The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 22, 1858, Image 3

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    Wee of
of Charity; yet Bah is the fact, and
she isabout to take the position of the
LAO ilittpetiOtin the St. Joseph's Sem
inary is Ail thy. She will probably
amyl) *oily st the same time with
Mr. Rvetott, who is corning to deliver
lam pod oration on the character of
(IT Imams the teeny proparatiotw sow le as hit rester.
preerteliee, sad irtmetataiit the there , are hose
teat ow wow rowerwtorai with more owaithrawo less Prot.
Wood's Weir sow an general ase tbrusgtmit
the Celled Static Teas preparoteen ponweese the most
leirigoretiwg small ttea had wryer hula prodoeiag tbr moot
hsopy reselte viten applied according to direetlooe We
refer to the iseeenerable certlitcatee wtich have beer mat
by parties alto bare been be/matted by it. mg *he Sul
!Loopy la sly 's; twin:lacy to Ito•onderfel Wiens prodened
Da thou teals esta nen
SJLD sr •LL bit IsTS. Feb. 22. 2w.
rzr► eats Tot Wanottio e.rvol —St. Itysoistbe,
Casada t , MC 106 blesora. Seth W. Peek, It Co.
treatises's :--oeversl maths Wade • tittle dearybier
soca to years et so, Si. takes anti Wboopiesy Comet la
• eery aurevated forma tad rotituar es could do fee bee
were le say gray is relieve bar eaSerist. Wg at WM*
deckled to try • bouts of relit Da Winos's Mousast
V/ ILO easair . la LIM beers after she bad conseessod
td ( tt, lee Tree greatly rebo red, sal in Ism tbaa Muse
days was *slimly carol. sad is .../11 rtl. 1 hate moo go.
comminuted Ow /Wows to loony of Dry seigtsbovo, lobo
bare soot it, sad it De care bare t karma It tad ed adisca•
lac • speedy core.
oa ate as Mowry $ rake say %goof the above yes that
proper. If it ebalt lease* say body be see year Beleass
shall be 814 tau 1 kayo groat ova/Wow* Is it.
leers, P. Ut11??1,
Proprietor et tbe Coe rier de Ilyseistbe.
bay ease althoet the sigastates of 1. Wm. •
Dare W. Fowl.* it tin., Lin Washington
street, Boston . , Proprietor*. Sold 1.. y their
agents everywhere. A. D. BOSIILSZ, Getty&
burg. reb. ZL
1...7 no semi elliageliest pm/ft see W einettssi
Arial that all Use fondly wisdibeid4we sr* eel butvelteri, sett
that areorg ttes tbousead d beilleverlble there are a Lew
of if rest merit, sod seeissitst WOSL Utilises, Dr. Saa•
Jord's Inv lipseeller, ofMvfer Ilessedt ame inn sat fore
/Mod MD/11/4 t h e simulate, of Llio day that fee be relied DO
11111MMIWINI 411/114 11111 ell tt i reseaseariaded by I ts proprie
tors- It advertise* fleet( ow *very trial, Ur than ore
eon* wbo use It list tell Moir trlissels to de se. sad so II
goat from Isaiah to mesa till all the proploor the
hare learsed the good of this truly saleable medicine It
la recusiosee4•4 math testiroosuits to press its virtue for
the sore of liver sewsplals is of ovary hied, Cr.o the goolls
DIIIP•pal• to s commas headache, sad is particularly
' , tasted to JaiissLoe, Dereatiged atosisei, Bum. Couiplaisie
sad Stases*. of ciiit.tree
(Iwo or two dosas ore maid to ears a cola aria ammo a
la.lano. It is vortb • trial for tit. Moss. It la parties
forly adoptod to lb. also ot lath.., portseabarly thaw or
&Wont. ry Wag., limo loaloa or the highest Is
A•coty kayo pram tholroartilleste, of its same,. r•
.ay to &I ob. sto *iliac try ow/ butat, sad yes will **rot
1,• vitbuut t.
air A. D. Buehler, Agent fur Gettysburg ;
Ww. Berlin, llsuurer ; stud Charles K. llou
ry. Abbuttstuwn. Feb. 8. 4w
iAtkei Repots.
or, &KM Gs a Um latest Sal timers. T•rt I Maawarpopers
Baltiesure---/;ridal /wt.
?roar. per barrel, $4 25 ® 4 37
Wheat, per bushel, 1 o'2. (9 I 20
Rye, 4 6 65 4 72
Curu, " 56 to 60
Oate, I' 31 ( . 4 _ 35
Clover-seed, "
Tint +thy-ImA." 2 50 '4 2 75
ilmsf Cacti*, per hand., BUO (910 00
11.+gt, .. 7 50 (p 7 75
Hey, per ton, 10 OU 00
Whiskey, per gallon. 21 23
li wino. Peruvian. per ton. G 5 00
liastorer-- Thrustlay last.
,Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $4 00
"- Do. " from stores, 462
%Sliest, per bushel, 84 Qj 1 00
ity e, 60
Corn, 43
Oats, ... 26
Clorsrmatl,, " 4 50
Timothy. " 150
Plaster, per tau, 6 50
rork—Friday MA.
Flour, par LW., from 'wagons, $4 00
Do., " from stores, 475
Whoit, per bashol. $5 @I i 00
lire, al 62
Cirn," 68 43
Oats,. II Z.
Chveroodri. " 4 75
Ticaotiry, " 200
Pluto:, por ton. 6 SO
Die Afar.
A , Thee arse the wilt heather. some sleet et gees meow;
Will shag lks seal ethes.b.easar
On the I flth Inst., by the See. Jacob Metier,
LOW 14, both of-Arend tssilla
(in the 1 Ith init., by the Rev. Jacob Sechler,
lir. DA VI PHILLIPS. of Adam. couuty, to
Nis. LOUISA KEYSER.. of Carroll county.
On the 11th inst., by the Rev. S. W. Seibert,
JOHN KNOCSE, of Shepherdstown, Cum-
Larland county, to Miu RhiIECCA KRONE, of
Pinetown, York county.
In Littlestown, on the I Ith inst., by the Rev.
Littlestown, to Miu CHARLOTTE CATHA
RINE HELDMAN, of Brooklyn, N. T.
- On lb. teth Wet., by the same, Mr. HENRY
JLOSER to Mies SUSAN PALMER, both of this
Die DO.
Lorre, as bred*** nes of Asse is head ;
Now ipso& is rig*, aim Hawing es Ow groat!'
On Friday last, after a protracted illness,
which ■he bore with much patience and resig
nation, Mrs. ELIZABETH S., wife of K. B.
lluehler, Esq., of this place.
On the 13th inst., in Hamilton township,
Franklin county, of Dropsy, Mn. MARY PICK
ING, relict of the late Peter Picking, formerly
of Adams ceanty, aged 67 yearisii month and
11 days.
On Wednesday morning, in Hasterstown,
JANE GA.LBRAITII, aged about 59 years.
In Greenfield, Tenn., on the Bth of December,
Mrs. SUSANNA. GIESSLER, wife of Mr. Jacob
Oiessler, formerly of this county, aged 63 fears
11 months and 13 days.
Very suddenly. on the 10th inst., in MenaLlen
township, Mn.s MARY RICHARDSON, wife of
Jacob Richardson, and daughter of Solomon
Harris, deceased, aged about 45 years.
New Goods
STILL coming M Fahnestocks'.—We have
just returned from the cities with another
supply of New Goods. If lola want to buy
cheap low is the time to do it. Go to F.ihne
stocks It you want very cheap groods. Their
Urge purchaser from the trade sales, thus
saying the profit of the wbeleaale dealers,
enable them to offer bargains. Feb. 2.
Go To
went • good article of Boots and Shoe* of
their owa nutattfacture, which they keep cork.
stantly oat head. Itirtign tithe Big 'loot.
A T FMMISTOCKT.—We hate just re.
(*Tad a large supply of tins Queens.
wars, new to which we invite the
Ilissatio• of those shoal commencing House
keeping. or those desiring to tip odd setts.
Ws hars_perchseed an anamally large
Julo""f wm), sad by °Kering them cheap
to our frisa da and customers, we hope to re-
Min PIWORIO of the public. Call at
once and have thebsiwit of Misting frost a
roll stack, which has been ;or cash.
I UST sessirsol, a sploodid lot of Ilaa Silk
!IF SW at the haw styls. Can sad see
the e 46 Mailetat t Avainisavalfs.
B! 111112010—k be ot Genie' a..ea
asek ibeteaele be boom fir volley or
pr op. Ar meia:st
es from the Baltimore
The undersigned, Trustee, appointed by
Decree of the Circuit Court for Frederick
county, sitting as a Court of dquity, to sell
the Real Estate whereof Paris Sitaissa, late
of Frederick county, deceased, died, seized
and possessed, will o'er at Peblic Bale, oa the
premises, at 11 o'clock, A. M., on ineadaY.
the 16th of March nett, the following describ
ed property, to wit:
Lot No. 1, The Home Farm, with
the Mans:on House and Build
ings, containing 164 Acres, to int
which Sat the option of the True- If 11
tee) will be added 32 Acres or ~
Lot No. 10, belonging to the estate of rs.
Sarah M. Lawrence, deceased, making 196
Acres of best quality of Limestone and Blue
Slate Land, well watered and in a high state
of cultivation, located in a very healthy neigh.
borbood, with due society, and oonveuist.t to
Churches, Schools, Stores, Post Offices, &c.,
and of way access to Mount Airy Depot, on
the Baltimore sad Ohio Railroad.
Lot No. 2, Merchant Mill, with the
Water Right, with two sets of
Buildings in good repair, and
contains 37 Acres of prime land.
The Mill is on agood stream, and
in a tine wheat grow:ing country.
Lot Na 3, contains 105 Acres, with
the Buildings and improvements . .
thereon ; about 35 Acres of this 'ig
is Woodbuid ; the Bleared land if II
has been limed, and is in a good
state of cultivation, a Spring of good water
near the Buildings.
Lot No. 4, The Factory, with a Saw
Mill attached, and contains 42 1
Acres of Land. The Buildings
consist of three good Dwellings,
with the necessary Out-houses.
fine Orchards, and the land well watered.—
This property is on a good stream of water,
does a good business. and within the last two
years WOO worth of Machinery has been put
Into the Factory.
Lot No. 5, adjoins the Factory, and
contains 140 Acre•, about 95
Acres of which are Woodland.—
This might be wade a •cry hand
some Farm, as the land lays
well, tow all been limed, except the Wood
land, is well watered, and has a very hand
some site fur buildisige.
Lot No. 6, contains 136 Acres, about
65 Acres of which` is prime Wood- •
land,and very fine Tobacco land; r •
the cleared land has been limed, y "
and would make a very desirable --"
farm. This Lot adjoins J. Cochran and the
Factor! Lot.
Lot No. 7, contains 57 Acres, about
one-half t.f which is Woodland,
sad also gou.l Tobacco- laud,
and would make a pretty little IC •
farm. "
Lots No. A and 9 are Wood Lots.
No. 8, contains 16 Acres, and No. 9,
27 Acres. The abut.° but three lots adjuin
J. C.m.hran.
4 8 7 09 5 1 2
Terns prescribed by the Decree :—One-third
of the purchivie money to be paid in cash on
the day of the ratification of the sale by the
Court, the balance in two e
on a credit of one and two years re.soective
ly, from the day of sale, the wir le purcii,t,e
money to bear interest from the day of -ale ;
and the 4fersed payments to be secured by
the bonds of the purchaser, with a surety or
sureties to be approved by the Trustee. And
on the payment of the whole purchase money
Land not wrote) the Trustee by a good and
snSeient deed to be executed according to
law, will convey to the purchaser, his heirs,
Ac., the property purchased, clear, tree and
discharged of all claims of the parties to the
cause, and any person claiming uuder them.
"Possession given on the Ist day of
April next. 0. IL OWINGS, Trustee.
Ttug undersigned, Trustee, appointed by a
Decree of the Cireuit Court for Frederick
county, sitting as a Court of E laity, to seal
the Real Estate whereof Sarah M. Lawrence,
late of Frederick county, deceased, died,
seised and possessed, will offer at Public
Sale, on the same day and at the same time
and plait* of the eale of Peter Shriner's prop
erre, to wit: Oa Meth:lay, the 16t/i o ifurrh,
1834, the following described Real tame:
Lot No. 10, contains 32 Acres of
prime land,
_adjoining the land+ of C. W.
Dorsey and George Kline, and will he sold as
stated with Lof No. 1, of Peter Soriner's
Lot No. 11, contains 1 Acre, 3 Roods
and 23 PeteheA, is a small !Meadow Lot. awl
adjoins file 3flll Lot, N 0.2, of Peter Shriner's
estate. •
Lots Nos. 12, 13, 14 and 15 aro 'Wood
Lots, very heavily Timbered,
and some of them fine Tobacco
La and containing from 15 to
20 Acres in each Lot. These
Lots are finely . watered with Springs and
running water in each. They adjoin Messrs.
Whitehl.ll and Nusbaum.
Lot No. 16, is a very handsome
Property in the town of New
Market, and the residence of the fill
late Mrs. 8. M. Lawrence.—
'The House is finely finished, and _
contains eight rooms; the Outhouses consist
of a large Sable, Carriage House,- Meat
House, and a Dairy, with a well of good water
attached. This would make a handsome
residence for some
. gentleman retiring from
business, as it is in a good neighborhood,
with fine society, and very healthy.
Lot No. 17, contains 6 Acres, and is
near the above described Dwellirtg.
These /ass free Lois—the New Market
Property, will be sold in New Market, on
TAursday, Lie 18ek of Mora% 1858.
nrsasprescritied by Use Decree:—One-third
of the purchase money to be paid in cash on
the day of the ratilleation of the sale by the
Court ; the balance in two equal instalments,
on a credit of one and two years respective
ly, from the day of sale ; the whole purchase
money to bear interest from the day of sale;
and the deferred payments to be secured by
the bonds of the purchaser, with a surety or
sureties, to be approved by the Trustee.—
And on payment of the whole purchase
money (find not before) the Trustee by a good
and sufficient deed to be executed according
to law, will convey to the purchaser, clear,
free and discharged of all claims of the par
ties to the cause, and any person claiming
under them.
lar Possession given on the let day of
April next.
friar Messrs. Charles A. and Stephea D.
Lawrence, residing on the property of Peter
Shriner, deceased, will show both properties,
and give any information respecting them—
both properties belonging to the same heirs.
For further particulars, enquire of the
Tautest, residing at Sykesville, Carroll coun
ty, lid.
soirA Plat of the whole of the property
will be exhibited on the da of sale.
0. H. O y
NGS, Trustee.
Teoxas CARR, Auctioneer.
Feb. 22, 18.58. is
A Bargain Offered.
F OR sale, a fi r st-rate Boat-body Carriage, put up in the Yery best style, handsome
ly and substantially—will be sold at a BAR
CAIN, to make room. Enquire soots at TAt
ampler °See, in Gettysburg. Feb. 1.
00BSAN A PAXTON hares large Stook
V olGuat Shoes and Buffalo Socks for Ladies
sod Gentlemen, of the bast quality.
BUFFALO ROBBS.—A superior lot jolt re
calved and for sale at Franklin B. Pick
ing's sleep Clothing Store in Chanibersburg
pow% a MAAS, of bent brands, and
__4ll .? krirrates Owe Wei tiohlos,
al tits] Mkt, Tribrih too and Grooory - Stors o
'8 Sale.
hustie Baal Liget< for
•ick cough Md., Irng ;
four miles from I
Trustee's Sale.
Public Sale
scriber will sell at Public Sale, at hie
farm, in Idountjoy township, Adams wu n t . r,
on tha. Baltimore turnpike, near Mark
Church, on Friday, Me 12th day of March
ace, the fillowing personal property, viz :-
3 HORSES, 4 Cows, (to calre soon, ) 1 Heifer,
(to calve soon.) 3 young Bulls, a Bred S,,w
and Pigs, Shoats, a broad-wheeled Wagun,
(four-horse,) anarrow-wheelod Wagon, (two
horse,) Monett, Harrows, double and single
shovel ploughs, corn fork, hay carriage, win
nowing mill, cutting box. horse-gears log
chain. halter and cow chains, rail carriage
with chains. grain shovels, new grain . cradle.
scythes, fake, rakes, and other fann ing im
plements. Alan, a set of Blacksmith's roots,
a quantity of Carpenter's Tools, poet anger
and fixtures, aim, mall and wedges, a cider
mill, flay by the ton. Also • variety of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, among
which is a good Hathaway Cooking &ore.
air Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. K..
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by
Feb. 2.'2, 1852. is
Public Sale.
MIRE subscriber , intending to quit farming.
I will sell at Public Sale, at his residenoe,
of a mile [rum the Chamberabiarg turnpike,
near Flohr's Church. on Tuesday, the 9th day
of .arch next. the following persons? proper
ty, viz: 4 head of work Horses, 6 head of
ftrat-rate Much Cows, fat Steers, Young Cat
tle. Hop, broad tread Wagon, with bed. bows
and cover. Hay Ladders, Wood Ladders,
Ploughs. Barrows, double and single shovel
ploughs, new winnowing mill, grain cradle,
scythe, forks. rakes, spreaders, log chsin, fifth
chain, cow chains, horse gears, wagoc saddle.
collars, bridles. wheelbarrow, Jack screw,
single and double trees, bakers and halter
chatna, 2 pair butt chains, and breast chains
Wheat, Rye, Corn. Oats and Potatoes by the
bushel, Hay be the ton, and Grain in tlu•
ground. Also. 1 Baltimore air-tight cooking
stove, ten•plate stove, barrels, tobs, hogs
heads, mattucks,shorela. old iron, corn brooms,
and a great many other &mem too numerous
to mention.
''Sale to commence at 9 o'clock. A. M.,
on said day, when attendanze will be given
and terins made known by
Feb. 8, 1858. is
Public Sale,
scriber, intending to quit farming, will
sell at Pablie S ile, at his residence. in Ty
rone township, A lams county. 2 wiles west
of 11 •idlershurg, on 7)tesflay, Me pith day of
Marrh next, the following Val us ble personal
property, viz: Four head of Work Horses,
a yearling Colt, 4 head of first-rate Milch
Cows, a fine Heifer, a Four-horse Wagon, a
one-horse Wagon, Ihy and Wood Ladders, 2
new sleds, a good carriage, horse gears,
ploughs, harrows, shovel ploughs, cultit a
: tors, horse-rake, winnowing mill, cutting
hoz, rolling screen, threshing machine, sin
gle and double trees, spreaders, log chains,
`grain situ% els, rake•, forks, a lot of eider har
i-rels, and a variety of other articles, too nu
merous to mention.
Stit'S.ile to commence at 9 o'clock. A. M.,
on said day. when attendance will be given
and made kr.own hr
Feb. 15. t.%
Bastress & Winters
KW OX FORA), A , I.LnIS 4 . ..otity. Pi., Pro
duce, Fortrardt,ig ILD , I Ointut,ssint. Ware
house; Vi'aJlesale and Retail Dealers in Gets
ceries ; constantly ou intud, Fish, Sall,
ter. Guano.
FLOri, Wn►:+T, CORY, RV", OAT!, CLovr.a
and Tiuotur SEED, huught at all times, fur
which the bigheet ca.h prices are paid.
Feb. 15. 1858. Gut
Collateral Inheritance Tax.
pi:BUS/1 ED by the Commissioners of
- 2 - Adams county ag,rcealily to Act of As
Wit. 'F. WALTER, E 9., Register of Adlams
county, in account with the Commonwealth.
for Collateral Inheritance Tax received
from Dec. 1, 185.1, to Nov. 30, 1857:
To cash received from the estates of the fol
lowing decedents, via:
Magdalena llouver, (balance) 915 40
Sarah 11 'over, dv. 23 3?
Sally Rand, 15 4K)
David M lose, 86 07
Henry Small, 8.406
John 11. Pfizer, 40 36
John Collins, 90 00
Mary Kerr, 64 93
Albert Wader, 82 01
Isaac Paxton, 3 06
John Deardorff, 95 00
Mary 13.:11, 3 00
Abraham Kitchen, 88 00
John Bollinger, 3 64
557 B'J
Deduct Commissions, 5 per pent.. 27 89
By the amounts refunded by authority of the
Auditor General to the estates of the 831-
lowing decedents, viz :
John McC. Culbert' on, 36 00
John Collins, l 8 bb •
D.tvid Moose, 39 20
Counsel fee paid R. G. Mc-
Creary. Ksq., • 5 00-50 05
440 95
The undantigned. Auditor appo e inted b
the Court to audit the aecounts of crtain of
the public (dicers, reports. that the above ac
count is correct.
WM. McCLEAN,Auditor
Feh. IS. 4t
, List of Letters
R .
EMAINING in the Poet Office, at Getty,.
burg, Fob. 15, 1858.
Achbutut Geo! G. Mehning D. E. L.
Cunningham John Mallen Eris&
Cuwnover David Mickley Jacob
Cooper E. Miller John
Cownover Margaret E. Potroof Henry
Cutter John B. Stevens A Brown
Dysart David Shetron John "
Goodson George A. Snyder Joe. A. .
Grayson John I. Stetissan Jacob
llafleigh Sally Stoner John H. 2
Ilitzelbergsr Diary A. Sunday Abigail
Holloway H. C. Sherbine George
Hunter George Thomas Widow
Butner Abraham Trimmer Mary
Jacobs George A. 2 Trucil Levi
J )hason Aix. Walter wituta
Lawson S. S. Weaver Lorin y
Mcllvain Harrison Whisler Benjamin C.
bar-Persons calling for letters in the above
list will please say they are advertised.
Executor's Notice.
testamentary on the estate of George
Plank, late of Liberty township, Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, residing in Ilamiltonban
township, he hereby gives notice to all per
sons indebted to said estate to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
against the lame to present them properly
authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 8,1858. 6w
Executor's Notice.
tens testamentary on the estate of John
B. McPherson, late of Gettysburg, Adams
county, deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, residing in the same place,
he hereby gives notice to all persons in
debted to said estate to make immediate
payment, and thuse having claims against
the same to present them properly aisthen
ticitted for settlement.
Feb. 1, . Alt
LOUR*for e_by - •
PiibUo Sale.
TUE eabearitior, Executor of the lent will
and testament of Gnomon PLaxs, dooms*
ed, will sell at Public 841 e, at the late mai
denim of said deceased. in Liberty township,
Adams county, on Middle Creek, on Alowlay•
(h i e 1.1 day 0f . ..1t/arch oexi, the following per
sonal property, A bay Mare, with foal ;
a large ( ow, a net of breechbandn, horse
gears and halters ; Wheat, Corn and Oats,
by the bushel, Ilay by the ton, and Grain in
the ground. Also, a lot of lumber, such as
inch and half-iiiich walnut, papist and oak
boards, with many other artielos.
Stir Ada o, at the same time, will be offered,
die Fenn of said deceased, co:asinine 108
acres, =ore or Ines, adjoining lands of Jacob
Biker, (LP. Topper and others, having there•
on a large Stone Iloune, log Barn, Orchard,
Be., with never-failing water.
halo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M ,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and.tenns made known b'
Feb. 15. ta
Ad calaistratere Netiee.
teng of administration on the innate of Chris
tian Shelley, late of- Freedom twp., Adams
county, deceased, havisig been tad to the
undersigned. the first osuted reeiding in
the same township, and the last sensed is
Liberty township, they hereby give nu
dee to all persons indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment, and those baring
claims against the same to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
- Feb. 15, 1858. 6t *Adair.
It Is Not a Dye !
World's Haar .Restorer and World's
Hair Dresatlig
THE Restorer, used with the Zylobelasosuos
or Dressing, cures diseases of the hair
and scalp, and
Restores Gray Ifuir to its Natural Oolor!
The Zylobalsamurn or Dressing used alone
is the best hair dressing extant for young or
We take pleasure in presenting the follow
ing undeniable proafi that these are the hest
preparations either in Europe or America.—
They contain nu deleterious ingredients,—
do no, roil or stain anything.
!try. W. B. Tfinit4rcne l'refrot. Laneashire.
sass.— •)Ir■ 8 A. Alleo'■ World.* Milt Restorer sod
iylutielsaitiunt ars perfect nuirrele After ■.lng them
eix WerICII, mr ettremeli grey hair le restored to As stat
ors! &dor. Ism setudeJ it la apt a ihrei
11 ?r. E I'. ANnitrq, for many yarns
litssiefuvr t. fl.vtl. ISM, Or Idartla.h• rib. N. Y. Me
el aulate hAJ atruct•d be, hart' acid scalp. SW says,
I bare ,IrrirsJ //12 eb fr.mi for sws.4 Mrs d •
Allen', ‘‘...1.1's Hair ittaiorr, mud Vitohalwanaira f
haq lased r &riots' °timer rP , ollki lel for toy hair. •ut Imre,
N. thluri Lint so ow*. Lally alai perouasssatly
we. u 6a■ Mn .1 A •lhan'a
J. 11 . R AT irc. liver. rnir Tra7l. "
haw., ivied Mrs 1.1. A A lice•ii Worl.C• iluir Restorer sad 1
2. lolalsoniuri but very irreeularlr, but notwithstanding. 1
Its helaeirre ass dot met] r rf•ibie The falling elf of hair
erased. sod ,or iorka. whit& were quite gra), radon.' to
[hear orfcival Keck "
Rat-. U. V. Dints. "'I:m(1e to Jblittest."
bolo* Mem • , f at taro. it A. Won's World's hair
Itestorrr ant X doh t nu:u pro o the growth of the
hair when+ !aldose. ciosiosentaid, we sow have dr
messes of Our Yoll• ayes "
Itcv. .1. A. Coe. Rec. Off of,
Education. S. Y City "I procured Mrs S A
t urld • ll or Restorer and L ) loaalsa,nuri for a relstii•.
San happy to el,' It peso - elated ihe fallout off"! the
aid roitored it. from befog grey, Lulu natural glory sad
Itgr. J au,. E. 11 08 m. L',/dor
Honk, 8 Y • Mo. s A Allen's World's Hair R..
awrer nod 7.) lolbelaaaufn are the beet preparations I hir•
seer Lucien They hale roatursol toy 1.40 r Ms its urigioal
1t5.v..1. WRIT, Brooklyn. Y. r ~t KM hap
py to boar testi moor to the yahoo and efficacy of Mre 8.
A Alien's World • 11.ta• Restorer oral Zliotialassio iv. sad
also to acknowledge ita tenni guy grayoms and beldame.
Itev.U. M. Pc 4.1.7, Priln. Rfrl,. Pah. Sot:.
reeouin:rod Mrs ff A. Allen's World's
!lair liewiturvr and Ey lohaisaosson "
REV. .1. F. Witeitingtott, N. H.
“I'leaa• Intorno tin - when Mrs N. A. Allos's
orld'e Rau nosturer aged Zylobalagohm can be had in ,
lkoton Yon rosy say in toy asioe, that I know they
are what they purport 4+ be."
REV. D. 1. Waco. ,Vililefoten. N. Y. "Mv
hair hoe greatly thieltanal. The same)* tine of &anther
of my (away. whose heal we theme:it would u• ai.
best hare. ller heir Inv hire/soloist,. thie.sene I, ais.l bas
a healthy appearance alone rain( Sire 8 A. •ii.a's
world's Ileggtorsr uaJ Aylobataasaum."
KEY. M. Tu.tot en. ;till years of oye.) Pireher,
N. Y. "1 4 ince using Ilra. S. A Albion Word. Hair Me.
stoner and Zylobalvonuor, my hair camas to tall, and I.
restored to It. natural color lav satistied 'tie lautbJng
like a dye."
Ittr. S. Ile Monier. Aft/Aoro' Mss. " The
effect or Mit. S. A Altai. Worid'• n.R Iseeersr and
Zylohalsainoin has been to chance the • Crown of Wore.'
ing geoid men, pot
en, to the original basal tki. That
tZ i f. tree of ethers of icy aomuuntabee."
Rim J. P. Trail'. PM.••Soseth. Baptist." ffr..
CharleNton. 8. C. "The white hair is beeogning obviated
by omrend better hair furualog, by the one attire ff.
Ation'i World's ttair Restorer sad zylukalassiew."
Rev. C. A. Bl:CABEll. Treas. Aster. Rifle '
rotas. ft T. very cheerfully add my testimony to
that at tessomous ether friends. to tire 8. A. Allen's
Warkill Liar Bastorm god Zylobalasorm. Ties larder I
hare foetal sepertur to anything 1 ever med.!
Rev. Amos BLANCHARD. ..Voriaielts
'lie thick very highly of Mrs. 8. A. Allegg's wood's
Hair Restorer and Zylobalaawanm. ,
Ray. C. M. CLINCg. Lewistown, Pa. "Mrs.
8. A. Allen's World's flair Redone, sal 2riobaleitennita
has Amoral th• fa lliog mat of my bait, aid imaged a see
Ray. Wm. Nereus. Slawsciek, Ct. "Mrs. S.
A. Alley's World's Maar Margaret mod torlobalirowus
bars 'net any seat .1110Nibe triptt..tioes, ja was* say VV. when Utast tatter.
Rev. 1). *omits. Cross Hirer, N. T. 41 . -kiimir l ,
of • greet wary who hare had their hair teetered by the
um of tin S. A. Allege• Werld'e klAir lArrAorgrr sad
Rev. Joe. McKim, r. City. '"Recons
mews them."
Ray. E. Ev.tee De/hi, 0. "I have need Mn'.
8. A. Allea's Ito:We Mar Restorer lurk Irtemtoomeiv.
They bare Mowed my bait to its egataiget color, sad
stopped lii Wilms elf.'
RAM WW. S. DowNe, - Hatoord, .14 T. "Mein..
e A Allsol World', Wait Dressforg tom gm seeperier.
elmaresthe kite gad soap, removes banieeho and der
emee, sad amyl; gmeedseea the settees& silkierse aged sm.
total gloss so reiggislite to th• karma Walt.'
We might. quote from others of the nu
merous letters we have and are constantly
receiving, but we deem the above etiffteient m
convince the most skeptical that we have at
least the best preparatioaa in the world for
the hair of young or old. We manufacture
no other preparations. O.cupyiug the large
banding, eorner of Broome and Elizabeth
Streets, exclusively for office, saleroom and
moutufactoiy, we have no time or inclination
to engage in other manufactures.
These are the only preparations exported
in any quantity to Europe.
We also would call attention to the fact
that we have always avoided all charlatanism.
Our preparations are the highest priced, but
the cheapest, because they last longer, and do
more good : the expense, in the end, less than
others. We aspire to have the hest, not the
lowest priced. Oue bottle of the Restorer
will last nearly a year. $1 50 per bottle.—
Balsam, 371 cents per bottle.
has ...Yrs. S. A. Alien" signed in Red Ink to
outside wrappers, and in Black. Ink to direc
tions pasted on bottles. Restorer bottles are
of dark n irplc glass, with the words. Wry S.
A. Allen's WorU's Hair Restorer, 3,55 Broome '
Street, New York, blown on them. The Bal. i
este bottles are of green glass, with lira. 8.
A. Allen's World's Hair Balsam. 455 Brsomis I
Street, New York, blown on them. Circular.
around bottles copyrighted. None other is
genuine. Signing the name by others is
forgery, and will be prosecuted by us as a
criminal offence.
Some dealers try to sell other pet:potations
on which they make more projU, trusteed o
these ; insist on these. •
Sald by nearly every drug and fancy goods
Address all letters for information, Lo., to
wonzz's Barn eourroass -Duerr,
3.55. Arainme &mit, alt. Y.. -
eo2l6Ati PAXTON have the Tall and
Wow style of Black SU Nate.
5'30 00
.11 4 IT!.
OTVALVAB ALPR9l 4 llllltit.
—Therabscrliter,latemitag to dietionnase
farming. will offer at Public Sale, at hie reel
deems, —C.trrolsberg Mills," in Libery town
ship, Adams county, 2 miles west of Etneeltis
burg, Md., on the Waynesboro' Turnpike, on
Moisday, the 15th day of Monk mitre, the fol
lowing valuable personal property, viz ; TEN
F.: AD OF HORSES, 8 of which are draught
horses, of superior quality-4he others ore
fine driving horses, well broken; 12 Mitch
Cows, 1 young Devon Bull, of rare blood, 20
head of Steers and Young Cattle, 50 bead of ,
[logs. 15 of which are fat, 33 Shoots and 2
Brood Sows, 32 head of Sheep ; 1 broad-tread
Wagon, with fixtures, 1 Plantation Wagon,
3-inch tread, 1 narrow-tread Wagon, 1 one
horse Wagon, with sp.-in,.7, 1 log Wagon, 1
two-horse Carriage and harness, 1 Cart, 2
sets of new Hay Carriages, of superior strue
tore, 2 pair Wood Ladders. 1 Lime Bed, 1
Threshing Machine. Ohrenport's Patent,)
1 new'Wheet Fan, Grain Drill, Cutting Bor.
Hand Screen, Corn Sheller, Horse Rake,
horse-power Bay Pitcher, 2 sets heavy Breech
Bands, one pair new, 6 sets Cruppers, Roue.
ling., Blind Bridles, Collars, Haters, 3 nflie
Chains, 4 sets Spreaders, 3 Log Chain*
Plough Gears, Rough Lock, foe Cutter. Car
rying Chain, 1 pair heavy Lock Chains, 30
Cow Chains, large new Jack Strew, 1 Jack
arter and Lever, a number of two sad time
horse Ploighs, double and single Morel
Ploughs, new hill-side Plough, 3 Harrows. a
variety of Forks, consisting of pitch, hay,
grain and Manure Forks, slot of Baku. Mat
tocks, Picks, Shovels, Sledges, Corn Hasa,
Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes, Sickles.with
other farming implements. Al" Cues sod
Gate, by the bushel, Hay by the to.. 2 Beaks
Bump and Weight*, 1 Sant Machias,
(Young's palest,) a large lot of lour-barrel
Siam. Lap Shingles, incur Locust Posts, 44.
Also,Household and Kitchen Furs itsre. each
as Tbles. Chairs, Cloaks, Bede. Bedding and
Bedstead*, Stoves and Pip, Copboards,
Weel --and Spianin Wheels. KMOits, • Pose
and Pans, a lot of Basun; Meat Vessels, a
number of tight Barrels. 2 , iron-bound Whis
key Ilugs . heaßs of large else, together with a
great variety of other articles. too numerous
to mention.
Sir Sale to commence at 10 o'cloa, A. M.,
on said day, and to continue from day to day
until all ii sold. Attendance given sad terms
wade known by JAMES bIeDIVIT.
Jan. 25, 18.58. is
Valuable Personal Property
A T PUBLIC S.\ LE.—The subscribers, in
tending to remove, will sell at Public
S Ile. at their residence, in Huntington town
ship, Mims county, (on the farm of the late
Wm. H. Sadler,) ate WidAesday, tic 3d day of
MureA next, the fulloning personal property,
viz 3 11.mses, $ first-rate Butlli9n, 9 Mulch
C,ws. 51/ head of 11.,gt, including 5 brood
S ,we ; a 4.-Itarse narrow•tread Wagon, new
It ,ckswity Buggy. Theshing Machine. Wind
M•II. Cutting II ix, Ploughs, Harrows, Shovel
Plontels. Cultivators, H Iran Gears, double
and single trees. rakes, forks. ands variety of
"tiler farming implements—all nearly new,
air SAW!, to commence at 10 o'clock.
on said day. when attendance will be given
and taruas made known by
[I Ain Huues, Auctioneer.]
February 8. u
T3rra Culture M3eting.
mIlEftE will be* meeting a the Menalien
-L s 'Perna C ilturn giaiety, held in the public
Sehunt in •liwolenrille, oe Saturday,
flit 2 . 714 of ?chow, y hug., at 1 n'elnek, P. M.
All persons wli,o have been instructed on
Terra C.iltiire by Prufessiir C.nortork are in
vited in attend. .Br oases or SacarrAar.
Feb. 1. td IVM. B. WILSON.
TL. SC HICK , Treasurer of Adams county, in conformity with the 10th section of an Act
tfl • of Assetubly. entitled • *An Act to revise the Militia Systan, ac.," pushed the 30th day
of Apri:. 165., exhibits the following account : .
To *mount of outstanding SlLitary Mies for 1856 and previous pars. 81326 25
TJ amount of Military Ones ariaesied fot 1857 as per report of Co. Commissioners. 1.1161 50
To amount of Additional Tax, (per Daniel Ebrehart.,) 6 00
- •• per Levi Kimbic. 1 50
'• ' MI per Wm. Stout, 3 50
Exonerated Tax, per IL J. Kulni. 47
Peter r. bwitb
Ephraim .11ortot
Hugh litthtughy
John E. lleikce
Jacob Bing
Henry Slaybaugh "
4soutucl cavcr
James McCullough
Solomon bell
Dm:Jamie Weaver "
.Nicholas Slaybrugh "
Cbriatiati llladhub "
Michael Crawl 11
rioa.u.4 Sadler
Henry Si/ghat:o "
Samuel Weaver 1868
James Black
Wm. Staab
Leonard McElwee "
Peter Sumas 11
James Wilaon
Nathaniel Lirayeon "
Dauicl lam:hart "
Ell/Jta Peary.*
henry Witmer
Frederick Stover "
Levi Kledig ' "
Steven-Weidner 14
'Jesse Clepsaddle "
Nicholas Melcsell "
jobs Miller
-Jacob ,Myere
David F. Bair 14
Henry Blaybangh "
Hoary Cart 1857
William Bow,
Jecub litlankt 4/
Daniel kleiltiell
Teter Miller 14
Jacob Stitsell "
lease Mobiaaan
timing Melee
Decried Lynch*
David Dull 41
Joie Millremery 11
4daas Hebert 14
Anthony flteasbatigh "
Jacob C. Fittentarf "
Moses ilartmaa* 11
Juba McMaster
Mimed OrnAndP, "
Wm.ltittinfree 14
Fre:acts Wilson* "
Wm. Ron Whits "
Peter Lone
Burkhart Wirt* "
Gettysburg 13.,
Gettysburg B."
Huntington •
/Allmon •
liounqoy • ,
Notiat pleasant
tlettysburg 8.,
Human, •
Berwick 8.,
2489 49 118/ 83 41 84 441 60 81 7
Sarno,* nuked than (9 bare giro* paid in fbll. These marked time (f) have vines paid
in part. Since the settlement the a of One Hundred_ lad IPtfty-ave Dollars and litzty-two
Cents, ($162,62) has been paid into the Military Turd by differeet collectors.
By ammo paid &eta Trieste^. as pat receipt filed Oct. 14.1857 SGT 07
R. G. Pahseatack, Ttesserer at Ledependent Biagi 75 VO
Comity thametiadeemars kr "tykes 50 00
Joba Witt. IOW& 1 25 50
Siloam ter publishing= Account .. 45 00
Outatiedisigliiilltary tines for 1832 867
1864 55 93
1865 ....• 18/6 50
1836 /V; SO
"1847 439 00
1864 ... , 327
1/165 6 59
11156 ... 28 66
1857 20 63
1864. . 29 +3O
1885. • e 97 00
1816 144 00
COUgliall far
Meows Ow
isea rgi
•• Tinsimer a
Treassnmes Coonniimpion ea $l4 I 6$ at I
&Lacs In buds of Tranaserr,
11 111 Post ili altg
by the Cowl Avitan.
February /5. 1858. 41
• • , Wino Zifie • d
far vaarAtioli rigßaosria. ESTATL—
The liehmtrilier, Administrator of the
tate of SNIPE 83111111, decease!, will sell at
Patina Bain. at the late residence of said de
ceased, in Monatplenaant township, Adam*
county. on the wad leading from tlettpborg
to Hanover, 4 miles from the former plaeo,
um Thursday, the au. of .Wirch 'text, the fol
lowing Personal Property, viz : head of
Horses, (including a mare with foal,) 6 MilA
Cows, 6 Heifers. I Bull, Sow and Shoats, a
broad-tread Wagon, with bud, bows and cur
er, 1 narrow-tread Wagon, Hay Ladders,
Stone Bed, I Carrivre. Ploughs and Harrows,
Winnowing Mill. Cutting Box, Cloverseed
Stripper. H.ire Gears. dish, lug, halter and
cow Chains, Yorks Rakes, Grain Cradles,
Szythes. Ac .; Hay by . the ton. CArn by the
bushel. and Grain in the ground. Also,
Household and Kitchen Furniture as follow*:
Tablets and Chairs, Beds, Bedstea ds and Bed
ding, Case of Drawers,
Cooking Stove and
Pipe, Iron Kettle. witisotiterirticles ; Bacon
en:l Lard, by the pound, 2 soaps of &owl
smooth Bias. a lot of hogsheads, with a varie
ty dottier articles; too tomorotui to mention.
arßale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and torso made known by
U O.BIIITII, Ada' r.
leb. 1, ISSIL ts
TIO you wish to find good employment, anti
make money with little or no mveatment,
and witbnitt 'lnterfering with your Peltier'
buskins? If you do read this swirertisententi
C. Z. Toon ik Co.. of 392 Broome street,
New York, are manufacturing and lolling
massive Iva Pencils for $3 each, (whit* are
cheap at that prise,) and they throw in a gift
or prise with each Pencil, worth from $2 up
to 35, $lO, $l5, $14,25,1630, $5O, $75, $1.04,
$2OO. and $5OO. Dmi't cry out, Hotahog !
Lottery l" It's no such thing. The Pencils
are sold at their eaeb value, and all the profits
over the first soot are thrown into . the gifts.
which signally oast the purchaser nothing.—
The prise. are distributed en a ample plmi
of drawing, which would take too much
room to asplain: but which has never failed
to give complete satisfaction. We have
drawn and sent to purchaser* 183 gold watches
of various prima, 74 purses of gold dollars.
238 gold loskats, 850 gold ohaino, and a cor
responding number of other prises, within
two months.
purchaser drags a price worth $3 certain, and
it stands thousands of shances to be a higher
We want a Jowl agent in every neighbor
hood throughout the country, to solicit pui
chasers, and any agent; to be successful,
must haven Pencil and prize to exhibit--
We pay agents $1 cash for each purckiaser Le
obtains, and the first person in any neighbor
hood who applies fur a Pencil and gift, will
receive the agency for that locality. Should
an agent obtain a valuable prise to exhibit
with his Pencil, he would have little difficul
ty in obtaining saxes of puroluttere, and
tasking it a paying business.
ask nobody to send their money till they know
what prise they draw. Any person wishing
to try their Inek, can first send us their mane
and address, and we will make their drawing
and inform them by return mail what prise
they drew, when they cart send on and take
the Pencil and prise, or not, whichever they
choose. We give this privilege only ones to
a purchaser. After the first drawing, every
purchaser will be required to send. in advance,
through thin authorised agent. We will send
with each drawing the number taken out,
with full description of the plan of drawing.
.tddress C. E. 'COBB &
302 Broome Street, Now York.
Jan. IR, 1858.
Ammitt of Amount
I blepligaSea. f ArerampL
404 Cl
Gi 75 $4O 00
14 33 /4 33
34 20
20 00
17 00
114 00
3u 00
36 50
54 57
46 154
56 00
51 00
41 50
3$ SO
66 04
44 50
46 00
16 00
47 50
45 00
47 50
IV 00
61 00
62 00
42 00
39 Olt
45 60
41 00 .
27 00'
36 00
8/ S.
13 00
45 50„
89 60
43 50
61 60
MI 00
61 64
27 60
41 50
20 60
41 06
42 00
67 00
62 60
20 60
14 00
20 50
61 00
42 60
11117 . 171 00
Agents, Attantiont
1 Ilhoomeri- i Outstay.
times. r din.
*a ei;
I Nis.
$l4 50
15 00
1 07
1 30
1 42
1 .55
1 50
8 50
47 5o
10 50
Id 50
27 08
2V 45
7 07
34 20
Jl► 00
/ $0
I 1 04)
16 6tl
I 00
11 50
21 0,1
22 00
1 50
3 30
t 50
1 50
7 50
10 50
I 50
1 00
21 50
24 GO
11 50
lkik 60
0 00
15 00
13 00
28 93
$ll 80 ,
XS 400
411 43
IS 2,
2 53
2 32
12 GO
, IV 00
41 Q
/0 00
X/ 00
4 &A
7 be
12 Ou
7 Du
14 II
20 00
U. A 0
1 GO
6 00
% 00
OF F. P213.)N.1 PROPEUTTer. pa alb
•-1 scrilmar will sell it Public 8alk: It, his'
e t
resideneo. Ir. Tyrone township, A.diiii s .
ty, on the pruperl et the lose .74b1 - a
finger, doc'.l.. 1; wiles Kuck II .
burg, nil fig V inowagn; - *a primly, the
day of I.',bruary inst., tha fed
personal pn,perty. cis: 4 it=
liq.. 0.. one a good brood mare, with fitssi 1.
31.1e1i Cows, and Young Cattle l 2 Sae lamed
S , w,., Lru-iiorse Wagon, One-horse Wa
P 1,111,111., Ih '3
rrows 'lOl el Ploughs,
Fork; Caltivator, 11..mse Gears Waddled, ''s
SAle S Ladle. a new llugg, and 4421101/11;••10.
ether with a Atitnbet ut household artist's.,
viz: II ,gsheasbt, Moat `easels, [lethally
Cooking g,uvr. and a Ten•plate Store, and
Pipe, 2 sets of CJoper's 'fools, With a variety
of other thinrs too numerous to mention.
s*r Sado to commence at 1.) o'clock, A. 31,
on said day, when attendance will IN given
and terms wade known by
Z.IC 11 Mil Ali MYER&
lA. W. Flemming, A.uotioucer.l ..
Februarr 8. to •.. • •
Public Sale.
THE subscriber. Administrator of the maids
J'• of Si;.sm Moir, deceased, will sell at
Public, at the lute redolence of said de.
cowed, in B.raban township, Adams county,
on the State Road. about 5 nailer Erato fist ,
tysburg, on Thuraday, the 414 day of . .iforgoli
nee. the following personal property, vi;
2 Harems, Hog., Ftaur-}tone Wagon. Horse
Gears, Carriage, ay Carriage, Ploughs - 04
Ii grows, oiling Sateen. 8 wash'. liana,
forks, ies. A set of Carpenter's Toole, and
many other artiuloo too numerous to menthes.
,S 'B4e to 00 NUMMI CO at 10 o'clock. A. Jig.
on said day, whoa attendance will fal
and terms male itaaewn by
num tuc K. QCICKEL, Aden rl4
February S. to
- , ~ Public Bale. .
TIM dabscriber, residing in Butler tow*
" A ' chip, AJam* county, intending to Er n 2
relinquisib farming. anal having too
stock, will offer as Public SA., on iredswe
day, 64 10th day of March nest, 600 o'44ock e ,
A. U., Pie ?fallowing persona proerty;tlF:
G head iof Hones, two of which are ire&
breeding Mires, two being now with fitotis
fine young Stallion, throe years oldlbe tome
ing spring, and two yearling Oolts ; 7 head
ai /
of Cow and Young Cattle, of which thief
are S . rs, two Wills, and Heifers; about •
40 hen of Hags, among which are several
breedin S,wc and n fine liner; 1 four-htitsb
Wagon one two-horso Wagon. a ono4ntrite
Wagon. a one-horse Spring Wegott,.plooghs
and ha ors, corn '
shellor. winnowing multi
jack w. and a variety of other articles itiXl
numero s to mention. .
larlsteudanue will he given and terms
made k owu on day of sole by
Feb. 15. is JONAS ROTH.
Public Sale.
TERsubscriber, intending to quit &rising;
will sell at PJblic &tie, at his sesidellialii
in Di ,unkjoy township, Adams oonnth
miles from Littlestown, near gm road *Wang
from that plao to Ennitsburg. os Maiatts,
the kith day qf Mardi mut, the followhig:pop
:lanai property, viz : A first-rate B:idUrtu:
three-quarters bloodrd, 1(4 bandit high, 1*
named "Bill Wesley," and fur beauty, &War -
or carriage, cannot be inttielled ; 1 work huts*
I two-year old stallion, sired by "Bill Wee
ley," and is a very proniising anima 0 241 i
Cows, to calve soon ; 4 Heifers, 1 first-rata,
Young. Ball ; a narrow-tread Wagon WM% -
enough for five horses ; a two-horse 'wagon,
as good as news 2. ploughs, 1 harrow, 2ftetin
forks, bay carriages, front part . of a Wallowe.
wagon running part, winnowing mill, boric
double and single trees, forts, ?tikes
ke. Also. limy by the stack or ton, and a' ,
variety of other articles, too numerous to
serSi la to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be Om ;
and terms made known by . •./
Feb. 15. t.
Register's Notice. • •
NOTICE id hereby given to ail legateeeend
other persona concerned that the AdsaisK
istrstion accounts hereinafter scemeimeed.
be preientod at the Orphan's Coastal Adams
county for confirmation and allowance, elk
Tutsciay. the 9th day - of Narektunct, :
13. The second account of John E.'
McPherson, Executor of William Mc-
Pherson, deceased, settled by Rdwarif.,
McPherson, Executor of
. John B. MO.:
Pherson, deceased.
U 469 4J
14. The second account of lobn
McPhdrson, Exeeutor of the will of
Samuel Sloan, deceased, settled by Ed
ward. McPherson, Exeoutor of John
McPherson, deceased.
. ZACIIAItfAH MYERS, Regan , : I
Register's Ogee, Oettys- 1 - •
burg.' Feb. 8. 1858.
34 20
114 00
51 00
41 50
Littlestown Railroad!
pus !tenth Monthly Instalment of Fin
Dollars per Share on the Stock subsorib
od, will be due and payable to the Treasurer _
of said company, on tlie th day of Feb. in.d
/6/"By a Resolution of the Board of DirosWL
tors, pained on Saturday, July .sth, an pee.
sons in arrears after Aug. 28th will be chaygiq
ed interest at the rate of one per cent. a month
on their back pupilway in accordance with,
the Act of Assembly. B. F. 91101tB,
Seereiary of the Board.
Feb. 8, 1958. td
N. 11.--Any of the Directors will Receipt
for uttints on Stuck. •
86 00
The County Map
WIIL.I, be delivered to ,the Subseribers-Jaa.,"
" Suaban.lluntiogten, Latimore,
fie., in a tew days. Thole wishing 31Inps Ow I
have nos subseribed must give me notice Wit',
modiatelg, as the last edition will sous led
printed. M. S. CONI'ERS4
Feb. 15, 185 R. St
24. SO
7 50
New Lumber Yard,
A T NEW OXFORD.—The urnlcrsignel
would inform the public that he has
openeda bUMBER YARD, on a large , scrile.
in the town of New Oxford, Adams county; to
which the blettysbur4 Railroad has been
ready alter' led, His assertirent embraces
all kinds of Lunil)er—Panrl, First and Seconti - i
enntrian and Culling Boards, First and ,L
Kleond C itnmon awl Culling I'laisk. lielelark . '
Fencing B 11..anlock Jul9tP, SeatitTir.g,
Plastering Lath, headed and plain Palings
II 00
67 60
J ift 04)
4 64.1
31 00
52 5u
20 tpo
14 00
Ile invites anlls from those in want of
lasinber, feeling assured that in quality or
prioe him Emelt CAN'T Be SEAT. lie will en.
dearur to deserve a large share of public
Feb. 1, 1858.
25 so
s 0U
New Coal Sr Lumber Yard;
FILAXILLIN Beam has received stud will
constantly keep on hind, a large and well sea *
lected settortment of LUMBER, and a sopesitsr t
article of COAL suitable for family parposef.
Also, Blacksmith's Coal of the bust qtytkity;
An orders fur sawed lumber can be Shed st
the shortest notice.
New Osford, Feb. 8, 18:58. tf
A Large Supply of Lunber.
INCLUDING every studio' of Rive ripe, .
A- just received, suit for side: lie •Lg
prima, at the Tani eta:lß/LADS*
04 ties Comer of Wpssitistytou sad
Etrseu, just in the rest of the 4 E:41
They hate also Ori hand 'a
, e f ki
rs.uteri" Sitik*" tacit;B;l'-
!Wet Heals, (for c.rsiot,
irlow. tures";
.uptly mild**
. NOV • 413 k r
11 1 4-. i i :dr3el4• "
Pickle*, * first rate •
Isai. dump at KORB .*. - •