The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 07, 1859, Image 4
• 3' Y LIM An Old Xan'a Advice. • The fov.Daniell Waldo. late chap lain to Congress, says :--" I am now an fold man. I Gave soon nearly a cent ury. 'Do ycat want to know how to grow old elowly'aod happily T Lot me toll you. ‘.A wily. 'eat slowly—mesticato well.— Go too your food, to soar rest, to your `occupations smiling. Keep a good na "tare and a soft temper everywhere.— Never give way to anger. Cgltivate a brood memory, and to do this you most always be communicative ; repeat what you have read ; talk about it. Dr. .Johnson ' s great memory wai owing to hie communicativeness. You, young 'men who are just_loa7in: , eolle4e, let sito advise you to choose a pr , lfussion in 'which you can exercise your talent, and at the !Male tirriu be honest." Splitting Hairs. Some years ago, Roger Sherman and Perry Smith, of Condlsetieut, were 'opposed to each other as advocates in uii important case, before a court of jos- Smith opened the case with a vio 'ent and foolish tirade against Sher man's character. Sherman ruse in a 'composed mariner, and remarked: "I shall not discuss polities with Mr. .Smith before this court,but I am perfect -1y willing to argue questions of law, to chop logic, or even t'.; split hairs with "Split that, then," said Smith, at the SiIMO time pulling out a zhort, rough looking hair from his own head, and Pawling it over towards Sherman. "Mai• it please the honorable court," .—retorted Sherman, "1 didn't sad• bris 'l.lce Tho longer I live," says it peat writer, "the more certain I 121 that the difference between men, the great and the insignificant, is energy; fnvfnptble aetermination, an hotiebt par , • CZonee fixed and then death or vie , That quality will do anything in the world; and no talents, no cir cumstances, no opportunity, will make a two-legged creature a wart without Oar Madame La Vert, in ono of her pharming pictures W* 0:11)1111 life, says the women there have a note trait of aNtratter—" they never speak ill of tateli other, but always find Nome for the errors oftkir own sex." 11Ve are for immediate nexation ;we want the gent of the -Antilles, its wealth of sugar plantations,"aud its jewels of wo men. MPH you are threatened with a handsome man in the family, jait take a ;clothes pounder while he is yet in 'bed, and batter his head to a pumice. From Nome cause or another, handsome men pro invariably asses; they cultivate their hair and complexion so much, that they have no time to think of their brains. By the time they roach thirty., their heads and hands are equally soft. 'Again, we say, if you Irish to find an ntelligent man just look for one with eatures so rough that they might use ' is-face for a nutmeg grater. The Phrase "Log Rolling."—The phrase is drawn from the clearing of forest land in a new country. The settler could himself cut down trees, -and cut them into lenghts or logs.- - The next step was to roll them into heaps for burning, and that ho could not do without help; so he called his neighbors to help him roll, and when they bad rolling ho helped them. This was aptly applied to legislative action for the passage of laws for. local mea sures. Yote for my bill and I will rote for yours. The phrase was probably western ; it is certainly more than fur l', years old. Phtmy Phix.—The editor of the Kansas Chief must bo in a ludicrous "phi-x." He says :--v"We have lived on potatoes and beef so long that we hive a complete Irish brogue, and are getting horns and tail like a steer. We have eatun so many pumpkins that it is difficult for us to distinguish our head from a pumpkin." Smyttb came home " glonons," And took it in his insane head to try a cold soup—the remains of his dinner— before going to bed. His wife heard 'him fumbling about for a while, in vain . undeavoting to find it. At last he said : A" Wife, is that ero soup tied up in any thing or lying around loose ?" • - berA tutor lecturing a young !pan for his irregular conduct, added, with great pathos, "You wilt bring your lath ers grey hairs in sorrow to the grave." "I bug your partici), sir," replied the incorrigible, " my father wears a wig." • lir Life is what we make it. Let ne „all blink images of joy and gladness, rather than those of grief and care.— Zbe latter may sometimes be our guests to sap and dine, but lot them never be permitted to lodge with us. ser-"Take a ticket, sir, for the W idon and Orphan's Fund of the Spike Snubs :tyr "Well, y-e-a-s: I don't care much 'hough for the orphans—but I goes in stroug for the widows:" se '" What shall I do for my head' It's so dizzy I seem to see double." The doctor wrote a prescription and retired. The rec;pe ran thus : " When you see•durible, you will find relive,' you count your money." per-" Paps, has Mr. Smith's eyes got feet?" " Why ask such a question, my boy?" "Because I heard 'water say that d i a party the other evening , Mr.Bmith's eyes followed her all aroun d the room." AWhatever may be the reputation ran while alive, when dead he is gauerally allowed to be a finished gen gloom. air • raise, though it may be oa:due, ia i#dt liko a bank-bill, to be paid upon pesnsnd. To be valuable, it must be ATOM' . ' iirlt is a solemn thing to be mar yiAda' SitiOunt Bethany. "Yes; but less dap' Aim solemn not to be," said rep hairit, like honost friends, I ( out and cast aside) for tellin g truttio. j oirif *very folly wore a in, there be groaning in every house. r 3 .4 , 5 1 .1 4 . liF ZWilvxt,tast s4e9.!a&—A happy trap Now is the Time 1 T HE Nubscriber would inform thepnblie that he has opened a MACHINE 8110 P, in Chanaersburj street, Gettysburg, near the 1' ,u nary, where he well have various blade of M whines on hand at any time hereafter, vu,:h 7'lin-tiling .V zrtui s, Ctern , 4 3./!