The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 08, 1858, Image 4

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    •":. - ,- 1 4 41 'Ma& 44 . -
Amour AT LINT, will faithfully and
to krieV, attend . u all big I uc4a eu tru stud
m ig. apono tha german language,—
01 1 e• at UV) ha* plane, in South Bultiwors
strai t lowaveney'd drug store, and nearly
appe* *Nos ZioAleti'li../ tore.
ii4aimiis. Moro la 1:0.
. ua
B. c e 13,
.4.I6.tioiLVEY AT LAW.-01fice ou the
swath sail of tba public squaro, Avon
wit of it*. Soutinel office.
Gottysborg. August 2'2, 1653.
D. McCo •:hy,
A TTORNEY AT LA*. '(oftee one door
"' Via Of Baeliler's drug and book 'itora,
Chanilmnrohnrig street') Arruaty •vo S q •
Maffei NM PATILYTS AID PLISLQ.` , S. 13uuuty
Log Warrants, *upended",
sod Ail ottior claitne against the Uo%ernment
nit Washington, D. C; alsu American Claims
in Znlssul. Land Warrants lucatod and
or bought, and 14.igliest prices given.—
Arista engago4l locating warrants in lowa,
/Ihnots and attar western
a tcs. sii r .1p pl y
to him pankinslly or by letter.
Cheuyabsarg, Noe. 21, 1653.
Lawrence Hill, 3%. D.
TT As his ofF,.e.a one
fluor bast of the
Lutheran church in
Chasabershurg street, and ff pposife Picking's
stord;where those wirhigo tv 441. Vie any Deft
cal Operstiaa per f.)rfaed ars/ respectfully invi
ted-to gall. IftrtaaNferk: Dr, 1). Horner,
Reir,:C% P. Kruth, D. D., Ifer. If. L Baugher,
U. Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L.
bkaver, Llietiyaburg, April 11,'53.
VOTI3IF;.—,The undersigned hare associa
ted with them iu the Lumber business,
N. l l7:lltWuts.. They would therefore give no
tiee the business hereafter wiU ha con
dusted 'odor the firm of SwtL.L, 13tsues
(34. 1 and tbey hope, by strict attention to
business and an earnest desire to please, to
merits oentinqation of the patrouage
bereiuforo bestows.' upon thatu,
4.IELLIAN ug.tLL 5t co.
V.puber 'Yard,
OVYurok vcor f ie get, rear
YORK, P 4.
We w)uld invite the attention of gaelian
ise, Builders, and others, to our large and
wen aelostted s welt of b Ul/BE/I, consisting of
every description of White Pine ll lards and
Plank, Joist, cling an l Fencing, Also,
Pine and Chesnut Siiinzles, (atlas, Pickets,
Fluorin,/ (441 WeatherQarding,
biding. lc. We are prepared to 1315 T TO
otwea-sny size, quantity and quality of
mun's PL I; U-3 K (- 7 - 1 0E 13 ,
MAIN 'faintest autice, and have it delivered
10), a4y point accessible by IPsilroad. We
also seseanfacture and keep on hand a
rat eseortnatiot of
S 14.1 L, DOOMS,
A g u as , 'Vintlow Fraow and Door
aip'Orders for viy nil" n'Qt of hIP;d 411 ° 4
with dispateti:
=aur etodc and nssortweat Is aqua] to
ere, and we are iluterisaoteit to 101 l ot
tlee4owssaparket prises, .
.111111rAll orders end aorangunise.ticuas
isireseed tv the undersigned, et yor k, Pa r , win
moire prowpt attention.
York, Nay 24, ISSB. iy
The @oat 4inbassador of Ilealth to all
Holloway's Pills,
.BOOS TO TUE SICK '—The went of
s} i iftrling medicinal to meat the ills and
neniarestafts oitbe suffering portion of human
ity,,and one entirely free from mineral and
inter deleterious particies, was severely fejt
till this powerful medieirm was ushered
late the world; llot.cow.ty's t y t . .1.1,r4ett VILLA
hare become tilu 14(JebtiNIA , IiEVEDY of all
nations,. Their attribute is to caa•yrsrr as
well as to k'citt ; tbey attack tbe•lt4AlX or
soot ofthe complaint, and thus by removing
the bidden cause of disease reinvigorate and
restore she drooping energies of the system,
assisting nature in her task of rust and
JOISPEPSIA.—The great scourge of this
eeftinent Fields quickly to a course of these
latiseptie Pills, and the digestive *piss ars
restored to their props: tone; no matter in
wliai hideous shape this hydra of disease ex
leilisilts" itself, this searching and unerring
litt44disperses arrow the patient's wystem.
Nig-U.—From whatever cause, lowness of
spirits, and all other signs of a diseased liver,
awl other disurgauiz.itions of the system ,
ttia sredicaciugiuduenee ofthis
powerful antiseptie and detergent remedy.
BILIOUS D LSORDE B.S.—The proper quau
tam and right condition of the bile Is of mo
ssesittoes importunes tt the health of the hu
watt frame, this anti-Milieus medicine expels
thaltifiden weds of the complaint. awl ren•
denial the fluids and secretions pure and
Kaiak, cleansing and resuscitating the %ital
faa/itions of the body.
SICII.LY YE NI.IL F,S—Slymiti lose no
41111116 ill trying a few doses of this regulating
S t
Ling remedy, whatever may be
.. . but, it tat, can be taken with safety
kat sad other disarganiza.tiuus.
is all but miraculous.
IprIOEFUTED Pll.ooF.—Tho testimony of
getiosts is unanimously borne to the health
cisiag virtues of bis noble remedy, and ck.r
tdientes in every living lanAttage bear wit
aftloo the uud.sulableuesi of tlAeir intrinsic
11, 0 1,100esy's Pills are the best rentsedy known is
,ctia_sporlil fur tke jidloaeing dis4ses
oroPir, Irma 'Aeneas
Vereneisplainte, L
o .n
Yews'. A• 4 A. LOW of aignrlta.
Y•usale Co:nplanate,
nearlaches, ritoo• and rural,
=lrl I lk 411 Icel,g
Inneeasa,eetbne, Secondary yta pt.sos
Venereal Alfeetioas.
leasnikeea. I nne.nnnAliall, Ynrw Atlt all kinds.
Oracadionf—tione are genuine unless'
the worth " llutloray, Nero Yuri- and Lon-
eligugredieceraible as a raper-stark is every
hat si the book of directions around each
pot or bug; the saw° way Le plainly seen Lj '
Uldieg lie leaf to the light. A handsome re
wards:ill be given to any one renderiag such
informsttiOn as way lead to Ow detection of
warty or eartaiti, tea Qat feitiag the Medi
oir,veridtag the same.rknowing them to
-.:* * *.iold at the NI taufactories of Professor
Allitoiray, 80 Maiden Lege, New York, and
by all respectable Drogiints and Dealers in
Medicine throughout the Visited States and
world, in boxes at 25 cents, ei3
Mots, tud $1 each. A. D. I.lrzuLtz, Agent
Q eburg.
• v is sonsiderable suing by taking
ilat ulcer sizes.
%. 11.—Directionador the guidance of pa
*Ms in every discs.der are affixed to each
• 4/J' - . Fans 7, 184. aowly.
Xarblo Establishment. •
- or, 1103111ACII-would most respectfully ,
410110, ilaerli his friends and the public gen
, lints he kas °tweet' a new lirrble Yard
ystoiem, Adams county. Pa., where
• *leen% aft kinds of work in his line
• Affeithstswinach as 11031UALESTS. TOMB'
At III;~D STONES, &c., with ueataies3 au4
itebosad-nt prices to suit gins tip,
laillinistereAtidressed to A. Y. liumbach, at
Julants *minty. Ps., will be
ilitatded tar
. •
""ititastos* B. Rairoad.
figgis liasorar Bran* lha r t e d
, as follows
'USW ilanover at 9 a. 11.wi tb
trt Zsprsaa Train,
as Ammar at 1 g,
w id t- far Balinnota and inter:no.
411 / 1 "M In TROVE, Tisket Aziat.
lislower.4ffila t'S+ OM.
, ,Awar,v,
LIT I. DAIISTAL wArs • T >tt la.
New Firm---New Good.;
T ILE undersigned - have tints* in rt.
nership in the 11-41:D IYAI & 0.
C EllY businsss, at the old stand of D ner
tt, Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the
!name, style and OM of Patuter if , Ziegler,
antlask, and will endeavor to deserve,
continuance of the patronsice of the old
firm, a% well as any quantity of new ven o m.
IThey have ju.t returned fr,,m the cities with
en tunneuse stock of Ciwds---consisting in
part of
Building Materials, such as nails, screws,
hinges, bolts, /ocks, glass, Se.
Tools including 4 Ige tools of erery de,
scriptiou, saws, 1,141.4.-, gouges, brn.-
est aloi I,tts, augers. squares, guages, Liam
Bl4.l4l.lniiile f will 5;,.1 vices, rasps,
files. horse 6 i/OCS, Lora -she ;LC.. 'with
them, very cheap.
I.'iadAays, s,µ 0 :11 u cloth, canvass,
dama4, frioge., cotton, moss; oil cloth,
springs,, hobs, spoltps, fellops, bows,
poles, shafts, &.',
&we Findray,. Ti u Pico, brush pad french
140TOCCO, 111611.4•, big ling . *, p i O4•11, Ipits, boot
trees, ke., with a go.q4rai assortment of shoe
maker's tool..
Cabin , l itiLer', 4 Tw i ts, a gonerai iwort
ment—alio variii‘li, kuotpt, 4e.
II laekrepcia will :Lk., find a largo assort
ment ofke i tem and fork s,bri ttannia, albata and
silver-plated table and tot spoons, candle
sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad irons,
enamelled and brass kettks, pans, tubs,
churns, carpeting. ke.
Also a general assortment of forged and
Folio! IKON of all sizes and kinds; cast,
shear and blister steel, which they will sell
as cheap as the cheapest,
6 1 E0c-et-les, a full and general assortment,
eyed crutlio.l, puberisail, clarified and
brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and
sugar house molasses and syrups, coffee,
spices, chocolate, fine, coarse and dairy silt;
linseed, tel and erier . l4 OIL; Turpentine,
Fish, /pc.; a full assortment of Lead and7,inp,
dry and in oil; also vire- w oof Paints; in fact,
almost every article in the hardware, Coach
Finding. Shoe Finding, housekeeping, Black
&pith, Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, (Healer's,
rid Grocery line, all of which thay ase da
tormincil to sell as low for casti as anf bogie
out 4f the city.
~itlwttystArg, May
. 24, ItsBl
Men's Wear.
TL. SC LUCK would invite th e etteption of
t buyers to his large stook of .
nine ;Hoek Cloths.
Tillie Colored do.,
trine Slack Casidaterea,
fancy Oassinteres,
Opie Striped do„
Cravats, Hosiery,
Gloves, Suspenders, Haudkerehinfs, 4c., &c.
April S. iftrat
• Who will Refuse
rpHE worth qj tkei? money acid the riakl
4- change bark,
IiORBXCE. dr ?if ARTIXI I B is the place to
get it, where they all kinds of roceries,
Confectionaries, and Fenny Artiaist —in it
word, everytiticg belonging to * first-class
Clrocery. k(olaases of seven different kinds,
from 40 coots up to 75 Far gallon ; Sugars,
six different kinds, from 8 cents pp to 14 per
ib.; Coffee, Bre kinds ; Teas, Chocolate, Rice,
Crackers, Tea Cakes, • Bottled Pie Fruit,
Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Selt, lf.umn and l.ard.
Nay 24, 1838.
Lumber and Coal.
