The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 14, 1857, Image 3

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sod • . - • , - . .tiotta of
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=. IV*
ligalaleortar - the
etaam salcitdiagtt r
feramiata, he laa'taeourpiii,hod ht regard
to wow eittiolayibes. ittgis-otteete ti at o
reotetaad tilts to their allogiattao. sad
ootateamalitited , Illitrigesiliflo our
balm *Mc tia• laid to a Mote of
proviminma threw yearn, witieb,.hs rase
t'ff eteoenelty, tut he hstensted Major Van
-he will concesi, "and then take to
the mountains, and bid defiance to all the
powers of the government."
A great part of all this may be idle
boasititir, but yet to wise government
will lightly estimate the efforts which may
be iuspired by such phreusied fanaticism
as exists among the Mormons in ttali.
This is the first rebellion which has exist
cd our 'Territories ; and humanity it
self requires that we should put it dawn
in sueh a manner that it shall he the last.
'ro trifle with it would be to encourage it
and to render it formidable. We cught
to go there with such an impo.ieg kroe. as
to convince these deluded l ie , pie that ro
, isi.tance would be vain. and data spare the
mirusion of blood. We can iu this manner
list convince them that we are their
'friends, not their en?rnies. In order to
accompli-11 tbu übject u will be necessary,
according to the ,estimate of the War De-
T.;.rtmetal, to raise few additional regi
Inei , ta; and this I earnestly recommend
to Congress. At this ?resent moment of
depression ul tne revenues of the country
I am sr rry to he to recommend
such amea-ure; totta fed confident of the
support of Congress, cost what it may, is
suppresciog the nosurrection awl its testa.
tug and maintaining, the sovereignty of the
e , n,titution and lawsover tits Territory of
I tecommtnd to Congress the establish
meat of a territorial reernment over Ari
zona, incorporating with it such portions
of N e w. Dlesien as they may deem expe
dient. I need sesreely adduce arguments
in support of this recommendation. We
are bound to protect the lives and the
property of net citizens inhabiting Asians,
and are these now without soy efficient
protection. 'Their present number is al.
rt ady coneiderablc, and is rapidly tocreas•
notwithetatioling the disadvantages
under which they labor. Besides, the pro
po.ed territory is believed to be rich in
mineral and agricultural resources, cspecit
ally in ail/or and copper. The mails td the
UnitedStatca to California are now carried
4 , selniaihroughout its whole extent, awl
Lia rooms is known to 1-e the r care-t and
trot-cid to be - the best to Air Pa_cific.
Lot g cxperi. tire ply co n
the that a striTt rortailumi'm of the p..tiora
pr.inied to Congrs.s. - is the o nly tine. lid
Jw. II as t h e Daly sife. theory of tho'
Whilst tide prineiple shall guide
toy public oondue, I consider it clear thdt
uudcr'lhe war making power Catteress
may appropriate none, for the construe.
si , e•el a military rood thromeh the 'lino
iis of echo when it is abainletelo fte
h-etsary for tlie alelense of any of the States
against fc.reigh invasion. The constitu-
Aloe Ist realms:id upon Congress power
"ter duelers war," s'its raise sad supper
Armies." • , te provide stud maintain a
nary,.,' and to call larch the unlit' to "rev
pet evasions " Thiam high sovereign
lowers neressartity ievolve iniptwutni and
re‘per,sible public. ditties. and smotig them
there is none an sailed mid Mt! i t upe tu thr to ,
that of person wool our soil from the ills's:
4:00 el a ft:rsign paollay. The coo isthmian
has, therefor/41.a nothing on this pouts to
ronstrretion, but expressly milt:ire, shat
••the United than.% shall Itrntect each 'of
!h. to 1 , be lifstesiscaitht Aviation.
N.ew,.if a usi!itary mad . over out own
trrriititiot be ictinpeullably herepAary to
4.,,k1,1e us In meet awl repel the invader,
it toll"wa as a neceavasy consequence Sot
only that we possess the power, but it is
sitir imp:Tithe duty to construct such a
riid. It wol'.l be an ab4urility to invest
a g.ivernittent With the unlimited power to
soak. and conduct war, and at the same
onedeny t, it the only 'nestle of reaching
soul defeating the enemy athhe fronti , r
Without such a road
_VI, quite oradreat
ace cannot ..protect" Wifortita sail our
l'acifis peasessions .‘agaitiet vaaion."-...
WO cannot by any other Mr.aus transport
men and munitions of war from the At•
l.vtie States iu sufficient tins suceeasful
ly t. 11. 4e1141 elms. , ritualise and distant port
twin of the republic.
Exprrtette. hash mrcil that the route,
orrow the ivitoo , •• of Central America
err! Li beat twit • eery unaratwio and Imre
habit mude of entamanicettiao. But evert
if this wens oot Me 'ewe, they would.. at
once be cloned again‘t Its in the event of
war with a naral poser apt toilet: stronger
than our own at to enable it to blockade
the pnrta at eitlaer end of these routes.—
After all, therefore, we can oti:y rely open
a military road through our own terrine
r"mii nod ever since the origin (.1 the gnv
ernmetssilotgtess ins been in the practice
of appropriating mouey from the public
ueasnry for the eaortruction °f inch r4aLlii.
The difficulties and the expense of eon
etructing • military railroad to connect
our Atlantic and Pacific States bare been
greatly exaggerated. The diatom.e on
the Arisoua route near the 23d parallel of
north latitude, between the western boun
dary of 'ream on the Rio Grande and
and the eastern boundry of California on
the Ci.loratio, from the best explorations
icor within our knowledge, does not ex
coal fear hundred and seventy miles.ued
t hy face of the country is in the main
forable. For obvious masons the gov
eoment.oaght not to undertake the work
.self by await of its own agent. This
ought to be committed to other agencies,
which Congress Might waist either by
grants of land or money, or by both, upon
,uetftermi sod couditi.ins as they may
deem meet beedicial (or the country.—
Piovisioe 'Dien tbas be made not only
for the sale, rapid and economical trans
portation of troops and munitions of w a r,
but also of the public mails. The Dom
'nerdsl interests of 'di* whole country,
boil east end west, woeld be greatly pro
moted breech a road; and. above all, it
would we s powerful Waited bond of
maim, led aldloogb adrestiages sf this
kind. whether pal, eommaretal or po
litical. maustmelfet eeeteiituttoual power,
yet they uawirlamaehmseiliary arguments
to favor of expediting a work which, is
my iudiftactu is clearly embraced within
the war making power.
For them nassieue jammed to the friendly
000sideratiou attentions the subj.ct of the Pa
esiffit siffireed.orkbottludily committisegtel
self mom" pesticide, rests.
1:10=L Abu
i.a fberetaty the at iraomay
irtrze7pobjferathe publicm=the
sank* the
of th e
11041111101 111 # raw tot tr=edir re
veal& Ariefted tram all goatees Into
the treasury daring the 83Citi year end-
a3l' .111 rn - f ^
ing the 86th lane, 1867, was $68,681,-
513,67, which amount, with the balance
6( . 819,901;346 4b remaining in the treas
ury at the commencement of the year,
made au aggregate for the service at
the year, of *86,432.839 12.
