iirgete. ~tsmike by the plough would thrire, liberstf aaet eithel• hold or di:ire." Cloislimo Meet Cbstaper time P.sk, p, the Ect' der of the American Ayricul target :=—Every body loves ehlckon,roa•t sld boiled, fricaseed, or broiled. By it self, or-In pie, it is pronounced first-rate tiw all who ever sat down to a Thanks giving dinner of the olden time. But chickens always. taste of the silver if you buy Wei , and 4f you raise them, Wey are thought to coat more than tbay come to. " Very nice is chicken, ttie dearest foo4 upon the farm ! Poultry Is more plague than profit, and the lasi care bestowed upon them the lipttes." This has not been my ex pierience. Ii u tereede fur the "biddies," and beg for them a little of the attention that is bestowed upon their more gross and least attractive neighbors, the pigs. dire them a fair trial, and they will pay any fanner for his care much bet tAr than pigs, and will supply his table irith greater luxuries, and at a cheaper rate. And to establish this position I tell you a tale, quite as literal as some others, founded on fact. In the , o rlar 1850 my poultry yard ebst me— la's stuck—, . 839 gel" 77 to food for fowls 39 81 j • It produced is eggs 34 92 -"'lf -In asanure, .5 00 " In stock at close 50 00-t--$99 92 Pm/AM 02pense OM It produced in this time 91 kiwis, *sighing about 300 pounds, paying ten dollars above what they cost. In other words, the yard paid for itself and three pound premioni for all the poul• try used in the family. When did a porker .over pay you for the privilege of eating him l 14ven Charles Lamb's roast pig will have to knock under to the biddioe. L last the yard cost—la stock In food • Total $l2O 06 if produced 268 dozen eggs, w0rth........ $4B 76 N 5 loads of manure 5 00 • Stock on hand at the c105e...113 00 'fatal $166 76 /1140ct...u. .......... ...—....--.... 120 06 Pratt. 1$ produced 61 fowls, weighing about SOO pawls. In other words, the poul try paid 28 cents a pound for the privi lege of being oaten. Was roast pig ever 154 grseloils'as this? I have tried pork growlbg repeatedly, and have never been able to reduce the cost of produo- Sim below fve cents a pound. I shall 9M poultry henoefarth. CONNECTICiT YANKEE. Ilpreading Manure on die Ilarfiree. A Writer in the Edinburg Journal of Agriewture, commenting on the views of Prof. Voelcker, as to the exposure of free& manure on the surface of the t -- trotaig; - relates the following striking experiment, made by - a - scientific man, for the purpose of testing expressly the several methods of using manure : "There being a difference of opinion among scientific men regarding the ad vantage of spreading dung upon the serflike., and leaving it exposed for some time before covering it in, Professor ! Zegnitz, of Eldena, had reeoprse to ex periment for the solving of the Ties tian... For this purpose he selected 21 roods, which ho divided into four equal parts. To No. Ino manure was given. I No. 2 received alTaut two tons of farm. ; yard dung, which was spread immedi ately and corered in by means of the plough. No. 3 was treated in the same manner, with this difference, that the hoe was used instead of the plough. The same quantity of dung was carried to No. 4, and allowed to remain spread for three weeks on the soil before being covered in by the hoe. On the 10th of October dm four lots subjected to ex periment were sown with about 63 pints of rye seed each. The following are. the total results of the crop of each lot, grain and straw included : No. i produced 538 164. (No. '2 produced 770 Its " 3 •• 818 • I •• 4 936. The writer very justly remarks, that a single experiment should not be con stdered conclusive, but that it is snf lleientty striking to warrant a repeti tion _of it on a larger seale. Large Crop of Pereasere. We .perceive in a_ communication in the Ohio Cuttivcaor, that A. R. Ivins, of Yninktin county, in that State, raised, this season, from a measured half acre of land, one hundred and ninety-six bushels of first-rate table potatoes, mea- wired in a sealed half bushel. By the sounds, inquired of her new servant if ordinary mode of measuring, the crop, she snored in her sleep. " I don't know, it is believed, would have held out 200 marm," replied Becky, quite innocent basbeis. To this statement his affidavit ly; " I nicer lay awake long enough to sfilmod. We heakd, twenty years r diskiver." ego; of 4 00 bushels having been obtain- A . rather thick headed witness in ad from one tree of land, in the county the police court at St. Louis was asked Priiladelphia. the question whether the party accused iiiore•e Applies."stood on the defensive." Ile intro- Zara aomething we know to .bo' oantly repose, "he stood on a bench." good : " Mr. Brown, you said yoa board cmNhalf peek sweet apples make ed at the Columbian Hotel six months; a pof 2 lbs. sugar and I pint of did you foot your bill?" "No, sir, but vi . Boil the apples in this syrup • lemateadair • thou mtnoro them, acrd it amounted to tl itatne thing—the landlord footed Fuel`' bales. never s yrufr of :14' lie of sugar _- - pint of vinegar. • Add one tea- 1147 - " J are your folks all well?" ul of above: and one Of einaityponi - n - Te - s; : ma'am, all but Sally Anii."— tArklia t a bag. • Let, the syrup koii £5 ori,"4llhy,'What•is the matter - with-thee" liesadaistes; -then peer it, while hot, ; " 0, -nothin' particular, only she had fruit; The first syrup is good ; the whoopin' cough once, and she hain't sonces. I rawer got over it. The yough sin' t any eri teoust mow, but the has got We houp i. • 171. - fulluwlog w bums-tried sucl ihtstir,ottb. 014111111.- 011Vad alriGiocki hamar is the girdle that Aar **ce ment said 5001a0ta...... sweet- I, bilsoefriatitisl4 to loco. , i 47: • meat la thil.s../7PIPPC. ,To 7 , 114 * of Palpation and Aksseinanent for 1858. pumpkins take b lbs. °Now, 41-temoss, . pentuence of an Act' of Aselmtly pn.sed the 276 414 Or July, I 812: the *flowing and 2 oz. of green &gee root. to be.ob- l Autcnient is harsh,' publishe4v the C..mini.sioneri of Adams comity. which exhibits tamped at most - grizpeers' stores. • Cot the: the axe eunt„ dcwripti,oi itui4 value a the Keel and Pergonal Prop , Trade*, Occupations, pumpkin in slices, half sin inch i n thick _ l and Pr : ,l"sesionA. txxable by the several Acts of Aneembly ofthis Commonwealth: netts, and in size and fbrm to suit the fan e)-. BoiL in the pumpkin the syrup, until tender. Then remove it :tin] add the lemons and ginger root. These should be sliced thinly And scalded be. fore being put into the syrup. Boil it clown until it Is rich enough to keep without fermenting, and then pour it over the pumpkin, If the ginger root cannot be obtained, lemons alone impart to it an agreeable flavor. A little httinor, now and then, la relished by the wisest men," Them Cots.- - --A philosophical old gentleman was one day passing a new school-house, erected somewhere toward the setting-sun borders of our glorious Union, when his attention was sudden ly aroused by a crowd of persons gath ered amend the door. Ile_inquired by a boy whom he met, what was going on. • i , Well, awhile, 'cept the skulo COM inittee, and they going in." 6 /oh, Committee meet& to-day, eh ? 'What for ?" "Well," continued the boy, "you see Bill, that's our biggest boy, got mad the other day at the teacher, and so ho went all over and gathered dead cats. Nothin' buteats, and cats. Oh !it was orfal,. them cats:" " Pshaw ! what have the cats to do with the School Committee ?" 1 .,` 79 77 $l9 us "Now, well, you see, Bill kept a bringin' cats and cats; always pilin' 'em up yonder (pointing to a large pile, as large• in extent as a pyramid, and considerably aromatic,) and he piled them, and piled them. Nothie but cats; cuts :" $54 50 65 56 "Never mind, my son, what Bill did What has the Committee met for?" (*Then Bill got sick handlin"em, and everybody got sick nosin"em; but Bill got madder, and didn't give up, but kept a pilin' up the cats---and--" " Tell me what the Committee are holding a meeting for?" " Why, the skale committee are go ing to most to hold a meeting to say whether thug' more the ekule-house or them cats !" ....$46 79 The old gent evaporated immediately Some Poetry, but more Truth.—We have no desire to be acquainted with the bachelor who perpetrated the fol lowing: "Nature, impartial in her ends, When she made man the strongest, In juldlee, theh;lo make amends, • Made women's tongue the longest." We find the above going the rounds ofour exchanges. We have only to add that the author of-it ought to be con signed to share the torments of the wicked perpetrator of the following: When Satan to make mischief first began, He tempted womkn--abe tempted man ; Thus Moses asserts, from which we infer That woman rules man, but the devil rules her. A Witty Baker.—The baker wasgen nine when he advertised : " The sub scriber knowing that men need bread, wishes the public to know that he also kneads it. Be is desirous of feeding all who are hungry, and hopes his good works may be hi the trwstA of every one. Ile is well disposed towards all men; and the best bred people among tis will find him, he hopes, ono of the best bred men in the city." Curs for Bed-bugs.—Arrexchange gives the following : Take two quarts of fine salt and one pint of water, dissolve carefully and rub yourself from head to foot on going to bed. places bowl of water under tho bed, and all is safe. The bugs will not take more thin two nips before they will run fora drink. The sides of the bowl being greased they will slip in, and in the morning from a pint to two pecks of bugs will be found in tho bowl—of course. The prescription is alike classical and deferential to housewives.. sera Shipbuilder was once asked what he thought of Whitfield.