Sht,ot ompiter. NOSDAT MORNING, MAT 24, MS lAN? & Emig Mii.s. A desperate affray occurred between JACOB Owe and Gamier, STIICICZY, (both ooisted,) st the house of Melinda Passer, Oliva colored,) corner of Wash 'lgtand Middle streets, in this place, on Sa4arday night last, about 10 o'clock. Meeting there, and a somewhat hostile feeling existing between them, a quar rel ensued, when Craig stepped into an adjoining room, and soon re-appeared with a horse pistol ands monster bowie knife, the blade being a foot in length, with which lie made a pass at Stuckey, cutting a gash across his nose, and im mediately fired the pistol, the charge, of large shot, entering the wall. Stuc key, finding himself in close quarters, then made at Craig with a pocket knife. In the scuffle, Stuckey got Craig down, but was soon turned, and when the nei4-hbors rushed in, they were discov ered in this position upon the floor. After parting them, Craig was found to have received a severe cat on the left shoulder and a more dangerous ono in the left side, the latter being two and a half inches in length. The Drs. Hor ner were called in, who dressed Craig's wounds, pronouncing the one -in the side very dangerous. Stuckey, whose hurts were not serious, was taken before Justice Bringman and committed to jail, to await the issue of Craig's condi tion. A warrant was also issued for the arrest of Craig, and when sufficient ly recovered (if he does recover) will be taken before the magistrate. The floor of the room in whiffle the fight occurred had a number &Urge blood spots upon it. It must have been a most des perate affair. • Itoespe from JalL An Irishman, named Mullin, some weeks ago eommitted to the jail of this county on a charge of malicious mis chief, in the breaking of a window at uminesburg, made his escape from durance vile on Saturday night last, and is now at large. It is strongly stivected, indeed it is not doubted, t hat he got off by means of outside as sistance--probably in this manner: Some person effected an entrance into. the prison yard by "quarrying" a bole through the wall from the outside, and when in, removed an iron grating at the rear end of the building, and tlwo' the opining thus made entered the cel lar under the corridor; from this he mils/ have passed up into the corridor through the traploor, (always fasten ed underneath,) and with a Roy made of a strong piece of wire picked the locks upon the doors of Mullin's cell. Both then disappeared through the openings made by the person entering from the outside. The "quarrying" wad evidently done with a short bar of iron, since foand in the jail yard, and now in .the possession of the Sheriff. No such iron was seen about the premises before. It is thought that the exterior aid was the work of a fellow-prisoner dis c harged on Friday, who had on . that day served oat his term of conviction for the larceny of a pair of gloves at Littlestown some months since, and is suApectcd of being an old jail bird. Bade IC aptutred. On Thursday last, about noon, Mr. ELI GEYER, of Franklin township, shot and captured an Eagle, which charce alight in a 8.,1d near the house, being attracted by a calf's head that had been thrown out. It meas ures across the wings coven feet, and from the point.ot its beak to the tip of its tail, three feet four inches. Its legs arc about a foot in length and covered entirely with feathers, and it is armed with extremely strong and :alai p claws. Its color is a dark gray, inclined to black. One of its wings bears marks of a previous gunshot. The bird is in fine spirits, and can be had by any one desiring it. itiirßy an advertisement in another column, it fill be seen that Messrs. J. 1 : ,D.ANNra and DAVID ZIEGLER retire from the Hardware and Grocery busi ness, and aro suoeeeded by their sons, H. B. Demme and WAYBRIGIIT ZIEG LER, at the old stand. The " Juniors " are determined to keep up a large Sock nf goods in every department, and 441; the pahlic to give theta a trial— eatislied that they will be able to please, bodkin quality and price. allriteBBll4. Seams & Buaai.ia have added decided improvemonts to their Lumber Yard, and are now able to keep large quantities of Lumber al ways in the dry. Their assortment emboos all hinds used for building pitmans,- and in. qualities and prices they tea sueoessililly compete with Railroad towns. Their business, we undimitand, le - increasing handsomely. 81111 - Cass. Y. TAU has opened a Liv ery—Jest the thing wanted. See his advertisement. IMr_The Quarterly Meeting which somunannxi in the Methodist E. Church, is tids Piles, about three weeks since, is air in Prograft, weeded with NOW degree 01 . , . , pa niMg having already made $ proem. 11141140110110 ft The owed", mow daaledly Bova. J. Beim aad Dpul; and -win eastia”4 war y *dillielbra period yet W 4611.. Prof Comerock will repeat his lec ture on Terra-Culture at Sandersville, on Saturday, the 29th inst.,. and at Petersburg, (Y. 8) on Wednesday, the 2d of June, commencing at 10 o'clock, A. M. The system of Terra• Culture is enlisting the attention of many of the beet farmers throughout the country, I and gradually increasing interest is it is manifested. Prof. Comstock has in I his posession numerous certificates from Isola/amen who have heard him lecture on the subject, all of so highly favora ble a character as to induce us to bring the subject to the notice of Adams coon ty farmers. The system is applicable to all vegetation, trees, grains &c. • Xill'.-The St. James' Lutheran Con gregation have unanimously chosen Rev. Mr. Doxtut, of Selinsgrove, this State, their Pastor. Pmioisies. WIL &sits—Dear Sir:—l send the follow log Problem, for the amusement of your math caustics! correspondents.: The hold of a vessel partly full of water, (which is aalformly Increased by a leak,) is furnished with two pumps, worked by A. sad 8., of which A. takes three strokes to two of B's.; but four of B's. throw oat am much water as five of A's. Now B. works for the that In which A. alone would hare emptied tie bold; A. then pumps out the remainder, and the bold is cleared in 13 boors and 20 minutes. Had they worked together, the bold would have been emptied hi 3 hours and 45 minutes, and A. would have pumped out 100 gallows more that he did. Required the quantity of water in the hold at first, and the hourly ialux of the leak. A. Hanover, Nay 18, 1858. A Life tummies Compaq charges at a cer tain age of a maa 3 per nest. of the louvred sum, yearly premium. If you allow 5 per cent. Interest, say in what time be will have paid just as much as the insured sum. S. Nay, 11158. H. J. EITAALII, ESQ.:-1 send you the follow ing u my solution of the question by Conowa go Farmer of last week : Denote the longer mid shorter shies respec tively by TX and 4X, this will furnish the equation 94X 0 .:499.883. whence X=lB perches. and 7X=126 perches the longer side 4X.2.72 " " shorter " Also 126 x 72..1472 perches, the area. 9072 sq. perebes=s6 acres 112 perches. Hanover, May 19, 18119. A. Xi. &MILS :-I hare paned the sentence is The Coupler of last week, and I think I hare dose It correctly, according to Parker and Tos's Grammar, which is the one !study. "To se be sun" is a substantive phrase, the sub ject of the verb "is," and in the norsinatire case to it. "Is," is an irregular nester verb, indicative mood, present tense, ..4 governed by Its nominative "To see the sun." "Pleas ant," is aa adjective belonging to the phrase "To see the sun," and describing it. , May, 1858. M. S. Z. Pee no Owypidor Illieeallhuseame amlimes. I am eompossd of !Meru letters. My 5 16 '1 is a relation. 2 9 3 8 is sometimes a relative pronoun. 4 1 T 10 is • road. 11 12 12 14 is found in every place. 14 6 14 is an auxiliary verb. 15 13 4 is a note in music. My whole is a pleasant recreation. May, 1858. M. S. E. t 1 Dr. Demitere Ursa limier t ATUiI, Is arstior ',taiga ((Tllot►lai I. oo boormiag to • no or roam as • oft loarisat Maid balr. It la tiro owls. oramorat toroaalty. ant ! Oro aro It Is lot, aM ►its all Ito booty. 'sakes amartsbod mot laniqpratot by rare WOO eal prommotioa, ,for Odds sarthirrig W amt boo alorrobred oral to Proforma Wool% IPropustioa. Cortuo—aloasto at iodation ladtatbrat, or roma aro Onaly la las flierket, WW y dillionat aura. Cr woo autos tb•IFOIMLI (Pru Wool's lair laraorstio, Depot IP. [IM* tdo , •w Took) an Mau ma tbo bottle. MN by all Dostieba aid Poirot Ifabiao ibrators, also by all haw is•Whiiet Grob arias la tba COW rd.. ad Oassik. UT Toe Ono Itras.tsa Ilawase !—SIU Will cumps flounittiro listia Pius, proparod Wee • prootripttee by Sir J. WWI, Y. D., Plirsliesi listrsor dlaary to the Woes. SW soil know maid.. la 110 W. within, but • we and oh rowdy doe female Dilleellties and Obstrwilaw, from aery ewe sbalesor ; load althengh • powlat remenr, they sew& Whist WWI to W steetitotion. Se Ideansa• LAMM It is poestiorly W4l. It 'IS, is • Mott U.., Wag oa W insst/ny period WA regularity. Tiber PUla bane never been knew, Is Call w•wee dee dreatieee e• Se page of paispilet an wall eirmleve4. lee farther peetkialsee get a anandilea Oree of tie agent. X. It. $l aid 4 pones dawns owalesel le any anllawr. lasi apac e wiU laware a battle, esstaisien ease b• plUs, by ratan meal. S. W. Dyett AI goo, Make& •per, Plahlidiais.— •. D. Dmbier, Avait,4l•lllll - rilloarg. Mai IT, 1.41. 1171lerseeaves Imam re Reeore.—Fiesa Derr. 1.. Doolittle, a 114111, roopeleacruse Paws, Devembee 1, ISSIL Dear Sr :—Aletat too yam dare L web ere et • for buttiot id your Oxygenated litters, ter a atentiab eon plaint, widen wet at that Woo adlevol. aloes my Ay la Itagised and Prose% I bawl bead ny old eeersay, irritability ad tlio neinadi, nentreing gaols . I soon met tad any prosariptien to sand we nand, and I wade letedriet is Louden be yoar Oxygoustad ilittere, but weld eat Led say. I write sow to beg you will do are the laver to seed by the; sealant straw to Ilavre, halt a doses bottled. La ofd Mood of Woe i■ Logiood, Captain /*Woe. of Use Britiab Amy, I foood, a my arrival, malaria= Coo Asthma, maitostly SA* molt of dyspepsia. Brad as sit dltional half a doses bottles, I sliosid Wu' to base the Captalo 47 the ased,eloo lAM sot aware that my acme le karma le rte. I hove bee* the reddest Clemente° kw setae tweaty-three yea re, Ia sberbroak aad Lenaorettle, °arida lie" to which charge I bop* to be able to return to the "Amu I moats, dm Lr, year ottedLiat lervaat, 1.. DOOLITT lA. Srrn W. Fowt.r. & Co., 138 Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents everywhere. A. D. BuraLaa, tlettys burr. May 3. 2w 4hket epotis. MI the latest Raltliasr*, Tort lc Marne* papers Baltiatort--Friclay la2t. Flour, per barrel, $4 25 (gl 4 37 Whisk per bushel, 1 06 i . 4 1 12 Rye, " 7O ® 75 Cu,ure , , 62 70 . __ Oats; .._ 32 4 36 Beef Cattle, per bond., 850(4 9 00 MP, 6 75 / 7 25 My, _per ton, 900 14 00 W ihskey. per Selks4 20 21 Cimno, Peruvian, per ton, 56 00 Flour,pETil agora s, k $1 4 1 2 ° Do. u . . .froat stores, Wltesk pi , beigilbg, $7 ® 1 00 as Rya, Com u tA 0.1., a $1 • - 400 Clove:wed, " rasodiy, a /80 Inistat Pee 14111, 11 so M pe" r " W., r D 4 in m o R ya; 4 r Wbsit, per busli44, 116 (i) 'M OS ens. " .12 Per ilk G so I Mir We learn that thirteen members wore added to the "Independent Blues" on Thursday evoning. A handsome accession. ..11boo Mae Vie blbl boodior, MOW don or ow ow Well WI by WI OMR brow I, WE." MARRIED, Oa the SOth isstaist,ll the Rev. lied" Fan; ler, Mr. ISRAEL IllYlllB,ofitead towaship, to Miss CECILIA RAFTERBPI Glit, of Ty res. township. TM Printer was sot forgotten, for which we return our tkaaks, and earnestly hope that the pathway of the happy couple say always be happy sad prosperous. On the 17th instant, in St. Mary's Church, Fairfield, by the Rev. Mr. Raider, Mr. THOMAS FITZGERARD to Miss ESTHER ANN DICK. York,ea the nth instant, by the Rev. J. Oswald, Mr. DAVID ZiSOLER, Jr., of Gettys burg, to lies ANNA N. WEISER, of York. On Teesday, the 18th inst., by the Rey. J. Martin, Mr. ABRAHAM FLSSEL, of Reading township, to Mtge BARBARA YOBS, of Tyrone township. On Thursday, the 20th, by the same, Mr. SAMUEL WEAVER, of Huntington township, to Mu SARAH C. SPANGLER, crif Reading township. for ?as Cownor SLIM liana as tow SO nos et =is la head ; 1., pose le reatly sow willbseNg se tin gmal." IN the Mb last., JOHN, son of Yr. David Slosaker, of iltrabaa township, aged above 16 years. Weep not for him who now is free From all the Ills life bath In store ; Who.. joy no eye on earth can see, Where those who meet shall part comer.. On Wednesday night last, very suddenly, of apoplexy, at the residence of John Scott, Esq., in this place, Mrs. MART McALISTER, wife of Daniel llcAlister, deceased, la the 64th year of ter age. On the 14th fastest, In &mho's township, EINERVA,ILEANOR, only daughter of Eden and Elsa; Hems, eged 3 years 5 months and 12 &ye. Us the 9th tasL, JOSEPH ARCHY BOYD, ■un of Geom. and AppolOnia Little, of this place, aged 5 months. On the 15th instant, Mr. JOHN R. HARRI DAN, of Freedom township, aged about 58 years. Tee The Cooedkr Ist TY* Oasipi liw On the 15th inst., in Ashland county, Ohio, at the residence of her brother, Jacob Martin, Mrs. HOOPER, widow of Joseph Hooper, deceased, and daughter of Peter Martin, Esq., formerly of Adams county, Pa., aged 64 years and 28 days. . DAIIIIII Kew Firm—llfow Goods. VIE undersigned heel entered into pert- A airship in the HARDWARE' dr GRO CERY Waimea, at the old stand of Danner & Ziegler, in Baltimore street, under the name, style and inn of Downer & Ziegler, Jrs., and ask. and will endeavor to deserve, a euatintumee of the of the old inn, as well as any q uanti ty of culann. They have just returned tom the cities with as meek of Goods—consisting in tart of Building Yelerieds, such as nails, screws, hinges, hulls, locks, glass, &c. Tools, including edge tools .f every de scription, saws, planes, chisels, gouges, bra ces and bitts, augers, squares, guages, men. Pot The Osupilkor Bleckiessigs will Ind anvils, •ices. rasp , . Iles. horse shoes, horse-shoe hails, with them, vory cheap. Coach Pindiags, such u cloth, canvass, damask. fringes, cotton, moss, oil cloth, springs, axles, hubs, spokes, Mims, bows, poles. shafts, /Le. Slue Findings, Tampico, brush and french morocco, linings, bindlngs, per. lasts, boot trees, with a puentl aseueunent of shoe maker's tools. Cabinet Makers nob, • general •nort mcnt—•lao varnish, knobs, 11143. Ihnsieke!pers will also Ind a largo assort ment of knives and forks, bri ttannia, albata and silver-plated table and tea spoons, candle sticks, waiters, shovel and tongs, sad iron.. enamelled and brass kettles, pmts. tabs, churns. varieties, kin, Also a general assortment of forged and rolled IRON of all adzes and kinds ; east, shear and blister steel, whisk they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Grearriss, a full and amend assortment. such as crushed. pulverised, clarified tied brown 'agars; New Orleans, Want India and sugar house molasses arid syrups. soles, grom, chocolate. fine, mane and dairy salt; linseed, llsh and sperm OIL; Turpentine,, Fish, I'.; a full aesurtans et of Lead and Zinc, dry and in oil; also Fireproof Paints ; in fine, almost every article in the Hardware, Coach Finding. Rine Finding. llousekeeping. Black smith. Cabinet Maker's, Painter's, filmier's. and - Grocery line, all of which they are de termined to sell as lois for cut as any house out of the city. HENRY B. DANNER, WAYBRIGHT ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 24, L$ 8. Notice. TUB aadsreigaed hating retired front the Mercantile business, the same will here after be essitinual at the old stand. in Balti more street, by their eons, Henry B. Danner and Waybright Ziegler, under the new and style of Danner and Ziegler, Jrs., whom we will recommend to, and fur whom we would. bespeak • liberal share of patronage from old customers, and of the public in general Having retired from the Mercantile busi ness, it ►s necessary that our old business should be settled up. We, therefore, notify all thaw indebted to us either by Judputnat, Nuts or Book Account, to call and settle, the same without delay. Toe books will be found at the old stead. J. B. DANNER. DAVID ZIEGLER. May 24.1858. ALL persons knowing tbemselres indebted " to the late Firm of Cobean Pluton are requested to cell and make payment before the first clay of June nest—as after that time the accounts will be left is the hands of a proper officer for collection. COBEAN k PAXTON. May 24, 1858. AN Election for a President and seven Managers of Ever Green Cemetery Asso ciation. to serve for the matting year, will be bold at M.cConsughy's hall, on Monday, the 7th day of June next. between the hoars of 1 o'clock and 4 o'clock. P. M., of midday. D. McCONAUGHY, Prts't. H. J. Srints, Bec'y. May 44,1!!65. to ?lour and Feed. RUPERFINZ and lairs Floor, Cern, Oats P`J and Cbop. White Curn Meal for milli ner's ase.- NORBECK 1 MARTIN. May 24, 1858. NAILS.—A big lot of Avalon' Nail*, all slams. aad the but quality isaarfactured, wry knr fat dm cash at 14ay 24. Deana & Ziegler, Zr,. rpossoco, Bears said Saar. a larp as a sortmeat. as Norte& & Na►tiw',. U0L42.9211 bow 871 le 75 outs per ga ms. low, Oases bow 12 to 14 ants ptw meads% sad worthy die ab , et May 24. Dower 6i Zigkr, Jr& B ailin Pumps, Funnier, ibot mild - Oar, al Norio& & .111sras'e. - rout pit doe 61'1404 Carpels ever of. h t eeet gosh* plias lv aeffid4g V4IIMTOCKB'. the illt4t. 10 'alb. DIED, li:=l=3:l3 Last Notice. Ever Green Cemetery. New Livery Tateldielunent. CHARI433 W TATS Lae opened s new Limy IleasigiiiimMlN. at time i*b es I/ultimates *Pit. oisisPiad is Para 17 the "Nagle Hotel," and has Bade sink urrange. meats sa will enable him teaeneasseadais the i►abiie at all time. ea reasonable terassowith Horsia , Ileggial, Haas. the. His stook ie good. On funeral ocaufsious, Ac., h• will be able to supply a want which has been much needed. sorTerms CASH. May 24,11453. New Xarble Establishment. A Y. HOMBACH would most respectfully A • inform his friends and the public gen erally that he has opened a new MArble Yard at IlcSkarrystotros, Adamut county. Pa., where he will execute all kinds of work in hie line of business, such as MONUMENTS. - HEAD A FOOT BTONES, Le, with neatness and dispatch, and at prices to suit the times. All orders addressed to A. V. Hombach, at M..Sharryatown, Adams wanly. Pit., will be promptly attended tu. May 24, 1858. Who will Bet no quiz lOWA of their sway sad As right acusgs beck NORBICK it MARTIN'S is the pines to get it. whiis they sell all kinds of Groosries", Confectionaries, and Fancy Articles—in s word, everything belonging to a first class Oniony. Mtlassos of seven difersat from . 40 Gents up to 75 per ; Sugars, six different kinds, fro. 8 cents up to 14 per lb.; Coffee, five kinds ; Teas. Chocolate, Race. Cracker's. Toe Cake., Ilouled Pie Fruit. Cheese, Fish. Pinkies, Salt. Bacon and Lard. May 24, 18. A. Notice. rpur. subscriber, having funned a partner ship with Wm. J. Martith would earnest ly luxe those indebted upon his own hooks to make immediate payment. All accounts un settled by the let of July nest will be placed in the hands of au u'cer fur collection. JACOB NORRECIL May 44, 1858. Co-Partnership NOTICE.—The undersigned have 1111,00ille ted with them in the Lumber business, E. C. BINDER. They would therefore give no tice that the business hereafter will be con ducted under the firm of SWALL, Samosa & Co., and they hope. by strict attention to business and an submit desire to please. to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon them. KILLIAN SMALL & CO. Lumber Yard, ON North George Street, new for Reamed. YORE. 'PA. We would invite the attention of Mecham. lea, Builders, and others, to our large fnul well selected stuck of LUMBER, eonsieting of every deseription of White Pine Bards and Plank, Joist, Simultling and Fencing. Also, Pine and Chesnut Shingles, Laths, lrfekets, Worked Flooring and WeaLisertniersliag. I Siding, ke. We are prepared to CUT TO ORDER any size. quantity and quality of White Pine and Oak Lumber, at the shortest notice, and have it delivered to any point ac cessible by Railroad. We also manufacture and keen on hand a general assortment of SASH, *DOORS, &lettere, Blinds, Windom Frames and Door Frames. Orders for any sizes not on hand filled witb dispatch. lOur stock and assortment is equal to any others, and we are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. 'All orders and communications ad dressed to Use undersigned, at York. Pa., will receive prompt attention. • SMALL, BENDER I CO. York, May 24, Dia. ly Only Safe pREPARATI: gust does not Dye. but will restore GRAY HAIR to its 7nal color, by Nature's own process. is Pro gator U. J. Wusci's csiebrested HAIR RES ORA- Tlrs. In proof of the atme assertion, read the following testimoay from distinguished per sons from all parts of the country : Uoa. &doom Amin. Abu Arbor, Niels., says his wife. whose hair bad become very thin, and entirely white, was restored to its original brown color, and had dab:timed and become beautiful and glossy apes, and ea tirely over, the head. Others of my family and friends are using your Re y kraut, with the happiest effects. Hon. Judge Breese, llsaemator of Illinois. says my hair was prematurely gray, but, by the use of Wood's Restorative, it bas resumed its origins' color, and I have au doubt per maneutiv um. Ilea. 11. I. Stewart, says, my hair was very gray, but altar using two betties, it rr stored it to ita natural solar. Rev. J. B. Bragg. Brookfield. Mau., nays it has removed from my head inflammation. dandruff, and a oonstant tendmay to itching, and restored my hair, wide* wait gray. to its original color. I. W. Davidson. geassontli. IIL, offs, my hair was two-thirds gray, or rather white. bat, by the application of the Restorative as directed. it has resumed original color. Dr. G. Wallis, Chicago, says. after using a great many other preparations, all to no ef fect. I used one bottle of your flair Restora tive, which has cured a humor in my bead of two years' standing. Benjainin Lungrolge, 254 Seventh Avenue. New York, says, baring lost my hair by the effects of the Erysipelas. when it began to grow. instead of black, as heretof, re, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color with(mt jsct, I was loduced to try yours, and in spite of all my doubts it has had the desired offset. 11. L. Williams, M. D., Peekensrille, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and find it all that it is recommended tu be. 1 have tried it fur Tatter and find it a certain cure. W. M. Woodward, Al. D., Frankfurt, Ky., says, he recommends it in hie practice u the best preparation for the hair now in use. Edward Walcott, says, three months ago my htir was very gray, it in now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's Restorative. Wilson King, says, one month's proper ap plication will restore any person's hair to its original color and texture. I. D. Mem, says, a few applications fasten ed my hair erntl7, it began to grow out and turn black, its original color. Betsey Smith, Northeast Pensurylranio, says that her hair had, fur a number of years, been perfectly white, bat now it is restored to its youthful oolur, soft and glossy. Dr. J. W. Bond, St. Peal,snys that his hair is strong. thick and black, although aloft time sines he was both bald and gray The people here saw its erects and have eunildenoe in it. Morris Gosling, IL D., St. Louis, says that after trying many other preparations, all to no erect, he used two bottles, wli:eh covered his bead with a new and vigorous growth of hair and invites all to come and see it. Sarah J. Brown, says bar hair was sot only dray, bat eo thin that the Awed its entire aflar wing two bottles it restored both the cobs. and Prepared by 0. Wood A Co., 114 **- het street, St. Look, sad 212 Broadway, New York, sad 66b1 by all Druggists sad Pains Modicum Dealers; oleo,try ell Paw NW Toils' Goods Dialsni is thaßaited &ma sad Canada. May 24, MS. Sat IN Btilloll.—A tar& lot °Mow. Oa the &h r. ass kiwis, sowet the esollearrelage IF *miter, let. List of Nerobastto WITHIN the' county if Adman, reterned and alassiled by the andersigned. 4p• praiser of :Mereantile Taxes, is socordasses with the Several sets of Assembly, for the year 1868-59, of Goods, Wares and Merchan dise: Boroispis of ___ reheeetech Brothers. 9 28 tel Deeper & Bulgier. Jrs., 13 10 00 J. L. Bahia. 13 10 00 F3Mg 11% E. fr o . . 10 700 Gimp 141 700 A. 51/1/011r__ v 14 700 Pantos & Wellibreey. II Daniel Pima. Mho* & Theesk 14 1 II Missugh 4 &m, 14 700 Philip - Winter. 14 700 &$. - Forney ! Ara. 14 7 00 Notts* & Margit, 14 700 Jacobs & Brother, 14 700 Brinhomui & Osip, 11 700 William Bearer, - 11 700 Boyer & Son, 14 700 John Scott, 14 7 00 Shouts a putolalsr, 14 700 J. litehaingnr, 14 700 Caokriand Iburnallip. John Weikert, 14 T 00 John Weigle, BM 14 700 Francis *mum:" ' 14 700 &rake flotsosolkipi. Philip [Lean, l4 TOO P. A. Mrs, 14 700 Jacobline. 14 700 , Promo l'humehip• Beisourodto i Brother, 14 700 Bstemsl Wm, . 14 700 Jacob B. Elollistsr• 14 700 Juba Ralimesporgsv, 14 700 Latinate reentehip. Henry B. Smith, 14 700 Jacob A. Piller, 14 700 Adam Lem. 'a - 14 700 Neeisikis ask Charles Ej Tseip. len, 14 7 00 David Diviney,' 14 700 Burkboldor 4 Wilson, 14 700 Abel T. Illrright, 14 700 George Mantel, 14 700 Joel Fisher 14 7 00 Wm. Or ardoer:- 14 700 O. P. HoitOo, 14 700 Jacob Pitser. 1 14 . 7 00 ifeetetjey itmotai(p. J •bn Yost, . 14 700 John Rehire, 14 7 00 Hoary Bolder. 14 700 Boiler lbenuAip. Noah Miller, 11 700 &loan! &alley, 14 700 Jacob Pekii• .11 700 John Hooter, l4 7 00 henry Ilirtsel. 14 700 Samuel Faber, Agent, - 14 700 Jeep lloilok, ' • 14 700 Liberty numallip. Grays= e Brother. 14 700 Homileva. nteseliip. Spangler I &other, 14 700 William Wolf; 14 7 00 Henry L. Miller, 14 700 J. B. i lt i il „ aer• - l4 700 on W. 1.4 700 John Illowlmillotal. 14 7 00 Hihhobraeul I &mar, 14 700 Fruleriek Heider, 14 7.- 00 George Munduoi& 14 700 Henry Kline. 14 700 • Froddis Ibtemitip. Jacob F. Lows,. 13 10 00 Jacob Mai*, - 14 7 00 Abraham Scott„ 14 700 James Mickley,l4 700 Jacob ?Weiler, 14 700 Peter Mickley '4 D. 14 700 Martin L Mil , lar,l4 700 , John Chamberlain, 'l4 700 Mrs. Ann Bullpen, 14 700 Thomas Cooper. 14 700 C. 11. Curfman, 14 7 00 W. W. Witaiore, 11 700 J. Dillon; . 14 7 00 - ' Thietingion 11nseship. Jamb A. Garde's, 12 12 50 Riley A Hollinger, 14 700 James Magary, 11 -7 00 Ephraim Heitehow, 12 12 50 ' Betatillonhas lbwmship. 'Sullivan ilk Minoltas* 13 10 00 Paxton 4...McCleary, 13 10 00 Jaoub Doi - High, 14 700 John C. &Amstar, 14 700 Anoint firernehip. D. B. 114Lniss. 14 700 William Hal* 14 700 'Debit Ilimtlial: 14 7 00 • 004141 lissaihip Won. D. 411& ii,. Hi . lletlN 13 10 00 lissuoss I Winter, 13 .10 00 Aaron Hely, 14 700 A. &sub. 14 700 Anthony IL Ilartia, 14 700 J. C. Smith k On.. 14 700 Foltraid *cash, 14 700 John Obits, 14 700 'Melissa 101•844 . . _ 14 700 Afanospemsoni Ilesissiiip. J. 11. 1111 Mar, /a 700 Peter O'Neal, - 14 7 00 Jamb Otpeestatt. 14 700 . Swaim Aireal4p. Jacob Attlee"it, 13 10 00 P.t.r WI es, 14 700 Adams e. rev". 14 700 Andrew 11 1141 i. 14 700 awe floweship. Paw Loop. 14 700 hill.: 14 700 Abraliaitlibeelly, 14 - 700 atrart&ey Iteriereip. Soh rake Ilyere i 13 10 on J. A. Sharb. 13 • 10 00 SPeAline a Noel, 13 10 00 Lallrill B:4seeihr, -- 14 700 George II luck, 14 700 William F. Orates, 14 TOO Miller, 14 T 00 Myer Nunbeame, 14 700 Henry Divert, 14 .7 00 Cow:wage ftwasit)t. John -Buebey, it.q., ' 14 709 Rally a las= reg ziosoc 14 7 1111 David alialiss.jhaskai tp. 10 Xi 00 Ws. S. 'ankh*, Gamma v.. 10 50 00 Michael Berris&lisatilensbuto tp./0 60 00 APPEAL Notice is hereby given to all persons inter ested in the above return of clarilleation, that I will hold en Appeal. at the Commis sioners' once. in Gettysburg, on Tuesday. tAe 804 day of Jess aid, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. 51. and 3 P. U., when and where all persons that may consider them selves aggrieved by said ehmeifleation may attend. J. M. WALTER. Appraiser of lfareautile Nam jor Adams co May 17. 4t • Eno:stars' idles. HENRY ALBERT'S ESTATE.—Letters testamentary oa the estate of Henry Al bert, lase of -Reading township, Adams so., deceased, baring been pentad to the under signed, (the first rasidieg is Reading towashipead the lest waited is Huntington lowaship,) they ham give aotise to all persons widebtel to said estate to mats Im mediate mamma. an+ those Imeriag elabes a gainst the same to presset thee property authenticated fur imetiament. BRKJAMIN DANIEL ALBIRT, May 10, 1858. 11t . lizseators. Notice. quint NOTICE thet. I have *WWI is the Huaorsbie the Judges el' the Overt of Oesesoa Pleealar•tha meaty st Athiemi, for tibe boaellikel tile laeolvita Laura at dal Cow steamealdi at Posanhamis. sad they Mart SeivAip. the MA #gg lAsy. il a ra l , at 10 eleleelk, A. Nt.. is hest me and ory areiftho. Omargibmw, is the Wes. lm vibes mid piore all posess ialsotresta4 gaud AMT.: Per. A. J. IV Ilia/ le. WA mamwm. Dash rip, weisser—illlkkolio miCandliss ammil New. tont. ..farliiee. The Ohms Rota TO Till TRAVIILVICI PUBLIC.—The subsoriber would most respectfully an nounce that he has taken the Hotel lately kept by Israel Yount, in Frellerichstreet, in the &mune) of HANOVER. where he is pre pared to aooonintodate, in elegant style,Tntr eller, and others visiting the place. He pledges himself that nothing shall Le waut sag to Eska his House a pleasant and agree able house W all who may give him tboir imam The beanie large and eeemaient, sad will always b,'prbvitled with attentive Ileagisties slids faithful and beam Ostler. The tar NW, tibia are imsNaliiid Vidt has the market willsat ossi latia bee skil be fused w d ho is the Nadla*. iseeryskiag pertabelag 101161011 Übe Namibia. is dessesined mot la be sac pissed by say sae. Jiu/t eye bun a trial— yue will always And fild'Etare about. Thera is • Inc Yard attached, and Stabling sulleiset fur 25 or 30 horses. DAVID NEIVCOMMER. Balmer, MAy 10, lila. tf 14 7 00 14 T 0 —Shea& & Buehler L Have constantly on hand, at their yard U on Washington and Railroad •streets, X any variety of River and Mountain B LUMBER—White Pine, Hemlock, R Poplar, Ash. &o.—Boards, Plank, B Joist. Scantliug and Studding. They are ready to fill all orders, at the short set notice, for any amount, fur :waning pur poses, at prices which will surprise thus* who talky favor them with a call. They have also on band a lot of worked Flooring, Win dow Sash, Palings for fencing, Piutering and ShiaOng Laths. Le. Gettysburg, May 3, 1858. THE Board of School Directors of Franklin township will meet at the house atom. MSCL LIT. in ellialtOWTll.llll said towaebip , 0111 Sokroley, the sth dayof June sat, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of letting, the hovels and best bidder, the banding uf a BRICK SCIIOOI, 11011811, in the tit ian's of Xemniesberg. Plans and spoilt:a duns Mil be seen by calling on the trot nam ed of the Committee, in sod Tillage. SAMUEL SAMUEL. LOUR, E. W. STAMLE. /lay 3,185*. U Consiiier. The Liver Invigorator, PREPARED by Dr. SANFORD,oompoupded entirely from GUM& is one of the best Purgative and Liver Ileilicines now before the public, that acts as a Cs/Aortic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. It is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stom ach and bowels to carry off that matter, thus acoumplishl ng two purposes effectually, with out soy of the painful feelings experiended in the operations of most Ca thartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that it purges it; and when taken daily in mod erate dome, will strengthen tad build up with animal rapidity. The Liras is one , of the principal met lawn of the bantario body ; and when ,it performs it thaetimq... l well. the powers of the system are developed. The ado aril is almost entire-g ly dependent on the healthy action of the() Lien. fbr the proper perforesesuf Its faneKo doer. when the stunt se di is at fatilt e. bowels are at fault , and the whole sy Mies inconsequence of one organ 2 -417Z(Livsa—having ceas ed to do its duty.— For the diseases of that orpn, one of the proprietors has made it his a pcse r l tic s of more than 20 years. to Ind goat remedy wherewith to counteract the manyii-ii derangements to which it is liable. • b 4 To prove that this remedy is at last found; any personal troubled with Livia COMPLAINT, in any o c r a ita,furmi. has but to try a bottle, an conviction is certain. These Gums re-O move all morbid or bail matter from thciki system, supplying in their place a flow of bile, invigorating the sennach,causing food to digest well, real /Two yes mom, giv-CD ing toss and lmialth to the whole machinery. removing the cause of the disease—effecting a radical cafe. BILKMI Amon sib eared, AND, WIRT is parrsa, rarrixne l , by the oemssional ase of the Liven Ixvicioavroa. One dose after sating is solleient to 'slim-. thd+sonnseh and prevent the food from rising and souring. Only one does takes before Miring, pre vents NICIIMIAM 019ly one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels petty, and sores Cogresses. One dose token liter sea mad will owe. thersrem. if`One dose of two teaspoonfuls will al ways relieve ssca lizseaons. One doer taken fur female obetriotion re moval the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect sere. Only one dose immediately relieves Cnotao, while One dose often repeated is a ears ears for CCOLSIA Moms, and a preventive of COOLXIII.4 sir Only one bottle ii needed to throw oat of the systole the effects of medicine after a long 'oakum's. II glirOne bottle MUM for Jai:maws removes all sallawness or unnatural eokw from the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appet:te, and stakes food di will. One &eh efts, repeated ewes antosie Disusea la its worst forms, while Suaus and B iwn eostplaints yield almost to the first dues. Oise or two doses sore seises owed by Worset is tlitildres ; tilers is sa, sum., safer, or speedier reined; in the world, es it sew fails. IfirA few bottles sure Dnorer, by exciting the absorbents, we take pleasure In reonutuleudias this asoilisimazrevoutiveare lssss ms s sz f. sad all Irma et a ft s. eperutea with eertalasi, mad tbaur mode are williag at testify to its wasmitetlal vistas.. All who use it ere prim; their unanimous lestimony fa its favor. itirltiz water in the month with the to rivrator, and swallow both together. TOL Lives InVICOLATOS is ascientiBc med ical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as if by magic, eyes Me first dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle in required to cure any kind of laves complaint, from the worst Luudice or Dyspepsia to a common Heu!ache, all of which are the result of a Diactsro Li'se. PRIOR ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE DR. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broad way, New York. A. D. BUSIII4I, Agent, Gettyaborg May 17, 1858. ly. SHEADS SUSIILICR bare, at their Store Ware Room. in West Middle street, T and at their Coal and Lumber Yard, on O Washington sad mid streets, Grim ✓ Isrietles of CalekilSO SOWS, embracing E the Noble Cook, Royal 0 00 h, wilu i um 8 Pans sad Sea Shell. These Shoes of Philadelphia etaattfat base Wen recently patented, sod base I,No thor oughly tasted. Tbey ate proatameed supe rior to all ethane is the , Gm or Wood. iho,rill is aapaiers its As moat . if desired. May S. Oarpotst—From Auction. !I Ann YD& Oespets..all styles and pat toss. jut reamed, which we per wkstMli at Medea at a peat eserike to the saansfasturer. and winch we will uilbr at ready w redseed prises. We will sell Car _ool Ailing, handsome patterns, at 31. :15. 40. 4$ aM bO .0 ats, lush as newer were' bolt as anything like the psiess. 71 in want et sheep Audi esa II imp awl bola* Wm uouprow set Neutlirmi. - • 4.4nsuinea anotates. . Sip Oa . Isso. To Oontraotors. IN ligroLcitse3ao.—P. A. & 0- V: MCKIiNLIOIIit have just returned &ohs the easteon cities with a largo steek•of D. Goo Is, Groevries, and all kinds of I I', rdwa re kept in country stores. They have splaniii articles of Sugar for 7, 8 and 9 cleats, ?dolassokin proportion. They halletellt :` also a hale aluturtinentrfaeunii. Cups, le., the latter articles an up stairs, as they have sot rude bO,Ol . the store. • • ' All stun& latitgb4 of thorns in *LA.?* , Wear lino will **cut Man of altar.: floii: lotio, done with wohtatt, fhwelltitu i s t i/ .. •... • .• • . 111.111wWithowhlwiloy. ...- -- • 1 0 1 , 4 . 41 )=-,- illar ' • .7 . goOlita Eo n . r , ( , 7 * r 4 7 . ••e -• ' • i , f ---.. IFeidlers. • 1.- ..I<it '' C lik- .. - • • ,.••', . a _ fas .., a •. • ste -__ 7 ._ WHO bought Static Wallas t1 4444 47 4"4 :: " FRANKLIN EL PILIKIN. ors _ ou io- _ . ing back, and bringing with them .their friends and acquaintances, to-exaroldb . hls XLNT assortment of Spring and Simmer Ck.thing, just opened' at his nee; Clot Wftg '. establishment in Chambersburg street, ego posite the Lutheran Church. They will hate the cheapest and best assortment of Gouda to select from ever brought to Gettysburg.— They will find every style of Summer Costs, Pantaloons, Ve.4ls, Raglan Coats of every quality, Frock Coats of Italian Tweed, Cash mere., Linen, Chalk; Duck Coats, he.-- , Pants of black and fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds, 1 Jeans, Linen, Duck. Cotton. le. FILSNKLIN B. PICKING. April 26. 18.58. Removal. 111118 subscriber has removed hig Plough and Maelsine Shop from the • Foundry building to Railroad street, apposite Tate* Blacksmith *bop, hack of the Eagle Hotel, wham he is betteKprepared thnn ever to at. tine to elastomers. Ploughs always owbassd and made to order at the shortest notice, and Machines, Rea, de., repaired. Also lie will attend to c leaning and repairing Cloaks. May 10. DAVID WARREN. Now is the Time! THE subeetibor would inform the public that be bee opened a MACHINE SHOP. in . Cheunberstmery sired, Gettysidurg, near the Foundry, where he will hare various kinds of Machines on band at any time hereafter, such as threshing Much nee, Core Shelters, Carnfodder Cutlers, Cloverseed Hullers, Straw Cutters, and Horse linoers of different kinds, —two, four or six-horse, to suit purchasers ; —indeed all such as can be had at Hanover or Littlestown. Also, Nortisidey Modiste, fur house carpenters, put up in the re!, best and must substantial manner. Culling &rows or long Bolts, any kind or sire less than eleven feet in length, away' attended to, as well as Arnim, in init. fre ' wood. Also all kinds of garAlltllo on Mad ehinery, dressing-up Mill &Spindled', &e.. done as the shortest nodes. I bops that ell in want of anything in ay Goa will call at my bop befure going elan. when. I will warrant all my work to give satisfaction to mmobasers DA . VID lITZRNZIL March VI, 1858. ly Spring i'7• 11/183 IdoCKSAKY has just returned IVnes ALL the city, and is now opening a beantitell assortement of Mdliocry and Fancy Goods, qf the latest styles, which she will sell at the lowest cash prices, and which she LIMNS the Wise to a& and examine. • Milliners who wish to bay Goods to imil spin, will And it much to their advange le, give her a mill, as she keeps none but lb. most fashionable goods. April 19, 18.58. 3m Dividend. B ANK OF GErrYSBURO, May 4, MK- - The Board of Directors have this day do.; clued a easkiAnnual Dividend at Four per oent., payable / On or after Monday seat, the 10th inst. T. D. DARBOB, Can Wu. May 10. 18M3. 3t Notice TO TAX-PAYERS.—Notioe Is hereby giv en that the C•minty Commissioners will make an ABATEMENT of FIVE per cent. upon all State and County Tates assessed_ fur the year 1 &Ai that shall be paid so tors 00 or before litsarecksy, the let = July next. Collectors will be required to cal on tax•payers on or before the above date, and maw each abatement to all persona pay. lag oa er before said day, and ray the same to the Comity Treasurer, otherwise no abate. neat will be mule. By order of the Cum videsiosers. J. N. WALTER. May 10,1853. Clerk. Nov Goods, A T the new inn of PAXTON 1 McIL AT BiNY, at the South-East Corner of Can to &pars. The wilineribore would respectfully inform the citisansofthittyshurg and the public gen aridly, that they havejust received, anal are now opening, a very choice selection of lists and Oape,consisting of Oakfurd's Philadelphia 8, via Style, M ileskin Dress lints, anew.: for neatness of shape and elegance of C 711; ; Fait, Far and Wuol lime, or all colon and styles, together with a complete assort. went of Men's and Boys' Cup 4, which they ; warrant to be of the bent !material and of the, most fashionable styles, all of which will be offered at, very low prices. Also, Straw goods of every variety and style. SiirThese goods were carefully Wasted. and boughs fur cash, which will enabll theft to sell at very low prices. - A.: • PAXTON I McL.spty. .• 1 May 10,l8:8. Cheap ! Cheap 1 MOBS NEW 000DS1.—JACOBS heorejes sinultasti frees she irtik r l: isereser M u a i "gramma of Musks, Owesiawres, ds, sod overrides' else is the lato's west line. They aloe qtr plebs wed rimy Shirts, Collars, silk sad coo: tun Handkerchief, Saspoadors, /sc. naritig bought unusually low, for the cash. they are , enabled to seltengsratt THAN tree—nu ettvel t i lent full cloth suit, made up, for $l3, for in-, stance. Give them scull, at their 'few °stab." lishtuent, in Cbsunbersburg streets few dour" west of the C.Jurt-house, before purchasing elsewhere. [May 10. Clear the Way FOR THE NEW FIRIII—No. 1, 2 and 3 Riding and Wagon %dales, Trotting, Buggy and Canine Ih r ness, Buggy, Carriage, Mule, Hair, Tankful and common C 'liars. Riding and Driving Bridles, Martingale, El 'hers, llerre Curer and Fly Nets of 'eery description • Whip' '' . &0., just received and for *ale as . tuLiabingly low, at BRINOMAN & clues, align of We "BIG BOOT," Chautbersburg street. May 10, 1e53. Potatoes. A MIME article of iforatr lidalwr. fres' HaWawa% can be bad at Nopoula blaatut's. at 75 cants Fr basbil. • leir Nei Goods just arritiag. Ida 10, 18'A. Zstmys. O, L TRATIID away frees the premier edlikrth enheorif•er, in littsbaa tuwa•Lip a two ieelia ago, 3 young lleifers and Bull. Two of the heifers are red, the , Meek spotted, and the bull Ws Walla& Aigsy person returning said castle, or giving lake usatios of their whorombouse, will, be estalify rewarded. JOSSPII litaligkLolll. May It/. 31 PANA MA. Leghorn. Braid and Paktl-404,.. fur ink dump, at . ' • Sums Ax 111 ratan S ooessealing Hu -*W 16 4703 1 1 1 7 1 =ritt. LorslisT i lkeeet • - ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers