The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 22, 1858, Image 2

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iforAlahambile t llditor lOW PrOprialer%
ter?t 11111TTTSRE:RC, P.l
!Canting, Nov. 22, 1858
• • ; 4 ' i* = Mit-Chat
Ve'Presidelt has snointe I et-Covet
et Isalary, ac)rertwr of Kanto,. ,
lest snow of the “talon fell here on
_ t , ......t
A y Mit to the depth of more than an ionL. 1
- th ,
7yeettject of the ier reaic ut the tariff erer- '
•' ' tilP e minds of our rlT..eaiiirlit StAtriCßcl2. '
, .
4 pellitiOo to fall I,..tck upon the sa:t er 44
• 1
issiteet somas te prcrail.
The Washington Sur cantinas its retuterr
secabest timeiviag tits notes ~ f • bo,pte enneera.
which an ill CteCiiilqtina in Chet ettN. It la
.oeUtedl'" The Birk of the If 1 Stfl , l of G col a robts."
"she: actin are dtted the let instant,. and
eiree44. C. 11 beey, Cashier, esti Chitties E.
nese; Preelient. There is ao such bank is ex•
Istsnee there.
no' Detroit. Free Press, of the lath lostant,
atirt 'rViery 'probability" is in favor of the
*Weil= of Davis (Democrat) to Coo:rest In
•the north District of Michigan. If this Is ao,
•the Dhatoersts of Ilichigan bare gained two
members of CongreiA, and Lave half the ttele
Spats Is making great exertions to commence
, ker war upon Mexico with cigar.
Sines the first of the preamit month, more
'than 40,000 burhelr of potatoes bare beeo re,
volved in Bolton from NOVA Scotia al4ne.
The cheapest, as well as the moat ples•cent
and profitable entertoiament for ling whaler
evenings, is the reading ut a gond Family
Newspaper—just a uoli an one as "Tug q qm
rmaii"—price only one dollar and severity-fire
swats a year, in advance. Try it,
A letter from Iterliogton, lona, states that
wheat is worth frnm 35 to 40 coots per bushel ;
oats 25 to 30; Dotter 12 foe goal i eggs 10;
beef $2 to $2,0, live weight.
Among the row. that a man has to make in
Japan when he la married, is one that he will
Clad pletity of tea and rice tvr his wife during
'her life.
Gen. pierce, e;-Presi4ent, vs, st last ac
counts at Rome, in good bealth; Lot lira. Pierce
was not lenproring in health. .
In lowa, the other ilay,ll. brat* eir a man
kisks4.4ll wife. Tho indignant neighbors as
essabLin4 and made a jackass kick hint. The
with was kicked by much the baser beach the
sassaset so of tho two.
Rowfatsocbiog borseology to a large elms
fe Aktekkalat. •
(naval Scott has issue4l A genets! order
commending the calletry of the American
trams engaged in the numerous combats with
the Indians, which hare °centred since ]lad,
1837. Very important ressits have bean gain
td,attik irksome quarters the Indians have been
cam*** subdued.
Tielllasichsats it Dahlman hors subscribed
urea* of $4OOO Aid. the (mollies of Rigdou
and ilosuton, the murdered Policemen, and the
subscription is sal gulag forward.
A Dew gold Auld bus twos diseartred is
Woorrianly, the prlte-fighter, Lays that kilo
wife's connections are opposed to his cntainn
tag to the " proftuion." He intends to open
gragnhop and lead a respectable and morns
life to future.
A Yenutg lady, a Miss Mamas, of Greenfield
township, Heron county, Ohio, Inia recovered
• verdict of $lO,OOO from Corti*Slnsolons for
breach of promise. Iler father, George Thom
u, also obtained a judgment of 5,000 against
Simmosul for the seduction of his daughter.
The RIMS Joseph Balestitr, late s Consul of
the lOW 51tates at Singapore, East Indies,
died ii Yon Friday night week, at the Ad
eline** of seventy-fire years.
itls reported from Ilavana that the; bark
Venn, with 600 slaves on board, has been cap
tured off the Moro by a Spanish war steamer.
The bark wan formerly- under the Mexican dig.
Alexander Wentz, Esq., has been appointed
Post Muter, at Ditisburg, York county, i 4
plaee of Henry G. Sidle, Esq., resigned. .
The rebels in India continue in arms, and
are mien the country. They ciocasiodally
• temporary success, but in their eon.
• 4 • *British troops are generally
dawning on me rapidly," as the
-*lien stealing apples from an old
, he saa the bwuer coming, cow
ton, who resided near Oqoawka,
111, rirehased a, shot-gun that had a road in
It, and. **
few dvililereatter, shot it off, when
it kiekid wifki Inic`h, force as to rupture his
abdotion.aad tome a wound thatproducedh is
death tae few hoses. This is A singular acci
dent to toestlaole fatally.
