The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 14, 1859, Image 2

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    W.ol l 4:oo24::PAux3pc,
111. & MICAS, Satroa 4xu rauyiukTus
ONlVlrtiAlrna. IPA i
Xun, etc.
llllP'Btxsiaeae is reviving all over the coun-
AMlllennenta are snaking to bold a grand
military encampment at York. Pa., in Sep-
WNW omit.
A'7,lloilance committee fur the summary
ttimipltimoot of barn burnerA, is struagly
whoa of in Phombersborg. Petensylvania Railroad Company, af
ter alsigailig by any nod every means the •
Stein Works for a mere song, now refuse, we;
ienes,to pay to the State the tonnage tax due I
et On thee, amounting to over $lOO.OOO. •
The U. S. Senate on Monday passed the '
Welt has been for some time pending
in time body, donating public lands to the
memo", States for the purpose of founding ag•
fientleeral isollegte, The vote on it was..
yeas O s nays 22,
illr4sorsyth en Monday tendered his resig,
ladies at the State Department as Minister to
Mesita. ben, Cass assured him that his en,
tire Worse had met with the approhation of
this government, 11i resignation was
pros ndmi by motives of delicacy, Mr. Forsyth
not Was willing to hold the office under
present circumstances, our government r.ot ;
having &Me to any determination t' to what •
it will do in regard to Mexican affairs, The
disposition of the President is to await. forth,
or developments in that country, and is not
et pelmet prepared to recognize Dither of the
governments there stinting.
Oe Saturday evening week, the telegraph
worked in as unbroken circuit from New
York to Leavenworth, Kansas, and salsa
quentlY to Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin.—
The distance from New York to Leavenworth,
by the wires, is 2000 miles.
New York. Feb. O.—A dwelling at Brook ,
lya was bung this morning, and the MOW
l+aats s s Mrs, Gill, two abildrsa and 'arrant
OA were smothered to death. Mr. Gill is
sihesiat at Philadelphia on business.
The Lew York State prisons are overflow
log, Att, Rinf, Sing there ere 1170 prisoners,
nail Mat= and Auburn prisons are crowded. t.
Money lumperts has been convicted of the
murder of Sophie Werner, whose remains
were fused, a few months ago, nethe IluAlson
River Railroad depot , in sew York, cut up
end poseked in s barrel, haring thus befn
shipped in Chimp. Previous to the murder'
Jemperta and Sophie had been Jiving unlaw-1
!oily toggither, she having left her husbend '
acid senght the peotectlentif her paramour.
About four hundred factory girls employed •
by the Mannachusetts Manufacturing Cur- 1
poration, in Lowell. Mass., struck fur higher
megaton Monday, and forming in procession,
marelsed throigh the principal streets of the
city. The girl* were geuersily employed as
The people of Brace county, Canada West.
which borders on the east shore of Lake Hu
ron, are said to be threatened with donation.
in eciesequenee of the failure of last year's
Mayor Moils. of Reading, has issued or.
to the police el that city to visit the eat
ing sod drinkieg saloons, and whenever mi
nors are timed loafing in theme to arrest them
.and She proprietors.
A short tine ago Samuel Coot, of Keay*.
1114 eseght with his set.oet. in the
Lir Adidas, at one time, six lanudrod and
forty-64w bh. of all sixes, but ammo° mall
that they eoeld not be used.
Three school girls while playing at recess,
epee the lee of Furnace pond, Salisbury, on
the27fh ult.. broke through, and one of them
was drowoded befttre help arrived.
Sawmel - Seibert, Egg., has been appointed
Agitat 'Attie -" Franklin Railroad Cumpany."
to pushes* Sills for the relaying of said
!toad. ,
Adams' &sprees ear was robbed recently of
about UO,OOO. somewhere between Mont
zoos/sty. A 1.., and Atlanta, Ca. The Com
pany hoe eineepaid the losing parties.
A. argrimsk by way of giving point to the
mu*. of a dead - man. at a funeral, declared
that Idatsern experience would prove that
she dellaci vas the most generous of men,
A.A. baillang ego borrowed forty dollars of
of whieh is his dying day lie had never
naked the payment. Of the debt thus se
ittawledgel before witneessa, hlwever, the
Lehi, the pert day, demanded the payment
otitis interest.
Three men byte been arrested at Cairo, 111.
taming in Sbeir possession $3,072 in counter
ilsit bank ltlls, ineluding s2o'e on the Farm
ers' and DreSene Bank. at Waynesburg, Pa.,
.and IVe ea Ake lierthmesnerti Bank . of V ir
Tiee following contains quite u much
Ind& as poetry :
••• Tbie is ibis but world till.* we lire in,
To speed", or la hod. or to site in!
Bas iv ••
beg, or to get a mates ov - xi.
.12y Jon. Vs . amnia world tlxat klikt xas
AIM L l '
N. ;kort 4 Scolasr4t .coma
ty, 14tiMad v 7iariag !daunt creditors mi
age keit ikokstand dollars. the State Tama- ;
strOWlt4iniats Aktilars. and Ilia zounty
abeetisWilkintsuml tow imuldited
"Mack 'illssit" is *best to sing is
New lroA far tha tamb of an African ex-
A BAIA ragipent. 42.1 lligldaaders
Ss aka* &spewed in Now York, un its Inti
.to Oman Aria Fs:♦sms-
SMIt the original Commeetiout dank
Maker, iiiitiaask before last, aged 23.
Amiliatta, Saar, week Wire last, pada
.and,pair imams lota la Mown.
rkailkitarksttala iapabrished in Tits 40era.
ft*,is,Mimi S of kakis Ake largest Aires
,all wall pima* take antive.
111010kiiiabstantiagia London. Mathew
of IsialkaListnas was 46 Massy Making."
