The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 03, 1858, Image 4

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4.# 14111 ge01)0)1)11,
MRS Who 4 t i te plough would dirite,
Ninolf iiher bold or drive."
The Apple Orchard.
716e_ Michigan Farmer makes these
posadhio retue.rks upon the present
apathy or neglect respecting the r.pplo
orchard, which we reprint as being per
spplieahle to Pennsylvania and
Persottoding States :
44 The-old orchards planted by our
forefathers, are going to decay, or have
already departed. On some farms they
are replaced by vigorous bearing trees.
1:34 others the only apple trees are a
few stattered seedlings, bearing indif
ferent fruit. The owners buy their
winter apples every year, or go without.
f'otle Soil and climate are so admira
bly adapted' to this fruit, that we have
no excuse for going abroad for our sup
plies, and yet thousands of barrels come
to us every year from Central New New Firm.
York, and farther west. This is a dig- G ROCERIES AND DRY C
grace to our husbandry, for wo can of j t o l g N i l o t e,
( 1 ) n
" n ? c n h E e ß N h o a rC e t
he c s li t t c h n e rne t r* r u c t
raise this fruit fifty per cent. cheaper i t's4a Diamond, where they will continue the
Grocery business on an en
than anybody can raise it for us. /DI Dry G.. 0.1„ and.
I !urged Meade. They will constantly keep on
selecting a site for an orchard, avoid I hand a larg,ie and varied assortment of every
the spot that has been previously occu think in their line.- They h Ile just I.tid in
a Lag': and splendid stock of Sioring (l a d Su m .
pied by apple trees. The experiment imer and are now opening them for
has been tried, and all who have had the itoipection of the public. We cordially
invite the citizens of tie.ttyribur ; ;:ind tirinity
experience in the matter, agree, that
to give iis n call, and examine for thene.elres,
DOW ground is best for this purpose. A as we feel satigfied they will want no other
recently cleared wood lot, where oak{,', recommendation to induce them to buy. We
hickory, or chestnut have thriven, will (airoc%
ala n enTiliun tine d sell 'I
Cheaper k e ep
e bu i l li t ei g p r T+ d t
bear good apples. But such ground is;
1.. r the eaNlt. Give us a call, no trouble to
scarce in the conunon wealth, and any *hew pv,tts
good corn land, hearing sixty bushels
to the acre, will answer. The apple
tree delights in a deep, gru•;elly loam,
with a yellow subsoil two or three feet
deeper. If not in good heart, it should
be made fertile by manuring and culti
To Raise Potatoes.
A. correspondent—William Aldridge,
of Gi3reland,lnd.—writing to the Prairie;
Farnter;states that having noticed how
potatoes wore interrupted in their!
growth, and invariably pined away and
died if disturbed and bruised when wet t
with dew or raii i. he selected a patch !
of a potato tlela!rthe whole of which
was good soil and in good order to try
as experiment. This patch he only
plowed once, and then loosened the soil
with the hoe when the vines were above
ground, and in the heat of the day when
they were perfectly dry. 110 never
tonehedthem afterward until they were
litin October last year. These vines
t green throughout the season, and
the yieldof potatoes was very large.—
The other portion of this same potato
field was purposely- worked three times,
when the vines were wet with dew.—
These blighted early, did not produce
half a crop, and the potatoes were of a
very inferior quality. The ground,
seed, and time of planting in both
patches.wero the tame.
Planting Box.
Fow people, except professed garden
sr*, know how this handsome border
ornament ought to be planted. It is
usually stuck in a few inches and loft
straggling on top of the ground, with
three or four times as much top and
three or fou'r times less bottom than it
ought to have. Box grows nearly as
well from the branches as the roots.—
Now, the trench in which the edging is
to be planted, should be full spade deep
on the border side, being a few inches
shallower on the alley side—tho soil
should bo made fine—and the box in
sertedto the bottom of tho trench,
pack in tightly with soil, leaving only
from one and a half to two and a half
inches out of 'ground. There wilt be
no danger of it not growing, or of pro
ducing full foliage at the ground. Of
course no one would thidk of planting
box without a line.—des. Telegraph.
Or Trimming box edging, is rarely
performed either skilfully or judicious
ly. Instead of cutting, off the top
squarely, and below the preceding year's
growth, let it be pruned to an angle,
like the letter A . , taking care not to cut
below the new growth, and you will
through the whole season have a b(au
tifully green, thrifty edging.
Hotta in Clupeta.
An-experienced housekeeper writes':
. "Camphor will not stop the rava7,,es' of
moths after they have aernmeneed eat
ing. Then they pay no regard to the
presence of eainphor; cedar or tobaceo
—in fact I rathor think they ecjoy the
tatter, if anything else than humanity
van. Nor will the dreaded and incon
venient-taking up and beating always
insure saccpss, for I tried it faithfully,
and while nailing it down found several
of the worms 4 alive and kicking,' that
tad remained under the pile unharmed.
toonquered theca wholly in this way :
I tiDak a coarse crash towel and wrung
it out of clean water and spread it
smoothly on the carpet, then ironed it
dry with a g4pci hot iron, repeating the
pperation on all suspected places, and
;Imo !east used. It duos not injure
tba pile or color oft the carpet iy the
/0004.841-it is not necessary to prem.,
hag awk steam being the agents; and
they do the work effectually on worms
1 4nd WI- Then the camphor will
cioubtlaas prevent future depredation of
iaier" •
4 Ora Gnustry.—A largo pot.
{mod[the evrampu of Florida are said
1i010111049 of producing 500 bushel*
ii' - -to the nor°, with' alligators
ware IHA Oa:Fiats of the
efittalriq Htu.
__sr__ - _____
vhe First .. 0. s ea s on ! l• wit. atuonint; '', .• WIN Cr relax - AIL
i ILIARCUS SAMSON tau just received from , Family CirocerY anti Provision
, .1... L. the New York Auetion Sales, a large I Store.
I lot of lI.F.ADY-M ADE CLO.IIIIINU for spring al LLESPIP. & TIiOKAS respeotfally h
end t amulet', which he kettle to troll at price" , J form thepeople of (luttr aim ric and the
untirecopentedhe tow. The new arrival case- : public genet-1111r, that they lure iliac etewere.
i sifts <I Frock, Sack and Ita!„l.‘n Coats, with ed from the city with it general avvortueet of
PrirtitS and Veldt, in treat variety, new style,' " fifttiit'Eft ICS, Vao vis toss and %%CURT!-
! and patterns---for Men and kloy.„ Coal and , BLi.B, which they are nreparel to sell as lac
examine the large assortment before put- ,as the lowest.. 11/1.1:11 end YEEDelvrekettott
,:hrthlii,..- elsewhere. ; hand, final sold at small profits.
u„ ~I„, will be received from New York ; S ore tin York exact, one door cut of %Tete
;every few weeks throughout the season.— i tie.' II.;tel.
Inducements to purchase eisch ad cannot I , Uottysburg, Ang. 3, ISST.
be uffored by any other e4tablialiment in !
!the county are now, and will continue to be,'
I offered, at SAMSON"::.
I March 29,'55. Opposile the Bank,
Come and See.
"PREM . ! GROCERIES.—Nerbock & Martin
have just received frnm the city a large
lat thxxis in their line. Sugars, of
all qualities and prices; 111013..e5, five differ
ent kinds: Coffees. three kind.; Teal, eat
/ow-4)g every variety; Cocepw, erne 1c r a
Mackarel. Bromns. Lirushes, &A»; Puw
der and Scut, Pencils, and a variety of fancy
FLOUR and FEED always on hand, and
sold at the smallest profits.
April 12, 18. 8.
J. C. GrINS 13 Imo
April 5, 1858
A Card.
HAYING disposed of nIY store to the Mutters.
Guiiiii, I would recommend the new tirm
to the eonfidettee of the puldie, and hove
they will receive a large allure the p iblic
patronage. JOIIN
April 5, 1t:54.
Dissolution of Partnership.
TUE Co-partnership existing between the
subscribers has been dissolved Ibis .lay by
mutual consent. We are tnu h obliged to
our friends and the public fur the liberal sup
port extended t.-1 us. Our laalksure placed in
the hands of Dunlop Paxton for col'ettion
and we earnestly reirest those iu.lebted to
us to volt idwake tinniediate payment, es
we desire to settle the business of the firm
without delay. ALEN. fIOBEA'S.
March 17, 18;8.
A Card. $
rpriE sulrieriber hating diiiposed of
tereot in the Store of Cuer.tx k PArroN
to R. F. 3lchtici4T, rc4pectfully ask, the
continuance of hie friends end eastomers to
patronize the new firm of Parrov &
[SENT'. .1. 1,013 E AN.
March 22, IPSS.
DUN lA)1' r A Sat) :i
New Firm.
PAXTON N1411.115- . .N1",
(Suroes,lors to Cobran tf.• Pa.rtnn,)
Dnitler. in
GOol)S, Alqo.
lfull /i/per, Triltdote Shatlc4, Trunks, Cal
pet Bays, Cusbreila.t, Canes,
Tubder" ax.l gars,
G.thre,urg, _Wants
Mare!' 22, 17 4 55. tf
New Firm,
I .
Cuicsu tt Mellhosay have cotomenced
business at the well known stand of Cobeau
& l'axton.ut the 8, E. Cur. of Centre Square.
Business to be done on the principle ()lipid'
sales and short profits. We will constanly
keep on hand n good stook and sell cheap.—
To satisfy yourselves call and see otfr assort
We intend to give our constant personal
attention to business, W th a disposition to
please the particular . tastes of every one who
may favor us with their patrunuee.
PAXTON . it. Mel I. /I EN Y.
March *22, IftsS. tf
Bastress & Winter,
NEWT OXFORD, Atlanta county, Pa,, Pro
-1-1 • d,:: e. 1.../rierirding nad Coasmilisipilrare•
louse; Waite:ale nn•l Retail Den!ors in Gro
cu•ie.:; CJilitAntly on "hand, Fish, Salt, Plas
ter, (I,w:so. dc.
1111,1 TimoritY S.E.D, bought at all titnei, for
which the highest each prices are paid. ,
Feb. 15, 18,53. Gm
New Lumber Yard,
-4-3-T NEW OXFORD.—The
would inform the public that he has
opened a LUMBER YARD, on a large Reale,
in the town of New Oxford, „kdatus county, to
which the Gettysburg Railroad has been al
ready extcrirlei. His tissartnsent embraces
all kind, of Lew ?)er—Panel, First an 1 Second
Cnamon and Culling Mar IR, First and
Sesond U minion and Culling Plamk, Hemlock
Fencing Board+, Hemlock Joists, Scantling,
Plastering Lull, headed and plain Paling.
&e., C.
He invites calla from thoao in want of
Lumber, feeling assured that in quality or
prioe his stock CAN'T BE: BrAr. Ile will en
deavor to deserve a large share of public pa
trotisge. JACOB AliLAßAlaill.
Feb. 1. 1858.
New Coal & Lumber Yard,
Fess): ms IlEksn has received arid will
militantly keep on haw). a large and n ell Ac—
lecte,l assortment of LUJIBEII, awl a superior
article of COAL suitable for family purposes.
Also. illacksiurth's Coal of the beat quality.
All orders for sawed lumber eau be tilled at
Coe shortest notice.
Fit..l-NKLIN 11.ER811
NCR' Ovrtni, Feb. 8, 1858. tf
Elastic Cement Roofing.
T ILE subscriber is prepared to e.iiitract and
put up at the stiottest notice, W. E. Csitil
,t Co's. l'atont Fire and Wilier Proof Elastic
Cement Roofing.
Itis perieotly Fire and Water proof, moil
iu p lint of durability is equal, if nut superior,
'to any llshtliu Rooting. It eau be put on
over tin, tar. iron, or shingle roofs, however
flat or steep they may be.
In p 'int of resisting the elements of fire
and water, nothing has yet been discovered
eqUal to the Elastic Cement.
Those who hare used it, hare testified that
it is the very perfection of Roofing, and that
there is no further room for improi einent.—
No one will now think of putting on shingles,
when this Cement can he had for much less
money and wilt outwear four shingle roofs.
This 'Roofing is warranted as represented.
Tilliplastic Cement is the cheapest and
best promotion from decay for wood exposed
' to the weather or dampness of the ground.
It is also tbo beat paint fsr iron, effectually
preventing rust; and wherever applied per
fectly excludes dampness.
The sutooribei has this Cement for sale, in
quantities to suit. Fur further inform:Wuxi,
a pply t. 4 GEORGE A. COLE.
Frederick City. Mi.
IfirSpecintens of the Rooting may he seen
at the Proth.taittarfe Office. in Gettysburg.
April 6. 114-54.
2Mb" MOBS ur re:
?‘"S".! oreivol and fur. sae" et'
440i1 S." PAXTON - 4 - •
—The we.
dersigned returns his thaniAs to the publf
for the encouragement heretofore extruded I
him, and takes pleasure in anuouliediz, that be
has oomph led Arrangements by iy
which TWO DAILY LINES 'of t vicYj i T"
Poaches will run between tiettya-N2
burg and ll•nurer, to connect with the trails
to and from Baltimore.`York, Ilarrisberg,
Philadelphia. die. Penwins desiring ticketior
information will call on the midersignad.oe
CIIARLIM Tars, Tielset Agent, at the gales
Hotel, in Chatzbersburr, street.
117 Special attention giren to all peckers,
Lc., or other business entrusted to the Wrier.
signed between tiettysbmg and Ramos's'''.
which will be promptly and carefully Aiwa&
ed to.
7The undersigned has also effeettd sr
range:petits by which he lett! baahle to supply
Coaches, Stages. fur Funerals sad other
occatuous, at woiilerate elm rgea.
Clettyabu g, April 13. 1857.
Wingerd, White Sr Swope,
211deskin. AS'dk, Felt and Fur Flats,
24, w. Cot. 9/11.TRIUKRL IIOWSILI ITS,
Jacios B. Iri,vercl,
Amid S. Jr/rile, ;b BALTIZOIa,
Juls,4 A. Swope. )
Aug. 3, 16.-)7.
11..ettkittridge street, nenrJatnets Pierce's,
Gettysltorg. offers his services t 4 the public
as a Sale and Awe:Mater. ilia charges
are coaltirce, and he will ou all occasions ga
t dcavor to render matialtetion. lie hopes ,
t receive a .stare of public patronage.
Alt r. 17. 1N57.
& Bait. have removed their Merchant
Tailoring Estallishment to the splendid new
three-story house an the uurth side of Chant-
Writhe rg street. adjoining Brio graan k A ugh
inbaugh's, where they will ountioue Lusiuuss
uti a larger scale than ever.
Their stock of Cloths, Catrimerei, C
liets, Vestinv, &a., kn , has been largely in
creased, nod they are prepared to moll as low
as Ilte larcest-41ufving till cum petiti .
thews cull, and examine their assortment be
fore purcha-iirr„ elsewhere. No trouble to
show goods.
Clothing made up on short notice and in
the very best and most tasteful 11111111110 r
. their h n 7, praetie %I experience in the
'amines., and a desire to please, they hope to
he able to ;love tiatishvition iu till eases.
C 11.1. OVE \ D ALL !
GPltrilUr ircli 22, 181 m.
R3ady-made Clothing
( i . EO. A RN111,1) ha. now on hand the largest
/ stock of lteadv-ma le Clothing in town,
comprisiux every t ariety and size, all of his
own in.tnufacturta. which will be warranted
well am Is. h rain;; hand. con itanZ}Y employ
ed emitting out and to tking up. If we cannot
fit volt with it garment realy made, we will
sell you the goods, take your measure. and
nuke yol up a garment on the titortest no
tice. P.ease roll at the Clothing Emporium.
where you will and Mr. Culp always on
hand, bright and accommodating. Our stock
is large, well selected, and will be sold cheap
fur Cask
Gertysbarr. March 29,
Foll.l).—The untiereigne4l has; made tar
rungements with the l'e:t.i•ylva.iia
Cimpunr to run • Clair vars t • VI ri:yht4ri!le.
whore G.toli can tw trnitsti;p , - , 1 int , ' the
cantor the Northern Central 1::111r0:1,1 C
The prelent rates of Freight tact \N v. 0 Coil
adolphaa and New Oxford are—
On lgt CLASS, 40 eta. per 100 Iha.
40 •• •• {IL
.3,1 • 341 It It *6
4011 " t?,l " "
("mods for the present time will be Philp 1
only twice a week front Philn•lelphin—,m
M iudav nud Weattexlay. But they will be
Yliippod daily whenever there is am nemuniu
latiou yr 20.) or upwar.ll.
Wriglikrille, Marchls. 1858. 4in .
A Large Supply of Lumbar,
INCLUDISO every plant) of River Pine,
just received, and Car sale. at very law
prices,attheYardofSllEADS .Ir, BEER LER,
on the Corner if li',4ll4iisyton and Railivad
Sects, jnbt in the rear of the "Eagle
They have also on hand a large variety of
l'ltalteria Lathe,. awl
Pick 4 11%4 Is, (fl r garden fencing,) which
thiey will sell Isw. Orders for any amount
eau be promptly filled. Buihkrs, before pur
chasing elsewtiere, will tint! it to their ad
vantage W....examine qualities and prices.—
Also, a superior article of Blacksmith coat,
at 33 et s. per bushel. •
Gettysburg, Jun.2s, 1858.
Now Goods.
G O. ARNOLD has just receive.] from the
City a large stuck of GAON, among
which are Ladies' Dress Good., very cheap
and latest styles; clicari C (nC3,
Tweeds, Sutiouer Cloths, Drab De.tate, CJat
ings, Vesting-, Linens, Calicoes, Giugliains,
and a lane stock, of iLiate•tie gu,Kla, Also,
The girls have bccn Hell sela:teil
and will lie sohl rat nut.tll profits for 1 .20.41).
Pinami call , esaiiiinc,anil j a 4140 fir yonrieli e 4.
Gettysburg, March t.,1).,
JL. SC w wtd inviteattetttiun of
• buyers to 10-1 large stuck of
Flue B:at•it 01• It
Flue 10,1orell do., •
hue Black Cassi.n.sres,
Fancy Cassitneves,
S.tle Striped du.,
Cravats, Hosiery.
Gloves, Sqspenilers, Handkerchiefs, Le.
April .5. 1:3523.
stud Carpet Bag+, at prices cheaper than
over.—Pa:tun & M'llbeny hare just received
the largest and chestrie-,t ass o rtment of 11,.0t5,
&toes, Mato and Trunks ever brought to this
market, all of which they inteud *riling at
the lowest Drive...
P. S. Lidiee Gaiters, and all kialla of col
ored Sauce, in gicat abundance.
iuth Elva corner of Coutm Siunro.
Aprils, 1F?58.
'EltlES.—Sugar, Coffee. Molasses, and
all kinds of Spices. ani every article in
the grocery lite, cbespittid good at the now
Dry Good and Grocery Store of
J. C. ic BRO.
aR.OOERLEi. —lf you want a goo , ' avian
maut of 4.l:oceriet, suoh an Syrup, Mo
blase*, Sugar and Coffbe, you will do well by
esamaiiting the assortment at
11. S. & E. IL blr.v.vrotts'.
. A LG kind. o War and Willow-ware, for
•etalow by GILLESPIE & T11031A3.
A LMOST anything peg want can be irotiAt
obespor than elsewhere, at lkdoteeteuke.
Two Daily Lines.
witor.F.NALE vi:Atv.its
Men's Wear.
Grand Opening
to bias; persanagy : ffir by letter.
asuyaberir,lo4-0, /853.
llnail Mclntire,
quavziroti-tait. tin minty of Adams.
14 Otter in Liberty township. Post-thh,:e
imitirese, Bierritiber"
Nov. 16 Pa:*
Firs insurance.
THE Perry Oonnty Mutual Fire Insurance
Compony--Ospital sl39,sS'l—encts in
set:wee% in• any part of the S:ate, against
loss tkr ; prudently adapts it; operati,i f il
to its nesestrces oTirds anif,!e indemnity,
sad promptly Adjusts its 10,+e,.
Adams county is represent,' 1 in the 13)ar.1
of Manners by 'ion. 'LEAN.
WM. I,•l`l.l',AN,
wawa of 1 dr. Vi. Usttyaburz.
Msy 26, IF4'6.
. J Lawrence Hill, M. D.
ei toort AS him office one
RT.). - jl door Nest of the
Lutheran ohnrch in
Clattaberiburg street, and oppii,ite Picking),
store, where those wishing to hale any Den
tal Operation perform 1 are re-p.• • tinily invi
ted to tall. llErtarxi D... D. ilortier,
Rec. C. P. Kraal, 1..). D., I;:r. 11. 1. Idiugher,
D., Rev. Prof. .M Pr.f. )1. L.
Stcever. [ilei.tysltrg, April 11, '53.
A LEX. FRAZER, Wate'r ek Clock Halter,
ban TOM•)7e i W:4 sh,l) to C11:11116,T041)0T4
Rtreet, oppolite the Luthenut Cnureh, where
he iiin always lie to attend to the
un it so f Thankful for pant favors,
be hopes, by stri•q attention to and
a tleiire to lilea4e, to merit and receire the
patronage of the publi-.
Gettysburg, March 8, 1.".8.
Nett Cash
DltY GOODS HOUSE.— Opening of Spring
G4n•lq!—EY RE A: LINDELL, F.urtla
Arvlt Saectq, :au nuw offer
a full stock i.l
Spr ic cn• Spring of 1:4554 !
FASiI II) it Li: SPACE S:6 6001 S.
'BLACK Si 24 to .4 inches wide,
Sp:in:t Weal 4 :qudi, New SI) IPA.
Six.vl , , in all the neweit Styles,
lirtti4ll, Preach and .14nerican Chintzes,
Full Stock of I) otteAtir G.)0,14,
S nrk lOf ELI rupeati G•otic.
S. i 3. 1.1..r* tin, in S , -t..mahle Jou~a, daily
ir,.m the .I.l:Cr 10N5 . 4,1 New York
and P•tiladel ph in.
P. S. M ittl I ANTS nee invited VI esnin
ine the Stock. TERNN. Nett Cash. mitt
[March r. 1•58. 3m
Llst Notice.
T HIVE hern zi wing notice for the last yenr
to all tlio,c woo are iud,hte I to me to call
end pay the %:11.11C. .S 4) altcation hag been
paid it. I now give notiee suit will be
brought on .111 n.;:e+ and account+ that nrenot
paid on or bofore the lir ; -dor of April nest.
Fe',. 8, '3B. tf At:NOLD.
*ro the Country, Good News.
T HAVE rented the Foundry fur the mem
ing year, and tin prepared to make the
different kinds or ca•dine,.+ uq.niis made at
Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the
different kinds of PLOUGHS, Points, ShArea,
Cutters, l'ots, Kettle+, Pons, Washing
Stores and .Machinery: Por
ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made
and put up with ail:Patch.
All orders will be attended to promptly ;
but being without rupital, and money being
necesmnry to carry on the business, I will be
compelled to sell fur cash, but un all country
work o per cent, will he deducted. Suitable
trade will be taken, if delivered at the time
of purchasing. Give 114 n cull.
Gettvlbure. June I, 1837.
Hanover B. Railroad.
TRAINS ovor the LI/mover Branch Railroad
now run as follows
First Train lenses Hannrer at 9 A. 31. With
f iassc
•n n er fur Yirk. Ilarrish m
urg, Culubia.
and Philadelphia. This Train also connects
with the Express fur Baltimore, arriving
there at 12 Y. '
&wood Train !wires - at 1 r. n. with pas
sengers for &Orlin we and intermediate pla
ces, and returns with passengers from York,
'J. LEIB, Agent.
Nni, 30, 185-7
Removed to Handver.
FRANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Wash
ington House at Abbottstown. has taken
in Hanover, where he will be happy to enter
tain all who may patronize him. flis Table
ie supplied with the best-the market and ger
deu can afford, and his liar with the choicest
of liquors. llis Stables are com11:10d19111. and
attended by careful Ostlers. Give him a cell.
You will always find FRANK.. oil the spot,
ready and willing to nuke everyhody com
forts ble. [April 27. 1e57.
Stauffer & Harley.
-1.-1 sale anti retail r at the Philadelphia Watch
and Jewelry SOirC, NU. 96 ,North Second
street, corner of Quarry, piiihoLd r h in..
Gold Lover IVatclies, full jeweled, IS carat
$.28 i),) ; Lepines, 10 en rat. Af24 tNI
Silver Lovers, full jeweled, $l2. 00, Silver 1,0-
piues,jewels, 01 ; superior t,biartiers,.s7 00 ;
tbdd Speetncleß, Si 0'; tine StIN or do. $1 50;
Gild Bracelets, .5..; 01); Ladies' Gold Pencils.
$1 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set, $43 00; Gold
Pens, with pencil and silver holder, $1 00.
Gull Finger Rings, cents to ',,kSO;Wateh
Glasses, plain, 12} ceuts; patent ISt; Lunet
2.i; other articles in proportion. All goods
warranted to be what they arelsold for.
01 liavd, some g .1.1 and ailcor Lcvors and
Lepinos, still lowor than the flburo prices.
Oct. 20, 18.17. ly
Jdhn Stone & Sons,
8 C.ifsuri . l Street, &woe 1,:fg,1411t, (Inte of
Na. 4) South Setsmd Street,) Phila
delphia, are now receiving their Spring Im
portation SILIC.t MILLI:VE:11 r o cws,
consisting, in part of
Fancy &moot and Cap Ribbona,
Satin and Taffeta Ribbmr,
Gros Do N.tples. (Glace and Plain,)
. Maret,line* and Florenees,
Black Made*,
English Cranes,
Malicia and Illusion Lanes, etc.
Alio, a full assortment of l'reseA &Ameri
can Flowers. ' March 22, '5B. 2m
TILE attention of the Ladies is directed to
the lar and splendid assortmentof new
Spring *nil ge
3.notner Goods. such as Delanes.
Lawns, Donal Citali, Ginghams, dasnetotio and
line, Shawls, Bonnets, kn., at
nurrs and Oonfeetiona, nice and fresh,F just from the oily, to be bad nt
be Grand Show !
AT otrrrasscs.:, PA.
wort, lialiager & Proprietor.
:a at G & M.—Performance
eeastnenee immediately after.
(under 12 years of age,) Half Prioo
ibscriber, thankful for past - favors,
lly lnfurins the inhabitants of Get
and surrounding country, of the
he has just received how the New
etions a
is determined to sell nt ft.stonishing
;es for cssit. In return fur the fiber
age liestuwed upon him, he will give
,:nriliientary Bone fit, on which oc-
I presented
014 IPedattsday, Octoblr
anti elety Jay until further nJ,tiee, trill be
presented the very popular TrnbeJy of
0001) FITS!
' with the tdlowing unrivalled eitst
able Clothing, from the fine%t to the lowest
gunliticii. Gentlemen's 'Furnishing
1. n,.ls. in great 'variety. Boots, Koos, asts,
,Le., to suit all testes.
An TOG -minion of 7':n Jlinutes,
to allow dame making large purchases time
fur Lunch. &c., &c.
The wlictle to ennctudo with 3f. Sareson's sue
oessful PlaT, entitled
the beauty (d• which will cause great excite
! meat tlituircr, the Ladies and Gentleteen.
Oct. '_'ti, Ittsl. tf
To the Farmers.
ANNY'S Combined Renithig and Mowing
31o.diine teilit Wood's laaprocenkent.—
The undersigned, haring been appointed
Agent for Vie sale of Nanny's Combined
11..,tping and Mowing Machine. with Wood's
Improvealent, fur Adams county, offers them
to the •isiblic. knowing thorn to be the best
combile.l machine in use. It has been stuc
cos:Jolly introducel into different parts' of our
Slate, and I sold thirty-four last season, iu
Adams enmity, all.rendering satisfaction.—
The machine re.ieived a silver medal at the
State lair—also, the first Premium at York,
Cuinhorlsntl, Centre. Iluhtingilen. and other
county Fairs, *here it was ezbibited. Par.
niers needing a Reaping Machine, will please
csll uponfthe undersigned, before purchasing,
its he always takes great pleasure in showing
the Machines. Early orders ace solicited, as
the, loctiber received from the manufacturer
will be inproport:on - to the demand.
Opposite the Eagle Lime!, Uettysburg, Pa.
31 irch J, w.s.
Valuable Real Estate
A T PRIVATE SAGE.— rite 'undersigned
offer 4 at Private Ssle,- all his Real Estate
No. I.—My tats residence in Gettysburg,
'frontinglil feet en Chum hersburg street. with
Brick Dwelling, Stable, and qtlier impruve
awns. ! -
N. 2.4-L't wljoisting above on the West.
frontio.• 2... t feet on street, with Stable, (i.e.
N . 3...*—in)t n ljoining Nu. 2, ft...vain.; 32
feet on pettne street, with large Cuach
' teal otherimprovetnente.
No. toljoinin- , No. 3, fronting 2
feet, with !d 'able Br iak Dwelling, Smith
So. co't of the Foundry, with
Stettin Slw Mill.
No. 11.—L tt .t.ljoinino. No. .5, containing
al) oat 3 Arrei.
7.—'Curse Lott fronting each 30 feet
on coniniter.ilittrg, street.
S of lewd in llemlltanhan
towoilnp, , lying
on Maral creek. containing:
Si A.n-o4,,part cleared and !tart in first-rate
I N ,1. 1 4` meh Eitablishment in Shep
herd.totro, Va., with good will, Ix. The ).
cation k sn lohnirahle qui for, and
imprortunents in good order.
ret`Titles good and terms sc suit purcha
sers. Enquire of D.. 1. Recut-Ea, Esq.,
ti shurg, or the uudersrgittsd iuShep
her.l.t IWli. Vat. 0. 'W. HOFFMAN'.
March 5, 1858.
John W. Tipton.
Gl to Tipton's-4o to ript,iik's—
t;‘, t, rrip:mi'm in the corner—
' la the rorner in the Diamond—
tho.Diamond McClellan's,
If you ti,:tat your hair dressed finely—
If you want your face shavedatuoothly.
Blot e pis who never knew it—
Tip's thS fellow that cum du it—
` Do it in the latest fashion—
Do it quick and ,lo it neatly,
And improve roar lino loJks greatly.
Make yLiu loot( so young and spri g htly,
31,tlice you feel more young and bri ghtly,
Make you feel like going nightly
To call upon some pretty ilatuset
Who before would not look at you,
At you MN you passed her daily,
I).tily no the public street.
And young man who wear monstaches,
Who molt semis one to sew patches—
i where your breeches tear—
Tip's t: 4 boy t., make up elatches---
Matches with sonic lady fair.
Then repair to Tipton's shop,
Dand v. "Pozv. Flirt and Fop.
Jam. 11, 14.1.8.'
Hover's Liquid Hair Dye.
MEI?. teltimoity of Prof. Booth and Dr.
A Briticlr.le haring been puliliala
ed. the fvllowin; i. now whleth
From -Peat. )10C LusK LY. formerly Profeesnr
4.f Theory awl Practice of Mciitine in the
Female Me heal C uf Penney it anis, en
kte l'r,,ft..ou.r of Surgery in the American
C„ Ileac
rum tin:Lem*, Nov. 27th, 1553.
Ma. Josten trial of your
Liquid 11.1:e Dyo will 'convince the most
skeptical, that it is a safe, elegant, and
riot(c preparation. Unlike many others, it
has in IWVersil instances proved serviceable in
the oure or f4OlllO cutatteou4 eruptions Oh the
head, and I 11/ISO no hcwitation in commending
it to those regniring such an application.
Very respectfully.
' J. I. X. .11i,Ct.osKay, M. D.,
475 'Lace tit. ' aboxf 13th.
047 - 11frer',Irritioy luks.including
and Mimeo Indelible
still maintain their high character, which has
always distingaishmi them, and the extensive
demand first createi, has continued uninter
rupted untWthe present.
Orders addressed to the 3lannfactory,
416 R.ICE Street ab,ive FOURTLI, (elil
144,) Philadelphia, will routive prompt at
tention by c ,
JOSEPII E. 110VER. Manufacturer.
D?e. 21, 1557. [ftpr. 13. lyl
TOBACCO SEGARS. of best brands, and
at astonishingly low rates these high time 4,
at the Flour, Provision and Grocery Store of
air o b o ts & TIfO3IAS.
beautiful assortment of rich French work
ed Collars, and many other sew and season.
able goods, jest received and for sale at low
price, at i 11.$. &
(2 I GVAR.—A fine lot of Silver Spoons and
U Silver Forks. as low as city prices, now
to be had at SCUICK'S. Cull soon, as they
sell rapidly.
9MM mach Pane constantly on band and
"L made to crier at BUMMER'S, in Chem
bersburg Street.
Jreoeiind. a , small lot of Oyer COMP,
gi whioh will be sold low, to close out for
the erosion, at SAMSON'S.
March 29. •
ri LOTUS, Caesliterati, - Bstataset Coatings,
w and siary l variiity o[ saes goods
for men and be" to inttndtakiranintaestme.
Pine Old Brandies.
T NT? .illotoriher& Imparters null Dealers in
IVPAT.S 'LleprORS, would most re
spectfully call the attention of purchasers to
their Ohl Establishinent, No. f North Front
Sired, PAiladdpkia, where they hare a large
assortment of Wines and I:quors of the
choke- t brands and qualities. If.tving made
nrran:Tetnents with sumo of the first houses in
Cava., and Rochelle, enables them to furnish
to their custqmors, upon the most liberal
terms. the following brands of Cognac and
BRANDIES: Otard, ITenneßti, P:;lersion,
Phyt,Cattillinw; .1. J. Drpoy E Co.,T.
A. Scrgnette, Martel, Marect, •to. of va
rious brsndm and qualities.
WINES: Chanipogns, Madeira, Liibon,
0141 Oporto, Tenerife, Burynn , ly, TTork, Mus
cat, Cl4lret. Sherry, an , / Mr/aga Wines.
iliand Gin, Schcidnin S..hnapps,.lamaien
Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Peach.
Apple. Blattkberry, Cherry, Ginger, and
R,Lspherry Brandies: Cordials, Wino Bitters,
Amsterdam Bitter:.
Also. Agents and Silo Proprietors of the
Old Whett W:iisker. Cmstantly on hand
an extensive stock of fine old Monongahela,
Rvo and B ,11 rbon IVluskev, of various grades,
some of which are guaranteed to Lc superior
to any in the country , nil of which are high
ly improved by nge.
Front our long experience in the business,
and a thotough knowledge of the tastes of
the community, we flatter ourselves to bo
able to fill all orders that may be entrusted
to 119.
Order, from the country (which tire tnottt
retpeotfelly solicited) will be promptly at
tended to.
ua...Great care taken in packing and chip
Xt4*All goods sent froni onr establishment
are zooranteed to give sotisfactiOn, with the
privilege of being returned.
E. P. 311 DDLETON & BRO..
N. 5 North Front S:.,
March .22. 1:458. ato
Adams County Mutual
purated March 18, 1851.
Peesittent—George Swope.
rice Presitleuf-8. It. Russell.
S•crelary—D. A. Buehler.
.7reartirer—airid M'Creary.
grecutire CommittPe— Robert McCurdy,
Andrew Ileintze'man, Jacob King.
M;cas.—GeorgeSwope, D. A. Buehler,
R. McCurdy, Jacob King. A. lleintzeltnan,
1). M'Crear y . J. J. Kerr, M. Eichelherger, S.
It. Rusbell, A. B. Kurtz. Andrew Pulley. S.
Fabnestock, Wm. B. Wilson, li. A. Picking,
Win. B. M'Clellitn, Juhn AVulford, R. G. Mc-
Creary, John ifirner. E. W. Sheltie, J. Augh
iiilmugh, Abdiel F. Gitt.
`This Company is limited in its opera
tions to the county of Ada?is. It bas been in
successful operation for morn than six years,
and in that period has paid all s losses and ex
psnseQ, withinit any asmessinent, having also a
large surplus capital in the Treasury. 'The
Cun;.any employs no Agents—all business
bei: g done by the 31anagorlpho are annual
ly elete Iby the Stckholders. Any person
desiring an Insurance can apply to. any of the
above maned Managers for further infor
oirrie Executive Committee incotx at the
ntriee of the on the last We Inesday
in every month. at 2, P. M.
Suitt. 28, 1;437
Important Discovery.
C"`IUMI'TION and all Di' , cav; of the .
Lunge and Thrott are positively Cur e d '
by Inliletion, which enneeyi the renieditn
to the car itice in the lungs through the air '
peesegee. ar i d coining in direct coetact a ith
the 'lkea ee., neutralizes the tubers:tiler matter,
allays :he cough, canoes a free and ea.y ex
pectoretion. heals the lungs, purifies the
blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous
system. giving that tone and energy so intik
pensa ble for the restoration of health.. To lie
able to state confidently that Ccfnsumption is
cutable by inhalation. is to me a :ntree of
unalloyed pleasure. It is as touch under the
control of medical treetmeut as any other for
midable dieeage; ninety nut of every hundred
Cases can be cured in the first stages. and fifty
per cent. in the second : but in the third stage
it is impoeeilile to save mere than five per
cent , for the Longs are co cut np,by the dis
ease as to bid defiance to medical skill.—
Even. however, in the tact stages, Inhalation
efforde extraordinary relief to the suffering
attending this fearful scourge, which annually
destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the
United States alone; and-a correct calculation
shows that of the present population of the
earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the
Consumptive's grave. '
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so
I fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has I
been the great enemy of life, for it spares
neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the
brave, the beautiful, the greeeful and the
gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being
from whom cnmeth every good and perfect
gilt, I am enebled to offer to the afflicted a
permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. '
The first cause of tubercles is from inqest,
blood. and the immediate effect produced by
their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the
free admission of air into the air cells, which
canses a weektned vitality through the tame
system. Then surely it is more rational to ex
pect greater good from medicines enterine the ,
cavities of the lungs than front those admin
istered through the stomach : the patient will
always find the lungs free arid the breathing
easy. after Inhaling remedies. Thus, inhale-'
tion is a local remedy. nevertheless it acts
constitutionally, and wit,ii more power and
certainty than remedies administered by the!
stomach. To prove the powerful and direct !
influence of this mode of adininistrnt'on,
chloroform inhaled will entirety destroy seosi•
bility in a few minutes, perilyzing the entire
} 'nervous sy,tetn, so that a limb may he atu- ,
I ,putated without the slightest pain ; inhaling
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a ;
1 few hours,
: The inhalation of ammonia will move the
gestetn when fainting or apparently dead.—
; The odor of many of the niedieinea is percepti-
!ble in the skin a few minutes after being in-'
' h tied , and may be immediately detected in
the blood. A convincing proof of the consti
tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that
sickness is always produced by breathing foul
air—is not this positive evidence that proper
' remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously
administered through the lungs should pro
duce the happiest tesults ? Daring eighteen
years' practice, many thoneande suffering,
front diseases of the lungs and throat, have
been under my care, and I have effected many
remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had .
' been pronounced in the last stages, which '
fully satisfies me that consumption is no
longer a fatsl disease. My treatment of con-
, sumption is original, and founded on long ex
! perieuce and a thorough Investigation. My
I perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber
' des, lc., enables me to distinguish readily,
' the various forms of disease that simulate con•
!gumption. and 4pply the proper remedies, we
lly being mistaken even in a single ease. This
I familiarity, in connection with certain '
logical and microscopic discoveries, enables
`me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con
s traded chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the
I blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
• energy and tone to the entire system.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States and Csnadas by
patients communicating their symptoms by
letter. But the care would be more certain tf
the patient should pay me a visit, which
would give me an opportunity to exihnine the
lungs and enable me to prescribe with much
greater certainty, and then the cure could be
erected without my seeing the patient again.
G. W. GRAHAM. M. D.,
(1f . ce,113 I Filbert St..(olil Y0.1ie.,,)6d0w 12a,
Jelly 20, 1857. 1y
ILOUR sod MIX of the best quality. al
ways on band, and sold at the sonaliost
profits. at Noaasca a nutmeg.
o LOTUS, Osaainseres, and. every article 'of
•- 1 .Stett's Wear, good. and cheap at
J. 0. WINN & BRO.V.
The Largest Chair
A ND Furniture Esmblishmen in Baltimore
No. 25 _Mirth Gag 'tree!, near Fayette,
where are kept always on hand, or made to
order, every style of French TETE•A-TETES,
in Plush, Hair, Cloth or uratello.
French Full Staff and Medallion Parlor
ARM CHAIRS, in Plumb, Hair, Cluth or
French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR
CHAIRS, in sets, with Plush, Hair, Cloth or
SOFAS,halr French Spring Mahogany, and
Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in Hair, Cloth or
ROCKING CITA IR: 4 ---rarious designs, in
Cloth and Maih.
Stuff Spring LOUNGES—a large assort
ment always on hand, or any pattern made
or covered with any goods to order.
CHAMBER SUITS—in Mahogany er
Walnut. complete, from $34 up.
CANE CHAIItS and Rocking do.—the
largest assortment ready made in any one
house in, the United States—from $l2 a doz
en pp.
Bar Room, °Nle and Dining CHAIRS, in
Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Woed
or .Stuffed Seats—an assortment embracing
°VI:W . SO dozen.
vod %eat CIINIRS null SETTEES ind
Rocking ebnin--over 1(C dozen,
A, NIATIIIOT, 25 North Gay Street,
oar Fayette-street.
May 18. 1R57. ly
Lumber, Coal and Stoves.
X 1: iV El R if!
TFI orlersignetl respectfully announce to
the eitis , ins of Gettysburg and vicinity,
that they htre.cntered into a co-partnerehip.
and intend opening a CN.IL d L,C.I//Thl?
Y.(;:tr. tin Washitigton St rect. in the rear of
th e Peko e lUnet. re they will be happy to
see all ti h,, inn) f.,vut theta with a call. }ley
will tarnish evely vaiiety of S'rice. Madamith
a n d COAL, at the lowest possi
ll'e wholesale rates. in order to introduese it
into general use. 1 hey also intend keeping
a and general a..sortitient ol LUMBER.. as
soon as the if road is
. couilitettd. They
will keep constantly on hand evety variety of
COAL and WOOll STOVES. among which
are the celebrated WilhAn Penn. Noble
Cook, Royal Cook and lea S4ll Cook
Stoves. Also the Ch4rui. Capitol. Victor,
Planter, Premium anti Parlor Cook Stoves,
Air-tight, Star. Franklin, lint-air Patter
Grate. Lady Washington, Oak. Magnolia.
Union. Air-tight Bare Cylinder, Tropic and
Harp Cannon Strives.
Persons wishing so evamine their stock will
please call at their Stove Ware noun. on
West Middle street, at the residence of Robert
10 - Orders promptly ottenAcel to.
Gettysburg, Aug.: t, 1857.
Good and. Chc,,ap!
rpm'. would infuru' his friends
a I toe rul.!ik. goloutlf.. - . that he , con
tilote.4 the C Alt • MAIUNG
in all is brati,!lo. , , at his establish
ment, in Est Mid•lle Street, (near the east
emit') liettysburg. l'a., xyliere he has on band
a first-rate lut - of wurk, and is prepared to-put
up to oilier whate‘ er maw he desired in hie
line, rizi—itoekaway find Iluat-Body
s;r JCL
air•t/ Tri,ttiag Buggies, V e il
Jer.sey 117
With good workmen and good materials, he
van prelge his work to he of the best quality
—and his price.; are among the lowest.
CAO•ltopitiring dune at short-notice, and at
reanimaiAe rates. Comitri pruilui,e taken itt
exult:tug° fur work. Call .
June 15, 1857.
JEWELRY, Watclie4, Pistols, Violins, Goi
tors, Accardeons, II 'lllinoisans, Eight-day
Thirty-hoar awl Alarm Cl4.)sks, at OF priers
S.4.3ISON'S. •
t 4) be - bad at
Herring's Patent '
SAFES, with Hall's Patent POWDER
PROOF 1.00 li.S.—Faattate k Marisa,
31.1kers, 31 Wawa 'Street, below Second,
l'hilaielphia.—The great interest manifested
by the public to procure more certain securi
ty from lire fur valuable papers, such as
blonds, I‘l , ,rtgoges,-Deeds, Notes and Book'
of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto
fore in use afforded. induced the Patentees to
devote a large portion of their time for the
last fourteen years, in making dircoveries
and improvements for this object, the result
of which is the unrivalled Herriny's Patent
Irarhre Fair l'remium FIRE PIZOO,
SAFES, universally acknowledged as this
C11.511r10,X SAIL Or TLIS WORLIA 111113;1111
been awarded Medals at both the World'a
Fair. London, 1851, and Crystal Palace, N.
, 1853, as superior to nil 01119111, la latl,Mir
und,nabtedly entitled to that apellatiA4 aud
secured with Halt's Patent Powder-pita
Lacks.—which were -also awarded eartaritia
Medals, (as above)—forms the most 9400iset
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever
ed to the public. . •
Nearly 300 "llerrinW s Sales"
tested daring the past'l 4 years. - liti*Viaie
than 16,000 have been sold and oirso!sinto in
actual use.
Also on hand or manufaetitre4 to- oat*.
all kinds of Boiler and - -Cklßtallticniattitik
Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors, .116suey
Chests for Brokers, Jeweller%
private fitailica,-lisLi-fbr44144-4 ' d 5,
and other rsleabletk/s x - - 1* 1 F.. 3 ;3:4
Noy. 23, 185 T. - - - • •