The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 08, 1858, Image 3
ES TUE rovi fit kti At HIV f111.11:111:5 - f• • Ct. It.:, 11711.1. i, tC. L., . . lag :1 We Sd,.erW bolos" toe Ltd* of the imperal ooirt, lad has able putted to b• bratoa at cheat by the 'oast lemorteodl at tie odds of a rook. We learn that it Is the iateettiklotUto Torperor to reward the treat mas ter of Chem einallair to time Coltod BLIa. and procurlog f, him, a mew wit at the Brown Storms Ck>thiog tall of Itcakll.ll k Witson, Noe. 603 and 606 Chesty.... et:eet, shove Sixth. That le rertalaly a stake worth play Log for. 1.,.t. I HOLLOWAY'S PILL!.—The sofferttcp to which deli• mete gestates ars subjected by ignorant pesetatioaera, sad the is I. serums evils they *adore le consequence of ult. =, s aro terrible to contemplate. Lot as then be Willow or pesimplimeas If vs r amend IS them trlth friendly sisinuMsess this mild hut reliipio R ms. dy for all functiosal dersepouote. For all the dettilita tog disorders peesliar to the sex sad Is every au& sad cuutiorytaey perilous to the life sod health of some, yontbfal or mot married or single, this great regulator had rimester of the seeretive organs and the nervous meant Is as Immediate me Ma /LUIS cusuirs filit/LLE PIMA —This well knows medicate is no lospoalUow, bet a mire and wale refold/ for Female ditliseltlee, and otetrostiost from may cause whatever ; awl although a powerful remedy, tbiy woeteas nothing bertha to the ootutltution. /or fall partiestara, obtain, Cr.., t.tlo spat a pumph tot, or rotor to advertises:loot. t. Er-{1 and 6. postage stamps coclomoki to any author. 1.1e4 scoot, •&ti lemurs a bottl• contain/1g °Yet SO pill by rear* mail. ad?. TILE lIAMILONTOI FALWELL, a riewmpapor devoted tds Litiirstara Ant Agrisaltars, also Wens funk fall asamusti ha air sintbsraaat al Hammonton, la Now Jersey, can 641 sit bac ri bed for at oaks ES eta. par Imam. Lagos* postage stamps for tail amount. Adelassa to EAttor of tka Tamar, Ltaiamoaton, Atlantic 101111lif, Now Jamey. Tke.s artalilag cheap /sad, of the best ioalltr, la as* of the kaakikisat sad Roost dslightful ellasta* L Ilia 4:4100, 11011alroansinassi of lianiaoatua Lula ! Sept. 27, MC lias Cr ?Hi GUI? ZIOLIJII asxrn't —SIR /AMU CLARKE'S C • /gnats Pii.i.i, prapand free is prescription by lit J. Clarice, Y. 8., Physician Itstraor 4.nary to she gases. This welt hags , ' mediates hies ins potities, bet a sire a•d safe remedy ler tamale DUlleattios mad °Detractions, from any ewe whatever; ail &Wong\ a powerful remedy, they contain nothing ►ertfsl to tie .conetitatioa. ?oYeastso Lawsuit ia pecallarty salted. will, fa &short ti me, bring oh the monthly period with regularity. Thesis Plus bare serer hewn batten to fall where tie rectiaasen 41 page of pamphlet are sell oleserest. Par farther particulars gets pamphlet free *tikes/gut. N. B.—St and 6 postage stamps enclesiel W aay anther. Lied agent, will lams • battle, coatalaiog over 6o p[ila, by raters mad. T . W. Drell, k lot, Wholesale aruts, Pkiliefielpkla.— • To .11eek/ sr, Losail, tiatereb erg. May 17, 1.41. Li VARY LANDS NOR eats MUNI ben P►lL&.dpbta by Railroad law kat of See Jersey. Roil among the best for Agrieelterel parymers, Irsiez a good loam soil, mitt a slay bottom. noised is a large tract, divided lab small Wets, sad bestrode from all parts of theeetuntry sr* sow set Wag ash bulitisg. This mope eau be sees gaverleg. Terme from *l3 to el* per acre, payable vitiate four rimrs by tu.talw►ta. To visit this plaim-44ave Vise St. Wbart at Pisi!e. at 'Of 4. It. by itrdlruel for liammoutos, or address R. J. Byroad., by letter. Re* fell adverb/mete le esetber 'edema. (dept. 11, ISit. gm 11:r See • I vortisessest •f Dr. Saaford's Laws lmsoa •roa. Is astatlux sebum. itrill arantlog to ocalginita to a mild climate, good sell nal doe 'simnel., me advectlacmont of Hammonton lands. Ldeat. 2 . 1. die irr To all 'satin /arms, Iwo sdrertioessikat of /Isar ..aloe Lauds. [Sept. U. Sa De Ritgib. A.A T bee rheum the wile hostler, eons abet or taro 'sou; W 4Oll itAitri br elolk of tweeter it Moe." MARRIED, On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. PETER W. WANNER to Miss MARGARET A. BERCAW, both of Straban township. On the 28th ult., in the M. E. Church, at Fouutaindale, by the Rev. M. L. Drum, Mr. DAVID WEST to Miss MARY BLOOM, both of Founts:Wide, Adams county. On the 28th Wt.. by James Lien, Est., Mr. MARTIN C.LRBACOH, et Franklin tisweship, Adults county, to Miss SUSAN SUOEMAKELt, of Greentillage. Prestige county. Ottqhe Ist inst., by the Rev. J. Sealer, Mr. EPHRAIM SELL &KS to Miss LAY (.EL , both ei Legtizs t.o DK lob. t• LI he ',fovea &ta trees that roes of ona Is focal ; Now peso la youth, wry asists•riaar oaths posed." DIED, On Sunday evening week, Mr. JACOB, EITZ2 s XILLIIR, Sr., at the residence of hi■ mom, Mr. Samuel Sitztottler, of this place, aged 81 years and 4 months. On the 18th alt., very auldealy, of Apoplexy, In Menallen tor-tulip, Mr. JACOB GROUP, Sr., aged 59 years 2 months and 13 days. On the 20th ult., W3l. FREMONT SCURIVER, son of Benjamin Behriver, of this plus, aged 1 ear 9 months gad 5 dart Ott the 26th aft., MARX LOMA., only daughter of Mr, Martin WutTea, of this place, In the Bth year of her age. Au. The Coosaler. Line* eft die lleatb of Eary 1... Warren. TO MU itOTIIICS. ST LILT Ltriscierrcrw Weep not for 'year cherished daughter, Sorrow not that she has gone, For the blessed Lamb, who bougbtber With his blood, has borne her hone. Home, where angels' harps are ringing With the praise of Jens' name; Home, where infant bands are singing Hallelujah to the Lamb. When this life is o'er you'll meet her Ia ik purer, happier home, Then with songs cf praise you'll greet her, Safe In Heaven, no more to roam. In that blessed country, gever Can a ears or sorrow ahnie, There forever, oh, forever, Faithful soefltimie rest at home. Though withointer borne is dreary, Though you miss her from the hearth, Though, so young, her soul grew weary Of the vanities of earth. Little Mary sett in /leaven, Fres from sin, and care, and pain, And when earthly ties are riven, You will maat,your child again. Gettysburg,?*. 1, 1858. 31j4ii(et iteporis. la ttuo latest Slettlisere,Yosle & itaaaver papers Baltimore—Friday East. 55 00 @ 5 25 1 12 ( 195 721 86 G 8 82 40 . 46 Clovir-seed, ~5 60 687 Tunothy. .4 200 212 Beef (Bettie, per Wed., 500 700 Hop, , $4 450 650 ion. ' 1000 13 00 P 7 - o_r plk.:tf. m aktp, . _ per ton, 62 00 Flour, per barrel, - Whm..t, per bustle!, Rye, i. Corn, Oate, 44 --ifiew~••••Tiorreday tart. Tioasrpar Man Mil wagons. $5 00. Do. a. - fres stares, 5 54) AV heat, per borket, r 103 ® 113 Bye, a • 70 Corsi, 111 r . 68 (Oa% it 40 Clomeeed, ' Zo - 14 Per Son, - , - rorilte--/Wiast last. IMlaer,iorhiLitlieswagoas. - S 3 00 -- 1114111:teklrell, 6 73 Ifiest,,per begooke. 1 00 (ij 1 20 RP, AO , • IL -- -1 72 awes • #.,..C1N- - '' — ce-...ak• , 73 Dab, -1,6 *,•,-.lef 111 44 ekorAwseed„ " ~ . r ICO =of • - , 900 Paz toe, • ' 650 EZEiI law ..14) t- re it,qata on Thursday, the ISth instant, afe reluested not to make their Return until Friday, the 10th instant--Tbut.iday being the day ap pointed by the Governor as a General Thanks . giving. N,,v. S PAY CP .— All persons knowing themselves indebted to Paxton & 31cIllicny by Note or Book account, will please call and make payment immediately, as their Books will certainly be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. PAXTON & McIL lIEN Y. Nor. 8, 1858. tf WA NT ED In December next, " for which CASII will be '111 :1 U 01100 • paid. Farmers who harethe rticle fur sale, will do well by calling and making engagements with the subscriber, at his Flour, Bacon and Grocery &ore, in West Middle street. Gettysburg. Nor. 8. GEORGE LITTLE. TUE Detail iren Jons BUTT, (now re siding inOhio,) for articles purchased at his sale, In March last, have been placed in the hands of the undersigned, residing in Cumberland township. Said notes being now due, immediate payment is requested. LEONARD BRICKER. Nov. 8, 1858. 3t* AN Wedaeiday.the 24a day Kaaaaber last., at 9 o'clock. A. M., will be offered at Public Sale, st the " Virginia Mills," in Hatailtonban township, Adams county, the following personal property, to wit: 300 bushels Wheat, IWO bushels Corn in the car, Potatoes by the bushel,.4 Work Hones, I Family Horse, Iyearling Colt, 3 Steam, and 8 head of Toting Cattle, 16 Hogs for fail &Mewing. ZS Stock Hogs, a broad trim! Road Wagon, with 'bows, bed and cover, 1 Plantation Wagon, 1 two-horse Wagon, Grain Drill, nearly new, one pair Hay Carriages, itte., one pair Wood Ladders. one Steas Bed, might sets Wagon Gears, partly stew, one Wagon Salle, Ploughs, Shovel Ploughs, two Marrows, Windmill, two-horse Carriage, and Harness, one new two-horse Sleigh. one four-horse Sled, one Stone Sled, Organ Cradle, Fifth Chain, Log Chains, Rough Lock, flay Rake, new Cut ting Box. Halter ClraineVow Chains. Double Tress, Single Trees, Fiefs, Rakes, Shavels, &As., hay by the ton, Corn-fodder, 5000 feet of Poplar Boards, inch and half inch, Ches nut Ilails, hickory W.sod by the cord, a lcit of flour barrels, stares and heading, cider bar rels, meat stand, a lot of good bags, 6 set of horse Blankets, together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. serAttendance will be given and terms mule know* by JOIIN MUSSELMAN, , Agent for Mary Myers & Mary V. Myers. Nov. 8, 1858. to Or the Bank of Gettysburg. as required by the 2d section of the Act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth. approved the Leh day efdilatober A. D. 1857. Loans and dleconnte, $175,852 54 Stock of the Commonwealth, 24,189 70 Specie, 37,185 04 Due by other Banks, 857,401 68 Notes of other Banks, 4,577 11 Miscel lan eous4baeka. Jud vnents Bonds, Beal estate. Circulation, Deposites. Doe to other Banks, I. T. D. Canon, Cashier of the Bank of Gettysburg, being affirmed, depose and say, the above statement is correct to the t of my knowledge and belief. T. D. CARSON. Affirmed before me, this sth day of No vember, A. D. 1858. Ow. Alicotn, J. P. WHEREAS the Hon. Ronne? J. Fiance, President of the several Courts of Com mon Pleas in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of and Terminer, sad General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and DAVID ZIZGLII and ISAAC E. Wirasaat, Esqrs.,Judges of the Courts of Com mon Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oysr and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the County of Adams—hare issued their pre cept, bearing date the 18th day of August, in the year of our Lotd one thousand eight handred and fifty-eight, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and Getutral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday, the 15th day of ./Cooesaber inst.—Tories is ncscnv owes t. all the Justices of the 2•111011 f the Coroner and Constables within the said ooun ty of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Re. cords, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute ag,ainst them as shall be just. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, 1 Nov. 1, 1858. j THE first account of WILLtAtt WALTra, Committee of CON7LAD WALTIM (innatic,) has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and will be confirmed by the said Court, on the 15a day of November acct, unless cause be shown to the contrary. JACOB BUSHEY, Proth'y. Oct. 25. 4t ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Practices in the Courts of York and Adams counties. Particular attention given to the settlement of Estates, collection of Claims, &c. Office in Centre Square, (Barnits' Building,) Hanover, Pa. Oct. 25. Gm RECOLLECT, that SCHICK'S is the place to purchase, cheap, all Dress Goods, for ladies, gentlemen and children, as well as everything in the Domestic Goods line.— Money is saved by calling at Schick's before purchasing elsewhere. ' Nov. 8. O OBORGS, in great variety, as to color, quality and price, just received at SCHICK'S. The ladies are invited to call and exantiae. No trouble to show goods. Nov. 8. FURS' of the latest styles, for ladies and children, to be hod cheap at SCHICK'S. JEWELRY, a large and retied assortment. to be found at SCHICK'S. sOO II 00 6W VESTS "ei-Tbe moat complete assortment of Vesta, of every variety and style, ever brought to Gettysburg, just received at PICKING'S. IIIOARS, Tobasoo, Canes, Umbrellas, and VV a thousand other things, slwa3ro to bs bad at PICKING'S. jOrAjW TM* can be remedied by calling epd lashing your purchases of Business floats, of every shads, style and quality, in Chatubersborg streak et PICEJ.NO'S. NotiL,' to Ass,,FiciAr.q. IMO RIM J. M. W ALTER, Clerk tv the mtniPti,irift.r. Last Notice. 20,000 lbs. of Pork Salo Notes Due. Ptiblie Sale. Statement 43311 T t. LI ABILITIZ3. Mrrr '6l °.MM ' ZM Notice. Alfred E. Lewis, IZI=I Chestaut & LocuLt trl . .. 14;Els LA St 101 1 Pk Aler A :• offer at 1'...;;.. .7.1. i, ,',. F. i• 4 day, th e 4 (-WI d III orilliorentber inst.. at l 2 o'clock, M., ut tise Poblie Ilouse of Reuben Stern, on the Turnpike Road leading from , Waynesboro' to Lattuitsbarr, in Adams counts, l'a., a large TRACT OF Ti Y4111:11 i LAND, a ;jell rril! t 0 disposed of in ',A..' of from lu to' .0 Arres,to suit purchasers. This' Land is well c , Tered with A good quality of,' Chestnut, and Locust Ti-xtber, I ; On Saturday, the 20th day 0 . /21 - erem4r , at 12 o'clock, M., at Maria Furnace, near Millerstown, in Adams isounty, Pa., lie will offer another large tract of LAND in lots of from 10 to 20 Acres ; to suit pur chasers. This land is alpo covered. with Chestnut and Locust Timber. THE MARIA FURNACE,IrARNI will be offered for sale at the same time. This Farm contains 120 Acres of Land, and is a desira ble Property. The improve ments •„..„ are a large Stone Dwelling 11011 SE, Log Barn, and other - 1111 necessary out buildings, a fin Ordhard, and other improvements, and there is also thereon a very excellent Water Power. sarPersons wishing to purchase Tim`Jer Land could do no better than to attend the above Sales, on Friday and Saturday, the 19th and 20th of November inat. `it erma made known by THAD. STEVENS. Nov. 8. ta Fall and Winter Goode, FOR 1858.—J. L. &MICK would avail hinealf of this medians of anaounciug to the commu n ity and public in general, tbst he has 'solved from the cities the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, that it has ever been your pleasure to ex amine in this place, all of which has been selected with time, the utmost care, and with particular referenoe to the tares and wants of the people of this locality, and which for binuty of style and cheapness.he challenges competition. In the LADIES' DEPART MENT, he has all styles, qualities, shades, and colors of Goods. suitable for the season. lie invites the Ladies to call and take a look through his selections at their earliest con venience. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, he has a ehoiqs stock o( Cloths. Cassimpres, Vest ing., Lc.. oko., all good and cheap. Don't pass by Schick's—he will always be found ready to show Goods and sell cheap— among the very cheapest. Gettysburg. Nov. 8, HO. AT PUBLIC SALE.--On Saturday. No• venter 13th. 1858, I will sell at Public Sale, ow the premises. the Howie and Lot in Carlisle street, now occupied by Daniel Lashell, adjoining property of :. Douglass and others. The till 110 USE isu,Two-story Brick. A ." Hit half Lot fronting on the Railroad and running back to this lot, will be Acre with it, or soli separately, as desired by the purchasers. The terms will be made known on the day dubs. The property is located is an improving portion of the town, and is highly desirable. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M. EDWARD MePHERSON. Executor of J. B. 31oPherson, deed. Oct. is New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM AND NEW GOOD3.—SNY DE R it BENNER have just received at their New Store, in Baltimore street. a few doors above David McCreary's Saddlery es tablishment, the largest and most complete assortment of Grocerie4 brought to Get traburg for a long time, consisting of Coffee, (four kinds,) Sugar, (four kinds,) Molasses, Syrup, Shad, Mackerel, Froth Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Salt, in short every thing usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store. The highest market price paid for man tryzci.G.duce or taken in exchange fur Goods. ire ns a ealL Buy your Groceries where you will be sure to get them good and cheap. iMarllover's 'oelebrated writing Ink for sale. [Nov 1, 1858. 41,970 29 965 00 22,24969 4,29538 9,82500 338,541 74 117,M 00 24.551 76 4,156 11 145,942 87 Falmestook Brothers, TUST from the city with a large, elegant at.d cheap assortment of Fall and Winter Goods. We are prepared to offer prettier styles and at lower rates than have been of fetid in this market for a long time. We have received a great variety of staple and fashionable Dress Goods for lAdies, of new styles, designs, and embracing the newest patterns at present worn in the cities. For Men's Wear we have everything desirable in that line, and without attempting to particu larize are prepared to offer everything usual ly kept in a Dry Goods Store at prices to suit the times. Call at once and select from the new stock at FAUNESrOCK BRO'S. Oct. 2.5. tf From N. Y. Auctions. 11ARCUS SAMSON is now in New York. and is almost daily sending to his Clothing establishment in this place, goads of 'every variety In his line, bought at the New York Auction Saha. His purchases are made at the lowest rates, and he is there. fore prepared to offer BARGAINS such as have never before been procured in Adams oonnty. Call in and see his stock of CLOTH ING—CoatA, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Collars, Brewers. Books, Gloves, Handkerchief*, Boots, Sloes. Hats, Caps. Ac., Ac.