The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 14, 1857, Image 4

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    illat t at ""
" Ilk ifihe try' lbe plositi would thrive,
-1 • " UMW Mast *Wm hold or drivo."
~4 ' l , lol4lqi„Erjurnisil an sow long, sad the harry
7 ‘ 4 10 4..e
1 Wadi antlisly 4msz, oar *Criceitu
..:464lllmde ahead sameasieate through our
•4111111111111, N doe public, their experieacan for the
-11nrythlag at all worth pabiltbing,
k a Whi IMPOPIF rent wet to lie Dark?
"'"Alaciiten observed by good hoahekeep
, Llis4iutt their best potatoes come from
•A' the bottom of the bin or barrel, where
tha pre the most effectually :guarded
..t. boo the light, and often covered with
' soi) that has silted down from the
,A,spiporlayers. It is often recommended
titkt this vegetable be kept in a dark
.; eel*. Tt his been suggested that one
?eaten of the deterioration of this rege
top!, Is owing, in part, to the fact, th,at
u nsilart in all the modern built houses
glare made !►mnrh more light and airy,
. •
ajthapt they were thirty years ago.
Gb fl. potato is in its most perfeet eon
'tilitioti when it is fully ripe. and Las the
• lasillest moire of mt&reh in its eomposi
tdtkw, If it could be kept in the ground,
ty •
(4 ,wiiitiout freezing so ar to destroy- its
vitality, it would remain nearly un
ukibiagial- In its character nntil the fel
„jowls% Spring, when the increased
warmth of the sun would excite tho
I ra
„Se& Art should tittompt. to do what
-• Peters does perfectly, in the original
li , wits of the pasts). It is Wit in a
ANA; dark deposit of vegetal& mould
06 . 601 tibe Spring opens. In the'good
licoliiiiisisionefl cellar which kept pota-
loss when we were a boy, these condi.
,*ons were very well observed. The
:him was is the darkest, coolest part of
ihireallsr, and the potatoes were de••
laiwted; there with the dirt on them, as
shay ease trona thellekl, and they saw
pa *y °flight, except that °facsimile,
November until March. They
were only kept from freezing, in the
-mom night*, by • thick covering of rye
i !' a •
440 - modern built house *re Is
Iwo* too mach light and warmth in
The potatoes come In early
lifigtifir Into the light and temperature
- 411 . kpefl. The. reproductive lastiacts
,„' ) gib• tubers are excited, the eyes begin
-dillatartould the starch, which manes
potato so tartly and nieo, as an u
is4ol:o toed, begins to pass war iv&
ley* .torripontrds, favorable to the
4546. of anew erop. cook com
ylitilhecef wet heavy potatoes. Those
Itiqtittarely sprouting ttilAtrit, it is Fri.
Ai:oy observed err not, nap active
sol:itabare. The reprodcietive energy
be weakened by this untimely
heat. It looks ressosiabLe
r Vitaitithis coarse fbllowed op fbr a long
of pion, should havoan =favor
donee op the health of the plant
ket gardeners aro alive to this fact,
eled:let their early potatoes, ripe in
lie la the ground until November
Wthey dig them. They' are tiles
bop iota cool, dark cellar, eatil it
Mut lyrt them for planting.-4gri
4 tfbe *4HWft *laid of Cosi' es Rivera:
A,cpyireepondent writing from Task.
isalssueg scanty, Indiana, informs us
INN et the State Agricultural Exhibi
sslver Pitcher was awarded for
refire acres of corn. The award
Aside upon the decision of throe
slikatereated men in each town, who
pisiltalisecl the corn growing in the fields,
814 Measured one acre of each plot--
riser *hen made oath to the yield of the
akilia acre, and of the whole five esti
MAKI from the acre actually measured.
t' and made, airier oath, was for
#l4ll)eidiels of shelled corn on five
acres, ot 1711 bushels to the acre.
* ' ' Al snit has been excelled at any other
61111/IvOT in any other place, we shall be
te hear of it. Till we do we shall
tibir Iliad of tho corn column—anless
40Vbestrpf sonic mistake in the above
A 1109061
' tirstgwe ins Homer Plante.
sl i a t si mosbod
y bus recommended to cul
*Note dwarf grape-vines as parlor win
iititiptatits ; and the.suggestion strikes
eliieworably. There are oertain utili
entiets who cannot consent to grow
anything whioh does not furnish food
IW I the stomach, or money for the
pocket; as for "clustering op" their
room with geraniums, roses and lilies,
thilt is all folly ! Now, let such per
-44 try a grape vine at their south
wilnkow. Plant in a large pot or neat
ltpshsted box, and train the vines on
`111:141101., stretobett across the window
frame. We can oonoeive that such a
*sett would satisfy the sense of beauty
sent naility et the same time, and that
Nigh degree. It would be the
4,osat, ohugunt of the house; and as
fee the fruit, why certainly; tAat would
be aptilicioxt—Agricutturist.
.ait'aulloh, steward:" exclaimed
s fellow in one of the stkaroboats, after
hating retired to his berth.
" tleak!i hisses?'
iAt4tipplig me die way-bill."
!O r W*l'9r, mama l '
wan't, to see if these bags pet
diem Untie *asses tbr this berth betore
1 1 011 trivet t want not turned ottt."
eolored ball, the following
'ele Via plied on the guar }watt
-MT itese iffy net No g•szatuan ad
mitted *a he Immo himself t"
dew, does a pitcher of water dif
or .06111 fa Man throwing his wile over
tt bridgeT One is water in the pada
eteremeithe-4)01w-aapitolier in the water.
11 101 rite Ati„ir man advertises for his
nitiptimsy "is but fifteen
)41441.4114:4 1 11 , )*Rd luviug &vow
*.t limo, ea, threw 84614414. ialV f .
