The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 27, 1858, Image 3
- -; ' 4 '''' . , Itrar 'B44oll(tig. I "4:eatrilr iseuksaant i ; tinstArs *stew- efelstul anal - e.... + h as b ow st ar t e d . at- , g aramonton •I, egiscum ittlestbses sad sit IlaimminsiAllaa 14111.0.-" U 5 11 New Jeisey, whlith &renames andTro!` w "''' 4 ", s b " *.'" l ". ‘ wi llet ut c trt b ei tl " "44"6"' t . 4 gram rivals- 11 =g W . have htsra of •persmul esperistsee Is the sae at Ws artiele7h 7 s; lagers- In the Weet: is & largo ensign- ed.. favorably. Owe of the proprietors el tbr Trae•Uar tion having objection to the West on' WIM ••Urst7 ewe.' of • •••• 1 '• eusgb of kW "•••tbs' •••• account of unheatthfolness distance, bY tb• am of Ws Halsaell. saitlassna wr err lan d assoc i at i on, which emb races thi s - ' , fries& sod esaludiessees, who have tried DM article, Wore now enterprise. The land is in - a gots.' ii.,i'lliefgr'ett""`"l:irrs.u",,,ilf u"'" bid ~,,'":".'"`"` bw .4',' lal climate, and the soil is said to bo gietes..._[p ro . the Berton Eveobeir Traveller, Jan 5. amongst the best Jersey soil. Jersey,' None yeasts* saline Malted I. isiiti, op ti...p.e. as wilt be aeon by the agricultural eta-! Stru W. Ferris &-'o., 13$ Washington' tisties at tho Patent Office. is the first, i street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their ! agricultural State in the Union for the : agents everywhere. A. b. Brutus, licttja- ' value of its products. Hammonton is bur;!. Sept. 20. 2w ~ , . L •iritain sairty miles of Philadelphia by ' IrrTalt GREAT ZNULDiII REMEDY :-...9111 JAMES ' I railroad, and on Ohs one of the best CLARKE'S Cesium %Tee rex ALI FILLIP, prepared from a Markets in the Union. The tide of cm- P essen P U " b, Sir "I".' Y. U., 1.111 """ Xitr "" . igration to this place is immense, as , 4 p l " t r es, t' im u l a g : ' ,7 r ..... l l. ., "* . w r . ill k 7;: a r 1 7 .4 . icist I. a" i t t " ,.. - well from tho West, as from the North. 'Lai Olmtreetiom, Dim may imam whatever, owl altbstgla Many of the best grape growers of ' a powerful reomaly, Dray 411041tili• verthlog bertha! to the Ohio have located, with a view to mak- ' eomititutioa. To Ilitaai so Lamas it to peculiarly salted. lag wine. To judge of its progress, the It '''':'• I. album U."' brie= " U " .2°41111 • 4 " •4 ' with population one year ago is numbered I T ',.'!„. h .,. ~.y . ,, hwiwi to fin whir. a,. at only five persons; it now numbers d,,...cty„,....1,1 pag ., o f p „,,, p i„., .„„.„ „,„„,! over eight !hundred souls, has ono hun-. Y., farthor parneaLars rata pamphlet fret el Unseat. dred and twenty-five buildings, three N. L-9 I sa.l a 3.,.•.ussnAups •Delaae,l to any author. stores, two churches, Episcopal and lard strut, 1..11 layers a tow., cootaiolag over 50 pit* Methodist, steam mill, brick yard, mar- 41 "'"` w " - Llo yard . public. school newspaper k T. W protA 5/. Fos. Wheleval• Avesta, Philelelphia..- , , , 11 -C., '_• D. .lairler.•pmit, ti•ttyehar i g some twenty-five miles of new roads, ear 17, I, > s a. I/ !,__ ___, opened, six square miles being improve- ' . BTSee irtrerthianseat of Dr. Sanford'e Lz rum Imam. ed, a new railroad station, and all the ov o s. 10 Loottl•r willow. elements (don old place. We are satin-' -------- - tied that this place must possess merit ! Stoves! Stoves ! from its unparalleled progress.—Pliila-1 .. delphia Bectiim Bulletin. I .41111 C 1L tiZr 1 4 l dril . Oar A lady having written a letter! IffA _,,, r. .. .a t „ 1 t... J . ~,. concluded ils IulloWs: (ivo everybody's 1 love . to everybody, so that nobody may I -, • .. he aggrieved by anybody being forgot-, ..„,....- ro, : pi - k. ,, .: ten by somebody. - ! . '''' i - ' 4 .F / . ', 'i .11 q. - • ,... 4 ... • • • --- -.---• 'M. 411.-....----...-- 1 .. . _ Eirma.e-•- vdr -i. .. EARII LANDS /UR SALE 25 sills. treat Philadelphia - Syr Railroad is the State of Sow Jersey. Soil among the:: ;- ' LALLAMIRSI . ' Wet tor Airletateral purpare, beteg • gad loam soil,- • SUNRISE -. tisk I ~is ~1,7 15,41... The 1...1 1.,. a large tract, di. sii.d lot. AIII.IIOIIT • ' ati-toll farms, and Leadre..te from all parte of the toestry are COOKING STOVE. L. 4. '' , 'ltliDS•nd "ildiag• T " cr `q" c ' s b• "" i g ru. " 4 4 - . I IIEAT)S. Ill'Elll FR& KURTZ have 'Just , . „ I'm' fru al 01.1 t 9 5" per " r. ' P e r"' • wiLh '' (oar ki received a large supply of new and besti pas!. by iortalmeata. To visit the plarw-Lear• Tioe Si Li rid Parlor, S 4 !CAM and c l asp ST()VES. of the 14 liar( at I'S'. at 7 i .A 11 by Railroad for Hasimocitos, lateat and most improve K d styles. Also, all ar shire. a.. 1. 11) sus, 14 letter. See (,01l ialrerLmmeat sit) l"/;'.v, enibrae _____......—the latest styles of (:00 ,o asothur coluihai [- Sept 2i, 1 .31. 3m Cook." log the •• Noble Cook." ••Royal "Win. Penn," ••Ses Sfiell." ••.)lormog Star." -Phil adelphia Funri.e." ••Ftedonia." (Baltimore Air-Tight, improved) "Jewel," and ••Charm"i -all for wood or coal. Call at the IFiue Room, in West Middle street, two doors west of the new Court-house. Sept. 27. 1155 8. i I101.1,0 1 1441"3 PIL L S —A disease 11itlwit a Dania.— fluw atro gu wa see rersuae gratitaily tithing away with put pats 4+l . *ay listiact tu4 aGatiueM of ilisesee They Yvr more reedite lay by ilsy, their appetite declines, they lose all interest an t.13.10e11., awl with leek-lustre eyes tut eattsteeutea eetuplezlons, wove nierheniestly from Oleo, the eery 11111/ ,7 0+0013 0 011 of laopetiou misery Nur seal of a Letter 10000 we <l.ll t.o.e .trophy, oc 0111/4. .1,0.. or g•ttetxt weakness and debility. learn Low it =lay in all to cured. A course of lthlthway's will u.fallilly rikludle the etnitueg physical energies of the pat.•ut, muse hie abut,/ oiltanitatii , u ni healthy action, prvfluoe t C.lllplet• refOiLitiOl3 10 0111 feelings as well 1411 (rani* 1 tar alterative ant repo. atm,: projeartitia tan ,nify la retittel Ly Ulnae ttliu Late axpersetscail their ilseta TI.IEI II All II O:CTON /AMMER, a sene.paper devoted to I.i teratura agncalture, alau ewLtorg forth fell accurate .or th• new eettlernent of llatomunton, la Noir J•rsay, cap be inats•cribvd fur at wily 8.. eta . per agora, Incluse poetege ntesups for the amount Addreee to Ad.tur .r tLa ' , armor, Ilanswouton. Atlantis county. Neer Jane). Those wiehing cheep lend, of the beet qeahty, of the healthiest Lai neoet delightful elleittee to the see • 1. •41.1•11.11.61$ of llettunoutun LateU. :opt 27, I`Swti. 3,u TILE COMET —lnman'. Comet was area with the sated ere &Amu& eight u'eksk, uu thersenlaz of t6.Tith a:t ,at CataLriJo. It is Deer the iimilswest beaten, stud appear. as a &Ler of tLa sacmaJur third utagaitude. We Alaben., a stsr or the liret mairrtitivie la t!.• er.•?..f the b.rivre teueCt.itiiing. 11.11 of Ituckhill \./I 633 sad k C'eastnit street, above Stith, PLiledelpthri Sept. 13. ha All w 4nti og In et-tile-MA t. a mill eli.oate, gaol *nil, and flue market, •ee al•ertisemebit of llatniuuutbo L [Sept. 27. Sm Err To all wastinz Yana*, gas A4rertlronwat ol Ilan 1.4114.11. 1. 1.1.1 J il~poi'fs. SorrtaWfrom Um latest NMI toort.York Ar. Usoover paper' lialiimure--Fridaq last Flour. per Farrel, 11'iicut, per luzsLul, ME 0:lt .., eh 40 : 4 45 l'i..ver-seal, " 5 25 (te 5 50 Ti ,u.stl4s , " 1 50 Qt. 1 87 licef Cattle, per huntl., 5 00 ® 7 00 )1, ,, , ~ , " S 50 (lin, 7 00 )(ay, per ten, ►'lhiAkey, per gallon. Guam), Peruvian, per ton. !Looser—Thursday lust. 'lour, per libL, from wagons. $5 00, Du, " (ruin 'murex. 5 50 11'bei►t, per busbul„ 1 15 ® t 30 Eye, . " 73 Corn, II 77 Oats, 14 Cloverseed, " Timothy, " Plmiter, per ton, iiwk—Friday last Flour, per bbl., from trap not, $5 00 " fr'.m store*. ti 00 'heat, per bushel, 1 10 ® 1 25 Corn, 66 Grad, 64 Clover- wed, " Timothy, " Planer, per ten, 14e ftito% "rhea come the wild heather, COMO sleet or opine easy; Itt &it stead by each ether however it • h ...'' ' MARRIED, On the 26th ult., in Baltimore, WY. 11. 0 111.- T(iN tqllTll, EN., formerly of this place, to Mrs. THO.MASINA H. THRALL. On the 12th inst., by Her. G. Rathranff, Mr. GEORGE BASELIOAR to Mias ANNA MELIR- ING, both of this county. At the Ger. Ref. Parsonage, Taneytown, on the 31st hit, by the URT. John G. Fritchey, Mr. HENRY maxim. to /His AUGUSTA" GUNLER, both of Adams county, Pa. On the 7th Inst., b e y the Rev. A. Tripner, Mr. LUCAS BAUMIA to Miss SARAH E. CASHMAN, both of Adams county. On Tuesday last, by Her. Wyck, Mr. JOHN T. WILHENNY, editor of the ‘• Star." to Miss GEORGIANA S., daughter of Oaiid Cressy, Rail., of this place. mar•So, then, our neighbor has left the way of "single misery," and taken onto bimself a " better halt" We commend the step, and tender the happy twain our best wishes the their fatale happiness. It must not be thought, howerer, that be cause Mr. Ncllhenny has made asensible more in the way of matrimony, that the political ways of the "Star" are to be at all mended.— , t would be almost u difßcuh to stem Niagara I to convince the management of tbat paper Abet "& wbilte nisi is as gotta am a nigger "- 7even " if be batten* hinteelf." Tohib. '.O e/semes Met lb* rage if sea le Orel mews ,Iforiks yeasty NW aa tie piked." • WM,. On the Ink hurt, at New Orleans, of yellow sayer, X!, ;MOW 90111, tonnorly •el WI Llderallittat BMlem on. ;„ rims Inerpoidint Ilidomes will most on iaretergiinit. ilidik) Jar- 1 Stjahts . " • the 9tA 4, October. 1858, at ?Mit p iiitilmk-12<lieareof bit olgo. tho : ouneo a sr h ig A rus . Sead ersv ilk, tfa41114. 4t 04. 84 " - "Ilgal""14 111: ' tab At 10 Odatit; A. )4. stood aid e q uipped 46. -oVlßabettaimi_ A er doi r to lit*: 13Y order. On Obi. 01"lkitomi. •- - DAVID H ARTMAN, 0. S.. tionnlYt dio s ritirela "Wiser a 4 Mors* amid geot% , 1818 % Martha 11., lb. A RARE CIIANCE Full INVESTMENT. 4 —The Gettysburg Railroad is nea ly completed. and idle Cuinpany hare still a few more Bonds to sell. These Bonds are secured by a mortgage on the wh (de length of the road, the Buildingst and all its property, in cluding the unfinished State work west of Gettysburg to the Maryland line. There can be ro doubt of the se•urity of the investment. The Bonds bear interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, payable send-annually, and the Company are thsposing of them at SO per cent, of their per value. Them Bonds are free from all 10c.,' Tales, sn4at th e rate they are selling, yield to the holder 7i per cent. per annum, clear ofall Tax's. Persons desiring any of them must attend to it soon. Fur any information call on the undersigned, or soy of the officers of the Compane. R. 51 • CCRUY, President. Sept.,27, 1858. 3t I HE Asses.orm elected at the last Siring Election are hereby notified to attend at the CO LI) inisottiinerm' Other. in tho - terough of Gettysburg, to receive Blank Asses.tnent Duplicates and the necessary instructions, a . follows: The Asseviors of Union, Connwagn, Ber wick, Berwick B /r ~ Oxford, Ilamilt , m, Read ing. Mimittplearant, Germany, Sirallan and M mntjoy, will attemlun IVelnesday, the 20th of Octnber nest— And the Assessors for the Borough, Cum berland, Freedom, Liberty, llamiltainhan, Franklin, B,ltler, Menalien, Tyrone. 11•tn tingdnn and Lattimore, will attend nu Thurs day, October 31rt , 1458. By order of the Commis+loners, • J. M. WALTER, Clerk. Sept. fri . , Ik3B. td 5 5 50 1 t.. 5 1 50 75 (to 8:2 SO (5 V:: AT PUBLIC SALE—In pursuance of an -a- Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of PHILIP Tuostts. deceased, will offer at Public Saie, on the premises, oe urday, the I'.2ak day off' Ociatxer nee, the lid lowing property of said deceased, : A VALUABLE FARM, 00 (:413 00 24 (gt !situate in Straban township, Adams coenty, within 11 miles of the Gettysburg and m over Railroad, and the FARM distance from the Gettysburg and York Turnpike. adjoining lands of Christian Thomas, David Nlunfort, Henry Thomas, and others. containing 148 acres, more or less, about 40 acres of which are first-rate Trwbcr-land, with a due mpor tion of Meadow. The improve- 'smote are a large Two-story lip STONE HOUSE, Stone Kiictieu . 7 " 1 ; and Smoke House attached, Dou . - - Ede Log Barn, Stable, and all necessary out builtiings ; a good Apple Orchard. and a nev er-failing well of water near the door ; water in the barn-yard; several raver-fuling springs on the Farm. and a never-failing stream through it, to which access from nearly every field can 1,114, had for the watering of cattle. "Persona desirous of viewing the proper ty before the day of sale. will please call on Mr. Samuel %Velcutne.„ residing on the adjoin ing, Fsrtu, or on either of the Administrators. to cousnit nee at 1 o'clock, I'. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by HENRY T 11031.15, SAMUEL THOMAS, Administrator:. By the Court—H. G. IVoLr, Clerk. Sept. 27, 18,58. is PEI 2 00 uOO 42 5 00 2 00 6 50 rrilE subscriber will sell at Public Sale. on it. the premises, 04 MOl4ady, the 1&J day of October me.d. and 7 Acres of Granite Land. well limed, in Mountjoy township. Adams county. adjoin ing Hoke's Gate. on the Baltimore Turnpike. The HOUSE is a one and a half story, Roughcast; Log Bank Barn: a Well of never-failing water near the door ; and a young Or chard, of choice fruit. Penman wishing wove the Lot can do so by calling at the Gate. Cil:7 - Bale to commence at 3 o'clock P. 1/d., on said day. when atteeniaace will be given and terms made known by N AT liANlm, LIGUTNER. Sept. 27. 1858. ts T HE subscriber, haring been appointed by the Cuurt of Common Pleas .1 Adams county, Committee of the peplum and estate of Anasess Ursa', a lunatic. of Hunting ton township, Adam. seamy, hereby gives notice to all parents haring claims of de mands against said Myers, to present the same to the subscriber, residing is Butler township, for settlement, and all pecans in debted to make issmediate payment. JOHN HANES, Committee. Sept. M", 1858. 8t Railroad Bonds! Notice to Assessors. A Valuable Farm, Positive Sale. A HOUSE, Notice. Real & loarional Property, A T roam SIALL.:In pursuance of an OWier Wend not of tite Unirt of Cote won Pleas of Lima/ minty, and to n3O di rected. iyill be awed at Public Sala, at the bons. or Anasisin /grafts, in Huntington lowest)* Adams county. on Monday. the 18th day of October wed. the fulluiritlg per sonal property of said Abraham Myer.. Lunatic duly declared by said Court, consist ing of HORSES, COWS, Cattle, Plantation Wagon, One-hora• Wagon, Plotighs, Horse Gears, a large quantity of Hay. from 12 to 15 numbs of OA Wood, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention, Also, the Real Estate of said lunatic, ♦is ,A FAR If , containing 100 Acres, more or Ices, situate in said township of Huntington, adjoining lands of Philip Myers, Peter H. Smith, James Townseed, and others. The improvements are a one and a half story Frame HOUSE.. Double 1..,g Barn, Ws" ;"' 1111 gon Shell. Spring !louse, with an ' excellent spring of water. and an Apple Orvhstsl. A barge proportion sit the Land is good Meadow. and from 25 to 30 acres first-rate Oak Timberland. The Faris is well watered. The property will be sold in ono body, or in Piens, rate tracts, to suit purchAsers. imirgale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on viol day, when attendance will be given and tonne usede known by JOAN HANES, Committee. By the C.kert—JA( o J Busnav, Pruth'y Sept- V, 18;8. t• Large Bale F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. O —Ost Thursday awl ih- 14th and l.ilh days rf Ocbd er next. I int.: d to mil at Pullic Sale, at my residence. in Beading township. known as "Round Hill," a large amount of valuable Personal Property, con sisting, of IIoRSES, COWS, HoGs Farming Utensils, of all kinds. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Illy. Corn, (Lit*, Lumber, Bacon; &c. Sale to cumin ence at /0 o'clock, A.M., and to continue until al; is soil. 7..71 offer at Private Sale 3 TH A PTS nF LAND—No. 1 containing 42 Acrtm. in Hun tington and Heading townshipm.wilb imprtnee uients —No. 2 containing 18 AeresAa ltratl big township, with improrenmenot —No. 3 coutainins 4U Acres of Muintain Laud. in Cumberland county, near the Adams county line. 117"Vor particulars aeu large bills. these Tracts be not mold by the 14th f Octot er. they urty be offered c i that day at Public Sale. J A MES TO WNSEN D. Sept. 27, 1858. Is° Public Sale. TN pursuant.* of an Order of the orphan's a- Court of Adants county, the undersigned, Administrators' f the estaie ofJon% JAc.lll., deceased, will offer at l'ulirc Sale. on the premix e, on Mnday, bile 251 A (la y of ()clawr next, the following !teal Estate cf said de ceit-sell, viz : A LOT OF GROUND, aitnate in Alottatown, Adams noway. front ing on the York and tlettyalturg Turnpike, adjoiti:ng 'Michael Strubitiger on the tre.t Mitt a public alley on the ett4t, and km.wii a. lot No. 12. hating thereon a Two- . story Weatherhuarde.l HOUSE, a one ni d a half Thiry. 1.0;411.11.e. a new Stable, Well of \Vatter, and t_ a number of feuit trona. jar S.l 1 e to counnence at 10 o'cloek. A. M., un said day, when attendance will be given and terms wade known by COIIN MAUS JACOBS, GEORGE JACOBS. Administrators By the Cnert--B. G. Woi.r, Clerk. Sip•. 27, 185 e. te* Dissolution of Par tnorsh ip. TUX Copartnership existing between the subscritien ILia been dissolved this day, by mutual ccnisent. We are much tblit tl to out friends and the pubne. for the liberal sup port extended to us. Our books are placed in the hands of Dunlop Paxton fur collec ion. and we earnestly request those indebted to us to Call and make immediate payment. as we desire to settle the business of the firm with out delay. DUNLOP 1).1X1'0 R. F. MILHENNY. Sept. 24. 13.58. A Card. rimm sabselgesir hawing ilivnaeri of him in. terust in (the More of Paxton & to It. F. Ifilheasty. napectfully asks the enn• tinuance or his fiiend4 and co•itonwra to pa tronize his succrasor , lt. F. M I I helm v . DCSLOP PAX CON. Sept. 27, 1858. - - - - - - Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes. VOW FJR BARG.IINS!--The st.bscriher - 1 - 1 having COIIIIIICIICed tins ineaa on his own hook, at the u ell kionsr. stand of l'Axviv )111.incisr, at the S. E Corner of Centre Square. respectfully announces to the citizens of Gettysburg, and the poLlie generally. he will c,vittaii;ly keep on 11%11.1 a good stock of goofs in hot into an 1 will s ell •*hvap for Cash. %Ve intend to give our constant at tention to business. with a disposition to please the pat ticular tastes of every' one who may favor us with their patron ige. Ii F. 11'1..11::NNY. Scpt. 27.1855. Adams County Mutual FIRE ISSURANCE CONlPANY.