—with his large variety of Clocks, Violins, Umbrellas, Walking Canes, and a thousand other arti cles " too numCiOns to mention. ° Buyers not only receive the worth of their money, but twice tAat, by making their purohases at SAMSON'S, Opposite the Bank. Oct. 18, 1858. Tg subscriber has just reoeived from Phil adelphia a veryiarge and full assortment of Hats and Caps of every variety and of the most tashionahle styles.oessissing of No. 1 Ul la Mole Skin, N 0.2 do., illswilmi„(Gantle men's Dress.) kten's ' Ilissoklosst . (black,) Sax, French, Felt, ' 0•614141111- sard, ie., Le.; together with a" large assort ment of Bove' common and dress Slouch Hats and Caps. Being determined to ac commodate he invites his friends and the public generally to call and examine his goods, feeling confident that the quality of his goods and the prices at which they are sold cannot fail to give satisfaction. Oct. 2.5. R. F. 31cILIIENNY. FORMERLY of Carroll county, Md., having permanently located in Geuysburg, offers his prolessimial services to the citizens of the town and surrounding country in the practice of the various branches of his profession.— Offlce and residence, Baltimore street, next door to The Compiler office, where be may be found at' all times when not professionally engaged. isrzaascu. Prof.tiathan R. Smith, Baltimore, Md. • Rev. Augustus Webster, D. D., Baltimore Md. Dr. J. L. Warfield, Westminster, Md. Dr. W. A. Mathias, " Jitcob Reese, Esq., " John B. Longwell,Esq., 1, Geo. E. Wampler, Esq., " Rev. Thomas Bowen, Gttysburg. Oct: 25, 1858. C.m Dr. J. Rinehart, HHAFT`'(}located in Fairfield, Adams county, Pa., offers his professional ser ioes to the citizens of Fairfield sass vicinity. Office east end of Main strait, Re will al ways be found there or at Mr. P. fiklively'a Motel, unlese'professionally sagaged. Oa. 25, 1858. 3t PERFUNICRY.--Sehick's is the place to mill ai ftor all articles tzt the Perfumery line. • QTATIONBRY.—Sekiek kips up his Qna assoeinknt of Stationery, and is sell* cheaper then ever. 4110t10 • simirsta 12E1 - • 0)- 1:111113=1 1=1331=1 Town 'Property Hats & Caps. Dr. A. W. Dorsey, JOS' , ari, (.0111.0111* r --- Valuable,• retitp 0 ,k vATI: SA* suLactsit,, , r r Iti: if. S 4i. Jeri • he dill (.be IN art sod er- T.ll . E V" - A R c se, as wc! ',lts the filiistiltet.i. in A us cm which heresides, idtu..tein ler tor- c, y, WIJO hav of yet lifted their Licesse_s, ship, Adams county, Po., adjoini lands of am requested oso balbre the Novesaber Ruth, Henry Wi.ler, Henry Slay. Court, without fist. The law binds um to Laugh, and other., cootaitiiii4 150 Acre.. urge this matter upon delinquents, and it is m ore or l ee ., 'a sill _ii n, yes o f hoped that no further steps will be necessary :and ceurcuicnt. Ilse, e- ; 1 / 4 to induce them to comply itutnedistely. meats area good One-and "HI W DANNER, story Log 1101'SE. a g new . r Oct. 18, 18.58. Coig,tiy ect.eto I-el l/0g Shop, or cut-litclon, with •, attached, a first-rate Bank Barn. part stone and =tame, also a good new Itoz, and Ourn t and other necessary eretiv buildings, all of whirl hare teen put under now roof within the last four years. Dig Conowago Creek bounds the one aide of the place. There is a Well of Water at the door, and two Sprinos near the buildings, and • good Orchard of fruit. There is a eufficient amount of wood on the farm, and sufficient meadow, about 18 acres of which are bottom meadow. There bas been put on the farm about 2000 bushels of lime. Persons Wishing to purchase may find it to their advantage to call and see this farm. as it is a firat•rete stoek and grain farm. There in alesu on,the farm a quantity of good elai,Sur making brick, together with a shed. To any person i wishing to follow brick making this s a rare chance, as any amount of brick can be sold in the neighborhood. The farm is conveni ent to Mills, Churches, Mat School, and Mechanics' Shops. sarPersons wishing to view the farm will be shown the same by the subecsiber.— Terms made easy. WM. F. WALTER. Oct. 4, 1858. 6t VALUABLE FARM AND MILL FOR BALE.—I will sell at Private Sale, my MILL slid FARM. situate= Piney Creek, in Germany township, Adams countyeerithin I one and a half miles of the west end teethe Li t tlestown Railroad, and when the Railroad is extended to Tansytown, it will in all probabil ity pa by this property: The Farm contains 37 Acres or land, more or less ; 10 to 12 Acres are heavily timbered, and about 10 Acres of good Mea dow Bottom. The land is mostly the Slate soil, and very susceptible of a high state of cultivation : Lime acts well upon it, and Limestone Is close by. The improvements are a large GRIST MILL, Dwelling 1111 110USB, Stable, &v. The Mill . 111] has two run of Stones, Kiln Dry, _ • llominy Mill, Plaster Mill, Corn Mill, mut Machine, and all necessary machinery complete for doing work in the very beat manner. The mill has been recently built upon the most modern and improved plan, and is all in com• plete running order. This property is one of the best locations in the County for a DIS TILLERY, in a fine grain country, and near the Railroad. and might with very little ex pense be made a very profitable investment. This property will be in the market until sold. Possession given lsi of April next.— The property will be shown by Thomas Bid dle, residing thereon. or by GEO. ARNOLD, Gettysburg. Oet. 11, 1855. tf Public Sale. ON Saturday. NMI. 20,18458, the undersign ed,, Administrator of the estate of Ronsar Slcltv•aw, deceased, in pursuance of an Or der of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will ..ell at the public house of Jacob Slartia, in New Oiturd, the estate of Robert Hell rain. deceased, of, in, and to, a TRACT OF LAND, near the town of New Osf3rd, ad joining lands of Anthony Hinter. the Misses Mclivain s and others, containing 3 acres and 24 perches, more or less. The sale to com mence at 12 o'clock, when terms will be made known by T. N. 11A L LER, -timer. By the Court—ll. G. Irate, Clerk. Oet. 2.5. te Gold Excitement AT FRAZER RIVER OUTDONE BY THE LARGE ARRITAL or TALL A WINTER CLOTHING AT PICKING'S DRESS COSTS—JUST receited the largest and best assortment ev er brcught to Gettysburg. Re it remethbered that Picking is celebrated fur selling cheap. PANTALOOICS—TIIE large and varied assortment of Pants, and the exceedingly, low prices at which Picking is selling them astonishes ev ery one who calls to buy. DRESSCOATS—(93IE yourselves, and v bring your friends a long, to see and buy Dress . Ousts. which can't be ex celled, at Picking's. BUSINESS O F every style and quid- COATS—` -f ity just receive! at Pickings cheap store. Nor. 1 Dissolution OF PA RTNELLSiI IP.—Thella-partnership OF existing between the subscribers ban been dissolved this day by mutual consent. We return thanks to our friends and the public for the liberal support extended to ur. Our books are placed in the hands of (leo. E. pringman fur collection, and in his ab sence will be settled by J. Culp, at the store, and we earnestly request those indebted to call and make immediate pa7msnt, as we are desirous of settling our business withoueile lay. GEO. E. BRINGIII.I3, JOILN CULP. Oct. 20, l'iVsB. A Card. TILE •nbbcriber having tliiiposed of his in terest in the Swre of Bringrasn A. Co to Alexander Colman, respectfully ask, the eontinnance of his friends and eastoniers to k.mise his soormrsears. where bargains may be tad. cm. E. BRINGIIAN. Oct. 25. Another Change TN THE HAT, SHOE AND HARNESS BUSINESS.—A- lioactv haring bought Out tie iniseteet et Gies. E. Bringman. Esq.. iss /111rIslimaa I ()alp, respectful ly seassuma Wise eitisens of Gettysburg and the pOrsagenneally, that the business will be eoatinuid a the old stand, sign of the Big Boot, by Cobean t Culp, who will constantly keep on hand a large stock of Goods le the lino of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, and Har ness. They will also continue the manu facturing of Shoes and Harness. From their long experience in all the above busi ness they flatter themselves that they can please the public, and will sell cheap for cash. A. COBEAN, Oct. 25. JOHN CULP. Boots & Shoes. JUST received from Philadelphia the best assortment of Boots and Shoes that could bo selected for the citizens of Gettysburg and surr*unding country, at the south east corner of Centre Square. Men's grand water-proof Boots,Mea's thick soled Boots, Men's Kipp and coarse heavy Booty, Gent's line calf double soled Boots, Oxford Ties, and Congress Gaiters, Brogans. Ladies' Morocco, Goat-heeled, Calf, and heavy winter Boots, Ladies' Gaiters, Misses' and Children's Shoes sad Gaiters of every variety. Boys' Boots and Shoes of all kinds and sues. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and Shoes will please give me a call belore buying elsewhere. • R. F. MeILURNNY. Oct. 2.5. Tin-ware, OF every description, now on band and for isle by Geo. E. Buehler, in Chambers. ba , Astreet. ' 8 VE PIPE of all sines, emulated, on baud or nude to order, at Buehler's, , in Chatalpreinny street. tARD OANB dell sizes now rear and for " salmi !kidder's Tin-ware Raistiksbnieft t. RTRATMER Milk Buckets fur sale at GBO. " B. BUIMILICAIkin Chanitiorsterg et. Nov. 1. t Eloction. BAN A, Or GETTT*PCILG, October 1;, 1838. j VOTIC'FI licrohy gircn to the Stockhold -'1 ere-of the Bank of Gettysburg, that an Election foe' Thirteen Directors, to serve otos year, will be held at the Banking house, on Monday, the lath day et November next. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the same time. T.-D. CAitSON, Cluihilt. Oct. SI. to Chas. R. Doran, M. D. OFFICE on Baltimore street, ono door south of the Presbyterian Chureb, and olivoisit• David McCreary 's saddling establishment, liettysburg. [Oat. 4.18;,8. 6m Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounts hereinafter mentioniul will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams County for , confirmation and allowance, on Monday, the 15th day of November viest, at 10 o'olotic, A. M., viz : • 69. The first and final Guardianship so emit ofJaeob Mardi, Guardian of Elisabeth 'Diehl, (now Elisabeth Robison,) a minor child of Jaoob Diehl. 70. The second sealant of Ilunry Bittingea,, Guardian - of Charles L. Bittinger. a minor son of Joseph deceased. 71. The first aceount of William Weible, Executor of John Weible, deceased. 72. The first and !final account of John Hollinger, lAdministsator of James McClel lan, deceased. 73. The !first and final account of Jacob F. Lower, tzecutor of the last will sod tos. Lament of Catharine Stallsmith.deceased. 74. The ,second final account of J. B. Danner,Esq.,Trustee of Christiann Carbaugh and childrSn. . 75. The 'first and snal socount of David Thoman, Administralor of all and singular the goods I and chatpes, rights and credits, which were of Catharine Stalhumid,. late of the county'of IVhitley, id the State of Indi ana, deceased. nICIIARIAiI MYERS, Register. Register'a Office, (Jetty.- burg, Ost. IS, 1853. f trash osrsters, &c. ANTHONY LITTLE most respectfully forms his friends and the public. that he will open, on the Ist of November. an OYS TER SALOON, in Use room recently occupied by W. L. Campbell, Esq., as a Law office. on Chambersburg street, opposite A. D. Bnehler's Drug Store, whets be will constantly keep prime fresh OYSTERS, and do tbeth op in any desired style. as the tastes of (=towers may suggest. ripe,T Fruit, Nuts,-can siso be had at has Saloon. ' He hopei by stridt attention to business. and an eardest desire to please. to merit and receive a libel , * of public patronage. Give him s call-4-you will Ind everything gotten up in the most palatable manner. Gettysburg. Oct. 2s, 1858. If ' Sixteen Years TIIX WILDS I OF AFRICA.-1000 Acterril WAsiestri to sell OR. LIVING STONE'S 'TRAVELS & EXPLORATIONS during a residence or, 16 Years in the Wilds of Africa. I . This is a work of drilling adventures and , hair-breadth escape n among savage beasts nd more aavage leek Dr. Livingstone was alone and Unaided by any white man, travel ing with African attendants. among different i tribes and nations, all strange to him, and lump of tliem hostile, and altogether forming 1 the moat 'astonishing Book of Travels the iworld hag ever seen. All our Agents so knowledgait as the moat saleable book pub lished. The most Omni!, commission made to Agents, in small qr large quantities. For particulani. address V. W.1 4 3/ pur IDI.FIY. Publisher. 48 North F Street. Philad'a, Pa. p Crice. opiesSl 25. t san my mall. free, cut receipt of the . 1 - NOTICES Op TUE PRESS. From intong the hundreds of favorable no tices, from the most! respectable journals of the country, of our cheap edition of "Living: stone's Travels and Explorations in Africa, we take the following •• It abounds in deteriptions of strangeaid wonderful 'scenes, aipong a people and in a country entirely new to the civilised world ; and altogether we regard it as one of the most interesting books issued within the past year."—Daly Ikusocrat, Palle.rsos, Y. J. •It is emphatical l y as edition for the peo ple . • and.' Judging rots the rapid - sale with which is meeting. tis fully appreciated )4 them."--tOkriatian overran, Boston. The book is !spring • great rust. and will be resit •by every reading man, woman and child. in this as wellies other lands."—.44A tabula (Ohio) Te/egripk. 64 The Work is finely illustrated. well print. ed, and thinly bawd. thus answering in every respect thik demand for a popular and cheap edition of the • Journeys and Researches in South Africa.' Thole of our readers who would barn a delightful book for reading at any hour. will out be disappointed . in this work."—V. S. Joursal. •• With truth we can wry. that seldom. is presented. to the reading public a work eon taining such a vast mount of solid instruc tion as the one in question. The volume is handsomely illustrated, and presents that unique appearance of exterior for which Mr. Bradley's puUications are noted."—Assiag Magazine. " This interesting work should bo in tbs hands of eiery one. Its interesting pages of adventures are hill of instruction and amuse went. Ten thousand copies, it, is slated, have been sold in gm mouth." —Auburn American. " Dr. Livnigstone's Travels and Researches in South Africa appear to great advantage in this edition, which is undoutuedlv the edition most acceptable to the reader wilt, reads for practical instruction and amnsement."—Sui orday Post. " The edition of Dr. Livingatone's Travels, published by J. W. Bradley, is just what it purports to be. Like all Mr. Bradley's pub lications, it is excellently gotten up."— _Agitator, Pa. " We can recommend the edition of Dr. Livingstone's Travels, published by Bradley, of Philadelphia, as every way worthy of pub lic patronage. Its exoellence sad its cheap ness ra3ousmend it over all others."—Froak Leslie's Magasiae. CAUTION.—The attention of the Publish er bag been called td spurious editions of this work, put forth as “Narratires of Dr. Living stone's Travels in Africa." Ours is the miry cheap American edition of this gnat work published, and oontains all the important mat ter of the English edition, which is sold at six dollars. Ir7SPECIAL NOTICE to Agenta and Canvessers l—We have recently published several new and saleable Books, including the PUBLIC and-Parvain Lira of LOUIS NA. POLEON; with Biographical Notices of bis ' most distinguished Muturrnas, Gossacia and lfayeamss. and the INDIA HISTO,IIY, being aomplees History of India and the TeRSILlet wan; a THE ANGEL AND THE DEMON." a tale of thriling interest. by T. S. Ambit: LIFE OFEIR. E. K. KANE, and the Dacia , guished American Explorers, ate.,..kc. Tlaws. with oar forger Rrsisaaire Cetileiree .of "Bost gerec as the bola and soot • oi Publication over awed to =at Oatimagas, to 'Flom is offer titit feria. lalaid !hi oar List. *hick is moat nee to ear part of the United, Suites. Nov. 1, 1558. 2ta - - " • - , ......,i.g. , -.--. • .A.L=tnas I.7ocittlyire ic :: t 4 mprov e m ent TN . ,-, !N i,,,, sTonc ,. —l' ~1 Willy/ ~•:. r•• vtr.E IN.-,GE:24....4iit t . ..umsAst.lo` , -c,..,:, ais, cu.( •••it.'ia• l ~t 1.,c1. I: lii t:. , :i .`,T t.,:1. I.':, I' , •"1.. ' AO. ihe su• ii.)er "sunk re-p.:L:tUily L/.1 no the • OrTtc:r.c.r.. public t ho has added tc his formor t tole- . Poreidorne—Msorge Swore.' '''' ' te et li X wf as es, nets Gat-b nin)' rice Pratittenl-53. IL ltdssell. It 000K1513 S l'oVil. • Neorctary-1). A. Buehler. - '.' It is well known that, all inflammable mat- Trenavrer —l).tvid NVl.:restry..• ' - ter requires a certain amount of air to .u:).• Keeent,ec Orem Wes Poilmee IlloClordyt, port combustion, mill if the supply is it)suf- J__soolt Ktng, Atifirewsllriiiteehrian.. own ticient, it is impos.ilile to produce a flame.— ' - -31 a n . , 1 E RA. ---Ounretio.npp, D. 'rlto heat of the fire, in ordin a ry ci), , k111;!: Tavel Kl's.g, A. Ifii•ottz, linar,,,li. fir dr, sto v es, dceempo3rs the fuel , and .ts all thou Tlrpz. A. narthill, RFafine4took„ .11. AZlar fresh alr is admitted uiplur the ZIILt , '. its ' 31,-Clr , llnn. Vilres, B Wile-n, N Eli helheigir, oxygen is exhausted b e f o re i t his psssel Ahdiel F Plitt. John W o lf; r d,•li A. Piolti t ,c, through the fire chamber. The close duel at ,1. A ozhinbeugli, dnli 11 ,, rner. R. G. 11,1e the top of the store, then act as an shin-' rreary, S. R. Russo . 1 Wrreary,llficiftt* guisher, toudin; to put out the fire, instead Polley, John Pickip, 11..11ersli. l i t of assisting the i:ombustion. A lar,ze portion rThis Comp*uy is• limited in Oa- aver*. of the fuel , therefore, passes off in the shape tiens to the count& of Adams. It has Lemma of smoke, clogging; up tho flues of the tame successful operation for more ths.n six rank so as to impede the draft arid Interfere with and in that period has paid all losses and ox tile baking,—or of invisible gas which coin-, pens's, lair/tont any assessment, having also a blues with the lithi and so destroys the sior-. large surplus capital in the Treasury. The tar Of the chintuey is, loosening the bricks. and Company employs no Agents.—all business' expasing the dwelliir , s to the danger of fire. bei n g done by the Manneers , who are optical. The litroduction o? an additional supply ly elected by the Stockholders. Any permitt er add air, would cool the-gas below the' desiring au Insurance can npplv to any of the i i iting temperature, but by the proper ar- above named Managers fur turther infOri, Motion above tne fire, of air provions v . Ir wi n ," mated to a temperature of sei erni hundred i sigit-'fhe Executive Cemmittce meets at the lti degrees (which 13 ono of the prominent fee- ' office of the Company an the lost Wednesday turns of the patent), the gases are inituned , in every month, at 2, P. M. . 'in numerous jets, aid their eombustion is' , , Sept. 27, ItC.iB sufficient - to heat the oven , oven if the draft 1 through therare-chamber is entirety closed. In addition to the ordinary direct draft : I under the grate and through the flre-chom- I her, the gas-burner has an additional draft'; through the top plates, which is of itself suf- 1 I geient to maintain combustion. The upper; draft not only (sometimes the gases, hut it: helps to strengthen and preserve the centre I pieces, which are most exposed to the direct action of the fire, and which are made double instead of the usnal single plates. By means ' of this draft alone, all the operations of cook-', ing can be carried on when the fuel is but, partially ignited, and the fuel consequently 1 burns more slowly and mare economically. 1 A. sufficient evidence of the effect of the gases in heating the oven, is found intlie fact' that the oven will be ro wdy fee baking, even before the fire is thoroughly kindled, and muehsooner than in any other stove. As Gas-burning Stoves are the order of the day, the Gas t linening Cooking Stove will not only be the *aiding stove of the present season, but it will undoubtedly supersede all others. Purchasers will, - therefore, consult their own interest, by seeing and examining it before giving any orders elsewhere. The operation is so perfect, and its advantages are so easily to boween and understood, that it readily commands, at,retail, as advance of five or six dollars over the retail price of any stove of the slime size Also, on hand a variety of PARLOR C•AL STOTZ3—oheap. ANDREW - POLLEY. York St., Gettysburg. Se .t. 6,4 m Collectors, Take Notice! rplIE Collectors of Taxes for IBS7 and previ ous years, in the different townships . of Adams county, are hereby notified that they will be required to settle up their Duplicates, oa or before the 15th day of ,Voseeiber n ext, on which day the Commissioners will meet at their office to give she necessary exonera tions, ttz. If _the Duplicates are not settled up in full by the above date the Collectors will be dealt with according to law, without regard to persons. The Collectors of the present year will be required to phy over to the Trerisurer all monies that may be collected by the Novem ber Court. jAfter the first Monday in December no exonerations Can be granted on Military Taxes. JACOB ILIFFENSPERCEB, Cuntritissioners. Attest-4. M. WALTER ' Clerk. Oct. 11, 1858. Public SILIC A , TITE subscriber, Adininiffator of the estate of ANTUCINT' FoWalt, deoessod, will sell at Publie Sale, at the late residence of said deceased, in Muuntpleasant township, on Thursday, the 1.1.1 A of 21 oreenber next, the following property, viz : 1 HORSE, 1 COLT, 1 fresh-lunched Cow. 1 Steer, 1 CalL2 Sows, with Pigs, 1 Fat Hog : 3 Shoats, 4 Sheep, Two-liorre Warn. Spring Wagen, Ploughs, Harrows. Cultivator, Winnowing Mill, Horse Gears, nearly new, Saddles . Bridles, Sleigh and Sled ; Hay by the ton. Corn by the bushel ; a lot of Carpenter and Cooper-Tools, Grindstone, Wild Cherry Boards, Shingles, Roans Lath ; with Household and Kitaien Furniture, such as Bed" and Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Clock, Kitchen Dresser, Chests, Silver Watch, a Shot. Gun. and a variety of other articbs, to. numerous to gumption. IWSale to commence at 12 o'clock. M., en said day, when attendance will be gives and terms made known by PR'S S. SMITH, Ados' r Oct. 18, 1858. ts• Administrators' Notice. prr. SKY. MUMMERT'S ESTATE.—Let ten of 'administration on the estate of Henry Mummert, late of Hamilton town ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residitig in Moantplessant township, and the last named in Myers District, Carroll coun ty, Md. ' ) they hereby give notice to all per sons 'indebted to said' evtite to make immedi ate paysient, and those haring claims against the same to present them properly authen ticated for settlement. 80LOMON MUMMERT, lIENRI MUMMERT, Oct. 25, 108. 61* Adocers Administrator's Notioe. VALEkriNE WATT'S F..s . r.t7F..—Lotters of administration on the 'estate of Valen tineWatte,(eolored,) late of Cumberland twp., Adamson., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township he hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment. and those haring claims against the same to present th'em properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH SIIERFY, Adger. Oct. 18, 1858. Gt GEORGE ARNOLD has again replenished his stock of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods; he has now on hand the largest and prettiest stook of Dress Goods in town. The styles are very . handsome and prices low, among which is a beautiful_ selection of Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, Capes, Mantillas, and Shawls, (a beautiful article,) in great variety, Children's Dress Goods, very handsome. In a word we have from a needle to an anchor, toppiny, off with a little of the crinoline.— Call and see us. Oct. 4, 181141. New Boot and Shoe EST AILISH M E XT.— The undersirned would announce to the public that he has commenced, in connection with his Tan nery, s BOOT SAAB Manufac tory, it New Chester, Adonis coun ty, sad is praparel to make up ts. and Shoes, of all kinds, fur Gentlemen, Ladies, and Children. lie will endeavor to have the ben of workmen, so that the pe1d.143 need be under no apprehension but that every roe onabde effort will be made to give satisfaction to all who will rarer him with their patrou age- GEO. EIIRELIABT. Sept. 20, 1853. 3m . , 1 Ar oc ill M: m REARY , wilt , . ep1.7 .,, .ILL Apartment oy u skia 4 AND ItINTEIt BONNSTS. ow rids'', radii analLit ordayAke 7411. .40111114 kW : Itadiwthes . tlitiiimillee taa call wt thitt time sad eye,* her aseortmerat. .... QPOITUNG.--Geetwo wWd Hoot! . WoraPier I ..w., 10 trill make ThasswSpoetiag i l u=stlo the , rA ik el*ltillleAl l il" ''' ' WM INC for eriek or sowntry . F ar _ 11141114141111M11401. 1 044011 1 11 . _ MOM Ilia All ate wisitiez thek, Amur, ,-.Mihg l iolit , 4 4016110 1 , s ," •,,H4, ~ barns: &e .. spooted.,Noitd do well to ittre"l._.``f:.';'' ' - . 7 ~ - . -"'"'' ', • 1., them a call. C. aU . WAMPUM - tittiVlAL—lioVeli ' •• .„ . 'Apfil 180853. it - " - 4 "- Fifes &a, Kir este low - '•• t ' ' . • ,--.11 HENRY A. WILING, JOSIAH BENNER. To the Ladies. - , CM= The Gettysburg Railroad. TWO DAILY TRAINS. ONand after, 'Sept. 13tb,1 until fnr they notice, the morning train of Cara will leave "Goulden's Station" at Il i o'clock, A. 61., with passenger* for Baltimore, York, Har risburg, Philadelphia, de., and retorn with passengers from those places at noon. . Thu, afternoon train will leave there at 1.16 P. 111.. - with passengers for Baltimore. &a.. returning with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Phil. - - adelphia. Ac., about G P. M. rS'llerehandize, Produce &e.. transported over tie road at far as Goulden's Station. ROBERT bIcCURDY, Pre% Sept. IS. 1858. • . Cannon & Adair's YEW MARBLE WORKS, Washington street, between Chambershorg anti Mid' die streets, near 'fate's Eagle Ilutel, Oettvs burg. Having reeently arrived from and feeling fully competent to exe. cute all work in the finest style of the art, we would respectfully invite the attention sa lts public inching to procure anything in owe line, to favor us with a cull and remind • specimens of our work. We are preparedtte furnish Monuments, Tombs and Headstones, Marble Mantles, Slabs fur Cabinet-mektria, and all other work appertaining to our bdsi uess, pt the lowest possible prices. We do not hesitate to guarantee thtLour work shall be put up in a manner substantial and taste- _ ful equal to the best to be seen in the cities. where every improvement which experienee has suggested k availed of; and especially do we-' parented that oar Cemetery AIM Grave Yard work shall beta areflally sets. not to be affeeted by frost, but shall mein tido for years that erectness of position(' given st the completion of a job, and so ne s cessary to continued grieefulness and sy. eunetry. 10et.'11, New Goods EIR,ORGS ARNOLD has again replenished ‘A his *toils of Goods. His as‘ortenit is nob full, among which is a great variety cd! Ladies' Dress Guods, and fancy goods gen erally. The Ladies will please call fop Se• Cgains. Aloe, cheep CLOTHS, Cassimeres. assinsits, Yestings, Beady-made Clothing, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Coatings, !lo- siery, Gloves, fro. iie.r aLso; a large stook 9f Domestics, fresh Groceries, ete. - -• ' READY-MADE cLoTttiNo.—lt you want tbs. pheapsae and best Readymade Clothing la town, call and see C zo. Atiot,n. We maks our own Vluthing, have hands ion 'tautly employed cutting out and making op. Our stock of Cloths, Caseimeres, Calumet*. Coatings, Vesting's, &c., is large and full.— Call and sea us, and if we cannot fit you in a garment ready made, we will take your measure, and make you up a garmontinetta you may desire to have it made, on th short est notice. Mr. Culp is always un 'Apt as the Clothing Emporium, bright, polite; snit always ready to wail upon frlends'that call. Try him, prove him, and sec if there bo auy , error in hita. Gettyabarg,Oct. 4, 1858. ' ' Fancy Furs, VIII LADIES AND CH ILDHEN.--JOHN •a; FAIL IRA A CO., No. 81t4 (new np) Market Street. above Eighth, Philadelphia-- Importers, Manufhoturers and Dealeri is FANCY FURS, for rlies and Children; also, Gent's Furs, Fu i Collars, and (Heue r The number of years that we hove been ,st gaged in the Fus bu,Oness, end the , genital - character of our Furs, both for rivalily price 'a do generally knoen throvgLont the Country, that wo think it is not necessary for us to esy anything more than that we have DOW opened our assortment of Ft; Ilk for tbo" Fall and Winter Soles, of The !urged awl moat boaetifill shesertment tat we hats et* offered before to the public. Our Fbre have / 1 all been imported during the present:maims, . 1 " when money was scarce and Pure much lower than at the prosout time, and have been msus. ufactund by the most competent werltusea we are therefore determined to sell thesi - at such prizes as will continue to give urilfsire putstion we have borne for years. that Is to sells oft article for a eery small profit: Storekaipere sill do welt to give us a call; OP they will fp tut the largest assortment by far to select from in the city, and at manufac turers' prices.. JOHN FA BF:lrma co,' . • No. BIS Market Strcot, above Bth, Phil& Sept. 20, 1858. 4tu J. W: Scott, (Lode of Me Pima of Cue-Lester df Sion, ) G ENTLEMENI3 VRN ISHI *V 8/01LE; and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 Cuss's UT Srasar, rnerirly: opposite 11. Girard Hon..e,) PIIIWDEL,FII lA. J. W. scum Would respectfully cell Air" att 'satin of him furrner patrons and frlitfilis to his new 'More.. and is prepared to• den fur 13111.11Tfritstiort statute. A posited guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE suppilad with Finn 81111t11 and. Couiss. Oct. 4, 11158, Iy -4; New Arrival ! HATS. CAPS, BOOTS fk SHOEBL--14 subsariber ham just returned from Phila delphia whets he seleeted, with moth Calif, a very large and superior stock of Boats; Sims, Ilea and Caps, and Batters LWOW that he is nowprepared to exhibit sa citizens of Gettysburg nod vicinity, thaimp set and finest stuck or Cloode in his line - tims has ever been offered to their =aim. 1110.1-- Leo purchased our goods at the lowest cjili prices, we are prepared to offer greatiiVit► deeetastits them ewer. Come ped PIP.' We wiU taisa great plows Pa shoving our, goods whether ,you wish to bay or not. • Oct. 25. B. F. 161411.11tA1M . ull 7 1 0 11 otrY. MI