The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 04, 1858, Image 4
1.m 4z. ,. t4 ~. sit 44 1.34160. apse Os 'atm, .oiiiseeet mists 10 gyp. .; 7 4 Pj .-1, -, of 5e9127 2 Mans, 099 n., 11009gtify 99ifirsunio4tio4, from Viz!l;i aau il asofollovii,ig : A _ PO the F aster Y—.ln ex 11111011eclirfli, Whero fanner hnving linihrid, one Qt . SWI/ o °9 l io ) *tug tip) otter, sgainst his 11110.10061, was retained upon to hmitestead to take care or the parents jty.thair otti aide. The rest*. was, the ekieriii4A-served hiegpprentioeship 4nd it his trade twelve years, when tae secured 14111; returned to his coveted pursuit. The youoger son re piai4ed at home uotil twenty-one, and being then free to act for himself, he 1 01114414 form in di4t•nst, and went to a fitywAo ;rade, which 1)0 Atilt pursues. 1116 , 4080041.4 7u1:10.113 alone upon the hootiktimid. The argument drawn from Ni etzaniple that fathers should ex- Otise rust care in studyilig the na tural tastes and propensit,ies of their aalis l / 2 ancl rwt attempt to arbitrarily fern them into pursuits which aro an- While we admit that D. L. W , may be partially right, especially in suggest ing the exorcise of wash careful clisere tiOn in this respect, wee would by no Itneisos opeoureg,e parents to yield to the whims or onpriees of boys while baring pt tgo little jcitewlesige of the World and of thotneeleos, to know what they really want to do. There is not a hid in twenty tai diteB net tape ft fancy to 0 jewel iasif a (lotion difireet pur suits; before hp reaches the ages of six s4et9 or oigiiteog• 'VOW T4.4lTeith 297 s TO 71St 'sax, yfe endorse lucre freely the dosing" tart et We Altter before us, in which it is reeetnmended to pimento; to endeavor *4) real tote and love for farm ing on depart of each of their sons. ofer o this we agree with D. L. W., 046t 4 i6 i ts usually good policy to allow to ewe boy a small plot of ground, which .be,iiituall have the who care and man- Airl/Mit. We eoneeivl that this would :arrt4ope a special interest in the soil ,a4C4tcpaxliwts. It is all very well in theory, that all things upon the farm eigatVbtifd in common, and that the laws should feel that this and that is Mrs. Du.; the intere' st will be quicken- Ad 'tire same lime, the boy that 1141114iissioaliest plot, in the culture of tto feels an individual responsi hUe Ua will thus be led to study the INlOnaeanstif promoting its produotion. dill( reason upon the subject of nta atatroac.the beet modes of tillage, ike. 14 , i:1111 consult with others upon these :64* and acquire an interest in soil tisti4se, which would never be dovel -414t mere Inca tiniest toll w MI6 oth ; itsniektaik the thinking and plannkig for Veitnilar effect will be produced •sk aving.the special care of an aniintil or sat implement, in whieil a poioscmal Jnierast is It, .13*.tiaatiler good result from such -a •1014Praeli; that many hours usually de c to play, or assoolatiag with evil rty T would be diverted to useful , arropias is bad as some hypoehon lieiam-roplti are dieposed'to consider atilAioti of the present generation, rare few of them who)vronld not any save many bouts, now worse Ai* loted, if they had a plot of gristbd of their own, from which they a . have the whole proceeds, It must be evident to every one, that plan, like the one here recommended, will have a, decided tendency to devel f apaAnitiits of thrift and economy. With preporoversight the lad may also learn reference to the course of 4ffidet, , the hers of supply and demand, hare but half a bushel of pa. . Wes:4lo dispose of, he will very natnr : rwateti the movements of the mar ' kid, With reference to the best time to hep. lnrtead of toeing an interest in i ' l lbegehirritbrisincss of the farm, he will /ay this all the more carefully, in ;yr _tier to day ootkeigsions as to his own • 001 1 100 - ;- 1 -_-biprican Agriculturiat. WIZZI L •La ..I•4losrer Sent de ILlaerisig 'l%ll Is quite valuable to absorb the Memovjthoq to recent the foal odors ilr ram stables. If atnnloni4 i s most j)owcrfal fertitizcrs, why *mid nor, the greatest pains be . $11111 6 14 . 1 141r0,1t. For this parpose saw 4614 just the thing. It is useful, also, Pst the aeoce of the horse's health and MO*: it is hilarious to airational's .fimi“ctialtazuttn the liquids of his stall ; jt istk iv*. eyes and his stomach, wi/Off k s . A TA rear4in long in an at t with the potrerrid Pers 4 11*110 those liquids. We 111,t "ftal,lthe pour creatures stand 31 , • 414 Os they do. Dry muck an- I==itt, •144 4 1 . daily in the al t ittigist.4 iamb neiiSty. 4 0010 00 11 bifitstioth buwever,ia emir- Allir r iVlAAL4l l .ity A 14 %Ix id* -.0.00.11440401.1 1 10ii the ~,saw dpsy *ad V IM= ttPts vaale Pow rio_ dm ://474144 Pone.w:rhe zi4r.isA lop ) fr • lOW* baa 4411:**, I. Mistime 00,444 1 - Mr* ilr~l~~tp 'Galli 44 .4 04846 Is reliiked by war The attention of th e bachelors is invited to the following wail" from the Springfield Republican : ► There are 110111 C sad sights In this warld—a city backed and burnt—a 6)4- tle-Held after a great slaughter—a Lon don in the midst of a plague—s ship burning at sea—a family pining in star / vation—s jug of molasses wrecked up• !on the pavement—but the saddest sight to Rs of all is an old bachelor stolidly walking towards his end, his great du ties undone, his shirt-buttons off, his ;stockings out. at the toes, and nobody to leave his money to. Were we such a man,- the mild reproving eye of a widow or maiden lady would drive us ! mud. 