The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 13, 1858, Image 1

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    TRION J l4 PEE.
—t ac
Ti 4 7.40,,4►tery Monday
a a6g,lot Alin J. -13ramat, at, $1,75 per
amalliii6Wiliatittir Is iorlsen-42,00 per
nal= l. lltikla.n4.eatice. So
tio Isnnteis st, Oa option of the
plaWlll4l44 s allinsil arrearages are paid.
inserted at 'the 'Qui! rates.
dc‘inC with -neatness nuct. dis-
Pat40441411 4 1t1X 0 1 141011441
4101woraufw,tBounit. Baltimore street, directly
opposite Wantpley's Tinning Estatilohment. our
• Squariie cram
.the Court nouse—
Courarrt" on tie sign.
'" ' ' Public Sale.
THE ulidersi g nei a-ill sell at Pu!die Sale,
A ell ai P. 141. Mo 2,lth dal Sept,
le-21,(if not previously hold at private sale,)
that Well-know n
• uorsn AN D LOT
en lie West ro rner of the Public Square,
in the town of Benderaville. Adams county,
Pap„oa which is erected a largo
and commodious Two-s.ory Wea
thenissarded 1.101.:5E..44 feet front,
ands two-story l iwhi n attached
and a well at Ue Kithen door. It is minim- d
to be the best or most d sirable s.tuauon in
Beadthwitle fur public business, for a store
or urvOrb:
ri - Sale to c tiomence at 1 o'c'ock. P. M..
on'aaid day, when attendance will be given
and terms wade known by _ _ _
Aug. 23, ISSS. to
Real Estate
A T PUBLIC SALE-1u pursuance of an
- "..Onler of the Orpha,l'a Court of Mama
county, the %II b.cri scrs, :Wm iru..trators of the
elute ofiLtcint %Vols. deceased, will offer at
Public Bale, on the pretint,.•s, o,t Nqueobiti,
theit+l44lV of Nen!, us 1, , r 71 , •- cf, the following
Real Estate of said deceased, viz
A VALT:ABLI: F.11:11,
situate in Tyrone Lira u,hip, Adams county.
acl;eining lands of Martin Iladon.perg. r,
Hiliss„,of„ AbralLun Snyder, deceased, and
others, and the Great C .nowego Creek, and
coliasiso 112 Acres, itiore or lrss, of Patented
Lund. .'flu nuprovetnents aro
a Two-story Dwelling HOU 6. - •
• 4 i
a Qpipatory Kitcherl. Dank Barn, 111 j
past atone and part frame, 111' 2 -
on Shed and Corn Crib attachA ; 'prtng
Ii r' the Dwelling, with an excellent
of Water ; a Nell of Water, i,ith a
in the Barn Yard. There is
ask'ftti ftring on the Farm, with running
water tleggh the Farm, and the (iredt Cono.
wilco running along the hrea Rh of the place.
Mete 'is a goat Hog Stahl also on the
preailseil, a young 0 n.haid. with a ear leiy of
fruit. There 11 a SLlfil Min' of Meadow, and
also of TitnlK r, fur the (pi nil;it) of land. The
Flinn is under good fcDettno, and nu a good
talkie of cultivation.
0 - I'ersons desirous of ' , it:it inn the proper
ty before the day of sale. v./ I please call on
the tenant, Daniel U. niter.
0 - Sale to con wilice at I o'clock, P. 3f.,
0111.4.a1d day, when attendance will he given
and tereas wade known by •
1 d la ini.stralors.
By the enert—H. G. IVoL.r, Cie, h.
Ails 23, Ib3B. is
• Tavern Stand,
AT . PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance
ilrdel• •At the Orphan's Conrt of Mimi
countA, will be offered at Public Sale. uo Fri
t/4y, the 17/4',rry nl S7;!e,ab-r nc.rf, the Real
Estate of ions KNor. deceased,' situate in the
tovrit of Hampton, In 3.1.1 county, consisting of
situate in the N. W. coiner of the Public
Square in said Low n, Lo t(kiel also by the
trAlier and Carlisle turnpike, - lot of IVm.
Nail, And on two bidets 1. 4 y. public
The improvement.; are a Two-
ROI Dwelling 11l11'SE. 2 Fran,e
Kitchens, Bake Ovens, &c cel
lartidinder nearly ti e ;thole build•irt'Z'
i iv', large Frame Stable. ts o excidlt rit weik
of ikatpr with -punt. The property bit,. been
occupied for manv years a. a 'l.l%ern. being
the only one now in the pl cc, and ell titled
up for the same, being in n mplete rep ir.—
Itesides the Tavern the u ii,li is ale net! cal
culated for a private rouily I: , addition.
Also, a LOT in -aid to ‘t 0, under good llne
ing, bounded by lot of M uses Patterson and
two public alleys.
tee - Sale 'to be held n premises at 1
o'clock, P.-SI., on said day, when attendance
'96444 gives and terms m Ade know ~by
, JACOB GEORGE. .4 did'r.
Dy aittenorrt-11. G. t_'/..t
Atrits'23, 1R.58. is
For Rent.
ag (tindarsiznoil fir rent the well
,kn*wu SIR/Pun I prem
ises, uottgiatio,„.• of a 11001.:,
Sittlle, and three and a ha1f...17i
acres of Land. front the but of • - i
uost. Fc,r term. apply
J. H. Shiply S 'Alvors, lIPIIIri II r. Liie
prernitie4, at Round Ili:11).0., or to the Put,
scriber, in Gott .burg. Z. .1.1:E1:.S.
Register's Notice.
xrbTicE is hereby given t' } all lezntPes nnd
other persons concerned that the Admin
istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will
be presented at the Orphan's Curt “1 Adams
wanks, fur corthrruntiuu and allow:we on
Tuesday. the 21st du !./ of pduu &tl . /text, at 10
o'clock. - A. M., viz:
63. The amount of E. G. Smyser,
trapr do bonis nou of George Wolf, late of
Adinus county, dece,,std.
0-4.,1ye second account of James Feser. Ex
ecutor of the last will and Itst.lin. nt of Jacob
Feser, deceasA, exhibiting the portion of the
e.itate bequeathetkto the .witipiK for life and
adittittistered. after her deceage.
63. The account of ei.arles Homer and
Robert Horner. Administrators of the estate
of I.}actor David Horner, det:;easel,lato of Get
G. The second accocnt Dl' Joseph Taylor.
Adusiaistratoroeith the. will annexed, of Peter
SstAeceased,Lato lianiing.on. to watthip,
67. The account of John. L. Gubernator,
Aslsdnistrator of John L. Gubernator, see.,
late of Conowago township, deceased., ..
68: Whe Jiro. and final sec )uut of John
Starry. Administratoi of the estate of Daniel
Ho° inset,deceased. . -
Rogititer's 0111 , ;e, Get tys-
Iturg, Aug.:13,1858. J
. --17 tadies and "Gentlemen!
TF you desire to have.i.aes.t and qubstantial
-41- I. tPcier_crlSlECtil, go to BRING MAN
C 1 ) 73„ w4Lare always manufacturing
Bee and s of the Lest material that
oatf haa: None bilk good workmen are
em 1 hiliegign of the BIG BOOT.
J. li.—+A good steadyJourneytuansraate I.
o•StO..p, Attiroftd. •
TiA4Nts.ovi - x. 1 ,4 1 - .144,4pTer8;i4 . 4i nanroa,i
a VtlartZi r iiartorer at 9 It. with
p Saltiii3vra by Exproia Train,
a s ap fur York, Harrisburg, Want-
Liars . .
rna,linnover e at. I P. Al
41111ankure 1 and intermit,'
ettOtt, Z n ciet Agent.
. 11 "Pret.Jeaa
.` • ; Whalki)Oldi/i„
400, ' 'lsaiah' invite tho-LlPllits to examine his
• • f tiooliass7l444l#4 . Comal
' aVistnsiis•AttaiipOqt. pif
*. Prl
fIROCSRLES.--Sogur, Coffee, Bitt-
JI.A. kistikof Spices. 4“ every — sailars - :41
44145740=1. o .049,4444
- • - ~ GUM( 6 BRO.'
A DOZEN Scythed in store and for sale
LP U 'wholesale ' , mid fetall at the stare of
CLOTHS, 64:wipe:es, 4tiuuney Coatings,
aud every yank/ of /kiln:liner driss go ods
Men and bop, tcr te Intd at TiuStsrocia .
VEEP THE FUSS OFF.--Noel asagnitleent
assortment of .M.Netitat.l'AC,44N9'S‘ -
• FRUITS anti Confections, nice and. fresh,
.AU just from the City. to be had at
- a•• • .. ••4IILLESKii Ii.TLIOMAN. , '
Qki11E118111.4111,E...-Parsoms wishing to pr.
chase Queetumarei will do well
. by examin
ing tlke large and well eel eoileassartumf it
11. S. 4 E. 11. hiticwingie:"
QILVER.--A' fide reit of 111 Ver 'Spoons A.
10 Silver fork& isa 11)W as city prices, mut
lo Pe bad at SCHICK'S. d
rciski soonots they
sell rapidly."
JAWeanct, macho', rimaig. violinj, 94
iu tarspAccordeons, llarmonicatts, Wight•day
Whiny-hour and A tants Oiiiebt,lit tlf ' ,
lbssilia WWat,t t , -i a. . ..:: • -iv. 841.1180 :. .
.. AMPupjfildielablVaiiebria tan
that ' T,VAtirteradator ti
Ipersbalrg &seek i , %La ••. .' ~ , , , ,
• 4 4 ,
• • . -
Abi"'"••°" 00 ''''' • ' Xi "t . 11 11LCkEile: , ••"1 It' I' 1 --• 1 ., .r . .". • ... to 2,10trt,`;. , A. stA r 4440 phis •:. - 4 .4. AA, e.,C) 01 asjoal: ipott $ Glit fi# , 4,, .f 1 ' ''' .6aireare rr".*. -,.. ~.." 2 - t it' s . - •. 4 - ".2
IS 14
. i. ,
..., _ , , 0 1
'l. la i
. ', ,t ,
mi i ,d ;,,
t :i ''. -,,.,,;, . Oa. ade the
• r,. . • • ' ti‘ . • ‘• - ,1 ' .
• ,
,i. - ~,„
.., ', Deeioeraey 0 -the Lialonor di refer
• • ••• '
,+. t
- i, 11
Ai • t4,l' •t ,
41 1 t . . ' W
1 Oat " , •
i 4, • ~,
, • .;, , f a4 I. 1
... .4. .44- ,' , •
4 . 7,..... • . ' ' i • . , , . ,
.. ,: t , :fi re ee w to their • •
~ : i . .Is thetas,
, •.. ',.. .7
lilies lamb .4 ,• • ia
to the Unit* Se ip,. witha
smaller - , bet.. I. . that if
' . she e- • . . ' , Li., iltlite. , ..-•
Thlsiadi •-•• . -
~..• . • 7, It done
. . . j
_4, nut Teo; • . ' • •-• ' ' DOW.
. 4 11. 1 . Oki I • , , _
' . le ',fatty , s tio? e - OS it *as
a Ntitiorrititt . , - . gitiv)3 .altil tittriun- ,lirlit'itat. . ~, •... ,_ •
„ ..
,twi t indict
-A • II
. •
13y H. Y. STAHLE
40'.. YEAR.
CIE ry.—Tite Biennial Addreln before
the Pniliiinathean Society of Pennsylvania
C.lle,y,e will be delivered cm Sept. 15th, at 24
u'cluck, 11,.ivirus XL NI itIIALL,
f Philadelphia. The friends ut the S,,eiety
and all interei ted in literary iuisociations are
respectfully invited to attend.
C7,aii litai, ri Cum
Aug. 30, Ib5S. 2t
- --
Teachers Wanted.
THE Sehoot Directors of town
ship will meet at. Mr. George llesson's,
in Littlestown, uu Stbtrdug, tla I:sth flay of
Sepleuiber next, at 1 o'clock, P. 3L, fur the
purpose of etnployin4 six Teachers to take
charge of the Schools ot said tuwo,Lip, fur
the fall au 1 winter term. 11v order of the
Bulrd. WILLIAM DrrtERA, Ste' y.
Aug. 2:1, 1.4.1*
Executor's Notice.
te'tamentnry un the estate of Henry
Sunder, late td Germany township, Adams
county, decrea%ed, hating Leon granted to
the undersigned, residing in the same
township, he hereby yh,ttes nidiee to all
pers,ms indebted to said estate to make im
dmte payment, and those haring claims a
gainst the einne to present them properly
authentie.ated for settlement.
Aug. 9, I'3B. tit Execulor.
Administrator's Notice.
1 - OIIN WALTER'S EsrATE.—Letters of
athnini•itration on the estate of John
Walter, late of Freedom township, Adams
county, deceased, having Leen &Latices,' to rite undersigned, residing in Franklin township,
he hereby gives notice to all persona indebted
to s.tid estate to wake iunnetliata payment.
and those having claims against the same to
present them properly iinth4ntiitateil fur set
tlement. PIIILIP•CUTSILA.LI., Ather.
Aug. 9. 1838. tit _
Administratot's Notice.
A mos MEALS'S ESTATE.—Letters of
sAluainistratiuu on the estate of Amos
Meals, late of Huntington township, Adams
county, dectissed, having been grsuted to the
undersigned. residing ins the same township,
he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted
to said estate to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against 1,10 same
to present them properly ftutlienticated fur
settlement. W I LLI AM B. ()MIREII,
. Atlas' r.
Cheapj Cheap !
11011 E NEW IPO I.,lAcoßs &BRO.
- Pave just returueit it 1.110,04, 4 , with it
very large assurtwent of Clothe, 11.tssifpereP,
Vesting. 4, Summer Goods,- and everything
eke in the men's wear line. They Mad ogler
plain and fancy Sliirts, Collare, silk and cot
ton Handkerchiefs, SuspenJers,ite. Having
bought tinu,nally low, for the cash, they are
enabled to ikelic Arai. In y exce l
lent full cloth suit, nusile up, for *l3, for in
stance. t e them a call, at their new eqtab-
I ishinent, in illiiiniiierehutg atreet,a few &tore
west of the Court-house, beforepurchasing
elsewhere. pixy 10.
A Card.
if WING ilispobod of my btore t(ithe Meagre.
/A. Guinn, S would recommend the new firm
to the cion6deiloe of—Alia, public, and hope
they will rooeive a largo share of the public
patronage. • JOHN NUKE.
April 5, 1554.
New Marble Establishment.
V. 110)111.1(211 would mn,t rempectfully
inftrin his frie.idi and the public gen
eral{-, tLat he has opened a new .N.l lade Yard
at Arr Sher rye , 'fen 1113 rowdy, ere
he will exe.:ute all kinds of u.irk in his line
of hosiness, such as 310NIZIIENTS,
ti MAD neitne,4 sad
di. .itch, aril at pricey to suit the time,.
All orders addres.ed t., A. V. Hoinbaeli, nt
Adams counts, will Le
promptiv attended t o .
:Slay :14, te3 , 3. 6ui
sm.:l:w W. FLEMMING, residing in
BreckiuridgeNtreet, uear Jame. Pierce's,
GeLtyshurg, offers his services to the public
AS a ,S,i/e Cries and Auriioneer. His charges
are moth:rule, and he will nn all occmiions en
deavor to render satisf.xition. He hopes ► n
receive a share of public patronage.
Aug. 17, 1537
A. H. C. Brocken,
91 CLIFF STREET, New Yurk, manufac
''—d turer of Gbi,s Syrin;tes, 1104wrpathic
Vials, Graduated Measures, ...Vntrstay Bottles,
etc. Mass Ware for Chemists, Drum mists,
Perfumers, Phowgrapliers, etc. Ureen Gla
Ware by the ruckage. A liberat divicoent
made to the trade. Orders from Country
Druggists and Dealers solicited. Price Lists
sent un application.
Aug. 9, 1858. 3m
wisbcs to inform the ladies of town and
country, that she is now prepared to execute
Millinery in all its branches, in West Middle
street, a few doors below M. George Little's
store. Work done cheaper than elsewhere in
town. Please call and see. [apr. 21, '5O.
TE attention of the ladies is especially
`ited to the large and well selected .16-
sortruent of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Shoes and Gaiters, at
• - Pezros gclui C N Y 9 B. •
MIN-WARE of every description en' hittid
and for ode 114.1 A). t. ISIJELILEWS, iq
Chambereburg Street.
IC i'ocfs eoi•r?eis.
liW URN! 1 A DEAD.
Tull not the bell of dea.h for me,
When I am dead;
Strew not the flowery wret - th o'er me,
On my cold bed.
Let friendship's sacred tear
On my fresh grace appear,
Genuning with pearls my bier—
V hen I am dead.
dasiling proud array
Of pageantry display,
My fate to spread.
Let not the busy crowd ba near,
When I em dead;
Fanning with unfelt sighs my bier,
Sighs quickly sped.
Deep let the impression rest
In some fond, fueling breast ;
• 'flier' were my memory blest
IVhen I ate dead.
Let not the day be writ;
Love will remember it,
6 1 eiect i)jiceilqojj.
Sold Himself.
We have heard a capital anecdote of
a witty elergyman who is said never to
come off second emit in a jocular en
As he was ono day passing down the
street of a largo village where lie was
settled, he was observed by some wag
gish bangers on at a.publie I o las which
lie was approacl►ing. One ot those fel
lows; knowing the reverend. gentleman
was it "hard case," at a joke, raid that•
he would bet drinks for all hands that
he would head Mr. A.
As Mr. A. came opposite the merry
group, thu proposer of the bet called to
him, Mr. A. halted and drew .near,
whereupon thueoetideatehap addressed
him :
"Mr. A., we have a dispute hero of
some importance, which we have agreed
to leave to you as one competent to give
a correct decision."
" Ah 1 what isit ?"
"It is in relation to the •ge of the
devil. Will you tell us how old he is T"•
" Genttumuli," said: the impertu rouble
minister, " bow can you presume me to
be bioquaiinted with matturt of that sort?
You thud keep your own family,readrd r!
A Minister's Walk and 'Conversation. -
The editor of the North Carolina
Presbyterian, who is at the Virginia
Springs, has heard a good story of
Speaker Orr and the Dev. Dr. 11 of
Lexington. Not long since, the story
goes, tlrey were both-at- the warm
springs; Had met . in a public room of vile
hotel. They. lid been. t.itting With
other company, and after aw hile the
Dr. MSc and walked across
. the room
with the usual limp in his gait. Mr.
Orr immediately recognized him, and
asked him if lie was not the Chaplain
at the University of Virginia at such a
time, naming tLie year. The Dr. re
plied that he %%as. " I was there," fi;dil
Mr. Orr. "a student at the 'University,
:1201 1 linewyou by yourli4." "Well,"
said the Dr., "it scar) 4 my timpiay
made a deeper impression on you than
my preachtiv." The joke plated Mr.
Orr in an Li‘‘ k ward predicament, and
11105 t ILCII would have been unable to
extricate themselves, but he replied
with ready " Ah, I)r., it is the
highest cempliment we can pay a min
ister to say he is known by his trail
rather than by his conrersatiun."
man who is very rich now, but
Wafs very poor when he was a 110 . y, WIWI]
asked how he got his rkbes, replied :
My lather taught me never to play
until my NVOlk WAS finished, and never
spend my money until I had earned it.
If I had but one hour's work in a day
must Jo that the first thing, and in
an hour—and after that, I was allowed
to play, and then could play with much
more pleasure than if I had the thought
of an-untinished task before my mind.
I early formed the habit of doing every
thing in time, and it soon became easy
to du so. It is to this I owe my pros
p eri ty "
Paris has Repudiated "loops."—Ls.
dies will please take notice and gov
ern themselves accordingly. The re
form ho'wever cannot bo brought about
in a day.' • The hoops here mast be let
clown slowly. The fashionables in
France have made other changes in
dress., A writer from Paris urges our
ladies to abolish long skirts in the
strects s and doff so much finery. He
saye•the French and English ladies all
wear short skirts ; and show their pret
ty,soktio, with their snow white Stock
ings. The Baltuoral under skirt ismuCh
barWo may sock costly furniture for
our homes, fanciful ornaments for our
mantle pieces, and ricb•carpets for our
floors, but after - tbe absolute neceeharine
for , a4hoine, booka-aud newspapers aro
at once tho cheapest. And certainly
the most tnitrflitand abiding.ttabollisb•
meet:- • " ;"
lo r TVs the little troubles that wear
the be3ri'B4: 'ltlkettstietii throw s
IxAtrb:elrelt A Wile, than A' reildier-:= 6 4Ml*
^ wall ,enillotiy. —Forty Jittia,tlebts of
IMMO you rilflPititeutle
oanft4,tozins big ono a
th -i a r g .", ,Abd- = .446 ' •
terArtywle and : SSW " 1 40 0 40
rerpitga4 otti, day that a . young
Mkn diaiA frit biliv!pu. l. LWAs
not"dileeitring'. iOr sabbi
amiable lady. A eeneiblawrAithitt, had
'fife *ere, ti yoga& numw7ol‘9ol44Pet
oar caP,1 0 0 4 43 ; ,
"TRUTn is Miatirr , ♦ND RILL mrivart,.."
A foreign correspodent of the St.
Louis Democrat writes: I had not gone
form my rambles about the city before I
was brought - to a stand by a discovery.
On both sides of the streets, projecting
from the centre of almost every win
dow of the dwelling houses, each at an
angle of 4 dftgrees with the window,
were placed thti mirrors of absent a foot
square, each in a vertiele position, one
lacing up the street awl the other
down. I immediately set my; Yankee
ingenuity to Work to "guess" their ob
ject, and was not long in discovering
in these mirrors plain indications that
here, in this great swamp of Europe,
woman's euriosi ty is the same as among
verdant hills and more genial clinics.—
The mistress of the house seating her
self in her parlor in a particulrr spot
before a window, with book, needle or
knitting work in hand, has but to lift
her eyes into the twin looking-glasses
outside her window in order to catch
u glance the Avh ole panorama of the
street in both directions. There was
also another queer looking•glass ar
rangement which, for a long time, pirs•
zled me. The puzzle grew out of the
peculiar positions and various angles at
which these mirrors were placed. I
was about giving it up, when, observ
ing that their inclination was always
decidedly towards the limit door, I saw
the whole secret as clear as light. The
good lady of th; house, hearing the
door-boll ring, darts a look into the cu.
Jima mirror, and thereby knows in
moment who stands at the dour. Of
coarse when the door servant comes in
her ladyship can at once say whether
she is at hOme or not. In all the cities
offlolland nearly every dwelling house
'ha@ Pritiouling from its windows front
one to ten of these ugly-looking mirrors:
Indiums as a Matter °tract.
A man Who had been West, and been
chased by an Indian, wntes: •,
"Much ,has been said by poets and
rnmantie 'young Indies abatit! the pic
turesque inimet and the noble: form of
an untamed, untamable merrier of the
prairie, aiid•fa r be it from me to gainsay
them , 'An' imdian is a noble spectitclo
—in a picture, or at a mile distance—
bat when' this 'noble specially,' in com
pany with dozen other 'noble SlWellt
cies ' is knoring liiA Thoectotinr in your
direction, and hate to do some tall
walking in order to Ideer the lepillary
sub/K*lloomi the summit, of your crag..
iutn, all his 'nobility' vanishes, and you
see ire him only & painted., greasy mis
creant, who will, if you give hint a
chanceplift your hair with the sante
Christitm composed mind 'nog
serene, with which he would a , k ano.
ther 'spectacle forts little more of ibid 6
bakiLd dog.' li w.ced to think like the
poets; acne the sight of nit Indian gives
me a cramp in the stain:wit."
Dr. Frani,list's Tuast.—At n dinner
of a ForeignriMiiiistor, the British Min
ister gave :
England..-. The Sun, whose bright.
beams enlighten, and fructify Cho renio
teat corneas oftl►o tiartit.
The Fretih Auitaeeador • .ful lo wed
with :
?nowt -I-The Moon,whoso mild steady
and cheering rays are the delight of
all nations, controlling the thirlinils,
and making their dreariness beauulul.
Dr. Franklin then rose And, with his
usual dignity and-simplicity, said:
George Washington—The dushna
who commanded the Sun and Moon to
stand ‘ still and they obeyed him. •
irii 4 A.a old lady in the country had
a dauoy from the city to dine with her,
on a certain occasion. For the dessert
there was an enormous apple-pie.
*La, ma'am !" said the gentleman,
"how do you 1111111111gti to
'•Easy enough," WAS the quiet reply ;
"we make the trust in a wheelleirrow,
wheel it under an appiedree,..and then
shake the fruit down into it."
kir A testy editor wonders if we aro
not often. frightened. by the 160.4 of
murdered truth. We do not think he
is in any danger of such a fright. •As
he was never able to soo the truth it.
self, he will hardly bo able to 'discern
its ghost.
Iferabere is n class of persons who
only•make friends to use thorn. It they
can get nothing out of a man, they do
not want hie friendship., Such people
treat their friends like cigars—they
hang on tO them, get afttlio good from
them, then throw tlitem sway awl spit
atter them.. . ;.• . . •
young lady itskaa'gentleinart
'the inenaing-of the wo6itierrogiatc—ad
","•replice! be, 6. gate I,twough
which parties pass oa their wax to, pt
„married." c"r " hen.tsuppose, replied
she, "that it is a Corruption :of ',borrow
glttat ' „ ' YAW Wrigitto Ati4P,":.OPlied
her iruortuant ) , " svopyw magi atibre
- iation i,f wo
-aliro4rStinie peciplo,"-aaid r reilooseci
.tutripugultig.alage or bur
bYt4aTIVIt ! 4 .14 1 L,
cliariV,,ut.nerli squander weirs in sup
portilig wives and larri~fie bed, ate Co
ma, I saves mine to ley apiritil*" •
I allirabe. torahelose of a sweet gi4
i tcoma
blind froto her birtb A ,af rs this inser
tiCkit : — " - Tiiereis:ico ritli 4 Erb:" !"hie'
'tomb of a chthroftlitt4t re,' trail .
. B c-! kir/ Mi i ii 4
, Plogoia
• 401 1 A'tiojittusakdiroLletetiMikli , 1
court whabiumuk monks a pig had, that,
mom iwAfisim A.V44.40 4 1M01 , 00(
marks doept Vory Mart tsil
j t. _
' Miamtbony Rums, psp eskrett fpgi e .
dye, is lecturing in Maine. .
A Woman's Dodge is Rotterdam
. _ 4 . .
II • ..11 : ...I•r
. . I' • .• • " •.4! • I L... y• 4.117
41 ,
. t.;"
' '.
• . I 4
1 .. 11 . 111: 1 ;•• i t y:,,g, ' : ;
...- ~ ~. , . .. it. ,
California Poetry. Time to Plant Evergreens.
When from -my farm I chance to We find that the old, exploded doctrine
1 ' stray, 'to i'pentr an hour at close orday, that August is the bust time to trans-
I ,ever !Ind the place most dear, where plant ,Evergreens, is again upon the car
some friend tecats to lager beer.—Sacs pet, and. is- advocated in . cum of our
ralnentu Age. I prominent agricultural journals with
.Ah :.yes, nay friend, of city life, sure earnestness. . .
such a treat cures such a strife ; but 1 We trust, however, that no one will
better than such a dose far, aro pleas- i be misled with any argument of this
ures of a tine segar.—Placer Herald. kind, whatever may. be its speciousness
Such pleasure may suit baser minds, and plau t ihilow„ Those who have tried
but with the good no pleasure finds; • both spring and august, will know bow
we thirty the purest joy of' life; is 'mak- ' to proeeed in future without advice from
l ing love to one's own wife.— Vukano any one. , , - , - • I
i Ledger. ' Lot us simply ask, Do not your over
i Most wise yonr choice, my worthy greens, transplanted, (in this region,)
; friend, in ilyineil'. joys your cares to hay from, the 15th March .to the 15th
end, liut we though tired of hoo , le life, l April, live and grow with equal certain-.
!can't boast of having our own wile, and ty as deciduous trees? Our experience
so when 'neatli our 4. 3 res We taint, wu fi, that. it is'a rare thing to see a care
fly to Iciessonie gal that ain't—yet.— fully lifted and planted evergreen die,
_Napa Itrporter. • when reams-Lai in the spring. We do
That "lager beer" will bile provoke, not remember ever to have lost one.—
'a hits aline linvionts ' end in -smoke.—! Last spring we set out about one bun
tTo court owes wife is bett,or tar that, fired American arbor vitaes, and every
lager benr or i•tle cigar., the t one has grown. NVe also set out Aus
i dew of 1,,,. young Immo, break on the trine pines, Scotch,
Norway and Silver
• lips 215 so-in as bl/111, These all are firs, and every one has not only lived
naught to that greatest job—the first but increased in size—some of talent
proud glance at hour tirbt Lunn boy I=s growing one foot I
Ereninq Lecher. : . , i Some persons, who perhaps have never
"Fitt true it bot.'s :1 wished for birmiiing,
hut theft supposo the tirst's girl, .1.
()ear Nivea child, with ways CIL reIgNI 14,
witilltouLing lips and EN XVII cud,
dimple cheeks and laughing cyo,
tuwt: and 1)1(1 good bye! So
whether boy or •sidiether t'other, ens . -
1 eziut. the. babe RIO thewthe mother
&in Etani:acci Globe.' • - •
Stopping 'a ;AEI, • - ----
"John," said his master . to a servant Draining Prevents Injury from Drouth.
, w 1).?, ti(ivr a stay of protracted and sirs- That drainin , s , "deepens the soil,"
pieious duration in thew Me cellar, came " increases the 41Tect of manures," and
into the room staggering as if the task " lengthens the season " of working the
of keeping his eqatlThriurn walattogeth- hid,..welsavo already shown ; the fact
,or beyond his power . „ i‘JoFil,;' 4aid he that it " prevents the injurious ; effects
an • r ily, "he w!'often liaCu I told 'yon of drougl, ts,"how ever, scents a paradox,
not to .meddle %vitt) the wine Z., If you remains to lakaecounted fur.
I transgress again, I shall immediately We all know that a deep and mellow
idischargu yOu from My service." ' ' soil retains moisture•nuali better than
1 op'hy—liic --sir," stammered John, a shallow and hard one. " Water is
"that's,—hie—a prcity wav—hic—,.o held'in the soil between the minute par
repay a tirvor. ' I did it sir—hic—fur ticks of earth. It' these particles be
!the sakosot doing yens service." , pressed together compactly, there is no
-" boing o inea twxviee,yoi.iii"clllocad!" space left, between them for water."—
'said his master, irrituical, "N% hat do you Compact subsoils aro but little parmea
-1 me: ryboisarilk outulictordieetiosetitte- ; Lie to Saler, 'compared with the same
; inentmoliert.‘ , ..Vetisnd itaeiiplanp-j %%iem broken up, pulverised, and mel
-1 tion. . , ., , lowed. Ti/t3 one is porous and drinks
altii3 . l ,, 'nit 'Fee, ' sfr:Lifie%-4' Walt ;in moisture like a sponge; the other
, t down into - tise''etllur'bibrifdorsificiir - theriubsorhs in it but, small quantities, and
bung of the %Oise 0641c , erassei owl, itsid-«i rapidly parts with the same on the rip
, list -r-uttihi:l • was liasittolaug, , for#44p-blo phaation • of. heat. The one takes it,
—so • quit iiie--0•?e. }nisi not not ran oflt i ii frum the sir, which passes freely thrii
,-I put my moult" w it instead, of 'the, it,lhe'' other impervr3us to the air, re
'. szopper:"' ''''' ' 4 "" 4 :+••..-~ '
4 .I." ll6lllllunch:tn ' goti. Undrained soils, as
' J.llOl wail tittvlsestrtlS'llw.rsirefortbovvi iwo - have shown, become compact after
the stopperiestme , eut tho ne.4 time. ' I kayy talus, by the eyaporution of the
•-- -- - m. , -- --- - , J water: vi' *Weir they are saturated;
i siar-Bill I'. was maklng l :i journey in i ((raised soils, on the contrary, become
' a •1a.14' 0 coach, over the hdlY roads in
„I more iionons from the fi ltration of the
the • n esters part • of the titan , , and '1 same amount of moisture into the drains
• aion,s,sl himself 1.11 the way by frequent i b e l ow.
!wool.' 116 the comforts or n mysterious I - traiain prevents injury from drouth
black 1 , ,,t de wriich•la; bad With him b y g ivi n g ; a getter growth to plants in
ddcrily' the coach earn„ i 9 ceataa ' the early summer. Seeds sown on any
with a large Mont',
r which, wit-hunt d 4- ', , 0il coutathing stagnant water,
! •r :thy ethos 113111:1
5,,0, deprived 13 ' 11 .Y I no roots below that Water line, but may
of hi& cquilibrouni •and , dowse he relied , flor a white grow well from roots near
on the gromel. - 1 the tiluiace. 'llut let drouth come, the
11' hat'n th•nider yer doing, ?" said
Dilly 1110 you to tip ti‘er?"
41141 '. Cre41 hiili 4 tildt
stage hail not been in or turned at all;
and iht pas , eligers4tii`4ll44
.144. that Le
was right. I;illy ap,i
prucheil the vehi
cle rind' renionnica slowly' to his
fotriitol• stem mashie.
"Ditlii . l.tipset., dye say ?"
"Xi); rviilteti the driver.
I'd , tut w'd that." said
—I. wouldn't ha' got "
il/tVllyOll set her P"
•• Yes. grandma." • •
‘• the iirst all up nieelx ?"
Alight). fine,
" flu c malty ages did j an Put'under
her, .ouiiy ; •
"Able bliwAred au!' twelity.''. •
" Why, what did you put so
ninny tinder her hit. ? 4
Grandm:i, I !leunted" to sdb her
spread herself."
*l' Daddy, daddy, there's goin' to
be u Log hhed full of sugar sold at
` be
this afternoon, down to the
Squirefttq' ' : ',.•
" You mean hogshead, my son."
"N,o, iy spells hug lib Od. " ! ~
- "How so 1"
"IVhy, h-o-g liOg, s-h-e-d And, hok
4 .‘ Ah ! ,, nty eres,wpatt beat, :your .old
filither An. harnin.". _
j@-We 'necainsnellf en no `'across
something eitrir lisughnble In its es
eitange. , A sp. Auk
,uP 14t ,
enttra crop qt i.o i'rAn lin coun
ty', Anil the' iftst 'that" was heard *front
Own theyerenrusested , on thsicorners
of the fence beggor'every - tuan tor a
chew. ,r
gi l t- -.714+1- •
Telegra 4W , Wilt:relict) in
tide tAeeyViniTrinif i y'Bily si! Vitientia
harm told * =lute's.
' A dispedelt Was iertnit Dublin to
simply saying it' It is
twelve Weloak 114014'4114)abuti ; iv
hour in liswauuktionizi Acs
tight coligitika Alie iaarniag."
summrops p - Iveit.irk, all
Bst . *4o 9. extra castern alit!
(011 pointi . I' WS 15Initad Styles
tinirto toti-eliillkiretiewor-iiftxwi
likistvetain 'c $42 in Yp :.Itl4
#t i cisiofte petvons
iegge %vast tweiraten reeekvipois
mid SOU .01111 911alfinik the'dilohl
a kli k tP.l 9 4 4 4 l w i th W I egg
t wbst ve_you leaning ov
tthilt!"4l:Yeal f°r rr" " I'm, LaPlPAigi
over deinuiea • -
set out a tree properly in their lives,
are exceedingly profuse in heaping
their complaints upon the Season. Our
fi►tlures in trait planting trees of any
kind, have been owin4, in nine eases out
of ten, to the abominable manner in
which they were lifted in the nursery;
and we believe that a l:►rge majority- of
tliv failures are to be attributed to this
capeo,-- (ierman .
tutrn Telegraph. True
water-line sinks' the roots hav
ing no depth to seek moiiittite below,
are parched andburned; and 4-ith.out
rain the crop is irreparably injured.—
On a drained and deepened boil the roots
o down!witheut obstruction, and thee
thus prepared to withstand the effects
of the tong continued dry weather so
often experienced. - . That they will do
p.o, a thousand facts in the experience
of the fainter %vitt prove to him that
observes them.
If it be granted, as we think it must
be, that - draining deepens and mellows,
the soil, it; fottown that draining pre
vents drought from effecting injuriously
thagrowtleof plants. In 1854, an ex
cpssively dry season, Ilrof. Hint, of
Massachusetts, gathered a mass of tee
tintnny In regard to its effects on the
crops, and the best means of prevent
ing' 1:04 to the same. The returns
Caine bardr, as with one voice, in favor
of deepening and mellowing the soil, by
draining, deep-ploughing, sabsotling
and frequent culture, in the case of hoed
crops. •' The drought affected deep
plough 'lands very little; on those that'
wore faithfully subsbiled, the cora
leaves did not roll at all, while on those
that. *ere shallow plowed, the corn
crop snffe'red mach, and other crops
were seriously affected." A case has
been ,stated, where a crop of beans'
were 'planted, grown and ripened on a'
dr4cued:allil subeniled field, without a
showe'r offlYteen minutes, duration, or
supply efith kir from any source, save
front the dews of heaven and the milt
tuttrtrOm beneath. At the MIRO time
in fietd s adj acent;regeta lion was purehe&
and etisp,lnaking no growth whatever
reafif Yibk of nioistu id.—Country Gentles.
_ . . ,
A Good Receipt
To"bOil a chicken, leg of lamb, or
piece ) of veal, with salt pork
sheet ow pound ofmalt pork with citlh,
erof these; au old chicken will WV
alvu,t,pcon hours, a young one, in h,
the time. piece or veal wil l boil
oA tWolodni; leg of lamb iti4tboo
the selittrikaa The itak par ti iU bui
tips p01# 41 0,00114
Y ol 4.34llp#opli# r T r
tRo as f
ilonabh is. co ail' 14malm;;Is
.ybs 'lankier 410 4 00.4testerkbei
• • Pio•l. N44 4 4 4 1#414,,
bisfeiidowieps - : EvektibtOensbfla
shigista octave, towbar ;balk*
inswk4l.9.rdisr 40.001?10
prawn, ttleu
grounds of constitutional,
pop ti I ariplifertifghty'r Mtaf. flit on,
did the Black Repablienns pursue f
Did they inalie 'no distihdtion *twat'
a irissandat slave Stattl •on Abs
_ .
hers oho ast. ongrtas,ln , t soles
upon' the applications of Ali unesota sad
Kansas for admission into the Union.
What pokey did the tnehlwho My' pow
clamoring against ths Dtanocrat!o par
ty pursue when called fottaupoitts
vasua P 77,4 voted to kecio (414m4tile
of Minnesota out of the Union, amosiph
she had a population of two hatidred
thousand people, but, of the same eestiegi
rated fur a bilt which • allowed Kansas,
which they' now chlim kid'harlihittye
thousand people, to conte'ffitO theUsio as
a slave State, if it was the desire of her
people to do so. In othar wo9liy„jbLt
Republican party, which vauntatif.rts
devotion to the Interests of freedom and
frec`States, declared, by its votes in Con
gress, that two hundred thousand jpeopts
could not slake a fres-Stats iaJtithsesota,
but thirty-fit.v.thogsaaikf4ipit make a
slave State in Kansas.—Pc,44Bloo4o4.
Connecticut •Masquitoem—Boaiiii, s -
spruce yonng man from tide 4L was
riding out into Oka country A taw days
since, with gip sun
was hot ho stopped under thO 4ado of
a tree to let his horses breathe:l 'The
"Ficcters" were very thick nricibig;
Bomus, thinking to have , s-hills fan,
culled out to a farmer at work in thu
field " \viiat.: - do you feed
your inusquitoos on ?" d 4 IVo'faitcl "din
on little city fellers Übd bosses." _Boma*
whipped up. ~Fact.—.//nr(ford Press.
• ssirTlie eidi for of ono °tom' eXeldiagalt
has growrit melancholy, and look to
writing poetry. Here is tt vets* from
his pen addressed to a young lady
whom ho fell in love with, but'wha re.
jetted him on aceouiirof his poverty :
Now could ybut Mind anklver,
I vow I'd swim the Maumee river, -
And to wiu so fresh a bud,
l'd MOO up to my neck iu
Fur Scolding Wives.—We heard a
remedy fur these afflictions the otber
day. A friend of ours who folrows the
profession of a earpehter had been for
801110 limo repairing a dwelling whose
miettess is a reputed termagant. Lis
tening, to, her as she vented her wratji
on her ggod, natured " old inan,". the
other day, Shavings turned . to us end
seriously said t a if I had such a wife
ae that, I'd 'point her fou'ral tomor
row at two o'eluek—and; by Jocks, the
corpse mould Ge ready I"—Clinton Courier.
Stir" Pa, didn't you Whip mo for
biting Tommy 1" " You,' myo child,
you hurt him. very muelt." L II Well,
then, pa,• you. ought to whipAa's
sic teacher tQo, for he bit her yesterday
right in the mouth; and I know it hurt
her, kgeauso she purlior arm around
his neekidndirtodlAtiortri
Mr "Charlie, what makes your
chocks so rod 7" asked his„sislcr's ad
mirer, of a little urchin five . yeare old.
"Cause I put sonic of sister's paint
on. /ilia pmts it on every day!'
It was an embarrassing disclosure all
around. At least Charlie thought
alter the visit°, was gone.
colored iii"NdEritiltlN. J.,
having.sulleved some pecuniary-embar
rassments, recently 4:lnead huailAim, and
the senior member ,gave the following
"notis" to - the public: "The dissolution
of' co-partneriship4 'heretofore resisting
twin rile Hal liteses*Jonea, in-the bar
ber profession; am heretofore revolved.
Pussonsyrhoose meet pay the inaeriber.
Ilan what . the furm ose must
a pa l l on
Jones, as te form is Insotreit:-
Lidgx lonsaftra."
.& Frenchman being ahmit fia rem.
move his sh,ip; hisTatullord inghlred the
relson, stating, at thO'sdrattiffil that
it was cativirrettitire_Fyz)od si~ tr for
busine9it' 4 Uitfr'MiteM*nftrtifeci with
a all rug 'of th'e' shouider,-"OticilyoCho
very ,good Itand for, do business; by
gar, me stand all day, for nobody emu
to Make me move!' • -I •
ism.Notiong ago Spnggletaolentilleal
a party who were telling game.storioit
by Mating that ho knevr semaraltitons !
and individuals to ooeupy orio,l^6 o for
an entire season. , The inAtar i i jaosp
ed, however when Spriggles espltuat,4l
to them that the bed alluaed i ro Waritit
oyster 'bed.
in." I ant tarritay, diatirostAV.44l
a clorgytnan of indifferent, repatlitiMi
for sincerity, to a rough . neighb4r, "to
hex ypa swear ap.',"49h,,tion't, lot
that liiaeraita you," said, the neighbor;
"1 woar great 4434 stn.,' ,ro,R,LArgi?a
great deaLlnit twitime of: to., a.lttatt
anything by it."
SiirA drunken chap, bluuaering
through the ditrk bet* 'of tds
house, was nouosloth by bis
know if bo did :WA% Audr.b,Palitaier - ,"
. y*mori_ng.!",t4tid, l 44 ` t iw.i.oftlY4o( l
,farit, out ugno 440, 4.,w14 Ayh t spf ,it I
44 . 1 . 41ignt , p ~t • i • •
stiticideni bars lortittl r de
eiSreinv ••11tateNtea • I t b ` ;
- Ahlfray, tor hvrtvir Wei . ? Poi
plisittrsesd .Wurliiiitlxptiftut rid
Lse,ettairi'tlib cue;
its ptositibiLL-' Ita*tdittriWom otti
-44irwityrienaiiiiii:. saki onii4p,if