Nig did you buy that _lot bop
2 3 "tq: 4 4 l rod
lean INOWSAti
"on. Alt ellitaHS of
amilik4iaressirsitit.wiestv show
and • iMisaaantrk,
, *MMAIra
' ll7tlll.-
jar • b. Oita* igidik. UAW . 101;
Mesta , Lapse usiike larlt
In the V nited State* Snook on Tues
day last, Mr. BIGLER moved to take up
his resolutioas declaring the erestbeof
a public debt in time of peace to be in
consistent with the trete policy of the
ci.ited States, and ;n favor of an in
crease of ale T4ritt
Serer:d gentlemen preferred that oth
er boosineits by considered, but Mr. Big
ler's :notion prevailod, IT the following
rote :
Yaar—Messrot. Bates. Bell. Bigler, Bright,
Broderick, Cameron. Clark, Clingtnam,
mer. Crittenden. Davis, Dixon, Doolittle,
Durkee, Foote, Orrin, flak+, Ilaailin, Berlin,
I[oeti.n, Kennedv, King, Pearce.
p.a. Seward, Wald*, Simmons, Thompson.
of K r.. Thou:mina, of N. J., Toombs, Wade
and Wit/un-...Li.
Naha,m-Nicsisr.. Allen, Bayard, Brcwn,
Benjamin, Chandler, Chesnut. Clay. Douglas,
leitzpatrick, Green. Ilatnaiond, Hun
ter. I verso'', Johnson "(Tenn., Jones. Mason.
Pngh. lsial , Bice, Slidell, Trumbull, tend
Mr. Bigler made an able, elaborate
and statistical speech, in support of the
resolutions. Ile had hva tnstrneted
by the Legimlatiare of his State to favor
an increase of the Tariff, and that was
the desire of an overwhelming majority
of the people of Pennsylvania. He
fully endorsed the 'views of the Presi
dent, as expressed in' his annual mos
sago, and said that all tariff laws bad
baffled the wisest statesmen, and bad
been attended with unexpected results.
Hu would prefer neither an exclusively
April* or ad valorem system, bat a ju
dicious combination of the two, fixing
the highest duties on articles of luxury.
It might be said this was not a time
to discuss this subject, bnt there was
more time than we had in fixing the
present tariff, when there was* debate
cf but a few hours. "If we could do no
better, why not add 4 or 5 per cent. to
the rates as they stand, or be would
prefer to fall back on the tariff of 1844
rather than fail to have any change.—
The iron manufacturers would be satis
fied witn a moderate specific duty, say
$8 on pig metal, ;12 on sailrdlid iron,
and 814 or 815 on rolled and hammered
bars, which would not, exceed :lip aver
age tinier the ad valorem yriaeipla for
a number of years past.
Mr. 13. proceeded to denounce the
p a p e r currency 'DUI* as a fruitful
I t source of lioancial ernharrreeenrenicr and
he would gladly do away with all bills
of a less sum than $5O.
lie answered the objection that the
North and East got more than their
due share of the protection resulting
from a tariff, bat comparing the postal
receipts and expenditures, allowed
that the South and West received more
from the treasury than the earnings
from the:r postage.
1 /Poor White Trash" and Bich
The New Tot* Tribune, the iisknowl
edged organ of the Black Republicans,
in a late article on the revolution in
Hayti, makes the following infamoisi
and diivaecful comparison:
“ A considerable part of the white
population (of Hayti at the time of the
abolition of slavery in that country)
were jostit blasts, so called, litUe whites
the samo with the POOR WHITS
TRASH of our Southern States, with
out education, or property, but exceed
ingly tenacious, like OUR POOR
of s distinction which enabled them to
take saint of the most acemplished and
wealthy MEN OF COLOR r
Hero this Black Republican oracle
intimates that the poor white people of
our country sod the "little whites" of
Hayti, occupy the same position in the
scale of-society, and declares that the
former were 'enabled "to take rank of
the most accomplished and . wealthy
men of color," thus placing oar poor
white population on a level with the
negro What (asks the Bedford Ga
zette) will the intelligent American la
borer sns. to this? Shall such a de
grading insult to a class that forms the
bone and sinew of our land, go unrebu
ked ? The "poor white trash," for
sooth : Let the poor man remember
this stigma that Black Republican
aristocracy fixes upon his name. Let
him remember it and let him resolve to
wipe out of existence the party that
dares thus to dishonor him.
nays Ire a Democratic Party Among
This question is promptly and well
answered in the following paragraph, ,
which we clip from The Buffalo Poet :
Some of the blatant Opposition and
false-)learteci Democratic presses of the
country arc tickling their readers by.
propounding the above. interrogatory,
Children -arc said to be pleased with al
titpw, even, and so we Sappose we l •
ought notto &price the Opposition of
the niertgre crumb of comfort afforded
them m this innocent pastime. They
I will find out when "the ballot boxes are
crud in 1860, - that-"there" is a Demo-
cr2.tie party among us, and a successful
one, Leo. The glorious past history of
S.bis,oaantry is but a record of the tri
uniphsotthe Democratic party. It has
already .controlled the Government of
the United States three-forths of the
time elating its existence, and we Yen
turo thepandiction that it will continue
to do my, likerviring the ignominy hea
ped v,pop it by inumpetent and design
.mg nie s ivin g the. amanita of
open enemies and secret foes--the
Democratic party will in 1860 take the
field ender tkeheaner ofita tilaaloater
1 .red
,prancipaa, and, &Tito the bowling.
areas adveriariasa, at will again achieve
L the Iloosa r aa Amor last, Mr.
Thirtorawillssaatsdiaso,patitioos !too
citizens of noir .6114 Adonis aosaiisa,
Sr 4 i 4110.re4sgiwt ", A i#0,70. Av.
illlithaSkle. • .
itilar thooks, lowder4 - Mr.
.14inartiiasod lit Apiruipiii.' got-Ado io
'reoparibt 7tbr "Qui Alto bap company.
17a P
How the clp= us tat he the Siete
We have no disposition to interfirre
in the domestic strifes ehd bicker
ingsitif the 'f happy family" which now
rules the lions° of Representatives of
this State. They `ate raised the de
mon and they may exorcise him. But
still as faithful chroniclers of the doings
of our state Legislature, we aro oom
pelled to note a recentoecureence in the
which illustrates in a most for
cible manner the reckless character of
the Opposition, and their open disre
gard of all those considerations which
usually influence honest men in the din
charge of important public duties.—
The Legulative Re' rd is now published
and issued by 11. J. liat.nzitity, under
a contract which extends through the
present session, unless mid contract be
rescinded by a joint resolution of the
two Houses. All efforts to rescind this
contract having failed, the House, in
direr violation of the late, entered into
;another contract with Mr. Branmett to
furnish them with two thousand copies
of similar record, at the rate
!of 84 20 per page. The supply of Mr.
lialdeman being fixed at three thousand
I per day, the attention of the House was
!called to that fact, and while discussion
Iwas being held upon it, the political
friends of Mr. Bergner allege that be
altered hie proposals from two to three
thousand, thus making it agree with
the contract of Mr. Haldeman. This
was at once pointed out by Mr. Fames,
t an Opposition member from Allegheny,
who denounced it as an outrage of the
most gross and palpable character.—
Mr. Roes, from Mercer, also jnined Mr.
Foster in his repudiation of this at
tempted swindle, and resolutely pro
claimed his determination to resist the
consummatioa of.this fraudspon the
Treasury at ell hazards. Bat the main
body of the Oppciestion followed the
load of the Speaker, and voted to sus-
Lain the Bergner contract in the face of
such facts as ware substantiated by the
evidence preseoted to them, and not
denied by the Speaker of the Howe,
who was forced to admit that the alter
ation had been made and that in a most
suspicions manner. The iniquity of
this act of the Opposition is heightened
when the fact is known that this alter
ation was made after the securities were
attached to the official bond for the
faithful performance of the contract,
and as such alterations relieve the secvri- ,
ties, those who voted for the contract
after this discovery, voted to give it to
Mr. Bergner without a dollar of respon
sibility on hie part. Ile might execute
it or not, he might giro them five hun
dred thousand aopies, he might
use brown paper instead of white, and!
there would - be no redrew so far as the
official bond was concerned. That was
worthless, and yet the majority of the
Opposition members sustained this
fraudulently altered contract, this contract
teithont ionfrity, ind bus made up a re
cord on which the honest tax-payers of
the Commonwealth will try -and judge
them in the future.
The economic viu'iv of this question
is also interesting, when placed in con
trast with the pmfoselons of retrench
ment and reform which were so loudly
made by the Opposition previour to thu
last fall-campaign. The contract with
Mr. Heideman is of full binding effuet
anti/ properly annulled. That has not
been done, and therefore he is entitled
-to compensation.. lie supplies both
Houses with the Record. They have
no need for another. But the louse
of RoPmentativesi knowing that the
whole antoent of Mr. Heideman's claim
will have to be paid, proposes to con
tract for an additional and unnecessary
_Record, and take from the treasury over
fire toad dollars to pay for the same.
This ta a fair apecimaa of that economy
' which the Opposition generally insert
rub" when they have the power.—Prii
Th• Game Law.
Several persons have of late been
caught violating the provisions of the
game 111 w passed at the last session of
the Legislature, and compelled to pay
their fines. On Saturday last, Mr.
John Stine, of York township, upon in
kormation of Mr. C. Stubbing, was ar
raigned before Justice Wilson, for sell
ing two Rabbats in our market. The
suit was attended by a ewer large crowd
of spectators, among wilioni where a
number of our sportsmeo, who appear
ed to be deeply interested is the ease.
Mr. Stine contended that the animals
ho sold were Hares, and not Rabbits,
and as the taw evidently had reference
to the animal knovfn hero by the general
acceptation of the term Rabbit, it was
looked upon by the assembled crowd as
a very lame defence. Another argu
ment, raised in defence of the defendant,
by his counsel, was that Rabbits were
a common nuisance, inasmuch as they
did great injury_to fruit trees, etc., and
that upon the principles of common law,
persons had a right to kill them.—
Whereupon, the counsel on the part of
I the prosecutor admitted that, if persons
had a right / to kill them, they would!
) nevertheless be compelled to pay the)
fine under the act of Assembly. Other :
arguments were adduced by the parties
in support of their respective positions,'
and some very sharp and sarcastic re
tlections were made by both parties.- 1
The proceedings are said to have been
of a very interesting oharacter. Jus
tice Wilson has withheld his decision in
the matter until next Saturday. John
F. Spangler, Esq., was counsel for the
prosecutor, and A. N. Green and E. 11.
Weiser, Esqrs., for defendant.
Wm. Anderson, of Warrington town- i
ship. was fined fifteen dollars and costs
lof prosecntion for shooting three Rab
) bits. before Esquire Atland, upon infer
;;nation of James Wells; and Mr. Ber
-1 Merman, of the same township,
was deed five dollars and costs of pros
ecution for shooting one Rabbit, before
the same Justioa„upon information of
Logan Wells.— York Press.
.gnin at lontderici.—On Thursday eve-
Ring week,ths stable of the Messrs. lige
per, in Frederick, Md.,was destroyed by
fire. On Sanday morning, s fire broku
oat in Patrirk street, near the City
Hotel, camas:Ling the stores of E. Al ,
bangh, 8. Nichols and H. Bartgis.—
The el:intents of each, however, were
generally eared. 'Us adir building
insured was the one=osi by Mr.
.Nicbols. Tiss Bity was .on fire
.4•Yerai times. hat no .dassage of ass.
moat was does.
lerlaritAta a few daya, ieidy maid
lag near Parttime:l arid" Ateatigesa
my sou% PLI two okiklowl
the iseselea Bei en illeeeeniair at!the
&weal .the ,lady Ulm refine
.L4c>c36a A-tra.ires_
libmistair lassallir.
Died, di the bd hut.. Kiss CArzAtura
Ovum, aged AS years and 10 mamb a — sa d on
She 4th. WWI MAar Orrsa, aged 4.1 years 10
ambit , sa d 1 d a y, (twin daughters of Abr..
ham Guise, deceased.) of Butler to wna hi p ,
this county. They sere born and reared to
gether--neves separated for a single night
during their lives.—took the same disease,
(measles,)-died within a few hours of each
other—and were buried aide by side, in the
same grave. " They travelled ties path
hand in hand, and in death they were not
pined." Coincidences so striking are very
311iaaaassabourg IlListalid Wire li re s ect i., 5..
At an election on the 10th of January ult.,
in pursuance of the Act of Assembly, for Di
rectors of the above corporation, the follow
ing " rams were duly elected :—William D.
Gobrecht, Jacob Fulwsikr, Glec i r g e Th rone,
Tobias Boyer, Henry Witmer, of Atrshan,.
Peter Schell, Abraham Rife, Joseph Hartzell,
John Throne, Barnet Myers, Josiah Griest,
sad Joseph E. Usaler.
At a regular meeting of the Board, on Sat
urday. February sth, inst., the* following
slimed were elected Akers Km the ensuing
year : Presidast, Walisian Li Gobreeht ; rice
Prssidp‘Jitisllsliedweiler; Treansrer, Glow
Throes; ikensksrp, antes Russell; lbsetstise
.Jaki Throne, Joseph Hartsell,
&writ. &dies was arrestsd at Politeld
on Tneedsy last, and lodged is jail to await
trial, on suspicion of having stolen from $4O
to $6O from the store of Messrs. RI
Sct.Livax, in that place, on or about the 21st
of January. It is supposed that the larceny
took place about desk in the evening, and
that it was elected by the removal of a pane
(fastened only with taeks,) from the front
window, immediately on them aids of which
the money was, oontained in a tin box.
serSaylor made his escape from prison
this morning. An iron rod hanging over
the yard wall, in the rear, shows that he
gat of by outside help. Search is' being
tnade for him.
W. Valeutior.
This is St. Valentine's Day—the Carnival
of Lore--a day peculiarly interesting to the
young, of both sexes. The origin of the day
has been a subject of much inquiry. and
who St. Valentine was is still a disputed
point. 000 account says that St. Valentine
was a lady of the .uold court of St. Louis, and
was the most bilautiful and stately. as well as
the coldest maiden there. She was besieged
by a score of losers,who were oontinually
annoying her by„,ahrowing billet atom in her
way, until at last it became positively unbear
able, and she was obliged to seek refuge from
persecution within the " cloisteek pale."
It will be interesting to learn that Easter,
which will be.oak,the 24th of April this year.,
last fell on that day in 1791, and will not
fall on the same date *gain till 2011. Since
the introduction of the Gregorian Almanac
this has only been the dasein the years 1636,
1707 and 1792. The period in which Easter
can fall, reaches from the !4d of March (ear
he'd date) to the 25th of April (latest date,)
leaving thirty-five different days fur the cele
bration of this festival. In this century
F.aater will fall only once (1886) on the latest
date, the 25th of April.
The following list of appointments by the
Conference If the United Brethren in Christ,
recently in session at Mechanicsburg., is more
full than that pubhsned bust week: York
District, Z. A. Colustoek, P. E.; Baltimore
Station, 11. Shrum); Otterbein Baltimore
Station, N. Altman ; Big Spring Station, J.
Philip Bishop ; Stapp's Station, J. Dickson
and D. Eberly ; York Station, J. C. Smith ;
York Circuit, J. Sbarrets Went: ; York
Springs Circuit, J. Gideon Sheaf; Manches
ter Circuit, 11. Brown ; ILutover Circuit,
itlexandet Tripasr ; Liverpool Circuit, W.
Bomberger ; Carlisle Circuit, J. W. Bard ;
Perry Circuit, 11. it. Fetterbof ; Bendersville
Mission, J, C. Weidler ; Paradise Mission.
J. Biller Jones.
The Twrsty.feeribed of rebeisarr.
The Independent Blum, Captain Bcanua.
intend oelebrsting the day by a public) parade
in the morning in this place ; and by an ex
cursion to Hanover in the afternoon. A
good !jags is anticipated.
It wriledmmeg Issue.
We are indebted to a friend at Zemin,-
burg far the following M locals," perta:ning
to that lender. He writes
Messrs. .&tost.sreaota & Mtsm, having
formed s partnership, design erecting a Amt.
rate Foundry, on the math side of the " burg."
They are industrious and enterprising pang
men, and deserving of success.
Our reside are in a miserable condition, (of
which fact we need hardly inform rou,) and
if it were not for the tightness in money mat
ters our citizens are oonfident that our streets
at least would have been tnrnpiked or payed.
As it is, the "corporate authorities " bare
the matter now in band, and I presume the
coming summer will find our streets thorough
l♦ McAdarnized.
There is a strong effort being made at
present to finish the .remainder of the Km
mitsburg and Frederick Turnpike, via Me
chanicetewn, to which paint it is completed.
The contract for the miles this side has
been awarded, and the work is in progress.
I think it is quite important that several
of the hills on the road between our place and
yours be lowered, and that without unneces
sary delay; for it is pretty generally connected
that the Gettysburg route will be Vic way for
most of our travel.
Ilimsruative Fire as Carlisle.
The large barn belonging to the Poor
House property at Carlisle, was destroyed by
Ilre on Saturday night a-week, about 12 o'-
clock. Night bead of bones, eighteen head
of settle, eight sheep, wagons. gears, fartoieg
inipleesesits, 125 bushels of wheat, Vi/0 bash,
els of cora, 50 tons of hay, le., the whole
rained at $5,433, zone eonsoreed with It. It
is supposed that the Ire was ass work of
three peewee, who had prirrknesly threaten
ed to barn the barn. nod QM' al* WM in
primer; awaitingerlaL
sorlierars. Bazon, Biwim j ,Ccravz
have am spot" tun Jiwatisbniied New Jer
Reaping and Morin Mai kis% loam
as Wbitaaars Nair Jaral Beeper .4 1 1 1 4
lirabe Arstroisumt ll odd% hi tb•elL
.Cligeek is tido phobia NW praciaciewl
tb• hams is tinyisimii* ei it* 10 . -
- I . S. l . vi
mos4imimi r Illiew al!dim.