— " Think !" he replied; "I tell you, sir, every Sunday that I go to my parish church, I can build a ship from stein to stern under the sermon; bat, wore it to save my soul, under Mr. Whitfield I could not lay a single plank." ---.......--------- &lir Mrs. Smith, hearing strange Die fftmotist. Burmiphs anti hress4iips, Gettysburg. • Cumberland.„, Germany, Olford, Huntington, Latimure, flamiltanban, Liserty, Hamilton, .Menallen, • Straban, Franklin, Conowago, _Tyrone, Mountjoy, Manntpleasant, RestAng. Barwick twp., Barwick bur., Freedom, Union, Butler, Total; (3811747 032G6 I 7 I 4413'11)312‘55401D300 3551 Now buildings (1.8,1:5) included in Real Estate column. HENRY A. PICKING, JOSIAH BENNER, JACOB RAFFENSPERGER, Commissioners. Attext—J. 3L WALTEn. Clerk Deveraber 21, 1P57. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons concerned that the Admin istration accounts hereinafter mentioned will he presented at the Orphan's Court otAdsuis County for confirmation and allowance, on Monday. the ISM clay griontrary next, viz : 1. The account of Samuel Little, Administrator of the estate of John Little, of Mountjoy township, dec'd. 2. The account of Jacob Toot, Guardian of Mary llarman, a minor daughter of John Harman, deceased. 3. The first and final account of Elias Mayer, Administrator of the estate of Edwin L Stonesifer, dec'd. 4. The account of Philip Weaver, Guardian of David Luther Plank and Anna Mary Louisa Plank, minor children of John Plank, deceased. 6. The account of William Ross 'White, Administrator of the estate of Joseph Orndorff, late of Butler township, deceased. 6. The final account of Samuel Martin, Guardian of Malinda Beard, a minor child of Joshua Beard, dec. nellAlll.lll AIYERS, Register Register's Office, Getty.- t burg, Dec. 21, 1557. ) Collectors, Take Notice! TIE Collectors of Taxes_in the different townships of Adams county are hereby notified that they will be re inired to settle op their Duplicates on or before .V;naday, the 181// day of January next, on which day the Com missioners will tneet at their office to give the necessary exonerations. &c. If the Doplicattes are not settled up in tull by tho above date, the Collectors will be dealt with according to law, without regard to persons. HENRY A. PICKISII, Jll 4 l %it BENNER. JACOB ItAFFENSPERGER, Attest— Commissioners. J. M. WALTER, Clerk. Dec. 21, 1b57.. Tax Appeals. T HE Commissioners of Adams county here by give notice that they have fixed upon the following times for the of .1 p l icate for the.several 13 wroughs and Townships of Adams county, at the IA ee of the County Commissioners, in Gettysburg, when and where they will attend to hear appeals, be tween the hours o'clock, A. 31., and 3 o'clock, P. M., of each day, as follows : The Appeals fur Germany. Oxford, Union, Berwick borough, Berwick township, C'ono wago. Hamilton and Rending, on llreZtneaday, the 20th of January next. Fur Iluntin„lton, Latimore, Tyrone, Liber ty, Mountjoy, Mountpleasant and Freedom, on Thiankioy, the 21st of Junwary next. For Gettysburg borough, Cumberland, llamiltonban, Menallen, Butler, Franklin and Straban. on Friday, the 2M of January next. By order of she Commissioners. J. M. WALTER, Clerk. Dec. 21, 1P57. Tavern Licenses. rpHE following applications to keep Public -L Houses of Entertainment, hare been filed in my offiee,with the requisite number of sign ers, and will be presented at the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Use 18,k day of January next : HIM!? BITNIUIt. Franklin township, 'llzsar Micm.zr, " $ 4 'SAAR Braes, Il 11E.NRY 6.. WOLF, Clerk. Dec. 28, 1857. Cheap Gooch STILL COMING AT PAHNESTOCK'S.— We have jolt received from New York and Philadelphia another supply of cheap-Goods, to which we invite the attention of the pub lie. We purchased at auction several cases of very cheap Ticking'. which we cuo sell at a bargain. Thirty-one cent Ticking fur 175 cents; Twenty-fire " 19 VNghteeti and three-fourths at 15 " ke. We have yet on hand some of those cheap Muslim, and Prints which have made such a noise among judges of cheap goods. Having been in the city almost constantly during the last few months, we were enabled to watch oppirtunities for obtaining bargains, and we auto propose to give our numerous customers the benefit of them. Don't fail to come to Dec. 28, ISs';'. FAHNESTOCKS'. Prepare for Winter. . 0 r . . - 11UFFALO, Seal • N.r., , 4i; , 4-1 Skin. Lion Skin 4... , ' andWhirlpoolOver 4, , 4',._ coate, Takla', }ULF .., . . • , - lent and Loops—in .f. N. .:, p t 't. r ' la. short, every new ?•,$?; $ t:7 l 4 style of Overcoat: 1... ' ''' .... ... -....' . ..ti . 46 ., - *...- - _ audßusinessCoov4: Pants and Vests. of innurnernblo styles and patterns, suitable for obi and plain men, as well as for the guy, and for hove. Al these are to be had at the very lowest prior. at Oat. 26. SA3ISON'S. Adsaisiatsator's Notice. T OUISA lIEMLER'S ESTATE.—Letters -" of administration. with the lorill"1311t on the estate of Louis limier. (wife of Mat thias Ilemler,l InLe of Oxford townithip,AdllnlMl I •eo., deed., hnsing been granted to the under efigisttl. besidingra the same toernship, he here by gives notice to all person. indebted to said • ..$0 zuske imam& i etc , payment . and those! Las otclaims against the same to present the, properly authenticatel for settlement. FRANCIS MARSITAT.L. • Artser leak as will strrne.re.d. Dee. 28. 1f157- CUDIRS and: S*pr T?ys., IA" tarps' as ir,rttnont trite' afore! in this p .Ace t‘l fninel Notutreir • r- C ..... - - ..: ~ : , 7 ; -, 1 -, - • ~. -,- ..,- ..- -- -. 0 4 , C a C . ; 5 .1 7i, a 3 . 1 et . M % P. M 7 ,•. :.: r• C :S . '.7:* a— z 42, E., .S:. 1 7 r..: 0 .• c.' a tps = 5 7 . ( .1 Lg.= = ,r - c :•-•• E . a 4. ‘k • I NT H o. 84. = . = =4- -, -. , • 4 _ _. _ o = —, -- - J : . F....., • B"" • :-.- t: E' r.- F._ 4 _.- • , •:. r- " .t; 1 / . ' = • AaT '-- --•-- ~... :: 4.6 ;7- rE. i ..' exe ai m o , L Ff .i .. . F; 1 . , :-. F . • .!‘• r:7 i :. 3 -. —•_____ _ _____ 193393, 4.763 25160 38363 4390 232431, 15319 21,4'58 5820 1150 126 1 )8.: 9844 .2910 6555 • 17:W81 92961(2;510 941(15. 21.10 18265 56054 11070, 156134. , 12574' 32141 4825' 288672' 16634' VBO9 10(10. 140457 , 9617 14059 4170, 173509 11335 2692.5 7+••58 161715 19590 1422r.s 8845, 236467 , 22708 35433; 6050, 2136311 27944 3819.5' 10745. 195089 8095 2430-4 52.'52; 128662 12 . 264 77411 i 3710 189692 . 11940 129145 38.10 247568, 18435" 32727 6015: 180961 17462 60806 5189, 100 5 051 / 4974 20229: 2912, i 1623' 13163 i 3.5511 b 79263; 3995. 14412. 3165 2027 . 11: 9421 , 753841 4910 157226, 16961 24526; 6651' WHEREAS the Hon. Rouser J. FISHER. T V Pretident of the several Cucuta of Com mon Plena in the Counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the amid district, and (Aviv Ziedute and D.tein Hoeste, ?Attys., sludges of the Courts of Com niffn Piens, and Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer. and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders iu the County of Adams—hare issued their pre cept, bowleg date the 18th day of November, in the y ear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and to me directed, fin holding a (form of Common Pleas. and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettysburg, on Monday, Me 18th day of January ne.rf —NoTics is netteuv olives: to all the Justices of the Pence, the Coroner and Constables within the said coun ty of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons. with their Rolle, Re cords, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their dices and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adams, are to be then anti there to prosecute against them as shall be just. ISAAC LIGHTNER., .SiterT; S'aerifre Office, Gettysburg, t Dos:ember 21, 157. tc JOSEPTI CREAGER'S ES FATE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Jo. e ph Creager, late of Freedom township, Adams county, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned. the first mins' residing in Creagerstown l)istrict, Frederick county, Md.. and the last named in Freedom township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebt ed tomtit' estate to make immediate payment. and those having claims against the seine to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. OC fAVIUS A. CREA(IEIt, J.)SEPII M. CREAGER, Gt DA VID DITZLER'S LS VAT E.—Letters of administration on the estate of David - Ditzler, late of Berwick township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Manchester District, Carroll county, M. 1., he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to :fait' estate to make immediate pAyment, and those baring claims against the same lu present them properly authenticated for set tlement. JACOB DITZLER, Adou'r. Dee. 21, #O7. tiw JTAMES PATTERSON'S ESTATE.—Let ter, of administration on the estate of James Patterson, late of Ilamilton township, Adams county, deceased, haring been grant ed to the undersigned, residing in Reading township, he hereby gives notice to all per sons indebted to saidestate tu make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same to present them properly autheu tititted for settlement. HENRY A. PICKING, Acimer Dec. 21, 1857. 