The public expenditures for the fiscal
year ending 30th June, 1857, amounted
to $70,222,124 of which 155.943,T96 91
were applied to the redemption of the
public debt, including interest and pre
mium, leaving in the treasury at the
commencement of the present fiscal
year on the let of July, .157, $17,710,-
114 27.
The receipts into the treasury for the
first quarter of the present fiscal year,
commencing lit July, 1857, wore ;M.
929, 81981, and the estimated receipts
for the remaining three quarters to the
30th June, 1858, are $80,750,000, mak
in; with the balance before stated an
aggregate of $75,389.93403 fur thu ser
vice of the present fiscal year.
The actual expenditures during the
first quarter of the present fiscal year
tvero $23,714,528 37, of which 83,893,-
232 39 VI ere applied to tho redemption
of the public debt, including interest
and premium. The probable expendi
tures of the remaining three-quarters,
to '3oth of June, 185 S, are 851,248,580 04,
including interest on theublic debt,
making an aggregate of 874,,963,058 41,
leaving an estimated balance in the
treasury at the close of the present fis
cal year of $42.5,875 67.
The amount of the public debt at the
commencement of the present fiscal
year was $29,060,386 90.
The amount redeemed since the let
of July was $.3,895,232 30—leaving a
balance unredeemed at this time of
325.165,154 51.
The amount of estimated. expendi
tures fur the remaining three quarters
of the present fiscal year will, in all
pro ba biliff,bo increased from the 'causes
set forth in the report of the f3ecretary.
His su g gestion , therefbre, that authori
ty ,hc, be given to supply any tem
porary deficieney by the issue of a lim
ited aliouut of treasury notes, is ap
proved, and I accordingly recommend
the passage of such a law.
As stated in the report of the Secre
tary, the tariff of larch 3, 1857, has
been in operation-for so short a period
of time and ander circumstances so un
favorable to a just development of its
results as a revenue measure, that,
should regard it as inexpedient, at least
for the present, •to undertake its revi
I transmit herewith the reports made
to me .by the Secretaries of War and of
the -Nary, of the Interior, and of the
Postmaster General: They all contain
rateable and important information and
suggestions which 1 commend to the fa
'tkorable consideration of Congress. .
I have already reoommended the
raising of• fear additional. regiments,
and the report of the Secretary ot War
presents strong reasons proving this
I Increase of the army, under existing cir
-1 cuinstances, to be indispensable:
' I would call the special attention of
Congress to the recommendation of the
Secretary of the Navy in favor of the
esmstrnetion of ten small war steamers
of light draught. ' For some years the
1 government has been obliged on many
occasions to hire such steamers from M-
I (lividuals to supply its pressing wants.
lAt the present moment we have no
armed vessel in the navy which can en
-1 ter tray of the harbors south of Norfolk.
I although many millions of foreign and
domestic commerce annually pass in
and out of these harbors. Some of our
1 most valuable interests and most vul
nerable points are thus left exposed.
This class of vessels of light draught,
great speed, and heavy gnus would be
formidable in coast defenae. The cost
of their eonstrnetion will not be great,
and they will respiire but aeompara
tively small expenditure to keep them
iii commission. In time of peace they
will prove as effective as mach larger
vessels, and often more useful. One of
them should beat every station where
we maintain a squadron, and three or
fi,urPtn bould be constan tly employed on
our Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Econo
my, utility, and efficiency combine to
recommend them as almost indispensa
ble. Ten of theseassall Teasels would
be of incalculable advantage to the na
val service, and the whole cost of their
construction would Dot exceed 113:80,0V0
[We Are compelled., for want of room In this
issue, to defer those portions of the }femme
which relate to the Public Lands and the In
It will be seen from the report of
the Postmaster General that the Post
office Department still continues to de
pend on the treasury, as it has been
compelled to do for several years past,
for an important portion of the means
of sustaining and extending its opera
tloni. Their rapid growth and expan
sion are shown by a decennial state
ment of the number of postoftlees and
the length of post roads, commencing
with the year 1827. In that year there
were 7,04.14 d postoffices; in 1837, 11,177;
in 1847, 15,146, and in 1857 they num
ber 26,586.—1 n this year 1,725 postofli
ces have be-en established and 704 dis
continued, leaving a net increase of
1,021. The postmasters of 368 offices
are appointed by the President.
The length of post roads in 1827 was
105,336 miles; in 1837, 141,242 miles;
in 1847, 153,818 miles, and in the year
1857 there are 242,601 miles of post
roads, including 22,530 miles of railroad,
on which the mails are transported.
The expenditures of the department
for the fiscal year ending on the 30th ,
June, 1857, as adjusted by the Auditor,
amounted to 811,507,67 U. To defray r
these expenditures there was to then
credit of the department on the lot of;
July, 1856, the sum of 6789,590; the'
gross revenue of the year, including.
the annual aUowauoes for transporta
tion of the free mail matter, produoed •
68,053,951; and the remainder was
supplied by the appropriation from the ,
treasury of 53,250,000, granted by the
sot of Congress apprtrred August 18th,
1858, and by the epropriation of 6666,-
888 made by the act of March Bd, 1857,1
leaving $252,768 to- be carried to the
credit of the department in the accounts
of the current year. I- commend to'
year eonsideratkm the report of the di
partrnent in' relation to the establish- I
went of the overland mail route fromi
the Idiasissippi river to Ban FrancisCo,
California. The route was selected
With my full concurrence, as the one,
In my judgment, beat calculated to at
tain the important olljects contemplated
by Von i greea
The /ate diseetroaa monetary revel,
sion. may hare ese good effect shoald,
it cause both the government and the
pea* to return to the penetiniint
wise and judicious economy both' in
public said private enveittlittiren."
An • orerlicivr!ng treasury has led .to
habits' of prodigality and extravagance
in ourleguila tiou. It has induced Con
gress to wake large appropriations to
objects for which they never would
have provided had it been necessary to
raise the amount of revenue required to
meet them by inereesed taxation or by
loans. We are now twoipelle4 to pause
in oar career, and to scrutinize gUr ex
penditures with the utmost vigilanoe ;
and in performing this duty I pledge
my co-operation to the extent of my
constitutional competericy.
It ought to be observed at the same
time that true public economy does not
consist in withholding the means neces
sary to accomplish important national
erects intrusted to tts by the constitu
tion, and especially such as may be ne
cessary for the common defence.' In
the present crisis of the coun try . it is
our duty to confine our appropnations
to objects of this character, unless in
cases where justice to individuals may
demand a different course. In An cases
care ought to be taken that the money
granted by Congress shall be faithfully
and economically applied.
I cannot conclude without commend.
ing to your favorable consideration the
interests of the people of this Distrhg.
Without representative on the tacir
of Congress,• they have for this 'retry
reason peen - Her claims upon our Just rti
gurd. To this I know, from my long
aequaintance with them, they are emi
nently entitled.
, JAYE, BOOltatiAN
Washington, D0e.,8, 1857.
