The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 18, 1858, Image 3
?be _ TIM , Agrost &ma ociedisiii sem* on. I. Tbe,balinoo race between two of the most celebratestaeronauts its the world, Mons. Godard and Prof. Steiner, will take place on - Monday, the 18th instant. The inflation of the balloons, each core taining 30,000 enbie feet of gas, will commence at 9 o'cl in the morning, and the ascensions vrill take place at 4 o'clock precisely. A committee office weti-known citizens have been chosen, who are to act as judges, &e. Theyissill decide whether the weather in the morn leg. shall justify the inflation of the balloons. • When the inflation has com menced the aeronauts must go. Each may take up a passenger, at his own discretion. The success of either will be in relation to distance, not height.— Arrangements will be made for each aeronaut to-send down, at every town passed, in a parachute, a " log," or note, containing tho name of the balloon which passes, and any incident occur ring on the trip, which will be sent by telegraph, so that the citizens here and elsewhere may be con tfnually posted of the whereabouts of the aeronauts, and the success attending their serial flight,. Mons. Godard and Prof. Steiner each expect to be up three or four days. Alleged Fulfilment of two Dreams. A correspondent of the Missouri Re publican relates a singular instance of the alleged fulfilment of dreams. A Mr. K—, of this city, about a year since, had a dream that there was Ar. spring near Alton, or Altona, in Illi nois, that would cure him of a painful disease with which he had been afflict ed for fire years. On the morning after the dream Mr. li—'s wife told him she was much troubled at not recoiled ,ing something that she had dreamed ;would cure him. Struck with this coin ,eidenee, he wrote to the postmaster of "i,“ton, of which place he had not beard bey re, to make inquiries into the mat iter, and the result was he learned that there was such a spring, on the farm of Major Long, at a place once called Al tona, and long know n for the virtuoaof its mineral waters. Thither the imralid went, and by_ a judicious use of the waters, diet, a nd exorcise, he improved so rapidly in health that in the course of ftr,e woks he could walk ten wiles, and ho was speedily restored to a state of robust health. Teo Deaths from one Arnrder.—The case of Jacobi, the•Pittsbur wife mur derer,is to be tried next week. As there was some doubt as to the manner in 46.4iich the deceased mot hor death, the body was exhumed, and a bullet found it - nix:ll4e¢ in the brain. Jacobi's sister, who regicics iu Germany,being informed of Are murder, and also that her brother WP Ai tie executed, was so fearfully ag it,aked °but she immediately expired. AIOLLOW AT'S PiLLll.—Tlaelleeet this unrival led atteratle• sod eperient Is orenrhelming Sad throulas lota the algal* all other preparstioni purporting to he re WWII MI fur Internal Somme,. Patalhce dreary ceeditios In h(.. &alio •r•ry seetloo of the mosatry, are adopting /bikeway's Palle as the sole remedy for eamplainta of the stomach, lir.r, sad bowels, and damarilUag all the neetrame it Oath they uses plata! coal-lenge. Tau dee.a grand rented', aiicY oestmle sad regaletee the escredems, the cirealation, and the ohele alunecrtary spiting, eameguer prejed,ee, aol I aterestal opposition., sus wall as • host of daseasee erluth hare heretofore laid delance to med.l• cal still. QUEEN ISABELLA IN • COAL. PIT.--ner Kajeety ssr Spain recently itwated upon entering • seal pit, awl wt. followed by tier courtiers. Slte proceeded beat three heodret yards, partly ■oder the sea, and there narked bet initials wick • tallow candle ea a rock. Her 111•Ister of Mato who Ll.l travelled mach, Trot* alder the WWIS.' with Ids sandhi. u follows: The but and lasi4 elitist warmest* In the world, are those nude at Ow Ikons Stowe Cletansier 11.11, of Elowthili k. Wilson, Nes. SOS sad 0011 C beats* straot &bore Sixth, P6lledo4phia." pet. N. lsa. Tll■ 11/M MO NTON lilYtit, a so avower /rota! to Pub/stare sad Arriaaltant, also asttlog forth rattan:oasts af the an astalotseat of Hammonton, la \er /may, caa h. aabstribud for at only %iota. per &sal laden postai* etatapa for tit* amount. Addams to Rlllaar at Um Parser, Llataraoatos, Atlantis seamy, Iliars Jamey. Those wishing ammo 401, of the boat quality, to oaa of the ►eatt► sat soot ilaligtattat allinatua in the Caioe, sae utrartiaamatt lit Elaaastotttos Laski. 3a ID 111111 (MEAT ENGLISH lighlliDT !—.IIIII JAMES C LASDICWS Catena Ives toilet.' Pitts, prepared hem a prooeriptboa by Sir J. Ciarte, X. D., ?Swaledale istwaer d Limy to the Qom. TVs well Items ameLislee la so le pomittos, bat a sere amid astereately for remote Dillitultioe eat °Witmer:mos, from &Ay ammo whatever; aad alt ea& a powirral remedy, they (metals setting hurtful to the coastltatlon. To Masa/ea Laotas It ta pecialluly It will, is • short Late, brie: oath. isoutlly period with regularity. These Pills have eater been known to fall where the d,roetioas ea 24 page of pamphlet are well oteerrierl. YorTurtler pirticalars rota pamphlet free of the Kest. N. I —3l ;Lad 6 petal's ■tampa eeeleeet to any author ise.' agent, will lasere a battle, roativalng over SO pills, by eskers mad. T. W. Drell it Boa, KlaleaNt Ilsehte. rldladelphia.— A D. Buehler. Asset, thtty.bmrg. Yes IT, LAS. ly /ARM LANDS NOR SALE SA milom from Philadelphia by Railroad la the State of Now Jersey. Soil among the beet far Agrbealtarel purposes r twin a goal loam soil, with a clay bottom'. The Dad la • large tract, divided Into mall farms, sad haadrode from all parts of the ewastry are now settling and beildiag. The mem ass be win growing Terms from 1113 to •m per aero, payable within foar years by lastalossott. To visit the piste—Lear' Vase St. Wilda& Mk. at 7,'‘' ♦. X. by Railroad for Hammonton, r address , R. J. Byrnes, by letter. SNP fall a.lrsrt.asnwat 4 saiedsr sigmas. (Rept. T 7, MSS. len V i le* Mrertlaatseat of Dr. Saaford's Luria Isrtoos- AVM, Y sailtliar CT 411 natl.' to oatigroto to mild dimwit*, viol moll, mai 4•• market, ass olvortisotooot at klamosoatoo [Sept. Fa Irmitiaz /arm, aaa edratinueset at QOM- Wei" "44' Mts. 27. 