6t Attention I FINE HUNDRED MEN WANTED— To buy Over-Coats from PICKING ; T O buy Over-coats from Picking; To buy Over-coata from Picking; T O buy Over-coats from 'Picking; To buy Overcoats from Picking; T O buy Dress-coats from Picking To buy Diets-coats from Picking; T O buy Dress-c oa ts from Picking To buy Dress-costa from Pi c kin g; TO buy Business-coats from Picking; To buy Business-coats from Picking; T O buy Dress and Common Coats from Picking; T O buy Dress and Common Coats from Picking ; TO buy Buffalo and •Gum Clocks, Violins and Accordeons from Picking TO buy Gloves, Ilosiery, Shirts. Drawers, I Trunks and Carpet Sacks from Picking; TO buy Umbrellas and Canes from FRANKLIN B. PICKING. Dec. 21, 1557. T E testimony of Prof. Booth and Dr. Brinckie having previously been publish ed. the following is now added: From Prof. 31cCLosaer, formerly Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Fermile Medical College of Pennsylvania, and late Prufwsi.r of Surgery in the American College of Medicine, &e. PRII.ADIMPRIA, Nov. 27th, 1856. MR. JOSILVR E. dilovEn :—A trial of your Liquid hair Dye will convince the most skeptical, that it is a raft, elegant, and Iftect eit)ut preparation. Unlike many others, it has in set eral instatnees pru'.ed serviceal.ilii in the cure of some cutaneuas eruptions on the head, and I have no hevitation in coMmending it to those requiring such an application. Very respectfully. J.l. K. Mt,CLOSIILT, M. Ti., 475 Race St., above 13th. Horer'sirritioy /oks,including Hover', Fluid, and Ifor,:r's lakt, till 'maintain their high character. which has always distinguished thew, and the extensive demand first created. has continue," unimter rupted until the rresent. Orders addreese<l to the Manufactory, No, 415 RACE btreet above FOURTH, (old Ns. 1&4,) l'hilsolelplUa, will receive protnia at tantion hr JOAEPIE E. HOVER. Manufacturer Dee. 21, 11. [Apr. 13. lyj A LNION BS, Filberts, Brasil Nuts, English Walnuts, • and I'ca Nuts, constantly on hand and wilt be sold cheap by Boats it Sox. rpRUNKS„ Carpet ttaiga, Yahoos, 41.4., at tviality, srl4 tow ratan. at SAMSON.% NS 2770 200 2143 s(s 250, 1817, 450 3538 800 250 - 2o:8 1885 1200 1275' 375 2051 25 6() 1500 s $ i 475. N 159 w 150 27821 200 500, 49594 1 6350 Court Proclamation. Aiministrators , Notiee, Administrator's Notice Administrator's Notice. Hover's Liquid Hair Dye. Herr4re Patent ie 3. k PROOF ; 1 - 1 SAFE», with Hall's Patent , POIVDER PROOF Luc kB.—Fteatt.s S 11:RRIV0, Alikerli, 34 Kann! Nirret, bdorr &cord, Pkila triphia. —T he great interest maa ifested by the public to proacre more certain socuri ;ty from fire for valuable papers, such as Bonds. Mortgages, Notes and 11Joki ' of Aoe'ounts, than the 'ordinary Safes hereto- I fore in use afforded. induced the Patentee's to ; j devote a large portion of their time for the I last hurt/ten years, in making discoveries! I and improvements. for this objekt, the result of which is the unrit alle I II rrinj` Pdt, irori ei . g Four al FIB f)()F SAFES, universally acknowledged as the; Cif tY1'11)N; S iIE or THE triALD I !liming! ! been awarded .Medals at both the World's I Fair, London, ltsCil, and Crystal Palace. N. 1853, as superior to all others, is now! undoubtedly entitled to that apellation, and ; secured with hall's Patent Powder-proof' l licks—which were also awarded separate j Medals, (as abaye)---tforms the most perfect ! ' Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever yet offer-' cid to the public. Nearly 300 '• Ilerrina's Safes" have been tested during the past 14 years, and more than 16,000 hare been sold and are now in ' aeteril use. 945 1950 3180, 100 444 200 3fri)Oi 223 EdE Also oa hand or manufacturer] to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors, money Chests for Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, prirate families, fe., fur Plate, Diamonds, sad other valuables. Nov. 4335: 1532; 2.453; 2915 1 , b3O 680 low' " Great Rush TO JACOBS k BRO'S., Baltimore street, near the Diaanmd, to see the stacks of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting*, k.c., which they have just- received from the city, as well as the first class lot of Ready-made Clothing now on hand—Over Coats, Dress; Frock and Sack Coats, Punts and Vests. Don't forget that for anything in the men's line of wear, you can never go amiss by call ing at Jacobs'. If you want a tine coat. or pants, or vest. rely upon it you cannot be better accommodatect anywhere, either as to quality, make or price. So with middle, or low priced goods. They offer a varied stock, and defy competition. They will sell Ready made Clothing, all of their own making-up, at prices as low as city clothing, which are so apt to rip and give way. They are practical tailors themselves, and hence turn ont nothing but what they know to be well gotten up.— Give Omni a call—look at their stock—and if yyou are not pleased, there's no harm dune: o trouble to show goods. //arThe latest Nem York and Philadelphia Fashions received. Gettyaburg, Nur. 9, 18:,7. Important Discovery. CONSMIPTION and all Diseases of the LurYgs and Throat are positively Cured by Inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the longs through the air passages, and coining in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tnberoular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so indis pensable fur the restoratiun of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation. is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the control of medical treatmeut as any other for midable disease ; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent , for the Lungs are so cut up by the dis ease as to bid defiance to medical Even. however. in the last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attendingthis fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-tire thousand persons ire the, United States alone: and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to till the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted.- 18y the help of that Supreme Being from whom coined] every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cense of tubercles is from impure blood. and the immediate effect produced by their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the free admission dl' sir into the air cells, which caussa a weakened vitality through the _entire system. Then surely it is more rational to ex pect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of tire lungs than from these admin istered through the stomach the patient will always find the lungs free'and the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies.. Thus, Inhala tion is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts , constitutionally, and with mare power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct Influence of this mode of administrat'on, chloroform inbaltid will entirely destroy sensi. bility in slew minutes, paralysing the entire nervous system. so that a limb may he am pasted without the slightest pain ; inhaling the ordinsry burning gals will destroy life in a few hours, The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The oder of matey of the medicines is percepti ble in the akin a few minutes after being in haled. slid may be immediately detected in the blood. n convincing proof of the eonsti tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul eir---is not this positive evidence that proper remedies. carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pixf duce the happiest results? During eighteen years' practice. many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers hall been pronounced in the last stages. which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con sumption is original, and founded on long ex perience and a. thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, (te., enables me to distinguish readily, the various forms of disease that simulate con• gumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare ly being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity, in con:ie.:Linn with certain patho logical and microscopic discoverit:7s, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to 'any pact of the United States and Canadas by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the care would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable we to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W. GRAHAM, 31 1)., Otfire,ll3l Filbert St..(o/rt r 9, )below 12th , PIALLDIMPILIA, PA.. July 20, 1857. ly Rev. C. & Burnett, WL111,1.1 laboring as a Missionary in " Southern Ails, discovered a simple and certain cure for Comvumption, if 'Mina, Brott eitilia, Coilllts, Colds, Nervotis DebiliYy, and all impurities of the Brood; also, an nay and erectual mode of Inhaling the Reno-fly. Ac tuated by a desirettbenetit his suffering fel lows. hi will cheerful(); send the Recipe (free) to such as desire it, with full and explicit di reotioectfor preparing and sueoessfully using the 114c1ccise. Addrecs REV. C. S. BURNETT. 831 lirocitheay, r. City. August . % 18117. -• Gen fIAS iitliN44B.—.4 new and exqgl t V style of t.1../stl 1; 84, fur Parlor or Cham ber use. It is es ly intemled for chain bevy's it aonsuusos ye. and ayes ZeliOren oue'of the' Ottfetitiona to the use of coat A seintle rC 0ed1.1611 Wife Itii IS hours owithout regal.tiep emu* , ”AkS 4 tretqUfgß4. The Gpah4 Show ! AT 4itlTTYstatißl, r%. if. &Mon, 'Manager f Proprietor Doors open at G o'clock, A.M.—Performance to commence immediately after. NIMES OF ADMISSION. .li:ult. FREE. Children, (under 12 years of age,) Half Price, GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO THE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful for peat favors, respeltfully informs the inhabitants of Get-. tvsburg and surrounding country, of the filet that be has just received froth the New York Auctions a SFLENDIASTOCK OF GOODS.' which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates for case. In return for the liber al patronage bestowed upon him, be will give a ()rand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc esafen t•l'm Ir#3.ttlytori TWO .VA GNIFICES T PIECES! On Wed;vmday, Oefober 2R, and every day until farther notice, will he presented the very popular Tragedy of la m GOOD FITS? sand with the folloiring unrivalled cast :—Fasbion-' able Clothing, from the finest to the lowest the prioad qualities . Gentlemen's Faraishing ser i Goods, n great variety. Boots, Shoes, Hats, every , ~ety ot Caps, &4., to suit all tastes. I i* Ltmelm rner . a 011 IA; iPlntst possi b:e wholesale rotes. in order to introduce it into general use. They also i n tend keeping a f...:11 and general Gaol 1.1.7 If BER. as sows as' the nv:itoutPlu4d., They , w;ll,,kgeato4lllygil laniWlLlArkrty of COAL and WOoo sThYF',.., among inch are the crlebrate4 N Innen Perm: Noble Cook. Royal Cook and Sea Shell cook Stoves. Also the Charm, Copiiol, Victor, Planter, Premium and Parlor Cook' moves, Air-light. Star. FranUlin, iiopair. • 'l'ttt for Grate, Lady Washington, Oak, Magnolia, Union, Air-tight lire Tropier and Harp Cannon, ,Stoves.. ; . l'etsons triftliing torxarnene their ntock with please call at that* Stogie Ware It,ion. on West Middle sueet, at the residence of Robert 3N:eds. t -- Ordcrs promptly itZentled 1.1E . .‘ OR, C. tin ItY lit EliliEß, Gettysburg. A og. I, • . • , An Intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making large purchases time for Lunch. Ate., &c. The whole to etmelrole with 31. Samson's sac ceded PINT, entitled VARI.ETIEB! the beauty of which •will cause great excite ment swung the Ladies mid Gentlemen. Oct. 26, 1857. tf Good and Cheap ! T IIE undersigied would inform his friends and the public generally, that he con tinues the CARRIAGE- ITKING Bt7BI NESS, in all its bra.icnca, t his establish ment. in East Middle .Street, (near the east end,) Gettysburg, Pa., vrbete he has on ban I a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to put up to order w t haterer may be desired iu his line, viz :—ltockaway awl Boat-Body Carriages; Roek away & Trotting Buggies, Jersey Wagons, &c. oasumaxi With good workmen sad good materials, he can pledge his work to he of the best quality —and his prices are among the lowest. likg•ltepuiring done at short twelve, and at reasonable rates. Country produce taken in exchange for work. Call! June 15, 1857 D. MoConaughy, " - TTORNEY AT LAW. Office ono door west of Buehler's drug and book atom Chambersburg street,) ArrioivrA• AND Sis- LICITOR molt PATENT!. AND PILSAWN.S. Rooney Land Warrants,. Back-pay supended and all other thins against the G icernmciit at Washington, U. C ; also American Claims in England. lir . and Warrants located and sold, or bought, awl highest prices given.-- .14ents in locating warrants in lowa, Illinois and other weste:n zitates. ger Apply to him personaly or by letter. Gettysburg. Nor. 21, 14i5:1. Edward B. Buehler, A TTOIINEY AT L.tW, will ifitithfullT and prusuptiy attend so all business entrusted to him. lie speak•+ the German language.— Office at the !same place, iu street, near Foriloy'it drug h tore, and nearly uppusite Danner it Te;r,ler's store. Gettysburg, March 2(1. Wm. B. McClellan, A TTORSEY AT - L.AW.—Otti•-e on the south rule of the public square, 2 doors west of the Sentinel-office. iiettysburg, Auguht 1:1")3 J. LawrenCe Hill, N. D. TT AS his nfliee one ittUT 1 / 4 1.4t. •f the Luthernn church in Chatnbersbneg street. and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to hate ant - Pen. tal Qperntion pt.trforined are re: p wtfuily ill% i ted to call. lICVERENCEq: Pi. D. Horner, Rev. C. P. l'rtith, D. H., Rr. IL 1., !laugher, D. D.. Rev. Prof. 31 JacolN, Prof. 31. L. Stcerer. pie , ,tribUrg. Arta -53. Attention, •One & All I NOW IS TIIK Tfllfeto Imre year Picture taken !—S. WEAVER having provided himself with an entire neve and splendid SKY HAGtERREAS ROW.II at his resi dence in West Middle street. opposite Prof. Jacobs, one alone West of Haltiniore street, ben he ia no* prepared to fundsh A.MintmTIPS4 AND DAnuKIREAYrITIZS• in every style of tho art. altich he will ;car t-mato give sintire satisfaction. Hit long la prience and superiur apparatus give him advantages seldom furniihyd by Daguerrean establish Mews dut of the city. Tie has a large number of specimenr at his Gallery, in Maui bersbn rg street.where he will continue as here tofore, which the public are requested to call and examine. . ' - ':Charget; from 50 ants to $lO. "Hours of operating from g' A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on hand, at the Very lowest prices. 'C . - Children will not be taken Air less than 50 cents. KTANIBROTYPKS taken from one dollar sad upwards. and in the best style. .141 y 24. 1 , 1856. tf To the Country, Good Neym I HAVE rented the ks,•tindry fur the eitsit-4 in.. Year, and am prepare' to make the different kinds of Ossttngs usunlly trade at a Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the differtatt kinds of PIAMiGIIS, Points, Shares,,l Cutters', ,ke.; Pots, Kettle.s, Pans, Washing Mnehiner, &e.: Stoves and Machinery; l'or-I elms, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put tip with dispatch. All orders will be attended to promptly; but being without enpitnl, and money being necessary to carry on the business, 1 will be compelltid to sell forcash, but on all country work Ater cent, wil„/ be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delivered at the time of purchasiug. Bite us a call. E. 31. IV,t Gettrburg, June 1. 1557. Auctioneering. t NDREW W. FLEMMING, residing in lireckinridge street, nearJaincs Pierce's, Gettysburg. offers his services to tbe public as a ~Sale Crier and Auctioneer. His charges are moderate, and he will on allocouiiuns en deavor to render satisfaction. Ile hopes in receive a share of public patronage. Anr,. 17. 1557. - COFFEE MOLASSES.—A go od 1 ` - 7 assortment of -Sugar, Coffee asul Molasses, which we will sell as low as the lowest. Call and see these articles and then judge for yourselves. For sale 'at the Orotety -and Otinfeetlun Stoma BOYEK At biON. 3kmovaL Aj.gx. Watch k Clock Maker, 1 ' has removed Ws shup to Carlisle street, below I.loke'e store, Where he will al ways be'bt!ppy to attend to the calk of ens toners. • Tb.mtrat tor pagt favors, he hopes, by striet 'Meriden to business and a desire to plague, to merit sod roceise the Faitrottage of the publie. •- o.l4aberg,_May 14, 1867 Notkce. IWOULD main remind ell theaki indebted "to eiiber by note of book ietount, that atahluive giettling up my old basineaa ? ..- 1 Niaapiaptil end pay, as kutrill"hl4"e , CHAit JACOB TROXEL TIYRE 1..4 - 13,111A ARCH streots, respectfultr re iptext Cdxll limy ors rn e". - entine a live sena of SE.LSONAkiLIi (;001.,5, adapte.l lu 1141,7 l'evssTu - 5:,., IS Tssur.. Full I.;ne of Fall Dees. Go-wia. • Now Designs of Fall Ksserks., IL ell Silk. of Nere:f Bla4:k Silks 4 Cie a...ortal Freoefe 313 rinses,, 7 R ai de She% re 4. New Gs.ogis. 11mi:A and Aknerivnit fkirk !trims. s t ti n e tt s, 'Alt4ifilre.k, (`lath■aad Vestinzs. Muslin., Linen., Flannels, 1:11411*.$0,, N. It Auction .I.largaina front. ..New York and this Citydaity l'attiriniar at tention given to Vonntry'aniscs .tut Undrattla I; Term+ Atigust I. 1• , 57. :!.ta t N) Furniture 3l,lTlllol."S G. 11" Sl'. WAKEROONIS, Nt. 6,tj .t4< , 1, near 1 . 1 where ure we ,t tys or trued. to order, every 4:yle Frett..la TETE-A.TICTE.s, in Plash, flair, CLah , Freaeli Full Stuff and 31.elalliop P a rlor ARM CHAIRS, in Plush, flair, elniii ur lirtrasteile. French Full Stuff 1..13.rvi1i PARLOR n _ll sets , S, ,X:t ll'~ush~nlr, Cloth Lor rtroeetelle. - sov.ts.het Freu(.llS-ging.Mahrgir•uq,,„An.l W . 1/ ulout P.ulur CILlflO5, noir, Cloth or kOCKING 011.4tRi--ratiout .tioeilyeii, in Cloth awl Stuff Spring LO:::\ - 1ES:—.4 large ,ort merit alwaym uny platen% tondo rkr Queered with any gol.wlis louder. „. ClIA.:1111Ei1 SI ITS--:a 16hipmoy nr Walnut, comli!r;e, up.' CANE C11.11.11S awl largest al.firtment ready Wade it; aux pne h use in the United Statei-- - frum sln dui.- en up. Bar Ituem, Bining.CIIAIBS, in Oak, Walnutt,r ntilogany, with Wissl ;z• StuitiP4 aissait'tatorit:euiiirsoing uc soz,, cri \lRS and , ro l a I ; ii : Et§ Rue "ng ,•1 I d o zen. A. Nl.tl - 11,11)T, 2;0 X , .rVil of Pircet, nett( ity Ot t 24reui, May IS, 1557. ly I . 1 - lElt —Shetols Iluehltkr have at -.1 01 their Yard •ffil W:Nhington' odreet. tsar Rail Road .trret, a large Nuiply of earetio• Nicer LUMIIEfI, lifoch those dasiring to purehaae tc uhl .In well to extiminib.: One Daliar& Seven t y-five Mats, PA ID IN .1 D VA -VCR, Will Secure the Regular Visit +of ti "r. , A ARL, collipii.ci.,7.. • to the Home of any Family( in-the, Rellty ITS DI:It USA I, W I Li. .. Aftbrd Instruction and Anatignent. FUR FATIII:Ii..; 4 ; ' AIGTITII.4 7 MIMI lER it AN D SISTRIES, ' . CILD ...YD IfOU.N(i. - HALE A N 1.1 FE.If.ILE. • 2Vo family alwuld be , without the (0;4 der. 1KV31,75 could be spent in no'more profitable yammer than by subscribing far the' "Couptutn,'' whie'it.willAtrnish 1 you Id* All the news 4tbii•Jiisitili•tsbe markets, the nuirringe,s arld,_ 4041 hs A occurring' in the community, take selections of literature, Ito& dint humor!, surf AR thnt !Will- - .. Itb itp a first-rate _nitrify trees_ . • Ad drog* the iii-#0.). 1 .' - 4 114 -iiirn i • . . .:sat I ,_. rAnt.E i 3., ..... . ... , i - ~ • ~IS. . , • - _:..... .•-'. t. - SOB Pk 4, xiir -':,.. ,- k . -- ' - ."'we ard' . • - fiSitkifila than weer - to extianta itOWANILIPPni.O in ,its Vgilio4B.- .onaNgla it •44Toi* .gist trria BB e B , and an tinn=re9 i ~,sient o jo b bing let s • ther - tiniertals, thQ rblic- now_ wita SiViegeglikierkillire at -491014,„.1434p1i* ivy T 43*; P e 0 ' t4P3IPILER co e "can t c eat. E. 31. WARREN MNa Fall Dry Goods. The Llrgest Chair
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers