Tit esipiltx. MONDAY NORNEKG, MARCII 22, MS & eol►?.t affaim Kill Destroyed. On Friday morning last, about 2 o'- clock, the valuable Flouring Mill of Dairn Drain, on the Turnpike, half a mile west of New Oxford, in this coun ty, was destroyed by fire, with all its contents, consisting of probably 1000 bushels of wheat, 100 barrels of flour, and large quantities of corn and oats. Indeed, the Mill is said to have been full of grain—and not a dollar's worth was saved ; nor was there any insurance on building or contents. The origin of the fire is a mystery. There was no work done in the Mill after 8 o'clock, and no fire in the stove. The fire was -first discovered by the Miller sleeping in the Mill, and such progress had the flames already m‘de that hwtas compelled to jump out of a second story window to save his life. The loss falls heavily on the owner, Mr. Diehl, and the renter, Mr. Joseph Stough, whose books wore burnt, with a number of papers of some value. Lecture& The Lecture before the Young Men's Christian Aseociation, on Monday even ing last, was delivered, by Rev. R. S. Gams, of Emmitaburg. The last Lecture of the series will be delivered this evening, at 7 o'clock, in the German Reformed Church, by D. WILLS, Esq. Subject—" The North West Passage—its Votaries and its Victims." iiiirßev. J. R. Wassrza has consented to preach a Sermon before the Chr. Ass. to Young Men, on Sunday evening, the 28th inst. The Young men of the Borough, and elsewhere, will make a note of this. Disorderly Condiust. On Wednesday night lust the citizens of the lower end of Chambersbu rg street were annoyed to rather a serious ex tent by A party of hungry, and we sap po-se, drunken rowdies. We understand that Mrs. Foulk, in the absence of her husband, was frightened from her house rear midnight, and sought shelter and protection from her neighbors. Tho provision house of Mrs. Potter Was found miss* a ham, and a neighboring hen-roost was broken into, but the scamps found it vacant. This is rather a high-handed game, and we hope the authorities will see that there is a stop put to it.—Sterr. ifirThe common ity generally hope so. The Pure Article. There is so much eariay of liquors now-a-days—so much of the spurious turned out, even at prices which should secure the good—that comparatively few persons know where to purchase a genuine article. Still, there are estab lishments where reliable brands 'of brandies, wines, whiskies, &e., may be bad, and among those we confidently class that of E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., No:s North Front street, Philadelphia, —espital business men ,of obliging dispo sition and high integrity. We commend their advertisement, in annther column, to the attention of our readers. Their stock embraces numerous varieties and grades of liquors, inan3' of them old and pure as the best. judge in that line could wish—with, of course, the kinds which enter into more common consumption. Messrs. E. P. M. & Bro. will fill any number of orders from this county. State Capitol Bindery. Attention is directed to the adver tisement, in another column, of Gr.o. A. Baooaa, " State Capitol Bindery," liar risburg, Pa. Mr. B. is prepared to execute all orders in his line with taste and haste, and as cheaply as any other establishment in the State. Give him a trial. New Firms. The fl rm of COPLEAN & PAX TON has been dissolrod,—Mr. Conai' having sold his interest in the store Mr. R. F. ILuatur, The Shoe and Hat business will be continued iu the name of Pax ton k Mllheny. Mr. Jous IloKa has sold his Dry Good & Grocery Store to the Messrs. Gwizze, who are making preparation to take possession, and who will continue the business at the old stand. A Good Peat On Wednesday morning last it was communicated in Heidlersburg that some Will Geese had settled in a field of Samuel Gilliland's, about a mile and $ fourth distant. That indomitable Democrat, Isoob C. Pittenturif, seized his rile sad ran the entire distance un til he got in sight of the geese without stopping; he shot one 108 yards dis tant, ro-loading bis gun, be shot the second, gs yards distant, and was in the act of charging hisgan with a third when the last gooie took flight-- the whole being accomplished and be re turned Lome it eaelioar. z. P 4A l in thellllo4H Personal prallort7 101 es thist o. a taken place in this onnity far aany years, wars those otHan. James XaDivit, in Liberty town ship Monday and Tuesday last, and AleL'me, loser, in Butler township, on ipAppoday sad Thursday bar— built eniiihmlien retiring from the tann in • That attendanoe at both irm sad articles generally broghsl4o 5p.2141 oboe bossiassutidists, Maim, is saidiebiateadily The election in this Borough on Fri day last passed off very quietly, and resulted in a much i‘ closer shave" than usual. It will be seen that several of the Democratic candidates came within an inch of being elected. If the Opposition majority shall continue to dwindle away as it has for several years, the natural result must be a Democrat ic Borough—a something _it has never been since its existtrfiCe. "Jr — Demoeratieltiltrked on Friday evning, " If the Know Nothings were not whipped, they were awfully sear ed "—and that's some comfort. The following is the vote: Deaseasta. K. X. Serabllsain. Acacias, Henry Chritunan, 132 I R. G. Harper, 153 Town COCICIL, Edward Nenehy, 132 Andrew Schick, 159 Nichols* Cordon, 126 I 13szenel Herbst, 101 &nom, Dusscroas, Solomon Powers, 141 IE. G. rahnestoek, 167 George Gryer, 137 1 Oeo. B. Buehler, 144 Jacob Sherds, Jobs L. Ziegler, 147 1 Charles X. Nestle, 164 David Ziegler, Jr., 146 1 Samuel Witherow, 166 Au: Aattaawati, Andrew Polley, 145 1 John Houck, 158 Waybright Ziegler,ls2 I Robert Smith, 164 Lewis Myers, /a►'Tho Democrats of Hamiltonban elect their ticket with a few exceptions, by about 7 majority. Not bad. In Cumberland, the Know Nothings are successful by some 85 or 40 majori ty, as usual. Franklin elects all Democrats, but tho Constable. Democratic majority about 22. Good ! We learn that the Democrats of Stra tify carry their ticket by about 40 ma jority. The" Citizens' Union Ticket" is suc cessful in Huntington townsh!p by an average majority of 210 out 256 votes polled. We expect to give the names of the officers chosen in the several districts of the county in the next Compiler. Supposing that one mill had bern put at in terest at the commencement of the Christian era, what would it amount to at compound in terest, supposing the principal to have doubled itself every to years, up to January 1, 113587 If the person who so'res this question had this enormous amount all in dollars, it would take him with the present inhabitants of the globe more than 1,500,000 years to count it. _ And if it was reduced to Its value In pure gold, and wes formed into a globe, it would be many mil lions of times larger than all the bodies that compose the whole solar system. What is the amount in dollars and cents? S. March 18, 1858 To TITE En TOR or Commus—Dear Sir:—Not having had the Problem of S., respecting the Pole, before me at the time I solved it, I sent you *solution in which I committed an error. The day after I read the question in your paper I solved it, agreeably to the recollection which I bad of it, and which 1 thought was right at the time, not haying it before me for considera tion. But after seeing S's. notice in your pa per, that my diagram was wrong, Ike., I en deavored to hunt up your paper in which the Problem was, and was kindly furnished with a copy. 1, therefore, for the satisfaction of S., after due deliberation, send you a solution in accordance with the question, and sidiagram, not noting down the work (unless desired.) as it embodies a good many figures, and have not the ti t nie to do so. ASSWER TO raostsx : Height of Pole from ground when cut, 31.76 feet; part broken off, 43.24 feet. W. March 18, 1858. The BaltimoruSun of Friday week says officer llndgins, of tho middle district police, yesterday arrested a man named John Bodzman, on suspicion of selling puddings made from the flesh of dogs. The officer was walking up Gay street, when he met a boy named Kalb, who had two dog skins in hie possession.— Suspecting something wrong, be took the lad before Justice McAllister, where he stated that be obtained the skins from Mr. Bodzman, of No. 12 Walker street. In answer to a question froin the magistrate, he said that, the flesh of the dugs was made into puddings and sausages, which were sold in the Fell's Point Market. A warrant was then issued for the arrest of Bodzman and placed in the hands of the Meer who arrested him. In the house he found 2 pots of dog lard secreted in the fire place, and in the cellar he found two hindmlnartera of a dog. On being ta ken before the magistrate he said that he had the consumption, (although he looked very little like it,) and that ho eat four dogs within the last. four weeks. He denied that he sold the puddings.— The magistrate held him to bail in the sum of $BOO for a further hearing. P•rw"rrl A Fighting Clergyman—Met Their Match.—The Wisconsin Pinery men tions a little affair that came off in Plover. There having been a revival there, and some young bloods having fancied themselves insulted by the preacher, they procured a black snake whip, proceeded to the reverend gentle man's premises, called him out and un dertook to square accounts by the ap plication of the snake to his reverend's back. With quick perception, and a good share of bodily as well as mental vigor, the gentleman parried off the blows, retreated to the house, armed himself with a good shilkdah, and being re-inforced by a couple of reverend friends, one with a grin and the other with a pitchfork, oompelled the ante to return without effecting the settlement in the manner they had proposed. How is itt--Sontebody who appears to speak as one having authority, sap': No family is perfect without a daught er or a sister in it. A round dose's of •great hig" brothers will not compen sate for one soft,eyed sunny -hearted girt Bach a treasure, numbered in the household, has a humanising, a civilis ing teadesey—better to a roach, nu, gaudy Mow in boots and whiskers, than two mesons at a dancing school, or a year at a college. rm7•T,7 - 7:7:771 lcues, 152 I A.ntheay B. Karts, 164 Ix srscroa, Aasassos, CO AAAAA Lu, 145 j John Barret, 175 1 Solomon Taylor, 162 Tor The Compiler Question. Gueimeadeated DOG MCAT PM)DIR'GS. '" '1.045 -TaliZ,',--r**44•fts•T*. . „ rrnr7r=gT7'.r7mi QIIINDARO, Kansas, Thursday, March 11.—The election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention, so far as heard from, has passed off quietly. In Leavenworth county a Douglas Demo cratic ticket was put in the field, but was beaten by five to one by the regu lar free State ticket. In Jefferson coun ty, a "bolting" Free State ticket was run, because the regular ticket was too radical to snit some parties; but the latter was elected. In nearly all the other counties there was no opposition to the regular free State ticket, the pro-slavery men refusing to go into the election. There being substantially no opposition, the freo State vote was not quite as heavy as on the 4th ofJanuarv. It is estimated at about nine thousand. Sr. Louts, March 17.—The Leaven worth correspondent of the Leader says that the free State vote for dele- Fates to the Constitutional convention in that, city, amounted to 650, against 1,196 polled for State °Moors on Janua ry 4th last.. Descent upon an Aristocratic Gambling House—Row the Officer went is —SettP with tJ&e Keeper—Elegant Apparatus Seized, &c.—Sergeant Crofts, of the Mayor's office, with is squad of men, last night made a descent upon a first-class gambling-house, kept by Charles Ran son and Geo. Cohan, at No. 61 Walker street. The place was a private resi dence, fine in external appearance, and elegantly_ furnished. The Sergeant placed seven men in the street, ready for any emergency, it:d rang the bell. The door was opened by a negro, and. Mr. Crofts walked into the hall. " Wbat do you want ?" demanded Comm " I want to see Mr. Ranson," replied the officer; " I have a little business with him." Caesar goes to a door at the end of the hall and gave throe raps. No re sponse. Caesar raps upon the glass three times. Tho officer now goes to the door where Caesar is, and in a mo ment Mr. Ranson steps out. On per ceiving whom he had to deal with, ho immediately clinches him, and there is a scuffle of short duration, in which Mr. Ranson is seated in the chair in the hall by the sergeant, not in the most gentle niunr.er, and then Crofts and Birney go into the next room. Upon entering the next room they found all they expected to find, only upon a more elegant plan. Thu place was furnished in n luxuriant manner; the tables were loaded with wines 4ml refreshments served up in the best style, and a faro bank, and various gambling operations were 111 full blast. - There was a scene as soon as the offi cers showed their stars. The men pre sent were all well dressed—apparently respectable; some of them grey "mired, and all of' them terribly . frightened.— They begged not to be arrested ; their l standing in community would be un paired ; their families would be degrad ed. Some of them said they had never before been in againbling-house,and all protested solemnly that if the officers would not arrest - them, they would ap pear at the Mayor's office this morning,l and give an account of themselves. On this promise they wore allowed to go. • Ranson, the only proprietor present, was arrested. The faro batik and other apparatus were seized, and arc said to be the most costly ever taken - by the police. There were two boxes of solid silver; and, among other things, the officer found 820 in money in the drawer, but every one present disclaimed the ownership. Ranson this morning gave bail in the sum of 81,500 before the Mayor. Only two of the persons present redeemed their promise and appeared nt the City Hall to give an account of themselves. One of them was a New Haven man, who was found in a front room. Ho declared that he did not know that it was a gambling-house, "though," added he, " 1 might have had apresumption of what was going on."—N. Y. be. Post. Almost a Swindler.—A short time since, a man by the name ofSchlessing or was trying to sell steel pens to some of our merchants, which he represented to be of a celebrated manufacture. lie had not been here long until he was ar rested by Sheriff Brown, on two Bench Warrants from Clinton county. lie had a bearing before Squire Llamman, who held him to bail for the sum Of $5OO, for his appearance for trial. Ile paid the money and cleared out. But ho was afterwards arrested by another party, and brought back to town ; when he came back there were about a dozen warrants and constables from all parts of the county. lie was committed to jail till it was decided who had the best right to him. He has had several hear ings, but nono have been satisfactory, and ho is still in jail waiting patiently to see what is to be done with him.— Wo understand that not one of the many charges against him can be fully sustained —Oh a athersburg Spirit. Dar Shakespear e has written that " uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." Many a poor fellow, that has survived a scalping by the savages, has no doubt thought that uneasier lies the head that doesn't wear a crown. i)1a1•kete~o~-~~. C.rreeta4frona thi latoot Saltine r• ,To rt lc lissom papers 8a264/tore—Friday la.st Flour, per barrel, - $4 5 1 ) ® 456 Wheat, per buskbel, 96 (0 14t) Rye, " G 5 (a§ 71 Ciirn, I I 56 ® 05,tx, " Clover-seed, " Timothy-seed," . 2 50 - CO 2 75 Beef Caul% per bend., 700(% 8 50 Hogs, .. 7 00 (4 7 50 Hay, per ton, 10 00 415 00 Whiskey, per . gandea, 20 (s) 22 Guano, l'eravian, per tam, 65 00 Hanover--Thwrsday last. Flour, per htti., from wagons, $4 00 Do. " front sore., 4 62 Wheat, per bushel, 87 (3 1 00 Rye, "' • - GO Corn, 46 47 Oats, •6 . 26 Cloyerseed, " 4 00 Timothy, " . 150 Plaster, per ton, 6 00 Yor4— y last. Flour, per bbl 4, Irma wagons, $3 87 Do., " front atores,4 75 Wheat, per bushel, 85 103 Rys, id Corn, " 46 ow, " 93 viaTeresol. • , 4 13 liamoday " 200 Mostar, per Ica, 650 Horrible-Afats.—Five Persons Bunted to Death.—A hoe iblo affair occuned at New Philadelphia, T ascara was county, Ohio, a few d a ys ago. A young man named Gray arrived there recently from lowa, with his sister, who was deranged, intending to stop there a few days till he could make the necessary arrangements to take her to the insane asylum at Columbus. The sister was plated in a lock-up near the town, for safe keeping. During the night a near neighbor discovered smoke issuing from the lock-up, and gave the alarm. Be fore any aid arrived the building was wrapped in dames. Mks laray, two women, a girl about fifteen, awl a young man, who were confined in the build ing, perished in the flames. BALILA Of WILD Caaaar —gram ft- Alderumis Pertlsa.—Da. IS W. foots Dear fir : —Per SOTDISII days I had hots wagering from the etticta of s in vert, sell , scomepuded by a vary son throat and rick heed mho. old& completely Incapacitated me for tataluem. had takes bet a mall portico els sleet* bottle of this Bal. !am, Wit I importuned issmediate meet Imo brakes up at ems, and my loop entirely relieved from Ike presiont which had beams to palatal. i attribute this attisedy b the pod deed of year Wild Cherry. as I kick se other medicine obeterer. I cordially reecieimend It to all my friend& gespoettsily yours, N... pee1....{.. Aped I. Nem 'Re the wrseser Snit W. Fowls A, Co., 148 Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. Bold by their agents everywhere. A. D. Batumi. Gettys burg. Mar. 22. 2w "Theo ems* the wild Itiastbor, soma sleet or some soot; Wi'll stand by took °Ow, Isowfmr It Mow." MARRIED, On the 18th fast., by the Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Hr. HARRY HERR to Miss CLARISSA F. LIT TLS, daughter ofJoseph Little, Esq., all of ttls place. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. MS. Mr. DAVID L RC/ OCKIIEART to Miss MA T E. THOMAS, all of kdams county. in Washington ' on the loth inst., by Rev, Septimus Tustin, D. D., JAM KS' F. SINN K, son of the late Governor Francis R. Shenk, of Pennsylvania, to hiss REBEKAH, daughter of the Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, Attoney General of the United States. On the Bth inst., at Mt. St. Mary's College, by Rev. Jao. McCaffrey, Mr. JOSHUA cßAßiss, of Vicksburg, Miss., to Mimi MARGARET SUCK, of Frederick county, Md. On the 'lth ult., by the Rev. E. 11. Hoffbeins, Mr. JOHN WOLF to Miss MARY ANN MARCH, both of this county. On the Ilth inst., by the same, Mr. JOHN SPAHR to Miss ELIZABETH TRIMMER, both of York county. "Lite loaves no treao tint rad of man In round ; Now ir , oeo in youth, now withering on tb*grened." On Saturday morning last, Mrs. ESTHER MYE RS, wife oI Capt. John Myers, of this place, aged G 5 years IQ months and I I days. On Friday evening last, at Itosborottp,h, Philadelphia county, Sirs. LOCISA, wife of Rer. Hugo Gram, and daughter of William Gillespie. Esq.. of this borough—after a brief illness of Puerperal Fever. Oa the 14th inst., HARRIET KETTEMAN, da.ughter of Mr. Peter Kettem.tu, of Franklin township, aged 5 years and 7 usonths. 00 Friday week, Mr. DAVID TURNER, of Lib erty township, Adams county, aged about 40 years, leaving a large family to deplore his loss. Oa Mouday evening last, MARY JANE, aged about IS years, daughter of Prof. James D. Hickey, of Mt. St. Mary's College. On the 2Rth ult., Mrs. RESTER MUSSEL MAN. wife of Mr. Joseph Mussehunn, of Hanail touban towu.hip, aged 36 years 10 mouths and 6 days. In Mobecancille. Ohio. on the 17th ult.. Dr. JOHN WOLF, formerly of Peunsylvinia College, and a native of Shippt nAtirg, aged :16 years. At A hhottatown. nn the 7th irritant, of con sumption, MARGARET A. 1)0.31I, formerly of Baltimore. In Hanover, on Thursday the 18th ult., WIL LIAM HENRY, only child of N. Bonaparte Bud Josephine 31. Carver, aged 6 months end 17 days. • On the 22d ulto M Plaquetnine. Merv;lle Parish, Louisiana, WILLIAM LOUIS ABBEY, son of Asaph Abbey, formerly of Abbottstown, Adams county, aged 23 years and 3 dap. On Wednesday. the 3.1 {wt., in the vicinity of Hanover. airs. MARY ANN ROBINSON, aged 37 years and 27 days. TN punmanoe of a writ of readilimii Xc poaat, issuing out of the Curt of C on. moo Pleas of Alums county. Pa., RINI to me directed. will be exposed to Public Sal on the premise., ow Kidisy! tke 16th day o April, 1858, at 1 o'clock, P. Id., the Ulu ng de scribed Iteal Foist% yji: A TRACT OF LAND, sittutte is Lib erty township, Adams county, oonteining 112 Acres. more or lues, adjoining tho ItLiryland line, and the lan& of Jeesph Tre.ler. Ahra ham Kline, and others. on which is erected a one-story Trig II utee, with fruit trees and a good apring on the premises,. The land will be offered in one tract, or in lots. to sail pur chaser*. Seised and taken in execution as the property ofJoesb Meier. IS4AC LIGHTNER, &cif Sheriff's Mc*. Gettysburg, t Mareb 1/.53, is I 11tirTen per cent. of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sheriff must be paid over immediately after the property is struck down. and on failure to comply therewith, the property will again be put up lbr sate. JEW HOUSE' L NEW GOODS!—TACOBS 1 ` A BHA). have removed their Merchant Tailoring Estallishaserit to the splendid new throe-story house oatlie north side of Ch ant bersburg street. adjoining Bringrnan A. isngh inbriugh's, where they will continue business on a larger scale than ever. Their stook of Cloths, Cassimeres, Cisai nets, Vestings, ke., /Lc , has been largely in creased, and they are prepared to sell as too as the foxiest—defying all competition. Give them a call, and (examine their assortment tic fore purchasing elsewhere. Nu trouble to show goods. Clothing made up on short notice and in the very beet and must tasCeful manner.— With their lung practical experience in the business, ands desire to please, they hope to be able to give satisfastion in all cases. CALL ! ONE AND ALL! Gettysburg, ltarch =, 1858. 33 ( . 4 Y 5 $ 50 ( . 0 4 87 THlCsubscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, in Straben township, Adams county, on the State road, 5 miles from Gettysburg, on Wednesday, Ms 31st day of JituTA ides!. the following personal property, via: 2 1.101i13513, 1 Cow, Hags, Ploughs and Harrows, Shovel Plough., Cultivator, Hares Gears, hay Car riage liny Ladders, Wood Ladder., Sled, Sled Manners, Grain Cradle, Clover Cradle, Scythes; Cider and other Barrels, Tube, Buckets, s lot of old Iron, and many other articles. sir Sale to continence at 10 o'clock. A. M., Om said day, when attendance wilt I* given and terms made known by WIL GILLILAND. March V., 18,38. is SUGAR, OOPFNE it MOLASSIS.—A good assortment or Sugar, Coffee tied if vitt , * we wilt sett as low es the loirmee l n sad see these articles sod' Ibis jade fur yourselves. 'fur sok et the Orueery mid Uoufsolicak Start of BOYER 6 SON. r • - -- -,•„ 74„ ~, SAM ' L •e. PIgILICI3II the itlt4l*. De DO. DIED Sheriff's Sale. r j f i !M a q Public Sale. MWM= _... _. -, I .. Fins Old-Braudies. reitistai Not oli. ' , Noncr, is hereby given to all kgstess and 'TINE sulocribers. Importers and Dealers in other persons concerned that the /tdmin• ; J WINES & LIQUO(e.S, is. , uld most re istrstion stecioants hereinafter restotioned will; speetfitlly call the attentinn of purchasers to be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams 1 their Old Establishment, No. 5 .V;Jrl Is Froid cound for confirmation and allowance, on' Street, Philadelphia, where they hare a large .Vonday. the 19(! day of April next, at 10 sig,rtmeNt or Wines and Liquors of the o'clock, A. M., cis: • choir est brands and qualities. Having ninde 15. The account of Jacob Griest, Ad- nrrang,sments with some of the &rat houses in rninistrator of Lenh Cook, as settled by Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish Content Griest, Ad ministratris of J acoh ' to their customers, upon the ni ,4t liberal Griest, deceased. terms. the following brands of Cognac sad , helle 16. The account of Jacob Martin, BRA RocN ntEs : 00 , 1 rd, /1.,0t , 5j, P:ifersion, Trustee for Elizabeth Martin, of fund ' Pinet,Castillion; J. J. Depuy ,t CO..T. Moos, under the promises of the will of John A. Swgnette, Martel, M.trett, lie. ,te.,of ra- Snyder, la te of 31 uun tplcuoan l tcrwuship, riot's brands and qualities. deceased. WINES: Chttalou.ipte. _Voleira. LiAon, 17. The second and final account of William Vanorsdet, Executor of the will of Isaac Vanorsdel, deceased, settled by George Thomas and Mary Vanorsdel, Executors of the last will of the said William Vanorsdel, deceased. 18. The second and final account of George Mummert, acting Executor of Samuel 31 u m 'tier t , deceased. 19. The account of Levi Gross, Ad ministrator de bon is non of the estate of Emanuel Eurich, late of Reading town ship, Adams county, deceased. 20. The first and final soconnt of Jacob P. Lower Administrator of the estate of John Weaver, late of Franklin Square, Columbiana co., Ohio, former ly of Franklin township, Adams county, Pa , deceased. 21. The first and' final account of Henry Saltagivor and Isaac F. Brinker hoff, Administrators of the estate of Johiel J. Briakerhoff, deceased. 22. The first and final account of Henry 'A. Picking, Administrator of Emanuel Chronister, late of " Reading township, deceased. 23. The first and fins 1 account of John Geiselman and Hugh McSherry, Evocators of Catharine Geisel man,dee'd. 24. The first account of James H. Marshall and Thomas A. Marshall, Ex ecutors of the last will, &c., of John Marshall, deceased. 25. The second and final account of Henry Witmor, Executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Dotterer. 28. The first account of George Baker, Executor of the last. will and testament of Henry L. Nickey, deceased. 27. The account of John niehi , Ex ecutor of the will of John Houghtalin,l deceased, late of Butler township. 28. The account of Josiah C. Albert, one of the Executors of the last will and testament of John E. Albert, late of Lattimore township, Adams co., dec'd. 29. The first account of Col. John Wolfotil, one of the .Executors of the last will and.testament of John E. Al bert, late of Latitnore township, Adams county, deceased. 30. The woad and final account of George Thryock, Executor of the last will and testament of Samuel Miller, lute of the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa., deccaged. 31. The first account ofGeorgc Ehre hart, Executor of the last will and tes. tamest of Samuel B. Patterson, dee'd. 82. The account of Simon S. Bishop, Adminiltrator de bonis non cum testa mento annexe of Edward C.• Bishop, late of Germany township, Adams co., deceased. ZACTIARTAI4 Ott E 1 Register Rexiater's Off Getty*. burg, Mtir. 22. 1858. Dissolution of Partnership. TUE Gelotrtnership existing between the euhecribers has been dissolved this der by mntunl cloutent. We are ino , h obliged to our friends and the public For the liberal sup port extended t, us. OCr books are placed an the hand, of Dunlop Paxton fur col!ection acd we earnestly request those indebted to as to call at.tl make immediate payment. as we desire to settle the hosiness of the firm without dolay. ALEX CODF:.%S. • - DUNLOP PAXTON. March 17. 18;8. • A Card. T lIE subscriber haring disposel of his in terest in die Store of Co*esis & PAXTUN to R. Y. Mcknexr." resp•ctfuUJ asks the continuance of hi• friends an .1 customers to patroniselbe oew Aro of Psztor & M r lt. ever. A. COBEAN. March V. !PISS. DUNLOP twos% v., %ME n'ttntsr NOw Firm. PtXTON do Mol LI I ENT, (Su/re/mos to Cooeux & Paaloa,) Minleitaloar.ll Retail Ikulers in HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, & STRAW GOODS. Also. WaU Paper, Winntme Modules, Temaks, Car pet Bova, Umbrellas, Cants, Tobacco aadalicgorm, AT TH2 004711-11ABT comprza CT.NTHE SWAM Gedisburg, dalussa•Cuoilly, Pa. Marsh V, 148. tf Neer Film, TN TITS SHOE AND RIFT scrstrives.- Cobeee tF lifellherty are commenced huffiness at the well known stand or Colman & Patten at the 8, E, Cur. of Centre Square. Business to be done on the principle ofqnick sales and short peofits. We will mmetanly keep on baud a it“od stock and sell sheep.-- To satisfy yourselves call anSI see oar assort ment. , We intend to give oar constant .personni atteation t o o bionneav, with a disposition to plenae the particular twos of every one who may favor us with their patronage. PAXTON Jt 3kILHICNY. March 2,185 S. If Gettysburg Female Seminary. THE Summer Session of tlds Inctitutiun will commence on the Sewed Monday of April, (April 12th.) Fur further particulars enquire at the residence of Rev. D. EYSTCR. Gettysburg. March 22, 1058. 3t Administrator's Notice. C9IRISTIAN %V AGO ANI AN'S ES F ATE.— Letters of administration on the estate of Christian Wuggainan, late of Ilarnilkmban township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Quincy township, Franklin county, he hereby gives nova)* to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. WALTER WAGGA.II.Iti, March 22, 11158. 6t Adns'r. $25. T HAVE a lhw Hathaway COOK STOVES, -A * which I *lll aeli fur Meath. M.irch 15: OEO. ARNOLD. CSAP DRESS GOODS.—Yoo will find the handsomest and cheapest Ladies' Drees Goode and luog Shawls in town at the store et' GEO. ARNOLD & QTolft-PIPE of all Siadt nade to order at RONA ia C tambersbari Some. ErALININS, hunch and layer.cbmper than the TI O=4for sale by Gi Luis rs 41k Tau lus. . 9 1 SE /IRS. of best breads, and Maskutishingly low rates these high times, at the flour, Provision and Grocery Store of GILLESPIE I TIMMAS. BY EXPRES 3. I. lot of Gents' fine soft Hata. Met sen't be beaten for quality or caU boon at IMMCLAY & AIRAINSAUGIVS. VAJIIELIKS.—We balm heath Raisins which are hard no beat Call and see for your. selves at BOYER &SON'S. 13:EME Old Opo,•to, Tentriffe, Burqundy. Ilwk, Mud cat. Claret. Sherry, and Malaga Kass. Rolland Gin, Seheiflam Selinappeotainaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, each, Apple, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger, and Raspberry Brandies ; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters. die. • Alan, Agents and SJle Proprietors of the Old Whest Whiskey. (Jinstansly on hand en extensive stock of fine old Mononphels, Bye and Ban rbon W h iskey. of various grades, some of which are guaranteed to be superior to any in the country , all of which are hirh- 1 ly improved by age. From our long experience in the business. and a thorough knowledge of the tastes 44 . the community. we Uttar - ourseltes to lid able to fill all orders that may be entrusted to us. Orders from. he country (which are most espectfully dolicited) will be promptly at tended to. SiarGreat care taken in packing and ship ping. lifirAll goods sent Atm our establishment are guaranteed to gibe satisfaction. with the privilege of being returned. E. P. MIDDLETON L BRO., No, 5 North Front St., Philadelphia. March 22, 185 a. 6m John Stone & Sons, BUCicenst Street, above Eighth, (late of " No. 45 South Second Street,) Phila delphia. are now receiving their Spring Im portation of SILK ft MILLINERY GOODS, consisting in part of Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, - - Satin and Taffetas Ribbons, Gros De Naples. (Glace and Plain,) Marc2linei nud Florences, Black Modes, • English Crapes. Malino and Illusion Laces, ete. Abua, a full assortment of French rG Ameri can Flores:. March 22, '5B. 2,n State Capitol Bindery, MO. 64, (Cunkle's Building,) M • Si., lIARItISMUNG. PA.—'llte subscriber having at a heavy expense, fitted up an entire new Bindery, with materials of the latest and most improved patterns. now possesses facil ities fur the manufacture of Blank Books for County Offices, Blinks, Insurance and Rail road Companies. Merchants, Lc., not excelled by any establishment in the &tate. Old Biol., Law Books, Periodicals, &c.," bound to any pattern or style. Plain and fancy litslin,v, neatly exeeuted. The central location of Harrisburg renders it easily ouxessible from all parts of the country so that, work forwarded to me by Express, with an order swing the manner in which it is to be done, will be speedily at,- tended to and returned in same manner. The patronage of the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity is respectfully enlicite•l. Mr. P. L. Ilurrat, (formerly of the firm of W. 0. lliekok k Co.. Bookbinders and Sta tioners;) an experienced and competent work men, will have the immediate charge of all binding. Everything being entiraly new I cannot bath pod work. GEO. A. BROOKS. Ilarril4sarg, March — 4 2. 19.5 g. 3t To the Fanners. ATANNY's Ctanhiumi &vim!, and Naming ifachine to , th iftwol's la proreatent.— The undersigned, haying been appointed Agent for the sale of M tnny's Combined Reaping and ,Nfotring. Machine. With Wood's Improvement, fur Adams county, offers them to the public. km,wina them to be the beat combined machine in um. It has been sue ce4sfullv bitrielut:eti into different parts of our State, and I sold thirty-four butt season, in Adams county, all rendering satisfaction.— The machine re.-eired a silver medal at the State F.iir--also, the drat Peenniuta at York, Cattilat:lan•l, Centre, floating don. and other county lairs, where it was exhibited. Far mers:needing a Reaping Alaphiiie, will please cull upon the underaignel. before purchasing ) as he always takes great pleasure in showing the Mitekines. Early orders are solicited, as the number received from the-manufacturer will be in proportion to the demand. SAMUEL 11E1U1ST, Agent, Opposite the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, Pa. M 'rah 1, Jury Vs`—A.pril Court GRIND 'var. Mlnttlien—MA T. Wright, Same( Hinkle. • shell, Peter Rice. II imilten--Aleorge Riker, Daniel B miler; Joseph Wyolls. Freedom—.lbrahem Kris°, of P., John It. lint rigan. • liana i Iwo ion —Cornell us Dansherty, Edward RuAk. Christian Fry. • Liberty—James Topper. Germany—Abraham [Turner, Lewis Stone- • • sifer. Readi ,nl—John•B isserman,of John; Sneer tun Eicholts. • Berwick Twp.—MichneL.Carl. Geuysburg--Sainuel Bette. M.)untpleslant—Andrew Little. Huntington—lD Miller. • Franktin.—Samuel Hut Bader-44in Funt. C twexo—Franeim Krichten. Cutnterlautl--Jeceli Ruing. • GENERAL aunt'. Rending —Samuel Ileiner, Jacob Aulabangh, J ihn Braugh, of Jain. Osford--Yrancis Marshall, WilFiam Jenkins, David - Itike. Fmnk!in--Jaeob Sterner, Peer Ketteman, John Throne, Benjamin Deardere,Samuel Bucher, George Bushey, Jacob Lady. Cumberland--Isaitc Leer/3r, George .Calp, William Peterson. Menallen—Barnet Myers, George lilinnigh. Latintore--Geo. Itibinette, Conrad E. Mynrs. Hamiltontan—Wm. T. Reed, Barney . 11 . - ham, Jnn. Baumgardner, Jacob Walter, John Gelhangh. Strahan—F,phmrn Deardorff. truilton—Levi Guise. Berwick Bor.—Michael Hoffman. Freedom—Daniel Sheets. Gettysburg--George A. Coded. ' Huntington—Gibsnn Fickos, iclate Bream. Butler—Henry Galbraith, Tyrone—Daniel S. Diehl. Conewago--Edward Dellone. Berwick - Twp.—Georg Baker. March 15, 18;8, Notice. THE subscriber, hayincbeen appointed by the o.mrt of Comm ma Pleas of Adams county. Committee of the person and estate of JOHN TATE, Sr., a Lunatic, of Straban township, in said county, hereby gives notice to aU persons haring claims or t deriands ugainst said Tate , to present the same to the subscriber, residingin acid townsbip.for set tlement, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment. NA AC P. BRINKERHOFF. 3-Larch 15. 1838. 6t Cunt ni CANDLE. AT 111 CENTS.-..A..flrst rote article of Mould Candles can be had, at 16 cents per pound, at NORUCK'S, Kerr' old corner. ALL kinds of Cedar and Willowiwaro, for rale low by (ifLLESPIk & 'EWITS and Confections. nice and fresh, just from the eitv to be had at GILLtPIS dt 7119 MAS". BI7FIA.LO ROB&S.--..‘puperior lot just re. coiled and for sale at r.. Alin{ B. bob , iag's cheap Clothing Store in Caambersbas street. COM ibiks side. ;'• • 11 HF substeriber will sell at Puddle 1:14*. w 4 J- hit re4idence, iu Iluntington Aolatn4.couttin 4 miles west of Petersham on the farm of the late William M de ceasetl, ea .Munday, the 2.2 d doll of arch a fine stock of hisses, Cttttls, he, I It)ItSES, Cow* and +Young Code * * kW Of S oern, (gum() of there fat,) a new Btosagread w„ g , n , w ith be,l, bowl, and cover.; parse t; cart', Ploughs and Ile,rrows, iiy Carrie - tee; and other farming utensil+. Hay by thews, (7 , ,rn Fodder, Potatoes, Cider sod Glee! Barrels. j 3.110 pt COM1:11011W :111 I l o'ulnek. on ..aid day, when atten4lanee sicei and term+ wade known by tr,711 to TIE aulmariber, intending to quit farming, will sell al Public Sale, at his residence, en the Chambershurtt Turnpike, 2milet fthia - Gettysburg, 'on Monifig, Ole sth' dg bfAp ae,a, the followin. personal property, visa g head of YOUNG CATTLE, 1 Carriage and Harness, Three-horse narrow-tread Wa gons One-horse Wagon, hay Carriage, Neils and Ihrrows, Corn Forks, Single and Donlple Shovel Ploughs, Cultivator, Single and Doa ble Trees. and other farming implements.— , Also Cnul and Oats bi- the bushel. flings to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 11., en said day. when attendance will be given' and terms wade known by FRL:DERICK BERL . March Li, Ihsfl. Freight PETWEEN PHILADELPHIA I HANG. " VEIL—The undersigned has made arts • range:writs with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to run their cars to Wrightsville, • where; Chods can be transhipped into the care Atha Northern Central Railroad Clo. The present rates of Freight between Phll - and Hanover are— On let CLASS, 421 cte. per 100 lbs. • " 371 " 3d " 321 .4 " .4 4 t h 66 27 1 46 66 46 floods for the pre4ent time will be shipped • only twice a week from Philadelphia—on . Monde, and Wednesday. But they wifl he. shippeddaily whenever there is an accumu-' laden tlf 2000 lbs. or upwards. HENRY KAUFFELT. Wrightsyille, March 15, 1858. 4m • Court Proclamation. WHEREAS the Hon. Emu. J. num. • T Pretident of the several Courts of Cora.. mon Pleas in the Counties eompoiing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said district, and DAVID ZteoLza and —Esqrs., Judges of tke Courts of Cote- - mon Pleas, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery. for ' the trial of all capital and other offenders ;in the County of Adams—have issued their pea • gem bearing date the 20th day ofJanuary„ in the year of our Lord one thousand eigN • hundred and fifty-seven, and to me directed, • for holding a Court of Common Pleas, and • General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and • Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday, as 10th • day of April nest—Notice is RUDDY invest to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said eohn tv of Adams, that they be than and there la their proper ,persons, with their Rolls, Re. cords, laquisitions ' Ezarainathwis, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their offices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who willproseeuto against ' the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adam., are to to then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. ISAAC LIGHTNER, Sheriff: Sheriffs Office, Gettysburg, t - March 15, 1t , 57.1. • to J Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE.—'rhe undersign* , offers at Private SAN all his Real Notate as No: I.—My late resideneo in Gettyabeno fronting 30 feet on Chambersburg street, trial , Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other Improve. amts. No. 2.—L-tt adjoining above on the Went,..: fronting 29 feet on street, with Stable, Ato.. No. 3.—Lot adjoining Nu. 2, fronting 32 feet on same street, with large Cuaeh Shop, and other improvement., Nu. 4.—Lot adjoining No. 3, fronting 29 fPot, with double Brick Dwelling, Smith' Shop, km. No. s.—Lot west of the Foundry, lath, Steam Saw and Grist Mill. No. 6.—Lot adjoining No. 5, cionifaiiihir Omit 3 Anse.. No. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 30 feet on Cliambersburg sane. No. B.—Lot la Beltim,►re street, with Log Dwelling. due. No. 9.—Tract of Land in llantikonhan township, lying, 'in Marsh creek, containing 51 Acres, part cleared and part in flretprates timber. • No. 10.-,-C.mch Eqtablislareent in &Up- - herdstowni Vn., with good will:kea The t. cation id an admirable una fur business, m 14.1 improvements iq good order. 116rTittes good anti terms V., suit purcha sers. Enquire of L. A: Bcatta.st, Esq., Got.' tysim,g, or oho undersigned residing, in Steep- herdSt awn, Vat. C. W. 11OFFMAN. Marcia 15, 11455. TY the C.ltirt of C unman Pleas of A lama: cosinty, Nn. 5. January Term, 18111.--• • Whereas TITUS S. ECKERT did file his petition for divorce a ria':ulo against CATILtaI ECILERT. tested the 5/h day of Odo!Nu% A. D , 1857, and made re turnable the Ilia day of ..Voreatter, A. D., 1.857 ; and whereas an alies subpaeoa, iasued,. in said elm, retnrnalle th.r LSlh (Lugo./ Jana ary, A. 11., 1858. the next ensuing term of said C mrt—you the slid Catharine Eckert, -` are requested to he and appear in your pro per rorson, in the said Court, on the 1954 of April next. to ang \yer the petition of your hue,- ' band, said Titus S. Eckert, and to cho ir cause, if any you hare, why he shoull oat be divorced- from the h arts of matrimony. - ISAAC LIGIITNKR, Shorfir. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, March 8. 31 • f Nett Cash • DRY GOODS H0t..7:.313. Openiv of Sprbtgh . Gonels!—ElßE" k, LA N DELL, Sourt4 r Ards S,reets, Pailadelphia, are uow offer. ins a full stock 11 News Glgorbt for Spring of 1 SSA 1. v- • FASHIONABLE SPRING CIOODS, BLACK SILKS, 24 to 34 inche's wife,, . Spring Deese Goods, New Stvimf, Seawls, to all the newest Stiles, British, French and American Chicago', Fdtl Stock of Domestic Goods, Full Stock of European Goods. N. B. Bargains in Seasonable Goodtsdsay received from the At:CFR/NS of NewTurft and Philadelphia. P. 8. MERCIIA NTS are invited to *sw ine the Stock. TERM% Nett Vsultr, and low prises. [March 8,1858. aat.' Removal. , ALEK. FRAZER, Watch it Clock iiraline has removed his shop to Chambenuburri street, oppoaite the Lutheran Churoh, whom he will always be happy to attend le the calls of customers. Thankful for per 440116 4 4. he hopes, by strict attentim) to bead cl_tgire to plow, to merit and reestltelbet patronage of the public. 4jilet Gettysburg. March 8, IPS. • New . RTILL coining at Fahneit4.4ke.--Wo.lniwe jest returnel from the &kr with iiiethe s.•- .4Urp i , of Now Good,: if porno Awbar obey) now _icthe time to fivirOliadelfateenoti a tm & it you want very ehltsgelk... 7 - bur 'peruhmee from the Ravin the profit of the wholes* enable them to offer bariptiue. Feb. -..~ :ug MMMJ EVINEXC VIONIAS N. DIAS. • - 111 F -T ., Public Sale. Notice.