3= g4i . kiii ile p el esesiAttimm i s ittivelk4Uadas, Trek & Hawn* papers " 13attimeort--Friciay fait. Thar, per barrel, $5 Vl5 50 Vim', Pr bwhei, 1 15 t 146 kr. Sit t. i f ~. in 8 89 • " 47 gat-need, " 6t6 70 t h, - ~ 200 ® 2 25 Bilifiliatle, per hand., 400 700 SNP, r WO, ' 6, Plars_PO 1 " 1 M tl 00 1 22 ,t*y, ler gallon, 23 (haste; Peruvian, per boa. G 2 00 ,)- p , ~„" - Hirsiover—risirsday last. aar„ pis bbl., from 'wagons, Vim Do. ' ‘ g from stores, 650 Whosiom bubo],l 10 ® I Bfqi. _ TS 05,., 41 73 Oats, ll 40 Clireerlaed, i 4 . A 00 " . - 2'oo to 6 00 ' Yitik-4yogr k i d. flab" %L i Itenlornott, 45 00 Dili . " tram dam, • 375 'Li* par *Wail. . 1 10 la 1 SS 4 76 •,,, m i, i I it TS Oat% .amotoosia, .9 _ • !-' ' Pbass, par4ol, .711! Jibed and Chambersbursrand Ifageraoseit Rail road.—The work on the railroad from Chambcreburg to Hagerstown is rapid ly pro Fessing. When this is complet ed, it ►s anticipated a ftirther breech will be mode to connect with the Balti more and Ohio Railroad. The distance front Hagerstown to the Baltimore and Ohi(7 will not exceed some 14 or 15 miles. Tho country is level and the road will need but very little grading. The turnpike is sufficiently.witle for one track of railroad along its sido and still leave ample room for all turnpike travel. —llarriabitrg Union. Catching 4 Mail Robber.—The post master at Little Rock, Ark., recently caught a thief, by placing a young man in a nail bad in the office as a detector, in such a position that be could seeisny one who entered the ofildielp , Wheas the thz.ef came in he was at onto arrested. , • They cans Os wild Iseather, owes sleet er owe sew; We'll steed y era other hoonner It blew." On the nth lust., at Conowapo Chapel, by the Rev. Mr. Cattaai, Mr. J. QUINCY NOEL to Miss REBECCA FREYBUILUER,, both of this On the 12th Inst., by the Rev. A. Trir.ner, Mr. FRANCIS ALLISON IIeDICUMAD to Miss MARY SUSANNAH GICYRR, both of Adams county. Oa MA triii inst., by the Rev. X. J. Allman, Mr.IFWETAX H. LITTLE to Miss LYDIA F. SHI;LTll;both of Vonovago township, Adams twenty. Os the 12th iest,hy the saase, Mr. WILLIAM DOTYBO, of Adam comity, to Miss SAILAU MIMI, of York county. "Lik• hand ea tresatbe me at was Is bead ; , Sim ovals la rstt►, atm vatimedsg arias graaad.“ On the 13th Inst., Mrs. BARBARA SEA BRAX/KS, wife of Mr. Samuel Seabrooks, of Franklin township, aged 65 years 1 month and 24 days. On the 30th ult., in Littlestown, Mrs. ELLEN HOLLMAN, aged 27 years II months And C days. • Um the sth Init., In Adams county, ADELINE L0C113..k ROHRBAUGH, aged 2 years and 23 days. On the 9th alt., Mrs. ELIZABETH SALEM, aged 73 years 7 months and si days. On the Bth inst., GEOROB WALTER, Sr., aged ild years 3 months and 31 days. On the *Alt ult.:, after a short but severs ill ness, Mr. WILLIAM COVERT, of Brooklyn,L. 1., New York. Oa Sunday evening, the 10th inst., at the York Springs, Mr. DAVID KESSELRING, aged 89 years 6 months and 14 days. He was a much esteemed citizen. In Ileidlersburg, on Wednesday last, (n. HOLLINGER, widow of Samuel liollinger, aged about 64 years. On the 10th Inst., in the same plate, Mrs. 110LTIC, widow oil. Ilonek, aged 52 years, 6 months and 6 dayk OME is hereby gives Wall liTtees and 4 . 1 other persons concerned that t e Admin istration aocennts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams Cunuty fur confirmation and albinism., on ifosiday, dke 15th day of November aczt, at 10 u'aleck, A. M.. viz : 69. The fret sad Anal Glese.lianthip aa count ofJecub Martin, Geardiaa of Elisabeth Diehl, (now Elisabeth 80b6054) a miser chihi of Jacich Diehl. 70. The second account of Usury Itittinre, T. Guardian - of Charles L. &Wager. a minor son of Joseph iiitihuicr. deceased. 71. The first asonat, el William Exocutor of John Woad', di:coaled. 72. The ant sad Ansi &enema of John. Batistes, Administrasor agitates Mcale/- lan, deceased. 73. The int and Anal amment of Jecol, F. Lower. Exestiptr of die last will and tits turnout of Catharins Stallsonith.desseasd. .74. The second sad foal sedated of J. B. Dan n tr. Esq.:Trustee' et Christiana Carlotta gh and children. 75. lite lirst iind ant of David Thonsan, Adialnist all and singular the goods and chattlee s rights-and credits, which were of Catharine Stallsmith, late of the 000nty of Whitley, in the State of Indi ana, deetateed. ZACIIARLIII MYERS, Register. Raglan's Ogee, Getty,- I burg, O.K. 18. 1858. j Notie. rPO RETAILERS AND DISTILLERS.— L The Retailers of Goods, Wares and Mer clumdin, as well as the Distillers, in Adams unty, who bare not yet lifted their Licenses, requested to do so before the Nwrember I Cour without fail. The law binds me to urge this matter upon delinquents, and it is hoped that no further steps will be neosesery to induce them to comply immediately. J. N. DANNER, Oct. 18, 1858. County Treasurer. VALENTINE WATTS ESTATE.—Letters ' of administration on the estate of Valen tine Watts,(o late of Adams 00., d eceased, having been granted to the unders_ lipped; residing in the same township, he-Wireby gives notice to all p . a.- sons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the setae %o present theta properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH SIIERFY, ddat'r. Oat. Ig, 18.8. 6t TAE Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court 9( Adams county, to report dia. tribution of the balance to the hands of THOMAS C. Maul, Administrator of the estate of Joan Pali, deceased. to and among the parties legally entitled thereto, will meet ail persons interested, for the p arpoese of his appointment, at the °Sneer M. k. W. McClean, in Gettysburg, on Monday, the Bth day of November nest, et 10 o'clock, A. M. WM. McCLEAN, Auditor. Oct. 18, 1858. 