THE subscriber informs the public that he
continues the Lumber and (34 business
at I,tmeltosr.s. Adams county, en a larger
scale than eser--embraeing White Pine
Bonral and Plank. liesiotling, }Pressing Stuff . ,
Plutirilig Lathes, Shingles. Pq.lings '
with all kinds of Store, I,imobireerse and
Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.—
He the calls of the public; and will
soli as tow as ipe Tor: lo west. -
April 19. 18SR. ly •
Sunbeam Gallery.
THE s üb.seri bee would respectfully annotates
to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub
lic generally. that be has provided himself
with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIG UT
AMBROTYPE ROOM, at his residence in
West Middle street. one &rare west of
Fahnestock's Store. where he is prepared to
furnish Antbro, Malibu), Enamel and Photo
graph Pialoas it every style, of the art.
which Im will warrant to give entire Betio
faction, and is prepared to asoommodate alt
with GOOD PICTII,RES, either single or in
groups. Ile also has a number of specimens
at his room in Ohtuabersburg Street, a few
doors West of Bringman k Culp's Shoe Store.
where he still continues as formerly to take
All who desire a correet likeness of them
selves and friends, will do well to give me a
rail, as I have reduced my prices to suit the
present hard tinaes.
Pictures coltied' front old specimens of ell
kinds ; also. inserted in Loekete. Breast Pins,
Finger Bing., ie.
The subscriber loingthetakfalio hisfriettois
rind the public in general fur peat pa:tronage.
iriskes thew io continue it, and assures them.
that as heretofure,they shall not be iligeatbifiod.
"dr Charges from cents to $lO. Bourg
for operating from &A. M. to 4P. M. Gold
Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures,
always on hand, at the very lowest prices.
siar`Children will not be taken for lees
than $1 00.
ser-Arnbrotypes taken for fifty cents and
upwards, and in the hest style.
April 26, 1355. tf
Elastic Cement Roofing.
THE subscriber is prepared to contract and
put on at the shortest notice, W. E. Chili
& Cu's. l'aleul Fire and Water Proof lactsile
Ceuta! IZoofia:1-
It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and
in point of durability is equal, if not superior,
to any Metalie Routine , . It caw be put on
over till, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, however
gat or steep they may be.
In p Ala of resisting the elements of fire
and water, nothing, has yet been discovered
equal to the Elastic Cement.
Those who have used it, have testified that
it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that
there is uo further room fur improvement.—
No one will now think ofputting on shingles,
when this Ceineat can be had for much less
motley and will outwear four shingle roofs.
This ltvofing is warranted as represented.
The Elastic Commit is the cheapest and
best protection from decay for wood espisted
to the weather sr dampness of tire ground.
(Os also tke best paint fir iron, effectually
preventing rust; and wherever applied per ,
feetly excludes dampness.
The 4ubseriber has this Cement for sale, in
qaantities t suit, For +farther information,
apply to GEORGE A. COLE.
Frederick City, Md.
IsiTSpeeintens of the Roofing may be seen
at the Pretioadtary's Office, in Gettysburg.
April fi, tatfsg,
R. F. Mcllholuiy,
.(Sweer.vanr to P crto44 !I(filhexiny,)
awl Retail Dealer is
Itt1111 , :. NMI OILS, AN D SULAM 00091.
A tacb. Wall Paper. Win.luw• Sbaius. Trunks.
Carpet Bag.t. '4: uoloreil n Canes. ?tobacco and
Segars. at tee Souna Etat swear 43( Centre
Square. Getirsliurg. Adauss coact, Pa.
OeL 11 ,
Pay Up 1-
rpllE aadereigned, hewing retired from the
mereautile beldam's. are wary. desirous
that those indebted to theme shotrki PA IR
—sad treekkatiell will& ea befogs thellsl4
day of liepfamlair aezt.
. asgtar , thal date the
ammeata will be pLaamil the bail& of In
oficat Car 0011aetiolt.
Getlyaberz, Aug. 9,1.158,
- -116 mar- olliimullp
Ammon Lattds,"4 l : - • - Two ygaThaes.,.
LENT.—Ttsfts XTllir ACC M O IOfi r TIONS.-.. 4be on-
Up- I cervr.—To dl wasting Farms in . 11 - 0 dersillined hiseitanks toff. public
a healthy place. hrenly-itre iniietkrom Phile-Pilltr the seam eat heretofore eitinded to
delpbia. on the. Camden and Ntlantic rut him, and - takes claim in anoounoieg that be
road, New Jersey. An old estate has recently has completed arrangements by
been op..ned for sale. and the first division of 'a hich TWO DAILY LINES of tat
10,000 acres divided up into farms of twenty , coackves will run between Getty's. "'Aloe&
a(•res and upwards. The soil it of ate 1.-21 burg and liariover, to connect with this trains
quality for the produaion of fruits, g rains. p sad from Baltimore, york, Harrisburg,
le. The price is $l5 to S2O per acre, pays- Philadelphia. rkc. Persons desiring tickets or
Ule in easy quarter yearly ii,sta'ments, within inior:nation will call on the undersigned, or on
a term of four ears, with interest. The terms CHARLES Tats. Ticket Agent, at the Eagle
are made easy, in order to insure the rapid Hotel, in Charobersburg street.
improvement of the land, by enabl,ng er , ry 7Speetal attention given to all packages,
1 . /4;/t/ ferit , Uf ,sun to boy a tar.. It is now 11,- kc ,or other business entrusted to the under
ing extensively improved by go d roads, and signed between Gettysburg . and Hanover,
some of the best citizens from New England %Lich will be promptly end carefully attend
and the Iliddle antes are erecting large ' ad to.
proverner,ts. It is a scene of the greatest im- ?The undersigned has also effected ar
pmfement ont of Philadelphia. Seventy-five rangements by which he will be able to supply
houses have been built In four months.— Coaches, Stages, &c., for Funerals and other
Practical farmers and business men from the OCC4SIOU9 k aj medentte charges.
length and breadth of the Union are settling' NICHOL A. 5 VFEAVBII,
there. It is an important business place, ou ' Gettysburg, April 13. 1857.
aecour,t of its being in the midst of a great ------
market. Every article raked upon this land
finds an immediate sale. The water is excel
lent, and no such thing as fever is known.
The soil is a sandy or clay loae,with a clay
be - aluet and retentire of manures. It is free of
stones acid easily worked. It abounds large
ly in the phosphates, and such is its fertility
that from the crops produced both upon this
land and the large area adjoining under culti
vation, it will be found not to be excelled
anywhere In the pretlecting of crops moat
adapted to its market,
The reader may be well aware that the
earliest and the best fruits and vegetables
come from New Jersey, which are annually
exported to the amount of mimosas of dollars.
The land. besides being accessible in every
way for fertilizers. has an abundaet ttippiy
of the beat finality alum* taiuzure.
Lumber and building materials can be bed
on the spot at a cheap pries, from the
Other milla are sow being opened. and brick
yards being started on the ground. A person
can put op a frame tenement for present con
venience for one hundred dollars. On ac
count of the extensive emigration, this is the
best course to pursue in order to get a place
to live in at tlrst. thypen'ers and builders
are on ban 4 to pat op bones on the best
In settling_hitre the emigrant has many ad.
vsntag.s. Me). within kw hours' ride of
the great isitieit In the Middle States and New
England he is near his old friends and asso
ciations; be is in a settled country. where
every improvement and comfort of civilisation
la at head ; he is in a healthy place. and is
not subject to' the certainty of losing the
greater part of his family and bis own health
by those malignant fevers which make the
graves or so many millions of the young and
hardy in far off regions awry from home and
friea4s. Besides, be ttas e mild climate and
an open winter.
There are three trains daily toPhlladelphia,
and to all those ;rho improve the railroad
Company gives a free ticket.
The reader will et once he struck with the
advantages here &mated, and ask why
the property has not been taken up before.—
The relnaon is, it was never thrown in the
market ; -and less these statements were
correct. no sr 14 be invited to examine
the lend bite*, piirchaing. This all arc ex
pected to do. They will see the land under
4 oltirstion: they will meet persons, no doubt,
from their owe neighborhood ; they will wit
ness the improvements, and can judge of the
character of the population. Persons should
come prepared to purchase, as many are locate
and locations are not held on refusal.
The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly Liter
acy and Agricultural sheet, containing full
information of Hammonton. will be sent to
cacti inquirer, and can be obtained at 25 cta
per annum.
Ties indisputable. Warrantee deeds given,
clear of all incumbrance, when purchase mo
ney is pail. Route to the land:—Leave Vine
street wharf, Philadelphia. for Hammonton by
railroad at 7i. A. M.. and si, P. M.; when
there inquire lot Mr. Byrnes. Boarding con
veniences will be fouod. Letters and applies.-
dons 4:anise addressed to S. B. COUGLILLN,
202 South FIFTH Streetticlow Walnut, Phil
adelphia. Maps &Rd iuforma.ion Cheerfully
Sept.-27, 1858. 3m
'More to be Admired •
Why a Beautiful Head of Hair. • Rectum it
is the ornament God himself provided for all
our race.. Reader, although the rose may
bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek,
the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be
those of pearled the bead is bereft of its cover
ing, or, the hair be snarled and shriveled,
harsh and
. dry, or worse still, if sprinkled
with, gray, nature will -lose more than half
her thanes. ' Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative.
if used two or three times a week, will restore
and permanently swears to all such an orna
meet: Read the .following and judge. The
writer of the first is tke ce.kbraled Pianist,
Thafterg :
New Yoax, April 19, 1858.
Is. WOOD f Deer Sir :—Permit me to ex
press to you the obligations I am under for
the entire restorstion ut my hair to its origi
eal color; about the time of my arrival in the
United States it was rapidly becoming gray,
but upon the application of your Heir Re
atoreuve" it Bonn recovered its original hue.
I consider your Restorative Is a very ironddr
ful invention, quite efficacious as well as
agreeable. I am, dear sir. yours troll',
i•Drych e'r Gwyliedydct."
Welsh Newspaper office, 18 Nassau at., 1
April 12, 1858.
Poor. 0. J. WOOD: Dear Sir :—Some
month or six weeks ago I received a bottle of
your Bair Restorative and gave it to my wife,
who concluded to try it on her hair, little
thinking at the time that it would restore the
gray hair to its original color, bet to her
as well as my surprise, after a few weeks'
trial it has performed that wonderful effect
by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown,
at the same time beautifying and thickening
the hair. I strongly recommend the above
Restorative to all pen:on.4 in wait of such a
change of their hair. CIIARLE4CARDEW.
New Yonk, Jul! 25, 1857.
Paoli. 0. J. Woou: With confidence do I
recommend your hair Restorative, as being
the most efficacious snick I ever saw. Since
using your Hair Restorative my hair and
whiskers which were almost white have
gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confi
dent that a few more applications will restore
them to their natural color. It also has re
lieved me of all dandruff and unpleuutt itch
ing, so common among persona who perspire
freely. J. G. KILIIY.
Pam". WOOD : —About two rears ago my
hair commenced fal:ing off and turning gray :
I was fast becoming bald, and had tried
many Remedies to no effect. I commenced
using your Restorative in January last. A
few Applications fastened my hair firmly. It
began to fill up, grow out, and.turned back to
its former color, (black.) At this time it is
fully restored to its original color, health, and
appearance, and I clieerfully rtesommend its
use to all. • J. U. HOER.
Chicago, 111., May 1, 1857.
