The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 23, 1858, Image 3
taw : iozpiler. • Pact sat Panel. orst,witaLD /X ♦ Net asiv.i. ..Preeiaetst fittachlr.ln i,na rcurncd from i1t.31 - ort,thga to Wasitingtou, in excellent health 'sad piri ts. ?avail and Eton. McCullough, the two etab peace commissioners , and Gin. Mar-. arrlved at Washiagton. — h s great peach year down in South Cirulina and Georgia, and tha finest specimens of that fruit are nada is Augusta at fitly cents t o a daiiar,a bushel. L proposed to ereet a atonement to CIA:4011t1 Sahli, of JltEletliOWEl, Vit. If all .s Mimi' will contribute, the .thing can be dens without cellists' ou outsiders. Frederick (510.) Herald notes the Pale ottbree elates in that county for $2,510. One arid *boat 17 years, brought 5. 4 1,11:,, another about 15 years of age, St,olo. and the other about eight or nine years of age, $72.5. —.Jo Virginia, it is stated, s. man seat to the plefiLtUatierj the Altird time is Drier allow ji to quit the ioitltution. A man named Mar*eathip, iateir there, finds hirustlf is this predicament. The farmers are confident that Kansas ceill prove superior to Michigan, or to any other Sumo iu the I.7uku, as a wheat-produe iu,; country. • her. D. C. Eddy, now in Puriq, writes; -"Um east hardly And Sunday la Paris: the streets arc full of people; the pleasure grounds are thronged; the shops open; regiments of soldiers marching in the streets; and a high Sestifirt being had by the work Lug people." ....-liquittbs wants to know if doctors by looking At the taupe of a a :igen eau tell what The Last Trick In Trade.—.l. friend in forms us that he yesterday purchased sttrue besutiful tin and apparently ripe peaches from a fruit seller opposite the Post llthce, and thr.t un peeling Out he found them perfectly green under the skin, the seller listing painted the skins red in order to make them sale.tble.—S. Y. Sawa. lte ft3,114t. •"ltwh em e the wlll'llteetterr, amt. ele•toreetsbe show, Wel/ tumult'," *ash other h it hive." lIAIMITD, On the )9t iait. , Ly the nrr. Jneob JACOIIItMN ER to 31i.• MARY M.THOMAS, tu utti ill Neva town.hip. /46 Imb. "Lite loaves o■ troika the nee of rasu i. roma! , Now ip *es In youth, ocur rat►erint u• tie cruuul." EBB On the 3.1 inst., in %fr. WILLI.I.II GOLDEN', sr., in the Tutti ) ear of his age. ()n Thursday last, in 'Etunlit.hurg, Nr..lnAu GuTuitig, in the 49th year of Lit a,„fe. [Fred trick papiera please copy. on the Gtit inst., Mr. GF.ORGE h:Orlf, of L.ttiniore township, ag d about S 4 years. In thiltlmore. on the lath inst., Mr. THOMAS I.l\Alf, late of Tyrone township, Adams coun ty, in the 48111 year ot his age. Un the Lath init., JULIA KATE, daughter of Mr. John tilents, utUutuluerinud township, aged 1 rear t; mouths and 11 &lye. on the lath. inat., in this place, LILY AN daughter of Jacob and Jur , u Retarsell, aged t year and 1 Ivy. On tae 15th taat., in this place, ELEN RA GERTRUDE, daughter nod Cathrine lb-Clain, aged 2 years 5 mcwth4 an.i It; toys. (in the 13th (IEtIRGENICIIOL-13, sort of gr. Conrad Eckert, of Cumberland township, age+, 17 years 5 months and 1!:. dip/. Ott the ath inst., in Ottor.l township. after a long illurss, Miss CAItoLINE MARTIN, third d..u,rhter ot Ilatitin Martin, aged 2u y c ars lo rnoattls sad 2:i 4 (In the 11th inst.. LILY F.LIZA. danghter of Jacob S. And F:liz t Wolf. of l/eruz:tuy towns ip, .hgedll months And 14 day., On the 13th ALVIN. son of Levi sC‘ l l entlsttritie Schtnucker, of Germany...wwuship, ugeii 2S months and . 2.8 (la rq. Yesterday. in this Borough. GERTRUDE MARGARET, daughter of Wilhata and l'aitha nue :Shalom, aged 2 ye.,ra 5 Inuntha and 5 days. 'On Thursday 'evening', FANNIE LOUISA, ti &Lighter of lir. Henry Culp, of this Iltarough, aged t year 7 mouths mut 7 days. Lovely babe, how brief thy stay, hihurt and hasty was thy day. Ending soon thy sojourn here, Pats or grief no more to bear. 7 1 Tita 1.1041 , 21.441t,11111 lintishr /AIMS CLaßatir'S emits' trait P lY tt.a PiLea. prepared from a firraeriptiria by Sir J. Clark•, X. D.. Pbyairiaa Extraor itiaary to ilia tit46lla. Tair trail known nirilciaa la ao lia fio.itioa, tad a aura tad .1.7.:a rel.:Jell f0rt...44:e I)Alca tile, as! tittetrartirtua, tram airy agorae •hatarer ; ant aitti,itirh powerfal reapply, tart eiratairt nothatir bartial to tail --.eaterdtatigia. To Muster. Lantu it a piwuliarly satire. it rrtil, is • abort lima, aria/ rattle awutlit, period wit! Time Pills leave serer beta knows to tail where as dlrsatlessom 2d paps of psosphLat are wall abaft...v*4. Yor fartherpartitulars gala pamphlet free of the spot. N. II —lt amt 6 postage atao,ps orochood to soy &valor. issd wait, will Watts & loottla, coo:stains over W piUs, 1.. y retort lua4. r. W.:llyott A MA, Witeteaale &pots, Plaltridaptiia D Daebier, A f plSt, thotty.44.4. mg I ,tail. ly 1.7 . ♦ hlkOnT22l To T2s Plteltlies.~A reallaipect w to to emoted to Use rilcrits fathers at PI !mouth, to cost from 11.100,000 telloo,llllo. It w:11 be hunt of graMte, 1.5.3 het SO hot at the bass, with situp: azure, from 3M to :u het lick. Os. of Ms asset toms meets is It•kitatielphia 1, that amyl spin tie ell Theatre Jot, mil rtucti i. aft Abe Bruen Maas Clet/Isc Hall of Radii& é N 'sea sal 063Chestrirt attest above 6th. Oar PLamielphia amoutuest M lorestitsilY uwfel 11l roll LI t,romomital [Asc. 9. • Monmouth paw ova, •• Is Another column will t. found the cartMcane 'dour fellow to-Tasman, JoAnne W. Woo, If.sq, to rref. Mood This Is another of the numerous lantaacer wienorit lase clanged gray halr to races ringlets, and held imaine to waving locks. Let may who stand m need of Wu tabaslike nemedy give It a tsar trial." CAcrom,—ltenam ad worthless loitationa, as ae vocal are atrMdl la tie market, called by different maniac Um poem salami PM ovens frruhaeor Wood's flair Ilsetoratleo, Derek ill. Lashio, Oa, saii Ater York,/ are Mama on Lao bottle.Sind by all Denggistaani l'amut Minimise i dea hir nary ail Toilet tio,,ls ,l,,..Lmra In Um ' It= plains and Canna. tErHOLLOTTAT'S OITTMIST AJID PILLI—CATTIOI TO TIM etc[.—As those invaluable preparations har• Meta coua terfeited, 4..111 to requisite W see that the water-mark, Walkserif 'Kew York lug London,” is out •seer] sheet of the Nitarelit is latch the Ointment and Pill are e owran pod.' to Itad thla tut of satbentleity, hold the paper to the tight. A, Is a matfett of deep concern to the victim.. or eraplihnh Macerons, serotuluss, and other azure.' dimness thatlhey hare the psalm Ointment, and equally Importaritt. dympopties, Wiens patleati, and alt sultertre from sonardsi emsplalate that they have the true All., we recommiiiiiiitimtitotserelay la all cases. 1171161101101 SAWA 0, WILD estlyer.—Ti• foildror. ukg Nod, d camesra. N. N., L4itat NI She NOMPOloold ifooroal, ii v•Minass UMW Ingle 'e AMMO: • Saloon', 7f, rt., Mona" 2. Mows. Soft W. llntiolleCo.,-06utlienork:'1.:o /want no, onninse - Idslilt Watt upon akr Lnipliibdlhror Am to of onepor utOkr, W v 1 noconprol, I oes to Midi oppPille . 11 . 1~, IfMWR, 1 611 4. I woodlOn-undino 4niknipOuteoll4pos oiled b 7 itieht.— Tlo udiotion o. oatunnw,all Web. holih., 1 " 11 " , • of of VW ismotios need, I soppmalltlinollanniollio. being puninadol to tam WM* nit IrlininftaihnobioiWl Ctionl. *Moot ANIIIPNino tb ) is. atiall- Liamiht We dismal, mamma ooh Diplopia lamb Immo bake yes and iliviwokfritska wafts ami ta matiltAltoionOu dole euR, ai tosomonon tin artigii. esipigssot ollllos.. in* awripi,loor• *war, :A ix-4 ,4 A _ • - - • JIMULT•IO3OIL p o pe I. bait; o tfh•ialikirez. . • , "Ming Creo u w PO4) 04111 ; SOW • 417 • *4 1 1 11 , 1 1, 1111 ,1ig "liiltiat • bare Aut. 4 4. 14 ar iii sinetiosamt of Dr. Ssafir . rd'i tarn limos. IWO, la amothor e.iansta. lIIMMINILV:k 3 .. 121=19 - - setrA lady at Ilinv mina, Ohio: recit tly9 : '4k 'lralbablefirairmo COninicueed a suit in the court, of Gim-1 AT Pt/81.10 dIALEI.—in pnre.nance of ma}}' :huh Pious, laying her tianingeint S 5 .it;o, , Gloat ttrderidf th^ ,‘ 4Thille" Irocert or . fur tire.t..:ll of ;11.4rria,.;,.! t: , ftiltract Thu.-Atha' , de.nty.cktt ittJ'.44"vr. 4 `igolutarra.- tiett niatit ways :.o thotlettmori tout for.'s -11:r Ira he heti nt.'lCol Ilit.rTV: t.1.! . .t., hut. wilf .N ut t for , sit Put t a pr, on-ea. . .4c ,1 ..,z •• ~ Levt r w C "Is• R I,:jove. tta ply with I,is tuntract then and tot :.1. A Dr.' 4 lil.ll;l.ii tunes. Ile procured license, a Jwith , (late the residence of said deceased.) sitnzte of the peace and proceeded to the lady's in Mountpleasant township, Adams county,' residence, when he made a formal ten-, adjoining lands of Peter K. Smith, Joseph A.' dor of himself. The lady wanted time to: Volith. I.Pay:d Sneeringer, Ind others. eontain think the nuttier over and /walla oosudu- trig 180 Acres. more or less. of Patented Land, , ded to dismiss the case and pay all the about 50 acres being Woodland and 20 acres costs. Alas for wounded affections, etc. ; Meadow. The impnweenenta are a Dwelling HOUSE. a Stone Kitchen attached: a good Log ~. I[ll Barn, with Sheds around it: Corn- Crib and Wagon Shed, Carriage House,. Smoke House, atone Shop, and other oat.' Carnee•aninatimpletastialtimarto.lortk Kw/over papers huildings ; as steeliest well of tester near the kitchen door, an never-falini, spring w itti • in twenty yards : a fine young Orchard of thriving trees, Apples, Peaches. Pears, Cher ries. Le. Th.Parm is in a high mite of cid tintion, and under good fencing. Persons wishing to 'leer it are requested to call on the tenant. P. M. Buddy. 1 3:7 - Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. P. M., on saki day, when attendance will be given, and terms made known by GEORGE. SMITH. By the Court—H. G. 1V ot.r, el-rl.. Aug. W., to iniqtkei iepois. Ball ;inure—Fray laid. Flour. per 1.4.rre1, .5 50 (3 5 62 Wheat, par bushel, 1 17 t 150 nye, 116 70 (.* Rx C urn, MEI Beef Cattle, per hand., G 0(. 1 C - 9 7 2 , ) liege, 6 11. 6 ra , 0 (el 7 ut) Hey, per toe, 9 410 14 00 Witiakey, per pilot', 27 44 2$ Guanu, Peruvian, per too. Gi) IX.) Ha nf wer— T h arvidg 1411 Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $4 75 Do,di " from storm, 550 Wheat, per bushel, 90 C 4 I 20 Rye, 72 ~ Coro, 73 " Oats, .37 Clovirooed, " Timothy, " Plaster, per ton, Flour, fax bbl., from wagons, . $4 75 Da., ‘• front stares, S 50 Wheat, per bushel, 90 ® 1 15 Rye, _ " 7U Corn, .. 13 Oat«, di 37 Clorerseed., " 5 00 Timothy. " Pluater, per Gm.. T PUI3LIC n pnuance of an -I t Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, I'lll be offered at Public Sate, on Fri day, the ll'at day of Septelaber sax!, the Real Estate of lons fisor, deceased, situate in the town of flaropton,_in said county, consisting of TIIREE TOWN LOTS, I situate in the N. W. corner of the Public Square in said town, bounded also by the Ilanoter and ratlisle turnpike. lot of Wm. Noel!, and on two bides by public alleys.— , The improvements are a Two story Dwelling DOUSE, 2 Frame•;: I li:netters, Bake Ovens, &.,c • cal- ij I ars under nearly a whole build-. ' i TR. large Frame Stable, two excellent Welk t f water • nth pumps. The property has been occupied for many years as a Tavern, being the only one now in ihe pl%ce, and well thud up for the saute, being in ei.vaplete repnir.— Besides Eh() Tavern the buildings ate weLl cal culated for a private family in addition. Also. a LOT in aid town, soder good rem ; ing, bounded by lot of 3lsaes Patterson and two public alleys. iteirtitate to be held on the premises at I o'clock, P. M., on said day,lf hen attendance will be given and terms nie..6 know by JACOB GEORGE. Atlas's. ; By the Court--11. G. WoLte, Clerk. i Aug. 23, IFSB. is pill: Members of the "Adams empty I Mutual Fire Insurance Company," are hereby notified that an Election will be held at the office of thefecretary, in Gettysburg, on itomloy, Me IA day of September next, between the hours of I and 4 o'eloek, P. M. j —each member being entitled to one vote fur each policy held by him. The E vecutis c Committee will meet at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day. ilisirManagers having in hands fees doe the Company will Le required to pay the same into the Treasury on or bettre said day. to enable the accounts tit the current year to be clowd. D. A. BUEHLER, Scc'y. Aug. Pa, 1858. td d s trate r' s No • • nit. JAMES 11.141ILT0N'S Letters of a I i istration on the estate of Dr. Jan ea Ilamiltmt, late of Btrrtbsin town ship, Adams county, deceased, lias Log been lately granted to the undersigned, residing in Franklin township, he hereby Aires notice to all persons indebte I to said estate to make inuuediate eityineut, and those having claims against•the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES ILUSSELL, Aug. f. 2, 1858. tit, Administrator's Notice. FT ENIZY REILI"S ESTATE.—Letters of adoriuistration uu the estate ut Henry l:eily, late of Mountpleasant towns'p, Adaws county, deceased, ha` in lieeu granted to the unnlersignel, residiva in the same tovrus,hip, he hereby gives notice to ail persons indebt ed to said estate to make imweiliate payment, and those heN tug claims a,.,eainst the &awe Cu present thew properly authenticated fur set tienteut. JOSEPI.I LILLY, ldet' r. Aug. '23, Gt --- Administrator's Notice, A NTITONY FOL WS ES FATE.—Letters " of administration on the estate of Anthony Fuller, late of Mountpleasaut towustip, Adams en. e deceased, having been granted to the undersignixf, residing in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all per indebted to said estate to make im mediate paYment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated fur settlement. PIUS S. 8.111111, /doer -iug. 23, 1858. tic Teachers Wanted. TILE School Directors of tiermaoy town ship will meet at Mr. George Masson's, in Littlestown, on Setnrtiay. the 11814 dal of Septemkr next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., foe the purpose of employing six Teachers to take (Marge of the Schools of said township, for ilia fall and winter term. By order of the WILLIAMDUTITRA, See,. Aug. n, 1858. td* Teachers Wanted. PETE Board of School Directors of Reeding township will moot at Shoetrees School house, out mite north of Hampton, on &slur day. the 4.4 day of September meet, at 2 o'eloek. P. I►(., for the purpose of emptying seven Teachers for the oomtng winter, to whom Liberal wage, will bopaid. By urder of the Board, W. S. JIILDXBILLSD. Aug. 23, 18.58. td Teachers Wanted. THE Satool piroctars of Fnaklba tawishlP will meet, at, the house of Henry shouter, pa Saturday, tha ILO; thee Sqweia kr ma,* 1 a'allooli is dia sitersuaw, fur the purpose of tuuployiug 1.2. resoles:: to ukho chazgyoulth• 4111141181114 basis of said suwaship,' Bs °.a ( t A, Ittaut4.s IlwiL Bawd. • • BAXILLIM MAST, &sty. • August 9; 1858. - - RTILLI'SD strac= 4 . r tho Alas" of the T4- 7, ettbeenillotl hoomealik,. on tato otAitiest, instant,* Jzigheinsti DIA wish o ertilleOpot as bin thrshoni, aborts yeses old. Any person giving the eiheiriber fohnsticer se to ttnrwheriebonts •fif old Belk :will be suite* rewarded.' - ' •• • Ittobibte-br. NOM Ateg 4 Sk i IBM be - SOCKS, Suspender", Cravats and Ilandter• chiefs, at PICK I lia'f. _.,: €-. BM York—Friday Use. Tavern Stand, Notice. = Mill Real Estate A T PtBLIC SALE.—In pursoanee of 'an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, the subsenbers, Admititstrators of the estate of Jams %VoLv, dectas, d, will over at Public Sale, on the premiids, (»4 Salka-day, Ike !SA day at S. ptentber girl, the following Heal Er.ate of saki deceased, viz : A - VALUABLE r.trnir 5 00 1 75 6 00 situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, asli;ciaiog lands of Martin Itsflensperger, Iletrio of Abrah im Snyder, deceased, and others. and the Great Conowago Creek, and contains 112 Acres. wore or 1e5.... of Patented Land. The insproveinents are a. Two-story Dwellini 1101:SE, rs a One-story Kitchen Bank oars, part stone and part frame, Wag- on Shed and Corn Crib attached si ring House near the Dwelling, with an excellent Spring of Water a Well of \Valer, nith a pump in it. in the Barn Yurd. There is another Spriqg on the Farm. omit running water through the Farm, and the Gres!. Cosa sago running along the breath of the place. There is a good Flog Stahl.. : also on the premises, a young Orchard, u ith a variety of fruit. There is a sutitiencry of Meadow, and also of Timber, for the quantity of land. The Farm is under good fencing, and in a good state of cultivation. I.:_i"Persons desirous of viewing the proper ty belie the day of sale. wi.l please call on the tenant, Daniel Henizer. Sale to comm. nee at 1 o'clock, P. 31., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms wade known by SASICEL W (PSC SA3IIIF.E WOLF. Ades imieerslors. By the Coert—lL G. Win", Clerk. Aug. 23, 1838. Li 2:5 5 50 Timber-Land and Farm, T PUBLIC be offered at Puhlis Sale, on T hoorsday, Me VA day of Se' piersber rue, on the premix..., A TRACT OF' TIMBER-LAND, containing 125 Acre*, situate to Franklin township. Adams county, 2 1.2 wiles south west tt Cushtown, sod well covered with Chesnut and Che'enut-Osk l Eiroher of the , •,.t quality—the tract to be sold in Lots of ra k ., sto 1 , 1 Acres each. Sale Positive. The subscriber will also, OQ said day, offer t public outcry, kis FAILM, *graining ice, containing 100 Acres, t r * , t a wo-story 110USE,Frszne . v. flit rtzt 290 Apple Trees and other fruit thereon. Persons wislsin to view the premises, are request‘al to call uu the sulocrilzer,resisliug on the Farm. iitir'S'ale to casino:nee at 9 o'clock, A. M.. un said day, when atteudduce %ill be giteza an terms made known by WILLIAM BOLLER. rive hundred Locust Posts, one thous , d Chesnut Rails and one thousand Locust -takes, will be sold ma said day. Aus. 2.:, 18:1 - $8. to Public Sale. FIVE mimed her will offer •t Public Sale. .1. oa the premises, 004 S/lardau, the 11th (toy of September nest, A TRACT OF LAND, gar:tate in Franklin township. Adana a linty. adjoining lands of %Yin. Boller, Gorge 1)11- watt, Arnold Livers, and others. 4 miles south-west u( Casbtosn and 1 wile'north of Diehrs Tan yard, containing ~8 Acres. more or less, about 21 acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation. the balance being well covered vr:th young cliesnut and rrock-oak tinker. The irupr,,venienta consist or a One-and-a-hall' Stop, LOG 110 USE, Log Barn, w 111 ) good Fruit, Apples, Peaches, dc. Persons 'wishing to vier the property are requested to call upou_t to ~uL scribcr, residing thereon. o`43tile to oommence at 1 0'd0 , ..!k, P. M., on said dny, wbea euendloce will be given and terms made known by PETER HENRY. Aug. 23,1858. te Executors' Notice. wILLIA)I GOLDEN, SR'S., ESTATE.— Letters testamentary on the estate of IVitliain Dolden, Sr., late of Germany town. ship, Adams county, deceased, Miring been granted to the undersigned, (the first named residing in Mountjo) towuship, an 1 the last named in Germany township.) they liereil give notice to all perquns indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the. same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. LEVI GOLDEN. JACOB ALTauFs . , Aug. IG. 18.58. Gt Execalors. Administrator's Notice. A MOS MEALS'S ESTATE.—Letters of . 4 -k- administration on the estate ~f Amos Meals, late of liontiagton township, Adams want', deceased. having been granted to the undersigned, residing iu the/saute tAI ip, he hitreUry gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate paynaeut, and" those having claims against the same to present them propel authenticated fat settlement. WILMA B. LIARIIN ER, _Aug. 9,1858. 6t 'r. Executor's Natioe. HENRY SNYDER'S , ESTATE.Letters tastainestary on the innate of Henry Snyder, late at Germany township. Marna ouanty, deceased, bootleg been granted to the naderaived, residing in the same toiraship, he hereby gives notice to all persons uidebted to isid estate to make im mediate payment. aind.hose haring claims a. gainst the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. Aug. 9. 1838. 8t illakialstratues ■.ti.o. MIEN WALTSR'S I:9TA:TS.—Letters of etfitgedetreitisa oe the estate of John Wafter, Imo of freedoms toweektip. Abases eeitablY, hsorieg bees granted to taw 110410•04,414 residieg u Frau Witt suarnehip, he hereby gives smieelo on peremeiskilebied held: NUM tit =alai intose•Sate moult, obi sifts bating *Wpm ph ! , wawa t a t C Hl ertiag_ for set %S*ete P UIITSLIALL, /deer. Attg r 9. 1858. St rpts.w.uur, *my laseriptios .w bawd and for sal. al ORO. Z. BLISKIXI's, ire chagamitars Mow. CLOTITS, Caastaveres,7anaker Coatings, and every variety of euisaser drum goods rasa sail beza. t 3 be haft at FAINIIISTOCte. rOMM=I= DAVID ROIIRDAUCItt, Ezeittur. WI • c : 1 / 1 1101144 3 il " 2rottik : Valuable *llletite 64 s Ntyrzeic, ialberehi ow ti gaffe, i "I' PU 31,TC 1it1.4;!-- .ARlK•usnle I cr l o n tier palimony coucomed 4 aVii iki 4 1 61,41110 - ' -.` 4 . Ord •r of thapriplimi i t.. 1:481 A 4 rt of I-. z tvn 5i.e.,41,...4 hereivat “. - neu‘ti pri.l toolity. will I , r 1 41 r reil PtibriC Sal e , Li 4 I.,•1 pro-anted o at tr OrphA.C. (.I.,iiriof A douvi Rcpt E 1. .11 , of 11*tr IN AR K. firerialki . .• moi.y, t,r ~.,,ibLra1.44..,,s ..4141 14,1*J op-a thee; 4n lAA. go 1 B LI! I ex' Luifill.l l / I p, V. iI, ; Oft S 1 , 141 - - u3u Mfr ;,,-1 ner , , .Lt tacit) a 63. The The acc4 rat of E. G. \u. 1: rrii: V.IN 1O FAIM, tratur de thtlCa Iwo of 64.040 Wulf, 14lu of situate in Butler townebip. Adonis county. Adams county. decesso d. sdidifaing spode of Jonas /Lath, David Jacobs, 61. The sscoad aimount of James Loeser. Jain*Wiakr, sad others, containing 110 "'a" of the last w ill sod idotasimeol. of Jacob Acres, peat measuna. alone or less, if Patented Feuer, &crazed, eshihitiog the portion of the L et a The iepr o ngniente are a . estate begneethed to the widow for life sod ' one soil a half story Lag bwelling , administered after her decease. 4110 USE. Log Bern, .Sheds. • ifif 65. The account of Charles Horner and , Log..S.Nop; a Well of never.fsili. Robert Horner. Administrators of the estate wa t er h eir .tho house, with gawp wider of Doctor David Horner, deceased, late of tide I corer ; Much Howe. Asc. ; two rza4lent Or. tyibarg. icherds. owe of.whicit is new. There is a due 66. The second account of Joseph Taylot. l tiropottioe, oftiXxl Timber, and also of excel. Administrator, with the will annexed, of Peier lent .%leadow on the tract. The Great Cone. Soyder.derieasof, late of Huntington towashfrp, I w h o rem through the firm, - The public 67. The account of John 1.. Geheraatir. road frown Arelititsrille to Gettysburg passes Administrator of John L.,fialstratator, acs., t h e h„,, ee . Thei t eeperty is *wiled c,, o‘ „ e . hate of C,onowago township. deceased. ' iaHtt to good wills, and also in the neighbor. 68. The first and final amount, of John ; hood of chnrc.hes of various don•isainatioas. Starry. Administra•or of the cetatz of Daniel I Also. ea absprelaiese..4 Ailigrday, ,the /SA liollin,ger, deceased. 1, day of ...SCptensii.7r assn/. 2 Tracts of 'LAE:HAMM' MYERS, Aligter• 3IOUNTAIN LAND. liegister'• °See, Gettya burg, Aux. _3,11356. Public Sale. IVHR orpientigned will sell at Public Sale. I. we Sx'liurday, the Titig day of Se'Tfesther next. (if not previously sold at piirate sibyl that well-known • • lIOI'SE AN!) LOT t No. 3: A Tract of Timber-land. situate in , the same tovroship.adjoi rti ng lands of Samuel on the West Corner of the Public &pare, or le ; 13 dr John Kimbre, and ethers, contaiumg in the town of Bendersville. Adams count .° ra - ' ozone lest, covered with timber of Pa., on which is err eted a large y, t Acres, and commodious Two-s ori Wet- different kiwi!. This tract is eilmated near . therboarded fIOL'SE..I4 feet front, 1 the pulolic road above tneutioned. and a two-story Jitch,n attached I 775a10 to commence upon both days at 1 o'clo:k in the afternoon. Atlandatioe given and a well at the Kithen door. It is odious d A to be the best or most desirable satiation ir. an d ter " made known I 'V BUP.KII ART W P.ltT. Adler: Benderavilla for p ublic bilainaaa ' fu ' a store By the Coon— H. G. WOLF, Clerk. or tavern. 4: Sale to cno menoe at I o'clock, P; M.,1 July 2G, 1858. is on said day, when attendance will be given A Valuable Fano, and terms made Lnown by WM'. OVEROF3ER. t T PUBLIC SALT!.— La persasstso fan i 4 1 alias Order of tie Ciplian's Court of „_. Adams county, the undersigned. Ailministra c tore of the eattiAl of Putur Mulcts, droessetl. I will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, o,µ ; N•illtr•lay. OK 2e14 ibsy of Auptilw...ct, the' funowing property of said deceased. via Avg. 23, MS. to Public Sale /(11TH subscriber, 'Executor of the last will -• and testanent of Jusßr SNri,ER, da ces ,. ed, will sell at Public 'ale, at the Into resi dence et said decedent,in Gornto:ly township, Adazus county. nem. the Turto,ike, 2 miles northwest of Littlestown, on Wednr,d, t y, IL tt tat Jay If September itext, the folluwing, per sonal property, iz : 3 C l l‘rS. 5 Il .gs, [Tay awl Straw, Beds and Ileddinc, Tables, Chairs, Bureau, Stores and Pipe, I'lovk, peting. Kitchen Cupboard. Iron Kettle, an 1 other houseltnbl and kitchen furniture. bar At the ioune time and place, will be offered. the Ueol Estate of said deo...lent, consisting of a Tract of S. Acre. of L.tud, more or lemt, adjoining lands of J•di u Welk ert, Jacob Garber, Jacob S:ablej, the under siguttil, and others, bitting there on a on. and a half story Lug lif.tows, Lag Barn, Wagon Shed !! 71 and Corn Crib, snd oilier our-....24;C:.' tiaildiags I two Wells nod a Spring near tliu hatii/ings; We Oreliards of g0.•,1 fruit; with a sallicienev of Meadol soil 'timber. 1 1 .trt of the land hits been Persons wishing to view the prt perty will Dull on ttke Useenter, living Mlle by. to commence at 10 t.'cluek, A. M.. ea raid day shoo attebt.lsace will bo given rad taros owl* knoord Ls DAVID MOIIIIDACCILI, Aug. 9, 1851 tt Public 841 e. I N partialities of au alias Order of the Or- i Court of Adams county, the uso t Farmer's Own Book. dersigned, Administrator of the ' f! ll TREATISE on Ile numerous trusesees of Herne BCCLZR, deceased, will oft, 41, th e non ., with in tudin,don of theft, lio Sale, on toe 1 41113 1411 ‘ • t , Symptoms, and the Counte of Treatment to 414 day or 14,tesaboar zwarf,• the ICefMwi" h e Pursued. It treats situ on the 'famine( Beal Bstate aimed deceased, sit-. • / nurses : how to throw ce inhie w horse ray No. 1: A Lett of (;rou11(1, sitnate in down; rules fora borne that shies show to Butler township, A lame enmity, half n mile break or &leo a kinking horse: haw to make mirth of Centre Mills, Adjoining Itwd, of a horse f Mow you : a couipleW list of Its. 'George Pohl, Abrabsun Slayhaligh, a,l the ceipts belonging to the horse, and their undersigned, , contaiuing 2 .Aunts and 51 usrs ; a list of )ledieines belonging to th e Perches, (more or loss,) on which are ere. ;el horse, their properties and uses. TwO•story Prams llouglicast ' "Abu", a list of Medicines, Domestic Dwelling Ill ) V3E, with a 01. e. 4+ „,,,t,. tie., each item 'wing worth more than story Frame Kitollen attached, 1, :.(; the priceof the Look—including De. Irick.g's Leta Stable, with a (.3.irrin.,:( tT. rel.-6).11,1 C'hol , ru .I.le..itrin , . Take in all In House attached, a Log's all, it is one of the most uselbl works of the Slpip. with other out-huilding4 ; also, a young kind ever published, and should be in every bearing, Apple Orchard, xitl, ~slier fruit family. 'file instructions aud receipts are on the premises, umd a ne% erfailing Well of given in a plain tray. so that anybody can water near the dour. with a Pump in it: understand and apply them: 2: A Lot of Grouild. adjoining t .t copy or the FAltlifa'll 0 " root the above, con tai nin4 •) Acres and l'eretiu., be the men " nrnal ' in g an (teoro or 1e..) Bah luta nave been we. ,, , of sutlenng and mona • v. ti , Fur tale lby tta.alinitst.Ttotias, York limed duriag die last. few )eirs. licr•Persuna wi*lfing to sieve the p-fiperty street Get ystbar are requested to cull upon She unitersizned,, Aug. 1('_1858. resifting near by. To Invalids! S de to eLinmonoe wt / F. M.. on said day, when attendance will be given and to.rnyt mode kni.wti by CONRAD SLAY -1,/ner By the Court--11. G. WuLr, Ulork. 9, 1858. ti For Bent TrllE,underaiirned olfere for rent the wt.ll- known BLACK•q11111 SIIOF end prom isee, coteisting of u 110U:_•1;, Stable, and three and a hell , .•. , acres of !And, from the let April next. F,r term , ' apply to - •.! J. R. Sbiply or A. S M:refs. 'tear t , ,t. premi•es, at Knuod Hill P. 0., ..r u. the •ul.- eeriber, In Gettysburg. Z. 31Y ill:S. Aug. 16, A First-olass Farm, e DJOI NG GETTYSBCIDI. FOR 13.11,E. 1.1 - —The undersigned offers at Pri% ate S a le. his FAII3I, situate in Strahan town.hip, Adams county, nn tho Hanover row!, nna a.f. joining the Gettvabarg Ilirongh lit... The farm contains li4 Acres, mire or les., the land being of tbo best quality, much of it •• granite"—with fair proportions of meadow and timber. Felines good and the .:oil iu ex• oellent cultivation. The improve- menu] are s k oomfortable Stone T. Igit Dwelling IrmusE, Bank Barn; • ffii 11ra7pn'Shed, Corn erib, ,lte.—first • rate Apple Orchard, a never-failing welt of water at the door, and a number of springs upon the tract. It is certainly one of' the most desirable farms now in market in this county, and demands the attention of capi talists. Persons wishing to ,iew the -property Imo requested to call upon the undersigned, timid in thereon. DANIEL MENNEN.. July 5, 1858. 3m Valuable Farm, FOR SALL—I win sell a bargain, sad oa easy terms. The Farm on Which Samuel Young now resides, lain ) ; in Frederick ;loan ty, 311.. TZ, miles from riederiek (tuin pike all the way,) and within one mile of Woodabortf. Containing - 150 Acres, fa an excellent state of eattivation. The TIWELLLNO, BARN, kc., all new. kir Persons wishing to parches** will bit shown the premises lvt M r . Yvan & Fur terms, &e., apply to 11411. IA" ts ;Liawf. Frederick City t or to JAMES arirrrEronn, No. 6 ficbear's Wharf, Baltialese. 18511 Rw , • 22 " 1111 STRILIM Nair •Sork. raethia; rarer et Masa. *PA" 1614= Viols, Grodeorai Measures, Naming Gl e voi Ware for rettillis l / 4 1. 10b,ftieK t Perfumers; Photograptultit i tlettoWaft Ware by Oro 111~.‘ A liberal diearodt wade to the trde. Orders 4.91 9oratry Draggiste sad D?alore sorwited. True kb* seat tot appl*tm. 153 X 310, VESTS—web an satin, Italian Cloth, Bair bp 1 White Ilarsailoo, Lima, fieranth. t FM No. 2: A Tract of Titolper.lanil, situate in Franklin Otte Menallen) township, adjoining laLds of Jahn A. Noel, Flomleg- Gl:leland and others, imataining 10 Acres, 'More or lest I A large portion of this tract is covered with thriving young cliesnot timber. The oubrie road from Nowinan't t Coles' (late i'ehl's) I saw mill rune through this tact. A VALUABLE FAlt NI, siluatain Straban township, Munn ontin.y, within 1) miles of the (llttyshurg and lien over Railroad, sod the same (Immo e from the Otttysburg and York Turnpike, atlynning lands of ariatian Thomas, David Monfort. ilenry Thomas, and others, contsiiiiit; 148 Ada, more of less. shout 40 acres of which en. tlnst•rate Timl cr-laud, with a due propor tion of Mead,w. T: a imp ove- - tnent• are a large Two-story , Srtr.o: HOUSE Stone Kitchen .. 4 ;! and Smoke House attached. lilt Img Born. Stable, and all necessary out building*: a geott Arpls Orchard. atoll • nev er•failing well of water near the doer; water in the barn-yard ;several uevvr-failiairsprings on . the I to, an 1 a never-railing stream through it, to which accent [coin nearly entry livid can be had liar the watering of cattle. G:7Pcrsons desirous of yitwitt4 the proper • ty before Abe day of eale. will pLt well on Mr. Simuel Welcome. nettling on As adjoin. in Farm, or on either of the Administrators. I rt Sale to ootumence at I erli'tetc. P. M., ion said day, when attend/040 will be give l ama %crisis wade known tis 11E\1a +HONIAS. TIIO3,IAL • D .4tlstistisiratose. I BY the Coart—iLG, Vighr, Clerk. * Jely 26. '8.4." is nit. >7 ARDMAN, or PrcrOwn% PA., Cele: brated Aualvies! Pitytiietan—Physiitiaa for Ilmaxes of the LUNG'S, TIIILOAT and 11 F;elt I:—Leawrar Aseabes of Woulep and Childran—Correspotßliug Metaber • or the Medical Society of Observation, and Edi tor of the " .11;• York, Pa., Washingtou Torbay, August 24. Wrstunnster, nvnlock's City Thurv•lity. August 25. Gettysburg, Pa., Globe Inn. (WaLtilleg4 SAturday, August 25. • FREE UP CII.),RGE; :: - "7•Dr. I I. invitei consultation ou all long stiuding ur Chronic I)o.eirses. 7Dr. 11. carrica with him a lull supply of Ii tne(hcinas. Ca II and get s TA - 1)y of the •' Medical Stethoscope," and •• lAtlezil to Invaltdm [Aug. 1G Notice to Teachers. T giro notice to All persons in ten.lin* to tench in the public echoole of the county, ilurirrx the ontninA nail win-' ter, that I will hull an 4NSXLTUTE, fur the examination cf all such teachers, in the Borough of Gettyslourc, commencing on -Yaw. day, the GIA day of September next, and eu sr tinning for Oro days. All teachers ere urged to attend this Institute, -as I will grant no eer ciliates, hereafter, except mama time.— Pri tate examinations, at tar office, mast he done away with, and all mho do not attend the Institute wOl ambit examined anywhere else. The law roquirea that the examina tions shall be ecesdneted ia pre eenoe 6f Dirt.mrs and others, bed' it is high time that in our Cbioaty, .its is Giber Comities, the rules should be rigidly adhered to. W. GAS* PBELL, AuJ. IG, 1838. At ' 1 Cu. ,sue,L • ,NIPW (31,4Vec Vitae iaired *very wok at . 81'45°141 rtir • • eadeesi ; Natifig reureerili,thoi 1IV A" • Al la 1 / 1 0141 , 4 't ill ? 1 . o v a ill" 11 . opir . ' ntamt.. {... ' • t • "114 = 6 = • astote CIIESNCT TlaillKß LOTS fur r►b. • J. D. PAXTON. Gettysbarg, Jay 2G. 18 iB. PICKING'S z day .; the ANU MAI kit 4 Cos.)UCLVIraI A.. lffitth46ll et EWA'S • ROFA AND EROOMS, Nos. 21 and 'N. Gay struck 'Baltimore, (near Fayette 'mt. ) extending tit Cay In FretTerick st.—the largest r stnbl shweut of the kind In the a nion. ANTI' nnr hand a large assortniont of evory varict; _of HOUSE -11,01, I) AND Orr ICE FURNITURE, cut bracing— Bureaus., Bedsteads. Washstands, 'Wardrobe., .Uattesses of husk, Cotton nod Uair, Spring Beds, S 'Pete-a-Tatc4, Artn Chairs. Ilociang Chairs, Etagero4, )Markle Tahlest. '3,otees, and Upholstered Chairs, Aslorfe4 C'olund of Coltive Tonally?, Wood Waco Chairs, Barber Chairs, Cribs and Cradles, Hot Racks, 11411 Furniture. /- Oil; mid Walnut frame •.rx)okiptil Glaser, SU ...boards, Extension Tabiel, of every length. - Persons disposed to purchase are inritekl to call and dire our stock 'au exatutnuOun, which for variey nod quality of workman /14)4 mo t cam pli e d by at esqxblialtinent in the country. A. NI.ITIITOT &SON, Nos. 24 sad 27 N. 411 street. Aug. 2. 1 '1:01. IV mtYaT S. Diellt74. ..kirsetuur 1141.111411 k. New Pirm--New Goods. TIIE notlersitgned have entered into part nership in the HARDWARE if. Gno. cEiri- business, at the uld stand of Danner & Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and film et Danner d Ziegler, frt., and ask. alai will endeavor to deserve, a °until/mance of tbu patruuss4,4 of the uld erns, as all/ 41 aoy quantity ut new custom. Theyy luivto just refurnetltrum the eitiek with as Immense stock of Geovls—t:unalstlitg in part of Building .1144 trials, such as nails, screws, hinges, bolts, looks, glass, ie. Tuvla, including edge Cools ,)f every de serildiun, saws. planes, claisels, gouges. bra• cos and bittS, augers, squareti, guages, Blacksmallis will And aucils, ♦ices, raves. 6les, horse shoew; horse-shoe la., with them, corn cheap. 'Couch kurfirijr, an& u cloth, eanritst, damask, fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth, springs, axles, hubs, spokes, feilocs, bows, poles, shafts. &e. iSquie FiguliNgs, Tampico, brush trnd french morocco, linings, binding, pegs, lasts, boot trees, /4., with a general assortment of shire.- insiker i ., tools. &time: Maker's Toots, a general assort tacat--alsa vat -11'1,4h, &c. lf,r4eliipers - will Gnd a large assort usent ofknives and forts,bri Mann ia, alba ta and silrar-plikte4 table and tea spoons, candle alias. waiters, *bevel and toils, sad iron., srusoulled and brass kettles, pans, tubs, 4iariating, Lc. Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all rises ayd kiirds ; east, shear and' blister Steel, *hia they will sell ai cheap as the cheapest. Grocc#es, &full and general assortment, such a* crtisiie.f. putierised, clarified' and brows iingars: New Orleans, Wert Lailits and sugar 'ltems& molasses anti tivpas . - -- eitifse, spices, eltoe4late, fine, coarse an 1-dwry ask; linseed, fish and shorn 1311.; Turpentine, Fish, &'.; a full assortment of Leyland Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fireproof Paints; in fact, almost wiry itrtielc in the Hardware, Coach Finding. SI", Finding. ll.lusekeepin,- Black smith. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's,llltisier's, atut Gruerry titre, 01 of which they are de t+rmined to sell as low fur ease as any hoUse out of the city. TIENRT It. D.INNEII. IT.IYRRIGFIII ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, 1858. A Card PROM DIL. JAMES M. JARRETT, OF ILLIDNIgIif YORK LUSO INFIRMARY. 441ycdanecalun fur the past eight years with the shove Institution, and a twelve years' coarse in steady devotion to the Cure of Pal sanatry Consumption and its kindred dis• eases, together .with my unrivalled oppor tunities and advantages of pathological re scarch—aided not a little by a perfect system of .Vcdica4 Tultatatien—has enahled we to ar rive at a decisive, direig, and successful course of treatment fur the positive and ride. , cid care of all diseases of the l'hroal, Lungs and Air-Passages. By Inhalation, the vapor and caratire properties of medicines are di rectly addressed to the diseased organs and! the integumew s. Ido nut advise the use of , Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the eiciu lion of griservil treatmeat. i and although I I oonsider it a useful adjunct in the proper management of those fearful and often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very netiessary that each patient should hare the benefit of both , general and local treatment. The success of my treatment in the aboreilittesses, and the high character of the Institution over which I have au lung had the hoi.or to preside, are too well kuowu to need any eulogy or com ment from sue. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through ! whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been long and liberally supported, ana l after due emisidwation, I have concluded to make such sirrangements as will bring the I benefits of my experience and treatment ; within the reach of all, and nvt confine my ; self, as heretofore, to those only ,who entered the Infirmary, or who wbes aids tb visit me at my 6Sce. /loping therefore that the sr ! magetnent will give entire satisfaction, ixab Ito my pro6tosioluil brethren and the public., , I would respectfully &arum/Kele ommlusion, that I east wig be consealeii persona/1g or by I letier, on all diseases as above, and that the modieitses, the same as used in the Institution. prepared to sait each individual case . la4a4- 641 Vapors, /tedium/ Irsholers, lkie. Lc., will be forwardedink,ezpresa to saypert of the United Mesta* or the Oanatiss. Taxes --My terms of brit/Mee are as fellows, via : $l2 per IBM titbit oath patient, which • laded* medicine suliment fur one month's use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatu. Payment as : IPG to be paid to Repress Agent on receipt of 'the box of ibartalsta, and the balance $6 the es4dretiost eltthe month. it the patient be corroders. ia sanely aatielled with the knots • Rtiiimatadry giving a full history ed their case, and their symptoms i 0 fell, *subs treated as well by !titer as by personal ex- Drained... .PatientalatallitigAtainselves of Dr,. Jimeitle temement . rat Td, agma:tat• atedistivaaillarataalat ralief. as Itor isaldom tote to tir Mita Muse met thireg_daya... /Atm. fir adisiaalpiaatptly aarwared. Arof fiafthir ratiiaalamailtireas.: : • Jmtva No:lllllllftadlettrMr. stt« tiTX: I P. wisigag the raspiatntili W 144116. tall at di. Is - be iltletetieetteawfooltdaipcsomdere allda Ivor saa be lER 86d it* and Deesorse Hosiery, ShoMpiaisysi'd heathy etre. Call at SABIADIRRI, "v DOZ N Scythes in store and for sate wholesale and retail at dm store of Y.l I I NES TOOK BROTUE RS: :It 4 CZO How save his chin, and _ original brown Coler,_aull had ;•idc• bee.nue beautiful and glossy upei tire's ever, the head. Others of and 'friends are aslng your limit the happiest circuits. Hon. Judge Breese, Examinee. of 111111401004, says my hair wes inweneaurely . grayi,= amuse of lifixsi's Heeteintive,t; has its orlOnal. color, and I have ho nianeittiv on. Hon. 'H. i. Stewart, eaY*, eV' hair *au • very gray, but after using two' Wed" Is 0. , stored it to its natural ruler. • • Rey. J. K. it hiss remov. dandruff anti and reittoNd urigitte color, .1.. W.:thrsir hair win twt but, bg the as (Dreamt, it Dr. ti. Wall great many of feet, I used t 0 tire, Which b two years' pm 'Benjamin Longrlti4e, %-ttgeverttls 'Sew York, pays, havlng lost my hair by Hy' effects of the ErvairAtlatt. whe n It boti li tito gru c c, instead of black, heretofore. ft aist well mixed with grey. IlaNing tried mant preparatioas to restore the color without/A feet, I was lildtleed to try your!. unite of all toy Galas it has Intd , tha , datd*ll' tweet. H. I.4.lWilliants, l'tl. D.. PeeltenarlNC 111C4 says. I have awl your Atostoratimit,.andflisal it all that his recusenti*letlie be. 1 liesees tried it fur Vetter .an _4601 it*. certain ou. W. M. Woodward,"lll:l.44Triinkfort, Ky.. says, he recuramentla it in Ais practice as the be4t preparation fur the bair now in use. Edward Walcott, says, three months age my limir was very gray, h is now a dark brown, the origined *dor, srunollaaaelftluitay, all by amiss of Woud'a r itaiteratirsh,- , --• Wilson Kip& says, one ambit's: ' r ap plication will restore any person's to ilea original eolor old torturer ,• i J. D. Hoes. satyr. a firof:appll : &Aro ed my hair -1 .1"; llrmi4 .it to magma turn black, its sal . .",. Betsey timitli," , ' trash. 01 ea/ s ch,at her Weir had. lot rim* " ewe been iVierftiotly white, bat now 14 to hi youtbful color, soft and gl Dr. - 4...),V,. Porld; St. r gi.timat lair is strong, thick nod black, tilWeibrh Awl time since he rasa both bald and ray. The people here saw its eireetteandbassmeallitamm in it. Morris Gosling, Ft. Louis,sayi thee after trying runny other, pre to Ala no effect, he two •bottles, 10 , kith covered his head with a nee tAnd cipronit vow,ck-ft„, hair an , l invites nil to coine,and set Sarah J. crown, saber hair was n$ gray. but so Hilt, that de fearadlts " loss—hut miler using two bottles 1$ r 0 t both the color and trowth. Prepared by 0. J. Wood & Co. tl4 ket street,St. Louis, and 31213ros4way,V rf York, and sold by all Druggists end' htzeilva Deulers; atso, by rarity' , ' Toilet Goods Dealers 16 the - U:111AI Seixtc Canada. May 24, 1858. am The Great Ambastador of Realm to 42; '. 4 -Iliisiiera.' ' ':• ' ' ..• 1 2 All 6110 Wael Pillik ..A. it ,r A SIC "... sterling medicinal to meet the illbrandwi necessities of the suffering portion of listmoseli% ity, and Aire entirely free frees teinnesil Iffillea other sialeterkas particles. lintsears2llN m till this ill powerful medicine. was • immtisworld;ilettowsr'stsreaku4ansahnil . „ - base become the uovssnotty araftriberalin nations. Their attribute is to rintidili Sid well as to cues ; they attack the saseilsrle ROOT of the omnplaint, and thus by neisoehille the hidden cause of disease reinvigorate and restore the drooping energies of the system. assisting nature in her task Of rttiVeni .. FUNCTIONARY ellen' ATION. 1 • .I)YSI'EPSI A.—The great scorinip, of tMe continent yields quiekly to a enure, orthhiter 1 antiseptic Pills, and the digestive•orgerWare`" restored to their proper tone; 'nu inettdeltiN what hideous shape this hydra of disemlo l4 / 1 1, 11 - hihits itself, this searching -tend *.l remedy disperses it from the yatientfe74 l =L4 oENTEAL DEBILITY AND WZAI6-1 1 NESS.afrom whatever cause, lowiresaigliti spirits, and all other signs of a diseaeket liefilklJ aud other disorganivitioris of the 17116119. 1 vanish under the ertulleatingialltnittee 0040 : all powerfal antiseptie Mid dltergent b BILIOUS DLSOBDBRS.-1 he pr 01 6 4 orp turn and right condition of the, bile itS 1, j mentous importance to the health of the litiM man frame, this anti-bilious triedieitie e ; the hidden seeds f the complitinf / find `••-i tiers all the fluids am! frecretiontpareelst fluent, cleansing and retuseitatieg the 4i ,I, functions of the body. • . " ..II SICKLY IllilALES—Shoold loeli , -11111Fa time in tryini, a few doses of this raga 1 and reuovating rmedy, whateter• m their complaint, it can be taken with. .. A in all periodical and other -disarm . Its effect is all bet ruirsenloes; . 11 44- _. uNuovrED PROOF.-.-the testisi Natiutuils unanimously borne to the oinoble ring virtues of his reined'', awl , 1 tificatemin every living lanuage hest noes to the audittiablenees vi thew i t worth. , 1 Ifolloicars Pills are Mr best reitletrY 11 0 41114 a / the Mudd for the folkncis%diseek4 :'-km lll As% mt. • DroPqr • . lf,41 : 4 ; 1 } hovel CoasplaistA. Debiliky. • wet , /,1,... , llowlis, /ewer awl low, ' Cells, Yearly Complaints, tr ‘iii y _ ' Meet Dissasest, /1•04•140a p Codoeouroi, W1141E6,01 DYsPetAispf l meisiv ria, I Llourikey laßaimailake, sir Caution !•-,-Nt the words " fiviloure doe." a:calmer/4W. leaf of the heolt,APl pot o ‘ r box ;AS VIII Lid,pg l ac 144/10 a!e ward will be gyms to information "" may any petetr 0* part eines or!`rending the be spurous. * * *Bo i ld at thea4t. Holloway, 80 Maiden, by all reepeotehht Medi/Abe thromineeeVr ia lle4Mk. the niTHismi, werlii,imbpwit.itsnfthia cents, aid 31 wok- A• 031 4 1 104 1 P "t i c4:l4 i s coar.teritt, the lamer ekes. bi.B.f—Direations for : tbeA9 ti bL ca r.. ts 41"1" *6* are arie 7. if t,. 'R~f G" 1391:1