The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 10, 1858, Image 3
Sit SKINDAY 11010010, KAY 10, Ins poi& ecitplt Off4iiss. liftlii mffma. The bus of Yr. Jam Cusomirrza, near Road lull, in Reading township, was struck by lightning about 8 o'clock out Thstrinkty evening last, and entirely cusoni4d, together with &boat airtons et bay; two calves and a sheep. lli the building contained beside was sav ed. The light was distinctly seen from this place. AR •$ Rea. Mr. Jour SMITH, one hundred and elev en years old in November last, passed through this place last week, on his way from the State of New York to the West, on foot. lie tarried awhile at Mr. SoLomon Powaas's from whom we learn that, though of such extreme age, he seemed quite vigorous, with hearing acute, sight good, and voice distinct. lie was a participant in the Revolution ary war, mid held a Sergeant's position in the army of Washington. lie is now travelling homeward. having been on a visit East, and refuses to avail himself of the railroads, because he has no no tion of being killed just yd. Thar ltereagllt Sabo'la. All the Common Schools of tho Bor ough wore removed into the new build ing, on High street, on Monday last, where they are herafter to be taught, dispensibg with all othsr school houses. The upper floor is ohrow n into one large school room, (with class and clothes rooms adjoining,) and is occupied by the more advanced pupils, under the immediate charge of M. S. CONVIEUZ, A. M., the Superintendent of the entire school, assisted by Miss McCima.tx and Miss McCaznar. The first floor is divided into four school rooms, with glass partitions, so arranged that the four may be thrown into one. These rooms are devoted to the less advanced scholars. from those in their ABC's to those in geography and arithmetic, un der the charge of Mr. R. A. Lrrrt.s, subject to the direction of the Superin tendent, assisted by Miss MCCUIIDT, Miss THOMPSON and Miss Scam.4l* The desks are all d black walnut, with each scholar's oest numbered, as well as the hooks is the clothes rooms upon which huts, caps, bonnets, &c., are placed. The building is heated with two furnaces, and the schools ars call oil together by a bull in the belfry. It is thought that seven teachers will, under the present arrangement, be en abled to do the work of nine, as under the old system, and thakthere will also be a saving in fuel, &c., the whole suffi cient to make up for the increased outlay required in the employment of a Superintendent. We (lope all these anticipations may be more than realiz ed, but time will tell. . Iliessuribbas 71 $c.. A " tip-top " article of Mead can at all times he had, cool mid sparkling, at JACOB SIIF.ADS'Et, in Middle street, ad joining the rite fur the new Court liou,e. The deservedly high reputation of the " Sheads Mead " does not suffer in his hands. 'Try it. Mir The heavy rains of the last week swelled the streams and water courses to an unusual height. Rock Creek has rarely been more river-like than it was on Friday morning. Much of the corn planted we suppose to be none the bet ter for baying been in the Froand so early. germr. GEORGE F. ECKENRODE, the Postmaster at Heidlersburg, has sup plied. 'himself with a very handsome office stamp, at his own expense, the office not rating sufficiently high to bo included in the rule under which they are fun ished by tho Department. The stamp was procured in Now York, and lb much'more'neat and perfect than the generality of Uncle Sam's. iMirAt the late term of Court, Judge Ftsitioa decidod in favor of the applica tion to annex a portion ("Buchanan Valley ") of lienallen to Franklin township. • • ,The evening train on the Hano ver Brunch Railroad has been resumed, and will hereafter connect with the Accommodation Train on the Northern GNAW Railway, on every Tuesday and Saturday evening. Preaching may be expected in the Associate Reformed Church in this plump on Sabbath next, at 2 o'clock in thilidternoon. allpiThe Town Council have, we un derhand, appointed A. B. licara, Esq., SIAM' and !toad Commissioner, for the WellOt ' • - erne Bank of Gettysburg has de«• dared a semi-annual dividend of four Pei C. 0014. 1111111Piosearr advertisements are ex eladsiebota our columns. Mir May ,fair caw agues, /arust daughter of the Spring, a her emerikid, bur ecur.rfa ut inuutwun nust, and her crown ot %/Wow _ANlock:l4 Tritrzly.—.lt is stated that a low dap' aim to Ric Loved motility, 44•4 ilegiu maul, beiuuguig to Jirie. lioopoi, armed With au sae, eutereil DisWitsuar is Leee, and killed iiis tow tor ,00d =strew aud drdadliady ' ut . ILA aboddnoi that they • 'survive. aiweu was awu wade si.tsseusag the 1111/40011 • *wad ottodroo •ity Ai* wiertilloi we. Yunnan:lay • a loodit pi -111.11 at hood, Ifith Which Ski *O6 tilting him Mt -.lllllllW' - tau aegru was Wow. Illiiiiwor aroma aiNfp•adt. The annual report of receipts and ex- ifikacide.—Fasionmex. Warrmoas was, penditares of the Hanover Branch Rail- t found suspended bpthe neck, by means! road Company for the year ending 1 p of strop°, in his &tiler's barn, on Friday March 31st, 108, is published . Though ; morning last., life entirely extinct. Do the Road has, in common with the I I ceased was a bachelor about 45 years of Railroads throughout the country, been ; age, and our correspondent says the injuriously affected by the late revulsion I supposition is that ho was crossed in / in monetary affairs, the business done love. upon it has been large—far, far ex- E7edion.—An election was held in , ceoding the most sanguine expectationsEmmitsburg on Monday last, for Bor entertained at the commencement of d ough officers, which resulted in the the work. The gross earnings daring ; choice of the following gentlemen : Ber tha year have been: I foes, Patrick Kelly; Commissioners, Flom Freight, $18,659 54 i Charles A. Shorb, Frederick A. Rowe, Passengers,...... 8,865 65 Dr. James W. Eichelborger, Joshua " Maas and Express, 541 30 --MOOG 79 Rowe, Henry Stokes, and Rich. S. Gil- 1 The working expenses and the ex-I son ;—President of Fire Company, pensee for maintenanceofßoad,Bridges, Joshua Shorb; Vice President, Daniel Motive Power and Cars, havo amounted Wile; h fret Engineer, Neill. Rowe, to $16,197 07. Tho working expenses, ' Second do., D. G. Adelsborger; Seery exclusive of iron, cross-ties, and cost of terry, J. F. Adelsborger. It is under- bridge, as applied to renewal of road, &e., have amounted to $12,991 29, or 43i per cent. of the gross earnings. The net revenue, or balance of $15,- 015 50, has been appropriated to the purchase of a Locomotive, Passenger Car, Freight Cars, to the construction of a new Bridge, to other improve ments, and in paying the interest on the Bonds. Tho items of receipts are as follows : From earnings of Road $18,006 49 " Stock subscriptions,.........lBl 14 " Rest, . 45 00 " Materials sold 109 . 77 " Working Gettysburg Road, 53C 40 " Temporary 1,484 25 Atter deducting expenses, a balance of $1,158 58, is left in the Treasury. The President, Capt. A. W. Ewan.- BELOXR, concludes his report with the following paragraphs : 111 pursuance of the contract made for work ing the Mashed portion of the Gettysburg Rail road, two trains have been rinsing daily to New Oxford, since the 4th of January lest, in • manner, we believe, satisfactory to both CoMpanies. Sy the terms of the contract we receive thirty cents per mile run, for the services of motive power, passenger and bat% gage cars and operatives. It is expected that the Littlestown Railroad, which will be completed early la the summer, will also be operated by this Company. As these Roads, when finished, will become valua ble tributaries and furnish • trade that ours does not enjoy, they will be entitled to as liber al favor and protection as can be extended, consistently with the interests of this Com pany; and it is hoped, that, then, the amount of travel will justify this company in run ning passenger, independent of the burden, trains. The delays, whist' sew occasionally and necessarily occur, will then be avoided. There were carried over the Road during the year 10,24111 Passengers, against 18,1931 the preceding year, showing an increase of 1,050.. The whole number carried since the opening of the Road is 91,467}. We are gratified in being able to state that no accident, resulting_ to the injury of a pas senger, has ever occurred on the road. In completing my yard In the rear of my house this spring, which is 150 test in diameter, I wish to pleat ten trees around It which are to be equally distant from one another. lam desirous of knowing how tar apart - they must be? limy, 1858 naives. MR. EDlTOR:—Please let MIL tell your readers a thing or two respecting myself, sad see who can guess soy name. I am rough, smooth, hard, long, soft, short, round. eat, oval, or square. Am now honor ed with the grasp of a monarch, end now in the hand of him who performs the meanest office. I possess the art of pleasing in a very great degree. Am now the delight of the idle bean, and_IZOW assist the skillbal artist. My station is ever varying. I am Row thrown carelessly in a corset, sow pat into the month, now in the pocket, and now under the grate. I will add only, that every room Is Indebted to me for Its chief ornament. S. May, 1858. The followingl submit, if I understand it rightly, as my ausirer to the Qoestion of A. of Hanover :—The height and diameter of the ham is a - little over 14.3 Inches. Liquid measure beini by set of Assembly fixed for a gallon at 231 solid or cubic inches, 10 gallons would make 2310 solid inches, and as a circle le a minimum, i. e. to inclose with the shortest line a given surface, this line must be the cir cumference of a circle. The same applies to squarer among isoperimeter rectangles, and applies here. CONOWAGO FARMER. 11:rorroesIrgo Itrry,:as is Eneors.—lees Bev. 1. Doolittle, • highly noopeetableClergymaa : • Pests, November 1, Daft Dear Sir :—About two yrers dace I made ere cd• few bottle/ of your Oxygrattel Bitters, fur a stomach atm plaint, which u at that time relieved. Elam my stay la Xagland and Priam, I hare found otd meaty, Irritability of the stomach, Wanting wain. I could not lei any pmetriptkie to .&rd am relief, and I made iaquiries In Lando° ;or your Ostygmeallal /4thats, bat amid not kat any. I write sow to b. you ‘e woe the favor to mad by Use earlier t &Mauer to liners, half a doses bottled. An add friend of mine In England. Captain Jackie.. of the Briton Army, I fount, on my arrival, selering room asthma, inaoilbstly Hai malt of &rappels Beni ao ad. Ctionel half a dozen bottles, I 'Wahl like to Inv* the Captain try the 'sodomise lam nut aware that my name is known to you. I have bees the milkiest Chiron's:l for some twenty.three years, in Eberbrook nod Lennoxrills, Canada East, to which chirp I bop* to be able to return in the spriest. I r.malo , dear air, year obedient servant. L. DOOLITTLE. Srrn W. Foirt.t & Co., 138 Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by their agents eresyW hate. A. D. BUEHLER, Gettys burg. May 3. 2w i)l4l.kei epoii3. orrettoi from UN Latest Llaltinir.-•,Yeric k. Ilabover Spies Ballianore—Friday lasi Flour, per barrel, $4 37 ® 4 50 Wheat, per bushel, 105 4 130 Rye. " 70 75 Corn, " 58 02 Oat., 4. 31 40 Clover-seed, " 4 00 4 50 Timothy-seed. , ' 200 225 Beef Cattle, per hand., 800 923 floss, 44 7 00i 750 flu;, • ton, ---._. 10 00 16 00 . Pee WiaekeY, Per gallon. 20 Guano, Peruvian, per ton, Rasoaatreday tad. Flow, per bbL, from rr6—Ti 'wagons, $4 00 Do. "freak stores, 4 42 Wheat, per bush ' el, ® 1 00 63 Rye, Corn, " 63 Oath " Okstereeed, " Tuirothy, " Plaster, per tea, yirt.6.01461 7 Illearepor lit 6.l•Dout migess, $4 00 D 0.,, " ores stases, 476 Who* per Irbil. 66 ° 6 691. • - ten --4 14 illememot, 4 60 " • II 06 Plaster, per tea, 6 36 stood that the new Board is in favor of improving the streets, and using the most stringent means for the preserva tion of good order. Turnpike.—Thero is some talk of the citizens of Emmitsbnrg trying to raise subscriptions fora Turnpike from that place to Gettysburg or Littleetown, as the roads are ezeoxangly bad in wet weather. It is to be hoped .that some thing will be done in the premises, and that soon. Pre Poe Compiler I Problem. ler Tb. Comp Mr Per flie 0000116. ZI 5000 $1 4 00 1 50 6 00 iliirOrson Hyde, ono of the Mormon apostles, boasts that if ho lives ten years and thrives as he has been, he will " have sons enough to makes regiment by thenisolves." We have all heard of the "daughter of the regiment," but the father of a regiment will be some thing now in our land. Ilie Rho% "Thee muss Übe wild beatibir, is.. sleet air COMM 600 f; Wink elleal by boob odor bosoms" II Wog." MARRILCD, In Peoria, 111., on Tuesday. evening, April 27th, by the Rev. R. C. Rowley, Mr. J. R. THOMAS to Miss MARY M. HOSS.MAN, all of that city. On the 4th inst.,at the Conowsgo Chapel, by the Rev. Ernsdt Ryder, Mr. MICHAEL G. LA W RENCK, of Adams county, to Miss REBECCA CISLER, of this vicinity of Hanover. At St. Joseph's Church, Einmitsburg, on the 2d inalwat, by the Rev. James Rolando, Mr. WM J. ROWE, of Harper's Ferry, Va., to Miss ELIZA WILLS, of the former place. [Freder ick papers please copy.] "Tile IMO. ..Lltur lawn* estormiltpiar . of ow .. IN fogad ; 711.1, sms uis roma, wither*"Om ervoiri." DIKE) On the lst bit., Mar Littlestowp, ABRA HAM DANIEL; Sea Of Jacob and Lucinda Shea ly, aged 2 years 11 - mouths and 10 days. On Thursday last, Mr. JACOB WOLF,of Ham ilton township, aged about 48 years. On the Ist instant, Hrs. ALICK HOCKER SMITH, consort of Was. IL Hockersmith, and daughter of the late CoL Robert Fleming, of Emmitsburg district. Potatoes. A PRIME article of Mercer Thia Ow. from Baltimore. can be had at !comma I M Armes, at 75 cents per bdshel. ais-New Goods just arriciog. May 10, 184. Estrays. STRAYED Avow , from the premises of the subscriber. in &raisin township. about two weeks ago, 3 ruang - Hitifers and 1 young Bull. Two of the heifers are red, the other bleak spotted, and the bull is a brindle. Any pewee returning said cattle, or giving infiir elation of their whereabouts. will he suitably rewarded. JOSEPH 'ECKENHODE. May 10. 3t Cheap ! Cheap ! MORE NEW OOODS!—JACOES k 8110. hare just returned from the city, with a very large assortment of Cloth*. Cseeimeres. Vesting*, Summer Goods, and everything else in the men's wear line. They also o ff er plain and fancy Shirts, Collar*, silk and cot ton Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, /se. Having bought unusually low, for the clash, they are enabled to sell CRISP'S* THAN tIrtlt••••411 excel lent fall cloth suit, made up, for $l3, fur in stance. Give them a call, at their new estab lishment, in Chainbersburg street,* few doors west of the Court-house, before purchasing elsewhere. [May 10. Clear the Way ("FOR THE NEW FIRM—Nn. 1, 2 and 3 Riding and Wagon Saddles, Trotting. Buggy and Carriage Har ness, Buggy, Carriage, Mule, Ilair, Ticking and common Collars. Riding and Driving Bridles, Meningitis, IL►lters, horse Covers and Fly Nets of every description ; Whips, &c., just received and for sale astonishingly low, at BRINGMAN I CULP'S:sign of the "BIG BOOT," Chambersburg street. May 10, 1853. New Goods, A T the new firm of PAXTON £ McTL -"L' HENY, at the Su/ail-East Curiser Ire Square. The subscribers would respectfully informs the citizens of Gettysburg an the public gw erally, that they have just received, and are now opening, a very choice selection of Hats and Caps,consisting of Oakford's Philadelphia Spring Style, M ileskin Dross flats, unsur passed for neatness of shape and elegance of finish ; Felt, Fur and \Vool Hata, of all colors and styles, together with a complete assort ment of Men's and Boys' Cart, which they warrant to be of the best material and of the most fashionable styles, all of which will be offered at very low prices. Also, Straw goods of every variety and style. sir These goods were carefully selected and bought fur cash, which will enable them to sell at very low prices. PAXroN & MclLuzxr. May 10, 1858. TUE attention of the ladies is especially in -1 sited to the large and well selected as sortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes and tinkers, at PAXTON McTummy's. PANAMA. Leghorn, Braid and Palm Hats for sale cheep, at Banton & Cr LP'!. TIMBRELLAS and Canes of eve rz variety dad miss. at BOUM:MAX I CVLz'e. MISS iIIoCKBARY has jut Wanted from the city with a trash assorteunt of Nu =URSA Straw awl Cohawal Straw Call sad see them. pARLSOLS—Latast style., it Mist WOW Ws. EMBROIDEMEIB—Very sharp. M Miss *emotes. MANTILLAS—C}asp aad flialtionabia, at ittas ilcOaaaar's. RRINN:HiIAN & MU bare jut received a *NW sieseismitt chMt sad afer Felt Hata, aIA the oh aed Go Of Sela, al the digkW Tkor." potnt a FILM for_ __se*lv -T.Z & THOMAS. The dirawHotlPL To TUB TRATILINO PUBLIC—The subeeriber would most rsispectrally &O smoses that he has Oaken the Hotel hasly kept by Israel Tomsk it Frederick street, in the Borough of HANOVER, where be is pre pared to accommodate, in elegant style,Trav idlers and others visiting the place. He pledgee himself that nothing shall be ward ing to make his MMe a pleasant and agre& able home to all who may give him their custom. The bras is large end eonvenient, and will always be provided with attentive Domestics and a flithful and honest Ostler. The Bar and Table are supplied with the beat the market will afford, and his beds will he round to be in the best possible condition. In everything pertaining to a fi rst rate house the subscriber is determined not to be sur passed by any one. Just give him a trial— you will always find old Dave about. There is a line Yard attached, and Stabling sufficient for 25 or 30 horses. DAVID NEWCOMMER. Hanoter, May 10. 1858. tf Statement OF the Bent of Gettysburg. as required by the 2d section of the Act of the General Assembly of this Cmuiacowealth, appruyed the 1:: th day of October A.D. 1857.• . .uliwts. Loans and dismounts, 8317,584 13 Stunk of the Commonwealth, 24,189 7' Secie, • D p na by city Banks, 8109.098 87 59,693 " eountzv " , 5,448 20 Notes of other Banks, 3,783 11 I • ,331 98 Stocks. 908 74 Judgments, M. 306 09 Bonds, " 0,795 38 Real **ate, • 9.823 00 LIAIII.IIIISI. Circulation, 819,915,00 Depot's. C.ISS 89 Due t o utkor Rants. 6,233 48 I. T. D. Corms. Cubit& of the Bank i f Gettysburg. Whig aimed, depose sad 44. that the above stataaseat is trovest to the belief sex ksowledge sad belief. T. D. CARSON. Gettysburg, May 4. 185 d. Affirmed bawe um this sth day of May A. 1). 1859. Use. ARNOLD, J. P. Dividend. BASK OF GETTYSBURG, May 4.1R58. Th. Board of Directors hare this day de clared a seini-esulual Dividend- 4 Four per cent.. payable on or atter Monday next, the 10th inst. T. D. OAB&M, Caahier. May 10, 1868. 3t Notioe TO TAX-PAYEBIL--Notie• is hereby giv en that the County Commissioners will make an ABATEMENT of FIVE per cent. upon all state and County Taxes assessed for the year 111.511 that shall be paid to Cu!lec tors oa ur before Thursday, the Ist day of July next. Collectons will be required to call on tax-payers on or before the above date, and maks such abatement to all persons pay ing on or before said day, and raj the same to the County Treasurer, otherwise no alytte matt will be made. By order of the Com missioners. J. M. WALTER. May 10, MS. Clerk. Executors' Moth*. HENRY ALBERT'S ESTATE.,—Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Al bert, late of Reading township, Adams co.. deceased, having been granted to the under signed, (the first named residing in Reading township and the last named in Huntington township,) they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment. and thus* having claims 'a gainst the same to present them properly authenticated for sittlensent. BENJAMIN ALBERT, DANIEL ALBERT, May 10, 1858. 8t Executors Notice. TAKE NOTICE that / have applied to the Honorable the Judges of the Court 'of Common Plea. fur the comity of Adams. for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of the Com. nsonwealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed heyday, Ike 251 k day of May. A. D., 1858, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. to hear me and my ereders, at the Court-house, in the borough of Get tysburg , when and where all persona interested may attend if the, see pro per. L J. WIt3OI 4 LKEY. May 10, 1858. 1~~ . y. HE subscriber has motored his Plough T I and Machine Shop from the 'Foundry building to Railroad street, eoposim Tate's Blacksmith shop, back of the Bogie Hotel, ff where be is better prepared than ever to at- v tens to customers. Ploughs always oa hand if and made to order at the shortest notice, sad Machines, Ream*, &c., repaired. Also he will attend to cleaning and repairing Clocks. May 10. DAVID WARREN. Saeotion. NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockbokl• ere in the Gettysburg Water Company, that &nil:leaden Sw ire Managers of sod Company will he held at the house of George W. McClellan, is Gettysburg. of Ward", the 2!d is of dfcsi islet., between the ham of 2 and 4 o'clock. P. M. By order of die Board. 8. R. RUSSELL, Sec'y. May 8.1858. to Mellows's 8a18! A TALI:U.BLE IRON L BRAM FOUN ". DRY.—Osi rtgeaday, the 25tA .f May, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the undersigned, Assignee under a deed of voluntary assigument. fur the benefit of creditors, by THOMAS WAIIIIMN 1 Wm. wilt sell at public pale, nn the prell ises, in Gettysburg, the following valuable property, viz : TWO LOTS OF GROUND. fronting on Railroad street, on which is erected • valeta ble Iron and Brass Foundry, known as the "GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY," with all the necessary apparatus, Steam Engine, Flasks, Patterns, Tools, &c. The Foundry I. now in running order and doing a good business. There will also be sold a good IRON SAFE. far Attendance will be giren and terms made known by SAMUEL WEAVER, Assignee. May 3, 1858. is SEADS & BUMILER hare, at their Stove Ware Room, in West Middle street, T and at their Coal and Lumber Yard. on 0 Washington and Railroad streets, four V varieties of Cooking Store:, embracing IC the Noble Cook, Royal Cook, William S Penn and Sea Shell. These Stoves are of Plfe vielphia manufacture, base been recent!• patented, and have been thor oughly tested. They an pronounced supe rior to all others in the country, for Coal or Wood. They w il l be delicered anywhere is the county, if desired. Gettysburg, May 3. MILLINERY.—Miss LOUISA KATZ Luria Wishes to inters& this Wier of town and country, that she is now prepared to execute 'Millinery in all its branehee, in West Middle street, a few doors below Mr. George Wale's store. Work dune cheaper than elsewhere in town. Plesseadl alai sea Eapr. 21, '36. Good journeyman Shoemaker. Tho highest wages will be paid. Inquire at SEINWA • CULP& VESTS—ouch aa Satin. haus Olodit Kat T and Whit. &lumina, Lima, Gargalli', at NUMMI, SOCKS, Saapseders, Cravats sad dilatis,st PRKE ' IJioersn th ything yam want eta los WIEN . 4 'L cheaper an emrhara. at FAHNESTOCKEr. == . . I •I ltur lianm*E4ll . , Noir IS the Time! Tug iir Z to n ig h a i lic o r Franklin ; g astlawriber would inform the public that township will aseetat Op house of Hatay he has opened a MACHINE tillOP, in Attester. in ilealst twit, itinard hairasitip. OM ' Chneshershard area, Gettysbuz://,, near the Saturday. the sth dayof Anse nest, Atle'c •, • : Foundry, where he will have various kinds of in the `afternoon, fur the purpose of letti g,l Machines on band at 'any tinwo hereafter. to the .lowest end best bidd er , th e h u i tog, suchill l'Areskiug Muckiues, Corn Sheller; of * BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE. in t e vii -1 Corn Adder Cullers, Clocerami Hullers, Straw large of Mummashurg, Plans ands cities- Callers, and Horse-Miners of different kinds, doom can be seen by calling on the t nazi- — two, font or wiz-horse, to snit purchasers ; ed of the Committee, is said vili —indeed all such as can be hal at Hanover .• SAMUEL ART, lor Littlestown. Also, Midi/Paso Machines, FIANCE LOIIR, ' for house carpenters. put up in the very best E. W. TAMLE. Band most substantial manner. Calissig May 3,185 R. Lic omm a I / cc , Screws or long Bolta b any kind or she less - - 7-' - than eleven feet in length, always attended Bb.eads & / Buehler . I to, as well as 71srisiaa in iron, casting or L Have constantlyidn hand, at their yard , wood. Also all kinds of Iterllßl7o on Ma. U on Wasliingtoq/and Railroad streets, ' chinery, dressing-up Mill Spindler, &e., dune M any variety / 4 River and Mountain lon the Illiortalt notion. B LUMBEII-r-White Pine, Hemlock, ' I hope that all in want of anything in my E Poplar, Ash. .143.—Boards, Plank, line will call at my S'aop before going else- II Joist. Scantling and Studdinig. They where. I will warrant all my work to give arey to Alf all orders, at the short - satisfaction to purchasers. est notice, r any amount, for 'auilningpur- DAVID STERNER. poses, at rices which will surprise those March 29, 1858. ly 7, , who ma favor them with a call. They hare also osithand a lot of worked Flooring, Win. thaw 11. Palings for fencing, Plastering an hingling Laths. &e. etfysburg, May 3, 1858. /Ls Public Sale. THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, oa Saturday, die a, of May next, 3 LOTS OF GROUND, situate in the, town of Mummasburg, ti Adana county, adjoining lots of 11 I Abraham Mut, harms thereon a • one arida half story LOO 110 USE. Log Stable, Well of water and fruit trem. Mi`Sate to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day. when attendance will be given and terms made known by CHRISTIAN SHIFFEIIER. April 26, 1858. W • _ Notice of Inquest ______ NOTICE le hereby given to all the heirs *ld le tl repreeentatires of JOHN KNOP. late of Beading township, Adams musty. dreamed. to wit :- Ist. The issue. eight in number, of Mary, a sister, intermarried with Blmoy.Myers, both deceased, to wit: Mary Mears, whose resitlenee ie , UwksluwoiJasn6, whose residence unknown; E.isaiinilartrliOtermar tied with Michael lUekenbrud. whose resi dence Is unknown; Sally. intermarried with John Bright, whose residence is unknown; henry Myers, &meet Myers. the last two named of Elkhart county, Indiana. (Mt. O live P. 0.); David Myers, whose residence is unkbownt and Joiseili Myers, whose resi dence is unknown., 144.691 as 348.1.71 87 2d. The lo n e fotir in number, of Jacob Knop, a deceased brother, to wit: Elisa beth, intaniarried with Jdin Sours, of Ber wick township. Marne mianty. Pa.; Henry Knop., of Potwar comity, Ohio; Anna. inter an with Samuel Burkholder, of Lea more township, Adatas county, Pa.; and Mary, intermarried with Jacob George, of Reading township, Adams entisty, 34.1. The issue, saran in number, of Esther. a sister, intermarried with Andrew Uts. both deceased. to wit : Daniel Uts, of the county of Seneca. is the State of Gbh,. (Tiffin P. 0.); Anna Mary, intermarried with Christian Brilhart, of Canton.. Stark county, Ohio; Lydia, intermarried with J.ieoli R. Myers, 'sir Elkhart bounty, Indiana, (near Oue6en); John tr..% of Greensburg. Summit county, Ohio: Andrew Utz, of Travis county, Texas: Sarah. intersiutrried with Peter Brilhart, of Crawford eiuotv.Ohhi, (Chatfield P. 0.). and Samuel Utz, of ILirdia county, Ohio, (Teen. ton P. 0.) 4th. The issue, byre in number. of Nancy, I sister deceased. intermarried with Maxwell kiriLoster, to wit: William IL•Master, of York bounty, Pa. (Hanover P. 0.1: Seams!' Me3L.lster. of Carroll constr. Maryland. (Non Windsor P. 0 ); Andrew McMaster. of Butler township. Adams county. Pa.: Eliza. intermarried with Jacob Stop. and Mary Ann, intermarried with Solomon Hawkins, the last twa named both of Yurk county, Pa., (13anover P. 0.) sth., Sarah, • sister, intermarried with John llisalier, your petitioners—all of the shore named hawsbeing of fuU That an INQVEST will be held on the fol lowing property, to wit: Four certain Lots of Ground. shoat* in the town of Hampton. in the tewneliip of Beading and county of Aflame aSiremaid, on use of width. being a earner of the pebble areue is maid town. are erected a large beside hove* With two kitchens, two *tablet, and with pre p= of water, and lung occupied se a ho w t throe of said lot' are bounded 73 7. ; Fresh - Fruits, alley and in part by kit of William Nod. thegiapegajgg, NoT10)18 , k e. _„.. • fourth lot Weeded by alleys as tt laid th e Uf Friths. Wefts of every description, as Misstep Panama. and froativiren the Saw- follows—Layer Raisins, Figs, tershern read r—ox ,holey, tie IN deg of Oranges. Lemons. Dates. Palm Trif fr& at 10 u'elock, A. IL. on aid, . Nubs. Filberts, hard and paper premises, to make partitionlbereet m !mir shell Almonds, Pea Nuts, &e. •"' "ID amount the heirs and legal Mires A good assortment of Sugars— .' eat; of said deceased. if the same will • , . Loaf, Brown. Powdered and " parbithae. without, prejudice to ' • - Crushed, Coffee, N. o.Molasses. Inch the whale thereof; bet if the :ilex • Syrups orate hest quality, Rice, i An a admit of nub , ?athlete, to inquire Soda, Starch, Teas, Gur - talon, over of said heirs it will al sloe' (grouod and unground,) Cloves, e date, and part and divide %tie same it! an . Mustard, ko. many or them as Me mule ' . Perfumeryof every descri p t i on, which wil be sold lowfur Cas „ ~,„1 11111, a co u Lo nit —srate ; fiat the same will nut ado' -1- 1, or division at all without prejudice to A large lot just received.—Any jilt° spoiling the whole thereof, then to ;OW one desiring a cheap, pleajant O mited appraise the same, whole and lin and healthy drink wilt do well whereof all Pomo , - iisterti ted s r ° 'f lu "! by purchasing this Syrup. " notified toAU the various kinds of Tobae sallAtroMlVlSTC/Miffi• cu, Cigars and Snuff, fur sale Sberilts Olive. Gettysburg. • by Wm. Boyer & Son. May 3, 11353. d J Viaegar. We hare a good quality. as all will say who have tried it. Fl urill'• Feed. We have made arrangements to have constantly on hand , Iflour and Feed, which we will insure to be of superior quality. and at such prices as cannot fail to please. WM. BOYER & SON. • New Spring GOO4llll JJIJ SCIEICK has just received aid • for *ale the sort desirable ass • • Cur DRY GOODS aver bktught to Oettpben, consisting in part of Sprint Slits • "Bli:a d 0 . ,• FoUlards Ottalli Ropes &Nellie, Lawn do. do. • Detainee, Oi instal Lustros. Also, Bombazines. Alpaca's* B. IMP*, Gingham, Lawns, Brilliants, Shepherd's Plaids, Crepe De Cputge,Tissue Bareges,ke. April 5, 1858. THE undersigned has commenced the Cabi nat.nsaking business, in Monatpleasant township, Adams county, on the road leading from the Two ' LAMMAS to allilleter. alaut a quarter of a mile northeast of Sheely's store, where he has now 'on hand, and will manu facture to order, Barrisr, Bedsteads, Titbits, Stands, and every other article in his line, put up of the beet materials, and in a work manlike manner. logreAss suede at the shortest notice. and trimmed to order. Ile is provided with a inn rate new Hearse. lle asks a share otpublit patroooge, and will endeavor, (14 street attention to business, with gond work and low charges,) to do. serve t. TOSEPII BEDERMAN. April 19.1863. 3m Lumber and Coal. THE sabaseiher the that he oftlawme the Liftwiter and o Co* . beisiness at Lirn.txroWw. Maass oaaatjtt laSor male then svella4ag White Pine Boar* sad Framing Eitalr, Pfutilties Wise. with all Ile& of Wire, Usieraers' and alscitioaitlis' Coal. Yard near the Depot-- He invitee i t be ear of the pabliaotad will sell as litw as that iwri lowest. . JOHN )1(114,114 r Apoll 19t UM." ly • Owls! A I jar s !' Ormaimin Thltat, ' • D e b l o is ., e KA SOWN , lisysiis WINN* v taidhlt die aim of PA EINEITOOK 'MOTU RS. Oabinetmaldn& New Millinery, TN LITTLESTOWN.—MAItY M. BEIT LER would respectfully inform the Ladies of Littlestown and vicinity, that she has commenced the Millinery business at the residence of Wm. 11. Lanpinger, in Freder ick 'street. where she will keep nn hand for Kaki, at the lowest profits. BONNETS. Fan cy Ribbons, Flowers. Bandboxes, Straw, Leghorn, and other Millinery Goods, of the newest styles. bar Bonnet making and trimming attend ed to with dispatch, in the latest fashions, and cheaply. April S, 1858. Millinery Removed. pC. HOWARD would respectfully inform the Wier of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that they wilt find her in Chambersburg street. st the residence of Mr. S.unuel Llorbst. opposite Mr. Tate's Hotel. Ladies can be accommodated with ready ate& ISOMNS'rS; alsO a variety of Straw Leghorn. and all kinds of Millinery Goods of the latest styles. Ladies Will do well to call and see for themselves. April 5, 11118. Opting Xillinery. iur ss ateCIR,NAKY has just returned from - I Y A• the city, and is now opening a beautiful assortment of Millinery and to Goode, of the latest styles, which eke will sell at the lowest cash prices, and whieb she invites the ladies to call and emuniae. Milliners who wish to boy Goods to - sell again, will tied it much to their edvantage to give her a etll, as she keep* none but the most fashionable goods. April 19, 111311. 3m • N•w Goods, TN lIEIDLERSBURG.—P. A. 1 G. F. ECILICNRODIC keys just returned from the esetern cities with a large stock of Dry Goats, Groceries, and all kinds of Hirdware kept in con settees . Thal have splendid nrtieles of super - for 7, 11 and 9 cents, and Molasses in proportion. They hare on hand also a law assortment of Roots, Shaer, Mb, Cape. Le., the latter articles all being kept up stairs, as they hare not room bdow in the store. All goods houghs or them in the Men's Wear line will be cut free of °barge. Tci. loriag done with neatness, durability and dispatch, by J. A. Broichner, Tailor. Goods bought elsewhere will be cut or made up at the shortest notice sad on reasonable terms. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. P. A. k 0. F. FOKIINRODE. Ileidlersburg, April VI, 1858. The 500 People WHO bought their Winter Clothing from 71 FRANKLIN B. PICKING, are all COON ing hack. and bringing with them their friends and acquaintances, to examine his XLNT assortment of Spring and Summer Cli.thing. just opened at M►s new Clothing establiehment in Chentheraberg street, op• posits the Lutheran Church. They will have the cheapest and best assortment of Goods to select from ever brought to Gettysburg.— They will and every style of Sommer Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Raglan Clete of every quality, Frock Costs of Italian Tweed, Cash meres, ;Lima. Chink: Doak Costs. w. Pants ofhlack and fancy Onsisinseree, Tweeds, Jiltin g Linea, Duck, Cotton, ite. FRANKLIN D. PICKING. April 26, 1838, _April 28, 1868. New Goods! rifUIAPER THAN EVER !—Fahnestoek Brothers have just received a large ss seessassa of Ladies' Dress Goods, mieb as Decals, Cuallis. Dehalms, Robes a Quills, Silks, Chintz, Lawns. Gingbams, he. to which weinvite the attention of buyers. Oar monk comprising every variety of style sad mitten. and having been selected with are and pirehased low. weean offer inducements to those wishing Spring Goods such as cap not be bad elsewhere. April 12,1858. New Goods. . cheapest in town. Call and nee them, JL at the attire of GEO. ARNOLD. April 5, {B5B. Domestic Goods IN irerl , raristi st SCHICK'S, consisting of Prints, Muslin'', Gingitnno, Mocks, Ticking., iliteetinp, [April 5. !Rhin' h lIE third Mita lof by by express.— Tbe prettiest styles yet offered to the la dies, sad from which they cannot fail to please their tastes. Owns intaredistely Urns want pretty and *beep_ seeds. The latest styles and patters* of siat stri_pa robe s just rewired at " FAIIINWTOOKS'. April 20, 1~,~. ~ i MME best seeoetesent, sad the cheapest, in town. 011111011 d IMPS them. alikeiting Emporium of GEO. ARNOLD. . e 1868. , 611A= 0 1 i l m s ire motete .and Riblione.—Titibot . IF , Stella & Gaps • illtsels. w ok" deo filawbeirit. Alto ileenell'itioininge; a M. i i kli ti r , al !!! . He Y sbas a 16 14. 1 ,1 1 ....... . , atwon destei b en on WO ' SON*IIOIIO.Sk , NI ~ , 41.0: 411.1 MIW IMIL letall libel IA& to order at l'a RUKULERS„ I. Oaqinberottori Street. , ;MI7P • g . ‘ . ..! • kirW . WIS P A44 Sunatol gud len nighty _ tpany with severat.othurtlie4lipi*NittPal 10- men , ho dined lit the bigketkidlt.or liammond;ilso "of f*tit fkirielnit; loft.tiebe for his toluSifteriettofalbek , alitidia4rititho -enjoyatte4: P good-"liiNitslif'*bortly after 'reads% g home he' waWatetekett,ltith-disease of the heart, and expired about, eleven o'clock kir. Mr. CLINO)IAN, chairman of' the Committee on Foreign 4ffairs of He House, fn; boon appointed a Vac;Al States Senator from North Carofins, in place of Mr. Biggs, appointed to a Judgeship in that State. HENRY lip:miss. Family Grocery and Protialon Store. aILLESPIE d, THOMAS respectfully in furu► the people of Gettysburg and 'the puhlio generally, that they haie just return ed from the city with a general assortment it( GROCERIES, PROV ISIONS and VEGETA BLES, which they are prepared to gell as law as the lowest. FLOUR and FEED always; alt hand, and sold at small • prufts. *Lure on York street, one door easi OrWat des' Hotel. Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 1857. New Coal & Lumber Yard, - T Nror OXSDRD, ADAMS COUNTY, PA.-. tSCKLIN lIERSU has received and' ill constantly keep on hand, a large and well se lected assortment of LUMBER, and a superior article of COAL suitable for filthily punnets..4. Also, Blacksmith's Coal of the test quality. All orders fur sawed lumber can be filled at the shortest notice. Grand Opening .4 • O F IIATS, CAPS, Boars. suoEs, Trunks and Carpet Bags, at prices cheaper than ever.—Parton & Nl' Ellen v have just received the largest and cheapest assortment of Bivots. Shoes, lista and Trunks ever brought to this market, ail of which they intend selling at the lowest prices. P.S. Ladies' Gaiters, and all kinds of col ortalSbutes, in pent abundance. PAXTON 1 M' I LITENT, REAPER AND MOWER.—I still hare the Agency for C. 11. SloCormick's Reaper sod Mower, and will offer to the Farmer' this year two machines, the two•horse ma chismo and the fuer-horse machine—sad will guarantee fair chances and fug satisfaction to an , person who may want to purchase a machine. Any man purchasing a machine front tee may work the machine against any other machine during hay-making said liar-, vest, and if it does not give better satisfac tion than any other machine with which it may hi worked. they are-at liberty to return it. Formers will send in their orders to my self, at Fabilield: D.ivid Schwan*, at Litthis town ; or Franklin Hersh, at New Oxford— as early as possible, and say which sized machine they want. as we are taking in or dens now for the coining sengon. OPAItTX ERR' I P.—The Co-partnernhiii OF existing between the sub.cribert lien brvt dissolved this di.y by mutual connect. We are Dumb obliged to our friends and the pub• lie fur the liberal support extended to Our books are placed in the hands of Geo. H. Briognsan for collection, and we earnestly request those indebted to us to call and make immediate payment, as we do giro to settle the business of the firm without delay. GEO. I. BLINGILIN.I New Firm. BRI NOMAN & CULP, SuecessOrs to Bring- • man & Aughialmengh, Msnnfiteturereaml Dealers in HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SWIMS* . Trunks. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Callao, Umbrellas, Canes, &c., &c. Ilaving enm menced business at the well known trAnd'thr Britigrnan A Aughinbaugh, (Sign of the Big . Boot) we mill ite nil who desire anything-in our line of business, feeling confident that we wtil be able to give entire patinfitetimn till a fil'inav favor us - with their pstrinage. Boots and S loe4 made opal the shortest no tice, n. beretotore. Also, Saddles, llarntt ~ Bridles, Trunk 9, ,te., and all kinds of ruptur ing done at the shortest notice. Come one! Come all! Itementlie# the place, Chambersburg street, sign of the Mg - B Gettysburg, April 26, 18;8. JUST RECZI WED. hap lot rsf sad unblettebed Sheeting said Shirting, all of which we oiler at seder:ol'l , 4volt. 1: 11. S. n. . . AITEENSWARE.- Persons wishiles to re l y chase Queenaware will du wen 10-aegis— ing Mir large and well seloetelf *prom/sent at IL S. it Z. 11. hitt:male. °WARS I TOBACCO.—A largistiptiti l ki all, kinds, just J. C. OM NN & BMA, pE R. 9010 Aiovaitenchtili;mitilierp'ii l t *ill lid It to their sultantatte rettrkiiie "Mir TIAT-WAll&stleklit&iial, Clisit. beiribeirgAtreek : . ; r 4 Isaibyt, zOOO find , Hot FRANKLIN lIERSU New Oxford. Feb. 8, 18;8. tf S 'ath Nast corner or Centre Square April 5, 1858. C. H. DieCorthick's J. S. WITFIEROW, Ageut fur Alauit county. April 12, 1F53. $3 Dissolution CEO. E. 1111.1'.4GMAN. H. AULMINHAUOIL April 19, 1858 A Card. THE subscriber haying disposed i.f his is; terest In the store of B inguum k Aut inbaugh to John Culp, reppeetfully ask* e continuance of his friends and essitoaters to patronise the non firm of Bringman HENRY AUHHINBAUGH. • April 21, 1858. FLOUR and FEED, of the best quality, al. ways on band, and sold at the smallest profits, at NORDEN" k. As7l3' . CLOTHS. Cassinicrei, and every snide it Min's Wear, pond and ebeap-at J. C. QUINN 41 BRO.'S. GROCER I Eli—Sugar, C.,ffee, Molar sea, and all kinds of Spiee4. and every article in the grocery line. cheap end good at the new Dry Good and lin:mart &nre of J. C. QUINN k BRO. GIIOCERIES.—If . you went a gond won n . meat of Gramme. such se Bsruper, Dln lessee, Sugar and Coffee, you will well by examining the assortment at 11. 8. & K, 11. Mtxxione!. ALL kinds of Collar and Willow-wire, ;ie oninlow i i i GILL UM A THOMAR. 1.4 4 : 4 11. thing you wantonly intotlyt, cheaper an elsewhere, at Falun:RNA.% $25. T tIAVE • tew Hathaway COOK STOT* which I will sell fur $25 rash. March 11 (roux cuLr. GEO. ARNOLD.