The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 18, 1858, Image 3
Ift& &t op itcfAiiss. :111111111belfig TO Staid di o , lld e n of tho Gettlaburg :Cociipany, oh Moodily last, nnanifuoasl,y eloctod the following gen tlemen to manage the affairs of the Company for the preAent year, viz : President, Roamer McCviwy. Dipectors, Abraham Krige, of P., Geo. W. McClellan, Jo•-epli Bailey, J. W. _Hendrix, David Wills, David M. Myers, John Gilbert, Frederick Diehl, Josiah Benner, George Throne, A. Fuller Crane, John Musselman. The Littlestownlxrd Compan) also elected i4s officers, en Nfonfla3, - Ingt. The following genthren were chosen President, WILILIAX McSLIZINLY. Directors, Jacob Sterner, Joseph L. Sliorb, Joseph Barker, Ephraim Myers, Edmund F. Shim+, William W. Dallas, Samuel Gantt, David Swartz, Peter Grabill, Daniel Mahring, John Mahring, (Hoek Creek) Robert Hickly. 'The several Annual Reports of both ('ompanies will be found in this num ber of The C4.nipiler. They contain many interesting and 'gratifying facts, and exhibit careful and efficient man agement on the part of their respectivo officers. The works promise a speedy realisation of the hopes of the public. Jtesd the _Reports. -- e•arbof Or. Knox: Rev, Jottzt KNOX, of the Collegiate nefortned DuLeh Church, died at hb, residence, in New York, on Friday evening week. Dr,liCnOX was next to the oldest settled pastor in New York. He was born near Fairfield, in this county, of pious parents of tho highest respecta bility. lie pursued his literary course and graduated at Dtekinson College, Carlisle, Pentoiylvania, in 1811° lie then entered the Theological Seminary of the Associate Reformed Church, un der the superintendence of the Rev. Dr. John 31. Mason, and was licensed for the Gospel Ministry in 1815. The funeral of Dr. Knox took place in the Middle Dutch Church, in New York, on Thesday. There was an im -11101130 attendance, including most of the cisrgy in the city, with representa tireauf the of the General Synod, Board of Domestic Missicins, Board of Foreign sfissions, 'Board of Yducation, Board of Publication and the American Tract Society. Rev. Drs. ]McElroy, Bethune, Van Brankin, Magie, Hut ton and Spribg onietated.—The corpse was deposited in a vault under- the church. • IlLesterm. Prof. Jarmo dehvereil s Lecture be fore the Youn,g-Men's Christian Asmoci mina, is Christ- Church; on Monday ccening bast, ou "Meteorology." This evening Dr.eaas- Holtman will lecture in St. Janten'tintreb--subject, "Hygiene." Prof. P. £. MuncitYßlCltO will deliver the Lecture 01 Monday evening, the Y.Stia, in the 'Methodist Church. filerT, D. CAasom, 1.:4*g., on Tuesday last,- was chosen Cashier of tho Bank of Gettysburg, to fill the vacancy occa sioned, by the death of J.'uxasox, EN? Iu the death of Mr. ILePherson, the .institstioa sustained a sorere loss, hut it has been Tory fortunate iu finding use as eigliguaLly qualified to take his place. Mir Mr. JouN ifOKK has disposed of his Dry Goods and Grocery Store in the Diamond, to Messrs. CaaWrosO GICINX tt liao., who will take possession in tho spring. iilirWe hare made more room for new subscribers. The ledger just opened is ample for almost any number. So " keep on a-eorning"--for we are rather partial to "a rush" of that sari. A kind word by our present patruns to their neighbors might hare a desirable effect. The greater the patronage, the better we can, and will, make the paper. " That's so !" "Ernie January Court conumineeA to-day. SPY roat tba Auditor General's Re port for the past year we find that this amount of monies paid into the State Treasury during the year from WA motility Wawa follows : York sad Gettysburg Turnpike CAS paay, tax on $37 17 I roll Nar Rod - 31 " . Tar era Licenses —. 816 57 " Retailers' " ..... .... 0441 16 " Pedlars' •• ..... 70 SO " Circus, ..... . ............ 47 50 " Distiliery, 784 YilitiaFlsaa,. 67 07 John Pietrag,Proth' on writsotc., 228 06 Wm. F. Walter, Re aster, 151 57 Collateral lakeritance tax, 542 50 Littleatows R. R. Co., tax on charter, 100 00 $1:,408 95 Amount received for various purposes from the Eitste,,ditring the same period : Pea/dose sad Gratuities, $l4O 00 Commas Ekbootil 2.228 so Ity alesembar, is. oa Gattyskir LEL 600 00 Jobe Ykkkir, if ili 100 00 Z.G.Harre, pub. Ames &to Cea.,1854, 129 50 u 4 , 11151, 100 00 D. A. fir, " u 1854, 129 SS J.?. M'llleasy ' " if 1852, 100 00 Ablaut's', of 1911ablinz ......... -...... 684 21 I , irwasatile 1ppra15ar,......----- -. .14 06 Lim elligileelled .1 17 haters. S tri en *eon:asks, *lf 4 12 fa as article for eattiag. y is tastaL a , I 4 is Idol every man Ina. 414' 1 V 0.61,11 , 44 12 Ills sea et Oa plasoes:... *- 04. 1 it 1 4 0 ". 01 42 , -, 44 Oilis liStisoor. if to 2 i bra *oboe. ib die iiiiibidihriiiddinismikdagesal were consumed by lirn. The dre was not discovered until , about midnight, when it was too late to save anything, the Whole establishment being completely enveloped in flames. .Six horses and eight head of horned cattle were burnt to death. One of the horses broke out and ran away, but returned in about an hour so badly burnt that ho was not expected to recover. Mr. C. also lost 20 bushels of Clover seed—winch he had bagged and had intended to bring to town in a short time-100 bushels of wheat, over 100 bushels of oats, and all his corn, together with his wagons, farming implements, and machinery. The loss is estimated at about $2,000. The fire was supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. So say* tit* Chamber*burg Spirit. About the most useful tiring that any , person in business can have in these times, is a.correct and reliable Coanter frit Detector and Bank Note list. This want is now to be supplied. Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Brothers have just con meaced the publication of "Perna /Mee PHILADRLPHIA COUNTERZRTT Da- Ttel'oa AND BANK Noilt LIST "—a monthly quarto publieation,whieh con thins all the information that can be obtained in regard to all Counterfeits, Broken Banks, and the rates of dis count on all the Bank Notes of the country. Messrs. Drexel & Co., the well known Bankers and Brokers, of that city, will impervise it and make the corrections in each number of the list, that it. may be perfectly relied on, while the well known house of *E. W. Clark k Co., Commission Stock and Ex change Brokers, will eorrect the Stock List. Not being intended to subserve the purpose of any banking house, as most of the Detectors do, it will be a useful and reliable publication to the whole business community, and we would advise all of cur readers to remit the price of one year's subscription to the publishers at once for it. Theprice is but ONIC DOLLAR a year. To Clubs, Four copies for $3 00; or Ten copies for $7 00; or Twenty-five copies for $l5 00. Address all Orders to T, B. Prreasoy & BROTHERS, 305 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. se-The ladies of. Christ Church, (Lutheran) hare made Dr. Krauth, their Pastor, a Life Member of the Young Men's Christian Association. siirTho Blues' Band were handsome ly entertained at .fr. lamas Pixnex's on Frhlay erening—and they "dis coursed" excellent music on the oc evion, exhibiting a gratifying degree of progress in the art of making sweet sounds. Capt. Buzau:a gave them an oyster supper some evenings since. sir Few printing offices in the State are better prepared to do all kinds of Job Work than this. New type, of the latest styles, are frequently added.— Give us a call. siir.L. JOHNSON & Co., Sansone street, Philadelphia, have issued a new book of Specimens of printing types, borders, cuts, rules, dashes, &c., which " takes down " anything we have yet seen in that tine. The country cannot excel their " warm; " for variety, faultless fin ish and good taste. NW Dr. Musasoca, fbrakerly of our county, was on Moa4ay last, elected Physician of the Asephin county Altus House, • massses. Black Republicanism is about to be . robbed of the food upon which it has so long existed, and its leaders are likely soon to be deprived of the means by which they have been enabled, for the past three or four years, to keep the country in a state of trouble and com motion, and to manufacture fbr them selves capital upon which to operate at home. The wounds of bleeding Kanssa are fast being healed, and in a few days, or weeks at furthest, the country may, we think, calculate on seeing this vexed and dangerous question pass forever from the theatre of national politics.— Kansas will soon present herself for ad mission into the Union, and that Con- i gnus will promptly cute to receive her,l there can be no doubt. All the advice. from that country concur in stating that * majority even of the free State men are now willing that it should bo admit ted into the Union, with the Lecompton constitution; and it is hardly reasonable to suppose, this being so, that their self-constituted champions here—those who have threatened opposition upon the pretext that the constitution was not fairly submitted to the people— will throw further difficulties in the way, In fact, farther opposition, un der the circumstances, cannot have j even the shadow of honesty, and can I be attributed to no other cause than a desire on the part of those making it to I keep up the slavery agitation as a means of promoting some personal or party purpose. If, then, Judge Doug las and. those who have ollowed him in I his late extraordinary course are hon est in what they have said and done— if they are really and sincerely desirous of e = l 3 . o n ut the priaeiples of the I•.' bill—if they wish, as they _ ans profess a to do, to act in oonoert with m , and the Demo. ! irr Leans Aso 0 ITTLEIrrf : —WO vain eel ' oar ...- _ d_ iii_iatraske elastic party, and with th em h onestly ......... Prot. ire z i:. MI! &at: rat iiip lr i o tio Mme. i lm desire the dilllcalt and dangerous sub- ' =we esal ith , PrOP 100 "" ma , lades* wascom l oo t of sl aver y t o be forever removed ...r . ".. "... r =ts t rzbr a ti.... mosemosed.• from the halls of Congress, and peace ! 16 Owa,ltielh• color,a imselk4sZg l “ .. 7o:7 l .lr,g . :l . II tiair t• and quiet one* more "motored to the riL l is's.?sersi u .,„ ry a vootive for the far Mai of tho holr ' country--come forward like patriote : 0 t 1"" d ""' 55. " 4 -.1.; rc,Th.. trig t f l o o: bas° hair, and. Democrats and welcome Kansas in- nlii• 0•801. a ut,m,*,.. 4 1. = . 6 .% 4 "1 t i.: 144.41 . - to the Union. Any other course will j rs t, "1 last i 7, ' '.17::: - ..:7 -- ;;S.1" - . -- . - • k.. -, bat hat serve to show the holkowness of their * wil l Is r i r emanYlZMlsilfti with "siwaw " 7 " prig ook m, a d ow o ot to the interest. i .... boo Ow =he i.e Sbo More perpoese •Us !,fithatimmi4 pod to k ee p a li ve a stet . ! n. 6 Ghee we Wiles a "OW sooliel we. Irked, Ire Oak ‘l4l ilOri sow WPM sob Iltisee bus Pref. Weed's 1 • • 1111.11011- that . Mr it sli st es es f ecies so art •Or *I .' i , ill( ' her beill" 1 Ittirrpttpw.aazai . !,* qestioes . YeatthiiSltist Union. SA.A• or i&Lt Digotpwrs. Jaw I/. tw. $4,228 . 06 See a. Camishir 16/.lllolh - illiamtillit. ♦ Now /ACP Ali, nod near "n• your 0 • Tbe inaeteratioa of Gov. Paella will take place to-morrow. Tweaty military com panies will be present. Titers will be a grand time. The Dissoeratis State Convention of Indiana, in genial week before last. passed resolutions strongly endorsing Mr. Buchanan and bla Administration. Ex-Gov. Willard pre sided. The tables of mortality show that the lives of editors. compared with other men. are comparatively short. They wear eta before their time. Civil war is Mexico is looked opal as inevitable. One million six hundred thousand dollars in gold has just arrived from California. The six millions of C. S. Treasury notes will be takes is New Tort at three per cent. as soon ea they oafs be issued. ......Oax army fur Utah was coesibtiably quar tered at Fort Bridger at last accoaate. ......The Mobile Register sastaiebe the Pepsi deist's coarse is relation to the iiiihnellsesolud thinks that Vale southern people have redeem they will see the expansiou of this country southward by peaceablanseaanennelt more ear taialy Lima by violence and outrage. This is excellent advice, and worth eatteldeeation. The Teatucky Democratic Coeveatiou has endorsed the President's polii:y in regard to Kansas, lilibusterism, *c. E. B. Burbank, of Palmyra, N. Y., was promoted os New Tear's day ;with $20,000 and a land warrant of 160 acres °fired, by her brother who resides in Louislaaa. The state of Tarawa has appropriated $2,000 for a meameat to Mau AUea. Mr. Piekeas, of Routh Carolina, was on Monday eoalinsed by the Senate as Ilisuster to Ratak. Widow Stodard died in Fulton to., N. Y., on Christmas day. She was born in Connecti cut in the year 1770, on Christmas day—was married on Christmas day and died on Christ mas day, aged 91 7ears. The spare troops front Kansas and else : where are to be ordered to concentrate im nediately fur the reinforcement of the Utah Ex pedition. It is stated in the New Orleans Crescent that the sugar crop of Louisiana for 1857 will be .from 225,000 to 250,000 Utile., against about 1.15,000 hhds. in 1856. The best cure for dyspepsia is to collect bills for a newspaper. If that don't give you AO appetite, you mi g ht as well sell your stomach fOr tripe, and have done with it. A young lady, fond of dancing, travels, in the course of a single season, about four . hundred miles. Yet no lady would think of walking that distance in six months. At a meeting of the Cincinnati llorticul . tural Society last week,Mr. fledges contributed a magnificent cake made by his wife, and sweet ened with molasses of Chinese sugar cane. Gen. Scott is in Washington on business ; connected with the army. All marriages of residents of Maine, solemnized out of the State, with the inten tion to evade the publishotent law, will be void, if the parties retsrn to Maine and reside. ......A few days since, a barber offered a re ward of /10 for the best receipt for "Instantly removing superfluous hair." Among the an swers was oue forwarded by • gentleman who /peaks from experience. We give it— . "Cndertake to kiss a woman against her will." The deepest shaft In California is 215 feet in depth, and the rock taken out pays $2OO per ton. The worst feature in a man's face is his nose—when stuck in othfr people's business. Remember thit—youw hu are in the habit *bob bing around. Winter, which strips the leaves from around us, makes us see the distint regions they formerly concealed ; so does old age rob us of oar enjoyments, only to enlarge the pros pect of eternity before us. By • peculiar process, leather may be chemically tanned 'without bark, or with only one fourth the quantity. Chapped Hands.—The application of raw linseed oil at night and morning is said to be an effective cure and preventive of this trouble some complaint. The Texas Legislature has passed a bill which allows free negrose, who may desire it, to melee masters and become slave*. Ta courtship. three hard squeezes are a long waT ahead ordozens of soft words. 4 Courageous Girl.—A daughter of William ifouglikirk, a respectable farm er of Sohobarie county, N. Y., wbo was inclined to suicide on account of losses by endorsing fur a friend, followed her father to the barn where she found hire hanging by the neck and black in thii faoe. Being unable to lift the body, she took his knife from his pocket, cut him down, brought water in his cap from a spring and threw it over him, and had tilOr satisfaction of Seeing him revive, when she called asiistanee; and he is now likely to live, and repay the piety of his daughter, we trust, by put tie geelf-marder away from his thoughts. Elbe is a courageous girt but 17 years Old. T. Zionism" Cloassiord Came. Wafinntottr, Jan. 13.—The commit tee on elections of the llottse hive been occupied for three days on the case of Meagre. Brooks and Davis, of the fourth eongrossional 'district of Maryland. Mr. Brooks closed to-day, and the committee , passed a resolution declaring it to be a case demanding rigid examination.— The committee adjourned till Monday, and will then decide whether to send a special committee to Baltimore, or send for persons and papers. Judgment Rendered.