Staging it to the Pacific.—The over
land mail line now in operation -from
Ilion Antonio, Texas, to San Diego, Cal
ifornia, carries passengers, through:—
On the sixth trip westward, four wore
thus oontoyed, to San Diego. The way
mails are numb increased. The entire
'road is now stocked with 'fbtlr hundred
animals, twenty-five moieties, and sov
en ty-five men,(ateekseggers guards.)
this outt they aux accommodate
six passengers. Further arrangimenta
arc being completed to aocommodate
I passengers through to New Orleans by
this route. 'The faro from San Diego
;_to New Orleans is 8206, which sum in
eludes meals on the route. The eighth
mail from San Diego was to have been
dispatched on the 23d of i October, with
a full complement of paxiengers. The
' schedule time for the trip of this line is
thirty days.
A Pleasant Thanksgiving Cork.—La
friend from South Danvers informs ns
that he has bad the pleasure of gather
ing around his table for 39 years in suc
cession a family unbroken by death or
any other 'cause. for thirty-hint
thanksgiving days no member of his
family has been absent *orbs* one note
of discord destroyed the harmony 'tif
the happy circle. We do' not believe
that another such instance ein be record
ed in New England. Verily our friend
had cause for exceeding thankfalness Oa
the o , :easion of his late celebration of
the time-honored Puritan festival. The
family consists of father, mother, tw.o
daughter* and their husbands, two sons
and their wives, and seven grand-chil
dren.—Boston Herald.
A Grandmother at Ticenty-nine Years
of Aye.—A woman who was recently
brought befbre the magistrates at Wi
gan, for an assault committed orlon a
neighbor, affords a striking instance of
recklessly early marriages. She is the
wife of P. Casey, a tailor. They re:
side in Douglas Terrace, 'Wigan. Ile
is forty years of age, and she is twenty
nine. Ihey were married -before she
had attained the-age of fourteen years,
and she was a mother at the age of
fourteen years and seven months. Since
that time she has had eleven other alai.
dren. Strange to say, the eldest girl,
who was fifteen years old a few daye
since, is the mother of two children,
the elder of whom is nearly two years
of age, she having married earlier in
life than her mother. Mrs. Casey is,
therefore, at the age of twenty-nine
yearn,. the mother of twelve, and the
grandmother of two children.—Lircr..
Pool Papitr.
kliades Death aged Alleged lefurder.- ,
Clannul:Art, Dee. 8.--On Monday after
noon Frank 8. McClure weht intb the
store of Messrs. Beattie & Anderson for
the purpose of talking upon business
matters with Mr. Beattie. About an
hour afterwards Mr. McClure was sees
to fit)! from the front step of the
store, and when picked up it, was,
found that his skull had been fractured. ,
He died from the effects last night.—
Mr. Beattie, before the coroner's jury,
testified that, after parting with Mr:
McClure in the store, ho returned to
the counting-room, and then beard a
noise at the door. On going thither ho
found Mr. McClure lying on the side
walk, and he supposed that in passing
ont the door the deceased had caught his
foot in something which threw him out
upon the sidewalk, causing the injuries
that resulted fatally. Mr. Beattie was
arrested last evening on the affidavit of
Samuel Mitchell, accusing him of the
murder of McClure by striking him on
the head with an iron bar. Beattie was
held to bail in 14.000. The partieswere
welt known and highly respectable.
DfiTThe statement that Brigham
Young has formally declared the inde
pendence of Utah, is a striking com
mentary upon his designs. The state
ment is that Brigham Young had de
clared in the temple that henceforth
'Utah was a separate and independent
territory, and owed no obedience or
allegiance to any form of laws but those
of their own enactment,and called upon
the people to Stand together and sup
port him in maintaining the cause of
God and the Church.
Miir.l Vicksburg correspondent as
sures us in a private letter, that th t e
fottowing resolutions were passed by
the board of council in Canton
Resolved by this council that we
.uild a new jail.
2.. Resolved that the.newjail be built
out of the materials of the old Jail. .
. S. Resolved thatlhe old jail be used
until the now jail is finished.
ulli.An Irishman 01163 bought au
alarm clock, sad gave as his nation for
ao doing, that he wail In the habit of
lying la bed No low An the _
and when A. wanted to wake_
up, be ked saki* tO do but pull tho
. •-
.... t i t
‘P • IS I 11',
14.7. •table, EVA*. and Proprietor
Thirsday Afternoon, Dec. 10, 1857.
Vl* 11lemmas,
The Annual Ifessage of President
BccoiorAx was read in both Muses of
Congress on Tuesday last, and large
numbers of copies were ordered to be
printed. The document was received
in this place last evening, and appears
in our columns to-day. By giving it to
oar readers thus early, we of course
anticipate our usual puilication day.
The.-krestilleat's pqintions are defined
with' great ealpiness, elearnees and
poker, exhibiting,, the experience and
foresight of the - statesman, sod, the fi
delity and singleness of purpose of the
patriot. The manner in w-hi-h the
Kansas question is handled is• as thor
ough -as could be desired, and will carry
great weight with It. ShOuld Congress
and the people of that territory ne,t
favorably upon the President's ongfiful
kOne;l the Slavery agitation would
doubtless soon cease, antiquiet ensue
-0.11 consummation vast devoutly to be
'Reid the Message entire, and caitaly
digest it: • 4
The 35th Cougrees of the I;lnitect
States conveaed at Washington on
/sat—quorum being present
in both Houses.
The Clerk of the Senate called that
body to order, when ho read a letter
from the Vice President, stating that
he could net he esent• at •thereppening
of the sesaion. Mr. Fitzpatrick, ofltler
beam, was chosen President pro tem. .
The usual resolution mitts adopted to
inform the House and the President of
the United States of the organization of
the Senate.
A message was received from the
president of the l niteil States, ' :upon
which the Sciiilte went u4q : executive
saission. • It was the nomination of Air.
George W. Bowman, of• Bedford, Pa.,
as suponntendent - of public printing,
whkii was confirmed. Good!
The House was chile.d to order bj ,
Mr. Cullum, the Clerk of the last IlonSe.
T s•o hundred and tweility-ouda Mem
bers •answered to their nanuts, , and the
fact that a qaornm , fwas present :being
thus ascertained; the-House proceeded
to the eleetiou of Speaker, rice rorei.
Mr. James L. Orr, of South Carolina,
was nominated by Mr. Jones, of Ten
nessee, and Mr. Galosh* M. Grew; of
Pennsylvania. by Mr. Banks; Mr. •Hen
ry Winter Davis was nominated by
Mr. E. Joy Morrie; bat w(thdrew his
name before the ballot was taken. The
result of the vote' 'vihs—Orr V2B • Grow
84; faieofer 3; Lewis P.
Campbell 3; Valentine B. Horton 1;
H. Winter Davis 2; Francis P. Blair,
Jr. 1; Wm' B. Iticaud 2; 11.4rophres
Marshall 1..
Mr. Allen, of Illinois, was cleated
Clerk of the House, receiving the *arse
number of votes Mr. Orrreveler' ect foil
Stieaker. Mr. Glossbretner
ed fiergs:ant-at-Arms, nod Mr, llsekticy
Door-K.o6l)er. .Mr. Claskey was dw
dared Postmaster by resolution.
Tho snooeesful gentlemen had been
previously nominated is theDemocrat-'
ic caucus—Mr. GlossbrentiOr
Mr. Florence, of Pennsylvania , gave
notice itr Il+ , Hose of his intention
intruduco a bill for the entire suppress
ion OP all bank motet as currency, or of
blink notes of * less ilsitomioatiOnlW
* heridied dollars la a eirculatititrae
dinat,ia the Pistect of Columtiia.
Tho ' Know licithe aid BlecJi Bo
puhlicana aqtiandaredabout $300,000 of
the nation's money in a ridiculous
wring% fd * Speaker, .It. the Qom..
moncement of ger , least Congress. In
beautiful .contrast with this may be
cited the itamodiate election of a Speak
er cm Monday hot, by a" Democratic
/hi We PrViiiriPlia
The Govornor h:is appointed David
Wilmot, late Black Heimlilieatt etindi
date for Governor, President •Judge of
the 13th Judicial District, Nvh h posi
tion Air. Wilmot resigned is August
last, aqd towhich Goy. Poltoek appoint
ed the lion. burins Bulloca - . Mr, Wil
mot:4 commission will hear date the 7th
of november, and extends for one year.
In the meantitne an election will beheld.
- -
Mote 111•14.
Within a cow days the Ft Mon hag
arrived from England, bringing
; the Daniel irrobster ha... 1 arrived at.
Nett Orleans from ilavana, with 83u0,-
000; - and the Northern Light, from Aopirl
wall, has arrived at Havana with 102,-
000,000, independent of what was in
the hands of passengers.
The First Flagt from tfie Capfent.-- , -
INGTON, December 5, P. M.—The Morse
telegraphic wires have been brought to
the Capitol building, and diepetebee
can now be sent immediately from the
balls of Congress to distant points.—
This is the first message sent from the
Capitol direct.
Rizilroad,SYrikes.—ZA.Nuvru.s., Ohio,
Dec. sth.The mechanics and work
'ngmen of the Central Ohio Rai'rootlet
this city, have strnok on acioosot of the
non-payment of two menthe wages,
and to -day they stopped all the freight
trainti l aird put the locomotives in the
engine houses. No personal violence
wild. attempted.
ITho answer to Enigma in last
week's Coinieder is----" What have 'you
done—behold the Heavens do opek."
illirPunoh says that the reason why
edihnu'are so , apt to have their man
ners speed, is because 'they f4raiAiNi
norrsapoadens ' , Ad another
such a *Mitiattmant oiresti communica
„at. 3.111 rT
"Tim ii : 94 - 0470: gltif
' .6 .4 01 •
Th•j_T*llltirek9l, '
will moot liwilkiltikresorw-moooriotibt german
Reformed Char*, 'mil Sataiikey orkkeolt, HK'.' '
limb, at 64 0:400/k. -
‘.i...leoliommdliWqleartoroseies *rots amnia-
Um% in /Norfolk. !they aro woillokoubad.
• •' Elcipokolksi ,ikotakrer.. 'dwindles on
.samosas 8f nar umy sal amity. . ”
apesiV Lis aw pl vittfta fir+
culatiat Byoloq be•koorslwo ff/r•
Cho persookixo, 4tocollo4l*l.l*
$25 psi day in *lvor for on! weeks p er .
__Col. Jacob G. Dories awl- Cot 2 May
bury Turner, leading cltisona of IbLiiimoro, di.
•• .1 e• I orisishaeilioshilii•se. ; k P t : , , 1 .II vi ti.,4,4-4;0-14--i
-1, It »etas rib a t • • cbilietttokiph ho- ,.
_ t oo,* irtilo 4-, 16%4 410 an ) lbitig I Tir t e D,:cS :34 I : OWAT A .' . krlnA 7:
wawa c tn. be_ loan t 4o 'flat Ot_LtewlflP: , i'. ran t
_tune in foim liY.B fr ... ' .1;:ill ` Ban k _tiP•
494, . U. der .otto be atatoildd 14 lie , iiiiat he ha* tsititpd ta 41.‘tili look
sat,. tarisa.Trysioaas to 1884 act to 8 tore fintr Plablit.hipg, lloww, io'lllie ' llt o
the schedule, ton thot ote• Topeka has 'Rtm'el'h 111 toiitet rfrteVeiM i tett i tt. • ell
I the, foikkoinir clottseilosttivels" fbrhar- 1 sweet.'ese dabee bdee'• "ht t wel". ll4 . l '''
I ding any °hoopo before the pp ear 28t5 i I e foi k " r 2 , • . 1 , 1 " 1 ' 44 Wilk t 14 6"
. orilenttion fOr tbd fqtti/ation of gloil7L,o l 'asittu'i r el (14 64 1 .47niph, A
&pew octnifautio4 1441 lii anal, and 5.,.
'Lan Tinenduacnt to-tor ifoustitoitiOn *ball s:+o- gateld+Will4l. l oCrtiLiel 4 pg 7 " 1 "*
be by the Gatieralt Assembly-toads, be- , .1 1 :,,Iticht% •• .• ~• ••• • • ..••• •?, •t ttr i t i
firth the year 18435;th0r mord Siterissace In 1 "u rafent Aiic""r I °.
fke years therettiter." f 44044thefettuld1f!LtelIN, 18M. e. 114 1 44 0,11 do
1 , It sir 144t e r l)e .t44 s i i IroartiPeP4,ll de
ar sl'itn a a i owe, , 10 00 di
Grape flinkrjm.—The lir4sLinktori 1 t vp.4l,;sii,, , itid.Ai t i pi il. ti:„ . ;ije twit e t ,
correspoodoot of the:Philadelphia, 4 ryms
.smti a di so Na s kris t i tes t o u tt s3 s o gi merit d o
p .rati,goine unpleasant rumors respect
,soo ortw At Veit (4isityi,,,,f ~.,. 4 . ,4 _Val do
ing certain reputed„ traip.actiong, he- I 1,000 U iiii Lnakcia; (largo size '
twceit oertsiln Black Republican - officials +Roth% '..... . : ... ..": I ......... do
in Ohio, And the t)llin Life inanrrifice 1 2 , , 11)4> tic ,1 ”Loilk4 o ' , . ( 41 4"a•Itixe4•1 1 r %dr "
and Truitt Comp rev, during the Pres,i,,i ii o g ( 4 -;" 1 ` 1- ':;':ii,e•L'em.ir4 11 Pytd 06 0, 1 „,
dentittl compalgn'oi'l`s:ili. They are_ of 1,004? ' rim ow jpc t lu , 01 i 5t ;,",,, e . l " .
the forlowinkr ch.Taeter: _That flopubli- ~,,4 L 1 1 ,w,. . n ' w , i t ; tie r -
.1 4 0
car lenders appliy.i to the o ffi cers of the 'o,•,xi cLIA 15, 3t ;t.j . C.,:ii . ,,1,; - :•11". 2 tt,, , - do
°bit) Life I ti..444 , :itieu Company for 3 2..5 td Gold Pert , ‘ , 331 , 64 ,, • 2111109510
loan of k haleinillhin of &Mars, to be 2.: 041 Lailiel'UtildPeair.w/tli c04e5.Lt5C1., 34 030
i' !i . - .00 0..1,1 lting . i. I L.i.lics',) ... 4 . 00
it du
lifted in .ourrying the 01:tober cleCtion,in
Penns, Ivanin —reeli;ig confident, could ' :;"()11,411) dent's , f3 i n hi, i lti ß " 4 '•
8... . 1 L 5 :. 1:
ther succeed in that, that the election '
.7?):"..",,I alt lees' field ur r e ", ~4 4„ p r i , :, ..: 1 , 1 5)
of Colonel Fremont - to the Presidency '?o0t) P.eket Ktifro-i. -' , . ' ?5' a 0
was a oertalu and sure thing; and they , 2Apt.) Sete Gent'stiold 11 ) . 41 *Mir; 3 Otkl-idu
otrured so. guaruutee. the company the •••:•.(s,al do. l io elee4C , U 04441140 (1 .91.•1:410
payment of the loan with a bonus in , '2• 400 Paul.% Ladie.' Ku. 1)r ! p5,....2 NV & do
the way of interest. The officers of the ` l•4 • A*l ' 3l/k4 ' 1)°11.1f7 ' 314 (3 " e ".• • I:7 ' . 40
Compaq declined to km thy money ; 1,5 1 1 y Lathes' tlasieo,Jst or Niesaie. ,•,, !frt ._
tin those tertn4:but conbented to do so 1 2,500Lodiet , c„ ille ,' gf, ow i';, i i°'YY"zi'i n
if thy!, gentlemen from Ohio would hr. i Rii s t s ,,, pihi, . .
.... ~.... a tkprold.
POtbeCate Ohio State blinds to the' 4,000 Futrido's /Lilts of a theui..,, ; ,,, ; ,. /s
iiMOUnt o(sia ll3ntired thollsillA dolls-3. I and 11..wer.,.., .. • , ... do
It is now 14114(4 that Ow bonds of, the • it v 0-e now C.ltalugtrc contah l ik altaiiital
Softy to that amount wens so .by-Totho.l.°Peiar hue" of the tbi3G:sti 414:3190101111sh
aftd that ihe .Y 4r o ° h l r o vr i .Z. o . in it c " i nti gt ni u rtittt.At a n 4 irie u . l l 4 t:: l O e t t as li ti, u r e ci". *ll4 . ll:al
----A PrtOtar, settdrig.u,n the 11,as which is l i °1"4 " 14
Cleo hookitS *Utile ciefulicti
o : l4 44 rig ee h tlee ths et e sion edu o : o w out ell t: n ot t i tto 74. 4l i t *:Ttu .,. s i t torripatele m ; mil: thttrthfs alone i ett Otai ß ta t :1 6 1f r ip b°I ntil, 14 4 4 4al eill tifelliiii! ".. i gt. ' 7l(iy4ss.
Imo. left they put of , a t , *sp a u ‘s which
, uv,o' riunap6,l tboupoil, doliar47- wus 1437 C menet et. Phitaitorpliiii.
made taitbritle,4lyish, , flpfl.4 ,tii ga,r,r;,l t 'ci.n*.ilvix*skt.ll4 (if. to "Ageitipt %wife:et it etery toyed% Sitrittted
If the newspisperi are to' be heiieti, ; tuber fslcotioa. ..1 4 6izikot t e laat., • ‘,.. SWAP- -no" doklulz'w 4() • 44 •' 40 *lido
John Stuart's apple trees, Sotnehhere i 3 Plo -
~ . , ~
~ , , 4,. . / .1 • ,
si .-4 1 f,31 part4WaiAllifyi4rewiliz 3 ) l,nt,pre,, ,
gin, are now laden With their third erojo ciffi-nit • -
goa,„br. barititi the iditisediait DPI. N. 13.—Iiieuni.e. once ofilie rituite crate,
this season „ . • ~ sad raasierreas•l GO wet; • the 4 r: Wu
Iliar - `tuttata Wpaihti f 85 fears of .5,,, ter , Imbeb r ,'setattle"Prettat tfrOlkhe * w a d t , , k ct so '
. pan so . oin 119 4 111P/1 01
was burnt to death by heir clothes lahhiE , text/ • ~. nesneruner-eliotra • 7-4/ifb,'"l••'ll,ifiki immen l44 se stock I.;f Woks, embracing eppr i y me
in The Marthovial Nags., 'pear basic A 7 t 'matte a - faituft. -- Aferliwtri fi thyritialitliore' . , t . laarbiiinttilerfiltertittire, it"pricitra which' 411421
yam* aka her 11041 lin''-”ria 4 d in *gime 'to Dr. Iptisi,tili4 l n diti r no Yfiosir L ttro osaldahlui he gbio:SirOd worth oldeir.hhitto
way ht the mama roams . • • • ' ' / : *li.,clf I ' lli 14444 tAß e i L_, e . AbriaS4l l
, giN 4 irri *lO4O. loith of, bat iivik ilese
.dohs Kerr, 'reseed} caitas' of mar- ~ r . " An
_ex T 3 ifik,yelt i a girt, :w -
, k,g se
der ha the sowed degres, as Washdugton, Pa., ,Q . Prellimtal thitit; i 11(g-, , ftwo I bittlielts t
i s s n i a i rai o ld mais ,, Li t y saes gage. l'ibeisitr „aver peopio'S WPM! Alikhlitl" - • - * Pt• , . O ra " 1 0 74111 bY Em t , 0403 . 1 '' ''''' '' ' - " 1(1
who convicted Mat sari is Lugs inssabsr of .., , . .4—reiliri-4464.4-,•.... 41 44 , - r' l • - • 111 . 1111r.-°111"6 IV' A '1 44 ' 444 1 , :4 ' , at) •,V.IN
. /ki4v. 9, 18,N . to
chisels, have petiticiaad far, kis • _porde*. ,Ale •
Ifirlf rich, it is essrlo•sonostsitorr ~ ..-4.--#.-, . ...---- . . -... ' •iv 11.
wail seSsikied,tq ail 3 , 13/Zi intioiannemtin Ow wealth; but if leer it-fs 'toe-ill:01i so Important Diioovery
Western.Penitoattary. .. , - It- t A
.......soid to . be atio *" both 11. sis O oo, " , e it fritrr a • i €l ., .:.... . ?hues, - 01 . snali co l ,: bs ‘;11.11PTIO and all ,D . itf r flee
from this State, the Corernor OvotiCoiontissir _PI' 'Di ind Thrtmt are ' 'Cis
it, I i.OW To a i ds tp,ims- 1 C r I rs 4
nears and Stiptsune.lnticu erecl,.P. T.,Bawin ',4l34.l',,ttitiOit' l l tW'sillw i ligrA t.
e p:Rt 4 , ,,dt, itsy . 'tine, which coetiaps sh. •
.and,Brighatcs YOung. .Irhatla the 'sraft coWog r
. .„,... 7 ,-. 7. ,,..„",, rx ? ,
... , ~
, o,t , , ,: 411, the cavities in the lunrtthrciTAVis
to? - , ,• . . 1 roe iii . 034090awinst i rmosactiyou i tt p t r i lsges, and coming in direct
s contact It
ICTiiii eiaztiti o*h. Znekson s, "Take I isieenet, rtetttrill ties the tulbirretiiiridist ,
time to dellbcrate; tAtt itta thehour tbr action - wilt 'hard 'no tillscPtsi-*t•1 1 0 Ofitsit- otkokymb i e soggh, • souses a free anst my ltg.
arrives,' stop thinking and go in. ' tad &kW,' i i i, a ` t ,' g i n '' 3 l. o urit li ' wv ' 'bp" 4r , i ''' El l ain '''''t, g • " pectoration, heals the I ungt, purifies, IM
TheA-ittirs have *proverb ou whittle caned ' r' 7- ri r '''' ' --, • - ' I r .. el .' '—
rblicid,imparta renewed -vitality td•thd bas
the "lucky man." They say, "Fling trim %the inseporsilells:tan. r.osiir . +Timing whims,: k ivurge , gi,ing that tone sod coorgr , is bal.
Nile and etylill , ciass• up with a, ish is his The, aril. i46' ,ril o i f ilt , 41:41 1 :6 pc,n44.1)1e. fur 4 reatorstion,qhealA., ,'A l i f e
mouth." • i , 4 • 9. ,LL slily Io state cont3thi eV . 6hit Coniu.mpticon le
......tritertneis, bliittg , asked of What bean tie tit our most insinuat pisysisisAN •
, eirtsble by initandion, ut to ors s esatOttile
late will Isset ( dgliiiremm;anow•t 4 dt "Of %I'd of Indigettlon tad•BlyiTepai#: " - ' '''
um I lozed plaatture. It is as uitclitandtmsloB
beasts, that of a otastdeser lof tame, that of.a. Ir at al trcattneut as any other kw-
I daunts, tile di ; tiinety•ont of every
' ' 1 " -"gm.-t "" t "" .www ' ll """ uiei ". WWg l g "W r . I ''
f I S I dr ° 14C e 4 c • " ' tidffteid
, 011331 can be mod in the firstsragehosodWrir
1-rf glni% ilLte. I,spoonik; btu
mere in tite,Ain: b 2
it is mipossl iii to save mere than firs
inset-01W the Lunge crew cat op by,
-pass $ll to, bid detionee to :reedioaliblialloor
i gyen„, flowerer. in the last stages ? jr l haka
I iTcittli hfrattrdinary relief to thd'sti
aiseadisstkittlharful *tout**, Irbielllll444 b
17 6 ,43 , 4 ai,roehY, -6 .fel tiros 4 nd l persona : 4dr
nit tacen alone ; and •a correct CatettlitiOn
f • •
on Monday last,
Two month's isies Uts stock of tbs reisa
tylranis Bulk sold a 1,5113. It Is now selling
In Philadelphia at $lO.
Seven newspaper% In Minnesota have
suspended pabllestion Du account of the tight
ness of the times.
fix-Presldie Plr{« end lady b,v zone
to Iladelra (of the blialth of the latter.
--Tennyson, the poet:is said to toe a hope
less victim to the use of opium. '
—Had Advice.—The sestspsperi of the
principal ealltern citkq are urgaig Lpea We
poor, sod those out of employment, t leave
the city fortis* country.
Our friend, Stettus, of tho• Gettysburg
COMPILLa, has improied the appearance of that
excellent paper by a new and very neat head
ing. The Kase ultimata of.the odifior are all
righL The Colima.* is one of tle best n
try in the State.—[Fulton Denaocq4„.
Gov. Cumming is determined to enter
• .
Salt Lake City, if possible.
The bogus Topeka Constitution (slack
Republican] was not to be referred to the 'peo
ple of Kansas in any partienlar V•
Oneltundred thousand bathe!, of wheat
arrived et Oswego, N. Y., 01 Monday hists -
Oen, Tom Thumb, now in Prise*, it iii4d
to be very dangerous/7 RI.
The New York Times, in oppasitlein pa
per, says the Kansas Constitution is, to its lead
ing features, "merely a transcript of the coaxal
tutiotui of other States, sod eepaelally of New
?Steiiho* Hail, a queer but weak
gvilus, , bad :made frequeut grac4llus
promises to Ida troabled frien*Ablit.h9
,wietild , put himself °At , thelr,,
One stingiog cold .sight vaivrodita
wouli go' out. and irecte himself' to
death. About eleven o'eloell. he return
ed shirering 'and slaptringlihrfingvt'e
'i Why don t you Neter aaltettra,lov
iim;rulativo, " Golly I" said the*tido
amebic, "when I freeze I mean to take
a warmer niglt than this for it
101 KIM rMagt
OXIMILITZIP 'BMW —Reel the Sri/owlet letter team
Wee ?meshes, w . of Calm* It K., 0 maw busiunal
by all wbu harm :
tiewn.mmia—Kirk.o diermilkot tot make ary'istatm tbs.
apiremar. I tskelbe at/partook to to dm dlfigtml the
Wee"( asip NrltM hem tlimorm CrAtfty
eas,rarr Worms, art I. reammumet theta to ethers
roe two yeses I bow, with leifirestlum and
no, ottettlwat eMle, wet M 1101401~7.
abdi of diarrhea.' irconspeald Nti vauir ilmult ihe
latiolboreilole midoaml use 10 Seth, obretitM.
sql7 L argil fur Imoiases. 1 ipmed
ta 'avow plytkpiariTrois whoa I sitaliod oar tompumay
relief. ► weledmltMe mattmdair Olin UI erteadiq bat witheet
the Waal faith la their gamey 1p u 7 tbt t ) ife.i.
Bans. from the wee of which I dewed lamtediata »LT
but bokatti*MeilltlelWalileeldelb /OW Ueda' the efeepgr.
Moo. My weight has Increased 24/11/111 WIWI,. pus met, ayte
Watag Li Maw , . I ass ink asp tsar eulid./
OartataArso Simms itie beet meet womb l berimeme.
moombioi.thoso W wasocall, who hos* iowasiobly tosoi rod
boasat frog their www- rruwlOslrotti
Blrra Fortieb Co.. I,l* 'Wttsk ; li ;ii
street, Boston, - Proprietors. Boa by theif
sena everywhere. •.. D. Bunt
bum. - • Dew 14.
Irig Irbil it ay to frforyi yleat owe* ale 1%4
them is as hrtiele hoow• se Dr sap tord'a 1 &Mg , .rator,oq
UT*? RIMINIMiy, which eau be relied oe se rertein to net,
lbw paptaint th ens qttiferros. each or Tiwtolke. rya
sell nemvompiettproPikip4asts. upeolibed in Amo r ....
optima beekSoe which it I. oee of the grante-t peneefiumedi
or eerie; Pbr ooseulootkrro. tikes le *Orly slieres, Safi@ tot
Ire take it for ranted, ail experiment Yea peewee. *pa
dweenes of the levy are rmt gireeralty the emir of
eamentepthm, beta detientated /viten emi kw
proper action of the liver, redeem tin; power ef to, Win
to mild or throw oft dineame caused by cold met irritaties.
lesefeer the bray at the mere! ofeeedlepow, 6re.. the
liver has inespiciteted these from perferietall their preset
action lit throwing off dowsed matter auteed hy t 0,..
to prevent COOsAtuption, eery the liver and keep fie ars
teal strong enmesh he deem elralight dteeriew eitlite
There la Dot te the woad a better liege mead! tre•
core for debilitated aystem than Dr. &affords ittelporaler
fin it tan been folly tried olargo sea extends/ !Artie;
till it* remilta are fully knave* and now it ta offered se a
tried remedy, and one that can be relied tia.
Scar.l. D. Bei:tiller, Agent kir Lititlysburg;
Win. Berlin. Hanuyer ; nod Cherlee H. flou
ry, Ab6uttetuvrn. Nut'.
Reston Av.& —Prof. Wood adit•rtlara la ndtp rota tnna
hie wahrabla monINLIM ter maturing the hair. aa4. for '
gr•vestnn of bakhnos, t Thu r•soamil ham Mei toMI
Ruth, ost•ealralf, and stilt Lind nterton pumice}*,
tUrtaninla Wry*/ It. Lad sr& wilting to intit'lv to is nll- c '
ear,. Ann od•MU Niamist—g. 114 011 C• 444 porn n ft
MAO*. sad prows in 'firma Urn tool oli !whet,. Er , .,Aa
mho n 4 mobiles thl• opportuatty to Corer th.:r Inte• a Ith
• mat s( Melt, lanarlsot halt —(tad limantrut, I
Jo ( JOB wofig.
) l.; Ju V, °Kg
Juß ORK Cheap at this Office. Joa WORX
• • •
Aepoits, „ _
thmealmitriostibe Wad Sloafiliftnt. Vert lc ILasowee 'opera
Baltimore—Friday hut
* Mu. per bars!, $4 94 00
Whoa, per lethal, 1 09-isi 1 a
Rye. 641 (0
Cora. • " • • 4b 4 62
Osta, .1
Clover-seed. "
Timothy-geed." 2 25 (45 2 60
Beef Cattle, per hand., 6 00 (5 8 00
Hoge, - " 5 87 (5 6 tro -
Bap, per ton, . 12 DO (4,18 00
Whiskey, pee gannet. 22 (5 24 ;
Guano, Peruvian, per ton. 65 00 •
gareow— Myra lay iast-
routs pei bbl-, !raja w.agousurfst $4 IT'
frqii 00
Wheal, e • r'busligi„ • - 100 ( 1 10
3.1 0 . • • 4 '' 4 : • . : •
Corn,: , ." • . * 2 .
oat.; . .. 30 .
Closerseed, " • , • ii.Str
risuoth,y, '...' ' ' • • 'oo
pliater.,p., 101 4 4 . • : • I ' • . 4 . t .
'' • rit,—,ref*
Float, per Db Tb l., liniaik•Wsigons. "
' Ili 'O6
Do. " ' ' 1%6 kora, 7 ' • -CO
Irboal, m , tougholi, , 1,, o_3 0:I 43- .
It i, ,
~‘I '
• • . 115 i
• - a .I . . "
; '
. . • .;
: . ' ' ; . a 3
• .i . . i . a
,: i.
-• :: t
rimodity, " ' ' 2 90'
Plaster, pat tom, 2 00
"lira do' ass histhievikie'
ell Srida•tbfrellstrirWir 11 %limo* •
• I'. . )11-
•Oir the lib inst.. by t ifterinedil
11114-JOint ILEMPeK..of Libeirly Weraillstp, ,, tb
On the loth:Wit, by twl smassirkfr.i=..
DUABt3; bf Haisiltonlikn township, to Ilia
if.t IIY X WLILEM, Of Cumberland township.
On Wednesday Net*, by the Rev. George P.
au Wick, Mr. E. KREBS, "of Cou
r. reci le, Cuinlitilusiii4oisidaio Miss CARO
14N1 J., daughter of Mr. Willinsp of
Huller township, Adam* county. , ,
*VIM 411 t , Nd 911 kr, itt Mak ,14161141 j •
Nogg grsmie am. road),
On tin tils inst.; itra.;kl2.4.llMTlT
SADDLE, of Mossotj.r township, fign6.63 Teary
and 4'doira.
0a the YOth alt., Mr. •BAWARD 81graws4
of itaatiagtoa soffssoisipi owl Ad. "NO
nsoakapsad doyo.. • •
Du tit. pf.octollF,At.rowcteAAA"46
X typhoid teen, .)Lr. Vi1L1.4%.M.47,04;t0.40;ii
Oh.. or J.mis .J 4 4-.1.1.9k g r ampqp„rorawky
celt4pary sAus "41641' igud
al r
; 1° 1: i e
18 1 :1 7 1 .6 111f.,
of JOl • h %long:Lan, Esq., 'of I.ll:uttnpou town
-.hip. ngcd a yean, suf#l44a4o (Ann
f says
-Suffer little andel t 6 cbdifellinto me, for of
Seek isaisiiikingdoo of Hearten.*
titentithali., MARS 1.:0111SA, daaghter : of
Ms. lasi Oastay, aft;oloberird toirtisidp, aged
2 -month* sad a' days. •
iiirFreatt4 arrival (Irtiouds at Gill9*-
pie, & Thoinits's,---eheaper than the
LiLI, parable an hereby. wansed and notified
not to Srust:mywits, lok • BITTINti ER,
ou ory acsount.. A separation Wising taken
piece between sa r i will pay 'no debts of her
contemning. Jii.S.3l. W. BITTIXGEIt.
Franklin tp., Dan. 11).
Jerry Lis for January.
Refsll yr—Wak. I UllMasal, Amapa' J, Flit al. Maas](
Gerutaity [Petters. iterld Dethe,
Ty r ",..—pm er Now t *. 1 - ....5t A Battler ffapler..
/*maklut -Jacob llartman. Joho ikrA2if.
hteirtllers.Tbetnhe El Wright
Iteroiltordwa—droore H Wars.aaff, Jobe 'Sorbed.
I.4a.berlao4-4.emee kiaatt, Laughed Ltri,ter, ihrabato
treettoirton...-106. Starry. J.eob Wirrme.
tateshair—haeosel Deardorff. U.. - r n. Jilutriert.
Gettysburg—theory W hlct . ,ritati,.Jehtt I.lolue.
korre Irk tw.r --5 1 4muel Rea:
Better —4,:uniellem tiramt.
Oystralitnr—floitert /Arlin ~
otf.rd--Jse..b 11. nm. r.4.v4 Coliras. • .
Irnwer.n.—.l.4)4i fiermas.
