The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 31, 1858, Image 3

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    Xht Cimpittr.
'OR & eogiN aff4its.
The Soo/M.
Gettysburg Railroad Bonds are selling
more readily every day. Not only
people who have money to invest, but
those who Mast borrow, are buying
them, looking to an enhancement in
value before long. The semi-annual
interest is, of course, s sure thing—the
road from New Oxford to Hanover is
already earning enough to pay that.
Sash as desire bonds had better not de
lay. The chance once gone, another
as good need not be looked for.
Tile Vipartla se Jul/.
We notice that the necessary steps
for the proper observance of the coming
anniversary of the declaration of Amer
ican Independence are being taken in a
number of places around us. What
say our citizens to a similar move
Surely no people ander the sun have
more reason to celebrate with patriotic
demonstrations any eventful day in
their history, than the people of these
United States have to honor that upon
which they became one as a nation—
"free and independent."
Proms, lossia College.
The Summer Session of this institu
tion commenced on Thursday. During
the entire week, students, old and new,
gathered in from all points.
The College grounds are becoming
very attractive,aand we understand
that the building is shortly to be re
painted, which will improve its appear
ance, though always good.
stir On Tuesday last, on motion of
L. ift.:Corepglty, Esq , CHARLES Kis°,
Esq.,- was admitted to the . tortictioe of
Law in the several Courts of Adams
county. He passed a very creditable
examination, and the evening after en
tertained the members of the Bar and a
few others with a supper at McClellan's
Hotel, which was gotten tip in first-rate
style, and to which first-rato justice
was done. It was really a pleasant af
fair tri RI! partietpattng.
ea - By a notice in our paper to-day,
if — will be observed, that our worthy
friends Hon. J. li. DANNER and Judge
ZiEntra. have retired from the mercan
tile business, in which they have b e en
engaged for some years, with profit to
themselves, we hope, and certainly with
every disposition to accommodate the
public. We think we but echo general
sentiment, when we say that everything
has been done by them which business
men could do, to supply the wants of
the community, in a manner pleasing,
and a disposition accommodating—
Their business hus now fallen into the
hands of their sons—both of whom are
active business-men, and cannot fail to
obtain the confidence of the public.—
They have just returned from the Utica
with a fine stock of Goods. Cull and
see them.
Last evening (Wednesday)_ at about
10 o'clock, our citizens were startled
by the alarm of fire, which was caused
_by the burning of a barn belonging to
Mr. John A. Miller, on York street; so
rapid were the flames that, before the
Engines could be brought to play upon
the barn, it was a mass of smoking
ruins. A horse, two cows and two
calves perit-hed in the flames, together
with a quantity of hay, &c. The ad
joining barn, belonging to Mr. P. Flick
inger, was on fire several times, and
saved only by the great exertions of
the firemen. The loss is estimated to
about $9OO, with no iusuranee.—Has
over Spectator.
I. mere Calf.
A letter from Arendtsville - informs
1113 that Mr. SAMUEL lIARTMAN 7 of MO
nallen township, has a calf which
weighed, one hour after birth, 120
foandsl Certainly very hard to beat.
sifirProf. M. L. STOEVER brie our
thanks for a copy of the Address of
Rev. G. DIEUL, of Frederick, Md., be
fore the Bible Society of Pennsylvania
College and-the Theological Seminary
of ibis place, on the 11th of April last.
lir We hare received another letter
from " An Oxford Farmer," travelling
in the West. it will appear next week.
In In stick of timber 16 feet long and 26 in
cises aware at one end, and 32 inches square
at tae otber end, how many solid feet and how
'my feet of board measure? S.
Enigma. •
I ism *composed of fourteen letters.
My 11 . 14 6 Is a nourishment
12 It 10 is used by the ladies.
•111 5 is pat in bfead.
1 •'T 6 is used by physicians.
6,1 Ills as insect.
411 10 14 is s, hard s u bst anc e.
.12 U a toy.
• 3 4,'14,1s a part of • person.
13 6 1 14 is used for trimming.
1 6 2' 14 is used by &gentleman.
4aa 8 .14 L aged 111 o a loo /-
lay whole is slaty in Europe.
May, 1854. ,
lILs. areat.n—Deer ar:—The question tar
nished bJJ & last week, costa ander the heed
of Ansaitim
Oaleatitiag for dm& interest the answer is
114 Will al ;the and t 8 days and a fraction.
• lot easeposall Weems' gives 14
.pirso4 sad 44 Aso alai a headset.
4 11 4Pre=f aiw i, I:t aiimilisisiaffi t. A.
: _ .01 1 1 ,-; 44. few days sines sows
'' , ;.. ..: '-''' • an okt oast
. .44 . , r
r , • • thew ook *.'
r- -- ; - er v , .. ' •
. . -4,,,• h :- 7,44 Olid n iteentAimPO . '* - •
EDITOR or Comm= :—Having seen
in your last issue an article on the Chi
nese Sugar Caue, I thought 1 would
give you the result of au experiment of
mine. Last spring I planted a square
rod of ground with seed procured from
the Patent Office, (16th of May) just
as I plant broom corn, hills two feet
apart each way, six or seven seed in a
hill, which I afterwards thinned to
three stalks, and worked the same as
broom corn ; pulled the suckers from
part and let them grow on the remain
der. There was not much difference in
the size of the stalks, each stalk sending
out from two to four suckers, which I
found when ripe to be well filled with
sap.. Cut the stalks off at the ground
when tho seed was matured, about the
15th of Oct.; cut- off the seed and strip
ped off the leaves; pressed the juice by
running the stalks between hand rol
lers, which process produced near 9
gallons of juice,making 13 galls. of thick
syrup when boiled down. I then run
the stalks through a straw cutter and
steamed the same; put them under a
screw and obtained enough to make one
gallon of syrup—making in all 24 gal
lons of thick molasses, which is equal
to 400 gallons, or 10 barrels, of 40 gal
lons each, to the acre. At the rate of
sap it took to the gallon - of syrup, nay
6 gallons, the rod would yield 15 gallons
of sap, equal to 2,400 to the acre.—
Therp was one half of a bushel of seed
on the rod, equal to 80 bushels to the
acre. I should think the leaves equal
to 30 lbs. of hay, which is two tons
eight hundred pounds to the acre. The
soil was not better than good corn
I think it would be a profitable crop;
the seed equal to a good crop of oats;
the fodder to a crop of hay, and the
molasses, 400 gallons, at 374 els. per
gallon - , $l5O.
A sample of the syrup can be seen at
my residence, corner of High and Wash
, ington streets. Sot.osos Powsas.
Gettysburg, May 28, 1858.
tram Uwe Adams Santlmal
lot TUG Coampi ler
/or TO* Compilar
lica• tbr Oiapller
Oa this 3241 last, CHABLIS HANSON, ass
of 'ldea as d Mita Norris, at Strabaa township,
Aged 1 year I "loath sad MI days.
fa Illssadtaberg, to Saturday monist 1010,
HAWL, assuitarret Troderidt A. mot Jai*
iiitreeset ittmut It osittlis...
t 40airlimaltq last, .1a Samblatan, 8111116 LA,
itigidsi if J. B. T. sad rillea. Webb, *gad
about 6 mouths.
began Collie.
A word fitly spoken has often pro
duced results of the most beneficial
character. We hope that the items of
counsel we subjoin may do good to all
If you are interested in Agricultural
affairs, subscribe for The Contpiler 1
If you want reliabte reports of the
Marketa, subscribe for The Compiler!
If you want eurrentnews from abroad
nod to keep posted in local matters,
subscribe for The Compiler!
If you want a good, reliable po
litical paper, subscribe for The Compiler !
If you want a paper that is always
steadfast in the support of sound prin
ciples, subscribe for The Compiler
We hope that each of our subscribers
will_ induce others to bocome such, and
that those who are not such will be
come so without delay.
mar A friend at Emmitsburg informs
us that the present corporate authori
ties of that place seem determined to
discharge their full duties, havinj ar
rested all disorderly persons, and dis
posed of them according to the provi
sions of the town ordinances.
stir Wo are informed that a Tours
ment is in contemplation in the village
of Mummasburg, and that when all the
arrangements are made, due notice will
be given. The Knights moat for tilt
ing every Saturday afternoon. Tours
month are very popular in Maryland
and Virginia.
A Church Full of Women and Children
Burned Alive. —The Yaqui Indians are
at war with the people of Sonora, Low
er California. These Indians entered
Santa Cruz de Mayo and killed every
man there was in it, got all the women
and children together, shut thorn up in
tl•e church and set fire to it, and then
burned the rest of the town.
Monster Nugget from Australia.—A
monster nugget, recently discovered in
Australia, has arrived in London. It
was found at the"Kingower diggings,"
130 miles from Melbourne. This superb
mass of gold is two feet four inches in
length, rind ten inches at its greatest
width; it weighs nearly 146 pounds;
and strange to say, it is estimated by
Auld brokers that it contains but six
ounces of dress, the residue being gold
of the purest kind.
bar Why are sheep the most dissipa
ted and unfortunate of animals ? Be
cause they gambol in their youth, fre
quent the turf, are often blavklegs, and
are universully fleeced.
the ftit4P.
"flee come the wild heather. tome Alec t or tom* mow;
We'll steed by each other !wearer it blow."
On the 18th Inst., at Conowago Chapel, by
Rev. Michael Daugherty, JOHN HUSSEY, Sr.,
Esq., of McSherrystown, to Miss MARGARET,
daughter of Mr. Nicholas Link, of Oxford
On the same Lay and place, by the same,
STRAWSBA.UGH, both of Adams county.
On the 20th inst., by Rev. Jacob Fry, Mr.
RAITILNZAHN, both of Bendersville, Adams co.
On the 26th inst., at Gneffenberg Springs,
Adams county, by the Rev. J. A. Bender, Dr.
J. J. BENDER, of Bendereville, to Wise LOYI
NA RACHEL HARTZELL, of Middletown,
Adams county.
the DO.
4 41/ur Wares oat tress tlio roes of wan la rand ;
Sow gross is ,yealfa, wiaw vitamin as tles grossel.”
On Iliarsday het, is DIED
Middletown, Bader
tovneeldp, *r. KURT KOBSB , Sr., wet about
Id yaws.
; 1 ll tomtit PIA Not.
Some N.. York speculator has just
attracted some attention by tho con
struction of as immense fish net, which
contains five tuna of_twine, and requi
red seventeen barrels of tar to coat it.
The first trial with it was made a few
weeks ago, outride of Sandy Hook, two
small steamboats being employed to
drag it through the water. The
was soon filled, and it was intended to
run the tish into a box which was drag
ged behind tho net; they sw:►m, how
ever, before the net as fast as the steam
boats could go, and consequently esca
ped. So this attempt to monopolize the
tish business is thus tar a failure.
SALS.MI or WILD Cesar —Proof. of
the great soporioeity of Dr Wiittar's &Lam, poor in
from all part of the country.
()troop, Now Hares eo., Coen , Jan 4.
Dear Fir :—Havlng win:wean the "Beets of If Istar'e
Bataan of Wild Cherry. In the one of or of nay neigh.
bon, who b been for several years nriously adlicted
with Phthisme, General Pulmonary Weak nom, Binding of
the Lows, etas, f have been induced to ask you to seed
me some .d the stoitteloo. My neighbor. roforred to ahoy*,
lately had a rioted attack of Moodie' of the Leap, and
dieting to breathing He tried a bottto of • tie Wild
Cherry, which has pr.:dm:oda moat niatary ant. At his
lenience, and several others laboring soder the same ems.
plaints, 1 have been lanced to make this reliant By at
tending to lb* Abe,* inuawilately, yes will woVire the
alLieted, and also Toon,
Nom II•mia• odor aped I. MITE as the wrapper.
Swra W. Fowls £ Co.. 138 Washington
street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their
agents everywhere. A. D. BUZIII4I. Gettle
bunt. May 3. 2w
LETT= Stott Thatias !-111111 JANSII
(MASK WS Ihttreseens thaw& Pura, peopout how •
preele•b Ho J. Chita, N. D.. Phydela• talosor
Cleary to the chums. TM" will knows eloaleloo le ow le
.poelUoo, bat a men art mho testeely hie Iheasele Dolloeltlope
art Obetreethelo. beats/a owe htmaeonto; sad lithos&
• peoroofel remedy, they *petals mottileg harthil ee the
easeeltatlla. To Kekaiso Laza It is peeollarty Weed .
It win. to • short Uwe, Wag es the imeethly period with
Me lad ty.
Them rm. hare sever begin henna to fall when the
dlrectkias no 1111 page of pamphlet an well obsened.
Per farther part/calan pea pamphlet freed the stint.
N. 11.-1111 and 6 poetise stoups enclosed to any ember.
tied spot, will losers a bottle, eedeinisif over 60 Oils,
by meant mail.
T. W. 16yott & tl.■, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia
A. D. Baddrie, Afoot, liottysbarg.
61.7 17, 166. ly
10'644 adwortilemeat of Dr. &Word's Livia Ilivtoo•-
O•rredoodfrosi t he least netts/sr*. TO rk k flegover pipes
Bultissore--l'riday last
Flour, per barrel, 84 25 ® 4 37
Wheat, per bushel, 1 00 ( . 4 1 20
Rye, " 70(.4 72
Corn, • 65 ® 70
Oats, 4__ 34 438
Beef Cattle, d., 850 (4 - 9 25
Hogs, '" 6 75 (4 725
Hay, per EON, 9 00 415 00
Whiskey, per gallon, 20 (4 21
Guano, Peruvian, per ton. . 56 00
Bowyer— T hursday Lair. •
Flour, per lAA., from wagons, $3 87
Do. " from stores, 4 62
Wheat, per bushel, 85 4 I 00
Rye, .. 60
Corn, 44 65
44 31
Oats, •
Cloverseed, " i:: 400
Timothy, " 150
6 00
Plaster, per ton,
rork—Friday Ma.
Moor, par bbl., fro: wagons, $3 87
Do., " front stares, 475
Wheat, per
111 63
bushel, 85 @ 1 OS
Cora, .4 56
Oato SI
Clovereeed, "
Timothy, "
Piaster, per toe,
Farm at Publio Bale.
11111 E undersigned, Administrator of WIL
LIAM M'PIIERSON, /messed, will offer
at Public Sale, oa Saturday, the 261 A day of
Jame next, the FARM belonging to said de
ceased, lying is Cumberland township. Ad
ams county, Pa.. bounded by lands of John
Meats, Samuel Hartsell, Ilenry S. Minnigh,
Abraham Spangler, and others, and for
many years °templed bl Samuel Gallagher,
as tenant. The Farm is unit
easily well watered. has upon it '
Barn. and other outbuildings.
and contains tIS ACRES, 123 P • RCIIES,
more or less. Of this, over SIXTY ACRES
are covered with good TIMBER.
The Farm is a abort distanoe from the Bor
ough limits, and is bounded on the South by
the Gettysburg Exteueios of the Pennsylva
'sig. Railroad. Possession will be given April
1, 1859.
The Timber land lying on the Mummas
burg Road, about 35 Acres, may be offered
separately from the Farm, in Lots of a few
Acres each. thus affording to those needing
Timber for Railroad ties, or for any purpose,
a rare opportunity for investment. Mitub of
this timber land can be made first-rate
dow. There are several never-failing springs
upon the property.
Ilrif - The sale will take place on the day
named, on the premises, commencing at 1
o'clock, P. M., when the terms and condi
tions will be made known b•
Adm'r of Wm. 51'Pherscua, dec'd.
May 31, IrA3. is
Cheap Groceries.
GOOD Broom Sugar at 61 rts. per lb. Four
Arnold. /or 25 cents.
Fahnestock Brothers have just received an
unusually large lc,t, of Groceries. to which
they invite tho atteution of the public.
Brown Sugar at GI, 8 and 9 cents, per
Prime Itifi Coffee, at 13 and 14 eta, per lb.
Prime N. 0. 1 1 4,tlasses and the best Syrup
—also. Spices, to be had at unusually low
rates. Call early and secure bargains at
May 31, 1958.
More Goods !
ANOTffE splendid stock of Goods just
received at P. A. & G. F. Ecties-
RODE'S, in Heidlersburg. Also FISH of
all kinds, Shad, Mackerel and Herring.
May 31, 1858.
Administrators' Notice.
TACOS WOLF'S ESTATE.—Letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Jacob
Wolf, late of Hamilton township, Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, residing in the same township,
they hereby give notice to arl persons indebted
to said estate to make immedhite payment,
and those having claims against the same to
present them properly antlientioated tor set
tlemant. SAMUEL WIEBT,
May 31. 1858. 6t
DANA hid, Leghorn. Braid and Palm Rata
fur sale cheap, at
Bantenex 4 Come's.
po SWOONS commencing llossekeeping wiU
lad it to their advantage to purchase
disk YIN-WARE at BUMMER'S, to Mum
big glot of A vision Nails, all
AM sigma, and the hest quality ninnufneutred,
eeejLinefse the oath at
S 4. Damn. & rtegier, Jrs.
OU can get the cheapest derpets ever of
' Sired to the public by calling at
poi, WM/ CHNAP—* frieei MARL
et & ARNOLD.
TIM Pada etreptently cos A
is C hied dad
ititheiCaitiee at BURUIARhem-
Owelterg Aro* .
N oncE.---Tfie st!dergigrd two wocis-1
• Mid with them in the Lumber business,
E. 0. Burma. They would thorefore sive no
tice that the business herataw will be con
ducted under the Am of &tau., Boma* £
Co., and they hope, by strict attention to
business and an earnest desire to please, to
merit a continuation of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon them.
ON North Gevrge gireei, near the Railroad,
We would invite the attention of Jlechan
les, Builders, and others, 'to our large and
well selected stuck of LUMBER, consistingof
every description of White Pine livards and
Plank, Joist, Smutting and Fencing. Also,
Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, Pickets,
Worked Flooring and IreaVierboara tag,
Siding, be. We are prepared to CUT TO
ORDER any size, quantity and quality of
at the shortest notice, and have it delivered
to any point accessible by Railroad. We
also manufacture and keep on hand a gene
ral assortment of
&utters, Binds, Window Frames and Duor
SW-Orders for any sizes not on Lind filled
wittr dispatch.
Mi`Our stock and assortment is equal to
any others, and we are determined to sell at
the lowest market pricer,.
Yoram orders sod communications ad
dressed to the undersired, at, York, Pa., will
rewire prompt &neutron.
York, May 24, 1838. 1y
1111?illY DCbillAM
TUE undersigned basing retired from the
Mercantile business, We same will here
after be continued at the old stand, in Balti
more street, by. their sons, Henry B. Danner
and Waybright Ziegler, under the name and
style of Danner and Ziegler. Jrs., whom we
will recommend to, and for whom we would.
bespeak a liberal share of patronage from
old customers, and of the public' in general
Having retired from the Mercantile busi
ness, it is necessary that oar old business
should be settled op. We. therefore, notify
all those indebted to us eitherdby Judgment,
Note or Book Account, to call and settle the
same without delay. Toe books will be
found at the old stand.
May 24, IFSB.
New Firm—New Goode.
9111 E undersigned have entered into part
nership in the HARDWARE k GRO
CV? Tinniness, at the old stand of Danner
& Ziegler. in Baltimore street, under 'the
name, style and firm of Danner if Ziegler,
Jr.., and ask, and will endeavor to deserve,
a continuance of the patronage of the old
firm, as well as any quantity of new custom.
They have just returned from the cities with
an immense stack of Goods—consisting in
part of •
Building Materials, snch as nails, screws,
hinges, bolts, balks, glass, &c.
Mots, including edge tools of every de
scription, saws, planes, chisels,. gouges, bra
ces and bitty, augers, squares, gouges, ham
mers, &c.
Blaeksweillut will find anvils, vices, rasps.
files, horse shoes, horse-shoe nails, itc., with
them, very cheap.
Coach i'inctinge, such as cloth, canvass.
damask. fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth,
springs, axles. hubs, spokes, felloes, bows,
poles, shafts, 4.!..
Shoe Fist(live, Tampico, brush and french
morocco, linings, bindings, pegs. lasts, boot
trees, &b., with a general assortment of shoe
maker's tools.
Cabinet Maker's Tools, a general assort
ment—also varnish, knobs, du.
Housekeepers will also find a large assort
ment ofknices and forks, brittannia, albate and
silver-plated bible and tea spoons, candle
sticks, waiters, shavel and tongs, sad iron.,
enamelled and brass kettles, pans, tubs,
churns, carieting, £s.
Also a general assortment of forged and
rolled IRON of all sizes and kinds ; east,
shear and blister steel, which they will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.
Groceries, a full and general assortment,
such as crushed, pulverised, clarified soil
brown sugars; New Orleans, West India and
sugar house molasses and syrups, eofee,
spices, chocolate, fine, coarse and dairy salt;
linseed, fish and sperm OIL; Tnrpentine,
Fish, & -.; a full assortment of Lead and Zinc,
dry and in oil; also Fire-proof Paints ; in flat,
almost every article in the Hardware, Coileti
Finding. Sioe Finding, Housekeeping, Black
smith, Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, Glazier's,
and Grocery line, all' of which they are de
termined to sell as low fur CASH as any house
out of the city.
• 33
4 00
0 50
Gettysburg, May 24, 1848.
New Marble Establishment.
A V. EIOMBACII would most respeotfolly
- 116 . inform his friends and the public filen
aridly, that he has opened a new Marble Yard
at ..11katerrysfowa, Adams. county. Pa., where
he will *zeolite all kinds of work in his Pee
of business, such a 1 MONUMENTS, DEAD
FOOT STONES, Ac., with 'wetness and
dispatch, and at prices to suit the times.
All orders addreheed to A. V. lloinbach, at
M.Sherrystolni, Adams county, Pa., will be
promptly attemded to.
May 24, US&
Who will Refuse •
THE wart* of their money and the ri g ht
charge boat
NORBECK & MARTIN'S is the place to
get it, whore they sell all kinds of Groceries,
Confectionaries, and Fancy Articles—in 'a
word, everythicg belonging to a first-class
Grocery. Molasses of seven different kinds,
from 40 cents up to 75 r,er gallon ; Sugars,
sit different kinds, from 8 cents up to 14 per
lb.; Coffee, five kinds ; Teas, Chocolate. Rice,
Cracker■, Tea Cakes, Bottled Pie Fruit,
Cheese, Fish, Pickles, Salt, Bacon and Lard.
May 24, 1858.
TUE subscriber, having formed a partner
ship'l" with Win. J. Martin, would earnest
ly urge those indebted upon his own hooks to
make immediate payment. All accounts un
settled by the lit of July next will be placed
iu the hands of an calker for collection.
May '24, 1858.
hare just returned from the city, with a
very large assortment of Clothe, Cassimeree,
Veetings, Summer Goods, and everything
else in the men's wear line. They whin offer
plain and fancy Shirts, Collars, silk and cot
ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, kc. fitting
bought unusually low, for the cash, they are
enabled to sell =KA PLR THAN =vas—an excel
lent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3, for in
stance. Give them a call, at their new estab
lishment, in Chambersburg street,a few dodrs
west of the Coart,house, before purchasing
elsewhere. [May 10.
testamentary on the estate of Henry Al
bert, late of Reading township, Adams co.,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, (the trio named residing in Reeding
township and the last named in Huntington
township,) they hereby give node* to all
persons indebted to said estate to Make im
mediate payment, and those haring claims a
gainst the same to present them properly
suthentlested Ow settlement.
May 10, 1838. 01 • • lateistere.
lY NETS.--Mass suipsilkost samcwiment
F of nyliat* its PICItINO'B.
Lumber Yard,
Cheap ! Cheap !
Ezesatone !lotto..
List of Xerchsats
WITHIN the epee* of Adams, returned
and assailed by the eadorsigaed, Air
Kaiear of Mammalle Taxes, is acoordsasee
with the several sets of AssemblyAlor the
year 1558 -58, of Goods, Wares awl Merv.haa
Borough of Gultysburg.
Maw W 6. Cia.
Fahnestock Brothers, 9 23 00
Danner tt Ziegler, Jri., 13 10 00
J. L Schick, 13 10 00
Ciwina & Brother, 14 7 00
Ilsl.,repm Sealskin, l4 700
F. B. Picking, 14 7 00
George Arnold, 14 700
A. 1). Buehler, 14 7 00
Paxton & Mcllkeay, 14 700
Daniel Plank, 14 7 00
Giileipie A Thomas, 14 700
Minnigh & Sun, 14 700
Philip Winter, 14 700
S. S.'Forney, Ag ent, 14 700
Surbeek & Martin, 14 7 00
Jacobi & Brother, 14 7 00
Bringmun & Culp, 11 700
William Reeser, 1 I 7 00
!liver & Son, 14 7 00
John Seott, 14 7 00
Sheenis & Buehler, 14 7 00
J. lteiaiuger, 14 700
Ceissbertasid feleaship.
John W eaters, 14 7 00
John Weigle, Mill, 14 700
Francis Bream, " 14 7 00
Straben Theriakip.
Philip Ilion, 14 .7 00
P. A. 11yer,.. 14 700
Jacob King. 14 700
Tyros' Thema Aip.
Eckenrode it Broiler, 14 700
Simile! Stoke. 14 700
Jacob S. Hullinger, 14 700
John Itaffstuvrger, 14 700
tiators Tireselip' .
Henry B. Smith, 14 700
Jacob A. Diller, 14 7 OU
Adam Leven, 14 7 00
. Xmas* rourraship.
Charles Elden, 14 700
David Diviner. 14 7 00
Burkholder & Wilson, 14 700
Abel T. Wright, 14 700
George iihnergh, 11 700
Juil Fishier, • 14 7 00
WazgOverdeer, 14 700
O. P. House, • 14 700
Jamb Pitser, 14 7 00
ifornetjoy Ibtraship.
John Yost,. i . 14 700
John Hebert, 'Mr ' 14 700
Ilunrj &tiller. 14 700
t Butler Ibiemakip. •
Noah Miller, • 11 7 00
ElEard B.oey, 14 700
Jacob Peasyl. 14 700
John Hoover, 14 7 00
Henry !Lulu!. 14 700
Soothe' Faber, Agent, t. 14 700
Jesse Houck, 14 700
Laocrey lbseaskip. -
Grayson & Brother. 1,4 700
Huainun Iliesehip.
Spmogler & Breaker, 14 700
William Wulf, 14 7 00
Henry L. Miller, 14 700
J. B. I..eiby, . 14 - 7 00
Wm. lirechaer, 14 7 00
Jnhd Ilnaderibell, • , 14 700
Hildebrand 1 !inner, 14 700
Frederick Ileidler, 14 700
George, Muaddrif, • 14 700
Henry Kline. 14 700
Framklia lbrusaiip.
Jacob T. Lower, 13 10 00
Jacob Mark,l4 7 00
Abraham Scott, 11 700
Jame* Mickley, ' 11 700
Jacob Fultriler, 14 700
Peter Mickley, of D. II 700
LNlartin L. Miller. - 14 7 00
Jolla Chamberlain, 'l4 • 700
.11.-a. Ann Kaltman, 14 700
Thotial Cooper,
C. 11. °minim),
W. IF. Witaiore,
J. Dillon,
issatisaykat Toseasiga
Jncob A. Gardner, 12 12 50
Riley & llollinpr, 14 7as
James Magary, „,„_, 11 700
Ephraim, lleitshow, —l4l 12 12 50
MasaiDoman Tzrwskip.
Sullivan A Rhiushart, 13 10 00
Paxton A McCleary, 13 10, 00
Jacob UoiMigh, , 14 700
Juhn C. B.:hart:or, 14 700
Berwick itreaskip.
D. E. nollinger, 14 700
IVilliam DATA; - 14 700
Dal.oit,p,autioal, 14 700
o.sford rowaskip.
Wm.. D. A $ A..Uitnee, 13 10 00
Brstress £ Winter, IS k.I 00
A trolh llesgy, , 14 700
A. Staub. 14 700
Anthony M. Martin, 14 700
J. &Smith A Co., 14 700
E hard Weigle, 14 700
John Ginter, 14 700
Michael Staub, 14 7 00
Charles Dull, 14 7 00
Jibtostp/easeng Irbonwhip.
J. & E. Miller, 14 7 00
Pito...O'Neal, 14 7 00
Jacob Gustunan. 14 7 00
I/radii/1g lbstonsAip.
JacobAulabanii, •13 10 00
Peter Sloblils,, 14 700
1. 11. Shipley. • 14 700
Andrew II male?, 14 700
Ussioa Averaskip.
Peter Long, 14 700
Abraham &ill. 14 7 00
Abraham sassy, ' 14 , 700
Germany 11rwaskip.
Ephraim Myers. 13 10 00
J. A:Shorho 13 10 00
Spalding 1 Noel, 13 10 00
Lewis Stonesifer, 14 7'oo
George 11 audit, 14 700
William F. Crouse, 14 700
Johnllller, 14 7 00
Myer Nusbaum, 14 700
!teary Dysart, . 14 700
Couowago Towas/sip.
John 'Bushey, Esq., 14 700
lteily& Sneeringer, 14 700
Distiller's Lieepse.
David Rhodes, Freedom tp.. 10 50 00
Win. S..lenkins, C,mowago tp.. 10 50 00
Michiel Ilerring,liamiltontisui tp.lo 50 00
Notice is hereby giren to all persons inter
ested in the above return of classification,
that Twill hold an Appeal, at the Commis
sioners' olsce, in Gettysburg, on Tuesday,
day effuse next, between the hours
of 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 P. M., when and
where all persons that may consider them
selves aggrieved by said classification may
.1. M. WALTER.
Appraiser or Nereastlile Taxes for Adams co
May 17, 1858. 4t
1/0 WWI* from ST/ so- TS mete per gel-
JIA- km, welt C• 169011 from 12 So 14 mots per
pound-A-444v *Aides, and wartby ado at
seadeo of housekeepers, af,
Msy 2d. ihsoser & • Jr:.
a ArinT Ihiw p Annisr, Otp.,st
►, , .
Norkut 46,11hatias4.
The Only-Safe
REPARATION that does sot D e, but
ph ___...Lava wet does sot use.
will restore GRAY HAIR to ita or t ipinal
od lbw or, Natergig own process. fie Pio essor
0. J. Wood's oekbrated 11.111? TIES ORA-
In proof of the atr)ve amsortion, read the
fidlowing_testiunny from disjinguislied per
sons from all part of the country t
lf.m. Solomon Mann, Ann Arlonr,
says his wife, wh , ,%e hair had Loconie very
thin, and entirely white, was restored to its
original brown color, and had thickened and
become beautiful and glossy upan, and en
tirely over, the head. Other; of my family
and friends are using your itettorative With
the happiest efforts.
nom Jmixe Breese, Ev-Sonatur of Illinois,
says my hair WWI prematurely gray, but, by
the use of W. ;od's ILenG raj ve, it has re4u trick!
its origitia! color, and I have uu duubt par.
manentl v
Hon. H. I. Stewart, says, ruy hair was
very gray, hot after using twu bottles, it re
stored it to its natural Mot..
Rev. J. K. Bragg, Brookfield, Mass., says
it has removed from my head inflammation,
dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching,
and restored my hair, which was gray, to its
J. W. Davidson, Monmouth, 111., says, my
hair was two-thirds grey, or rather white,
but, by the application of the Restorative
as directed, it has resumed its original color.
Dr. G. Wallis. Chicago, says. after using a
great many other preparations, all to no ef
fect, I used one bottle of your liar lie•toru
live, which has cure I a humor iu my head of
two years' standing.
Beniamin Leargridge, 254 Seventh Avenue,
New York, sap. having duet niy hair by the
effects of the Erysipelas, w hen it began to
grow, instead of black, as heretuft,re, it was
well mixed with gray. Having tried many
preparations to restore the color without
feet, I was induced to try yours, and in
spite of all my doubts it has had the desired
11. L Williams, M. D.. Peckensville, Ain,
says, I have used your Restorative, and lad
it all that it is recommended to be. 1 have
tried it for Totter and find it a muds cafe.
W. 161. Woodward, M. U., Frankfort, Ky.,
says, he ree•immenda it in his pniotiee as the
be preparation for the hair now in use.
Edward Walcott, says, three months ago
my lytir was very gray, it is now a dark
brown, the original who., smooth and glossy,
all by the use of Wood's Restorative.
Wilson King, says, one month's proper ap
plication will restore any person's hair to its
original color and texture. ,
J. D. II .es, says, a few applications fasten
ed my hair firmly, it begin to grow out and
turn black. i.s anginal color.
Bet.ey Smith, Northeast Pennsvlvanit.,
says that her hairhad, fur a number of years,
been perfeoly white, but now it is restored,
to its youtWful cola, molt and glossy.
Dr. J. W. Bond. St. Paul, says that his hair
is strong, thick and black, although a short
time since he iffillioth bald and gray. The
people here saw its effects and hare confidence
in it.
Morris Gosling, M. D., St. Louie, says that
after trying many other preparttione, all to
no efreet, he used two bottles, wh:eh covered
his head with a new and• vigorous growth of
hair And invites all to come and see it.
Sarah J. B own, says her hair was not only
gray, but so thin that she feared its entire
loon.—but after using two bottles it restored
both the color and growth.
Prepared br 0. J. Wood I Ca.. 114 Mar
ket street,St. Lillis, and 312 Broadway. New
York. and sold by all Druggists and Patent
Madivine Dealers; also, by all Fancy and
Toilet Goods Dealers in the United Buttes and
Canada. •
May . 24, 1358. 3m
Rhoads & Buehler
L Have constantly on hand, at their yard
U on Washington and Railroad streets,
.If any vrtrirty of River and Mountain
B LUMLIER—Witite Pine, Hemlock,
E Poplar, Ash. &c.—Boards, Plank,
U Joist, Scantling and Studding. They
are ready to fill all orders, at the short
est notice, for any amount, for 'sunning pur
poses, at prices which will surprise those
who may favor them with a call. They have
also on hand a lot of worked Flooring, Win
dow Sails, Palings for fencing, Plastering
and Shingling Labs. 4c.
Gettysimrg, May 3,1858.
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
THE Rfard of 3, cool Directors of Franklin
township will meet at the house of niNRY
Iftcsurr, is Cashtown, ip said township, on
Sahceday. the sth Jogai Axe fled, at !o'clock
in the afternoon, for the purpose of letting.
to the lowest 64 beat bidder, the building
of a BRICK SC IIOOL liOUSb. in the tit
large of Mufantasburg. Plans and epecifies
ti•ms can be seen by mains on the first nam
ed of the Committee, is said village.
May 3,185 R. tl Comaitke.
SREADS I BUEIILER have, at their
Stove Ware Room, iu West Middle street,
T and at their Coal and Lumber Tard, on
0 Washington and Raiir sad streets, four
V varieties of Cooking Storer, embracing
IC the Nohle Cook, Royal Cook, William
8 Perm and Sea 8 cell. These Stoves are
of Pitiladelphia manufacture, have
bean recently patented. and have been thor
oughly tested. They n pronounced supe
rior g 0 all others in fbe country, for Coal or
Wind. lisey will be delivered anywhere in
the mealy. if ileAired.
Gettysburg. May 3.
The Swan Hotel.
subscriber would most respectfully an
amigos that he has taken the lintel lately
kept by Israel Yount, in Frederick street, in
the B 'rough of lIA:cOVEIt, where he is pre
pared to unxnumodate. in elegant style,Trav
tilers and others visiting the place. He
Pledgee himself that nothing shall be want
ing to wake his House a pleasant and agree
able home to all who may give him their
custom. The house is large and convenient,
and will always he provided with attentive
Domestics and a faithful and honest Ostler.
The Bar and Table are supplied with the
best the market will afford. and his beds will
Ise found to be ili die hest possible condition.
In everything perblining to a first rate house
the subscriber is determined not to be sur
passed by any one. Just give him a trial—
you will always find old Dave about.
There is a fine Yard attached, and Stabling
sufficient fur 25 or 30 horses.
Hanover, May 10, Mg. tf
Last Notice.
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted
to the late Firm of Cubean 1 Paxton
are requested to call and make payment
before the first day of Jane nect--as after
that time the accounix will be left in the
bands of a proper officer for collection.
May 24, 1858.
Ever Green Cemetery.
AN Eketion fors President and seven
Managers of Ever Green Cemetery Asso
ciation, to serve for the ensuing year, will
be held st McConsughy's Hell, on- Ntaidag,
thellk day of Jrae acid, between the hours
of 1 o'clock and 4 o'clock, P.M.. of said day.
H. J. &Ana; See',.
May 24,1858. to
Flour and Feed.
RUPZIWINI and flab* Flour, tkorn, Oats
1 .- 1 and Chop. White Corn Meal for milli
ner's so: NORBECIL a 112.1111 N.
Nay 54,1868.
IN SEASON.--A lane lot of Now
sod Crakes fleoloo,ofoil the differ
eat 'reds, oow selling, sithe ilealleet profits,
at • papaw. &Ziegler, Jr.. . . . __ ._ ... .._. , . _ ___
PO Segue and Boa r *large ie
a aorteteat, me Korea* if riargass' s.
* !roar it the Tlaitert-4.•
qi LI g subscriber yould inform the publietkat
he has opened a MIAOHINkI 81!0$ r _la
Cisambersbnr s / street, Gettysburg; nisattillbe
Foundry, where he will have various kinds of
Machines on hand et any time basuadlen
Kuch l'Aresitiag4so • =,po i r •
Cornfiasickr Cutter,
Cutters, noel Moroi iiNginrat
—two four ur sla-horse, ;
—111dt.:1X1 ait snob as eon be had . at' ;-over
or Littlestuvrn. Also; Mortising illiordllines,
for house carpenters, pat up in the 111111 best
and most substantial =WINN Caffrey
&mos or long Nan, any kind mew Ws Ism
that, eleven feet in length, aline* easeelled
to , as well.*. Tarsi ti in /mac 4 0 11011 11. 0
VINXId. Also all kinds of Its ratilifu ssa =as
elanory, dressing-up 11.11 opts:idles. lke. ; done
on the sUltest notice.
I hope that all in want of anything in my
line will call at my Shop before going eiv , ••
where. I will warrant all my work to Oro
eatisfstatiun to parebasers. -
March 20, 1858. ly
TO TAX-PAYERS.—Notiai le hereby Ow
en that the County Coqiggissiusters will
make an ABATEMENT of WVE per sent.
spun all State and bounty Taxes !weaned
fur the year 1838 that shall be paid to Collec
tors on ur before Tkirsday, the lit dais qf
July nett. t.; Alin:tors will be required tu call
on tax p Lyers on or before the above dote,
and make such abatement to all persons pay.
ing nn or before said day, and ray the Ulll3ll
to the C.Junty 'treasurer, otherwise no abate
ment will be made. By order of she
missiuners. J. M. WALTER.
May 10,1855. Clerk:
Now Goods,
AT the new firm of I'AXTON 1 McIL
HEN Y, ul the Sonai-Eu4l Curer of Cent.
tre Square.
The subscribers would vespetithilly intone
the citizens of Gettysburg and the public go
erally, that they have just received, est ate
now opening, a very choice selection of tints
and-Cisps,cousisting of Oakfurd's Philadelphia
Soring Style, 11 deskin Dress Hate, UMW ,
passed for neatness of shape and alevines of
finish ; Felt, Fur and Wool Hats, of all colors
and styles, together with a complete assort.
ment of Mon's and Buys' Cups, which they
warrant to be of the best material and of the
most fashionable styles, all of which will be
offered at very low prices. Also, Straw
goods of every variety and style.
mar These goods were carefully selected
and bought fur cash, which will enable them
to sell at very low prices.
PAXTON I 11c1Luarrr.
May 10, 1811.
The Liver Invigorator,
PREPARED by Dr. SANFORD,coutponnded
entirely from GUM;. is one of the best
Purgative and Liver Medicines no* before
the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier,
milder, and more effectual thnn any other
medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic,
but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver
to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom
ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus .
accomplishing two purposes effectually. with
out any of the painful feelings experienced
in the operations of most Cathartics. It
strengthens the system at the same time that
it purges it; and when taken daily in mod
erate doses, will strengthen and build up
with unusual rapidity.
The lava* is one,: of the principal regu
lators of the humanS body ; and when it
performs it functionsh well, the powers of
the system are f011y..4 developed. The stom
ach is almost entire-.v. ly dependent on then
healthy action of thee Liver for the proper
performaceof its func-z tions; when the stom
ach is at fault, the+- 4 bowels are at fault,
and the whole sleten< buffers inconsequence
of one organ—the 4 meta—haring ceas
ed to do its duty.— Fur the diseases of
that organ, one of the e ;„, proprietors has made
it his a pntos tice of more than 20
years, Co find somet a ., remedy wherewith to
counteract the many , ., derangements to
which it is liable. 04
• To prove that this remedy is at last
found, any persoitcP troubled with Liras
COMPLAINT, in any its forms, has but
to try a bottle, ancl,e, conviction is certain.
These Gums re-0 move all morbid or
bad matter from theit system, supplying in
their place a flow of bile, inviguraung the
stomaeh,causing f00d44 to digeet well, rent
?TING rat swop, gic-c 0 ing tune and health
to the whole machinery, removing the cause
of the disease—effecting a radical cure.
ttitiou*ArricKs are cured, ANn, waAT n
RETTIR, PREVENTED, by the occasional use of
One dose after eating is sufficient to relieve
the stomach and prevent the fur A from rising
and souring.
.Duly one dose taken before retiring. pre
Only one dose taken at night, !weeps the
bowels gently, and cores Coutrarrass.
One dose taken after each meal will cure
siirOne dose of two teaspoonfuls will al
ways relieve Sics LIZA DACUS.
One dose taken for female obstruetion re
moves the cause of the disease, slid makes a
perfect cure.
Only one dose immediately relieves exotic,
One dose often repented is a sore ear. for
CHOLERA Mosses, and — o, prerendro of
Sir Only one e is newled to throw est
of the system the eHbeZj4f medicine elks:
a long sickness.
sa`One bottle taken tar JAcxotca removes
all sallowness or unnatural oulur from the
One dose taken a short time before
gires vigor to the, and aistkas food di
gest welL
One dose often repeated cures CHRONIC
DIARRIICEA in its worst forms, while Susumu
and anvil. complaints yield almost to the
first dose.
One or two doses cure attacks caused by
Worms in Csildren ; there is no surer, safer,
iir speedier remedy in the world, u it :serer
isarA few bottles cure Nam, by !malting
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in recommending this
medicine as a preventive for Fares - and Aunt.
Cllll4 FEvita, and ull Favas of a Timms
TYPE. It operates with certainty, and thou
sands are wilting to testify to its wytiderful
All ieho.rise it are priag their usdaslialotts
testimony in its laror,
ow Mix water in the mouth with - She In
vigorator, and swallow both together.
THE LITER IN Y 1001.111)111 is a scieiitille med
ical discovery, and is daily working wares,
almost too great to believe. It if by
magic, even the first dose giving beset, anti
seldom more than one bottle is required to
cure any kind of Lives complaint, from the
worst Jostadics; or prspepsia to a COMM
Fissidocks, all of whailt are the melt of a
Dimas's° Ltvea.
DR. SANFORD, Priprietur, 845 Broad
way, New York. A. D. Bran can; Agent,Gettysburg • *
May 17, ISO. ly.
Ouvets I—Frorit Asugion.
3 0 v vA fi YDS. Carpets. all styles sad pat.
, terns. just reeeived. 'Web Inver
chased at auction sl s great atertiorAtLie
manufacturer, and which we will es
greatly reduced prices . We wig ea
pets. Wald tilling, headman patterns. at
31. 35, 40. 45 and 50 cents, seek se IMPINNT
were bought at suything like the;
prises. Those in wean of eitesri
should call at uses and select buss
Kull. 1858. • •
BRINOMAN COLN' havijittArouitkoiti
utoeeutoM'a= j otittitliailtr,' .n.Um, go. so 4 :MOPS
Go ititd am thou, at *sorb' •