'fuf there is still hope. Uglier and older men than any of our friends have ratoried beautiful wives, who trained them admirably and spent their money elegantly." stir A writer in the .11rationa/ Intelligon eer suggests, as a protection against the Paul Pry curiosity which prompt. some people to open ,the self-sealing envelopes now in use, and read what is intended for other oyes than their own, that let ter writers use the stamp as a seal.— This would be effectual, if the Postmas ters would stamp their mail mark over it, which doubtless they would do; and besides this security, the delicacy of the postage stamp itself would pre vent any attempt to remove it, without the certainty of defacement and detec tion. saru Madam, ,, said a polite traveller to a' testy old landlady, " ifl see proper la help myself to this milk , is there any impropriety iu it'. " ' I deal know what you mean : but if you mean to Insinuate that there je any thing nasty in that milk, I'll give you to understand that you've struck the wrong house. There ain't a first. hair in the milk, for as soon as Dorothy Ann told nut the oat was drowned in it, I went and strained it over." The horrified young man declined partaking of the cat-flavored milk. iiirCoal was first used in Londan in the reign of Edward 1., when the smoke was supposed to corrupt the air so much that ho forbade the use of it by proclamtion ili the year 1218. In 1853, 580 yearn after this famous declaration, the English Parliament passed a law, is consequence of the injury done to the public health, compelling those who use large quantities of cast in Loudon to consume their smoke. Revolting Anecdote. --A wretch of a husband writing home at one in the morning, found his wife sitting up read ing an old novel, with a coarseness al mobt amounting to cruelty, be took the book front her band,. sadplaced before her a pair °fiber child's socks, which happened to - have holes in them disgus tingly *abhorring: "If you will fatigue yourself, my love, with any work at such an boor, I would suggest it is *ev er too hash mewl." Usury in the Road Distriets,,--Bural Money lender—" You want fi-N: bun• dred dollars. Here's the money; charge five per cent. a month and as you want it for a year, that leaves just forty dollars coming to you. Innocent Borrower.—" Then, if I wanted it for two yours there'd be something coming to you, eh ?" larln a certain benighted part of the country may be span on the outside of an humble cottage, the following in scription, in large gilt letters : "A sem inary for young ladies." This was, perhaps too obtruse for the villagers, so immediately underneath there is added in rude characters, " Notey beney— also, a galls skool." A Sure Way of Trying Sa usages.— Carefolly take one up in your finger, at the same time give *sharp whistle, and should,tbere be a slight squeak, drop said sausage and make tracks for the door. iiiirWe hare heard of a good many touching expreasions of filial affection, but none equal to the following, which a western man really gave vent to not long since :—.‘ My father was the only man I ever tillowed to be Ramey to me without licking him like thunder." ifirTho EiLyptians numnfaeturod per fumes so perfectly that some of their ancient ointment, preserved in an ala baster vase in a Museum in Eng Land, stiH retains . * powerfai odo* , though it mast be between 4vro lad throe thous mod years old. mirk lady of rank complaining that her hesbnnd was dead to fashionable amusements, he replied, 4.. Bo t. then, my do/aro-on make me alive to theexpense!" sli`?be love-0 a little girl is a sweet sq exchange. But the love se a big one is sweeter—saya another. Mr% moiler% tourist Mils Niagara itistor "•rifle of rivono That. ride oortainly baa a ftvenendotis &IL Wirt I MY, jk 4 14, 0 6 . 7 01 4 4 4 4 ke; ao2ofiliti ,leXj. Mi 161110111,1„;, , •"": a"""- p pop r ..1 lett ' • sppHad du g v t w#ll j:eit4i'me WIC #‘41•44:*..k ear Tbo flays are get tins lOnger The , et' (row) the city with a general aaaortment of 610)44:K1E8, PROVISIONti and YEliill.l - which they ere prepared t bell as h•vr as the tooteat. rultl?. and FEliDalwao sun hand. and eohl at SMILii S.ure on lurk street, one door rut of Wat- Iletel. Gettyhtnirg, Aug. 3, 1R.57. Removed to Hanover. FRANCISJ. WILSON, late of the Wash ingion House at Abbottatown. has taken HERSHEY'SOLD AND POPULAR STAND. in tianover, where he will be happy to enter tain all who may patronise him. His Table is supplied with the best the market and gar den can afford, and his with the choicest of liquors. ILs Stables are commodious, and /wended by careful Ostlers. Give him a call. You will Cways find on the spot, ready and willing to make everybody com fortable. [April 27,1857. New Cheap Cash Store. THE subscribers haring entered into part nerithip under the style and firm of 11. 8. A E. 11. MINNIGH, respectfully inform tale citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity, that they hare opened a new, large and well-se lected assortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, at the oldeetablished stand, on Sonth East corner of the Diamond, formerly called- the Jew's corner. comprising every variety. style and price. In pare of Dry geed/.—Black Silks, Black Alpaccsa, plain and fancy De 'sines. Bereges, Gingham*, plain and fancy Jaoonets. plain and dotted Swiss Victoriues, Lawn, Mull, Mouslins, blue and unbleached Shirtings, Ostiaburg, Bed Ticking, Jaquered Diaper. Ciente' and Boy's Wear.—Black Cloth, Black Caysimetea, faacy and plain Camel mores, silk and fang Vesting, }Centsl...4g Jeans, Tweeds. Denies, Cottunades, Farmer's Drill—every style and price. A fine assort ment of Gloves and Hosiery of every style and quality. eroceriss.—Brown, Crashed, Granulated, Pulverised. and Clarified Sager, D. it W. Syrup, New Orleans Molasses, Ground Alum and fine Silts, Dairy do., blueensware, Glass ware. Cutlery. Cedar-ware, and every other article found in a well-conducted Dry Goods and Grocery Store Having selected their stock with care, they are enabled to sell cheap for Cacti, and re spectfully solicit a share of the public pa tronage. sdr-All kinds of Country Produce takes in exchange fur roods. 11. S. 1. E. 11. MINNIGIL Oct. 5, 1857. Two Daily Linea. PXTRA ACCOMMODATIONS.—The un -4 &reigned returns his thanks to the publie for the encouragement heretofore extended to him, and takes pleasure in announcing that he has completed Al rangements by vs which TWO DAILY LINES 9f • *. Coaches will run between Getty'. ‘galsitt.• burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains to and limn Baltimore. York, Hamburg, Philadelphia. &a. Persons desiring tickets or inkirmation will call on the andeNgned, or on Outwits TATO, Ticket Agent, at the Eagle am, in Chambersbarg street. ir:2"Special attention given to all packages Le.. or other busines; entrusted to thear signed between Gettysburg and Hanover, which will be promptly and carefully attend ed to. V - Tbe undersigned has also effected ar rangements by which be will be able to supply Washes. Stages. ita.. for funerals and other oceimions. at moderate charges. NtCROLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, April 13. 1857. Moßea'a Liquid Glue, THE GREAT ADIIESIVE.—Most useful article ever invented, for house, store and oiritst, surpassing in utility every other glue, gum. nmellitice, paste or cement ever known. Always Ready fur Appliration. Adhesive on Paper. Cloth, Leather. Furniture, Porcelain, China, Mande or Glass_ For manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys, etc., it lute no superior, not only possessing greater strength than any ether knows article, butadboree more quick ly, Lesvieg aw ittain where the parse arejuiu ed. Fate. Within She last three years upwards of 260,000 brittle* of this justly celebrated LIQUID G LUE•have been sold, and the great conveulenee which it has proved in every case, has deservedly secured for it a demand which the manufacturer has found it, at times, difficult to meet ; acknowledged by all who have,used it, that its ateritaare far above any similar article or imitation ever offered to the Public sarrki. (iLUEii esteasirel counterfeited --obreroe the label '• Mcßae r Cdtbresled Uqaid Ohre, the Great Adhesive." Mike a» etherr- TWAYNTI:FIrEC.C.,I7B A BOTTLE. Manufactured aad Sold,. Wholesale ad Retail, by WM. C. MeFLEA, 'Sta/lower, Ne. 907 C'haviet SF,. Philadelphia. larLiberal inducements offered to persons desirous of selling the above article. Sept. 28, 1857. ly Cabinet Ware & Chairs. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public in general, that they have commenced the C a binet and Chair-staking business, in Baltimore street. near Middle, where tbey will manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE, such as Dressing and Common Bureaus. Tables of va rious desc.istions, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Stands, and every other article in their line— ALI. of the best workmanship and good ma terials, which will enable them to warrant Limit work. Also, every variety of CHAIRS. Corms made at short notice, and in the various styles. House Painting and Papering attended to, and done in the best manner. Their twice' will be as low as the lowest. as all who oily patronize theta will acknowledge. [O - I.uanber and country produce taken in exchange for work. NURBECK Zk REILLEY. Gettysburg. Feb. 23. 