—lneor purated March 18, Is4l. oroiricaas. President—George Shrolas. Vice Presitb- ot I—S. K. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—David M'Creary. Eceradire mats:We It. Open McCurdy, Jacob King, Andrew Heintselniali. M ‘st meat.—Gearge Se , I). A. Buehler, Jacob King, A. Ileintzelnutu, B. MTurily, Thos. A. Nlarshall, S. Fahnoitock, 11. McClellan, Wiu. B. Wilson, M. Eicbelhergor, Abiliel F. Gitt, Jain Wolford, 11. A. Picking, J. Aughinbaugh, John Horner, H. G. Mc- Creary, S. IL Bushell, D. M'Creary, Andiew Pulley, John Picking, J. It. Ilursh. Prer•This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. lilies been in successful operation for more than six years, and in that period has paid all losses and ex penses, wit/tout tug armament, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The Company employs nu Agents---all business being done by the Managers, who are annual ly elected by the Stockholders. Any person desiring an Insurance can applv to any of the above named Managers fur further infor mation. Ikr The Eteenties Committee meets at the aloe of the Company an the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 27, 1858. Bank Stock. A sn ARRS of Bank of Gettyahurg for eagle. u Enquire of the Editor of the °sold ler. Sept. 6, 1856. Gettysburg Pamela Seminary. Tll E Winter Session of this Institution will commencer on the Arend MosiosT le Odder, (04ober the 11th.) -Fur pinion sts enquire it tier. D. ET. ITA, Baltimore street, Gettysburg. Gettysburg. Sept. 20, 1858. Et Teachers Wanted. THE !bard of lishool Directors of Amain township. iral meet at Urtntao's beans. (on the road leading from &Ain to Hampton. one wife west titho former Sum) on Setrus lop. las 94 qf &mei salt. Y. M for the 'mimes of ensplo3riog Teachers for the eagles "w . iiMor. - Itis sapwood Unit tits . CE arrortusademt sill be present to *o smng/ ium 'who harem& alresh ob. hmatileardiestia..- nsrhoo of the _ • W. ILIULDIDIRA Rat'ir Sgt. 'W. WA. - Mlll2AgOitoll- . ..—. _ SW rssmier.-IWWI MG LAND .1111111. • a healthy rare • 1 4 1116-. 1 delpkis. wit OM Camden semi Mils mad. New Amer. Anon esta.e reetilltly been opened fur sale. and the first divishm of 10.000 acres divided op into firms of twenty acres and upwards. The soil is of Use heat quality for the production d fruits. grains, I &c. The prior is $l5 t 0.520 per acre. paya ble in easy quarter yearly inetaltnonts. within a term of fair years. with interest. The terms • are made easy. in order to insure the rapid ' improvement of the land. by enabling eats I inittsetsiotia seas to bey a farad. It is now be-1 ing exansively improved by god roads. mid some of the best citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting large , provements. It is a scene of the greatest ita =-4nient oat of Philadelphia. Seventy-fire have been built in four niontlis.---1 Practical fanners and lousiness men from the f length and breadth of the Union are settling there. It is an important business place, ran' account of its being in the uisilst of a great market. Every article raised upon this laud Hestia an immediate sale. The water is excel lent, and no such thing as fever is known. The a•,il is a randy or clay loan.with a day! b./bAna and relemliee of immures. It is free of stones and easily worked. It abounds largo- ly in the phosphates. and such is its fertility that from the crops pr.xlitcrd both upon this land and the large area adjoining under cold- , ration, it will be found not to be excelled anywhere in the production of crops molt adapted to its txt.irltet. The reader may le well aware that the earliest and the heat fruit. and vegeta b'es come (tom New Jersey, %Inch arc annually exported to the amount of tui:lions of dollars. The land. besides being accessible in e cry way for fertilizers. has an abundant supply' of the beet quality of muck manure. Lumber and building materials can be Irul on the spot at a cheap priu, from the mills. Other mill.; are n caw being opened, and brick-' yards bring ..nar ted on the ground. A person c.a.. put up a (rainy telleflbellt for present curt wenitrice for one Itutatited dollars. On ad c, out of the eXtell.ive emigration, this is the beat Gnir e to pursue in order to get a place' to 11%e in at 11r-t. Cirpen ere and builders are on hand to put up houses on the (Jest lu see Eng here the em'grant has many 'd esalt ..ta. Ile is within a few hours' ride of the great cities tit the Middle States and New England : he is near his old frt. nds and 11/1.40* t ht• is in ■ sottled country, where ivory ontoovs.tisent and condor' of , is at head : hr is in a healthy ptics. and is not subject to the crruntty of losing the greater path of his family and his own health 11104 • migrant lever• which make the graces of so many million+ or the young and hardy in feria!' regions away from home and friends. llesidew he ti is ■ avail climate and an open winter. Thete are three trains daily to Philadelphia. and to all those la ho imp OYU the railroad coutpany gars a fr. e u. Let,. The eea,l••r will at once I.e struck with the advantages here pn•rt 'dell. and ask why the prop rty has not leen taken up before The reason is. it was never thrown in the market and unless these auminn..nut were x wont, no our would ler invited to examine the land i t foe iturzhasing. This all are ex 'peeled to dn. They will see the land tinnier cultiealion: they wt I meet persons, no doubt. frets• their .wst steighlsor 111611 they will wit. ite"M the impri.vententa and can judge of the character of tic• 1 ulutlatiun. Nersonr come ptetmrt•ll to purchase. as many are locate. hug. an I locations ate WA held ou refusal. The I Farm. r. a unmade Liter. ary soil Agneoltural containing full infatuation of Ilaustuauton. will he sent to each inquirer, and can Inc übta.nrd at 25 eta pc- a nutn. Tit's iwt'►.pwutahle. Warrantee deeds given, ilea of all .ticuiulorance. when purchase mo ney is pai I It tile n the land :—have Vine street wharf. Phil 41-lphia for ;lemon num by railroad at it.. A.. , and P. M ; whets there inspire tor Mr. By• ties. Boarding con stiiiett el. will he tomtit. Letters and applies.