The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 09, 1858, Image 4

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7 441..T.Peribrigiaft
kawmakag4 fiber.
rui= 4 'o;447;;;;sarat.
0444 cingtFail Mien
L.; • "
t; „ 19 PUBLI
line stedietwiiew, Shatekial iqr past favors.
0 4 044,
thagarape taw iaitabitaate of 11et
.04 tiarrostadiag aotiatry, of the
bite just »Naval from the New
u, , 4 P/b e
s B7' 0 C I' OF GOODS!
ftis deaeretined to eel) at estonjuhing
e'statiker ton. In return for the liber
=ad up. hint, he will give
Monett, cm whieh on
prim williett preowned
'tee irrfikLfactricz4yr PIECES!
.4 t'Atir 0 '14,, -..-.
4444 -4 . 00 -16 October 111,
1 10 1 4 - :
,dia . , , : illay salad farther andee, will be
lb. very popular Tragedy of
viZ i Yl4 - PI T. 31
unrivalled east :—Vashion
suss.4llll4llolollign *ow the *saw to the lowest
a • Geatlentea's Varnishing
i guest variety. liloots, Bboes, Elate,
tia., to sq,,ii ill tastes.
%.iiensintion of Ten _Minutes,
these making large purchases time
fres. ' 'As keech. he., Lc.
sits. 3 •
tommelnde with sae.
1 1 11. f i t 41,11° esestial Play, entitle()
Maly at which will cause great excite.
641rAITSII the Ladies and Gentlemen.
AA , " iiiiilmns County Itutual
Wfate d PisußANot: coMPANY.—hieor-
Xatvb IR, 1851.
*24 r ••, OrTICILItS.
. 4 ,,,, —George Swope.
• • ideal—S. R. Russell.
t,,,.;,/,.. .•
~ D. O A. Buehler.
a .1 .. 1 ' David M'Creary.
a' ••"-- - - Committee— Robert McCurdy,
• : " R ` c isfutasbean, Jacob King.
elks..—George Swope, D. A. Buehler,
VINO;Jamb - King, A. Ileintselman,
, J. J. Kerr, Si. Eichelberger, S.
VW ‘e
1, A. B. Kurtz, Andrew Polley, S.
k, Was. B. Wilson, H. A. Picking,
S. WC/ellen. John Wolford, R. 0. Me
rollaJohn Horner, E. W. Stable, J. Au,gh-
Abdiel V. Oitt.
Company is limited in its opera
minty of Adams. It has been in
operation for more than sis years,
. s . -- t 4 , that period has paid all losses and ex
, (toy euseeemesit, having also a
....., •• 4. id capital in the Treasury. The
• employs no Agents--all buftinelle
done by the Managers, who are annual
A„„, _, It the Stockholders. Any persun
Su Insurance can apply to any of the
• jkafted Ma,aagers fur further tnfur
- s- •
, i X soma ti r e Committee meets at the
.' the Company on the last 'Wednesday
Month, at 2, P. M.
' .• ' • 1/47.
-"4 ,` Valuable Real Estate
.114MITATE gALE.—The undersigned
et Private 841 e, all his Real );state
6 . 1 WW1-I-Illy Isle residence In Gettysburg,
4111111111 big 30 feet on Chambersburg street, with
Aria Dwelling, Stable, and other improve-
-• No: 2.-...Lst adjoining above on the West,
beittiss. 29 feet on street, with Stable, Le.
No. 3.-4 A adjoining No. 2,
fronting 32
04dorms* street, with large Coach Shop,
6dim heproretnents.
-r Lut adjoining No. 3, fronting 29
ilislik doable Brick Dwelling, Smith
orrLet west of the 'Foundry, with
wand Grist Mill.
• . tos—Lot adjoining No. 5, containing
~ 3 Acres.
' . , T.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet
' . berg street.
41. &.1.-Tract of Land in Hantiltonban
_ pOying on Marsh creek, containing
1 • . pert cleared and part in first-rate
Lumber. •
ATia 10.—Coach Establishment in Shep-
Crentn.Va, with good will, Ac. The k
. .0* an admirable one for business, and
ants In good. order.
;Titles . good an 4 terms to suit purcha
km.. liptiqusre-of U. A. BIMILICIL, Esq , Oct
et the undersigned re'. Lino in Shrp
Is 'i' . A ss. C. W. Iit)F9MIS.
•"'" "Cheap Groceries.
gresw; ii ßrorar Seger at 61 els. per T. Four
„, i ''' fist% mats.
•• Brothers hare jest .reesived an
_ . ~. large lot of Grammies, to which
• • the attention of the public.
Sugar at 61, 8 and 9 cents, per
tom.' T he -
1 ,4 1 Rio Caffee, at 13 and 14 cts. per lb.
44 N. 0. Molasses and the best Syrup
--alio; Spiesa, to be had at unusually low
Itsgm.,,AJell mszly and secure bargains at
qlastreas & Winter,
C:OXFORD, Adams county, Pa., Pro-
UM Forwarding wed Ccomaiesioss Ware-
Wholesale said Retail Donlan.' in Gro
kring korsauttly on hand, Fisk, SAll, Plat
te' 41714441 . ,
IV r il li t s f ;D C43 E i k t •46l " .t t Li C ef r f il L:
wklith Ike highest, cub prices are paid.
0 ,1&14. terB. 6m
..., $25.
ge* few Hathaway COOK STOVES.
I will sell fur ;25 cash.
illioNlii IS. ORO. ARNOLD.
t".." --- :
_;,..; 6 ‘ C,Sow Spring Goodat
INALICK. has jest received wad ofers
•Vi.,,..„, the woe , * doeirable mourtinaat of
i' 4IP ;t Lee over brought to llettyalburg i
IC U van of
v, •
... el ", .., Black de.,
i...:.‘ itesisrdst
3 4 .. . Omani Robin seqsillo.
464 ._
„;.; Lana do. do.
40 ..srlo - •- - 4 44, 4 With"
Ot wool Lustros.
. La ' Br t ir lw , li ftphord's
De lifiangsaisone Baragesotr.
p •ima.
4jull •'' To Get • •
E st Rea dy rats your
se nindy-as4v el. ohisg.
Raw Ilhatligglik Gips, Trunks. Clocks,
I, : . motrpoutkins aloe in the ~id,
_ Nar --: - SAMSON'S.
. Is,
". z .. ' -*Use.
• • Ochs lades is especial iii
shpt. bo the hvervionil.7well selecte4 ao•
=le Wise% Maw' and Obildron'o
WOK; ai
gatn.o 1--• - . . ruses i licisamstv'a.
a W.
(11010111111/OW AND -111111X0111111 KlLB
14 ,11 , 1 1 ofr a • si ort
minim beiri=r • somber of years, &boy
eolith mossigpososts, sad pay particular at
*ratios to Ws* sale of GRAM of ill kinds,
Thor, Clow Seed, Whisky mid Country
Praise, goomelly. We remit promeds
promptly. Tracks trout the Northers Coo
tral trod you late our Wareham*.
Zest so it E.
"Plommse Li., Gettysburg.
lOW w"
Lumber at Cost.
THE undersigned, intending to relinquish
the Lumber business, (to open a Hard
ware Btnre in New Otford,) now otters all
kind* of LUMBER at ' , ethical prigs. Call
and judge`for yosrselres. The stock em
braces a roll assortnient. Boards. Plank.
Joists, Boantling, Laths. Palings, Le.
New Osford, Jane 2.8, 185 g.
Lumber and CoaL
'THE subscriber informs the public that be
continues the Lumber and Coal business
at Lirrturowx. Adams county, on a larger
Neale than ever--embracing White Pane
Boards and Plank. Scantling, Framing Stuff,
Plastering Lathes, Shingles, Prling*, Le.,
with all kinds of Stove.•Lintehurners' and
Blacksmiths' CO3l. Yarl near the Depot.—
He invites the calls of the public, and will
sell as lovv as the very lowest.
April 19, 1• , 5A. ly
BRO. have removed their Merchant
Tailoring Eitittlishnsent to the splendid new
three-story house on the north side of Chain
bersbarg street. *Abel nin,g Briogman kAugh
inbaugh's, where they will continue buainese
on a larger scale than ever.
Their stock of Cloths, Cassirseres, Cassi
nets, Vesting*, le., he, has been largely in
creased, and they are prepared to sell as low
as the inieed--defying all competition. Give
them a call, and examine their assortment be
fore purchasing elsewhere. No troulde to
show goods.
Clothing made up on short notice and in
the very best and most tasteful manner.—
With their lcng practical experience in the
business, ands desire to please, they hope w
be able to T:ve satistastion in all cases.
Csi.t ! 03gi AND Ati..l
Getty•barg, March 22, 18.58,
The Swan Hotel.
subscriber would most respectfully an
nounce that he has taken the Hotel lately
kept by Israel Yount. in Frederick street., in
the Borough of lIANOVER, where be is pre
pared to accommodate, in elegant style,Trav
alters and others visiting the place. He
pledges himself that nothing shall he want
ing to make his House a pleasant and agree
able borne to all who may give him their
custom. The house it large and ormvenient,
and will always be provided with attentive
Domestics and a faithful and honest Ostler.
The Bar and Table are supplied with the
beet the market will afford, and his beds will
he Tound to be in the best possible condition.
In everything pertaining to &first rate house
the subscriber is determined not to be sur•
passed by any one. Just give him a trial—
you will always and old Dave about.
There is a due Yard attached, and Stabling
sufficient for 2.5 or 30 horses.
Hanover, May D}. 1858. tf
PARTNERSIIIP.—The Co-partnership
existing between the subscribers has been
dissolved this day by mutual eonsent. We
are much obliged to our friends and the Dub
lie for the liberal support extended to us.—
Our books are placed in the hands of Geo.
Brings:ruin for collection, and we earnestly
request those indebted to not to call and make
immediate payment, as wa desire to settle the
business of the firm without delay.
GE°. E. BraltiCildefiN,
April 19, 185/.
ORO. I. BRINKMAN.) 1.101 1 / 1 1 CICLr.
New Firms. '
n RING MAN & CULP, Successors to Bring
man- 1 " & Aughinbaugh, Manufacturers and
Trunks. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars,
Umbrellas, Canes, &c., &c. Having com
menced business at tho well known stand .if
Bringtean & Aughinbaugh, (Sign of the Dig
Bout) we incite all who de.dre anything in
our line of business, feeling ennfolent that
we will be able to give entire satisfaction to
all who ma y favor us with their patronage.
Etoots and Shoes made upon the shortest no
tioe, as heretotore. Also, Saddles, Harness,
Bridles, Trunks, &c., and el! kinds of repair
ing done itt the shortest notice.
Come one! C .me all! Remember the
plum, Chambersburg street, sign of the Big
Gettysburg, April 26, 1838.
A Card.
T HE subscriber having disposed of his in
terest in the store of Bringman & Augh
inhaugh to John Culp, respectfully asks the
oontinnance of his Triends and customers to
patronise the new firm of Bringman & Culp.
April 26, 185 S.
Shawls 1
Printed Cashmere &swim,
Crape, Delaiae.
April 5, Issß.
White Geed'
would invite the Ladies to examine his
Luigi variety of new style Brilliants, Cam
bric.. diaconate. Plain Casabrics, Linen. Cel
lars, Handkerchief% k.. 4% [April 5.
TUE attention of the !silica is directed to
' l . the large and splendid assortment of new
Spring and Sommer Goods, such as Delnnes,
Latwns, Thrtmil Chad, Ginghams, domestic and
line, Shawls, Bonnets, &c.. at
11111TC11 EMBROIDERIES. —A large and
-my beasstifil assort:mint of rich French work
ed Collars, and many other new and season
able goods, just received and for sale at low
prime at U. S. £ £. IL MINNIGLIS'.
QUSENSWAIig.- Persons wishing to per
chase queen/mare will AO well by exami
leg the large and well selected assortment at
- 11. B. Z L. Q. lirearone.
G ifICF.Sg.—A fret-rate article tun received
and for sale by °mama a YIIO.AIL
4 LiIIOST anything yea west can be bought
-al- cheaper than elsewhere, at Vahnesteoket.
Ilae lot of Silver Spoon, sad
1.7 Wdver Perim. ae low as city priest, sow
to be had at SCIIICIVB. U.dl woe, as they
tell rapidly.
Owes 101 --Segsr. 0.1114. Molasmis, and
sli kinds of Spices. sad every aside is
groaary hoe. Asap and goad at &a saw
Diu I.M and arseery Score of
- J. C. GUINN £ 1111.0,
*Map at
/U161M16 W % Casihodowa, mid weary . aril& or
4 - 1 ear, ga sd
J. C. QUINN 11110. IL
11 1
" I fsest im i•ril•fwaWt ha r oa/V u t
i r &HN
mIN ICU it Pans saiwitaily MI Mad MI
usaiotaiodise at BUIONLZWB. is Chair
• Amid &tuf t • lois att.
• .• • Noriesh *
braids '
X'Li~L.+'k..~~ tik~li' - iM~ , V •.•*;yl~ ..fir.. ilti
Ck "
* Iteelitiefilitt Wm&
*ail the pe 1
ties CA
the 0/41108-M ILI DEW
NINA in all itt__*emabee, es kis estalelleb
meet. le East Street, (Dear the east
esti,) Gettysburg, Pa.. where he Ku cm bead
first-rate tot of work, and is prepared to put
op to order whatever may be desired in his
line, rig :—ltoeksway sad EV.vat-Body
Carriages; Falling- Tep, Rock
away it Trotting ittsyyies,
Jersey IVagoss, . -.olamisz ,
With good workmen and good materiels, be
can glide Itle,worlt to be or the beet quality
. —and Isis prices are among the lowe4
111111PRepairing done at short nutiee, and at
reasonable rates. Country produce taken in
exchange for work. Call
A. l lo494eerrilag•
ANDREW W. FUNNING, residing - in
AIL 1/reeltineidge street, near James Pierce's,
Gettysburg, °fen his services to the public
as a Suit Crier sad Auctioneer. Ms charges
are moderate. sad he will on edloecasioas en
deavor to render ratisfaetion. 114 hopes te
receive a stare of public. patronage.
Aug. 17, 1837.
NOTICK.—The undersigned have *semis
-I'l tad with them in the Lumber business,
R. C. BIND'S. They would therefore give no
tice that the business hereafter will be con
ducted wider the firm of Sig BViDtlt &
CO., and they hope, by strict attention to
business and an earnest desire to please, to
merit a continuation orals liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon them.
Lumber Yard,
ON Kora George Street, near the Railroad,
We would invite the attention of Mechan
ics, Builders, and others. to our large and
well selected stock of /, I".VBER, consisting of
every dese.ription of White Pine B bards and
Plank, Joist.Seantlints and Fencing. Also,
Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Cahn, Pickets,
Worlonl nikoraig and Weatherboarding,
Siding iitc. We are prepared to CUT TO
OItDER any size, quantity and quality of
At the shortest notice, and have it delivered
to any point ttetwoilile by Hailmad. We
also manufacture and keep on gaud a gene
ral assorttrient, or
Soititiers, Bliikl4. li7alow Frames and Door
Stir - Orders for any sixes not on hand allied
with dispatch.
.114"*OurAtack and assortment is equal to
any others, and we are determined to sell at
the lowest market prices.
stir All orders and communications ad
dressed to the under,igned, at York, Pa., will
reoeive prompt nttention.
York. May 24, 18;8. ly
tV. 110MBACII would most respectfully
4 :A-* inform his friends and the public gen
erally that he has opened a new M.trble Yard
at ..lfr.Ciierry.strrm, Adam's county. Pa.. where
he will exe:ute all kinds of work in his line
of business, Knell as MONUMENTS, TOMB
A. HEAD S".7ONES, &e., with neatness are/
dispatch, and at prices to suit the times.
All orders addressed to A. V. Booitsech, at
M.Sherrystown, Adams county, Pa., will be
promptly attended to.
May 24, Is 3. CMS
Sheads & Buehler
L Have constantly on hand, at their yard
LT on Washington and itailroaAl street-,
If any variety of River and Mountain
H MBEII--W bite Pine, 11 etaloek ,
./V Poplar. Ash, &.c.—Boards, Plank,
K Joist, Scantling nod Steldin. 4 , They
are ready to fill all orders, at the short
est notit.w, for any amount, for todloing pur
poses, at prices which will surprise those
who may favor them with a call. They have
also on hands lot of worked Flooring, Win
dow ,Sash, Palings for fencing, Plastering
and Shingling L ttbs.
Gettysburg, May 3, IS3B.
AA() YARDS of Silk Coach Fringe ; :WO
yards of B:uo and Drab Trimming
Cloth: I,aipf Coach 'Carmel!' ; 75 Sides Patent
Leather ; 8;00 'Jolts, and a large variety of
all kinds of Trimmings, which we will solicit
reauoed priced for cash. N,w is the time for
bargains at FA 11N:4:STOCKS'.
To the Country, Good News.
T RAVE rented the Foundry for the
"- ensu
ing year, and am prepared to mske the
different kinds of Castings usually made at a
Foundry. I wilt keep constantly on band the
differentkinds of PLOUGIIS, Points, Shares,
Cutters, Le.; Puts, Kettles, Pans, Washing
Machines, .1.e.; Stoves and Machinery; Por
ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made
and pat up with dispatch.
All orders will be attended to promptly ;
but being without capital, and money being
necessary to carry on the business, I will be
compelled to sell for cash, but on all country
work 5 per cent. will be doductod. Suitable
trade will be taken, if delivered at the time
of purchasing. Give us a call. '
Gettysburg, June 1, 1657.
plus sera of Gk ir stoney and the righ.l
-I ' ehausge back!
' NORRe.:IK .4. MARTIN'S is the place to
get it. where they sell all kinds of Groceries,
Confeetionaries. anal Fanny Articles—"an e
word, everything belonging to a first-class
Grocery. Molasses of seven different kinds,
from 40 cents ap to 15 Ter gallon ; Sugars,
six different kinds, from 8 cents up to 14 per
lb.; Coffee, eve kiwis ; Tem, Chocolate, Race,
Crackers, Tea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit,
Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard.
May 24, 185.8,
New Store.
Its& to Order.—The undersigned has the
pleasure of aaneuncing, to the public that be
has opened a New Clothing Establishment" In
Carlisle sum:, Wet ride. • few doors from
the Diamond, when he is prepared to fit oat
gest/men in the latest and beet style. lie
bas just received from the city a well &oleo,-
ed stock of goods, embracing every thing y in
gentlemen's wear, which were bought at such
ti=as will enable hist es offer greeter
ns than have ever been offered in Get
tysbarg. He will constaatly- keep on hand
a stoeirof Ready-made Clothing, and if not
being able to tit, a snit will be made to order
on the shortest nodes, which cannot fail to
Itt. Having determined to keep nothing but
good Goods, and to sell cheaper than the
cheapest, he espied, to receive a liberal *bare
of pablie pairoamilp• • •
Jane 21, 1
QIIRADS BOILITLIM hive, at their
" Sieve Were item, in West Middle street,
T and at their Coal and Limber Yard, on
0 Washington and Raill%4d-streets. four
V varieties ilaf Choking Skives. etnhaseing
11 the Noble Cool, Iloya/ Cook, Winiaw
11 Penn and Seca SbalL These Stores are
of Philadelphia ansaufaetara have
bees remedy patented, and have been thor
oughly tested. They are pronouneed supe
rior to an other* in Um eotan, for atai or
W .
they trill be &timid anywhere is
ths meaty, (( desired.
• Oettorg, 3.
Tug ipopi simorimplit, and no allaspeat. Is
tows. Can aad aN Hum, at theCladt
ice• of
prit 4, 1868. OW. ARNOLD ., . ,
nit NON. Lissoesi Saida*, bstei. Pip
at Korbed & Itarther.
Jane 15, 1857. ,
Era fiFef
New Marble Establishment
Coach Trimmings.
Who will Refuse
GarA ll A alkirgitil. -
. it every =at ! m
. Po IM
Oraspe. Legrosk. Dotes.
Mete, Pllberia, lard sad paper
*bell Alameda, Pea Nate, ie.
Groceries. A good assortment of Sagan--
Loaf, Brown, Powdered and
Crushed, Oofee, N. O. Molasses,
Syrups of the best, quality, Rice,
Soda, Stank Ti.., (Annamon,
(ground and anground,jekives,
Mustard, Le.
Arfuseery. Perfumery of every description,
',blab will be sold low for OsAh.
Lesson Symp. A large lot just received.—Any
ume &eking s cheap, pleasant
med healthy drink will do well
itmilliseleg this Syrup.
More& ,Althe !dodo of Tobao-
• Beef, for sale
Wa Moyer I Son.
ringer. 4,-.4#lloll6,ApPleistality. di all
will MY who hare tried it.
Flour& Fos4. Wes ban aide arrangements
to ham amersedy an hand
Mgr and Peed. whit* we will
insure to be of superior quality,-
and at each prime as mewl fail
to plains.
April 2G, IRSR.
Pine Old Brandies.
HE subeeribers. Importers and Dealers in
WINES & LIQCORS, would moat re
spoetfolly call the attention of purchasers to
their Old Establishment, No. 5 North Front
Sired, Philadelp4ia, where they haves large
am"ortinent of Wine.' find Liquors of the
choicest brands and qualities. Having made
arrangements with some of the first houses in
Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish
to their customers, upon the most liberal
terms, the following brands of Cognac and
Blt A N Eg ()lard, Honnesy, 11,11ersion,
P Cast J ..1 . Uepop tCo., T. 1.1 i wei4,
A. Sergtiette, Martel, Murat, &AL ko., of va
rious brands acid qualities.
WINES: Champagne, Madeira. Lisbon,
Old Oporto, re.teriffe, fltiryrrwiy, Hoek, Yrs
eat, Claret. Slurry, and .Itilasits 1174,4.
1191 land Sehnappe,Jumaios
Spirits, Scritch and Irish Whiskey, Peach,
Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and
Raspberry Brandies ; Cordials, Wine Bitters,
Amsterdam Bitters, &e.
Also. Agents and S 'le Proprietors of the
0141 IVheat IVhiskey. Com.tantly on hand
an extensive stoek of fine old 31unonipthela,
live and R mrbut, Whiskey, of various grados,
some of which are guaranteed to be superior
to any in the country , all of which are high.
ly improved by age.
From our long experience in the business,
and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of
the community, we flatter ourselves to be
able to till all orders that may be entrusted
to us.
Order* rOUII the country (which are most
re‘pectfully tnilicite.l) will be promptly at
.teit4lell to.
lartireat care taken in packing and ship
ping. -
krill Roods sent from our establishment
are guaranteed to gi%e satisfaction, with the
privilege of being returned.
No. 5 North Front St., Philadelphia.
March 22., 11358. font
Sunbeam Gallery.
►sulzseriber would respectfully announce
z to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pulir
lie generally. that he has provided himself
with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGHT
AMBROTYPE ROOl.l, at his residence in
West 3liddle street. one Square west of
Fahnestock's Store where he to prepared to
furnish Aonfirn„Vetaisin, "'mate! dead Photo
gr,sph l'ielpirea in every style of the art,
which he will warrant to give entire satis
faction, and is orepart.l to aceommslate all
with (1001) PICTURES, either single or in
groups. Ile abut ha.s a number of specimens
at hts room in Citamliersburg Street, a few
Wwit of Bringaiiin Ciilp's Shoe Store,
where he still continues as formerly to take
All who desire a eorrect likeness of them
aelses and friends, will do well to gi.e mn a
mill, as I have reduced my prices to suit the
present hard times.
Picture. copied from old specimens of all
kinds; also, inserted iu Lockets, Breast Pins,
Finger Rings. ke.
The su hscri tor being thankful to his friends
and the public in general fur past patronage,
wishes them tow continue it, and assures them.
thatartheretufure.theYtdutil not bedimlatisfied•
ea-Char g es from 50 cents to $l.O. flours
fir operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. Gold
L wekets, Broaitpios, suitable or miniatures,
alwari on band. at the very lowest prices.
ealrlhililren will out be taker► fur less
than tl 00.
iiir.lmbrotypes taken for fifty cents and
upwards, and in the best style.
Aprtf 211, 11434. tf
wir, aitunris. HINIT THOMAS.
Family Grocery and Provision
aILLESPIE k T110.31A.S respectfully in
‘-A Conn the people of Gettysburg and the
public generally, that thoy hare just return
ed from the city .with 4 general assortment of
BLES, which they are preptred - to sell as low
as the lowest. FLOUR and FEEDalwaye on
hand. and sold at small profits.
Store on York street, one door east of Wat
tles' lintel.
Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 1857.
Flat Iron Heaters,
These &tore* are intended Weave fuel and
promote oomfort. They will heat six Irons,
and at the same time may be need for boil
ing, having a ring upon the top upon which
may be planed a kettle of almost any sise.—
They may be placed in the irs place*, in
the yard, being so small that they will not be
in the way. Those interested will see the
advantage of them. Doable the prime may
be saved in fuel in a single season. Also
CHARCOAL FURNACES, for sale cheap.
June 7, 1it.58.
John W. Tipton.
" mum
GO to Tiriell'S-•-40 tos
Go to Cipion'a ut the eorner
In the oorner in the Diamond—
In the Diamond near licelethes.
If you want year hair droned finely—
If you want yoar faßgtshaved smoothly.
Bachelors who never knew it—
Tip's the fellow that eau do it—
. Do it MI the lomat fashion—
Du ittpaiek anti dm itateatly.
Andimprove your fee looks greedy,
/Kakis you look so you. sad sprighdy,
Yaks you fold more young sad brightly,
Make you Lel film going nightly
Ti call upon Noma pretty damsel
Who before Weald not look at you.
Atyoe as pm weed bur daily,
Daily oe the public street.
Aid young saes who wear moostaebes,
Who want soots one to new pestehes—
Patches where yont breed's hoar—
Tip's the boy to mate op tioalobsi--
/Ilatokos with woos lady fair.
Then repair to Tiptoe's Amp,
Dandy. Fogy, Flirt and For.
Jon. /1.1855. •
WO WOE. ' .
U. L. SCRIM woad kinks Ibitallstioso
u • Lvov NM* lap alleek. of ,
Piro Mate Mail. • \
Vino (Moroi de.,_ • - • .
Pim amok Oridosine.
reamy Clamiassees. .- -- , .
Sib 8161•111 die.. - • - -
• _
- • - Iresillair• , xi.^. 4 .
• • • CIMINO. 6. 1 61170 . '
Gli;v1;, Elospeadlies, Usedkoreithplk ae.olka.
X: r .
litedTtlintAWrilf: 1
. i . k9s4Tio
"' lSt/ " 1 "117. 1 1. Rams. -
rPrit mdmocrii • theitialin Mid
. 4 . he has cram! kith, _,INg PIO?, is
Manthstudimi stres4 Gettyibarg i , wear the
Foundry, where he will hitivariotte kinds tiff
Machines na hand at ear time Itereafter,
mush as l'Areskiao Malaise*. Cars aletkre,
Conifosider Cutkrs, Clotterseed Heller; &raw
Cutters, and Horse Powers of different kinds,
—two, four or siz-horse, to suit purchasers ;
—indeed all sack as can be had at Hanover
or Littlestown. Also, Mortitiag Maclliaes,
for house carpenters, put up in the very best
and most substantial manner. Calling i
Screws or long Bolts, any kind or miss less
than eleven feet in length, always attended
to, as well as Awning in Iron, casting
wood. Also all kinds Or RZIPAIKING 00 M
&Leery. dregaing-up Mill Spindled, dw.,done
on the shortest solace.
I hope that ail In want of anything in my
Ilse Intl call at my Shop before going else
where. I will warrant all my work to give
satisfaetida to parthasers. . •
March 29,1&58. ly
IQeiv Goods;
AT the new inn of PAXTON I McIL
HgNY, at the Soma-Ens! Corner of Cu.
ere 84Kere. •
The subscribers would respectfully inform
the citizens of Gettysburg and the public gen
erally, that they have just received, and are
now opening, a very choice selection of Hats
and Caps,consissing of Oakford's Philadelphia
Spring Style, Moleskin Dress Huts, unsur
passed for neatueot of shape and elegance of
Ankh ; Felt, Fur and Wool Hats, of all colors
and styles, together with a complete assort
ment of Men's and Boys' Cap.', which they
warrant to be of the best material and of the
most fashionable styles, all of which will be
offered at very low pricee. Also, Straw
goods of every variety and style.
• ifirTherto pods were carefully selected
and bought fur cash, which will enable them
to sell at very low prices.
May 10, 1858
Stauffer & Harley.
‘•l sale and retail,et the Philadelphia Watch
and Jewelry Store, No. Ofil North Second
street, owner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gull Lever Watches, full jeweled, 1R carat
elutes, $2.8 00 ; Gold Lepines, 10 carat, $24 00 ;
Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le
pi nes,jewels,*o 00; superior Quartiers,s7 00;
Gold Spectacles, $7 00; fine Silver do. *I 50;
Gold Bracelets, $3 00; Ladies' Gold Pencils.
Al 00 ; Silver Tea Spoons, set, $G 00; Gold
Pens, with pencil and silver bolder, RI 00.
Gold Finger Rings, 371 cents to s6o;Watch
Glasses, plain , l'2/ cents; patent ISt; Lunet
2.5; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to Pe what they are sold for.
On bawl, itotne geld and silver Levers and
Le pines, still lower than the above prices.
Oct. 20, 18,ii. ly
Millinery Removed.
C. HOWARD would respectfully inform
"- the Ladies of Gettymbnrg and its vicinity,
that they will find her in Chambersburg
street, tat the residence of Mr, Samuel Herbst,
oppoeite Mr. Titte's Hotel.
I des can be accommodated with ready.
made BONNETS; also a variety of Straw
Lez,horn. and all kinds of Millinery Goode of
the latest styles. L %dies will do well to call
and see for themselves.
• •
April 5, 1818.
The Liver Invigorator,
PREPA RED by Dr. SAlSFORD,compounded
entirely from GUMS, is one of the best
Purgative and Liver Medicine,* now before
the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier,
milder, and tuore effectual than any other
medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic,
hut a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liner
to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom
ach and bowels to carry off that matter, than
accomplishing, two purpoeea effectually, with
out any of the painful feelings experienced
in the operations of most Cathartics. It
strengthens the system at the same time that
it purges it; and when taken daily in mod
erate doses, will strengthen and build up
with unusual rapidity.
The Liven is one of the principal regu
lators of the human° body ; and when it
performs it function%-, well, the powers of
the system are fu11y..4 developed. The stom
ach is almost entire -z ly dependent on the
healthy action of they Liver for the proper
performaceot its fune-,:., tiuns; when the stom
ach is at fault, the-4 bowels are at fault,
and the whole system( buffers inconsetvence
of one organ—the 4 tivxa—having ceas
c.l to do its duty.— For the di , eases of
that organ, ono of the... proprietors has made
it his study,in a pru.e Lice of more than •20
years, to find somo- ,.. „ remedy wherewith to
counteract the many,—, de range men ta to
which it is liable. eel
To prove that this remedy is at last
found, any personP troubled with Livia
COMPLAINT, in &ay ofa its forms. has but
to try a bottle, and 24 conviction is certain.
These Gums re-,s move all morbid or
bad matter from thoa, artent, supplying in
their place a flow of bile, invigorating the
stomach,causing food to digeNt well, run.
TTLEG THE awn, giv-M ing tone and health
to the whole machinery, removing the cause
of the disease--effecting n radical cure.
arrraa, PIUIVIXTID, by the occasional use of
One dose after eating's sufficient to relieve
the stomach and prevent the fo•xl from rising
and souring.
Only one dose taken before retiring, pre
vents NIGH .......
Onl♦ one dose taken at night, loosens the
bowels gently, and cares Corriviscss.
One dose taken after each weal will cure
Dv SPX rms.
?`One dose of two teaspoonfuls will al
ways relieve Sacs tialn.tcna.
One dose taken for female obstruction re
moves the cause of the disease, and makes a
perfect oar..
Ouly one dose immediately relieves Cuotic,
One dose often repeated is a- sure care for
CvnitsaA Nouns, and a preventive of
ifirOrdy one bottle Is needed to throw oat
of tha
system effects of medicine after
s long
strOn• bottle takes for Jarsrotcs remoras
all sallowness or unnatural color front the
One dose taken a short time before eating[
gives rife W 41e,afpet.te, and make. food di•
soar well
OUe dose often repeated carol Cotome
DIIIIIIIIIZA is its worst forme, while Sonata
sad Down, oomplainto yield almost to As
int dose.
Oae or two dose• ears attacks caused by
Worms la Madre. ; there is at. surer, safer,
;Vier revaely to the world, as it Never
Kirk few betties are Deem, by exciting
the aboorbeats.
Ira lake *awe is reeassueagliag th is
smodiaise 48 Nitp tur, gp.CAt sad AkaUg •
Cass.a rank OR all Illtraa of • BILIOUS
Trra, It speriMli with antsiitity. *ow
saw% ars
win % to testify Si its woaderhil
dTI arke oar Wire swat, /kir munimir
inlisostrtw m AM;
liErktki Ira Vie h► qte mittio whit Ike Iw•
Ir 141
, and imam bode segetbee'. - • C 6 Livis lerrnmssei les esiassitie seek
Mt (lissomly mi. is dilly workieg waros,
slam" too grasi Is Weft. Isimisas it kr
=4lllOl Ike Ibil Aar "eel' ay 41wwfil, and
Na. dosa ose beeddikr retileo# to
awe any kind of LmneomplAn,, frogs Ike
wrest Jaileilastii=i.ta , comnon
ihedssie, of'• * lShwwenlite fi
911111"..11 0 01 0 : 41‘ sou.** amiTria.
ProJrieWer, 3 10 Arad
' Sewn
••- • .
• • : )2111111144 7 2$ 111';' • •. 1
Id all Diseases ' ef the
tan ositively Cured
by Which conveys p the rsmodies
to the amities in the las throngb the air
passeges. and toning in direct contact with
the disease. neutralises the tubercular matter,
allays the sough. causes a free and easy ex-
tion, heals the lungs, purifies the
Cl e at 4 :lmparts renewed vitality to the nervous
system, giving that tone and energy so indis
pensable for the restoration of health. To be
able to state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation. is to me a 'source of
unalloyed pleasure . It is as much under the
control of medical triatmoutas any niter foe
lendable disease: ninety oat of every bandied
cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty
per cent. in the second ; but io the third stage
it is impossible to save more than five per
cent . for the Xtengs are so cat op by the dis
ease as to bid defiance to medical ski/I.
Even, however. in the last stages, Inhalation
steeds extraordinary relief le the Miring
attending this fearful scourge. which annually
ll=llplumy -five thousand persons in the
Btlitei slant and i corretstealculatioe
shows that of the present population of the
earth. eighty millions are destined to fill the
Consumptive's gram -
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow en
fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has
been the greatenemy or life, for it spares
neither age nor sex, bni sweeps off alike the
brave, the beautiful, the graceful and the
;rifted. By the help of that Supreme Being
from whom cometh every good and perfect
gilt, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a
permanent and speedy cure in Consumption.
The first cause of tubercles is from impure
blood. and the immediate effect produced by
their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the
free admission of air into the air cells, which
abuses a weekend vitality through the entire
system. Then surely it is more rational to ex
pect greater good from medicines entering the
cavities of the lungs than from those *drain
istered through the stomach the patient will
always find the lungs free and the breathing
easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala
tion is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts
oonstitutionally, and with more power and
certainty than remedies administered by the
stomach. To prove the powerful and direct
influence of this mode of administration,
chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy semi.
bility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire
nervous system, so that a limb may he am.
pntated without the slightest pain; inhaling
i the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a
' few hours.
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the
system when fainting or apparently dead.—
'the odor of many of the medicines is percepti
ble in the akin a few minutes after being in.
haled, and may be imirrediately detected in
the blood. A convincing proof of the consti
tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that
sickness is always produced by breathing foul
air—is not this positive 'evidence that proper
remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously
administered through the lungs should pro
duce the happiest results? During eighteen
years' practice. many thousands suffering
from diseases of the lungs and throat, have
been tinder my care, and I have effected many
remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had
been pronounced in the last stages, which
fully satisfies me that consumption is no
longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con
sumption is original, and founded bn Icing ex
perience and a thorough investigation. My
perfect acquaintanoe with the nature of tuber
cies, lc., enables the to distinguish read•y
the various forms of disease that simulate con,
suruption, and apply the proper remedies, rare•
ly being mistaken even in a single rase. This
familiarity, in connection with certain patho
logical and microscopic discoveries, enables
me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con
tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purity the
blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy and tone to the entire system.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States and Catradas by
patients communicating their symptoms by
letter. But the care would be more certain if
the patient should pay me a visit, which
would give me en opportunity to esamine the
lungs and enable me to prescribe with much
greater certainty, and then the cure could be
effected without my seeing the patient again.
G. W. GRAHAM. M. D.,
Office,ll3lFilbert S 1 ..(nlei .V 0.109,. 109, )below 120 s,
July 20, 1857. ly
Two Daily
dersigncd returns his thanks to the public
for the encouragement heretofore extended to
him, and takes pleasure in announcing that be
has completed Al rangements by
which TWO DAILY LINES of c›.
Coachus will run between Gettys
burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains
to and from Baltimore, York, Harri,:burg,
Philadelphia, &c. Persons desjring tickets or
informauon will cell on the undersigned, or on
CUAILES Tame. Ticket Agent, at the Eagle
Hotel, in Chsimbengburg street.
(E7Special attention given to all ages, fie., or other business entrusted to tticti:nier
signed between Gettysburg end Hanover,
which will Ire promptly and carefully attend
ed to.
(7 Theundersigned bits also effected ar
rangements by winch he will be able to supply
Coaches, Stages, itc., for Funerals and other
occasions, at moderate charges.
Gettysburg, April 13, 1857.
Elastic Cement Roofing.
[THE subscriber is prepared to °untrue*. and
put on at the shortest notice, W. E. Child
&kat fire and Water Proof Elastic
Central Roofing.
It isperfectly Piro and Water proof, and
in point of durability is equal, if not superior,
to any Motalic Roofing. It can be put on
over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, 'lowa% er
fiat or steep they may be.
In Flint of resisting the elements of fire
and water, nothing hits yet been discovered
equal to the Mastic Cement.
Those who hare used it, hare testified that
it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that
there is no furtbes room for improvement.—
No one will now think of putting on shingles,
when this Cement can be had fur much - Ices
money and will outwear four shingle roofs.
This flouting is warranted as represented.
The Klemm Cement is the eheapeet and
best protection from decay for wood exposed
to the weather or dampness of the ;ground.
It is also tba best pallet fur boa, effeetnally
preventing rust; and wherever applied per
fectly excludes dampness. •
The msbeeriber - has- this' Cement Orr wile, in
quantities to fait. For further information,
apply to, • ' l' azouou toLg,
Frederick City, Md.
of the hosing oarhe seen
al the Prothonotary% Once, in Wellsburg.
April 5, 1858. '
. . -
pular *Amax. mum inutzirr.
• New Firm.
(Baeotssors to CA4= & Faxitiii;)
lYbolasalo sad Retail •
HATS, CAVS,I3OOI3, 13110114 44Frilwiffir.
nu "Pr. , PrB44kr ivie tto • . A I P I M.Ir-
Pa. Adf" • Amu;
aact SogeoN
*flit betowdaiksialsa at Writs. somlis.
.Adtare Masts, .As„ , •
llarakalt„ - . te
AIIikAZIM, Wei& slag Mot,
ressesed his shop to'Ciimeier
shliefil opposite tbeLetherse Vineedli;Vh&
bet vitt shop be Ale elissibeeAlhe
calker helve*
hi atZ 4 "Seittlj "'
-1."41: e
a .11
Marsh 1448641:
r" 43 "WP •
vi s ai l t ai r titbit
wre i taregast.
ta r 4. Daiwa & 2:4041;711%
New Lt &tabtimed.
Gutaucii iIiLPATE has a two_
Livery establishment. at thestables ' on
Washington strati', oeettpled In put by the
"Eagle Rotel." aid ban made eta arrange.
ments as will onto Norte reenanasslata the
public it all titnis,en reaansialilatermasiwith
Ilorsoa, Niggles, Hacks, £c. Me stook is
good. On funeral oocasluns, &c., be will be
able to supply a want bas been much
needed. Ng.Terms CASH.
May 24, IE4B.
Herring's Patent
O ,
SAFES, with Hall'. Patent POWDER
PROOF LOC K.S.—Fseamts fz lisaelso,
Makers, 34 Walnut Street, below &road,
Philalelphia.—The great interest manifested - _
by the public to procure more certain securi
ty from Are for Taluable papers, such as
Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds. Notes and Books
of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto
fore in use afforded, induced the Patentees to
devote a largo portion of their time for the
last fourteen years. in making discoveries
and improvements for this object, the result
of which is the unrivalled Herring's Pakni
World's Fair Premium FIRE PROD
SAFES, universality acknowledged as th
CnAirtoss SAFI or TUX woate I Having
been awarded Medals at both the World's
Fair, London, 185], aid Crystal Palace, N.
Y., 1853, tts•superior . to all otSeesjs now
undoubtedly entitled to that apellatWo, and
secured with Hell's Patent Powdir-proof
Locke—which were also. awarded ‘panste
Medals, (as above)—forms the most perfect
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever yet offer
ed to the public.
Nearly 300 "Herring's Sates" have been
tested during the past 14 years, and more
than 16,000 have been sold and are new in
actual use.
Also on hand or manufactured to order,
all kinds of Iloiter and Chilled Iron Bank
Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors, Money
Chests for Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads,
private families, die., for Plate,. Mammls,
and other valuables.
Nov. 23, 18.57.
Lumber, Coal and Stoves.
pus undersigned respectfully annottace to
-8 " the citizens of Gettysburg and racially,
that they hare entered into a co-partneribip.
and intend opening a ("WA!: if? LUAIRMit
I TA BD, on Wsokington street. in she rear of
the Eagle Hotel, where they will he happy to
I•see all who may faror them with a call. I'hey
will furnish every varietyof lyre. Blockx+nifh
awl Linadmiltri• s C'U.ll., at the lowest poall
hle wholesale rates, in order to introdeceit
into general use. They also intend {toying
a full and general L.sortrnent otkUNIBICR. as
soon as the Railroad is com peted. They
will keep conatantiv on hand every variety°,
COAL and WOOD STOVES, among which
are the celebrated William Penn. Noble
Cook, Royal Cook and Sea Shell' Cook
Stoics. Abut the Charm, Capitol 4 Victor,
Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook Stokte,
Air-tight. Star, Franklin, Hot-air Parlor
Grate, Lady Washington Oalt,'Signotia,
Union, Air-tight Bare Cylinder, TrcOe and
Harp Cannon Stoves:
Persons tialatn,g to examine their stock will
!dew call at their Stove Ware Bona. on
West Middle street, at the reatidenceorliotaert
D'Orders promptly attended to. "-
;. IBS.
Clew the Way
and 3 Biding end Wagon Saddler,
Trottieg. Baggy and Carl/far
ness, Buggy , Carriage, Mule, Bair, Itlns
and ootamon
• Collars. Riding and um
Bridles, Martingale, Halters, Horse leers
and Fly Nets of every deseriptieneVllllllps.
dc., just received and for sale eallaiSelagly
low, at BRINGMAN & GULP'S, ador.alsia
"BIG BOOT." Cheunbersbarg anti ,
May 10, IssB.
Ready-made Clotbitpr ii *.
GEO. ARNOLD ban now on hand
stook of Ready-made Oistikiwir:
comprising every TV= and so; his
ampli Va
own manufacture, w • will 14 fed
well made, havinghatt*r lop
ed cutting out ana - Mara - • el" • &snot
St you with I garrneitt . 4;240,11 . '1M
sell you the gouda, take yetst tolgaittle. and
make you up a eating sitentiut uo
ties. - Plum at the Ololdihitilmiteriam,
where la will tad 14,_ ellp always on
hand, bright sad aceoute. Oar stock
is large, well 41.4051, atithrliTto sold cheap
for INN. ' ' - - , - se , nl , -
Oittysberg, Kira 21k Mk
11:16111 " 11 17 -
titifttyird wind
Tiut prattlitt styles yet Mira to the 11)-
4104 fruit tWy totmet ail to
ikon theirjolliiCStiokhoweagy if you
ltittii,lprittj'Aistrebotitipods. Sae kites*
• OA pstionie of sifivaiirip
• -JrAtnizirre
; 1868. s ..,.-vr,,,m
C. U. Butt:[Litt.