Thaakigiilait do. in Ohio, Nor. 25. This
makes *3 States that hava uamed the same
Thl Gororaor had commissioned John Y.
Rood, Jody of the Supreme Court for fifteeo
years, fres the first honday of December next.
Tha rop us the question of calling a Con
retitlell to rovioothoCoutitation of Now York,
from all bet asloaea agouties is, for a Conveu
, tioa 13,11131, against a Conreatiou 115,762.
itirWe have already alluded to the
"Baleen Association," organized in
Badinage for the parpose of protecting
the rights and lives of citizens. On
' Monday last, large bills were posted
about Baltimore, containing the names
of the members of this Association in
large mid conspicuous type, with the
evident intention of- pointing them out
as victims of Plug-Ugly violence. A
aimilie poster, with a black border, was
eta* atia the ofEco of the Baltimore
Clipper:-41i0 vgan of this crowd,
ireerdWeibies EatipteLte.--It. is sta.
to& AO illbo44l‘ of alai/nate. for the
nes* ilioeoLye4e, peps by the Score
tzgr tboi treasa7, shows au aggro
Oat inoontaitta in the north
eri pit OCNiliiZoglind ore covered
-with mt. aectrati for the
4 1101,1rbikspidereti-
Oiksir = l ll lloololdOmbilifos Witt, a Bebastias btu boa
Friday MS tha 17. 8. itaaaaar frovvitiolbow ,
The Boot on the Other Leg.
It has been a favorite c ) lperge et the
I Black Republican papersind
ens, that the Supreme Court, to 4its fa-
mous Dred Scott decision, daeiardd tbai
" negro°, possessed cuteighle
men were bound to respect." Now, '
while ft is notorious that the aforesaid
Court made no such assertion, in the
sense imputed to it; still, if it dil it
has barn more than sustained by a re-'
(•-rit decision by the Supremo Court of
theStftte ot 111 ich fgan, composed of four
very ultra Republicans. The facts of
tits case arc about like this, after read- ,
ing which our readers will doubtless
coat:ludo with us, that '4 the boot is now .
on the other leg." .T.ast year while a
steamer was ing at the wharf in De
troit, a adore d loan stepped up to the
captain's oLlr.e, and %ranted to purchase
a ticket 14 hit+ would entitle him to a
Massage 'n the whin. The clerk of the
boat refused to sell him such a ticket.
Ha was offered a deekpaseenger ticket,
` and •w:l4 toll that by the'regulations of
the boat uegruuo were not permitted to
take passage in the cabin. The nogro's
t eams is William' 11. Day, and he
; brought a suit against the owners of
the boat for damages in not permitting
bite te.enaoy a passage with white pos.
iota. '.Fist Circuit Wart denied the
Ilklidity of pay's claim, when he was
induced by the Black “Repubileans"
and Abolitionists to remove the case to
the Supreme Court of the *Aso, which
Court deliberately affirmed the judg
ment of the Court below, with the
necessary cos ts. The Detroit Free Press,
in commenting upon this ease, concludes
with the following pertinent and op.
t portue• renutrhs:
When the Supreme Coors or the 'Crated
States, is the fatness case of Dred Scott, pre
oupneed the opinion that qpgroes were not
citifeas of the Cuited States under the Feder
al Constitution and laws, we hare • distinct
recollection that the Whole' Black "Republican"
press, from the eastern bonadaries 4f Maine to
the western bongdaries of Illinois and (.thin,
wai hotrorrstrock aqd overwhelmed with the
most yirthons indignation. It declared the
decision to be barbarous, and the rocabulary
must hays beep searched for epithets suited to
be hurled at the tribunal which had laid down
nisch monstrous doctrine as law; and up to
this dny eTerr oceasign Cute been seised by
this Itluek " Republican" press and by the
luck "Republicau" orators, in Congress nod
001, to assail the decTslips of the Supreme
Court of the United States and to bring it in
to popular-disrepute.
We shall await With some interest and curs-
osity the treatment which the Black "Republi
can"i press and the Black " Republican' ora
-1 tort se ill deal out on this decision of the Su
preme Court of the State of Michigan ;—be
cans°, it the decision in the Dred Scott case
was barbarous, the decision iii; the William Li.
Day case is intensely barbaroes; if the doe
trino :aid down as law in the one case was
monstrous, that laid down as law le the other
ease is odious and scandalous. The Supreme
Court of the United States gimpy passed up
on the political Status of the negro according
to the Federal Constitution, and laws; the Shy
pretne Court of the Stitt* of Michigan has pass
ed upon his social status. The one Court de
cided that the negro, by the law, did not stand
opois a political equality with the whites; the
other court has decided that, if not by the
statute law, by the law of custom, he does not
stand upon a social equality with the whites.
The one court decided that he is politically
l en inferior being ; the other that he is morally
,an inferior being. The one excluded him from
the Federal courts; the other excludes him
from steamboat cabins and first.class railroad
care. The one dealt with him with respect to
Lis manhood. If the one degraded him as part
I and parcel of the body politic, the other has
' abased him and tainted him and shamed him
as part and parcel of social fabric.
! Let it not be supposed for a moment that wo
condemn this decision of the Supreme
Court of the State of Michigan. We donoL—
We shall sustain it, as we Lee sustained the
decision of the Supreme Court of the United
States. Both in ourjudgment ere eminedtly
light. Neither Court could make any other
decision ; or. if the Supreme Court of this State
had made any other decision, they would bapis
merited the derision and contempt of the
whole country. The fact which we wish to
bring prominently out in this whole connec
tion is, that the Supreme Court of the State of
Michigan is composed of four gentlemen ofsbe
Black "Repablicaa" party, and they hare bee*
compelled, when this question of niggers came
before them, to determine it upon common
sense principles and in contravention of the
professed priecipleit of the Black "Republican"
party. They hare been compelled to deter
mine it in accordance with the principles of
the Democratic party and of the Dred Scott
decision itself. They have been compelled to
acknowledge, and to write it upon their ender
lug records, that the negro is an inferior being,
though In so doing they hare kicked away the
platform upoa which they sought and walked
into office. They hare been compelled to go
fhrtber than the Dred Scott decision went.—
They bare been compelled pass upon the - negro
as a social being and to prononnce him degrad
ed. They hare been compelled to pronounce
their own political party hypocritical, dishon
est and foul.
We think the Dred Scott decision will stand
In Michigan hereafter, Eine e'-onr own Black
"Republican" Suprema. Conrt hare indorsed it,
and sustained it, and gone beyond it.
After this let us hear no more howl
ing and-screeching from such papers as
the Gazette and American over the _im
puted declaration of Judge Taney that
" negrocs possess no rights that white
men are bound to respect." The Black
Republican Supremo Court of the Black
Republican Stato of Michigan, have
(*ono much farther than oven that Im
puled declaration.—Erie Observer.
1/111rGen. W. IL Kelm is an iridepen
d'ent, (Opposition) candidate for-Con
gress in Bcrks county. Tlikitemocra
tics Convention was called to assemble
ou Saturday laat, to makes nomination
Judge Eck les,of Utah, has arrived
at St. Louis, having in his charge 1.1.en-1
rietta Polidera, a young girl who was,
four years since, abducted from Glou
cester, England, and who has lately
been rescued from the Mormons by
writ of hakas corpus at the request of
the Brit:sh Governrr.ent.
Me Cost of liangaig a Sian.--In pne
silence of A resolution of the Board of
(boson Freeholders of Monmouth coun
ty, N.J. the clerk has published a state
ment of the expenses incurred in the
trial and execution of James P. • Don...
pally. - It fools np to $3,739 49.
la-They are now talking of the
Astor House as a saitable Os far is
pant4dlea in 24w York.
_ .__. ~.. .„. . „„,-0- -- z...
Proipeeta of th s Doweersiw. _no eutratf,..rea4. AP - - los? & ti lit i l :. t iff l o o . 1 Court Proceedings.
In 11,course Or. ablipriicion OW imillthe Aditeiimpo Asr-buenhag . e. i i The November term of Court brought
Cong*sional El e ns mi•ther o tiortiN outrage is aioresuhloiet with tbo listen- Winter is Hem
are la, want o( Wood. , a faro number of persons to our place.
tie Salkth says :—li ( l3ut let tho present sifted snow Yotbings who menage the And we • i f Court conthined throughout the week,
state of things b whAt it may, the' star. ,Thby most devoutly hoped the; tau' or a dozen of our patrons itould (excepting Thursday — Thanksgiving ,)' prospect of the bemocralic party otlaffitir..erould never get " into the PO- bring or send us a cord of good id i —President Judge FLSIIICR and Associ-.
the Union will not greatly suffer in any pers," because they knew they would each, they would very ii.uch oblige ates ZIEGLER and Wixamiut on the!
event. These elections over, the Zan- not bo able successfully to deny it, and
,!' their's faithfully." Ono thing is Oar- I Be n ch.