The Chambereborg of ed-
Pawky last. mays vs.." The importance of a
commotion with the Railroad at Clettmharg
is attracting the attention of the bushman
men of this neighborhood. We have beard
mosiderelde talk, within a few dart pamt of
having a surtrey made in order to show the
practicability of constructing a road, over a
route of an easy grade, and free from any
wutansd expiates in building. Such a route
we am summed exists and that a survey of it
will be ram& at an early day. The great ad
vantages that a connection with the Getty,.
burg road would open up to our farmers, and
the business community, are so obvious that
self interest must succour or later determine
its completion. By tharoate proposed, which
would only !quire about twenty-four miles
of road to be built, we would obtain a direct
railroad communication with the Baltimore
market, at a saving of forty-three miles in
distanee and at least twenty tire per cent. on
freight over the roundabout road we are
now obliged to travel to get to that market.—
The merchants of Baltimore see the necessity
of this road, in order to secure the trade and
produce of the great Cumberland Valley, and
express themselves as reedy to invest their
money in it whenever the demand is made ,
open them. From the well known eftergetita
elutraeter of the men who are agitating this
subject in our commamity; ire hare no doubt
whatever that this road will be balk as no
very distant day."
asilihneed se
The Hanover Spectator, of Friday last,
ear :—"' We learn that the citizens of Ab
bottstown; in Adams county, held a meeting.
on Saturday evening last, tesinke into *mad'
eratioa the propriety of having a prelimina
ry purvey made for a Railroad, to connect
that place with the town of New Ozfurd.—
We hope that should the contemplated sur
vey be authorized, our friend and carte/11:u
-dent J. 8. Oitt, wiH be employed es en
gineer, for it is kmiwa thit he hits thus far
been ressitably correct in his sump and
estimates. We hile been informed tillsWe
estimates for the Littlestewn Railroad, pre
vious to the grading. did not vary $5Oll from
the actual cost."
New Leeeimedveis.
The Board of Directors of the Gettys
burg Railroad, at their meeting on Saturday
last, resolved to make immedlata preparation.
fur the purchase of two new tint-class Loco. ,
awaree and two Passenger Cars.
TeeiMlNomillo Isiasksite.
The Teachers' Association of Adams coun
ty oonvened in the Public School building in
thie borough, on Thursday lad, and continu
ed its sessions up to Saturday afternoon.—
Jonx C. Etus.. &lg., presided—Dr. J. L.
litts. Vice President, and Messrs. M. S. CtiN
True and Cn SLIM ROPI X110.4' Sacretori est.—
The attendance of Teachers was quite large.
&boat sixty having been present on Friday.—
Prof. J. K. SalltrOCE, of Uhantborsburg, lec
tured on Friday morning. and Dr. Msastrr.m,
of this county, in the evening of that day
The exercises were throughout. we under
stand, of a highly interesting chatacter. and
the sessions were well attended by spectators.
The full proem:Zags will doubtlese be pub
1.04/11.08.1Ht NOW
The public schools of Hanover ■re to hero
a torch-light procession. We should •• like to
be there to see." The Spectator says :—•• The
most spirited arrangements aro Leing made
for the celebration of the 22d, Ly 11. torch
light procession of the public schools. Mr.
James P. Matthews, Principal of the llir,h
school, has undertaken the euperrision of the
preparations • and a skilful artist is engned
upon the transparetteisa."
lifirAll Enigmas or Problems intended for
publication in The Compiler. must be accom
panied by the Answers and the real names
of the contributors; &regal gnigmas on
hand now, await compliance with guts* re
grin invite attendee to the card of Mr.
Janis 0. /1361.17, Coawel go Merchant,
North stress, Baltimore. la a subsequent
eoleten. A neither of our county friends
hard been doles business with Mr. Bosley
fur several yeas% and all pronounce him an
accommodating and rfoliab:e gentleman, who
always does his best for customers. We
hope his business, now large, may go on
• allrifessrs. Howes Bevirasza, No. 23
Hanover street, Baltimore, are among the
heaviest, Hosiery, Glove, Shawl and Lace
dealers in the United States. Their impor
tatioits alone exceed 5230,000 annually,
whllit their domestic purehaees run up to an
*until:ions figure. Our merchant fritmds bad
better make a note of this house, and give
it a tall when in the city. See edver.
gfir-Applioation will be made to the next
Conference fur authority to diseunaect the
Methodist congregation of Hanover from York
Springe Circuit. with a view to erecting it
into a separate charge. A new church edifies
is also talked of.
Berldr. ittcw ALL SLAGLE, of Willow (hove,
this county, bad slaughtered, recently, a
Porker which weighed 4)7 lbs Considera
ble hog, that.
1116rOn Saturday week, the op-train on the
Littlestown Railroad was delayed seseral
hours by the breaking of the rear axle of the
tender. No other damage.
afirThe tract has been laid into the Pas
senger Station, and another track into the
Engine House; here.
per Dr. Jsro. A. Swops, of Baltimore, (for
merly of this place.) has been elected one,of
Directors of the IVe‘tern Bank of that city.
Ifp • Ths.nks—to lion. WILIION RtILLT, for
a Congressional document, and to Senator
Bazwsa. for Legislative favors.
Ifir The third caucus meeting of tli;
Democratic members of the House of
Repreeentatites Was held at Washing
ton on Wednesday night, to consider
the best mode to relieve the depleted
treasury. A free interchange of opini
ons took plsee, bat the only resolution
that prevailed was one offered by Mr.
Sickles, of Now York, that a commit
tee Apaor with - a Senate oommittes,
to tekP into .consideration the proper
manner practicable for reducing the
svenclititren gibe Government.
Hurgard,./..bits., Feb. B.—Fifteen hun
dred Demand.
..aseembled here last
Q osid rerahated•the entire pro.
Aendinkol eitsalnab i r *gilt, turned .14-
lies L. stong litho . &runnel* the ad
-113164101in5.01 flba i nsjOingapen of the
rt i o S ab li te llri pana."= l Wele
adopted en d orsing the adininistratiOn
. ."'
Ser'Rar. Dr. Smarr= ori4posash in tho
Gorman Soforisod (*arch oast Sabbath, at
10 o'clock, A, Y.
Death of Mu &psi R o d
• 4-44tia hi.
teresting young lady, who we willirtbe
sad sookLent at the Yawata:7 Jemetion,
II August last, by wbicb site • less
foot, and whose palatal ntisfeitane
cited so much interest in this 00111tilo
nay, died in Washington, D. C., at the
residence of her uncle, G. A. Lane,Esq.
on Saturday, the 6th instant. ie sat. .
fered much. The limb, whore =pet*.
ted, stubbornly refused to heal, and
town, on a mountain road leading from the though additional portions of the mews-
Buctiasan Valley road, the solitary traveler ber were twice afterwards removed, ow
vriU te startled by a sound far beneath his ' as to reach a point where it was sum*
feet truly not the least terill" le sell that desirable result would bo atteate.-
The noise of this pent-up steam etruggling M l ; 3et the calculations of scions., and.
for deliverance is ftr.t heard near the summit the expectation. . ds, were each
of th• mearbtain, and is an far beneath the I time b a ttl e d and" , .intod; and her • #
nut 54 at • -
terett men? • . stem, failing W.
surface of the groans that s" n" i a
ate gradtinFly seek beyond ho, and!
like the faint dripping of water ; this gradual- lviftil providence removed her
ly increases as it descends themountainOtitiffer sull'erings.—Frederie k Cites
. The following t)Olteription ofassioterreasait
stream in the mountain near this place may
perhaps be of some interest to the general
reader :
A.balat three mites north-west from Cash-
of coasequenee approaches the surface, until
it rambles the sound of a distant waterfall,
leaving no doubt ea the mind as to its char
acter. At times it stalks on for a consider
able distance with namely an stun* mur
mur, and at others it descend steep ledges of
broken rocks with • rooting and thundering
that reminds one of the fabled fires and fur
naces of Vulcan. In short, the, rearing oT
these internal waters forms a striking con
tralti with the solitude of the mountain and
the wild and rontantic scenery around. In
this manner it continues for the distaste of
nearly two miles, when is maids* bursts
forth and forms the chief noriimen branch of
big Marsh meek near a place called Flat Rock
—a remarkable cavern or den in the side of
the mountain, suislassiky spaskuut to bottom
sundae some Mean or twenty persons.
Its whole course lies through - so rugged and
thickly wooded a part of the mountain that
to explore it would be next to impossible.
Cashtown, Pa., Feb. 5, 1159.
Three persons, A., 8., and C., having the
same income, A. saves $2OO ; B. saves as
much as A. plus half as mach as C. ; and C.
saves as much as A. and B. together. They
then entered into trade with their savings for
one year ;A. put in at first of his, and 5
months afterwards the remainder; B. first
put in of his ;at the cad of the first quarter
he put in $lOO more, and 7 months after that
he put in the remainder; U. put in at first
of his ; 4 months afterwards he took oat $3OO,
which he replaced Tmonths afterwards ; and
at theend tif 8 months ho pot in the remain
der. At the end of the year their gain was
found to bt :MOO ; what is each man's share
of the gain?
A solution is respectfally solicited. A. If.
Cashtown, Feb. 5, 1850.
Ma. Etovo2.—Sir :—I believe I have suc
ceeded in aolving the Enigma in your List,
alWays interesting inatruetive and entertain
ing "Compiler." I send you the solution,
according to my notion, which, of spourse,
you will reject if incorrect:
"Same." an indefinite adjective pronoun
"Tea," Often used by tick perm's "Unto"
is a prenoeition : " hay" is part of 11 'sunk;
" Tomb " Q refuge for the dead; " Bread" we
eat: 0 Cud " is chewed by some animals ;
"Out" ig an adverb: some people are
" Mean ;" "Lead" is found in mines; • Dute"
is a kind of fruit.
Erery boy and girl should " Study to be
come learned." Torre, a. c. s.
Ash Grove, Feb. 0, 1F.50.
Mr-Herewith I send yne an Enigma,
which I pl*.e at your disposal :
I am compate4 4)1'18 letters.
My 1 5 1] 7 15'is a county in Pennsylvania.
8 transposed. is a beautiful and
Pprightly annual.
8 1 i 15 1 2 is what we fear.
1 G 3 4 transposed he a meaty in Mary
16 5 3 IR fi IS is a rity in GerfnanF•
15 17 as eahilarating
2 5 lit a is **Assurer the lies.
7 2 17 , 6 1 is a potato cit . ! in Mecum
12 5 7 f is a luscious trrpraeal trait.
7 11 9i 6 is what all should be.
My whole is what we All covet. c. e.
Yoe The Coinpfter.
gealpropillenl Balsas.
I am anualiMNd of 20 letters.
My 12 11 (ii ft is a antnty in New Hampshire.
7 10 8.4 15 11 is a county in N. York.
8 2 2017 in a bay nn the come of Maine.
12 14 17 17 2is an island west of Scot
14 19 7is a river in England.
„ S ,
8 18 1 14 is a volcano in Edrope.
1 191! 15 a city in Peru.
16.17 717 is a county in Illinois.
13 14 2 6 17 is a county in Miaauttri.
8 20 7,10 18 is a county in Tennessee.
My wisaiii is a lake in the United States.
1. I. S.
or" The Stars and Stripes," s new candi
date fur public faros, issued by Frank Les
lie, is fur sale lov.slecos B. Ilui.rzwoarn, in
the N. E. corner *the Diamond.
The Baliimore ilunierers.—Tlio day
for banging Gambrill and Stephens has
been changed by Gov. Hicks-to the
18th of March. Crop is to be executed
on the same day. Corrie NVUS, on Fri
day last, refused a new trial and sen
tenced to be hung. John Wiseman, a
boy of 15 years, was on Monday convic
ted of man-slaughter, for the - murder of
a boy of the same age, John Furlan, in
July last.
We-William and Mary College, at,'
Williamsburg, Vs , one of - the most
distinguished and venerable institutions
oflearning in the country, was destroy
ed by fire at three o'clock on Tuesday
morning. Its valuable library and la
boratoev are said to have fallen a prey
to the tie mos. This cr.lamity will cause
the deepest regret throughout the whole !
country, especially among the many
distinguished men who have graduated
in its halls. All the students escaped
unharmed. The total loss is estimated
at about $lOO,OOO, and the insurance is
only fr 22,000. The college of William
and Mary, the oldest except Harvard
University in the 11.- States, was char
tered in 1693 by King William 111. and
Queen Mary, who give out of their
private means nearly .C,OOO sterling
towards erecting the necessary build
Ron. &mud W. Blaelt.—The ap
pointment of this gentleman as Geyer- ,
nor of the Territory of Nebraska, by
President Buchanan, will besretifying
intelligence to the D emooratiePartyi of
Pennsylvania. Mr. Black is well known
in this State, as one of the most elo
quent champions of Democracy. in
'many hotly contested cammpis, !p
had bees' the champion of tlin-mmeoof
i s=iti and equal rigitto t 04 . Ills
, and
love m o lted "Min .
liartg - PO OW 99 6 001 WI, -.09i . . 1
thorn to victory. I
H. T%. Olimpikoa
A Illidosessemeas israsso.
War T 6. Compiler
Ariftlamset lea I Problems.
for The Compiler
al ['well a arrow it aiiiira•
Spacial Notions.
iIEiILER ic sum,
Corm!, or 8500X9 *ND (bumf trairrd, PagtaMAWR
)lanalsetorerw of Mate Lead, Zinc, Potty, Varsietcas,
4.c. Wholambs dealers in Drags, Window Mao, Ike.—
City and Coantry Merchants +be dative to parebses from
• " l ett , Walt mat at aegptabla prices are raspeettally re
%sesta to, iarprei our goods. Our Whits Load, Ilse,
Patty, •ad Paretad•, are sold by more Wu: ose thsemand
WboescatoJoebarag Bowes throughout the Cakma, sat ghe
universal smotiarelioa. 11:7 - Not one complaint boo free
ameba" os..cri good yoos order' dime. A .;
T,13.59. ly
“ALL Itltiftri SAL`TY."--Do Beath VW Perna
fgaTotoriwuf DI Sway, tin/ ritiosionat Mut Cyronatittfoo or
Who Atfaadia telegraph, with 'Amtrak ansistants, WAD.*
night nod by day, aro watching for , s Itnettoso
warronta” transmissions," add tiP tltltk
sort of thlig. About Ilw beet thlng,Do Sant, 'AMIN le SD'
drop bin lasdnetral wirw•working,and. cocottes Is Mike
delpbis who* he can be free from. andiaty, and *VW ther
luxury of wearing sorb 'lnane gartneeta as er• web el
the Wows Stage Clethiog Ball of Ihntitbill Z Vibe%
Noe Mao/ 06 Cboetwat street above- Skid
UOLLOWAT'S PlLLS—Person/whose mismanaging.,
800 thorn to a stooping or sitting loiters, &wet beenreas
bty golfer from wrirvelaritlss of the bowels, ncb se ear
itiPstiosh dysentery, cholera 1120fttlig,
Thaw rilieerdsre, which insrltably shorten 1114 as veil me
render It nisenjeyable, may be neje:keenly awed by • in.....
of Holloarars ineetiensbie Pills, sad their recarrease Irby
be prevented in ell time to owns, by seersiSenal awe el
the seta powerful **getable alteretire. N. true owed
Io any sedentary occupation should ever be without libei
DPSPlPPlA.—Cossidering the 'whims Weis le which.
this disease developers Itself, It may well be called hydra.
heeded." in its train fulkre ledigntAion, Pain 10
ilsoinath, Iltartbom, Water Bnuih, Costiveness, Net,
/11111dity, Oppression after rating, Jaundice, Platolency,.
Torpor of the Liver, Disaleese, Debility, Pissonle Coin.
plaints, ka. ilorneorthe Brut min io our land hare giVeD,
their written eertilleetes relative to the curse eltected Ire
their ovro persona by the Oxygenated Bitters ; while tea
tin-oriels from other 40111004, editorial opinions and vol
untary repressions from pereme who ere averse to ewe
their MOWS la p. are perrestly overwhelming. /
Read the hillowiarg from a highly respectabie Clergy.
Lift TArrarf, maw, yob. f, JIM
Tn the &Mew eir the Pedlar' lairror,—edir :
Oxygenated Ritter. —Tor may Um* tweety-kee years
I him. berm a sallerer Crum Om dyanewas. Dovidee Smog
tie patience 4 lay Lately pityeitiatiff Is the shoat simiame
trial 4 War Yoram* preecriptieeta, I hue tried • great
variety of wilent toraleines with . eirwilaw remit. ?has'
ehelasillnem 4 my phaeleime. t rwmitial loot liar*, War
..Yaw. le it are of the Oxaganoted kill.' I Wylie lore
them without any how of aerialist bets Irmo Owen. De
deterwased to give than. a tar triad, I mintiesed their
ww. MaC walloist may pernytihie bewail 'till Jaw.
Pilaw them 1 Immi greasally intemivell in health till' I
am entirety free tram Willa! •C I almonerb, era from
the oweryeatei dedriviery, aat alb mad and 41104
t ram ise Iheadache, cleiett afters. fee aallieftfiar• be.
aloofly rualtiel are fee effete seat fee ail elitist* raisiaterbd
*stem. mei ',mamma Wes beatturs. I feel that I ewe. it.
se ea frarmeeleet of pradital• w Ihearre Towle Ir. Co., sma,
alae a dray to she pehlle. to renames./ their Oxygeseloat
Ditties, as. is my .4 lnetwu. a mire remedy for that moat
tryisg. ewe eosin, col a eel of all 40~01, to width prier
hams eras a hiPr. the ityypepitia Haring verrnal aw
Imea. oat Viet en urine different aimed ha with so meal
mmed, f ens ivaitneeetel the tinae r atal µm a r l with a
Weer, Sew .then on. If asy 4 the readers of the Mirror -
are aulfratteg, I beg o(tb•.2 to make trial ef thine littera
withaolldetxe. Jtia Li II OCEILIJNo.
Preverwi to Sib W Poole k Co . Heaton. awl fur Ng,
by A D. Doehler, tiettyvtawa; Jacob Yalweiler. Manimaie„
bnr.l; Y. Sutter. New t)fara; D. K. !lolling r. Abbott*.
town ; Killbtm Wolf, dead Berlin; Peter BAUR. yam.
U..; Wllll. B. liletnalf, butt firitapt; end by all deaden i ts
Valk If. Ave
CL-kllKl'd GUMMI. %TED fecliis Plata, prepared Crew a,
praseriplios by Dr J. Clarke, D. D. Physician Delmar-.
divvy 11,) Use gases. Tbla well Meows resslidise fs puke.
posaieee bet a sere and safe reasedt for I' estale
awl Obntreetanc., Imo any eau** whatever; sal eltioulath
• (uroda! moody. they contain enehlicy berifel to Doe.
constitution. To II tarklllll LtDI It in peculiarly melted.
It will, in a dreg thee, bring es the geesthly wind weak
These Ma tome DOM' bees booty■ to tan whet* the
dlraethsos Sd part of pamphlet are well obtoevol., ,
Nor Duthie. portiestars gets pomphlot free of the arema.
N. 11.—S1 sad 6 postage stamps oaelhasol to ass, mother.,
teed afoot, well lows a bale, 000talMag over SO 1411 a,
by ratans mall.
T. W. Dyott t 800, Wholesale Agents, Philadelaitha—
A. D. Buehler, Age■t, Getty sburg.
Stay Jy
Oa 3fondey mnraing the lith t at the boas* of the
belles bather, elr. JOHN ff. ZINN, of Newport. Perry
(acct . !, to Iliss lIAN sAil M , eeectoi daughter of Jew.
Houck, Nag , of Boller township.
It The happy pair did not forget the rioter 00 ibs
joyous occasion. Accompaaying this above Notice, we re.
arrived s liberal supply of weddiag cake, for Thigh they
will plow accept oar thasits. key the eamoillas of WSW-
DeA4 ever lighten op their pathway, aat sonsitte
shadow never darken the door of their bowie.
Oa the 10th Inst , at the house of Mr. Peter 1111guelle
Nola, by the Rev. It. Bishop, HXNMY OVSIDIZI tisk
gIiseIIATI6DA ilk:sm.:lloyr, both of Ilamiltmeass two.
On the 10th irot the Rev Jacob Ziegler, &WIZ
ANDER .1. Btleil Zit to Mae lii.•TZ 4. saassr, btltab
Areadwi Ile
At l'askotooto. on tha morning of tb. oth IMU., lira.
11 A IRINA $l. PM ITU, wife of Georg* Smith, MA deoptim
of A $ K sod Usu 7 lAmeas, dof tho amody, aptehirouti
I inonth 21 ALP
In Hopewell townnblp, Canallowiaad eau*, as liat
of Dem/ober, 1868, Mrs. UHh&WTTM IfOria, was et
Wa lAto Jobs Yobs*, Is Um Mb yams( basip.
At Sell'. Mill, neer ArtsJtmilio, os taa 1.111104, Vita.
ANN 114 AMA SANDIA, la taio Saal. yaw of bar up.
On lb. 210th all .31r.. Ille/CLIf Li, wiled
Wl 1. se d Ilanu triton tawastup, wadi rows 101=
awl 2 , nays.
Yesterday, to Ibis place, Mr. 34311111 PST 1111 011011114 n
aged 4.5 years 11 maxillas and 13 days.
Superfine F10ur...... ..
Bye Flour
Bye ...... . ...... ...—......
OAti ............
Buckwheat Beal
Closer Seed
Timothy Seed....
Fla: 5eed...... ...
Barley ..... ........
Plaster of Paris
1 eq
6 50 to • 57
......... 1 00 to 1 'l§
•• 00000000000 • ---.. 71
....... 704
000000 •••• 4 T 4
BALTIMORS—Faromr Last.
Wheat ............. ? as So I IR
Rye ...... '75 to
Corn TIL se r,
Oats ... 4111 to i
Clover Seed . ............ 117 to? .1
Timothy 5eed........................... 2. MI Mr
Beef Cattle, per band.............- 6 416411011.,
Bogs, per haul. ..... 7 60 lOLA.
-- ..........—.............13
n 0 0. 170
ja eo
Guano, Peruvian, per t0*.......... 62 00
Flour, from wagons mr?, 6
Do. from stores lb
Wheat . 1 ;#go 1
Rye ttr,:!”••••••••...17?
Corn ..•.,.... .. : ... ..............•..: •
Oats If ~. ... .
• .. , r••
qpTer St!„7::p.„ •I • ' • D.. •
- ti
TlnattY 51ii:e..............••••• r
, , - I ' ' ' t .
11 . 5 ; 4 , ,
.... .... ..
YOUPAtiiiiiii* =
Pleat, 4%4 IFIVIII21.. , !!"445."".
0411U• trz o 4.ti p., •• • 0 • • • • • i p k i lik t
O •
heat *H.' 11N41.1 110 "NO O.* •.... ...a •••
te --- r-- ....-77-..1.—;;• t—tw.w7—
i•:tiii it l• i••• 4 ".
41100 2 i••••• • •• , : ''''''', -i7l
f ••• air .....• rear•w•Lidooli••• n i ! ' ;-, • ' ft' 1
vtor - Nate1....;,.............:.1-• - I.l' .1.! itt,
... . *O;4 •• •.• •..• 3 0
_ _ _
- 52
....—.l 13 to 1 2(1
.....-- In
---- 14
•••••••-• 154 1
• ***** -•' MI