'tt 71411• • -1 .•
t.' r
RAVINI,IB /1141=110X or Apes" Co—
Tbit 'Amiga, deposits", for
wttleh it par interNt as follows:
Tor over 10 mouths. 4 per emit. per anntna.
For 3 and not over 10 months, ; per cent.
per easels. - For transimeadepositm., sot less
thorn 40 days. 2 per east. per mama. payable
on demand without sotiot.
A joint hand (capital) of 414000 bat been
paid in.
For loans apply on Wednesday.
Sums received on deitite as low sa •
dime. Internal-to be ittod whrooier the
Apposite* amoniet to $5,00, and on *sob sd.
iitionad Si3OUU mod upwards.
Office in &nth I% est • Groner of Pablo
Square. next to George Arnold's store. Open
daily from 9 A. 31,1,4 P. M., and for recoir.
ing depsites every Saturday, from SO A. M.
to G P. M.
Treasurer LE Secretary, GEORGE ARNOLD.
John Brongh, John Horner,
Amnia Du rboraw, Osurge Aznold,
A. ileintselman, Jsoot, Mueseirmul,
D. McCreary, D. 31cConaughy,
William Culp, John Mickley,
Robert Horner, John Throne,
April 0, 1957.
Herring's Patent
1 - 1 SAIRS, with Hall's Patent. POWDER
PROOF LOC ii:S.—Faitiraie &
Makers, 34 Tra/Aut Street, below &cond.
Plala t.—Th e great interest manifested
by the public t., procure mare certsin securi
ty from fire for rillnable papers, curb as
Bond*. Mortgage, Deeds. Notes and 8.,0ks
of Amounts, than the ,rdinary Safes hereto
fore in use affurde.l. induced the Patentees to
devote a large purtion of their time for the
last fourteen years, in ;making discoveries
and improvements fur this object, the result
of which is the unrivalled ILrriny's Patent
World's Pair Premium FIRE PI?O QF
SAFER, universally neknowleilged irr the
Caatertore Sin. Or Tilt WORLD Hewing
bean awarded Medale at both.tke World's
Fair, London, 1861, and Or-retail •Palms. N.
Y., 1853, Le superior to al) others. is
undoubtedl, entitled to i tbat apelbtien, and
secured with Hairs Patent Powder-proof
LAcks--whicti were also awarded, separate
Medals, (as above)—forms the moot perfect
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ever let offer
ed to the public. •"'
Nearly ZOO "Herring's Safes" ban boon
tested durieg the past 14 years, and wore
tbaa 10300 have ban sold and airs sow in
actual moo.
Also on hand or maiiiufactored to order,
all kinds of Boils! and Chilled Iron Back
Meths and Vaults, Vault Dann% 'Money
Chests fur Broken,- JeireHers, Railroele,
private families, for Plate, Diamonds.
and ether valseldee.
Nay. U, 1857.
." Ifardivare Store.
frITE iiilleiniben would rerpectfolly an
mount's to their Mends and the public that
they have opened a liardware Store. in Balti
more street, adjoining the residence of David
Ziegler," Gletr l ystiarg..ia which they always
bored to offer to die public a large and oli
tre assortment of HARDWARE, Iron,
Sleek Groceries, Cushiry. fleck Trimmings,
Springx. Axles. Saddlery, Cedar-ware. Slum
llndings,'Paints, Oils and Dye Slat, in gen
inalading suety daseriation of articles
in the above boa of imminent. to which they
invite the ettentiint of coach-makers. black
" 111Ferlilnienttits: Cabinet-makers, shoe
makers, saddlers, ar l d the public generally.
Our stock having Men *sleeted with great
care and purchased for cash, we guarantee
(for t(he reedy money.) to dispose of any part
of it as as !estimable terms as they min be
purchased anywhere.
We particularly._ request a call from our
Meade, end leliratotly solicit *share of public
raver. as we are detevatinined to establieh a
eiaraster fqr ailing goads at law prices and
doing business an fair prineiplet.
Gettysburg, lane 9, 1851. tf
This Way 1
PATINESTOCKS !—Anotiser Arrival qf
Ckeap G'oods.—We have just opened a
ettotetrutiosentuntef dm CHEAPEST GOODS
ever offered in the county, We can hardly
particulariae 4 aitr‘tock eretsprises almost
tier, dal* Attired. We have received sev
eral ewes. ripe Thousand rends, of Prints
o hick we afar at fit unto per yard. such as
ars &wally said-at 10 cents Elegant Cuburgs
at 25 cents ; Muslim of which we have an
unusually Issgasteek at reduced priests ; Cas
snouts at prioes that defy oompetition. is
fact we can sell goods of every description so
low that parallaxes; will save money by buy
lag fruit so, We only ask peruse desiring
cheap goods to examine our ouch. partiealar
ly tingled arrival froin the Emit, where we
bars purchased, (for the rash.] direct from
the manufacturers; at loch rates U enable us
to offer treat Boredom. Call and judge for
Nov. 16, 1957. tf
New Goods.
lIOKE has just returned with a lugs
which he will sell low for cask or country
produce. Pleave give hue a call before par
interest to di so. air All Cmods cut free of
charge. JOAN
Oct. 12, 1837.
Great Rush
TO JACOBS it Baltimore street,
near the Diamond. to Res the stacks of
Clothe, Cassintersa, Vest' nga. dro., which they
have just received from the city, as well as
the first class lot of Ready-made Clothing
now on hand—Oyer Coats, Dress, Frirk and
Sack Coats, Pants and Vests.
Dou't \ forget that for anything in the men's
line of wear, 74512 can never 150 males by call
ing at Jacobs'. If you want a fine coat, or
pants, or nett, rely upon it you cannot be
better accommodstet. anywhere. either se
quality, make or price. So with middle, or
low priced goods. They offer a varied stock,
and defy competition. They will sell Ileady
made Clothing, all of their own making-sip, at
prices as low as city clothing, which are so
apt to rip and give r ay. They are practical
tailors themselves, and hence turn out nothing
but what they know to be well gotten up.—
Give thorn a call—lnuk at their stock—and if
you are not pleased, there's no harm done.
No trouble to Pt huvr goods.
11101 - The latest New York and Philadelphia
Fashions re.eivo.l.
Gettysburg, Nov. 9, 15.57.
Great Excitement!
MAKE NOTICE that we hare just received
a new and splendid lot of HATS, CAPS,
BOOTS & Slid ES, which we offer to the
public CHEAPER than era., having put
down our stock to the Lowest lining profits.—
Under theve arrangements we can put our
gr+nds within the reach of ALL. as to style,
quality and PRICE. Our motto is quick
sales and small profits. Call and examine
inn stock of goods before parehuging else
where. Remember the sign of the " BIG
BOOT." OLambersburg street, below Bueh
ler's Drag Store.
Mirßoote and Shoes mole upon the short
est notice and by the best of workman.
October 19, 1857.
TAO you want pretty Dftfal GOODS, at low
-' prices 1 Go to Fahnestoeks' and bay
them. Their stook is cheaper lad prettier
than elaewhere. Their stuck eomprises • De
!sines, Ouhurir, French Morisco, Alpaca Mo
rino., Plaids, kc. Also s rei7 rich looking
ankle of Mori* Antique fbr dreimes. Don't
forget to look ai PARNLSTOCKS'.
paid in Gash ar trawl*, hr• '074 RikeranhO
Opnsuo, Milk Muskrat and Rabbit Ski.
Bringo.ui ar..taptabsazip: Itcri ottba,
6;4';'30. ' • • • RIO BOOT. .
pIRE . 0)/(VANY.--Iseer
-4: punkt"! March 18, 1851.
~ oe DirfiCtn.
PM( 1141471 SFRupiti,
rim Prositle
.9e are--P. Boobloth,
Treasurer—David NrCresivy.
.brae Cestimitime--41ebart Mt:Carly,
Audrey Meimmeeiame s Jssanis
Mammas its.—Abonega aigooloa, D. A. Buehler,
1:4 M'Curdy, lamb Kin& A. Heist:miasma,
D, Ml.lstiary i J. J. Kerr, M. Mitimlitenger, 8.
H. Ittrytell, A. B. Kuril. Andrew Pellet, B.
fultusetocir, Wm. B. Wenn., H. A. frusking,
I Wne. 81, 3 1 I'Cleilan, John Wolford, (1.
Creary, Joftti Tinrnei, E. W. Stahl. , J. h
11cbsagh. Abdiet T. Oitt.
Mr-This Company is limited In Its opera
(ions to the county orkfiuntt. ft.has been in
suceessrut operation fur more than six years,
j sad in that period has paid all losses and es-
Imams. io,Wtout auy assessliteni. having also a
large surplus capital in the Treasury. The
Cutepany empluys nu Agenta--all business
I belt" dune by the 31anagers. who are annuel
ily elected by the Stockholders. Auy person
desiring an Insurance con apply to any uf the
I above named Managers fur further infor
bdrikte Executive C' Imtnitteit masts at the
Ales of the Coinpanv on the host Wednesdey
I In every month. at '2, P. M.
I Sept. 28, 1837.
Fall & Winter Goods.
JL. SCHICK avail himself of this
• mAinin Or 3ClTl.Uneing to the evantnuni
ty and general, that he hes received
from the ewes the largest and most complete
stock of Dili GOODS, that it belt ever been
your pleasure to examine in this place, all of
which has bees *elected with time, the utmost
care, Lad with particular reference to the
tastes atyd wants of the pe..plo of this locality,
and which for beauty of style and cheapness,
he challenges competition. 1.7. tt' LADLES'
DEPARTMENT, he has all styles, qualities,
shades, and °ohms of Goods. suitable for the
seasson. 11e• invites the Ladies to call and
take a look through his selections at their
earl eat convenience. FOR THE GENTLE
MEN, he hits a chitice stook of Cloths, °asst.
meres. Vestingw.ltc., to., all rod and cheap.
Don't pass tty Schick's...he will always be
found ready to show Goods had sell cheap—
among the very cheapest.
Gettysburg, Oct. 19, IT.
Cheap aothimg.
(1,10,8 AR ARNOLD & CO. have now on
" hand, at their Clothing Emporium. a
large stook of READY-MADE. CLOTIIING,
all of our own getting up, made out of ear
own Sloths, and warranted to be made in the
very best manlier and style, among which are
Drees Cw►a of every variety, Over-coats, Pan
taloons, Vests, Monkey jackets, ke., also
Black, Bios, Olive, Brown, Claret, Drab and
Green Clothe, for Over-coats. with trimmings
to suit. sold cheap; also cheap Caselmeres,
Cassinets, Jeans, Cords and men's wear gen
erally- We have just rewired the fall fish
ions, and have howls constantly employed
cutting out and making up, and if we cannot
please you in a garment ready made. we will
take your measure and make you a suit on
abort notice. Call, and see us. The above
goods will be sold cheap fur cos.
Oat 12, 1857.
Hover'a Hair Dye.,
ITI HZ following.• horn that 'missal Physi•
1 clan of Philadelphia. Dr. Brine&le. added
to the testimony of -Professor Booth, only eon
firms what is evidcmeed by thousands who
hare used Hover's Dye :
"Girard Roe, Chesnut street.
Philadelphia, Dec. 22. 18.13. f
"In retard to iTircr'• fl a ir Dye, I can state
unhesitaangly that It contains no deleterious
ftredients, and may be Used with entire
nfigekT, and the utmost aonfklenoe and :recess."
Hotter's Writing and us
so well and yridely known. as to require no
eulogy of their merits,' it is only necessary tu
say, that the steady and inere.ising demand.
gives the best evidence that they maintain
their eharseter for superiority which distin
guished them when first latroduced.- years
ago. Orders addmaed In the .Manufactory,
No. 416 R. 1 091.1 atfpel. stave Fourth. (old No.
144) Philatfelpfilt,4oll receive prompt atten•
tion by
JOSE PH E. 110'ir ER , otraelig rer.
Sept. T. (April 13. ly)
Wingerd, White & Swope,
Moleskin, Sdk, Felt and Fur Hats,
Ada= B. frisserd,} .
Duniel S. Witi4e, BALTIMORE, MD.
Jean A. Swops.
Aug. 3, 1 557.
New .Goods.
received their usual large raPplY of Fall
aad Winter Goods, to *hick they unite the
attention of the public. The Goods were
purchased low,.aad will be said very cheap.
NB and 'mumble at the Sip of the Red
Front. ' ~ " Oct. 5.
Coffin •
T ' subscriber reapeetfully inforixis the
public that he is prepared to mat*
COIPIrINS, of all styles. at short notice, and
at swamis rates. He is also prosided with
se excellent new HEARSE, which will enable
him to convey corpiee to any burial place
desired. His establishment is located in
Hamilton township, Adams county, near John
Heagy's store, and about one and • half miles
from New Oxford, where he hopes to merit
and receive a liberal sh are of public patronage.
Oct. 10, IE6I. 3m
New Goods.
GE ARNOLD Qc) have just received
a large stock of New Goods, among
which am Ladle,' Drees (loci& in great varie
ty , eheiip Cloths, Over-coatings, ClLSSi
tners, Joon., B.itinets. Cords, Vestuaga, Flan
nels, Sh,%wls, Carpets, and Domestics gener
ally, with a large stock of Ready-Made Cloth
ing. all of our own makiug; warranted to be
well made and to fit well, also a large stock of
Groceries, ell of which will be sold cheap for
cash. Call and see us.
Oct. 12, 18.57.
stir A few STOVES on hand will be sold
I H. SKELLY respectfully informs his old
• customers and the pablie generally,-that
he continues the TAILORING BUSINESS,
near his old stand, in 9 ,uth Baltimore street,
where he will be happy to soontamodate all
who may patronise him. All work entrusted
to hie care warranted to fit and be of moat
euhatantial make. Thankful fir past favors,
he Bolick, a ccmtinuanee of public patronage.
Sew York Spring and Summer
Fasiliona are reoeived. Call and see them.
Gettysburg. April 9, 185.5.
Diamond Tonsor.
JOHN W. TIPTON, Fashionable Barber
mid Hair Dresser, can at all times be
found prepared to attend to the calls of the
pis, at the Temple in the Diamond, ad
joining the County Building. From long ex
perience, he flatters himself that be can go
through all the rumifications of the Textual/4
DETANTSIZST with snob an infinite degree of
skill, as will meet with the entire satisfaction
of all who may submit their chins to the keen
ordeal of his razors. He hopes, therefore,
that by his attention to business, ands desire
to phoasal, he will merit as receive, a liberal
' share of poWie patronage. The sick will be
attended to at their private dwellings.
Gettysburg. Jas. 8, 1855. tf
ANTgD.-4. - good Journeyman MOE
MAKER, of steady. indoorious hal**,
None other need apply. If4iquigt of '
?fly. V% 107.
aTe P f a il t :
'• • . I I ; eespedtfeliy +lion°
the sitiseest Oettyaborg and vloinity, that
they have opened a mew, large sad welt-se
lasted assortment of
at the old-esealbrishailFstaad, ea Beath East
corner el4be Dianat, isrosself milled the
Jew's utter. emery trastWy, style
and price. part ifoodit —Blsok
ins. Black Alpssome, plaza awl fancy De
iioFersa, Gingham% Hair and fancy
Jacorialls'Phs* and dotted'Srisa Viototines.
Imam ball, 'towline, der sad unbleached
Shirting*, Osnabarg, Bed Tlsklnd, Jaquerod
Dis Per• •
Geste and lore Irw.—Black Cloth,
Black Casaimetair, fallow and Olin C"gi
mere., silk su4 fanc y Testing, Kentucky
Jeans, Tweeds, Damns, Cuttunades, Farmer / 8
Drill-.-every style and ?rim A fine assort
ment of Gloves and flowery of every style and
arooffies.--Brown, Crushed, Granulated,
Pulverized, and Clerifled Sugar, D. ( LW.
Vrtip, New Orleans MObtasee, Ground Alum
end Ilse fklts, Doi?" , do., Gooensintre. Male.
ware, Cutlery. Colar-ware, and every other
article found in a well-conducted Dry tioods
and Grocery Store
Haying selected their toll; with care, they
are enabled to sell cheap for Cash, and re
spectfully solicit a share of the public pa
stir Alt kindg of Country Produce Lakonia
eLehango fur podg.
11. S. & E. 11. MINNIGEL
Oct. 3, 1557.
Fancy Furs for Ladies. ,
JOHN FARM& & CO:, (New No.) 818
MARKST Street, above ]Eighth,Phila
delphia. Importers Manufacturers and
dealers in Wise, Oo ntleuten; and Children's
NCY Fri FM Wholesale and Retail. J.
F. k Co., would call 1.13 e altentios
and the pabl:c generally to their *mese.
Stock of Fancy Furs fbr J.ndiea, Gentleman,
and Children ; their assortment embraces
every article and kind of Fancy Fors, that
will be went' during the Seasonnteti u Pall
Capes, Ilalf Capes, Quarter Capes, Telugu,
Victorines ' Boa., Mulls and Mutilates., from
the ititeldillsooiaa•Aisibis to the lowest pries
Domestic Furs.
• For Gentlemen the tersest mmortment of
Far Collars, Glossa, Gauntlet... An.: being
the direct Importers of 'all our Furs and
Manufacturers of titelYrundei our own super
vision, we feel satiated we can offer better in.
di:eminent& to dealers mad the publio.gemertd
ly than any other house, haring en immense
assortment to select from and &stile Manua*.
toren' prices. We only ask a call.
No. 818 .Varkd Street, above Eighth, rAikt'a.
Sept. 21, 1837. 4m
Meßea's Liquid Glue,
article ever invented, for house, store and
office, surpassing in utility every other glue,
gum. mucilage, paste or element ever known.
'Always Ready for Applioatios. Adhesive on
Paper, Cloth, Leather, Furniture. Foroelain,
Chins, Marble or Glass. For nuthufactu.ting
Fancy Articles, Toys, eta., R i b's no superior,
not only possessing treater strength than any
other known arti cle, but adheres mote quick
ly, leaving no stain where the parts are join
ed. Navas FAILS.
Within the lapt three years upwards of
250,000 - bottles of this justly oelebrated
LIQUID GLUE have been sold, arid the great
convenience which it has proved in every
case, has deservedly secured for it a demand
which the manufacturer has found it, at times,
difficult to meet; acknowledged by MI who
bare used it. that its merits ars far above say
similar article or imitation ever °Cored to the
Sar This GLUE is ezlensively counterfeited
—observe the label " _lfeßea's Celebrated Liquid
Giu•, the Gre.nt Adhesive." like no other.—
.llsnufactured and Sold, Wholesale and
Retail, by _ _
- WM. C. McREA, Stationer.
No. 901 Chesnut SL. Pitiladclphia.
rLiberal inducements offered to persons
desirous of soiling the above urtisle.
Sept. 28, 1857. ly •
Two Daily Lines.
dersigned returns his thanks to the public
for the encouragement heretofore extended to
his, and takes pleasure in announcing that be
Wu completed at iangementa by
which TWO DAILY LINKS of v,„.•!..
Coaches will run between Getty. ' 3 / 4 .4wriv..e
burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains
to and from Baltimore, York, flarrisburg,
Philadelphia, Ac. Persons desiring ticketsor
isiorkatica will call on the underr.igned, or on
Crum.= Tat a. Ticket &gest, at the Eagle
flotel, in Chamberoburg street.
It :Special atkention given to all packages,
&c., or other buiineas entrusted to the under
signed between Gettysburg and Hanover,
*inch Will be promptly and carefully attend
ed to.
g7Tha undersigned bas also effected sr.
racipasents by which he will be able to supply
Coaches. Stages. la. far Funerals sad ocher
oecssions. at, moderate charges.
Oettysburg, April 15. 1857.
Family Grocery and Provision
aTLLF.SPIE & THOMAS respectfully in-
M form dm people of Gettysburg and the
public generally, that tiry have just return
ed from the city with a general assortment of
BLES, which they are prepared to sell as low
as the lowest. FOUR and FEED always on
hand, and sold at small profits.
Score on York street, one door east of Wat
tles' Hotel.
Gettysburg. Aug. 3, 1857.
Removed to Hanover.
FRANCIS J. WILSON, late of the Wash
ington House at Ahbottatown, hag taken
in Hanover, where he will be happy to enter
tain all who may patronize him. Ilk Table
is supplied with the best the market and gar
den can afford, and his Bar with the choioesit
of liquors. Ilts Stables are com modious, and
attended by careful Ostlers. Give him a call.
You will a:ways find FRANZ.. on the spot,
ready and willing to make everybody com•
furtable. [April 27,11357.
Cabinet Ware & Chairs.
rr HE undersigned respectfully inform their
-A- friends and the public in general, that they
have commenced the Cabinet and Cbair-making
businem. in Baltimore street. near Middle,
where the; will manufacture all kinds
of FURNITURE, such as Dresaing
and Common Bureaus, Tables of va
rious descriptions, Bedsteads. Wardrobe.,
Stands. and every other article in their line—
au- of the best workmanship and good ma
terials, which will enable them to warrant
their work. Also, every variety of CHAIRS.
Corms mado at short notice, and in the
various styles.
House Painting and Papering attended to,
and done in the best manner.
Their priers will be as ).w s the lowest, u
all who may patronise them will seknowledge.
o:744nsober and 000ntry product taken is
exchange for work.
Gettysburg. Feb. 23, 1857. ly
kinds, qualities, rases. and shapes, for
Men, Bays, Yunths and Children, st
thy sad the test stook ever broegiet
thie pLoa. If yea 444 kw ita4 se*
fur yeereelves—st SCUIt; h: 8.
THE Perry Onont7 Mutual Fire Insurance
Clompany-mCapated 1139,586—affects in•
'unmans io atty part of the State, npainst
loss by Ise ; pructeady adapts its operations
to its resources ; affords ample indstcanity,
and promptly adjusts its !oases.
Adams oonnty is represented in the Board
of Managers by Sm. Moire McCLIAIc.
WM. MeCLRAN, Arms,.
011 es of K. • W. Ilieless,
May NI, 16,54.1.
—The tintiereigned have parehased the Gro
cery Store of E. H. MINNIGH, on the
Northwest corner of the Diamond. formerly
occupied by A. B. gams. where they invite
the. attention of all who may wish Groceries,
Confections, Fruits—Coffee, Tea, Sugar. Mo
lasses, Salt. Starch. Soda. Spices of all kinds.
Lemons, Figs, A!rnonds, &c. Also. a fine as
sortment of chewing and smoking Tobacco,
&gars, Snat,•&e. fri''Coantry Produce ta
ken in estate:lgo for Goods.
September 7, 1857.
The Franklin souse,
(roxii*Li Tax Counts notsr.)
Corner of Franklin and Howard Streets,
siir Pcrra an en t and Transient Boarders
atxpeinawidisied with Feral-Class Beard and
Pleasant Rooms. CIILIGILS 4NlDDitawn,
H. K. CADY, •
Sept. V. General Superintendent.
QPOUTIE4I.--George and Henry Wampler
will utak, HenselSpouting and pet up the
gam low, for cash or oountry prisluee. Far
mers and all others wishing their houses,
bents. itc.. spouted ? would do well to gire
them a kmll. G. & li. W.&3IP.LF.R.
Aptd*iB.ll3s3. tf
15 5,0 A YARDS of 3fusLin just received
) v frogs the Bruit; haring ;been
purchased CASH, we are enabled to sell
any pflttirity of ittn - stinitiowEr - Aces than
can be bought any where in the country.—
Oall , and esAunine, and let our. unusually large
and cheap Stook of Muslins recommend them
selves. Remember we hare nearli 16,000
(10BNAN I PAXTON have a lugs &oak
ef,Gum &messed Baal° Soaks for Ladies
and Gentlmam, of the best quality.
COBEAN ft PAXTON have Jost returned
from the ally - with, mid ere now opening
the largest meek of Her, Caps, Boots & Shoes,
.ever,q l paned in Gettysburg, and are selling off
at very low prime.
SHIRT'S, Colars and Bosoms, wool nnd cot
ton Under-Shirts and Drawers, Hosiery,
Cravats, Handkerehiefs, Suspenders, Den
brellas and Walking Canes—not to be beat in
quality or prima Call at SAMSON'S.
'LAT Iron Heaters, Charcoal , Furnaces,
Wage Irene ; &e., for sale cheap at the
Ware %mg 8U ADS & BUEHLER.
BOOTS, Shoes, Hataand Caps, Carpet Bags,
Trunks, Ye immense fot, and
. salliagjaw. to make roonit, at .SA USON'S.
TRUNKS, Unibrailiut and Carpet Bar, at
OLD Quarters, Levies, Fips, and all other
Old coin, taken at full value, for Clothing
and Notions, at ',SAMSON'S.
Farmers wishing back-hauling from Han
over will please apply to
COAL !Sieves, Buckets, Shovels, Pukers,
,Kettles. Pans, Ac., he., can be had at
the &Ore Ware 110) , Ini. in West M;ddle . litreet,
00RF:AS k PAXTON have all kinds of Silk,
‘- 1 Far, Felt arid Wuul Mats, fur Men, Buys,
and Children.
COBN & PAXTON have tell the latest
Styles of Plush * For, and Cloth Cape.
ASFEENDI D lot of Buffalo Ruben, Buffslo w
Quin and Calf-Skin OverthoeP, aelliug
very, eheip, at SAMSON'S.
FRESH LIMN to be bad at
LADIES, Misses tend' Children's Gaiters
Boots, Bustles and Slippers, nrall kinds
styles and prices, at tX2IBICAN k PAXTON'S
rp UN Ladies *xi particularly invitesi,to call
00BEAN &PAXTON'S, and examine
their stock of Shoes, Gaiters, Boots and
COAL I—Persons desirin to lay in their
Winter's supply of Coa t, will please send
in their orders at once, as h can be furnished
cheaper from warin6 than from the Yazd.—
Orme la West Middle *tree.
CEAP DRESS G()DS.—You wiu Mid
the handsomest and 'cheapest Ladies'
Dress• Goods and•long Shawls in town at. the
store of GEO. ARNOLD 3 CO.
000 K STOVES !=—Yeer styles of Cook
N." fikoveo—the Akita. Cook Royal Cook,
William Penn, and the Ss Ettell—for aide at
the Ware Room of BREADS it BUEHLER,
TOBACCO & SWABS. of beet brands, and
stastonishinglllormites these hitt times,
at the Flour, Provibion and Grocery Store of
STOVES!—Evcry variety of Cook, Parlor,
Stloon and Office Stoves can be seen at
the Ware Room of Sheads k Buehler, in
West Middle street. Our Stoves are all par
charted in Philadelphia, and will be sold
cheseer than they can be bought at retail in
the city or elsewhere. Call and see them.
L UMBER:—On hand a supply of Lumber,
of beet quality. Orders for any amount
can be filled. Yard on Washington street,
near Railroad street.
00BEAN & PAXTON him the Fall and
‘I Winter style of Black Silk Hata.
SILVER.—A fine lot of Silver Spoons and
Silver Forks, as low as city prices, now
to be had at SCHICK'S. C. 41 soon, as they
sell rapidly.
fIA.NDLES AT 16 CENTS.—A first rate
k../ article of Mould Candles can be bad, at
16 cents per pound, at NORBECK'S, Kerr'e
old eerner.
JEWELRY, Watches, Pistols, Violins, Gui
tars, Acoordeons. Hannoni cans, Eight-day,
Thirty4sessr and Alarm Cloaks, at prifts,
to be had at 8 Abl3ON'B.
P ARLOR COOK —This Stove is especially adapted to Dining Rooms and will re
omensead itself on the those of ecoonany and
ooeveniessos. It is very ornamental. Gall
and 'so it. SinALPS 4 BUEHLER.
TRIJNKS, Carpet Be,ag VeHoes, &e., of
beat quality, and low rites, at
(.1.4S BURNERa. —A new and excellent
style of Coal Stoves, for Parlor or Cham
ber use. It la especially intended S:or chant
berthas It Consumes the gas, and thus" removes
one of the ohjections to the,nee of cosi. A
sante* of will turn toile hours without
regulating. Call and see it. '
FIRO - ITS and COnfecdiotia, nice and freak
Pan frosta i dl i a n o be had at
Ar SUPERIOR article of Bloat TAO fir
Warkoitiall Stoves, for sale by
:41XADI! 4 BUM&& ,
4aiiiagst veryseietprottest: • . .
New Firm.
8112.08 & TIVEHLT.R.
e rano .11 ow
if. Samson, .Manager if Proprietor
MOT* oi,ou al 6 o'clock, A. M.—Performance
to coastatatoe ltamediattly alter.
- -
adults, -
Children. (under 12 years of age,) Had Price
The subseriber, thankful for past favor•,
respeltfully larynx's ths inhabitants of Get
tysburg and surrounding country, of the
fact that he has just received from the New
York Auctions a
which he is determined to sell at astonishing
!, low rates for cant. In return for the liber
al patronage bestowed twin him, be will give
Grasd Complimentary Benefit, on which on.
caaion will be presented
On Wedn,evelay, October 28,
and every day until further notice, wlll be
protested the very popular Tragedy of
with the following unrivalled cast : —Fashion
able ClothiniF, from the finest to the lowest
prised qualities. Gentlemen's Furnishing
Goods in great variety. Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, lc., to suit all testes.
An rntermiseian 6J Ten .Ifinuteß,
to allow those malting Urge tiurelnises time
for Lunch, Ite., &c.
The whole to conclude with M. Samson'e sue
°awful Play, entitled
the beauty of which will cease great excite
ment among the Ladies and Gentlemen. -
Oct. 26, 1857. tf
Good and Cheap !
T IM undersigned. would inform his friends
and the public generally. that he •oon
NESS, in all its branches, 'at his establish
ment, in east Kakila Street ‘ (near the east
end,) Gettysburg, Ps., wbera hashes on howl
a first-rate lot of work, and is prepared to pat
Up to order whateTer may be desired in his
line, viz :--itsekaway and Boat-I3oily
Carriages; Falling-Top; Rock ' •
away & Trotting Buggies,
Jersey Wagons, tte. •
With good workmen and good materials, he
can pledgehis work to be of the best quality
—and his prices are among the lowest.
gar Repairing done at short notice, and at
reasonable rites. Country produce taken in
exchange for work. Call !
Jute 15, 1857.
Attention, One & All !
MOW IS THE TIME to have your Picture
taken !-8. WEAVER luring provided
himself:with an entire new and splendid SKY
dence in West Middle street, opposite Prof.
Jacobs, one mature. West of Baltimore street;
where he is now prepared to furnish
in every style or the art, which he will waft
rant to give entire satisGictien. His Hong• ex
periestar and superior apparatus give' him
advantages seldom furnished' by Daguerrean
establishments out of the city. He has a large
number ofspecimenr at his Gallery, in Chant
bersbu-g atreet,wbere he will continue as here
tofore, which the public arc requested to call
and examine. •
I:l:7"eberges frwm 50 amts to 510. lions
of operating from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Uold
Lockets, Breastpins. jpi table for miniatures,
always on hand, at tire very lowest prices.
Z7 - Cbildren will not be takenlor less than
50 cents,
17 - AIfI3ROTTPES taken from one dollar
and upwards, and in the best style.
July 20, 1856. tf
To the Country, Good News.
T HAVK reused the Foundry for the ensu
ing yea and am .prepared to make the
different kinds of cesitlup usually made at 'a
Foundry. I will keep constantly on hand the
diff‘rent kinds of PLOUGHS, Points. Shares,
Cutters, ite.; Pots, Kettles, Poise, Wiuthing
Machines, ise.;•Stoves and Machinery; Por
ches, Verandah's ana Cemetery Fencing made
and put up with dispatch.
All orders will be attended to promptly ;
but being without capital, and mosey being
necessary to carry on the business, I will be
compelled to 'ell for cash, but on all country
work 5 per cent. will be deducted. Suitable
trade will be taken, if delivered at the tiros
of purchasing. Givens a call.
Gettysburg, June 1, 1857.
Wm. B. McClellan,
ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Offre on the
sooth l side of the pnblie square, 2 &ohs
west of the• Sentinel *Moe.
Getty-sburg, August 22; 1833.
D. ItoColialighY.
A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office one door
west of Buehler's drug and book sture,
Chambersburg street,) Arronsfar AND So
mcrroa rim PATINT3 AND PZYSIONS. Bounty
Land Warrants, Back-pay supenfind Claims,
and all other claims against the Government
at Washington, D. C ; also American Claims
in Sneland. Land Warrants located rind
sold, or bought, and highest prices given.—
Agent" engaged in locating warrants in lowa,
Illinois and other western States. .11i4r Apply
to him personally or by letter.
Gettysburg. Nor. 21, 1833.
Edward B. Buehler,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrusted
to him. Ile speaks the German language--
Office at the same place, in Sloth Baltimore
street, near Furney'4 drug store, .and nearly
opposite Danner & Zie,gler'd store,
Gettysburg, March O.
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.
JAS his office one
.21 — ' 4 911) door west of the
Lutheran church in
Chambersburg street, and opposite Picking's
store, where those wishing to have env Den
tal Operation performed are re.pectfully invi
ted to call Mutat:grim: Dr. D. Horner,
Rev. C. P. Kruth, D. D.i Rev. H. L. Baugher,
D. D.. Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, Prof. M. L.
Starer. [Gettysburg, April 11, '53.
ANDREW W. FLEMMING, residing in
Breckinridge street, near James Pierce's,
Gettysburg, offers his services to the public
as a Sisk Crier and Auctioneer. Hie charged,
are moderate. and be will on all emulsions ea
dear°, to reader eatiefeetion. Ale hoped! Aft
receire a share of public patrufsage.
Aug. 17, 1857.
I LET. FRAZER, Watkh & Cloak Maker,
ham removed his Shop o Carlisle street,
below Hoke's atom, where be will al
ways be happy to _Misled b. -the calls of 011110
tomers. Thsakful foe past,favors, M hopes.
by atrial attention to botiiness and a desire to
please, At) merit toad receive the patiosaigs of
the public.
Gettysburg, May 18;1857. -
ii 1014438..
IWOULD agig4 seakiad all Uwe indebted.
to me either by.nott pr book soooant, that
I tm now settling up my old bearaesa.—
Please oat and pay, is longer indulgerdie
not bir given. OW. A.MgOLD.
Oet. 19,1857, -
QVGAR,CanEBE 4 lkfOLASS.ES—tp: sai xbd
6 - 3 assort:alma of Sugar. Cafe. and Xi)
srlitet 'at siilf soil as too is the trot& C al
aid see thsie artioks and thealidge fur
Tourrierbii I 41kre sals • ist oWe
Culabitha fiasia of • , BOUM 11-IMM;
, 2
The Largest Chair
NI) Furniture staliillshnirr, int ltitilure
No. 25 North 'Gas near• Fayette,
where are kept always on hand. or mode to
order,. every style of French TETFrArTXT.ES,
in Plush,. hair, Cloth or Brocatelle.
French Full Stuff and Medallion. Parlor
ARM CHAIRS', in Plush, !fair, Cloth or
French Pun Stuff Carted: PARLOR
CHAIRS, in sets, with Plash, Flair, Cluthyr
SOFAS, half French,Spring Mahogany, and
Walnut Parlor QIIAIRS, in Hair, Cloth. or
HOCKING CITAIRS---nrious doiigns, in
Hair, Clnth and Plttsh.
Stuff Spring LOLJNOES—n large 'wort
meat always an band/ or any 'pattern made
or eovored with any groat tovedor,
C11.41,318ER SCITS-412 1 1 44oginy or
Woinqt, complete, from $34 up, ;. ,
CANE and Rucicii%,,i o lo.—the
largext asswortunent ready made in any ono
honie in the United Sulfas—trim et' a doz
en er.•
Bar Hoorn, Offine and Dining CHAIRS, in
Oak, Walnut or-Mahogany, with Cane, Wood
or Stuffed Seute—Aa assurtmtutt ututerwing
over 50 &met,.
liruod seat CTIMDS and SETTZES and
Iteekitilt Choirs--over 100 dozen. •
A. MATIIIOT, v 2S l'inrtlitlay Street,
aeu Fayeisto strut.
Mny . lB, 1857. ly
Lumber, Coal and Stoves.
Tfillc i tuviereril respectfully announce to
the citizens of gittyshurg and vic(nity.
that they'live entered into a colittrtnivrihip.
and intend opening a COAL?. .4ftl. iMB EIe
YARD, on Washington street, iwthe Pear of
the Nagle ilutel.-vektres they...will be happy to
see all whe luny levet them with 'Lodi. They
will furnish every variety of Slime,. krm irk
curt Lirn.Lnnser't COAL, at the lowtmt possi
b!e wholesale rates, in order to introduce it
into general use. They also intend keeping
a full and general a.tiortmeat of LUMBER. as
noon as the -Reamed is completed: They
will keep continently on hand.eoin3 variety of
COAL and WOO 1) STOVE,I,, swung which
are the celebratt4l Venn. Noble
Cook, Royal Cook and `ea Shell Cook
Stoves . . Also the Chirm, Capitol; Victor.
Planter, Piestinin and• Paritw Odell &etc.'.
Ahr-tight,' star. Franklin, hot-air Parlor
Orate, Lady Wultingion. Chair,. Magnolia.
Union, Airtight .Bara 4414140:c Tropic, and
ilarp,Caimon Steven. .
Persons wishing tet examine thOr stock will
please call_ at ileac Stove Ware Ito 'in. on
West MALIN atteei, iit't the residence oritubert
Sliesdi. • ' ' '
a:70: ere preennily Attended tn.
AO 3k SILE:11)4.
O. 111001 Y 11U1i111,1;11,0
GettysbnritAug. :1, 1857.
Fall Dry Goods.
PYRE do LANDEIAL, Fouivrit & :twit
streets, Philadelphia,' respectfully, re
quest CaAil Buyers to ex'amino a fine stuck of
SK.A.SONABLE GOC)I , S, .ulapted to 'Sim.?
Full Line of Fall Dress Goods.
New Dosigns of Fall Shawls. ' '
Rich Silks of Newest Styles.' -
flood Black Silks of all width*.'
4 Cases assorted Enoch Menaces. .
7 " niii de Sham*, New Cusitb..
British sod Americas' Dark i'ririta. • .
Satinetts, Cassimeres, Cloths and Yeati.ntri
!Angling. Linens, Flannels, Blinketi, 1 41.,
-' N. B. Auction Bargains from 'Nelor`Thrle
and'this Citydnily received. Psiettiestliairat
it entiotr rival to. Country orders • fur ikseinthits
Goods. Terms NETT CASII,
August 31, 1857. 3m
T . I:MBER.---Sbends & Buehler' Sari at
their 'Yard on Washington atreet,'ntar—
Rail Road street, s !rage supply ef • saFe►ior
River LUMBER, which. those •sisatruag t o
purchase woald do swa/1 tq *Mali no, • ,
Will Secure the Regular! Vtaft'
" e 8a "
_44 0,
to the ljotne of any Family in MI Ootirrili,
lialqul t tadi: WILL'
Aftbid and exaniemirit.
tr)i.; ATIEERS,
4crniti!iB, Am) 818441,
- 01.4vE • A 10) FEMAILP,, 4
Yolferrrol y
A slw u/cf vitit;iat the C o s
1011k,51,715 .•
pfolibatle manner 9tiin 6p s • • •
for the: tfcomPilmi: • ' 6 ', 1 4 1 0
yon with all the 100,of. the - • 4j, P.
mliike?/ gte 1 44477 1 40;. 8 'lax! '
occurryig,' . " Cie
vure g jiscoe„ta ll lo
kininor tt Ai ila ,
./. 631 W t . 4J.
dressd4os,toil ; a r
J. Siiima. .
. r
MOM ait,ll
are, bittais _also
ever to execute ISM ilia '
axiom '' • , - 10,4geeeei
and att
ltda •• so•
jb4A 9 .a
now wt •• -• n,
"COXPUNISO! 04106 Abio-n
zpfl.l3i ,
.. If. 811"11111.ER.
1: A