1857. ly Panay Pura for Ladies. TORN FAREIRA k CO., (New No.) 818 " MARKET Street; above Eighth. Inporter4, 31onufsetorers and ctealerainirtibee, Oentlemen and Children'. FANCY FUME 'Wholesale and Retail. J. L Cu., would call the atteatioo of Dealers aitai the pablie itenerally to their immense Steak at Panay j 1 ern kit' Wink gesthinnen, and Children ; thelilnEAndbiesees every article and Ape, that ba worn daring disilemon—speir se Pull Capes, Ralf Capes. gmarteit OapoS, Ulnas, Victory:ma. Buss, Me& and Niigata's, fl'uni the Arc* Rassism Sable to the lowest price Dostentie Fan. Tot (Isaacson the largest assortment of Sur Cellars Wore*. Gauntlota, ie.; halals tkus dires /airwave of all our Flare sad 4arsthassrers of theta under our own : safer tuutin, we feel eatiatied we can offer better in ducement* to defilers and the ittilais general ly than in Aber house; haring lift immeirse assortment to stelertfrons audits the Mano4to- Strare prices, We eabr skis asil. .701111 L4.11E11 1 / 1 at NS M., Ni. Nark* aro* above Eighth, Pitiltra. *pt. 21, 12111% 4so • MM. ( * AP% BOO? a SITOES of an stet fur 31114 . 119 , . rOkii4lofrest, at *PAXTON'S. : ' '•J b I • 4111 1 / 1 141( IV 111111*11011P41 7 .--jry gumm y tit sad the best slick ilker lbsuiiSt, to imi1 :177171 IC-e V gP . tor yosi es 7 -ip.t. t , . . . _.... -____ ._ _ • MED SEA AltS & TOB tCCO—be.t quatiti. ij cout:AN & pAxrds.s. MIJIIX IT TIIO V .0. TO JANB94 BROW., Viakimono KM... AL ow tie see this stacks 4t Clothe, Cassino/ea, Yossings. ec?. which they halve Jest received [runt the city. as well as the first dame $M of Reads-rnsale Clothing ewe on hand- fiver Coats,' torsos, Vruek sad Sack Coate, Pants sad Vegas. 8 respectfully la ntysbure .la,l the y hive j4,4t returu- Duet Culla that for anything in the men's line of wear, pia can never go amiss by call ing at.Joituh,,.. If you vrant a line eon:, or pants, or vest, rely upon it you cannot better aecommodaten 4nprbere, either as to quality, make or pries. So with middle, or low prowl goods. They offer a varied stock, and defy eaetipetition. They will sell Ready made Clothing, all of akar own makinl,mrp, at rrioes as low as city clothing, which arebso api to rip and give tray. They are practical tailors tliernselves, and hetet turn out nothing but what they know to be well gotten up.— Clive them a call—look at their stook—and if you are not pleased, there's no harm done. o trouble to shuw goods. ai'The latest New York and Philadelphia Fa.llion', received. Gettyiburg, Nov. 9, 1R57 THE subscribers would reepectfelly an nonnoe to their friends and the public that they have opened a 11.ard ware Stwe, in Balti more street, adjoining the residence of David Ziegler, Gettysburg, in which they always intend to offer to the public a large and gut eral assortment of HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Groceries, Cutlery, Coach Trimmings, Swings,Axles, Saddlers., Cedar-ware, Shoe Findings, Paints, Oils and Dye Stuffs, in gen eral, including every description of articles in the above line of business, to which they invite the attention of coach-makers, black smiths, carpenters, cabinet-makers, shoe makers, saddlers, and the public generally. Our stock having been selected with great care and purchased for cash, we guarantee (fur the ready money,) to dispose of any part of it on as reasonable terms as they 'usn be parehised. anywhere. We particularly request • call from our friends, and earnestly solicit ash are of public favor, as we are determinined to establish a character for selling good* at low prices and doing business on fair principles. JOEL D. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLE R. Gettysburg. June 9,1851. tf 111110111171 k kUGHINIMION ;TILL 111E111: TAKE NOTICE that we have just received 4, a new and splendidlot of 11A2'S, CAPS, 11007'S f SHOES, which we offer to the public CHEAPER than ever, having put down our stock to the lowest living profits.— Under these arrangements we can put our goods within the reach of ALL. as to style, quality and PRICE. Our motto is quick sales and small profits. Call and examine our' stock of goods before purchasing else where. Remember the sign of the " BIG BOOT." Chambersburg street, below Bueh ler's Drug Store. ski'Boots and Shoes made upon the short est notice and by the best ofbw.prkman. October 19, 1857. The Farmers' & Mechanics' SAVINWSINSTITUTION or Abseil Co.— This lustitetiue receives ileposites, fur which it pays interest as filluw Fur over 10 months. 4 per cent. per annum. FJr 3 and not, over 10 nwinths, 3 per cent. per annum. Fur transient deposits...tintless than 30 days, 2 per cent per annum, payable on demand without notice. t 'dint fond (capital) of $lO,OOO has been paid in. Fur luaus apply on Wednesday. Sums received on deposit° as low ,fts a dime. Interest to be allowed whenever the deesites amount to 1. 1 :400, and on each ad &igloos' POO and upwards. Office in South W est Corner of Public Square, next to George A rpolil's store. Open daily from 9 A. M. to 3 P. 11., and fur receiv ng deposites every Saturday, from t A. 31. to 6 P. 31. reuident. GEORGE THRONE. Trewnsicr Lt. Serraury, G EORGEA RN OLD. 211 rcrlors, John Brough, . Juha Horner, Samuel Durboraw, George Arnold, A. lleintselmaty Jacob Mussolinan, D. 31cCreory, 1). McConaughy, William Culp, John Mickley, Robert Horner, John Throne. April 6, 1867. CET AMPION. TURF: * BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, with Hall's Patent POIVOAR PROOF LOC S.