The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 18, 1858, Image 4
-1144 :-tor* " ersirh would thrive, *satf l'Slci lytll. eiths bold or drive. ' elbairllag ow r,.... Pumps. In the *oldest time we had in Jann ary list my pump froze up, down to - the taw below the bucket. I poured in bet water repeatedly during one day, bat could make no inaprention upon it seetalagly. My cattle went two days ' , • —.- without water, looked hollow, and showed signs of groat thirst.—My . seiefrabors told mo that I should always be troubled thus with the old wooden pcikp, and must get a chain pump, as they never froze up. But I could sot. -tnike it convenient to got one this win o'', sod ao I set to work to manage my yid pomp. Some told me to make a gitublet bole in the pimp strx:k below the beeket and just shove the box, and thst would leave the water out, so it, would not freeze. But this )ves too much trouble, is I had to pour water i t Retort.—Whon, at the opening of into the pump every time to start it; the Mexican war, thousands wore etrev... go I. plugged up the gimblet hole. I ing their services to fight for their COl/11• then thought of trying a tin or I try, the Colonel of tie New York regi- .1 pipe by inserting the pipe in the pump t met a saw sms„g the aspirants for she down to the ice, and pouring hot water honor of marching to the Italia of tliej into the pipe. I found the pipe would' Montesumas, a young man who wits quickly melt its way through the ice, lame in one leg. My friend," said the and in less than five minutes the most: Col one l, d'you will never do- , •-you are incorrigible case would be thawed out l ame ." • completely. On inquiry I foetid a tie! The volunteer with much ready now, pipe, half an inch ip diameter, was the 1 oryoese, retorte d : beat tind cheapest size, and could be "I don't enlist to run awac."—Xesi wispy inverted in either side of the' ca l Ti mes , pump handle. It only wants pipe Inioulo to "al* down to the ice, and SiiiirAt Elmwood Cemetery. Detroit. siowo throug h i t. I go t one fi t f eet one day, as Dr. Price, *celebrated phy-; long, and it coat me fifty cents, and,hact sicisu, stopped to pity his toll, he re a small funnel in the top end. marked to the gate-keeper: "Consider-I . When I have thus thawed out ray tng the benevolent character of my pro pump it lasts all day, and sometimes a tpsaiorr , I think you ought to let me week, according to the weather. So Pam free of charge." " No, no, doe wreorrespoodeat .of the Country tor," the keeper readily replied, "we I Gentleman. I v:outdo's afford that. You send too many deadheads through here as it is." The doctor paid his toll, and never ask-1 od any favor after that. 'be 3 1 4140 •re4 .f 11441 Orebera. - The Beading Press says that the lar gesVapple tree iu the United Stites is stifling within the limits of the city ef Reading, on the farm of Wm.. B. Shoen er. It le called the President—a name given to it many years ago by the ven erable William Shoener, father of the present nwner.—The stock or trunk of the tree measures five feet and a half in diameter; at a point a few feet above the ground, there is a protuberance or excites/cues of bark, of great thickness, not included, however, in the measure ment. Its annual yield of apples was never less than sixty bushels. The appleala size were as large as the Pal lon wilder. The tree is estimated to be over a hundred years old and attuned its present size fifty years ago. The upper branches are large massive col umns, which would make ten ordinary apple trees; supporting when in bloom, an arch of foliage of siasy-fie• feet in diameter, - forming a circumference of over two hundred feet. Apple—yellow and green ground, faint red cheek, White tleab, sub-acid juicy, short thick Am. shape symmetrical, and regular size. Season front November until April. 11.1144 Closind 11•41. "Is that your brother, Pat ?" This is a staple food in a majority of d, y es , w e , families during several months of the! ,s Is ho not o ld er t bi o you ?" year, and in most caste the cooking may 1 - 4 , No, indads, sir, be's not." be greatly improved. The two - ehiefl se Well, then be is younger?" errors are, firt, in not cooking it tong 1" No he is not." enough, and second, in losing a large ! „ Why, man, he must be either one proportion of real nutriment. We al- or the other." ways prefer it prepared as follOwe: 1 / " Pali, then, he's nayther.' ° Kash iu warm, nut hot water, just long , " Oh, then you are twins." enough to take out ail excess of salt. "Indade, now, and how did you Then cover it so that the steam will i know it ?" condense upon the under side of they __ _• :.. _ saver and tali buck. This will prevent i Ear" I say, Samba, can you answer boiling away, and also the loss of much this conunderfrim? Supposiu' • I gib ofthe nutriment,which, in open vessels, you a bottle ob whiaksy corked shut gossoff with the steam. Boil the meat wid a cork; how would you got de several hours, or until-it is so thorough.l whiskey out widout pulling de cork or 3y done that it will not hold together breakin' de bottle ?" to be lifted with a fork. If there be ! "1 gibs dat up." any bones take them . out, since, if cook- I " Why, push de cork in. Ysh ! yah!" txl enough, the meat will cleave from then readily. Pack the meat by itself ' in-a deep dish, mixing well together the ken and fat portions. Next bkitu the int and boil the liquor down so that when poured over the meat it will just ft the spaces between the pieces then lay over the whole a flat cover • ittdoh will fit into the dish, put on a itosenor two pounds weight and let it steed veal cold. Several flat-irons or( &limestone will answer for the weight, i or tfitionvanieat it may be set ender a diewhe-press. Prepared in this way, the poorest piece of tough corned beef will be made tender and juicy. Boil:I lag down and using the liquid, saves the nest nutritious portion, which isl essay thrown away. The gelantinei .ot the condensed gravy, when cold, lams sonlid mass with the meat, which may then be cut rep into sheet for serv ing Op= the - table. If the fat and lean l i p ort i on s be mired, when cut up cold tjesipiiiers - will present a beNatiful mar-' • tiled appearance. Corned beefprepar . edleittis way will not cmly be -eaten -., - With_ s superior relish, bet it wilt not, Tie account of its toughness, be ewal ' - loved half masticated ; it produces irri- I . , ._, .... . . taw* is the stomach * and yields' only t • it portion of its substance as nutriment. 1 Ow list, common process, there is only 1 - thasiteli trouble of the additional boil -las *id proteins, which are amply re . . 17 , sbe . seeing of nutrigkei lit l .w WI • • = - - quality of beef Will be , • ..... .. AbdPk t ofitlible• . 7 4 • - 1 ..iresm r _ : = 14 144, you will not w il lipety go Wills hied boiled - iessitekk salt ice,. -, llol* IMottos , 000kseria tie above ma nor is very nice.—Americas Aprieill hoist. Crews OPPOINset &at six eggs watt quite light, than stir in one pint of cream, ono teaspoon tal of salt, half a grated natmeg, and sifted flour enough w make a thin bat ter; stir it until it becomos smooth, then drop it by spoonfuls into hot lard, fry, and serve. Take nine tablespoonfuls of molasses, six tablespoonfuls of good Tinegtr,one and a half tablespoonfuls of Boor, a small pieoe of butter, a few elioesof lemon, or grated lemon peel, cover with a rich pate. This is decidedly the best - sub rti t uto for apple pie. , 10 twist, "A little humor.,pow• and sheep, Is relished by the wisest men." iiirMr. Colt, superintendent of the canal at ?kart Stanwix, bcing.prosuked at an Iris an, gave him a sturdy kick. "Be jabbers," shouted Pat, "it you kick so while you are a. Colt, what will you do when you come to be a horse r' ilig"" There is no object so bcauti fal to we .as a conscientious young man.—l watch him u I do a star in heaven." " That's my view, exactly !" sighed Miss Josephine Hoops, as she laid down the volume; "in fact, I think there is nothing so beautiful as a young man, even if he ain't so conscientious." RIPThe following ouriowt inscription appears in the chureh-yard, Dorset "Hero Hes the body of Lady CrLoooey, groat niece of Burke, com monly called the 'sublime. She was bland, passionately and deeply relig ious; also she painted—in water colors —and sent novena pictures to the hibition. She was first cousin to Lady Jones; and of each' is the kingdom of Heaven." ifirA Dutchman, in Fleming, N. Y., whose wife had been for some days ly ing at the point of death, was filling the air with his grief, the other evening. when he happened to looked up null behold the balloon of Professor Steiner co'ningdown from the clouds.—lie was so frightened at the apparition that he was barely able to stagger into the house and exclaim—"Mein Gott! ter tuyfel lab coming after mein wife :" itirAt a public sale of books the auctioneer put up "Drew's Essay on Souls," which was knocked down to a shoemaker, who to the great amuse ment of the crowded room, asked the auctioneer if " he had any more works on shoemaking to sell?" lir" Amelia, for then—yea, at thy command I'd pluck the star from the flruutment---pluck the sun, at orien tal god of day that traverses the blue arch of heaven in such majestic splen dor-I'd tearit from the sky, and "--: "0, don't, Henry ! don't do it, it. would be's° very dirk." sir-Jones has discovered the respec tive natures of a distinction and -a dif ference. flu says that " a little differ• once" frequently makes many enemies, while " a little distinction " attracts hostit4itfriends to the one on VI hom it is mpinlikred. • s. y s pc lir , 4 s(4ltleman la o wont. mid* hook Moak szulla, Ms retenpittsetokowatevememt 111WAMilan iiolr • sad bablavitated a er..meat to mend family jars. _-I- Pie, \Autiu,„ iLI • „Lt . /n:1 , 3 - - 4, t 4 tir 1, it. • t4e . YANVAEY, 1 2 8466 7 8 9 -18 -- .14- 2 44-33.:44-4.1 .16 17 18 19 SO 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27' 28 29 30 81 FasavAar, 1 ft 8 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 41# • MAWS, 1 I 8 4 b 6 7 8 9 10 II IV 13- 14 15 16 IT 18 19 20 1 22 20 23 24 25 25 27 80 81 Aron 1 2 8 4 3 8 T 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1817 78 /3 ZO 21 rz :).3 24 & 26 27 26 29 20 11.4 v, 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 p 10 Ti 12 IB 14 15 18 37 - 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 88 29 Jars, -- 1 -2 3 4 5 I 7 8 G 10 11 12 14 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 :14 .14 26 28 29 ) Jrl,7, 13 VA 27 1 .:. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 j 9 40 21 22 23 24 • gr ) 26 27 20 29 30 81 AvorsT, 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 - 15 -16--Ir 18...19 41.121 22 ZS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 Srreor4, 'I 4 4 8 4 M 13 20 27 M °MASA, 12 19 213 10 17 24 81 Nov !malt, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1-1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 34 25 26 27 28 29 30 cczmnior 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 g 8 29 80 31 M JOB WOHJOB worts. JOB WO JOB WORE JOB WO Chap if Ms Office, 3 Job WORK JOB WORK JOB WORK Tax Appeals. al II E Commissioners of Adams n inty her& 4 ' by give notice that they hare fixed upon the following times fur the Lidding of Appcols for the several Hnnuglas and Townships of Adams counky, at the office of the County Commissioners, in Gettysburg, when and where they will attend to hear appeals, be tween tile hours of 0 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M., of each day, as follows : The Appeals for Germany. Oxford, Union, Berwick borough, Berwick taavr..shio, Contr. war, Hamilton and Houditig„ 0 a Wrilassigday, the 20th of January next. Fur Huntington, Litigator., Tyrone. Liber ty, filountjoy, Monnttaleasant anal Freedom, on Thurmloy, the :14 rtr January next. Fur Gettysburg 1;orougli. * Cumberland, llao►iltoaban. Menai*len., Butler. Franklin and Straban. on Friday. the'22 el of elaxuary nest. By order of the Commissioners, J. M. WALTER. Clerk. Dec. 21, 1F57. . Pall & Winter Ckloda JSCIIICK would avail himself of this • medium of announcing to the communi ty and public in general, that he has received from the cities the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, that it has ever been your pleasure to examine in this place. all of which has been selected with time. the utmost care. and with particular reference to the tastes and wants of the peaple of this locality, and which fur beauty of style and cheapness, be elialleages onnipenitien. In the LADIES' DEPARTMENT. he has alt styles, qualities, shades. and *ohm of Goods, suitable for the season. He invites the bulks to call and take a look through his -seleetions at their earliest convenience. FOR THE GENTLE MEN, he has a choke litosk of Clothe, Casei mores. Vesting*, Ic., eta., all h ood and cheap. Don't pass by Ile 's—he will always be found ready to sho ts Goads and sell cheap— among the very dies ea Oet. 19, '57. cheap Clothing. GEORGE ARNOLD & CO. have now cma hand, at their Clothing Emriastn, a largratock of RBADY-MADE all of our own getting up. made oat of our own cloth; and warranted to be made in the very beet manner and style, anton.7 which are Dress Coats of every variety, Over-coati, Pan taloons, Vests, Monkey .aeke,a, ker., also Black, Blue, Olive, Brown, Clare., Drab and Green Cloths, for Over—oats, with trimmings to suit, sold cheep: also cheep Citssimere; Ca4sinets, Jeans, Curds and men's wear gen erally. We have juc. received the fall fash ions, and have hands coma :fitly e liployed cutting oat and making up, and if we cannot please you in a garment ready made, we will take your measure and make you a suit on short notice. Call and see us. The above goods will be sold clieup for cAlu. Oct. 12, 1857. . Prepare for Winter. . -. 1101tUFF.tLO, Seal . ;,.. ..% . " Skin, Lion Skin 4:" : and Whirl pool Over -. Coate,Taltnas,Rag- I, to, , , / ' fans and Loupe—to it . .e. ' ' short, every new A - ,_.,..,.. style of OverCuat ; C• 1 \ - '-" ' also Frock, Dress ' s 'l% and Business Cesta; Pante and Vests, of innumerable styles and patterns, suitable for old and plain men, ar well a. for the gay, and for boys. Al these are to he had at the very lowest prieee at Oct. 48. SA)ISON'S. CUCUMBER Pickles and good Vinegar by GILLESPIE L THOMAS. COBEAN & PAXTON hare all the latest Styles of Plush, Tur, and Cloth Caps. r- UP it before the people, that 25 per cent. can be saved by purchasing your arxxle front B. F. PICKING. , NDLES AT le CENT 3.-6, Brat rate Cant* of Weld Candles can he had, at 16 woo per [wand, at IitMLIECK'S, Kerr's ouruer. (108b1AN it PAXTON hare the Fall and './ Winter style ul Black Silk Bats. COAL l—Pereens desiring to lay in their supply of Coal, will please send la their orders at ones, as it oan be furnished ehespertrria warns than from the Yard. Oilies its Was* Midd la •Meet. . SICADS 41k itUICKLER. QPOUTIXO..-4llesews Mid limey Wimpkw Ilmatallpostisg as& pat up tlas asi low, !beamlts owessatry pension, F tasiniwild wishiag sheik: boom* ham. do.. opoittsol. "mid do troll to Sift them a ea% G. All. WAMPUM. Aeril 15,1853. tf 66..zdA=grai:i J • rains PATTERSON'S ISTATIL—Let tr tors of loioninistnstiou on the estate of, ttiaMsa Phticsou. late of ilatoilton tosrustrip, Adios (*fluty, deceased, hewing beensrant- , eel to the undersigned, reading in Mediu; ' tplenship, he hereby gives notice to all pew , Linna indebted to said estate to mnke immediate ' psywoet, nod those haring claims s:„Tsinst the mune to present them properly *lthea- , cleated 140 settlement. LIENRY J. PICKING. r. Dec. 21, 16.7)7. Gt Adlitthint,rato r Notts e. NOR IV4B. TOSEPII OREAGERII ES CATE.—Letters u of administration on the estate ufJoreph Creager, late of 'Freedom township. Adrims county. deceased, having been granted to the nedersigned, the first naired residing in Creagerst ova District, Yroderick county, Id., and the lest rained in Fr-cdorrt township, they hereby give notice to all rersonsindebt a to raid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to preemie them properly authenticated for set, dement. OCTAVIUS A. CHEAGEII., rt AVID DITZLER'S ES r.IT E.—Letters of adminisUration on the estite of David Dilater, late of Barwick. toe ; p, comsty, densased, having been granted to Oho undersigned, .csidiog in Manchester District, Carroll co inty, Md., he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said A i wa to make in' mediate payment, and those baring claims against the mime to present them properireathentiasted fur set tlement. JACOB DITZIAIt, A tties'r. Dee. 2.1, Dario% 6w LOUISA neluxays ESTATE.—Letters of 'administration, with the will annexed, on the manta of Louisa Hemler. (wife ctf Mut thip Ilemler,) lace of Ozford town sbip, Adams ao„ deo'd„ haring lwen granted to the undcr signed, residing int *sense tliwtuihip, he here by gives entice to all persqes indebted to said estate. to make immediate payment, and those bating claims agaiult the came to present them properly authenticated for settlement. FILANOIS MARSHALL, Ad nt'r with the will .:ansrsd. Dee. 28, 1857. 6t 10 17 24 10 23 30 THE; subscribers would respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public that they have opened a Hardware Stare, in Balti more street, adjoining the residence of David Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they always intend to offer to t'ie pa'Aio a large and gen eral assortment of lIARDWARE, Iron, S eel, Groceries, Cutlery. Coach Trimmings, S(winga, Ails*, Saddlery, Cedar-ware; Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils and Dye &aft', in gen eral, including every description of era - del in the above line of busine e, to which they invite the atter tion of coach-make-s, black smiths, carpenters, cab' tet-makers, shoo mr.kerA, erddlere, and the public generally. O.:: stock having been selected with great care and purchased for cash, we guarantee kho roc re r iy money.) to dispose of any part of it u:i a= mablo.terms as they can be purel..l- anywhere. We particularly request a call front our friend., and earnestly solicit &share of public favor, as we are determinined to establish a character for selling goods at low prices and doing business on fair principle.. JOEL D. DARNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, June D, 1851. tf 13 20 2 7 LI M 16 30 °REAP WATCHES k JEIVELILY, whole ‘-1 sale and retail, at the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled. 18 carat ca E ;. $2B 00 ; Gold Lepine-. 10 carat. r '00; Silver Levers, full jeweled, $l2 00; Silver Le ei,jewels, $9 00; superior Quartiers.s7 04; Gold Soectt cl%. . $7 06; fine Silver do. $1 50: Go d Bracelets. $.3 00; Lull —.' Gold Pencils. SI 00; Silver Tea Spoons, set, $6 001 Gold Pcns, with pencil and silver holder, $1 00. Gold Pingo! Rings, 371 cents to sBo;lVatch Glasse+, plain, 12& cents; patent 181; !Janet 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are mold for. • Ou hand. sense gold and silver Levers and Lapin's, still lower than the above prices. Oct. 20, 18.57. ly STILL COMING A? FAHNESTOCK'S. We have just received free New York and Philadelphia another supply of cheap Goods, to which we invite the attention of the pub lic. We purchased at auction several cases of very cheap Tickings, which we can sell at a bargain. Thirty-one cent Tickings fur '25 vents; Twentr&re - -44- - ..Eight's% and three-fourths at 15 " &c. We have yet on hand sume"of those cheep Mediae and Prints which have made such a noise amoagiudges of cheap goods. flaring twain tbe say almost netantly during the hies few months, we we-e enabled to watch opportunities for obtaining bargt;-ts, and we now propose to give our numero is customers the benefit of them. Don't to come to Dee. 28. 1857. • FALINESTOCKS'. JOSEPU M. CREAGER, Doe. 21, 164. CI 4,l7Pert A.dministrztor's Nodes Administrator's Notice. Hardware Store. Stauffer & Harley. STAUFFER & HARLEY Cheap Goods Attention ! VIVE HUNDRED MEN WANTED— • L . To buy Over-Coals from PICKTNG; To buy Over-coats from Picking ; To buy Over-coats from Picking; TO buy Over-coats from Picking ; Tu buy Ore -coats from Picking; TO buy Dre., - - 'oats from Picking ; To bus Dress-coats from Picking; TO buy D . resti•coats from Picking; • Tu buy Dress-coats from Picking; TObuy Business-coats from Picking; • To buy Bu inc coats ..ora Picking; TO buy Dress and Common Coats from Picking ; TO buy Dross and Common Coats from Picking; TObuy Buffalo and Gum noes, Mucks, • Violins and Accordeons from Picking ; TO buy Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts. Drawers, • Trunks and Carpet Sticks from Picking; TO buy Umbrella+ and Canes from FRANKLIN B. PICKING. Dec. 21, 1857.. SUGA R, COFFEE & MOLASSES.-1 good assortment of Sugar s Comma and !dulasses, which we will sell as low as the lowest. Call and see these articles and then jades fur yourselres. Fur sale at the Grocery and Confection Store of BOYER & SON. FUJCIt & FEED for sale by GI LLESPI g & THOMAS. COAL S:eres, Buckets, Shovels, Pokers, lioule.4, Pans, Ac., Ac., can be had at the Store Ware Room, in West Middle street' at SIIEADS & BUEHLER'S. p AISINS, bunch and layer, cheaper than tha cheapest, fur sale by Gtu.cseta & QUGAIt, Coffee and Molasses,just receive l'•- ) by GILLESPIE THOMAS. JEWELRY, Watches, Pistols, Violists, Gni tars, Aucordeons, Ilarmonioana, Eight-day, Thirty-hour and Alarm Clocks, at all, prices, to be had at 8 :tliSON*B. TILE Ladies are particularly invites to call - at COBEAN ts PA.XTONB, and examine their stock of Shoes, Gaiters,: Boots and Slippers CUCUMBER Pickles, a first rate article, be bad cheap at NORBSOK'S. UOMMONY and Soup Bean N s for sale at ORBECK'S. OLD Q tarter*, Levies, Yips, and ll other old coin, taken at fall valoei'for Clothing, nd Nations, at SASISONII.- 4 LARGE lot of SUMMER CLOTHING. L 1 selling at very mall profit* ge COBEAN & PAXTON'S: 111:117ALO ROBIX.—A symteeisn io&j net rail " eland and for sale • unwib l i 4. Bier. lag's ebrap Clothing Store in Caiseharsharg street. frinffalitt fiat Cl HANNON FIRE &111711fILAR PROOF SLIM. with Hell's-Patent POWDER PROOF LOC iC s.—negate 4 atitilX99 Makers, 34 Yrdll:4l Sired, bekno 'Seco id, PA acs great interest manifested by the public to procure mare certain securi ty from Are Sur valoable papers, surh n. Bonds. Wrtgaigee, Deeds, :Notes acid of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto fore in use afforded, induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of their time for the last fourteen yeers. in making doicoverie4 and bereavements for this objeot. the reiult of which is the unrivalled .11Yrisiy's Patent World's .Pair Premium FIRE Pll i')OF SAFER universally acknowledged as the CU! YPIOV SATZ or rum WORLD ! Haring been awarded Xs:44ls at both the World', Fair, London, 1851, and Crystal Palace, N, Y., 18.5 Z, as superior to all others, is now undoubtedly entitled to that apellation, and secured with Ball's Patent Powder-proof Leeks-..which were also awarded separate Medals, (as &bowel-Aortas the most pee , et Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever yet eil%.r ed to the public. Nearly 300 "Herring's Sales" have been tested during the past 14 years, and more than 16,000 have been sold and are now in acme. use, Also on hand or manufactured to order, kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Ysult Doors, Money Chests for brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, private families, ike., fur Plate, Diamonds, and other taleahles. 23. 11457. Great Ruh rpo J.tCQRS J Baltimore street, 4 - near the Diamond, to soe the staeks of Cloths, Cassimeres, Testing*, &c., which they have jock received Croat the city, as well as the first class lot of Ramilyinntle Clothing now on hao4-t—Over quake, Drew, Frock and Sack Coati, Puns and Vasil!. Don't forget thatfor anything In '.he men's line of weir, you eln never go limits by call ing at Jacobs'. If you want a tins wet, or pants, or ve.t. rely upon it you cannot be better aoctuntuodatau anywhere, either u to quality, make or prim, S, with middle, or low pricad goods, They offer a varied stock, and defy competition, They will sell Ready made Clothing, all of their own making•tp, at prices as low as city clothing. which are so ttpt to rip and give v.ay. They are practical tailup themselves, and hence turn out nothing but what they know t) be well gotten up.— G irP anon a call-19ok at their stock—and if you are not pleased, there's no h.trut done. Iklo trouble to show goods. !®`The latest New York and Philadelphia Fashions received. Gettysburg, Nov. 9, 1857. Important Disoovery. CONNUIIIefION and all Diseases of the Limp and Throat are positively Cured by Inhalation, whici conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and coining in direct contact with ' the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex. pectoratioa, heals the lungs, purified The blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system. giving that tone and energy so indis pensable fur the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the cunt - ol of medical treatmeut as any other for midable disease ; ninety ont of every hundred , cases can be curd in the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per I cent , for tbe L Inge are so cut up by the dia -1 ease as to bid defiance to medical skill.— Even, however, in the last stages, Inhalation Affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually ' destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone : and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's greet.- . Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption.. In all ages it has can the great enemy of life, for it. spares neither age nor eez,*but sweeps off alike the blpire, the beautiful, the graceful and the ' gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, anti the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the I free admiasion of sir into die air oells, which causes a waskeawfaitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex pect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those admire istered through the stomach ; the patient will always find, the longs free and the breathing easy, atter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhale- Lion is a local remedy, nersrtbeless it sets constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration. ehtero&wra inhaled will entirely destroy 'en*bility in a few minutes; paralyzing the entire nervous stem, so that a limb may he am putated *about the slightest pain ; inhaling , the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a ' few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead."- The odor of many of the medicines is percepti ble in the akin a few minutes after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convinc'itg proof of the consti tutional effects of inhalation. is the fact that sickness is a Treys produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happie-at results? During eighteen years' practice. many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies ID(' that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. lily treatment of cot , • gumption is original, and founded on long ex• perience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, enables we to dietinguash readily, the various forms of disease that simulate con• gumption, end apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity. in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con trained chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with felt directions sent to any pert of the United States and Canadas by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. but the care would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainti, , slid then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. GRABAII, M. D., GYlke, 1131 Filbert M.,(0kl N 0.109,) bele tel2lll, PHILADILPHL4.. PL. July 90,1857. ly Rev. C. B. Burnett, WEIILS laboring u a Missionary in " Southern Asia, discovered a simple and certain Ours for Cousimptice,,tehreo, Bros &Was, Cough*, Cads, Nervosa Debilii3r 4 and all impurities °film , Blood ; also, an easy and effectut mode of labeling the Remo*. Ao• tasted by a desire to basalt bis sugaring M inim be will ebetnfolly send the Resipe (free) o secb as desire, h, with fhl) and rudest for preparing and sueossisBy s the Medicine. Address La, a. R. BURNETT; -831 Br4muisay, N. 1. City. Anost 3;1451. iss GAfijtalglagt.—A new AWL eiWleaf .style of 43ost &ores, for Pori.. or alaa. /St All i tt is. is smosisisart 1 ** 41114 1 ,0 16411 *" loeso.scit ooluomodwitoim.sailkiao ' yds wer .br thy 4Alooloos-to'dio ow et • A `elistoleripillliisitle 10 WOO , rowilotiox. QAUmid ow it. 'M . - EADS 4 BUEHLER. I:lostiktat Cheap! T IIN undersign*, would informs his friends ad she nubile generally. that he tion• dense the CARRIAGE-31AKING BUSJ NESS, In all its branches, at his establish ment. in East Middle Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa.,..where he has on huo a first-7ste lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order whatever may he desired in his line, vis:-11,noksway and Boat-Body C'tirriages ; Falling-Top, &if:l - & Trotting Buggies, s t - Jersey Wagons, &c. With good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work to be of the Lest quality —and his prices are among the lowest. ler Repairing done at short notice, and at reasonable rater.' Country produce taken in exchange fur work. call l June 15, 1857 Attention, One & All ! NOW IS THE TIME to have your Picture taken !—S. WEAVER having provided himself' with in entire new end splendid SKY LIGHT DAGUERREAN ROOM at his resi dence in West Middle street. opposite Prof. Jacobs, one square West of Baltimore street, whore be is now prepared to furnish AXBROTITL4 AND rixocitaikorrres„ in every style of the art, which be will war rant to give astirwastisfastian. ti,is long ex perience and superior apparatus give him advantages seldom furnished by Daguerrean estabi ishments oat of the city. He has a large number of apeeintenr at his Gallery, i C luun hereto' rg atreet.wlwre he will continue as here tofore, which the public are requested to call and examine. Q3Charges from 50 cents to 810. niters of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold Lockets. Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always oa hand. at the yeti lowest prices. rnltildren :will not be taken fur less than 50 cents. ag•AMBROTYPES taken from one dollar and upwards. and in the best style. July 20. 1856. tf The Grand Show ! ♦T GlTTTsaumo, rA. X. Samson, .Manager & Proprietor Doors open at 6 o'clock, A.M.—Performance to COMO:MCO immedisttly after PRICES OF ADMISSION. Adults,..., . . , FREE Children, (under 12 years cif sige,) Huff Price GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO TILE PUBLIC: The subscriber, thankful fur past favors, Tema:Vally informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the fact that ho has just received from the Now York Auctions a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates fur case. In return fur the liber alpatronage bestowed ursna him, he Will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will be presented 1 TWO JUG:VINCE-VT PIECES! Os Iredne 3 daY. 49dober 28, and every day until further notice, will be presented the very popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS! with the following unrivalled 'mat :—Fashion able Clothing, from the finest to the lowest priced qnalitief. Gentlemen's FurniAhing Goods, in great variety. 11)00, Shoes, Hati, Caps, ,k. 0., to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making large purchases time for Lunch, &,e., 6 The whole to conclude with M. SfilllBoll'3 suc cessful Piny, entitled VARIETIES! the beauty of which will cause greatveite ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. .'6, 1857. tf To the Country, Good New& T HAVE rented the Foundry fbr the, mom ing year, and am prepared to make the different kinds of Castings usually made at a Foundrv. I will keep constantly on hind the different kinds of PLOUGHS, Pointe, Shares, Cutters, &c.; Puts, .Kettles, NM, Washing Machines, &c.; Stoves and Machinery; Por ches, Veranda'a arid Cethetery Feumnamade and put up with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; but being wi-hout repaid, and moue,y being necessary to carry on the business,- I will be compelled to sell for cash, but on all oountry work 5 per cent. will be deducted, Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasing. Give as a ealL R. M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1, 1857. Auctioneering. NDREW W. FLEMMING, residing in Breokiuridge street, near Jams Pierce's, Gettyaburg, pan his services to the public at a Bele Crier and Auctioneer. Ms chatwes are Moderate, and be will on all occasions ea deause-4. reader aatisfaetiou. -.lle hopes fn receive a share of public patronage. • •Aug. 17, 1857. Tailoring. I . IL SKELLY respectfully informs his old " • customers and the public generally, that he continues the TAILOI?I.VG BUSINESS, near his old stand, in S iuth Baltimore street, where be will be happy to accommodate a/1 who may patronize him. All work entrusted to his care warranted to fit and be of most substantial make. Thankful fur put favors, he solicits s continuance of public patronage. asirThe New York Spring and Summer Fashions are received. Call and see them. Gettysburg. April 9, 1855. Fire Insurance. THE Perry County Mutual Fire Insurance Company—Capital $l3l/ 0 586--effects in surances in any part of the State, against kss by tire ; prudently adapts its operations to its resour( es ; affords ample indemnity, and promptly adjusts its losses. Adams county is represented in the Board of Managers by ann. Mous McOLBAX. WM. MeCLEAIth Oft' etY. t W. McClean, Gettysburg. May 26, 1856. Removal. LEk. FRAZER, Watch & Clock Maker, has removed his shop to Carlisle street, below Nuke's More, where he will al ways be happy to attend to the calls of cus tomers. Thankful fur past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit and receive the patronage of the public. Gettysburg, May 18, 1837. Notice. T WOULD again remind all those indebted to me either by note or bock account, that I am now settling up my old bissittess.-- Please call and pay, its longerindnigineeow not be riven. GEO. ARNOLD. Oct. 19,14457. 15)500 YARDS of kettle lust' reeeived trete the Eas; ; Itnring• been porohased for CASIT,'Ire are *alibied - to sell say qttentity elf Muslin at - keret rata' than eiut b'. boughe. ay. *ben he the *vestry.— Call and esandanotati tat our Illinsual7 large ohutttoSitti /Udine rseasniareati thew *Tic • bar we bare nearly 14,000, r i Iris! . 4.II.NOTOcK BitaillEas. 0 TOVESI.e. variety of Cook. Parlor, -1.3 &goon oak nte Sturm east be seen at te —. 11 f1g013 21 11 1 0 Sitvada, I :Bwitikr. in trimaitilue Our Stoves , are all pur -44•14 ! kis ,i)ltin, and trill .be sold sita ebraper "apt be bdaght At retail in km dit " • ‘l''Oall'ited ibilltent. MESB:O -1 ' . on 84' and Cldidren: ' ' • EIRE & L.4,NDELL,. FOURTH Ai ARCH streets, Philadelphia, respectfully re quest Cosh Boyers to examine a fine stook of SEASONABLE GOODS, adapted lb Bur PENNSYLVANIA TRADE. Full Line 4)41401 Dress Goode. New Designs of - ,Tall Shawls. Bich Silks of Newest Styles. Good Black Silks of all widths, 4 Cases assorted French Illerinoes.. ' 7 " Poll de Sherres, New Goods. British and American Dark Prints.' JACOB TROXEL N. B. Auction Bargains from New York and this City daily rewired. Partieuhr at tention given to Country orders for Desirable Goode. Terms N Ell' CASLI. August 31, 1857. 3m, AND Furniture Establish:nen Ritltim)re 43 - mATtitovs t;.‘y ST. WAREROUNS No. 25 North Guy 314 eel, near Fayette, where are kept always on hand, or made to order, every sty le of trench TETE-A-TXTES, it: Plush, Hair, Cloth or Rrocatelle. French Full Stuff and Medallion Patlur ARM CHAIRS, to Plush, !Lair, Cloth or Bruestelle. French Full Stuff Carved PARLOR CHAIRS, in sets, wall Plunk,. Mir, Cloth or armeelle. WW AS, lu►lf French Spring Mulkotsa,7, 4nd Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, m Hair, Cloth or 1. 0 IKISO C AlRS—serione • designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plukh. Stuff' Spriitg I,ot,'N'tlES—r ainsort meta always 4111 118114, , Or SAY pattern oracle or oocered with any gouda tu order. CHAMBER SUITS--:n Mahogany or Walnut, conplete, fmut $34 np. CASE CUMIIS on 1 hawking Inrge.t ac.ortinewt ready undo in any one huusc St.t.e3 - -nr4JU) $l2 M Ja en op. Da: It Ann, OZ .o nad 'Ening CIIAIRA, in 00k, Irolnat 3lalno*my. with Cane. Woud or Slnfre.l itAit,rtuteitt cuiforicing user 50 dozen. Wwd peat CIIAIRS and igrritES and Rocking Clanir.—.l er lIiO thaw). ' -I. MA:IIIQT, N , .rth Gay Steve% near Fayeete-eareet. May 18,JR57. ly. • Pall Dry Goods. ktinetts, Caesi metres, Cloths and Vestince AMlDlins. Linens, Flannels, Blankets. ilk The Largest Chair I. StrICADS. Lumber, Coal and Stoves. NE iv .11 R pus undersigned respectfully_ ammonia to the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they have entered into a and istend opening a COAL & UMBER YARD, on Washington street, in the rear of the Eagle Hotel, where they will be hippy to see alt who rosy favor them with a call. -They will furnish every variety of Stew, Blasksmith and Limcburner's COAL, at the lowest possi ble wholesale rates, in order to introdtice it into general use. They also intend keeping a fell and general a..sortinent of LUMPIER. as soon as the Railroad k completed. 'they w'll keep constantly on hand every variety of COAL and WOOL) STOVES, among which are the celebrated Wilhant Penn, Noble Cook, Royal Cuok and ca Snell Cook Stoves. Also the Ch ir n i, Capitol, Victor. Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook Stoves. Air-tight, Star. Franklin, Hot-sir Parlor Grate. Lady Washington, Oak, Maglolis. Union, Air-tight Bare Cyl:::eler, Tropic and Harp Cannon Stoves. Persons wishing to examine their stn.& will please call at their S ove IYaro Rolm. on West Middle street, at the resixleacetittßobert Sbeads. u'Ortlers promptly attended to; WAWA l'*HgS__'llA , C. HEN ItYRUKII4I4 Gettysburg, Aug. 1857. J ILUBL.R.--S llo6 *tht ik Buehler hat,* at L their Yard on Washington stitrt, bear Rail Road - street, a large alipply otrperior River LUMBER, which those dewing to rumbas* would do wall to examine. One Dollar it Seventy-five Cents, PA ID IN A D VA.NCE, Will Secure the Regalar Vleit of " liie eo,)i ) piloi" 1 _ 'to the Home of any Fathily in the County IT9 PERUSAL . 3111,16 Afford Instruction and Aurnaeratent. . FOR FATHERS, MOTHERS, DEDTUEUS AND SIS:rE3II, 1 OLD .AND YOUG, .. MALE AND FEMALI4, A r o family should be without the Corn' iler. t . 1aa11,15 could be spent ikct 4cr ore profitable manner than by sa. ~. ing 1 for the 4 .Comilua," which wiii.. , , ish you with all the news of , therlay t thy mariasts, the marriages ivat , heaths=amp s, occurring in the oo selections of. literature, !it and humor, amtia ll that wil go to make np a first-rate iamily Newvaper. Ad dross alie.War and Prfigetor Hesar J. Sramialy- 3 .twowfammaiwa Mty 18. . JOE. •' •:t ;1 c _ 4 We' di.. e kr than over ta.ezeaste,,;,T4 l *Ex :in its various braeehis.. , = , VitigeiiviOai'eeeeeet ant illieldlibilluliinent of jobbing letter • -,. 'lO , 4,iiitOggis, the public - zany . • ' • '.... ;:. t.lbr neat ?,,,,lt ' , the ~. "Connunz ' Office di can't . C. R. 111111111411.