3t 014. Auditor appointed by the Orphanfe Court of Adonis county, to make dia. tri'mation of. thb balsam remaining ,itt tbo hand. of Tawas Y. Kourt.ti, Administrator de bonis nen corn testanrento annexe 'of Dmostar. Facrr, fate of Baltic& township, Adams county, deeetto' d, to - And - among Ob. parties locally entitled to ravine the same. will meet an.persoftrintatettitt'st Ate of M. k W. ][,Cacao, inedatearg, at Fri day, the sth day of N o tinstbst best, at 10 o'clock, A. M. MOSES McfILEAN, Qat. 18, 1858. td Arditor. Op at Head Qttaiteris 'FOR BARGAINS.—Ptcanto has jast-re -14,444 irons the cities with the largest sad best !selected stoek of OVER COATS *VW brought ta2 this minty. Remember Ike Making is colsbrstad fur soiling good lad seisdp siothinl4. OsIL LL 1858 r D ID not strike the earth as was impeded, bat a great many persons have been streak with aslonisholeal at the large and varied assortment of Pasts and she exceed. ilex Low pine ea al sei irk_Piokiag is selling that roomers bargains go there and see for pismires. Mat. 18. ga Serbia Wil Awl for sal, - I Pv stbasie ton lh and "religiat *bora PLEMIMMOIL 111110111108. 4 MI- The alto% MARRIED, the Tomb• . DIED, Register's Notice. Adage:Anises Malec Auditor's Notice. Notice. The met Murrill"), Balm IN oa pursnowee of ndey write br Yea- , ditiossi Elleonne. and Loom' isaa• ing ont of Um Cunrt of etanmon Pleas of Adams county, Pa.. and to me directed, will , be exposed at public sale, at the Court-boaae, in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Saturday, tAe 61A day or Yoreatber nvzf, at 1 o'clock, P. 31., the following described Real Estate, vis : A Tract of Land, containing 7 Acres, more or less, situated in Union township, Adams county, Pa., adjoininelawls of Uriah .1. Baughman, Samuel Heller, and others. The improeemente are a two atom LOG HOUSE, a one story Prase Store House, a well of water, and an Orchard. Seize and taken in execution as the estate ot NOALI PLowitzw. Also, tho interest of said Noah Plow- Immo in 12 Acres of Land, more or less, ad joining the above described property, im- Prostesterithaime story Log liouse, a Frame Barn, and some fruit trees. Also, the undivided half of one and half Lots of Ground, situated in East Middle street, in the borough of Gettysburg, adjoin inj; iota of Henry . Utz and Henry Culp. Seized and taken in execution as the estate of ELI H. BENTLEY. Also, a Farm, containing 175 Acres, more or less, situate in Ilamiltonban town ship, Ada:m county, Pa,. adjoining lands of Hobert Simmons, DloGinley, and oth ers, on which it erected a two story Stone House, a Bank Barn, part stone and part frame, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib at tached, two story Stone Spring House, with a spring of water near the dwelling, end two Orchards of fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution as the estate of Joior STEWART WITHEROW. Also, a two story Brick • House, 40 feet in length and 16 feet in depth, with a two story Brick BackTbnilding, 16 feet broad and 16 feet In depth, with the curti lege, be the same one aere,more or less, situ ated in Menallen township, Adams county, Pa., on the road Leading from Bendererille to Centre Mills. Seized and taken iu execu tion as the estate of Joux IlaatAx. Also, a Lot of Ground, with the en. pertenances, situated in the Borough of Gettysburg. bounded on the south by High street GO feet, on the west lig Washington street 180 feet, on the north by an ally, and oa the east by lot of Daniel T. Pittenturf, im proved with a two story Frame , WEATIIERBOARDED HOUSE, is two story triune Back Building. • , I f a frame Shop, a frame Stable, a- well of water, fruit trees, dc. Seized and taken in execution as the estate of 5.1.3m0v Powass. Also, a Tract of Land, * situated in Franklin township. Adams county, Po.. cou taining 170 sores, more or less, adjoining lands of Michael Henry, George Duywelt, and others, on which re erected a two story LOtt HOUSE, and Frame Burn, with a spring of water and some fruit trees. Also, 50 Aorez.of Woodland, situated in said township of Franklin. Sized and ta ken in e.tecutiou as the estate of WILLIAM Bottum. ISAAC LIGIITNER, Sheriff. Oct. IS, 1858. 'Tea per cent. of the putehase money upon all sass by the Sheriff must be paid OITT immediately a ft er the property is struck down, and on failure to comply therewith, the property will span be put up f it sale. Valuable Property, T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned. . 11 . intending to reni3re, offers his valuable HOUSE AND LOT, situated in West Middle street, at Private Sale. The 11 1 house it *substantial two story brick building, lately envied. with • rood hack building, and all necessary improvements; a first-rate well of water convesiient to the slum.; also, fruit trees of every description. There is a good Frame Shop ou the premises, suitable fur a mechanic of almost say trade. PIIILIP FAME. Oe. 18, 1818. 3t Public Sala rrIlE sabecirilmr. Administrator of the estate of AXIIIONT Poss.'s. demoneed. will sell at Public Sale, at the Ists mildews. of said deceased. ins Yeartplemmat township, on Tiutrany, the 111 A of November mead, the following property. viz : 1 110 RSE, 1 COLT, 1 fresh-milehed Cow. 1 Steer. 1 Calf. 2 Sows, with Pigs, 1 Tat nog. 3 Shoos, 4 Sheep, Two-born Wagon. Spring Wagon. Ploughs, narrows. Cultivator. Win/tit:swing Mill, Morse Gears, nearly new, Saddles, BriolBm_ Sleigh and Sled ; Bay by th e too, Uorgi ty the bushel ; a lot of Carientar and Coor_Tools, Grindstone, Wild Cherry Soares, Siringlos, • • Roofing Lstth • with nousehold and Kitsheu n --- 1 • Farnham. sick as Beds and Bedsteads, 18, lirsB Tables, Chain, Clink Kitchen Dresser Chests. Silver Wattle, a Shot Gun, and variety of other articla, too numerous ' ment ion. bar'Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. en said day, when attendance will be and terms maths knowsby PllllB S. SMITH, Ada's.. Oct. IM. 1848. ts• From N. Y. Auctions. l e f ARCUS SAMSON is nuw in New York. 'is- and is almost daily sending to his Clothing establishment its this place, goods of every variety in his line, bought. at the New York Auction Sales. His linrchaiosis are mask at the lowest rates, and he is there fore prepared to out BAJWAINS mush as hays never before been procured in Adams county. Cull in and see his stook of CLOTH ING—Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Sticks, Gloves. Ilandkerchiofs, Boots, Shoes, Huts, Caps, &c., &c.—with his large variety of Clocks, Violins, Umbrellas, Walking Castes, and a thousand other des "too numerous to mention." B 1 not only receive the worth of their in but trice that, by making their purchases BANEWN'S, Opposite the Bsti)- Oct. 18, MIL Independent Mkmteit.' VOU will sweet for parade at the hou A. Beery Mickley, in Culitcrisn, on Satur day, tie 2.3 d of Octsker inst. By order of the-Captain, DAVID lIARTMAN, 0. S. 0et.113, 1858. Bitoe-Kaking. THE subscriber wooed most trally in form the citizens of rg tad vi cinity. that be has coweassape Mee BOOT £ SHOE MATING bummin g hi* Ilrecklexidge street, Gettysburg , in theletsse lately occu piedby Mr. Henry ghbre,'Where ho will be ham to-do all work in Ma line, ins taste ful and eubstastial seamier, and at malerate prima. lie solicits a @tweet *dale pains age, fooling 'maimed that leis work" 11911 please. AWL MIRZ. Oct. 18, 1868. 31. Pall - - 9 1,I"IS8 M'CRIARY will A sa &Mk; / 11 . sertmeet of FALL BONNII7B, onlbar*tx, tri4a7 and &y -ard*, the 7th, Bth *ad 9* bid ; 'mad invitee the Lao teeeell at that date sods her astetseet. Oat. 4 3el HARD MUM min b reinedled by ealliag and making guar pasebasos of Business Coats, of "my shads, style and ciaslity, in Cliambliestotirt 'street, at . PICKIN643. ( I ,obleytiarself tad bring year fr iends along `d to see the splendid •seeortasent of Dress Coats just revered et Pickier. is Chow beireherg street, 3. dory DWI the Eagle riot& yupTuandifOrripag* astmatasist . of VT Naomi' • , Ayer'sSarY ir, ; a A compound remedy, in we ion la bored to produce dee oest aillerstive that can be made. It is a ocnombisted extract of Para flneaaparilia, so combined with other snlatances of still greater alterative power as to strati an effective antidote for the disease, Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumons complaints, and that age which will accomplish their cure must grove of immense service to this large clam of our ancted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst eases to be found of the fallowing complaints : SemitgLA AND beilorctoce Coicrtsnrrs, ERUPTIONS AND BRUPTITI DLIRJJ7IOI, ULCIIIII, Pißriss, Biarcum. Tußoits, Bats Raton. SCALD lIRAD, STPRILIS AND STPILLITIO Air y:mums, Ideactraist Domani. Dmarer, Nev. LUAUS on Tic DOULOUREUX, EhrsunT. Dts rims AND Ixatormpx, Eatarrimss, on Sr. ArritorrYa FLUE, and indeed the Z l ari class of complaints arising from Demi= ell rite BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro moter of heal;h, when taken in the spring to expel the foul humors which fester in the Wood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are Ripped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves hone the endurance of foul eruptions and meet*, sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the'body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you AM its impurities lairstingithrough the skin in pimples, murders, or sores ; cleanse it when you Aped it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is 64 and your hidings win ten Tots when. Even where no pertiorder disorder kit. people racy better health, and live blgod .h e / a o l r t hy, o andgn the blood. Keep the is ; but with this pabulum of lifb disordered, there can bit tasting health. Sooner o. later must go wrong, and the OM nrainst life is disordered or overthrtrins. Sarsaparilla has, and dmarres much , ties reputation. cif acesisisthese ends. Blit, the world has been _ deceived by preparations of it. pertly bemuse the alone has not an the vistas that is e= for it, but more because many peeps:etiam. pretending to be concentrated extracts of it. contain but little of the virtue of Sanaparilis, or any thing else. During late years the peddle have been nip led. by large bottles, pretending to 0111 a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. of these bare been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sanapie, rills, but often no curative properties whateir er. Hence, Meter and painful climppointnerst has followed the use of the 'nears sweets of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such • remedy as shill ramie the name from the load of obloquy which rents upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which aro inniftitdi by the ordinary run of the dimmer; it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure thstr complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. TRZPARED DT DR. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottl•; $L* Bottles for SS. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral : has ;sea he lied( each a reams hr the awe of ere/ Ts of Throat and Luna Complaint. that it is entirety umeassery •ko us to remisat the evidence of Its. ,inersor it Ms been ems. played. As it las bees in eimitant e a • seethes. w seed see tie more armor, the peopie its quality I. kept up to the it ever has been, and that it may be added on to 49 19r their relief h has era bees head to Ayer's Cathartic Pills, NOS MEM Mtn COP Cardhvarem Jmenliess Dyffelrek Dpeasey. Aar graereali. aryeitreaser assabaleb' • iltioressa/Mrs. Itneleieser art Min Dims" Veer einpiesipe. Deign,. Teeter, Thews end ask RArenn„ Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as, it Dinner rat, end foe Perifyier the Awl. " They are aimireoated, se that the meet mat tire ea' take them pleasantly. and they are the best 'perkiest la the world for all the parpesee of a family physic. Prise U elate per Bet; Biz razes $l.Ol. OITIIiiSIIIII/befllstaergynaen, Dbysieiens, &atom mem and esnin' eat teamsytee. bare lent their names to certify the anparatlekd eselideues of these remedies, but ear woe bees will amt pennit die ineertioe of them. The Ascots below named am nish reds oar AIIIMICAN ALMANAC he whisk they are l arva; with aloe fell ilearriptiens of the ahem eseepiWata, andthe treatment that Arid be la. Ihr their ewe. Do tot be pet of by unprincipled dealers with saber peeparatimm they make more milt en. Deemed Armes. and lake no ohm& The sick wens tha beet std this. kale them, sad they abottid Cannon & Adair's Alit IV MY MARBLE WORKS, Washinghin Al wee litmedire are Resale by A- 1 street. between Chambersburg and Mid term,' by A.D. Battler, dettymbur,_.— , streets, near Tater Eagle II itel, Clottvs- T. J. r' Pier Cask) !Antra burr,. IlxrinZ r tly arrives" from Phi's- F .Iphiti, and feelin uni ti co i ent to ele ct nil war •n t s sty of the art, we wi roe i i 'aim" of the pub wish to tire ytbing ire ger line, [N u swi a call and detains ! • ur We are prepared to te ovate, be and Roodidfabes. If tintles, Si or Oabisetalakers. other vr.-rk ap sifting fo our basi nese, at the lowest pus prices. We do I not hesitate to guano hat oar work shall be put up in a meaner tantial and taste ful equal to the best , to seen in the cities, I where every improvemen which expatiates lots ini=estal is availed and blinlidietilY do wo guarantee that Cemetery aal Grace Yard work shall be carefully erase nos in he *Nested by Crust, t shall main tain fire years Asti artist of position give* at the esenplatima of a job. and so siaceseawy to coutitiaimi esaaakilaeur sad eyiumetry. fthitlldl ULU. 18, MA. sandy Collectors, Take Notice! TILE Colleen" of Taxes for )4i. , pr,, ens yeses, to the different t nships of Adams county. are hereby notified that they willZire I to settle up their Duplicates, On or be fee Lk 41 1 / 1 11.4ksy A r oma „ern, ea • day the Continiesiosers will meet sk their ease to give the necessary exonera tion; is. if the Dego:oho are not settled up in ha bry the above date the Collectore will be dealt with acoordiag,ki law, without regard to The Collanors of this present year will be required to poky over to the Treasurer all monies that may be solleeted lsy the NOVO/O ber Coert. Mir After the first Mon Say is December no exoneration* can be espial on Military Taxes. .1081 All BKN ti E. a. JACOD RA FERNISPENG E 11, Cooseissioncrs. t t est —.T. 1. iiiCkr/. Oct. /1, 11144. Cheap! Clmmpt 61 - iA l f: .r,,4a va , (l ;wi ma!—JAoolll3 41. BRO. a have.) _from-the eity, with a try large assortment of Cloths. Caasinseres. es tinge, Winter Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also ofer plain and fancy Shirt*, Collars, silk and cot ton Handkerchiefs, Busivendera, ic. Raving -bought untiseelly low, he emit, they are enabled to sell samaras TWA s.vsn—an enoal lent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3, for in stance. Givatbera a call, at their new @stab. liehment, in Chambetsbatg street,* few doors west of the Court-house, ore purchasing elsewhere. [Oct. IL NuJuin Wanted. THE $e Directors of Strabon township will 'Deis st the house of Jamb L. Gross, In Hoistrretown, os Senrisg, LlB fief of °Maw inot.aifir theraysee of swap= ones Towhees to twits sharp of the sass& of said trindsidp. By order of the President °film Beard. JOLIN 0. BRINKSJIHOFF, Sec's. Oet. 11,1858. td B. P. lialbengir • (Soionsoor to Antos& Mclikauty,) 7 IROUNIAI3 sat DNA Dealer In lIATiI,'CA PS, Bone, &Ow AND &taw Goose. Alas. Will Paper, Wineser Illiages, Troia. Carpet Bap. UaereaMas, Clemea. Telieeteraad Seem at the Death AM OMNI' at Castle Slave, Gettysbarg. Adams meaty, Pa. Oct. 11, MSS, Take Notice ! PAY UP !—Tbe undersived, basing a bags .samosas of motel standing out. would earnestly urge these sedebted ton** mined wittiest delay. AMMON lila. =bog six swaths sad upwards. if a$ gad oe oar bane the lets day. of Webs* . will be placed is Able banded' i alierr,,doe ends ides. JACOBS I BRO. S•Pt. 185& Public Sale. ' N pursuer. of Ai Order of the Orthan's Cairt *use eirate, the undersigned, Ad neinistrators of the estate of Joint JAcess, deceased, win offer at Puhl:c Sate, nn the premis 'on Jrnaday. the 2.51 . A data, Orlaper seal, the fulkowing Real Estate of said de. ceased, viz A LOT OF GROUND, situate in Ahottstown, Adams county. front ing on the York and Gettysburg Turnpike, adjoining Michael Strubingeron the west and a pohl lc alley on the east, and known as lot So. 12, ha% ng thereon a Twa- aiory IVeatherboarded HOUSE;I a one and a half story Log Hones. I 11! a new &MAP, Well of Water, an. --s . a number of fruit trees. •Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by 0011,1 i l US JACQBS, GEORGE JACOIIS, Administrators, By the Curt—U. G. Wolf, Clerk. ' Sep. 27, 1858. ts• • A Small Farm, TPRlVATSSALS.—Theaubeeriher offers "al Private Sale, his FA RlCalteste in Moan t pleasant township,Adame county, near Sin augh town, itiljoiningilands of Samuel Swope, Alexander- Shurb and others, containing 66 ACRES, more or less, having thereon a Two-awry Frame ROUSE, with Sack- Double Log Barn, and other [lll oat:buildings ; a S,iring of never-fail ing water near the door, with excellent Fruit ofqll kinds mum promises. About 12 acres are loodknd, and 16 acres Meadow. The greater part of the land has been . well limed. Person! wishing to view tho property are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. Terms easy. ID. F. TIAGARNIAN. Sept. 13„ 1858. 