The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 21, 1859, Image 3

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raft* sad Douglas.
tumors ftnnt Washington, rather
time positive than those which usually
Iwo by telegraph, represent Forney
sad Douglas as opposites. Forney ap
=asconfident of his ability to use
in his personal and bitter
crusade against Mr. Buchanan, for not
making him postmaster general, and
'went to Washington, flanked by the
whole editorial force of the Press, for
that purpose; but he found tho task
rather difficult ; the atmosphere was al
together too cold. Mr. Forney's tem
perament could not endure the iceberg
that Mr. Duglas kept constantly in his
way, and very wort abandoned the
task. Forney has since 'defined his
position' on the Presidential question ;
it is simply, that Mr. Douglas, with
Forney's assistance, can be elevated
to no eminence higher than that which
he now oocupies, if he shall stand steadi
ly by his own declarations, even if that
be the psesidency itself.' What will
Mr. Douglas do in this emergency ? will
he cower under this threat of the Press
and sue for mere--Jeirersonian.
1n an Uproar.—The Philadelphia
Alms House, under the reign of the
Abolition Mayor, appears to be in a
complete uproar, jest now: not the
inmates, but the directors—the officials.
Plunder and robbery, and maladminis
tration, have festered to thu very core,
and the result is mutual bickerings,
quarrels and exposure.
Extraordinary Elopement.,A young
;nen of eighteen, named Smears, eloped
from Rochester, N. Y., on Friday
night woek,with a Mrs. Cherry, who is
peer 40years of age and has six chil
dren and two grand children. The
runaways were arrested in. Albany and
brought back. -Smears was looked
up in jail to await an examination on
the charge of stealing a trunk and other
property belonging to Mr. Cherry—
for which he has since been sentenced
to three months in the penitentiary.
air 'The military of York, Pa., are to
have a parade on the 22. d of February,
and in the evening will bo addressed by
Dr. D. 8. Peffer.
861-There was a grand time in Brook
lyn, on Monday night—the evening be
,ing the marriage of ono of the black
waiters of the steamer Empire City, to
n white girl. The bridal party consis
ted of seven black mon and their wicep,
All of whom aro white women.—
" There is no accounting for taste."
Singular Freight.—A bright boy of
nine years was delivered in Lanesboro',
Mass., a few days since for the purpose
,of attending school, having been for
'warded by Adams' Express from Hons.
ton, Texas. The " freight" had been
four weeks on the road.
.Mother.—" Here, Tommy, is some
nice castor oil, with orange in it."—
Doctor—" Now, remember, don't give
it all to Tommy ; leave some for mu."—
Tommy—(who has been there)—"Doe
tor's a nice man, ma; give it all to the
iz> -Iq-cytlces_
WISPAR'S DIL49/11 Or WILD Clllllll7.—rial
tmes Pictorial of Sikh Italy asys :—Eteal Wag the true sena*
r.f riopesaibility atteeking to the Miter and Putliahrr of
'widely circulated borne!, ere almuld deem it little leas
than a crime to recommend any medical compound the real
s arts* or witkit we could not commientionaly Indorse.—
This halumnie composed ham become a home Estate; ant
ALLI prow wbe safer. sal kayo la fain attempted to cone
their Coughs, Colds, Drpschial or Petitionary Complaints,
mike re of this somsalled remedy.
Tim isilowing Grittiest* from a djatialitialted petlerria
la nyally cpecilstre
Ihrso Boy Hethry Woad, I.reerly IJ taref thom Como
iratioporl /wawa. !cameo* N.lll, owe reerotly 11,maricas
Polgullal ban?* feria, Loa sow Clp teals I* the Nary;
CONCOWD, N. R . Mar" 2.
lisomo. Sloth W Tow* k. Co .—Grattmoto years
Ho: a embies sod t luirot attack apes my Lear ruts6old
me to my bad for *send weeks. sod whoa 1 rommared. I
•WI s. math oppmmed by daltat Ity ❑ broattdrog, that I
.0. um* snub* to sleep or re.t spas • bed by men. TN,
putsch.( Vu vatriptue. sad judging from Liss kattfaessy of
iM rmitedta• umd: I *Harmed tbs. Cows booaradds D#.
int perweacted to try • butt* of Wtstar's Salaam of Mid
vberry, aritbuot molars* Is its allesey, I found Um
dielFuLty sbmot 'Mindy moors* before ow* bottle warn
#,l mod op. Nympalky with my talkor willieners isetwewa 1111111
to maker WI. p&bs tot dourest, sad rosonimard 04 mild*
yitkoptO sigalarty
II ttll rstpert, yosrt tot*.
*opt regalia* anion signed I. BUTT.i on the wrapper
Pr•psrod by Seth W Yowls & Co., Bootee, sad for sae
lbooialor. GettrAborif ; Jacob ldw•Ilor, Illansoos
borg; M. Skeeter. N.. Oxford; D B. Bolli•lar, Abbott.-
pvp ; KiUfam Wolf, Kvt Hoene; rotor 1,4114, Huy.
too ; Mn. B. Metcalf, York Spriopt; aid by all &salon La
[lob !L. Ilur
iffQQß'd HAIR RELsTORATITE —nista said to be a
wpm. exiwilint preparation. the malt of exteew vii wientilc
Yeeeesi#l, acid &r , amid with great reeeses. Ilywever yea-
CVOS • bald 14 .. 1 =I appear, it is seldom considered as
eiabpe swedortablii or elsgaiit, aal thaw thus atlbeted
aboald My Prof, Wool's Hair Restorative. sad be enabled
64 MORO IMPe user* fd planitimle of eatere's gr eatest
Calietee.— r lteware at worthies. Imitations, as several
&relined, *lice market. called b. diftersat
arse eels. the wonts i•roreas if W00.i . , Il al r Restoratire,
Depot IC Louie. Me , and York,) are blown oei the
baths. S.: . r all Dreefista eat PaSeat Medscilie dealers,
also by all iocy a4l Toast Moeda dealers la tie Valtai
States sad Copula.
Istredanke of Holloway's Oititmest, cancers were rep
pored to be Isaralietble except by the scalpel. tot this
doctrine Is sow exploded. The most deplorable cases
that seen not tr rear./ted by the tail* or by csanlc—lance
reessitly to.. cured by than wonderful disinfectant, which
satin ss irresistible counter-Vast to the virus of the dis
ease, arrests itis peer ass, dl l relieves the saspolioped
&ebbe urn terrible and offataire harden Scranton wry',
tiamere4strbsinies, glattlular swellings, sore leg, ate., are
to WNW the heitheert they Were in former tines. The
°Latinist, iinst in In anion by the Pills, inevitably cures
COMM o► Baooll, ♦zo Giant detairta, PIM tottrala
Kaaildeettrara Of White Gad, Zion, Petty, Varnishes,
AA. Wholesale dealers la Drag, WioiLra War, he .
