The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 04, 1858, Image 1
TER:VS'OP errs PAPE'IL Tun Courmea 'is..pablig , hed _every ?%forulay morning, by lirxrtv Sratnn, at $1,75 per EI!MUM it pad,. nfric.try - tx -auvensy —52,00 per • - ellitt-Unt if 310t, , t1)442,4 advnitoe; . N subscrip tion discintittedi•.nnless• the option of the Publisher, *dill alkaltratimgierare paid.- 'AovativinziseSTlliitserted•atothe' , lls4tal-rates. 'Jon Pin - stout Aohe with neatness -and 'dis patch, And at 'moderate prices. ' Ororten' in- South -Baltimore street, directly opposite Sampler's Tinning Establishinent, one Hail a -half squares' from the Conrt •""Conritnn" en 'the glgiv. . • Farmer's' Ovirn Book. A -TREATISE on the numerous Diseases of AL. the Horse, • with an:Explanation of their Symptoms, and the Course of !Treatment to bo Pursued. It treats also on the Taming of Horses ; how to throw or tnske a horse lay down; rules.for a horse that tiftyes ; hoar to break or drive a kicking horse ; how to make altorsa. follow you ; 'a cootplete list , of: Ile belonging to. the. horse, and their uses ; a list of l'edicines 'belonging, to the boine, their properties and uses. Also, a list of Medicines, Domestic Itc -eeipts, "Ste., each item being worth more than Abe priceof thelloOkineluding Dr. Withey's -celeirated Cholera, Afedi.L•inc. Take in all in all, it-ispne, of the mist usefol worksof the hind evcr.publihid; and'sliould be , in every family.- ,The instructions and receipts r arp given in'a Plain"' way, Sn that "anybody can understand trod' ripply there."' , A copy of the FAltsfErt'S Doom may be the Means:of svingan incalculable amount of suffering and money. o:7For EMO by .6 . 11,Lesrts Tnogns, York Street, Detiysh'urg. • Aug. 16, 1858. • , Greatltapr'ovement, • • ,CdOkING -- STOVES.—Consuinption of &take Wiitl.Gmi, .tuift"Stthing - of FueG— The subscriber would respectfully interin , thci public. thafbe fins added tc his Tornißr varie ty -of, StOveS, a new Pulented:Gds-Inirning COOKING STOVE. , •• . . . Tt is troll known that all inflammable mat- I tee requires a"Certain ,aniountr of "air to, sup- Pore combustion, and.if the stipply'is hauft-. ficient, it is inipeSsible tt) reduce, The heat of the flre,:in • ordinary cooking stoves, decOmposei. the fuel, and • agaill the fresh , air is adMitted under the gate,,its oxygen is exhausted before -it, „has .passed through the fire-chamber, ,The,cluse flues at the top of the "stove; then- net - as - an Lan ghistier, tendin7'to put Ont the, fire, instead' of assisting the combustion. Adarge'portien of the fuel, therefore, passes off in the shape of smoke; clogging up the nuts stove so as to impede the - draft and interfere .With the baking,—or of invisible gas which com bines with the lime dwitroys the mor tar of the chimneys, loosening the bricks, and' cioosing the dwellings to the danger of fire. The introduction Of an addithinal sdpply of cold air, would cool the gas- below the igniting temperature - , .but'-by the proper ap plication above the fire, .of air. previously- 1 heated to a temperature of several himdred. degrees-(which is one of the proMiuent fea tures of the patent), the '.gases-arejtiflanied in - nutnerous Jets• and' their combnstion is sufficient tolcat the - oven; even if the' draft throttgli, the find-ehamberls entirelY'closod.' lii additiort to- the.. ordinary direct draft' under- the grate aml,throngli,the e g bcr,.thas-bitriier hat an additional draft, throUgli.the top . plates,which is of itself stif-, fielentto maintain combustion. The - upper draft- not only •consuines the gases, but it helps to , strengthen and-preserve the 'centre pieces, which are mbst• exposed to, the -direct action of the fire, and, which arc,made double instead of the usual single-plates. By men.ns of this draft alone, all the t porations-of cook ing can be Carried on \Men tlic fuel is but partially ignited, and the fuel consequently burns more slowly and More eennomically. A sufficient evidence of the effect of the gases in heating theovem is found in the fact that the, oven will be ready for baking, even before the fire is thoroughly kindleql, and tuuchsooner than in any other stove. As Gas-burning Stoves are the order iif the day, the Gas-burning, Cooking Stove Will not only be the loading stove of the present season, but it will undoubtedly.superceile all others. Purchasers will, therefore, consult their own interest, by seeing and examining it before giving any. orders elsewhere. The operation 'is so perfect, and its advantages are's° eqsilyto be seen and understood, that it readily commands, at retail, at advance of five or six dollars over the retaibprice of -any stove of the same size. . 'Ms°, on hand a, variety of PanLort CPAL STOi'ES—eheap. ANDREW POLLEY, York St., Gettysburg. Sept. G, 1858,, , 4n - Particular Attention THE Railroad-trill without doulkbe ed to Uettysbarg by : the. first, of October next, end it,is• confidently expected that the, board of DirecLirs will give a free "hloW-Mit". on that greal day. Meantime*Pietiug would most respectfully inform those 500 men who purchasertheir Overcoats from him last fall, and- these 499 'who have already- procured their Suininer Cluthing;'•and the Oldie gen erally, that he has just returned from .the city' with another beautiful of COATS, consisting . of Cloth, Cassime're, Cashinaret, - Italian 'cloth; MlAs,' Linen, frock; sack and' raglans.' 