Cor.hovitab-.-Jetub :birth :dm P. Cam's. iorlha
(.11 , 41 p
t Lou —Junes L. Naar. lie ally Witmer, Googol Lem-
hart, Joh. Thomas
1110.1srpol0.1111birabi ilbradsb Rae. hboldill - per.
blephilrrasurgoDag4r, Jawle b. .Upds, .79461 4111001
, . •
iimis(t.a.—Thomas N. Melt a., DAI44/1
wog iMrYanl Tr hits.? •
ILoodleg....llolia LI tauglwabsegb.
I=—W m On) *v. -
lideelpisasam—i • ses 4.4(.14.
NWMoo—Joint Loath, Bansbard tila•brasi, Joikrph
Itraablia—Duffel Kohn, J web 'be*, Amos =rill.
Ofresawl—W in. Lull
Labarra..-s+r7 B. bud*.
SO(6 35
5 75, , 00
Lossat Ks,* LITTLi
- wish" W iguess 41,4a/dies et town ilnd
'euuntry, that she is now prepared Co extents
. /Killiaary In saits beaneiles.- in West M
vireos., ...Sow dews below Mr. George Little'
store. Work doue cheaper Chan elserrikere is
town. 'Mese tall and see. [spr. 21, 'SG.
A$ BIJR.ITi -ROW - an 4 swell**
N.J4 #l . Cool Stoves, fur PAW or ot Chant.
bet nee... It is especially ieteottect fur chew.
baleful it 440,0 4 W04,1" 3 Sac u 414tise ros
ikoutief , the ultilestiost to, tee moot coal. A
' .of etwil will. pure Lc It 3 lbws wittiest
• • • uz. Cali sod see it.
I E 4 CAPP'S nags. Yentas, &41., 4
Am* nod lAIVI rated* at• • -
- . : ": SAABON'S.
'"ITS &ea Coisteelione, nice 644 track
'just Creek to be had at
~ ~~ ~, Tl
~ ffU •~~~,1
•l' A, .f 1 I
I . i) , I
I sltinvoti OW br 'die present' pfffitihstion'6llllll
estrus, eighty initials are , clositis4,o4loll.
! connuMptive's grave. , • u
Trey the quiver of death larinn ieriii ' VI
I fital IS Cossoa3ption s in all 4gal-it Ilia
1.1 1004 the areal, enemy, of, lifte r for .jg sgel •
neither age nor sex, but sweeps o u lpli t it
6:14.14, the litiailitiful, tti6 grace • s
, pitted. By the imstp of that Supreme I
I (mu whom cometh every gnod oxid
gilt. I am enabled. to offer to the affiirl i :
permanent and speedy cure in Gorumingdiald
Th? first, cause of fiitifrrf a is fVFIII .4 Tiro
blood`.inli r (fie'intineil rilC eire'efl? by
lialit ditthiiikise in Ohl Nage llnto Often lb*
' f l ee admission. o(.air iito.Wia liar calpiollbilla
claSoil U weat`"Fd,x4 , l l . i tzArciueo4 l 6o
!yam. 'Ellen Andy it is more rations ex.
pert treater go(saltutp titeiti6 nig interfere*,
White et. (he longs thee trrett Altptiteditglift
pltereo through the stoinsch; r he,paligptS
alvitifs find the tulip arias' tree a trfeititelt
easy, after Inhaling melodies. Alban
till is a local rentedy. 4ercrtlattluits,Autig
coniticutionally, and wall store power id,,
certiardy than retrittlies adrultiliiferfird till- • I
1 nuansati. To pure the polveriel• sill - • 4,
I influence of this mode of adroirki
I chloryfcirm inhaled will etttir&i dart . 1
malty in a few' *dilutes, poralytivihitsllloll /.
nervous Sp iOll3 . IP! tbit a ii,tulii gm , ',/,
'pouted without the lightest ps g i t t x t 44
Idle onlihary burning gas will d ei
t few hours. i 1 ; ...e..rist
The inhalation of ammonia wig pups As
i system when fainting or apparitifly dear.—
I The. odorof many or dm ivied ieitas is peenepli&
! hie i ,Elie skin sp. few , ,minut es alosr,,:boup
haled, and may be immediately den i
, the , b1664.' A continuing p'reoreY %ll
' tutiooal effects of inhataliodJ to thti kit eat
sickness is always producvsl. b,Y.bllf Vllffiiii
air—is trot this positive evidence the
remedieli, carefully prepartd and judiCirl,
i adinii.istered tprpogli Ilfe
,Itits iMbeld pre,
, duce the happiest ie.:tires ? ' Nazi
years' practice. many Owe of&
front diseases of tba Jeep/ sot Mosclatekeeet
been upder tux care , arid ` bays elfin'
' remarkalile t oes, *fin afte'r' the' MEW*
been prnaoenoed in the•list ellidettioliiiidll
Icily askant'a we that rcppptcapion,Ohivb
I longer , a (ttif disease. My treatment am
sentptitnt is original, itnt 4tientleit'odEtbitif ideal
Procne* and-is thorongli ,tulastaPSio•al *ft
perfect occiiiaintaque.witli Alit lir Illy 94 iff,
des, Ix,
I *be raritinsfonstior &douse xhatutitatillatellittea
} uutieian, epti apply the prlpor ' j•
ly "being, mistaken even in a attig,le case.,
familittity, in connection iiith carat:4lk
loirieel• and. esferoseapic , alisenswfies..awaiker
me to roliere MO lungs from thkeirvoirin
trac.ted - chests, to enlarge thi'clicst A i r ie r
1 Moat harm to it-teloweet ,
, ettergY mod iene set tin smire-pffitallK :twist.
1 Medicates with full
.tlitections i sest
plait or - the Utiitid Stead-4M 1.! . .
f patients couneaniceenipshokr /grilled's . dos
letter. e ktut . the cars wool
the 'patient Slicitild 'Pay., me 'a • w • .
' woillif eve tne *tt'ofirrcirtniiitir'tb ' 1
1 angina& seabed emu prresitie.witbseimelat
reater certaintg . , and .42 at? , ,ej
effected without m • see 16e '
"t r 7W.
Offiee,ll3l Filbert MI ..(014 Naitilg,'lliktifilli•
July 20.1857. ly
Rev, C. EL Bernetti
stLE labewirg es a Ighenessilf iq
Southern Asia, diwkwethirw'hillitiaeill
tostwaln Owe for Uonquespeaut).iiallhes* Aft
okit*.updo.,.c.rds, sereacAtakiditmosilb
all imperitissuf twe Bluesk glsgolnh .1'
effectual nsocla 9( Inhalingthkik
t asted . by ileitife to' little*
lows. Motif thearailriiiii
tcrgecil ea derby it, with ligtiled M-
I re. tions for iireperirtg erg 'lndgjps
.)leAhciee. • Adtheen
}LEV. g. ittli ll4 ll
• 8:11. liroci4w4; ,
Amin 3;:1851. ens ' " ' • -
(lON F j
' iect:Zr4 ""*. nt - ; •:
Itcpatimmindi- find • Cu t=
4 .
'thus% .
Aaido r •
Wino Drag's, besides a Im a nni ajoit 4 ;
maim ' WM.
1.. it'ii X
.. fit f I:4