-4udgment was rendered on the sth instant against Gen. Win. Walker and his surety, 8. F. Slat ter, in the Circuit Court of tho United States, at New Orleans, for 52,000 on the recognisance of the former to ap pear to answer for a breach of the neu trality laws, and which recognisance was forfeited by his departure in the Fashion in November. ig be '(+Jan- uary) if he sits up till midnight, may see. if the night be clear, an astrononn -1 cal phenomenon which will not again occur for niueteen years, when two thirds of the people now upon the 'earth, will have passed to their final ' rest. At twelve o'clock that night the moon, so near full as to appear a per feet orb, will approach within ten de grees of the meridian,—live degrees nearer to it, than the sun mines on the 21st of June. Seen from ar elevated position commanding the whole horizon, lit will be a splendid sight. The moon will seem to be almost in the zenith, the Iton degrees being much diminished in appea.rance at that far height. The anti lis never vortical in say part of the {United States. On the 21st of June-it !comes within one degree of the zenith and the extreme southern point of Florida, The moon on the other hand, will, at the next full, pus vertically over the middle of the Isthmus, and bo vertical at and Dear the bay of Espiritu Santo. It will be nearly vertical et the southern extremity_ of Louisiana, near the month of the Mississippi. At the cities of Mobile and New Orleans the moon on that night will be so nearly overhead that the people who an out at midnight will not be able to discern the differenos if the change to look up. It will there, of course, ben more beauti ful sight than it will be in Baltitricev.— The next morning, those who rise early enough to see the moon *et, will see it sink liencath the borison so ter to the; ! northeast that it will seem to have wandered off from .its path, and to be. !drifting at largo towards the north pole. It is asked, 'what is the cause of this phenomenon ?—why does the moon ex hibit such irregular appearances? The answer is, that she does not revolve round the earth in the same plane in which the earth revolves round the sun. , The plane of the moon's orbit cuts the plane of the earth's orbit at an angle of; five degrees. If the planes were the , same, there would be two ethpites every month, one of the sun and one of thou moon. At the equator both ,eclipses would be total. As it is, there can be an eclipse only when the sun and the moon pass each other at the time when the moon is in that part of her orbit which is near the points of intersection. Here there can be only four, five or at most six eclipses in one year, instead of twenty lour or five, as there otherwise might be. For the same cause eclipses vary in magnitude from a mere point of contnct to a total obscurat.ion. But why di;es the moon obtain such a high northern I.ititude only once in nineteen' years? The answer to this is that the points of intersection of the moon's orb it and the sun's apparent path through the heavens are continually shifting and make a cycle once in nineteen years. Twice in nineteen years these points of intersection coincide with the points of the equinoxes. But ono halt' of the time the five degrees of the moon's de viation from the ecliptic are subtracted from the twenty-three and a half degrees of the inclination of the earth's orbit, and then the moon never comes so far north as the sun by five degrees. This was the case in IglB. Then the moon, at the full nearest to the 21st of Docent , ber, did not approach within twenty degrees of the zenith; nut as near by live degrees as the sun does on the 21st of June. At the completion of half the cycle the points of interrection coincide with the equinoxes, and the five degrees are added to the sun's declination, and we have the moon as wo do this month, mounting up within ten degrees of the zenith, and presenting, at the full moon, nearest the winter 'solstice. a phenome na both boantifhland sublime. In cor roboration of this explanation every ore may refer to the &bummer of this year, and he will find that the principal eclipses fall in March and Sept...labor, when the earth is in those parts of her orbit where the plane of•the equator outs the ecliptic.-7Sua. Irrllime ON M theeldell IN dor of limo Gomel&lets, each r desieliee. Loyebrepeie or Lilvilf Ofr owes et say tied, bet Testi mg. id' lie* ed • Moody' kw thee* eareeriey •ialtetteee .1 11. t tea sirelpieer f hrialtd maws ea larstenlier write W .s emit Woes Uwe beget • beetle el Dr. Seedurd's tierletereter. sad une It for we berm room preened experbreee that It Y amp et the greeted romedlee ter greerel .erbellty, eel aorneueet leeneve bodily pedant ober betas seed. 111 adios le se perfect sot onapiste as to sire »14.1 the first tiro takes. eel 1(11 4.. a In taw' •• It baa dose as e.. hell a bottle wilt be all lb* I. entile4. W 4 teas of emelintis we CUB reeomeired as& soradoses, •• • fatally medicine, as tletr Arreiroebe. D. r Bnebler. Agent for Oettyeionqc; Wm. SOIL 'hnorer ; and Chunky It. Hen ry..Ablin"Untown. Jan. 11. 4w tri , "lnsea C. C. timewiropow. sag . Presbliot of the dldoimalltate Ihmk.--Destreit. Cog. id, 11341. Da thus. It (Jogai: Dear bit:-1l iris; boonsgreat aisferer from Dyammiiii. and bar* boon amyl an I bedtime ter your Oxygosslad store.l most cheerfully admit %Mr Miesey. NY mad dad • hod sae. la tbe sped, of four mom** I Snot rnl stramitb, and forty-wee perusals of dock. wail composite ed to abetaben badness. mot nonfood as invalid GO Oftema Danalllla. Travailing. alsemaces Irma nallre duty, had Joao Gar m., bat there gm nod little probelsilltr 4 a to I Organ In take the , Bitter. Is ono 'rook I was molly rdiered, mod ea three wreeke I am perfectly sill, and We woes re..calmed thirtr peso de or dealt You era at liberty to ase the. If it sill at all further your lendable porpoise of dillader Ibis ralaable mine Jr. Iteapisatfully e C TROWBUID6I4. Seas eerldleates as tbe abore. aro aot to be obtained i• favor of • medial.. doetltute of toerit, bat era only (Mull apes lb. most astistactary proofs el duper 111401147 aod Sam W. Fuwmt Co., 13S Washington street, Boston, Proprietors. S.)ld by their 4gengeverywherc. A. I►. BCLISLEIL, (Jetty.- Jan. 11. 2w Corree,s4frogi I. Isten Daftaiaors,Yort t Mumma. paten 144 .41 - 4,I'So(•1 'i)l.l6(e'l iicipokts. Ballineurs--I'aday lust Flour, per barrel, $4 50 4G2 Whest, per bushel, 1 (i 3 (5 1 2.5 Rye, '• (5 78 Curti, Osta, Chimer-seed, Timothy-xml," 2 25 4 , 2 5) Beef Cattle, per hand., 650(9 8 50 Hogs, .. 600 (9 .6 23 liar, per .Son, 12 00 (916 00 Whiskey. per gallon. 19 (9 2L klusuo, Peruvian, per ion. 65 00 /taeorer—Therertay last. Flour, per 'JO., from irsgose, $4 12 Do. " from stores, 4 75 Wheat, per Isabel, 87 (3 I 90 Rye, M as Corn, s, 45 " Oats, 27 Ckmerseed, " 4 75 Timothy, " Mater, per too, York—F.44e Sari, Flour, per bbL, from **goes, 44 25 Do„ " from stores. 500 Wheat, per bushel, 90 ®1 03 Rye, ft 66 Corm, 41 ` • ' 46 Osta, ,t 21$ elertleiled? • oe. firsailay, • . 6 4 to : Plater, pet toe, _ • ___ _ soir Sheriff .‘ Xint . M, Os ' 7* - - .. . - ' • , day 11111111‘.11ii44400114ijoeJSItidle Nom- • WIIIWsI aleount-ti Sewer?. Lours. Can- THE salseepibers Aping Weed into part 3111MT, in Reeding township, for 11500. .. ...le4, in nasty Loma, (Lainati.%) has 1 norship wider -tip style tie& flrm of 11. i beeWaseu n the Curt of Common Pleas of S & E. U. MINNIOII, respectfu_ 11y_ Apex S. Xllllll.ll, purchaser. i Adearssounts, and will be confirmed by the the citizens of Gettysburg and rdi l M {Raid l`...tutt on rassday . .du 23d day of F•brlr• they hare opened a noir, lizge sad Hell-sue ' ars iseri, artless cause he shown to the con- lectel assortment of " bury. JACOB BUSHEY, Froth' y. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, — Jan. 18, 19x8. 4t at the old•established stand, on &loth -Bast New Court House. corner of the Diamond, formerly called the SEALED Propoants will be received at the and price. In part of Dry (1.048.--Black aloe of the Commissioners of Adams Silks, Black Alpaeeas, plain and fancy De amity: until 3 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday, . !nine!, Bereete, Ilinghninr, plain and fancy the lak . clay of Fehr liar V woo, for the ereo- , jecoacts , plan Ittot,dott . ‘t swum victoria ... lion, in the B 'rough of Gettysburg. of anew 1 L a ne, Mull Mousline, blue sea unbleached COCRILHOUSE, SO-by Pei feet, two stories .moirtio..l., atnaburg, Bed Ticking, Jaquerbd in height, with totpots;&•. aper. - • .1 1 Sensituid speottleatlons mar be sena - et the , Di Gems, end 's weix —Black, . Cloth, o 5 • • . Oleos, ton ana alter Monday,' the lido( ehroarr. Black Ciseritueses, fancy runt plain Clialli !IR? . PICKING, . meren, Silk and fancy Vesting. Kentucky 401I.Likli BEN vim ` 1 .feanor, Tweeds , Dimino, Cottoned's. Farneet's i . ~JAGB RA.FFENSPEROEft, - i Deili—every style and price. A. Mot assort- Attiit..... ___ . . . ciartattefocerr. , mint of Cleves and llcrsiery of every &We Mid J. M..W.titte, Perk.' • • +q ualit y . 'l. OFOOetioit—Brown. CruebeJ,Graneb.te, Jut. 11. 1853. . • Ptientresto. ar Sirup, Vita , Orleans 3101fleaell, Ground Mum . . I Mid Ilnetidta, Dairy do., Groseinne Glass- W ILL tre nc trgl*Publio Icle, at the late ware , c u tl er y, cectar-were, tool every other ma° ' 3044 WlLbgh", deceased, ' article found in a well-conducted Dry Goods in Franklin township, Adams county. shout , an d ornee,„, Store • . one mile from Iduaiamisburg. on the road H ar i ng . 60 , 4 , 1 their stpek w i th can, they leading hoot Ilussesaeboare to distettlmolmrll, are enabled to sell cheap for ('am, and re m r ifoodoe, the loth day ctl . J.Aamer.e 11411 •• the' spectfully solicit a share or the public ra- Milmring property, via: 3 head of HORSES, • tranaire. (one of Went a first-ratel3rood Nlare,) I Colt, garAll.kinds of Country Product) taken in 5 lased of Mileh Cowes, 3 head of Yoileg Cat- I ea d iang , f or g ,d s. t1e.13 head et S:teep. SIM WI figs : a ear-g aols. H. 5.... b ,E. U..IdINNICLIi -row tread wor„.,-v, with bed, bows, cover. r 0, 4 . e. 1,857„ . and feeding trdfigh . : Hay !solders and _ _ _ _____ World Ladders. Ploughs and Haritnra• Win- l • we. ust.mtertit. • canto 'MAAS. nOleing Mill, Cutting Bit, two-horse Sleith. I Family Grocery and Provision Wheel-barrow. Horse Omni, Ornin Cra le. Hty by the ton,l;rant by the liteshel 'and in the - - - Store. grimed. Akan, Houstebold and Kitchen Furni- 11ILLESPIE & SHOMAS respectfully in sure, such as Beds and Bedding, Tables, ! `-' ll form the people of Gettysburg and the Chairs, Kitchen Coplmard, Ten-plate 5..0ye, ' pnldie generally, that they Cave just return- Clock, Pots and Kettlev, with a variety of i ad from theeily with a general assortment or other surtielea; 3or 4 Saps of Bees, a Grind- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS and V EGET.I - L-oun, Pork in the pickle by ' BLEB, which they are prepared to ,ell's, lOW tho lb.. Lard by the lb., La., In. !as the loireet. FLOLIR anii, : tKE/J always un gar Sale to oomunence at 10 o'clock. A. M., I hand, used sold at small profile. on said day, when attendance will be given , Store on York street, one door east of Wat and terms made known by tine' 'tote!. HEN RT - WILDESIN, .Idat'r. 1 Gettysburg, Aug. 3, 1857. • Jan. ii, 1838. ' --- ---- -- Hover's Liquid Hair -- W' rublio.Ssle. , VIE testimony of Prof. &Kith' and Dr. TIIE subscriber intending to remote, will ' A Brinekle baring preriemdy been publieh offer at public sale, on the premises, on' ed. the following is now added: 8,1„,„1„,, the zusa d.i., j t y j ainu t r y i n .o„l From Prof. MeCLosety, formerly Prolistemr a HOUSE and LOT, situate in liiountioy ,of Theory awl Practice of Medicine ln the township, Adst.o. county, 2 miles from Get-: Female Medieul College of Pctitisslyania,.lllll tysburg, on the Baltimore Tu rn pike. ad. l late Professcr of Surgery in the Ainertetus joining Holm's (late. The Lot twenties 7 I College of Medicine, &c. - • • acres, more or less. of imProred i-, i • Pus Lseetruis, Nor. 2711 e, RM. Granite Land, well limed : the • i gel , Me. Jostru E. Moretti—A trial vf:your 110 USE is a one-aini-shalf-atory. .' ' ifii Liquid Hair Dya * rli I convince tote dust roughcast ; there is also a Ban _ ...„,:..,_, skeptical, OW tioty. Ede, eiwasil,,and elficit- Barn,7% well of never-failing water, ti benuti- , eiott4 preparation. Calik - e' Many otligni, it ful young Apple Omitted of choice fruit, with I has in several hietaneee'penved rettieeittele in pears, plums, poaches. gages, &c., on the) the sure et soma catsseuelt ertspaiens 'en the premises. Persona wishing to view the pro. i head, and I hare no begirt' i 9 c ommending ports will please call on the subscriber, re- it to those reqpiriug suc h an apptleatitin. aiding thereon. • Very respectfully: • . ' (Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. - P. M., J. F. L 31(Cisetaer, M. D., on said day. when attendance will be given, 475 Race, St., abuts 13th. end terms made known by i war !lover's ITl•iibig fiske,includittg Iferlor's Writing Pruitt, and . tforeOt InifeNS# lake, itiirThe balance of Walker's fbroe in Nicaragua, trader Col. Anderson, has surrendered to Captain Sands, of the U. S. mteam-fngate Susquehanna. ( ...nos a•at• Ow mill Mather, inar dart ilitllireisfn Kell &amity •.cr saw ismarever It Now. On 'Thunder eventng bast,by Rev. Mr. Can Wrck. S MILLIM, of La Rue, larion county. Ohio. $o xin sum ix. daughter of Mr. Geary Ciiip, - :of Cumberland township, this soma,. The printer's beet wisbes go with them. 'May thy, "Allay filial Of She sanshloe, and meet Am oldie morrows, of life. - - On the 29th of Der. by the Rom Mr...+Waeuer Mr. PETRI? BOBLITZ. of Moriptjoy tovraship, to Miss MARGARET X. 1.011. daughter of WEILB- Lott, Reg, of Mosustpiviseaut towaship. - On the Ist milli., by Rer: Mr. Demeter,. Mr. JAMES DOLAN. of Rushee torrnahip, to Miss ELIZABETH TOLAN, of Mountplassaut tmfn ship ' Owthe 14th last.. try the Rey. Jacob Ziegler, Mr. JACOB W. BRELLZMAN, of Menallen tovraship. to MU LT DI it, S. SLIMES, of Butler Itownship. .4.11r4 loares as tress the nese of I. Neel ; Nut" VOSS la real*. ow vitherlag *a the groan I." Oa Saturday week, at noon& Hill, Reading , township, lir. JACOB MYERS, iged about 52 years. Okthe 12th inst., Yrs. SUSANN.A. wife of Sir. Michael Kann. of Middletown, Bather town ship, aired 74 years ♦ months And 1:1 attys. T PRIVATE SALL—The undersigned offers at Private &Ile. all his Real Halals as follows: No. I.—My tato residence in Gottygbnrg, frotatinx3o feet on Clomtbersburg mune, with Brick Dwelling, Stable, and other improve ment*. 2.—LA adjoining above on the West. fronting 29 feet (matted. with Stalile, 3....-Lot adjoining No. 2. fronting 32 feet on sane street..witis large Coach Ship, and other improvements. No. .1-14 , 4 N .. 3, frontin% feet. with doable Briok Dwelling, S.uith S ion, ie. Na s,—Lot west of the Foundry, with I Steens Saw end Grist ICU. 1 No. , 6..i—Lot .kijoining N. 5, containing about 3 Acres. • No. 7.—Three Lots fronting each 31 feet on Chauabersburg street. No. B.—Lut in 1106u:tore street, with Log Dwelling. ko. 1 No. 9.—L northeast of town, containing &beat 4 Acres. No. W.—Tract or Land in Ilamilumban township, lying on 3tarvh credit. containing 151 Aimed, part—oleared nail part in first-rate timber. I 1.--Cuach Establishment in Shep herdtown, Vs., with good will, kr. The In ( cation is an admirable olio fur bushiest, and improvements in good order. ) seirTitles good and terms to suit pureha , sera. Enristire of D. A. Brenute, Rdq., Got ; tysburg, or the undersigned residing in Slicp herdstown, Va. C. W. 11OFFMAN. ti N. B.—lf not sold by the let of March, the above propertied will be fur lieut. Jan. 18, 1638. , ------- ! Public ible. TO: subscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell at Publie 'Sale, at his residence, on the mad leading frota MCSberrystown to the York Turnpike, alsout I} mile* from the latter, tot TAersday, The !411. of February urrt. the following property, viz: 3 U tit3ilS, ' C.m. and Young Cattle, Three-horse Wagon. 11 irse (leers, Ploughs and Harrows, Cultiva tors, Winnowing )lill, "2 (}rind Stnnes, C rw Chains, Rakes, Forks, &a. Also, II mmisold and Kitchen Furniture such ap Table., Chairs,. Berea, fkrweill, furniture, and Bad ' ding, Chem.', Shot thin, and mossy other ar ticles, too 011930fOUISt•luieution. gitair Solo t. counntence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Jan. 114.18.111. ti WE Gettysburg ltaiknad C.nroutv will ro wive fur traminumation, at 11:0 WarehtitlMl of their agents, Motu*. Ratans anti Winter, in New Oxford. all kinds of tendass, mer chandise. Lc.. and roeeits, at. eke Rams place, . nil ourtsigmatents made b their mare, I/ MaCUUDY, Pres' Jan. lA, 18511. it HAVING sold my &ere , end intending to change my letinewt. I hereby notify all who know theettelrei indebted.te toe by mite, or amount to call Ande the same ..n of before the 20th , as after that I will collect all claim*, es won es the law will allow. I rust pay out and to oust*. for Immo what I mt. JIM. 1$ '4B. a JOILN 1101111. nO you wish to find gor.A._•mployetmellt and make money with Httlenr no investment, and withuet interfering with your regular basinons ? If you do read this edveriimmaeot. C. E. Tope & Co.. of WY/ Broome street. New York, are marsufacturing and selling massive gold Pencil, fir cash, (which are cheap et that price.) and they throw io a gift or prise with each Pencil. worth from $2 up to n 5. dit 0 . Z 4 l $3O. $.&, $7.1, SIIXI, 8200, and $5OO. Don't ery out, " Humbug! LAterV !" It's no such thing. The Pencils are old at their card/ rake. and all the prolog over the first nd, are thrown into the gifts, which setitally cost the purchaser nwhing.— The prises are distributes.] on a ,imple plan of drawing, which would take too much room to explain. but w.hicia hat never failed to give complete eatiefactiou. We hare drawn and acuttnistrelumerir 183 golderatch es of various prim/n.1.1 parses of gold dollars, 238 gold lockets, M 5() cdrX Chains, and a cor responding number of Other prises, within two months. TIIERE ARE NO BLANKS, bet every purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and it stands thousands of chances to a higher Azure. We want a good a7,ent in every neizhbor hood throughout the country, to solicit pur• chasers, end any agent. to be successful, mast have a Pencil and prise to exhibit.— We pay agents Al oath fur each purchaser he obtaisa, mad the lint pecsoe in say neighbor- Loudwu applies for a Pencil and gift, will receive the agency for that locality. Should as agent obtain a valuable prise to exhibit with his Pencil. he would have little diSoel ty in obtaining !cores of purchasers, and making it apaying b usiness. A '4IIW IDEA FREADI! READ !! !—We ask nobo dy o senatheir money till the y know what prize they drair- Any pvelonfl'inshiug to try their leek, ten fret nee us their name and address, and we will make their drawing wed infuses these by Meru mail whatprise N draw. When they sus send on and take the Pencil and prise. or net. whichever they &louse. We gin this Fri Muse way once to a purchaser. Alter the every lihreheiter 'nibs required to send in advance, iiitoitgh die saatintrised agent. We will send with eta dewing he imam iskip"a Ipso, with Ad& deemitedis afdi of slitswing„ Janne . 40. EvrelDita r eli t 7.1 lit, 11158 ea B rumes u 55 64 34 36 5 50 5 75 (0 I 50 a5O T itiliqh. 11.111RLED, To 0. DIED Valuable 8381 altate EMANUEL GOLDEN To the Public. Made. Aguas, Attention! Jan. 11, 18551. to Alministrator's liotiee Joux WILDEMN'S ESTATE.--Let teri mulmuimmistration (in the estate of J.Mst Witie4in, late of Franklin township, county . . dezeammd. having been grant ed to the undersigned, residing in the acme township. he hereby givei notice to all per soul indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those havingelaiuti against time seine wpremnt them properly authenti cated for settlement. Tiro* Daily Miriels. ' ' • ErraA .B...coMiii.dti.ilfl6!4s.:-Tiiiim direigned tett:Who hie thanks Mate public ,‘. t kw the IMCl9UngeliteSS .betatoconvel i temlo4 to . -- - ----- -- .- -- I him, and takes pleasure in announcing that 1 IC Agentir Wanted. t rum .matpleted et rangemems by ' I CLLEN't DITINESS' OPENIPNG.-. • whieb TWO DAILY - lINBS of e•:,..,: • _. E'Wantilid a few energetic, industrious Men, 1 Ceadme Will-ran between,oettys. eseeneell'-• to sell Agriculturel Beets am mg the Farmers. Ur; and fletiover, to connect with the trains Very favorable terns will be Ki refl. With . tri and Bons' Ballimons, York, Ilarritbarg, proper attention, mere than SlllO per month. 1 Philadelphia, ,tee. , Persons desiring tickets or elem. profit. above allwiputtees, can borealis- illiOrMation will call on the undersigned; or on A o.L rare stance to make money without (* . litmus Tarr, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle risk. Fur fearticulara. apple immediately to Hotel, its Cisitnbereburg street. A. 0. MOO ICE, Agritsulterafß kik Publishers,, VilleFi, al attention given to all packages, No. I W Fulton &rot., New York. etc. or other business entrusted to the under- Jan. 4, 1858. tit sig ned between Gettysburg end Hanover, - - - - --7--7-t--- winch will he promptly and carefully autiesi - Littlestoira Railroalt „ ed to. T:If: Seventh Monthly limtalinent of Five . 11::,1111; undersigned has also efreetilt et. 1) ,Ilan per Shre on the Stuck' Subserib. 1 rengemente by winch he will belittle 60 105, "1, will tip due au{ pueblo to the Treasurer 1 emeark • Wri_llty 1 1111 P 1 0 1 1 1118 % and e*er of aid l'omnany,oirtliNel 'deg iirja. inst. 1 , 11115111 1 eiwelete 44111,111 P. , _ awrlif a Iteallution of the B ,isrdiir.Diree. ,' ' - .•- • N.K.31101.A0 ws,Ay ER. tent, palmed ou, 134trship July:4l: t all peril - 441 4ribeetWe W 113 . -1847, .-__ ______.- sons in.arrenrs after Ani l . Uri trill ,be eitarg-,, , . ed interest et the rate otoneper emit- a munchj ' Ceilln itididng. - . ~,, thAr back perineum, In . weehtniteme with' fflllll subscriber respectfully infernos the the Act of Assembly. E. F. SllOltß, • I 'A' tpuldie that he ,is , prepared tu_,istake 'Secretary of the BOard. ' I COFirms, of all styles, at short ' mitics, end Jim. 4, IRSS. td !at nvodernte rates. 7th is also pentrided . witk N. 0.-Any of the Director' will receipt. , an execileet new HEARSE, winds nilientilde for payments( eu Stock s i hisn to tanmey elapses te nny buried place '' -:' ' ' ' . desired. His establiehmeitt ii• loaded in .11111171117.-- 1 , • • _ 1 Hamilton township, Adonis mutter, nemrelobn -et [Alit. ,thg imr ., 00 , 1 ,.. e r A s - a d ner ib e s, I ( Ileac's store, and about one and 4 half tulles, in B itler township, several months as), , from New Oxford, where 'Tie hopes, to merit a Whi te w ear, we i g h ing e i nnie pm ih e , li ve and receive a libentishare (+froth:he pstrosinge. weight, but etlfititt -- special m arks . The: , TLIOMAS ALWINE. owner is requeeted-se votes fiwwfiedt prow l s; Oct. 10, lftW. 3m - ---__ _---- ----- PlePeres. Plet - tblirt*P 4 :enkele mfg. i Cabinet Ware St C.haire, DANIEL '3,lAllull. • Janneiy .it; 'mt. ''Sip . i tim K undersigned respectfully inform, their __ - - ......,,,_ 7. _ I L ___._ _ __— -8 ' friends and the public in general. that they Sohn .W ! , ril)telll: ' have commenced the Cabinet and Omit...making **WAIF :il'lll/0." i business. in Baltimore street. near Ai/Udine, i where they will manufacture all kind), a , to Tipton's-4,kb, Tiptin's•-• of FURNITURE. such as Dressing "ali to fipton's in theesionse-i - . and Common Bureaus. Tables of vs. • lit tiff eento(ie the Diustisad- - . . • I rims Mee,, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, "lii the Diemund e near 31i.4./ielltsn'e• , &ands , and every other article in their line 1t Sets waste Your Lair dreseed. firmly— ALL of the best workmanshipandgo od ma- lf you Want j•our face shaved suiaerkly. , tecints, which willenable em, to . wsrrant Bachelors mho never knew it- their work. Also, every veriety of CHAIRS. Tip'ailte fellow that can du it- . Curtiss made at short notice, and in the 1), it is the latest fashion- various 'styles. , Do it quick am! .1., it gently, , [louse Painting and Papering attended W, And improve your fi ne hi sks greatly, 1 and done in the best manner. Make you took se young and sprightly, I TheirPrl 'cm will be is low 114 the lowest, a s Make you feel more young and brightly, ! all who y patronize them will acknowledg. Make you Lei like going nightly i (atumber and country produce taken in Ti cell upon some pretty damsel , a:change for work. • Whu before wield not look at you. NORD Re IC A REILLEY. At you as you passed her daily, iGettysburg. Feb. 23, leS7. ly bally on the public street. -- • - -- And young men who wear moustaches, i Great E aciteinent t :-. ' 4 Wh o w a nt some one to sew patetim- Patches efiereyour breeches tear- I liirAGIAN i ICGRINIAMIIIerIIIIIIO Tip's the boy to makeup twwicheir- • :[HAKE !COWIE -thilt•weltivejaillineeiVPti Matcher with stove lady fair. i -L anew And.ets4nillil lot sit 11.4,&!.,:.1 PS. Then repair to Tipton's shop, , BOOTS itt• SNUBS, which irb 'Ara. ,to the Dandy, Fogy, Flirt and Fup. ' public. CHEAPER then' even,` hafilisk put Jaii. I t, 18. U. I- dewe est stook to the fount liviegOofits•- _ - -- 1 Under Mese areengentents we. *in s p.* our Fresh Groceries, tke-t 1 reels within the reach of .VLI:. - rur-lo'st,) le, A T NORRF.OK'S-Colite nod Kee!-f. Nor. Quality and PRICE. Our Motto 'lll:quielc •"- heck has just received *me this city a sales and small mite. Cul und esamine ' lar , e lot fif trests Goods in his line. Sugars, o•-tr stuck of goods before pnrehasing alm a a ll winkles and prime; hielemes: fire tiff., where. Remember the sign of the " BIG cereal, kinds; G.drees, three kinds; Teas, env , ' BOOT." Chambersborg street. Whew :Ilueh betels's every variety ; - Cheese, Crackers, ' lees Drug Stem. •' • ' • Setae 1, Brooms, BAssbes, he., he.; Powder ; iiirl3uutik sled Shaw Inede . iiPar i . tlie'sliert• and Shot, Pencils, and a variety of Fancy eat eat notice and by the beet et lecollt ll34ll4 ' Articles. t .Dumber 19, 1847. - - i HENRY WII.DESIN, Ado r, Jan, 11, 18.18. Gtp Fleur and Peed always on hand, and sold at the smallest pendia. -We. 21, Dividend. FAurzire tt Mien tgics' &cruces / Ivrrrtertoyt or Alums Cuottr. J !PRI! President and Dlrectar of this foliate . dart hare declared a. Dividend et .41 per cent.,p en o: after the 14 day of Jan. nary. 1878. GEO. Tit tiONE', Pat. Gto. Avtot °ashler. Jan. 14 WS' . FRUItS and Confections, nice and fresh, I: just Crum the eity, to be hod at GILLLSPIE. it THOMAS'. A tairms, raberth 'Wite4_Kaglish AL- Webs** , wild PO 10111114 •Watentix an ,§0.41114MA11644441111abru14M14 pi OilliMegit-iweSaip Beans fate sale ti • am. ••••41 it.. •t: WOO tl4.4l.ltaigettra N. I.I6IICNER. still maintaintheir high character, which has always distinguished them, and the extensive demand first created, has continutsl uninter rupted until the present. Orders addressed to the Manucaslory, 416' ItCE: Street atinve arortrria: toil! No. 114-,) iiiiihvielphie, will recline prompt t tentios by - JOSEPII E. 110VF,11.. 11.uturacturer. Dec. 21, 1857. [Apr. 13. IA • • - • FRANCIS - J. WILSON:' late*, the Warrh -1 HE.lgreYl OLD aw e i . i.14 41 t AIiT) I . ui Hanover, where he will be hatipy tab' ail who *Sy patronise ides. AtiesTable • jaistipplied +with dig heat tlea.sultrhssaad pr , cleh es; afford, and his Bar girth - the itioiceet aligner& Uie Stables a:ricsietimiedlisels, and atteaded by easeful Quiets, airirkirri.o call. $ You will a:irayi Sadpl4 ready aid willing to Mike 'OW,- coin fixtable. 857. DARLOK wispe#Fiti re -1 , JIA " 1141111 W i c „,,,,." 01 11 :1 1 , Ivry , . mall aba molt: ' ""1811111161pfilk A -- -t kittila of Cedar saTh'' 7-- 1,44 foe tirtniAnfPl *Removed to Haiitriter.