sus difficulty will be at an end. There I that, failing to do so, the effect would lain,
.11h1 IA4IOII either soon have the 1 'On Monday evening, Hon. Moats
will be no discordant element in the' be damaging to their party hereaftdr. wood, or the where.with•all to purchase ( McCtasio announced to the Court the
%ray of the perfect co-opctation of nil Hence their extraordinary efforts to it. ' death, on Saturday evening previous,
sections of the party in the next Preso t wist out of the difficulty, " by book or of Hon. JAMte McDivir, late an Aliso
dentist election. On the wirer hand, by crook." But " "tarts are stubborn 1 Ilikittysb urg Iffar.kets. bate Tudge ipt this county, and paid a
( We,commence, to the publication
the disorganization of the Opposition things," and there is no evading the proper and feeling tribute to the momo
- of the Gettysburg Market Prices, which , 17 :
will become every day more interne) charge which we have so directly made. '
fuy correcte d n every is the be care of the deceased. Distinguialied for
and impracticable ; the chauces of an Jr it is not true / why here they not denied( the purity and uprightnoss of his life,
I sue, up to Saturday evening. This fiat- coalition yid l constantly dimin- '
it ?" Th ore's tine rub." . ( his death, though coming in the ripe
adie attention to .this im- j ture of The Compiler alone is worth more ° r age, i s coo s , of regret to all wh o
ihh, in proportion to the increase of can- We call
a+ ~ I oilit ,
1 than t h e amount of our subicnptrOn
dilates and the multiplication of irro-' plied acknolfredgmert of the outrage, know him. On Mr. McClean 's motion,
Price t o to A dams county reader.
concilable Issues. The most determined l on the. part of the Star managers . , and p rl, the Court then adjourned as a mark of
of the Republicans will adhere to the i trust that all Democrats will bear it in Horrid Death. ! respect for the deceased, which motion
anti-slavery article of their creed, to the mind when solicited to "cut " their ! was ordered to be placed upon the 1
bitter end ; but the occasion for its ini. / own to vote for Know :Nothing condi- cord.
ineliistto application pest, afid ilte et-Idates. The following cases were disposed of
citation* subsided, the eoesorvativol during the term :
portion of tho party will begin to
reflect upon the ultimate contequencos
of such it purely sectional movement.—
Republionnisra will appear in the next
Presidential canvass as fiercely section
al as ever, but with such diminished
proportions, as to render it powerless
fur mischief. The ' Americans' will
doubtless preserve their organization,
unless, menntime, they become merged
in the conlriilling clement of the Oppo
sition. In either event, the position
and prospce* of the Demacracy will be
the same. We shall bo victorious in
1860, whatever the character of the
Opposition ; and, for our part, we care
not how soon they combine their scat
tered forces."
"What of the Fature?"
The Olean 4 (N. Y.)Advertiser, a lead
ing Opposition organ, in the course of
a recent article on "The Future," thus
speaks of the path it, intends to pur
sue heroafter
In future, we shall adrooato Demo
cratic psiinciples, Democratic measures
I and Democratic men. For three years
past we have been " outside of a health"
political organization," and while this
.position affords . many pleasures, it is
entirely and wholly opposite W our
tastes and inclinations.
In the Democratic party, we see
many, aye, a large proportion of the
distinguished statesmen of the Union,
who give respectability and renown to
the party all over the world. Upon all
the great questions which agitate, or
hare agitated tho country for years
Past, the Democratic party has, with
few exceptions, been uniformly upon
the right side. Its nationality is, and
has been since its formation. maintain
ed, and is nbw, more than ever, fetal)•
lisped and rendered impregnable. Fac
tion and fanaticism have alternately
battled with it, and in every contest, it
has become the purer and more firmly
engrafted upon the bulwarks of.eonsti
tutiontil liberty And constitutional law.
With such a party it will be our duty
hereafter to do battle, and in seieng
hold of it now, we ask the co-operation
of all who feel, think, act and defend
the principles we herein and hereafter
The future is dark to tho Black
Ropublicans. They hope, but cannot
calculate with certainty. They see tho
solid and substantial basis of the Dem
ocracy, 'aid) has steadily increased
since 1854 and 1856, and also the un
stable union of Abolitionism and Ameri
caniam for the contest of 1860. They
seo that a great sacrifico of principle
must tab pines--an utter ignoring of all
old issues--to make any headway
against the Democracy. The doubt
and uncertainty of such an arrange
ment is at this time oppressing them
very much. Shall Sowardism or Crit
tendenism prevail--sh.4* rank Aboli
tionism or liberal Republicanism control
the next cos test in the Opposition
ranks ? That now is the great point
betwoon the "discordant elonliehtsV of
the Oppositi:oti. The Democracy can
look on as calm as a summer's morn
" To will . seo how cleverly tho Do
mocracy will change position on Popu
lar Sovcreigety."—Blar.
iiirThe reader will approciats the
audacity of the Star in this par
ticular, 'when he recollects that the Op
poilition in 1856 hooted at and "spit
upon " the doctrine of Popular Sov
ereignty—a doctrine which they now
affect so much regard fer ! But such
somersets are "trifling obsfaclos for un
scrupulous politicians to surmount."
HillrThe Star controllers, in common
with their Republican Know Nothing
brethren throughout the country, are
no little exercised in regard to Judge
DouGLAs, and any some things of him
which sound rather queerly when it is
considered bow lavishly they praised
and putfod him but a few mouths back.
Wu have, with the great majority of
the Democratic press, sincerely depre
cated his course towards Mr. BUCHAN
AN'S Administration, but when the
character of the mongrel Opposition is
taken into view, them is some comfort
in the fact that he has unhorsed their
chosen champion in Illinois, and robbed
their party of a triumph which they
confidently Ind fondly anticipated.—
Ile has - spoiled a large amount of Black
Republican "glory" anyhow.
Star Se e Prospectus of U. " Great
Repweiic," a now monthly, in next
. .Hcas.4o Prostrve Appie.—First get a
law impiply of good Apples. This
aef swi•4o.o“ 4011.1110111 Milli
der of the '
The Late ltlestion in Mishigan.
The summing up of the result of the
elaction iu richigiva ploaenta a very
enconraging figure to the Doinocraey.
The Detroit Frei Arms says: •
She has (gelato*. Gawp B. Coopor ,
Democrat, to Controls, in the place of
Reward, Black Repnblican.
It is morn than probablo that she haft
also elected Robert W. Davis. Demo
crat, in place of Leach, Black Republi
can, and Oust too, against; majority' or
6,754 two'years ago.
bile has reducod Waldron's majority'
in the 2d Congressional District, from
4,403 to about one halt of that number.,
Sho has reduced the majority for Kel
logg, in the 3d district, from 7,504
two yem ag,O, to less than four thous
She has reduced the majority on the
State ticket full one-halt; bringing it
down to about eight thousand.
She has increased the number of
Senators Rom three in the last Legisla
ture to twelve or more, and the Repre
sentatives fruit% sixteen to mare than
These facts chow that, notwithstand
ing the rejoicings of the coalition, the
Democratic party is still strong, vigor
ous, and possessed of that recuperative
principle which will enable it to over
oon►o any temporary defeat, and tu re
cover its acd►stomed supru►niwy when
the sober second thought shall have
shown the people the ezrors into which
they have been lid.
Stir Th e following will show tho total
foreign imports and exports at all the
ports of the United States for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1858 :
Ilirorms rait TOY YZAJI 1807. SL
Dutiable go/xis,
Free goods,
Specie and bullion,
Total impart: fi.,s the year._ $2d2,613050
zzrours FOR TLIZ rrAa 1801.8.
Domestic produce, $251,351,033
Foreign produce mexchnndisc, 2u,44u,z41
Foreign d 0,,..,.......... 10,225,901 52,G33,147
Total exports for theyonr, $321,644,421
This shows an excess of experts over
imports of 842,031,271, an amonnt just
about equal to the exports of domestic
specie. Included in the exports of do
mestic produce for the year were $lBl,-
36'6,661 value in cotton, against 8131,-
565,859 for the previoas year—a re
markable colueideifee of figures.
Hosting of Congress.
Wu are within three weeks of The
meeting of Congress, and already the
members am dropping in at Washing
ton. The session will be short, begin
ning the first Monday of December and
expiring the fourth of 3lareh. We
hope the time will ho profitably spent.
There are subjects of vast importance
that should engage the attention of the
Representatives of the people. Thera
has been enough of unprofitable Kansas
uproar in Congress, as well as out of it,
and it is to be hoped that subject will
be permitted to rest, Nevertheless, as
agitation is the nourishment ofthe op
position, that party will probably make
some Kansas move or other in Congress
and thus consume precious time. that
ought to ho devoted to practical legis
lation. ' The people of Kansas are res
ting quietly and contentedly in their
Territorial condition. Lot thorn rest,
and lot whcever attempts to disturb or
excite them be hold to a strietnecount
ability. If left, entirely to thentitelves,
they will in due time form a Constitu
tiers to snit them and befoily ad
mitted into the Union uncl77,. Valley
ler'rhe Washington correspondent
of the North American, after stating a
rumor that -- 11 w2NOLIIII, who beat CORN
ING in the•4Jbany district, Now York,
by the nither the Republicans, will
unite will the Democratic organization
in the effoil to control the next House,
" Indications conspire to show that
the anti-Lecompton Democrats moan to
maintain their position in the party,
and, by compacting tlteir small force,
to dictate terms, if they should hold the
balance of power. .No other course
Over appeared probable to the eyes of
those who looked below the surlitce.—
It will be their game to stave off any
Kansas complication, and by this
means become restored to fall pplitical
communion, after proper contrition for
temporary aberration."
The truth is, that those Democrats
who hare been induced to co-operate
with the Republicans in the recent elec
tions for members of Cor.gress, will
soon be cow palled, by the force of c ran
et:tacos, to take their position d efinitely
with Sawsao, or shoW a determination
to return to the .Demooratio organisa
tion. The shape political affairs are
taking indicates that there will be no
middle grouad.—Harrisbarg Patriot &
Western Hog Trade.—At Indianapolis
2,000 hogs have been
_slaughtered, with
sales for December delivery at 16, the
highest price, for choiee lota. The Coo
tnti Pork-house, at Loziegt pn
commenced killing on tb4 Mk Inst.,
ski had slaughtored 11,009t.haad, with
sales at $4 50,- tram Al latisitarti
Tad., a tea/4mo basil
SOW' aad 14 Lads
the rates
On Wednesday evening , . last, Mr.
Dasral. MAatz, a blacksmith by trade,
and 4 resident of Huntington township,
met with a horrid death, on the'Stsite
road, between Hoidlersbittx and Mr_
Peter Miller's. It tesupposed that the
horse ho was riding frightened and
throw hint, and finin appearances
dragged hint about 150 yards, his feet
fastening in the stirrup. When found
by Ifr. Peter Miller, Jr., life was en
tirely extinct—the head :4 d Nee britii,
ed and cut, and the right eye nearly
gone. His coat; vat, boots and hat
were found at diirerent points along the
road. The body who taken to Mid
lursbarg and an imr.test held by Esqnire
Dulap. We may have further particu
The deceased leareil a large family to
mourn his sudden and melancholy
death. le was a resident of this pliteo
few years ago—in the employ of itg.,
Leonard Stough.
•At an election, on Monday last, for
Directors of the Bank of Gettysburg, to
servo theonsuing your, the following
gentlemen werechnsen : Messrs. Joshua
Mutter, George Young, E. F. Shorb,
David Wills, henry J. Myers, George
Swope, W. R. Stewart, Jaefib Reese, J.
.T. Kerr, I): Kendlehart, W. 1.) ; Mimes,
11. Wirt, Jr.
George Arnold., 1.14 q., has sold his
Locust Grove Mill Property, in Ger
many township, in several parcels—the
whole amounting to $18,850.
Rev. Dr. Selintacker has disposed of
the two-story brick house on ChamberF
burg street, opposite the Lutheran
Church, to Major John Suott, for $l,-
0,04 4 ,775
The house and lot on Carlisle street,
Into the property of J. 13. 311Therson,
Esq , deceased, was sold nt public sale,
On Saturday week, by lion. E. All'her.
sod, Ex'r, to Solomon Zorbaugh, of
York county, for $1,200.
• 11r. Cornelius Daugherty recently
sold his property in "learnltobnn town
ship, 18 acres of land, with improve
ments, to Catharine Stoner—price 81,-
1 .'30 cash.
Mr. James Foster liaS disposed of his
property in
. Monntpl.tasatit township,
31 acres % sNhimpxoreaments, fur 81,200.
MoPhofooni Farm, in Cumber
land township, parebiLUA a few months
since by Jume&J. Wills; Esq., has been
said by him to Mr. Harman, of the Dis
trict of Columbia, at a clear profit of
82,000—Mr.Wills paying about 83,100,
and Mr. llarinan about 155,100.
Mr. John Hoke has sold a Holm and
Lqf, in Hamiltonbaa township,for $2OO.
Jonas Hammonds pnrchasor.
(Thursday ..last,) was generally ob
gored bore. Services wore had in the
Garman Reformed, PruOyterian and
UMW Proskvorian Chinches. Court
adjourned over from Wednesday night
to 'Friday morning. •
Rev. Dr. KRAL-rn preached In the
Presbyterian Church, Roy. Mr. Wawa,
(ort.Solinsgrove,) in the Gorman Rama
cid, and Rev. Wm. Itc'Et.waz in the
United PrestVrian.
We understand that Mossri. Gsosias
and lluitty CuityrzusN, of this place, .
hare secured the contract for tho erec
tion of a largo Church odtfiee for the
Lutheran Congregation at Middletown,
Md.—to cost in the neighborhood of
The recipe for pickling barns, given
on our first page this morning, strikes
us as excellent, and, as a consequence,
we shall try it this winter at least.—
We have heretofore followed directions
somewhat similar, with good success.
Tbo Gettysburg Railroad Company
has contracted with a firtn at Trenton,
N. J,, for fifteen new Limo Cars, eight
of whioh have, we believe, already been
deliiered. These cars are built upon a
Dew and improved plan, and are high
lygepa. ken of.
The house of Wm. Campbell, in
Franklin township, above Caahtown,
wait destroyed- by ire on the night of
the 15th of September last, with all its
lerProf. Sr evsainformii us that the
number of new Students at:the College
ie about 50. The Theological Seminary
has also a more than usual Increase.
114114iociall Hinavrairrot itt she north
°lit *ear ofticLobluottori aughi
4.l4TlNbEeriod l 9llB - ot' *Pe +1 ,6,
ilikondaddlip be WIT witim
- tiMOIL •
Bank Elootion.
Properties Sold.
Thanksgiving Day,
elharch Contract.
Seasonable B.eoipe.
New Oan.
cosmos vr.zAs
Samuel Fergeson and David Reese vs.
liernard . Devine—Appeal from Justice
of Peace. Defendant confesses Judg
ment for Plaintiffs for 7 65.
Gettysburg Railroad vs. Walter F.
Shultz—Sammons in Assumpsit to re
cover claim of $lBO, alleged to be duo
and owing by Defendant. Verdict for
Plaintiff for $lO7 05.
William Boller, use of Jacob Blinker
buff, vs. Andrew Ilan:noir—Summons
in Assumpsit to roc-over amount of
Promissory Note, given in paroliase of
a horse, by Defendant. Yordict for
Plaintiff for BG-I 33.
Corn. vs. Jesse W. 13ittinger. Indict
ment for Adultery with Ann Catharine(
Foght. Verdict, not Guilty—Dehm
dant to pay costs of prosecution.
Commonwealth vs. John ley,
Indictment, Adultery with C. Matilda
Meekley. Verdict, not Guilty—De
fendant to pay costs of prosoeution.—
The Jury was out from Saturday after
noon until 11 o'clock on Sunday morn-
Commonwealth Ts. Charles Callahan.
Indictment, Larceny df a watch from J.
Briegliner. Defendaot plead Guilty,
and was sentenced to restore the prop
erty and pay costs of prosecution.
Commouweilth rs. Francis Lytle.
Surety of the Peace, on oath of Geo.
Zin. The Court dismissed the com
plaint, and county to pay the costs of
Commonwealth vs. William Crab,
Theodore Gardner, Jacob Gardner, i
Godere Lady's Bank. • "
Amos Gardner and William Clapper.-1 The December number of floders
Indictment, wrongful taking and carry- Lady's Book has been rooetvsed. We
irg away of fruit, (watermelons,) from always loolefor the Lady's Book with
I premises of Charles Blusser. Verdict,' certainty, and in an exchange of arse
William Crab Guilty, Lira rest not Guil- thirteen yearshave never missed a, Mo t
ty. Crab not bting preicnt at the re lie ' V
irk number.• Wo wish the same 0041
dertng of the verdict, his recognizance e- I be said of other magazin publislistre.-...
was tOrfeited. Godcy treats the Prose with honesty
1 Commonwealth vs. Michael Beek.—: and tairnesss, and never hells is his
Surety of the Peace tin oath of Lewis promises. The present nembet , Rill
Iloopy. Court dismissed the complaint: not detniot from the 011tablisised Aar
and sentenced the Defendant to pay . tere of ; he' Mltgazine. It is tkti ca trii
Costs. i book tit Abolikins, of polite ii is
The. Grand Jury found two bills; and of domestic reeeitite; and in en
no Henry Bitncr, one for tolling those departments it hilmieasurably a
-1 liquor on Sunday, and anOtberibr 1 head of all competi t ors: Wo say to all
selling liquor to persons of known iii- subscribe for Godey. !fortis Molina?.
temperate habits. Continued to Jauti.ler time to do it, as the next wain*
ary Sessions. 1 commenoes 4 now volume. OasyttiPf
The indictment against 11. I). Wilt.' foe 6 3 i two copies for 65 ; three °Ole,
ties for sel:iag liquor to minors, was for 14
found not a • true bill by the Grand
Jury, and the prosecutor, Adam llolts
' worth, to pay the costs of prosecution.
06-Orphan's Court on tit; 21st of
December next.
Bring On Your Produce.
.By advertisements in subsequent
columns, it will be soett that ths"Ware
thouses of Messrs. KLIKEPELTVII, Strrz
Co., and gr. Joitx - Iloter, *reopen
for the reception of any amount of
Grain and othor Produce, that may be
°Mired. Quite a stir is already to he
soon in and about these establishments,
and tho indications are that a heavy
business will sobh be done. ..Now that
a market is to be found in oar very
midst, with clever and accommodating
men to dcal . with , we say bring on your
produce—no matter what or how much
you may have. , --and reap, from the out
start, the advantages which the Getty*.
burg Railroad is so sere continually to
iii-We aro in receipt o u copy of
the Conntry Gentleman, a. weekly agri.
cultural journal, published at Albany,
New York, hy LUTHER TICIVOR & Sox.
We aro much pleased with ita typo
graphy and matter, and have no heat&
tion in pronouncing itfully up to tho high
reputation it has acqnired. The various
articles in tho present number are ar
ranged 'under the following heads :
The Farm, The Grazier, T? --
Yard, Tho Hormuz/wrist, T'
Garden, The Kitchen Gic
Apiary, Dairy Husbandry, Fi
partment, Illustrations, Now
&e. The terms per annum
pai4jn advance, or $2,50 if
aul fOce..
eitoComplaints are someti
to as bar subscribers, who
tho oerrieftkas faileipt /entre
piler at their doors, in nittn,
learn from eye.witneennit thief
pore are stolen betbre they el
by the family. The iirgiere`
Orally boys, who shook lam
11 M 1 1 61 g .• 4c.
WA. riiia.hawebowit
to li t illit"l"llll4 =tasrlailW
of that State.
to t
The lawny Madre& Ott
tbe - grocad, is OW OMNI •
embrace rare it ceeNE , l4,
ported, anti s
i Xlit,
added. A. - °F . ,
beautiful °warily*** •out
. .
are attracting mach
Several wady enoimeftealle . dy
grape this " God's Arre f l i 111iP11411111141
aro in progress and in
for erection betwoeu thisQS* Slizt
In the putting op of lot awiloilimmt
an astonishing degree of onterftriso bas
boon manifested. In strollingarer the
ground, the other day, wo made a cote
of the iron fencing already there, to
which more walla:, added as the union
may permit for oat-door work. The
names upon the gatos to coo • 1
Evergreen Avenue are :
sperger, henry Culp, Juliana
Elizabeth Culp, William Colp, Z. illor•
bort, J, S. Crawford, S. H. (Cosy, "Ilh A.
31.uhlonberg, S. S. Behraneker, J. My
ers, A. liozer; on Vautt Avenue, Joel
B. Danner, George Walter, H. B. lin
ber,44l. L. hill , Meals', 41 0. &rick-
houser, A. Schick, M. Jacobs, Anna.
College, Jlheol. Seminary; on 4htatinit
Avenue, D. 11cConaughy, M. li. Stover.
Moises McClean, U. P. Kranth, XL J.
Stehle, J. T. Bally, J. P.,
Frey; J. and J. Swisher, D. 4.-tialtz
giver, R. G. Harper, V. 314.1haiuly, J.
D. Paxton, George Scayser, Getty*
Lodge No. 124 I. U.O. F., Fahtiostock,
S. I.t. Buehler, Mary Myers, John Rim.
kel, J. B. Livingston, S. J. Wa4; on
Mountain-view Avenue, I. R.
Smith, J. and C. Benner, C. Se r, !
Josiah Benner, John Scott, G. Slurs*:
A. Polley, D. AloCreary, S. hincriiir7,
S. lioutk, Maerarlane; on iraziokor
nue, J. B. McPherson, George MON
F. W. Stehle, W. W. Pastan, T. 3.
Cooper; on Chapel .4renue, A. R. Ste-,
venentv in the interior of Arcs 0., 1.
L. Sehiek, John Gilbert, D.,
Horner, G. Arnold, N., P. a, S. Wairrele,
Martha W. Fulton; in the latenidi of
Area D., J. Pierce. A chain onnthervo
has been pti t up by Isaac , Nzely, need y%)
'indent= d that Geo. and nenry.Olerita
man intend to hare their. erased en
closed shortly with brown-stone pillars
connected by galvanised iron bars—.a
style which we think will be *Simi.
tiirA Radish weighing 14. pounds
and measuring 30 inches in looollt sod
19 inches in circumference ) W4.11-1010111n
upon the Chapel Parni, in Cooping*
township, the past season.
A boy standing on the top of s teem , who* -
height is GO feet, observed another balalaika
toward the foot of the tower at the ilia? lirs
miles an hour, an the korisontel pisee, 01 trial
rate per hour is be approaching the breareillen
he i 9 SO feet from the foot of the tower r- !:
Nov., id,d.
illar-Mr. N. C. littsseltrutn, on flan
10th inst., tendered his resignation MI
Cashier of the Carlisle Deposit Bank*
the Directors of that institution ? when
W. 31. Beetcrn, }sq., was oleeted to AU
the vacancy.
Seward far President.--The Raw York
Courier hangs out tho Se ward Itaigfiat
1880 as follows:
"$o far as Now York b - • '._-„,, - ,,at
this contest has determined whop ,
be our standard kioafer IN MOO i
William IL Seward now 11.411411.. • .
inent among those worthy et thaiallMir - '
trust.” . , - t 7 ,-
. j.. k._ '
_ . *l
War Between Nixie. mid
,‘ -.._
Throe Spanish v.:m*le Wrings
• ....
off Vera Cruz on the net elt.,,
Juarez immediately hawed a
Twr - eir