The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 24, 1858, Image 4
= gettot* ^ He who by the plough would thrive, Himself must either hold ur drive." " t ii*g. at Ceaslniious--Sugar Cane. 43kt:blows augur cane is iutroduced, atilt VI itdnittl. that If the farmers of the North can produce their o , 4'n augur, or ciAlletheit Gull syrup, to soy nothing or g tiAlikands of commerce, it will be ig at• Malt importance, Alirt,,,eut to jtftriblaitiOsectireful experiments be foreAviiititit contluint. And yet; how - Nitany;' faith "but one tri.ll—env failure, that might have Lapp, ned to a ; crop of corn, or alicat, or pcnat,,es— hirre been ready to dehounee the s IRAs thing an a humbug of the baldest kind : One ebuld nut make the stalks grow to , a,' respectable size; another got very' gopd stalks, but could nut ripen the reed; another pressed out the juice ; with a eider mill, and though the ii . yrup ' NMI very good, it cab nut nUffielelilly I abundant to pay; nnothcr found the! have au unpleasant vegetable I taste. Still others • made very good I gyros, but could not make sugar, and' lestly an experienced sugar refiner of , Bf. Louis endeavored to make sugar frOm the syrup, and failed, and pub-; fished his - opinion that the Sorghum I wookil never amount to anything as a milli or. syrup-producing plant. Alt ikons; of course, were satisfiesi l —they. l needed no more lfght--they hall tested thomatter for themselves—and all the world •mand the rest of mankind" could I not change their opinioits... Tie all this; we have another side. Others havilt Weed fine canes and produced syrup' equal to Stus.rt'aGolden, and in large quantities, and they are in eentaeiee at the result: At the lute Convention of Northwestern sugar cane growers, field at Springfield, Illinois, eight or ten -1.. specimens of sugar were presented by as-many individuals. Joseph S. 4,0 v. 1 ering, of Philadelphia, an experienced sugar refiner, made sugar from the 1 syr" of Sorghum, of every variety, from the common broom to the fi nest! loaf. 'Mr. L. stares that there is no', dWftealty in making sugar, that it MU 4. - ..+1 0 1 20 ,;by one and all. Indeed, he ' says, "it is about as easy to make good 1 angel filial the Chinese Cane as to make 1 1 agood pot of mush, and much easier i than to inakeut. kettle of.'gofttl apple bolter." - • if I ;4 1 1Itboagla a sugar refiner, and pis setsing, or wuree, every futility for disking sugar, Mr. L. preferred to con duct his experinn.cts at his house with the simplest machinery, and such as could be 'procured easily by farmers. The canes wore raisetr on half an acre of good up-liitid, platitecl in rows four feet apart, and WY:niches apart iu the rows. On the 26th of September, the experiments In making sugar, (seven in ihunber e ) were commenced, and con tinued at intervals until the 20th of December. The -yield-per acre, Mr. L.. satimasee - at 1,22-1 lbs., and seventy tire-gallons of molasses, but he made no 16 .0-einkft' to peti uce large results, itAte,amount of cane or the quantity (if angler. More than double this quan tity Le thinks might be produced.-4:- ifeere'i Rural acts Yorker- • , Growiag Potatoes llnder Straw. Raving' roan in.the agricultural nah more than twenty years ago, re ports of extraordinary- satcess in rais itig potatoes by covering them with straw, 1 was induced to try a small ex periment, whicl I. will Maw for the benefit of some of your readers. , 1 plot in my garden, about fifty feet equate, of well manured clayey loam, wee - nosy spaded up and made fine and smooth. It was then marked out in shalkw drills, two feet and a half apart, and potatoes of the pinke_v variety planted whole, two feet apart in the drills, and barely covered NN ith earth. The whole patch was then cov ered with light, dry wheat straw— which had been very much broken by its passage through a threshing ma chine—and the same spread lighly and eakity- with a pitchfork, to the depth of out two feet. Several showers oc curred soon- after the potatoes were pllstod, whkh settled tho straw very timsiderably, and in duo time vines mum up through the straw, and soon covered the entire surface with the rankest vegetation. Nothing now was to be done to the patch till the vines were killed by frost in autumn. Not a weed appeared among them. At the usual tune of digging potatoes, the dead vines wore pulled and removed; then, with a pout tefbrk, the layer ofstravr—which was pretty well rotted, and not more than four or five inches _in thickness—wits carefully removed. To my grout sur prise, there lay the potatoes on the sur face, literally corering the ground, and al -most as clean as if they had been wai,ll *xi The were picked up and moasur- 458, bitt the quantity' do not remember. This much, however, I well recollea,l that I never raitwd so good a crop by ! any other niode.4ll unitupo. Thoy were eileorrstrifo' rm sine, and of good 'qua- i itt.--lifosnt.n, Latonia Spritigt, Ky. , illarti, 1858. ."I"odonbteilly the ahoy . ° method of ix *whit potatoes i$ worthy of 'further , ; triSlV—Vrpecially ify those who five in. wattek.. latitutlee. Protected l'y straw , ttenki the iteerelehrg rays of the - sun, ttiti l grooo,llllul4AtAltwilly remain MOisil eiso t i ar 4, 4 1 . 1 p, Roptli. 0 "4". ; riding for ..tat0501tH . '00410..4:43 tiei 3 / 4 40a ' to 441Plitikth;- 4 04,eN4 . - ~..7= 2 - • •! , I aria& akeiditietee Saler 1 ; - Dileoltition 1 -- Freight 4 VALUABLE MON 1 BRASS FOUN-!/11? PARTNERSHIP.—The Copartnership I 11Q ETWEEN&LADELPIIIA £ N. 0X .,), Dity.—os nesday, ase 215 a of Mar, fi t w &Wing between the anbeeribere has been . 4 -' FOR,D.--• igesieseiptedierte r z 1 o'clock, P. M., the undersigned, Assignee diseeked this dill by rantnal convent. We i rarigroasate tilltb the Penasylnefflet under a deed of 'voluntary assignseant. for are Inuela obliged to our friends and the put). ! C 'gouty Ilk sum *at saes to. tigbtsville, , the Lanett of creditors. by ?noes* W.seser lie fee the liberal support extended to ue. , where Ono* can be tranals=so the 1 , & Wino A ill Nell at public sale. on the prem. ( Oar books are placed in the hands of Geo. Co. 1 i, , es, in Gettysburg. the fullJwing valuable' Bringinan fur euilestion. end we earnestly 1 The present rates of Freight between Plai t pr, prwrty, viz- 1 regnest those indebted to unto call and make adelibrut, est NenrOs Antillsen - TWO LOTS OP GROUND. fronting on l i.nmedinte p.tyment, IP we riseire to settle th e 1 On To CLASS, VI ' eta. per Irlo 11A. 1 Itriiro.Kl 1tre....e% ..n which i. ere , fe , / a ratan- J buswea, a the tiro ‘t itit.nit fielas. .241 " 40 •- " " " . . - tile Iron civil Brigs Funnilry, known ins'the "GrETrisuvitu FOUNDRY," with all the iwee.sary npintrate., Steam Engine, Flask*. Pattern., Tools, le. The Fintudrir is now in running circler and cluing ri huitinimw. There will illon he auld a pal IRON SAFE. `ltar.lliftilltitlee will he giren and ternit made known fur SAIfUEL iVEAVER, Assipuv. !kl•ly 3, 4158. ti Baatress & Winter, " 1\:" EW OA: FOR I). c" u Pro . due, IVI . LCUrtiIIIJIIII , I C1.11111)ItYa1lIll C" ; tsild LA3411,31.4 etTie,; ooiLstant,l) utt 11.ud, li4h, Salt, .1' la, Gn i ino, if.r. FtAit IVIIE tT, Coax, BYE, Ott?. CLOvER til.4 6,ught AL ttuleo, fut Nlll . lCil tile II are paid. Feb. 1!!!3` 4 . tiul Lumber and Coal. THE sub-criher informs the p•iblie that be continue. the Lumber and Coal businemi at Lirri.Estows. Adurnsllflty, on n larger scale than ever—embracing White Pine Bards and Plank, S,Ntutling,Training Stuff, PLastering Lathe-, Palings, 1.c., with all kind. ~f St ve, Llinelmrner+' and Blacklutitlas' Coal, Tani near the Depot.— lle invite., the call, of the public, and wall Dell as law az the very lowest. JOHN MILLER. April 19, F 5 4. ly New Lumber Yard, T NEW OXFOilD.—The. undersigned would infirm the public that be has .ipcued a LUMBER YARD, on a large fcale. in the town of New Oxford, Adams county, to which the Gettysburg /tailcoai bait been al ready extended. lite assortment' embraces all kinda Lamtper-Pluriel. Yirst and Second Common aml Calling Ilunrar. First and &mond C .wmun Ittsl Culling Plank, Hemlock Fencing attartie, Ileaaltek Jonas,. Settweling, Plaatering Lath, beaded and plain Valing, &c., tte., &e. !le invites culls from those in want of Lumber, feeling assured that in quality or price his stook cAN't us asst. He will en 110.1VIIr to deserve Taro* share of public ne trunage. JAC,RI :11:LA11.11:011. Yob. 1, 1858. Administrator's Notice GBORGE NEWCOMER'S ESTATE. —Let tens of administration on the e•itate of Geurgo Nevirisauer„ late of Menallen t .waship, Adams ol.onty, deceased. having been grant ed to thaetattinigned, rosiiling in the some township. she hereby gites notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make iminedi ate payment, and those intringelaimi aglanat the !salvo w preset diem properly authenti- Quad fur eettlement. . * ' EVE NEWCOMER. trectitris. Or to A.MnS SC IfLOS iE R. .444.51 • Per. the MIDIS, of MenAlk.o township Ap?it 26, (It Shawls ! T SCIECICS: Prittttri Casi niere Snawlor, S rthi, ("rape. ' - • De!aim!, April 5, 1.454. John W. Tipton. "MAK ATITIV4." ao to TilleOletarl`, 4 ) W T)pi)att's--- " lit, to fipton's in the co-ner— In the corner in the Diamond— In the Diamond neer MAllethal's. if you want your hair dressed finely— If you want your face shared smoothly. Bachelors who never knew ' Tip's the fellow that can do it— Do it iwthe latest fashion— Do it ceidek and do it neatly, And improve your 111911 I.) ,Its zreatly, Make you ilfsk so young' and. sprightly, Mnke you feel mon-young a n d brightly, Make you feel like going nightly Te rata upon some pretty damsel Who before %%mid n .1 look at you. At you too von roo-4 tree daily, Daily on the .public street. ' Alaryinteg men who wear moustuchei' Who slitokfeoeinte one en sett 'patches— litttehes *twee fburbrsleettee tear— Tip's the boy t..) make up mataes-- - Ilistehes-witlt /IflilL , lad) , Mr. Then rep_air to nptotOtSibtyp; Dande:Airv. Flirt and Pup. Jan. 1i,185g. Pine Old. Brandies. THE subscribers. Importers and Dealers in WINES cf LIQUORS, - wn , uld most re spectfully call this attenti'•n of perehasers to their Old Establishment, 5 North Pros/ Street. Philadelphia, where they haves large assortment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qua ties. Having made arrangements with sintif the firstbouseein Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their ett.t.lo•rtt, upon the most liberal terms. the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle , BR .1 N I )I ES : ll•nne.ry, Pellersio Pinet,Catfiltion ; J. J. DepJ . , t; & C ...T. [Hine A. S.'rgnette, Mn . rtel . Attrett, &.c. &e., of rim la- a nds and qualities. INF,s ; ritanipayar, Mo./eira, Lisbon, Old Opnrt , ,, Tenerife, linrettindy. Rork, Mas cot, Claret, Murry, and Malaya Wines. ll9lland Gin, Scheiriam Sehnispps,Jamaica S..otch and Irish Whiskey, Peach, Apple, Blackberry. Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brarelies ; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters. i.e. Also, Agents and S Proprietors at the Old Wheat Whiskev. C instantly on band an extensive stock of fine old 'Monongahela. Rye and B .etrbon Whiskey, of various grades, kiJIDU of which are guaranteed t,) be superior to any in the country all of which are imprinted by age. From our long experience in the business, and .t thorough knowledge of the tastes ut the eommnnity, we flatter ourselves to be able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from thn country (which are most respe,!tfully ,olieited) will be protnialy at tended W. tiiirtheat care taken in packing and ship 'mg. See All kent from our evtablishnient are 4uaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON A. BRO., No. N,.rth Front 5.., Philadelphia Mareh 22, 1eN,58. lim Auctioneering. lc DREW W. FLEMMING, residing , in 13reckinridge Street, near James Tierce's, aettyshorg, offers his services to the public as a Sale Crier and Antlioneer. His charges are moderate, anti lie will on ail tmensious en deavor to render satisfaction. He hopes to re:che a share of public patronage. Avg. 17, 1P57. - Nett Cash n 0001)SBOUSE. Opening qr gpring G , fik/s : —.EYRE ,k LAND LL, Fourth Arch Streets, Philadelphia, are now offer ing a full stock .of New Oooda for Spring of IR6BI FASIIIONA BCC IttYKINt; (10014„. BLACK SILKS, 114 to 34 ineben Spring Drees Goode. New *lisp>, Salmis. to all tint nerreet Style*, • British, Preneb and Arneriese Chintzes, Foll - Seoelt oF-Dinernefie Gnats, Felt Semite( Itarropesi Goods. - N. II; eibrignine In ffeessonallieelieds; dal* releeleeli few- yewit a gaerwh i apipia l o o t 1. • ..• P. S.AltitgliANTS map iinellitaSOMN iflalllPCNileCieruth. and .1 ,w privet. reit 14,464 i 3,11 GF:O. E. BRIgOMAN 11. ..11;tiliFNBA0(11.1. April 19, 15C;ft Z. Ji ULSIG • ['WM crs.r. New Firm. , . lairtisolrAN kV. CU LP, Sn...!t:!eisoiti ta Bring -Li mom .t: An ; rlonl,n, 4 ll, Mmufacturers.oul iltiklers in ay's. c.kpl. ROOTS. SITOES, Trunk.. liaroes., b 01.11 e., Bri lies , Collars, Cui!..relln.,, Caro-, k 5 lluting coal nicticed Liwine•o. at ti , welt known ettild Bringurin 4 Auightn',.,ug.b,(tlign of the B:g Il u ut) we ir k % ite 411 wh, de.izu anything in cur llt.e of feeitn.,!, vutt,lekt t r out we will be Ale t 43 give. entire ,ittiefaction all who mety favor u,, with their pattinage. & Boot.a and me., mad- ul eol the -itturteqt no tice, aa herntritore. Ale !farness, Bridled, Trunks, uu 1 all kinds of repair ,l,,,ne at th e .liorteit nutlet.. C,ule one Cure all ! Itetnember the Ottee, Chauthersburg street, sign of llyd Big 13 .It. Ucttrh:trg. April ^B, 1R53. A Card. THE puivieriber Joixjag diopased'of his in terest in the-iot a / 1 1 ot 71:1 - nari Ankh inbaingh to John Culp, reppktrulfy obi tiler etnitinuan4 of his friends and tusatuntSti to patronize the new firm of gringmen Oulp. 11.1C.N4Y April 2G„ O. H. McCormick's lop N PER A NI) MOW RR.-1 still have the Agonoy Rot.' C. It. NlXormick's Reaper and Mower, and will offer to the Farmers this year toii machines,. the.two4orse ma chine and Ott four-boriie machine- 7 0nil will guarantee .cair chances and full satisfaction to any person who may want to perehase a nielune. Any man purchasing a mtu.hisie from MC nnty work the machine' against any other machine during hay-making and bar rest,'llBd if it dots nutgive bettor satisfae thou than toy other machine with which it may he worked, they are at lilierty to return it. Farmers will send in their orders to my self. at Fairteld ; DAvia S o hwarta, at tittl e s: town; or Franklin Hersh, at lginr 00ford as early as pi.Nible, anal say which' sized tuaelsine they want, as we are takin4 in or ders new fur the cooling season. • J. S IVITITEROW, .1 ; eat for Adiuus county. April 12,'15 - 4, $,l New Coal 8r Lumber Yard, N Oxroeu, Aulita C4CNTV, v4KLis. thttsu has reueired and will eoostutitiy keep ou lion.L'it faro alma well ItAts Noted tuteurunent of Lt . Mti F it, and superior article of COAL suitable fur family purraes. A4so,-11'utektsmitli's Coot of the tetat orders fur sawed lioultur txu4 be filled at the shortest! nutice. ' ' Flt.iNKLIlc OUSEL Now Osf.lrti. Fel.. R. 1S AL it s Lot. P_t'XTUN., TRANI emnevr. Neiv Firm. - P.tXTON Sc MALIIENY, (Sueeeraprs to C'Acast do Paxtaa,) - ‘V holesal... and Retail Donley, in 11.1,T5, GAPS, 13001'S, SHOES, x STItAIV 0001 S. Also. W,411 P 4 Per, Inimb , ac SAiselet, Trititats, Cap. pet Bays. Umbrella., CAS /4C4i, Tubitcen Iva .S!emars t 3.7 VII AMISH 'LAST VOlOllll OF . CJINTar. Gegfiburgy, .I.(lams Cuualy, Pa. March td, 1555. 0' The First of the Season! (ARCUI SA 31SON has just reactive.] from -u-s- the Sow !fork Auction Sales, it large lutof REA I.IY-M A 1)E CL)TIf UNG for spring sad eutuater, which he is able to sail at prices uttprecepeatedly low. The new arri‘al %%in slate of Frock. Sack and Ciatte, with. Pants and Vests. in Kroll style* and puttern4—for Men :tort Rip. Coll anti examine the large assorttnent before pur chasing OM! Where. Goode will be reeeiral from Nev. York , every few weeks throu g h m ik the saiwon.— LtiOareenteatti t 43 )•Urviine Ruch 114 eauto..t offerml by qua, th et. establishment in the county ore now, aotl will e!moiano to Ittli offered, Mail:lt 29, '5B. Oppoeite the !auk. Fresh Fruits, , ilsoresiss, NOTION'S, tic.— v-A -Fruit,. Fruits of every dest.tription, as follows—Layer Raisins, Figs. , Oranges, Lemons. Dates. Falai Nuts. Pi'burls, hard and paper shell Almonds, Putt Nuts, the. Oroceries. A goOd assortment of Sugars-- 1,/af. Brotro, Powdered and Crushed, Coffee, N. O.M ,htsseg, Syrups of the bait quality, RICAN Soda, &arch, Tests, thonnumut (ground and unground,)Cluves, Mustard, dot.. Per/mm.117. Periggiory of diary description. which will be sold low foresail. Lemon Syrup. A large lot just rpoeivel—Any one cf. - miring a cheip, pleesset ;ma*pithy . drink will do well • by p renastng this Sirrup. Matzo. All the sarionskinds of Tense- cu, Cigars tin& Swift fur sale ' by Win. Boyer Sun. Figepar. , We have a good qualitr. as all will say who have tried it. Flourctro ed. We have mile arrangements to hare oonstautlY on hand Flour and Feed; which we will insure tei Le of superior quality, and at stich priosti att a.naot fail • I to pie we. WIL BOYIR sox. Aprit 1R.6: Cabinet-making tIE undersigned has commenced the C.:l,i -net-makingg business, ul M motplea..ant township, Adams CV LID ty, tJtl tb , road lendsug from the Two Taverns to H a llo% er, ahout, quarter of a unit northawet ofShet ly stare, where be La. , . u /1•111(1, M:1 , 1 %ill tn.kna faeture to order, Burraus, Bol,tradt, TaUes, Staupli, stud every ut%ier article in h s line, put up of the best material:, and in a work manlike manner. pOrCs . ,ffini mule at the sliorto.t notice. a nd trim m ed t, order. Ile 16 prul 'Lae," with a first rate new Ilo.irse. e asks a sliAre of public patronage, and will endeavor, (by strict sitiniattaiii , I uslnea 4, with glad work and :oft eharges,) to tie hen e it. JUSEPII BEDI:It3LAS. April 10, 1:43. 3-4 - - - NOW 0 - 00d8 ! CIIKAPER TLIAZi liVii, l—Fahaeshiek Brothers hem just, received a large ae• sortrastst ~f LadiA4' Dress Gouda. such as T ! Dumas, Challis. iNiliurise, aulass a tau) - la, Sinai, Chintz, Lawns, Gingbaans, L4T to which we incite the at.ention of buyers. Our eo stAwk.urtorisiag every iariety of style , and pattern, lima baling 6en selected with care uniiplrehase.l low, we out offer itiduceuiarkts to those wishing S t ains ti,ouds such its Cad" not he had elsewhere. April lt, 11458. - Chit,l/1 Robes. THE third enriWiti of Wiles by express.- 11 . Th 41,14.40464 wpm yet acted so the in -41 Fee, siad . fit,. 'Which they fail to please their tunes. Cnewo sontedieteiy if y Let went pretty nod cheap *node; hams eiytet 'emit rilittsriat :of side stripe rulisejust received at • • ' Aprilgt, 11 1 , 44 T DAVE slew' fwtcyCOM EMIT liebtitt WM. eell=fe4lidei lentos' = • %Ala; et ' Mavis It. 01 7 .0. ARNOLD. s' '‘ll+% Cet.sti 's 31 3 4 i " 4th " ?$1 " j " " fur the present othewitt be shipped "nly twice s wuck from PhiLtdelphin--on M ,flitty and l'edile.l4(.lity. Brit they will be itsi d ppea dxilxx whencver there is au accurnu latwu of `2900 1t,,. or riffirsalt. lIECRY KAUITELT. Wrigladvitle, 31.o..:11 15, 18.1 4 . 4En J. Lawrence Hill, X. D 14 AS hi, office no 111111 1114 y. door west Di the Lutheran church it Chambersburg. street, and ~ pts, s ite Picking's ;ton , . where t.lmKe ‘vishing to ha% e any Den tal Operation perf.rtned are reAportfully invi• ted to call. RETICRENCE4: Dr. I). 'Turner, Rev. C. P. Krutli, D. D., Ite%. 11. L Baugher, D. D.. Rev. Prof. 31 Ja.fobs, Prof. 31. L. Stun er. it;ett , : mburg, April 11:53. IPiie Insurance. THE Perry County Mutual Fire Insurancq Cumpn ny —Capital it1.:9,544.)---elfeets iu surances in tthy pirt of the State, against loss by tire ;prariev t tly misfits it* operations kt its roiuurces ; fitful-4s ample indetunity i antpremptly adjusts its losses. AdAtrna county is represented in thu Beard I of Ilunagers by 1Ion: Musts McCt.t.t N. 3IeeLE.IN. Agent. Office of 11'& W McClean, Orttyaburg Star '26, 1536. D.. XoConaughy, A TTORNRI'. AT LAW. (Aloe one door .A- 1 - west of Buehler's drug and book store ChtinthersheN street,) Arroancv •ND So: L t crma /Olt PATIrli79 Awl) Penstows. 'Bounty Land Warrants, Back-pay supendeJClainte. and all other claims againiss the Government st WAshing:ton, 1). f,' ;111WAincrican Claim in Ritelaud. L.tnd Warrants located anti it.dd, or bought, and highest prices given.— Agents engaged in locating ...arrant; in lowa, Illtnois and other western Stater. eßrApply to him personally or by letter. Getty bang, Nov. 41, 1R53. • m. B. McClellan, A TTORNEY AT LAW.-016re on the south side of the publis square, 2 dour* west of the Seutinel °thee. dettysburg, A.ugast 22, 1853. Edward B. Buehler, A TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully sand promptly strand to all busiorse entrusted to hjm. Ile speaks the Gomm) language.— Office at the 'tame Owe. street. near Fornoy's tkeg etore, and nearly oppoeite D.iuuer do Zimgler'd store. . tiettydburip 34.ereti 4 1, /, • .:) Regfeter'e Notioe. I\T )'TICE is hereby given to all legates and I ' l other persons mmeernett that the A thrtin• istrittion :Lemmata hereinafter 'mentioned vat be presenteJ at tbeoephaa's evert of Adams emhety ft wnfirination and aliollhtnee,•en Theetray. Me 25tit day of .ifiy nett, at 10 ~•eh,ek, A. M., viz .• 33. The sconnir a ceou tof Geo. Meek . ler, one of the Ail ntinistra (ors' of John Flickinger, decoaried. t Tile first nt of John Nano maker and William A. linty-son, Exec utors It' the last will mid Loatament of John Nitneraaker, 9en., deceased. ' 35. The second account•of Cornelius !fess and Joseph nertg,'ExecutorSpf the will of Isaac 1.1,:55, dace/Laud. 34. The acconia of Bator Wulford and Samuel Arnold, Administrators of the ostate of John Arnold, law of Bond• warombip, deeeaved. .717. The dr,t account of Jacob A amid John B. MeUreary, FixeOu !ors of Geork.. Poaidniif.doCeased. 38. The ac,•oniit. of Martin Gets. AdminiArator of tho estate of Abnahain . Kitchen, ethised. The first necannt of Tobias Boy er, gxeciitur of the last will and testa well( ot hoary Shrtioder, tiecea.led. 411. The drat ntid final aocount of John 13. Gal hnii th, A4ui mistral:or I.of the eiutta of Margaret Undbrai th dead. • 41. The first and final aeconnt. of John B. flalfiritb, Administrator of the estate of Ann Galbiaith, deed. 42. The first and final account of John B. Galbraith, A.liniuistrator of 1110 cetato afJane 13dU Galbraith, dec'd. 43. The second account of B•naunul Spangler, Administrator ofJohn Spang ler, late of Berwick Borough, decease 44. The fitl=t and finak,aueounpflohn Arautit, surviving Atimiuistrator c. t. a. of the estate ofJuhn dthed. 45. Thefirst and final aceoant of Mi chael Fiscal, Execator of the lest will and testament of Hannah Viseel,-dee'd. 411: The first and final ac c ount or Ja cob Aulebeugh, A,dtu4oietrator of Mary Suminervillo, dee'd.: 4L The weond and final account of John idcllrain, Fag., Executor of the last will and testament of Moses Melt vain, deccaised. 48. The fiat account of Joseph J. Smith, accounting Executor of the last wdl giud• t4.t.statnunt of John .11cLuler, Son , law of Munn tpleanaht twp., dee'd. 49. The first aucouut of Abel T. Wright. AdininiAtrator of Lewis Null, late of Menallen township, clecensel. LgitS, Ro,;igter'e burg, .tpril2fl, 1858. f Removal. i LI:X. FRAZER, Watch Cluck Maker, - 1 has rein.% ed his shop to Cilambersburg; street, opposite the Lutheran Church, where he will always be happy to attend to the ealls of eustwers. Thankful for past favors, he 11.,pe3, by strict attention to busineili and a desire to pleas, to merit and e the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, March 8, 1855. New Firm. GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS.—J. C. (;cash d, Beutuka hit% e taken the store of John fluke, oh the North West corner of the Diamond, where they will continue the Dry Goods and Gro.:ery business on an en larged scale. They will constantly keep on hand a large and varied assortment of every thing in their line. They have just laid in a !Urge and splendid stuck of Sprinyitasi &se tter Cowls, and are now upeeing them for the in-peg:l4in of the cordially intim the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity to give us a call, and examine fur themselves, es we feel satisfied Liey will want no other rocummendation to induce them to buy.. We are determined to keep, nothing but good Goods and to sell cheaper than the cheapest for the cash. Give us a call, no trouble to ‘tihuvr goods. April 5, 1858 J. C. 01:1Ii2T & BRO A Card. .. fiIrA.VING disposed of my store to the Messrs. (hum), T wi?ald roismuinead ; k epi. Sri eo to the ulasnoe of the politic, iirel be ttiq wilt pieelro ji large gisl3 of the Pub prithth - la: ' ' MIN' liCtifir. ' April 5, 1553. . . 1:1448 7 and Qum of every eveiely , / 4 4 4, fr 1 0 , ',,B.l4•Taiges 04,111; K. 111116/4113PUL !MN wr TWIRL.. To the.Parnters. Family Groll re and Provision limnrrs armaind Regoof and rook, . ILL lisalsine vitt Wood's Lespreenessa—. ifIILLESPIE & ?ROMA reepectlblly in- Th e un d eri d anted. bavinn been appointed %. 4 form the pie of Gettysburg and the a!Lgent forlie side of hianny's Combined paiblia .7 , • llll4.4 . 6 7Mveilhandautzlei Reaping and Mewing Machine, with Wood'i sod from the cit with a general assortment of Improvement, for Adams county, offers them GROCERIES, RQYLSIONS and VELETA-, to t h e t public, knowing them to be the best BLEB, which t ey are prepared to sell as low t combined machine in use. It has been sac • ti the lowest. }LO( and FEED always un easefully introduced into different parte of our hand, and sold at small profits. i State, and I sold , thirty-four last season, in i Store on York street, one door east of Wat- • Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.-1 tle , ' Hotel. I The machine received a silver medal at the Gettylthorg, Aug. 3, 18.57. i State Fair—also, the first Premium at York, Cumberland, Centre, Huntingdon, and other county Fain, where it was exhibited. 'Far mers needing a Reaping Machine, will please call upon the undersigned. before purchasing, I he always takes great pleasure in showing! the Machines,. Early orders are solicited, as the number received from the manufacturer ! will be in proportion to the dein:lnd. SAMUEL lIERI3SI', Agent, Opposite the Eagle Ilutoi, Gettysburg, Pt. M.treb 1, 1458. Assignee's Notice. THE undersigned, having been appointed Assignee under a Deed of Trine for twe aks of erekiitors of L. FRANKLIN IitIYERS and WIFZ, of Reeling township, Adams county, ma w° is hereby given to all persons kiluvring themselves indebted to said Myers, to make hamediato payment to the under signed, residing iu Latioaoro township, and tlyse having claims against the same to pre seat them properly authenticated fur settle ment. JOIN MYERS, .tarignce. April 19, 1855. i, Gt Adams County Mutual FIRE INSUIt.k.NCE COll)ANY.—ltioor puroted March 18, 1851. orr,tcur..s. President-11eotr Syrnre, Viet l'relident—S. R. Iturt.sell. nee relari=-717t.liiiiii Treasurer—David ArCrenry, Executive C'orawittes—RutArt McCurdy, Andrew Ileintzelman, Jacob King. Al ex AC Z 'la.—George wupe, D. A. I intact. M'C„itrdy, Jacob - King, A. Ifeintselman, 1). M'Cienry, J. J. Kerr, M. Eichelberger, S. R. Bushell, A. B. Karts. Andrew.Pullsv o .8. Pstancatuek. Wm. B. Wilson, U. A. Picking. Wm. B. Al'Clellan, JAn Wulfurd, K. G. Mc- Creary, Juba Horner, E. W. Stable, J. Augh inbaugli, Abdiel I. Gitt. IliirThis Company is limited in its opera tiro fettle county of Adam. It has been in gatemen) operation fur more than six years, anal in that period has paid all tossed and ex penses, without any ants:next, having also a large surplus capital in the Treasury. The f E Comps . employs no Agents—all business being eby the Managers, who are annual ly tlee by the Stockholders. Any person desiring' an Insurance can apply to any of the abille *tuned MaaAgars fur further infor mation. 'fir The Executive Committee meets nt the tape of the Company un th e knit Wetluebday in ever] month, at 2, P. M. Sept. 28, 1857. Important Discovery. CONSUMPTION and all Diseases of the Lungs and Thrust are positively Cured by Inhsiatiou. which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air emenegpilleeig-essniegrase-dieeet minim* with, the disesse, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the col/ILp Cal4llB a free „and easy ez- Pectof . ;1 4 le 'the "'flings , 1 *Ries the bigea imparts renewed vitality to the nervo whale, givhig that tone and energy so ladle+ pensable fur the reetorstiou of health. To be a* to State maldently that CensumptiOn is enable by inhalation. is to me a source of unelloyed pleasure. It is as much ender the control of medical treatment as any other for inidahltedisease ; ninety out of every hundred cases es* be cured in t(te tinastages, amid tilt) , per can in the second : but in die third stage it is impossible to save more than tire per cent for.tbe Lungs are 10 Out up by the dis ease as^ to bid defiance to medical skill.— grin, however. in the last stages; Inhalation bands eatraordinary relief to the suffering attending thie fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five thousand persona in the United states alone c and a °erica calculation Shelves that of the present population of the earill, eighty millions are destined to till the Coarampti ve's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal asl Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, fur it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the breve, the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gitt, i ern • enabled to ofltr to the afflicted a permanent and speedy mire in Consumption. The dad cease of tubercles is from impure bleed, abd the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which camas a oreekened vitality through the emus system. • Then surely itismoterational to ex apeetirceter good room medicines entering the d es ht the langs than from dices lidmin ishleed through the stomach : the patient will always find the lungaliemand the breathing empaltir Inhaling remedies. • Thus, inhala tion is al local remedy. nevertheless it sets csamtitutkatily, and with more power and certainty. than 'toadies administered by the stnesioth. ; • To pant the powerful and direct itatUence of thli Mode of adminivtrat:on, chimaera inhaled will entirely destroy sensi bility In a few minutes, paralysing the entire nervous systers.-so data limb may he am. palmed without the slightest pain inhaling thertordinary horning gas will destroy life in a few tom. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or a reedy dead. 7-- The (Airier suariy of the t `nee is percepti ble fee ate skin afe anted after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. A conlincios {proof of the (*natl. tutional effects of tnindedoet, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air-I-is not this positiie evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happiest results 1 During eighteen yews' prucuce, many thousands suffering from dibmses of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even afkr the sufferers hat. been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment or con suusption is unglue', slid founded on long ex perience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the natant of tuber elLs, &c., enables WC to distinguish readily, the varjoua forms or disease that simulate con sumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare ly bung mistaken even in a single ease. This famillaricy, in connortipti" i‘h certain patho logical and ruicrosCopfc disedieries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purity the bloat, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with fall directions sent to any part of the United States and Canada's by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which I would gieerneett opportunity to examinethe lunge and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and awn the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. GRAIIA2I. M. D., O 1 3 1 Filbert 51..( old Nu. 109, ) toclo to 12,61, PRILADItI2IIIA, PL. July 20, 1257. ly \TRW HOUSE A, NEW GOODBI—JACOBS 1 - 1 & BRO. have removed their Merchant Tailoring Estatlishment to the splendidness three-story house on the ninth sideofCbstn bereburg street, adjoining Bringmaa A .Augh inbaugh a, where they will continue business OD a larger Seale than ever. Their stock of Cloths, Casslmeres, Casei nets, Vestings, le., Ac.; bee-beeti largely in creased, sad they are prepared to tell as /ow as the /oweti--defying all competition. Give them a call, and examine their assortment be ' fore purchasing elsewhere. 14 o, trouble to show goods. Clothing made up on short' notice and In thet-VerY beat and moat tasteful maasner.4- With their - Icng practical experience in the businews, and ileaket to pleankthes bop" to be able to give entilfastlmrin all chess. CALA thin 'Ann, Dormitio Goods Gettysburg;March 22. 1 85 9 . mostvesti ~s ist-St3ll.Pialli • . of• _ Ginglouns, Chee " GMAN 1 CULP have just reassletult - Pa?' °VW - f April Igelendid assortment of Silk • Felt fsif, laze all the go. and ' inl4. White Goods A ND St3I=RIES.—J. L SCHICK - 44 - would 'Leslieslew stamina hie large = 01 4 oi _new style Brilliants, Cam bric., nets, Plain thillOttriCS, Liuen, Col lars; Hasidkakeeiars, So. lApril 5. To Get TILE fun worth uf .yoex money, make your purehaaes of Beady-msue Clothing, Booth, S toes, flats, (fops, Trunks, Clocks, Viotaw, end everything else in the aerie' ty line, tt MSO.N Mart* 2, 1838. New Goods. ja Ns's , ego Aeo 1444 re QEO. ARNOLD. April 3, rlss. 4 LMO :SPiojilihtrPmViu•te•n4tb•etht - 15 - ' i 4iilo4llllVairliere, at rattnestockte. New Spring Goods! JL. SCLIICK has just revolved and offers • for sale the must desirable assortment of DRY GOODS ever brought to Gettysburg, cons is ti nriiiWor Sprin.Silks; Plain Black de., Foulards, Cdalli Robes s'quille, Lawn do. do. Suring Detainee, . ()debts! Lustros. Also, Bambasines, Atps.xas, De Beges, Giagbasas, Lawns. Bril lams, Shepherd's May Crepe Do Elpluige,Tissue Beregesoke. AtPfi l. 4. 1858. The laresi4ovr t AT GRTTYARCIA, PA. It. Samson, Manager ti 2 Proprietor Doors open at 6 o'clock, A.M. —Performance to eummeace immediately after. PRICES OF 'ADSIISSION. Adults. FREE Children, (under 14 pmrjvg uge,) Half Price GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC 1 The subscriber. thankful for peat favors, respeltfully informs the inhabitants of ,Get tysburg and surrounding oountry. of the fact that he has just received from the New Ybrk Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK- OF GOODS! which he is determined to sell nt_astonishing ly low rates for CASH. In return fur the liber al patronage bestowed up in him, he will giro a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc caion will be presented TWO ALLGYIFICENT PIECES! Oa Wedaesday, October 28, and every day until farther notice, will be presente G d the very is 2 SI eily of OOD M with the following unri rolled cart : —Fashion able Clothlnfi, from the snarl to the lowest priced ciaahtlee. Gentlenion's Furnishing Goods, in great variety. Boats, Shoed, [Mite, Cape, ite., to suit all tastes. vs An iiitermission of Ten Minutes, to allow tht.e making large purchases time fur Lunch. &a., &e. The whole to conclude with M. &mason's suc cessful Play. entitled VARIETIES! the beauty . of whjuji ,uri,ll,}:p4se spat excite ment amenglhe wlies and Oentleureo. Oct. 2G, 1857. tf SPOUTING.—George and•llanry %Vampler will make House Spouting and - put up the same low, for cash or country produce. Far mers and all others wishing their Louses, barns, sc., spouted, would do well to givi them a call. G.& 11. AV AMPLER. April 1t3.1.03,....11. Removed to Hanover. FRANCIS J. WILSON; late of the Wash itigton floove at Abbottstown, has taken HERSHEY'S OLD „AND P')Pt'L tit STAND, in Hanover, where he will be happy to-enter tain all who may, patronize him. His Table is supplied with_thc best the market and gar. on can &trod, awl his B•r with the choicest f liquors. nisi Stables as t com modious, and attended by Careful ObtLe.s. Give him a call. You Kill always find Ft/4st. oa the spot, rea4y azad wMJiAg to umba everybed,y com testable. . .. [April 27.1857. . To the Country;Good News. Tll AV rented the Foundry tie the, emu ing year : and am prepared to make . the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keepeoristantly on hand the treat kinds of PLOCG US, Rtiate. Shares, 'Meters, &a; Pats, Kettles, Pans, Washipg Mikehinok &44; Stowell and Machinery Per ched. Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; but being withont capital, and swingy -being neeensary to carryon the business, i will be compelled to sell for cash, but on all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Give us a cull. • It. 'M. 'WARREN. 1 Gettysburg, June 1,.1857. : : t T PRIVATE SALE.— rho undersigned 11 - offers at Private S de, all his Real &state as &Howe: No. I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet un ChamborAhurg street, 'with Brick 1./welling, Stable, and other improve ments. 2.—Lot adjoining above nn the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &c. Nn. 3.—Lot a.ljuiuing din. 2. fronting 32 ft ton same street, with hirge Clach Sh ,p, and utber improrrmentS. 4.:—Lot adjoining N 5. 3, fronting 21 feet, with dJuble Brick Dwelling, Smith S &c. s.—Lot we of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. 6.—Lot adjoining No. 5, containing about 3 Acmes. No. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet un Chambersburg, mtroct.. No. 9.—Tract of in ITamiltonhan township, lying nn Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in 6ret-rate timber. No. 0.-..eoath - Zstahtfetintent ttt - Stiep herdstown, Vs., with good will, AZ. The h.- cation is'an admirable une fur business, and iinprovocutuate in good order. sarTittes good and perms to suit purcha sers. Enquire of A Arßinumtn, Esq., get tysbu rg, or the undersignod residing in Stieg herdetawn, Vs. C. W. HOFFMAN. March 15, 1858. RemovaL Go`td►deec theta, - it em pigs Ah 8 04,5 44 6 1 1, ee:Dtts Deartml Good and Cheap THE undersigned' vrotdd • . and the public) gutturally, that he tinues the CARRIAGE -MAKING NESS, in nll It 4 brunches, at hie went, in East Middle Street, (nearv.tbut twit end,) Gettysburg., Pa, where he has on band It lirst-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put t* tvcorder whatever tufty be desired in bin.. line, viz :—Rockaway stud Carriages; Fallini-Top, Rock away & Trotting Buogies, -431 p jersey IVagens, With good workmen. and good materials, be con pledge his work to be of the best quality —and his prices are among the lowest. 'p Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call! JACOB TROXEL. • June 15, 1857. - , J - EWELRY, Wato/las, Pistol*, Vialinx, Qui tars, Aocordouus., Eight-day Tbirty-huur and Alarm Clucks, at nll prices tu be bad at SA M SON 'S. DEM= Lumber, Coal, and Stoves. NE IV FIRM': TUT, undersigned respectfully announce t o the chimes or Oettylintrg and rreitnty, that they have entered into a co•partitirkliip. and intend opening a COAL d LC.VBEI: YAJiD, on Washington street, in the rear or the Eagle Hotel, where they will be happy to sena who may favor them with a call. They will furnish every variety of More, litarbrodevi and Limeburnele COAL. at the lowest possi• wholetalo rates, in order to introduce it iota general use. They also intend keeping full and general al.sortinent of Ili 11 BER. Mon ''as the Rttilrosd it complett.d. Thry will keep command, on hand tacty variety of COAL end W OUP STOVES, among which mite the 'celebrated tVilliAnt Penn, Nol,lo Cook, Royal Cool' and :tit Shell Conk Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, Vtetut. Planter, Pittnium and Parlor Cook Stov es . Mr•tight, Star, Franklin, flot-tur /Parlor (irate. Lady Washington,OM k. Magrudia, Union. Air-tight Bare Cyir.der, Tropic und Harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wiAing to examine their stock. wil t please call at their Stove Ware Re im, on \Vest Middle stivet,lt the resideuesof Rolm:it 3heads. 11-CUnlers prompt'v attended to. RO(jEitC SII EA Ds, lIESItY IST EIMER. Crettyaborg, Aug. r t, 1457. The Largest Chair t ND Furniture Estith!Winter. in Baltimore MATH tors GAF. ST, WA REROOMS 25 North Guy xtreel, near Fayette, where are kept rtlaas on howl, or nook t , ) order, ever* style ~ f renrh TETE-I•TETI4S, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Broeatelle. French Full Stuff ot.d l'ile.lallion Parlor ARM CHAIRS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Bruestelle. French Full Stuff' Carvell PARLOR, CHAIRS, in .sets, M ith Plush, Hair, Cluth ur tirocntelle. • SOFAS, half French Spring 3fahnemay. and Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in Hair, Cloth yr Plush. ROCKING CllAlRS—varions designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plush. Stuff Spring LOCNGES—a large assort raent ulvrnys on hand, or any pattern maid or covered with any goods to order. CHAMBER SCITS--in Mahogany or Walnut, complote, from up. CANE CHAIRS and Rocking dn.—the larrrest assortment ready made in any one h,uBe in the Cuitc.l Statei—frvut 112 a doz- en up. Bar Room, Office and Dining CIIAI Mein Oak, Walnut or 31ahogany, with Cane, Woad or Stuffed Seats—an assortrnetit embracing over 50 dozen. Waod seat CIIA/RS and SETTEES . and Rocking Chain—to , er I e,O dozen. A. MATIHOT, 25 North Gay Street, near layette ;street. May 18, 1857. ly Herring'a Patitnt ("1 [TAMPION FIRE & BCROLAR PROOF SAFES, with Rail's Patent POWDER. I'ROOF LOC K S.—Fe sae & !feast ea, Maker!, 34 Walnut Street, below Second, l'huaielphia.—The great interest manifested by the public to procure more certain securi ty from ftre for valuable papers, Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds, .totes and Boots of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto fore in use afforded, induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of "their time for 'the last fourteen -years, in making diseovurics and iutproveanentafor this object, the neetkr of which is the unrivalled Alerting's ritteA World's Fair Premium FIRE PRO D. SAFES, universally acknowledged tat i!ku: CHAMPION SAFE OF, THE WOMI,D been awarded Medals at both the IV Fair, London, 1851, and Crystal Parra: - .- Y., -1853, as superior to all otherweSersissw.: undoubtedly entitled to that apelhttion, and secured with Hall's Patent Poteltltipiiii.4 Locks—which were also swar4 , is Medals, (as above — forms the eet Fire and Burglar roof Safes • ' • oar.. ed to the public. Nearly 300 "Hewing ( '' PittietlAiiiiin tested. during ..tha PAM fli , 4o ll BoBdinssed:onvre than 16,000 have-,,beep 41044 . 50,,,n0vi ,in actual use. Also ea blind 80 14 1neillkidulio all kinds of liggis i ont k quaadAveliF ,itgl'k• Chest(' and ,Yattlifi:laiiilfMra. Honey Charts 'Nfillinft,WielMeirtliatlreads privabs pusgaiss.44: f. . 4 # # :inn fra3.13 01 F ti ro 4 of e 4 • rl C. O. Inlllll.llll.