The Ihmtorstire is put op in bottles of 3
sizes viz: tarp, medium,. and small: the
small bolds a pint, arid reads for $1 per
bottle ; the medium holds se least twenty per
seat. Wine In proportion than the small, re
tails for two dollars per bottle ; the large
holds a quirt. 40-per amt. awe In propor
tion, and retails for $3. •
0.1. Wood'i Co., Proprietors, 312 Broad
way. New York. (in the great N. Y. Wits
Radiag Establisbmsut.) sad 114 Market St.,
Bt. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Drug
gists and Fancy Goods Deskra.
Aug, 38, WU. 3a2
I\4II,,LLIf.ERY.-441ass Loots* E.Ars terriruk
"!-..wisheraie Wotan the ladies orlowe end
Mi ecniatipkikaaelie
Its brsno is epa,pespelevaake
ninery le allhes, lrt es ladle
street, a few doors below Mr, George Little's
store. Work done cheaper than elsewhere in
town, Please call apt spe. J .yr. _1,';,6,
Valuable Real Estate
A T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned
Ai- offers at Priyate S.►le, all his Real i f 'state
es follows:
No. 1..--My late residence in Gettysburg,
fronting 39 feet on Chanibersburg street, with
Brick Dwelling, Stable, and othar improve
No. 2.—Lot adjoining ;bore on the West,
frontin,g feet o street, with Stable, $o, No. 3.—Lut a djoining No.—, fronting 32
feet on seine street, with large Quetta Shop,
and other improvements.
No. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3. fronting 29
feet, with double nriaV Dwelling, Smith
Shop, ho.
No. s.,—Lot West of the Foundry, with
Steam Ssw and grist, IfilL
No. 6.—. Lot adjoining No. 5, containing
about 3 Acres.
No. 7.—Three Lots fronting LW; 30 fiat
on Cliambeisfmrg street.
No. 9.—Tract of Land in liamiltoltban
township, lying on Marsh creek, containing
51 *erns, part clawed and part in tirst,rato
10.—Coach Establishment in 81lep
herdstown, Va., with good will, 4e. The
cation is an admirable one for Wail:less, and
improvements in good order.
gerTitles . good and terms to suit *robs
tiers. Enquire of D. A. Bl:Elluti, Esq.. Get
tysburg, or the undersigned residing in Bhep
herdbtown, Va. C. W. 11OFFMAN,
March 15, 1838.
Greatest Improvement
OF THE AGE!—Joxes' 'Vont K eft OSK VF or COAL' OIL 'unriv4nod in
Beauty, Simplicity ,
. Safety or Economy.—
Every porsoildesirmg to obtain the very best
and capest portable light within their
reach, should call and examine these barnps
before purchasing elsevrbere, for the reason,
Ist. That no aceilleitt can occur by ex
21, That they emit No Offensive Odor
while horning.
3d. That they aro very easily trimmed.
4th. Toat they are easily regulated to give
more or loss light.
5c6. Thui they burn entirely free from
smoke. .
6th. That the light is at least 50 per cent.
cheaper than any other light now in common
These L•trops are admirably adapted fur
the use of Students, Mechanic., Scarustre.‘se%
idylls, Churches. Storeq, !Lards, and are high
ly recummended far Family Use.
Far sale by MILLE:SOE &T 1 1031A8.
June 14, 1858. •
Fresh Fruits,
E, al/a. Fruits of every deseription,lis
fullows—Layer ILLi•ius, Figs.
Oranges, Lemons, Pates, P.dua
Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper
shell Almunsl4, Pea Nat.:, s!!:::•.
C'eu.-eries. A good assortment of Sugars--
Loaf, Brown. Psvrderesi and
Crushed, OuTee, N. O. 'AI !lasses,
Syrups of the be,t quality, Rice,
Soda, Starch, Teas,,
(.., , round and ungiouud,)Clores,
I'dustard. Le.
Perfumery. Perfumery of el'ery description,
which will be 11.)i ti low for Cash.
Law,* B.7nap. A large lot just reeei val.—Any
one desiring. a cheap, pleasan t
and. heskily drink will do well
by purchasing this Syrup.
ruliaceo, All the various kinds of Tobac-
en. Cigars and Snug', fur sale
by Win. Boyer (a Son.
Vinegar. Wo have a *nod quality. as all
will ell who have tried it.
Flour& Feed. We have 'made arrangements
to have constantly . on hand
Flour and Feed, which WO will
insure to he of superior quality,
and at such prices as cannot fail
to please.
April 26, 1E458. ,
Howard Assooiati on,
PHILADELPHIA.—A Benevolent Institu
tion established by Special Endownient
for the Belief of the Sick and Disuwtsed, af
flicted with Virulent and Plpideniic Diseases.
In times of Epidemics. it is the object of
this Institution to establish Hospitals, to
provide Nurses. Physicians, Clothing, [kW.
Medicines, ttc., for the sick and destitute, to
take charge of the orphans of deceased pa
rents, and to minister to every possible way
to the relief of the afflicted and the health-of
the public at large. It is the duty of the
Direetors,at such times, to visit personally tbe
infected districts, and to provide and execute
means of relief. Numerous physicians, not
acting members of the Association, usually
enrol their names on its books, slibject to be
called upon to attend its hospitals, froe of
In the absence of Epidemics, the Directors
have authorized the Consulting Surgeon to
giro advice and medical aid to persons suffer
ing under CHRONIC DISEASES of a virulent
character, arising from abuse of thu physical
powers, mal•treattsent, the effects of drugs,
&c., & _ _
Various REPORTS and .TRACTS on the
nature and treatment of Chronic Diseases, by
the Consulting Surgeon, have been published
for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent
FREE of CHARGE to the afflicted.
Address, for Reporti or treatment, Dr,
geon, Howard Association, No. '2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors,
Sept. 20,15.58. ly
Call at Reiningar's
on subscriber has
just returned from the city with 'mother
largo assortment of goods for Gentlemen's
Wear, consisting of Cloths, Casaimeres,
Caul:lets; Tweeds, ail kinds of Vesting. 4 4 3.,
Whiah hb will dispose of at the lowest living
prices. His stock has been, selected with
great care, and cannot but please am tastes
of this sonamenity.
Don't forget I Call at the Merchant'rener
ing establishment of
Oct, 4, Iflsll, Carlisle street.
Lumber at Cost.
TIE undersigned, intending to relingnish
the Lumber business. (to open a Bard.
ware Store in New Oxford,) now offers all
kinds of LUMBER at red weed prises. ' Call
and judge for yearselves. The stock em
braces a foil assortment, Boavds, Plank.
Joists, Sseatting. Laths. Palings, Le.
New Oxford; Jane 23,'1838.
ittiffalo Bob** '
BY the bale or robs atrOginUar.
RATU'S, Nor. 415 411k,1*;;A.R9 1 Sc.
N.B. Also a large aesorteiesiof LADIES
FANCY FURS of ow* manuftietUre, •
Oct. 4,1858. $O3,
411. VP
Good an 4 Ch eitp !
1114 undersigned would Infollin his Mends
the public geneiallyithat hymen
NESS, in all its brsualuss, at his establish
ment, in East Middle Street, (nenr the east
end,) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on hand
a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put
up to order whatever may be desired in his
line, Ti::-.,43.ockaway end Boat-Body
Carriages; Falling-Top, Rock-
away S: Trotting Buggies, P o w 4,,, 4
Jcrsey fraguns,
With good workmen and good materials, he
can pledge his work to be of the best quality
—and his prices are among the lowest.
Sieirßepairing done at short notice, and at
reasonable rates. Country produce taken in
exchange for work. Call!
Juno 15, 183 . JACOB TROXIL.
Family Grocery and Proviajob.
GILLESPIE L TI4O3IAS respectfully in.
(oral the people of gettysburg and the
public generally, that they have just rotor.
eel from the City with a general assortment of
BLEB, which they are prepared to sell as low
am the lowest. YLOUtf. and FEEPalways op
hand, and sold at smal' profits.
Store on York stresty was door rot. of Wit
den' Hotel,
gottysburg, Aug. 3,185 T:
Now it{ the Time 1
T "Fiabsorilieo wonli inform thepnblin that
he has opened a MACHiNX 11110 P. in
Chambersburg 'grad, :Glettysburg, near the
Foundry, wbegp he witi have various kinds of
Machines on hand at any tinte hsiaafter.
snob qs Threshiug Machines, Cone asikray
Corufplise Cutters; Otastrseed Hullers, &raw
Cullers, and Horse Poiret, of different kinds,
—two, four or six-horse, to suit purchasers ;
—indeed all such as can be bad at Hanover
or Littlestown. Also, Mortising ilackiuss,
for house carpenters, put up in the very beet
and .most substantial manner. OnUing
Screws or long'Bolts, any kind or size less
than eleven feel in length, always attended
to, as well as rimming in iron, casting or
wood. Also all kinds of itsratatea on Ma
chinery, dreasing-up Mill SpindLea, /to., done
on the shortest notice.
I hopo that all in want of anything in my
line will call &Cloy Shop before going elite-
Where. I will warrant all my work to give
sntinfactitin t 4 pyrchpers,
(arch 4 19,18.t8. ly '
To the Country, Good News.
HAVE rented the Foundry for the enm
ing year, and are prepared to make the
different kinds of Castings usually made at a
Foundry. I will keep oonstantly on hand the
different kinds of PI 4 OUGILS, Points, Sb.tres,
Cutters, Ite.; Rita, Kettles, Pans, Washing
Machines, 4c.; Stoves and Machinery; Por
oboe, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made
and put up with dispatch,
411 orders Will be attended to promptly ;
but being without capital, and money being
necessary to carry on the business, I will be
compelled to sell for cash, but on all country
work 5 per oeht. will be deducted, Suitable
trade will be taken, if delivered at the time
of purchasing, Girt; us a call.
Gettysburg, June 1, 1857.
The Liver Invigorator,
PREPS RED by Dr, S.k N FO It D,com pounded
entirely from GUMS, is ono of the best
Purgative and Liver Medicines now batons
the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier,
milder, and more effectual than any other
I medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic,
but a Lire, remedy, acting first on the Lirer
to eject its morbid matter, then on the slum
' ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thas
aczamplisking two purposes effectually, with
out any of the painful feeling,* experienced
1 inethe operations of most Cathartics. It
strengthens the system at the same time that
I it purges it; and when taken daily in mod
; crate doses, will strengthen and build up
with' unusual rapidity.
! The Livsa 4s one,: of the principal rep-
, lators of the human body ; and when it
I parformi it fanctions& l well. the powers of
the system are fully ...4 developed. the slow
ark is almost pntire-zly dependent on the
healthy action of thee Liver for the proper
performaceof its funo-7, lions; when the atom
' itch is at fault, ihee-t bowels ere 'at fault,
and the whole systeao bufferd inconsequence
of one organ—the 4 urea—having eetae
idto do its duty.— For the diseases - of
I that organ, one of the y ,, proprietors has made
it his a prait+2 tide of mere than 20
years. to fi nd sorn '—' remedy wherewith to
counteract the man deran semen ts to
which it is liable. ~,
To prove that this remedy is at last
found, any . personaQ troubled with 1 4 trze
COMPLAINT, any ofd its forms, has but
to try a bottle, and a ..., conviction is certain.
These Gums re-0 move nll morbid or
bad matter from the system, supplying in
their place a flow of bile, invigurattng - the
stomach,eausingfood<l to digest weU, PCRI
rriArG rue uwoo, giirM ing tone and health
to the whole machinery, removing the cause
of the disease—effecting a radical cure.
&woos ATTACKS aro cured, AND, VIA? is
HITTER, PREVENTED, by the occasional use of
the laves. INVIGORATOR.
o.te dose after outing is sufficient to relieve
the stomach and prevent ilia food flout rising
and souring.
Only one dose taken before retiring, pre
vents NtournAse.
Only one dose taken at night, loosens the
bowels gently, and cares COSTIVXNRSS.
One ‘l Me taken after each meal will oars
lierl'Oae dose of two teaspoonfuls will al-
ways relieve SICK alt•DACIIII.
One dose taken fur female obstruction re
moves the cause of the disease, and makes a
perfect cure.
Ouly one dose immediately relieves enottcy
One dose often repeats(' is s sure cure for Mosses, sad a preventive of
sea—Only one bottle is needed to throw out
of the system the effects of medicine after
a low , sickness.
'One bottle taken for Jsri'MCK removes
all sallowness or unnatural color from the
One dose taken a short time beforereating
gives vigor to the ariatite, and makes food
gest well. •
Ono dose often repeated cures eIIeONIC
Drass►rots in its worst forms, while Suxi►ss
and 13owst complaints yield almost to the
first dose%
One or two doses cure *Rabb caused by
Worms in Children ; there is no surer. safer,
or speedier remedy in the world, u it sever
A few battles • eureDio rsr, by exciting
the absorbents.
We take pleasitre in recommending this .
medicine u *preventive for ALPS' and -tens.
Cijiu Fitrut; and all FLYER of a Itictouz
Tyra. It operates with certainty, and thou-
sands are willing to testify to its wonderful
AU *oho use it are giving their unanimous
testimony in its favor.
florMix 4rater in the Month with the In
vigorator, and swallow both together.
Tux I,lvnit Ixrroosirli* is a mantilla med
ical • dissovery, and - is daily working clues.
hiciart too great to believe. /tea:Neste if by
awe, qe*, al first tfeise gieriv bifit, and
se/.&ft ittoAL thin onn bottle ta z ired
gas any tine of time. obnipLiint, s ued
worst tatta4iev olr DJl9ePria to a ° a rum"
Eliaclitehe, *ll of 'blab. are the result of a
Duaturin Lrria.
• 149403 Pia
Proprietor, 345 Braid
ri k /iir .k.t . D. &Utak
rposeoco. Segars and Saar., a large ea.
11 tortoent, at Nerlkek k Xartiec
A. compound 14stedy, in which we hats la
bored to prods the most effectual alterative
that can be me& It is a concentrated extract
of Pars Sarsaparilla, so combined with other
substances of still greeter alterative power as
to afford en effective antidote for the diseases
Sarsaparilla is reputed to oure. It is believed
that such a remedy is wanted by those who
suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure must prove
of immense service to this large class of our
sftlleted follow-eitixens. • Haw completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exper
iment on sully of the wore asses to be intud
of the following complaints
Przetss, Btorcars, Tcstosts, SALT IPLEEII.
iscrioxs, Ilsocuntal. Datums, DaorsT, Nan,
slaws on Tic Dorrtoc Knox, DentirrroDrs.
on Sr. Avesta:Ws Pine, and indeed the whole
clan of complaints arising from Lens= 07
Tisa Btoon,
This compound will be found a great pro.
meter of health, when taken in the spring, to
expel the fold humors which fester in the
blood at that season of the year. By the time.
ly impulsion of them nanny rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. lfultitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sorts, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptinns, if not misted to do
this through the natural obannels of the body
by an alteretive medicine, Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin is, pimples, eruptions,
or sorest cleanse it when you gml it i■ ob.
strueted and sluggish In the veins ; cleanse it
whenever it is SM. and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder
la felt, people enjoy better health, And live
longer, Son cleansing the blood, Kapp the
blood healthy; mai all la well; bat with this
pabulum; of life disordered. these can be no
lasting health. Sooner or lure something
naw4 go wrung.. and the great Machinery of
life is disottlered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of accompliahlm; these ends. But
the world has been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone has not all the virtue that is platmed
for it, but more because many 1 411 Paraticair
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Saneparilla,
or any thing else.
During bite yeaxs the, public have been mis.
led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. bloat
of these have been timids upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Unapt.
rills, but often colr un roperties whatev.
er. Hence, bitter an • 1 disappointment
has followed the use the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous w ith imposition and cheat, Still
we call thin compound Sarsaparilla, and Wend
to supply inch a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think we have ground for
believing it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ocdinary run of tlm diseases it Is intend,
ed to cure. In order to secure their emplcto
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taloa' according to diwctionn m
the bottle.
DR. J. C. AYER a CO.
Pelee, $1 per 110111e3 blz Bettis' far $5.
Ayer's Cheny Pectoral,
has won for itself suet a roncrirn for the cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint. that
it is entirely untovviatarr for to to recount the
evidence of its tirtucs, wherever It has been cut.
ploycd. As it has long been ID constant use
throughout this section, we need not do morn than
assure the penplo jts ousliry is kept nista the best
it ever hss ken. and that 'lt may be relied" n to
do for thoir rdief all it has catrAlle found to do.
Ayer ' s Cathartic Pills,
TOll. Ta; CVB.s OT
C.atirrewss, Jainidier, Dysppria, lisrl;grehm.
Dysetdrry, End Norwich. El ysil.lac t Ilazdache,
Pubes, Ithrumnei,ns. Empbons arid rstin Dinnset,
Liver C. siplithat, Dr.p•y, Tettrr, Tamara and
tCtil Rheum. Wenn:, Geld, Neurrugio, es e
Du.,icr Ttli, aid for the .111.0 d.
They are_serar-auttd, so that the mist
tire east take thrm ph-aNthtly. end they arc Ile
beat apt riet,t it, the YJI t .Y fur all the plupooes
family physic.
Prim 25.cesta per To:; 5 Poxes for ra.oo.
Oreat teuebers of Clmr.yruen. ltssicises, States.;
men, and enriteeet per.euages, flare Tent their„
patties to certify the imps rani led triefislness of these
remedies, but our rpm? here niU not permit the
lesertlun of Meth. The Abirtsi• Melee folioed fur.
gratis our AMEILICAN ALMA VAC in rkluit h they
are-Olen ; ash also full deseriptious of the above
complaints, and the treat:mad that should be
lowed for their cure.
Do not be put of by unprincipled dealer. with
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand AT KY'S, and take no marts. The sick
want the best aid there is fur them, Lid they should
have it.
All our Remedies ars for sale by
tar Sold by ¢. D. Buehler, Gettysburg—
T. J. Cooper. near Caelttown— Co.
Fairtlehi-.--an4l all Druggists. .
Oct. 18.18:18. cutely
wThick Darkness corers the Earth,
Awl Gross Darkness the People."
Country •Merchants,
•"•• —That they . can supply themselves, in
any quantities.with Jones' FAA Eutr.D P
tiux-YarLosivis K.EROSENE on COAL OIL
LAMPS, at the. Wholesale and Retail HEAD
38. QUARTERS, South Second St., 38.
The oily place where exclusive 'Agencies
cota be cibtained for the States of Pennsylvania,
New Jersey and Delaware.
These Lamps give a light equal in intensity
of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas,
and are claimed to be superior to all other
portable lights, now insrse. No fear of ex
plosion.—No offensive odor.—No smoke.—
Very easily trimmed.—As easily regulated as
a Gas Light.--Can be adapted to all purposes.
—And better than all for a poor man-450
per cent. cheaper than any other portable
light, now in common use.
Sole Agency also, for K.\"..IPP'S Paknt
Rosin and
c7Lamps, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and every
article in the line.
No. 38 South Second St., Ptulad'a.
• &pt. 20,18.58. 3m
TILE undersigned haring retired from the
Mercantile business, the same will here
after be continued at the old stand, in Balti
more street, by their eons, Henry B. Danner
and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and
style of Danner and Ziegler. Jre., whom we
will recommend to, and for whom we would
bespeak a liberal share of patronage from
old customers, and of the public ingeneral.
Having retired from the Mercantile busi
ness, it u - necessary that our old business
should be settled up. 'We, therefore, notify
all those indebted to us either by Judgment,
Note or Book Account, to call and settle/ o ho
same stithout delay. The books will be
found dl the old stand.
May 24, 1858.
• Rem.oval,
gins subscriber has removed his. Plough
i• and Machin Shop from the Fonoilry
building to Railroad street, opposite Tale's
Blaekamith stop, back of the • Eagle Hotel,
where he is better prepared that ever to at,
tend to cash:mere. Pkinghe always on hand
and made le order at the abortestnatise. and
Maelthies, Reapers. ka., repaid. Alm be
wlll atiand to eleaniog sad repairing Clocks.
May 10. 'DAVID wAnaEtr.
4 LEL PRAzga, Wstch & Meek Maker,
' 43 - has rearored his shop to - Chatabereborg
stmt. apposite the l e ithersa Chart*. where
be *it always be happy to atteall to the
lodkofeastosters: -lUWthtir t =rors,
thilteptet *strict sad
desire to please/ to aad rieeiflethe
patronage of the public,.
ettlitrhors, Maroh 8 r Pk%
Stoves! Steitteit
HEA DSIIISGEHI.ER 4 lair/4;4m0, 4 ,
receivid a large supply, of jsAw •
tiful Part*, Saloon and easy IMS. oldie
latest and most imprint., styles— Ahms;_all
the latest styles of COOK STOVSAAtiabout.
ing the " Noble Cook," "Roystesmilk," Oro..
Penn," Sea Shell," —Morning 81111 F."
adelphis Sunrise," "Fredowiao (3sittissionp
Air-Tight, impmeed) "Jewel," and "Mann"
—all for wood or coal.
Call et the Ware Room, is'West Middle•
street, two doors west of the twos elnitt-htuse.
Sept. 27, 1858. ,4 ' '
Nillinery Removed
C. HOWARD would respectfully inform
• the Ladies of Gettysburg and Its vicinity.
that they will find her in Chembersburg
street, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Harlot,
opposite Mr. Tate's llotel.
J ies can be accommodated with ready.
made BONNETS; also a variety of Straw
Leghorn, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of
the latest styles. Ladies will dQ well to Win
and see for themselves.
April 5, MS.
The World's
Ftor hie two Piano; London, October 15, 1851.
CM EY Kt: respectfully informs his friends
• and lila public Tenerally that he has
constantly on hand PIANOS. equal to thous
for which he received the Prize Medal in
London, in 1851. .
MI orders premptlr attended to, and great
care taken iu the selection and packing tlio
Ile has received during the laid fifteen
years more Module than sny otherinker
from the Franklin Institute—alacc }Ivo&
Premiums in 11”)ston s . Now York AM} Buhl
W.Lreroorni No. 725 Arch Street, below
Eighth. south Ride, P:tiladtaphia.
Sept. 6. ISSB. Stu
A. Mathiot 8i Bon's
Nes. 25 and 21' N. Gay street, Baltinteisk
(near Fayette et..) extending from Gay to
Frederick st.-..the largest establisbuttnt:of
the kind in the Union. Always on hand a
large assortment of every variety of HOUSE
Bureaus, Bedsteads,
Washstands, Wardrobes,
Matresses of Ilusk, Cotton and Etair.
Spring Beds, Sofas,
Tote-a-Tetes, Arm Chairs,
Rocking Chairs, Etagerfin,
Marble Tables, Settee,
. Reception and Upholstered Chairs,
Assorted Colors of Cuttve Furniiinv;
Wood Chairs,
Office Chairs,
Barber Chairs,
Cribs awl Cradles;
Hat Racks,
. H4ll Israiture i •
Gilt andiVatilat Frame
Lookiaj Moses, Sieboardei
Extension Tables, of every Mtge.
Persons - disposed to purchase are invite! to
call and give our stock an examination,
which for variety and quality of workman
ship Is not equalled by any estabrodusiitit iA A. MATHIOT & SOT* .
Nos. 25 and 1:7 PT A Gay street.
Aug. 2, 18.58. .11r
. ~ -