7w Small Farm, VOR SALE.—The suleieriber. desirous of a: retiring hum Gulping, offers at Private Salo, HIS FAILM, sititate in Cumberland township, Adams eostAty, oo Rock-creek, adjoining 'Ands of Henry Lott, }) r. J. Runkle. James Rider, and others. containing about 87 Acres, more or loss. There is a fair proportion of W. 4.0 I lan& and the property is in a good state of cultivation. '1 he improvements are a ono and a half story Frame '' IVeatherboarded HOUSE, good • ‘, frame lArn,weittherboarded,with Sheds, and other Out-buildings ; a good young Apple Orchard, and about 50. bearing 'Peach trees. There are two springs of water. Thu terms will be toads known on applies t to the subscriber. JA3IES BLACK. Oct. 4, 1 54. llieirlf nut 11.'11 before the Lauf November., it will thee be offered fur Rent. VALUABLE FARM AND KILL FOR S11.1:.-1 will sell at Private Sale. my Al I LI. and FARM, situate on Piney Creek, in Germany township. Adams county. within one and a half miles of the west end of the Lit. tlestoirti Railroad, and when the Railroad is extended to Taneyttivrn, it will in all probabil ity pus by this property. The Farm c.mtaine 37 Acres of :and. more Or leis ; 10 to 12 Acres are heavily timbered, and about 10 Ac es of good Meadow 1101 tom. The land is mostly the Slate soil. and v -IT susceptible of a high state of cultivation Lime acts well wen it. and Liidestone is close by. Tlr im rovrments are -_ a lame (MM. NMI,. Dwelling HOUSE, St..ble. &c: The Mill - fII has two run of Stones. _ Hominy Mill. Plaster Mill, Corn N.lll, ...mut Machine, and all nice's& ry machinery corn lets for doing wink in tiati very best ins:ater. The will has Leen recently 'Ludt urn the most modern and improved plan. and is all in corn -04s_ I . e running order. This property is one dribs hest locations In the County fur a pl& TILLERY, in a flnegrain country. and near the Railroad. and might with very little ex 'wives be made a very investment. This property will be in the market until sold. Pulmesition giyen lat of April next.— The property will be shown by Thomas Bid dle, twirling thereon, or by GEO. ARNOLD, Gettysburg. Oct. 11, 113511. if This Way I LADIES AND GILICTIMBN.—J.C. Qv - ism A BIUPTOCII have Just returned from the East wish the largestsred best settled 'tisk of GllO4lll ever olered in this market. all of which will be mold *beep, such as Delaines. Minim Robes, Cashmeres, Coburg Cloths, Mapes:as. Dtbalses. Ginghains, squirt and long Shawls, Blankets and Domestic Goods of all prices.— ilen's Wear in great variety. Casritneres. Ca/satinets, Jeans, blue, black, brown, and green Cloths ; a largo assortment of Westing*. Also, Groceries and Spices of every descrtp tion, which will be s..ld cheaper than the eapeat. Give us a call. All we ask is to show the goods and we will be satisfied with the result. No trouble to show goods. J. C. GUINN st BRO. Oct. 11. 18641. For Sale, CIIRAP--Two Elmell Dwelling BOUM and Lots. bloats td Chaelberaborg street. Peseempion;l l Ist of April nest. _ OW . ARNOLD, Gettysburg, Get, 11, 1858. tf Chas. R. Doran, M D. Ames on Baltimore street, one floor south of the Presbyterian Chitral, and opposite David MaCreary's saddling establishment, Gettysburg. [Oct. 4,1858. 6m Notice to Assessors. TirAssessors sleeted at tie last Spring leeties are hereby notified to attend at theemensissisomrs' Dike Lin the Borough of GeaL im ier& to r..ih. *lank Assessment De • and abs neeessary instructions, ws t • Tb. Assessors of Vales, Oewurago, Ber wick, Berwick Bor., De es& litansilton, Read ing, ilopeiplessant, Glorisios. &ratan sod will stioudwri Wotiiisday, the' th of eeimbee next— Mei taka Ammon for the Aoros*, Coes wooed, reindem.-L Acinban, Prealdin r !Was lii • finities' sad V' - is AlitOO4 oo Tunes day. October list, Ras, - By weds* of the Clowwwissious,.. • J. ifr. W.4:l4lllCMerk. Sol* 27, liNg; 14 tommnity SALE. ad, Trustees of SAnnaL I). Lou rruil f virtuem ekcou n ty , of ut it:: or ra d , e i t rf the . ont li ti e ' day skilfSeptissber, trot, in the matter of Sam uel Vomit* insolvent petitiou, will sell, On SATURDAY, the 3Uth of OCTOBER inst., at 11 o'clock, A. 11. , at Public Sale, to the highest bidder, on the premises, al-the Phenix Mill, near Etumitsburg, all thoso TRACTS AND PARCELS OF LAND, conveyed to us by said Young by deed, and conveyed by Arthur Quinn to John anal Samuel D. Young by deed duly recorded in hib. H. S. No. 11, fol. 1129, of the Lnipl Records of Frederick county, and the parcel or parcels of land conveyed by John Young to Samuel I). Young by deed recorded in Lib. E. 5.14.:0. 7, fol. 516, ode of said Records. The said tracts or parcels of land contain in the aggregate 115 ACRES, 3 ROODS k 35 PERCHES of LAND, more or less, and will he sold for that quantity la the gross, sad mil by measurement. "The Land it of Vet-rate quality; is now In good state of cultivation, and has been welt taken rare of and tended. It is first-rate BOTTOM LAND, ou San's Oreek, and its productiveapss is equal to any in that section of the State or County, and possesses rent capacity for ini prevement. It is well watered, mountain wa. ter in abendance being in cull field. The im provements conaist of THE PHENIX MILL, a Three-story Brick Building, running two pair of Burrs, with abandant aud ncverfailiug Wa ter Power sufficient to run three or four pair. It is uosnrpassed by any water power in Itm mitsburg District. There are also on _ the Farm TWO DWELLING HOUSES. one at the Mill, a small Weatherboard Building; aod•the other, about one bundled yards distant, a Two-story Log Dwelling House, *leo a flourishing Young Orchard of prime and select Apples ; also a good HAW Elide, newly built, with abundant and never failing water power. =El= At the same time and place, by virtue of the same authority, we will self 28 ACRES OF WOOD-LAND, lying about 2 miles front the abpve described promises, on the road leading from Etumitsinirg to Harbaagit's Valley, being one of the tracts ronveyedlo Samna D. Young by John Young by deed, recorded in Lib. E. S. No. 7, fol. 514. This tract is well set in CHESNUT TIMBER. siirTke above described Farm, Mills and Dwelling Houses, will be sold together. They aro situated about one mile from gattnitsburg on the liarbaugh Valley road, being about 2 miles from St. Joseph's, and one mile and'a half from Mount St. Mary's College. The Penn sylvania State Line is only one mile distant, and Gettysburg nine mile 3 by a good road. TKRM OF SALE.—The terms of sale , as prescribed by the Court's Order, are one-third cash on the day of sale t one-third in one year; end one-third in two years from the cloy of sal*, with interest. The deferred payments to lie secured by the notes of the purchaser with security, bearing interest from the day of sale. "sr A uy further information concerning the said property. kc., mes be obtained from the subscribers, living in Frederick city, lid., or from Robert Annan, EAq., on the adjoining property, Nho will furnish any information that may be necessary; or from Ur. John l'oung,itt the Phenix Hills. WILLIAM T. ROSS, BRADLEY T. JOHNSON, Oct. 4, 1858. ts Trustees Valuable rerm, t T PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber II- Jima at Private Sale, TILE FARM , un which he resides,. situate its Butler town ship, Adams county. Pa., adjoining lands of Junas Roth, floury Wider, henry Slay bough, and others, containing 150 Acres, more or less, with 20 sores of Chesnut land convenient. The improve ments are rood One-and-a-half- jilj story Log MOUSE. a gaud new - 111 Log Shop, or out-kitchen, with _ oven attached, a first-rate Bank 1 ru, part stun* and part trews, also a pod new nog and Corn house, and otlMr necessary out buildings, allot' which have been put under new roof within the last four :years. Big Conway[ ()reek bounds the one side of the Oboe. There is a Well of Water at the door, mid two Borings near the buildings, and a good Orchard of (nth. There is a isatissient amnia of wood on the faim, and sufficient useadisr, about 18 acres of which are bottom meadow. There has been put on the Thrm about 2000 bushels of lime- Persons - wishing to purchase may Ind it to their advantage to sell and see this farm, as it is a first-rate stuck and grain farm. There is 11112 on the farm a quantity of good, dig fur making brick, together with a shed. To aux person wishing to follow brick making thisksa &rare chance, as any.arnount of brick can he sold in the neighborhood. The farm is oonvemi- Nit to Churches, Public School, and Mechanics' Shops. sir Persons wishing in view the farm will be shown the same by the Titian suede easy. WM. F. WALTER. Oet. 4.1/4514. Gt Public Sale. MBE subscriber. desir' ing to reduce his stock, 1 . will ufrar et Public Sale, it his establish ment, in Rest 'diddle street, Gettysburg, Ms =lay, the 23d dey of October bud., the l ig lißEE GOOD HORSES, new Buggies. 2 amend hand Boekastay Carriages. T seoond-hand Twu-horse Car riage, I Iralling-top Buggyotearly, new, 1 seoond-hand Door-body Carriage, t Sulky, needy new, 2 Spring Waseas, 4 new paint ed 'Buggy Bodies, with ue.-es articles. A credit or Ms mouths will be given. All who desire to boy BARGAIN'S bad better attend the sale. soraa. to commence at 1 n'oluck. I'. M., on said day. JACOB TROXEL. Ott- 4. Is5Q. tic Assignee's Sale. TILE subscriber, Assignee of L FRANKLIN Ursa'. will offer at Public Salo, on the premises, on Wcdmest lay,the 204 dayocleber instant, A FARM, the property of said Assignor, situate in Reding township, Adams county. within half a mile of Round Hill P. o.„ . and two miles of York Springs, adjoisiapt lands of Gibson Myers, Jesse Chronimer. Valentine Myers, and others, containing 101 Aims, more or less, of Patented Land. Tht•lin provessents are a Two-story Log lIOCSE, (roughcast,) Bank Bars, ' 1 - j , • nearly new, Wagon Shed, Corn 1%. Crib, Carriage Mouse, Spring House, with a never-failing spring. Kitchen, with a well at the door of the kitchen, barirg n pump in it. There is also a young Apple Orchard of choice ft nit, with other kinds of fruit, such as :Peaches, Pears, ac. About, 25. acres are Timber-land, with a fair proportion of grit-rite Meadow. The land has all been limed, and there is a run ning stream of water through the farm. . Ponces wishing to view the property are »quieted to call eft L. Franklin Myers, re siding•thereon, or on the Assignee, residing in the neighborhood. air Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Bald day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOUR HENRY MYERS, Oct. 4.1855. is Assign... To the Ladies. fIgOROE ARNOLD has !vin o replenished 1 - 1 his stock of Ladies' Moss and fumy Goods; ha has now on hand the largess and prettiest stook of Dress floods in town. The styles are very , handsome and prices low, among which is a beautiful selection of Lutes' Cloth Oloaka, Onpo, Mantillas. and Shawls, (a beautiful artick,) t rance , Children's Dress Goods, very handsome. is a word we hart from nee dle te an anchor, top is of with s little of the erinoline. 7 — Cell and see us. Oct 4, 1858. rrElli Indies are espeeialb- invited to mil Land earamise theism, amisiell selected man mint ot -Lomita' sad MOW asti Obitdra BM& sad Gaitevs of every verielyand 40. at R. F. IkteIIAINNY'S.. The Gettifsbarg Rsih:oiteci:-' TWO IFINIIIMISAMIN AL AN cud after Urllertfiiefe.l3o.l until fur- _ N-f titer notice, the Ater Can wilr leave 'llissilikatalksodos" at lie'cieek.A.ll. with pa sseepsh :fur Baltimore. TO*. Her riKburg, PVlTidelpMa, and rail* with immurngere front those place& at now. The afternoon trims will 'care there at 1.1410 P. with passeurers for Baltinicre. ice .istiettoing with passetigera (tom Ilarrisborg,Tork,Pbil sdelphia. &c., shout GP. M. . 4 • 10•51crchandiz.c. Pioduce 4c.,:typiraperted over the row' as far as Co+herti l i kitssiert., ROB Era 31cCU'Rbrf, Pieta. Sept.. 13. 1858 Stovall StbAr SEA DS. BC EULER & RTZ have just N. , " received a large nipple or new sod beau tiful Parlor, Saloon and Shop FrovEs. of the latest end moat improved styles. Mao. all the latest styles of COoKS 2'o ITS, mutinies ing the " Noble Cook," 'Royal Cook," "Wm. Penn," "Sea Shell ." "Morning Mar." "Phil.__ adelphia Sunrise," "Fredonia," (Baltimore Air-Tight, improved) "Jewel," and **Chiron" —all for wood or coal. Call at the Ware Room, in West Middle street, two doors west of the oew Court•houss, Sept. 27, 1858. New Boot and Shoe ESTABLISH ME NT.— The undersigned would ammonite° to the public dud he has commenced, in conhection with his Tsar: , nerd, a BOOT & SHOE Manure," tory, in New Chester, Alums e(4ln ty, and is. prepared to make uptL lllll l ll / 1 1P ind Shoes, of all. kinds, fur Gentlemen, Ladies. and Children. lie will endeavor to have. , the best,of workmen, .0 that the publisatred be under no apprehension hut gout every roe.- nimble effort will be made to give satielactiun toil who will favor him with their patron- - age. GEO. EllltEllAlVr. Sept. 20, 1858. 3m New Goods I (1F .ORGR ARNOLD has again replenisbal ui his stock of Goods. UM assortment la now fell, among which Is a great varlets of Ladies' Dress Goods, and fancy erally. The Ladies will please cant It 7 gains. •Also, cheap CLOTHS, Oaaslineilmo Cassinetts, Vesting,s, Beady-made Clothing, Blankets, Shawls, Flannels, Coatings, Ho fiery, Gloves, &c &c.; also, a large stook of Domestics, Fresh Groceries, etc. • •-• READY-MADE CLOTHING.--if you want the cheapest and best Ready-snadi Clothing in town, call and see Geo. Assume,. We make our own Clothing, hare hinds WS @tautly employed cutting out and meltingly. O u r stock of Clothe, Cesrirneres, Ceseimette, Coatings, Vestings, dr.c., is large and DIN.-- Call and see us, and if we cannot tit you in, garment rilitly made, we wilt take ritir measure, Ned make you up a garmewejsseims you may desire to have it made, on disable* est notice. Mr. Cuir is always on baud et. the Clothing Emporium, bright, polite, caul, always ready to whit upon friends that call. • • Try him, prove him, and see if there be say error in him. Gettysburg, Oct. 4, 1868. ' New Milling., Goode. MISS MARY M. BEITLEIt has made par. chases of a large assortment, of Rowena fashionable Millinery articles, to which she invitee the attention of the ballot of -toisti and country. Bonnets, Ribbons, Feather,. Flowers, and Trimmings, of all kinds, me included. Colored &raw and Braid Bop nets, the very latest fashion, are also era ed. Silks and Satins, of all colors. for wl s.- . ter bonnets, alto will have on band in a goer weeks. Ready-made Bonnets, with Baud Beses, can always be had. She will be found at the eldstand—Mr. John Lanointeeer in Littlestown. [Oct. 4, IS Call at Reininger't 'POLL BARGAINS !—The sabsea4ll.- ha i: just returned from the city with''r . . Isis° assortment of goods for Wear, consisting of Cloths, Gmllesealh, Cassinets, Tweeds, all kinds of Vesting, • whisk he will dispose of as the lowest l. prises. Ilia stock has been Selected great care, and cannot but please the. tadaa of this community. Don't forget! Call at the Merchant Tattor _ ing establishment of JACOB REINIXGER, Carlisle street. Oct. 4. I.S Buffalo Robes. . , BY the bile ur rube at GEORGE F. W433e- RATH'S, Nur. 415 41. 417 mica - St; PUILAD.A. N. B. Also a barge ateortmenfaLADlßS FANCY FURS of ow manufacture. Oct. 4, 18.58. 3m. Fancy Furs, . - • pOll LADIES AND CtIILDREN.--J011141., 2 ; FAREIRA & CO., No. 818 (new 'rim) Market Street, above Eighth, Piffled,lo4-- Importers. Manufacturers and Dash Jill: and FANCY FURS, fur Ladies and C also, Oent's Furs. Fur Inters, and tea. The number of years that we hare ep gaged iu the Fur business, and the "toe* character of our Furs, both for qnst llt IV price :s so generally known tbrougtlttlut - Ilse Custatry, that we think it is not neeessoryfor us to asy anything more than that suabiswo now opened uur suutorttnent of Fl/ HS. for this Fell and Winter Sales, of the largest' lield most ketratiful ahasortment tat we hare eler cared latforwto the public. Our Fars here► all been, imported during the prorentweasaa„ when menu was seam and Furs much killer than et He present time, andli ere beenisiim ufactanid by the most competent worknien ; we era therellire determined to sell times at such prices as will continue to give utitheitr-- potation we have barns for years, that is lb sells good article for a very small milk will du well to give a et& eary=erli as llad *e !Britoil assortment kyle, to wheat bra in the city, and at mamba turas? pekoe. JOHN F AREIRA a IPII, - No. IMP Market Street, above Sth. Phila. Sept. 3i), ink. 4m. J. W. Watt, (1.41 e of ths Firm of Winchester dr oft,) G ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING magi. and SORT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 Ceuscr_SlitsF, (settly opposite the Girard 11;noo.J PIIILADDLPITIA.. e e l) J. W. SCOTT would respectfully tbe_ attention of his former porous sad friends to hie new Store. and is prepared to dors for SHIRTS at abort wades. A fit guarantied. COUNTRY - d with Fula /inners lad CoLtais. Oet. 4, ly New Ot)(4b I . THEaohoaribar wire* faZ is iiihr 1110 _ .. asariOr 0 Ty WTI ha Tibi gi lag a very ohaio s=4 a' of the moat' Orsb Felt, For 'lnd • - so--. 4.. ... aomplete seatortoise' -I li '• -,.. of all colors Awl 14106 ' :„ =4 for 111 Xima• te - . - aad la 01111411 - k - . 00. 11, 1883. - . - . BE ER