City aid Nash? Mordants •ho desire to parchase from
a melee* Mack and at acceptable price/ are reepectlel iy
questad to inspect oar goods. Oar White Lead, Zinc,
Patty, mad Tittaishas, are sold by more than ow thoosaad
lirbotasala Jobbing Roues throastions the Union. sad sirs
aniamal nii►Lettw. IDNot ow complaint he/ 'Ter
reached as._a Bend year orders direct.
Neb. 7,156. ly
•, ALL EIGHT! DX Sal:TY."—De Panty, the great
anyeterlees De Sooty, still remains at the Cyrus station of
tie Atilestie teharaph, with several assistants, 'rho, by
might nod yday, are watotong for ' broken
stench( "• itaintelllgible trammiasions," and all that
sort et Wasp About the best thins Da Nulty can do Is to
drop his lakelkimul wire.working and come on to ?Wir
d/41d* ahem be csa be fore from anxiety, and enjoy the
/assay of lora* swab *lseult gammas as an made at
the Wove Stone C/rocbsag Hall of Sochi!! &
Ifat. and 110 Chestaat (Meet above Sixth.
Pealcdplhmt lay Sir J. Cracks, R. D. Plysioian
&may to the Gases- Thu well Mama medicinal la so Ls-
PaMhera, bat a sem sad safe remedy for Peale DtUalWe
4 . 4 Obomssememe, brass aay mass Thatrwer; aid although
• palatal samody, they ociataln mitt:deg hsrtfal m the
eisnettlatlon. Te IdLtarsais Larsen it la Posonsel7
Id 1,114 ha • *eat Hass, Whig on the reoethly period with
Thor !fir ban SIMI bees k Co WI *kw t k
dlinislON Mad MP a Imalfrklitt .+...0 °Warred.
sae altraer lartliakar. Pis Vila Odot trot ot the moat.
ii,Ailood s primp Oloogo ootaltood to ay aothoo".
good opolt, wit lime a MOM, wiataiadagg *wet fa till.,
T. W. Wjelt & is., Wbokrais Apia; rithmiew a .
A. b. Maw, 17fialt, lihetrelogy
lbw rt, nil. 17
IrrikasAreslimeassi•llle larked's Lives Irvin/s
-aws, la Asather eiolaaa.
iterKnow Nothing papers nay that Public Sale
Mr. Toombs charges Kr. Bnehansn'e T VALUARLI PERSONAL PROPERTY.—
Administration 'with unheard-of extnts.:O Tbe subscriber, intending to relinquish i
agance--but it is a little queer, (if w h a t Amusing, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, ,
they declare be true,) that they do a te( ' mile south of Littlestown,
in Germany township, Adams county, half a'
publish his speech. oa Twesday, 014 15 th
i day of IlareA wen, the following valuable person
al property, viz •
Five bead of HORSES, I yearling Colt, 7 much
Cows, 4 Heifers. I Bull, new Rockaway Carriage
and Harness. 2 Wagons, (one heavy broad-tread
and one new narrow-tread.) liorse Gears, Dorsey s
patent self-raking Mowing and Reaping Machine,
Treshing Maclaine, grain drill, hay Ladders. hay
carriage, lime bed, wood ladders, ploughs and har
rows, double and single shovel ploughs, cultiva
tor, double and single trees, stretchers, winnow
ing mill, log chains, fifth chains, halter chains,
wagon saddle, riding saddle, wheel-barrow,
jack-screw, rakes, forks, grain cradle, mowing
scythes, and other tanning implements. Also a
cider mill and apparatus, cook stove and fixtures,
barrels, boxes, vinegar, potatoes, and a variety
of other articles too numerous to mention.
Stirtlale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., on
Raid day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by
ile-Hallam, the English historian, is
rlrlia Mar3s..etEEL
GIrTTYSBU&G--SaTuavir Lan
Superfine Flour
Rye Floor . , ....
Buckwheat Meal
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
Flax Seed ~
Plaster of Paris
Pork .........
Floor 5 75 to 6 00
Wheat .. ...13310170
Rye ...... 15 to 89
Cilts 72 to 76
Oats 48 to 52
Clover Seed 6 82 to 6 87
Timothy Secd 2 25 to 2 50
Beef Cattle, per band. 900 ton 25
Hogs, per hand 750 to 900
Hay 12 00 toll 00
Whiskey 29 to 30
Guano, Peruvian, per ton 62 00
HANOVB 11,--"hunts D y LAW?.
Plops, from wegons.... m ., 6 25
Do. from stores 5 75
Whest / 12 to 1 25
Rye 115
Clover Seed
Timothy Seed
Flour, from wag 005...... ... 5 00
Do. from stores 5 75
Wheat . ~... 1 10 to 1 30
.. .. . ...
Corn 66
alas • ,'-'• ***** ff: 47
Clover Seed 6 25
Timothy Seed ••• 1 75
Plaster - ... 6 50
On the 17th bat , by the Bor. L J. Bell, at Oa rest
doom of Mr H. Ptelawar, Mr. JOHN PLANE to bliss
CATHARINE HERBST. both of Adams amaaty.
On the 17th last , by the Roo. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. KPH , .
RAISI SINE, of Butler township. to Mime SARAH C.
RA IF ENBB6ROEIL of Tyrone township.
On the same day, by the mine, Mr JOHN H. RAFFENS.
BERGER. of Franklin township, to MisellARAII J ICIME,
of Butler township.
On the woodsy., ler the mine, Mr JEREMIAH BRAME.
of Huntington township, to Mine ELIZABETH MEALS, of
Tyrone township.
On the 29th of July last, In Kansas. Mr. JOHN C.
RATLIFF. of Van Bonn county, lowa, to Miss LOCISA
SCIMECK, formerly of this place.
In ■alrSeld, on the 13th lost by Rey M 1,. Drum. Mr.
Oo the lOth hot ,by th• Ur. E. 11 Iloff beim. fir
Oa the maw day. by the ■tme.. lir LEVI SMITII to
Miss MAGDALENA 111:111111.3, both from the vicinity of
Pert Borth. Adams toasty.
Os the 11th ell., be the Row. 11. 1. Comfort. Mr. BEIM
russtsiodsle, •Jsms county.
D lec3._
Near Cotes' Mills, Adsum count!, OZOKOE VANDYKE,
aged about 6$ years.
Os the 81b . SARAH JA\E. daughter or Mr. Chris.
tlais and Mrs Alice- Schrirer, of Cumberland township,
apd 13 yeus 3 mouths sal 9 days.
Died, on Pticlay morning. lb. lath laid sear Peter.-
burg, Tort Spring., Mr. tiEOl/klt ACHY.. eon of Mr.
Das44ol Picket, In :IN 44th year of bra *go. The dereued
was person of excellent morale, sad reach eeteemed In
this community, Ms loon will be much felt sad regretted
be his aged parents. u well .64 by a large circle of frioracle.
HI. Mee es wee of ouvrel mouths' deratkt, which he bone
with trite arbitrate rimgestion. Pruw the nalkatu blame
-1••••••s• of hie life. Ws fneade hare the fullest unianeace
that he ham exchanged • world of murrain for omi of eternal
• House
F OR RENT.—Enquire of
GEV. E. 1112INGMAN. --
feb. 21, '59.*
Gettysburg Railroad.
cHANGE OF TUE.—Morning train with
passengers for York, Columbia, Philadelphia,
risburg, Baltimore II nd the North and West, Gettysburg' daily, (Sunday excepted.) at
.30 A. M., returning at 1.30, P. M., with passen
g,ent from Baltimore.
Afternoon train leaves Gettyslourg at 2.30, P.
M., fur Hanover, returning with passengers from
York, liatTisburg, Columbia, Philadelphia, and
the North and West..
The above arrangement has of necessity to be
adopted at present, but, it LI expected that early
in Marti such a siring arrangement wi/l be
made on the N. C. It. R. as to enable passengers
over thetleuysburg R. R. to go through to Bahl.
more without any delay such as the present ar
rangement will oecaaion.
Feb, 21, '59. tf
Wholesale\wid Retail
IQUOR STORE.—The undersigned respect
fully announce to the eltis . ens of Gettysburg
mid the public generally, that they hare opened
a new LIQCOR :SToRB on Railroad street. south
side, and midway between the Numenger and
Freight Depot, and have made arrangements to
keep constantly on hand a full supply of all kinds
of Liquors, Foreign and Domestic, such No Bran
dies, Wines, Holland and Domestic Gina,, Old
Rye mad Rectified Whiskey, Champagne, Ginger
Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Cordials, Kimmel, Ankle,
and Wines of every grade. •
The shove Liquors will be tarnished at the
most reasonable rates and warranted good. By
strict attention to business and an effort to please,
we hope to merit the patronage of the public.
gaif-All orders promptly attended to.
Feb. 31, '59. COVER k KUHN.
At Cost I
FILING OFF I—The undersigned, having dis
posed of his Store at New Oxford, and in
tending to remove West, will sell off the goods
its his Hampton Store actually at cost 1 He is
desirous of closing out the stock as speedily as
possible. The assortment is very large, and not
to be surpassed in quality. It embraces Dry
Goods, of all kinds, such as Cloths, Cassimeres,
Vestings : Satins, Silks, Delaines, Cashmeres, Al
paccas, Merinoes, Domestics, 3c. ; Hardware and
Groceries, Queensware, Woodenware, Hats and
Caps, Boots and Shoes, Watches and Jewelry,
Perfumery. Cutlery, Stationery, Notions and
Fancy Goods, in almost endless variety ; in short,
every article that is to be found in a first class
Dry Goods, Grocery and Hardware Store.—
Country Merchants are invited to call and ex
amine these Goods. A rare chance will be of
fered to purchasers. The actual City cost prices
will only be asked. bar Come One! Come All!
Feb. 21, '59. 2m*
THE public are hereby cautioned against
purchasing or taking a transfer of a
Promissory Note, for Fifty Dollars, given by
the undersigned to John Yost, on the 11th of
September, 1858, and parable on the Ist of
April next. As the undersigned has nut re
ceived value therefor. he will not pay said
Note unless compelled to do so by a due
course of law. WILLIAM SNYDER.
Mountioy twp., Feb. 21, '59. 3t*
Independent Riflemen.
yOEr will meet for parade at the house of
Isaac Byers, in A.rendtrrille, ow Satur
day, the 19tA day of Mara mcd, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., with arms and acoot.treaseets in com
plete ordir. By order of the Captain.
Feb. 21, 1858.
fro THE PUBLIC.—A public Temperanee
IMeetinic 'will be held in Christ Church
on the evening of the 2241 of February, at 7
o'eloek. under the auspice. of Hiawatha Tem
ple of Honor. Dr. Baugher, A. L. Gun, W.
C. T., and other competent speakers will be
present to address the meeting. The pubfie
are reepeetfully invited to attend.
By order dam Committee of arranemente.
E. 11. MINNIGH, Chow/max.
6 25
3 25
1 12 tO 1 20
2 00
..e 50 to 6 87
..... «....1 50 to 1 75
—..... 1 20
—.. 6 50
.... 6 75
sR BALE.—In pursuance of authoritygiven
in the last will and testament of Hwy B.
ticnsososa, deceased, will be offered at Public
Se.le, on the premises, on Banarday, tke 19tA day
of Nara nest, a valuable lot of TIMBER-LAND, -
situate in Butler township, Adams county, on
the public rand, leading from Gettysburg to
Benders We, near the Conowitgo Bridge, adjoin
ing lands of Jacob Rex, B. F. Thomas and John
Wider, containing 8 Acres more or less. The
lot is covered with thrivin g white oak and up
land hickory Timber; some of it large—and the
land is of an excellent quality and susceptible of
high cultivation when cleared.
birSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. W., on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by TOBIAS BOYER,
Feb. 21, '69. is Executor.
Greatest Discovery
OF THE AGNI—rAn entirely new article, af
fording a beautiful and attractive feature
used at a cost within' the reach of all I
It has taken the premium , cF Om Fairs, with di
ploma Lc., and is acknowledged by all who
have seen and used them infinitely superior in
cheapness and helm*" to my other article before
the public. 1000 AGENTS WANTED! Grout
inducements offered! ain desirous of engaging
a numLar of ellislent and capable Agents to in:
traduce this invainable invention, to whom will
be offered the most liberal inducements. The
demand for such an article has long been felt,
and its introduction will be hailed with great
applause, and in a pecuniary point of view it will
yield a profit almost incredible
6 6Q
2 00
8 36
To such as wig to aid me in this enterprise.
I will forward full particulars pn receipt ,c,f
three cent postage stamps, to pky this advertise
ment and return letter.
Biel hare nu hesitation In saying that it will
find numerous supporters and admirers. Where% er
offered to business men it is almost indispensable.
Addre,s, J. M. AUSTIN,
Feb. 21, .S 9. Turk, Pa.
X\ pursuance of sundry writs of Venditi"ni Ex
pun's, Issuing out of the Court of Common
leas of Adams county, Pa., and to me directed,
nil) be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
house, in Gettysburg,' oat Saturday, the sth day .:(
.VarrA next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following de
scribed Real Estate, viz:
A TRACT OF LAND, containing 15 aereg,
more or less, situate part in the borough of Get
tysburg, and part in Cumberland township, Adams
county. adjoining lands of John IL Culp,
David McMillan. and others, improved with a one
and a half story Brickllol.:SE. one and a ,
half story Brick Back-building attached. (fir •
Frame Stable, Orchard of trait trees, well
of water, and other improvementa.
more or less, adjoining the above described
property on the west and land of Robert Smith
on the east. Seised and taken in execution lAA
the property of JACOB H. Wigs Lea.
Also, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 75
acres, more or less, situate In Franklin township,
Adams county, adjoining lands of Henry Caslin,
heirs of Solomon Ilingaman, and others, on
which are erected a double one story Log
1101 - SE, Log Harm Dry House, Spring LI R .
House, and a one-story Tenant House,
with Orchard of fruit trees and a spring of water
near the door. Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Ifssay BINCIAMAN.
Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate in the
town of Petersburg. Huntington township. Ad
ams county, fronting on Carlisle street, adjoining
property of John Gardner, and others,
improved with a two story Rot ghesat
HOUSE, one story Frame Shop, and a
well of water. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Prize D. Ltrrt.s.
Sheriff's Ofilee, Gettysburg, Feb. 14, '59.
'Ten per cent. of the purchase money upon
all sales by the Sheriff must be paid ober im
mediately after the property is struck donn , and
on failure to comply therewith, the property will
again be put up for sale.
WE hare just received from the city p large
assortment of W4LL, PAPER and 1172V
-1)0 W BLINDS, of the latest styles, and will be
sold at the lowest rates pouible.
We hare also the best and cheapest article of
Window Blind Fart:ass that are in the market.
We have still an hand a good assort-, 2
went of Hata, Shoes , Harness, and other I
articles in our line of business.
Give us a caps—we will sell at prices to suit
he times. COBUN a GULP.
OUTDONRI—Come to the Store at Green
mount for Bargains I—The undersigned
*could most respectftilly Inform the public that
be purchased the Store of John Weikert, at
G Gant, Adams county, half-way on the
road Gettysburg to Zmialtsburg, where be
expects, attention and small profits, to re
tain all tit old custom and secure lots of new.
His stock of RY GOODS, of every description,
Groceries, Coofectionaries, Queensware, Wooden
ware, Crockery-, Hardware, he., is large
and varied — equa l, that of any other first class
1)% 0
store—and he will at prices astonishingly
low. He only asks a triel, to prove the truth of
this assertion.
The undersigned also carries .on the CAR
RIAG E-MAKING business at the saint place, and
offers rare inducements to purchasers., He will
warrant his work good, whilst his charges arc
among the most moderate. Repairing ddne on
short notice. J. ALEX. HARP.
"The Gem."
RESTAURANT.—The undersigned has
opened a first-class "Restaurant, on the
over floor of licConanghy's Hall building, in
Carlisle street, Gettysburg and solicits a share
of the public's patronage. The rooms have just
been fitted up in the most approved style, and
will compare favorably with many of the best in
the cities. His Oysters, Ale, &c., will always be
found of superior quality, and his charges
The proprietor is thankful for the fine run of
custom he is already receiving, and is resolved to
make "Tan Gar" even more popular, if possible.
Feb. 14, 1859. A. B. PRYOR.
/FHB subscriber, having been appointed by
th• Court of Common Pleas of Adams coun
ty, Committee of the person and estate of Josa►a
Dzaarsoarr, a Lunatic, of Butler township, in said
minty, hereby gives notice to all persons having
claims or demandiragainst said Deardorff, to pre
sent the same to the subscriber, residing in Frank
lin township, for settlement, and all persons in
debted to make immediate payment.
undersigned, being the authorised perton
to make removals into Ever Green Caw
lary, hopes that such as contemplate the removal
of the remains of deceased relatives or Mends,
will avail themselves of thitesseen of the year to
bare it done. Removals made with promptness
—terms law, sad no effort spared to
psnaAfr es 'as,
Feb. 14, 18 59 . Eire gf de Cason,
Toneooo, &gars and Beef, a large as
cerement, at Norbs:k & Martin's.
Feb. 21,'69. ta+
sheriff's Sale.
Also, A TRACT OF LAND, containing 3 ncreA
Wall Paper.
February ?, 1859.
truer River
Country produce taken iii , exchange for goods
J. A.l4i.X. 11Alt.PHIL
Feb. 14, 1859. ly
Jan. 24, '59. St
Palle Bale.
/rill subscriber will sell at Public Sale, st his
residence, in Straban township, Adams
county, about 4 miles from Gettysburg, ea the
Carli.le road, on Theeday , the 3d It, Naval iwzr,
the following personal property, Yin:
A brood Mare. 3 milch Cows, 2 Heifers, 4
Shoats, horse gears, ploughs and harrow (new.)
shovel plough. winnowing mill. one-horse sleigh.
wbed-liarrow. single and doable-trees, cow
chninß. rakes and forks, 1 grindstone, &r.
1 hathau ity cook stove and fixtures. bedsteads,
mantle clock, set of chairs, patent churn. kitchen
cupboard and a anety of other articles, too
numerous to mention.
Setu-Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by J1.di.."4: CI I ER.
Feb. 14, 18.5:0. ts*
Public Sale.
TIIE subscriber will sell at Public sale, on his
farm, in Cumberland township, Adams
county, 41 miles from Gettysburg, near the Em
mitsburg road, oft Traday, Ma Ist day of Hard
next, the following valuable personal property,
%ix :
IfORSEB, horse rears, ploughs and harrows,
broad-tread wagon, one-horse wagon, grain drill,
threshing machine, winnowing mill, wood lad
ders, hay carriage, two-bone carriage, bugtv,
cross-cnt saw, Jack-screw, log chains, crow bar,
post spade, and a great variety of other articles.
par Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. X., on
said day, when attendance will be given and terms
made known by ROBERT SicelllDY.
Feb. 14,'19. is •
Public, Ssle.
fE subscriber will sell at public outcry, at
his residence, in Huntington township, one
e north-east of Heidlersburg, oa Weshwahry,
tat 2d of Nara asst, the following valuable per
sons! property, via
4 WORK HORBK9, 3 colts, 6 milch cows, 6
young cattle, 2 sheep, a pair of hogs, I brood
tread three-horse wagon, 2 light wagons, ploughs,
harrows, field roller, shovel ploughs, corn fork,
single, double and three-horse trees, spreaders,
horse rake, horse gears, saddles and bridles, log
and cow chains, cutting box, grindstone, wheel
barrow, grain cradles, grass scythes, rakes, forks,
mattocks, shovels and hoes; oak shingles, plank,
posts. rails, and fencing boards; hay by the ton
or stack, and potatoes by the bushel. Also,
bureau, corner cupboard, chairs, cook stove, ten
plate stove; and a variety of other articles too
numerous to insert.
scrtiale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. 31.,
when due attendance and a long credit will be
given b,y • ABRAHAM FICKES.
Feb. 7. tali
Public Sale
ki The tub.criber will sell az public sale, at
his residence. in torinst/ip, A.dauns cowl-
V., about tau miles Nest of Ilauistridown, on
the Yth 4 , 4 of NUS ch, beat, the follow lug
personal property, viz:
2 e.orking Horses. i two-year old colt, 3 milelt
coo s, 4 head of (Jong cattle, 1 hall, I hog. 1
three-horse brtkio-tread atagou, and lime bed,
(both new.) spring wagon. for one or two horses,
(new.) four-horse tripple gear ma
chine a ith 47 feet of shaft. ()prod as ,t/cw,) patent
a 411100 log mill. (good as new,) corufodder cut
ter. corn Sheller for hand or horse power, Shrift,
er's patent corn planter. (new,) ploughs and har
rows, double PhUl el plough, cultivator, double
and single trees, ..preaders, one-hone dung fork,
jack screw, roller. wood sled, hay carriage, cut
ting box. scut ping mill, horserake, work bench.
rider mill. for hand and - horse power, cross-cut
saw, ladder '29 feet long, log chains, horse gents,
wagon ~addle, side saddle, halters, rakes and
fork.; hay by the ton; mowing sQthes, grain
cradles. lot of bag., air-tight cooking slot e, too
ten-plate stoves and pipe, kitchen cupboard.
bedsteads. bureau., tables and chairs, cider bar
rels, lot of potatoes, and a reit variety of other
articles too numerous to mention.
su.s—Sale to commence at a o'clock, A. W.. On
flak! day. when attendance will be given and
term. made known by
Fcb. 7. td
Horses, Cattle,
R !NG IMPLEMENTS, &c., at Public Sale.
1: —The subscriber. intending to quit
lug, u ill QC!I at l'ulslic Kilo, at his residence, nom
Comfort 4 Mill. 1 uulc from esshtown, in Frank
lin ton n.hip, Adams county, sai Thursday, hie
17th day of March hell, the following valuable
personal property. viz :
G 11'ullK lIIIRSES, (2 being, mares with foal.)
3 two-y ear old and 2 one-Fear uhl Colts, 12 head
of horned Cattle. 1 large Steer, supposed to weigh
about 1560 pouudsi: 10 head of Shoats; 1 first
rate four-horse broad-wheeled wagon, with best
bows and corer; 1 narrow-wheeled wagon. 13 sots
of horse gears, with housings; 2 saddles aid
bridles, cart and gear!, threshing machine aid
horse pun er, winnowitag mill, grain drill, rolling
screen. 2 pair hay ladders, lime bed, ploughs and
harrows, single and double shovel plough:s, 2
horse rakes, single and double trees, 2 pair
spreaders, forks,rakes, shovels, cluverseed
cradles. scythes, eather lines, kc.; also, grain by
the bushel, and hay by the ton ; a good ten-plate
stove, with pipe, eight-day clock and case, dining
table, patent churn, tuba, casks, hogsheads and
meat vessels, 2 /maps of bees, with a large varie
ty of other articles.
16y - Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., qn
said Itt%, when attendance a ill he given and terms
mole known by JOHN lIAIITMAN.
My .trendtsville property if for sale or rent--4111
fist-rate stare Stud& with large room, counters
and shelving: and 16 acres of hand.
Feb. 14,'J9. to
r i !rIM:TMII
IMPLEMENTS, de., ut Public Sale.—The lull
scriber, Committee of JOSEPH DISAIDOItrir,
Lunatic, will sell at Public Sale, on the Fast cif
said Joseph Deardorff, in Butler tcarnship, .tdanas
county, about one aad a half miles south-west yf
Middletown, an Friday and Saterdey,tAn I IrA call
121 A dos of .ffiterk wart, the fallowing valuably
personal property, vis:
_ _
5 head of WORK HORSES, 2 three-yeer old
and 2 two-year old Colts, 3 snitch Cows, 1 Steer'',
11 Shoats, 5 Sheep, 1 narrow-tread four-horse
farm Wagon, two-horse wagon, one-horse wagon,
bay carriage, bark ladders, wood sled, one-horse
sleigh, large lot of horse gears, 2 riding saddles,
winnowing mill, cutting box, hay rake,
and harrows, single and double shovel ploughs,
corn forks, log and fifth chains, 2 spreaders,
single and double-trees, halter and cow chains,
rakes, forks, shovels, grain and clorerseed cradles,
jackscrew, grindstone, 2 cross-cut saws, wheel
barrow, crow-bar, post augers, maul and wedges,
mattocks. axes, kr. Also, large quantities of
wheat and corn by the bushel, hay by the ton ' • 1
ten-plate stove and pipe, kitchen dresser, wood
che.t., steelyards, barrels, boxes, blacksmith
tools, and a great variety of other articles. Also,
one cut rifle and two shot guns.
/11Vrtifile to commence at 8 o'clock, A. M., on
said days, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by
The stock and farming implements will be sold
on the first day.
Feb. 14, '59. is
Public Sale.
im, subscriber, intending to quit farming,
wiflNsell at public sale, at his residence, in
uticr township, Adams county, at the old Rus
sell tavern stand, on the Chambersburg road, on
Friday, the 4tA \slay of March next, the following
valuable Personal, Property, viz :
4 head of lIOFLSISS, (I brood mare.) A head of
cows and young cattle, 5 sheep, I narrow-tread
four-horse wagon, horse gears, ploughs and har
rows, shovel ploughs, bgrn forks, cutting box,
hay carriage, wood ladders, single and double
trees, rakes, forks, and otheefarming utensils.
Sale to commence at 9 o'clotk, A. W., on said
day, when attendance will be Oven and terms
made known by JOIN CAREY.
January 24,1859. to
Globe Inn,
ArgAITICSTOWN, Frederick county, Yd.—
a i ving beep renovsted and re-faruishl4,
the proprietor aasnres the public that a mil in
only needed, am he guarantees fulLeatiabctiort in
every cane. Charles moderate.
BKNRY HERB, Pratt+star.
Feb. 14, 1559. tt
4-OM EYLER'S IarATIL--Letters testa
mentary on tie rotate of Joha Eyler, late of
Mberland township, Adams county, deceased,
having been pasted to the undersigoed, reetithw
In the same township, they hereby give antics to
all persons Indebted to said estate to teas im
mediate payment, and those haring el=st
the same to menet Sheet
for settlement.
Feb. 14, '59. 6t Ereestorv.
The subscriber, Administrator of the estate
lIIIIT RIMY, Esq., deceased. will sell at pub
lit sak: at the late residence of said deceased. In
Nountpleasant township, Adams county. oa Moe_
ay, air 7t4 doy of !lank owl, the (0/ioWing \ al
cable personal property, viz :
5 ;CORK HORSKS: 8 Cows, 3 Bulb, a Int of
young rattle, I broad-tread Wagon. 2 Plantation
Wttgons. I one-horse NI agon, I inrt andeears, I
C'arrsays and Halves,. horse gears, ploughs and
barrows, double and single shovel ploughs. a
Threshing Machine and Horse Power, patent bay
rake. winnowing mill. t lining box, hay ladders,
cultivators, fork, shoi rakes, and otherfarm
ing utensils. A1.0.a new //adore, Cook move
and ixture•. tables, chairs, bureaus. bedi and
bedsteads, and a variety of other articles tooeu
nxerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. N., OM mid
day, when attendance will be giren and terms
made known by Josigru LILLY, Adair.
J. F. Kerbler, Auctioneer. Feb. 7. UP
scribers will 'ell at public sale, at their
residence, in Hampton, Reading township,
esi Senn-day, to Stk den of Yereh nett, the follow
ing personal property, via :
2 HORSES and 1 mare, 2 cows. threshing ma
chine, (good as new,) a narrow-tread four-horse
wagon, a light tw&horse wagon, horse gears,
ploughs and harrows, and other farming utensils.
Also, household and kitchen furniture : Bureaus,
tables, chairs, bedsteads, cooking stove, ten-plate
do., bacon, hogsheads, barrels. and • great
variety of other articles too omen)°, to mention.
One new Rockaway '• hay by the ton ; about 30
bags. grindstone. wh eelbarrow, Ate.
1111`Sale to commence at 10 o'clock... X., on
said day, when attendance will be given and
terms made known by _
Jan. 31, '59. U
T PrBLiC HALR.—The subscriber, residing
In Frederick City, Md will offer at Public
tia e , at the City Hotel, in Frederick, on Saturday,
the 26th of February, 1859, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
A VALUABLE FARM, containing 200 Acres of
Land, more or less, situate in Frederick county,
'near the Catoctin Mountain, and within one
quarter of a mile of the Frederick and gmmits
burg Turnpike, and about 12 miles from Fred
erick city. The Dwelling HOCSE is .
built of stone, 56 feet front, and 30 feet RTI
'deep, contains 9 rooms and a large hall.
This house is in thorough repair, and is heauti-
fully situated on a high hill, commanding a
splendid,,ciew of the Catoctin Mountain, and 20
, miles of the surrounding country. There is also
upon the farm a good Tenant HOUSE, a Summer
Kitchen, Stabling for eight horses, a Pump of
good water at the door, and three fine Springs,
near the house. About one-half of the farm is
well adapted to the growth of all kinds of grain
and the baiance to grazing. Any one purchasing
this farm, could. during four months In the ,ear,
realize a considerable amount of money from
the cities, as the neighborhood is very he:Pithy,
and a stage runs near the Jamie to and from
Frederick snail day iu tle week.
Trews of s ole :_on e ..f um rph old) on the day of
sale. and the residue in three equal imaimi ILIA--
meats with interest from the day of ealc, tacur4;tl
1 by a mortgage wyou time farm.
Le'rt VANFOSSEY, ILlCtiolletT,
Feb. 14, '59. is
ber, intending to relinquish the farming
business, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence,
in Huntington tow .A 141), Adams county, within
one mile of ('etersburg, tV. 5..) on Tiossday, the
Ist day of Mardi aro. the following Personal
Property. viz: Flirt{ HEAD OF WORKING
in tiNgs, 2 Cult+, 15 head of-Cows and Young
Cattle. 15 head of Sheep, T head of Hogs,
Broad-tread Wagons. Two-horse Carriage and
Harness, Grain Drill. Horse Gears. Ploughs and
Harrows. CuUing 16,x, Halters, Cow Chains. Fifth
Chains, Spreaders, Wheelbarrow, Grindstone,
Forks. Rakes, and other farming implemouts.
Also, Four Beds, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Chest.
Eight-day Clot k. Cooking and Teu-plate Stores
and Pipe, Iron Kettle, and a t.triety of other ar
ticles too numerous to mention.
ifreSule to commence ut 9 o'clock. A. M., on
said day, when attendance will be given and tenul
mule kuown by
Jan. 24, .53. tai
91111; FARM.—The subgeriber also offers at
PrivatoSale. his FARM. situated as above,
hounded by lands of Hon. D. Sheffer, Sebastian
Stltsel, Andrew Hartman. Jacob Asper, and
others, containing DIO ACRES, more or less,—
about 50 acres being Timbered, with a due pro
portion of Meadow. The improvements consist
of a good two-story Double Brick Jfouse, with
Back Building. Brick Rank Barn. Corn Crib and
Wagon Shed, Carriage House. Smoke House, and
other outbuildings : 2 Orchards of good fruit, well
of water near the door, te.. The farm has been
limed twice. Persons wishing to view the prop
erty are requested to call on the undersigned. re
siding thereon. DAVID Lt.:IIHW.
January 24.
11 NTATF7MENT of affairs np to Jan. le, 1850:
Organisc.l. and commenced taking insurances
July 3, 1858; number of Policies issued up to
January 10, 1859, • 168
Amount of property inured--valua
tion in gross-- $273,755 68
le " actually insured, 182.503 79
" In Treasury, in Prem. notes, 12,787 00
" received in cash as member
ship fees, $1 each, 168 00
Monies paid oat by Treasurer for char-
ter, seal, press, printing blanks,
hy,laws, advertising, ke., $55 55
Blank books k contingent expenses, 12 24
Allowance to Becretarl for issuing
Policies, 52 00
• —129 79
Balance in 10414 s or Treasurer, 39 21
We, the undcrrigoctl, oertify the above state.
Meld to be correct. J*x Seey,
Cutouts Tuitorc, rows,
Elm:tined sod approved by
Peb. 7. St Wx. EL Gomm°litT, Prea't.
Hodges Brot hers,
( 'Alia /row Trost Warsiouse.)
Importers of
o combined advantages to
the country merchant, as our stock is not only
large, but obtained upon conditions which will
defy competition.
We contract with the Manufacturers for all the
American articles we sell, and send a buyer to
Europe regularly twice a year, to select our
Foreign goods. We are enabled thereby to offer
great advantages in prices, as well as to get up •
stock at all times replete with the newest and
most desirable goods.
'Merchants in good credit are invited to examine
our stock when they next visit Baltimore, awl
they promote their own interest by doing so.
by mail carefully executed when so
compastied by satisfactory reikrencee.
Feb. 14, '59. 4m
NYON Blank Deeds, Anis and doable ac.
knowladgonat —Administrator's Deeds—
itrocutor's Deeds, and *w Administntkors with
IMS wilt asomod---Conuncon and Judgment Bonds
tknonostses, Sobpornas, kc., for
sale at Tint Crourttna omee.
Also, blank RALE NOTES.
Gettysburg, Feb. 14, 18:19.
Falk Sale
Public Bale
Real Estate,
Public Sale
a nnmerous variety of
other articles, and
rholmiale Dealers in
it warehouse, which we
expressly for our own
contains six floors, each
160 feet, and the large
c and extensive assort
, which we keep, require
tire occupancy. No house
, v of the Northern Cities.
ng goods to the country,
• James IL Bosley,
Nos. 124 dad 124 Surat Street,
F am prepared to receive and sell on Commis
sion all kinds of COI'NTRY PRODUCE. Haring
an experience of ten years in the Commission
business, (and wishing to continue that alone,)
I flatter tup.elr that I Alall be able to give sATIS
FACTION to all who fal or me v‘ith con.ignments.
Will also attend to filling orders fur Groceries.
Guano, and all kinds of Fertilisers.
Feb. 14, '59. ly
Harding di Carroll,
Fire Proof Warehouse and R. R. Depot,
No. 126 Nord /Award Strom,
Feb. 14.'59. ly
Ti To Nerohants & Farmers. [T
& W. career Lainguis 4 Gram &rods,
We would respectfully invite the attention
of bursa to our large and well selected stock
of prime family Groceries, comprising every
article usually kept in a first-class Grocery,
which we Whir at prices as low as (if nut lower
than) any house In the city.
We name in part:
Prime New Crop Orleans Sugar.
Do. do. Molasses:
Porto Rico and low grade do.—
Rio, Laguityra, Porto Rico, Cape Java,,
and other Coffees.
Excellent Imperial, Young Dyson, and Gun
powder Tess, at 50 cents per pound.
Choice Oolong do. at 50 cents.
sir Imperial Tel at 7i eta. per mad
This Tea we warrant equal, if not superior,
to any Tea sold at other places for $1 per lb
at prices to suit the times.
Fine old BRANDY,
Old Bourbon WHISKEY
Rectified Whiskey and Domestic Brandy
ler All Goods delivered to Boats and Rail
roads free of drayage
Satisfaction guarantied in all cases or the
goods returned at our expense. A libeml dis
count allowed to country merchants.
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
Southwest cor. Green & Lexington sts.,
Jan. 24, '59. tf Baltimore, Md.
"AtiAdiOnea 401.c:ir
,v" IL .
,LLW 41.1)
FOUNDED )852. Chartered 1854. Located
'De Largest. Molt Elegaatiy Furnished k Popular
Columeeriotlege in the Visited States,
Desiring to 4.dotats a thorough Practical Baldness
Every Yonng Man has a Counting Desk to him.
self, and is separately instructed.
The most Coinprehensive and Thorough Course
of Study. and the only
Are here introduced.
So Copying from Printed or Manuscript Forms in
This method of instruction is nowhere else intro
duced in this country.
Every Young Men should write immediately
for one of those large and beautiful Ornamental
Circulars, representing the exterior and interior
view of the College, Penmanship, ke., which will
be scut by return mail.fies of eAarge, with Cata
logue containing list of students, terms of tuition.
opinions of the Press on our new system of Book-
Keeping, etc.
E. K. LOPIZII. Principal—Lecturer on the Science
of Accounts, Business, Customs, etc.
J. M. Pumurs, Professor of Book-Keeping sad
Commercial Calculations.
H.H. Dseits, Associate Prof. of Book-Keeping
N.C. JowssoN, Professor of Penmanship.
S. V. WILLIMIN. Esq., Mercantile Law.
Her. E. V. Haase, U. D., Commercial Ethics.
Hon. John P. Kennedy, lion. Joshua Vansant,/
Hon. Thoputs Swann, Wm. 11. Keighler. Esq.,
Jacob Trust, Kul., William Knabe, Esq.
The time usually required to complete the full
course, from 8 to 12 weeks.
A Dirsous Is awarded to all Graduates.
Large Circulars and Catalogues stating terms,
kc., sent my mail fear of charge. Address
E. K. CAXSIEIt, Baltimore, Md.
Feb. 7, 1859. ly
Charles Dunlap,
WHOLESALE and Retail
Corner of Howard and►gton Streets,
Has as hand a general assortment of Groceries,
Teas, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, lee.
Feb. 7, lan. Iy
Than Mill Stones
STARR t CO., Cur.
of North sad Cesare Sawa, "4.
opposite N. C. R. R. Station,
liatruloan, Mo. Manufac
timers of FRENCH BURRS.
Importers sad Dealers in Dort 1 .
Blocks, Bolting Cloths, 1.6 a. • v
then and Gm Ratings, Cal
cined Plaster, and Mill Irons, of Warranted Qual
ity. Also, Coloqe, Couslico, and ERTlies Mill
Stones of all sizes. [Feb. 7, ly
Dr. Baakee
CBARGIL—Dr. liaakee will also give
special attention to the following cases :
C.inghs, Colds, Consumption, Croup, influenza,
Asthma, Bronchitis and other diseases of the
Throat and Lungs. lje will devote particular
attention to the treatment of all skin diseases
—LuntWigo, Scrofula, Rheumatism, (acute and
chronleXieuralgla, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Dys
pepsia, Piles, and all derangement of the
Stomach, Liver and Ihwels, and also to all
chronic female diseases. Special attention
will be given
to the treat
meat of the --
without the
use of the
Knife or Nee
die, and he has constantly on hand an excellent
assortment of beautiful Artificial Eyes, and
Tympanums, or Ear Drums, suitable for either
sex and all ages—inserted in five minutes.
Dr. Baakee has made a new discovery of a
Fluid that will produce perfect absorption of
the CATARACT ' and restore perfect vision to the
Eye without the use of the knife. Dr. Baakee
can produce one thousand certificates of his
perfect success in curing Cancers, old Sores or
Ulcers, Fistula, Swellings or Tumors of every
description and without the use of the knife.--
Special arrangements mast be made with Dr.
Baakee for the treatment of the last named
diseases, as they will require his constant ad.
vice and attention. Dr. Baakee is one of the
angst skillful and celebrated Surgeons and
ithyticlans now living. His fame Is known
personally In nearly every principal city In the
world. Ail lettere directed to Dr. Beakee, (en
eiosiag ten eents,) from any disteuce, coseect
ly stating the nature of the disease, shall be
ti ed
promptly answered, and IMMiests by
correspondanoe PRIIS OP C Office
hours from I A. It., to 5 P. If.
nocTcul Am,
No. 'f 4 Lessisgtom St., between Modes k Liberty,
Jan. 31, ?U. Ir - Itaittmoro, XL
vPS.-.-Tke wait complete assortment of
vests, of every variety and style, eras
brought to Gettysburg, jolt reee;rrli at
Baltimore Adv*lia:
CORN, Can Meal, Ommes,
OATS, Rye thap, Bone bast,
MILL FED, Hay, Straw, Moo. Lim,
FLOUR, field Seeds, h Gronativb.e.
Non. 117 * 149 No HOWARD Amur, '
Jill'. 17, '59. 1y BALTIMORE, Mb.
JOLIN C. rgict..Lms
FLOUR & PRODUCE Commi4sion and For.
our:ling Merchants. North street, opposite N.
C. R. R. Depot. BALTIMORE.
January 17, 1859. ly
CHANTS, No.. 1 18 and 133 Norte
street, Baltirssort.-I.leing e.tablished in
the Commission business for a number ofyears,
they solicit consignments, send pay particular
attention to the sale of GRAIN of all kinds;
Flour, Clover Seed, Whiskey and Country Pro.
duce generally. We remit proceeds promptly.
Tracks from the Northern Cettral Railroad run
into our Warehouses. Refer to R. B. Buehler,
Esq., Gett)sburg. (June 21,'58. ly
- Howard House, .
MINER lloward and Baltimore Streets,
cew Proprietors. Pare reduced to $1.50
per day. Call for the Howard House Coach at
the Depots. A. SHIPS, .
J. N. BUCK, 1 pro
January 24, '59. ly
ci ppos,Th Calvert Statical,
.fare reduced to $1,25 per day.
JOHN A. SLADK, Proprietor.
January IT. 6m
ND WARE, kc.—A. E. WARNER, Gold and
rdlveramith, No. 10 Nowrn Gar &rugs, BAL
TIMORE, MD., has in store sr beautiful assort•
merit of styles and patterns of RICH JEWELRY,
suitable for presents, embracing a great variety
of Main Gold and Sett liroaches, Mosaics, Cat•
bunkles, Ear-Rings, Bracelets, Finger Rings
set with Diamond, Ruby, Pearl, Opal, Emerald,
kr" Ladles' Gold Chains, Vest k Guard Chains,
Miniature Lockets, Gold Thimbles, Cuff Pins;
Signet, Chased and Plain Gold Rings; Pencils
and Pens, Sleeve Buttons and Stubs, Gold and
Jet Crosses, Jet Bracelets, Pins* Ear Rings, ie.
A variety of Silver Mounted k Plated Castors,
Cake Baskets, Waiters, Candlesticks, Buttes' and
Salt Stand's., Pearl Handle Desert Knives, Spoons,
Forks. Ladles, Fancy Articles, ke., all or which
is respectfully offered on the lowest terms !
Ina.„The Conntry Trade awl Dealers generally
are invited to ghe me a call, and examine Goods
And Prices, being Anti-bed that my SILVER
WARE cannot he surpasicil either for fineness or
quality, or the latest and most beautiful patterns.
January 17, 1859. ly
Light, Light I
PATENT LAMPS, superior to an others
in the market. Also dealers in COAL OIL and
LAMPS of every description.
Constantly on hand COAL OIL of the very
best quality, which we will sell at the lowest
market price. All orders promptly tilled.
No. 1 S. Liberty st., (near Baltimore,)
Jan. IT. Cm Baltimore, Md.
Wm. Knabe & Co.,
NOR. 1,3, 5 and 7 North . Eutaw Street,—
SALESROOM No. 207 Baltimore Street,
between Charles and Light--BALTIMORE, Md.,
Manufacturers of Gold al Premium GRAND
Wm. Knob° k Co. would respect idly Invite
the attention of the public, and especiall those
in want of a FIRST CLASS PIANO, to life's ea
sorted stock of instruments, which. for power
and sweetness of tone, easy and agreeable touch,
and beauty of finish, have, by the best of judges,
been pronounced unrivaled by any in the COMP..
try. As to the relative meritaof our Pianos, we
would refer to the Certificates of Excellence in
our possession, from TIIALBF,RG, STRAKOSII,
G. SATTEIt and 11. VIEUXTEMPS, as also front
some of the most distinguished professorssud
amateurs in the country ; also to the following
RIGIIEST PREMIUMS, received within the Wet
three years: GOLD MEDALS at the Maryland
Institute, 1855,1856, 1837. SILVER MEDALS
at the Metropolitan Institute, Washington, 185 7;
also, MEDALIat the Franklin Institute.
phia, 1850 A FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechanics'
Institute/ Richmond, 1855, 185 g. AB Instru
ments/of our manufacture have the full Iron
frame; and are guaranteed for FIVE YEARS.
Particular attention paid to the selection
ofinatruments for distant orders. and a privilege
Alf exchange granted at any time within six mos.
if the instruments should untyrove entirely rads.:
factory. A liberal discount to Clergymen,
Teachers and Schools. Terms liberal.
Wink-sale dealers will And It to their *dna.
tage to give us a call, as by greatly increased
facilities, we are enabled to fill all orders with
oar Constantly on band, a large assottinesit
11131.0DEON14: from die beet Factories.
SECOND-HAND PIAICOS at Great ttargalaa,
at prices from $3O to $l5O. Pianos radiongsd o
Hired and Tuned.
WITHOUT HONEY, Gifts and Books can be
obtained at H. R. HOYT it CO.'S Gloat
Md. Semd to them for a Cabilogue. Greater In
ducements than ever before offered to Agents!
Persons sending to 11. E. lloyt k Co. are sell*
of a Gift worth not less than My cents, and In
many instances worth ONE ID:NM:A DOL.
LAtt-S ! Our list of Prizes embraces a greet ra
riety of Gold'and'S 11% er Watches. Lockets,Chalns,
Ladies' Broaches, Bracelets, Parlor Time Pieces,
Sewing Machines, Silk Dresses. Pictures, ke.
In a new Catalogue of Books may be !bend
Histories, Itiogr.sphics, Travels, Adventures, Sto
ries, Anecdotes, Tales. Narratives, 11041411C0N
Sports and Pastimes. Also, Religious, al blical i ,
Theological, Classical. Philosophical, GletemAs
ice!, Botanical and Agricultural Works.
Dictionaries, Lexicons, Albums, Anneals Awl
Presentation Books, Hades, Hymn Md Power
Books, iu every style of binding. Together with
all the newest Works of the day, ill of whit*
are handsomely bound and GUAR:I:STEED Mk.
FECT in EVERY respect.
Purchasers living at a distance will, by stating
title of books wanted, be treated with the Min
liberality as if at our Store themselves.
TAKE NOTICP.,—AII orders will be answered
it two days from the time they are received.
We con guarantee the best actual per cottage
(including books and presents.) ever yet caned
by any Book selling firm or agency in the Vol.
ted States, and are confident that all who ewe
us a trial will be sure to buy again.
Persons wishing to act as Agents for es, will
have (on application) Catalogues and a spendlrt
Sbow Card, establishing oar Agency, ib►lrsltied
free of expense.
All orders should be addressed to
11. E. litra k CO.,
No. 41 Baltimore street, Baltimore, ma.
Jan. IT. 3m
White & Swig" .
CAPS, tt STRAW GOODS; alio, Is
lashionsible Mnleskin. Silk, reit sod Toe HATS,
_W. W. Cor. Baltimore sad Howard
streets, Boa timnre, Md.
Nor, 29, 1858.
George X. Bokee,
D 131411 zn
No. 41 North Howard St., betwonit‘ Liddy
ton and Payette &zee's, Bashrowlilt
air Stoneware satrap on ban an
prisms. Poe. 20.1138. 11
J. S.
Dealer in Hats,
ey Orps and 414medu
PTO. 343 Wool naltiotote Ec.
AA ?saw 0 0 41 Pet, !to
all goods of tbe boot staloo'sall
be *NM in a trot Mem ihetaii ileit
sail from ponano visiting tbe
De0.,20, Gus*
Peter SeII & Son,
Kneller & 'Prick,
C. W. Slagle Bc . Co.,
Sniquehamut Rouse,
New & Rich
A WI is respectfully solicited..
Janunry 17, 1859. ly
Gifts! Gifts I Gifts !
li. ♦. ?tic*.