The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 30, 1858, Image 3
f a t, 4 ' Ad 'WI* 4: ,1 ss • oqp oponn.' 144 4 .4.-. • „ it,pasiontat ban roofed ,Johastos, to Utaksohli , optiLing d gootratin. itoolit”o. 4.014 &import* add prepariog to go into winter fetal disease Is prevalent among the , la Grenville and Warren COUltiell, Jr: C. the tomer totritg CM Nola. A. Venable /sat ty is one day, 'soda neighbor of his .ix. Taa Bons fiat Baden Baden, En . the O'Mara .14440 tioctien liiiieleelppl.tor • Cert la Ores of 'Geo. gallows, deceased, Tit l yto October Stk. itiqk Aliretated tharthe tad tenant taken by order — hi Ilanyoernt of China gives 415,000,- 000 labellimats,of the empire, sad 1,G48,814 in YOU: •••••• , •,4460/Wlllos are the wet latltatlve ani mate lava** rligtlriof apture. Only onw-ass erer spa* OM *ail, bet kumfreds of thous &MlS Ofvorearii daily talking like asses. When you ga to drown yolfrself, always pat or your clothes ; they may fit your wife's second husband. ?fever borrow • cotton umbrella; a Ink ono can be obtained with the same degree of effort, and lasts quite as long. Spanking of the crops, the N. 11. Demo crat says, "herein new Hampshire everything is growing tremendously except the Republican party--sad 01 , 611 that grows meaner." I have • way to stop kicking cows, or to keep them from stepping while milking. It is this : I begin quite• naJderato, and oleo they hoist a foot I give the teats a jar!. ; by follow ing this sip it will stop any cow, for a cow very much 4htlikes to have her teats Jerked. If • cuw gets In the habit of starting off, I hold on to the 11111411 as hard as I can, which soon cures her of that aper.—[t}e•esee Fanner. Many farmers are too oaring of peed wheat. Thin seeding has a tendency to pro duce lateArops, and increases the &agar of injury from the midge. rid sheep of ticks, and ear• the scab on cattle, food sulphur with salt, at intervals of • few days, three or four times. Metal Tips to Boots and Shoes.—Tho saving its shoe leather which the small metutic tip en the toe of a boot or shoo effect* is very great. and the invention is ono of pracitical utility. Children arc remarkably fond of kicking out the toes of their little shoes, thus rendering {lion uselessand making, anotherpitir ne cessary. By the use of these tips, which may be made of silver, copper, iron or any other malleable metal, the boot or shoe may be worn until it is really "Joao for," and they aro so secured that so long as any portion of the sole re mains, the tip will be held fast. They do not increase the weight of the shoe above half an ounce or an ounce. It is thoitivention (AG. A. Mitchcl,of Turner, Me., and was patented on the sth of January. Economically speaking, there is no doubt of its value, us one pair of bootsand epees—men's, ladies' or chil dren's—tau be made to last nearly twice the time they would without the tips.— Scientific American. Military Slavery.—Whipping &Idlers in .Englayul.—A inure monstrous inflic tion of punishment than is noticed by the Brighton Guardiun Las, never been recorded in the history of modern ervi lisatiou; and it is not surprising that the pollee of England should receive notice of tun hundred and fifty deser tions from the array in one day. Here is the story: A private of the 35th Royal Susses Regiment having boon found guilty by u district court-martial of steeling a 5s piece belonging to private Dougherty, urtlt same corps, was sentenced to re ceive fifty lashes, and to be imprisoned S 4 days with hard labor. The punish ment or flogging was inflicted on Sat urday, at Chatham, and was very se vere, the cat leaving nine thongs to it, thereby giving 450 stripes on the man's back. Some of the young soldiers, who had never meen such punishment before, dropped from the ranks and fainted. siiir•What, ring its not round 1 The her-ring. CTilinuorres Ptu.a—HoamsL Pismo' —lt la towns* by the uninitiated, that hospital patients have the &dramatics - ofekilfal treetiosiet awl emend atteedasee. The truth la, they are too often merely this setneate Epee which tow stainers try Moir pees Ws hands." The Ow* nespitaia Am the sick ere Unit owe beams, end the Daly "tedleines they mewl are Liolkiway's diesene-aubdulen rams- Mee. Let the weakened down, attenuated, and emptiest sales from User compialet, dyspepsia, asthma, beiter thotie, Ist asp of the saternal assiedies whisk Male the probiesioe, supply thisausalres wlth Holloway's PI lb, sad Hwy saw speedily work out thole owe SIM, and esseibs sr they remember the doleful predictions of the denten. 1.0" . if refill &ALCM or WILD CallltT.—Tle KW". lag Lotter Gout Nev. Henry Wood, of Cuerord. K. U., Xd,tar at ULF Coeverat3ocu l / 4 1 Journal, apotka relaters is favor at W Mar's Baling Cuerect, H. H., Keret 2. MOWlb b W. Yowls : Two yore Kt, dalloaddil dioi 'Woad masa goo my Lasso omalood ma to Mt OK be insert sodito, NA vire I mom* I Wm do nub eississii y Slimly is bssitisisg. OM t 705 atom wooldlo to sloop or east apse a bed by idiglot.-- Tba mad.. woo odkoodo, dairjedeogi hem tbs trodko oy of Ms rosodiot dost,l sopiwool 4114.410d00d hadowido. Noun[ pookiliod to kr, • WWI tie Wilds" ad.. .(WI Id Cborry. oreldooot la Us sedloWS Ili ed 0110 [[Neap: most outtkoky codosood Miser ass Oddill MM mod op. ayiKotit, .Mk bilos.osiorooo Wows IMP to Maki MS polo. stssiisisi. ass rsississat lies selida to °Lbws didLuly Mats& With toga* posts traln HURT WWII. Nob soodlod ooJois sped I. Suits dm Um .capper. SOW W. rOWL.IIft .Co.. 138 Wasitiogton street, Beiriton; Proprietors. 13okt by tkeir agents 114'8,1 where. A. D. Bumf Ise. Getty s burh. dug. 23, 2w trfelr_ Gooey Mous/ *exam JAl[lOl cLazirl COLiniatrap roma Pats, propued from is prepesii br Sir J. Clarbs, I. D., thrsigiam ixtrast dinar, IMAM *atm ?Mt sell trim serlids• la au Irr• 1 0111441 % leltiatieneeri oak mart/ OveSeeaste Delleettioe sad catelesillple, hesiser seem voiraemen emit atom* a pouroisi mot%4 ameties heati/ea toy the eoestiSMOlD._ tirimanut Luau it is /..thirty It TN!, la albeit Yoe, Weft es the seelitilsrhoi Thaw tills nerve woe ttsia bows to kit sloe the itwes *al ie. if MOM am veil elleervei. illtabirP4ll4ll4.44 DiarbAßl teepaeltheisest. .411100110*.eleilwei le eaj maker. had 4 06 4 1 11114iime a trtOsleelegitiet air it PK% • by Mors aisaL r. Needut, Wbaill• "vista, ,&..I.llllsehkr, O .O II L : ErAV ol liew ‘ vo mg rlttitsfsr4 IrOPOOO is le lie «mot tiAr„Nr i iii.a."44o l .o 6 seso i lk , .....••• TS WU ildakeiptliki; 10 Ask Ma 11/ft .istilifteisfotorislim *IS ISS .‘—,'", ' -' lliSifirhelingsmouirike in 1411 — ill -, gleleierire Ass, ail, lOW ii Agfa 41 .a01100 1 ,- • 111* 101~7 Moist * , * . 111 Plillidlitiii f -. ; '-, " : .I„ , - • - Ascifi mot: , . 1134 2:11 r---.111°M"Wai . ass" Fresh ,lir.—Di. Health gives the. oOnsamptives: Eat all you can. digest, tsnd weenies a great deal in tho open air, ilia convert what you cat, into pare, hesktiy blood. Do not be afraid of out-door air day or night.. Do not be afraid of sudden changes of weather; let no change, hot or cold, keep you in doors. If it is rainy weather the more need of your going out, biCe4/1180 you eat as much upon a rainy day as upon a clear day ; and if you exercise less, that much nacre remains in the system of what ought to be thrown off by exercise, and some ill result some consequent symp tom or ill feeling is the certain issue.— If it is cold out of doors do not muffle your eyes, nose and mouth in furs, veils, woollen comforters and the like; nature has suppffed you with the best, mutter, the best inhaling regulator—that is two lips; shut them before you step out of A warm room into the cold air, and keep them shut until you have walked a few rods briskly, and quickened the circu lation a little ; walk fast, enough to keep off a feeling of chilliness, and taking cold will he impossible. What are the facts of the case r Look at a railway conductor going out of the hot air into the piercingcold of winter, and in again, every five or ten minutes, and yet they do not take cold oftener than others ; you will scarcely find a consumptive person in a thousand of them. It is wonderful how afraid consump t,ve people are of cold air, the very thing that would cure them—the only obstacle to cure being that they do not get enough of it, especially if it is gold, when it is known that the colder the purer it must be ; yet if people cannot 'go to a hotter climate• they will wake an artificial one, and imprison them selves a whole winter in a room with a temperature not varying um degrees in six months. All such people die, and yet we follow in their footsteps. If I were szriously ill of consumption I Would live out of doors day and night, except it wore raining or mid-winter • then I would sleep in in unplastered log house. Die ftitat. "11.40 as .i'4 hattbor, some atiret or am. miaow; fitand by qoac.o other bwrever It blaw." MARRIED, On Saturday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Keiser, Mr. E. Z. LITTLII to Miss LYDIA S. IikINK.EitIiOFF, all of thAs place. Ou the null )nst., by the key. 11.13ishop, Mr. EDIVAIW OINGLEY to Miss NAM' LULL, both of linmiltunitAn totgobltap. On the dal, by the same. Mr. DAVID STOUPS to 'Mtn 3LARY JILSE .SINGLEY, both of I.l•nottonbtia to%uship. On the 10th init., by the Iler. Isaac CI. Brown, Mr. WILLIAM N. COLEMAN', of Mending, to Miss SUE It., dsughter of Adam Duke, seq., of Ilercersburg. lile O. s • Lite &natal' mires. tb• men of wan la Found ; Now pima in youUt, pm wit/ming on Na gruarl." MD, On the 17th inst., at the residence of Tome Brinkerhoff, in Straban township, Mr. DAVID 11cCITEARY, aged about 60 years. On the 21st init., Mrs. EVE NOLEN, wife of Thomas of this place, aged about.B3 )errs. On the 16th 'not, near Chansbersherg, ANNIE JANE, daughter of Ephrata:l and Han nah X. Bittinger,-Lged 1 year. On the :nth inst., MARGARET ORR, daugh ter of Thomas Orr, of Ilamiltonban townebi?. In licSherrystown, on the 12th ult., FRAN CIS the 4th year of his age; Lad on the 15th ult.., MARY ELIZABETH, in the 13th year of her age, both children of Francis and Mary Krichton. On the 17th inst., in this county, DAVID HENRY WINTERODE, aged I year and I dny. On the limb inst., in Adams county, Mr. JOHN HENRY KVHN, aged 81 years 4 months and 20 days. Near Emtaitsbnrg, Md., on the 26th of Jane last, ANNA MARY ELIZABETH, only daugh ter of James sad Mary A. Waggaman, aged 2 years 11 months and 6 days. ~lj~h~e~ ~e~ohfs. Carmelo(limn the l►U+t B►ltimon►,Yort k. Hanover papers Baltimore--Friday litst Flour. per barrel, $5 50 ® 6 62 Wheat, per Lushel, 1 18 (4 1 55 nye, '• 72 4 85 Cora, " 76i 88 (}ate, 44 48 Beef Cattle, per hued.. 650 725 ..;al4l ILogs Hay, per ton, 00 - t - 4 - 14 00 Whiekey, per gallon, 26 26 Guano, Peruvian, por ton, 60 00 Itamover— T karsday last. . Flour, per 1,b1., from wagons. $5 00 Do. .. from stores, 5 50 Wheat, per bushel, 90 @ 120 Rye, 73 Corti, id 75 Oats, 111 37 Clorerseed, " 6OO Timothy, .4 176 Plaster, per ton, 6 00 York—Priday Jail. _Floor, per bbl., from wagons, $4 73 Do., " from stores, 600 Wheal., per bashM, 10a 0 I IS Rye, 4, 75 Corn, 64 76 Oats, " 40 Clorerseed. " . 600 Timothy, " 226 _ Plaster, per WIN 4 60 • Addrese ptwirona THE PIIIILOLITTIZAN 80- m VIETT.,Tbi Vousial Address berate the Peileibetheee Society at Permaylvaaie alllege will be harmed au Sept. Mk at If o' dee k. P. bpr Ma me MoNxit au, leg., of Philadielphia. The rrieroti of the Social, awl all in wetted la literary itelooisticate are respectfully Write& to ended. E. 8. JOHNSTON, Weenie 4/ Cow. 30, 11158. Et Atli Ttgeelitat ade. ?ME Citisasa of tie &roast sod its is:. *ill salsa it' . oolokotiag Its 1..' awful as to Wiaiait of •So 00 . 011 `.4laarica mot ity• rapt Coltle. so ,tl,O litAkay Sititasbar kot roit ai oislobratioa ofthat'iroinur= wit! reatior opokaa7 S. U* 1 + 1 0,4 4 ":.. : Ito • Etrin llama **il k pia 'oft I. dia atimologit !WAY • * • ' . , ; - 0.11.411notoit.• : : • s- tte .• Li:kt.= - ,0111.8 1 1 .40 7" -C 4ll "‘ .= • AniAleat. _ . wa. - 144b.riat o zuv fieirilli g .'oalteak - *Utley dosatiNtilkikt< /1)8 ',ARM,s deg. ate IldVeto/ el bra Of /Mut 11110 r•— AMIS. ha Yeusetkir township. oa tile mut ? s ows otrihtgosee, in soilesenew • . agiiigeing of lending' *oat 44-Wilit• Murat to Horser's I -a Mills 4444 , 113 K LW& Or JitiLli Sebwarts, , t TITEME TOWX I.OTR, James Matte, George Grottf, sad others. c ,,,_ ' Antos!e in the lc. W. writer of the Public tairting 2'20 Acrea.itiore or lcap.hetweeii GO .Sq uats in said town. bounded also fir the and. tii) acres of which are Woodland . tad a tiano`er arid Cedes.* turnpike , . let Of Win„. large proportion of Masiklow,— • • • Noell. and en two .aitlei by pettlic allise—. Theimprovements are a Twtr •ia gi :Ms imProssl ars * Tats - - ' story Brick DOVSE, Ose-story . iiii 'story Dwelling 110r8E. ?: Prom flu Brick Back-huildiu. , , Lot Barn .., . i Kitchens, Bak e _.. Oren *. 1e. t r,_.4,1:01- MI Wagon 'Shed, Corn ` Crib, and s ' .l neeesmay" l " wkkr ” a4l /. 611.4° ,_, la "" ?....," '' outheildincs, in good ardor, two nerer-lidithE inlra , hurl Irmile Stain* "I* ' ''' "- ' Wells of Water near the door, with pomp , lof Water with pumps. ibe prof loss been in chain ; stneral springs on the farm ; 4 eneePied foe many 7ssra u a event, beisi good Orchards. containing a variety of fruit,. the only one sow in the place, and well fitted Apples, Peacbes , Pears, Ake. up kr the same, being in otsopiete repo r.— s e rp orgoas w i s hi ng t o v i ew I t, property 1 'lssiies ON TOT IWO th buildiugi sr I Well ear are requested to call on the asimeribec, re. c al, a ,l e d a p ile " . .fulal l is Isiatiss ' siding thereon. Also, a LOT in said town, lindertoc4 feso. GEORCIS T. KALsrurserf. in, bomubd by hot 4 someAuteriogila Aug.3o, 181 8 . 2 m two public 'Aga: • allirf3sle to be held on Hoe prientlees at 1 1 o'etoe It, P. M., on said day, when sums's** will be given and tonna made know by JACOB GEORGE, Adster. By the Court—H. G. Wour, Clerk. Aug. 23, lt l sB. to TN 'purslane* af an Order of the 'Orplian/s1 Court of Adana wanly. the subscriber, Administrator of the estate of Dr. Jivers' Il.iviirost„ deceased. will offer at\Public 1 Salo, at the public house of David Goody-enr, in Franklin township, Adam. county. as I Thursday, llie :117th day of Sef,tersiLer ntri, the following. Raid Estate, lat. All that Tract of .N.tountain Land, . described in the original survey as lot No. 2, situate on the South Mountain, in the township of Franklin. adjoiaing lands of 1 Thaddeus Savona,Levi Irwin, McKeorick, ' and other'', contaalg 300 Acres, more or ' less. 2d. Throe Tracts of Moon Lal II 'And, described in the original survey an tracts Nos. 5, 6 and 7, adjoining. lands of John Reamer, A. MaKenrick, awl others, and the. Franklin county Line, each tract non taining 4IU Acres, more or less. 3d. A Tract of Mountain Land, de scribed in the nrixinal survey as tract No. situate in Franklin tAwnship.(late Menallen,) adjoining lands of A. MeKeurick, Thomas Stevens, and other., coataiuing 410 Acres, MO I e or less. ggirliervons wishing to view the property are requesked to call on the undersigned, re siding in Ilunttnasl.urg. to COUlTDelia* It I'2 o'clock, M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JAMES BISSELL, Adss'r. By the Court-11. G. Clerk. Aug. 30, 1858. to Tll6 subscribers, intending to remove, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on lisseday, the 21Rth day of September next, THEIR FARM, eontaining 90 Acres, more or leas, situate in lkLuntpleasant too m.hip, Adams counts, ad joining /and/ of David Clopsaddle, George Slagle, Wiiirott, and others. About 15 acres are Woodland— the balance cleared and under good cultivation. The improvement& are a Two-story 4m "Weatherlsoarded HOL'Skl, a gu•)d Burn, Orchard, kc., with a never fading spring of water uear the dwelling. bar At the same tints c.nd plate. will be offered, 3 11,ffeea, 4 Coors, 8 hsa•l of Hugs, 2 Wagons, Ploughs, Harrows, !Lase Gears, kc.; '2'o tons of Hay. Sir/Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on said day, when attendance rat be giten and Wine made known by JOAN SOCKS. MICHAEL DAANER. Aux. 30, 1858. tall T'OR SALE.-1 will sell a bargain. and on A: easy terms. The Farm on which Samuel Young now resides, lying in Frederick coun ty. M I • 12 miles from Frederick city, (turn pike all the way,) and within one mile of Woodsborir'. Loutaining 150 Acres, in an excellent state of cultivation. The DWELIANO, BARN, ta. , all new. stir Persons wishing to purchitsse will be shown eh s pre/nisei by Mr. Young. Fur terms, &c., apply to lion. Y. Ls+ts Lowr, Frederick City, or to Ladies and Gentlemen! I F jou desire 'to hares neat and substantial BOOT or SHOE, go to BBINOMAN & CULP'S, who are always utauula.:turing Botts and Shoes of the best material that can be had. None but good woricuieu are employed. ViirSign of the BIG BOOT. !v. B.—A good trteudyJourueytuati wante 1. Aug. 30, 1558. T HE Ectt”ol Directors of Mountpleaaant township will meet at Bruit/ Su Run bail house, on Ratiirday, /44e: 25th day of Septem ber next. at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of employing flue Teachers to take charge of the several eehnole of said township. EGBERT ECKERT, Se' e'y. Aug. 30, 1848. td• 475 725 THE School Directors of bierumay town & ship will meet at Mr. George flesson's, in Littleatown. oa Saturday. az 18th do, o/ September nest, at 1 o'clock, P. M., fur the purpose of employing six Teachers to take charge of the Schools of said township, for the fall sad winter term. By ondjr of the Board. WILLIAM DUTTERA, Sey. Aug, 23,14 a. td• ?viz Board of Schad Directors of Reading A. township will meet at Sheaffer's School bowie; one mile rtArth of Hampton, 04 Solar day. the 4M day of September med. at 2 o'clock, P. id , for the purpose of employing serer Teachers for Ms coming winter, to whom liberal wager will be pabl. By order of the Board. W. 8. 111141411/LAND, Bee'y. dag.23.1858. td THE School Disasters et Presidia tawasitip will most at the house ur thou Man shower, on adariiiiy, die ILIA day of &plow hawed, at 1 it'eloelt its the afteration, for the parpose of employing 13 Timbers to take charge ofthe several &Moots of said sowaship. By order of the President of the Board, &WUXI LUST, Bee'y. Angela 9, 1858. Stray Bull. • RTBATICD away front the madams of the eabseriber, in Realint _4ownottip DO the 6th of August instant ? a ht-tf Bu!!, with a white speroa his fatielleadt about 3 yaws Any person igivitegittetebseriber in fo/Malian et teismot trill Bitfl, will 4e snitarkix rosardird. - THOMAS M. DICK& A . A 18511: se rxteliabgeg 4( OW Il 'Aittloiii • amity iihile glee Tosergoos,Ckiaisay," /in' bet* todaSitShicarn 1011 elite 4111 to laid. a 'beta. KM* lkoritaryail Chet ' • SW 0‘ Sit of IF .4 Weal bon el imml 4 o AWL; P, - —1416' A4Loodird to iperniwrii. MI6- n. ' 1 1 11 05 401 4 Ira $I el to small / F t . Age le a s " t 2N I . a e* " " lies'LLV I tir rd miii • aj I 4fiss***, le bralefie. it.llollllLne $ .44 1 10.:04 .• • •••? t• ,•: .. ..'. . Publio Sale. Public Sale. Valuable Farm, - J.A NIES WHITEFORD, No. 6 SiKites Wharf, Baltimore Aug. 9, 1658. 8w Teachers• Wanted. Teachers Wanted. Teachers Wanted. Teacher* Wanted. = More to be Admired THAN THE RD:HEST DI A DK:11 ern. worn by KINGS OR EMPREORS.— What I Why a Iteentiful Head of Heir. Because it is the ornament God Hirsivelf provided kw all our race. Header. although the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be those of pearls,if the bead is bereft of its cow ing, or the heir be snarled and shriveled. harsh and dry, or worse still, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof. Wood's Hair Restunitive, if used two or three times a week, will restore and peren9sently mew* to all such an orna ment. Read the f...l4owing and sedge. The writer of the first it £Ac celebrated Amur!, Thalberg New Yoar. April 19, 1858. Da. IrCK)D : Dear Sir :—Permit rue to ex prima to you the obligations f am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its origi nol color; about the time of my arrival in the United States it was rspidly becomiog gray. but upon the application of your flair Rt. storative" it soon recovered its original hue. 1 consider your Restorat;re tut a rery wonder ful invention, gaits efficacious as v.ell as avoisabls. I am, dear sir. your! ttulr, S. 'III ALIIERG. "Dryeh a'r Gwyhedvdct." Welsh New;piper offl.e. 18 tirtartaU at, April 12. Ir+sB. PlOt. 0. J. WOOD: Dear fir e—Slome month or six weeks ago I received a bottle of your Hait Restorative and gave it to my wife, who conducted to try it on her h.dr. little thinning at the time that it woeld restore the gray hair to its original color. but to her as well as my *arms.. after • few weeks' tnal it has perforuied that wuudtrful effect by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown, at the blame time bottitify.tig anal thickening the hair. 1 strongly recutitrn , :ittl the above Restorative to ail person. in want of such a change of thetr hair. CHARLES C.IIIDEIV. Youx. July 25, 1857. _ _ Pito,. 0. J. Wt.)OJD With confidence (10 I recuustnilnd your Hair Hesto.ative, es being the most efficacious ar.icle I ever saw. Since using your Heir Restorative my hair and whiskers which were almost slime have gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confi dent that a few mote applicafious will restore them to their natural evlur. It also ham re lieved me of all dandrutrand unpltasltit itch in. so common atuong persona who perkpire freely. J. G. KII.Bi. WOOO :—About tyro years ago my hair commenced falling off and turiuug gray I was fast becoming bald, utl had tried many . Remedies to nu eff.ct. I commenced tieing your Restorative in January last. A few applications fastened my h.fir tirmly. It began to 1111 up, grow out, and tunic*" back to its former color, (biaek.) At this tune it is fully restored to its original colnr, health. and appearance, and I cheerfully recommend its use to all. J. U. liok.S. Chicago. 111., May 1, 18.57. The Iteslorat:ro is put up in bottles of 3 ♦ Lai. viz: large. tnediyul. and small ; the swill bolds a pint, and retails for $1 pr bottle; tbe medium holds at lest twenty per eent. more in proportion than the small. re tails for two dollars per bottle ; the large bolds a quart. 44) per cent. wore in propor tion, and retails for $3. 0. J. Wood A Co., Proprietors. 312 Broad way, Neer York. tin tbss grei.t N. Y. Wiry Railing tatablushment.) and 114 Market 91—, St. Louis, Mo. Aid suld by all good Drug gssus and Fancy Goods Dtsler*. Aug. 30, IbsB. 3m Administrator's Notice. DR. JAMES 11.1 M S ESFATE.— Letters of administration on the estate of Dr. James liamiltor, late of B.ratian town ship, Adams county, duceased, having been lately granted to the undersigned, residing in Franklin township. he hereby gives notice to all per•ions indebted to sail estate to snake immediate payment, nud these having claims against the same to present tliem properly authenticated fur settlement. JAWS RUSSELL, Aug. 23, 1858. tit Administrator's Notioe. TTENRY REILY'S ESTATE.—Letters of adosinistnstion on the s.tnte of Henry !*taut M runtpleatont towns)), Atlases county, ileeewial, baring bees granted kith* anilorsigno.l, residing to the &pus township, he hereby gives notice to All per•onoi indebt ed to said &Wets) make imate lime p-iyment, and those having claims &vault the saute to provost them properly utithensi,:aleoll. for set, tlement JOSHIL'II LILLY, dilas'r. Aug. 23, 1,458. Gt Administrator's Notice. A NTITONY FOLLEIVSEEICATIL—Letters -"id administration on theestate of Anthony Fuller ' iste of Mount()lessant township, Adams so., deceased. haring bees granted to the undersigned, residing is Lb* SUDO township, ke toireby gives notiee to all per boas indebted to said estate to make mar mediate payment. and those haring claims against time same to pprreerent thous property ssatkanti...•tmod fora Senß PIUS 8. SMITH, Aceser. Lag. 23, 18.511. tot ftefflitsei WPM EMMA'S I.ll.TATL—Lootoos JI4 tootawatary ea Oho astoao of Hoary flalor, Isoe at Garioaay to ip, Maw ocloaq, dowsed. ha tot to the. oadarolvati, s maw towaahi be iamb to all pomp*rode dSO .to auks is , mediate mutes as bay*/ alalato gain* the sew t. to pollen lima propostt aothoatleatod lb? DAVID DOMIRIIAVOIL • Agg. 9. 1868. 64 Atoculos, • Aiiiiiiistratees *Us* J OHN 11(ALTAWS-118TATL—Lsostit stlsigaisSeatios :ma, slut- spasis , Valsat, 44 Isinisia.Sissmilimp. Aisne °peaty diposated. hismisigypraii to mien smoship, legai .gismo ottissig• to said meat* is dab egromaki those 'wain alai. *se WI primal Ikea tor** sisoset. P Admen JrAig. %UK S. t• t :As 22 oustlitsam ow" avow wisp% vassi iike~sousinic • 0. 1ta5 1641114 :7. ter Ceram "Woe isa ad Aas. IsILL le Sao... Wittll tidy Rid Ptite . . : , A vAttiA - atr, t - No. 1 : 'VIE MANSION' PA RM, 1 tuna, ;mere "it e m s j e T rump s es r e o l i s i . . Ad ams milky , sititake in Butler township, Adsnis cusinty,, , of „. 4, a di, a i e w g , , l a m e ie j . g adi r l i k e th eapenror , ; wijoining lands ofionts Roth, David Ja4nlni, , ni , 4 7. 4, * Heirs et AtirAmit tixtvikr,„ . d ecease & and, Jacob • Wtale.r ! and others, c J.:staining 124, course e a t . As h er/4 ' 4o d L b.. G reet c ommi t s c ree k. an d, Acme. nest measure. more, or less, of Pateliiid; cal ' 0 ,747 0116 ,, ,, contains H 2 Ames: w o re or tisk._ a j P,igainipgi , Laiiia• the improremeribe are a i anti Auh r einiasete Lad- The jolProsolsisoW WI .' • - itas and nb s W" n r , / 4111 R 14411 14 ~ }if 1 and creation; pow a Two-story Dwellisio. I! A 4 ti 41, viorsE. Log Barn, with Sheds. Ii f in adibiload ~.., g ch ira t br tt th es , D an k % rt . 1i 1 . ; s Wall of never-failing _ . ....... (Ike inttrialoThaa. , I , part stone and portfolios., War . : water beer the house. edit • ramp •r i m ed i a e, 4 44 6 04 or on _Shed mut ..rn Crib ~ : spring 'corer ; Mitch House, dm ; tw o Pic, Bent Or. i sit ,. of gmvadavi amasam i at - blousewear the Dwelling, with is illealtetiV clardcl.'oBe of wbich is new. There is Ili doe i c oce jd er it* eikaful wilt so n at .Wadi ; slush oritios. ei sigk lL ftroportion of geed Timber, and also of excel- i manageamaa of shoo. fat pump in it. id the Bes,. Yard. There is 1ent a 2 42±7, 00 4 .: t e tift.,... 7 2" 6 4,T21 , cm i disemes,. yet I deem. It spry weekber epring'on tarn MI. whit nrilltn: 1 21 F "'"" "' g"'._ ''',-= •"" liit'i_.; ~ elicit patient, should balite the u.. , r /fie "tar ibra44/ suli 4* b ly7= lll 0 17:: 11 4 )"..,.:* 7:h„nsi. The property ai is situates, situated eo r n7 m n- l r y n@ t ra ra . i t a the nd a l t oc i a a l : es e a lr d i a r" sioaa. . ih ena lh. rii ii - s a t ab g elnli fkei .: alas or the iota to good milts. and . alga is the nei2libor- h r gh - e ir eeseter of akii imtitum . ,--- .. premises. a young Lirediani, with a variety of bond a € 43 ",.._rches c'f.nric",_, ll °4'_ , _ 4 """'"I", 4 • I hare au lung bed the hewer Iv Es unit. There is a aufffeliney of *Meadow, and . Ale , etc ins prem i se ", Y• I '" Lain Wm well known to need an, .4g n esge- e j also of Timber, far, thequantlyy of land. The dm/ 41/ . zegeostocr rut, 2 Tracts 01 meat from me. At the enhoionimbeic • Farm i* under, and ia *good MOUNTAIN LAN jl. private and professional (rends, f.. state of cultivation. No. 2t A Tract et Timber-land. situate in w ., phibuillimp sin t h e a b ort , IC„?'Persons desirous or viewing the proper. Franklin late Metiallen) township, adjoining ' h as i mi , I, 4ix and lii jent i ty miovaairta l e.r. ty before the day of sale, wt./ please call on hinds of John A. Noel. Fleming 441 "elsod i after doe consideration. 1 hove' the tenant, Dauiel Heniser. f awl cchers. containing I() Acres. more °elm. ; make su n, , ‘ ,.,,,,, eg ,,,,,,,,, se w ill agl a w t al lif 07.78a1e to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., A large portion of this tract is covered with i benefits of soy experience and trammel*, on said day, when attends** will be &Vett [ thriving young chesnut umber. The Pebble ; within the reach of all, and not esalkocraapb i t and terms made known be iroad from Newman . * to C o l e .' ow e ifebl'al . self, as heretofore, tedium ealy . who stithety. SA NI tJEL WIEST. saw mill rues through - this tract. . i the Infirmary, or who were alibcto rtsil 111. e. SAMUEL WOLF. No. 3: A Tract of Timber-land. situate in , m my mi n ,. mi np i ng t h wa r t ,. & b oa 4,4laistramrs. the same tiwnehip, adjoining lands of Same! 'eaugeenent will give entire witinfoisiiirds ',a By the Court—H. G. Wou, Clsrk, Brady. John Kimble, and others, containing' tomy professional brethren and the fl Aug. 23. 1858. is 12 Atries spore or less , covered with timber of A . woe ij respect f u ll y aaaboa „i aom , i -. different kinds. This tract is situated war ; t h at leas now b e eneme gg e d perame iw ela t the publicroad Awe imeationefi. ' • ' fetter, on all diseases as above, and 140 Ohi.r tir:7"Aolo 50 ootogo o aco upon both daysatl' medicines. the same as used in the Instil= o'clos•k in the at 'moon. Attendance give*: p repare d w-a eaim: 4 i m h e id w d free , sad terms made known ling rapOrl Medical isrmiers. f., *ow. t by . BURKH ART WERT., Ainer , b e fi , rwar d;d by express to say p art of By the Coart— H. G. MAT, Clerk. United States or the Canada'. , - July 96. 1858. is terms of treabbinte by.letto are as .(11142 ---- - via : 91.2 per 'smith far soh patient. will include medicine sulliehni Jed "Mt ' month's seers t also, Isdoillikli VlAPorsr, 110 1 : 1 Inhaling Apparatus. Payment all .6,11.1,1 $6 to be paid to Express Agent eaMeV of W the box of Medicine. add the balance se the expiration of the satinik,, it thilhilfient be cured or is entirely astialsit with Mlo3lllo'l went. Patients, by giving • hill hiatus., at 4. their case, and their sysapeettio la fail, crabs - treated as weU by Weer as by paws* mt , 1 &initiation.. Patiente availing Ihnisegiveg.9ll. . Dr. Jarrott's treatment. may Poly ugictio ni r4t mediate and permanent relief, as • les, gh has to tress a ease ovectlirty dor.' • /04dimik , ' fur advise promptly aaraatial. IviliMllllll . 1 particulars address. . JAMES M. JABILETTi lIIL illks., Public Bala. ri In subscriber will offer at Public Bale, a. on the premises, ee . Saturday, tete Ilia day ef September newt, A TRACT OF LAND, situate is Franklin tow tuthip, Adams county. adjoining land~ of Win. Holier, George Day welt, Aresid Livers, 'sad cahtlis. 4 paw ennui-west 01 Cashtown and 1 tali* Korth of Diehl's Tan-yerd. oontainingSis )tom, mote or less, *bean "It acres of which Art 'bleared and in a high este of cultivation, the balaftoe being well covered with yoang chemist and rock-oak timber. The hopr , .vements consist of a One-and-a-belt' Story LOG HOUSE, Log Darn. with good 7i rill Fruit. Apples, Peaches, lc. f Persons wishillg to slew the , property are 'squealed to call upon t a sub scriber, residing thereon. CO'S:ale to commence at I o'ciock, P. 'H., en said thy, *ben attendance will be given and terms made known by PETER HENRY. Aug. 23, 1858. ta• A Valuable Farm, 1 - T PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of an - 4. alias Osier of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the subacriher, for of the estate of Jootrit Sarni, deceased, will offer at Public Sale. on the preiniqes, nn Saturday, the, 2:4k thsy of Soptewther next, the following valuable Real Eatate. viz: A DESIRABLE FARM, (lota the residence of said deceased.) sitsat• in Mountpleasant township. Adams county. adjoining lands of Peter K. Smith. Joseph A. smith. Stieeringer, and others, coutais ing ISO Acres, more or le'.s, of Patented Land, shout 50 acres Woodland and 20 acres Meadow. The improvements are a Hweiling HOUSE, a Stone 1111. Kitchen attached. • good Lag . UU Barn, with Sheds around it ; Corn Crib sad ,Wagon Shed, Carriage house, Smoke House, stone Shop, and other out- Luildings an excellent well of water near the kitchen door, and a never-N.lin.; spri•ig with in twenty yards : a ft i• young Orchard of thriving trees. Apples. Peaches, Pears, Cher ries. etc. Th,- Farm is in a high mite of cal tivatiou, and under good fencing. Persons wishing' to view it aro requested to Gallon das tenant. F. M. Buddy. Bale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., on 'told day, when attendance will be civet. and terms made known by GEOILGE SMITH, Adoer. By the Court—H. G. Wok', Clerk. Aug. 23, 1858. is Timber-Land and Farm, A T PUBLIC SALE —Will be offered at Pul,lio Sale, on Thor/day, Me 914 day of September ;Berl, on the premises, A TRACT OF TIMBER-LAND, containing 125 Acres, sirunte in Franklin township. Adams county, 2 1-2 miles emith west of Caahtown, and well cowered with Chesnut and Chesnut-Oak Timber of the best quality—the tract to be sold in Lots of from sto It) Acres each. `ale Positive. seirThe subscriber will also, on said day, offer at public outcry, his FARM, adjoining the above, containing 10U Acres, with a Two-story HOUSE. Framelli Barn, 290 Apple Trees and other . 1 . If 1 fruit thereon. Persons wishin. to view the premises, are reque4ted to can .0 the subscriber, residing an the Farm. 11167rtiale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. 3d., on said day, when attendance will be given ...a teruts made known by WILLIAM ROLLER. Slarrive hundred "'tame, Punts, one thou,- and and one thousand Locust Stakes, will be sold on day. Aug. 23, 185 A. is A Pirst-olaas Parm, --DJOININaG ETT YSKI KG, FOR SALE. —The undersigned offers at Private Sale. his FARM, situate in Stralmn township, Adam" comuty, en the Uanurer road, and ad joining the Gettysburg llorough Ike. The farm contains IJ4 Acres, ni4lre or leis. the land being of the best quality, much of it graniso"—with fair rip /rtanne of meadow and timber. Fences good and nee soil in ex cellent cultivation. The im prove inenta area ootunirtable Stone Dwelling HOUSE. Bonk ,Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn crib, Lc.—ftrst rate Apple Orchard, a never-failing wittl of erathr at the door, and a number of springs upon the tract. certainly one of the most detirstiliblirsts now in market in this county, sad deanumie the attention of capi talists. . Ptpreous wishing to clew the property are requested to will epos the and resit/. il e th fr erue lo o ss . 8. S BEN'NEIL Nueateri, isUoa ILLI/1X ClOLDiiii, SWAM— T WSW. illekballe ig -11ar4. i $4l/ isamor et "lima W . l" gr;,‘4o,7psfiY toink ph* 14hasf vistod Pie ' residing west in sivi sea estate then per __ii A 1 1128 MMILAVYs AurrAmptiore ad 4sErsialiaraiimtits efts/ at Amos Mad., Soft of Sisitholia. immorblph. ~.,11 11•060141ig tuOtugheNt greeted to 4h• sedithtt I* *pion* bikraship, tielitiFikee4siseied le amid anOlisiwaiitatiamil *Aides berieg.46les Apia* limi; sass peal illoes omit =rod IN allsisres" 44%imai r_7177 km.% NI Aniipv 1.••••• r 'r awl Mails atTagi. • ' MI I 1 **NCI 1110=-11eme rnn ,is: TGIF: undersigned will sell at Patine Site, A ox Saturday, the 25th day of Sop(ember nest, (if not previously sold at private sale,) that w 4.1 l•k nown HOUSE AND LOT on the West Corner of the Public Square, in the town or Itemierwrille, Adams county, PA on which is erected a largo and eommodioua Twd-rori Wes. , t III! therboarded 110U5E,441 feet rront„ and a two-atory hitches attached and a well at the liAthen door, It is adruitt4 to be tho beat or most dasordble situation in Bendorarille fur pulsho traumas's, for a wen OT tavern. 3:7"Sale to e.iartaance at 1 o'c'ock, P. fol. on said day, when attendance will be given and tarns wade known by WA; OVEEDELFR. TN pursusoce of SA aline Order of the Or pititia's court of A. , /,tius county, 4,he un dersigned, Adutinistrub,r of the estate of Ifemtv Ilecitua, deceased. will offer, at Pub lic Sale, on tile premises, ou Sularda,y, toe 4th day of Septenthcr nr-rt, the foilowinz Real Eititte of said deceased, cis: No. 1: A Lot of Ground, eitante in Butler eownship, Adams county, half a mile sorth of Centre Mills, adjoining lands of George Pohl. Abraham Slaybaugh, and the undersigned, Containing 2 A.ores and 54 Perches, (more or lets,) un which Ere ewectect a Tw.)-story Prams( Roughcast Dwelling HOUSE, with a 01,e- - story Frame Kitchen attached, a if 11 Log Stable, with a Carrie, • House attaches!, a Log Ushinet-m.titur's Shop, with other oet-bnildinge ; also, a young bearing Apple Groben), with other &lett on the premises, and a neverfailing Well of water near the door, with a Pump in it. No. 2 A Lot of Ground, adjoining the above, containing 2 Acree and 33 I'erche', (more or leas) Both lota have been 'well limed during the last few years 'Persons wi4iiiug to view the property are requested to cull upon thy unduraigned, residing near by. sarB du to commence at 1 o'clock, r. on said day, when attendance will be given and term• toads known by CONRAD SLAY 4AUGU, Ades's. By the Court—U. G. Wot.r, Clerk. Aug. 9, 1858. to TILE undersigned offers flit rent the well known BLICKSMITII 8110Pand preen i.e., con.isting of a HOUSE, Stable, and three and a half jilt acre. of Land. Trom the Ist of April next. 'et,r terms apply ti J. R. Shiply or A. 8. Myers, living near the premise., ot Round 11111 P. 0., or to the sub scriber, in Gettysburg. MYEIIS. Aug. 16, 1$ 8. PIM '-'6. Zl3 T , i et ,; asucs o h o irtpßolt oWn.'ui , Admit "L red at .Pattllo Sale; 'the .tat framer. lactusueta,' &tetrad, ' 11141 P, taareship, to wit: tht , giter , i lo Ugetwl tk rlss of Septe toter on Ibe r amaal tosul eautee„ Public Sale. Aug. 4 23, 1858. to Public Sale. For Rent. Register's Notice. I xTOTICE is hereby given to an legatees anu z o i . 1 . 1 other persona concerned that the Adman- I iatration accounts hereinafter mentioned irill be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adam& count!, for confirmation and allowan6e, on Tue.:jug. the 2lsi duy of September nut, at 10 o'clock, A. M., via: 63. The se - count of E. G. Smyser.Adminis trstor de bonia non of George Wolf, Ism of Adams county, deceased. 64. The becond account of Ames reser. Zs, .eutor of the lest will and testatu..nt of Jacob Feuer, deeruot exhibiting the portion of the estate beeinestited to the widow Wir life and administered alter her decease. 65. The swoons of Charles Horner end Robert limner, Administrators of the estate of Doctor Darid Homer, deceased, late of Get• tysho rg. i 66. The second scoonnt of Joseph Taylor. Administrator, with the wil!ennexed.of Peter fileyder.deceaned, later /Remington township. 67. The amen* of Jahn L. Gellerestt. Admenistrstor of John L. Gistrernatilr, Mtn Ist, of Conowago township. &owed. U. The first and final secsinnt of JObili Starry. Administrator ef 1W seigyi d DeniM Hdlinger, deceased. ZAMIARIAR ItTERIL Rif/Wet. Bagisties osq.: (Any/. I berg. Ang.23.11116. %mask* ortke mot 000D$ nosived oval ...k of lUMAKOLS.. . . irt is. No. Oak Broad wog, dour. P. 9.-..Plsyrioiins and °there sisieliiliellegu city ere respeetfully invited to colt *lifts LW rotary, where many interesting ea Nll4llOlO b i/ witnessed, and where ou r. improvestAppginiaillie t fur the inhalation of medicated vapor owlet .. seen and inspected. Aug. 2. 1858. Gm The Mighty Heater 1 Wbritt 46goliir a•td Werid Holloway* Qiuttnant t . ►jIIIE free a &plosions of aftlhatimicts j" as the verdict of the leading 3 • • the 014 as well u the Drew W4rl'4 l ' pxwerful remedial Agent se Um . healing preparation ever made kowilictie t* faring man. Its pram...lrma 'cite anon than 'tsar utous..through Ch orifices of the skin, invisible to eye," it reaches the seat iof the internak !fib; ease ; end in *II enstemsal tifeetionerlks so* inflammatory and Manna virtue anything else on record, and it Natio.," j , • . great ally. SHYSIPELA.S AND SALT RHEUM MC two- of the mast common stud ofralent IWO: L T orders prevalent on thin eontinent, to 00411(•• tho Ointment is especially feistgoalstied'" " modes operandi" Is first eraditlitst IMF venom and then complete the dery BAD LEGS, OLD SORES, AND ULCtU. , —Cases of many y ears standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to sey ithei;• i ' remedy or treatment, bare invArlobly wale combed to a few applications of this ful unguent,. ERUPTIONS ON TUB SKIN, irlstug a bad state of the blood or chronic diaeisetirkt eradicated, and a clear and ttatuparelit WO face regained by the restorative satiate of iAiil f Ointment. It surpasses many of the eo tics and other toilet appflanees baits pewee" to dispel rashes and other distigaiessesietralP: the face. PILES AND FISTULA.,—Beery f sad feature of these prevalent abll stub dilt, orders is eradicated locally and the use of this easoliont; warm foes should precede its application. Its • qualities will be found -to be thorvilegh invariable. . • Both tin Olin:weal and Me shotig be v*P4ll Me following caseß : • T Isoloos, libramialsat, lloreTlimiellS ' Aux illoprorsi, Sam pit ial wow 1,, . Q luau, adi iniesoi, laz ims , • &s itu's/AA, &ll a". Itidals, Skim phases. utter, I" . I tout, • Outlimilibboolle, tw% , t : 4 Iquitos*ewe Legs Toorrsal wait lifeurtai no , Seri Warty W Weasel Oran ' P4O. lure WNW. ~ . . , ,t 4 II 11***Casdionl—None are XOl2lllllO 1114610. , the words , •'Ebtfoiray. Ness Yarro' ..4etts don," are discernible as a water-mark IN wetly leaf of the.bstik of directions around tratinpt or box; the acutethey he Phds4,l•o l llsl/r• Anltting ths kV: to the light. A I;*4 ...- . ward wilt be oleo to say one reading infonuotion as way lead to. the i .l any party:or parties counterfeiting .4 sines or vending the same; kaown's . is be spurious. -.. • • *Soki at the Mcnefeetorits A' Pthleiddlit Blowsy, 80 Maiden LUNI, New Yergi act I by all re/Testable Druggists and ituidenrier , •) Medicine throughout the Isis;/ *Aga rd t,„ the civilised world, in poll at * eastatelks • : • °eas e end $1 each. A.D. Bweilderi Oeckytt's. - * burg. sw-Tbscs is s onaildsei,l*AiNgai r i ssidsg OA I . IR. it,sii. . LI ft.M.4—pedsso St Ow giNktiko ties* isi ivory g WlLissr ? rut. - ~ ' • . ' Iters1 ters .4 10$. * . ' siy A , scilsl .I . . i lii.ll:4lr4vabokt ' a 1 b 11 . A rtinivii seimmsftir momoo Sy o oa ri p ; a 1 1 1:1T be "Witroill4 . - .. z" ' • ' SwoSwoonWoi4i drew or mks a ... &WE irdooloo's looroWthot 114 ' I , book of drives kidding booto4= thimindig- 011110411 —7 -41.110 r ~..1 - `J ME