—F.saer.ts & Ifeasian, Makers, 34 Walnut &reel, below &rand, Pkikrielpkia...--The great interest manifested by the public to procure more certain securi ty from Are fur vailuable , papers, such as Bonds, Mortgages. Deeds . Notes and Books of Accounts, than the ordinary Safes hereto fore in see afforded. induced the Patentees to devote a large portion of their time for the last fOurteen years, in making discoveries and improvements for this abject, the result of which Is' tha unrivalled Herring's Patent Wortira- Fair Precast?* FIRE PROOF RAPES, universally acknowledged as the Clllllllo* S•YR OF TOE WORLD! flaying been awarded Medals at both the World's Fair, London, 1851, and Crystal Palade, N. Y., 1853, as superior to all others, is now undoubtedly entitled to that apellation, and secured with Hall's Patent Powder-proof Locks—which were also awarded separate Medals, (as above)—forme the most perfect Fire andliurglar Proof Safes ever yet offer ed to the public. Nearly 300 . "Herring's Safes" have 'been tested during the past 14 years. and mire than 16,000 hare been auld and ure now in actunl use. Also on hnnd or manufactured to order, all kinds of Boiler and Chilled Iron Bank Chests and Vaults, Vault Doors. Money Chests for Brokers, Jewellers, Railroads, private families, &c., for Plate, Diamonds, and other valuables. N"V. 1857. This Way ! TO TIN ES l' t3C K S !—A taller Arriral of Clieap Goods.—We havejust opened a choice assortment of the CHEAPEST GOODS ever offered in the county. We can hardly particularise, as our stock onnsprises almost every thing desired. We have reeeived sev eral cam*, Floe Thousand risrds, of Prints which we offer at 61 cents per yard, each as are usually *old at 10 cents ; Elegant Cobargs at 25 cents ; Muslin. of which we have en unusually largo stock at reduced prices ; Cos einetts at prices that defy competition. In fact we ears sell goods of every description so low that purchasers will save money by bay ing from us. We only ask persons iesiring cheap grata to elan:doe our stock. particular ly this last arrival from the East, where we have purchased, (for the Cask,) - dims from the mainsfacturerma tech rate* as enabterus to offer -area o•ll'sabd judge for yourselves. PAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. Nov. 16, 1857. tf ROHR her just returned with e h im* J• stook. of FALL. 4 WINTER GOODS, which lie will sell law foe , @soh or country produce. Please eta hien I Irtli clouting elswekere,; se you will fled it to year interest to do so. Null Cut frie of charge utmost . JQ !IN , 130 K E Oct. - . • Ladies, no you , want , play DRESS GOODS, se low priest Go 'to Ishaeetocke and bay them steek ie eboaper and prettier thaw ebealiem • Their (Cock eosapriesa Dle *ism. Okburs, Alpo. Kw aim.. Pl.idoh ha. Also ji very. rich /oakum article of Mori. Antique for dreams.; Nal . • I.I4I.IfSBTOORS'. la 61 _ON YOUR ' l7 ! pikes 41 .".iR orb .or innie, *OW ilke*n, Ow/Know Molt, IN micro, aid Rabbit Max, talking/ink 4 Angfiinbaugh'ot, sign of the Nur. 30. Ilia 800 C. Hardware Store. e Herring's Patent New Goods, 1M.M.,..... • i,••.1.1.••.../ Important- Dbothrerjr.. cioNu.urnog sad all Diseases aff the NJ Lungs and Tbvoat are positively Cored by Inhalation. which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air passages. and coming in direct cons ict with the disease, neutralises the tubercular matter. allays the cough, ceases a free and easy ex • peetoration, heals the lungs, purifies the tilooci, imparts renewed vi'ality to the nervous system. giving that tone and energy so indis pensable fur the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is inbelatiao, is to me a touree of unalloyed pleasure. It. is as much under the control of medical treatment as spy other for midable disease ; ninety out of every hundred cases cap lte gyred ill the first stages, and fifty per cent. In the second ; bat in the third sage it is impossible to sate more than five per cent , for the Lungs are so out up by the dia -1 ease as to bid defianee to medieval skill.— Even, however. in the last stages, Inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five thodsand persons in the lUnited States alone; and a oorrect calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are destined to fill the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so ' fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares ' neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being from whom cometh every good mid perfect gilt, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by I their deposition in the lungs is to prevent the fro admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Thep surely it is more rational to ex pect greater good from medicines entering the cavities of the' longs, than from those admin istered through the stomach ; the patient will always - find the lungs free and the breathing easy, after Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhala tion is a local - remedy. nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy serial bility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may he am putated without the slightest pain ; inhaling 1 the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The odor of [deny of the medicines is percepti ble in the skin a few Minutes after being in haled. and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing, proof of the consti tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should pro duce the happiest results 1 During eighteen years' practice. many thousands suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages. which fully satisfies me that cousuroption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of con sumption is original, and founded on long ex perience and it thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles. &c., enables we to distinguish readily, the various forms of disease that simulate con• stuription, and apply the proper remedies. rare ly being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity, in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic diaroveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of con tracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States and Csnadas by p.iients communicating their symptoms by leiter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay the a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected retthoot my seeing the patient again. G. W. ORABAM, M. D., Office,ll3l Filbert St.,(old Nu.lo9,)belooh!th, THILADIMPIDA, PA. July 20, 1857. ly Splendid -Gifts AT 439 Comic? STRUT, PRILADILPRIA..-.. The Original Gift Book Store.-0. G. Evans would inform his friends and the pub lic, that he has removed his Star Gift 1340 k Store and Publishing Muse, to the splendid store in Brown's Iron Building, 439 Cualocur Street, two doors below Fifth, where the pur chaser of each book will receive one of the following Fitts, valued at from 25 cents %o SIOO, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, 550 Patent English Lever Gold 'WORTH Watches, ...... $lOO 00 each. 550'Patent Anchor do. ' 50 00 •do lenieteeetstiVlVlttetastiftre:B4-* —4lO 600 Silver Lwow lir sitobiss,. wars. 15 00 do 510 Parlor TinieVucei, . .11) (X) do 500 CsineoSeta,lisr Drops &Pins,lo' 00 ; Io 500 Ladies' Gold Bracelets. $5 to 12 00 do 500 Gent's Vest Chains, 10 00 do 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large size doable case,) 300 do 2,000 Gold Lockets, (small size,) 300 do 1,000 Gold Pouch Gold Pons, 500 do 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with cues and holders, 10 50 do 2,50 i) Gold Pencils, (Lad1e...').... 250 'do 2,500 Gold Pens,with Silv.Pencils, 250 do 2,500 Ladies' Gold Pen s, wi th cases, 150 do 0,500 Gold Rings, Ladies ',) 100 do 2,000 Gent's Gold Rings,. - 275 do 2,500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, 250 do 3,500 'Misses' Gold Breastpins,— 15) do 3,000 Pocket Knives .... 75 do 2,000 Sets Gent's Gold Bo' m Studs, 300 do 2,000 • do do Sleeve Buttons,3 00 do 2,000 ,Pairs Ladies' Ear Drops,... 250 do 8,000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 500 do 1,500 Ladies' Cameo,Jet or Mosaic Pins, SOO do 2,500 Ladies' Cameo Shawl and Hi blym Pins ...3 50 do 5,000 Fetridge's Balm of a Thous and Flowers. 50 do Evssis' new Oatakigne contains oil the most poppies booksof the day, and the newest pub lications, all of which will be sold as low as CM be obtained at other store*. A complete catalogue of books sent free. by application through the mail, by addretaiug G. G. Er axs, 439 Otiesnnt st., Philadelphia. Agents wanted in every town in the United States. Those desiring so to act can obtain full particulars by addressing as above. N..B.....lrreonsegeenee •of the money crisis, and numerous failures, the subscriber has been t.nsbled-to pnrobaee-frem assignees au immense stook of honks, embracing every de- Peetteeeit e! literature, at "prices which will enable hint 10 $3OO worth of the abdve gifts on every $ 000 worth of hooks sold. Aq extra book with a Oftorill be rent to one address, by Express. Ater D roe A 4 lIIATALOUtra. Not. 9, 1857. S 3 ' Rev. C.lett, with': laboring u a .114issiagerf• in -IT -Femeelmint -Asia ; • tiienevered a MIRO* *nu certain OttiiiiititieCtlethasa, Brow Lectegite.tOtia„- hitrptita 4 0 ,6aigoi Tel itll4tafteritioteg the Mud; Oen. a^ iswe and AtelikNi 1.0 d• g Waling 0111 144, An tall/0d Asti fie 40 We* one allearl nti ing4: an win 44044 latuiltaai 102) ta matt sliohaair' • LI, ',WWI sod ts reustrait_ Aprigottitslad 021411 the 1111101iiirt; Jtll , l iirossoketts, Nit s August a. 1857. dm; claikrigartiAa Ma ileadM4,lloo 1 44 irelaniitralliiallarkl4ll4l4llll°"' 4 36.7 11 44, ttegns', - Ana,' iithisei7= Wine Drop+, besides *ate`lnSprils of Weft csndies s$ WM. BOYER . .•11.0 I 1 I , Orte' D 'buaragieventr4v**l4l BY AT LAW, (office one door i YAM ZY ADVANCE, • ' Will Secure the Regular Visit of -0A TTORN west of Buehler's drug and Look store, ,m . 1 Charnbersburg street.) ArrosNet. AND DU-1 )P 1413/TOR rue PATZYTS .I.X . D PILVISIONS. Bounty ! 41 ii ii ' " li g Land Warntnts, Back-pay supended Claims, eaeir and all otlit.r claim+ against the Guvernment to the. Home of any Family in the County at WAshinton, D. t' ; a 1 4 ,) American Claims i ITS PgatICAL WILL in England. Land Warrants located and Afford Instruction and Amusement. sold, or bought, and highest prices IF,ircm.— , , FOR' PAW( E Yt% Agents engaged in locating warrants in lowa, ! Illinois and other western States. bar Apply : sioTHE'Rit, iftOTD ND SWIM, 1114 . A to him peramtally or by letter. OLD AND YOUNG, Gettysburg, Nor. 21, 185:3. I MALE AND.-;YEVALE, Gettysburg, - ' Nofamilysheuid be kriliptt the CompUer.,ls could be ent in no more profitable manner than by stibecrilbSitg for the "Compulat," which will furnish you with all the newa of the day, the' markets, the marriages and the deaths occurrijw in the community, with choice selections of literature, poetry, wit and humor, and all that will go to make up a first-rate Family Newspaper. Ad dreee the Editor and,l4.oprketoc, thotar J. ST.tut.E. May 18. Edward B. Buehler, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend w all business entrusted to him. He peak the - German language.— Office at the same place, in. South Baltimore street, near Forney'a drug store, and desidy opposite Danner & Legler's store. Gettysburg, March W. Wm a litoPlellan, A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Office on the '- 83 - south side of the public square, 2 &Airs west of the Sentinel office. Gettysburg, August 22 , 1853. J. Lawrence Hill, X. D. - ;or AS his ogles ens 111" 1 11 N -a-l• door west of the Lutheran church in Oharntpersburg street, and opposite Picking's store, where those wishing to have any Den tal Operation per fo rmed ars respectfully invi ted to call. Rartaracav: Dr. 'D. Horner, Rey. C. P. Krath, D. D., Rev. 11. L &weber, D. D., Rev. Prof. M. Jasobs, Prof. M. L. Starer. [Gettysburg., April 11,'53. The Grand Show! AT OILTTTEDURO, PA. ii. Samson, ilasager LE. Proprietor Doors open at 6 o'clock, A. M.—Performance to commence immediately after. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Adulte,FßFF •• • •• 0 •••• • 41 Children, (under 12 years of age,) Half Price GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TO TUE PUBLIC! The subscriber, thankful for past favors, reepeltfully informs the inhabitants of Get tysburg and surrounding country, of the fact that he has just received from the New York Auctions a _SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS! which he is determined to sell at astonishing ly low rates fur ciao. In return for the liber al patronage bevtowed tip.n him, he will give a Grand Complimentary Benefit, on which oc casion will he prvnlented TWO MAGNIFICENT PIECES! OR Wednesday, October 28, _ and every day until further notice, will be presented the very popular Tragedy of GOOD FITS: with the following unrivalled cast :—Fashion able Cluthiug, from the finest to the lowest priced qualities. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, in great variety. Boots, Shoes, Hots, Caps, to suit all tastes. An Intermission of Ten Minutes, to allow those making large parchsees time for Lunch. ,te., The whole to conclude with M. Samson's sue cesefnl Flap entitled VARIETIES! the beauty of which will cause great excite ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. Oct. 26,1857. tf Good and Cheap 1 TirE undersigned wuld informs bie friends l and the public generally, that he oon tintu3s the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSI NESS, in all its branohes, at his establish ment, in East Middle Street, (near the east end.) Gettysburg, Pa., wheie he has on lints 1 a first-rate lotof work, and isprepared to pet up to order whatever any be . desired in his line, riz :—Rockawny and Boat-Body Carriages; Falling-Top,Rock. away* Trotting Boggles, Jersey Wagons, I*. With good workmen and good materials, he can pledge his work to be of the beet quality --and has prices are among the lowest. Illiirßepatring dime at short notice, and at reasonable rates. Cbantry produce taken iu exchange lbr Irerk. Call! JACOB TROXEL. June 13, MIL Attention, One & All ! NOW 14 THE TIME to hate jour Picture taken!—S. WZAVEJllbairing provided bilnoritwitb an entire new and 411endid SKY LIGHT DAOUERREAN ROOM at his resi dence in West Ididdle street. opposite Prot. Jacobs. doe square West of Baltimore street, whore be is now prepared to furnish AMBBOTITIIII AND DAGIJERRIOTTPIKS, ill int)" 'Lyle of the'rt, which he w ill war ptat Ito gig, entire satisfaction. His long ex perience and superior apparatus give him advantages' seldom furnished by Dnguerrean eatablishmentsout of the city. He has a large number of specimen, at his Gallery, in Chem bersburg sueet,w here he will continua as here tofore, which the public arc requested to call and examine. 