•re; C'urnl% Ller Cutlers, Corers-eil Hullers, St raw Cutlers, and Powers of different kind., —two, four or six -horse, to suit purchaser.; —indeed all Fuel as can be had at Hanover or Littlostown. Als0„ M,rhsiny Aim.Aines, for house carpenters, put up in the tery best an d m ,et substanti.zl m.inner, Cutting S.reics ur long II ,It*, any Lind or size less than eleven feet in length, alWays attended to, .ae well al 7%r/tiny in iron, casting or w Alto all kinds OD Ma ohinery, dreiiin4-up MAI Spindler, Ac., done on the shortest notice. I hope that all in want of anything in my line will call at my Snap before going eke where. I will warrant all my wurk to give aatisfactiuu t purchaperx. DAVID STERNER March .19,1858. Iy HMS H. ("MINER. WAYBRIGUT ZINGLIM New Firm---New•Ooods. THE uade.rsigne I have entered into part nership in the HARDWARE & GRO CERY bu4ineot, at the old etand of Danner & Ziegler, in BiltimoYe street, under the name, style and firrmr of Danner & Ziejler, !rt., and aik, and will endeavor to deserve, a continuance of the patronage of the old firm, as well as any pined ty of new custom. Tnev have just returned frona . the cities with an fie n,tasc stock of Goods—consisting in part of ' BraLling Vilerials, such as nails, screws, hinges, ),,Its, lo,dis, glass, 4te. 'hots, including edge tools of every de scription, saws, pines, chisels, gouges, bra ces and 'AU, augers, squares, guages, here upon. Jae. flkickaaatlit will find anvils, vices. rasps. Bea, horse shoes, horse-shoe nails, &c., with them, very cheap. Ctiudi kilinis, each as cloth, canvass, damask, fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth, I •apring,s, axles. spokes, felloes, bows, pules, shafts, It!. Firidiays, Tampico, brush and french morocco, linings, bindings, pegs. lasts, boot trees. & With a general assortment of shoe maker's ton's. Cabiad Maker's Tools, a general assort went--also varnish. knobs, &c. If I , l4eteepvrs also find a large assort ment ofkiiires and forks,brittannia, albata and silver-plated table and tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad irons, enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, churn', .:ari•et,ing, Al•ci a iv n iral assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all sixes and kinds; cast, shear and blister steel, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Geoce,ies, a full and general assortment, such as crushe I, pulverised, clarified and brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and sugar Itea,e molasses and syrups, coffee, spwoe, chocolate, fine. coarse arid dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm OIL; Turpentine, Fish, &_-.; a fall assortment of Load and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, al,numt, every article in the Hardware, Coach FindinT. S is Finling, Housekeeping, 'Black siu:th. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Grocery line, all of which they are de termined to sell as low fur cssn al„any house out of the city. IIF.NRY R. DINNER, WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. Voluble Real Estate, • T PRLi'ATr: SILK.—The subscriber., -"-Ev aell ors of Anttattax SNYDER, deceased, offer at Prit ate Sale. that DESIRABLE FARM . , on which decedent resided upwards of twenty years, situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, adjoining lands of George Meekley. thin of Jacob Wulf. Anthony Dear dorff, St nuel noardortf, and David'lloover containing 202 , ACRES, more or less with sou,' proportions of Timber saki Meadow The improvements consist of a . • two-story Weatherby/at-dell ing HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon 1111-; Shed and Curn Crib attached,, Cooper Shop, arid other out-huilttiags ; never-failing wells of water, one at the - house, the other at the barn ; and an evcellent Ap ple ORCI I A RD, with a variety of other choice fruit. Gmowago Creek runs through the Farm, and there are also two springs on the property. The fences, mostly of chesnnt rails, are good, and the land is in a good state of cultivation, two-thirds of it laving been liine.l. The property will ho shown by Samuel Follinter, restdang thereon. Also. A TRACT OF MOUN i'A I N LAND, containing 7 acres, more or less, situate in Slenallen township, Adams conut_v, adjoining lands of George Meakley, Jacob Gulden, and others. JOEIN SNYDER. FREDERICK BOLTZ, Sept. 6. 1R.51. Exectdors. eso- ['he sale notes given for personal property of said deceased aro now due, and immediate payment is required. The notes are in the hands of F. Mits. Dissolution OF PARTNEILSH IP.—TheOammrtaermilip existing between the subscribers has been dis4alro.l this day by mutual consent. We return thanks to our friends and the public fur the liberal supportestended to us. Our books are placed in the hands of Geo. E. Briugman fur collection, and in his ab sence will he settled by J. Culp, at the stare, and we earnestly request those indebted to call and make immediate payment, as we are desiraus of settling our business without de lay. GE°. E. BIIING.NIAN, JOIN CULP. Oct. 20, 1?58. A Card. TILE subscriber having disposed of Lie in tereit in the Store of Bringman dt Culp, to Alexander Cohcan, 'respectfully asks the continuance of his friends and customers to patronise h is successors. where bargains may be had. OEO. E. BRINGMAN. Oct. 25. Another Change TN THE HAT, SHOE AND HARNESS, BUSENESS.—A. COBEAN baring bought out the interest of Geo. E. Bringman, Esq., in the firm of Brin•rinan & Culp, respectful ly announces to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that the business will be continued at the old stand, sign of the Big B iot, by Cobegn k Culp, who will constantly keep on band a large stock of Goods in the line of Bats, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, and Har ness. They will alvu continue the menu. ; fai•tariug of Shoes and Harness. From their long experience in all the above busi ness they Halter themsehes that they can please the public, and willsell cheap for oash. A. (JOBE AN , Oct. 25. •. JOHN CULP. New Arrival ! HATS, CAPS. BOON & SHOES.—The " subscriber has just returned from Phila delphia where he selected, with much care, a very large and superior stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, and flatters himself that be is now prepared to exhibit to the eitlions of Gettysburg and vicinity, the larg est and finest stock of Goods in his line that has ever been offered to their notice. Har ing purchased our goods at the lowest cash prices, we are prepared to offer greate'r in ducements than ever. Come and see. We will take great pleasure in showing our goods whethel'Jou synth to but or not. Oct. :416' It. F. McILIIENNY. FIVE DOLLARS RE IVAED I Lost ! Lost ! qpwo small MILL BOOKS were lost in Gettyiburg on Thursday n-week, for the return or which to too eeicivelfujeted a reward QfRIYE DOLLAR., will be paid. fl4tiellit SKEAN. Nov. 10, New Grocery Store. V, EW FIRM AND NEW.GOODS.—SIIY -1-1 DF.It RENNER bare just reeeiveclat 'their New Store, in Baltimore Street, n cow ilenis atm, Darid MeCrearfs Saddlery tablishntr.nt., the litrzelt aid most complete a..ortinent of Grocerie4 brought t ) Get tv))burg f.,r a brag time, con.i.ting of Coffee, f:ur kinds,) 514.1 r, (four kinds,) 'Molasses) syrup, Sha.!, Fresh Fleur, Coro. Oat., Butte:. Eg4., flacon, Salt, in short evbry uso„Ily liopt in a lirst-class Groeery Store. berThelliglielt market price paid for,!oun try produce or taken in exchanze frr e ue R call. Bay your iirocorie4 where you will Le sure to get thew good and cheap. War 11.)rer's celoisrated writing Ink fur sale. (Nov 1, 11451. New Grocery. THIS WAY FOR TI.AINAINS.—The 11111}. scriber respectfully inf,rins the citizens of town end country, that he tut+ opened a Grocery, Cunfeeti , inary and Store, on York stre.2.t, two doors P.l.qt, of St. craMe.4 . Lutheran Church, where he has now on hand a general a-.ortment of goods in his line—such as: . rup, fr,tn 4U to 70 tents per gall ; Sum's, all kinds C ff e dif ferent kinds; Vinegar, Salt, Fish, Chaese, Seutcb 11 , rring, gneind and unground Pep per, Al%pioe, Cinnant.n, Mdstard, Soda, Ginger, Starch, nice, Teas, Candles, Extract Coffee, Chocolate, Concentrated Lye; Browns, llicket•, Cnnlies, all kinds : Figs, Walnuts, Palm Nuts, Almonds, Ground Nuts, Layer Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, Fan cy Cakes, Crackers of all kinds, flutter and Eggs bought and sold. He in vites the rails of the public, convinced that his assortment will please, both in quality and price. He is determined to sell cheaper than the clazapest. tit; M. E. BITTLE. Gettysburg, Dec 10, '5B. Aulabaugh's New Store, r i N the corner of Hanover street and the Public Square, in NEW OXFORD, Adams county, is the place to secure the most desirable B 111 GAINS in HARD WARE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Oils, Paints, S.tddlery ' Gueensware, Glassware, Earlhlrivare, efips. Boots and Slurs, Rea 1 y-inaile Mihitig, with an endless variety of other articles. His stuck of forged and. rolled IRON, STEEL and NAILS. is very large, and of fers rare inducements to purchasers. Jones's Patent COAL OIL LAMPS, with the Unit Oil, (Kerosene,) kept on hand and for sale at the lowe't rate.. Also a fine lot of BUFFALO ROBES, of different sizes. He al+o has a quantity of LUMBER still on band, which ho is disposing of at very; l low rates. JACOB AULAB 11;011 New Oxford, Nap•. 15, 1858. ly* 01d• Dominion COFFEE desirable improvement in making coffee, by which one-fourth less coffee is required and a stranger and inure highly fl.tvorel bet-crag:is made. Yon can c 'flee in it for any length of time without one p trtirle of the strength or armona eseat ing. 'flu's° fond of ago al cup of coffee an t i at the sane time wishing to save one fourth the expense should call at once an d buy an Oil boati.iion P at the cheap store of FAUN ESTOCii. Nov. 29. Jacob B. Holtz worth, fIONTINUES to receive at his Nova Depot •-/ in the Nortli-e.t.t c irsier ofTentreSquare i all the chqicest Periolieak of the day. viz: New 'York Ledger, Harper's 'Weekly, Gleason's Pictori4l, Pollee Gazette, B iltimore Sun, New York M . :miry. Frank Leslie's New York Clipper, Harper's Mag,azine, Bal timore Clipper. 1/fra•L viies and oth trs wishing anythin,g in my line, and not fin ling it convenient to call, will ple.t'e 4:ye uta aotiee, and I will wait on thorn at their h oozes with pleasure. Dec.2o, '5 '4. A Store Room, SUITABLE for the Dry ( Nide business, fur Rent. Enquire at 'LIE C iarit.nt Nov. 29. LUfE7 The Great Wonder OF the Nineteenth Centory.—PROFESSOR IVO D'S 1 AIR REs . ro it ATI El —Says the St. f.mis, (Mo.) Democrat: Below we ouhlish a letter to Dr. %Fowl, of this city, from a gentleman to Maine, which speaks g l ow i ng ly of th e aoperio- merita of his hair tonic. Soch evidence must have its effect, wimp cam MA from a reliable source. If c;”-- tifiaate.9 are guarantees of truth, the Dr. nkils- 1 no encomiums, nor useless puffery" from the , press : BATH, ilAixs, Jan. 20. 1856 Peof. 0. J. Mod d Co.:—Gentlemen:— Ilaving my attention called • few months since to the highly beneficial effects of your hair restorative I was induced to make ap plicstion of it upon tny own hair, which had become quite gray. probably enethird white; my whiskers were of the seine character.— &vine throe in traits since I prozered a bottle of your hair restorative. and used it. I soon found it was proving what I had wished. I used it about twice a week. I have since procured another bottle. of which I have used some. I can now certifi,to the world tnat the gray or White hair has totally disappear ed. both on my heal and face, and my hair has resnm td its natural color, and I believe more soft an I glossy th in it has been before for twenty-tire years. I ant now 'sixty yoars old : my good wi'e at the age of fifty-two, has used it with the same effect. The «bore notice I deem do a to you for your valuable discovery. I am assured that whoever will rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to contradict my state ments. I am a citizen of thill city and a resident here for the last fifteen years, and ant known to nearly every one here and ad joining towns. Any use you may make 'of the above. with my name attached, is at your service. as I wish to preserve the beauties of nature in others as well as myself. I am, truly, yours, A. C. RAYMOND ' BALTIMORE. Jan. 28. 1858 WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Professor Wood—Dear Sir : Having had the misfortune to lose the Lest portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was induced to mak a trial of your preparation. and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my obligations to you in giving to the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. The undersigned, Rev. J. K. Bragg., is a trunister in regular standing, and castor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Mass.— Ho is a gentleman (agree. influence and uni versally btlove4.l. IVII. DYER, • Brookfield, Jan. 12, 1856. Professor Wood—!)car Sir: Hating made trial of your Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that its effect has been eicel lent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with which I have been troubled from my childhood; and has also restored my hair, which was becom tng gray, to its original color. I have used no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours truly, J. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put op in bottles of 3 sizes, viz: large. medium, and small; the small bolds • pint, and 'retails for $1 pr bottle; the medium holds at least'twenty per cent. more in proportion than the small, re tails for two dollars per bottle ; the large bolds a quart. 40 per cent. more in propor tion, and retails for $3. O. J. Wood & Co., Proprietors. 312 Broad way, New York. (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment.) and 114 Market St., St. Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Drug gists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Dec. 6. 1858. '3m CATTLE POWDElc;Broioig, Froae6eld I V MTS.—The most complete assortment of •- 1 & Co's Cattle )ledicioes—a first rate-ar- ' Veit., of every variety and style, ever ticks for lloray, , Cattle and Moi r a — can be' Irrouett t.) Gettysteisz, just 'received at land at bNYDER & BEN/ir'Bß'S. i ~ • PICKING'S. me Great Anbaxsador of ilealtli to all : -Mankind. HiAlowars Pills. grim-woo of human yilefr.riene from inineral and i BOON fro THE SICK ?—The want of a -i. Mei-ling medicinal . to moot the ills and o int t ; h : e esa r necessities r e l e :t7 4. i r i e u tni u lte ip eul a r t ie Ie ~ vr a m ii c; er.- : v felt tilt this all powerful me lidos was ushered into Olt:IR./rid; II Jt.i.ow WSINV.ILL7ABLE PILLS have become the n,!usetior.o a EVEDI of all nations. Tim i i: attribute n to rnErr•r as well as tp CURE: . they attack the ntiiix Or Itatir of the eumplulni,. and thug by removing the hidden cause if Limas': reinvigorate and r e S t i c i. g nature : t r i e n thedtruoroem in drooping h g cn e Lr,;m4 of the system, „s r , ta4k of viTIL and rtscriocmay ELME)! ATIoN. 017,SPEPS11.—The greAt scourge of this continent yields quickly to a c , urse of these restore toicrdlandthe digestive nrgans are etheir proper tune: no matter in what hideous shape this hydra of disease ex- AND WE A.K.- ts itself, this searching and unerri re G me E d E d i ii . p i e L ree v s iEtufrioLinuit,ll,e patient's system NE%3S.—From whatever cause, lownes s o f spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver, and other d;sargauisations of the system. vanish tinier the eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic and detergent remedy. BILIOUS DISJIIDERS.; , -The proper quati turn and right condition of the bile is of ma mentous importance to the health of the hu man frame, this anti-bilious medicine expels the hidden seeds of the complaint, and ren. ders all the fluids and secretions pare and fluent, cleansing and resuscitating the vital functions of the body. SICKLY FEMALES—ShouId lose no time in trying a few doses of this regulating and renovating remedy, whitever may Le their complaint, it can be taken with safety in all periodical and other disorganistuions. Its effect is all but miraculous. UNREFUTED Pll.o3F.—Tho testimony of Nations is unanimously borne to the health giving virtues of his 'noble remedy, and cer• titientes in every living language bear wit ness to the undeniableness of their intrinsic worth. ILilloway's Pills are the best remedy known in t h e wor ld /or the julluiriny citseasev : Bowel COlloPillatLyir,blerli:,Y A. 'Dropsy,Anthrax, I oward We Ike's. 1 ron. Lorroes* of Spirits, Liver Complaints, Coughs, Cots, /pinnate Complarati, Pile*, Chest Diseases', Ilesdaehs a, Stone and Grassi. Costl norms., I rahgention , B•rantarySymptonur, Drap•Tnis, I orison:A. V I A Irestioos. Diar rises, I a ramto.ntlow, 'Voris, ut all kind* seir•Ctutina!—Nkme are geuuine unless the words " dlotray, New York and Lou d ni," are liscernible as a triter-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each not or 1),,x ; the same may be plainly seen by houi ng /I , c leaf to the light. A handsome se ward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medi cines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. * * *Sulk' at the Manufactories of Professre Holloway, SO Maiden Lane, New York, aid by nll respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medieine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes lit Leats, G 3 cants, and $1 each. A. D. BeEIILER, Agent GettyThurg. ger rhere is entsiderable saying by taking the larger sizes. N. 13.—Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder ire affixed to each box. [June 7, 1838. enwly. RemovaL ALEX". FRAZER. Wutch• & Clock Maker, has removed his shop to Chambersburg street, opposite the Lutheran:Church, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful fur past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to liusinesis and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. tiettysburg, March 8, 1858. Who will Refuse T HE fr,rth p/ their money and the right rhan s ge bark NOII.I3E_`K fi 51ARTIN'S is the place to get it., where they sell all kinds of Groceries, Confeztionaries, and Fancy -Vrticle4—in a word, everything belonging to a first-clues Grocery. M of seven differeat from 41 coot+ up to 73 For gitllou ; Sugars, six dilre;dll n 14, from 8 cents up to 14 per lh.: Coffey, five kin .14 ; Teas, Chocolate. eracker4. T. Cake+, Bottled Pie Fruit, Uhee..e, F1..11, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. .111,1 v '24, 1816. Co-Partnership NOTICE.— rue undersigned have ttssocia te i with thrill. in the Lumber business, E. C. Burins. They would therefore give no tice that the business hereafter will Le con- Incted uldcr the firm of SMALL, BENCILII 03., and th!y hope, by strict attention to business and an earnest desire to please, to merit a continuatiou of the liberal patronage lierewfore bestowed upon them. _ _ KILLIAN SMALL & CO Lumber Yard, ON ?lurch George Algreet, near the Rai/road, YORK, PA. We w-mild invite the attention of Xfichan ies, Builders, and others, .to our large and well selected stock of LI7 .1111 E R, consisting o f every description of White Pine Boards and Plank, Joist, Scantling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut S:iiugles, Lathe, Picketa, Worked Flootqny °ad treatiaerboarding, .k.c. We are prepared to CDT TO ORDER any size. quantity and quality of WHITE PINE & OAK, L UMBER, at the shortest notice, andshave It delivered to any point accessible by Railroad. 'We also manufacture and keep on hand a gene ral assortment of SASH, DO,DR9, Shutters, Blinds, Windom 'raises and Door Frame: . //Warders for any sixes not on hand tilled with dispatch. oar Our stock and assortment is equal to any others, and we are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. iiiirAll orders and communications ad dressed to the undersi;ned, at York, Pa., will receive prompt attention. SMALL, BgSDER & CO. York, May 24, 11558. ly Sunbeam Gallery. TILE subscriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lie generally, that he has provided himself with an!re new and splendid SKY-LIGLIT ANIaII.OIYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Middle street, one Sluare west of Falinestock's Store. Where he is prepared to furnish Am/r°, Me/aino, Euaine/ and Photo gcuph Pictures in every style of the art, which he will warrant to givti entire satis faction. and is prepared to ace , )mniodate all with GOOD PICTURES, either single or in groups. Ile also has a number of specimens at his room in Caambersburg Street, a few doors Welt of bringman k Culp's Shoe Store, where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of them selves and friends, will do well to give me a call, as I have reduced my prices to suitthe present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds; also, inserted in Lockets. Breast Pins Finger Rings, &e. Tbesubseriber bsingthaukful to his friends . and the public in general for past patronage, wishes them to continue it„aad assures them, that asheretofore,theyshall not be distsatinfted. ' OWCharges from b so cents to $lO. Hours for operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.' Gold Lnekets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on hand, at the very lowest prices. Skireihildreu will not be taken for less 'than $1 00. /fi•Ambmtyoae taken for fifty cents and upwards, and in the best style. SAMUEL WEAVER. April 20, 1858. tf THE subscriber b rembrod his Plough! uld Machine Shop frost the Foundry building to Railroad ittreet, oriposite Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the - Eagle Hotel, I where !leis Letter prepared than ever to at tend to customers. Ploughs always on hand and made to owderatethe shortest notice, and , Machines, Reapers, .ke., repaired. Alan he will attend to cleaning and repairing. Cloek.s. May 10. DAVID IVAItIiEN. umber and Coal. T HE subscriber informs the public that he continues the Lumber and Coal business at LITTLETOWS. Adams county, on A IArVI" scale than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank, Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plastering Lathes, Shingles, Palings, &c., with all kinds of Stove, Linieburners' and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.— He invites the calls of the public, and will sell us low as the very lo JOIIN MILLER. April 19.18 V. ly Notice. TUE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will haw after he continued et the old stand, in Balti more street, by their sons, Henry B. Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and st7le of Danner and Ziegler, Jil., whom we will recommend to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. Hallos. retired from the Mercantile bolsi.- ? ness, it is necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted to us either by Judgment, Note or Book Account, to call and settle the same without delay. The books will be found at the old stand. • J. B. DANNER, • DAVID ZIEGLER. May 24. IRSB. To the Ladies. fIEORGE ARNOLD has again replenished " his stock of Ladids' Dress and Fancy Goods; he has now on hand the largest and prettiest stock of Dress Goods in tmrn. The styles are very handsome and prices low, among which is a beautiful selection of Ladies' Oath Cloaks, Capes, Mantillas, and Shawls, (abenutiful article,) in great variety, Children's Dress Goods, very handsotne. a word we. have from a needle to nu anchor, toppiiii ) oftwith a lit:le of tbo . eri C. 1.11 anti see us. 0,3 183 s. Greatest Improvement OFMK AU E! —Jones' Patent KEROSENE, or COAL OIL LAMPS, unrivalled in Beauty, Simplicity, Safety or Economy.— Every person desiring to obtain the eery 6.4 and cheapest portable light within their reach, should call and examine these ',pups before purchasing elsewhere, fur the reason, Ist. That no accident can occur by ex• plosion. 2.1. That they emit No Offensive Odor while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they barrs entirely free from smoke. 6th. That the light is at least 56 per cent. cheaper than any other light now iu common use. These Limps are admirably adapted for the use of Students, Mechanics, Scumstre•ses, Churches, Storen,'llotels, and are high ly recommended for Family Use. For sale by GILLESPIE it THOMAS. June 14, 1858. - , The Liver Invigorator, PREPARED by Ur. SA NFORD,compounded entirety from GUMS, is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not i.nly n Catlin, fir, but a Lirer remely, acting first on the Lirrr to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom ach and bowels to carry Of that matter. thus accomplishing two purpeses effectually, with nit any of the painful feelings experienced in the 01. etations of most Cotharties. It strengthens the system it the slime time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The Liras is one,: of the principal regu lators of the hutuans body ; and when it performs it funet the powers of the system are fully.s4 developed. The atom ach is almost detienient ou the healthy Retina of 0. 0 Licer for the proper performacoof its funs ;D tions: when the stom ach is at fault, tdors bowels ere nt fault, and the whole systenp-' au ffers inconsequence of one organ—the LI VCR—haring ceas ed to do its duty.— For the di seas e s , f that orgati, one of the,. proprietors has made it his study,in a praccj Lice of more than .0 years, to find some; renurly wherewith to counteract the manys-4 derangements to which it is lianle. 0:4 To prove that this remedy is at hilt found,- any , persoorn troubled with LIVER COMPLAINT. to-any ot . . its forms, has but to try a bled°, antlf.coaviction is certain. These Gums re-D move all Alorbid or bad matter from them system, supplying in I their place a flow of tl.e stomach,causing focid. to digest well, runt-1 ETING TDB BLOOD, gii : - 7) ing tune and health of the whole machinery. removing the cause 1 of the disease—effecting a radical cure. Biciotts *mess are cured, AND, WHAT Is arms, iftevererso, by the occasional use of the Myra INrieesisrog. One deee after estingis sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the from rising ,and souring. Only one (lase taken before retiring, pre vents NIGHTMARE. Only one doee' night, loosens the bowels gently, and cum CosttYLNEss. Ooe dose taken after adult weal will cure DYSPIPSIA. ier-One dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve Elmo Hssosras. One dose taken for feanle obstruetion re moves the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect care. Only oue dose immediately relieves Cnotac, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for fituaaus, and! a preventive of CHOLkIt.t. pfirOnly onS biittle is *ceded to throw out of the Intern the effects of medicine after a long sicknesi. r•One brit le taken fir JArNnics removes all salloVness 'or unnateral color from the skin. Oue dose taken a shrill time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food di- gest well. Ouo dose often repeated cures CHRONIC DIARRIICEA in its worst forms, while Stwase and Bowe, complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in Ohildten ; there is no surer, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never jails. It:4"A few battles cureDaorsv, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for FrTsl and Aunt. Cuita, Fere'', and all FEvie of a Brunel Tort. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. AU rho tue it are giving tiseir unanimous testimony in its fpf{or. airnix. water to the mouth with the In vigorator, and swallow both toge9ser. Taa Lusa Ix/IQ:MAT?" is a scientifio med ical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It curtails if by magic, even ike first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to ours any kind of hires complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to. a comnioe klesdacke, all of which ere the result of n Duman Lrraa. RlllO3 0111 DOLLAR PEA ROTTLIL DR. BA.NIORD, Proprietor, 345 Broad may, Now A. D: Duzat.zs, Agest t Gettysburg gsy 17, 1858. ly Cattle Powder. BFRONEFIELD 1 CO'S CAT TLE MEDICINES have been thorough ly tested and pronounced unsurpassed and unsurpassable. None other as useful have been introduced during the century. Whilst farmers are usiug every effort, and investing large amounts of money in the improvement of their soils, too little atten tion is generally paid to the health and de velopment of farm Stock. Breinig, Fronefield & Co. justly claim be ing the fins!, in this country, who devoted their attention to this important subject.-- ThEir VEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER was, the result of several years' study and experi menting—which experiments bare actually shown that, by feeding this Powder, a Cow will yield from 1 to 21 pounds butter per v-,k more than when Mile does nut get the Powdid.; all other conditions alike. The same in crease is proportionably produced iu the fattening of cattle or seine. It is used with equal profit for Horses, Cattle and II No farmer, or feeder of any kind, should be without it a day. ?'or sale at the new Warehouge, corner of Stratton street and the Railroad, by LI F E LTEII, SEITZ & CO. Noy. 15,ati5s. Con Stoves ! Stoves ! S/I EADS. BUEIILER k URTZ have just LI received a large supply of new and beau tiful Parlor, Saloon and Shop STOVES, of the latest and most improved styles. Also. all the latest styles of co oA- STO VE.q. embrac ing the "Noble Cook." "Royal Cook," "Wm. Penn," "Sea Shell." "Morning Star." "Phil adelpia Sunrise," ••Fredonia," (Baltimore Air-Tight, improved) "Jewel," and "Charm" —all for wood or coal. Call at the Ware Room, in West Middle street, two dour west of the new Court-house, Sept. 27, 1858. New Goods I IIEORGE ARNOLD has again replenished ‘ 4 his Stock of Goods. Ilia assortment is now full, among which is a groat variety of Ladies Dress Goods, and fatnsy goods gen erally. The Lilies will please call ior Bar gains- Also, cheap CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Cassinetts, Vestinp, Ready-made Clothing, Blankets, Shawl 4. normals, Coatings, Ho siery, Glare', &c. L.t.; also, a large stuck of putne•qieq. Fresh (lrorerie-. READY-31 .1 DE CLOll.ll.—lf you Wont the elie.ipe-.t and s b.e.t Ready-made Clothing, in town, call and see GEO. ARNOLD. We m tke our own Clothing, hate halals ec.u stantly employed cutting out and making up. Our stoe. a (Audis, Cabeimeres, Camduetts, Vet.tinge, Ste., is large and lull.— Call and see us, alai if we nonnot tit you in a garment ready made, we will take your measure, and make you up a garment just as yesetnay desire to have it made, on the short est notice. Mr. Culp is always ou hand at the Clothin , . Emporium, bright, -pate, and always re.tdy to wait upon friends.that eall. Try him, prove him, and see if there be ajri error in him. Gettysburg, Oct. 4, 1858. Hats & Caps THE subscriber has just received from Phil adelphia a very largo and full assortment of Hats and Caps of every variety and of the most, fashionable styles, consisting of Nes, 1 Mole Skin. N 0.2 du.. black Itockland.(o code men's Dress,) Men's Nant , e , l Rockland, (black,) Si,A French, Plaid, Cable, Mu hard, Jr.c.; together with a large assort ment of Boys' coalman and dress S.ouch Hats and Caps. Being determined to ac commodate ho invites his friends and the public generally to call and examine his goods, feeling confident that the quality of his goods and the prices at which they are sold cannot fail to give satisfartion. Oct. 2i. IL F. 31-ILIIENNY. J. W. Scott, of Mr Firin of 1{ ine/m.4er cf• Sent/4 G EN FLEMEN S FURNISHING STORE, and SIHRT MANUFACTORY So. ,81-1 C:IKSKCT STREET, (netrly oppo s it e the Girard House.) PIIILA I) E L II IA . • J. W. scorr would respectfully call the atten. ion of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and i. prepared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect ht permit led. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINK SIIIItTS and CULLAILI Oct. 4. 1 sti. ly A. Mathiot & Son's SOFA AND FURNIITRE WA lIEROOMS, Nus. 25 and 27 N. (lay street, 11.vItimure, (near Fayette st..) extending from Gay to Frederick s:.—the largest establishment of the kind in the Ituion. Always on•hand a large assortment of every variety of HOUSE- Bol) AND OFFICE FUILNITURE, em bracing— Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Wardrobes, kiatresses of Husk, Cotton and Bair, Spring Beds. ligfas. Tete-a-Tete*, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chaira, Etageres, Marble Tables, Settees, Reception knii Upholstered @hairs, .Assorled Colors of Collage litratiare, Wood Chairs, Office Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, . Rat Racks, Hall Furniture. Gilt and Walnut Frame Lookine Glasses. Sideboards, Extension Tables, of every length. Persons disposed to purchase are invited to call and give our stock an examination, which for variety and quality of workman ship is not equalled by any establishment in the country. A. MATIIIOT & SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. Gay street. Aug. 2, 1858. ly ef s lift6 . :l'd 4ft etey A -07 E SI - . • i;,‘ • ./ • 4 4 ; Il' • * •! It ". ,ef .114 f ; VI" (; T ' , BURG, PA , J Millinery Removed. C. HOWARD would respectfully inform 0 -'• the Ladies of Gettysburg and its that they will find her in Chambersburg street, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Herbst. opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be accommodated with ready. made BONNETS; also a variety of Straw Leghorn, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of thejatest styles. Ladies will do well to call and see tor iltemeelies. ,A April 5, 18;4 14IL LINE,RY:-31193LOCISA /lan LirrLs - trifles to intorm tie ladies of town and coutittcr, that'll° is now prepared to execute Millinery in all its branches, in Wart Middle street, a few doors below Mr. George Little's store. Work &as cheaper li elsewberein town. Please call and see. [apr. 6, IT. Ayer's'Saisapa A compound remedy, in which we I#l.. bored to produce the most effectual r 1 1 that can be made. It is a concentrated tract o f P ara sarsaparilla. 10 COMbillEd with other substances of still,greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It b believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strurnous oomphtintagand that ono which will accomplish their mug must prove of immense service to thishug t o o lsaa of our afflicted fellow-citizens. Ilow' icily this compound will do it has been preireabr l astgae. s invent on ninny of th e worst cane to ix* of the following compladoU SCHOPELA Arm Scrtortmotts 'Coatetarave i Eaurricrva .LND Eaorrrva Down, Vacates, Pncemis; Biorcuss, Turmas. SAM liasow SCALD BEAD, Symms Amy Svestrurat Fromm., INERUCURIAL DISBAR', Daortnr,„Notr.. RAUH... OR Tic Dootocastrit, Driatt,rre r P 1 1 ,14 ,LND INDIOESTIoN, EIIICSIIPILAS ROWE ()II SE. AvnIoNT'S FIRE. and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IMPUHATT op THE BLOOD. nil compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring. to expel the foul humon which foster in the blood at that season of the year. Ily the time ly expulsion of them rnaoy rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and uleerous sorest, through which the system will attire to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its imputitied bursting thmagh the akin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob-1 structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever his foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Everewhere no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health,• and live longer, for cleansing thu blood.' Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, ths reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone hu not all the virtue that is claimed for it, -but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of ie, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or auy thing else. During hap years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quest of Extract of Sarsapanlla fur one dollar. Mori of these have been frauds upon the aisk, fee they not only contain little, if any, Sarnia& rills, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the varietal extracts of Sarsaparilla which deed the niarkrt, until the name itself is justly despised, told has become_ synonymouswith nnposition end bee. Still me call this compound harsaparill , and intend to supply such a remedy as shat rescue the name from the load of obloquy' which rats upon it. And we think we bavil ground for believing it has virtues which aka irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseaeel it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. 4 PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER CO. LOWETJ MASS. Prlee, $1 per Bottles 51x Bottles foe $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of es cry sanely of Throat arid Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its sirtues, wherever it bu been em plo)ed. is it has long been in kimstant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure tie people its quality is kept pp to the list it ever has been, and that i t may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer'.s Cathartic Pills, 7OR TUN On DIP C,stirenus, J 4 , unoriot, Dyspepia,' railigtstioo, J): , stot.ry, 11,u/ :.tonoch, Erroptittl. HradacioN !Wes, liheuntatism, Eruptanos and sat Lotuses, Liver ranploint, Dr(py, Tearr. TIAGIOUNS am! sail If vtn, Worms. Gout, Nartaliks, us a Dinner 1'4 , 11, apdfrr Purifying the Bkod. Thy are aagar-euated, so that the most aensi tirc cart take damn pleasantly. and they are tly Lest aperi,vt in the ir4rld fur all the purposes 6 , " Ln.i:y physic. Price 26 cents peT nil; 5 Poill kr tri.oo. Great numbers of Clergy:nen, Yhysipei'ans, Stmett, men, and eminent per...images, hare lent flair names to certify the unparalleled usefuhteas of Ott se remedica, but nur apace hero will not permit the inacrtionof them. The Agents below named for • -11 gratia out Astritre AN Itr.rs4l4 webs which they are giten ; with also full deactiptilmt of the abaye con.plaints. and the treatment that Should be fol lowed fur ;heir cure. Do not he put off by unprincipled dealere pith other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Arr.res. and take no others. The mirk want the best aid there is tbr theso,_and they should hat e it. • All tier Remedies are for sale by I:a—S.old by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg— T. J. C,)opar, near Cashtiera—Pattou & Cu. F.iirfield—and all Druggist'. Oct. 18, 1818. euvrly Cheap ! Cheap! 'LORE NEW GOODSI—JACOBS k BRO. have just returned from the city, with ;L veryfarge assortment of Cloths, Cassimercs, Vesting, Winter Goods, and everythin;; else in the men's wear line. They also offer plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cot ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, •kc. Havitla bought unusually low, for the cash, they are enabled to sell cif EAPERTITAIV ZVZR—an excel lent full cloth suit, made up, for 513, for in stance. Give them acall, at their new estab lishment, iri Chambersbutg street,a few doors west of the Cmirt-house, before purchasing elsewhere. lOct. 11. This Way ! LADIES AND GENTLE3I EN.—J. C. Gnaw é Barren. have just returned from the East with a large and Will selected stock of Goods ever offered in this market, all of which will be sold cheap, such as Delaines, Delaine Robes. Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths, Alapacas, Debaises, Ginghams, square and long Shawls, Blankets and Domestic Goods of all prices.— Men's Wear in great variety, Cassimeres, Caseinets, Jeans, blue, black, brown, ant; green Cloths ; a large assortment of Vesting». Also, Groceries and Spices of every descrip ; tion, which will be s Id cheaper than the cheapest. Give us it call. All we ask is tc i show the goods and we will be satisfied with the result. No trouble to show goods. J. C. GUINN tit BRO, Oct. 11, 1858. • Howard Association, pH TLA DELPHIA.—A Benevolent Institu 7 Lion established by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, af flicted with Virulent and Epidimic Miscues. In times of Epidemic, it is the object of this Inititution• to establish Hospitals, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing, Food, Medicines, e.c., for the slat and destitute, to take charge of the orphans of deceased pa rents, and to minister in every pos4ible way to the relief of the atliicted and the health of the public at. large. It is the duty of the such times, to visit personally the nfected districts, and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians. not acting members of the Association, usually enrol their names - on its books, subject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of charge. In the absence of Epidemics, the Direcbirs bare authorised the Consulting Surgeon to give advice and medical aid to persons stiffer-, ing under CHRONIC DISEASES of a viroket character, arising from abase of the - pbyaTesi powers, mat-treatment, the effects of druga i &a. & Various REPORTS and TRACTS oa- the nature and treatment of Ohronie Dhows, by the Surgeon, have been published for gratuitous distribution, and will be.sent FREE of CHARGE to the effiieted. - • Address, for Reports or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consall 6 lll 84 " . ' goon, How'ard Association, No.' Swell 'Wi th Street, Philadelphis,Ps. " • Ey order of the Directcr_s, EMI A D. OZARTW.RLL,Tnet. Gan. Raitiiinium, S l O% Soft. 20, ips. Ty Ili