- , Lions call lot addressed to S B. COUGHLIN'. :20. smith FIFTH Street below IValnut. I'llll - lishia. Mips and inforwaiun furnishes!. Sept. 27. 1858. 3 w Public Sale, O F BLE rtr..u, Ksr.vrK be offered at Public S4le. on the premises. an Fri , tly. 1/1 , Sill , (.q Oib..ber Real Estate of PETKII Emma, deceased, cow aisting uI situate in Tyrone township. Adams county. about nue mile nom New i. hester, on the road leading (non Ilan firer t i Varlise. adjoining lands of Jose I; 11111..1-v...0h )lirch Ezra %Ir. tws. Jsoolt Fidler. and oth era, eontsioing tho AUI2 KS of Patented Inn I. more or less, shoot 54.1 At-no. of which are well covered wi di Tim ber. nail aloof 1.1 Acrx A are Nleailn.w. and Li.. more ca., Le made. The jut 'nice- - -.......-- met is area Two story Log welling 110CSE. Itstit: Birth \\*a () g0.% Sheil , g i , 4 1 Corn CI Ili. Granary, tar,ii•nter'a Sli , i .. and other ,out Imildings : two nes% r faiiitir. \\ t Its f ‘V.iter on the limn; i•ie 4. also an .1 i. Ic Ureliard. with a variety. of oilier Fun: Tri es. anvil ay. Peach. Pear. Mails, Cl err . SAL Th.• lin I is in a high van, of e 41:1% • ion, and under good f acing. The n o ertc kill IK ()Herr! in two limes, divided as followi: 120 screo• more or less. wnh the in one and 60 aetesi.moes or less, In the oiler. •There it sutlicitlat r to both. Pe sons wishing to pmehase. can view the pro ert)• by calling .. 9 11 George Fuller, who will girt. all the um:A...miry intirtuation. Clear title will Iv given, and poitses.sion on the 1.4 or April. fr7S.ile to continence at 1 o'c'ock, P. M on %awl d.ty_. when attentlanee will be girutic and tertn4 made known bi Sept. 20 1818. is A Small Farm, A TP 11VATE: $ .1 LE.— Nomuli...rilier offers ut Private Sole,his F.I 1111 oho:ye ittlol ,unt pleasant, township, Adams contity, n"nr B .n -aughtown, al.joining land. of Samuel S rope, Alexander Short' and others, containing firs ACRES, more or les., having thereon a Two-story Fri/melt/A . BE, with 'Rack building, Double Gig Idaro. and other Hp out:buildin g .; a B.ring of never-lail ing water near the door, with excellent Fruit of all kinds on the premises. Aliont 12 acres are IVuodland, and h/ uses Meadow. The greater part of the land has been well tithed. Parsons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the subscriber, residing thereon. Terms easy. B. F. IIAGARMAN. Sept. 13, IPSII. 7w The Gettysburg itslirciad. TWO DAILY TRAINS. ON and alter to-day, Sept.' 13th.1 until for ther node'. the nroratng train dears will leave • •Goeldan's Station" at Tfi o'clock. A. M. with for Baltimore. York. Har risburg. PkllsdslpLds. as., tad raters with passengers hula Omen at as The afternoon treht will leave thane st LIS P. N.. with parienors kw ikltinpors, as.. returning with parnenpra aim itanialorg. Yoh, VlA adelphis. &e., sliest. P. IL Or' Merchaadisa. Nodose he., tnnriperbrd, ever the road es far es Oeuktieent Sestioa. 011 EST HaOUIWY, Pres'i. Bas. l3, 185& Take Notice P LY . UP I—Tbe ooderairmed. bowleg • Lap . siosuos ormousy fbutd_ing out, Irma santooly ergo thooo I. i mago mama wi th out &toy. Amotato raw. ails lotoitho sal up ao* pad an ASue4oy war ses, , will tsai elk aileOf fat Salbattitlas - JACOB& JAM. Sept. 20. lirtS. .1 I' .1 RNI , THE HEIRS M. Nolow la parsitant ,ea tit *sem asap, to met ;posed ta Tais ho Tenths°, ttpoi nen, oa flobtratta, the 16th day of' L me, Ma following described Real Estate. to wit: A PLANTATION, or Tract of Lsekeitnutisin the townships of Osford and Monntplestenat, Adams county, stijoining lands of J the Stuck, Christian Zinn, Michael Levinstine, Joseph Stough. Charles Smith, and others, containing 21)6 Ames. metre or lees. The provetnents are a One-and-a- - : t1)4) half Story Stone Dwelling . 110 U SF, large Bank Uarn,trt ine _ and frame.) GRIST & MERCHANT M L. with flee Nester Power, • Saw Mill,Orclaarde of esctlient fruit. Well.of Water, and other improvements. A fair proportion of said tract is the best of ibradovrr and about 75 acres are excellent Timber. This property is situated on Little Cunewagu Creek, which runs through the place. within three-quarters of a mile of New Oxford. The Itailroad,c.%- neeting Oettyshurg and Hanover with the Northern •Central K tilroad, penises through this property, upon which Cars are now run ing daily. The Mills aro in complete order, with as goods run of eus..ont es any Mills in the county, situated as they are in a line grain growing region. The property will admit of division, and offers rare induce tnente for parsons desirous of engaging in the btpdoesi of farming, milling or tnt•rchar.- dicing. Any infortn:tti•tn a 4 to title. &a., ran be oht•tined on reference to M. L W. Mc- Cican, Esq■ , who havo charge of the pro ceelli ligik-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 31.. of gatd day. ISAAC LIMITNEIt. Merifr. S'icritra ()free, Gettysburg, Sept. 13. 15.54. Public Bile. rp II E subscriher will offer at Puslie Sale. on the pre:n6e4. un S.ilualay, the 91Is day of (Maier flex,. A LOT OF G I:01:N r), containing 2 Acres awl '2 l'er,:'it,, situate in Germany town.hip, county, un the Wiltitnore Thrnpike. a .1 whir of a mile he low Lttlestown, Karin • there. .n a new Two-story Brick UJU. I , a Stable, IR' and a tier :^-failing 11 . ..11 of Water, with ovuott:i in it. The prurr•y iv a must ile.irnhiti one. gar -4111. to I..nnlienee at I o'el.wk, P. on *aid day. w,ll lie given and term* muie-kti..rrso by WEIRICII. Sept. 1.1, te• Desirable Farms, T PUBLIC 8.1, sulaseriLers. •=z- Es.e..altaar4 a 1 the lux - will ra•s , l testament ad }I mr , ten 41\ Tin, deeenseal, will offer at Publ.: B.lle, on the pl,3llliatel, on Saturday, the Vith day 0/ !!dater uex', tie following valuable Real P.,tate of said alevealeat, viz : TILE IIOIttE situate in Meatalleal township, Man ennnty, ~tr• mike north of Arendt.% lle. adj,aitaitag lanais hf 1. T. wLerin.,l„ S Taman Ifeiire Orner, a id others. conoaln ing 474 i4l4E.s, mi r e or less, ats'ut acres s due la oinartion of 3aleattlat*. The imiarn% ewe wa are a one and a half try s , ll I)wellintr, HOUSE. Log 1B trn,lVatvia Slied.S:arang • and other E,+; a DC. et-tailingspring near the ilwar. anal as ?uremia* of water through the farm, the tiel 1. nil being watered bat two. There ie un ANale Orchard un the premises. Also, A F A II NI , aituate in Franklin toa't►+hip, A lama enttnty, toljoioin,g 1111.11 of Mielindi Cr• w rl, John °minter, Moat... Ittiffenhoerger, and ntherpi, contniailig 9•i A Tr., raore nr I. -4s, with fair proportion+ of N„llm►,l and Neado►r. The intproveme•nt+ cn;i+i•t **l w rifiroi4l , ll - L 1101'4% L Born, with 811(414, [Hi c,, ro u s ih, ao A , ple °reliant, with e eptine of water in the cellar of the dwelling. swir Person. to view the will call on the premise.. edr'S Ile to cotaaaerieo at li) o'clock. A. M., on the Home I Ince, when attendance will be given an.l terrn4 mile It n.iwit by JEREMIAH SiJAYBAL7OII, JACOB SAN DOA Sept. 20, 18.:g3. LI" New Boot and Shoe UTA B LiSI 1%1 The onderairned J- 4 ' would antiouttee to the public that he hal ettinmemed, iu oinnei-tiott with his Tan nery, a BOOT S 1101.: 31.1tinfae tory,iit New , ()hotter, ,htsws coo *a tv, and i 4 prepare I to make up 84nts timid S OiS. of ii.l Linda. for Gentlemen, Ladies, at.d Children. lie will to leavJr to have the ben of workmen, Ku that the publie need lie under no approlioiliiion hut that every Tea tinabl.. e.tort will I e wade toy 1. a mit irlaction t tall who will favor him with their patron- (iEu. MILLEIIART 151 8 ): - It. O. 1 5. 3in House ani Lot 1 4 1011 SALE.—The Soil..cri her I.ffera at Pri v.ilu Sulu, his lltit.;.iE and• LOT. fr.diting 61 t.• Baltinvore Iron, ..1 r teWinethreuner'sTau-yarel. - It not mil I Ibul.•re Nalurl ti. 14t. MA (lag ul 0.-191. , , nett, it will I.euifeled at Publi. 8.41 e, ut I o'clock of that 4lay. Sept. 13, 1333. t. T3wn Property, A T P RI vArt: SALE:— rile valuable Prop erty uu tlw wrisee of %Vest M idJk and street*, vow occupied by Mr. Ju.eph Little, is idere I :it private *ale by the heirs of the Lae Charle* tlo..:ea*- 0.1. The improvements are It large Twu-stiiry Brick %►welling HOUSE. :; 1 ' with a' weatherboariloil Back Build jug, and the /Ay uu the corner of the alley. Fur infurittatiuu apply to I). Ziegler, Jr. TILE lIEIHS.' Sept. G, 2in Administrator's Notice. D R. JAMES 11AMiLTON'S ESFATE.— Letters of admiaistnition on the estate of Dr. James pamilton, late of Swahili. town ship, Adams county, deceased, having been lately granted to the undersigned, residing in Franklin township, he herein , gives notine to all wastes indebted w wad estate to make immediate payment, and those hashes claims spinet the mite to present them properly authenticated for settlemont. • JAMES RUSSELL. Admo',.. Aug. 23, 1868. et - tdinialstratees Notice, ANtIIONY FULLER'S ESTATE.—Letters sf administration en the estate of Anthony Feller, lato of Mouutpleasaut township, Adams ew., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all per. .sons LeWbflid to said estate to make im. 'mediate payment, and those bevies claims whist Mie sane to proems them properly ' ' authenticated fur set at. PIUS s3lllllll, Adger. Ans.**, MIAS. as , *nu SOUL . it Ai mi :Slß GUMMI IiSTATIC.-- oiseatazi am estate of •%itassr lota tit 4110aanaa tows- MlPPPS'evialtf• 441400101plann a iwe.rl' Misr. tto Salim, at boa t temiudeimitair So aft - *pm* ladohltoll le asielatata to insPosiWo Parlielgo, oat Mime !win =vi sr e itimit ;W. : lb,. 4.11001 k r . • aq.Aitit‘ Amiartars. ruftt 0.416. 1 is sawisigoma of Tly_ 'Nets at PICKVIr. Pon D CHILDREN... 4011 N FA • - - CO, No. 111 (new no.) eke{ e gighth, Philadelphia— ogtarers and Dealers in • t. t ' • Ow"Lnlies and Children ; ohm; tietiON . Fora; Foe Oullare and Gluves. The number of years that we lave been 'su gared in the Fur business, and the general character of oar Furs, both fur quality cad price so generally known throughout the Country, that we think it is not necessary for us to say anything more than that we are DOW OINDIeII our assortment of YUBA. for the Fall and Winter Sales, of the largest and must beautiful alissortusent tat wo hosts !Ter offered before to the publio. Our Furs base all been imported during the present season, when money was scarce sod Furs mulch lower than at the present time, and have teen man ufactured by the aloft oompetent workmen ; we are therefore determined to sell than st such prices as will continue to givens the re putattun we have bores fur year.. that is to sell a good article for a very small profit. Storekeepers will do well to give us a call, as they will find the largest assortment by fxr to select from in the cite, and to snanufau. turers' prices. JOHN F'AILF:IB.I L CO., No. 818 Market Street, abuse Stb, Phila. Sept. 30, 1838. dna Philadelphia wur: N. - ii, of Pat G'IOLLEOE OF M EDICIN E. 214 South Fifth Street. below Walnut.—The TWENTY THIRD session of this Institution will open on Muitday, aduber 111,4.111,35. The follow. log are amateur its advantages: It is the only Institution in the City which furnishes its S•udents with Hospital Tickets and material for dis.4etion W.T11./UT cn %ROE. The classes are esarnined daily by the Pro. fe.sors, who take a personal interest in the advancement and welfare of eiery Student. A limited number of voting m en of restrict rd means will be received as beneficiaries ; paying but $2O for a full course of Tickets. in all easel, the eons of physicians and of clergymen have prefersnoe. An announcement enntaining every in fortuatiuu will 14 sent free. ou oPPlielition to B. HOWARD HAND. M. D.. Dean of the Faculty. Sept. 211, 185 S. 3t PiIILADELPHIA.-A Benevolent Institu tion estoblished by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, af flicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases. In times of Epidemics. it is the object of this Institution to establish Hospital*, to provide Nurses, Physicians, Clothing. Food, Medicines, &c., for the sizk and destitute, to take charge of ibe orphans of deceased pa rents, and to minister in every possible way to the relief of the afflicted and the health of the public at large. It is the duty of thy Direetorcat smell times, to visit perum..lly the infected districts. and to provide and execute means of relief. Numerous physicians. pof ac ing members if the AssoPiation, usually enrol their names on its books, A illject to be called upon to attend its hospitals, free of statue. 1.1 the absence of Epidemics. the Directors have authorized the Consultiii.f Surgeon to give advice acid medical aid to persons suffer ing and r CDROM DI:SEA:ON of a virulent character. arising from abuse of the physical power., mal.treatinent, the effects of drugs, stc., &c. Various REPORTS and TR.ICTS on tl:e nature and treatment of Chronic Diseases, by the Consulting Surgeon. have been pu'disheit for gratuitous distribution, and will be sent IREE of CLIARGE to the efflicted. Address. for Report* or treatment. Dr. GEORGE K. CALROUN, Consulting Sur. pun, Howard Association, No. IlSouth Ninth Street, l'hilaAllphia. Pa By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTNV ELL, Pres't. Geo. FAIRCHILD, Sec'y. Sept. 2u. 1868. ly Executors J'AIN A. SWOPE 0. J. Wosd /31049.:Proplatcwit. 312 Ben& way, New York. (ha dm great, N. Y. Mika Win( Matablialwaewt.) and 114 2Wild ML, 84. Louis. Mo. Aall asl4 dy all good Drag gide OM Woods tholes*. sib!114 1 1011:- - prENIRY V1T,441 " ,Atle` AM* BOVerilitebt ll,lOllOl lO 41101 ra = j lll. M il ir *"" ted oftsistomulas 'kali those fr_ 'est. - .• t&lammks. • • Ai& tlirMalh :Mc . I p aide Jk' lad at' la thal "9ll4"- b il°l4""al dm& Tjlf-WA Re st tsHLWS, thaw !Arabia's Sweet. Howard Association, More to be Admired TII.IN THE RICHES DIA DEM ever worn by KINGS Oft ENIPERORS. —What 1 Why a Beautiful Head of Hair. Because it is the ornament (;,4 If h , prorifird for all our race. Reader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be these of pearls.if the head is bereft of tin cover ing. or the hair be snarled and shriveled, harsh and dry, or worse still, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof. Wood's Hair Iterdorative. if used two or three times a week, will restore and permanently secare to all such an orna mt nt. Read the I,llowing and judge. The writer of thu Ars: is the telelortaed l'ianist, nalbery : New Yoar... April 19, 1858. Ta. WtX)D : Dear Sir :—Permit me to ex press to you the obligations I am antler for the entire restoration of my hair to its origi n .olor; about the time of my arrival in the United States it teas rapidly beetnning gray. but upon the application of your ••• Hair Re storative" it Mini/ recovered its original hue. congid r your Restorative as a very wonder ful invention quite eflltnicions as well as agreeable. I asu, dear sir. yours truly. S. 1114LBEILG. Drych a'r Gwyl'edydet." Welsh Newatraper tali v. 18 Nsasan st., April 12, 1858. f Pratt'. 0. J. Woon: Dear .'_'iri-- )0t 01 month or sit a o weeks ago I received f your Mir Restorative and gave it to my wife. who concluded to try it on her hair. little thin .ing at the time that it would restore the gray hair to its original c01u... but to her as sell as Ply surprtae. after a few weeks' trial it has lit-auntie," that wonderful effect by turning' all the gray hairs .o a dark brown, at the same time b. autifymg and thickening the hair. I strongly manual, nil the above Restorative to all peraon, in want of such a chatize of their hair. CIIARLR.SCARLIEW. New Yost. July 25, 1857. Pi:or 0. J. Woof): WI Ii confidence do I recommend your flair Beet* alive, as being the t t fficaciuus arielt I ever saw. Since using your Hair Restorative my hair and whiskers which wire alion4 white have gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confi dent that a few tome applications will restore them to their natural color. It also hu re lieved MO of all dandruff and unpleasmt itch ing. so common among persons who perspire freely. J. 0. KILBY. Paw.. WOOD :—About two years a g o my hair commettoeti failing off andauraing grey : I was fast becoming bald. and had treed many Remedies to no I commenced using your Restorative in January last. A few applications framed my hair firmly. It began to All op. grow oat, and turned back to its tanner color. (black.) At this time it is fully restored to its original eolon health, and appearance, and I obeetfully ntomentemd ib use to all. J. jio CbUstgo, 111.. May 1.1857. The Restorative se put op is boUtei of 3 s:ses, viz: large. slalom. and small t the mall bolds • piat: sad retails for it per bottle t the Needless holds at law twenty per tout. loom proportios thee the malt. ter. tads tor two dollars per bottle ; sbs holds s yawl. 40 per oast. NW* is proper• tion. sad retails for 10. =; wooti— L0n414 xvingagsg. Nriffir t r-fair- Act oriletr Veneral Aviewdet,forthht•State, entitled,' "%a set to millets Pee trenerallyeetlowe of this. Coomennwesloo woo Awe 2ei ad July. 18 9, It is . • on,_ alts Notice of s ' • Of* el to esemawats in • ,„ •• ." a m ts to be elected: . . • of the County • r 4 .4 1 ,,kt0r.' '" -•••--* glee this p 'WM notice to the Shtofirse -dm paid County of AdadlVl. that a Maitriii will be held io said Coanty. on tit* '&Mitt Nudely of ()dolor mewl, (Ike 12iet.)-in ilas • ascent Districts ootnposed of the following Townships, via : In the First district. composed net* Ow'. mash of Gettysburg and the township of COM* heriand. at the Coort•h•nese. DIG" inhale* In the. Second district. t ompoNed township of Germsnyott the bons now oceit. pied by Peter Liumiklter. in the town Li tiestown, in the township of Germany. • In the Thud diptriet,eomposcil of Um tamp. ship of Oxford, at the h.mse Nliidow 11144, in the town of New. Oxford. In the Fourth district s ,composed of the townships of Latimore anti I.lautingion,,et they house of Caleb B. Ilihiebra..d, in the teePn sh:p of Iluntington. In the Fifth district, composed of the town. , ships of Ilamiltonban and liherty, at the Public School-house is 111i11aixto.wn. In the Sisth district, composed of the taws. ship of Hamilton, at the house now occupied by Henry Hoffman, in the town of }list Berlin. In the Seventh district. composed of the township of Jicnsllen, in the YuWit: School. house in the town of Bentierstille. lu the Eighth district. composed si the township of Strati:in. at the houoettitiscuto L Graiti. in IlunterNtown. In the Ninth district,compnsed of the town ship of Franklin, (including that part recently stricken off from 3,lenalleit.) at the house' now occupied by Joseph Delmont, in_sionl tootoattp. In the Tenth district, ceesputed olthe toe n• ship of Connw•ago, at the hottek.Of John Busbt•y, in NlcSherrystown. - In the Eleventh district. comprised of the township of Tyrone, at the house of Allen C. Cook, in Ileidleraburg. In the Twelfth district, cotnpos,sd Ur the. township of lotlftijny, et the how ) . of victor Haas, in said township. In the Thirteenth district. composed of the township of Mountp'essant, at the public„ School-house in said too nship, situate at the cross roads, the one leading from Oxford to tl.e Two Tereins, the other from llunterstu.tu to Hanover. In the Fourteenth district, composed of tl.e township of Reuling, at the public Settuel house in Ilanipton. In the Fifteenth district. composed of the Borough and township of Berwick, at the public School house in Abbo:tstown. , In the Sixteenth district, coint,osed of the - 1' township of Fre,doin, at the house of Nicht,hut Diorite, in said township. In the Seventeenth district, composed tittles township of Union. at the house of Enoch La lever, in said town-hip. • In thaliteenth district, composed of the - township of Butler, at the public School-house in Middletown, in smid township. At which time an 1 places will be elected - Ono Judge of the Suprema Court of Pennsylvania ; Ono Canal Commissioner of Penn'a One Member of Congress, to reprosent the District composed or thv counties Of Adams, Franklin, Bedford Fulton and Juniata ; One Member of Assembly; One Associate J ulge ; One County Commissioner; One County Auditor; - - One Director of the Poor; One Coroner. Particular attention is directed to the Aet td' Assembly, pasted the 27th day of February. 1849, emitted "An act relative to voting at e'ectiona in Adams, Dauphin. York, WRING - ter. Cumberland, liradiord, Centre, tirativt. and Erie," viz: SecrioN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate sod House of Representrives of the Common- - .' wealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it iv hereby enacted by the authority of•the same—that it shall be lawful for the qualified voters of the counties of Adams, Lan. 4 11 4 caster, Dauphin, York, Franklin, Cum ....-,: land, Bradford, Centre, Greene, and V from and after the passage of this net, to v for all candidates for the various offices to be fi led at an election on one slip or ticket:— Provided. That the office for which every can didate is voted for, shall bo designated. as re quired by the esistii.g laws of this Outniuctu weal h. Samos 2. That any fraud muniitted by any person voting in the meaner above pre- - scribed, shall be punished by the existitig , laws of this Commonwealth. Attention is also directed to the following ' section ofthe Act of the Goners! Assembly of the session of Is6l, entitled ••An sot to pro vide Anr the election or Judiges of the several Coors of this Commonwealth :" Secrtos 4. That the election fur Judges shall he I.eld and tondo,. ted in the several election districts in the eawe manner in all re spects as elections for representatives ere or 1 'bail be held and conducted, and by the mine Judges, Inspectors, and other officers; and the provisions of the act of the bent rah Aascuisly. - entitled "An Act relating to the dectiumatif . this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, one thousand eight bundled gird thirty-nine, and the several supplements', and all other like laws. as fir as the same shall be in lures and applteable. shall be ti. trued and taken to apply to the election for Judgm t. Provided, That the almessid electors sh.4l 1 - rote for judges of the Supreme Court on 111 ,r, -, separate piece of paper, ..nd fur, all o t hee ,l .,,e judges ruitti.ed to be learned in the lay"; ea another separate piece of paper. , A Lat)--Its and by virti.e of the 11.11 section of the act atnemid, every person. exerolng Justices of the Peace, who shell holdsoy Mlles . or appointment of pr,,Et or hest under the „, Uovertuneut of the Untied States. or a any ' l city or incorporated distriet, whether a *Pia- -; missioned officer or o berwise. a au Lottlinate - officer or agent. who is. or AA be emplojt.4„ _ under the legislative,eseeutivi orjud citey de partment of this State, or of the Ut,ited Shock; - --. or of any city or incorporated district. and alms ;- that every nit-tuber of Comptoc r t i nd of tic State Legslature, and of the tiel or Coe-- ~ ..'3.. WOO COWICiI of any City, or_Couin i a i , ~., any it.corporated district. is by law incapable , of holding or exercising at the mine time. Oh, aim or appointment of Judge, laspecmr. iir ,,, .. Clerk of any e'er ion of Ibis Cot:Hueco esti ..,,._„„h sad that no Judge, Inepreter, nr other allide - ' ' dray moth election. shell be eligible to soy f.: , : c. -., 0111 CO to be them voted for. I 'At so--That in the fourth section of the Act. • , ol'Amembly entitled .4An Act relating mese" ' ' ' • ' sestinas. sad foe other porpoise." approtati ~ -. _ • April 16th. HMO. it is ea,med that the dun. , -,- % 4 INN 14th section “ahati , not be eons t med. lir - 1 to prevent any militia °nicer or lorough olli , ;;`'`' , ' -t -ces. from crying as judge, inveetoe or clerk,.;"•- Maas VIM'S! or imtlials4Letion in tills Cava- incentealth."+- ' - litd in an by an Aat of the Genent,* - atirldy of this State. paged the &I day of faa: , . Lss. it is directed that the bte. way*** r - * ; ~,, * be at the planes of thiebrAbudeavoL,44 o ,,, Os' of the Getters! illectica afettlwaid a at 0-r-_*- - , Z ill in the kavamm.lotdellifilltt--: ,- - - artend to dohs' nvtuliedt* ' .Aiwisktia.Agek-t,sio - 'lit by'the Amon" - ° I, ;.•,--" • ,e52,',.. tp,erit , 4--e- t 41•44 the -111‘ir.41000111 _ -16 s. ._ , ,--; - , , ,gbadidd. thitllleatifell - - : " I I. "' • " *-- ' ace4.l.-.... A 414_ -