The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, July 12, 1858, Image 4
400 ,gOOllO4O. Niart by Ow *wig testi thrive, Riot either hold or drive." ' Jim Node of Grafting. ieocentrie ingenious friend of mine so bare discovered a new mode arattlag-fruit, which ho says 135 has y and anceessfully tested, and iv** the best results. If this is really aS, II ought to Do made public, and, if, 'IIII4IIM wee be anceesdully practiced, that be ascertained by fruit Many of whom will, I hope, =zing this, try it at once. As the gentleman who communica exibalste k) me will not write it on t for loss ant ealy one eke, I take the fiber- j - tf SO "stems Rome of his thunder," for; Ate pq.blid good. He says that last' ,spring (a year ago now) lie cot some, -anima of pears and other fruit very late .1. the sown, after the buds had become , -very mach swelled, and being in a groat' Larry while setting his grafts, on ac-, MO* of other,and more pressing bn4i tfseai ha hastily contrived a quicker nf grafting than the old-friallioned .I.grafting, althuu,Ah he had no very , Mew hopes that the grafts would live, and was, in fact, very indifft;rent wile- Atter they did or not. His mode was' 110hply this :—lnstca.l of cutting off a Afriti and making a cleft, he took any , *sired limb that was largo enough to *bait of it, and male a gash into it, heitb , his knife, downwards and diagon ally, to the grain of the wood, at about , *Wangle that n limb would naturally /pow, not deep enough to weaken the , 14 11 too much; indeed, the limb must be large enough to admit ora gash or cut deep enough tq Jet the scion in, so as to more it firmly. The limb, before the lionosiAs inserted, looks as though it had, received a light blow with a sharp E .htfie het at about the angle that a wan toed naturally strike with a hatchet.' gash must be smooth and the bark 40,000i1y cut—nit ni.ingi al. He then 'liened off the lower end of the scion, "sin eleft-cletting, and inserted in this gash ep to the bark of the scion, so that' 7orhen done, the bark of the scion and the hark of the grafted limb met even- *ea 'both sides of the serer. All that remained to do, was tq pet wax in the =lll4mado by the scion with the limb, 4 each side of the scion into the : To his great surprise. the ma- City of his e'en) is so grafted lived, and r _now thrifty, although hastily and carelessly set. This year ho has impro vad welled, by rising a sharp three eighth or one-quarter inch (or even in aiatitisesses one. half inch) 'firmer chisel,' *doh he drives into the limb, or even tq k° the trunk of a tree when not too pld and large, instead of using a knife mtd %ILION; a gash. ! $(0 has grafted a great deal this spring in this way, and he says with strutino endeess. In this way lie has grafted into the trunks of young thrifty tree" that were four and even bIIC in chat in diameter, and ho says more of Pe grafts live than any that ho ever grafted in any other way. Ills large experience and practical skill in this litioonatillishis opinions to the respect which induces mo to write yoa on the sab i jout. He points out the following decided advantages of this over the Cleft-grafting. • Any one can do it. It is not so tedi ous and - laborious as the old modes.— Boonbmy of time. Limbs can bo made twgrow in any desired place or posture on the trop. Economy of wax, and a hove all, greater certainty by far that grafts will live. The lowpr soods of the seionineed not ho so long arid thin as in cleft-grafting usually, b ut may bo more "stunt," (as we sty of a wedge;) that is to say, shorter, and the sides more inclined to each'ether. It bas just occurred to me, Itessrs. Fiftors, that I may bu a little presum ing in treating this as a now mode of grafting; I perhaps ought rather to call `it new tom and oth ;r fruit raisers hi this section, while it may not be au to yon. It has been tried by others hero this spring than my eventric friend, and reported very favorably of by all. I hare not tried it, as I have no trees this year to graft, but I mean to try it next year, unless tried and condemned by some of your. correspondents or yourself, with sufficient reasons to con vince me of its futility. If it is not hOW tq Nome of your excwrienced respomients, I hope they will report through the Country Gentleman their opinions after actual trial, and their success, as, if it be a succ7lisful mode as stay,' abaft bo induced to set more grafts next year tlO t ever before. Stoma. - Gatherin; Fruit by Machinery. William any, otSouth Oartforl, N. T., has inventel an apparatUs for gath ering anti sorting apples. The apples aro 'shaken from the tree by a pole wide to grasp the limb. As they fall they aro caught by an inclined cloth, iitrotobod on a frame, through an open ing in which they pass to a grating that retains the larger apples, which are drawl* through a spout into bags or barrels. The smaller apples drop gent @n a lower grating—through which the sticks, leaves, and other foreign substances can pass and allow the ap ples to roll down a spout. Should the apple not be very regular in its form, it will not roll from the grating, but wiD stay upon it to be removed by hand the apparatus will only deliver sack apples as are - marketable, and di vide then into sizes fit for the same. This invention will interest oar fruit oeltivators, as it is one of the most diffi cult of things to gather apples so as to have theta At fur lJng keeping. Boiled Wheat for Deeeart. Pick over and wash a pint of white w h ea t, boil it for fuer hours, pat in salt the maw as for rico; re-till Alk i ator. ir woe is needed; stir it of c List half hoer, being careful not to let it bare; °auk it dry. SJeaatirnJs it looks starchy when &tit dished, but that soon disappoints. S.3rve hot or cold, with sweeteeed sw wt eroam. This we think se oceetieut dessert, and very tine fur ievatihs. /knot ler very rich dkb, for dessert, can tie made of a pint of wheat, cooko.l like the above, then boil in a quart 9 esteeiniiik, one cup of sugar, ono cup 01'110104os, (Yuma's, or any other fruit, (raisins aro preferable,) two beaten •4g4; eloit slowly, ant stir until it euld or hot, without sauce. filk, WOW sh. wheat is washod, soak it a wine,' Wile! goer night, keep it wet till dole fkor itte, Mum simmer the water Ail Wet ' ft; shoo add the milk and wiiirloreitnto, sod rook ag shove. C. H. lieCarsniakilswx.orwrippie, =way mins. 1 r NOW to the Time I . , Dtive AND Yeitritl i t.--fsithlb/kve the P l anlgr' 0111X1011 and Provision ?rat itubacriber would Infirm the public that Agoney far C. 11. McCormiek's Reaper Store. ; - L he has opened a MACHINE CHOP, in and Mower, and will offer to the Farmers l aILLtSPIE I TUOMAS retipeetfully in- Chanittersberg street, liettyeburg, near the this year two machines, the two-home ma- 0 4 ' form the purple of Gettysburg and the Foundry, where he will have various kinds of chine and the fuor-horse tnachiae--and will public generally, that they have just return- Machines on band at any time hereafter, guarantee fair chances and full satisfaction led (mat the cite with a general assortment of; Beth as tkresking Amiens.: Corn Spellers, to any person who may want to purchase a GROCERIES, PROVISIONS and VDMITA- Corafofider Cutters, Clorersee d Hullers, Strain machice. Any man pureltaaing a machine I IMES, which they are prepared to sell as low , Cullers, and Hurst Puffers of different kinds, from me may work the oreashine against any Ise the lowest. noun and FEED always on —turn s four or six-horse, to snit purchasers ; other machine during hay-making and bar; hand, and sold at small profits. !—indeed all such as cut be had at Hanover vest, and if it does not give better sarief a c- I Store on York street, one door cut of Wat- or Littlestuwn. Also, A'ortleing NacAsnes, tion than any other machine with which it ties' Hotel. i fur house carpenters, put up in the very best may be worked. they are at liberty to return Geuyeburg. Ang. 3, 1857. I and most substantial manner. Clititag it. Farmers will send in their orders to my- I Screws sr long Bolts, any kind or size less I.elf, at Fairfield; David Schwartz , At Littles t 1 titan eleven feet in length. always attended town ; or Franklin Hersh, at New Oxford— . to, as well as Turning in iron, casting or xi early as possible, and say which sited wood. Also at kinds of REPAlamo on Ma machine they want, as we are taking in or- chinery, dressing-up Mill Spindles, Le., done ders now for the coaling seanon. "L...aboripat notice. J. S. WITEIEROW, Avant fur Adams oounty, April 12, 1853. $3 Removal. YEW !MUSE do NEW GOODS !—TACOEIS At Bac). have recaared their Merchant Tailoring E•tatlishment to the splendid new three-etary house on the north • ide of Chain bersburg street. adjoining Ilnnirman it A ugh inbau4h's, where they will continue hilliness on a larger scale than ever. Their stock of Clothi, Cassimsres, C,se,i. het., Vestings, .&c., has been larzsly in• crease I, and they are,propared to sell am ag the Intet-- , lerying all competition. Give them a call, and examine their assortment be fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show g,smis. Clothing made up on abort notice and in the very best and most tasteful manner.— With their Irng practical experience in the business, and n desire to please. thee hope to be able to give satisfy stion in all cases. C %Lt.! ONZ AID ALL! Gettysburg., Mirch 22, 1p,58. The First of the Beason! if ARC S SAMSON has just received from the Now York Auction Sales, a large lotof BEADY-MADE CLOT [lmo fur spring and summer, which ho is able to sell at prices unprecepentedlv law. The new arrival con sists of Frook, Sack and Raglan coats, pith l'ants and Vests. in great variety, new styles and patterns—fur Men and Buys. Call and examine the large assortment. before put. chasing elsewhere. Goods will be received from New York every few weeks throughout the season.— Inducements to purchase such as cannot be offerol by any other establishment in the county are npw, and will continue to be, offered, at SAMSONT, Maroh 29, '5B. Opposite the Bank. Bastress & Winter, NEW OXFORD.. Adams county, P dare. Furwardii and Commission hortite; Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Oro eerie.: eonstantly on hand, Fish, Salt, Plas ter, Gnome. eft. Fuwa, WIMAT, Cots. Ars, Oars, Ccorsit and Tiscrrur Sun, bought at all times, for which the highest cash• prices are paid. Feb. 15, 1858. 6m Lumber and Coat THE subscriber informs the public that he continues the Lumber and Coal Waxiness at Lirrt.sstowtr. Adams county, on a larger scale than ever—embracing White Pine Boards and Plank. Scantling, Framing Stuff. Plastering Lathe'', Shingle 4. Palings, Ac., with all kinds of Stove. Limehorners' and Blacksmiths' Coal. Yard near the Depot.— Ida invites the calls of the public, and will sell as low as the very lowest. JOHN MILLER. April 19, 1853. ly Sunbeam Gallery. TILE snbleriber would respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and the pub lic generally, that he has p-orided himself with an entire new and II plondid SKY-LIGHT AMOKOrYPE ROOM, at his residence in West Middle street, one Square west of Fahnestock's Store where he is prepared to furnish Ambro. Naaino , Enamel and Photo graph Pictures in every style of the art, which be will warrant to give entire satis faction: and is preparetl to accommodate all with GOOD PICTURES, either single er in groups. lie also has* number of specimens at his room in Cbamberehnrg Street, a few doors West of Bringman & Calp's Shoe Store, where he still continues as formerly to take pictures. All who desire a correct likeness of them selves and friends, will do well to give me a nail, as I have reduced my prices to suit the present hard times. Pictures copied from old specimens of all kinds; also, inserted in Lockets, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, &c. The subscrber being thankful to his friends and the public in general for past patronage, wishes them to continue it, and assures them, that as heretofore, they sh all not be dissatisfied. Charges from 53cents to $lO. Hoare for operating from 8A.M.t04 P. M. G9ld Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on band, at the very lowest prices. gglr-Ihildren will not be taken fur less than $1 00. Sißr.lmbrotypev taken for fifty cents and upwards, and in the he style. SAMUEL WEAVER. Apnl,lBsB. 26 it Fine Old Brandies. TIE subscribers. Importers . and Dealers in 1 WINES & LIQUORS, w,wld moat re spectfully call the attention of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. 5 North Front &reel, Pkilcutelphia, where they hares large assortment of Wines and Liquors of the chui. est brands and qualities. Haring made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle BRA NDIES Otani, Thnnegy, Pelleesion, Pioq,Cactillion; J. J. Depay Co..T, filmes, A. S rgnette,Msrtel, Marett, ke. Jhe., of Ili riouq brands and qualities. WINES: Clic' inpag ne, Muileiral. Lisbon, 014 l Oporto, Tenerife, Burgundy, Hlrk, Mut ea.t. Claret, S' err and .iftingn Wines. Ilalland Gin, Silleidam Schnapps,Jllll3Siell Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach. Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies ; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters. ke. Also, Agents and Sale Proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey. Constantly on hand an extensive stock of fine old Monongahela, Rye and B mrbon Whiskey, of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country , all of which are high ly improved by age. From our long experience in the business, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes of the community, we. flatter ourselves to be able to fill all oriels that may be entrusted to us. Orders from the country (which are most respectfully solicited) will bo promptly at teuded to. itreat care taken in packing and ship• q► ill goods sent from our establishment are goaranteel to gi%• satisfaction, with the privilege of being returne,l. E..P. M(IYDLETON k BRO.. No. 5 North Front S:., Philadelphia. March 22, 1858. 6m Millinery Removed. C. 110 WARD would respectfully inform " the Ladies of Gettysburg ant ite that they will find her in Cbaruheraburg treed, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Iler tot. . posate Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can he aeoniniu 'dated with ready. tnavle BONNE l'S; alio a variety of Straw LeAhern, and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. L stiles will 1,1 well to call and see for themselves. April 5, 18`.13. TUT attention of like ladies is especial isr vitgd to the Large and well seleited aa• sonnet* of Ladiee, Misses' and Children's Cana and Gaiters, at Pauct i Margaux es... . . ! itiastiO 'Cement Roofing. T HE subscriber is prepared to contract and put on at the shortest notice. W. E. Child at. Co's. Patent Fire gad Water Proof Elaadic 1 Cement [loaf ng; It is perfectly Fire and Water proof, and in pint of durability is equal, if not superior, Ito any Metalie Roofing. It can be put on ' Oyer tin, tar, iron, or,,shingle roofs, however leat or steep they may be. In p lint of reoistifig the elements of fire and water, nothing has yet been discovered equal to the Elastic Cement. Those who hare used it, hare testified that it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that Adams County Mutual there is no further room fur improvement.— FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.—Incor- No o will now think of putting on shingles, purated March 18, 1851. w a this Cement can be bad for much less °Merl". oney and will outwear four shingle roofs. President—George Swope. This Roofing is warranted as represented. . . rice President—S. R. Russell. to ll I hopolimassmalv The Elastic Cement is the cheapest and Secretary—D. A. Buehler. 'line will call at m :nip be ore going e se- t protection from decay for wood exposed Treasurer—David M'Creary. I where. I will warrant all my work to give the weather or dampness of the ground. Exerntire Cued m iiter Robert McCurdy,. satisfaction to purchasers. jlt 'a also the best paint fir iron. e ff ectually Andrew Ileintrelman, Jacob King. DAVID STERNER. p enting rust; and wherever applied per- M i v k G ERS. —Ge,rg.• Swope, D. A. Buehler, , _March 29 . 1a.58- ly feetly excludes dampness. R. McCurdy, Jacob King. A. Ifeintselmas, I New Goods, The subscriber has this Cement fir sale, in D. M'Creary, J. J. Kerr, M. Eichelbergi.r, S. frantic:es to suit. For further information, IN HEIDLERSBI:ItIi.—P. A. &G. F. 1. t GEORGE A. COLE. R. Russell, A. B. Kurtr. Andrew Polley, S. Fahnestoek, Win. B. Wilson, 11. A. Picking, ECKENRODE have just returned from aP " 1 Frederick City, MI. Win. B. .M'Clellan, John Wolford. R. G. Me- the eastern cities with a large 'quick of Dry I liarSpeciment of the Roofing mar be seen Creary. John Horner. E. W. Stahle„J. Augh- ' Cool*, Gro , tries, and all kind. or ii,,,,iware iat the Prothonotary's Office, in Gettysburg. in')augli. Alsliel F. Gift. , kept in c untry stores. They hate splendid i inn - Ries of Sugar for 7 S and 9 cents, and • ' rEirfhis Cqupany is limited in its opera-' , April 5 ISSFt. tions to the c , mutv of Adams. It has been M g o ( !itss i e4 in proportion. 1:ley have on hand of Boas Slou.t Hats n) a arge a•sortment . . 11 . „ ' Two Daily Lines. successful operation for mere than Ail 3 ears,.4 XVI A ACCOMMODATIONS.—The tin :, &c., 4111. losespr its ie t : n being kep and in that period has paid all losses and ex- ' derbigned returns his thanks to the public penmen, without any as testment, having also a' up airs , asili,_._ , saki room below 1 for the encouragement heretofore extended to large surplus capital in the Treasury. The: the s tore. a Kim, and takes pleasure in announcing that be Company employs no Agents—all business in the Men's Allg.tods bought of them. ' has 1 le d estrangementsby f, i e will bit free of charge. ni-i comply , ass sera" • being done by the Manager.. who are annual- : i which TWO DAILY LINES of ~,,,... ly elected by the Stockholders. Any j oson i one wit sines", durability and .by J. A. Bre' Tailor. 'Goods ea a- -' --- Coaches will run between G y '%,, desiring an Insurance can apply to an the' , ~, • - . will or made gp at a_ t e l sewhere burg and Hanover, to oonnect with the trains above named Managers fur 'further infur-1' the shortest notice and reasonable tiring. mation. 4 and from Baltimore, York.. Harr) 3burg, Give us a call before urchasing elsewhere. .P.Phia- &.c. Persons desirin g l ' ack.ts " ilit'The Executive Committee meets at th ton will call on the ondersigned,or on Ace of the Company on the last Wednesda . .. P. A. 411 O F F. ECKENRODE. in Hcidlersburg, April 26, 18J13. Cluabta TAT,. Ticket Agent, at the Eagle in every month, at 2, P. M. _ Hotel, in Chatzbersburg street. Sept. 28, 1857. -CU - Special attention given to all ies' Ac., or other business entrusted to t he under signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, a hich will be promptly and carefully attend ed to. ',o"The undersigned has also effected ar riutgements by winch he will be able to supply Coaches. Stages. /.e., fur Funerals and other ocemaioss, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg. April 13. 1857. New Firm. a ROCERIES AND DRY GOODS.—J. C. 1 0 1 ()mix A Bitarnaa have taken the store of John Hoke, on the Ny,rth West corner of the Diamond, where they will continue the Dry Goods and Grocery business on an en larged scale. They will constantly keep on hand a large and varied assortment of every thing in their line. They hare just hu lin a lam e and splendid stock of Spriny and Sum mer Goods, and are now opening them for the inspection of the °Odic. We cordially invite the citis Grettyabur g and rieinity to give us a l, examine for them.elves, ad we feel sAtiefied they will want no other recommendation to induce them to buy. We are determined to keep nothing but good Goods and to sell cheaper than the cheapest for the cash. Give us a call, no trouble to show goods. _ _ J. C. GUINN & BRO April .5, 1858 A Card. MATING disposal of my store to the Messrs. Quinn, I would recommend the new firm to the confidence of the public, and hope they will roceive a large share of the public patronage. JOHN HO P E. April 5, IFSS. Fire Insurance. TIIE Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance Company—Capital $139,586--effects in surances in any part of the State, against loss by the ; prudently adapts its operations to its resources ; affords ample indemnity, and promptly adjusts its losses. Adams county is represented in the Board of Managers by llnn. Moses Meth,stv. WM. M N. A•re s t. Ones of X. & U•itysburg. May €2 6, 1856. J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. " "S'T. n A d S o„ l r d w s c o ..k ffi t 1 : ler one Lutheran chnreh in Chemberstairg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to here any Den tal Operatfun performed are respectfully invi ted to cell. Rucarects: Dr. D. Horner, Rer. C. P. Kruth, D. D., Rer. H. L %timber, D. D., Be,. Prof. M. Jacobs. Prof. M. L. Sumter. [Gettysburg, April 11,'53. D. MoConanghy, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door west of Buehler's drug and book store, Chambersburg street.) Arroaxer Ise So- LICI,OII TUX PJ,TINTS AND PLNIVIONTS. Bounty Land Warrants, Back-pay supended and all other ehtinis against the Government at Washington, D. C ; also American Claims in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given.— Agents engaged in locating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other western States. Oa—Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nor. 21, 1853. Edward B. Buehler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. lie speaks the German language.— Office at the swim place, in South Baltimore street. near May's drug store, and nearly opposite Danner & Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 20. Wm. B. McClellan, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—O%ee on the south sidelif the public square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel awe. Gettysburg, August 22, 1&53. Cabinet-making. IIIQS undersigned has notoutenoed the Cabi -11 net-making business, in Mountpleasant township, Adams eon n ty, on the road leading from the Two Taverns to Hanover, about a quarter of a mile northeast of Sheoly'a store, where he ha* now on band, and will manu facture tb order, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Table*, Stands, and every other article in his line, put up of tho best materials, and in a work manlike manner. zoarCJffins made at the shortest notice, and trimmed to order. Ue is provided with a first rate new Hearse. tic asks ll share of public patronage, and will endeavor, (by strict attention to business, with good work and low charges.) to de serve it. JOSEPH BEDERMAN. April 19, 185.3. Sin Fresh Fruits, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, Le.— Fruits. Fruits of every description, as follaws--Layer Raisins, Figs. Oranges, Lemons. Dates, Palm Nuts, Filberts, hard and paper shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, &c. Groceries. A good assortment of Sugars— Loaf, Brown, Powdered and Crushed, Coffee, N. 0. ALilasses, Syrups of the best quality, Rice, Soda, Starch, Teas, Cinnamon, (ground and unpound,)Clores, lifeguard, &c. ftwitinurry. Perfumery of every description, which will be sold low fur Cash. Lsaw Syrup. A large lot just received.—Any one desiring a cheap, pleasant and healthy drink will do well bZ p4rchasing this Syrup. &bate°. All the various kinds of Tobae. co, Cigats and Snuff, fur sale by Win. Boyer & Son. We hare a good quality, as all will sty who have tried it. FlOgrikireed. We hays made arrangements to have constantly on hand Flour and Feed, which we will insure to be of superior qualitl, and at such prices as cannot fail to please. W.N.f. BOYER & SON. April 26. 1858. nnegar White Goods AND IiIittROIDERIES.—J. L SCHICK would invite the Ladies to muslin* his try* earioty of efsw style Brabant', Chu* W.6osoostots, Philo CAmbrios. reitie6l. &t. 'April 5. New Goods, A T the new firm of PAXTON k MeIL 11 E N Y, al the So uth-East Corner of Cat ire &inure. The subscribers would respectfully inform the . citisens of Gettysburg and the public gen colly, that they have just received, and are ti rr w opening, a very selection of Wits nod c4p..coosioin of Oa k ford's Philadelphia Suing Style, M doskin Dress lints, unsur passed for neatness of share nod elegance of finish ; Felt, Far and Wool Hats, of all irdors and styles. together with a complete assort ment of Men's and Boys' Cap. , . which they warrant to be of the best material and of the most fashionable styles, all of which will be offered nt very low prices. Also, Straw g o ods of every variety Idol style. &Ur The , e goods were carefully selected and bought for cash, which will enable them to sell atwery low prices. P.t.trom & Mckutirr. Mty l 0, IrB. The Liver Invigorator, PREPARED by Dr. SANFORD,compounded entirely from GUMS, is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medic;nett now before the public, that acts Cl R Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other Medicine known. It is not onlja Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the mom' rich and bowels to carry off that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the operations of most Cothoriirs. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when token daily in mod erate. doses, will strengthen and build up with unusual rapidity. The LIVFR is one.,; of the principal regu lators of the litnons body ; and when it p •rforms it fun.;tiontE, well, the powers if the system are follyoe, rk,veloped. The eon,- is almost entire--.• lv• denendent on the healthy action of theo hirer for the' proper performaceof its rune.= tions; when the stom ach is at fault, tilers bowels rre at fault, and the whole system.? ;44er-tint-onset-pence of one orgrin—thr ,_ tvxn—having ceas ed to do its duty.— For the diserutes of that organ, one of the,/ proprietors has made it his a praci7 lice of more than 20 years, to find semi> remedy wherewith to counteract the many.--4 derangements to which it is liaole. To prove that this remedy is at last found, any persona) troubled with Lava■ Couri.stvr. in any ofd its forms, has but to try a bottle, and. conviction is certain. These Gums re-3 move all morbid or had matter from the system, supplying in their place a flow of bile, invigorating the stnmach,causingfand 4 r. to digest well, reaI ?TING rnz MILOoD. givSL ing tone and health to the whole machinery, removing the cause of the disease--effecting a radical cure. 81L1011,4 ATT triEs are cured, AND. WRAT IN unrree. PREVENTED, by the oceasitrual use of the LIVER INTTICORATAI. One d ..e after eating is enfficient to relieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising awl souring. Only one dose taken before retiring, pre vents 'NIGHTMARE. • Onto one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Cosmssicss. One dome taken after each weal will cure DYsparsta. sti`One dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve Slot lIZADACUIt One dose taken for female obstruction re mover the canoe of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. • Only one dose immediately relieves Came, while One dose often repeated is a sure core for• Mount, and a preventive of COOLLII.I. iparOnly one bottle is needed to throw out of the * s ystem the effects of medicine after a long Pleknees. slirOne bottle taken for JIIMUNDICZ removes all salLownees or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, ind makes food di gest well. One dose often repeated cures CHRONIC DURHAM! in its worst form•, while Summits and BJWIL complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in Children ; there is no surer, safer, or Fpcedier remedy in the world, as it aura fails. iiiiirA few bottles mareDROPST, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as tt preventive for Fara* and Aaus. CnILL FLYER, and all FITIR of a BILIOILI Tv'''. It operates with certainty, and thou. sands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it are staving their unanimous iestsmonm in its favor. stir Mix water in the month with the In vigorator, and swallow both together. Tut Lintz IN VIGORATOR IS a scientific med ical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, even the first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is required to cure any kind of Livaa complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dyspepsia to a common Ileidach.e, all of which are the result of a Disaicro Ltrrx. PEWS ONIC DOLLAR PER DOTTER DR. SANFORD, Prnprietor, 345 Braid way, New York. A. D. 'Miami, Agent, • Gettysburg May 17, IRSS. ly. IN AMA, Leghorn, Braid and Palm Hats P fur side cheap, at BIIINGNAN di CULP'I4 NAILS.—A big lot of Avalon Nails, all sizes, and the best quality manufactured, very low for the cash at May 24. Danner & Ziegler, Jrs. 10u can get the cheapest Carpets ever of fered to the public calling at VAIINE3TOCKS'. TIN Miloh Pans oonstant i l . on head and -I' made to Drier at BMW R'S, in Chant bersbam__B!rnet. VLY NXTS—lllost siagaMsent assortment et my , 01111110 1111VILING'8. DUNLOP r.trrog New Firm. PAXTOk MeILIIENT. (Successors to C.ibean & Purton,) 11'11 , 11es:tin ar.d Retail Dealers in IiATS, CAPS, ROOTS, SHOES, & STRAW GOODS. Also, Ma/ raper, Window Modes, Tunks, Car yet 11425, Untbrellas, Canes, Tobacco an(i &gars, TOS SOOTII-CIST COINER 0? CaNTRIC @QUARK, Gettysburg, klanss Cuway, Pa. Maroh .12, 1858. tf Important Discovery. CONSUMPTION and all Diseases of the Lungs and ,Throat are positively Cured by Inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in' the lungs through the air paWsages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vi•ality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so indis pensable for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a Source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much antler the control of medical 'treatment as any other for midable disease : ninety out of every hundred cares can he eured,in the first stages. and fifty pear cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is impossible td save inure than five per cent , for the Longs are so cut lip by the dis !tige as to bid 'Mimeo to medical skill.— Even. however. in the last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone : and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to till the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brine, the beautiful, the graceful and the gilled.: By the help of that Supreme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gilt. I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and theiminediate effect produced by their deposition in, he lungs is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which abases a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex pvet greater good from tdedictnes entering the cavities of the lungs tha' from those admin istered through the stomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy. after Inhaling remedies. Thus, In/illa tion is a local remedy. nevertheless it acts con,sti:utionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely deal:oy sensb biljty in a few minutes, paralysing the entire nervous syqem, so that a limb may he am ;witted without the Tightest pain : inhaling theordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse (hi system when fainting or apparently dead.— The odor of many of the medicines is percepti ble in the skin a few minutes after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the. bloc f. a convincing proof of the consti- , tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul airs—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happiest results ? During eighteen years' practice, many thoutands suffering froth diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages. which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment ()Coon sumption is original, and founded on long ex perience and a thorough investigation. My' perfect itcquaintruce with the nature of tuber clew, &c.. enables me to distinguish readily the'various forms of disease that simulate con, tiumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single ease. This familiarity, in conneztion with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted cheats, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and 1.01111 to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Canada, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. GRAHAM, M. D., o,Pe,ll3lFilberi St.. (old 110.109, )below 121 h, PIIILADIMPLRA. PA. Joly 2.0. 1857. ly Ramoval. ALEX. FRAZER, Watch & Clock Maker, has removed his shop to Chambersburg street, opposite the Lutheran Church, where he will always be happy to attend to the calls of enstomers. Thankful for past favors, be hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the publio. Gettysburg, March 8,1858. I RAVE a fewßai ll asi_ COOS STO'9l2l, "Ida I will eon for f 25 task. Ilan* IL ' OlO. ARNOLD. The Grand Show! AT GETT733IIIO. PA. .11. Samson, Ifanayer& Proprietor Doors open at 6 o'olock. A. M.—Performance to commence immediately after. Adults, FREE., Children, (under 12 years of age,7 Half hid. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT The subscriber, thankful for past favors, reepe:tfully informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the fact that he has just received from the New York Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates for c.isu. In return fur the fiber- al patronage bestowed opt.* him, he will give a (grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will he presented nru MAGNIFICENT PIECES! On ired4P.ltiay, October 28, and every day until further notice, will be presented the very popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled east :—Fashion able Clothing, from the finest to the lowest priced qualities. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, in groat variety. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cops, tte., to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making large purchases time fur Lunch. se., Lo. The whole to conclude with IL Samson's suo cessful Play, entitled VARIETIES! the beauty of which will cause great excite ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. 26,1857. tf Wingercl, White & Swope, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, & STRAW GOODS; ALSO, IN TASHIONABLE Moleskin, Silk, Felt and Fur Hats, N. W. Cor. SALTIIIONN k HOWARD STS., Arians B. Wingert!, Daniel S. White, BALTIMORE, MD. John A. Simpe. Aug. 3. Isi7. • Valuable Real Estate T PRIVATE SALE.— rho antlersigne4l oTers at Private &Ile, all his foal Estato followA: 'RANK 2etuir,:ir I.—My late residence in Oettysbarg, fronting 30 feet on Clintnbersburg street, with Brick 1.) meßing, Stable, and other improve ments. No. 2.—Lot adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &e. - 3.—Lot adjoining No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, and other improvements. No. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3, fronting 29 feet, with double Brick llwelling, Smith &c. No. s.—Lot west of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. 6.—Los adjoining No. 5, containing shout 3 Acres. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Citambersburg street. Nu. 9.—Tract of Land in Ilamiltonban township, lying on Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. N. 10.—Conch Establishment in Shep herflstown, Va., with good will, ho. The 1,-• cation is an admirable one for business, and improvements in good order. hOrritles good and terms tr., suit percha sers. Enquire of D. A. BCELILER, Esq., Get tysburg, or the undersigned residing in Shep herd-town, Va. C. W. HOFFMAN. 51.trels 13, 1858. To the Farmers. r .1 NNY'S Combined !leaping and Atutring 111 - Marhine uptii Wood's baproremetd.- The undersigned, having been appointed Agent for the Palo of 31.inny's Combined Reaping and M,wing Machine. with Wood's Improvement, for Adams county, offers them R. „ nip ,. C. 111, ntritncett. to the public, knowing them to be the best combined machine in use. •It has been sec- Lumber, Coal and Sto eessfully introduce" into different parts of our .NE 1V I' I R Sate. and I sold thirty-fear last season, in 'VHS undersigned sespectfull ie. to Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.— 11 the citizens of Gettysburg pity. The machine received a silver medal at the that they have entered into aeo-partnership. State Fair—also, the first Premium at York, and intend opening a 0/ilk & LUMBFIR Cumberland, Centre, Huntingdon, and other YARD, on' Washington sheet. in the rear of county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Far- I the Eagle Hotel. where they will be happy to mere needing a Reaping Machine, will please Lam all who may favor thins with $ call. They call upon the underaignel, before purchasing, will furnish every etyof of ...Pore, filacksosalk as he always takes great pleasure in showing i and LimeGurner's 'OA L. at the lowest poems the Machines. Early orders are solicited, as I bie wholesale rates, in order to introduce it the number raccire.l from the manufacturer into general use. They also intend keeping will be in prop , ort:on to the demand. I a full and general a:.sortinent of LUMBER.** SA MIJEL HERBST, Agra', wton• as. the Railroad is completed. They 0 ipasite the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. w;11 keepoionstantly on hand every varietysit Mirth ' L'OAL,and WOOD STOVES, among which are yhe celebrated William Penn, Noble Good and Cheap ! I CIO, Royal Cook slid Shell Cook THE undersigned would inform his friends &eves. Ala., the Charm, Capitol, Victor. . 3 - and the public generally, that he can;),Planter, Premium Anil 'Parlor Cook Stovta, tinues the CARRIAGE -MAKING D'U:.•.+ air-light, Star. Franklin, Hot-air Parlor NESS; in all its branches, at his establish- orate, Lady Washington, Oak, Magnolia, went, in East Middle Street, (near the / emit Union, Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic amt mid.) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on'hanil . Harp Cannon Stoves. a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared U. nut Persons wishing toexamine their stock will up to order whatever may be desired in ' his please call at their Stove Ware Rum, oti line, viz:—Rockaway anti Boat-Body %Vest Middle, the residence of Robert Carriages; Falling-Top, Rock- %wads. assay ik Trotting piggies, s. _ (?'Orders prompq attended to. Jersey Wagons, &c. 110 ERT SHE %D 9, With good workmen and good materials, he V. 111:Slt Y BUEIII,Eft. can pledge his work to be of the best quality _Gettysburg, Aug. 1, 1857. —and his prices are among the lowest. ser`Repairin g done at short nonce, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call ! JACOB TROXEL ' June 15, 1857. JL SCU [ CK has just received and offers • for male the mn t desirable assortment of DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, consisting in part of Sprinx ' Plain Black do., Foulards. Robes a'qnille, Lawn do. do. Spring Delaines, • Oriental Lustre!. Alsn, Bombazines:. Alpaccas, De Bevies, Ginghants, Lawns, Brilliants, Shepherd's Piaids. Crepe De Espangel'issuo Bareges,&e. s April 5, ISM Domestic Goods TN every variety at SCHICK'S. consisting A- of Prints, Muslin', Gingham", Checks, Tickings, Sowings, &c. [April 5. 'TWEEN PHILADELPHIA & N. OX FORD.—The undersigned has made ar rabgements with the Pennsylvania Railroad Gin:Tony to run their cars to Wrightsville, where G.)ods can be transhipped into the cars of the Northern Central Railroad Co. The present vates of Freight between Phil adelphia and New Oxford are— On Ist CLASS, 40 cts. per 100 lbs. 40 a• 6, a' ad 3d " 3 1 1 14 AS l a 4th " 291 " " " " Goods for the present time will be shipped only twice a week from Philadelphia—on M )nclay and Wednesday. But they will be shipped daily whenever thereis an accumu lation of 2000 lbs. or upwards. HENRY KAUFFELTv Wrightsqle, March 15, 1858. 4m rpilE full worth of your money, make your purchases of Resdy•made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Rats, Cops, Trunks, Clocks, Violins, and everything else in the variety line, at SAMSON'S. March 29, 1858. BcO BROIDZ 111E8—irealhots_p s _ a st sorr's. PRICES OF ADMISSION. TO THE PUBLIC t New Spring Goods! Freight To Get New Livery Establishment O . IIARLES M. TATE has opened a neir ‘- 1 Livery establishment. at the stables on Washington street, occupied in part by the "Eagle lintel," and has made such arrange ments as will enable him to seoommadatethe public at all times , ou reasonable termsorith Horses, Buggies, Hacks, 1:4 His stork is good. On funeral occasions, lc.? he will bo able to supply a want which has bosh much 'needed- iii" Terms CASH. May g 4, 1:q.8. Herril a Patent fitIAMPION FIRE & BURGLAR PROOF ‘i SAFES, with Hall's Patent POWDER PROOF LOC 1( S.—F iaaaut Usaat.vo, Makers, 34 Walnut Street, below Second, PAilaiclpkia.—The great interest manifested by the public to procure more certain securi ty from fire for valuable papers, encl. jts Bonds. Mortgages, Deeds, Notes and it cola of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto fore in use afforded, induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of their time for the last fourteen years, in making discoveries and improvements for this object, the resat of which is the unrivalled Herring's Palest World's Fair Premium FIRE .PROile_ SAFES, universally acknowledged as the Cu SUMO!? SATE OF Tits WORLD I Having been awarded MNltils at both the World's Fair, London, 1851, a id Crystal Palace, N. Y , 1853, as superior to all others, is rtoW utidouhtedly entitled to that apellation, and secured with -Hall's Ettent Powder-proof Locks—which were also awarded separate Medals, (as above) —forms the most perfeet Fire and Burelar'Proof Safes ever yet °Ter ed to the public. Nearly 300 "(terrines Safes" have 'bees tested during the past 14 years. and mere than 16,000 have been sold and are now in actual use. Also on hand or manufaeturel to order, ell kinds of Boiler and Called Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors. Mormy Chosts for Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, private families, fur Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. • Nov. 23, 1857. Chain Robes. , • THE third arrival of Robes by express.-.- -a- The prettiest etylos yet offered to the la dies, and from which they cannot fail id please their tastes. Come immediately if you want pretty and cheap goods. The boast styles and patterns of side stripe rolassjilat. received at FAHNESEOCKS'. April 2,6, 1858. Spring Millinery. 183 WeCREARY has just returned fri ' lll ' the city, and is nuw opening a beautiful assortment of Millinery and Fancy Goods, of the latest styles, which she will sell at tha t lowest cash prices, and which she invites the ladies to call and examine. Milliners who wish to buy Goods to seiL a;un, will find it much to their advantage give her a call, as she keeps none but the, most fashionable goods. April 19, 1858. - 3m Clear the Way OFOR THE NEW FIRM.I—No. L. 2 and 3 Riding and Wagon Saddles, Trotting. Buggy and Carriage Bir ness, Buggy, Carriage, Mule, Hair, Ticking and common (Mims. Ridipg and Driving Bridles, Martingals, Miters, Horse Covers and Fly Nets of every description ; Whips. &c., just received and for pale astonishingly low. at BRINGMAN & CULP'S, sign of the "BIG BOOT." Chambersburg street. May 10, IASB. Ready-made Clothing. GEO. ARNOLD has now on hand the largest stock of Ready-made Clothing in town,' comprising every variety and size, all of his own manufacture, which will be warrintad I well made, having hands constantly employ., ed Cutting out and making up. If we gamut fit you with a garment ready made, wa will sell you the goods, take your measure, and make you up a garment on the shortirsCab.; tice. Please call at the Clothing lineptivinm. whtre you will find Mr. Culp always on hand, bright and accommodating. Par stock is large. well selected, and will be sold cheap' for Cash. Gettysburg. March 29, 1858. SPOUTING.—George and lienr,y Wimpler will make House Spinttingand pot op the same low, for cask or aosott7 predator Far mers and all mho" vistas; flair konaseg,- barns, ke.. spooled, would do widklie is them a salt k 11.1 V April 1141111111. it =