The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 04, 1858, Image 4
. , . Ifl4.itliAS, • iii - a - 14 ,- „the - Act,...of the . 4 Lakuititassi reouwAktA Li tied. , -44 .!49,,,apti t topoiitin: „I&PtiklArEttetiops of This Copy**s,t4gAitt . . .•.taigfc*4lltotiten4 of elulift`la4P.loll 4ol 44 l 4o AiNtit•tAgittiollbtie / 1 1 1 ‘1;tilP .14 4#44.,Pkifit . .ina 1it4 ,1 0 41 .614 1 !f1a t to - en Itinerititk'yio Ant 1094ctigatt , otticen) are to ho iittc4;e4li;MM:lrWiti PAESl l3l teritr of theteettptitg uisinwde / .'thareforadtereby give this pui,rAtiA4,4httft 114 wtirgl4.4...the, S 3 id 143 0 t Veo .IVO allt SAW 41 11.!tiirat Election.. wilt 4,e'heilf i.i ;bid eoinify4on'the Secontl, - 71i4:.vlity pl,-011uVer : ' atexl,' (he • 12th.) in tha , I ats're tV'Plst rici7rtbnApO,iiell :of ' itib - felloiting L • in' the? First iliqiikf,' • etnnin%bit of the flor-. ,nirgh -OIL (I t'.'. ttyntiirg ant! 'tho toted:slli ii of Ow- . - •1,....`.. rWthe Coort•funtse m Gbity6bott,.. I . . ! •'••:..... St.imill district,' clompOsed* Of the, /*_.!, . • :.:. • nAthilloan,, i i ic IlitrtfoutO llOor ottu- ' ' s '''' ... • -: .: ttt.q:' thijOhM(o,:in I - OM ' taiVir of • tkie. tetiti v i ;Pe if4hoAvl,VenliinV : 1 .1111 itO 4.qi 11 'di diribtioOiti d 0; 6(1 l• - il . e 11- 2 'ell 1;414)1 Mrdiat i ihO . flUli t.fl Whitt* . I,l;lby r , - in the toyrit 7 efllslitr at t. -'' *.fi . lllsl .ifr ; . ..iii , tiii.iifouvEti-Ait ,cift.tVoiripAeii of the i : -. teTn - ghira.lialitikirdulii . ilnietTngton; et the %lains6loti. Virtel•ig..-II it (tethat4ili' ilothe tol4l- 4 : - , li liathkil - ttlf4listrielOtthicifeal4(l - of the thin- -;ellifZ7oflilatifitioribith IffatlTfidtktyVatr ilie , rfublit 864 M- b roils& i hiti ilitigtkitv 0. , " ' l,l ', . ,- :ltr.the.Sinh:tligli4etrieftepti4Vflthei tro*n• --Etrip, of 111, tit Itteti, lit;:thii i HO& nov7) Ottotipied )i ifinv.yltdifolatf,fifilheittiggi of Enst'l36ilib. -i: In the•-tie voth kdisfridtpdompciaed 'of , the ' tow 11441 )/1). 0 f!Af tiia 11 on; , ln , tha rionbtit Sphe(ol- , house: I nitre omit' of ißencletivit4 4 6 , • ---!,,, 4 ..1-124..the.•Eighttv di'strieteleempoged of the 4ow.nst4irofl rii tun 4 - at; thts:l 4 buse pf ;Jat`ohl L. kitass,in lidatargiomts.r . “: l lLi -,,::: ~-.-, .i. , . _llta Niatrtlistriiittnotnii)sa Of the town-, shiP:oEF.c.sokti ti in °lnd' gt h at, Da rirecenily stricken off from .)leffallen,) at the house' now OccUPield bY;llndeph fliennott; in.s7id fasynglii In the Tenth district, composed oftheltrAm shl'P-, of cihatlliftbiT;at ftlietilbuse of John 7-1 1 .0)1; ip.slt,Sins•sf.otottezn...- Eleventl.;;diskriet, - .ctmmosed - of the township elaritua, (WilitiVei.of Allen C. ',l,ll.;the; tri!nr,eirt4 satistc eglil plfacd. Of Atte ;114 411 ti 0 0 T 49P§P;79 1 :Nictor ..„•• , .f ; •.; ti iheVhicfcen,h'ilisetr,ief, - ;cofnpos..l of the public ,siiliool=ll6u;" said,towpsliip situate at tho, cross roadX, -the One. :featling fret& Oxford to tNe TwS Silkt•Oont ifunterstown Its 'fhb lifonrieenth , (lNCrt, , C;3mPoseil of the to.ort - thip'Of;:lic Adii),7,7'• Et; thO! - Sah"ell - huge inllanipten,.' lii the-Fift - oehtli -chi ed of ti l e. notork w iFzu - iitihriiii , ,o,rllinVi p li.,'• at the I,hdus - e - iitil.:tlibnftst - own.' 7 ' kteentli 'diseript.'ednipbseti of ,-. fillhe Muse of Nielfolas - • In thiS Solfaiteenth district,,CompaSeci of the towhshjp:of Union; Itt the house of 'ilioeh Le fever; in ;aid4ol,vo'ship. - • : - In tin lii , hteenthdistrict, composed of the township of . theiwbficSchcal-bous9 iit-,Aliddietwx:ajiiiii township. ; • r At which-tinic and iiindes will be elected. ' On judgo .0 Alio' ) Court of Dpi VS,l44tOquitpilni9iilc,i , , 4,f 4 t 1 9.Pgr115,5,,t9T-opeseht; „:::11;n3A)iiiirici,:,,compostfil-a sioutitirA 9r:111a rt.. , -41°Ettlithlin; , 114'adfor(1, - Valtbri ntrtlJniiiata ; Ono,bor,of 11? crnlf Qno'il.s3s6o,itto Judie';." Ono t One TYirpotor oft_tbol)..),oor; • Partrcilla - CattefitfOnr.iiAracted-to,the Act of Assembly; lakib...Fifte"2764l, 'bffetiruaiy, 184`3,•iut - ificd "Alf-ract-relatiVelti 'voting - at obetions ill. Atlams - i•l)...uphin; /Tort , -Lane... s - • tor„Cambadan - tl4 Bradford, €ehtre, • Greene,' And Brie, ,;',.trriz:.'ll.:.%);_* ...“,,,,;., . .„ , . c . ,1/ fle - -It•znehfetlity•tho'Senate and Itouser.of.:Urpreseitta:irds ! a ,rtbe iComnfon.l walla - cif Peansy Irani g' in 6 One ial'. A. -em bly nratanditis . heby eliaeted li,y the anthofity of. On aatai.../. - i-41iat; if shall be laivful for -the .quatifieil Noters Id f.' dm. counti es° of Adams, La n costar; :...I}aupliitf:,-. York,:.•Frdnklin,l Cumber landizßradkirit, .:Centre,' Greinb,idnd , l3rii f from.ltilLakeralidipassage of this act, to voter for all candidates for the vatiousofficeS. to be-1 filleiracar - i - Ve - qtion_ on oneslip r ptr, „ticket : Provided, ThatAlleafficetfol:YllllC*every can- Alidatai:intedlitl,lslial I.bii deiignatelt ss re., quirOd,:by , thettiwii,ig z iaviiouttft 'thfiintnon= ivealdi:a ~i:-^ . eve.:: 7,,,,,t;0: .' :: ' ' , Sian= Tot;TlYit - litty.trhadi toditnitted ' by Any..ixigoivitailirinue Ailtnifer iibbirb 'pre. • scribUdA',thail - -terphliislfair. byr•thel'eliatin;- - ... _ . „_., fats aftlils Catturionarealfinl• ....:uu ~i: T_..'.? , 1.-. ' , Greatest iltalprbtamrit"' . .ttthtnitaiS tIiSC: ilin*Olitcottief , fiilloviiiir fy Tug Ag gl -- ' - lelia - ,Palf,nt A - Ffilf ( i P ' llk:k to. , . or CO A'L /Oil, 'T .13,1 - k, qntivuted in sectionzitThsf`AatififichVGnittral t AiSeitibly ~t, 1,. , 4 Rena tyil Sinfplieity, ,, BA'retygbi':,T6pStniiii: entaigo (Adtb , vidlizformilambuftiiialVr . slloo , l ottife tlelY3,4:lEverfy /person ildterfaß tliottfitirtli4k,,,,,„ Cotztiit till thiaierinharniterilth.:9:./: .....fir..i,::: i pawl • ohtarieso pdrffilild , ll,Wt • 'with -:thiiii• S'svtaost /ii,i'ffiatiz-thif o tootion ..ffna,Jind o lpi . reach i should wilt iitid ht.:Waif° 'these Miips (flitted •rd - the • no iaia lieforOttrOnsina , e'l.sekrherci? fitr.l4 V - ri.lw . oh,: Elea* diatietsiii ilnhinie Tritina# 16 all re. '; 1 1%.*: - C. l rt i4 ; 7 g'ti l iceiti ' call . ' °Otri j 'tir c-t -spe;taria:.blectiefefor retasekitatia% are',Or Prit ). ._,2l: :1,..."?:',...j,:, I ” '...' ''',..'''' ",- •- • _' '' i l shall/Iv:10d -and•,odndliekeil;/n-nd=brthOirliiii, ../i,2 - f -. - -it„mylieritit'fltoi UltittOti"Odhil judge, Ensifeervifrittittlutthktoffiderailandittii Iri.,' l le, berniPgt ~ • .-, ~r '..•,, :,1. L li rditti 440 Tule v yn. il.r 'Veldt ip .. - provisions of the acrofetbe Gerieritt-Astitiblk,' '-'-'4"titi., - St r . "ttg* " 11-4-- That ther itc'elakiiffe 4 i.rlit i feetii`o'iVe" entiticilittiCidallakiii the elections of this Commonivealth," apply'yed Zithi, second' "more or less li„ oht. . ;',I r s ' l . :An t .s'. -1. day'erJoiy i _one tivpiqd!Ct htlp, , olt •!/ nd 5Th, Tlifitoth:dyt• liiiiiit-eftiliti'dkr free front thirty-nine4APIWAIIIk WI/4104We' ~t n d smoke, .- - ..:4...f /.!..i. 3 ,yitt.,l,s . . all otir Mika lairs, uti&ttailtticAclug'alitill "U ll6th. •Thitt3ll4/170iff4is iit leAst,Ao per gen;.. weeper than afirattietrligi r itiknkajnZii.filaidir in lowa Will" a Ktlicalite - AshalP be 'herded 'and fakenatilvabloti.h,o littittierilldr 4.thtit ; 989. *r3 .e..,,' I.'il Proaidelaqiapatbaadforesaid.tiledfork , sh . all• i these Lamps a - ' 110,r,diterpted for 1 vote for judges of tbe.-somito court-tam p i rr t Vi i B l P ll l," t rii h 14 1 7' 1 ; 4 '1'10 separate Ideptiorfatifetl tdidi • lce . all . other , y -t r ,! 1 ' . .. 111 , f , , tne e t n i e e .f t " f g,- icit - ,r l ,. , r 1 ; t1 ' , , 6 ,111 ::1.','„e1,., - .""fir,.. ) 1 ( i. 4 ,1 - ,. trudges required to be learned in./k-halaiV4 city -,` ' Another-separate-piece-of paper,- - _ /or sale by GI y,gstig i l nyxit.lT: Also —infiteaftiattesttideltiticsbation Jime 11, 1858, t-, • f" , ~.I " of the a...etrlPYLBll,i4v9s'cr,A. melon, ,p4gentin, . ~., 1 . J,r.!. 1 . --a-ra-- . I-. i: a •,:i - i i.--:,,) -t,-, „ t "ustfo iatwvilso . ,ldo :i.LiAtilmilitliy_44 'k i - 0 -.l).ll4eCiertaughyv , -.. or a 40, isnt' Al. , - ..0 . , pi . onSiir ,kiiig,„ 49 0er s t„ti o AirPORNPAt' AV; rlittlirrvfoffibe".bilo: pil Goven,!ript. - miel". tlnifoitt Stai ‘ o l E, o r , o f , ply ~ W0W135," ' ..011108 64 :V ot terbd07 V, 1 1 1). city, OF' , ~ r ,po'iitp4‘i ',Miktber A c0.:0.. ;Clio . / At , ! e- f,,. , "(114,y 10 - likiltri. - 4, misskiv 0010,0- - OTherty,ise,,nfrOh(lifoi 'etair, ' .. - :- WIRNI:tri. sort lu 4: officer. ' - , it,' wh,y,,,tr x itt4l , ""he,omiloyod Li a nd ':'..•-" -'•';'•‘-. 1346119 - - .art eir.eljr . *446 Wk... undo' ..• v.,utiv i e,,ej.e9tAiv%oriA74llw7,Ao r ,. MO alFellt& •IA t t liih h Part. `f!P " 0 ., 1 , 1 ,11 0 f4t, 6 770 . 11)0 yipes.l§pmeo, 1 8X1Y)P4ittvW1 9 ,Pgll Role WI r ore ' - l i l' 5441i . ,ti4..A1;11Ptit4 1 ., .51,1144 - If f ; ,:ir a „.„O rand a`ft ff , V ISKOP, ' tit i i 6. that '• • ..,,, e ip 4 ..0, IT aim or ti l t ui i mr. - 101gattialT.P '''' 1r , ft State Lb „,.74 ttre, and bT'the., !pp, Ur 9ottn. tgerits 0 Amittl qtrAT mon Q AilLeit.„9" - _aigS.i,ty., or °monis - toner of ' dints aAwort •/' toPl. na y i " c e r PrAblitt l iki&fti ' c I Z -. ' hi _P.917891. 11 4 1 „Y_9 1 1_45.1 0 tte* ••r.- - ' '" or hito , • . cxsrgi fil i fa xitipm me ,. . z gettysburglimaheidt.3,6l ootiox oil office stw L o - rttleefitselraltrpil oi l o f.. 1 • - y - Clerk , ma , .ft"' - ' * ltif ft liitt l' griti thilt ;"" o e.- of aneslKlPi office ." • , I. Avg* ' ~ t`. of As -• .' ~'- */ centi. ~ • Po' April 1 41 said 1 ' to prey/ VIE subscriber is prepare tract and put on at lie shortest`- • ' Massie Oeite'ettiFire an. ti ; pegje, and pointistortia :1` r to any Idetalio Roofing. qt "-can be put on over tin, tar, iron; or...shingle tocifo t however flat or steep thoymay.-ber:i • In plitit of resisting Alict_elevaents, or-fire ,tind water, nothing.ilnri yet been discovered equal to,t,lic Elastic oeineut. ' Those who have used it, hare testified that . it us the , very perfection-4 Hoofing, and that there is nirfurtheriltenn CorliinPrstyPAient—! .N. 9 Me 0111 now titin Itntputting on fi When thiitecinette can beb.n !" or..mihuh less - .nioney. 101,4 1011 outvtbar:fourithingle roofs. itoofingismti.rranted as represented. E las Usti Veteenl .1,1*.1 tit cheapest and best protection from decay- Tor Wei)aexposed to the weather q 1m the ground. It is also tfillnellt 014- I .Fir *on, effectually. eventing,rastt•Andatliertiverl applied 4xeludee , 21amptiesd.. , ; pie .subeari ber has'. thief ;gement foe 81116;1 n quanthios:to,suit.• inforhiallen, aPPXY- OEMOE' A. - .00-I,Ki „ . • Fn3d .0i I:A 31tr. _ ; aAapecim ss, Sooftngl airy be anion liii), I ) ; retlicitiolaryte. 0 . cc:- flettyianirg. -Wpril Li, 1858 nx.sfty:mpss.sEn, vp,votwicr.zawan. Ghodit. itedersr.isoll li:Orreritpred fie;r:7 - G 1? 0- ,CE ItY tmrinesi, nt elYd '6ld'ataiiecif li . annor & Ziegler, under — the name, stile' anti tlrreof ..Da.nro• Z,jeoler, ../rg., and" ask. and will 7 andedlidr 16 'deserve, - a 9.outimany,e,, of „ ,1 4 , 4 31 4 i .pat•cunage. 