts 1/4firo aasii all anrearages are paid. t f illinin?UtliXtirst Laserted at the usual rates. 401 PII.IXTIVI dans With neatness and dis- Osvica is South Baltimore street, directly ,opposite Ift - asupters' Tinning gitsbuchmea t,— A.Cox Aire et the sign. Ads County MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY._ Incorporated Starch 18, 1851. oencsss. --George Swope. ir tf iA ra rresdent-8. IL Russell. ffeeradry—D. A. Anabler. Treasurer—David M'Creto7. ezecatts4 Ocetiontitiee--Robert McCurdy, Jseob Eiuet, Andrew ileintselmen. Itsinagera--George Swope, D. A. Buehler, Ja -cab king, A. Fiedatzolman, Ft. M'Cardy, Thos. A. Mosslinlt, S. Fothnestoek, Wm. 1 3 . McClellan , Vim. B. Wilson, M. Elchelberger, Abdie/ F. Git t, H. A. Picking, J. Aughinbaugh, 4 ottti timer, R. G. Meerearr. S. R. Liusgell, 314.:tesstri, Andatsr .patiey, Jolty Picking, J. B. Hersh. itirThis rompany is limited in its opera tions-to the county of Adams. It has been in successful operation for more than six year , r, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, 'Who' any corgeftgrivai, liar; g also ala rge norplas capital in the Treasury The Com pany employs ro Agents—all I;usiness being dope by the Managers, who are annually elect ed by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an laanrance can apply to any of the above clamed Manasere for turther information. bi" The Executive Committee meets at the olEce of the Company en the last Wednesday 1p every month, at 2, P. IL Aept. 277 It;G s. Fresh Fruits, ROCF.RIES, NtiTIONS, FRUIT.-; —l . foiL4 of e[iery dereription, na follows: Layer Rai•ins, Figs, Oranges, ;Anions, Dsteg, P.M"' Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts,ke. GROCERIES.,—A good assortment of Sugars: ;Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Coffee, Molasses, Syrups of the beat quality, Bice, Soda, Starch, Tests, Cinnamon, (ground and unground.) Cloves. Mustard, /Lc. PERFrItERY.—P( r Ilroery of every descrip tioo, which will be ai•l I iow for Cash. LEMON Slit,CP.—A large tot just received. Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do well by archasing this Syrup. TORAC o.—All the various kinds of Tobse .co, Cigars and Snuff, for sale by Wtn. Boyer* Sen. VINTEGAILL—We have a good quality, as all will sae who have tried it. FLOUR k FERD.—We'have made arrange menu to hare constantly on bond Flour and Feed. n-liich we will insure to be of superior quality, and /it such prireg as cannot Mil to please. DOTER 3 80. K. April 2r,, 18r.8. "At cane Again !" _ ry vnrietr of )lEN'i4 nni BOYS' WI'CTF:!I CLOTIIIN4, of the latest style.; and unsurpassed in quality and cheapne,s iz: Over Coats from $3 up to $l4; P.ints trum $1 to $4: Dress Coats from $.l :10 to $l4; Vests from al cents to $5; Un dershirts and, Drawers; Buckskin. Fur. and Cot ..iott Gloves; Ilanokerchiefs. Cravats, Shirts, .4attars, kc..ntall prices. Also the largest and Lest lot of Pine andMeary BOOTSand SIIOES ever offered in this to trket, and will be sold at prices to suit the tiorlts-11.)ots from $,l 25 to 51); Shoes from $1 to $1 75; and a very fine assortment of Patent Leather and Calf „skin G titer' from $1 50 to $3; HATS of vari ,ons styles, Silk, Fur and Wool, from 37} cents to . $3; also a new tot of FancysGoods. Jewelry, W 'Aches, Clocks, Guitars, Violins, FluteS, kr.; and lam but not least,a lot of that fine Chewing TOBACCO. known by all who bare tried it as very superior. lining been in New York for the last three nine's*, theAe goods have all been bought at ugutiun iss CASII, and as ths season has ad t- meta and money Karim, i Pm iodated to of f•r theta at such price; as must be satisfactory to all. All who want the worth of their money rola littlemore should toll soon. No trouble to chow over Goods. • Jan. 1.0,1838. i Al^ - rnest and Final Notice. ♦Cs undersignetk having sold his Store in Arendtsrill• tellr. Jacob Shank, anirbe- Ng now under the necessity of closing up his o'd hu , inass, earnestly requests his old friends a ul customers to come forward and settle up and adju+t their re4pe tire accounts. It must app.trent to every one that this business will nut admit of delay, and unFilling to be too strenuous in enforcing his claims, he would urgently regne-t all those indebted not to make any delay. se , I,i; time and attendance in the Store i• now very limited, and those who neglect notice will, after the 13tb day of 3.l.treh next. find the Notes and Accounts gives ",f'ito other hands_ JA COll F. LOWER.. Arendtaville. Jan. 10, 1350. Still at Work ! t OACUMAXING AND BLACKSMITHING. —The unAeri.igned respectfully informs Its friends and the public that he continues the Coaebrnalking and Illacksmitbing business in every branch at 19 estahl;shment in Cham .Lersburg street. He 119 S on hand and will insmercture to order all kinds of CARRIAGES. ! "1 - . '•i:GGIES, SLEIGH'S, Spring Wagons, A - c.. of the best material. and made by superior work -31&-P.Kr.i.laiNG and BLICKSMITHIVG of pll I.ind.; done nt reasonable rates, promptly .and to the satisfaction of customers. COCNTRI7 PRODCC6 tai..‘ll in excbangc fur ,work market prices. siolimPerions desiring articles or work In die ,Coachmaking or Placksmithing line, are re spectfully ins iced to call on JOHN L. HOLTZWORTII. Gettyshnrg. Jan. 24, '59. SPOUtillg e `t EURGE & HENRY WAILPLER will make 4 House Spouting and pntetp the same low. for cash Of country produce. Fanners and all others wishing their hooaati, barns, &c., spout ed, would do well to give them a call. April 18,'53. tf G. & 11. IN-AMPLER. Wall Paper. gF. MeILEIENNY respectfutlr 'nvites the • attention of the public to hi . large stock all Paper, and announces tc his friends and customers, that be has made al .-ungements to have on hand a full and complete line of paistples from 8 cents up to SO cents a roil—so that persona failing to be suited with his large Wottband, can select from his sample book I» futaisbed with paper at any price and in say quantity on two or three days notice. r i tatr. 24, - '59. • r Tall and Winter Goods, .: Fo 1858.—J. L. •SCIIICK would avail himself - of this medium of announcing to thrieediiikenity and rehire in .geheiril. 'bee be-Mss wed , from the *Wei the lit lind./Pco feitutplete stock of DRt 000 that t' Ai' Alter ben your pleasure t 6 ix a.agesita Iliti pure e All a. which has been seismal with time, the utmost care, and with tarticOsr reference taeha teces and 'wants of the Paolik.of this locality, end which for bei.ltdrof stile and cheapness. he challenges 00.0aittirryt. In the LADIES' DEPART mar. be has ill': styles, qualities, shades, and Colors of Goods, sultelde for the season. lAA'. . Lfilthea 4 can and take a Look tie selection' 14 their earliest con -4.04044:4, T o 3 Iltraintl a ttSlEN, be has ast,44)lCkl'hisr easstatares, Vest i itt'' .Igealtirvo7 t "as i t y s ;111641* always ba tM lisis ' , t .vasell *sip— Cislaysberg, Nor. , . By H. I. STAHLE 4is:r. YEAR. House VOR. RENT.—ltnquin of GEO. E. BRINGYAN. lit 21, '57.* THE rtndersigmed would inform his friends and the pt:blic generslly. that he rontinur ; the CARRIAGE-MAKING BCSINERS. in all ids branches, at his establishment. In East Mid dle Street, t ued,r the east end., Gettysburg. P, , where ne has on h•und a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to ordor whatever may be desired in bis line, viz:—Rockaway and float-body Carriages, Falling- Top, nock.twav and Trotting Bug gies, Jersey Wagons, k.c. With good workmen and good materials, ha can pledge his work to be of the best quality—and his prices a,re among , the lowest. 'itepalring done at shot; folks, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call! June 15, JACOB TROTEL. OOD NEWS.—I have rested the Foundry kj for the ensuing year, and am prepared to Make the different kinds or Castings usually made eta Foundry. I will keep conetantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points, Shares, Cutters, Sic.; Pots, Kettles, Pans, Wash ing Machines, kc.; Stoves and Madill:ler, - ; Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; bat being without capital, and money being neces sary to carry on the business, I will be com pelled to sell for cash, bat on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at flys time of pur chasing. Give us a call. E. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June I,'6t. Y[vSTAFILISIISIENT.— Cusit.cf K. TATR has opened a new . .239* ery establ ishm en t, at the stables on 'Washington street, occupied in part by the " Eagle Hotel," and has Inside such arrange ments as will enable him to accommodate the public at an times, on reasonable terms, with Horses, Boggles, Hicks, ite. nil stock Is rood. On funeral occasions, Arc., be will be able to supply a want which has been much needel. sir Terms CASH. [May 24, 'LA, ivir SAMSON In. would an lonace to his friends na the public, that to hns jilq returned -can Nem York with larger npsortment lan ever of new J. Lawrence Hill, X. D. AS his office one ni tatrt door west of the """" WT. **.' uthernn church in • Changberaburg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those ni-hing to have any Dental Operation performed a re re= pect fu iiivit r.l to Can. RergneNcEs: Drs. Horner, Her. C. P. Kranth, D. D . Rey. II: L. Humber, D. D., Rev. Prof. M. J:reoh.4. Prof. If. L. &cover. Gettysburg, April 11, '33. ooth, comprising Wm. B. MeClellav o ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the south side of the pt.blic square, 2 doors west of tree Sentinel office. (;ettyibu ex. August 22, '53 ATTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door west of Buehler's drug and book store, Chant twnsburg street,) Arrow's". sito Sottetros rug PATESTII AND Passiuss. bounty Land War rants, Baek-pay suspended Claims, and ail other claims against the Government at Wesh ington, D. C.; also American Claims In England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought., and highest prises given. Agents tamed in lo cating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other western States. bar - Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Soy. 21, '53. ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to a!1 businesseutrusted to ulm. lie speaks the German language.— Office at the sane place, in Booth Baltimore street, near Forney's drug store, and nearly opposite Danner k Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. WY. GILLEOPIN Family Grcmy AND PROVISION STORE.—GILLESPIE k THONAS respectlrdly Inform the people of tilettystufrg and the public generally, that they hues Jost returned from the city with a general assortment of GROCERIES, PROVIS IONS and VEGETABLES, which they are pre pared to seU as low as the lowest. FLOUR and FEED always on hand, and sold at smnaprollts. Store on York street, one door east of Wat tles' Vote!. Gettysburg, Aug. 3, '57. . TAE subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES t LIQUORS, would most respect tufty call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 North Front Street, Philadelphut, where they have a large assort ment of Wines a nd Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrange ments with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers. upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle ; BRANDIES: Otani, Ilennesv, PeNevsfort, Pioet, Castillion; J. J. Depuv k Co., T. Hitnes, A. Serguette, Martel, Matett, A . c., of various brands and qualities. WINES: Champagno, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, Teneritie, Burgundy., Hock, MnicsA, Claret, Sherry, and Malaga Wines. Holland Gin, Scheidstri Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Ap ple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies • Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitten, Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old V Whiskey. Constantly on hand an ex tensive stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye arid Bourbon Wbiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country, all of which are highly improved by age. From, our long experience in the business, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that nay be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which are most re spectfully solicited) will be promptly attended to. Great care takerein packing and shipping. •811 goods sent (torn our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being reissued. E. P. MIDDLETON i BRO. No. 5 North Front SC, Philadelph ia. Feb...7,186th •17 PahnestockW Advaitietmients. aROCERISSG—Sugar, Coffee, Rice and ‘-`t 'every description of 01V06:ifil, to be bad at the lowest . atarket rates, wholesale or re tail, •at Fahneetooksi. jf EAT CUTTE4S--All sites at reduced prices at Fatinestocke. FUM—The lilts, cellr?Lthe cheapest and best assortment or Ttetorirles and Ciaffe, in every variety, at Fah neariocke. RALT.--Orouful Alum, rate and Dairy Sart, to be had at the livesst raid; wisolerais and-retest et Fahnestoeit.- IPrOr or mantillas, to . be a it,' :at' ralnestoilte. B ' l ' r h ll lW RM. 1 11 ,nketN -ab ArgratO m *impost, at - 11% Good and Cheap! To the Country, LA D. McConattgliY, Edward A. Mphler, AFJIIIT TROYAB Fine Old Brandies. a !mantic, Faro and tamilg Noma . GETTYSBURG, PA.: MONDAY, MAR. 7, 1850. Farm Stock, XISPLEMENTS, kc., ut Public Sale.—The sub s, rib. r. ( c ommitter of JOBll.ll DkA111)06.111. • 6 ..un.ttic , V. 111 ~(II at Public tittle, on the Farm of sold J o -..epb Deardorff, in Butler township, Adults county. about wit• and a halt miles south-west of NAM( tO‘t :I. ~at Friday and Saturday, the I Irk and 121 h d 2 , t , , :f March next, the Culla% ing valnable p•r-,n.L! I :opt rt s y, %ix: lie.,d uf 1V lib HORSES, 2 three-year old and t eat oil Colt., 3 mulch rows, 1 Steer, 11 Shoat., 5 Sheep, I narrow-tread font-horse farm Wagon, two-borer wagon, cosie-borso wagon, hay carnage, hark hidden, wood sled, ripe-hone sleigh. large lot of horse gears, 2 riding saddles winnowing mill, cutting box, hay rake, plough; and harrows, single and double shovel plongh s. corn forks, log and fifth chains, 2 spreaders, single and double-trees, halter and cow chains, rakec,fork 4, shovels, grain and eloverseed cradles, jackscrew, grindstone. 2 eross-ent saws, wheel barrow, crow-bar, post angers, maul and wedges, mattocks, axes, *c. Also, large quantities of wheat and corn by the bushel, bay by the ton ; I ten-plate stove and pipe, kitchen dresser, wood chest, steelyards, barrels, boxes, :blacksmith tools, and a great variety of other articles. Also, one cut rifle and two shot guns. may -Sale to commence at 8 o'clock, A. W., on said days, when astryi.nce will be given and terms made known by BENJ. I4:ATMORFT, Committee. The stock and farming implements will be sold on the first day, Feb. 14. '59. is Public Sale O FV- A 1. 1 .7 A IILE PERSON AL PRO PERT V . The subscriber will sell at public #ale . at his residence. in Strabar(townehip, Adams coun ty, about two miles welts of flunterstown, on Tuesday, the ark day of Mara nal, the following personal property, viz: 2 working Horses, 1 two-year old colt, 3 flinch cows. 4 head of young cattle, 1 bull, 1 hog. 1 three-bore hrond-tread wagon, and lime bed, I (both ilea.) spring wagon. f9t one or two bursas, ) (new.) four-hone tripple ar threzhing ma chine a WI 47 fret of shaft, des new.) patent winnow ing mill. (good as n ,) cornfodder cut- 1 k ter, corn shelter for hand or roe power, Shrill- i er s patent corn planter, (nett, Voughs and'har- I roa . double shovel plough, iltivittor, double and simzle trees. spreaders, one-horse dung fork, jack strew, roller, wood sled, hay carriage, cut- _, ling box. seutehing mill, horse rake, work bench.l cider mill. for hand end horse power, cross-cat saw, ladder 2 , 1 feet long, log chains, horse trears:i ways' saddle, side saddle, halters. rakes and fork- : Ipsy by the ton ; mowing scythes. grain ' cradle., lot of hag. air-tight cooking stove, two i ten-plate stores and pipe, kitchen cupboard, } bedstead.. bureaus, tables and chairs, cider bar- 1 rels, lot of potatoes, and a great tariety of other articles too numerous to mention. /far -Sale to commence at B A . fIOCk. A. V., on A:IM div. when attendance will be given and ter u+ mode knuan by 141ICILIEL 11011 F Removals. Fel.. 7. ts MEIN undersigned, being the authorized person to make removals into Ever Green Ceme tery, hopes that such as contemplate the removal of the rem tins of deceased relatives or friends, will avail themselves of this season of the year to hire it done. Removals made with promptness —terms low, and no effort spared to plea.e. PETER THORN, Feb. 14, 1859. Keeper of Me Cemetery. Groat Reduction TN TILE PRICE OF THE J. M. SINGER 1 1 - CO.'S SEWING MACHINES—B. R. DALL. proprietor of the State of Panosylrania. the counties of Philadelphia, Erie and Alle gheny excepted. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of York. Adams, Cumberland and Lancister counties, that he will sell Ringer's getting Machina of reduced prices. Persons desirous of purchasing a good Sewing Machin* should by all means purchase 2ne of Singer's. for they are the only machines that will Jo the work that is required of a Sewing Ma chine. Call and examine and See for yoursal yes before purchasing elsewhere. For beauty they cannot be surpassed, and for durability cat not be beat—there being now in use over 15.- 000 of Singer's Machines, which recommends them to be far superior to any other in use. All I Retie an examination of the Maehinet, and if you have any notion of one you will be certain to bay. Machines of every variety of Singer's on hand. Every family should have one of the Family Machines. for they are cep tautly a handAouse and. useful piece of furni ture. They are not liable to get out of repair, and will lest youalit', time. Machine bilk, Needles. Thread, Dobbins, Oil, do. &c., at all times on hand. All orders attended to with dispatch. W. F. REISINGER, Agent. 42 Market street, York, Pa. • Jut. 3,1859. UM? S. DASNER New Firm—New Goode. THE undersigned have- entered into part nership in the HARD WAR. 6 & GRO CERY business, at the old stand of Danner L Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and firm of Danner (C. — Ziegler, Jrs., aniask, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any quantity of new custom. They have just returned from the eities with an Immense stock of Goods--consisting in part of Building Materials, such as nails, screws, hinges, ),u)ts, locks, glass, &c. Toots, including edge tools of every de scription, saws, planes, chisels, gouges,bra ees and bitty, augers, squares, gusges, ham- Blacksmith, will find anvils, vices, rasps, films, horse shoes, horse-shoe nails, &c., with them, very cheap. Coach Pindings, each as cloth, canvass, damask, fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth, springs, axles, hubs, spokes, fellocs, bows, pules, shafts, &c. Shoe Fin