The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 18, 1858, Image 4
B6coe trim 4kr 2 4, •an the numerous Diseases Or • • ; an &planation of their Symitibus, eel Vitunileot Treatment to also oaths Tamtng of thrives ;•Iww wiedtiOirAr saklie a horse lay down: rifles writ -horse thst..sbyes ; how to break or dries s kicking horse ; bow to make %Chords tAlettr you ; a Complete fist of He ixipts lailuaging to the horse. sad 'their uses ; 114 of Medicines belonging• to the horse, their properties and uses,. Also,. a . inn ,sf LtecilOnlltay Domestic 1:e • cmipts, &e ,eselritem 'Lciag worth more thou abrislierot mei:dine lir. Iri,heyTx twit-brisket Ckeitera Ik4licike,. Tale in all in all. it,-isona of the moat useful worts of the 'kind Seterps blisbett, and should be in every issent. l- -Mir' instructions sod rqseipts are a_plait. way, st Adtrbody can AtD4ort4ad apt agpty th'eae. • ltailsf-tartba4aSuarta's OWN Iloox may bei'de~diaelLestaass au Incalculable amount RatrivtisA money. 1171vr enholpfettu,espnt & Tuones, York strak t rg. . Y.:r ; - 1111iVr t • • WAYSI4IisIIT I f• . I tor i r itth----New Goods. frq,L,rined 'have entered ;tan part-1 in the 11.1 I:1) WA E 4C• I; 0- etßAlShllhaineas, ut tho old siosid of Danner &0411 1 1i,';lex, itk.l:4lt.iinore ,treet, Limits/. the ~..jitryle and firm of Moaner if. Jrs.faadlitk: mil will vide.t‘or to deserve, lasptillywleo of thu iintron.tgo of the old tirsodts well as of euitein. Tho'ha'ver just returned frumstliereities with ; an illistaieisse stock of G,A),Is--eunsiAting in 'part of Nutcrialx, such as nail., screws, biAtek Nolte, lueka, ghtss, 2%04, including eAlg.t.. tools of every do-, scrielt4o . chi.els, gottge,i, bra wet and Etts, augers, squares, gunge*, ham naeVi; , Bllcksnaitlit trill find anvils, vices, raffle. filis6 - rse shoes, Itorseoltoo &e t , with attain, very cheap. Casa such as cloth, canvass. damask. fringe., euttAm, MOe . oil cloth, voprinp, axles, hubs, spokes, relives, bows, pules, shafts, Ic. Pve fiudiuys, 'Tampico, brush and french mormici. 1, linings, bincisngs , pegs. la s ts, boot trees, au., witha general assortuicat ut shoo. initinWs toots. .pagappet _Maker's Tools, a general assort ment—also varnish, knob., &c. Housekeepers will also find a large assert meutof knives and forks, brittannia, albata and .silver-plated table and t. , •a spoons, candle sticks, waiters,shoveL snit tgrev, sad irons, enamelled and brass kiittles, pans, tubs, , chains, rpetirfg, fi,c. • • kligo a oral .ussortment of forged and roiled IKON all sites and kinds; cast, slmar.and blister tee!, which they will sell •as ithcap as the•cheapest. . :thvocories, a full and gnnernl susaortmont. sack; as 'armadas!, pulverised, clarified and disown sugars;' Now Orleans, West India and Ix bowie molasses and syrups, coffee, •chocolate, fine, coarse dairy salt; linseed, fish and sperm OIL; Turpentine, Yish; &,.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc, tfry-and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints; in fact, etimost‘every article in the hardware, Coach Fiuditg, Shoe Finding, llounekeeping, Black esaitlt, Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's, and Oroeery line, all of which they are de aefuliatki to:sell as .low fur c.t.o as any house vitt of the City. A:` v. • lIENRY B. DIVACER. .3 - WA Y Bit It; LiT4I4(III.EII. Aiiittyetourg, May 24, lasB. A "particular Attention ! _ F r u igiti:oal will withoht doubt be finish ' 'eVto o ettysbarg 4 by the first of October xt % tuad it is •oecrfidently expected-that the Sara OfinreCt')rit will giro a free " blurnoua" btt that great day..•Neantime Picking would :most reilreetfully ittlftm thoee 500 men w ho purchased their Overcoats from hint last ;all, asd- those 499 who hale already procured their Sutaine.r autbing, and the public gen thm he has just returned fray, the city-_ with another beautiful assortment of (/OATS, cosai.lting of Cloth, Cassimere, Cashataret, Italian cloth, Ducks, Linen, *oak. sack and raglans. PANTS of every tktasible description, and at prices that ran pot fail to please the most econon:ical per dhaser. VESTS that will compete in make poi 4. stylo with the best custom work.— ArbiSkial for the past encouragement, I hope by.a desire to please, a strict attention to bessinets, and by givir.g, y 0..; all good and cheap clothing, to murk ir continuance of your satrueage. lieaneatber t iro place, Chambers lurg.street, opposite the English Lutheran 'Church. • • •F. 11. PICKING. ' Gettysburz, July 10, 13Z,S. Eiecntois' Notice. rIiaLTZER , UNIINTER'S ESTATE: - jeLters _ tcAltuentary on the estate of ttztr thuinter, late of :Nichellen town iiitipail.d.ame county, deeein:otl, having been gianted•to tGo undersigned. both rusitling in the lake township, they hereby give notice t 4,1,11 petsons in,lel)ted to said estate to ItilVe immediate payment, and those having efisime against the same to. present thew properly autianntitutte.l fur 6ettlement. 111.:11F.11.111 5i..1113.11/Gll, JACOI3 SANDUE, pept. 6, 1853, CA.* • Execitiors Notice. Talliginthseriber, haring been appointed by • II the Cour' of Common Pleas of . !dams ~ ‘ ty, Committee or the per - sou and estates a naAn AY MrERS, a lunatic, of Hunting-. 4esa-tewnallip, Adams county: hereby giN es I ..4= B to all, porsond; kauing • claims or do.' ..... ;. - against •said-M•yere, to pre cut the • iailbalttot-tbe..subatribery residing, in Butlor Albasembip g joreettlement, and all persons in- debtadia make imme;liate payment. „i.e.., . - JOIIN lI.I.NES, Committee. 1 • -t.,,.. 1858. Gt , --t--- `• ew Marble Establishmen;. z : A ir...uomßS.Cll would most resp'eeifull2,s -infr.i'rt' it his friends and the public gen-, -41110_11;_that he has opened a new Xl.trble Yard .obt, _.