10"r.barges from 50 cents to 310. flours of °pedant (row 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Gold Lockets, Breastpins, suitable for miniatures, always on sand, at the •ery lowest prices. I:7l3trilttren will not be taken for less than SO ecmts, (ID'AMBRQTYPES taken from one dollar and uptreitds. end in the best style. July 20, 18511. tf To the CountWftegfiewe. T MACS rented - the'lloundry for the ensu ing year, and am prepared to make th different kinds gleanings nenatly.atade at a Foundry. I will. keep constantly ou hand the different kinds of PLOUGIIS, Puints, Sbaree, Cutters, Puts, Kettles, Pane, Washing nuthinem, 11L, • j St.oteit. and Machinery; Por ches, Verandah's and Cemetery Fencing made and put up pith dimpatult. All orders will be attended to Promptly ; but being without capital,. and money being necessary to carry on the &Wiles', I will be Compelled to sell for cash, but'un all country work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable trade will be taken, if delitered at the time uf purchasing, Give us a call. L M. WARREN. Gettysburg, June 1, 18.57. ductioueering. A Nitgaw W. FLEsfitl:olo, residing to J°L Breckinridge street, near James Pierce's, Cletlysbarg, olibrs his settles* to • the public as a Sal. Cricrand Audamar... His charges are modente, and ha wfdi on all ooeasioms _en deavor spreader oatiefeesion. Uf bopee to weirs a share of public patronage. . Aug. 17;1:85T. , . lierairvaL ALlgt. MAAR; Watch t• bleak kik*, hes I eat weal hie , shop to Celeste shad. helper Wake's. 'sewe r wheys :he ••wili.• ad ways be happy to attend to the eallis.Of oat tomer,. - Tewiskifeepset- favor* he hopes, 47 ateletaSsenthaav tienitemes sadist Mare to alee4.aose the patepepief the p „e. Getrslxtrg, May 18, 1135 t. • **it" t - 1 1rOttrl) tin "rmatiiii V! thole 'alibied to ma other brimarifirboak aahamit,tbat AIM 4 4" 1 5 14 11 $ • eam ealt - tad pa);, latJ2B2 jai • • Akik fi 1 - • t.c••••• , ',7 • et stkiremb •"'" • wariness of Sugar. Csaes4o4lllM which willseU. air4amt as sliskieran end. are: *per snider sod: Wit jiidge tot yourselves. For sale at the Orimwr aid Confectiop Store of BOYER & JOB ARMING. 1011 P-We are bettor' pre pared than ever to execute Jog' Pairmixo,- is its rarioas branches. With two Presses, and au nnusually large assortment of jobbing letter and other materials, filo public, may rest assured that for neat ness and expedition in doing work, the " COMPILER" °ilk° " can't be beat." The Largest Chair A ND Furniture Establishmer.ia Betkinenret• 13 & mATinors GAY ST. WAREROOMS, Nurth Gay street, near Fayette, where are kept always on hand. or to order, evory style of French TETE- A •, in Plush, flair, Cloth or Broentelle. • • French 1141 Stuff and Medallion: Parlor Alt3l CHAIRS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Broentelle. French Full Stuff Carved RibUILOR CUAIRS; in sets, with Plush, Linir,,Cloth or ttrocatelle. SOFAS. half French Spittg Mahogany, and Walnut Parlor CIIAIR.% tu Ilair,Cloth or Plumb. ROCKTNG CIT,URS--varlotta designs, in Hair, Cloth and Plush. &uff Spring LOUNGES—a ,lorga smart• went always( on hand, or any pattern madi nr corere4 with any grnwle to order. CIIAMBRK SUITS—in Mahqgany- or Walnut, complete. from 1124'np, ' • • - CANE CRAMS and Rueitiug .do.—the largemt sanortment ready made in an one house iu the United Staten-4rom $l2 a doz en np. Bar Room, °See and Dining CIMIRS, in Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wood or Stuffed Seats—an assortineat over 50 dozen. IY , ssi seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and Rocking Chairs—orer 100 dozen. A. MATIIIDT, 25 N4rrth as,',Street. near Fayette street. May IIS, 1857. ly Fall Dry Goods. V YRE & LAN DELL, FOURTLI & ARCII -A-A streets, Pitilailelp_his, resprsrtfully ru gusto euxii Buyer:. to examine a fine siouck of SEASONABLE O,IODS, adapted to But PCNNST LY.4.:11,4 TRADE'. Full Line of Fall Dresq Goesiq. New Deqiro"os of Fall Sllawlq. Rich Silks of Newen Styles. Good Black Silks of ali widths. 4 l'ases usiortr.l French Merinos'. " Puil de Slievres, Now Goods. Britiqh and American Dark Pr' fa.. Satineus, Cassimereq, Cloths and Teirtniti.. D~uAlini, Linens, Flannels . , Blinketc:, N. B. Auction 13argains from Kew Yleji and this City tinily recoiled. Perth:vise at tention given to C,ountry orders fur Desirable Goods. Terms NETT CASH. August 31, 185 i". 3m IL SR-LLD& Lumber, Coal amilltmea. .NB W eL • istviensignEd remiectfallY arinsobisto the citizens of Gettysinut and =lslay. that they have entered into a eoverr. and intend opening a COAL & I; R D 'YAR, on Washington street, in tint eof the Eagle Hotel, where they will be hapiOy to see all who way laver limn with a call. :Tiny will tarnish every taiietraf&ove. inafkfrogalt .wadi Liodourwx's COAL, at the loweatposai lols wholesale rates. in order to introduce it Irmo general ass. TheY also 'intent= a finned general marn'tineat et IX soon - as the Railroad it einlnPlettal ir ley lira beep ecitinery sn•band wow , of COAL and . WINO STIVARK are the celebrated Williameihri li Mit h e c m *, 1 a 1 Cool — n 3 Cook Aires: • 41/Stor, Pubten nitshie- ine Airtight. 0,1 Sia r. a frhtlitii ingot. b4T 51iit 2ai a ' Sedieftide Q. 9: