The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 22, 1858, Image 4

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Ito* &ogee-
ittitts by tbirploagit would *Mile,
vat rer qi &ISt,"
TIP 716 /;11• saP• *Mit
flask sty stay nestle below a crest,
444 Moe below a crown;
goodbearte best 'iterith a rustle rest,
sis* a silken town.
Phial Sasebo told of toe chiefs who sold
Their strength to crush and kill,
And severs word be sung or hoard
Oftbose who reap and till?
!bow In thanks to the ;tardy throng
Who greet the morn with toil;
And the.den I give toy earnest song
be—Tits );INGII or rss
Then slag for the kings who have no crown
Set the blue sky o'er their bead—
/04r Sella& or bey had such - power as they
To withhobl or offer bread.
rived ship! utay Lola silver and gold
The wealth of s distant strand ?
.hips woold rot, and be paned not,
Were there none to till the land.
The wildest heath—the wildest bmke,
Are fich as the richest fleet,
illirhich gladden wild birds when they wake,
411 . .n4 give them fund to eat.
1011witir willing hand, and spade end plow,
.The gladdening hour shall come,
When that which is called the 'waste land' now,
Shall ring with the 'llarvest Homer
rim! 04 for the kings who have no crown
IPS the blue sky o'er their bO4,
Wien Seltan or Dey had such power as they
To withhold or offer bread.
STAIILI:—The only way of mak
ing improvements in agriculture is by
experiments. Should any farmer con
ceive or bo informed of a better method
in the management of the concerns of a
farm, !inch as the culture of grain and
rasa, and the rearing of domestic ani
*Lis it is biA best plan to test the good
peas of ths meihqd by making accu
rate and careful experiments; and
should hie attempts prove successful,
ins Ine#y remoultbly congratulate him
self on having done that which may
prove of immense service to his coun
trike honorable and profitable to
No ono, I trust, can call in apestion
tho propriety of farmers Oiting in
phighborhoods, townships, counties,
states and countries, for the express
purpose, effectually to accomplish so
noble an end, as the improvement of
agriculture in its various branches, by
pxperiments. They might adopt such
p2essures as would excite ii reasonable
pmulation among themselves to make
experiments, and publish them for the
common good of all. Associations of
Flje kids in question are attended with
very little expense, and certainly might
Os made the means of enriching the
Plate, by general improvements in farm
trig, gardening, A°.
Not only farmers might thus unite
for their mutual benefit, but mechan
ics also; nay, both ought to unite, and
viewtotdd soon see realized the truth
51 the maxim, "in union there is
jolisspigth;" for wore farmers and me-
phatfies to form themselves into associa
tions, there would be no difficulty in
acloomplishing anything calculated to
Improve the social, moral, physical
pnd civil condition of the laboring part
pf the community; let but these two
claws of individuals, "the bone and
sinew" of a nation, cheerfully come
forward with _theirassistance in the
mu* work of promoting the .comforts
Of the social state; let them act in °on_
oord and harmony, and persevere in
unison; and let every one contribute ac
cording to his ability to aid in tho gen
oral diffusion of useNl knowledge, and
wonders will be accomplished in a short
time; society will be reforrnod—the
whole human family reclaimed from
p%ieery and ruin—improvements of
farms, pt helghborhoods, villages,
towns and cities, will be the result of
push combined efforts. "Peace and
good will" hail us at every place. Ev-
Ory convenience of life will be promot
ol, tiro way paved for the Gospel of
Peace. Oxroau Fiat3ll.EL
March, 1858.
A correspondent of the Maine Far
pear says that Mr. Elisha Sbper, of Or
land,, has for years fed grain to his
sheep, for the purpose of forwarding
lemini,%but received bat little benefit
I.herefrom. lie at last thought there
Fight_ bo a better way, so he tried the
piperiment of feeding his lambs with
pate, in a trough made by nailing two
boards together, covering the ends, and
iltisitkg it abou i t six inches from the
Boor. He puts in the oats and leaves
Vim until the lambs learn to eat,
which, he says, they will do when three
weeks old. He leavtis a passage for
ilia 'scribes° small that his sheep cannot
trouble them, both in his barn end in a
yar4 made for the purpose. After go-
Aug to pasture, he continues to feed tm
ittl hp sera , wbioh is in June. He -hag
tan weeks old that will dross
f!,gwvo pounds per quarter.
he scratches in a horse may be
eq h 9lit 1F11.248 very inveterate, by w4O
- tligrctnells with e t oapsnds, and then
T9biliair with lard fried ciat. offish meat.
rampeisan, and wash and grease every
PIM is Pleetect• -
411migg %Rd tA (icy upon the legs of a
isialls - km)e great cause of this disease.
7iotie9 that the ed#Or of the
Oldifonniniermer bay eeeti three crops
ft/spigot p tti** golden country &air!
0 1 e' 1 0niiren in the Yellr 1857— olen
29 e tans of 4 90 t4
Mitiltr lea 46 at S ea /art. At
48te craps bi l4. d
fay to TA! the
ouse enta
JOEL Pootaf
1 B. Aoov
Iliq.;lnmooros.. to
amount with chi Directors of doe Poor
and albs oflan pinpoints of the COG*.
ty of Adm in. bolos from die (fed** , Of Jen
. • D:,1857, to the 4ik 416 y oammaary,
A. ~ 1858.
1857. DR.
Jan. ft, To order on J. L. &hick, •
County Treasurer, No. 1, $6OO 00
6t 23, « •• 45, 410 00
Feb. 3, # 6 63. 500 00
0. 20, 61 96, 200 00
liar. 10, 66 1 0 2, 600 00
•4 4. 4. S• 105, 400 00
• 31, To Cash of John Scott, for
mat Steward.
Apr. 7. To order on J. L. Schick,
County Treasurer, No. 156, 400 00
May 5, • " 212, 500 00
!a 2s, n 2 25 , 500 00
Jidz n 7, GOO 00
" " 141, 400 00
243. 500 00
263, 500 00
28:1, 500 00
1000 00
all a& 323, 300 00
Dec. ,To Cash of °some Codori. 54) 00
" 8, Order oa J. L. Schick, Co.
Treasurer, No. 379,
" Cash of Qeorge /100.1
Aug. S. "
%pt. 21 , "
h t.. 16. 4
Jan. 6, Balance due Treasurer,
By Cash paid oat as follows:
Oat door pauper support. $1023 00
Merchandise and grooeties, 1506 93
Pork and stock hogs. 548 86
Roof cattle. sheep and horses. 1412 38
Flour, pain and grinding, 1149 16
Mechanics' work. 1001 18
Publishing accounts and blanks,
Stone Dail, plaster, lime, guano and
hauling, 209 76
Drugs and medicines, 69 06
Removing paupers, 3 60
Wood chopping, making rails, post
fence Ito
_ II • • 112 35
Iree !be Nur"Ott.
Flobeeriptiou to Gettysburg railroad, 500 00
Court ousts to commonwealth, 5 95
Stewards' sundry expenses, 150 00
Male hirelings, 213 38
Female hirehngs, 170 124
Physician's salary, 100 00
Counsel fees, 10 00
&Awards' salary II years, 312 50
Directors' extra services, 00 00
Clerk's salary.
Treasurer's salary.
$8761 431
We. the undersigned, Auditors to settle
and adjust the Public Aeceitats, do hereby
Certify that we have examined the items
which compose the account, and that they are
oorrect--being from the 6th day of January.
A. D., 1857, to the sth day of January, A.
D., 11558—both days inclusive.
C. CASIIMAN, Ardilors.
TOIIN SCOTT, Esq., (late Steward.) in ea
count with the Directors of the Pour and
House of Employment of the County of
Adams. being from the 6th day of January,
A.D., 18.57, to the let
D day
R of April, 1857.
Balance due on settlement, Jan. G. '57. 17 95
Cash found with deceased pauper, 1 60
Cash remised for tallow, lard end
poultry. R 3 s7}
Cash for hides from John Gilbert, R 5 56
C.lsh for two horses. 150 00
Cow ax d yearling calf, 35 00
By general expenses. $49 72i
SUperinterking beading, coffins fur- _ . ..
niehed and other extra servieet, 1518 00
Quit' paid J. B. DIIIIIIIK, Esq.,Tress., 126 26
We, the subscribers, Auditors to settle and
adjust the Public Accounts, do certify that
we have examined the items which compose
the above Account, and do report that the
same is correct—the same embracing the ac
count of John Sjott, former Steward, from
the fah day of January, A. D., 1857. to the
31st day of March, A. D., iiis7—both days
JACOB CULP, Eaq.. in account with the
Diripetora of the 1 ) nor and Bane of Em
ploymenl of the County of Adam', being from
the let day of April, A. D., 1817, to the 6th
day of January, A. D., 1848.
Dk,. -
Sandry orders from Directors, $l5O 00
Cash for lard, 50
Cash for Clover seed F. Wolf, 1 75
Walnutlxmrds to J. Z. Ilollebaugh, 500
One week's boarding G.Gardner, 2 00
Walnut boards to Norbeck Jk, Rainey, 3 75
Chest, G. Gardner, 1 50
Cash on note from Abraham Brian, 35 00
lot's% due Eliza White from A. Polly, 997
Cash of Henry Munahower's estate, 74 9fl
Cash for old popper kettle, ' 3 37/
Cash of Catharme Itosa's estate, 25
Cash for Timothy seed, -7 350
George Ho w,balanee on land, 20 00
John Winebrenner, due bill. al 42
Do. 3 calf skins, 2 60
David IVisler, old iron, 1 871
Cash for Tallow,2 15
General expenses, 8122 29}
Male and female hirelings, harvest
ing, butchering, &c., - 133 02}
Grave digging. 1 50
Funeral espouses, 20 75
Sheep, 19 00
Gans, 2 25
Out-door paupers, 400
Vegetables and fruit, . 11 04
Leather of J. Winebrenner, 33 22
347 (ki
Balance in hands °flits/ward. 3 54
We, the subscribers, Auditors to settle
and adjust the Public Accounts. do certify
that we hare examined the items which com
pose the above Aocount, sod do report that
the stuns is correct—the 'mute embracing the
account of Jacob Culp, present Steward, from
the Ist day of April. A. D., 1857, to the sth
day of January, A. D., 1538—butte days in
cluahe—leacing a balance in the hands of
said Steward of Three Dollars and Fifty-four
Ceuta, (:?,.3 54.)
C CAStIMAN.} Audilors
March 1, 1855. 4t .
14 EId4.INING in the Mese lionise of Attune
-uk , meaty iin the las day of JAtruary, 1838 :
lialea. 62
FarealeN 36
Olaildreet. ' 6
T0ta1.e...6 - v , ...c 107
Transient eimmeime. , x- ~;.... 937
'Wheat. bootlick, ..-:. 4a
Zte, 4106
e , .4 35
Evi; of f. mit, " 31004
Craver Seed, " 2
Timothy ", " 7
Onions, 4 4 41
Beata. - " 11
Potatoes. " 15
Loads tifi 3 ormfeddev it • 30
i l*
pde og. •fi Port, 319Gsbbso,
1 64 9. 6 4 i
of Bast 191 S
4 / 1 1 X11" Oar, 41.mari t
!Ilifilk 1. P 4lB t
• $8761 43;
$363 981
C. CASED! AN. t Auditors
List of Paupers
J. Lairrerum.Hlll, - XL D.
dice on
-4 4 1_ 1 :4 +J• door Test of the .
Lutheran church in
Clisambersburg street, rad opposite Picking's
store, whereetose wishing to have any Den
tal Operation performed are respectfully invi
ted to calf. Bercerxca.: Dr. D. Horner,
Rev. C. P. Kruth, D. D., Rev. 11. L. Baugher,
D. D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L.
Starer. [Oettyaburg, April 11, '53.
D. DicConaughy,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, (o ffi ce one door
waist of Bueliler's drug and book store,
Chambersburg street,) ATToRNEY AND St.)-
Land Warrants, Back-pay supendni
and all othor claims against the Government
at Washington, D. C; also American Claims
in England. Land Warrants located and
I sold, or bought, and highest prices given.—
Agents en Gaged in locating warrants in lowa,
Illinois and other western States. StrApply
to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 21. 1853.
126 f. 6
40 00
Edward B. Buehler,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrusted
to him. Ile speaks the German language.—
Office at the same place, in South Baltimore
street., near Forney '4
drug store, and nearly
opposite Danner & Ziegler's store.
Gettysburg, March O.
600 00
20 00
11636 55
125 17}
Win. B. McClellan,
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Offico on the
south side of the puldie square, 2 doors
welt of the Sentinel office.
Gettysburg, August 22, 1853
Edward Mclntire,
SURVEYOR' for the county of Adams.
Office ia 'Liberty township. Poet-Oflioe
address, Banal labors, Md.
Nor. 18, 17487.*
63 15
Fire Insurance.
9111 E, Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance
gtoupeny—Capital sl39,sB6—effects
suratices to any part of the State, against
toes by.dre ; prudently adapts its operations
to its manna', ; -Alford, ample indemnity,
and promptly adjusts its losses.
Adams annoy is represented in the Board
of 3lsmagers by 'lon. Moses MeCi.r.s,N.
WM. McI,LEAN. Agent:
Mr alt. 4 W. /Wiwi, Wittrabass.
May 26, 1856.
ANDREW W. FLEMMING, residing in
Breckinridge street, near Jannis Pierce's,
Gettyvburg. offers his services to the public
as a Side Crier and Aitelioneer. His charges
are moderate. and he will on all occasions en
deavor to render latigfaction. Ile hopes Vi
reoeive a ober* of public patronage.
Aug. 17, 1857.
lIAVE been giving notice fur the bust year
to all those who ere indebted- to me to call
and pay the same. No attention ham been
paid it. I now give notice thut suit will be
brought on all n.mtes and accounts that are not
paid on or before the first day of April next.
Feb. 8, 58. tf GP.O. ARNOLD.
A T FAIINKSTOCKS'.--We have just re- I TAKE Kline': that we have bust received
•‘ l .• (milted a large supply of file Queens- • 1 anew and splendid lot of HATS, CAPS,
ware, new pattern,., to which we invite the Boors ,fs Sl(o)t S, which we offer to the
attention ut those il l o i n t c,,,,,,iencing 110thte- public) CiIE.I,I'ER than over, having put
keeping, or those desiring to fill up odd Potts. J
We have purchased an unusually lap;,. 7 ,.•,.;51 our stook ta the living profits.—
; ...osier these arrangentents we cau pat our
amount of Ware, and by offering them cheap i guide within the reach of ALL as to style.
to our friends and customers, we hope to re-' quality and PRICE. Oar mutt , . is quick
"'iv° the patronage of the Public Cat at ; sales and small profits. Call and examine
once and have the benefit of selecting from a : oar cof od(go o dsbefore purchasing else
full stock, which has been tottrelta.t4l for cast, ; where. Remember the sign of the " BIG
Feb.'''. FAIISESTOCii 11110'S. .. BOOT." Cliambersburg street, below Bueh
; lot's. o:iig StoVe.
Stauffer & Harley.
1 tr.-J-5...c. and Shoes -untie upon the short
0. [MAP wATellf:s ..t, JP:wt.:l,l:Y, whni.: - ,est waive awl by the best of workman.
•-•/ sale and retail, at the Philadelphia Watch i Ozmber 19, 1857.
and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Second' - - .. ____
street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia, I Attention I
Gold Laver ..Patches. full jeweled, 18 carat: r i r.VE III:NOBEL/ MEN W ANTED—
cases, V& 00 ;G dd L-pines. 10 carat. $24 00; I L To buy Over-Coats from ' PICKING;
Silver Levei•s, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le- ! TO bay Over-reette from Picking ;
Pineesiewels, $9 00; itipttritor Quartiert,A7 OA; i 1 To buy Over-coats from Picking;
Gold Spectacle', $7 0 I; fine Silver do. $1 50; i TO buy Over- ,~rats from Picking ;
Gold Ilracelevi. ttl I)); Ladies' 0 .ld Pencils. ' i To buy Over-coats trout Picking;
$l. 00; Silver Tea Sp sent, set. $6 00; Gold ; TO buy Dress-coats from Picking ;
Pans, with pencil tad silver holder, $1 0.1. & To buy Dress-euats from Picking;
Gild Fiivestritil, •
eee, 371 cents to sB6;Wateh . : TO buy Drees-emits fro from Picking;
Glasses, plain, 12} cents; patent 181: Istmet a. To bay Dress-coats fr“m Picking;
25; other articles in proportion. All goods TO buy Business-eoata frobn Picking;
warranted to be whet they are sold for. / To bier Business-coats from Picking;
STAXFFER a BARLEY. 41110 buy lireas and Common Coats from
O t hand, *me g old and silver Levers and 1 Picking;
Lepiues, still lower thou the above prices. IrO buy Dress and Common Coats from
Oct. VI, 1857. ly Picking ;
- TO buy Buffalo and Gum S limo, Clocks,
1 - Violins and Ace... Moms Fr .m Picking
TO buy Gloves, Iluxiory, Shirts. Drawers,
A Trunks and Carpet Sack. from Picking;
TO buy Umbrellas an.l Celle% from
S3G3 981
Fresh Groceries, &c.,
t o 1' NOltßF.CK'S—Ceate and See!--I. Nor
heck has just received from the city a
large lot of fresh °wads in his lion. Suzars,
of all qqalitie4 and priesst ; 11101a4ses. five dif
ferent kinds; Coffees, three kinds; Teas, em
bracing every variety; Cheese, Crackers,
Mackarel, 8,-noms, Brushes, Lc., ic.; Powder
and Shot, Pencils, and a variety of Fancy
Flour and Feed always on band, and sold
at the smallest profits. Dec.2l.
" want a good article of Boots and Shoes of
their ewn manufacture, which they keep con
stand; on hand.lkeTSign of the Big
COMFORTS &, SC A ItFS.—letd ies and Cionts
will do well by calling and examining
the splendid assortment of worsted and,
*chancel qcurfa at the cheap corner of
11. S. & E. H. MIS SIGH.
S HOUTING.—George and Henry Wampler
will make /louse Spouting and put up the
same low, for cash or country produce. Far
mers and all others wishing their housts,
barns, &c., spouted, would do well to give
them a call. U. & H. W AMPLER.
April 11353. tf
$360 62
'EREES... —lf you want a good assort
ment of Groceries, such as Syrups, Mo
lasses, Sugar and Coffee, you will du well by
exatniniug the assortment at
IT. S. & E. 11. 31m:stuns'.
QUEENSIV MM.—Persons wishing to pur
chase Queens ware will du well by examin
ing the large mid well selected assortment et'
if. S. & IL MINN tuns'.
wishes 10 iiitOrtu the ladies of town and
country, that she is now prepared to execute
Millinery in all its branches, in West Middle
street, a few doors below Mr. Peorge Little'. i
store. Work done cheaper than eLiewhere in
town. 'lenge call and ACC. [ apr. '2l, 'stl.
JUST RECEIVED.—A large lot of bleached
and unbleached Sheeting and Shirting,
alt of which we tiller it reduced prices.
11. S. .t E. 11. 31INSIGIT.
F LOUR L FEEL) for sale by
11 , ILLgtiPlh A TIMM . ISt
- ,
New Goods. T 11. SKELLY respectfully inform his old
" • customers and the public generally, that
CiE,O. ARNOLD 1 CO. have just received •
he oontinues the PAILOKINU LICSIMESS,
‘-' 1 it large stock of New Goods, among near his old stand. in S path Baltimore street,
which are ladies' Drees tick* in greet tans- where he will be happy to accommodate all
ty . cheap Cloths, Over-coatings, Cassi- who may patronize bun. All war/entrusted
mere, Jeans, Satineta, Cords, Yestbsipt, Flan- to his care warranted to fit and be of most
nets, Shawls, Carpets. and Dommities getter- substantial make. Thankful for past favor:,
ally, with a large steak of Ready-Made Cloth- he solicits a continuance of public patronage.
inn. all of, our own making; warmutted Oa be gar The New York Sprang and Summer
well made and to fit well. also a large stock of Fashions are received. Gall and see them.
gSZP it Wore the people , t h at 25 per aisza. .i Groceries, all of which will be sold cheap fur Gettysburg. April 9,1855. •
can be sated by purchasing tour goods ! cash. Call and see us. - - -
JUST received, a splendid lot of fine Silk
from B. F. PICKING. 1 OA. 12. 1&57. '
!late of the latest style. Call and see
A A few S rovEs on hand will he sold SPLENDID lot of Buffalo Robes, Buffalo c h ea p. them, at Batten sx I Aucanansuan's.
Gum and Calf-Skin Overshoes, selling' I gargign of the BIG 13001`.
eery cheap. at ' SAMSON'S. 1 nONFECTIONS.—A five soutortment just
LEMONS. good and fresh, for sale at the
I . ' received, among 'chit% ere Mint , Leman, j il COMBER Pickles and rood Viner.mrr. by i cheap " 4 " " r
f4I4OYES '..--leolies' sod dente' dark, light , floarhoued, and Cough Candies . Ahto, ' V Boren II 9 is.
GlLL,gsprg - 1 Tmom As . ! A SUrERIOR. article of Black Lead•for
and black Kid Gloves of all
_qualities.— I Cordial, Wtnc . Gam. Liourims. Strawberry. • i .1 - 1.. -blackening Stare*, far sale by±__
Alen, Silk, 0111011. Worsted, ustNin sad ! Cream, Acid, Irmosepple, Jenny Lied, andi
,A L b" DS, Filberts, Brasil Nuts, English • ..111IZAIAS *.IaI=LEK. ,
Beek (Nevem ran be blend at the cheap dry 1 Wine Drop% betides a large supply of steak, •"- Wahtutn, and Pea Nuts, oonstantly on (100 ZAN 41, PA.XTQN. Arum .sal titedatimt
goods skive of S. IL IZ. U. 1111•191011. ' candies at, WM -BOYER i S3N'S. ; baud and will be soldchcsp by BA- za .t Sus, s i •- 1 Styles of Plush, Fur, and Cloth Ceps. •
paid in cash or trade, for Fox, Raccoon,
Opossum, Mink. Musiu-st aad Rabbit Skim.
at Bringinau k ..kiagbiolmugh's, sign of the
QUIRTS, Colars and Itoeunts. wool aad out.;
tuu Under-Shirts and Drawers. Hosiery,
Cravats, Ibuidknrelinits, Suspenders, Up - 1
and Walking Cana—out to be beat in 4
quality or pricer. Call at SAMSON'S. I
Last Notice.
Go To
. Hardware Store.
THE subscribirs would i respectfully an
' nuance to their friends and the p4lblkthat
they have opened a Hardware &ors, In Bald
! more street, adjoining the residence of David
' Ziegler, Gettysburg, in - which they &Inapt
• intend to offer to the pi:ollie a large and on
eral assortment of HARDWARE, Iron,
Steel, Groceries, Cutlery, Coach Trimmings,
Springs, Allem, Saddlery, Cedar-ware, Shoe
l'aints,Oils and Dye Stuffs, in gen
eral, including every description of articles
in the above line of business, to which they
invite the attention of conch-makers, black
smiths, carpenters, cabinet-makers, shoe
makers, saddler., and the public generally.
Our stick having been selected with great
care and purchased for ca.h, we guarantee
(for the ready money,) to dispose of any part
of it on as reasonable terms as they can be
purchased anywhere.
We particularly request • call from our
friends, and earnestly solicit a share of public
favor, as we are determinined to establish a
character for selling goods at low prices and
doing business on fair principle..
Gettysburg, June 9,1851. V
Hover's Liquid Hair Dye.
TUE testimony of Prof. Booth and Dr.
Brinckle having previously been publish
ed. the following is now added:
From Prof. MeCtoscir, formerly Professor
of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the
Female Medical oJllege of Pennsylvania, and
late Professcr of Surgery in the American
College of Medicine, &c.
Pnmaroatrars, Nov. 27th, 1858.
Ma. Joann' E. Hovsa z—A trial of your
Liquid Hair Dye will convince the most
skeptical, that it is a safe, degas., and *ea
tiosta preparation. Unlike many others, it
has in several instances proved serviceable in
the cure o! some cutaneous eruptions on the
head, and I have no hesitation in commending
it to those requiring such an application.
Very respectfully,
J. k. X. 314.-Ctoscsr, M. D.,
475 Race St., abuse 13th.
fitirflover'sWriiing laks.includinq Hover's
Writing fluid, and Honer'. Indelible Inks,
still maintain their high character, which has
always distinguished them. and the extensive
demand first created, has continued uninter
rupted until the present.
Orders addressed to the Nfannfactory. No.
416 RACE Street above FOURTH, (old No.
1440 Philadelphia, will receive prompt at
tention by
JOSEPH E. HOVER. Manufacturer.
Dec. 21, 1557. [apr. 13. ly]
Litll 11W1J
Family Grocery and Provision
GILLESPIE THOMAS respectfully in
form the people of Gettysburg and the
public generally, that they have just return
ed from the city with a general assortment of
BIAS. which they are'prepstred to sell as law
as the lowest. }IOU It and FEED always on
hand, and sold et smell profits,
S ore on York street, one dour east of Wat
tle.' Hotel.
tlettyehurg, Aug, 3, 1847.
Great Excitement!
Doe. 21, 1857
Two Daily Liles.
dersigned returns his thinks to the public
for the encouragement heretofore extended to
him, and takes pleasure in announcing that ho
has completed Atraggements by
which TWO DAIL' LINES of 4g ... *
Coaches will run between Gettys
burg mid Hanover, to connect with the trains
to and Mint Baltimore. York, liarriaburg,
Philadelphia, &A:. Persons desiring tickets or
information will call on the under-igned, or on
Cuattuts TATR, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle
Hotel, in Chambersburg street.
o:7Special attention given to all packages,
&c., or other business entrusted to the under
signed between Gettysburg and Hanover.
which will be promptly and carefully attend
ed to.
7The undersigned has also effected ar
rangements by which he *ill be able to supply
teaches, Stages, for Funerals and other
occasions, at moderate charges.
Gettysburg, April 13. 1857.
Fall & Winter Goods.
JL. SCIIICK. would avail himself of this
medium of minouneing to the communi
ty and public in general, that lie has received
from the eitien the !Argent and molt complete
stock of DRY GUOItS, that it has ever been
your pleasure to examine in this place. all of
which has been selected with time, the utmost
care, and with particular reference to the
tastes and wants of the pe ''ple of thin locality,
and which fur beauty of style and cheapne , ,A,
he challenges competition. lo the LADIES'
DEPARTMENT, he has all styles, qualities,
shades, and colors of Goods. suitable for the
season. He invites the Ladies to call and
take a look through his selection!' at their
earliest convenience. FOR THE GENTLE
MEN, ha ban a choice stock of Cloth., Cassi
mere.. Ventingn. &c.. Lc., all good and cheap.
Doo't pans by Schick'n—he will always be
found ready to show Glods and,sell cheap—
among the very elle/trent.
tiettysbarg,i.lct. 19, '57.
Doors opeft at 6 o'zlock, A. M.—Perfamence
to monmeace immediately after.
Children, (under 12 years of age,) Half Price
The subscriber, thankful for past favors,
respe:tfully informs the inhabitants of Get
tysburg and surrounding country, of the
filet that be has just received from the New
York Auctions a
which he is determined to sell at astonishing
ly low raw for cash. In return for the liber
al patronage bestowed upon him, be will give
a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc
casion will be presented
01s Wedyteeday, October 28,
and every day until further notice, will be
preeeaterd the'very popular Tragedy of
th the following unrirallod cast :—Fashion
able Clothing, front the finest to the lowest
prioed qualities: Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods, in great variety. Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, &c., to suit all tastes.
An Intermission of Ten Mutates,
to alluir . those Making large wellness time
for launch. Le., &c.
The whole to conclude with M. Samson's one
' cesslbl Play, entitled
the beauty of which *will cause great excite
ment diming the Ladies and Gentlemen.
Oct. 26, 1851. ! tf
lereßea's Liquid Glue,
article ever thvented, fur house, store and
office, surpassing in utility every other glue,
gum, mucilage, paste or cement ever known.
Always keady flr Application. Mhesive on
Paper, Cloth, beatlic+, Furniture, Porcelain,
Chins, Marble or Glass. For manufacturing
Fancy Articles, lop, etc., it has no superior,
not only possessing greater strength than any
other known article, but adheres more quick.
ly, leaving no stain where the pane are join.
ed. Nitrsit
Within the last three fears upwards of
250.000 bottle* of' this juctly celebrated
LIQUID GLUE have been sell, and the great
conceitienee which it has proved in every
case, has deservedly secured for it a demand
which the manufacturer has found it, at times,
difficult. to meet ; acknowledged by all who
have used it, that its merit. are far above any
similar article or imitation ever offered to the
10iiirrhie GLUE o'nexlenrirely counterfeited
—obsernethelabel **Meilen', Celebrated Liquid
Glue, the Greta Adkesiee." Take no other.—
lanufactered and bold, Whotessle and
Detail, 'by
• WNI. C. '3IeII.EA. •gicaoner.
No. 907 Chesnut Si., l'hiladelphia
flest.iberal inducements offered to persons
de.innik of calling the above snide.
Sept/bi, 1857. ly
AVOW rnoicia
Important Discovery.
C"4UIPTION and all !lineage.; of the
Lens and Throat are positively Cured
by Inhalation. which conveys the remedies
to the cavities in the lungs through the sit
passages. and fuming in direct conetet with
' the Ilteesiee. neutralizes the tubercular matter,
'allays the cough. causes a free and easy ex.
Petanration, heals the lungs. purieee the
blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous
system . giving that tone and energy so indis
pensable for the restoration of health. To be
•Isle tat state confidently that Consumption is
curable by inhalation, is to me a source of
unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the
control of medical treatmcut as any other for
; munble disease: ninety out of every hundred
' cases can be cured in the first stages. and fifty
4 , per cent. in the second but in thethint cage
it is impiessilille to save more than five per
, cent , for the Lungs are so cut up by the dis
t ease as to bid defiance to meslie.alyekill.-
1 Even.:hpwever. in the lest stages, Inhalation
afford* extraordinary relief to the suffering
attending this fearful scourge, which annually
destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the
United States alone : and a correct calculation
i shows that of the present , population al the
eertb,:eighty millions are destined to fill the
Consumptive's grime.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so
fatal Is Consumption. In all ages it has
, been the great• enemy of life, for it spares
!neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the
, brave; the beautiful, the graemlld and the
!gifted. By the help • sf that Supreme Being
from whom cometh every good and perfect
gilt, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a
permanent and speedy cure in Consumption.
;The first cause of tubercles is from impure
blood, and the immediate effect produced by
their deposition in the longs is to prevent the
free admission of sir into the air cells, which
causes a weakened vitality through the enure
system. Then sutely it is more rational to ex•
pest greater good from medicines enterin g the
cavities of the lungs than from those ainin
istered through the stomach : the patient will
always find the lungs free and the breathing
easy, after Inhaling remedies. 'thus, inhibi
tion is a local remedy. nevertheless."' it acts
constitutionally, and with mote power and
certainty than remedies administered by the
gtornach. To prove the powerful and direct
influence of this mode of eilminktrat on
chloroform inhaled will entire'y de•ttoy eensi.
'milt) , in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire
nervous system. so that a limb may he 1 1 10.
putat,ed without the slightest psis : iulmling
the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a
few hours._
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the
' system when fainting or apparently dead.—
The odor of many of the medicines is percepti
ble in the skin a few minutes after being in
haled. and, may be immediately detected in
I the blood. A convincing proof of the consti
tutional effects of inhalation. is the fact that
sickness is always produced by breathing foul
air—is not this positive evidence that proper
remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously
administered through the lungs should pro
duce the happiest results? During eighteen
; years' praetice, many thousands suffering
from diseases of the longs and throat, have
been under my Caret and I bays effixtad many
remarkable cures, even after the sufferers hai.
been pronounced in the last stages. which
fully satisfies toe that consumption is no
longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con•
, sumption is original, and founskyl on long ex
, penance and a thorough investigation. My
, perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber
cles. ie.. enables me to distinguish readily,
the various forms of disease that simulate con
gumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare
ly being mistaken even in a single case. This
familiarity, in connection with certain patho
logical sod microscopic discoveries, enables
me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con
tracted chests, to enlarge the cheat, purify the
blee:s, impart to it renewed vitality, giving
energy and tone to the entire system.
Medicines with fall directions sent to any
part of the United Suites and Canticles by
patients cosarnsmicating their symptoms by
letter. Bit the core would be more certain if
the patient should pay me a visit, which
would give me an opportunity to examine the
lungs and enable me to prescribe with much
, greater certainty, and then the cure could be
effected irate:it my seeing the patient again.
G. W. GRAIIA.d. M. D.,
Ofire,ll3l Filbert lit ..(old No.lo9,)belose 12th,
July 20, 1851. ly
it. Samson,
,arsager d' Proprietor.
M i d ed 3f1 041 1 = COMPANY.—Incor.
18, 1851.
President—George Swope.
Vice Presidirit—S. R. Russell.
Sserelarr—D. A. Buehler.
Treasurer—David 3PCreary.
Execulire Cot:intake— Robert McCurdy,
Andrew Heintzelman, Jacob King.
Si tX AO zas.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler,
It. l'Curdy, Jacob King. A. Heintzelman,
I). M'Creary, J. J. Kerr, Eichelherger, S.
W Russell, A. B. Kurtz, Andrew Pulley, S.
Fahnestoek, Win. B. Wilson, H. A. Picking,
Wm. B. 3l'Clellan, John \Volford, R. U. Mc-
Creary, Juhn Horner. E. W. Statile, J. Augh
inbaugh, .tbdiel F. Gitt.
per This Company is limited in its opeo
tions to the county I,f Adams. It becaln
successful operation fur more than six years,
and in that period has paid all losses and ex
penses, without any assessment, haying also a
large surplus
,capital in the Treasury. The
Company employs no Agents—all business
being done by the Managers. who are annual
ly elected by the Stockholders. Any person
desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the
above named Manners fur further infor
The Executive Committee meets et the
Ake of the Company on the last Wetluestia7
in every month, et 1, I'. M.
Sept.:2B, 1857.
The Farmers' & Mechanics'
This Institution receives deposits', for
which it B ays interest as follows:
Fur over 10 months, 4 percent. per annum.
For 3 and not over 10 months, 3 per cent.
per annum. For transient deposites, not lesi
than 30 days; 2 percent. per annum.payable
on demand without notice.
A joint fund (capita) of 110,000 has been
paid in.
Fur loans a pply on Wednesday.
Sums received on deposits as low as a
dime. Interest to be allowed whenever the
deposites amount to 55,00, and on each ad
ditional $5,000 and upwards.
Office in S.mth West Corner oT Public
Square, next to George Arnold's store. Open
daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. 111., and for receiv
ing deposites every Saturday, from 9 A. X
to(l P. M.
Treasurer& Secretary,(ll:olLUE ARNOLD
John Brough, John Horner,
tiAnnuel Durboraw, George A i rn,.l , l,
A. Heintz('lingo, Janohlntan,
I►. McCreary,
William Culp,
Robert !turner,
April G, 18:17
frO JACOBS k DUO'S., Baltimore street,
A- near the Diamond, to see the stacks of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting'', &c., which they
hese just received from the city, as well as
the first class lot of Iteadv-made Clothing
now on hand—Over Coats, Dress, Frock an d
Suck Coats, Pants and Vests.
Wit% forget that for anything in the men's
line of wear, you can never go amiss by call
ing at Jacobs'. If you want a fine °oat, ur
pants, or vest, rely u?on it you cannot be
better accommodateu itopirhere, either as to
quality, make or price. So with middle, or
low priced goods. They offer a varied stock,
and defy competition. Thei will sell Ready
made Clothing, all of floor own making-up, at
Prices as low as city clothing, which are so
apt to rip and give v ay. They are practiCal
tailor,' themselves, and liente turn out nothing
Lilt what they know to be well gotten up.—
Give than a call—look at their stock—and if
you are not pleased, there's no harm done.
%o trouble to show goods.
Aar - The latest New York and Philadelphia
Fagliions received.
Gettysburg, Noy. 9, 11.157.,
. .
Cheap Goods
We have just received from New York and
Philadelphia another sup:lly of cheap Goods,
to which we invite the attention of the pub
lic. We purchased at auction several cases
of very cheap Tickings, which we can sell at
a bargain.
Tlorty, r one cent Ticking, fur 5 cents;
cuty-five " 1.41
gighteeri and threesfonrths at 15 ' ke.
W,e have yet on hand !wine of those 1 1 1►eap
Marlins and Prints which have Emote MIICII a
noise among judges of cheap goods. Having
been' in the city almost constantly during the
last' few months, we were enabled to watch
oppirtunities for olltstining bargains, and we
now propose to give our numerous customers
the benefit of them. Pun% fail to come to
l►ee. 28.1557. FAUN ESTOUKSP.
John W. Tipton.
GO to Tipton's—go to Tipton's—
th) to rill)4lteS in the co-net - -
In the corner in the Diounenni—
In the Diamond near McClellan's.,
If you want your Lair dressed finely—
If you want your face shavadamoothly.—
Ilitolielors who never knew it—.
Tip's the fellow that can do it—
I) I it in the latest fashion—
Lo it . quick and du it neatly,
And ru!prove your fine lo.ial greatly,
Make you look so young and sprightly,
Make you feel more young and brightly,
Make you Lel like going nightly
To call.upon some pretty damsel
Who before would not look at you,
At plias you passed her
Daily on the public street.
Anil young men who wear moustaches,
Who want some one to sew p.ttches—
Patches where your breeches tear—
Tip's the boy to make up matches—
Matches with some la ly fair.
Lien repair to Tiptou's shop,
Dandv, Fogy, Flirt and Fop.
Jan. 11, 18,38.
Attention, One & All !
VOW IS THE TIME to have your Picture
-LI taken !—S. %VI:AVER having provided
himself with an entire new and splundidSK Y-
dence in %Vest Middle street. opposite Pref.
Jacobi, one square West of llsltitnore street,
where he is now prepared to furnish
in every style of the art, which he will war
rant to give entire satisfaction. His long ex
perience and superior apparatus give him
advantages seldom furnished by Darierrean
establiahmentgout of the city. lie has a large
number of specitnenP et his Gallery, in Chatn
bersbu rg street, where he will continue as here
tofore, which the public arc requested to call
and examine.
ii_rbCharges from 50 (meats to $lO. floors
of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold
Lockets, BresAtpitis. suitable for miniatures,
always on hand, at the very lowest. pvices.
37 - Children will not be taken for less than
50 cents.
rrAMBROTYPES taken from one dollsr
and upwards. and in the best style.
Jab , 20. 1856. tf -
I). MEConinighy,
John Mickley,
John Thruue.
Great Rush
The Largest Chair
A ND Furniture Establi9tin3en in Ilnltipors
l'o. 25 North Guy street, near Fayttly
where aro kept always on hand, or mado io
order, every style of French TETE-A-TET'ES;
ir. Plush, Hair, Cloth of Brocatelle.
French Full Stuff and Medallion Parlor
ARM CHAIRS, in Plush, Hair, Clyth or
French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR
CHAIRS, in sets, with Plush, 'lair, Cloth - or
SOFAS, hnlf Fren eh Spring. Mahogany, and
Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in //air, Cloth or
ROCKING CIIAIRS--various designo, in
liair, Cloth and Pluqh.
Stuff Spring LOUNGES—a large sallOtt
mint always on hand, or any pattern made
or covered with any roods to R order.
CHAMBE SIT n Mah oy Sr
Walnut, complete. from :434 up.
CANE CHAIRS and Rocking do.—ilie
largest saftortment ready made in any coin
house in the United States—from $l2 a doz
en up.
Dar Room, OfSee and Dining CHAIRS, in
Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wood
or Stuffed Seats—an assortment embracing
over 50 dozen.
W'sed sent CHAIRS end SETTEES sod
'flocking Chnin--over lixi &men.
A. MATIIIOT, 23 North Clay Street,
' near Fayette streeti,
May 18, 1857. ly
Lumber, Coal and Stoves.
SR IV F/R it
undersigned respectfully *mimeses to
" 4- the citizens of Gettysburg asid vicinity.
that they have entered into a co-partnership.
and intend opening a COAL 'if- LUIDIRIi
YARD, on Washington Amt. lu the rear of
the Eagle Hotel, where they will be happy to
see all who may favor them with a call. ('hey
will furnish every varietyof Strire. Rhsekenallie
and Liindotreier'x L'o.ll, at the kneelaposzi-
Ve wholesale rates. in order to introduce it
into general use. They also intend kereping
a P.:11 and general a..t.ortment of LUMBER. as
anon as the Railroad is cotipleted. They
w;11 keep constantly on hand every variety of
COAL and Mr OOP STOVEs. , among which
are the celebrated %Vali= Penn, N oLle
Cook, Royal Cook and Sea Shell Cook
Stoves. Also the Charm, Capitol, Victor.
Planter. l'reiniuto and Parlor, Cook Sturm
Air-tight, star. Franklin, ifot-air Parlor
Gate. Lady Washington, Oak, Magnolia,
Union, Air-tight Bare Cylinder. Trots anti
Harp Caiiva Stoves.
Persons wi-thing to examine their stock will
please call -at thri , Stove Ware Roma. un
%Vest Middle infect. at the reridence of Robert
a:7 - Ordere promptly lit:ended to.
= SHE tDA.
Gettysburg. Aug..' 1, 1857.
Good and Cheap !
THE underiiiixtied would inform hie friends
/- and the public that he con
tinues the CARItIAtiE-31AKINU BUSI
NESS, in all It liraticlios, at his estuldish
merit, in Est Middle Street, (near the east
end.) Gettysburg, Pa., where he has on hand
e first-rate lot of Nlork, and is prepared to put
up to make whatever mac he desired in - hit
line, viz lwity anti Boat-Body
Carriayes ; Pill i ny- Tv, Rock
away & Trotting Thigpen,
Jersey Miyort4,
With good wo-knieti and goo'd materiaht, he
can pledge (IN work to he of the heat quality
—and hi' priim+ are ninon , ' the kismet
ike"ltenairiog &Tie at sriurt nutice4na at
reasonable rate 4. Country produce atilt in
exchange fur work. Call ! ' •
June 15. 1557.
TEWELIIY. WatcheA, Nerd', VinlinP.Gui ,
" r...ll,vordounc. It trinonicami,
Thirty-hum. and Alarm Moats. Itettlfltricetr„
to be bad nt SAMSON'S.
Herring's Piten.t
SAFES, with !fall's Patent POWDER.
PROOF LOCK S.—F.IIOMA k llstatxo,.
Makers, 34 if ahlitt Sired, below' &row!,
Philadelphia.—The great interest manifested
by the public to procure more certain securi
ty from tire for valuable papers, such as
Bonds. Mortmages, Deeds, Notes and Bolike
of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes beireta-
fure in use afforded, induced the Patentees:to
devote a large portion of their tinteifor the
fast fourteen years. in ranking dlielleeetitet
and itnprovenietts for this object, gra-tresel4
of which is the unrivalled iferringes .o:gene
)World's Fair Premium FIR.E PROOF'
SAFES, uni versa Hy/ acknowledipd sibehe'
been awarded Medals at both fhilForM s_
Fair, London, 1851, and Cryttia` , Vtaeli,'N.
'Y., 1853. as auperler to all .
, __ w
undoubted/1 entitled to that - :. , ,
secured with Hall's P._ , -' . ,
Locks--which were art : l ''. to
Medals, (as above)—; , act
Fire and Bury Fro#2: . ..'' '.."' -offer.
ed to the public. _ , .-
Nearly 300 "Flentifit i e been
tested during the pea 'OP mot .
then 16, 000 have 3,104111111019400 11
actual use.
Also on hand et-iiiiiiraistagirso . order,
all *huts at Saito led Ohillisetisea.Resk
Chests eail. V il /te.. 4 .4
Chests itit if epq
pritsiti elidsi Se'l 4 ( ' alb
sad other rebuilds& ,'.; "o * *44` • Aot l iii PIW : 1
Nov. 21,381 a. - '-' t -t
- ' -
111e — T "'- 111101itilhift; —l/11r1RINIC
be kad eba*st • !Sad*,
C. N.