'PANTS of every possible. description, and at. prices that can not fail to Please:the roost economical ;nor'= chaser. - VESTS that will compote and style with this best custom Thankful for the past'encouragemerit, I hope. by a : . desire to please, a.-strict attention, to business,: iind, by giv . ing• you, all, geed and _cheap citithin a , i,, to, Merit a eontinUancesof your patronagb. Itertierrib6r fliephee,Cbtattbers'- - burgstreet; opposite -the'Englisli Llitherarr Church. .! • ',l T. B. PICKING: Gettysburg, inly.l%.lBbB. Au't• , _ , " AND VE,f)U . t, ,C13.1k4,-NlO 7 sylAgriber respectfulti intormi the public, that he continues the ,business of:„Cryps N . paues, Auctions, it6,l4iliilli&ionik luwese'terti* Fromhis txperionee:it‘id detel'iniuntion ! lo do the best for the intereSts cf his CuAetuers; he flatters himself that , he Mill; bevable to rende t r-full satisfaction to them Ftur.ipay Aeft proper to empiny , him, resigencejs, in Iteading torrnsinp;'Alun4 county, one mile below Stambaugh 's 3111 Iron - BilVedddiVago creek, on the farm of tilt Whion , Give Gorge n -••-••- • •• • ,-, • OtO.T. MILLER: Letters tob'liaildressed to Oglifd — P2 04 Adams'nounty, - 'gn. ' JulY 5, 1858: : 31e' ' ; L. • SaIIICK would invitertheketedtion of to • buyeri , to his": liirgo , Stkok , r Fit:m.lllo4 !. a , 'ripe ; :: • , tine Trfrvgli nssimores., • •• CAMskthereii, • • -" ' - ='-' l V4Atitigs;'" ; • Cravats, tkiskityi "'t Glovet-gtPay,2.9PP#A.44udligellieritilteosait. Ne* Stiii#l6 A v:.eiosluctreo;tif4Y.44 , 66 - ofk , • infnrin fti.4 iiild the übtie tfiit, lid likiWpeffid Not4%ibiSnia at XeSkei+yßoirtliPififterkiVetitit,O,Ta.i'illWre he will exesute all kinds ef.Work in his line of business, quell as' bIONftittENTS, .T 051131 lis MVST-ONES;UVrililitaktiitliff add diatiatchf 9.44. at pti }g Butt that se.e i:t order address wi to A.V. 114 1 1 libich• hi..sSizeriiittiiin, %bud couttly;:?a., - 014:be pramp y tiy Akturolitl 50.% _ Ma 24, 1858. G .ni . YOU can get the' elleopferftrpets eireirof fered to the public by-ealling'-tet FATINESTOCKS% ... 4r ®aiusb2e ` Feel &tate - ' AT PRIVATE 'SALE.--The Wuliserlbeis, Execilibrs ike kennu &Wl*, decfpagOli) offer/it Pri'vathS4le,"-tlot • • on which decedent resided upviards4 Werity years, situate in T,yrone. township,- A:dams county, adjoining lands or. Georg() Ilea/v.'', heirs of Jacob Wolf, Anthony... l N:is doiff, &mind fleardoilf, and ,David !reeve!' containing 202. ACRES ,; )re ,nr . ."feSs With'gcsid - prepbrtloris of Timber and Meadow The improvethetits consist of al '; two-story Weatherlynarded swell-...-14 II s iug .1101ISF, Bank Barn, Wagon".•;7' Shed And :Coro Crib ,attaciTcf!..."-" & %.,--1, - .. Cooper Shop, and—etiter ..out-buildiugs ; 2 never-failing wells of water, one*at the house, the other-at the barn; and an excellent Ap ple ORO lIARD, th a variety of other choice fruit. Conowage Creek Tuns -through the Farm, and there.are also two springs on the property.. The fences, mostly of- ehesnut rails, are gond, and the 'land is in a good state of cultivation, two-Thirds 'of it having been limed: - The prolieqy;vvilllM.:shoWn-by Samuel .11ollinger,,residing thereon. TRA.,O3! QF .NOVNTAIN lANSi containing, 7' sneres,, more or , ; els, te in, MenaUen towrisbin, u pd empty, rands . of George 31„eekley, JaeiVGLlMen, and otbeisi - - sale notes . given for,personali property asaikdeeeascA.nre now. immediate payment is required. The note, are in tiro maids z.l .." • • A Valuable Farm, — • AT PRIVA'aI 'SAL'l3.=—The sub.witier, wishing to discontinue farming, 6ifi:rs Private &de:. II I S.F M., situate in Mountjoy township, ,the road leading front the White ph jiornO'N, Mill, adjoining lands ,of Jacob Suliwariz, James Rider ' C l eiirge; Groh f, and others ; {,on.{, on. taining 220 Acres, more or less,betw`cen 51) . and GO acres of iritich are Woodland;'aud a large, propdrtion of Meadow.--' The i pFirremen ts are a Two- ig" y p : 'story Brick ,II.OIJSE, , Orie-sto-y Brick Back-building, Lpg, Pam., Wagon- Shed, Cforn Crib, and.all tie p•-tsou entEuirdings, in gnOil ordor, twq:nerer i failhmg Wellsof 'Water near thb' door,'icifh .panips, in than , -; 'several snrings on the farm ; 2 geoclOrch ards, containing 11.3thrietY of - fruit; Apples, Peaches, Pears, &C; -••- ktErPersons wishing to view the .property are requested ,to : call ou the subscriber'. re siding ,thereon. . " . "GEOILGE,F. KALBFLISC[I". Aug. 0; 1858. 2ni '" •• " .Firstrclasg •Parra,. , ,'• A DJO INI INGG ETTYSB iST{G,-FOlt 'SAL E —The undersigned offers at Private' Sale, his IAII3I, situate in 'Straban township; Adams county, on the Hanover road, and ad joining the Gettysburg:Borough lii.e. , The farm ''contains 134 Acres, more or• less, the. land being of the 'best;'4Utelity, much ,of it granite"—with fair proportions Ofnic"ailow and Limber. ' Fences good and We in s cx cellent cultivation. The improve ments are a comfortable Stone .4,;;7744 5:4 . • Dwelling lIOUSE, Bank Darn Wagon Shed, Corn crib, &c.—first rate Apple Orchard, a never-failing well _of water at 'the door, and ''number of springs upon the 'tract. - h is certainly one of the most' desirable farms now in market - in "this county, and demands the attention 'oreapi talists. Persons wishing; to vi' the Property are requested to call upon the.undersigned,re:lhl ing thereon. DANIEL 'DENSER. July 5, 1858. Sin " Timbet THE Subserlher has still a fee more valuable LOCUST CIIESNUDTIMBER.LOTS , • _ J. D. , 4 3 -AKTON, ,Gettysburg, July 26, 1858; " ' Gettysbil#'Feitial.p.S.erriinAry:! . mi AV,inier Session . of wilt cOitiineriee op the :ie&itia l gftetig,.(if-i October,:-(Ootobor the 11th.), POi opqnire Itev."l:o:Disittt, Bihitifore'stycot; '1 Gettysburg,. GettysburgoSerit.2l-, IssBl:t'St • '••• • itivlPg,retifed frotuitlin es -S' r,dat those indebted , to them .shoubi A).1.1: cp. I =4 art& trust that ft ‘17,1 0 c ore t t t e day Of SUptelnber nest, uS after ttilitniihto eiccottufsiwill be placed iii ttid-lixniis'hf nn l F Officer for coliectiont ' • DANIVER.'I •ZIEGLP11:;; 1 Gettysburg, Aug.T9e1.858.-- • - Who wilt-Refuse - i ;T HE ' ic m:th: 4 1 40' 2 1•! 9 . 71 ,eZ1. q4 l lfAc.:4lllSt , ' , change back, - ,r. . , . 1 , ..., .„ 1 " NORBEft S.; '3lA:Rri'S` . iiir''p j ltk6,,t9 - get itiliero they'tietriill,kiii(l4 1 41i6ceijde; Con.fetirmiries; , ' lift*. Fitlicy:kiletrdtei'— , in ti:, lwordir.tiverj-tiltiCg.!lselongbig Art it! firet4ltigii 14roeery.>: ATulttasett Of sevedi tlifferen tAirhl, , t.,r'?ln • V f19!40 yp,,to-.7. - ?; pqrgallolt ; sni rei ,sii tliffirent*ltuis, from 1 .. 5 . ..c,110,p,p to i t g,g, ',,_lti:; Ciapkgie'l44§';,.'keai:.(llnocotatp.,, 1F.5 4 Cfackeiti `Tc : 4 1 ' edtP , s;"B,iiiNa 'l'l6 ruit, Obbei4; l leittitiVicillki";:sile; , R l dail iiid-paya: ;., 314 Z1;1.8584 1 1 , ? , y.,tl ~,,; 1.!:•,,; 0„ c. ChiAP „ s. • VOliE N:E.}Yrn•-,00 1 )„.91-41ickialla 85 -BR& s ''fisYe e i.'!*!ce.9lV ed .f ro PNOCiftYs . with a: Nery, 1 ar t y, qr tnent, of . tittiogy, t vasr i i inn rqa, Vesting,„'S iaao4s w f tiedtrunx else iti•thtAfen's *eV tine; •Tliey, !Mc; 'Afer afiff 'fait eyt edifir§,aat rati l - Pat Handkerchiefs Sugymindefs..te. main bozsghloannsuallYlowildir :enabled s 011.10 ,E fict•oran.exeel.i•. lent full ,eloth, suit, fade yp, fob S I 4 3 •SuX stance.: them a oath nt their, tleyy estnk lishtnent, t hainberiburestreet;n,fenr'diio;Tt west e &Me juit i relinCtlng, •Aaewhere.' , : '" ' " • _ A . 1.1 Itrat; itt-las,ClisPasett: ingattfire Oatipa„ iro,ul4:lecpTpike.ll4.#43lolo);4,, ,gg ,s ft , :Abe an4ohoßpi, oky ile3cyfa,"?..ltir4g-,,31.11rke of t blGc Ratrpria,o:' ; '101.1.1r ITOKA -,".- Lathes and Getttlemen IF you desint*lestrott teat , aildribittaist ar , BOOT ;or *11.9% , E0 *AMC:MAN .4p are -atwat;:PutligaStAntirfig , Boots and ,Sticies — .6llTiq inateral #.! uan he 14;1464 !i t 'OK ge6aJitrattlitilltip, employocit- :WAl:sn'ot`thiOtl4 1100 T; )1,:-1.446ott itanqy.rottrafetel:' Aug‘:34, : tk- Ottitedo, Segura 'and Baia,' a laigei as sortment, at & Marlin's. • - , f„„e,,,,..;..- =;,-,... - .46ya. - -- - Aiala:‘,4. - T.:: ,==:;-•-••,-, --,- hc.=. : .F4‘;;;.: t • "..:,-. 3 - 1."-'!? , -7.-IX'•. -- :. .... t.,, -....;,..;....,.*==.44.-..L...T.TQL....g.W.44d.:.-...,.4,..1,..Z.".;:r..!"-=..4=`,-.-nt.-T_al.-".-4.-‘=" .1.....t.'1CA, -.1.z... - ., J0,;-,..::5.==..,,, , , , L. = . 1•: - t -! . ~-.4 ,,..,, - , -., . ,..,,,,.. a &5 , -4,....... „ -1i,; . ,,,,,,..e,.= ttz=„t„,„.,,.- - t.,= - 14 -awittite,.o,6ilitawasealitv2,l.,temgrit, ,„,, , ~ ,, ..0 , 0 6, 1,. ,‘ , , ,_ ~ . . _ . _., _ _ _ ..... - . ... ... . 1 , . : '.`.. : 177,. it , ,-;•' f ..- % . -... : :.1.. .... A. r i f 0' -;,, 4,,f .„,„,,,, • r„., . =: ,_, ‘, ~,,,+• -. .1,.,, - ,•••• 4 yr - • • - ' -", ,'• . .!,y1, , ...- 4 - 44,-T"Mr*,.....7 717;;T:Lii,,- - ir .. ,; ; ::: w..` y,, ..., 40.... i .. •.. ' .=. , ' ~.. , ~. _ ..,_ ~..4.1.(...idri i.... A 4,11, a 5.,... ...., t,.. 3..., CI, . itifll; ..- " 4 .1 -.. . '. .i i- . 4 .‘ ' • ' -'-- - - ' * - .. . , . - f - . l Ali 11 : i *- -t : Oft .. :• . 4 •. ' * 1- .lip 'o r ";.- 1:4 . ' ,-, .....-. . ... .... - ' ~- A 1...- :1, ..a . 7 , ' ( . . • - ; -", - -A.....4., t. d i e-, 4.1. ?/, . , ...;:.= .... •, , :...,U ~'- 'r l' '. ,4 t. :r...),A ...1.!:,- le • . 4.. "' , • ... ---' t!1 Es. Nl,', .1,4:44 (.• II rittit,#.2* ;,..1,.., -•.. LE 4 , - '‘.-.• -••- -.., ••:, ~•. -,-- •!. ..,.. ,- ••-- 4-• -; - -••• .1,.. , •..:.,..1:, . ::g-rd 10117- _,41 ,P'!'t -.. B i_-' . • c•c,• ,‘•-?. i t A t i4i • Olt Lti - it i '' ....., ,:. an "` 3. :11•:1 •• 5i.,41. , / , r.. L - 4. 937; N•cc :,_i - FIFTY. 1.11111. , , ..74*-7, . : . r . -. .... ~ .. • . .. ~.. 1, ) t ; 3 , : , ' . .r -,...:. .!.....,..:• -...,, ,; ~... ot . $,: .4:• •- ' mit .1-,.7.414 - :•5-t .7...--•):•07 j,..11. If , ti ••-.-• • A --... t,., , „, . eh . I : ' (.'t i.l-: - .*; 41161 fni:,..2F:' : "I- lit - . 1 ' - :- ,:rr -..:,_ 1 ,, ...„: , -A-,,, 4,, _ 18 - . - -.. 1 .: •..• ~•;,..• •. , .. .4 •- ..sii i m - (.-,1- eid- -sta -1.1 ..,1 QI: i.J , - 4 , ...iil .:,..,f ..= . 4' ~ lir ._ . ; , ,• " : ' IJI ~_k• 1.) illy 1 . 4 'iii; .4 i f. ‘l . " - f::74 : Le ''.. C • . 1 A, , .,..4 ~...- :,,,...:..:. .i, - ' .sailk., : 2.1.,..,:.0'i1a.::: ~,, ,c.....:„..;.:,/i .., :,:, ~f : ~.,..., .aAla ~ A . ..V-.;.. • , K , ' tl ''• • , , i -7 r . 1 4. 11ti . • --., ik - owe • __ _ ;.__...:..a. , ...i...0 .L.Sts i,.,..." , " ti.iir 1.;) 1 )..,: ", • si 14%.410141111.14, - __. ,-;-,..• ~, Al, _Atr,, , - .1. - ••••••• • _ *: •,.... " tr'' ‘,:' ~ ' .7.7e''. 0 • ' 4 '7 ,... bean de . ..- :_ .-.!:-.- ..,•, ; . .. .. . ~ - - . = 4 - 10 1 - 0 .44..f ib f ii_..; - - 14; .tr.' ''..!C; re' il..ii- .........‘ -..,.: , .1 ...AI ,41 ,i;i:.o 10 :1 0 ,1,;14.,... ,:. tea 'O.. - -- - _ - - . , ... .... . . . .. - . '" --'. • •- • '''' a ,11464,t0,4141 s__ ..) __ . _ ~,,iiirerh ..‘,„,i_: _vi,,.. :...... T. - Writ - Trtt v•rest ......... =MN .+o‘' . Br IL .3...7STAIME WAR. DESI RA BI;F, FA'R3I, • • '..IOfIN FItBDERICK sept. G, 185. c • • ExcettMrs. , . • RUM lEEE • .. . LILA ' • J •• QE .VALUA BLE 'REAL PArAlT.' l wWil I ho offerettat Publie'Sate, nn. To (day, the 811: fitigtdf 'Oet . _olier Real estate of Prisit. Fintacit, - deteOetli edit." s,sung of • H• situate in Tyroneic Leto:ship' s Potift?tht. about One mile trete NeYe Chester, on th,ersatil leading frp'n Handier Carliae;, adjoinoug lands orJoseilli Hill, , Jacob MarCl), Ezrst My ers, ;Inca). Fidler, and,otkers, containing 'Actin, of Patented Land, mare or less, about, GO Acres'of which aresivelLcovered With Thu.- beroind about 20 Acres are Meadow, and more. can be made.' The improve.. menu men arc arTwo;story Log Dwelling DOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed,' Nrtf , ,l Corn Crib, Granary, Carpenter's • Shop,, and other ontzbuildings two'never failing Wells of Water on the premisei; also an, Apple Orchard, with - a vartetyi of- other Fruit 'Trees, such as Peach. Pear: Thitti; Cherry, &c. The land 'is in a high Suite of, ellitivation, and under gdod fencing.. ' Tlie' prope , ty will' be offer .din two lrsettl;' divided as follows: 120 aeies, more or leas, with the buildings, in (Me i :and fio acie's,triOri) or tens, llfiha Other. ''There is suitcient Tim ber to' beat. ' • „ ' Persons wishing. Vpprehass,, PPP, YleYl pro/et:l7)a calling ,qn„,Gporge Who w all thellecessAry,fritgrTatiopi : -,olor attk pessessms on he IA of ' • . • •• fi Z''':Bale, r td,Aotiimence•at on - gaid'day':'W hen iittendance,..ty . ill, be•gtretti altd terms made. knowit;ity , • .• • • • • , Stitt. - 20 1858; Is' • 1.- -• • • ' . ,• • • • — .Public Sae •sultsurlher witlilffer at iivailieSale,„an. -I " iq'01111;10;', On Sat/I/Yid/A Me 911 t tray of October next, • , . , LOT F IZOUN cant:li hiag 2 Ai:re.: and 2 Pi.'elke.W,4.ittiate in C6rnians tawa - -10p." Idhoi.4 — eottaty; ntr 'the , PELltimore Tai''rtliik(o,- tiaataiit'ilf to• hno; , iii.l 7 theieoit ndikl 'Two- 4 n.vt .114 , 1, 0 4 'lloll'..4l';', !Stabre. ' and • a -it - Anil-41'01i og , wet' •ter Water, ,vith nmari in' it:- The "prope?l is a most desi'ralan one: • ' •: • . cailfmenee at 6 1 ,,:fi*Ii; on said day.'W/leif •ititeintnricel, .alid•terans made* riv" • • : PETER•IWURICTI Sopt. 1858, 171. / House ..and I,ot poR . Sube.(itibe - t'Aft e'Vc`Uk Prii Arlite 'Sale; tiffs 1101.1 SE ' "" LOT, fronting'•CrYli iit idtiOt Baltimore t tredF,' l'irmiedittfelY• '011) sileWlnebreniter'hTniqititi. It not sobl-before 'Of Octotkr- le xf, it win be otered at PublidB:tie;' ,it 1 u'doitivbf unit day. " - • • - ". Sept. 13, ISSB. is • ...Town FriVetty, T PRI LE.-14i 1 crty on the corner, of ''Breit 01iJ.11i tut& "6-rects., l hoir • oirere',i at prfvltte suije' liy 'the- heirs oc:etTo Ziel4ler; Jecess ed., ttre large Brick' 'DIN -elfin.% ',IIOUSE, ii f wAtit:ll:-'weatlierboariled =Back &AN , - •nii4 the ShAip on the corner of the afky. Vorinforniatiuif apply to' D.' Ziegler, jr. ''''• ' 1- i'• - = • : TILE HEIRS.. Sept. 11: IS:.S. nut " • - , • -Phlladelphi4=2: - • 06T, OrNl FIDICEN L,2llsonthFifth • A- 1 $.l rot, At.I.NTy - • Till Itls .s'ession o bis,t!tu 0,99,1%111 ()pelt', on ;1/7 / ivttis2),=',o:lo,:ei, 11th, inn• are s ome of its:advantages• , , t'ornifhes its Students with nniteritit Toti-Alfitiidetiotr'irtiitniik•diti6i: 1 - The classes are examirrEßPtlaily by the Pro- I fdssor4 47 ,,vciw. Irkka.h.metsona,l:iTiterbstzinctliii: ailvane,,,etnent and ly..lferepf.oc.c . ry : Stu4ent. • • A, fitn i ited of restrict rd nieliii4; ; vA'lf',ll6 { ;teeeive,t I)enetiet4iies ; I $2O-0i ftili•einn'se of Tickeii:l fit ftill4a , en; • the of iihysitift`nti'und or• tterzytilen.littve:in-ofeienee.'; -•• . • • • An: ,ann . oßektement. s onitiiitihn csidry, kit; 4:urination, lee.sinkt, ; keg oil .4 - ppljention,to 13— 0 AY;A It llehn of ttie,raeuiy. 4 -,:',:=oo4.PartabrShitt',;,! !gm, a iindel , sigmitfl.l4 l itegUeriti;•i - jai olvidt:thiuskin( lto,Lutubur. 14virsesc . , M Al N,11F,: . 3:.l.lqr.gstttld , thergforq tir,e tjt4 titeqiusi it ess,,,b,erea,ftat: ; l6ll bQb. ! 411a:tuff .the firm of ,531,11.! t .„13ENDER :y• :I;,y'i.triAi, attention, o'l . edril.e'gt'4esite - t0 . p1e44 . e. to 3 .'ufe riPit ti ht it 4t , ut di& 111)e rat' dge hereteariA bestowe!ligpoti KILLIAN SMALL &I -CO.' ,•1 : lauttbervYard, -ON,-*SYEQ9?le,,,kfreaek,ear th; a t ailraac~i 9ttll {3 • • r • 1 I , 7 i ,s 4 , ,14ktv., Ititildif4 . 4ttot otTlerti, A Mit lager eil i,breetalitlieleiorfLUMMEO, okitightinik'Cif VOrylas4443loo6l ll itliuk ISFankt:ZoistiSaaittinigitpl flettoinkp, itluellAg SA4*Pkigudia Orfctitit o 46loinga.. ,Pr o llarAg , toiNtrriP ) akrV AYA ofpg -" he Alit Rilt)n ) - / P4ll l i.itf!". - : to at* , El ACC(IS.B), ;ilpo 416 akd' teele bd 'gflafx t i l l .I.q •11 &).11Vailii. i :' . ' 1 -Dacily at Berikl44PitigtaklWitiai, firitiNttc'.7 1.1.1 u , Luipleftdorztist,t miy Tassliateosiiangiliiliect laitAPiritl.gui:{4l4• _al r st,p,l,449o#4llWgit atiy oiliero,* we. 4p r ictimmeliti l ort pp 4- the 4 lgiiih4 rad. 0q1164*. : : ;.' 6itainiihaniakihraker, I YeAivit:protstft oitioittob.P iIiMAI44• 7 tilor:14:1461--24.1844 For 41.knevrn . ;ot densiitiVa ch M - 46 • 41 % 1 1. t4 l Vt . * °ina rOni Stfitgf ottla -t a ilgok tt, W 4o l-~ V.:ll4er;ln" gitiyanple. Mg.ll.lY, 4 ,14k11.1.11, t'Ve ADA lithaindatiSliiitira s Cray.fitrip 1;4404.4ere41 brellaa arid Wsdiiirig I cTality or price. Cal , , ME ~::.,. . .GET r y sßußo .„,,,,g rA -. g, MEE .JSIIN A. 'SWIM. 4 1 4.4-14'S:triii , ..... .T.u.- • :.1....„...„1, ,:,,,..,,, _,.. ttvo- an . aiitti.g . oltrital.. ; --- i...„,...„.,,..,..," 1•::),; 111191111 - `:4 ,8 ( ‘' AND ' . • • 1.11713:1,111.311rWt'.. ==M ---.; , 4 . 4 ti Dm, 1:.1 latlignaL Cl Vlt t te l / 2 )ON Tall -DAT OPELEXtiOtt - The; Witty wil l' be noodbii 'with I thet, !arid everyiDerbeetit should be'satitfieit thitt-he hat the. fight ono; before he de -petite it 'ihlthe ballot-hos: 'e . trefal th'at the : tiekei 'yea i , eto teal/ilia the nateedoeyithatDenie,tatie in'it's , PioPer place tt, 4 l";l' *itoST. .'Congress, WILSOIt,.UEIt'VY. . - ; ; ;I OIiAaLES WILL. Associate Jmlge, ISAAC IEI WIERMAn .• County Viotiissioner, • ' DANIEL .GEISEPIALV.' Director of the Peer; ABRAILiiAI SPAXGLER. ' County' A uor, ' ~ C(SB `:KLUI iC. if Coroner AltrAflfd - - • sh)dge , of,tho Sitretne • roar/, „ - PORMERI Is§6RE WARNED !—A" s - Ecuvr 11BAKED'Olit . 1.-=l - t'is : stidd that giai ijust,.•DuttnottAw, thd' Know :Black Republienmeandiduidfoir Assent is ~now diStiitititingi -tor Will soon 46tribut6, (kfl hands' , bt§t, suited for h is purpose,) tickele with own njuilliiiifeded 140(9isilame of - .CHARLE§ yirtr4. should Le, 740 sane trick_ : • Nyill,n9 . ,,do,ubt be - attquipt s ett by otherQ,ppositioncaplidate,s. 4tCl,ql l A §:p P.P u ARA) aruf, burl:re yOn deposit your , ballotsinto the bands.of,l4e Irspeotors, tiA)lliik,EVEßY , siAlfEl: • DeitiocratS, tinte tor . .iietiOn'-'has cone t ' - ThalraCmy daring'•yOn'' TO' - the ''conibat. Arouse,' therefore ;bird on_ youg, armor ; buckle On , the sword of . Democracy,• and be .heady once more tn. fly tO the rescue•on ihotwelfth of October inst. Ilrcinust be active, we must be vigilant,. if we would _conquer.,, victovy will be ,qurs on!yif viefight..our .foe, manfully and fleterminc4ly. • . • The,presont 4campnign js one.ofgrent. importance. Thc.Tesq t ..of the coming .election in this State, may , determine what.rarty,shall choose ihopext Presi dent. The CongresSmed . ,eleeted ,this. Pall, will hold their-A:Aces tintil 1861, and if the .eleetion-ilf President slionid' be throWn into the'Natiotial nonce of • :Iteliretientatives, ai it Will le if the Ap position pueeeeil in -getting a majority in t nit 4cly, those Congressmen will aposlim,", the ProDi lept, and there is even that th9 i nrni.. this' ifisirie :614; have the casting cote f' 10w iinportan t ? . : Ah f f), -that sie or'ktinie _1 TlOW:impor i tant that we 5h0u1ii11,...., ; ' , ',0 - noliOno i ralAa' 11{ea 1i Siati•i4Cl,6 - s'ivoft or 'Op ! it' " eut ay . ow . !Rip, gve'ri 1 iiicea.atie''ciCietat;Oillil j 4poirea fTire fiat rio''Dettioetat stand "Eternal vigilance is the \ prieo of .9 1 i 1" . - 047.874,8e'CoPtuaretifinsikozukul i :); .' , lP•lkfirita7.l•P's ' -- V ' -, • • j . Betow - iiill be l'4ni! i staoinent,'"o ill ii g terf '' 6 " "iinr"' "thikr 4 “ 4 .' - ~.,e'. 0 Or *or in on Less AiknintoDisititi iiiihe-Trat titi4iioit'''it 1 . *311 1654 etx that-thn;Deinotrats.-bid , zi. - . P44 .- J-Plf , _ i9.-TDY OfRPF . , .-ardlli.a*Oul# 4 l 1 4 1 0 f cver. 4° PA 2 9 l r.?i i, 4 l 9F r i - Yi l -9eTil'iinte:i , ~ ,' • itt i:, -;i t i i ,, i i k,iliti ii t er ,...., ;/ tiinuties‘ , l " hilaket. , Wilmot- ilikzoilbiait:o JA"dams, 2363 - 1900 58 , 'Bedford, 2338 ' 1568 '39B' -rii'Wl l i',. I .i.. , i sl7q '' u .1.510: • ',. 1 - 8; i. • ; 441ink1 1 ,1 2 • 4 8 . 6 ~.,.'1 3 4P -.' J:..1 91 ; 'C-• ! d r i gff4i . ," ' ' " (SOB ' `• 1.03t ' l), '. ht.: -9812 •• , 1 576 tliLekWe 24402 . 4 44t1.111111sivot 1411 , ?1:1'.f.11! . t z ,. ..}.1.., " . ".. s ,/ ~. r i ?...,‘. ,11 f i e 1 1 ~..:,.:, :.,:eirrit,ti4iwea\ttifiti, 114:9140rity,,. ,' filtrit 10ahr ffe iiift*lnctitits&i L i la illAultdittY; flttlia eiiinifyi4lli '• '- _oliiiikiitt least; 1100.4ialarity.-;-.FOois , i ~ ::, ' ,Abe et:7:f , 17.1...;.1Li ... ~ ; : • t4.,u-..:1.' 11;;A 4 I+2 , 'Mr. McPhersaa,gait thy wan /,..—The •Atifiehtiate ;0 I *.*thitik tee 1 ;., ' Abirifinl 4 „..•,, &AKA; ::66-h iblithhi itiplymetillittle it Sidi . :in.. l't . - i - kasieTti : 44ffsfoi.: Jib g 1 gri. • ~ I t ioN.v;„. - 4 4 Sri - occitlar 1.14.2: ' , AIR ritlh? t.,14,- . ; .1 -1-. , .,.. ).. 3111MAT1, ?New AA. iTi.7ekiA-Mer,9,•;!' MEM aregamail*PlMk IPlatt'ikg*iM*ti a ÷l ,o f., bay. roidt 4 ,4 large .ate of Maine. UM ;. z IL , wriotivmeknikur A k w , Abe,,Qppgaititla r Oapetrs,(the SteMaPil*ntia.d. ititViletoldin• •FR Ito-4MP Ain utikO. Tarlffittylfletion, and ,4)Pilit that i. 9 0 3 .311 LI it leading-folder° in Ali? prgseAt,taTnpaigniintAltiBnatote=- 1 1 9kliPg Qua tbOLidetathatAkooppositidn t 4) 1.!/e .I'4l ll ,PQ: 4 Og FirtYlk.arer. the olly, frieoo ,4 ,ll (k.gfeatint9rolitii: o l , our Slat% :got thereby, haodwinit, *Win clastiOsAnkl lead thew:blindfold ed into }heir support.. I .lll.e:.NOgro ques- Von has beep run into the ;ground, the cry. of qAmerieaaa must rola :Ampriea,'? has lost its charm, and they.are.redne&l to the alternative,bf 'prating about a tatiff. But , this Ahoq do only `forltho pakpoSo... of-raising politioali eapitati withOnetheJeastintention orpraellslng what theylmaelhl. if the,mannfactumrs•bf: ithi34..Stato aro !de terrai ned 634 , d ra w 'their liiteroste intb-the•firona otparty--4-tt-theYlbellocii tiiby eats better thoir foirtunes`bYfaidllifil the miserabio•orow of adiroriturok4tid - head that- incongruous- coneekr, - them, People's party----if , thby nre'cotifident , they'cun best suloterve- their" intereSts to break down Lln;•Democcatic wo -n-'ould hare , tbent take a' glance their proPPnefs. On the- side of. the they have,' at • liest, but a' sectional faction, !mid that 'baring many heads , a. 4 name them would be 'work Of •super-; orcigatldp.' - Sahleo-to'say; that not otib third , of•-tiiat faction•tire in favor all. tariff on imm-dri coat-trio. great) , ittiplei of. PottniiPritnia: Nowhere' was -this more eloarly shown than in the COngross of-1857, -iv bed itiiVIBII - tek Republicans and , Knotv'-Slothings :had ft ti 56 in the Itonso - of ROpticiontative -Then w - pilth - fiZtitlifilljack inerlie'r( of Congress. manufac turers 'Of ",)6 . psfiebusetts; ':4 l adc.d' by f4Pesiiier Rank's, niade r tilitijd'e4llll: ,slaughton tfielntereste of Poinsylvatiid and . pasiicd the tariff hilt 0f'1857, and" , • -ivere only provontOd from taking tr , io adt.s7 . 4)it iron illogother by parlfanieniary '#ianceitiro on. the part of tlio Hon. Sohn Robbins, a Demderatio member•from Pennsy/vania , :•: - • Whitt folly, thbn, td han;'their hopes of 'a: re-adjustmenf-of the tariff upon this piebald - Party.: y *is increased, as no . doubt it will be in the-next Congress, by substitutt4f the -Thitriecritie tariff of 1846 for tlio BlaCk • Republican - one •of 1857; it will be . by the Demoeracr i iiilb discarding all sectional fooling; took to the inipitsts- of our 101(111ot:country-, whose fla - g, ith 'stars undimmed, • still tlett-Aroostook on the north,. to.thp Rio Orando on the sout,h; ; and r*yi tbo the Pacific shore.: 1.. ~1, , • . N i t ire P .4.114V1A14. MigoP34lolt's) 11111 4 1:k2U BEEP.iIi BEFORE THE PEOP rh that - EnwAluiltoPuEnsos spoilt wiiiela last Fall,ln electioneering for DAVID WituoT, w he, 4ce.9rdi9g to, the *big nowsppers, t was 0 ~AJ. Bmilsiti.lfazu TRADE !lOay,' aud. thirt,'-iil &ling:lle, ho ocAoi:sed-Witinbt' a Vl l O . T,l . Litie 3 w4.., "times,llM;TiVeiefoi'o: isii;a:Viryi,fii:o humi l ,,g, the yoterpor this C l 'ongremioli: 'al Dis,triet,, whi;n ho tells, them that ,k;o ill in furor of" whi,sh,lariff. i 3 KEEP IT BEFpRE THE PEOPLE ; that ginva#*CPPkaafr i , 9 n ' ticket ( beadc4 biy an allowed Erco,Tra. der, ,T,cux 11.,Ez4n, who has, time and! •again, cr.ressotkhis hostility to il. Pro teetly,c,,TmitT.,l ~ , ,•• t - , , ` . 1 tg,,Ai i- tT W 4 j l W 4 '7 ll tE PQF' l4 t that: EDWARD" iitePaiefioN is , th,c,noulir '64° ,.. , ' 4;f ' a , Prti ,i,yl4 I ► ii4.. iii 9 In oiTiky ' in uoiikress 3 . whou go?: , ppesent k i Ttqiff . , War* k a 5 44 4 431 1 114 4 , /aft °I I° 9f, wh o ae : Wa d ' era 4Ff ia I D ' "PPF B xfi 04 ,6 : 1 0; j! 11; 4 ilia* of that Wiiiiff.' n _. . _ .." . '.{-. -I K.t EVIT 110011 E illt I kEoPLE; that EDWARD McPauseets -belongs-to i 'parti l 'whichlh the" Eastefrik . :4riti Nest ern `liiff , 4,ooa: far, if ot v4lmcdi and whighgudOis. , , , rfavoctionv oblopik: ii, big - , scisingliatati At thii Uurioni.yist'sniii . gates'e.culty be'caught by'sti'4,644. ' lo lf,iptfbrraTditt. Tlig f*:44, ' Iltaleittbitkfib`Ma l iiiiitithr auptkiiibd iille: GO . i viiiiii= l .l 4 fil - tili ti ai l h a liii i t Art I n : 1 r db 6 % t it ii t c li rdlett i t I : i 1: o fit , rolgaisibliaTil 4Auver owl fo tab ilisegitArgtgitraft 411114.40*Mi1di9 • ter% rill: r • 51164'4 Tivivottfivote arc maspwalmiquirTirt h• •oko A ltakt,.. -. f1 11 004._ # 6 Ol ll lMO lO O ll t AM* :es 4vivinafind await - II enp, , , Antio4tionee. we Met Abet in ideal •who di he could double the eireah psper in two *nth& :e ... tk ;ti thij t 0 llltrif.) tt.',.LA 9143 s;i--ietranj, 4,• 4r. 4 I N • -'- ,- ,:, :...:i re - . .... -. .. til • ',..?, • - ;• ili at.alitwi..•4: ;^ .'••,:10,A,.. 0 'll, ' • I, Wrraxisroci. ,1; .„ 4 - . 11111 .1 if e Jl°r Tbe(VMPiler. AIR,! 3x o Pas thy . tta - r — aha ntinel tifivo , been reeentlf MeTliersorraiitiftsh y, haiii., doubt/ sthTriseili Pherson bintielf aslinteh, , ast theyJdo eYcrY,l*gy j. • ) Ater the many tilts that he luAlm countere4 in the varions branehes of his Vibfeisissll;`tii corresociudontordiow 5i50411.4010,441rt IvrAreigid an ow . Nab- ingkni,94l:cgrtft j.9,13 3 n0ra1i hd 04,n14ti, tut,ffici !kqept:sq.3 re4,l3finself 404,1 gi!n.4 k li° . l * B. FNMF; ed 49° -w . 4, 'l,ng nomiiidtion,rpr congiess, itfr i g,Toot -t gq, Mat:woke nil In' th ingl and folind . liimselfh a - Flare,, atibt• i its owtqkhuirieness,ti ft if eau. tAgiev f e his . 4:kiv n.l3nites • .andi t'hoLitlsliiicatkeV, thololt-e(m*rte4', ; . „ „Nt il i, t ! ,l ,%‘9, 1 4n.. •b 4116411,, ned.Pre4l4/Vedi that lir. .Ife: is well acqusipf.wl is tilh KnowAiothingtfetics,.und Know ijith higillireceifeitS: - 'rho - iS (and 'whq (MOO i t .1 1 )1k , #111 know lidw to eso- atailattlietiseVtionstitiiiiisiiervb•.•ationa4 andt;:idneindijugltlitiStaif.iindliiiiiitinti& Hai will fabbolleqt! . .tao,nstruiligunt) eat eg.nli umt.t lidtgjo ntglv ed. o a Colt i Nee lyi q, t foy ) yor.i,M.---41ii; ,gocouragnm,outi tlinY i n:ff1r40,.4441 -4 4 14 ?:1";.VP ( 9 3 . 8, ititf4Y knIXI!"1 ,WrititV,o o ts r 9 r a” 0 /9PC114. of his lle i1fa1,. ! .,,i, 0, wilfvfmil9C yitftir,, alf4i's.:ihe,gta f r i vlerliiiq !tft gr the tiv.b. ritt4o, ihkit"it ‘i camb'.evideili,neify.firi thiltiampliiin"thire ir ltecitiiiitil,il lA'. run, and the great mass of thelfltii i votritrent, orer;to :Wilson: l 'i , ~ !i. 1 , - ,1 - , Ift:Ar.t Atalintn9o.l will: butt i..niatic a note, qf those partieuturs,. he wilkynow whsit reliance can bo placed in iliep'il,el-. ityatei thtiii. atiid"Stlitincl; . anceriltfit: faith.lioxiiii.purin'titeli diVAttlibriti4f•o• ,ov:t con; . in roggrd; toatrinkself ,utiddits; ' ProsP,9oll ~ --..ki1t41.• .4 it:i • ; it .Jlll ',* , rue,hbp§RpiipoLlv}fizivin. ip o2 ., dorato j arid"cautious litid"euitnuff.Fin the eammiittn — oTlShA r ipAo s •01 or :'the cr Fs Viii" v , %Vivi , . ;. eof the battle cleared "a wit, it 'tried! to witili itst hands , of tilbgailt in .theiplieurci;by 1 h€lolAng.t:lieftwOle .pjaipp,94.,the brwict I'Bll°6lol.A ef,the i Star„,i gett the sentiuel should hav*c road° ;the 94i6seArY'pre; and ,not ii4ef the . kirdetion.'''lC4 L ostenififok buSiness 'wdirto .`guaritklie:•;bliffie.tifetif its .-partyt—,to I giVe. warning bftlie app' yrpash of:t.,he wolf (infi ) icßfirs,lti,lethingla i :This it faileif Co do until the fold 'had been lietlidiVniddettiintl'all theciani.' age , done; then, - void ;tit= itill:tlictiVdid , tho.cry ofi,gwolf". l .'stolf," - resounafrom its stentorian lungevtg .thesuelit :n9n-i stermition, And astonishment - of the, .whole neighborlkkid.'"llait the' Knew- N othing plot sliceeeded, aVtloabt these' two. journals would have 'devoured the. 1 - ' spoi3 secretly, And. harateniou.s . ll ; Ilia.. the fate of fecret4,ljke; that/A nations, ,sometimes dependaMi the 'bark fug ; of .dogs; ifs the seqUel• of ' a PlaYfid" roMaili from a...returned delegateAd atltepUbliv• Can State Convention, on the ocoaaiun , in question, fully ilin;4rated—tho par. ticulArs Of,nliietz;a 7 9.-P0Wv.1 ,09 . (4ST I *. ,In.g..an4 'a,tge....!sd;o ( us. toorotiOn.' '7' ,Tlieso' are' the lournal4 Oat are holding ‘ , .up their ard4lid e liaillis in • liOilailifor at the•shiielz OiArbttifithJr; budoni.i . nbiti . _experionctelectiiisolifr. Will did not will .the4na,sAind nOs ett:theo*tra pa3nbiUo . after i , ho . 4d. , it,:u . `,0, , thq . . prcivisio.4 allowingipont MP ims, of f li 4 Oth .11ouse'S"StiXf `extras' ''' iii :I* fiery well' hat sachin enurie:wduldigatre • ben.Th Ogitk 4 llPParii.VAPEkoir. a,:Antt'At•ile; ' sin Cß., i ftll.WlCW , .. u fli; Pell ee -Atib r o-Per • i Adore , . iscusse an di pos e ofAff't 16 regiihir orad.''ittitiNioh daiitiftliesiP watelife JoUitialiiptlitilt dAhuPserabbtiti ' :this now apparent neglect in Mr. Will,: A AL;' , OW' t4,PlaragitliA 2 i ll, llitwctt s . Where ; wive they , i.r. Aill, had `not i•CeeivWci the noniingirdeittclh4' recent Wflibei:streuednile i rititibi: 4 6o a . rived oi thisevould rinw•hehunud against liiinia qn 1i tiewantoreydiatodfmailka , 'ffinsi!_ig..,rr6 l fEtra„ B 4....lrelni t , i), g-- 1 . 1 1/ true Kno'r totmn i f i tears toe in'tretit , monk' licil• - eteiiqtr - fhlrlilifid's Willi' itoW.Yionds ; in liiiiii.h•tifiadtidliiiiiiitig out of.4iin,liftgr, lair luiVitrg• viitudilol44 on thoiNmosolopAkicopttAlwiPxtra p1iy,..1, 'Ni te roi% .histin.igurrontf, pie PM noWs i ot thts pritaiqttokir-thge 4, Vi t ` • fh ea' tlai6F friNta tt itii iftp,a herson or any other tittitArnlititliikl.' .questions its correetossik,- let him.turn tq thpregoldpiind Osiimitivin'eed• that fbe h ;. e ',fist Sant :oil fiat; pnitsl 0044 elk egt jommadahlnischberanialaingapti4knimjiiiir . 611 mann:let dlinalitgitairi*Lll3:l 71t. ' • — lf the y can now make a4rktilf;'n - giie=. l .abkripapolan'TatMgiyom*iii/aft , . s fiancie4,449§PlPArts4 o 7 Z r ftikitio , ' W r gi t ti l h ItifiNr e t r i a LPO. rn Es virittr_l3 l ori o I . •ft e - efetteiipecte ANPTiMf.!' ) lfit Attelltiliitak , nqeoinotittiolit4WhiWtoair saite:"' , cgaastie . piAmkiperbinit will 1 dew ,* N thitt,b, • ibligrA4l96 l ls Oil}ifte.44 o .Att t) ',:firpettA l fplq; ifiSte s nikilffati ___ . l~ll/41 1 16 0 MY Autei4llo4;lMblift hkermittriekbeL A R exisedagnii iilakbast44wintikitOtit :liittt in politica and..nalig* ki, 4.3141P143"1,4411.111111( •,.r:': . ,1 ERE= Jr-WCV .1:10Ll1 itSAVEWIV. petetien ID -the prssent _mg! • letter - eiingratuPatte,i NO* M. Oaks 4kR93 - yi e t**.r4ii — ftli.#4llr!ff Of A: IT "; ; ' LET If -BRREMEMIIRRED, that the. Denteeratiti-iterlf t9iti3iitlfered and 'redueini=itir *PA H* n Ifonse , orltellreseittdakkii Hy runqiiio499=fotmerAtlitt)waitrin ople of the equalinatiOn of duties=—w hile the high .ptoteetft'tkriffill B All,, tieally 'l,4spudfatati ritron it by imposing yeatt l l2l9timis upon i tkie farmer,' OM meelianie, 'and the laboier, IN•24o4lt 4 10 ( 71 ' 1 ' 14 M: 1 g LIP OF TRE ~y,t.r4140 I•`REE4I.,EN,QF ADAIM:COU N TYI Zeur theio things, in minde—Viinkuk-up. on thorn before you.-vote--refloet un them, seriously- , upon your witylo e ballot - -box--and then GIVE YO UR ' SUFFRAGE-4N FAVOR' OF' THE DEILOCRATIV'POVIrr — VIIICII !IA YOUR INTER JEALOUS CARE AND IiG WATCH.. . FuL A 4 _ !kb:: ikt f i t .:1 , I LAR: , Raining the Inefx , • ,= == Appal* dttantitl at Se4,-- trig .lle fax, Sept: 27.—The' bask,,,Letitay Man IliVor ohtSdh- day afternoon,,iwithtwelveAtlevtlity 4firVis}ing:gthe steamship. Austria, , tit'fav,ok. f4th„in lat. 45 (11;;40_, taken from, OM hark: 2 l4oriecroaii the 14th. •= = 11 -, ‘ •-) ..lAttiolittple after two , 4%t00k 'Oa' AU 13th dense volumeNorsnielcata*ttriint the aftifoiiiiiiirleio:d 'ilieltßiaitikte, atile, 81,1-!th.13,1#400,',114, , , ' 4-41t,101f.W i lk, :. v i ) tillol 611kOlit,t1”. '9OO thOnAlPilliPe :o_prpM. ,irf4oPefitviiiif iiakitiffidkado were `instanti,y,isufforAted.rt .1111h•Lzwita no-xt..seett.brtadting ,througlr the lights amidships, and traveled aft_wititliarfut ;rapidity. - ~ - .-.1., • .'1..•, Somempersomrint-tlewant - batft front 1 tlii/09/1 7 .1sik 4 Pillick cgiVilito4l6kaidtr -1 she was thoughtatpir t crushed under I the, screw. . An itroppl, : was ~tnadal t o liiiiii'eli - LileAiii`t_ „lic' starboicY!ticloimrt itr:Witisaitiiip&ffrottii'llie natutilkirdrlia' rushed into itount alt .Ware-'ldstnitAU UP' first cit/itufpaMoegoraiWeiteloa Abe- Ofi'Pr OPQ'Pitl , a juff-'OITS IO I4 I 9/). Nix. must litive beef} suricitlioredi , 4l,e sn;i4.: itiierOiiiir" l " ' '.-.-. - Fla. ;' i., • - - :ffitny - secatid bablii,pdkieiiiOr l ik*iire ' ' alsoitatilsolidep n initrondattetofttaft - got Apt ; foto i thairoati,lu by flro..:;94Spiaa . of iliorit',were, pulled, up', througb, the .-, yen tilato lc 'bit'ilie '4i_kiit - iiiitiiper could ; not'txt — ed ' '''' "'= "' - ' no • . ri tint.% The 'lust WOtitati 'drawn up said there were .siat alrthidy !1114 0 9, , t0t.1 0 .1._,1 ...= .... .1 . .4 ii i i: ':. • • .7. . L 311 1 ' l e t •O i " " al l a ''PO i t eni tiq l . 1 ' , VII' a nd 1 ps:iiiii ,jumped into thOsea' by t.4:94oiiict' - threes, - soino'Cifiliii`ladibs r fil'llairiell';= . • . 1 Several ll'oiitatetlAiilt 6 ittitle - dffiren:l6 , it at ,the-last:moniont, .111Nhalidirilitiarr rota. Soul was t0, , 14e seen.on i 00 pow., 1 %0011 6 ' ttFlLWitiNovc 4 ll Ern.9FA • Ileatiudy' earile alongside' the's iminer.at_ about 5' oieltiek, P.'g.ritild ) ifiliffdii=' .ty iiiiisiiiingen, - .'-chiellit takert ,kiffrtha .bowsprit; a few wore picked upllmittlOg around. At about eight o'clock one of tha.metaltio.boatanainatuapiwititlaboar- . t wenty-throoTorsaffe isVitplueluding .11 e,i ,lrstAld'lll#44ol llo4 74/.:4:/: a aI IT 1 , /4terwardp turn or ,foor -pea, wgis.. ~ pieted up ileatiq on a , pikee . „ lif brekea boat;: ~., ~.... ••, .1: ~,:.... •J i l..! ~.,.•.. ...c. ~ ..b(if il I, i i• f The secoaktoffideriWinstitlatit itit 1 flk:' t - Ing.booO-OWlEnnling fOrreiXibitiplifiZnel: `614 , , t1 ) 0 131 bil g: 9#,lP °r . IT9rf tiii o X9X9iY liiir4t.` .-; . _ - ,-. • ~ , . ~i ki One iniikir(asiOtker wii44)l"Ctt ,f,tilly;lAtdiotitottilieilialigrYkkty.r`''.mie ;-... .were; blivliiritkctmoni sastoVitrritsiJiii • liir h o 4l l lflte lATRit. ~-,,,.; 1...4 Lt :-..;_:; il -sr •:i . ' ' kßattinglrow 3 44,flyri#l4, - lain - o i l' th e Aniit'rialtrue 1 I,co re., ii, loslfe 'iiiiitidetFeibliiiittliik l igi t ddril'Ot - L tostif-let: diArhitilill'beatis. A' ` Thelkattii folv,erati ;were. Amtrwliat.tile favroiripel4 'a i nd the captain fell into 44' B ,o4Ccuild ',' was l eftll far .)iehind, iil Pid' VlS"'tB4:6&iiidiiie i ioi . lii genrPVlillffl ftihilgistihgM , ,kiitiige witliAniraiag , ,tavolli4ettlan3 iftilieriu i, tentlatole:ol7,. Onlattit4 aka. r:..,, i , . , .. 1 0 „., 1„... 141411 . 417 , 1i ,, 4 hi This itnplenmaOhs ".*(nagac it.: crenAthli&S as , tb W.Vnlifd oeiedidhkose rty' al advantages are-themregultirity-with it diseailatiovaminthstakiteria (40* TWO itt 4718 18 401"timed(t- ,„ " onAtiekk gattigv4,ll - .49,1 Ipteliwer - wam'lttpr r ipred la, /pipe pritblitCot it iitiff te4firlarreth i n Witt ' ttinditiph*WNV Pinot*** 4 1obt : ttiv-: Vre44l , 4044314.0tXt or,togrotineted... Tliitr.)&olvjsktf,4 bik) , 4 0 ,00194091410 1 :, There ts, noireverixem imnr9Te nietit Itillrktta 'etointecoify to& !Timis Wooed ifY r iha Vrenegettin3 , lo3llo l lkty art i ta t iV44 lllo 99 ll 441 1 444rft , BM l ies aeat-ti r and the gritpwttua (tepd teas in roifiritistega Or borne rend bittt-itfiewhiSiblicirtholyttif the test inuihitei of ilex aim were peed, it woilld'eartl: tiehl; be ott L it_pp__ Apept. end, iPted and. 4 : 12 0 40.'" totuei= ia never olpf4tablAlU: ord it. ~..~~..~ FM ; .p ia4-jutqC, iveukt , Je' oat - .bat nature