&,Sierrifelotce, ...t.lam.tcouviy, Pa., where ite willAmpute all kinds of work in his line, 7 dititsieteas, such as MONUMENTS, TOMB I -..41141EAR STONES, ~.t...;., with neatness and -fimi r ilki ' and prices to suit the times. ; - UN brs aatire.,sel to A. V. llomhach, at , ~., Ahtsrrystown; Adams county, Ps., will be, Ili attowle4.l tb. . . . I Ake -4, 'lBaB. , Gin lime . ... -Antionier :404 . 0 VENUE.oltibitt.-ltho subscriber 411.L-jiettpectfully.infuruas tho-puldic, that he .dintstins** tho,hasirso....s of Crying 1 - endues, - 111sailitivass, &ix, on • the very lowest terms. Ailltassrhis wsporience and a determination to .. 4o th o e t : p fur io t y he , b in in te s. res ii ts i u s f r l e i s is id :lnn is er i s n , .hirtiself tha.r. lie ;vitt. be hblo to r fall satisfaction to those who may- see ‘,„.. 7 township, ...kdams couir.,y, one mile . • d Mill, on eulogy , Cunowago 1 - sidle tartn of the IVidow Neidieh.— k r latirthioligip a trial at a sale. .., 1 1 1 ' 4• , ... ' 1 ", .' I. GEO. .F. 3i ELLE R. - ler Litters to b 43 addresor.4l to 01 fo rd P. 0., Adonis cOwity. PAX. - • - 44N17.5; 1858. ,-3,,,,, • - • Pay - Up! fling undeisignearhaving ietired from the JAL Imeimatile itysinaas, ei{e vary deairons dOebesa isdabead SQ them. should PAY UP ~, , 1 0 10,ei ties 441 irtl do au before the 15th . mmtier next, &eerier that dime' tho meitaaatiwitt be placed in the beads Jur an 1150- aelesjoetieetbar. . ..D.A.VSEIL & ZIEGLER. ,A l t i f i t . WAßP 411/Alti:08. . . • . . i it „;_. Ult . _ worth sir mcoonzi. _mete your i 11. = g dale, Cog 'Telk l it ( il; Civet, iota , issorythlus else ie. khe Addy 10 „ e. - 417W4 " IN 4.4 4 rt il SAMMPIik , • 1r- , 40, ' - 41? Hammonton Lardy 4; ,A' ' fine Old Brandi°St :- - v DV ENG L .kN D SEtTLF:I ENT ' T " 2.0 bulb bersi Impewiljps and Puler* In 11 , -- 1 Orrintrumn.—To all wanting israis l l -I.VES'it• L/Qt'Oftlr wauld-movtsre a healthy place. lir oild-fir , hide., [rem Phi • ieettely call the altentiAl, of purehasers to delpina. on the Camden and Ate is r their Old Estaildli•buient, No. 5 Nirli,' frcrel road, Nesr Jersey. An old (state igidreFim y Strcrt, l'lldadrlpgiu, wherithey have a large been op. ned for mile. and the first divisien of a...urn - nem ot Win”. and Liquors of tare 10.600 acres divided up into farms if twenty ch , iti est brand. and qual.tie•. Having made tu-rv's and upwards. The solirs of Pa tr.,/ arrangement. with some of the first houses in quality for the production or fruiik, grains, C , ignac and P. , ietielle, enables them to furnish ,tc. The price is itls to r_o per acre, pays- to their custoiniers, upon• the moat liberal, ble in ea... ) quarter yearly ii.Eta'tnent.. within terms, the following brands of Cognac and, a term of four )s,irs, witk ,merest. The terms Rochelle are wade easy, in order to iii.ure the rapid 8R.% NDI ES : (Bard. lirnmery, Paler:in, improvement of the land, by enablaig er.ry Plort,Coidillion ;J. J. Depuy & Co.,T. Ilimes, indult , sou.. win to bay or firm. It is I.ow be- A. Se-gnette. Martel. Marett, fie. &e., of vs in' extensively imprommi by gc d roads. and rious brands and qualities. soirle.of the best eiteadie from •New England WINES: Champ:War, Madeira, Lisbon, and the Middle eitateekare erecting large on- (Ed 0p , ,,,M, Tese,vre, Burgundy, Ilnek, .1121,-; prorcrueLts. It is a scene of the greatest im- cat, C'toret,Sherry, and Malaya Wiwi, p rove/ m int out o f ph i l ai l k iph ia . :s t . ve sity-fi re Itollansi Gin, Seiteidam Sehrtapps,Jaralica 1 Aothbeas ha ore been built is four months.-- Spirits, Seotelt and Irish NVlii...iiey, Peach, Practice fllrrnere and business mearfrom the , Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, Clinger. and 1 length and breadth of the Union are settling Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, there. It is an important bistro s& place, on Ainsterd.un Bitter'* kr. account of its being iii the midst of a great I Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the! market.. Eveq article raised upon this land 1 Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on hat d finds an immediate sale. 'the water is excel-' an extensive stock of fine old 3lonongahele, ' lent, and no such thing as fece"v is known. , Rye and B oirbon Whiskey-, &dr:triune grade's ' , trite :soil is a sandy or clay losii,vrith a clay some of which arc guaranteed to be superior! bottom and IC! , mere of manures. It is free of ito any in the country , all of which are high- stones and cakily worked. It abounds large-' ly improved by age. ly in the phosphates, an,l such ;s its fertility I. Front oar king experience in the business, , front the crops prialoced 14,th.upon 'this 4 nnl ii. thutough knowledge of the tastes of lint) knit the large area adjemitvg under culti- I the community. we" flatter ourselves to be vation. it will be &wild., net to be excelled I able to fill all ordcrsthat may be entrusted anywhere in the production of crops most! to us. . . adapted 1 , 1 its market. •-• I Cletler, from the countg:.tithialkure most - The reader may lc well aware that the respectfully ,sulieltudi'vra be 'promptly at; earliest and the best fruits and vegetables Asinciel to: - ~. come from New Jersey, which are annually Skitrarazt. care takeir in packing and ship. exported to the amount of millions of dollars. ping. . ..-« , -,1 The land, besides being accessible in ercry WAll goods sent fronilmr establishment way for fertilizers, has an abundant supply are guaranteed to vise satisfaction, with the of the best quality of muck manure.. privileg e of being returned. . Lumber and building materials can be had E. P. MIDDLF.TON & 11110., on the spot at a cheap price, from the mills. No. 5 NOrth.FrorttSt., Phibsdelphia Other mills are now being opened. and brick- March 22,,:1855. • Gin - yards being started on the ground. A person can - put up a frame tenement for present con venience for one 'hundred &lima. On ac count of the extensive emigration, this is the 1 best course to pursue in order to get a place to live. in at first. Carpen'ers and builders are on hand to put up houset . on the best terms. .. In settling here the emigrant has many ad vantages. lie is within a few boars' ride of the great cities in tbelliddle States and New England ; he is near his old friends and SaliO• ciauons; be is in a settled country, where every improvement and comfort of civilization is at hand : .he is in a healthy place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the greater partof his family and his own health by those malignant levers which make the graves of so many millions of the young and hardy in far off regions away from home and friends. Besides, be has a milli climate and an open winter. There are three trains daily toPhiladelPhis, and to all those who improve the railroad company gives a free ticket. The reader will at once be struck with the advantages here presented, and a. , lt why the property has not been taken up before -- The reason is, it was never thrown in the market ; and unless these statetu nts were correct, no one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. " This all are ex• pected to do. They will tee die land under cultivation; they will meet persons, no doubt. from their own neighbor . ..tad ; they will wit ness the improvements, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons sh,,uld come prepared to purChase, as many are Coat ing. and locations are net held on refusal. The flamnson'toli Firnier,`a monthly Liter ary and Agricultural sheet, cuntaisung full information of llatnnionton., will be sent to each inquirer, 'and can be obtained ttt 2.5 eta pOrsadinitn. v- 1 • • . • • - - Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, oNlif of Ytl Inettoibtoneetteidthe los: ncy is pair. It kite tokhe laud :-4elrit4'itie u-ect wharf. Philadelphia. f4r railroad at 7 1 and si, P. M4 when there inquireTurßoittlistgeetn % cnierk es crtltte'reund.' - Lettere wet a pplitte• Lions can be adtireksed to S. 11. COUGLILIN. 202 South CIPTiI Street below Welton. Phil adelphia. 'Maps Inadiefortuation cheerfully furnished. Sept. 27, /858. Markt° 16 Adltrired. TITAN TIIE BICH K§_i t Ab 031 ever worn -/- by KIN GS Oit. ,E)1,1! KROnS. —W hat Why a Beautiful Iliad of Hair. Because it the urnalPihlt Cod himself prnaidrd br bur nu!!' 'Reeder, althouih the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the :losing cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth he those of pearled the head is bereft of as cover. in, or the hair .be snarled and shriveled, karzet and dry, or worse still, ifspriokled with gray, nature will lose more than half her chins. Prof. Wood's llair Restorative, if used two of three times a week.will restore and permanently secure to all such an orna anent. Read the tollOwigg and judge.- The writur of tho link is the cele6raied Pianiet, tkorberg : New You., April 10, ISSB. Tu. WOOD : Dear Sir :—Peritlit•Me to ex press to you the obligations I am under for the entire restpration of my hair to its origi sal color; about the time of my arrival in the United States it !vas rapidly becomiug gray. but upon the application of your -• Bair Ito alprahvo'''ll soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Restoratives* a very' wonder ful invention, quite dhoti:ions as well as agreeable. I ain, dear sir. yours tiuly, S. TIIALUEILG. Drych a'r Gwyliedydet." Welsh Newspaper uftlee;lB Nassau St., t April 12, 1858. f PROF. 0. J. WOOD: Dear fir'--Sutne month or six weeks ago I received a bottle et your Hair Restorative and gave it to my wife, who concluded to try it on her hair, little thinking at the time that it would restore the gray hair to its original color, but to her as well as nay surprise, after a few weeks' trial it has performed that wonderful effect by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the same time beautifying and thickening the hair. I strongly recommend the above Restorative to all persons in want of such a change of their hair. CHARLES CARDEIV. NEW YORK, July 25, 1857. PROF. 0. J. WI-OD: With ConildCllCO do I reetimmend your Herr Restorative, as being the most efficacious aniclel•ever saw. Since using your Hair Restorative my hair and whiskers whiz!! were • almost white have gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confi dent that a few more applications will reitore them to their natural odor. It also has re lie?ee..we of all dandruff and unplcasuit Itch ing. so common among persons who perspire freely. J. Cr. MIRY. PROF. WOOD:—About two years ago my hair commenced faking off and turning gray : wasi •last becoming bald, and had tned many Remedies to no effect. I commenced using your Restorative in January last. A few applications fastened my heir firmly. It began to till up, grow outrand turned back to its former color, (black.) At this time it is fully restored'te its original color, health, and appearance, and t cheerfully , recommend its use to all.• J. 1). HO Chicago, ill., May 1, 1857. • The' Restorative is put up in bottles of 3 alms, viz:. large, medium. and small: the small holds a pint, and retails far 1)1 per bottle Pike medium holds at least twenty per cent. more in. proportion than the small. re. tails for •two dollars..per• bottle t the large bolds a , quart. 44) per cent. more in propor tion, and remileFfor 83. • U. J.. Wood• k Do.. Proprietors. 312 Broad way, New York. (in the great- N. Y. Wire Ratting &tabliniment.) and•ll4 Market St,, St. Lamia.-14.0.. And sold by all good Drug gpsta.and rainy Goods Dealers. - . 1 r Aug. 30, 1858.1 3u • . • LattILLINER.Y.—Aps Loom KAra Ltru.a shos to hapirpsithpoisdiaitaTtatka'sutd ye thstahle is noir prop:trod to:meet:to 5. anti Atrahrehes,l iddrie street, 'a fir dour, below Mr. Wargo Little's Workolooto ehortpar than asewbera arta. Plow call aad seta (*pr. 21/74. ; ;. Sunbeam Gallery. TllEsubscribertlioullrespestfully announce to the.citizens of Gettysburg AO the pub lic generally, that he has provided himself' with an entire now and splendid SI4Y-I:1011T ASI BROTY PE ROOM, at his residence in We.t Middle street, one Square meet of Fahnestock's Store. where he is prepared to furnish .tobru, Melaiso, EtlatliCl dad Photo graph Pictures in every style of the urt, which he will warrant to give entire saris. f.u...tion, and is prepared to accommodate all with 0001) PICTURES, either single or in group+. lle also lots a number of epacimens at his room in clianthersloir n , . Street, a few doors West of Bringinan Curp's Shoo Store, tv:icre he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire o correct likeness of them e...lees and friends, trill do well to give me a e.tll, as I have reduced my prices to su.l the prelent laud times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds ;also, inserted in Lockets, Breast Pius, Finger Rings, he. Tao ,u bscriber ng thankful to his friends an I the public in general for past patronage, wi.hce thew to continue it, and assures them, Cott aslieretofore,they shall not be iii,satimth.d. se"'C'aarges from 50 cents to $l4. flours for operating from SA.M. to 4 I'. M. liidd L.ckets, Breastpins, suitable to ininiatur a, always on hand, at the very lowest prices. ita" -- ;:iildren will not be taken fin...esti Ciao 81 00. stal....itubrotypes taken (ur fifty cents and up xards, and iu the best style. 8.13111 EL ItEAVEIt. April 2G, 1858. tf Who will Refuse rptlE worth of disk amity an 4 ri,y/a cboagc, back/ ' ILIRTI.X'S is the place to R 0541,, orlosso.lltex sell 411 kinds of . groceries Csutfoiktiouafie4, 'Vane? Artracs—fii word, ereiitbing belonging to a first-el Grooery. ilassori•of seven different kinds, frotu 440 *elm up tow per galltm ; Sugars, differ..tut kinds. Irvin 8 cents up to 14 per Culree, five kin Is ;, Clioeohtte, thee, Critekerg. Tea Cakes, llottlod Pie Fruit, Übcese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, 13.teun and Lard. May 24, 18-rB. Removal. rIE subscriber haw re ed his Plough a• au Altlachine Shop from the Foundry buildios I, llitilruad street, opposite Tote's Blacksoti shop, back of the Eagle Hotel, wit !relic s better prepared' than ever to at te•td to customers. Ploughs always on hand and wade to order at the aboriesCuutice, and 31aultine., Reapers, - 414., repaired: Also he till/ attend to eleatnngitoul.repairing Chn ks. May 10. DAVID WARREN. The Mighty Healer I World Known and Irtorld Tried. Holey - ay% 0 intment. rp HE free admission/ter all Nations, as well * i • as the verdict of-the leading Hospitals of the Old us well as the New World, stamp this p 'rectal remedial Agent as the greatest nimbus preparation ever miule known to suf fering win. Its rirsevevrtvz QUALITIES are • mire than ixavr.u.ous. through the external !orifices of the skin, invisible te the naked .eye, it roaches the seat of the iutcrnal dis ease; and in all external affections ita.unti inflammatory and healing virtues surpass anything else on record. and is Nature's wrest ally. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM are two of the West 00113111 W) and virulent dis orders prevalent on this tamtinent, to these the Ointment is especially antagonistic. its '. modus operandi" is first to eradicate the venom and then cusaplete the cure. BAD LEOS, OLD SORES. AND U LCE EIS. —Cases of many years standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to any ether remedy or treatment, have invariably sue , combed t& a few applications of this power fat unguent. I BRITPTIONS ON THE SKIN, arising from 1a bad state of the blood or chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear and transparent stir -1 face regained by the restorative action of this Ointment. It surpasse- many of the mune- I tics and other toilet appliances in its power to dispel rushes and other disfigurements of the face. PILES AND FISTCLA.—Every form and feature of these prevalent anti stubborn dis orders is eradicated locally and entirely by 1 the use of this emulieut ; warm fumentauous i should precede its application. Its healing qualities will be fuuud te be. thorough zunl invariable. . .Both the Ointment and Pills shoold Le avid la the following cases : Bunions, • lisonsnatisao, Son Throats, Burns, . • Ringworm, Soros of al/ alias, ' Chapped Rands, Malt Sisson; !Trains, Chilblains, _ Soal•ts. NW/Joints, Vistula, Skin 0 Obellail , Tatter, Goat, Swelled Glands, ticors, Lumbago, Furs Lags, Vessels* Sorg., Idosoutal Ernptkoss, sots Sreasts, E utanda ;dal' ktuds, Piles, Soto Reads Illgir"Casaion !—None are gennine unless the words " lintlotray, Near York and Lon don," are discernible as a ruler-stark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly &tutu by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome re ! ward will be given to any one rendeiling such 1 infurruesionss may lieu' to the detection of i sTrparty or parties oounterfeititN the medi ! eines or vending the same, knowing them to Ibe spurious. , 4, ,Atiold at the Manufactories of Protestor I Holloway, SO Maiden Lane, Nee/ tort, and by all-respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the Unite& States and the civilized world, in pots at 25• cents. 63 , cents,. and $1 etch. • A. D. , Buehler, Getty*. burg. • • alifrolhese is a eonaidersble sating by saki, % Quo target sizes . - - . • ~,. , • .li. B.—Directions fur 'tite geidanse Of pa fiesta in every disorder zelei - lo each / pot. 0 • [Jane • ' 'lowly. aROCEIUES.-11 yeti wantl ' assort. 1 IJI merit of 0 • . sue aa • ps, 1r n izt Mo lasses, Sugar sad. di do well b ? . examining the a r ma tta 11. S. & Ir!fi• llltxxicesi, 41. lITIX,Igh3'• A TTOrt- TAT XW, (offica one - dog) "all- west ash drug old book Hurt, Chambers g t,) 4roatarr AND SO- Limos roaksristab smo rkstuss. ilikanty Lywi Warrants, an :k-pay supen , itsl an,l all ~thte claim+ a4a.inst the Government at W.tiliinzton. D. ; alp) American Claims to Enzland. Land • Warrants locatod antl 5...1d, or bought, and highest prices *ruts enraged in locating warrants in lowa, Illinois aativtlier wlsttrn States. Apply to him peisonally'or by letter. Gettystarg, Nur. :21, IKI3. k TTORN EV AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend te all business entrusted to bim. Ile speak,' the German language.— Omte at the same place, in South 4altituore street, near Forney'', drug store, and nearly opositeDanie?A7,iegler's store. toettysburg, March 20. • • Wnt R TTOHSEY -AT - LA-W.—Office on the south side of the puldio squaLe, 2 duurs ;rest of the Sentinel office. Gettysburg, August:', 18L3. J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. , HAS his office one - .go I -1- door west of the • Lutheran church in Chambersborg street, and opposite Picking's store, where titose wishing to lime any Den tal Operation performed are respectfully invi ted to call. liavanasteas: Dr. D. 11hprner, Rev. C. I'. kiAistik.D.l).. Rev. IL L. Baugher, 1). D., 11ev. PW. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L. Stcerer. = [Gettysburg, April 11,'53. 1111 E Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance Cumpany---Casl39,sse,--nfrocti i n . surlocei in any nit, of the State, against loss by fire ; pradesiOly adapts its operations to its resources L- affords ample indemnity, and promptly *40104 Its losses. Adams county is represented in the Board of Managers by non. biases WC, Li AN. • 4 Win. MeIIIAAN. 001416•14.1. . teas, tietcrsburt , May 2G, o• - . launbet at Cost. TIIE. underakwl„ intending to relinquish I the Liiiwb*llistiness, (to open a Hard ware se.", in. New atford,) now offers all kindt of LUADVB, al reduced price.. Call and, judge for4traraelces. The stock em braces a full.kissortment, hoards,Plank. Joists, Scantlis.g. Laths. Palings, &. , , e JACOB ACLABAUGII. New 011'00,3,70ne 28, 1858. T , UE sucre informs the pnblic that he 1p continues 0 Lumber and Cunt business at Lirri.itsrow i ll. Adams county, on a larger scale than e4-er—embracing White Pine 11.mrds antlPiank. Scantling, Framing Stuff, Plasterin Whew, Shingles , Palings, .kc., L osto with all ' of Store, Limeburners' and Blacksmiths'. el. ' , Yard near the Depot.— lie invites.the call? Of the public, and will sell asiinT as the Tory los est. • " • •••i i JOilS MILLER, April 19,- lASI. ly '• ' Tip Swan Hotel. nJ TIIE THAVELINO L PUDLIC.Tho 1 : subscriber. would most respectfully an nounce that he has taken the Hotel lately kept by lersoi Yount, in Frederick street, in the lbrough of HANOVER, whore he is pre pareltn atedittnodate, in elegant stylejray. tillers And others visiting the place. • He pledgee Meal( that nothing shall tie woWtt tog to House a pleasant and agree able bonus: te • all who WRY give' him t a • cuitent: The house is large and convenient, • will al be priovided with attentive • faithful and honest - Oat • . _ to Bar and Table are .applied with tie met the market Will afford, and his beds will 14 tuuuti to be in the best possible oonditiun. ittavaeyelaing pertaining to a first rate house the subscriber is doterruir. , :d nut to be sur passed by any We. Just giro him a trial— you will always find ohl Dare about. There is a fine Yard attached, and Stabling sufficient fur 25 or 30 horses, tuvin SEWCOMMER Hanover, May 10, 185 g. tf Frosh Fruits, aROCFMIES, Norfoss, Erail4. Fruits of every description, as • callows—Layer Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, Palm Nuts. Filliorts, hard and paper shell Almonds, You Nuts, lia4. Groceries. A good assortment of Sugars-* Loaf, Brown. Paw/Jared and Crashed, Coffee, N. 0.31 /lassos. Syrups of the best quality, Rice d Soda, Starch, Tea+, Cinnamon, (grownd and unground,)Cluves, /I tart!. &e. Perfumery. -Perfumery of every description, which will Le sold low tor Cash. Lesson Syrup. A large lot juslikeceivod.—Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do well by purchasing this Syrup. Tobacco. All the various kinds of Tobac.. co, Cigar 4 and Snuff, for sale by Wm. Boyer & Son. Vaiegar. We hare a good quality. u all will Iry who have tried it. Flour& Feed. We hare made arrangements to have conatanAy on hand Flour and Feed, lull we will insure to be of superior quality, and at such prices as cannot fail to please. 1 1 (.11. BOYER & SON. April 26, 1818. TILE subscriber is prepared to contract and J• put on M the shortest notice. W. E. Child ik*Co's. Prdese rite and Water Proof Elastic Cemeal It is Fire and Water proof, and in point 'city is equal, if not superior, to any Roofing. It. ort‘'be put on over tin, tir;lron, Dr shingle roue, lowerrer fiat or steep they may be. In p)hst of resisting the elements of fire and water, nothing hag yet been diseurered equal to the Elastic Cement. Those who have used it, have testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that there is no further room for improvement.-- ope will now think of putting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for much less money and will outwear four shingle roofs. This Roofing is warranted as represented. The Elegem Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay fur wood exposed to the weather or dampness of the ground. It is also' the beet paint for irorr, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per fectly excludes dampness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantities to stilt. For further information, apply to GEORGE A. COLE, Frederick City, Md. - wir Specimens of the Roofing may be seen at the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg. April 5, 1658. VEW MUSE & NEW GOODS!—JACOBS " LI 115' 80. • hire removed their !dentist' t Tailoring Nseatlishmest to the three-gtery.houss on the north iudeerChans bersharg *rest. adjoining ntlighwie & Augh inbaugh's, where they will continue business on niazges scale than evcr. • Theirsthoh. of , Cloths;' Cassimeres. Masi nets, Vestals, kc., &c., - has been•largsis in creased; and the! are prepared %olefin as lop art&efoweall--difying all oompetitiee. give them a eill, and siza4ine their asslertaiene be fore pnrehasitig elsewhere. hio trouble to show geode, Olethiag Sande-up on short notice and in the ArerrY bast and must tasteful With their.: lcs&priztleal experiensa brAhe business, *lda dedroulsplettes, they hope to be able Ulric* saiisfastion in encases, CALL I Ors sath t • Geveyebierg, Marsh 22, 18611. ED Edward. B. Buehler, Fire'insarance. Lumber and Coal. Elastic Cement Roofing. RemovaL IMIII:I=M!! Good and CMap )' T ILE ander' 'woeleilntbras friends and the public generally - . that he con tinues. the CARBIAGE -MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its branches, at hie establish ment, in East Middle Street, (near the exit end,) Gettysburg', Pg., where he has on : , hand a first-rate lit or work, and is prepared lo rot up to order whatever may he desired in hie line, via:—Rocknway and Boat-Body Carrtages; Falling-Top,Rock away & Trotting Suggtes, Jerzwy Wagons, &e. narint-' With good workmen anegood materials, ho can pledge his work to be of the beet 441;lity —and his prices are among the lowest. Mirßepairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call I Jun• 15, 1857, WI. OILLIESPIL. HICNIIIT ?NON Ai. Family Grocery and Provision Stor% aILLESPIE L TIIO.IIAB respectfully in furm the people of Gettysburg and the public generally, that the)/ hare just return ed from the city with a general assortment of OROe MILES, PROVISIONS and VEGETA IILES, which they are prepared to sell as low its the lowest. )CLOUR and FEEDalways on hand, and sold at small Store on' York strotti; enisloor east of Wat tle.' Hotel. Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 147. To the Country, Good News. j HAVE rented, the Foandry for the'ensu -4 ing year, audtani prepared to make the different kind. of 'Casting" usually made at a Foundry. I. will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOW:ILLS, Points, Shares, Cutters, dc.; Puts. Kettles, Pans, Washing Machines, Lc.; Stoves and Machinery; Por t:hoe, Verandah's and Ceuiletery Fencing made and put up with dispatch: All orders will be attended to promptly; but being withqut capital, and money being necessary to carry on the i business, I will be compelled to sell fur cash l but on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Give us a call. V. WARREN. Gettysburg, Jude 1, 107. Now is thS Time! tIE subscriber would ieiforni the public that he has opened a MACH UNE SHOP, in C l / 4 anabersburg' street, Gettysburg, near the Foundry, where he will h ve various kinds of Machines on hand at diny time hereafter, such as 7' hreciiity .Vs.e4faes, Cora Sheller:, Corujimbler Cullers, Cloedrseefr 1 fullers, Strain Cullers, and Morse Meets of different kinds, —two, four or Ibis-horse, ito suit purchasers ; —indeed all such as Can be had at Hanover or Littlostowd. Also, ilurtising Machines, for house carppnters, put up in the very best and most substantial 'manner. Culling S , ,reres or long Was,v l T kind or size less than eleven fuel in led,, , always attended to, as well as Turning in iron, casting, or wood. Also all kinds of REPAIRING on MI4 ohinory, dressing-up Mill Spindled, &v., done on the shortest notice. I hope that ell in want of anything in my line will call at my shop berme going else- i where. I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction ttr purchasers. DAVID STERNER., March 29, 18. sfl, 17 ' The Liver livigorator, PEPAREDLyDr•t3l:,tFOßD,compounded entirely frbin GUM% is one of the best Purgative and Liver Iledicines now before the pfiblio, that acts al a attlutrlir. easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine knovin. It is not only a Culhartic, but ichibcr , reinedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the amn ia/vend bnerlllltenteerry4tbat matter, thus , accomplishingtwu purposes effetteally, with out any of the painfril feelings experienced in the operations of aloft Cathartics. It 1 tr agthens the system at the sometime that it purges it; and • whettitaken daily in mod erate doses, !trill sttOngthou and build up .with unusual inpidity. '" " I The LIVCR is one • Of the principal regu lators of thetbessantisody ; and when it pirforins it fdrictionsE 4 Well. the `powers of the system are 6'113 , 0 4 developed. The stout ark is almost' entire ...A ( y denendent on the healthy action of they peer for the proper performaceof its futte-'i ons; ions; when the stom ach is at fails, the bowels are at fault, and the whole system ) - au Beni inconsequent e of one organ—the tivka—having ceas ed to do its . oluty.— +For the diseases of that organ, ciao of the m , proprietors has made it his study,ii aprao- r. 7 4 ,1 ice of more than 20 years, to fi eo, remedy wherewith to oonnteract t ms !derangements to which it is li b , Al To prove a teht th ii remedy is at last found, any persooM knighted with LIVER CORMAINT, hi any o'rits forms, halt but to try a bottle, and4 i ooaviction is certain. These GURU re-O.MOVe all morbid or bad matter 0002 thebkinstem, supplying in their place a ' flow bfZ,bile, invigorating the stomach,causingfogxl<to digest well, rum- TYING THIE tu.4oD, girl/ling tone and health to the whole pisefiinery, removing the cause of the disatee—isfeetiug a radical cure. 'Dittoes ArI'ICKS areeured, ANSI, WHAT IS aßrrca, ratvitsrzo, by the occasional use of the Livca Ist 10011ATORi One bite ter ()atingle su ffi cient to relieve the stomach 1 prevent the food from rising i u and souring., Only_oneose tab= before retiring, pre / vents NIGHT ARC i Only one e taken at 'night, loosens the bowels gentl y , i and cants Contrxxxss. One dose ken after+ each meal will cure DIMPRI.SIA.. i .Or dh , If li t.- 'lls ••••• mar One _ twd tsavpoonfuls will al ways relieve SICK 1111.110•Clit. One date tialten fur feinalo obstruction re moves tbe nine of thepilease, and makes a perfect ours.' Only one dose relieves Cuouc. while One dose often repeated is a sore ears fir CHOLYI♦ Want's, aid a preventive of enoLsas. • 'Only one bottle is needed to throir ouf of the system the effects of medicine sites a long sicknyus. afgrOne bottle taken 'for JACNDICII removes all sallowness or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite , and makes fool di gest well. One dose often reiatited cures Casosic DIARRUCEA in its worst fcirmq, while Souza and Boiti•at. complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in 01311dren ; tberc is no•saver, safer, or speedier remedy in the world, as it never fails. strA few betties cureDlorsy, by exciting the absorbents. • We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as &preventive for Fives and Aces. Cwt.'. Pavia, And all Farr' of a•BiLioes Tyra. It operates with certainty, and thou sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. .rtU who we it are giving their unanimous testimony in its lacer. wake-in the mouth with the In vieriaor, alid'swallcrat both together. • rts,Lirss lavtooserroa is a scientific med i ViikArktfy, and icitailrerorking • cures, almost too great to believe.. hearses* if by magic, von the first dose giving bane-Lit, and more than oar. bottle is required to enre as king, of. Lirsta complaint, from the worsts or Dspepaia to a common fleaciacle, Al of wins* are 'the result of a 01.12ASID Urea. • ' • WO ONO DOUAI PEI BOTTLE. DR: D, "Proprietor. , '345 Broad waj, New.tork. A. D. Bucriwt, Agent, GeStytiPirt . " • • "May 1(7, 1858. ly. MUSIC SPOUTING AND TIN ROOFING .ceased to km - MO. 3171MY.R. A T PIt[VATE'BALE.—The undersigned uteri at Private &Ile, all his Real Estate as folltws : No. 1.-31 y late residence in Gettysburg, frontilg 30 feet on Chatnbcrsburg street, with Brick I)crelling, Stable, and other nents. No, 2,—Lot adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street,' with Stable, &c. No. 3.—Lot _adjoining Nu. fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Shop, •4 • and other improvements. ' No. 4.—but adjoining No. 3, fronting 29 feet, with double Brick Dwelling, 4tnith Shap, &c. I No. s.—Let west of the Foundry, with 'Steam Saw and Grist • . No. O.—Lot adjoining No. 5, oonttdpipg about 3 Acres. JACOB TROXEL No. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Cliambersburg street. No. 9.—Treat of Lend in lianeiltonban townainp, 'bosh creek. containing 51 Acres, part and part in irst-rate timber. No. 10.--Ormeli 'Establishment in Shop• herdstown, Va., with good will, its. The lc• cation is an admirable one for business, and improvements in good order. gerTitles good and terms to snit purcha sers. Enquire of D. A. Delius, Esq., Get. Viborg, or the undersigned residing in Shep. heribitown, Va. C. W: 110Fk31AN. March 15, 1858. PXTRA ACCOMMODATIONS.—The un dersignod returns his thank" to the public for Um lendouragement heretofore extended to him, and takes pleasure in annotmcing that be has eonletkl itringements kir 43* which T WO DAILY LINES of Coaches will ran between Gettys burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains to and ftom Daltiroore, York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, be. Persons desiring Lichen cie information will call on the undersigoectot tik Camas Tails, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle Hotel, in Chambersburg street. (I:7Special attention given to all packages, Ac., or other business entrusted to the under signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, which will be promptly and carefully atteall• ed to. U:77"The undersigned bu also effected ar rangements by which be will be able to supply Coaches, Stages, ic., for Funerals and other occabions, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, Aprit 13, 1857. lIEAP WATCIIES & JEWELRY, whole sale and retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold leer Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat cases, $2B 00 ; Gold Lepines, 10 carat, $24 00; ' Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le , pinmjewels, $9 00; superior Quartiers,Bl 00; Gold Spectacles,s7 00; fine Silver do. $1 50; , Gold Bracelets , 00; Ladle.' Gold Pencils. i ll 00; Siker Ten Spoons, set, 86 00; Gold ; Pens, with pencil and silver holder, $1 00. Gold Finger Rings, 37/ cents to 880;Watch , Glasses, plain, 12 f cents; patent 181; Lunet 1 25; other articles iu proportion. All goods wkrranted•to be what they are -sold for. STAUFFER & II ARLEY. Valuable Real Estate Two Daily Lines. Stauffer & Harley. On hand, some gold and silver Levers and Lvinag, still lower than the above prices. taut. at,, 1857. ly R. Linn, - NEWVILLE, PA., AGENT' fur Prisce d• Co.'s Improred - -41ELODEO.NS. THE BEST IN THE WORLD! Also, the world renowned CIIICKERING PIANOS. ifirlnstrumenta delivered to any address at lanufactur.are t prices. Bar Every inetru went warranted. itlirSend fur a circular. Jul? J.l. C. W. Slagle & Co., fIOMMISSION AND PRODUCE MER -1.1 CHANTS, Nos. 118 and 133 Nurlit street, Ballimort.—Being established, in the Com mission business fur a number of years, they solicit consignments, and pay particular at tention to the sale'of GRAIN of till kinds, Flour, Clover sod, Whisky and Country Prodded generally. We remit proceeds promptly. Tracks from the Northern Cen tral Railroad run into our Warehouses. Refer to E. B. Buehler, Esq., Gettysburg. June 21, l8:4 . 8. 17 Ladio and Gentlemen! TF you deistic to have a neat and substantial BOOT or SIIOE, go to BRINCIMAN do CULP'S, who are always manufacturing Boots and Shoes of the best material that can be had. Nome :but good workmen are em_Plojed. J&Sign of the BIG BOOT: N. B.—A good steadyJourneynteauwante I. Aug. 30, ISIS. Haat:over B. Balroad. TRAINS over the II Branch Railroad now run as follows : First Train 101111 , 89 ILanorei at 9 A. X .With passengers fur Baltimore by &pleas Train. also Pitesenicers fur York,flarrisburg, Colum bia. mid Philadelphia. Second Train leaves Ifonover.ab with passengers for Baltimore — ena interme diate points. DANIEL T 1 iE , Ticket Agent. Hanover, Junit2B, 1858. duct:towering. A NDREW W. FLEMMING, repiding in Breckinridge street, near Jams Pierce's, Gettysburg, offers his services to the public its a Sale Crier and Auctioneer. His charges are moderate, and he will on all occasions en deavor to render satisfaction. Ile hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Aug. 17, 1857. . . Removal. ILEX. FRAZER, Wateh & Cloak Maker, has removed his shop to Chambersburg street, opposite the Lutheran Church, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of customers. Thankful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to buAinems and a desire to please, to merit and revive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, March 8, 1858. 11011ICII EMBROIDERIES.—A large and Ll' beautiful assortment of richt'. reneb work ed Collars, and many solher'new and season able goods, just received and for 'tale at low prices at IX. S. 3 E. 11. MINNIGIIS'. Notice. T HE undersigned having retired from the Mercantile business, the same will here after be continued at the old stand, in Balti more street, by their thinner and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and style of Danner and Ziegler; Jr., whom we wilt reeomntent/ to, and for whom we would bespeak a liberal dale of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general. flaring retired from the Mercantile busi ness, it ta necessary that oar old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all those indebted•to us either by Judgment, Note or 'Book Adeoutig - to call eh& settle the same without delay. The books 'will be found at the old stand. I . • J. B. DANNER. . . DAVID GIEGLER. May 24, 1858. lopl• the Ladies. SILK MANS MIAS !—Jast ficeised direct from A:cietiore large assortment of Vasa tlful Silk and 'Stairs Antigua Slantillat=in price ranging from $I 75 WV 00, to which *6 sail the attention of ladies. Ifyou wish cheap and' pretty Sfantillas call early st June 7. FAIINESTWICS% • P ERsows 00 AM acing - Housekeeping will find it to their adfluLts i ge_ to purchase heir TIN-1 1 /ARE at BOEMZIt'S.-; in Cilim bersburg Street.- - • - •- • 4, nc.. 25 and 27 N. (lay P trod. Ealtiroore, (near Fayette at..) extending frtihrgis ft/' Frederick et.—the largest establistifilthi, or the kind in the Union. 41n-ays on . hand"A large assortment of every variety of HOUSE, H OLD AND OFFICE FUM(ITURE, usu. bracing-- Bureaus, Bedsteads, Washstands, Wardrobes, Matresses of Husk, Cotton and Hair, • Spring Beds, Sofas, ... .. Teteit-Tetee, Arm Chairs, Rocking Chairs, Etageres, Mikrble Tables, Settees, .. Reception and Upholstered Oheire, .Aesorled Wore of Collage .k'srallare, Wood Chairs, _ Office Chairs, Barber Chairs Cribs and Cnulles, Hat Racks, • - . -,• Hall Fureiture., Oils and Walnut Frame. Looking Glasser, Sidebokeia t --....1., Extension Tables, of every length. A, . l iramin Persons disposed to purchase aro i vfted to call and give our stock an exam nation, which fbr variety and quality of w - ship 'ls not equalled by any establish ant in the'.conntry. A. ICIATIIIOT L SON, Nos. 25 and 27 N. (Jay street. 'ug. 2, 1858. /V Clear the Way s FOR TILE NEW Fl 11 M 2 and 3 Riding and Wagon Saddles, Trotting, Buggy and Carriage Bar nes., Buggy, Carriage, Mule, flair, Ticking and common Collars. Riding and Driling Bridles, Martingale, Balterit, Horse Cove's and Fly Nets cf. every description . ; 'Whip, die s just .receired and for sale astonishingly low at BIUNGMAN .1, CULP'S, sign of the "BIG BOOT," Clianibersburg street. May 10, lt"58. The World's.' CHEAT EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED TO C. MEYER. For his two Pianos, Londom, October 15, 1931 CME Y E rospeetfolliinforms hid friends • and the. petals geneiallf thitt ho has constantly 4)n hand PIANOS. equal ta throat for which he resolved the l'riss Medal in London, in 18,11.. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. Ile has receive] during the last fifteen years more Medals than any ether maker from the Franklin Inatitnte--ahm, Firut Premiums in Bostut, New Yurk and• Balt imore. Wareronmq No. 725 .trch Street, below Eighth. ouch side, Philadelphia. Sept. 6. 1858. 3in -.Bargains all the Time! ' GOODS received every week at SAMSON'S 9, 1853 "Thick Darkness corers the 'Eara, 1164, Amid - Gross Darkness the i'cophr.". Country Merehatnispo t • LND ALL OTHERS. WILL TAKE tillYliirE! —That they ean.aupply thentialves, in any quantines,with Jogs' FA u Fasato PATzsr Nos-Erni:emt KEROSENE on. COALDOIL LAMPS, at the Wholesale and Retail HEAD 38. QUARTERS, South- Second St., 36. PRILADSLPHIA.- Trie only place where osetwahaWiAteneies can be obtained for the States toffenasyivania, New Jersey and. Delaware. • ' These Lamps give a light equdairrlttensity of flame, and similar Su appediann* to tiv.s. and are claimed to be superior to all other 11 121 14b1r0 lights, now in use s No fear - of el plosion.—No offensive odor.-v-No an c•— Very easily trimmed:—AS cos l; regulated as Gas Light.—Can be adapted to alkparposes. —And better thad all for a poor ‘man—.s per cent. cheaper than am other portable light, now in born mon' use.• Sole -Agency also, for .K4vicers 'Patent Ravin and Coal'Oil LAMP. " • I:l7l4sups, Oils, Wiclui,Shadts, And article in the line. v S. E. SOUTHLAND , No. 38 South Second SC., Sept. 20, 1858. 3m • Millinery Reraoy,44, t at S. C. HOWARD would' riYs ' 4 1 •0 T h i f orin '-'• tbe Ladies of Gettystiata ftp - bity, that they will find Us'. is 'burg street, at the resident:sof/h. ' a Herbst, opposite Mr. Tstel.}4oll. :, ~ Ladies easiirossigistaiLloilt 4ead 3 - made BORN • Ailso •s ofilyitt" Straw Leghomiss4 at 'ids of .littilUneti Goods of the latest styles. ',oldies stilW4 - 4 to call and see for thetaselves. .. -.April fro, 1858. A ,• .. Ilium &SOME RY.-414111finiksnibr net d. ill this article, grin plea* eidiEs Picking's fllotbiag. Store. . .. - . = Mil .j .. rr