The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 10, 1858, Image 4
10 LIMNS 93 CI ' "je Vita by the plough would thrive,. Miseet avast either held or drive." if , ;,.: f ~ 7 ' fre . he The Coop t•t li 't 'l' sa lady Plaatiag. si llis :—I mat you an article ow_ Corn, as the 'result of gaper by a Aimed of buns, which is at YagIiAMIP L ' IF lOWA fear years this expert -11.0111~1111 going on, for the purpose 0111POPTIAlkling the beet mods of grow ing. aura, sad one great error into - wbivb many humeri fall, is that of planting too ,close; from throe feet to three (net and a half is generally the distance allowed between the Kowa each way. The plan of my farmer friend is to Imre out his' rows from North to South, leasing a space of full four feet between each. He then drops two grains at one place, with an interval of two i feet and a half between each drop ping. The Object in scoring out North .and South, is to give every bAI or stalk 'the benefit of as much sun as pos. rible, and to prevent in a certain degree one row from shading another. Corn, like snakes, is fond of the sun. Every bill is covered with the hoe, (preferring the good old way in that respect to any other) taking good care that no stones or clodsl 'Wit upon the place where the corn has been planted. This can In , ac complished in nu way so well us with the hoe. His time fur planting is generally be. tweon the 10th and 15th of May, giving tho ground a chance to become well warmed before the seed is put into it. There is fur less danger of the corn rot thy when the ground is warm, and the rapidity of its growth more than compensates for the lateness of the season ;,,besides, it is not near so liable to a back-eet ns when it is planted ear.' liar. Many farmers plant, as I know, their corn the last week in April, when i tho ground is wet and cold, and as a! consequence (unless under very favors- He circumstances) it lays there for weeks without germinating, and very frequently rots. I have known corn to remain in ground for throe weeks before it, made its appearance MART° ground, while it is 'seldom that corn planted from the 10th to the 15th of May does not sprout in three or four days.. It may be proper to remark here, that I always soak my seed corn (as does my friend) in hen manure wat er, beforoflr.nting. I prefer this mode of planting to the drilling-system, as the corn is loss diffi cult to keep clear., and I find 400 that 1 can, raise just as much as by the other plan. r I know of some that have raised from 75 to 80 bushels per acre without extra usanuring, which I consider a fair yield. last season my friend tried an ex periment upon ton acres, by planting one half full 4 feet apart, two grains at a Oleo 21 feet apart. The other half was drilled in, 4 feet apart. The drill ed portion was much more difficult to keep clean than the other, and the yield was about the same. The corn on the 5 acres planted according to my hillitrito method, that is full four feet between the rows, and two and a halfl between the droppings, was much the fined, being larger and fuller in the car, aod.easier husked. Ai :should have been mentioned in the beginning of this article, that ground intended for corn, is always put in the very best condition before planting. Spiing plowing is, I think, the best, or mach preferred by me for corn ; unless the land is too rich, which is not often the ease. In concluding this plain statement, I will merely remark, that if the same attention were paid to corn growing, that is given to the raising of wheat—if the land was as well manur e(' and worked, we could as easily raise one hundred bushels to the acre, as we now raise fifty. Oxpoen FAems:a. April 20, 1858.- Row to Btop Blood. Take the fine dust of tc ar the seripinge of the inside of tanned leath er, and bind it close upon tho wound, And the blood will soon cease to flow. Those articles are at all times accessible and easy to bo obtained. After the blood has ceased to flow, laudanum may be advantageously applied to the wound. Due regard to these instructions will mve agitation of mind, and running for the surgeon, who would probably make no better prescription, if present. I=nl=Ml How to Cool Water If it is desired to cowl water for driftkiagin warm weather, and ice can pet be obtained fur this purpose, lot it be kept in an unglazed eartherware piteber wropt around with to or three folds of coarse cotton cloth kept oon elaistly wet. Tho theory of cooling wAitir in this man nor is thealliMptime of beat front_it, by the evaporation of the moisture in the cotton eloth--ex pacsiou produces cold, eompromiiou heat." Economy of Carpets. To prove oxpesive carpets, it is welts completely cover the floor be nest4 theta; with dreg et, or noarsc mat**, whieh is a much hotter plan thaw*** spreads layer of stntw betwoere thelleorand carpet; the straw (besides' the dt ulty of spreading it perfectly s and even) accumulating much d tale, works up through the lutrpet. .16; paPaaaa 'bail LS bon soubstiftee leave whitish =ado se timaiiiimei tables lake set, s iv shcrtid not be, earekesli upc,:e) thiliwzoTO name it, pow , llafte Wit* sod rsb ft *Rd lath 4 .- W"' hat: no 1 r 444 , 11.... „ 111.7 m d ; 4 114 • tot4 r o. as before. .1 - , COQ _ gin aluisnigns4 had .kwa Tint*d pu. ~ .~ir m . in Accosts t is ollios one i• Assignee ander a Deed of' Trust ve,ben- AA» Atilt Bossiap" - "el philegt ....ennentrat i the I elle of creditors of L. ?HAMELIN' TRIM t • ` ' ea. 1 ' -.stem Johan& in and WIPS, of Reading township,: Adams To b et its tends it tit Settiihment.'46l 1)51 Cl _At street s *ad upposile Pichiug's . i county. notice Is hank y given to an - persons , t 4 4 OuVtanding in hands of 1 siteri..wliwelthose wishing to hale say Den knowing themselves indebted to saisl Myers.' _Henry Brinherhof, Collector. 113 V i tab Operitiei perforatedare • respectfully invi. : to make unnsedists _patutent to the under- 1 " Assiessed for 1857,. 1150 30 tad t o . cell. licritacxces: Dr.. 1). Horner, signed, residing in Lattmore township. and .' Cash received foe Tools sold, 150 ',Rev. C. P. Kruth, 1). D., Rev. 11. L Bangher, those having claims against the same to pre- 1 K Tines and Lituutee, 935 ' 1). D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs. PruL M. L sent them properly autbentierted for settle- 1 --.' Stoever. • [Gettysburg, April 11,'53. wont. JOHN HENRY MYERS, Assiipsee. I $1735 471 ' -- April 19, 1858. e.t. CR. i Edward 1114Intire, 500 QURVEYOR fur the county of Adams. 25 I ' 7 Glee in Liberty township. Post-Oilice G 24 address, Atarsiisi.nerg, Yd. 70 Nur. 19, 1857.* .4 4 a. martint and work. 321 871 50 Fire Insurartoe. 00 mfl Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance " -' •lice services, 94 I. Company—Capital $139,513G—./bate in- G. .. oa Loans, -8) sureness in any part of the State, against lose by tire ; prudently adapts its; operations 32 00 i to its resources ; affords ample indemnity, 11l 2L 16 I andpromptty adjusts its tosses. .4 23 91 Adams county is represented in the Board 3 0 0 of Managers by Him. Musts McCutsx. .. 1 50 WM. MeCLEAN. Awn/. .. 2; 50 0305 aY. k W. IleCtru.,lktottrobers. a. 4 G2l i May M, 1856. 5' GO - - 25 00 a D. MoConaughy, .. 30 00 TTOB NEY AT LAW, (office one don: 35 00 -4 1 - i west of Buehler's drug and book store, Al 49 00 Chawbereburg street,) ATTUINCY AND So . ~ 31 00 1 LICITOIt iOH. PATENTS .t.ND PiNSIONA. Bounty .. ... 550 Lind Warrants, Back-pay supended Claims, 81 79 and all °tilts claims against the Government 2$ 47 at W.ishingtou, D. C ; also American Claims 41 23 in England. Land Warrants located and sold, or bought, and highest prices given.— A.ients engaged in locating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other western States. MY - Apply to him personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21, 1853. ' !fir FIE undersigned having been appointed I Assignee finders Deed of Triggs br hen. eta of creditors of WARNE& TOWNSEND and WITE. of llantington township. Adams' county. notice is hereby given to all persons knowmg themselves Indebted to said Town send, to make immediate payment to the un- ; drrsigned. residing in !heading township, and those having claims against the same to pre sent thew prenerty authenticated for settle...! meta. A.NIES TOWNS::ND, April 5, 18.38. et UEORGE NEWCOMER'S ESTATE.—Let ters of administration on the estate of tieorge Newcomer, late of Menallen t Iwuship, Adams county, deceased. having been grant ed to the undersigned, residing in the same township, she hereby gives notice to al) per ilous indebted to said estate to make itnmedi ate payment, and those haringelaims against the same to present them properly authenti cated fur settlement. EVE NEWCOMER. Erecutriz. AMOS SCHLOS* 4 EIt. .1./ent Nor ars same, tusrldp. pri I 26, 6t The First of the Season! Or to I.ItCUS SAMSON has just resolved from ...Li- the New York Auction sale•. a large lut of REA 1) 17-31 A DE CLOT I 11 N Cr fur spring and summer, which he is able to sell at prices unpre4epentodly low. The new arrival con sists of Frock, Sack and Raglan Coats, with Pants and Vests, in great %gritty, new styles and patterns—fur Men and Buys. Call sued examine the large assortment before pur chasing elsewhere. Gumls will be received from New York every few weeks throughout ate season.— Inducements to purchase such as cannot be offerel by any other establishment in the county are now, and will continue to be, offered, at 8.13150N11, March 29, '5B. Opposite Me Bank. - -- - Come and See. yOTICF. is hereby given to all legatees and •A-• other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounts hereinafter mentionAl will be presented at theOrphin's Canna Adams county fur confirmation and allowance, on Tmestiay. I.lw. Zth day of May sari, at Hi l o'clock, A. M., viz : 33. The Second account of Goo. - Mcck- Icy, one of the Administrators of John ; Ffickingor, deceased. 34. The first account of John Nano-1 maker and William A. Grayson, Exec-1 atom of the last will and testament of John Nnnemakor, Sen., deceased. 35. Tho second account of Corneliu s ! floss and Joseph llc,av, Executors of tiro will of Isaac Items, deceit/nal. 86. The account of Peter Wolford and Samuel Arnold, Administrators nil the estate of John Arnold, late of Road ing township, deceased. 37. The first account of Jacob A.l Myers and John B. McCreary, Execu tors of George Deardorff, demised. 88. The ac.x.unt of Martin Gutz, l Administrator of the estate of Abraham Kitchen, deceased. 39. The first account of Tobias Du- •, er, Executor of the last will and testa-; moot of Henry Shroedor, deceased. 1 40. Tho first and final account of John B. Galbraith, Administrator of! the estate of Margaret Galbraith, doe'd. 41. The first and final account of, John B. Galbrith, Administrator of the , l estate of Ann Galbraith, deed. : • 42. The first and final account of; A AVING disposed o mere to the Masora. ' John B. Galbraith, Administrator of rho y "t " Gillian, I would nmenamend the net, firm estat e * )f Jana i3 ti. l Galbraith, dee'd* to the confidence of the public, and Impel 43. The second account of Emanuel they will receive a large share of the public Spangler, Administrator of John Spang patronage. JOUN HOKE. ler, late of Berwick Borough, deceased. April 5,1855 t. 44. The first and final account of Sohn Dissolution of Partnership. Arandt, surviving Administrator c. t. a. rimE co.. „ ship existing between the l ot the estate ofJohn Araudt, Esq., doe'd. L subscribers has been dissolved this day by 45 . The first and final account of Mi mutual consent. We are moth obliged t o I chacl Frseel, Executor of the last will our friends and the public tor the liberal sap-' and testament of Hannah Fiseel, dee'd. port extended to us. Our books are placed in 1 40. The first and final account of in the hands of Dunlop Paxton for coflection I cob Aulabaugh, Administrator of Mary and we earnestly request those indebted to. Summerville, deed. - us to call and make immediate payment, as 47. Thetsecand and final asses we desire to settle the business of the firm without delay. ALEX. COBEAS, . . John Melly:tin, Esq., Executor rnFsu GROCEKIES.—Norbenk .llartin 4 : have just received front the city a large Int of fresh Gouda in their line. Sugars. of all qualities and prices; 'Molasses, five differ ent kinds: C.ffees, three kinds; Teas, em bracing every variety; Chew. Crackers, 31sckarel, Brooms, Brushes. &c., k-e.; •Puw der and Sant, hisails, aud a rariety - uf fancy articles. FlAtt• and FEED always os haul, and sold at the smallest profits. April 12. lssB. New CIROCEIII ES AND C. " MINN & Btuvusa have taken the stare of John fluke, on the North West corner of the Diamond, where they will continue the Dry'lloods and Grocery business on an en larged scale. They will constantly keep on hand a large aid varied assortment of every thing in their line. They have just laid in a large and splendid stock of Spritay awl Sum mer. Guotla, and aro euw opening them fur the inspection of the public. We cordially invite the eitisons of (Jetty/burg and vicinity to give us iCsoll, and exatnine fur themselves, as we feel satisfied they will want nu other recommendation to induce them to buy. We are determined to .keep : nudging but good Goats and to sell cheaper than the cheapest fur the cash. Give us a call, no trouble to show goods. J. C. GUINN & BRO. April 5, IRSR. A Card. TIIE subscriber haring disposed of hie terest in the Store of Cone. N & k i arc to K. F. Meli.nviv, respectfully 11416' tlSe o continuance of his friends and customer; to patronize the new flew of PAKTON 111ZNY. A. COBEAN. DUN LW. New Firm. P.IXTON & MeIIAIENT, (Successors to Cobras tf- Puxton,) Whnleetks. anti Retail Dealers in lIATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, (V. STRAW GOODS. Also, AT TUE ROUTH•EAST CORNER OV CENTRE SQUARE, T N TUE SHOE AND BAT BUSINESS.— o.l)elig f Mcllheity hate commenced business at the well known stand or Cobeun k Paxton at the S. E. Cur. of Centre Squire. Business to be dune un the principle orquick sales and short profits, We will constanly keep oil hand a vod stock and sell cheap.— To satisfy yourselves cull and see our assort ment. We intend to give our constant personal attention to business, w th s disposition to please the particular tastes of every one who may favor us with their patronage. PAXTON & ,NIc.ILH EN Y. March 22, 185 i. tf - Bastress & Winter, .EW 0.114)11,0, Adana pounty, Pa., Pro dom. Futrell-dig!' awl Coaxissiasiooi Msre- Iwnoe ; Waolessle slid Retail :Jailers in Gro ceries; constantly on hand, FisA, Sult, Plas ter. Giulio. *e. Fu 1111 T, Coax, RrL, OATS. CLOYER and TI"tall r hztD, bought at all times, for which the highest mall prices are paid, Feb, 15. .18:.M. I Two Daily Linea. ' VITRA ACCOMMODATIONS. —The an. New Liunber 1111,241, , -t- , darsigned returns his thanks to the puhlie `for the encoursgetneht' heretbfors extended to A T NEW ONFORD.—...The undersigned hint, and takes pleasure in announcing that ho - 4- e- would Wenn the public that he has ; has completed sirspantesaa b,y ie , opened a LUMBER YARD, 1)n a large some.' which TWO DAILY LIN ES of ~,.: w a s -, • i in 4/te town of New Osfurd . Atlanta suunty.-to Catches will ran between (Im awss ps. m 5.... witia4 the Gettysburg Railroad has been al- ' b urg an d fi anoaer , to con n ect w i t h the tr a i n s i eu ready ostended. We ssortrrent easlaseea jto sad from Baltimore, York, Us rrisburg N 111 klntla of Lu in lwr—Panol, Firat and &owed miedeichia. &.c. p enman &thi ng tteh ete or , C..maroon and °ailing Rnarits, Pirat and ' i darmat 6 t w i lt c ot on t a a an d ces i ine ce w on 1 B.3)x)nd 0 oum to and Calrtng /gook, Hemlock Cum= Tam Ticket Agent. it the aegis Few:sing &NW*, Ilaanberk Janata, Stiustling. D at e , i n ch em b ere b erz a re a, Piesturiag Laths heeded and plain Puling l 13:7-Spreial attention liven to all ,pocksges, &e., he.. 41twa ! ate.ow allierhadsess i eutrusted to the wier • lie invitee calla from those in went-all e • ne 4 h e t e rr etn berg and Honorer. Lsother. feeling assured that in que.Jitg or re l eb ,, e 44. be pram end cseera p" ttead# . Foes hla'atocit eV?? Si ajar , . lie -wits "r e d to. I asavir to `dlestitrehimi altare 401 publii D e. t cisThe i ndereigoo bias idijo effected er. i lie ' ' - '' -' ' , .). ...4 , . v f 4 4 1/ai r',. anisbista bY which IfelViltLielibill t. .I.oll= R age malt - liaae' Snebui y'l 'oh hain laid L. .. i ',.? !',.,...,___.` .. ' ' Oelesiblic &nee? *SA i e r. lll ' 4 ". '' • -- .L maktti tin's/ I st BURALLER'S. in Chew.' ii & ciotwasions,.stipagersta amigos. k p. 14 • ' ``•'` TrT2. ' l " l- '7lswitli.Z 4 --• NICHOLAS WS,. b ele i t'__:: i* its r i " 1 e a i ta =t hdiiiii 4ll4 o lloo .__ .4s ' Oettysbiliti, Ap ril IS. MT. , ...!' :. i i. „ 1. t ir w . la mall lot of USW. 3 111113Sinaplitili b ' l '- - - - - - ht will be sold low. 4 11 afir s ili At . i ll jit:r7nine taw at., abroad se J-'t • I . ( I ,IISAIIHr—aA Arse-seta St dajuSi iiiiiiimyhs *mu. se . 111 A .. - ! ings*ASPlZ* THOMAS'. NI and for salely Utasearts4 Tames. March 29. Assipee's Notts,. Administrator's ' Notice DUNLOP PAXTQN March 17, 18;8 March 22, Iftsß Wall riper. Dilutor Sao(les, 7'011413, Ceti Orel BIN'S, (Timbre lhu, Caws, Tobareo anti Segars, Grtiyibtery, Adams County, Pa March 2.1, IR.3$. tf New Firm, COITIA. By orders paid doetlon officer.. ... .. " ker Blank Wok. " " administering oaths, " " Sundry persons for work, 623 " carting and work, 321 cars of Engines, 37 " of Town Clock, " Police services, " tomcod an Loans, " Witter Rent, ' " Mason work, " " Smith work.• • " " Brick and San!, " " Stone, •• " Timber, " Printing, " T, ools, " " Taxes and quit Rents, •' Engineering. " " Clerk and T-eas. anlart, " " B irgess k Town tl.rur.eil, " " C 'Rectors fees, Releases on Dup., F 57, Is:s ;, " " Outstanding tax, 1957, 44 IN, " 1556, &Anaemia heads of Treasurer, The andervigned, Town Conneil of the Borough of Okutysbur,z, have examined the foregoing account of Robert U. McCreary, Treasurer of said Borough, and find it cor set, and that there is a balance of Forty-one lat.+ and Twenty-three Cants in the Lands of said Treasurer. JORN atiLlEnr, L. KHNDLEIIAIIT. ROBICIRT OOHKAN, WU. B. MEALS. lIKNRY COMFORT, JOHN ItUPP. April 19. 1R:.8. Register% Notice. - FORD.—The undersigned has made ar rnsigrinents with the Pennnylvania Railroad limitoispanz to run their cars to Wrightsville, here (foods can ha tntash:pped into the f are Northern Central Railroad C.. Present rates of Freight between Phil. adulphis and New Oxford are-- On Ist CLASS, 4) cts. per 100 Ilss. 2.1 " 40 .• •• .. ‘• 34 " 34i " " " ~ 4th " 29/ " a P " Cl.xxls for List present time will he shipped only twice a week from Philadelp!iia—tin Itl .n.lay and Wednesday. But they will be shipped daily whenever there is au accurnu lattuu of 2003 ILe, or upwards. lIENRY KAUFFELT. Wrii;literille,lluzch 15. 1818. 4tu New Partnership. undersigned have entered into part -- nership in the Flour, Feed, Grocery and Provision business, at the oil stand of the, former, at the northwest corner of Baltimore and High streets. They will constantly keep o n hand a larße supply of Flour, Feed, Gro ceries, Provisions, Tobacco. Segars, &c., lc , and will sell at the lowest living profits. C.all and judge fur yourselves, They will also at all times pay the cash, at the best market rates, for Flour and Feed. JACOB NORBECK, Wei. J. MARTIN. April 5, 1838 F- -_-- - - 18 148 11i SIT3S 47 Wm. B. McClellan, A TTQRNEY AT LAW.-01iee on the li south side of the public square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel °See. Gettysburg, August 1853. Edward B. Buehler, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will faithfully and procuptly Stead, to &Mousiness eatruatod to hun. Ue aptake the Oerceass langtotia.— Office at the MUSS pleas, is S. , uth ILll6lOlOtO street. near Forney's drug store, Ind mosey opposite anner 4 Ziegler's store. elettythurg, March 20. ALEX. PRAAgit, %able** Clork 3laker, has removal big shop to Chambershpig r street. obilposite the Lutheran Church, irhel.e be will always be happy to attend to the calla of costumers. Thankful for past &enrol, he hopes, by striotattention to bulginess amt a desire to please, to merit and rewire the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, slisrelt _ Nett -Cash DRY GOODS HOUSE.—Opestiag of Spring (4,O4!—EYRE: & LANDELL. Fourth & Al-oli Streets, Ptsilistiolpltia. are now infer lug a full stock of Nem G.mml* for Sprimg of 18581 F.ISAION ABLE SPRING 40014, BLACK SILKS, 24 to 34 inched wide, Sp:ing E1ff1.341 Goods, New Styles, Sltawic, in all the newest Styles. British, Frenuh and American Chintzes, Full ScQek of Lketuestic Goods, Full S:ocit of European o.ods. N. B. &again' in Seasonahle Goods, daily received Irina the AUO t lONS of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. MERCHANTS are invites(' to exam ine the. Stock. TERMS, Nett Cash, and low prices. [March 8,1558. 3m Last Notice. IHIVE been giving notice fur I the last year to all those who are iudebte.l to me to call and pay the same. Nu attention has beets paid it. I now give notice that suit will be brought on nil mites awl accounts that &reset paid on or before the flr s7dayy of April nest. FeS. 8. '5B. tf OgO. ARNOLD. VEW 1101752 &,NEW GOODS '.—JACOBS & HBO. hare removed their Merchant Tailoring Estatlishment $ the splendid nest three•story house on the north *Woof chain bersburg street. adjoining Bringman & A.ugh iittmagb it, where they wall /swimsuit bull/toss on olarger scale than ever. Their stock of Cloths, Cassinares, Gan nets, Vesting', &c., &c., has been largely in creased, and they are prepared to sell as lode as the lowest—defying . all oompotition. Give them a call, and examine their assortment be fore purchasing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. Clothing made up or short notice and in very best and most tasteful °manor.— tit their Icng pt . actical. exporienoe in the hints, awls destre to pfessie, they hope ts ‘lll, togi_ve satisfaction in all cases. C A ! Os; sxn 'ALL! ' , ettysbarg.3ltrch 22, 1858. --- Ready-made ClotAing ant of •f the .0. ARNOLD has now on band the Largest nook of Ready-made Clothing is to tprisiag every variety and Adze, all of Lie manufacture, which will be warranted made, being hands constantly etupluy sutting out and making up. If wo cannot %la with u garment ready made, we will you the goods, take your measure, acid riffle you up a garment on the shortest no tice. Please call at the Clothing Emporium, where you will find Mr. Culp always on hand, bright and acoommodating. Our stook is lar, e. well selected, and will be sold cheap fur Cash. Gettysburg. Mrtrab 29, /KA. I Wingetd, White & Swope, WIIoLILSALI DEALEIti BOOTS, SHOES, CAPS, ik STRAW GOODS; ALSO, IN PASHIONABLZ Maieskin, &Ik, Felt and For 'fats, 11. W. CH. SALTIIIOIIIII t nOWARD ITS , Adam R. Wiugerd, Daniel N. White, BALTIMORE, MD John A. Serve. Aug. 3, 1557. NDREW W. FLEIIMING, residing in Ilreekinridge street, near James Pierce's, Gettphur7.„ offers his services to the public at a Sale Crier and Auctioneer. Ills charges are moderitte, end he will ofinllooottsions en deavor to render A:attraction. lle hopes to receive a share of public patronage. Aug. 17. 1g57. . New Goods. G .EO. ARNOLD has just received from the City a large stuck of Goods, among which are Ladies' Dress Goods, very cheap and latest stylus; cheap Cluths. Cassia:tares, Tweeds. Sutnuler Cloths, Drab Detatc, Coat ings, Veitings, Linens, Calicoes; Gingham's. and a large stock of domestic goods. Also, GROCERIES, &c. The above ►ods have been well selected and will he sold at small profits fur Cash.— Please call, examine, and juilKe for yoursely OIL Gettysburg, March U. 1835. ,Man'arAlTear. JL. SCIIICK would invite the attention of • buyers to big large stook of flue Black Oath*. Fine o.llaved do., Fine Black Citsidineree, • hulas CaSiiiefaoP, 81deltriped de., Po:gangs, -• Trosiery, Cameo. Riaspittdin,ThAidkiirchiefa, Jae., -- AO/ 11161 L.. Removal. RemovaL Auctioneering. ANNY'S MisrAbse Des undersissed.4lstring eigoitited Agent fur the rale of Kenny's CoAbilled Reaping and Moulin Idichitie, with Wood's Improvement, for Ashton Enmity; Whew them to the puislic, knowing &belt to be the beet combined alechine in use. It bus been sue. eemfally introduced into different parts of our Andre w Heintselman, Jacob King. State, and I t seld thirty-four last season, in t Measonas.—George Bwope, D. A. Buehler, Aaiun, county, all rendering satisfaction.— R. M'Curdy, Jacob King. A. Lleintseltuan, The machine received • silver medal at the D. M'Creary, J. J. Kerr, M. Eichelberger, S. State Fair--eilso, the fret Premium at York,l R. Russell, A. B. Kurt: Andrew Pales. S. Causberland, Centre , Huntingdon, and other Fatinsetook, W. B. Wilson, 11. A. ricking, county Fairs, where it was exhibited. Far- Wm. B. M'Clellan, Juhn Wulfurd, R. G. Mc toorineeding a Rasping Machine, will please' Creary, John Horner, E. W. Stable, J. Angh call upon the undersigned. Were purchasing. inbaugh, Abdiel F. Oitt. as he always takes Press Pleesure to ehring efor - This Company is limited in its opera the Machines. Early orders are solici ted, as tiuns to the county of Adams. It has been in the number received from the manufacturer successful operation fur more than sit yearn. will be in proportion to the demand. and in that period has paid all losses and ex- SAMUEL HERBST, Agent, penses, without any assessment, having also a Opposite the Eagle Hotel, Oe;sysburg, Pa. large surplus capital in the Treasury. The March 1, 18511. t Company employs no Agents—all business being done by the Managers, who are annual ly elected by the Stockholders. Any person desiring. an Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers fur further infor mation. *if The Etecutire Committee meets nt the nice of the Company on the last Wednesday in every month, at 2, I'. M. Sept. 28, 1837. ValyLable Real Estate A T PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at Private B.►le, all his Real Estate as follows : I.—My late residence in Gettysburg, fronting 30 feet on Chambersbur,g street, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve ments. No. 2.0--L'it adjoining above on the West, fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, &c. 3.—Lot adjoining- No. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Coach Shop, anti other improvements. Nu. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3, fronting 29 feet, with double Brick. Dwelling, Smith S:inn, &c. No. .5....-lAt weist of the Foundry, with Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. It adjoining No. 5. oontaining shout 3 Acres. No. 7.—Three Lots fronting snob 30 feet on Chambersburg sheet. Nu. o.—Traet of Land in neuniltonban trrnslitp, lying nn Marsh creek. containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in first-rate timber. 10.--Coseb 'Establishment in Shop herdstown,' Va.. with good will. &e. The It - Maims is sit admirable one for busineis, sad iesproremeists in good order. marTitlea good and terms k, suit plinths- Wa.. &IRIAN 4441414giustaa. Isq., Get tysburg, or' the undersigned:riding in Shep herfistown, C. iir4 HOFFMAN. March 15; 1859.' site Grand; Show I AT GETTYSBURG, PA. Samson, Amiga 4k. Proprietor Mori, op.on i nt A. M.—Performance to commeoce immediately after. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Adults', . • FREE. Children. (ender 12 Yearn of age, ) Half Pries GRAND CO 31 ramEN"TARY BENEFIT TO TUE PUBLIC! * The subscriber,' thankful for pima favor*, ritssikp.itsimitaoluthombiksatailof4iiet tyeburg andseorreandito. arbuntry, of the fact that h. kaujiajrnealtietil from the New York Anotiotot 1 SI'LLYDiD STOCK pr GOODS! vtitieit he ist determined Se *ell at astonishing ly rateit fur ciao. Iss return fur the liber ai_patvona4e boetuWal tip to him, he will give ti rand C. un i nli etary- Beneti ty on "Molt tar cation will Jibe protected TWO , X.JOYIPICENT PIECES! 0* Wettnesaisy, October 28, and erery day "MR farther notice, will be promoted the very popular Tragedy of P . P ti P 41 4,1 n i o clui—farbion ablo Clothing, foreallta.latilt, to the lowest iced qualitie s . Uentlesaea's Furnishing T.)0414, in groat vaoety. _Bouts. Shoes, Hata, suit all tastes. An hitermission of Test Alinwtes, to allow those making large purchases time for 14,41.11*, Ic. The whole to coached° with N. Swamies oats maid Play, entitled rABLETTES'I the beware!' whleh *ill mane great excite. moot atenex the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oot. al" lft37. f mice anilloury Wompler will make house Spouting 11,1111 put up the Immo low, Ibr eosin or countepprqdace. Far mers and *ll' others wisrlini thew bums, barns. &CA spouted, would do' well to in thema cull. G. & WA...IIPLIE. April IR` 1A53. 'tf , Removed to Hanover. PRANCULF. WILSON * !sheaf the Wash ington.Honse at A hbottetown, has taken IJERSHE.tsOLI) AND POPULAR NAND. In lhanover, where be will be happy to enter- Loin all wtvi may patronize him. His Table is supplied with the best the market and Ar den can atfurd, and his liar with the choicest of liquors. His Stables are commodious, and attended by crreful s. Give him a call. You will a:ways find FRANC. on the spot, ready and willing to make everybody_.r forta - ble. (April 27, l Stauffer & Harley. ClIE.1.1) WATCHES & JEWELRY, whole sale and retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 'OB North Second street, curlier of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gull Lever Watcher, full jeweled, 18 enrat case. , . s2'B 00; tiohl Lepi ties. 10 carat. $24 00; Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le pales,jewels, $9 00. superior Quartiers,s7 00; (old Spectacles, $7 00; tins Silver do. $1 50; Gold Bracelets. 83 00; Ladies' Gold Pencila. 81 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set, $0 00; Gold Peni, with pencil and silver holder, $1 00. o,ld Fiitgar Rings, 37} cents to $80; Watch Glasses, philn, 12/cents; patent ISt; Lunet 2.5; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold fur. • STAUFFE It II ARLEY. 0:1 hand, some phi aud silver Levee and Lepiite:4, .till (vier thau the above prices. _ et. W, 1837. ly To the Country, Good News. HAVE rented the Foundry for the ensu ing year, and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points, Starts, Cutters, Lc.; Pots, Kettles, Pans, Washing Machines,' &e.; Stores and Machinery ; Pur ahem, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly ; but being-without capital. sad mono,- being necessary ta.carry ou the baguets*, 1 will bt compelled to sell for cash, but on all enlentry work sper cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade vr,ll be takan, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Give us a call. IIfASEE.N. Gettysburg, Jane 1. 1857. Hanover B. Aintroad. T ft ilti.4ugn• Os Itanater Briwwjt Railivid' •I• now ran as tenor' First ?Sole haves ill6m4stiflt F at: .:11ii - tii; pasegrapri ibe York, • Ellirriiburm Coltiarbii,' and FlitladelOta. UT* lrrisiti 4w tonnects' with the Express for Baltimore; 'writing there at VI s. , Second Tatin'Aestes at I P. x. - with' pas • °poi ibt Beamnrie sad intermediate pla- . ° Po'. azi , a re" , . 'R ." -` Paiaala rJ. Ellf rimu , Age lt nt : .iti — -, anon of the Wins is, iiireneedtp ktor..lo: Mt: e r and splendid ainortment of new • .ipring &Ed Samonsit(limils. seek as Delano', I KA= ,-i, , - o f best brit-as. anal., L wow , l A gea l I : t ft e r a ,o44q mk , d i im F o. 4 .o at • ', , mos thnothigh dim. lbw *ow* Benirta, - -- -. . L. . ...,,, • . .... 1 ,, „ - zt.; • - .. › 1 44404 ' .- II- i''' T=" " '''. . T'' " 1 ' - ' • lOll 11111BROIDEJLIS/3.—A ----- • , 'lnid . wr*: .; .' .-6 ..6 6 , . „ . •. ' . 4 . 111 alMitailai of ride'? u 0 „ • Iv , ..-„-Ix "i. wi, ,-- .. tey..; - * or „-." ci lM ad many other w e' No = t o h o ••••• - s t.r . ,' Ira, c 44 imipis , ii ! o w , ablekbals, jest mind sad 11110 -, d will rapidly. -' . • • , . .ipriciir it U.lO. aE. n. liftman!: , Eli negag, Id.— ' d/IPICIAL Presielent—George Swope. 17ce Presidext-8. R. RunelL • Seeretary.43l. A. Buehler. Treaeursr--David .111Treury. Executive CONI RI ittee Robert MeC Fine Old Brandies. pH F. subscribers, Importers and Dealers in WINES & LIQUORS, would most re spectfully call the attentinn of purchasers to their Old Establishment, No. .j North Front Street. Philadelphia, where they haven large assortment of Wines and Liquors of the choicest brands and qualities. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and RoChelle BRAN PIES: °lard, Pdlersion, Pinet,Caslillion; J. J. Depuy & el),T.llitnes, A. Sargnette, Martel, Marett, ha. lc., of va rious brands and quilities. WINES: • Ciumapagne, Madeira, Lisbon, Old Oporto, rewrite, Bargundy, Hoek, Mus cat. Caret. Sherry, and Malaga Wines. Holland Gin, &Madam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, 5..4,443h and Irish 'Whiskey. Peach. Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, ginger, and Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wineßitters, Amsterdam Bitters. Fee. Also, Agents and Sale Proprietor* of' the Old Wheat, Whiskey. Constantly on hand an extensive stock of lee old Monongahela, Rye and Bonbon Whiskey. of various grades, rime of whieb are guaranteed to be superior to any is the eountry, all of which are high ly improved by age. From our long experienee in the business, and a thorough knowledge of the testes of the eumdtunity. we flatter ourselves to be able to 11l al! orders thit may be entrusted to us. Orders from the eountry (which are most respectfully solicited) wilt be promptly at tended to. gerGreat care taken in packing and ship ping. siir.lll goods sent from our establishment are guaranteed to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. - • 1/. P. MIUDLETON & BRO.. N 0.5 North groat Sz., Philadelphia. March t 2. IESB. Gm White Goods AND EMBROIDHRIES.-3. L. SCHICK would invite the Ladies to examine his large variety of new style Brilliants, Cato brhat, Jaenttete,-Pbsin Cambric*, Linen. Col lars, Ilandkerehiefs.4c. Opril 5. .To Get T UE full worth of your money, make your purchases of Ready-tunas Olothinm, B tots, B.aies, Qst., Oar, Trunks, , Cluck , Violins, and everything else in Hip variefy line, at SAMSON'S. March 29, 1858. Wanted. smiII"PAUSL on a main road " near the county town, with description, boation, price, &A. Address, a. L. ASH 31EAD. 270 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. April 12, DM. 4t John W. Tipton. "itiswirutss,"' GO to Tipton's--Ao to Tipton's— do to ripostes in the co-nee-.- In the corner in the Diamond— In the Diamond near McClellan* If you want your Lair dressed finely . — - If you wancyour face thltvedsmouthi.Y. Itacl:e.ors who never knew it— Tip's the fellow that can do it— D I it is the latest fashion— ' Do it quick and do it nest* And improve your fine leaks greatly, Make you /oak so young and sprightly, Make you feel more young and hrightly, Make you CAI like going nightly To call open some pretty damsel Who before w.yold not look at you, At you as von passed her daily, Daily on the public street. And young men who wear monstaches, Whoiraidsome o:ie to new patches— Patches where your breeches tear— Tip'stte tiny to make up matches. 'Matches with some lady fair. Then repair to Tipton's gimp, Dandy, Fogy, Flirt and Fup. Jan. 11,1938. - - - - Hover's Liquid Hair Dye. . . TUE testimony of Prof. !tooth and Dr. Brinekle having previously been publish ed. the followin ,, is now added: From Prof. '1417C Los KM fortnerl,Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Yenittle Medical Cdlege of Pennsylvania, an late Professor of Surgery in the American College of Medicine, &c. PUILADIMPIIIA, NOY. tl7th, 18.53. Ma. Jostru E. Horse :—A trial of your Liquid flair Dye will convince the most skeptical, that it is a safe, elegant, and eliTea eloeu preparation. Unlike many others, it has in several instances proved serviceable in the cure of some cutaneous eruptions on the head, and I have no hesitation in commending it to thole requiring such an application. Very re4poctfully, - - J. F. X. MrCLaskrr, M. T)., 475 Race St., above 13th. wit Hone r's Writing Inks,in eluding /loner's lirrilitsg. , "cad. and Haver's /addible /faits, still maintain their high character, which has always dijitiaguisked theta, and the extensive demand first created, has contiuuca uninter rupted until the present. Orders addressed to the Miumfactory, No. 416 RACE Street above FOURTH, (old )o. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt at teution by - JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufacturer. Dec. 21, 1857. [apr. 13. Is) John Stone to Sons, QO5 eke. , " sired, 440 ,, $igAM, (late of No. 45 South Seound Btreei.)' dclphia. are now .receiving their Spring Ise- Porietion of SILK& MILIANSRY GOOD* consisting in part of • Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Satin Ned Tanta Ribbons, • tirtal De Naples; (Glue pad Plains) Marenlines 'AA Fluresees, .• 8 1 4441u411a. linglab Crapes, Malin. and Illusion Leavy eto. Alia, a full assortment of FrsheA Asseri. cam Flowers. Man.:lid:2;7A le. in] 4.--/noor- } ti li= 01183E2 Lumber, Coal and Stoves. XEJV FIRM! TTHEundersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Gettysburg and 'tinily, that they have entered into a co•partwership, and intend, pening a COAL d• L UJU Lt YARD, on Washington street, in the rear of the Eagle Hotel, where they will be happy to see all who may favor them with a call. They will furnish ever, variety of Stove, Blaciamilh and Linarbarner 8 C'OAL, at the lowest possi- We wholesale rates, in order to introduce it into general use. They also intend keeping a full and general a.,sortnient of LUMBER. as soon as the Railroad is completed. They will keep constantly on hand every variety of COAL and WOOD STOVE,S, among which are tae celebrated William Penn. Noble Cook, Royal Cook and Sea Shell Click Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, Victor. Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook Stoves. Air-tight, Star, Franklin, Hot-air Parlor Grate, Lady Washington, Oak, Magnolia. Union. Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropis and Harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their stock will pleaum call at their Stove Warn Re oh, on Went Middle sneer., at the residence of Robert 3heada. Ll7Ortlers promptly sttended to. ROttFitt SNEAD% C. PIES!! Y BUEIILER. Gettysburg, Aug. Zl, 1857. Good and Cheap ! THE undersigned would inform his friends and the puhlic ge terally, that he c•n tinues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its branches, at his establish ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east end,,) Gettysburg, Pa., whet elle tins on hub I a first-rate lut of work, and is prepared Input up to order whatever muy he desired iu his line, viz:—Rockaway ntid Boat-Body Cliirriages ; Rock away do Trotting Buggies, I b lzitt• Jersey Ifirgons, a.c. "bramir • With good workmen and gond materials, he can pledge his work to he of the best quality —.and his prices are among the lowest. ear liepa ring done at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in ezchtuige fur work. Cull T. JACOB TIiONEL June 15, 1857: JEIVELRY, AVatchee, Pistols, Vinling,Gui tars, Aceortlenna. ILtrmenicmnw, Eight-day Thirty-bonr and Alaria Clocks. stall prlves to be had at SAILSO.X.S. The Largest Chair A ND Furniture Estaldislimer, in Baltimore MATHIOT'S GAY ST. WAREROOMS NO. 25 North Gay Nfreel, near .FaVette, where are kept always un hand. nr wide to order, every styled French TET&A-TETkS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Brewatelle. French Full Stuff and Medallion Perin? ARM CHAIRS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth ! or Brucntelle. French Full Stuff Careed PARLOR CILIIRS, in sets, with Plash, Hair, Cloth qr tirocatelle. SOFAS. half French Spring lkfultur,nny,gnd Walnut. Parlor CIIAIRS, in Hair, Clutb:l4 Plush. ROCKING CHAIRS--varioax•designa, in Hair, Cloth and Plubh. Stuff Spring LOUNGES—a large asmotth metit always on haud, or any pattern wads ur covere‘l with any goods to order. CH A3I BE It SUITS—in Mahogany sr Walnut, complete, from $34 up. CANE CII.iIItS and Rocking d0.4.-the largest assortment ready made in an; on* house in the United States—from $l2 a Outs en up. Bar Room, °Frio° and Dining CHAIREL,4* Oak, Walnut or M.thogany, with Cane, .Weeoct or Stuffed Seats—an assortment embracing over 50 dozen. Wood seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and Rocking Chairs--vier 100 dozen. A. 51AntIOT, 25 North gay Street, near Fayette street. May 18. 18.57. ly Herring's Patent °HAMMON FIRE it. BURGLAR PROOF %.) SAFI4S3, with Hall's 'Patent POWIAR PROOF LOC IL S.—Flastetst & Huutwu, Makers, 34 Walnut iStred, &Mr -Amid, 1' hilaielphia.—The great interest aesnifeatesk by the public to procure more certain securi. ty from firs fur valuable papers, sareillaa Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds, Motets and Moe* of Azopunte, than the ordieery - Baree here*. foie in use afforded, induced the PatentedPA devote a large portion of their time fur We' Wt. tbartecn years, in. making disco** "PA 4 12 0roYea;00tit for this .t 00. the of wltich is the unrivalled Herring's World's fair Promises- -FIRE PR &WES, urtirersallf Amsiosorrledol. 4l ooe l CHAMPION SATE . Or:I/ 7 AS NIVIII 4O I been awarded Medals at both thela r a Fain, Lund" 1851, and , Crystal r 054,sts superior to all others : Sax • usdoolgO, entailed to lint secured with Ilill's Patent .kti Lacks--which Were abut aii.• . - Medals, (as above)—forms the Fire ind Burglar Proof &firs ei • ed to the pu bic. • Nearly 300 ‘!llerring's -Balearekliittlittett tested:during the past .14 101104,40110 tha&10,000 have ..becoavidomlkeftwaishi. sow; tow.- or • . eta Alai on band • all-kinds of BOW — ij ' Chests laid T si. 1. lheste B • . • aledAdmikeol Alpe .tak, lit_ • '4 4 ' ,!AIL* letikirollllos tiIADIBMIIIOII.IIIOII6O4.* trek iude 1141~ aliirossamki LI 12=1