_ --------- - -- - ---- ---- . _ ellearlirtikemillb i • eanboun Gallery. • 1 '.The Intir-Hotet 1 . Good Ind Cheap i TWO Daf/ Linn. 1:114--The wedereistaied. have assoeire ns! T ..—sobsoribervu44l4lrespectfittlyannmmee TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.—The ' 1 THE undersigned would inform his friends 110PKTRA ACCOMMODATIOSIS.—The tin y= with theist in the Lumber businesis, t o the citizens of Gettyshurg and the. put. 2 - subscriber would moat respectfully an- . 1 - and the publie generally, that he eon- -L.? dersigned returns his thaoks to the publie B. 43, leirDia. They would -therefore give no-, lie generally. that he has provided himself: nuance that he hers talton the Hotel lately , tinues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUST- I for the encouragement heretofore extended to des eat the busine s s hereafter will be con- . with an entire new and splendid SKY-LIGLIT kept by Israel Yount, is Frederick street, in NESS, in all it branehee, at his establish- I-, him. and takes plenurate in announcing that he doeted wader the Arni„Of SNALL, BENDES & .1 M BIIOTYPE ROOM, at his residence in 1 the Borongh of HANOVER, where be is pre-i ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east; bits completed airangements• by kirk by strict attention to West Middle street. one Square west of! pared to accommodate . in elegant style,Trav-1 end.) Gettysburg, Pa., where be hes on hand ! which TWO DAILY LINES of Vie Iliaread 4 desire to please, to Fahne,wck's Store where he is prepared to, ellers and others visiting the place. He a first-rate tut of work, and is prepared to put 1 Coaches *rill run between Gett!e• 'CI. gig tsati ar °tais liberal patronage furnish Ainbro, itelaino, Enamel and Photo• pledges himself that nothing shall be want-' up to order whatever may he deemed in his' burg and Hanover, to connect with the train* wed epee them. ; graph Pictures in every style of the art! ing to make his limas a pleasant and agree- line, viz :—Rockaway and Boat-Body ,to and from Baltimore, York, Ilarri:hurgi • s. , r KILLIAN SMALL & CO, , which he will warrant to give entire otitis-, able home to all who may give him their 1 Carria jet; Palling- Ti,p, flock- 1 Pbilettelphia, &c. Persons desiring tickets or , faction. and is tsrepared to accomin slate all custom. Tile house is large and convenient, • . ittfornation will call on the undersigned. nr on away & Trotting Buggies, •,,,,,, ! ' _ __l ''' !amber Yard, with GOOD PICTURE` 4 , either single or in and will always he provide 1 with attentive .lerey Wagons, &e. ide -5 I COARLIS TATIt. Ticket Agent, at the Eagle riff AWN George .'". 10 1 eel. near tAe Itailroad, iroi.p.i. He als, h a s a num b er „ I - , p „ 1 „,,„., D „„e,c,,, end a faithful awl hone..t. Ostler. . - Hotel, in Chamhersteirg street. With good workmen and good materials, he . . . e 4 YORK, PA. at his room in Charn4ersborg Street, a. tea The liar and Table are supplied with the dr7Speetal attention given to all packages, can pledge his work to be of the best quality ,w esaimild i nvite tire attent i on of lu xhao . ii,,,, r , West ...1 Brits: pis in A. Culp'. Sh .e St. , re, he-t the market will a-Tord, and his be Is will &e.. or other !whines; entrusted to the under nd his p rices are amongthe lowest. Blailders, and others , to our large and where he still continues as formerly to take he found to be in the hest possible condition. R 'rio done at short not i ce, and at signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, • area 'tip fed stock of LITMBEIi, consiating ~ r p (lures. In everything pertaining to a first rate house -Pa' g r_eas t onable , rates. Coun try c l produce taken 10 ed to. alai a. ane i t , t i„, of White Pine Bards and All who desire a correct likeness of them-, the silleseriber is determined not to be sur cit. lange lor work. a . Plant, jf , ist. sc . antima ~,,,i Fencing . AI-o, se ves and friends , will do will t. give me a passe I liy any nit.. Just g:r e loin a trial—. l ,., - The undersigned has also effected sr- JACOB TROXEL. Pibliend Chesnut Shingles, Lath.. Pickets, call, as I h ave redo, e d m y p r ices to suit the , y .ti will always fiarl old !Save about. rangements by which he w ill be able to supply Worked Plon , ;ng and Ire ( I 111 er I ,r) Irf/ 1 n ~, i present hard times 1 There is a flue 'far.' atta,lied,anil Stabling _ June Li, 1557. Coaches. Stages, &c., for Funerals and other ilitlktic &a. We are prepared to CUT TO Pictures eerie Ifr , n) 011 specimens of all sufficient for 12.5 or :10 hoc-es , To the Country,Good News. occasions , at moderate charges. D.l VI D N FAVCO3I3I ER. NICHOL-VS WEAVER, ORDER any size, quantity and quality ,f kind.: ali‘o, iuserte lin Lockets, B: east Pins, 1 . If . HAVE rented the Foundry fur the ensis . Fiss , ..er Rings &c. I Hanover, 3.1.1-,- In. 18.3' 4 . tf j_ - Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. :LUTE PI-YE &OAK T If JIB ER, l'le-ut.cri'bor beioe.thankful to his friends ', • in g year, and am prepared to make the .- Pklt iitortest notice, and have it delivered New Store. [different kinds of Castings usually made at a 1 and the public in rmeral for past patronage, _ , isZeby point ae,e..,i),10 by ilaiiroad. We wishes t h eir, i , i i•on 111100 it, and assures Ow l!) . Fowl Irv. I will keen e.instantly on hand the pligi atanufacturt and keep on Land a gene tbettisheretofire.thev -hall nut beilissatisfied. differes;t kinds of PLOUGHS, P.,ints, Shares, ra assortment of , viii -Cllr irgcs from . s s (-puts to tl 1 . 1.1 ,urs Critters, Se.; I'ots, Kettles. Pails, Washing SAS II . DOO R S, ' for operating fr.im BA. 31 to 4P. M. 11-Id Machines, tte.; Stoves and Machinery; Por .• istkrs, Blind', Jria , l6ur Frames anl Door L-sekets, B eastpiiiii, suitable for miniatures, ' clic., Verandah's; and Cemetery Fencing made Fr, , 11i , , , t . always on hand, at the very lowest prices. and nut up with ilispatet. ~., : 1111rOr4ers for any sizes not on hand filled Vie. ',hililren will nit Le taken for less All orders will be attended to promptly; filio 4i o 9gtPbs ' than cl 00. but being without capital, and money being aarOur *Hoek and assortment is equal to, c.„,r-,Vuilir 'types taken for fifty cents and necessary to carry on the business, I will be its, Ahem and we are determined to sell at ' upwar d s, and in the best ••tries c“sispi•lled to sell for cash, but on all country sitA.kiwest market pricer. I SAMUEL WEAVER, work 5 per Cent. will he &anew I. Suitable seram orders and communications ad- April 2G, P3R. tt tr ile a:II be take , ,, if delivered at the time *PIO to the undersigned, at York, Pa., will , ' , __ ----- of purchasing Cite us n rill. irCiptive promptimtiltii..n . ._____ . ~.,„ 1 Fine Old Brandies. EM. WARREN SMALL, BENDER & CO. York, May 24, 18 ;i+. 1y New Marble Establishment. V. HOMBACII woul I na.,st respectfully inform his fiends and the public cen• orally. that he has opened a new Marble Yard la ijakerrystorn, .t , liimr,oulity. Pa.. where be will execute all ~f work in his line f business, such a 4 MONUMENTS, TOMB HEAD STONES. Sc., with neatness and Outomai, and at priees to suit the times. Al Leviers raddre..e.l to A. V. liotabach, at MaSberrystown. A laws county, Pa., will be rutaptlyfitten.l.l to. May 21, l$ 7ot. Gin Who will Rlfuse ,HE worth nt their money and the right eistoqe hack f NORAIECK & MARTIN'S is the place to get it, where they sell all kinds of Groceries, onreetionarie, and Fancy Articles—in a word, everything belonging to a first-class arocery. Molasses i)l' seven different kinds, from 40 cents up to 75 ler gallon ; Sugars, different kin from K cents up to 11 per lb.; Coffee, live kinds ; Teas, Chocolate, Rice, Crackers. Tea Cakes, Ratled Pie Fruit. Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard. Ma 24, 1858. Sheafis & Buehler L Have constantly on hand, at their yard U on Washington and Railroad streets, N Any variety of River and Mountain II LUMBER—White Pine, Hemlock, • poplar, Ash, &c.—Boards, Plank, It Joist, Scantling and Studding. They are ready to fill all orders, at the short est notice, for any amount, for ttuilning pur poses, at prices which will surprise those iftbo,may favor them with a call: They have also on band a lot of worked Flooring, Win dow Stott, PalingF for fencing, Piastering arid Shingling Laths. tic. Gettvelmr , z. May 3. 119. The 500 People WHO bought their Winter Clothing, from FRANKLIN B. PICKING, are all com 11l back, and bringing with them their friends and acquaintances, to examine his XLNT assortment of Spring and summer Willing, just opened at his new Clothing establishment in Chamberslitirg street, op poaltethe Lutheran Church': They will have the cheapest and best assortment of Goods to select from ever brought to Gettysburg.— They will fit t! every style of Summer Coats, Pantalooui, Vests, Raglan Coats of every quality, Frock Coats of Italian Tweed, Ca:ib mares, Linen, Check; Luck Coats, rte.— Pants of black and fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Linen, Duck, Cotton, &c Aprit2o, FRANKLIN B. PICKING , 1858. Coach Trim. , 'lig& O,OOYARDS of Silk Coach Fringe ; 400 u yards of Bine and Drah Trimming Cloth; 1,560 Coach Tassels ; 75 Silos Patent Leather ;A,OOO Bolts, and a large variety of all kinds of Trimmings, which we will sell at reduced prices for cash-. .N. , w is the time for . 'eat FAH NESTOCKS'. Auctioneering. -I°l-NDRZW W. FLEMMING, residing in Breckinridge street, near James Pierce's, Gettysburg, offers his services to the public se a Sole Crier and Auctioneer. llis.charges are moderate, and he will on all occasions en deavpr to render satisfaction. Ile hopes to receives share of public patronage. Aug. 17,18.17. Clothing. • ores beet assortment, and the cheapest, in + town. Call and eee them, at the Clothing Emporium of GEO. ARNOLD. A • ril 5. 1858.- $25. . IHAVE a few Hathaway COOK STOVES, *blob I will sell fur $.25 cash. • birch 15. GEO. ARNOLD. White Goods AND EMBIttiIDERIES.—J. L. SCHICK would invite the Ladies tgi examine his large variety of new style Brilliants, Cam twice, Jaeonete, Pl:tin CAmbrics, Linen, Col- Handkerchief,, hc. [April S. TAR attention of the La lies is directed to the large and splen lid assortment of new Spring and Simmer rods; such as Delanes, Lavas, Ducal Caali, Ginghams, domestic and Sue, Shawls, SJunets. .ke., at J. C. GUINN BRO'S. B'EMBROIDRIES.—A large and 4 -• beautiful assortment I• 1 rich French work ed Collars, and many other new and season able goods, just received and for .iale at low prices at IL S. k E. 11. :NIINNIGIJS'. GROCERIES.—Sugar, Coffee, Illolassel, and all kinds of Spices. and every article in the grocery line, cheap and good at the new prj quotl and Grocery Store of J. C. GUNS S; BRO. ROCKS, Suspenders, Cravats and Ilandker t-1 eltiilfs, at • PICKING'S. QIIEENSWARE.—Persons wishing to ptir ease Qaeens ware will d., well by examii ing the large and well selected assortment at • 11. S. & E. 11. Mtssions'. fiIIEESE.---A first-rate article ju t received la and for sale by CiIT,LESPIS & TUO/tS. QTOVE-PIPE of all sizei wade to order at I- , BUEHLER'S, in C.iamberaburg stint. PERSONS oomunencing 114usekecping will dad it to their advantage to purchase j.heis TIN-WARE at "WEIMER'S, in Cham ber burg Street. fine lot of Silver Spoons and ti Silver Forks, as low as city prices, now to be bad at SC.IIICIi'S. C4ll auou, us they jell rapidly. 44NOES, Lemons,Raisins, Dates, Figs, outs--211 kids of Candies and Nuts, it .Nor beck. ct- /turgid:. • spotitoco, f3egars and Snuff, a large as ,., at sortatent, at • Norbalc & Martin's. .11511A,CCO AL SEGARS. of beet brands, and _ astonishin g ly low rates these high times, felei flair. Provision and Grocery &ore of GILLESPIE & THOMAS. •I`IIOIIIILILLAS and Canes of every variety )itrei rn ti sisil "cis, at Batsranan At- Cutes. rlLAß—Cheap and fashionable, at U. Mei:sautes. • 410)11)111.A. ITZDV ip e by II - LE & TRONA& • CM THE "lbscrilwrA. Imp , ,rters awl Dealer. in 1 1 7217:8 & Liguous, 11 (P Mgt., worn, most TO spoctfully rail the attention of prirchasers to their Ohl Estalili-ti rnent„Vo. 5 Nirth Final Strret, Philadelphia, where they have a large assortment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac'and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle BRANDIES: blard, Pelleri;on, Piael,Castillinn; J. J. Deptiy & Co.,T. A. Sergnette, MArtel. Marett, tte. Ic., of ia rious brands and qualities. Claampagw. Mil LiThem, 014 oa , erlo,Tuterifre,.B•srquiply. lbek, Mu tat, Claret, Sherry. and .Vglag.s 1174 , .e. Holland Gin, Scheidaiu Selmap?s,-Ittallica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies:Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters. &e. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on fired an extensive stock. of fine old Monongahela, Rye arid B mason Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to he superior to any in the country, all of which are high ly improved by age. • From our long experience in the business, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community. we !latter ourselves to he able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which are most respectfully solicited) will be promptly at twirled to. Siikli"'Great care taken in packing and ship ping. gerAll goods sent from our establishment aruguaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., No. 5 North 'runt Si., Philadelphia. March 22, 1858. dm WII. GlLer:qens. 11 kV Tunic AS. Family Grocery and Provision • Store,. n b ILLESPIE Ttiom AS respectfully '6-4-in form the n co:)le of G3ttvsloarg and the public generally, that they have just return ed from the city with kgeneral assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS and VEGETA BLES, which they are prepared to sell as low SA the lowest. FLOUR and FEEDalvrays on hand.-and sold at small profits. Store on York street, one door east of Wat tles' Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 18.57. Fresh Fruits, ROCEt[ES, NOTIONS, &x.— Fruits. Fruits of.every deseriptioi, as follmws—Layer Raisins, F. s, Oranges. Lemons. Dates, Palo" Nuts. Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, &e. Groceries. A good assortment of Sugars— "L tar, Brown. Powdered Ad Crushed, Coffee, N. 0. M Syrups of the beat quail ty. Rice, Soda, Starch, Tea", Mammon, (,round and ungrouud,)Ciures, Mustard, &.e. Perfumery. Perfumery of every description, which will be sold low for Cash. Lenient Syrtsi). A large kit just received.—A ny one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do well by p trchasing this Syrup. Tobacco. All the various kinds of Tobae- en, Cigars and Snuff, foe sale by Wm. !toyer & Son. Vinegar. We base a good quality. as all will any who have tried it. Flour& Feed. We have made arrangements to have constantly on hand Flour and Feed, which we will insure to he of superior quality, and at such prices 113 cannot fail to please. W3l. BUYER & SON. April 26, 1558. John W. Tipton. ”lIIAWASHI.Vi." Go to Tipton'e—go to Tipton's— Go to Go to Tipton's in the eo-ner— In the corner in The Diamond— In the Diamond near Meelellan'o. If you want your hair dressed finely— If you want your face shared smoothly. Bachelors who never knew-it— Tip's the fellow that can do it— Do it in the latest fashion— Do it quick and do it neatly, And improve your fine boles greatly. Make you look •••1 young and sprightly, Make you feel more young and brightly, Make you Lel like going nightly To call upon some pretty damsel Who before would not 1 •ok at you, At you as you passed her daily, Daily on the public street. And young men who wear moustaches, Who want some one to sew patches— Patches where your bre':hes tear— Tip's the boy to make up matches— Mat6hes with some lady fair. Then repair to Tipton's shop, Dandy, Vizy. Flirt and Fup. Jan. 1 i, 18.58. Flat Iron Heaters, pOR sale by SIIEADS 6c BUEHLER.— These stoves are intended to sere fuel and promote comfort. They will heat siaHrons. and at the same time may be used for boil ing, having a ring upon the top upon which may be placed a kettle of almost any size.— They may Le placed in the fire place or in the yard, being Fin small that they will not he in the way. Those interested will see the advantage of them. D.iuble the price may he saved in fitPl in a single season. Also CHARCOAL FL:RNACES, for sale cheap. June 7, 1$ S. Men's Wear. JL. SCHICK would invite the attentionof • buyericto his large stock of Fine Black Cloths, Finis 041ored Fine Black eassitneres, Fancy Classitueres, Side Striped do., Vesting:L. flesiery, Gloses, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Lc., &c. April 5, lS:58. H OURS SPOUTING AND TIN ROOFING promptly attended to by GEO. & BUEHLER. R .E t nr.3lAl)l: CLOTIIINf. and (7olLing Ilrl. to Order.—The undersigned haA the plea , ure of announcing to the public that he ha 4 .peld a New Cot:lin:4 F.,tabli+titnelt. in Ctrli.le street, We+t .ide, a few d. ,, ,rm from the 1)m•tion1, where La i, prepared t, fit out ~e ntlemen in the late+t and he.t. ‘ty le. lie hag just received from the city a well el CC t• t,oerk ~f eILI I / 1 %L.:1:1'4 e% er v thi ti 2: in gentlemeh'd h were bon zht at such price+ 144 will eliaYe 11;in to ofrer ;:rever bargain , than hare ~%er iwori off”red in Got tplairl. %%111 c 'lst tn:!r keep on hand a *trick of Healy-made and if not being able to fit, a, omit will he made t. order on the shortest n w'iieh cannot fail to fit. Having determine Ito ke.lo ti)thinz, but g‘,ol - 1 000.14. rt , pl to sell cheaper than the eheape+t, he exrco! to receive a liberal share of public patronage. _ JACOB REININGER. June 21, ISSR SREAIIi & BUEHLER have, at their Stove Ware Room, in Wait Mi•l4lle street, T and at their Coal end Lumber Yard, on O Washington aid Railroad streets, four ✓ varieties of Cooking &none: - iun'traeing E the Noble Cook, Royal Cook, William S P.MII and Soa S tell. • These Stoves are of Philadelphia manufacture. have been re -e,triv pat•ulted. and have been thor oughly rested. They are pronounced supe rior to all others in the ermntrv. for Cord or 11 - OA. They trill be ddiorred anywhere in the county, if dexired. Gettysburg. M ay 3. Cheap Groceries. Goon Brown Sivar at 6} cis. per lb. Four 1 1 4,novis (or 25 cents. Fahnestock Brothers have juvt reeeirsti an untnottlly Inrge 144 of GrocerieN, to w:tielt they invite the attention ,f the imlirw. • Brown Sugar at G 4, 8 and 9 cents, per lb.—cheap, Pt 'one Iti. , C at 13 and It MA. per lh. P r i me N. 0. M da,l4 e r nod the best Syrup S vion4, to be ha l nt oinn.ually luw rates. CAI early and ,eoure 11.trzain% at FAIINEStOCK BRO'S. Mac M, F5B The First of the Season! la \RCIJ SAMSON has just received from 15 - 1 ' the Nor York Aueti in Sales. a large 1)17-M A DE CLOTHING for spring apd summer, which ho is able to sell at price; tanpreeepenteilly low. The new arrival con sists of Frock, Sack and Coat+. with Punts and Vests. in great variety, new styles and patterns—for Men an Boys. Call and examine tie large assortment before pur elinsiny, elsewhere. Goolls will he re7:eiveil from New Turk every few weeks thron , 4ll.ltat t u. t.en , , , m.-- Indit..entents to pisrchave ea, It as eantifd he I by any oCier eq..thlishineat in the enmity are fiuM, and will ....litilltle to be, offered. ni S VMSDN'S. March 29. '33. Ole Bank. Distress & Winter, v, Evi- OXFORD. Adams county, Ps.. Pro -11 dure. rwtrarding and COlillinigulon ifore !mute: W!1 dcsalc and Retail Dealers in Urn ceriee: constantly on band. Fisk Sal!, Plas ter. Guaw*. FLOUR, War. ‘T, CORN, RTE. 0 tTS, CLOVER and Ti it:rrar S xu, honzlit nt nil t;rne+, fur which the bithest eahh prices arc paid. Feb. 15, I. Gm _ Lumbar and 0321. T lEsuh.eriher informs the ellrlie that he continne. the Lumber and C r.,l business nt Lirru.r....rows. A lams county, on a larger s , tle than ever---omhrtteini: White I'ine -tr•l4 and Plank. 1. antli r . 1 7 -tt..li:•g Shift. Plasterin4 Lathe... Shingla•. with all kind+ of Stove, I.,*.ii.o.ornor.' and f3lark4miths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.— Ile invited the call, of the public, and will sell as low as the very lot. eqt. JOUN MILLER. Anril 19, 1' 5 1 . lr RomovaL VEW HOUSE & NEW GOODS!-JACOBS & B tJ. have removed their Merchant Tailoring &dal lishment to the splendid new three-story house on the north side of Chem bersburg street, adjoining Bringinan ofA ugh inbaugh's, where they will continue business on n larger scale than ever. Their stook of Cloths, Cassimeres. Clad nets, Vesting+, tic.. &a , has been largely in creased, and they are prepared to sell as kw as the Lowest—defying all competition. Give them a call, and examine their assortment be fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Clothing made up on short notice and in the very best ant most tasteful manner.— With their !mg practical experience in the business, ands desire to please, they hope to be stile to give oiatistastion in all eases. CALL ! ONE AND ALL! Cletty‘burg, March 22, 1858. Stauffer & Harley. °REAP tiv'ATellES & JEWELRY. whole. • 1 sale and retail, at the Philitd.lphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 91; North Second street, corner of Q.iiirry, Philad..l;.hia. Gold Lever IVatchem. full Jeweled, IS carat cases, i',214 00 ; tioid Lepines. t) carar, $24 00; Silver Levers, full jeweled. $l2 00; Silver Le p'nesjewels, :50 01 1 ;1.1puriur Qeartiers,s7 00; U4d Spectacles. $.7 00; tine Silver do. 50; (1.14 Bracelets, k 3 00; Ladies' G• 44 Pencils. ;Al 00; Silver Tea Spoons, t•et. s.ti 00: Guld Pens, with pencil and silver 110140 r, $1 00. Gild Finger Rings, ,;74 cents to :•?040; Watch Glasses, pl.iut , 12i cents; patent 181; Lunet 25; ether articles in prop irtiun. All goods warranted to be what they are 5,.14 fur. S ACFa It ct II ARLEY. On hand, some Id and silver Levers and Le pines, still lower than tho above prices. Oct. 20, 1857. ly Millinery Removed. C. HOWARD would respectfully inform ^-'• the Ladies of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that they will find her in Chambersburg street, :it the residence of Mr. Samuel Ilerbsti opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be a,:ctiTacuodateLl with ready :mule BONNETS also a variety of Straw Le4horn, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies will do well to call and see for themselves. April 5. 184. iIE attentinn of the ladies is especially in vited to the large and well seleetetas sertment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and Gaiters, at Parrow& Me!mart's. MISS IL:CREARY has just returned from the city with a fresh assortment of Neo pelitan, English Straw and Colored Straw Bonnets. Call and see them. -"A.ILLINERY.—Mzss Louse Kars Lrrrts wishes to inform the ladies of town and country. that she if now prepared to eteente Millinery in all its branches, in West Middle street, a few doors below Mr. George Little's stare. Work done cheaper than elsewhere in town. Please eall sad see. rap.. 21, '.56. Gett.y4burg, Juno I, 1637 The Grand Show! AT GETTnrit.,:. PA. .If. Samson, Manager & Proprietor Doors open nt 6 o'clock, A. IL—Performance to commence immediately after PRICES OF ADMISSION. A4ulbl. Children. (under 12. years of age.) Half Price GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC! The sulateriber, thankful for pnit favors, respe informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the ct that he has just received from the New York Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates for c.►+n. In return for the liber al ratronage bestowed up in him, he *ill 4ise a ("rand Ciimulimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will h.• pre,ented TWO .V.IU.VIFICENT PIECES! Irvhsevilipt. Ortnfoer 2R, and every Its until further notiee, will be preseute , l the Very inpLi!,tr Traedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled east.:—Fashion aide Cluthin:r., front the fittest to the lovrest prised qualities. Gentlemen's Furni4hing Goody, in Areat variety. Bouts, Shoes, HAW, Caps, dry., to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making large purchases time fur Lunch, &e., The whole to ennclo(l4. with M. Samson's Bee c.-olfol Play. (bedded VARIL I 7 I IES! the bennty of which will cau4e grelt excite moot amonz the Ladies and Gentleaten. Oct. 1857. tf Wingord, White ar Swope, WIDILF.,•ALI: DEALERS IN BOOTS, SIiOES, CAPS, & STILkW GO(./Ds IN FAsnioNABLE ..ILitr.-4in, Silk, Felt and For Hide, N W. Cor. BALTIUOREA HOWARD STB., • Adapt B. Winiferil, Dniiiel S. While, BALTIMORE, MD. John A. Stow!. JJJ A:1 , 4. 3. l Valuable Real Estate t T PitIVATE Si widersizne.l 4. • , • a'• r at e S • le all his Kral Estate as folhiws: I.—llv Lea re4ilence in fiettysbnr;.±, frmitingT) feet on Cliamhergburg.treet, Keith Brick Dxelling, Stable, and utter iniprtive nients. ^.—Trot ntljoininzttbnre nn the West fr '29 teat on street, with Stable, /to. No. 3.—L adjoining; No. 2. fronting 32 feat on ((mile street, with large Catch Sb (9, Etna other impror( NJ. 4.—Lot adjoininx No. 3, fro n ti ng 29 feet, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith S:lon, &c. No. s.—Lot what of the Foundry, with Steam SAW and Grist Mill. 6.—Lot adjoining No. 5, containing about 3 .Acred. N 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Cliniubcrsburg street. No. U.—Tract of Land in TinnOltonban township, lying on Marsh oftliek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. N. 10.--Coaeh Establishment in Shiip herdstoirn, Va., with good will, kc. The I, - cation is an admirable one fur business, and improvements in good order. , Stair• Titles good and terms tr., suit purcha sers. Enquire of D. A. BUEHLER, Esq., net tvsburg, or the undersigpect re4iding in Shep kierbitown, Va. C. W. HOFFMAN. March 15, 1858. To the Farmers. xr IN NY' S Combined Reaping and Mowing MaCh jag with Wood's Isaprorement.— The undersigned, baying been appointed Agent for the sale of Man}ty's Combined Reaping and Mowing Machine, with Wood's Improvement, for Adams county, offers them to the public, knowing them to be the best combined machine in use. It has been RUC ceAsfully introduced into different parts of.inr S ate, and I sold thirty-four last season, in Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.— Tne machine received a silver medal at the State Fair—also, the first Premium at York, Cumberland, Centre, Iluntinga,m, and other county Faire, where it wasexhibited. Far mers needing a Reaping Machine, trill please c:di upon the undersigned, before purchasing, as he always takes greatpleasure in showing the Machines. Early orders are solicited, as the number received from the manufacturer will be in proportion to the demand. SAMUEL lIERBSP, Aral, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, liettysburg, Pa. Slarch 1, 1858. New Spring Goods! JL. SCR fU has just received and offers • fur sale the me t desirable assortment of DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting in part of Sprin4 Silks, Plain Black do., Fun lards, Caatli Robes &quills, Lawn do. do. Spring Dentine'', •Ot tental Luetres. Also, Bomhazines, Alpacess, De Beget', Gingharns, Lawns, Brilliants, Shepherd's Plaid., Crepe De Eipange,Tissue Bareges,&e. April 5, 1838. To Get THE full worth of your mon i u, make your purchases of Ready-m e Clothing, Riots, 84oes, nate, Caps, Trunks, Clocks, Violins, and everything else in the variety line. at March 29, 1858. EMBROIDERIES --Very cheap, at Miss McCause.. °LOTUS, Cassimeres, and every article of ‘- 1 Hen's Wear, gpod and cheap at J. C. QUINN I BRO.'& pARA3OL/3--Latast &ylea, at Mtn WC:Lures. Elastic Cement Roofing. THE subscriber is prepared to contract and 1 p ot on at the short `4t notice. W. E. C'sild C Pit-,.l Fife and Water Prof Elastic 011s-nt It perfectly fire and Water proof, and in p iint of lurtibiL ty is equal. if not superior, t any Metalic Roofing. It can be put on over tin, tar, iron, or shingle roofs, huwever Hit or steep they may In p )int of resisting the elements of fire add Water, nothing has yet been discovered &pal to the Elastic Cement. Those who have u.eJ it, have testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, end that there is no further room for improvement.— one will now think ofpatting on shingles, when this Cement can be had for mush less money and will (Outwear four shingle roofs. This 'Rooting is warranted as represented. :rhn Elastic Cement is the cheapest and best protection from decay fur wood exposed to the weather or', dampness of the ground. It also the best paint for iron, effectually preventing rust; and wherever applied per fectly excludes clainpness. The subscriber has this Cement for sale, in quantities to suit., For fuether information, apply to GEORGE A. COLE. Frederick City, Md. ' SW' Specimens pf the Roofing may be seen at the Prothronotaty's Office. in Gettysburg. April 5, MS. FREE DrorrLor PASTOR. NEW Firm. PAXTON 4 NIeILIIENY, I (Suaeessurs to Cibean & Paxton,) anti Retail Dealers in HATS, CAPS, two Ts, SiloEs, 1 STRAW GOOUS. AlA:), 1Til! Pa p'". IVini ow Sian's:, Trunks, Car. pet Blit. tr,rthrdlax, Canea, Tubariv Swans, AT,TUE PIOCTU-EAsT CoRNER oF CLNITRE SQUARE, ,1 Lama Cyan Pu. , March 11 4 58. tf Important Discovery. CON•4I3IPTIONf and all Diseases of the Lungs and Throat are positively Cured by' Inhalation, which endveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through tho air pulsages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes tho tubercular matter, alleys the cough. causes a free and easy ex pectoration. heal* the lungs, puriPes the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous systetn. giving that tribe and energy so indie pensable for the restoration of health. To be able to state confldeetly that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is als,much under the control of medical treatment as any oilier for midable idisease : ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stages. and fifty per cent. in the second but in the third stage it is 1(111)084011e sate more than five per cent , for the Longs are so cut up by the Ilia- Page as to bill defiant., to medical skill.— Even. however. in 'the last stages. Inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge. which annually desimys ninety-live thousand persons ir. the United States alone; and a correct calculation Rimers that of the Present population of the earth. eighty millions are destined to till the Consumptive's omit. Truly she quivenof death has rio arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brake. the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Wing from whom corne' every good and perfect gilt ? I am ' , tabled 'to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood. and the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission of a)r into the air cells, which abuses a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex pect greater good from' medicines entering the cavities of Oolongs than from those admin littered through the stomach : the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy. after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhale tioir is a Iota( remedy. nevertheless it acts oonstiiutionally, and with more power and certainty than rent,dies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administrat.on, chloroform inhaled will entirety destroy sensi bility in a few minutes. paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may he am putated without the slightest pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gab will destroy life in a few. hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead-- The odor of many of the medicines is percepti ble in the skin a few minutes alter being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof' of the consti tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happiest results ? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers hat: been pronounced in the last stages. which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con sumption is original, and founded on lung ex pe.ik:nce and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, lc., enables me to distinguish readily. the various forms of disease that simulate con, gumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single ease. This familiarity, in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic dlscoi cries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purity the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Canadas by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the care would be more certain if the patient should pay mesa visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable um to prescribe with much greater certainty.'and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. GRAIIA.I.I, M. D.. Offiee,ll3l Filbert St.. (o/41 N 0.109, )1)eloto 12th, PRUADILLI.I3IA,,P/. July 20, 1857. /y ALEX. FRAZER, Watch (1, Clock Maker, his removed his shop to Cliambersbiarg street, opposite the Lutheran Church, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of eustomers. thsurikful for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business and a deities to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. - Gettysburg, March 8, 18.58. ALL kinds of Cedar and Willow-ware, for rale low by ..Q.ILLESPIE & THOMAS. A LMOST anything yea +fantasia be bought A cheaper than elsewhere, st Fahnesteeke. FRiNIC ICILUENT RemovaL The Liver Invigorator, Pft EPA RED by Dr. SA NTORP,com you entirely from GUMS, is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medic:nes now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, and more effectual than any other medicine knoWn. It is not only a Culisartie, hut tt Laver remedy, acting first on the Lirer to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most C'atlutrtiatt It strengthens the ..yRt4-!rn at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate daces, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The f.tvEa is one,: of the principal regu lators of the bumano body ; and when it p.rforins it functiiiti , E.., well, Or powers uf the system are full; develono.l. The stom ach is almost entire... , Iv deneudent on the healthy action of the--, Lirer for the proper performaee.f its (tine.= thins; when the stom ach is at fault, thel bowels pre at fault, and the whole system tiotTers inconsequence of one organ—the Liras—having ceas ed to do its duty.— Fur the diseases of that organ, one of the,„,a proprietors has made it his study,in a prac-.71 tice of more than 20 ears. to find rom 'et;," remytly wherewith to runternet the man}.-4 derangements to which it is flame. a To prove that this remedy is - at last - . fund, any person 7) troubled with LIVER CONPIAINT. in any nf . := its forms, has but to try a bottle, and:Ll conviction in eertain. -Time rap more ail morbid. or bad matter from the system, supplying in their place a flow of y. bile, inrigurating the storunch,causingfood44 to digest well, ,CCRI. ?ma Tat BLOOD, givin ing tone and *health to the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease—effecting a radical core. Bruncs ATTACKS are cured, AND, VIIIIT IS BETTER, PRZTENTID, by the occasional. use of the LIVER INVIGORATOR. One dose after eating iv sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the fold from rising and souring. Only one done taken before retiring, pre yenta Ishount.tag. Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Corrivawass. Ono dose taken after each meal will cure DYSrIin4TA. One 'dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve SICK Amiens One dose taken for female obstruction re moves the cause of the disease, And makes a perfect cure. o.lly one dose immediately relieves Cnouc, while One doge often repeated is a sure cure for CLUILEMA Murton's, and a , preventive of CIIOf.F.R.i. ittlrOnly one bottle iq needed to throw nut of the anutem the effects of medicine after a low! mlekneqs. IW'One IP,lttlo taken - for J.% CNDICE remotes all intllowueas or unuatural color from the skin. _ o.le do=e taken a short time before eating give. vigor to the appetite, and makes fond di gest well. One dose often repented cures CITRONIC Di titular: t in its worst forms, while SUIIXER anal 1.1 . 4we1. complaints yield almost to the first dose. Orient two doges core attacks caused by Worm. in Coildren ; there is no surer, safer, or •peodier remedy in the world, an it never WM sP",-,1 fen bottles eureDftoesr, by exciting the alisorbontl. - We take pleasure in recommending this me , lieine as a preventive for FEVER and Am's. FEVER, and all FEVER of a BILIOUS Tres. VI operates with certainty, awl thou- Rand+ are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are gtving their unanimous lestimmay in ifs furor. atelNfix water in the mouth with the In vigorator. and swallow both together. Tut. LIVZIt iNTICSORATOR is a scientific nsed led discovery. and is daily working cares, almost too greet to believe. It mires its if by magic. erew Me firs! dose giving benefit. and seldom more than one bottle is require] to cure any kind of layrs complaint, from the worst J iundire or Dyspepsia ton Common Ife Marls. nil of which are the result of a ihz,r..tscri iavma. 0:111 potEAR PER BOTTLE. " DR. 6.1.\ FURL), Proprietor. 34.11 Brond way.- -New Yusir. • A. 1). -.Busiasaa,.Agei.l., Gr•ttyqhn rg 31.iy 17, 1854. Now is the Time! T"}; 4tibscriber would inform themtblie that he has opened a IACI11).;.E SIIOP, in Chu.nhersharg street, Gettysburg. near the Foundry, where he wilthave vomiting kinds of M.tehines on hand at any time hereafter, sloth as Threshing .11,tchinrs. Corn Shelters, rornflollier Cutlers, Cloverseed Hullers, Straw Ciwers, and Horse Powers of ditterent kinds,. —two, four or six-horse, to suit purcharkers ; —indeed all such es can be had at. Harl l Bv(r or Littlestovrn. Also, '.lforti.sing Machines, for house carpenters. put up in the very best and most substantial manner. Culling Screws or long Bolts, any kind or size less than eleven feet in length, el rays attended to, as well as Turning in iron. casting or wood. Alsoatl kinds- of Repaint:so en Sim chinery. dressing-op 5141 Spindles, &&., dune on the shortest notice. I bode that all in wan* of anything in my line will call at my Snop before going else where. I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to purchasers. DAVID STERNER. March 20,1858. ly New Goods, lITEIDLERSBURO.—P. A. ,t 0. F. ECKENRODE bare just returned from the eastern oities with a large stock of Dry Coots, Groceries, and all kinds of Hurdteare kept in country stores. They hare splendid articles of Sugar for 7, 8 and 9 cents, and Molasses in proportion. They have on hand also a largo assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., the latter articles all being kept up stairs, as they have not room below in the store. All goods bought of them in the Men's Wear line will be cut free of charge. Tai loring done with neatness, durability and dispatch, by J. A. Breichner, Tailor. Goods bought elsewhere will be cut or made up at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Give us a call before purebasin , z elsewhere. P. A. & G. F. ECKENRODE. Ileidlersburg, April 2G, 1858. New Goods, A T the new firm of PAXTON &NIcIL -c-L II EN Y, et the S2uth-Ectel Corner of Cen (re Square. The subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Gettysburg and the public gen erally, that they have just received, and are now opening, a very ehoice selection of Hats nrd Caps.consisting of Oak ford's Philadelphia Siring Style, /14i:skin Dress Hats. unsur passed for neatness of shape and elegance of finish : Felt, Fur and Wool Hats, of all colors and styles, together with a complete assort ment of Men's anti Boys' Caps. which they warrant to be of the best material and of the most fashionable styles, all of which will be offered nt very low prices. Also, Straw goods of every variety and style. iferThese goods were carefully selected and bought for cash, which will enable them to sell at very low prices. Perrox & 11c1LszNT May U), 1858. PANAMA, Leghorn, llraid\and Palm Hats fur sale cheap, at Bitocaux & CCLP'S. NA.1.148.—A big lot of Avalon Nails, all sizes, and the beet quality manufactured, very low fur the cash at May 24. Danner it Ziegler, Jr:, you can get the cheapest Chrpets efer f fered to the public by calling at , FAILNESTOCKS% TIN Miloh Pane oonotanclT on hsnd and .mad s toorder.st SUEliairSt he Oforl bersbarn &reet. _, , LY NKTS.—Most respideont assortment of FAZ Nike at PICICINO'St. R. . 4 17 E %DR Lumber, Coal and Stoves. ..NrE iv FIRM! TITS ondersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they have entered into a co-partnership. and intend opening a COAL dr Lcitian YARD. on Washington street. in the rear of the Eagle [lota, where they will be happy-kr see all who may favor them with a call. They will furnish every variety of &ore. Rlaelcamilla, and Limebrerner's COAL, at the lowest possi ble wholesale rates, in order to introduce it into general use. They also intend keeping a full and general a..hortment of LI - N., DER. as anon as the Railroad is completelli. They will keep constantly nn hand every 'Viet, of COAL and WOOD STOVES, among - which are the celebrated William Peon, Noble Cook, Royal Cook rind -'ea Shell Cook Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, Victor. Planter, Preniium and Parlor Cook Stoves. Air-tight, Star, Franklin, Hot-air Parlor Grate, Lady Washington, Oak.. Magnolia, Union. Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic tand Ilarp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their stock will please call at their Stove Ware Roam, on West. Middle stieet, at the residence of Robert Sheath'. (a - Orders promptly attendedto. ,ILUgERT C. ITEM Y ill/EULER. Gettysburg, 1857. New Livery Establishment.. ofIARLES tl. TA,TE ha opened a new Livery establishment, at the stables on on street, occupied in part by the "Rtgle Hotel," and has uvula such arrange ments as will enable him to accommadnte th a Public at all times, On reasonable tertns.with nonce's, flacz.gial, flacks. ;sc. WA stuck is good. On caner's! occasions, &c o he will he aide to siipnlv n w.tat which hasbeen much needed. sUr Tenni CAtill. 11Ity 24, ISM. Herring's Patent CHAMPION FIIU S. 13:•1ZGLAR PII.OOF SAFES, w;th 11.t1I's POWDER, PROOF LOC K S.—Ftanvf.4 & Ilnaittso, Makers, 31 Wawa S'red, beluto Pilau interest.manifeitted tiy the publio•to procure more certain semi ri ty from fire fur valuable pipers, such as Bonds. Mortgcvs. Deeds. Notes and Books of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto fore in use affirded, induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of their time fur the last fourteen years. in making discoverfee and improvements for this object, the result of which is the unrivalled H rring'.l Patera iß,rbl's Far Premium EWE PHO()F S.4,lfiES, universally acknowledged as the eIIAIIPION Bari or TIM wont.° ! Having been 'awarded Medals at both the World's Ftr, London, 1851, n td Crystal Palace, N. I'. 1853, as superi.)r to all others is now undoubtedly entitled to that apellittion,„and secured with Hall's Patent Powder-proof Tricks—which were also awarded separate Modals. (as shove)—forms the most perfect Fire aril Burglar Proof Safes ever yet offer ed to the public. Nearly 300 Sales" have been tested during the past g •1 years. and more than 16,000 have been sold and are no* in actual use. • Also Oft hand or manufactured to order, all kinds of Bailer and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors. giney 'Chests for Brokers, Jeu el lers, Railroads, private families, &c., fur Plate. Dim:ands, and other variables. Nov. 23, 1857. S --- POUTING.—GeorLte and Henry Wampler will make House Spouting and put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Far mers and all others wishing their houses, barns, &c.. spouted, would do well to give them a call. G.& H. 1V AMPLER. April 18,1853. tf Challi Robes. TITE third arrival of Robes by express, The prettiest styles yet offered t the la dies, and from which rhey cannot fail to please their tastes. Come immediately ifyon grant pretty and cheap goods. The latest styles and patterns of side stripe robes just received at FAHNTSTOCKS% April 2G, MR. Spring Millinery. Ar !SS Met; REA la has just returned from 111 the city, and is now opening a beautiful assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, of the latest styles, which she will sell at the lowest cash prices, and which she invites the to call and examine. Milliners who wink to buy Otto& to sell ivntin, will find it much to their advantage to give her a ell', as she keeps flocs but the moat fashion-iblo goods. April lfj, 158. _stn. Clear the Way AFOR TH E NEW FIRM !—No. 1, 2 and 3 Riding and Wagon Saddles, Trotting, Buggy and Carriage lisr ness,Bugu, C4rriage, Mule, Hair. Ticking and common Collars. Riding end Driving Bridles, Martingals, Hitters; Horse Covers and Fly Nets of every description ; Whim &c., just received and for gale astonishingly low. at BRfNGMAN £ CULP'S, sign oftio "BIG BOOT," Chambersburg street. May 10, 1858. .! . Ready-made ciotbitw.— GEO. ARNOLD has now on handtbo g t . tireit stock of Ready-matte Otothingbi lawn, comprising every variety and slatiallCer hi. own manufacturer irbiels will be warranted y o u made, having hands , oo4stist i l ed cutting out and making up. • Ityr ik ,4,;„l fit you with a garment readyinAs)4; , *6 dill sell you the goods, talte'yoarWletunkrt; and make you up a gat - twi t . ctri the , Vitiates* uo tioe. Please call artheigldtbitegilbagorattni where you wilt Iliad Mr. :Ottivialiergye on b a nd. bright Wiwkateetwayntlakiags,..,9ssrstock is large, Well*ftteolt44 a behtliitfhttP for tub. CletVabarg, 1838: 4 "" C. H. DCZALIIII..