4 ttke old tirmots - Welt y- tttriltroflteui &Ann. They hwiteljuse46 flea femtetis , ,AanfiO, .ap:initiidaSe.'fitak ;VP !thitgi 6==.e i;il9i : gtiD el 11 'PalltOf ';11 -(<1 hinwes.:,,bolts•:leatts„ahlas.iiloM Z. 9 l'?: 2bair ..incfacliriehTdv:ltotAs 'l)f -4Sfect47 46- ' r • th - - - • sarip—on, atiesnltiba , n-a -cestund!bittSfriugertioSquittre's,[gritigetl;l-Ilatir- inurni.t&il •-;11; Blacksi:" 4611 aßvila, vieta; ia4tis%, files; liotsaelidest, lioraishoo nails, &c., with them, very cheap. -% • - • . Coach l'inding4ticl as - cloth, canvass, damask. friirgettv'd 4 cittenf - mo 9 „ 011 ylvA, springs; poles, shafte, •&e,' '` - ;A' and fralich inemiecb; bitiehrig#; .I*4tfiV - .l3iret, trees,&ci . , ,, , , ,, rvii!laLgeisterttlifSstiterdatiebfslio& =1:1. 1 S-tool's. Cabinet Maker's Toots, Iligeneral , -allsort nient,--also varnlsls.linobs,kktn HintSekeepeni wilt :cilSb find :Oafge' a.ssort; matt of kraves!and fero;b 4 rAllritibiti, ' sitrer.plated• table and , la l t-fi geiids; sticks waiters* SlieV.6l and: tow:, sattir6n:4'; enamelled and brass kettle 4; churns, carpetinrg,&c. • ' • ' Also_ it gene , at assortment of -for;;eirand rolled IRON of ' slies kPil;:''elist, shear and blister steel,- whiah as cheap as th6 - theapost: iCioceries, 'OR and sdr inia'nt; ' such ,as crushed; '-:pirli'artsad', l47 elMigad, dhil! brown sirata.;-!Nelf'.ol•,teitbAtiliFeklfrelfri iiittl• suoii 4lio7ge I rit lagscsi and ,y-ypps 7) coffee, apices, chocolate, fine, coarse and thud' Wilt; linseed, fish ruc4,..tpem..,Ctlf.; Turpentine, Fish, &e.; a„f,ult Ast3ollnegt - iir field rit)dZip ) dri 'hi 'oil; rirse Oralir beef InttnAs; irf fl 4, almost' bi•ef'Y alifOreif do (.7ach , stnithrtAbrriet'-ffhlrery, s,,Gfasrer'V, and , 4 r'.celliP lin ai; I' that: terminati to_self aslow for CASii ris'anylieii4a" out of the . city. - • 111E1NRY If;* - 0.1 . Ntk,4111, -:WAYRIZIGIIT - SUEOLV,R; Gattysburg;lll4e4,. , - • , , • MEI Mil lIE undersigned having retired from the e buginisss,•itliVlsatifeWill hare afte4 be •contirtublat the lold.stah d; in Balti more streetithY;theii SAM; ifehri-11. Danner rind Wayliright Zibler, tinder - the Mtn] e and style. of. Banner and , Ziegler44rel,ttirlidnirwi) will:recommend , to, ierd for -tvlirthrity'e Would bespeak ..a..litietat Share-`oßliettroriage from Old eustomers,, - arldwf th'6Lpublict ih , genoral. llavin :retired from the idel , eantile •busi ness, it' as necessary , ' that should;be setil6it all those indebted to us either byludp,mLliit; Note or Book - Aceni.w. a 1 and settle the same without ditl.hy-.. zillte 4 tarks will Le. fotuitli - a,t•the old . stand:.. 5 an ':•• , -2. DANNfat,' , • • ;•" • -DAVIT, May 24, 111513,.. ' Km' i2h; . pSR, ME F; Subscribers...l tiers and Differs in 4 . IFlXES'ifylf% RS„ ,woujdo)rol speetfisllit We - olViltehh.W iftbir Entabl4hinolit;Wo. r Weir/A ton Streeftfklanphia;liteie t harittlifip kuisorttnent `4oll(ineri% tlneriCirf choicest brands and qualities. -Raving ma e arrangeinentn with 416 me of the first houses in Cognac: and Rochelle, cables them to furnish to their customers; Uppn the most 'liberal term,. the following brandi'CliCognaeund Rochelle „BRANDIES : Olard, Ilennesy,Pdlersion, J. J. Depay On.,T. Ilitnes, ?A. Sergnette, blartel l ilarett, bf va rious brands and gaalhies, WINES: Champagne, Madeira, Li.gban, ; Old Oporto, Teneri . ye, Burgundy, Claret, Zherry, and Malaga - Wino r, Holland Gin, Selleidam SefinaPps,J-ta:ica Spirits,--Scoteb and Irish Whiskey, Peaeb, Apple, Illttekbetryit C'ltel49•; Ginger, and ,Baspherry,4randlAnOordials,AVlrießitters, Ainsteidam Bitt,ercazo. - * 1 -- Also, Agf o rttl aria SJle, 'proprietors of the Old Wheat' 1e1ti:41:44 'C distantly .on band. 'att b±tetisi've*elt - of ilnb - Dloadfigaliela, Rie'ithdalnrbon hiskvly; of varhias,g4des, '130610 orstlricli guaranteettto be sAtitirtor VAS tfny inttlie corn .7TX - ; all of ivlach intdroved hy . age.- •” ' 7 Prob. oat ltv - thebbiltib-Sa, 414 '4 tiOrou' trio* ledge of th'e!-taites"df if eCtlittluttityi• sve flatterNalrielt e told' all[prders 'that may be eniftrathtl totusi-• " Orders from the country (which 'tire most tespectftilly solicited) wilt be promptly tended to. • ',153"-evreat•enre taken in pheiting grid ship pin... • . • &All .100114'8e:it crtinfotir e4atttilishnient .nie•gtiaAtnteett•to give sntisiiition; with the privilege. ofboing ketuhiell.• '• '• •••" ' B. It;:.I4IDDLIETON4•BRO;, •:•.• No;s NiirtU Front Sit;, ritiiaddOiti:• l 3Tardh 22,1.13,58: • Gut • -••- • • , .„ - ;714,',Gr0t .4»4lmsirdor .of ;Mcalth•.to all ifaulth• = Holloway's. Pills: . • BOON' TO TUE . ?,--I!tio , iN•ant ofa - gterlilig' inCit l the, ills arid 'll,e&V-is r itios of the: itileti n g por' ion b" Gtiur ti Onti entirdx lece from mineral ,and othet,deleterious particles. liaS;seterelY till . this .1111 Po•-(:•_rfat itio,"c•:‘ , e,,w:s ushered intothe world Olor r4)r's VALtrni.:e.P4l,s have ,beeeor o' the mo-JSr....ot,u.R I E . MEItt . Gran 1111€1071'8. TatTiVitt" 9vtki PREVENT, p.s well rJi- to 't they att:-.ek the or Roar of the complaint, and:thus 'by remn.. tag the hidden cause of, disease.rcinxigerate and ✓ - !,tore the drooping 'ene"gles 'ortliesys)e) itsidsting , nature in her task ,Of - . F us - trios:2olv ItErOInIATION. DYSPEPSIX.—The groat 'Scourge'of'th is continent - yields quickly to-a emirse'bf theSo amiseptic Pills, and the ili ge F,ttie organ4`are restored to their'-properfond; no matter iii Whitt hideints Shape this i " - dra of di:sease ex hibits- itself; this seitrehi-qg and nnerritig, • tiieit:y . :llllp orses , t front tb e •pittieb t' s y's tCni 'GENERAL DEBILITY AND • WEA.K. NESS.:--From 'what( :or cause, - lowdess- of sifilrifs, and' ullother sins of a 'diseased lifer; arta other -.l.lisorganiziftions •of , the' • vanish under the cradicatingitifltion'ee'bil/rii all :powerful antiseptic-nrid detergenVitenie'ily. BILIOUS DISO It DE ItS. -The oropei quan tum and right condition of the-tacit ici of iiio inentous importance pit the health of the man framefiliWantPhilioninelliAci expels , the, hididert,lseeds erne .- rent der,,§Al.l the ;dui& -amt secretion's , pukottnil fl4eikti„eleansing , And es iiscita ti h ftmetivns of the body.. > ' SI C 1 4 Y FEMALES—ShouId lose no Cup° in ; trying, a few doses of this'regulating,' and renovating remedy, -Whateter may -be their complaint, it can be taken with safety in all periodical and - otlier disurgani - 4atio,ns, Its'e'ect iS'alrbitt miraculous.. , , • VISPREFUTEDPROOF.-The tostiinony of Nations iEilin'aititriously borne CO4,lte health giving rirtues '44111s noble': entedy, and ter- tifies.tes in . direry living language bear wit ness to'the 'undeniableness of their intrinsic, Honoicciy's Pitts are the best remeilykitrnea iu the world for the folloteing,di,sea.s:ey. : Asaima, - Dropsy, Inward Weakness, Dowel Complaints. Debility. Liver Complaints, CoMihd, 'Never and Agno. • Lowness of Spirits; , Female Complaints, Piles, , , - 1 Cheat Diseasei; HeadaChe;, , , , Steno and Gravel, !, Restiveness, • - Indig,estion, Secondary Sy nnqonli I.kralievsis ) • Zottqeuta,. Venereat , AtTertioti; , : Diarrln:ea, „ Inii4nnuatiop, Wnrnis nf.lticr)s; . IV-Caution.l,-,-N.,no art gequino :unless , tpoo,worils • "-It - pito:gay, 11Tele and ...4rnt- , /Z:"are ' diseerniti)e ASA tratet-maple.-erY leaf of the, book, of directions around, each plt, . or boi ; , the same may he plainly Teen by the leaf to Me light.. Alhatidson:o re ' Yv,trd,will ke given to any ole rendering such informat.4 . as may lead.';.,the de:ection` of :1 anzpi - trty_or par ties t eountarfeitins the metli eines or vending the same, knowing them , to-: ' spurious., 1-• •-; • • / • the M tin:flatteries of Professor 'Holloway, SO Maiden Lave, New York, and 'illy all respectable Druggists and Dealers in 'Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cent , , 63 • apct St;ench.: 4; D. Bytitit.rat i A3;otlf.l tGettySbtirg. ,• _ ; -.,.. •• !I 'o67,'Eliere le . `een - siderablesav,ing_by taking the farger''sizes. . • N. - `B.--Directions for, the, guidance of -tient'g - In 'every disorder' tiro ,afli;ed 0' early, x.'hl -" "1 1'855 •I P"'• ' Itertoval; 1.. EIV:IiOeSt"kNEIV 400fit-rr4 . 40013,9. "reno.eil their Merchant Tailoring EstaLli3liinetit to.the.spleiuliil new -story loose; the nor pi su i te (if Chant-. Inikf e e • .„ . •, .., gli• sersiMilktrotit, uc , ljoiniUg , tpbahgh sOi'lith'e,ttioy Will continue business 'oh nlart,et zedfetlidn eVei. ,„ Their itobk'orelgthiillasiiimUres: Vestings, bus been laiwely r ettase4l,' and ifiey 'are etinied as /o/c' hi' Vile tozoest—jefyink: ail climlietition. give Ltli6n.usalil i bxnuutte theirsaeisorttiord.iiii• I Pri 3 le4haSingdelsewherki tdVq. lronblb t6 , ] "shiSw.,Rails.. i f l i, : .•; it .1 shortittoties ahttirlr tier - andaimitt7tastelalt inissmort,w- 1 _Wth pretieillimpekieitleo f i:alb' „. e a t i t u pwasti, thijorotioa 7.4 • C34315i' ,i 1 't- AM/ .d OfittyPhilegs.iteal4Cl4B4Bs' I , r 4A4 A lan SICA L. --V s Pitooq, Accordeons s A r" . ^ 4 4. '``• ante loNV at kleicni(l'S. • /7-0501nairlitgraimr „... ~ . HFrn- I T tet, ,hi, a I , :!' iiiMilitkie *hods: ,_.ll elf 4 . 7: 7, , ~ , • . : .$ ~ i 11 1 1 .titi L leiii4a.;. 4, i i; '' t • ,'.',' i I 4 ~. ~, in i 4,. f'' . ~ tab iali!' , • i1t,.45‘. 0 144 k,, -:. • 4 1 4- s x.tie easl end,) IghitYsbnrsqVat_ If , - eAlicauiif oh" bang, ii firsttVro lot If sr9E.t.trilttrMlTP4l to, u; I st up ;:ti - ordei ,w Itypr,nwxy l q (Tented'', iii, 111 line l y,iz:,---U.oe erAy,and Boite,fliply.,i,,, atilidg . asi„eta ing-,274 4 .40C4- 1 . -" .- e a ow:LI et , rfato4ll:-# l iggkoil , '-t- . ''' Jergey -Witgons, .el . .i...... t.' :. With good worktnew Sind: githighilittfig4i :he ein pledgoihittwork!.to-he ottlie beet . ciu4ty" - ia4sn - rtit4i.livieeti ritlflencitrgttlie Ikkire4.‘'P:: llepfitrilig done tit shin*, notiee4hd; el reasoinible ?Mtg. '' r qiiiltitl kolild,6o - tatieff In exihtinv3 foi-W4:4le -- pall! '''' ..- 1-ff '", sAr . iik - ytbk-rr,.. .. . ' lifiye. 15,1857`; , - 1, : ''- . r. :1 Or c 77, ,r.T , NQ" r is 'the Alitri44')/ Anbitifibloilwittilditifotitittepili)BVtlillt lid Tu;' , i',opetied.n CrtipiinUnbar : 7 iii•cpi; Goitt . ..l),grA O , t t ha Fout46tVitlitrdlio**.ill h i ave voin,tallpita of ,band at any qpidluisaTter, sudli'lki tide:A/al Xie114.1 , , Corn,f9Alei Cutteql.CY9Pgfaced •Ficiup Ciater.3, and X.(oF.tellapera —two, facie o.ati-horse,,,to,e4t porikhasqrs.; -:-intreeilall each ns'i t an.)..)p,bard„,a,t or Littics; WA; 4 1 50,*- Machink4, for house carpontO,' ( . - ptke.tip:in tyq_verybost and ' must'al - iniAr'nbr, &robs or long• Bolt tkan:,eror,on,i'vet in lort!,th,, atior,..4ocl to z 'woll i"trn, ft, in: Iran. casting ok. Also or lleatAnkkhoi chilte T y, dressing-op, S!ill ndled,44., 400 on the: sheyt9st notice,; ; „ . f,,, ;; n I . hope that all in- wnnt of ranythit?g•lntroy lipo will tall at iny ~.slaA)p.,,bgfue 4,91t4 able -I;:tterp. , wilt ;warn - 1.4A1. Juky,cmck titigife satisfi}ctiun t 4 nutohmertnl., .1 .1, ' DA-Mf D STERNER, March 29;18,58. r ly - , , ,G;•pppyy and Provision • StOre. ,• : - ~ ILLE . S PIE & tAQ Al 4 r, S e,4 pact fa Ify form, thepeople, , of Oettystokrg .and public ienerally ) , that. Alley have just Feturn eil from the city with generaLassertment of GROCERIES,I'-ROVISIOYS me} VEOEtt- TILES, which the' 4tre ircepared.-tgellAcJew ns the lowest. FLOUR awl FEBILLIwcys 611, lmad; and sold at sontil-prtifits, • . Store en York- street; on elloor "eait Wet ties' Hotel. • r .:,; r- .• • '..ri - dettygibtirg, 3,' • • . •. .Fresh-Fruitsk - • J'• • allO CERIE S ; N)TTOg,? , r & a:7•r , Pritfts of every 'l4ll4iis'—tayer 'Fin;.4,, • OlAnges„ emons,, tse,s, a ux. NUtsit, tAndpa,per ••, 611911,A1,ui0n(1, Pep, ilvts,•&,c,., qoceliel%l•: gop4 :119.cti4P9A.of,§Pgart— . . - • Lptf, . red , Crushed, CsifFee,,•N;Q,Al Sa rubs of the best quality, Rice-,, • Soda; Sotreh, Cinnamon, .:s.— (ground and ungroand,)Clorei t ustardi I:ej,.. • y . • • Perfumery. - • P erTniitekyLif &cry description, ~ehicli ii i 1 1• biieuld lute for Cash. Lemon Syrit . 2), A large lot j sfre de, is' ed. , —!,tcriy ,0n,021-04 - 4p4 i a,ll.eitp, pleasant an'dtest do.MII, 7libtzdeo. All . the inriints' kiiids.orri*ae; ' ' e'o; Cignstq- and' 14h al': Ai!' 'MTh by Boyer & Son. ,'"' Vinegar. Wo , itae gloodrquality, as all • who, have trFeal'ing ••,' nourtf?Feed.We Imre iniarld -arrangements' - 'to haver tly • on. hand. Flour•anti - Feeil - .which We will , . • insure to be of Eniperivi4unlit,g ; : and.ut such price bannotfailli 'to plenser , . - a - • •/ • •••W3I.I3OYER & SON./ ci A•prit - 141, ISSS. ‘i ;.: • • • ;- - -7-2:-.- - -'4'hei , Swan ' I T9* :TILE Tlal"itlX6 Subscriber twcitll inesi resiteetTtillY':an= nouned that he t; .s takert the 114e1rAtelY . kept hyjsra.e.l Ynnnt, Street,' in the'thrtntli of If.l.)lOVEß,' . Where tie is'p'rd pared ace() in 4111 . 0 i in'elegant - style,Traxi,, eller; and' dltfej `hililselfll,sat - ry,;;lN;lig,'shiill - lie Want to 'll6ti's nple:iiutt'uitil tiii•eq 7. ‘ 4blU home' alf,"Who '44 iIV6 Mtn' their .4uStdm:' TFo linds`e:l4 atureoird6pienii; and will'alce'avS , be at:entiry Do'nestic3 and nfaithful and' hohesio.4llei. The Bar and Table ai 4 6 supplied }with tti r e beat riiarkefullt.til' i rd: t i ,-, 11 . 1i1s beds 'Will I he found to be it" tlte.l;d4;tiUsssihlir coadititin: in every - 0)1'dg! pertalitingt td a iirst rute Itottse, the abqeriber is determined not to 'bd passed by any one.,,J, 41re ,1493 a trial-+. you will always if ittlt+d:Ditrettioictit. There is p. tin& Yatil attached, and •giatliti sufficient' fo 20i , 00 brYl4s.64:i :•;• DAVID NEWCO3I3IER. ITanorer, May :1 D i 11 g 5 if 11l , , Q 11.1:1DS '&"lwElre,pl3..ll : 4; af,"tbu i tx . "--- 7 Stove Ware Itinet; if) ,W,:frtOti4dlestrepf,,, !f- ' mid at Iluilii'leil'ulAßA}, op Q ' 14,)i t iiii*tbn olit i,tret,tb i fotty, X. , vartet4este l : l6 iiihit'Sgre'll 94,Y4gin.E -1,1 t l io V( ',k) ,1 i1,rkt1.10;114 ,, 'T , PNIHRI l eiiprigrar.kir: AN. :beevew t.lo9.llT 2 thagi ~5, TS- ,97iiirril puf, , lM = f - eii'ML, - , my,m 3 5,„17.1,41)1+13CP .OACIII I -i." rior , 191.11 iii„liirl lAJTlo,,e(uktiy& r a 14 If 1:'-'11/ 0„ i 6 .04 17 .4i:P10 0, f1 g i'e 1E t—c cotTIV., If ,r.e•V;c. 4 li::ala tri 04 7, tonal *4. ~:',, P 6 iV§l'ArafNaY! 1 L 1 , ;1 Lumbey ab f" 4- lA . , Virg -b`ttdeigriiia'ift 4 4' 4 44 I'' - the Lumber bti . stithrik { ' yeitl'rellf . - t ware Store ht. ! 0. 1 e i , .._ . . i e a Moth of LUST i' ' e, i, , . . , gall j !i uAgit •fir:rliitirYei es:- .. - ~, : JattedErfgult.lias. titt4lt.. .10isti i lsetintiiiii, • tErltr e ,' • , it e',210 1 "t c j tt ~f ....r1140:--ts r - , i ti,.111 ..- L Ne*O.IDAId:4 , A.t: , -- : ..- : - lwit , 44194: . - • • 0 , . ti , i p: Is !t , : Alan -_n. , : lo w . V Eat abkortiber infeatti Ittglitti*thltiViiet f 11 4ontinues the Lumber and" *Obi* retilifounhhitillaohidn digi t •• . 3. il than ever--embraein ' ' , • rib andliatiktaltifiligi ming - Stitt, histering•llatthei4tShinglas. Palirrept Akti tviAic ail kinds of.ptagtaibipt , a' and 411at:fcsmiths' Coe' ißef MT _is • . ,N.anritettAitk4 , din* tettiolilibile '`. - of •e4.4s low as the very loweafk "A . 1. - 3 *- , ; •It'ku 2 ..,..,1 ,41, 05 0. 4tum i ti 0,.. April 10, 1.443:)"-1.?1,:alf . u :..') " iif " aL ', - Mai — a;`. AXE renta4sllmignalgdry for the ing yteW,, sindithietpAtgred to 4110010 4 &m at kinds of Rristingltlsualli lundry. Vida fde Forint kinds oftiel.l4 Pointttls ittirs, &c.; Pain i tllleetthierl Pans; octanes, &e.pBtddreenndldnehine7l Werandah'sgta entifeiiirj Fencing id putinftivitiiiiivpiltitt 4 l lirders pini.lJellittkrelded to proi t being withodt.tkpitattithdinibit4 !inset:try to Inpelled_to sell 4 . 6 . l 4astiVeat on 4, Jri ;rade NM l'ilt_st thi In 4( if.p..141, 1 t7"911 , 1, 0 11 14 ~ ,v Acjislagkf. ab ioc t ?, 4*MrSSMICI4 - ,Pritt9AVR .A.NT-s- " - d" - • • • :Ayr kakcei, 11.14 p corn nrstuou:bisFAlßAkraftlMAliereef.iyenrs,. &key ititielt.cons!gpalratiopd.l4s„pigticularz.nt irrifloik to the Rare of GRAIN of Pa kinds; 4-1;t: RIPAV:&I34I4 WhioLy..tand.. Country Eqq;kqe , gotspity, :rOnit. proeeedi - Privh. Mmlift rttent. the Northern Ceti -4'81,444 rostit..ruoirtte;..,our ; IVarthons6. : , 4 fifer to K..-.8.-.l3nehlor, - Esq;, Gettysburg. Juno 21, 1858. ly New Store.. ,, • . READY - MADE,INC,r.Ii i mI L I /ogling Vidii... - z-I.ll6tirii.reripgnel:ha f i the Oltittiftti of antfdiricl Ofia pril)118_ If! at be • filaN'aiielleti aNO OA 14,32:41}lilis) Cat l ltifoliftiog;flYest - 4e„6 - fer s : sloop from tlielYiiiihafikurtjare, i bomteparetljo fif. ont kantiBfde4 lates't An, beit Ile bairibA r f ai 0 6 ci y a well select- Od'itdiki3C l 36intin, ,in gentfeOpi i 'kiiiir*llleli were ben,iskat, such Orree,4 offer grquer tifirgaine than bate. ovAr been ore - red in Cer mug". keep ron - hv nd a stock of liwidy--nado .washing; and• if not being able to fit, asset be made t 3 order on the vhortast notico, which &Tina' fail to fiti..-Havittg detevtoirred tol eeporfothinm bat good- 1 : 1 0Od8. and to fell cheaper thar i - th l e chlapest, he oximK§:l43;focciie l a,Aberslehare 'titpukllp i vaironag,V. : • P * !SIM • June - 21;T858: • - T f i ti a ;) er Invigorator, lIt,B eatird b y4ft.Mipy,MS,lLl J ,engof the best thc Ont;lic,;3lifit nets aS:O 6,11 traf,..qpner , r filler,. am.r.more etre& dai,.than' ty, 9 : per Tt is notom' a Ccd/ary,*c, biip a adez;:temedy, actin firs on tice;,./ i i, .1. te!..ftlept Jr;co..7l)*(l matter, titen,ol t! , ,b;5::,9 ad 4 qp(lbu, ' Nfpl g to carry off that nuitt,e-, thus aeotnpli§litir.wo pu,rpose , et,TecinCill,y; Wl,ll. onV ahy. pai fit I' Netin , r4 'Aspe{ fenced tlik •:opliatVns of moss :? I ,aflicu:e7,, f It stintltliens",thb'sy. mm at Vie sdnio timo t 5 at itlliurg6S rand t 'ilaklSt2,ki'aed e&tfe-tioses, wiT.rstrefigtlibi(and bUila up with unus;,l4 , TEK,iy..,-. f T,he,,Livea .0p.,e,2 . ef-thc principal regu lap'?ri. of : and When it PET,fo4ins powerarof the:Vstem are ta11y..4 tleietoped. The stoin ackis ahnost ly dependent on the heht.hy ac 'on of th Live .J 0 • the 'proper performaceof its func-z do is;.,when the state (tell fig at fanit, the, , 74bo -21, 3 tire .pt fault, raitYih9 whole system talk:l.s ioyonseattenue of' boo organ—ti' t?' mv'e,a—hak•ing eons ed to do its dAtT.H - ,' , l:or. , „ttre diseases thaiorgar , - one qf p . rciprietorsi-as . rade it liosi?tady,in a p.r,aE r s -,,oce of more than '2O years, to 8,n41 t some!..„ remedy, wherewith i to counteract tl•e many,... 4 de rangemen whiCh it is liare. . - . TO prove that this remedy is at last foupd,. any . person:n troubled with. l l ive.,rt DOUPCAINT. In any its forns, ~ has but to tira bottle, and• conv,isjun certain. . Thege Gums baranrrom the:r+systetrl 6, Fupplying in their place a flac.oabile, t tptti , orating the stomach,clusin;V to otigezt7we 11 „r. FYII.sIC Tilt ni,OOD, ing tone r d health to the whole machinery, removing'the' cause of the diseaSe—effeeting a iiididal"eure. BILIOUS ATTACKS ATP cured, AND, IVIIAT IS nerrErt.,•PßE II . TE 1;y10):Q occasional use of the Liven. Trir . tQn, , ,Toa, t, • 'O - ne 4nse, after, eatingis saffteient to relieve the,stetnach-and.prevent the fewr i tromrising, 3e4 geirring, • . Only_,..enetlose taken before. retiring, pre ,vents N IGLI Akuly-oneglese.taketuatvarfight;- omFens.-the -hovels gently; and cures COST r IV,ENESS. One dtre taltetruAet n'en.l will cure ;DYSPEPSIA. ritivt)ne dose of two teaspoonfuls will al 'ways relieve &ea . IleaDaern. • , I One -dose taken for female obstruction re -I:moves the cause of the diseaSC, and nukes a 1 perfert cure. ' -'- , •,- ' ' ' •• Oily one dose ientnediately relievei Cuoatc, '• One dose/Olen , reppateilfiso sure core for AlutocEn.i. • litunSlas,"add' - a .— pre•Thittrve, of CITir.EIIA. • ..,, 1.. . . : a leror. l s , one bottle is neead 'to llirb t iV put of theoxystem• the effefets'of radiant, utter !ri, long cyckfe§ri..; - ' - • ra•One bottle taken for JAUNDICE removes all sallownEwll3oL'Avralst.rgiiiiivefroli:the 5kin...,..,.., ~, : , i,ll .14 .;' 1..., • - -.. on?'ucise }zip ,n4unrt.tnne before eating! gi v;e3 4 v ieft: tkl t, e up2q4tp,,tili 4 ,1 1 ) 3 11.e s :lb.? d 44 i? g es 'k. w r "o •it ,i AI `..i. ' !II: 3! . C . ' Opp, d s gspie i.;* 't k ,peate + d,,etire:4 Qu,vp,mc DISR.TiIiCEi t IN i f!; vr;pro,fornis,,w9ile Su /I,llEfg ancritiVi.Eif 1 9?11.1 . 04illtS „yield, ,almost to OA fink e l : „. ,-• :• • i.... • - - °d 6- ,! ) •l.tii° .494 1 .91reA4 4(8 1:PAIlsiA l l;.Y ,Wo - i,no in:Vtiillryru . there ift, pc k surer, sitfer, ? E r 84), , 0 ,A 1 qi Pg:IP e g.Y •Ait til a , > Y2I- I d, o. it , new ,Watts; I ? ~ . .i: : •• I -,, a . ,i .: • ••- 4 r,-34 ':f9 ,04144 4 . 1,c , i 4T01PP.i i ?. 7 • 0 •1c iiin a •It' e 1-I P t lf T s .l,i); .:.• .4•••,:: x :,, We' Elko 'pleastrre in recommending this 1 ledicine as a provilkingo-ilka, and AGUE. '' 4 " L PNYTY PI '• l iC ie al Vi l : E k t , of •Sict ß ibtax 2 . „ ?mi.. I bilerlt N 4 . 1 ill eqrtanti,yontl,timu• Isandi atirCitflti l o tistA cc itd its' • +sitttaitii 1 - virtues. . I , w. . . [zn ; All who :a ' , liar? bithOhiii• 1 16111 1 0 ' 11tptt3 1 4estinanyt 4 o it, f isnma.,f Ain I , ' ,1I: - it. ) 4 4.. -.. I gaDliz water butt& Initintli Willi the In -I,lbrato', and stakiikiOrnit4,4o • / neilliniii,,nakenVfokl*teteßtif% m&d: [ Avid Fainiiiileirkivit46eiditil rk;to"Atkl.4 l ,' ' • • Tameiltabiglibikiwlteltiod. 'fTlit cuts''' ft it lif 1 a '4=etei. f lefeirior#ooo:Meiwilekr; r d' l A '. friiiiiansi - 46KIdiVreli o diftd `to 1 aro any ind of •iite4k;eblittlint; Voeff 'Old 1 waist Jaundice or Dyeptpsicit.ta tO‘d'oinAmi-i' 4 ; , aolte, ail otzliz i st i a%fitflAttult.of a 1 ‘ SEAS XD LIVER . , jiXignr natipostlVilitosinetriliv , i • ~!' fitilk toltiet •f i t S tr 4 /2lg. an gy; New i rk. A. ,1). BUELILER, Agent,. ~t , tfiltir, il i g . w1 . .7 , .t. Aitianns u-sitrl , •-. - .. t lix ' + $ I mix, _i___. 'AL -- : - • 14 lo 1 . NEW VCS rP 4r3W 41 A,GME Ar_Tritice r eV ii.:e4 ; we ..a , t.Wrlte X littilitlihrwlti 'Tit eitgr ii „-.. 1 wog . 0 A .4' ~„,,: p ' • 0 5 ' '. " ' .1"" 11 ,Itu44.11 1. 4 15 1 40,i A -93 " ~PAiroirriffe _ s t fl'] - ...t, ~ .. • , . Or ' l . '(AB ..ttl. .0. ~ - -,,t0 ~ IRE vita Mai • NV 1 WIN 40 ,1 1%(.. f I V. 4 lisognistaftsqlrillailtdi4 Coltratioille falibits4ic Hi,, etu4 ni 713 whilthosiZesifeigavesalianiiiimiTstillgramme 3dePogengslakititilkiinbal. I.l,44cireleilttstbs;l obi* tolio iskbland.Ellibdelpikiad , •••• o t p, DTs postargetalitiritakimgrist.abOWNlP UM' isfnslljirtfrtaau ;SW ,411 4tia dila& GELt elearieket *VOW ualitinirresailoa , 2Bl,l6lsBaf 1!0') AN Not -th4 Yo >liss One,- `lliiikiWaing th MEI . Valuable Real Estate. • liAtirrltit4E,.—the undersigned •• •- ollpiii riratiiSale, all his Beal-Estate '"' • • ''l 'No. re;sidetice•in ettysbarg,, fhb trfits3o fOrati Cimmbeitiburg street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve: rents.; No. 2.—Lot adjoining above on the West, :fronting:29 fee. on street, with Stable, 84e. ''No: I ,joining No. 2,fronting 32 feet on gala() 'litre*, with large •Ou'acli Sh?p, and OtherlinprOvetneri',s: ' • NO.-4.—Lot - adjoi int.! frdnting 29 feet, with -double Brick . Dwelling, -; Smith, 11 111), ;. • • • - No. 5....--Lot„w4st• i of: the !Foundry, with Steam Sass- and Gristlfill.. • • • • - No. 6.—Lot .adjOjiiinglV • _ 5, cpntaining about '3 Xeres. " - ' No. 7. 1 -Thiee Lots fiontitie, each 30 feet on Chambersburg etre •3:••. •• '•" 1 , ' No. 9.-,Traet /of " TAM); namiltonban lying oni Musk ; creak; containing 5 1 ApTa..port elearedilhd:part - in; •firstqate tim7 es-. • • 'lo.i-=Conoh• Eitablishment iti Shon lierdstoVit, - irie., with "ood will, &i." 'The IL cr.ititm, is an ildraiitithPonO for business, _and ,Improvementlin 'good - • • ' . BV*Titles gdod , ta suit . patella ,sors.•! Enquire of RA:. Boatman, ;Esq.,_• Get tysb rg-, • or. the underSignedsesidingm,Sliep lietdstpwn, „ .C. W t ,JIDEPIII.4I`3, I " March 15 1858. NI ,I ;Two. Daily :11 4 .xa1l A: 00011510 b ATloNs,=,4l4'tin dorsigried-Totatns his thanks to tha far the encouragement hetetofOre:extentled to 'takes, pleasure in.snnottneing that Ito has opplc:ted arramemonts by NOW `l'l. • 0 D.111.,Y, ,of t -4 - CfA6lleV ilk I:1111 betw"!gii Gett,y4-4 elitilt"atrffatiorei, to . conneetts ith the trains (to and.: fr.oni" Dititi - rno're; York,: Perstrtis ilealfing - tiOgeti Or .4 1 ;( 0 ;4\alkln AiltealLon the thuleisigned,.or, on T4in, , Ticllet," agent, At, t h e ; eagle Ohambersburg street.,., attention grief' tolt4 paelia c les, &o:;•or'6;aidr'business entrusted the undar sigliedt" between. 'Clettysbarg . anti' 'flanot;er, which will - bolptoMptif.and'eatefully Ottinil aLo.-!-:;-,,; • , , ..,a'Tfile, undersigned 'has also., effected nr remgements'by,which, be be able to tiopply (Toadies', S'tsges,.&c., .for.,lii,*Tribs4949ther otigion's;'at niodeiate , • ' '•'IOOIIOLASIVEAVEtt. - GettyAlitg, April'l3. 1857.* ' The Grand- Show ! AT CETTith3lige, Samson, .31eritayer & Proprictbr Doors open at. 6 o',...lockilA. M.—Performance 'tu comnieueeinimediatelynfter;d ; 'pticEs OF ATYMISSION. - Adults, . , FP,EE. Children; (under 12 years of ago,) Half Pilee GRAND COMPLIMENTARY 'BENEFIT .TO TIIL•PUBLICI - The subscriber, thankful for., past, faiors, respe , 2tfully informs the inhabitants of Got,- tysl.;erg and - surretindins eotto try, of , the fact that he :lids ju.s't t:ee'divcir fhdu the jow Y.trik"Aiicrion'a. • . ' -" SI'LEX.ISII) STOCK OP G9oDS 7 l`' . ' which he is doter/tined to sell'a;; astonishing ly low rates for c.isn, - .= In returnfor the fiber al. patrontize l)es towel opon Itewill;gilto a Gran penefit, on which oo easlonAvill he presented ' TWO' 41LIGNIFICENT PIECES! and every. tday. 'anti! farther notice, will he pre - §e:it,e4 the, very, populantiagedy of . 0 011 Fl7' S _ witliAefollowing piles lied elst F•igl 'on 3 n 5• , • ,•1 - "r • • II - able . OlittMilf,7, from Abe finest to the lowest priced npnliftes. Wendell:lea's Furnishing Cloo(TR; in' great 6riety:. B.l6ts;,Shoes, Bats, Caps;•&e., tosuitall - tastes. ' Aniintormission, of 7en. .31inytes, to allow .those making large purchases' time for.,foune h, he. • 1 The whelp to elSnelnde , with 31. Samsou's sue , eessful Play, entitled ,1 V A"Yt, i ..k: 7',TE-S 1. , the 'beauty of whielt *ill cause great eiteite meat among the Ladies And Gentlemen. 00-.. 2Gi 1 . 857.- lf -• , fl TIE AP, WAIT II E JEWELRY, ‘rli plc kJ sale' and •retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and, 4ewelry• Store,-,N0:'196 ,North Second streei r , corner of,Qqafr,y,PitiJkdelplti'a.f. GAL Lever,Watches, fultjeweled,.lB.carat aascO2li 00 ;toldLepirios. ificarnr, $24 00 ; OilOr•LeVers, - full jaweted,Sl2 os) Silver Le pineg,jc W1.4;59:001,a - ntiiiiiniOnttitiers - $1 00; • Oki lll.Speinnale•N; $.,41 lltie &tier di). 'sl' t6i; goliXrioelltsga 000.511adiesi.Gola Petielts. $1 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set, $6 00; Getti e »s ; avitl l M0 1 1.64:01 4llFor 00/ t dittl rio n .er.ll 3 i i ngl9,47lcents4sl4BQ;Watett, ciints,t,ppfeitf. janiot, 25; ;IBA tlticlra iti c ia;ipdrao• ;11t1::gop4s watrtiitthlliPbtlirlifi4rtliViti l e Slit& " ' 4”61 f;tU ; * STA4rEtiVII &ATARI/kV' 012.40=4 some kohl andisilvdr Ille(3lltes rt iktjll letter Lt Wan :the above prices. Eft*, 1 4 1 . 57 i - ; , flitie*t§' '415,15'-', , lif 6b.bii4; 7 ,-4. 9 . , N-A sizkielEZ A br r*' ild& Yr: keVth e 49T0 I(if Jolla IttokaiiVnitlie ) NiSitti"lieet'eorit'de o'f' Iv o Diamond, whore theyrOill . con aline', the If' vtfitilvin'anArki misery buaiurttsAft'W. 'etta 'l ' ig94 senlo-t. ,They :Will i e() nsituitlf keil:•ori 4ittn(lAlirg9NtilPtrie4M3P4vOrlPAl.everpt lftin'in- tnlr T . 1 1 t pe. ,I Illey .) 11,4viijphlt d4i it in a larviti, a lehilii t t at eir p Sit,rpg wig 4, , 5i0..1 I mer lggy i, 'ewer - iie44 /tt enn:t.;,,tit,eM tor, the iii klic ki dm df' tHO "niitil k." . .W0 ~6 o irliOry or iCC-thiotitileetiO 'of det”Tablietivid'itielifity" to ,giti e t to Mall, an di e -la mme .for .th e m eblitel, Flat we, tin' 7 ? atlsg.ed,. they' will: lwant no other 19°'.1fOelliilLtiqrti))11.41100hattl teibilp„,!Wo 1.6 doternily to Mep,„Nt.qthjag . 1?,41 gop4 oodifiligt'il ft fi Weap i ei fbEn tliq cJießp,evt for tlitri&l*ll2' '616 ;iifl . a ‘611,' - #iifrelible to ellowlootto i.. 3 ti lz vv:7: .. ~, 1 I iti ILel' ..,11d) '4.I4iiGITLN:Iti .lElll{#. l " T A till;i" 185.8 . I t ~ I 11.5 i :.:. • • -/ ;I ', 1!,: , t o Mt I. At tie 4 1 IFF ll n th4i4l , ll.allirgest stock tit e. • -Made 0; • t • •.. • ealap . • • • , • vane .y an stAc r , a. of 4le isiih taknaUtare,l , frhich iiiir IF6'wirrinicit roakmadii,iihiireglisitdc , ,c6iiiiiiitiWOAcy• eabattiltouoiiilitiorhfattiorlr lip,Cjipilci, 411 '1 °4416P 'fi lir i O ei ti:SAl. l ?49t.. l Y 4 O r gi lt 4° Y thi rt 11 6 16 S' fit l°, ..., „ r t.., make r lipo o.rtitAiKrir. "it' c a . s... klqt:illiP vi4o l - 1 4; PPRWah IlloheriAdii, elf, 4ti_ ; lor,„ 94,, aliyop ,an 1140 1,ValltfflatrAgopmAcdatuig. „Ova ateck is , hike, ...DID ci cs tVAria Arilllasald cheap OW Cait. ' ' atqatysburg, March 2- : 181F, t; ,-- F2Z tr o o ihrtrainttintif otehtia, at,iheir4artr, on WashinegAthina itilTaPit,rogto k NM' 14iiietg r Efir eniff 3rovitiAin, jra mem mu VitTs ' 7 Pavlof StAtif Ali:"-= 111 3k4 0. nI te, , saitininitt are reactinto'fill - ='OrneYs, B,f ice, for any atustootiaor.but irig`pusr 4kriosik,whicbmig. 4Sdipeet favor fitordirl, tkrittlin tr , gliVer ve: - - 1441104 rin g, Ti or * 440,,,,•inik04te.04- .d...;:JV - -C4ll at , TVedizegr?ay, Oetober; 28, &duffer &Harley. & . }luekder • de l a di,,d l lol l Dre,rat:l7; ISAfitaitkOk 3 f oool 4oo o 4 Ztedtviz - i tiiiiiiBiil, =PlVE:434llit,tiiii* • V*Orat to t' - I I 0.? .I:Urg S OFA -AND VURNITUBB *titbit(/'°ki ll ° Nos.'‘,s“and 27 N. Clay PtroF,t,'_l3ratinaoto, (near' Fayette ) Oltanding iV . crtn. 10, tO Fredeiiek si.-'-the largest : 00 4/ 1 04 1 .14 1 .0 4 too 'kiyal'in tlr Union.' 11.040;Plir a large aesortmentor.fivery variUtmorli Ikt*E HOLD AND OFFICE FBANJTUB ela br?eing.-::' • ...,‘ . •:. - Bureaus; Bedsteads. : • ~ . , WalisiandB; *Wardrob4, . •Matiesses of Rusk, , CottourantlAlair, ~,Spring Ideas, serris, Arm Chairs; • • •' Rocking Chairs , Etageres, .Marble 'fables, Setiimisil.r.: , • - ‘" Reception arid Upfiolstei#eille,hfitrsi - .Asserted Co/ors - of Collitge Wood Chairs, • t • - cG -Office Clliairs, • Dirrl)er•Chairii;" • '", • Crilis arid Cradles,'; . • ' Elall ,•= 'Furniture" Gilt and WalnatTritipe,-, Leoking• Otas , s6r, , • Extension Tables., of*,'eyery lengt i h., PorSonirdipe.led to pureliaggsiro 1 1 - w it ch :l to call' and 'give. our, -stock an:examination, which for variety and quality of,worktuati idliP is not eq9allcd,by any establishment in dhecountry., A. 411AllItGr.d: SON,. : • Nos. .1,) and 27 N. thipstreilt. Aug: • , A • Cleazihe Way FOR TilE NEW Fnim's=-No. 1, 2 and 3 Riding and'Alragon Saddles, Trotting, Buggy and Carriago'Har ness,BuggY, Carriage, Mule, ITair, Titiking and common Collars. Riding; and 'Driving. Bridles, Martingals, Halters, Hurk,,Curers and I'ly Nets of, eyery description.; Whips, &c.,' just received and for'sale astonishingly low, at BRING3I.IN & CUL,P'S,sign of the "BIG:BOOT," Chambersburg street. May 10, 1545.; fr,'r The Worldla GREAT-EXHIBITION PRIZE MEDAI 4. ! AWARDED TO C. MEVell," Fur hto two 1,01 . - d4f, Octqberlq, 1851. n ..318Y13/1 rbspeetiallkinfirscostifoCrieints . 0, -/!, and the puhl gen erutlyp tgit , . lie bas !eons t fth no !Icing/J.?' A NOfik lanal,toiltitti ; for trkieli lit iellyed * jr,,p ?4.94n1. in London,' • All, tittlerS 4tori'dbe'td;luit ertre•takoelnlthe , seteetiotigtn*Vatikiiii the . 1 ; If o, no,ree2i red slur; trg gibe Inst.:fifteen Yous,..4 l Prp?"hiala „tinto;•onkt Other= maker from, _the . 1; rai)klip ..Infitilxite n -444u, • First Prot:1111E1g In Neve • York onti Balti- Anere. - • ' . • , Wareioo - Aren'Stinet; below tietith s ; ' 1858. =;2ltv II: ;I ;;;p0 ; • =IA . 1‘; tli ■ - 1 / 1 'Bargains! the Thnet , ,:. *XEWlGOODEitelqived every • • • SAMSON'S.. `..A• 1 4g49t1143. 7, • . _ — .7 — • i • "Thicii•parktieli'i'datiflie,l;al i tA, •.' • •-.• ; , .; ,Anti •Vrbss:Dkirknegs ilie'riOp7e," • ill .1 '' ' t CkilillicY* Virel i O te; ,ANri Altioitimiz.witi c ili golid, —01,140 thli idii sleply' t ' taselVel . 4,in Mit gun titiesmi th"Jolnzie VA h'lli, Eol l eTzill , ''Nbk-giar;OSTiE KEROSENVotht don oth 1 11491r15,.et,the.Mholtlisle and-Itdait ILEA]) i 4 :II I ',A,MR,P, Akat425015,44 Ski .313, 41 • . 4 , 's,illiwPWWv ." ::,.. . • ,b _Th6 01,11p1a,,c4 where psq silo. Agencies an, beottit mei,. rogip - ptatis o POniihilli a s n ia, New JeitiettiAdj ifritic: ' '''' t -'..,' "'" ' These Lamps give a light eqnat irehitetisity ' ottlauteilatl.'aimtlei in appeleigheer id Gas,' 410,1 NtalchirPedi -to' bo stipcnorptmelfittier , PartsfqpetigkiNi. rm.w. in Xiscc : 114- fear of ex., plosioN-10,Afransivp cKlar : rqlp .s9a4o.—_ Vbeiy May crimmcd.--la eivail.V.regldPt ed. " a`thisEliht:--Vidt'diafiptecV taiiil pliritases• I =Amilltateer lhaallt7or s ll polt itiss--50:' : per cent: oheaperitOmi 44 lothel. Portable - Light, noon-is eoramoi suic:' , ."- Vl--• • • .. Solei.Sgel3ey.:loooo! for.: ZATAPP'S.,Patcat -. 4'o,sing_ng,c,* 041,644012 ~, .., . : -*o:7"l"#P4L.o,ihi.. Wia.katfOadear and avarY' _Arliale fa' We f itn,e. - , "" j " 'IV g . :'SOlrri s narSP;lL,aTtipr, - I''lltil. (18tileeth$cifoiid larM'A: >. ii ' ftat'..:,- 11 1 .. e ' ' " , 1 ; ' ' '' • ' ' ,i . f ~7, 2: ....... 110. ' Altl it' ' Xa, •;.'..'% Ptqg 0 '' C ' • eit:Ll St t 7;" 4 I ; , ,1., . , ' 1- 9T,X ArkoW49) v . :, :, 2 ,4=•w°04. IMP r,3:,' gi),_, 4 -6 3 ii pt. my obin *1;1 Alit-- th,4 . wi/J'finir,Asivlß Aaft, OttfifiegideintroM ,-,,,, cipitettilt inuiftlitittl.,-'..r ~. 1::' .. .. . turaiailikTelds o - 111711114 ioNssabis silo 4i-mipiot:4ictlttor I t eghorpottdoik • ..' ' 1 144 1 11370 1101814 v latelt, .t . ..'.. .10114 1 44W 41111- ' tafei fort' -4'. - tfr—Alvii -,04tki..1 - ill. • ` 1 41.ii..< 1 l .: ":_t; 4....e. , 5t,. ri - 44 ',via ~,',o 4D ~,1 w ithie e„,,s(l4** C irte toie. , SEMI r~r' ~